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Results: 462

Tindara Abbate

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Digital Transformation, Management, Management of Innovation, Marketing, Technological Innovation, Technology Transfer

Keywords: agrifood, digital platforms, innovation, small and medium-sized enterprises low-tech, startup, tourism and disability, women

Region: Sicily


Full Professor of Business Economics and Management and Delegate for Student Awards at the University of Messina. Contact person for the Innovation and Technology Marketing section of the Italian Marketing Society.

Professional career

Tindara Abbate is Full Professor of Business Economics and Management at the University of Messina (Italy). She has been involved in several research projects, as member and scientific coordination, and her research work has been accomplished in collaboration with different national and international research groups. Her research interests refer to innovation and technology transfer, open innovation and open innovation intermediaries; digital transformation, tourism and disability. She is the author of over 150 journal contributions (i.e. International Small Business Journal, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Business Process Management Journal, Current Issue in Tourism, International Journal of Tourism Research, International Journal of Digital Accounting Research, International Journal of Hospitality Management), conference publications and book chapters. She is author two books focused on Inbound Open Innovation and absorptive capacity in Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) and Market Orientation in the spin-off companies. At present, she is co-editor of Special Issue published on international journal (i.e., Sustainability). She is member of Italian Society of Management (SIMA) and Society of Marketing (SIM), as referent of University of Messina. 

Scientific results

Hes research activity is mainly focused on the topics of innovation in different sectors (agrifood, tourism) and business contexts, examining the complex transformations dictated by innovation processes (e.g. redefinition of the business model, acquisition and integration of skills and capabilities, exaptation processes, definition and implementation of innovative technologies). In these areas, various research projects include scientific responsibility for the project entitled 'GOFORIT - The experience before departure', ARS01_00865 - Area of specialisation 'Cultural Heritage'. National Operational Programme "Research and Innovation" 2014-2020 (PON "R&I" 2014 - 2020). The Project, admitted to funding under the Directorate Decree 13 July 2017 n. 1735, "Notice for the presentation of Industrial Research and Experimental Development projects in the 12 areas of specialisation identified by the PNR 2015 - 2020, has as its ultimate goal the creation of an innovative ICT service for the accessibility of cultural and tourist sites and infrastructures to people with disabilities.

Editorial work and publications

(2022) De Pascale, A.; Meleddu, M.; Abbate, T.; Pellicano, M., Is there a gender gap in the propensity to travel of people with disabilities? Journal of Travel Research,

(2022) Abbate T., Vecco M., Vermiglio C., Zarone V., Perano M. (2022), Blockchain and Art market: resistance or adoption? Consumption Markets & Culture,

(2021) Marozzo V., Meleddu M., Abbate T., Sustainability and authenticity: are they food risk relievers during the COVID-19 pandemic? British Food Journal, doi 10.1108/BFJ-05-2021-0495

(2021) Abbate T., Cesaroni F., Presenza A.. Knowledge transfer from universities to low- and medium-technology industries. Evidence from Italian winemakers. The Journal of Technology Transfer, Vol. 46, pp. 989-1016. ISSN: 0892-9912. DOI: 10.1007/s10961-020-09800-x

(2021) Perano M., Casali, G. Abbate T., Professional reviews as service: a mix method to assess the value of recommender systems in the entertainment industry. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, vol. 169, August 2021, 120800. ISSN: 0040-1625. DOI:10.1016/j.techfore.2021.120800

(2021) Abbate T., Codini M.P., Aquilani B., Vrontis D., From Knowledge Ecosystems to Capabilities Ecosystems: When Open Innovation Digital Platforms Lead to Value Co-creation. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, ISSN: 1868-7865. DOI 10.1007/s13132-021-00720-1

(2021) Marozzo V., Vargas Sanchez A., Abbate T., D’Amico A., La Rocca E.T., Perceptions and implications of Product Sustainability and Product Authenticity in the agri-food sector: the case of organic olive oil in Spain. Micro&Macro Marketing, vol. 30, n.1, pp. 113-140. ISSN: 1121-4228. DOI: 10.1431/100339

(2020) Presenza A., Abbate T., Meleddu M., Sheehan L. Start-up entrepreneurs’ personality traits. An exploratory analysis of the Italian tourism industry. Current Issue in Tourism, vol. 23, n. 7, pp. 2146-2164ISSN: 1368-3500. DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2019.1677572 

(2020) Aquilani B., Piccarozzi M., Abbate T., Codini M.P., The Role of Open Innovation and Value Co-creation in the Challenging Transition from Industry 4.0 to Society 5.0: Toward a Theoretical Framework. Sustainability, vol. 12, n. 21, 8943. ISSN: 2071-1050. DOI: 10.3390/su12218943

(2019) Mazzucchelli A., Chierici R., Fontana, S., Abbate T., Exploring the microfoundations of innovation capabilities. Evidence from a cross-border R&D partnership. Technological Forecasting & Social Changevol. 146, September 2019, pp. 242-252. ISSN: 0040-1625. DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2019.06.003

(2019) Abbate, T, Cesaroni F, Cinici, M. C., Villari, M., Business models for developing smart cities. A fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis of an IoT platform. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, vol. 142, pp. 183-193. ISSN: 0040-1625. DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2018.07.031

(2019) Abbate T., Codini M.P., Aquilani B., Knowledge co-creation in Open Innovation Digital Platforms: processes, tools and services. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, vol. 4, n. 7, pp. 1434-1447. ISSN: 0885-8624. DOI: 10.1108/JBIM-09-2018-0276

(2019)   Presenza A., Abbate T., Cesaroni F., Appio F.P., Enacting Social Crowdfunding Business Ecosystems: The case of the platform Meridonare. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, vol. 143, June 2019, pp. 190-201. ISSN: 0040-1625. DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2019.03.001

Paola Abbiezzi


Competences: Journalism, Sport Communication, Sport Marketing

Keywords: football in television, Journalism and Communication profiles, Sport and Communication, Sport and Media

Region: Lombardy


Director of Master in Sports Communication at ALMED UCSC (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore), Milan.

Professor of Sports Communication and Marketing Methodology at the  UCSC, Milan.

Member of the Academic working Group 'Cattolica per lo sport'

Professional career

She graduated in Modern Literature focusing on Social Communications at the Catholic University in Milan with a paper on the linguistic transformations of Football in Television, just at the beginning of the new era of Paytv. The same topic will be explored during the PhD in Linguistics and Languages of Communication, with a focus on the development of media and the connections with sports.

In 2008, in collaboration with Prof. Simonelli, she planned and coordinated the Summer School in creation and production of television programs on sports, in partnership with SkySport Italy. From this 10-year training experience, in 2018 started the Master in Sports Communication, whose she is the didactic directress since the first edition, which is oriented to training new professional profiles corresponding to the requests of the market, through a dialogue between academia and professionals.

Since 2015 she has been a member, for the Communication area, of "Cattolicaper lo sport”, an academic working group operating in the field of training and applied research for Companies, Sports Leagues, and Sports Federations.

The teaching activity, started in the early 2000s, established with the courses of Radio and Television History and Radio Television Journalism at the Degree Course in Media Languages at the Faculty of Literature and Philosophy and the course of Methodology of Sports Communication and Marketing at the Degree in Sciences and Technologies for Preventive and Adapted Activities.

Since 2021 she has been Professor in Sports and Communication of Master in Sport Management of the School of Sport of CONI.

Scientific results

Her scientific interests are oriented towards the development of media languages and the connections with sports. The most recent publications examine the new forms of production and dissemination of sports content in overcoming the traditional forms of representation and media diffusion.

The academic activity is completed with the participation in qualitative research of analysis of radio, television, and audiovisual media, from which resulted various scientific publications in monographs and collective volumes.

In the last two years she took part at tht international project “Towards an EU Sport Diplomacy” funded by the Erasmus+ project of the European Community, as a member of the research group of the Catholic University.

The research and training activity points towards a continuous dialogue between the educational field and the professionals with a view to create the inclusion of young people in the sports communication sector.

Editorial work and publications

(2023) National Report Slovenia, Towards an EU Sport Diplomacy, Erasmus+ Project

(2022) "La regia calcistica televisiva". Storia, tecniche, maliziein Lupo M, Emina A, Benati I, (a cura di) Visioni di gioco. Calcio e società da una prospettiva interdisciplinare, Il Mulino, Bologna

(2021) "Comunicare lo sport per andare oltre lo sport", in Libro Bianco delle professioni della Comunicazione 2021, Franco Angeli, Milano

(2019) "Lightness, propaganda, and Liberty. Italian radio from its origins to the mid-seventies", in Colombo F., Eugeni R. (a cura di), Media and Communication in Italy: historical and theoretical perspectives, Vita e Pensiero, Milano

(2019) "Lo sport in tv, la cupidigia dell’uomo e le personcine" in Abbiezzi P, Buscemi F, Tramontana G, La Provenza può attendere. Itinerari didattici di Giorgio Simonelli, Interlinea, Cantalupa (NO)

(2019) "C’era una volta la diretta. Storie e teorie attorno al calcio televisivo"in Ruggiero C, Russo P, (a cura di) Il calcio in tv, Fausto Lupetti Editore, Bologna

(2017) "Nuove competenze e nuovi ruoli per il giornalista", in Libro Bianco delle professioni della comunicazione 2017, Franco Angeli, Milano.

(2015) "Il radiodocumentario, dalla registrazione della realtà alla docufiction", in Colombo F, Eugeni R, (a cura di) Storia della comunicazione e dello spettacolo in Italia . Volume II, I media alla sfida della democrazia (1945 – 1978), Vita e Pensiero, Milano.

(2015) La tv è servita. Viaggi e sapori della cucina televisiva, Franco Angeli, Milano.

(2013) Mediazioni televisive. Tra memoria e contemporaneità, Lampi di stampa, Milano.

(2007) La televisione dello sportTeorie storie e generi, Interlinea, Cantalupa (NO).

(2006) Sport e media, Comunicazioni Sociali, Vita e Pensiero, Milano.

Maria Pia Abbracchio

STEM area: Biomedical sciences and biotechnology

Competences: Cellular Pharmacology

Keywords: Alzheimer, coronavirus, Covid-19, degenerative diseases, drugs, multiple sclerosis, myocardal infarction, pandemics, preventive medicine, stroke, therapy, vaccines

Region: Lombardy


Full professor of Pharmacology, Deputy Pro-ReRector, Pro-Rector delegated to the coordination and promotion of Research, University of Milan. President of the Foundation Filarete, Milan.

Professional career

After graduating in Pharmacy at the University of Milan in 1979, she continued her studies through a specialization in Experimental Toxicology at the same university in 1984. In 1988 she obtained a PhD in Experimental Medicine in Rome. During her studies Maria Pia Abbracchio spent periods of training abroad: in 1980 she was Postdoctoral fellow of the Department of Pharmacology of the University of Texas of Houston, in 1992 she is "Honorary Research Fellow" of the London College University. At the same time she continued her training and research, first as a researcher, then as an assistant professor of Neuropsychopharmacology and finally in 1998 as an associate professor of Pharmacology at the University of Milan. Since 2002 she has been an extraordinary professor and since 2005 she has been a full professor of Pharmacology at the same university. She is currently responsible for a research group consisting of 12 young scientists at the same university.

Scientific results

Her scientific interests focus on the physiopathological roles of purines, universal signaling molecules that regulate growth, survival and cell differentiation. She identified a new purinergic receptor involved in the differentiation of stem cells still present in the adult brain and in the heart, and she is developing new therapeutic approaches that can, through this receptor, enhance the repair of damage present in acute degenerative diseases (stroke and brain trauma, myocardial infarction) and chronic (Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis). In 2015, in an international study, Maria Pia Abbracchio and colleagues discovered how the anti-inflammatory drug for asthmatics "Montelukast" can stimulate neurogenesis and therefore help in cases of cognitive decline. Starting from previous studies that showed the greatest probability for patients with systemic infections of getting Alzheimer (a disease characterized by brain inflammation), the research group discovered a receptor (GPR17) present in stem-like cells of the brain that produce myelin, a substance that covers the nerves. The discovery of this receptor can also extended to the hippocampus (area of ​​the brain involved in the learning and memory process), and the research group showed that the administration of the anti-asthmatic drug, experienced on elderly mice, improves learning ability. Research on the GPR17 purinergic receptor offers hope even to patients with multiple sclerosis. While the drugs currently available intervene to block the progression of the disease, administer them with drugs that restart the damage repair action would cause the nervous system to produce new myelin and, sustaining nerve extensions with the growth substances present in myelin, the neuro-degeneration, that is typical of progressive forms and generates disabilities, could finally be avoided.

Editorial work and publications

She is the author of about 180 scientific publications, including:

(2016) Vigan F, Schneider S, Cimino M, Bonfanti E, Gelosa P, Sironi L, Abbracchio MP, Dimou L. GPR17 expressing NG2-Glia: Oligodendrocyte progenitors serving as a reserve pool after injury. Glia, 64(2):287-99.

(2015) Marschallinger J, Schäffner I, Klein B, Gelfert R, Rivera FJ, Illes S, Grassner L, Janssen M, Rotheneichner P, Schmuckermair C, Coras R, Boccazzi M, Chishty M, Lagler FB, Renic M, Bauer HC, Singewald N, Blümcke I, Bogdahn U, Couillard-Despres S, Lie DC, Abbracchio MP, Aigner L. Structural and functional rejuvenation of the aged brain by an approved anti-asthmatic drug. Nature Communications, 6:8466.

(2015) Fumagalli M, Bonfanti E, Daniele S, Lecca D, Martini C, Trincavelli ML, Abbracchio MP. The ubiquitin ligase Mdm2 controls oligodendrocyte maturation by intertwining mTOR with G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 in the regulation of GPR17 receptor desensitization. Glia, 63(12):2327-39.

(2014) Zaratin P, Battaglia MA & Abbracchio MP. Nonprofit foundations spur translational research. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, 35, 552–5.

(2011) Ceruti S, Villa G, Fumagalli M, Colombo L, Magni G, Zanardelli M, Fabbretti E, Verderio C, van den Maagdenberg AM, Nistri A, Abbracchio MP. Calcitonin gene-related peptide-mediated enhancement of purinergic neuron/glia communication by the algogenic factor bradykinin in mouse trigeminal ganglia from wild-type and R192Q Cav2.1 Knock-in mice: implications for basic mechanisms of migraine pain. Journal of Neuroscience, 31:3638-49.

(2011) Fumagalli M, Daniele S, Lecca D, Lee PR, Parravicini C, Fields RD, Rosa P, Antonucci F, Verderio C, Trincavelli ML, Bramanti P, Martini C, Abbracchio MP. Phenotypic changes, signaling pathway, and functional correlates of GPR17-expressing neural precursor cells during oligodendrocyte differentiation. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 286:10593-604.

(2009) Ceruti S, Villa G, Genovese T, Mazzon E, Longhi R, Rosa P, Bramanti P, Cuzzocrea S, Abbracchio MP. The P2Y-like receptor GPR17 as a sensor of damage and a new potential target in spinal cord injury. Brain. 132:2206-18.

(2009) Di Virgilio F, Ceruti S, Bramanti P, Abbracchio MP. Purinergic signalling in inflammation of the central nervous system. Trends in Neurosciences, 32:79-87.

(2006) Abbracchio MP, Burnstock G, Boeynaems JM, Barnard EA, Boyer JL, Kennedy C, Knight GE, Fumagalli M, Gachet C, Jacobson KA, Weisman GA. International Union of Pharmacology LVIII: update on the P2Y G protein-coupled nucleotide receptors: from molecular mechanisms and pathophysiology to therapy. Pharmacological Reviews, 5:281-341.

(2006) Ciana P, Fumagalli M, Trincavelli ML, Verderio C, Rosa P, Lecca D, Ferrario S, Parravicini C, Capra V, Gelosa P, Guerrini U, Belcredito S, Cimino M, Sironi L, (2006) Tremoli E, Rovati GE, Martini C, Abbracchio MP. The orphan receptor GPR17 identified as a new dual uracil nucleotides/cysteinyl-leukotrienes receptor. EMBO Journal, 25:4615-27.

Awards and prizes

Among the many awards received, she was nominated "Highly cited scientist" by Thomson Reuters, a definition based on the number of citations obtained in the international scientific literature that identifies scientists who are authors of the most influential publications in the world in their field (less than 0.5% of all researchers). In 2014 she was awarded the title of Commander of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic. In 2016 she was appointed "in the name of her Majesty" Filippo VI Foreign Member of the Royal Academy of Pharmacy of Spain, and since the same year she has also been member of the Academia Europea.

Simonetta Acri

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Corporate Finance, Export Credit, International Development Strategies, New Debt Instruments, Sales and Marketing, Sales Network Organization and Management

Keywords: commercial development, corporate finance, credit insurance, export credit agency, indirect networks, international growth, large corporate, minibond, supplier credit, trade finance

Region: Lazio


Chief Sales Officer of Sace SPA; Board member Simest SPA; Board member Sace FCT SPA; Board Member Veneto Sviluppo SPA (regional financial institution) and Member of the Investment Committee of the same; Member of the Executive Council of the Master of the Catholic University of Milan CARINT Corporate Advisory and intercultural resources.

Professional career

Simonetta Acri has been with SACE since 2003, where she held various first-level roles, contributing to the development of new operational areas and giving a strong boost to the sales network. Previously she worked as Regional Head Structured Trade & Export Finance for the Corporates & Investment Bank Division of Deutsche Bank with responsibility for the Italian market and South Eastern Europe and was head of the Trade Finance unit of Morgan Grenfell. She currently holds the position of Chief Sales Officer of Sace, promoting the commercial development of the company towards the domestic market (from SMEs to Large Corporate) and towards the international market, through the Sace network of offices located abroad.

Scientific results

Proma Group minibond emission

De Cecco minibond emission

Interactive platform development (ExportPlus) for distribution of insurance products to SMEs
Acquisition of Ducati by TPG

Various bond emissions Borrower Emerging Markets

Editorial work and publications

In addition to various articles on emerging market trends published by Sole 24ore in the period 1997-99 in the insert "Imprese e Mercati", Simonetta Acri is the author, with Licastri E. of The experience of Sace in support of business financing, Monetary Observatory , number 3, year 2014.


Michela Addis

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Consumer Behaviour, Cultural Management, Marketing, Marketing Research

Keywords: brand management, business plan, competition, consumer experience, engagement, food design, technologies for culture, welfare

Region: Lazio


Full professor of Economics and Business Management - University of Roma Tre.

Professional career

Michela Addis graduated with honours in Economics and Business at University of Roma Tre in March 1997. She continued her studies at Bocconi University in Milan where in 2001 she obtained a Ph.D. in Business Administration & Management. In 2003 she became a tenured researcher in Economics and Business Management at Bocconi University. She has spent several periods abroad both during her PhD (Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration, 2000; Columbia Business School, 2000) and after it (Columbia Business School, 2004) to complete her studies and conduct her research projects.

In June 2006 she received the eligibility for associate Professor at Bocconi University and in November 2006 she became associate Professor of Economics and Business Management at University of Roma Tre (confirmed in 2009). Since June 2018 she is Full Professor of Economics and Business Management at University of Roma Tre (National Scientific Qualification obtained in December 2013).

Since 2021 he has been coordinator of the Research Infrastructure of the Center of Excellence of the Technological District for new technologies for cultural assets and activities of Lazio Region (DTC Lazio).

Scientific results

Michela Addis is an expert in experiential marketing, brand management, customer centricity and consumer behavior, topics that she addresses with particular attention to innovation.

Regarding industries, her research focuses in particular on the enhancement of cultural heritage and on the management of artistic and cultural organizations, as well as on highly competitive industries.

Michela Addis's research activity addresses two major topics. The first one refers to the understanding of the cognitive and emotional drivers of consumer preferences. Thus, she aims to design effective marketing strategies and policies. This area includes research on individual fantastical thinking, co-creation, customer centricity, food design thinking, customer experience and customer journey map, individual and collective well-being, brand strategies, customer engagement. The second topic refers to the management of cultural heritage value. In this regard, her research aims to identify new opportunities for enhancing cultural heritage. By applying knowledge developed for competitive businesses, she aims at exploiting product, process, and business model innovation. These studies include investigation of cinematic, theatrical, and museum consumptions, as well as the analysis and design of available resources available to artistic and cultural organizations, including technological ones.

Editorial work and publications

Since 2021 Michela Addis is Associate Editor in Strategic Marketing for the International Journal of Arts Management.

Here below, a selection of her publications:

[2022] Addis M, Batat W, Atakan S S, Austin C G, Manika D, Peter P C, Peterson L, Systemic Ethical Food Experience Design to Prevent Unintended Consequences, Journal of Service Research, 25(1): 143-159.

[2021] Addis M, Batat W, Designing food experiences for well-being: A framework advancing design thinking research from a customer experience perspective, European Journal of Marketing, 55(9): 2392-2413.

[2020] Addis M. Engaging Brands, Taylor & Francis – Routledge, London.

[2020] Addis M, Rurale A (eds.), Managing the Cultural Business: Avoiding Mistakes, Finding Success, Taylor & Francis – Routledge, London (Ital. Transl. 2021, Il valore della cultura: 22 esperti per nuove strategie, Skira, Milano).

[2020] Addis M, Miniero G, Ricotta F, Value Co-Production Made Easy: The Role of Fantastical Thinking, European Journal of Marketing, 55(1): 163-192.

[2018] Addis M, Holbrook M B, Is Movie Success a Judgment Device? When More Is Not Better, Psychology & Marketing, 35(12): 1-10.

[2015] Gupta S, Addis M, Page R, Eataly: Reimagining the Grocery Store, Harvard Business Publishing, Multimedia Case, Nr. 515708-HTM-ENG.

[2008] Holbrook M B, Addis M, Art versus Commerce in the Movie Industry: A Two-Path Model of Motion-Picture SuccessJournal of Cultural Economics, 32(2): 87-107.

[2007] Holbrook M B, Addis M, Taste versus The Market: An Extension of Research on The Consumption of Popular Culture, Journal of Consumer Research, 34: 415-424.

[2007] Addis M. (Ed.) Ad uso e consumo. Il marketing esperienziale per il manager, Milano, Financial Times Prentice-Hall.

[2007] Addis M, Le pratiche commerciali sleali e le risorse di fiducia delle imprese: aspetti positivi e questioni irrisolte, in Minervini E, Rossi Carleo L (Eds.), Le pratiche commerciali sleali. Direttiva comunitaria ed ordinamento italiano. Quaderni di Giurisprudenza, Milano, Giuffrè Editore: 57-74.

[2005] Addis M. L’esperienza di consumo. Analisi e prospettive di marketing, Milano, Pearson Education.

Awards and prizes

Her co-authored paper with M. B. Holbrook entitled “Art versus Commerce in the Movie Industry: A Two-Path Model of Motion-Picture Success” won the Werner Pommerehne Prize for best Journal of Cultural Economics paper for 2008-2009.

Barbara Agostinis


Competences: Justice in Sport, Law in Sport, Responsability in Sport, Sport Management, Sports Arbitration, Sports Facilities

Keywords: CONI (Comitato Olimpico Nazionale Italiano/Italian National Olympic Committee), constraint of justice, FSN (National Sports Federations), Olympics, sports associations, sports clubs, sports contracts

Region: Marche


Judge of the Disciplinary Tribunal of World Athletics and Member of the Sports Guarantee Board at CONI (Vice-President of Section V).

Professional career

Graduated in Law from the University of Urbino 'Carlo Bo' and PhD in Civil Law from the University of Milan, Barbara Agostinis is a lawyer, enrolled in the Urbino Bar Association since 1999 and qualified to practice before the High Courts since 2012.
Her professional career is totally focused on sports law. She is currently a judge in the Disciplinary Tribunal of the World Athletics, the international athletics federation that monitors national federations and organises international competitions; she is a member of the Sports Guarantee Board set up at CONI (vice-president of the V section); she is in charge of the Marche Regional Coordination and the Work Commission of the Sports Lawyers Association; she teaches at the CONI Marche School of Sport; and she is a member and component of the Fiscosport Editorial Committee. 

For more than 20 years, she has combined her work as a lawyer with that of a university lecturer, including in numerous postgraduate and master's courses in law and justice, as well as sports law and taxation. 

She is the author of numerous scientific publications on sports law and a speaker at conferences, also of international relevance.

Editorial work and publications

B. Agostinis, Il tesseramento, l’abolizione del vincolo sportivo e il riconoscimento della figura professionale del chinesiologo, in Fiscosport srl (a cura di), “La Riforma dello Sport dopo l'approvazione del decreto correttivo Dlgs 163/2022”; eBook ISBN 9788891660602.

B. Agostinis, L’impresa sportiva: peculiarità funzionali, strutturali e aspetti gestionali, in A. Calamita, S. Zuccarino (a cura di), “Il nuovo management sportivo tra passione e professionalità”, Ancona, 2022, p. 47 ss.

B. Agostinis, Il riconoscimento del chinesiologo: riconoscimento effettivo o tanto rumore per nulla? in  “Euroconference”, ottobre 2021, p. 15-25.

B. Agostinis, Gli enti sportivi dilettantistici: situazione attuale e prospettive future, In “Eutekne, Terzo settore, non profit e cooperative”, Numero 02, Aprile / Giugno 2021, p. 25-43.

B. Agostinis, Lezioni ed allenamenti on line: quali responsabilità?, in “Associazioni e sport, mensile di aggiornamento ed approfondimento sugli enti associativi,” Euroconference, giugno 2020, p. 15-25.

B. Agostinis, B. Stivanello, L’autonomia patrimoniale imperfetta delle asd alla luce della recente giurisprudenza, in " Rivista Internet di diritto dello sport", n. 1/2019, p. 11-18.

B. Agostinis, L’associazionismo sportivo e la sua funzione alla luce delle delibere CONI, in “Rassegna di Diritto ed Economia dello sport”, n. 2/2018, p. 292 ss.

B. Agostinis, Socio e tesserato: due facce della stessa medaglia?, in " Rivista Internet di diritto dello sport", n. 2/2018, p. 21 -25.

B. Agostinis, Gestire un’associazione sportiva dilettantistica: la normativa nazionale e regionale, Ancona, 2017; 

B. Agostinis, Brevi note in materia di responsabilità dell’organizzatore di competizioni sportive e  della Federazione per gli infortuni subiti dagli atleti (nota a Trib. Milano, sez. X, 23 febbraio 2009 n. 2430), in “Rassegna di diritto ed economia dello sport,” 2010 n. 1, p. 160-181.

B. Agostinis, L’abuso di posizione dominante in ambito sportivo, in J. Tognon (a cura di), “Diritto comunitario dello sport,” Torino, 2009 (ISBN/EAN 978-88-348-8671-7), p. 188- 208.

B. Agostinis, Le professioni sportive: situazione attuale e prospettive future a tutela dei praticanti, Ancona, 2008 (ISBN 978-88-7663-434-5).

Stefania Albanesi

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Fiscal Policy, Gender Economy, Inequality, Labour Economics, Macroeconomics, Monetary Policy

Keywords: consumer credit, income tax, inflation

Region: ABROAD


Full Professor of Economics at the University of Pittsburgh

Professional career

After graduating in Political Economics at the Bocconi University in 1996, she continued her training with a Ph.D. in Economics from Northwestern University (USA) completed in 2001. From 2001 to 2011 she was assistant professor at Bocconi University, at Duke University (USA) and assistant and associate professor at Columbia University in New York. In 2009 she was a National Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. From 2012 to 2016 she was Senior Economist and Research Officer at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Since 2016, she has been a full professor of economics at the University of Pittsburgh. She has been a visiting professor at numerous universities including New York University, the University of Pennsylvania and Princeton University.

Scientific results

Stefania Albanesi's research activity takes place in the field of macroeconomics, with particular attention to inequality, its causes and the redistributive consequences of various economic policies. In this context, she studied the political determinants of inflation, regulatory aspects of taxation of labor and capital income, and the historical evolution of gender disparities in the labor market. Currently, her research focuses on various aspects of the economic crisis of the late 2000s. A line of analysis concerns the dynamics of consumer credit, and in particular the mortgage market, in the years preceding the financial crisis of 2007-2009, and during its resolution. A second vein studies the role of variation in female participation and technological changes such as automation in the different economic performance of the United States and of various European nations, with particular attention to employment dynamics and occupational polarization.

Editorial work and publications

She is the author of numerous publications, including:

(2017) Albanesi S, De Giorgi G, Nosal J. Credit Growth and the Financial Crisis: A New Narrative, National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper 23740.

(2017) ) Albanesi S, Sahin A. The Gender Unemployment Gap. National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper 23743.

(2016) Albanesi S,Olivetti C.Gender Roles and Medical Progress. The Journal of Political Economy.

(2015) Albanesi S,Olivetti C, Prados M.Gender and Dynamic Agency: Theory and Evidence on theResearch in Labor Economics.

(2014) Albanesi S, Nosal J.  Insolvency after the 2005 Bankruptcy Reform.  Centre for Economic Policy Research, Discussion Paper 10533.

(2014) Albanesi S,Olivetti C. Maternal Health and the Baby Boom. Quantitative Economics.

(2012) Albanesi S, Roc A. Intertemporal Distortions in the Second Best,The Review of Economic Studies.

(2009) Albanesi S,Olivetti C. Home Production, Market Production and the Gender Wage Gap: Incentives and Expectations, Review of Economic Dynamics.

(2008) Albanesi S. Redistribution and Optimal Monetary Policy: Results and Open Questions.Rivista di Politica Economica.

(2008) Albanesi S. Social Insurance. The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and Law (2nd ed.). London: Palgrave MacMillan Limited.

(2007) Albanesi S.  Inflation and Inequality. Journal of Monetary Economics.

(2006) Albanesi S,Sleet C. Dynamic Optimal Taxation with Private Information.The Review of Economic Studies.

(2003) Albanesi S. Chari VV, Christiano L. Expectation Traps and Monetary Policy.The Review of Economic Studies.

(2002)  Albanesi S. Chari VV, Christiano L. How Severe is the Time Inconsistency Problem in Monetary Policy,Advances in Economic Theory and Econometrics.

Awards and prizes

Stefania Albanesi is NBER Research Associate, CEPR Research Fellow, and non-resident fellow of Carlo F. Dondena Center for Research on Social Dynamics and Public Policy at Bocconi University. Furthermore, she is a network member of the Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Working Group at the Becker-Friedman Institute of the University of Chicago. She was invited to hold keynote lectures at various conferences, including the 17th IWH-CIREQ-GW Macroeconometric Workshop on Inequality, Micro Data and Macroeconomics in 2016 and the Women and Macroeconomics and Finance Workshop in 2017. Stefania Albanesi is also associate editor of several academic journals, including the Journal of Economic Theory and the Review of Economic Dynamics. She also received research funding from the National Science Foundation for her work on female employment and capital taxation.


Adriana Albini

STEM area: Biomedical sciences and biotechnology

Competences: Biochemistry, Cancer Research

Keywords: angiogenesis, basic research, biological therapies, chemoprevention, coronavirus, Covid-19, gene therapies, immunology, microenvironment, test tube metastases, translational research

Region: Lombardy


Head of the Laboratory of Vascular Biology and Angiogenesis at IRCCS MultiMedica. Scientific Director of the Fondazione Multimediaca Onlus. Professor of General Pathology at the University of Milan Bicocca.

Professional career

After graduating in organic chemistry at the University of Genoa in 1979, Adriana Albini specialized in oncology both in Italy and abroad. She worked at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry in Munich and for the American Institute of Health. Back to Italy she directed the scientific laboratory of Molecular Oncology of the National Institute for Cancer Research, where she was then Scientific Vice Director and Director of the Department of Translational Oncology. In 2002 she obtained the suitability for university teaching and was head of the "Research and Statistics Infrastructure" Department of the Santa Maria Nuova Arcispedale in Reggio Emilia.

Today Adriana Albini is the manager of the Vascular Biology and Angiogenesis Laboratory of IRCCS MultiMedica, in Sesto San Giovanni (MI) and is Scientific Director of Fondazione MultiMedica Onlus. She is also a lecturer in General pathology at the University of Milan Bicocca. 

Adriana Albini has never stopped conducting scientific research, her main fields of interest are: vascular biology, invasion and metastasis, angiogenesis, microenvironment, chemoprevention, immunopathogenesis linked to AIDS and associated tumors to AIDS and gene therapy with cytokines (polypeptide mediators that allow communication between the immune system and cells of other organs).

Scientific results

Adriana Albini has devoted most of her scientific and educational career to Experimental Oncology. Through translational research (a particular discipline that allows scientific findings to be converted into applicative therapies) she succeeded in developing new therapies in the field of angiogenesis. The "test tube metastasis" technique, which still allows new discoveries all over the world, has her name. Her interests do not stop just at translational research, in fact she is also involved in issues such as the prevention in the context of chronic degenerative diseases, including through her role as President of the Scientific Committee of the Women's Health Observatory. 

Editorial work and publications

Adriana Albini is a member of the editorial board of the most important international oncology journals, including Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Cancer Research and Carcinogenesis. She is involved in scientific communication and is enrolled in the journalists’ association. She is the author of more than three hundred scientific publications, including:

(2016) Albini A, DeCensi A, Cavalli F, Costa A. Cancer Prevention and Interception: A New Era for Chemopreventive Approaches. Clinical Cancer Research, 22:4322-7.

(2015) Albini A, Cavuto S, Apolone G, Noonan DM. Strategies to Prevent "Bad Luck" in Cancer. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 107.

(2014) Dallaglio K, Bruno A, Cantelmo AR, Esposito AI, Ruggiero L, Orecchioni S, Calleri A, Bertolini F, Pfeffer U, Noonan DM, Albini A. Paradoxic effects of metformin on endothelial cells and angiogenesis. Carcinogenesis, 35:1055-66.

(2014) Bruno A, Ferlazzo G, Albini A, Noonan DM. A Think Tank of TINK/TANKs: Tumor-Infiltrating/Tumor-Associated Natural Killer Cells in Tumor Progression and Angiogenesis. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 106.

(2012) Albini A, Tosetti F, Li VW, Noonan DM, Li WW. Cancer prevention by targeting angiogenesis. Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology, 9:498-509.

(2010) Cammarota R, Bertolini V, Pennesi G, Bucci EO, Gottardi O, Garlanda C, Laghi L, Barberis MC, Sessa F, Noonan DM, Albini A. The tumor microenvironment of colorectal cancer: stromal TLR-4 expression as a potential prognostic marker. Journal of Translational Medicine, 8:112.

(2010) Albini A, Pennesi G, Donatelli F, Cammarota R, De Flora S, Noonan DM. Cardiotoxicity of anticancer drugs: the need for cardio-oncology and cardio-oncological prevention. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 102:14-25.

(2010) Albini A, Noonan DM. The 'chemoinvasion' assay, 25 years and still going strong: the use of reconstituted basement membranes to study cell invasion and angiogenesis. Current Opinion in Cell Biology, 22:677-89.

(2007) Albini A, Sporn MB. The tumour microenvironment as a target for chemoprevention. Nature Reviews Cancer, 7:139-47.

(2007) Albini A, Benelli R. The chemoinvasion assay: a method to assess tumor and endothelial cell invasion and its modulation. Nature Protocols, 2:504-11.


Awards and prizes

Adriana Albini has received numerous prizes and awards:

In 1984, International "Max Buerger" Prize awarded by the German Society of Gerontology for the best unpublished work on ageing.

In 1985, "Doernkamp Zbinden" International Prize from the John Hopkins Institute in Baltimore for the development of an in vitro test to assess the metastatic potential of tumour cells.

In 2000, "Firenze Donna" Prize for scientific research. 

In 2004, "Amelia Earhart" Prize.

In 2007, "Berlucchi" Prize for scientific research. 

In 2010, "Ippocrate" Prize, "Il Ricercatore" section. 

In 2013, "ITWIIN" (Italian Association of Women Inventors and Innovators) Award for the "Best Woman Inventor and Innovator" in the High Education category.

In 2014, "Women who made it" Award assigned by the Brescia Equal Opportunities Councillor.

In 2015, "EUWIIN" (European Network of Women Inventors and Innovators) Award.

In 2016, "Luigi Castagnetta" Award for oncological research.

In 2016, she was included among the "Top Italian Women Scientists", for her commitment and high number of citations in biomedical research.

In 2021, she was included by the BBC in the list of the "100 most influential women in the world in 2020", for leading change in the year of the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak. 

Teresa Maria Patrizia Alfano


Competences: Grassroots Sport Activities, Sport and School, Sporting Well-Being, Women's Sports, Youth's Sports

Keywords: inclusion, rights and diversity in sport, sport against discrimination, Sport and Education, sport and society, sports for all, sports promotion bodies, sports training courses, women in sport

Region: Piedmont


National vice-president UISP (Unione Italiana Sport per Tutti) Aps (Italian Union of Sport for All) Social Promotion Association. UISP national training manager. President of the UISP Piedmont Committee.

Professional career

Teresa Maria Patrizia Alfano, began her career in 1976 as a trainer and vice-president of a sports club in the Barriera di Milano district of Turin. From 1983 to 1997, she was an instructor and responsible for UISP Turin's training exchanges with FSGT, a French sports organisation. In 1983, she organised the first edition of the event: 'The body, a window on the world', which included twelve stages with international conductors, committed to researching new expressive and movement techniques. From 1978 to 1988 she was coordinator and educator in summer sports camps for adolescents in charge of social services and inmates at the Ferrante Aporti juvenile prison in Turin. 
In 1990, she was elected President of UISP Turin and continued to deal with educational policies, activities, and projects, particularly with and in schools, with and for young people at risk. She is one of the three representatives of the sports promotion bodies involved in the table set up by the municipality of Turin for the co-planning and co-programming of the 'Sportinsieme' sports promotion campaign. She represents the sports promotion bodies at the table, set up by the Education Department, to regulate the use of school gyms by sports associations. She participates as UISP representative at national tables and those of the city of Turin dedicated to projects and actions included in Law 285 of 28 August 1997: Provisions for the promotion of rights and opportunities for children and adolescents, 
In 1995 she was the creator and promoter of the 'Isola felice' project, counted among the first projects developed in co-planning and co-programming with the municipality, families, schools and associations. In those years, she also collaborated in the realisation of the national UISP project 'Sport Gioco Avventura' (Sport Game Adventure) and in the foundation of the National Association of Boys and Girls on the Move. 
In 1997, she was the creator and organiser, with a group of executives from the Turin Committee, of the 'Muovitipositivo' event, the aim of which was to reclaim a park that had been abandoned to illegal trafficking and was not frequented by families and young people. Various festivals combine music and entertainment with important social issues, with the participation of Don Luigi Ciotti, Gad Ledner, Enzo Jannacci, Eugenio Finardi, Nicolò Fabi, Sub Sonica, 99 posse, Pfm, Banco del Mutuo Soccorso and other important artists of national fame. After ten years in the Parco Cavalieri di Vittorio Veneto, the municipality of Turin asked the UISP to transfer the format to Parco Stura, known in the national chronicle as 'Tossic Park', where it would remain for another three years, that is, until the victory over degradation and the conclusion of the reclamation project. 
From 1998 to 2000, he was national manager for UISP of the 'Sport for all in metropolitan areas' project. He set up a commission made up of presidents and leaders of the eleven cities, which produced the film 'Metropolitema'. In 1994, he joined the Piedmont Third Sector Forum where he is now in charge of the sports and welfare commission.
In the following years he was also a member of the CONI Regional Council, in 1990 he joined the UISP national council of which he is still a member, he was a member of the UISP national board from 1994 to 1998, from 2005 to 2009, and from 2013 to the present. In those years and until 2017, she is a promoter and organiser with the UISP committee's management team of projects and conferences on issues concerning education and social intervention through sport. Among her numerous projects, in 2008 she promoted 'Lo Sport quotidiano delle donne' (Women's Daily Sport), with activities organised on the basis of women's times, needs and requirements. In 2012 she became regional vice-president of the UISP Piedmont Committee and responsible for training and regional educational projects. In 2017 she became president of the UISP Regional Committee and national training manager, in April 2021 she was elected UISP National Vice-President.
Alfano has long participated in local and national TV broadcasts as an expert on sport for all.

Awards and prizes

1979 UISP Torino Award, for promoting sports aggregation

2016, Award 'Ethics e Sport'.

2018, National Award UISP nazionale '70 years for the future'.

Alessia Amighini

International politics area

Competences: Belt and Road Initiative, China’s Trade Expansion, Chinese Economy, Chinese foreign investment, Economic and Trade Relations Between Europe and Asia, Geo-economics, Trade Wars

Keywords: China, Chinese investment abroad, coronavirus, Covax, Covid-19, Covid-19: socio-economics impact, Europe-China relations, international trade networks, trade war on vaccines, vaccine diplomacy

Region: Lombardy


Co-Head Asia Centre e Senior Associate Research Fellow at ISPI, Associate professor of Political Economics at Piemonte Orientale University, vice-direttore Master in Politics, Economics and Culture of China at Università Cattolica, Milan

Professional career

After a PhD in Development Economics, she started working asAssociate Economist at UNCTAD from 2003 to 2006, then she took a career track professorship in Economics and since 2015 she is also Senior Associate Research Fellow and Co-Head of ISPI Asia Programme.

Scientific results

Scientific coordinator of research projects for the European Parliament, for the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and for Italy-China Business Forum. Editor and author of several books including “Networks of International Trade and Investment” (2018) (with S. Gorgoni and M. Smith), Vernon Press, “China Champion of (which) globalization?” (2018), “Xi’s policy gambles: The bumby roadahead” (2015) (with A. Berkofski), “China Dream: Still Coming True?” (2016) and “Belt and Road: A Game Changer?” (2017), all for ISPI. Author of more than 60 scientific articles in top international peer-reviewed journals and chapters in books by Edwar Elgar, Harvard University Press, Oxford University Press, Palgrave, Routledge. 

Editorial work and publications

Leading columnist and economic commentator for the media with more than 50 op-eds over the last 4 years. Speaker in national and international high-level academic, policy and business conferences.

(2018) Amighini A., "China’s New Economic Powerhouse"in Amighini A. (ed.), China champion of (which) globalisation?, ISPI. 

(2017) Amighini A., "The Belt and Road Initiative: A Game Changer in International Trade?" in Amighini, A. (ed.), The Belt and Road Initiative: A Game Changer?, ISPI. 

 (2017) Amighini A., McMillan M., Sanfilippo M., FDI and Capital Formation in Developing Economies: New Evidence from Industry- level Data, NBER Working Paper No. 23049. 

(2016) Amighini A., "Dream a Little Dream of China?", in Amighini, A. (ed.), China Dream: Still Coming True?, ISPI.

(2016) Amighini A., Trade and economic relations with Asia, Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies of the European Parliament, available at 2ed45dc0f51f/Workshop-Asia-trade.pdf (with E. Borghi, R. Helg, L. Tajoli) 

(2016) Amighini A., The EU external trade strategy vis-à-vis Asia, Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies of the European Parliament, available at 2ed45dc0f51f/Workshop-Asia-trade.pdf 

(2016) Amighini A., The EU-Korea FTA: implementation and lesson learning, Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies of the European Parliament, available at trade.pdf 

(2015) Amighini A., "China’s Economic Growth: Heading to a ‘New Normal’"in Amighini A. and Berkofski A. (eds), Xi’s policy gambles: The bumpy road ahead, ISPI, 2015, ISBN 978-88-98014-63-7 

(2015) Amighini A., Is labor flexibility a substitute to offshoring? Evidence from Italian manufacturing, International Economics Vol. 142, pp. 81-93 (with Presbitero A. F. and M. G. Richiardi) 

(2015) Amighini A., Multinational Enterprises from Emerging Economies: What theories suggest, what evidence shows. A literature review, Economia e Politica Industriale, Vol. 42 (3), pp 343-370.

(2014) Amighini A., Sanfilippo M., Impact of South-South FDI and Trade on the Export Upgrading of African economies,World Development, Vol. 64, pp. 1-17.

(2014) Amighini A., Gorgoni S.,The International Reorganization of Auto Production, World Economy, Vol. 37 (7), pp. 923-952.

(2013)Amighini A., Rabellotti R., Sanfilippo M., Do Chinese state-owned and private enterprises differ in their internationalisation strategies?, China Economic Review, Vol. 27, pp. 312-325.

Awards and prizes

One of her scientific articles on Chinese expansion abroad through investments by Chinese, private and public companies, published in the China Economic Review, was awarded as the most read of 2015.

Eleonora Ardemagni

International politics area

Competences: Arab armies e civil-military relations, Arabian Peninsula, Bab el-Mandeb, Conflict in Yemen, Domestic and Foreign Policy of the Gulf Monarchies, Partership NATO-Gulf Monarchies

Keywords: Arabian Gulf, Bahrein, Kuwait, maritime security, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen

Region: Lombardy


Geopolitical Analyst. Associate Research Fellow, Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI). Teaching Assistant, Catholic University, Milan. Gulf Analyst, NATO Defense College Foundation. Adjunct Professor, Postgraduate School of Economics and International Relations (Aseri, MIMES).

Professional career

BA in Language for International Relations, Catholic University, Milan; MSc in International Relations, Catholic University, Milan; Diploma in European Affairs, Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI); Specializing Master in Middle Eastern Studies, Aseri-Postgraduate School of Economics and International Relations, Milan. Since 2012 she works as geopolitical analyst contributing to many specialized publications and think tanks, in Italy, in the US and in the Middle East. Since 2013 she regularly contributes to ISPI, Aspenia online and AffarInternazionali. Since 2016 she is international politics columnist (Middle Eastern affairs) for the Italian newspaper Avvenireand provides studies for the Italian Parliament. Since 2018 she lectures, on Yemen and civil-military relations in the Arab world, at the Catholic University of Milan, Aseri and ISPI.

Scientific results

One of the few Italian analysts and researches with expertise on Yemen, Eleonora Ardemagni works especially on internal, tribal-military dynamics in Yemen, with an eye to the role of external powers in the country, such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. In 2019 she published a monograph on the Huthis (the Yemeni Northern Shia insurgents) for CRiSSMA, the Center of Research on the Southern System and the Wider Mediterranean of the Catholic University of Milan. She authored several publications, also forthcoming, on the foreign policy and the geopolitics of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. She also investigates hybrid security in the Arab states and the relationship between armies and militias; with regard to this point, she co-edited for ISPI a series of online publications with Carnegie Middle East Center (Beirut) and authored a policy brief on the hypothesis of a National Guard in Yemen, which was the outcome of an exchange of ideas with the Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen (OSESGY). She is currently researching on conscription and the Role of the Military in Gulf Monarchies’ Evolution (with a focus on the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait e Oman), authoring the chapter “Arab Gulf States: Expanding the Role for the Military-From Rulers Protectors to Nation-Builders”, for the Oxford Encyclopedia of the Military in Politics, edited by William R. Thompson, Oxford University Press (forthcoming). Among her areas of research, there’s also maritime security along the Arabian Peninsula-Bab el Mandeb-Gulf of Aden triangle, with particular attention to the strategic implications of commercial ports and choke-points. 

Editorial work and publications

Her articles, essays, papers and scientific publications appeared on: 

Afriche e Orienti, International Studies Journal, NATO Defense College, NATO Review, ORIENT-German Journal for Politics, Economics and Culture of the Middle East, LSE Middle East Centre Blog, Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington (AGSIW), Gulf Affairs-Oxford University, Future Centre (FARAS, UAE), Carnegie Sada, Carnegie Middle East Center, Middle East Institute (MEI), Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), ITSTIME-Catholic University (Milan), Eastern Mediterranean Policy Notes-University of Nicosia, Storia Urbana, Orizzonte Cina-T.wai, CeSi, Limes, Fondazione Oasis, World Energy, Reset-Dialogue On Civilizations.

Among them:

[2015] Ardemagni E., La politica estera come sistema di ri-generazione dei sistemi autoritari: lo Yemen fra mutamento e continuità, Afriche e Orienti, No. 1-2 

[2016] Ardemagni E., United Arab Emirates’ Armed Forces in the Federation-Building Process: Seeking for Ambitious Engagement, International Studies Journal47,  Vol.12, No. 3, Winter

[2016] Ardemagni E., Framing AQAP’s intra-jihadi hegemony in Yemen: shifting patterns of governance and the importance of being local, Sicurezza, Terrorismo e Società, International Journal, Italian Team for Security, Terroristic Issues & Managing Emergencies (ITSTIME), Vol.4, 2

[2016] Ardemagni E., Emiratization of Identity: Conscription as a Cultural Tool of Nation-Building, Gulf Affairs, OxGAPS-Oxford Gulf & Arabian Peninsula Studies Forum, Oxford University, St Antony’s College, Autumn

[2018] Ardemagni E., Oltre la rendita: la politica estera interventista dell’Arabia Saudita, in Colombo A., Magri P., Sempre più un gioco per grandi. E l’Europa?, ISPI

[2018] Ardemagni E., “New Armies for a New Era. Decrypting post-2011 Arab Military Reforms”, (con Umberto Profazio), NATO Defense College, Research Paper  n°145

[2018] Ardemagni E., The Persian Gulf Rimland: Federalism, Geostrategy and Patronage in Contemporary Southern Yemen, International Studies Journal 56, Vol.14, No. 4, Spring

[2019] Ardemagni E., Yemen’s nested conflict(s): Layers, geographies and feuds, ORIENT-German Journal for Politics, Economics and Culture of the Middle East, No.2, pp. 35-41.

[2019] Ardemagni E., Hormuz e Bab el-Mandeb,  le porte del petrolio, in Gulf Vision, World Energy, n°42,.

[2019] Ardemagni E., The Huthis: Adaptable Players in Yemen’s Multiple Geographies, CRiSSMA-Centro di Ricerche sul Sistema Sud e il Mediterraneo Allargato dell’Università Cattolica di Milano, Educatt, N° 25, ISBN: 978-88-9335-465-3.

Patrizia Azzi

STEM area: Physics

Competences: Elementary Particle Physics, Physics of Nuclei

Keywords: high energy physics, particle physics, top quark

Region: Veneto


Staff researcher for INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare), Section of Padua (Italy).

Professional career

After completion of her Physics Diploma at the University of Padua in 1992, she pursued a PhD in Physics in 1996. Immediately after she wins a grant for continuing her studies as a post-doctoral scientist at the INFN Section in Padua. In 2008, 2012 and 2014 is awarded several grants for collaboration as a Scientific Associate at the CERN laboratory in Geneva(CH) and the Fermilab National Laboratory in Chicago (USA). Currently she is leading studies for the prospects physics measurements in the context of future projects for new particle colliders to be realised after the end of the LHC. 

Scientific results

In 1996, as a member of the CDF collaboration, observes for the first time the decay of the top quark (the heaviest fundamental particle in the Standard Model) and measures its production rate and and mass developing original analysis methods of background estimate from real data. In 2004 becomes a member of the CMS collaboration at the LHC of CERN laboratory in Geneva (CH). She has participated to the discovery of the Higgs boson in the role of responsabile of the data quality to be used for the analysis. Throughout her career Patrizia Azzi has focused her interest on particle physics and their properties to explain the fundamental law of physics. Azzi has been also coordinating several research projects: from 2002-2004 she has been leading the Top physics group for the CDF collaboration at Fermilab to plan and realise the measurements of the top quark properties during the Run 2 of the Tevatron collider, coordinating a group of about 200 physicist from all countries. As a member of the CMS experiment she has been coordinating various groups, among which the "Physics Performance and Dataset" that insured the data quality for physics in 2012/2013 and the physics group "B2G" that focuses on searches for new physics beyond the Standard Model in 2014/15. Currently she is leading the physics group that studies the future prospects for the project High Luminosity LHC that will start in 2024. 

Patrizia Azzi is also an active proponent of the Future Circular Collider project (FCC) where she studies in particular the potential for the most precise measurement of the top quark mass at a new lepton collider.

Editorial work and publications

She is author of vaste number of publication national and international, we quote here some of the most relevant: 

(2016) CMS Collaboration, Khachatryan S, [...] Azzi P, et al. Search for vectorlike charge 2/3 T quarks in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV.Physical Review D, 93:012003. 
(2014) CMS Collaboration. Search for top-quark partners with charge 5/3 in the same-sign dilepton final state.Physical Review Letters, 112:171801. 
(2014) Bicer M, [...] Azzi P, et al. First Look at the Physics Case of TLEP. The Journal of High Energy Physics, 01:164. 
(2012) The CMS Collaboration. Observation of a new boson at a mass of 125 GeV with the CMS experiment at the LHC.Physics Letters B, 716:30-61. 
(2009) CMS Tracker Collaboration, Adam W, [...] Azzi P, et al. Performance studies of the CMS Strip Tracker before installation.Journal of Instrumentation, 4. 
(1999) CDF Collaboration, Abe F, [...] Azzi P, et al. Measurement of the top quark mass with the Collider Detector at Fermilab.Physical Review Letters, 82:271-276. 
(1997) CDF Collaboration, Abe F, [...] Azzi P, et al. First observation of the all hadronic decay of t pairs. Physical Review Letters, 79:1992-1997. 
(1995) CDF Collaboration, Abe F, [...] Azzi P, et al. Observation of top quark production in p collisions. Physical Review Letters, 74:2626-2631. 
(1994) CDF Collaboration, Abe F, [...] Azzi P, et al. Evidence for top quark production in pcollisions at √s = 1.8 TeV.Physical Review Letters, 73:225-231. 
(1994) Amidei D, Azzi P, et al. The Silicon Vertex Detector of the Collider Detector at Fermilab. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 350:73-130.

Awards and prizes

2013 European Physical Society "High Energy and Particle Physics" Prize, for an outstanding contribution to High Energy Physics, awarded to the ATLAS and CMS collaborations, “for the discovery of a Higgs boson, as predicted by the Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism”.

Alessandra Bacà

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Fintech, Payments, Public Finance

Keywords: e-government, payment system and instruments

Region: Lazio


Fintech market analyst and policy maker at Bank of Italy.

Professional career

After graduating in Economics, Statistics and Social Sciences at Bocconi University, she developed her professional experience in the field of Financial Services in the international arena. In September 2016, she joined the Bank of Italy, where she is in charge of supporting the Italian fintech market through Bank of Italy’s new policy instruments, the so-called “Innovation Facilitators” (Fintech Channel, Milano Hub, Regulatory Sandbox). Previously, she worked as a business consultant both in Italy and abroad at Accenture, by supporting leading banks and insurance companies in streamlining processes, projects and change management. Subsequently, she dealt with corporate organization for credit and risk management at Intesa Sanpaolo; she supported the start-up of Banca del Mezzogiorno and the development of e-government within the Poste Italiane group; she carried out marketing activities on Banco Posta's financial products and payment systems.

In addition to this, she passionately cultivates her humanistic side, through the involvement in various cultural associations and the creation of the Facebook group "Culture sharing" for the development of a "culture of culture" in Rome.

Scientific results

The research activity of Alessandra Bacà has so far been carried out on issues relating to the development of the country and its institutional structure, through the publication of two works with two Roman Think Tanks (Trinità dei Monti, Forma) in order to analyze Italy’s growth perspectives in the next twenty years, and to examine the public finance implications of specific institutional reforms in Italy.

Editorial work and publications

[2018] di Valerio Polidori, Bruno Detti, Paolo Naggar, Andrea Negrini, Alessandra Bacà,    Giulio Bacosi, Luca Benegiamo, An innovative approach to institutional reforms.

[2017] Pierluigi Testa, Alessandra Bacà, Alessandro Bracci, Claudia Curci, Pierangelo Sardi, Roberto Venturini, L’Italia tra vent’anni.


Awards and prizes

Golden medal for graduating with honors in Economics, Statistics and Social Sciences at Bocconi University in 2005.

Giulia Baccarin

STEM area: Engineering

Competences: Artificial Intelligence, Business Innovation, Energy

Keywords: ethics, support women in tech

Region: Lombardy


Co-founder MIPU

Professional career

Giulia Baccarin was born in 1981 in Dueville, Vicenza.  After getting a Master Degree in Biomedical Engineering and discovering her passion for predictive modelling, she spent the first years of her career in Japan working for a consultancy company and successfully completing the EU funded Executive Training Programme in Tokyo.  Back in Italy in 2008, she starts the Italian subsidiary of the engineering company I-care, today European Leader in Predictive Maintenance and Reliability. Meanwhile, pushed by a strong desire to promote and support the entrepreneurial spirit of young talents in Italy, she co-founded MIPU, a group of companies that bring artificial intelligence in Industry.

Scientific results

The solutions developed by MIPU focus on predictive analytics developed to optimize industrial processes and are today chosen by top companies in Italy and abroad.

Awards and prizes

Giulia won in 2016 the Gamma Donna award for youth and female entrepreneurship and in 2018 Fortune Italy award for “Most influent innovative women Under 40”. For over three years, Giulia is active in promoting a deep discussion about the role of ethics in artificial intelligence, diversity in programming communities and the jobless society on prestigious stages such as TedXRoma 2017, Wired Next Fest 2017, Wired Trends 2018, Wired Digital Days 2019, DIGITAL ITALY SUMMIT 2017.

Giovannella Baggio

STEM area: Clinical sciences and nutrition science

Competences: Gender Medicine, Geriatrics, Gerontology

Keywords: Covid-19, environmental factors, female health, gender, gender-specific medicine, genes, health, longevity, metabolic diseases, women

Region: Veneto


Full Professor in Medicine. President of the National Study Centre on Gender Health and Medicine.  Member elected of the Scientific Board of the International Society of Gender Medicine

Professional career

After graduating in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Padua in 1972, she continued her training first by specialising in Endocrinology at the University of Pavia and then as a research fellow at the Ludolf Krehl Klinik of the University of Heidelberg (West Germany). She then specialised in Internal Medicine at the University of Padua. From 1980 to 1988 she was a confirmed researcher, first at the Chair of Gerontology and Rechargeable Diseases at the Institute of Clinical Medicine, and then at the Chair of Medical Pathology I at the Institute of Internal Medicine, University of Padua. Since 1987 she has been associate professor of Gerontology and Geriatrics at the two universities of Pavia and Padua, and from 1995 to 1999 she was full professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Sassari, where in 1996 she founded and directed the University's School of Specialty in Gerontology and Geriatrics. 

Since 1999, she has flanked her academic career with a clinical one, heading the Complex Operative Unit of General Medicine at the University of Padua Hospital until 2017.

In 2013, she was appointed by the University of Padua for "clear fame" to the position of full professor of Gender Medicine, where she is currently a non-tenured full professor.

In April 2020 she was appointed by the Head of Civil Protection, at the proposal of the Prime Minister, to integrate the Technical and Scientific Committee for the management of the Covid-19 emergency.

Editorial work and publications

Giovannella Baggio is founder and editor of theItalian Journal of Gender-specific Medicine; she is the author of 6 monographs and 270 scientific publications, including: 

(2016) Ostan R, Monti D, Gueresi P, Bussolotto M, Franceschi C, Baggio G. Gender, aging and longevity in humans: an update of an intriguing/neglected scenario paving the way to a gender-specific medicine. Clinial Science, 130(19):1711-25. 
(2015) Sergi G, Veronese N, Fontana L, De Rui M, Bolzetta F, Zambon S, Corti MC, Baggio G, Toffanello ED, Crepaldi G, Perissinotto E, Manzato E. Pre-frailty and risk of cardiovascular disease in elderly men and women: the Pro.V.A. study. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 65(10):976-83. 
(2015) Baggio G. Dalla medicina di genere alla medicina genere-specifica. From Gender medicine to Gender-specific Medicine. Italian Journal of Gender-Specific Medicine, 1:2-5. 
(2014) Toffanello ED, Sergi G, Veronese N, Perissinotto E, Zambon S, Coin A, Sartori L, Musacchio E, Corti MC, Baggio G, Crepaldi G, Manzato E. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin d and the onset of late-life depressive mood in older men and women: the Pro.V.A. study. The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences, 69(12):1554-61. 
(2013) Baggio G, Corsini A, Floreani A, Giannini S, Zagonel V. Gender medicine: a task for the third millennium. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, 51(4):713-27. 
(2009) Bilato C, Corti MC, Baggio G, Rampazzo D, Cutolo A, Ilicato S, Crepaldi G. Prevalence, Functional Impact, and Mortality of Atrial Fibrillation in an Older Italian Population (from tha Pro.V.A. Study). American Journal of Cardiology, 104(8):1092-7. 
(2008) Capri M, Salvioli S, Monti D, Caruso C, Candore G, Vasto S, Olivieri F, Marchegiani F, Sansoni P, Baggio G, Mari D, Passarino G, De Benedictis G, Franeschi C. Human longevity within an evolutionary perspective: The peculiar paradigm of post-reproductive genetics. Experimental Gerontology, 43(2):53-60. 
(2007) Corti MC, Baggio G, Sartori L, Barbato G, Manzato E, Musacchio E, Ferrucci L, Cardinali G, Donato D, Launer LJ, Zambon S, Crepaldi G, Guralnik JM. White Matter Lesions and the risk of incident hip fracture in older persons: Results from the PRO.V.A. (PROgetto Veneto Anziani) Study. Archives of Internal Medicine, 167(16):1745-1751. 
(2006) Caselli G, Pozzi L, Vaupel JW, Deiana L, Pes G, Carru C, Franceschi C, Baggio G. Family clustering in Sardinian longevity: A genealogical approach. Experimental Gerontology, 41(8):727-736. 
(2002) Deiana L, Pes GM, Carru C, Ferrucci L, Franceschi C, Baggio G.The "Oldest Man on the Planet". Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 50:2098-9.

Carla Bagnoli

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Ethical Theory, Moral and Social Epistemology, Philosophy, Philosophy of Action, Theoretical Philosophy

Keywords: emotion, ethics, justice, reasoning

Region: Emilia-Romagna


Professor of Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

Professional career

Carla Bagnoli graduated in Philosophy at the University of Florence and earned a doctorate in Philosophy at the University of Milan. From 1993 to 1997 she conducted her research at Harvard University, as a Special Student and then Visiting Fellow and Teaching Assistant. After a post-doc at the University of Amsterdam, in 1998 she was hired by the University of Wisconsin as Assistant Professor, obtaining tenure as Associate Professor and then as Full Professor (2008). 

Former President of the Italian Society of Analytic Philosophy (2016-18), she is Member of the board of the European Society of Analytic Philosophy (2017-20), of the Italian Society of Theoretical Philosophy (2018-21) and of the Italian Society of Women in Philosophy SWIP-IT (2018-19). 

She has served as Editor in chief of the European Journal of Analytic Philosophy (Croatia).

Former member of evaluation committees for many institutions, including European Research Council (ERC), Research Council in Humanities of Denmark and ANVUR; and external examiner in several international committees (Oxford, Oslo, Aix en Provence, Helsinki, Copenhagen, Tampere, Waterloo CA, Utah).

Scientific results

Carla Bagnoli works on the theory of practical reasoning, theory of obligation, and theory of responsibility. She was one of the first philosophers to elaborate and defend "Kantian constructivism" as formulated by John Rawls as a meta-ethical theory. She has developed a 'dynamic' conception of non-instrumental practical reasoning, in which emotions are recognized to play a fundamental role. She introduced constructivism in Italy as an interpretation of Kant and as a self-standing meta-ethical theory.

Recenti Funded Projects

[2021-25] Partner, HORIZON 2020, Partner, Narrating Migrations, P.I. Matteo Al Kalak (Modena.

Parner, PRIN 2017, Participant, Project on Ethics and Science (SH-5), PI Mario De Caro (University of Rome III),à-vita-salute-san-raffaele.

[2021-25] Grant Swiss National Fund, Partner, project Trust in Institutions, PI Emanuela Ceva, 2021-2025.

[2021-22] ANR Grant, Université de Paris 1 Sorbonne, and Columbia University NY, Parner, P.I. Reactive Attitudes, Prof. Laurent Jaffro 2021-22. 

[2015-18] Research Grant Time and Agency, CSMN, University of Oslo.

Editorial work and publications:

[2021] Bagnoli C. “Disclaiming responsibility, voicing disagreements, negotiating boundaries”, Oxford Studies in Agency and Responsibility, 7:

[2021] Bagnoli C. “The practical significance of the categorical imperative”, Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics, 11: 1-25. 

[2020] Bagnoli C. “Equal Standing and Proper Reliance on Others”, Theoria, 5/6:  

[2019] Bagnoli C. “Authority as a Contingency Plan”, Philosophical Explorations, (2019) 22/2: 130-145.

[2019] Bagnoli C. Teoria della responsabilità, Bologna: Il Mulino, Collana: Saggi.

[2018] Bagnoli C. “Claiming responsibility for action under duress”, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 21/4: 851-868.

[2017] “Structural Modes of Recognition and Virtual Forms of Empowerment: Towards a New Antimafia Culture”, in The Italian Antimafia, New Media, and the Culture of Legality, ed. by R. Pickering-Iazzi, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017, 39-61. 

[2013] Bagnoli C. (ed.) Constructivism in Ethics, Cambridge University Press.

[2011] Bagnoli C. (ed.) Morality and the Emotions, Oxford University Press.

[2011] Bagnoli C. “The Exploration of Moral Life”, in Iris Murdoch, Philosopher, J. Broackes ed., Oxford University Press, 193-221.

[2007] Bagnoli C. L’autorità della morale, Milano: Feltrinelli.

[2005] Bagnoli C. “Humanitarian Intervention as a Perfect Duty”, Nomos, 47 (2005): 117-148. 


Editorial work and publications

[2021] Bagnoli C. “Disclaiming responsibility, voicing disagreements, negotiating boundaries”, Oxford Studies in Agency and Responsibility, 7, chapt. 12. 

[2021] Bagnoli C. “The practical significance of the categorical imperative”, Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics, 11. 

[2020] Bagnoli C. “Equal Standing and Proper Reliance on Others”, Theoria, 86/6: 821-425.  

[2019] Bagnoli C. “Authority as a Contingency Plan”, Philosophical Explorations, 22/2: 130-145.

[2019] Bagnoli C. Teoria della responsabilità, Bologna: Il Mulino, Collana: Saggi.

[2018] Bagnoli C. “Claiming responsibility for action under duress”, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 21/4: 851-868. 

[2017] “Structural Modes of Recognition and Virtual Forms of Empowerment: Towards a New Antimafia Culture”, in The Italian Antimafia, New Media, and the Culture of Legality, ed. by R. Pickering-Iazzi, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 39-61. 

[2013] Bagnoli C. (ed.) Constructivism in Ethics, Cambridge University Press. 

[2011] Bagnoli C. (ed.) Morality and the Emotions, Oxford University Press.

[2011] Bagnoli C. “The Exploration of Moral Life”, in Iris Murdoch, Philosopher, J. Broackes ed., Oxford University Press, 193-221.

[2007] Bagnoli C. L’autorità della morale, Milano: Feltrinelli.

[2005] Bagnoli C. “Humanitarian Intervention as a Perfect Duty”, Nomos, 47: 117-148. 

Awards and prizes

[1995-96] Harvard University, Edmund Safra Foundation in Ethics, Junior Fellow, 1995-96 

[1999-2000] Research Fellowship, Center for the Twenty Century Studies, University of Wisconsin

[2002-03] UWM Foundation-Graduate School Research Faculty Award

[2002-03] Research Fellowship, Institute for Research in the Humanities, UW-Madison

[2009-10] Research Award, project on Kantian Constructivism, University of Wisconsin

[2015-18] Member of the Centre for the Study of the Mind in Nature 

 [2018-19] Visiting Scholar, Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics, and Elected Member of the Senior Common Room at New College, University of Oxford

[2018-19] Invited Visitor, Centre for Philosophy of Memory, Université Grenoble Alpes, February 2019. 

[2018-19] Visiting Fellowship, Center for Advanced Studies, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.

Rosa Balfour

International politics area

Competences: European Politics, International Relations

Keywords: contemporary European politics, democracy, European foreign policy, human rights

Region: ABROAD


Director of Canergie Europe.

Professional career

Following a degree in History at Cambridge University, Rosa pursued post-graduate studies whilst working as a researcher and obtained a Masters Degree in European Studies and a PhD in International Relations, both at the London School of Economics and Political Science. She worked as a researcher in Italy and from 2007 in Brussels at the European Policy Centre, where she headed the programme Europe in the World, dealing primarily with European foreign policy (relations between the EU and Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean region, EU enlargement, among other issues). She also co-lead the institute. Her work has included research, research team management, fundraising, policy analysis, public speaking. In 2015 Rosa moved to the German Marshall Fund of the US, still based in Brussels, where she expandes her fields of activities to European politics. Her research is currently focusing on the nexus between domestic and international politics. 

In 2018 and 2019 she works on the Europe's Futures programme at the Institute of Human Sciences in Vienna. 

In 2020 she becomes director of Carnegie Europe, one of the most influential think tanks in Brussels, part of the Carnegie Endowment for international peace's worldwide network, with offices in Washington, Beijing, Moscow, New Delhi and Beirut.

Since 2021 she has also been an honorary patron of the University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES).

Scientific results

Alongside numerous publications which have contributed to the policy debate at the EU level, Rosa is regularly consulted by governments, EU institutions, parliaments, and civil society on a number of matters related to her work. She has been a member research and advisory committees (for instance with the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre and the Brussels Advocacy office of Save the Children). She also is called to offer training sessions, lectures and keynote speeches at institutions, universities, parliamentary committees, NGOs.

Editorial work and publications

Rosa has published academic books, policy papers, and regularly contributes to debates on European and international politics through short articles and opinion pieces. Below is a selection of recent publications.

[2019] Balfour R., Article 50 extension: Why time for the UK to live through its crisis is also good for Europe, LSE Brexit Blog,

[2019] Balfour R., Bouchet N., and Forbrig J.,Improving EU-U.S. Cooperation in Civil Society Support in Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans, GMF Policy Paper,

[2019] Balfour R.,What the Brexit shambles says about the state of British democracy,

[2019] Balfour R., A progressive and European foreign policy in a hostile environment, The Progressive Post, No. 11, Spring 2019.

[2018] Balfour R., ‘Human Rights in the European Neigbhourhood Policy’, in Tobias Schumacher, Andreas Marchetti and Thomas Demmelhuber (eds.), The Routledge Handbook on the European Neighbourhood Policy, London: Routledge, pp. 481-493.

[2018] Balfour R., ‘Polarization in Europe: Public Opinion and European Foreign Policy’, in Dan S. Hamilton and Teija Tiilikainen (eds.), Domestic Determinants of Foreign Policy in the European Union and the United States, Washington, DC: Centre for Transatlantic Relations, pp.79-95.

[2017] Balfour R.,What are think tanks for? Policy research in the age of anti-expertise, published by LSE,

[2015] Balfour R., Carta C. and Raik K. (eds.), The European External Action Service and National Foreign Ministries: Convergence or Divergence?, Farnham: Ashgate.

[2012] Balfour R., Human Rights and Democracy in EU Foreign Policy. The Cases of Ukraine and Egypt, London: Routledge, reprinted as a paperback in 2014.

Awards and prizes

In September 2018 she became non-resident fellowship on Europe’s Futuresat Institute of Human Sciences of Vienna. She also is member of Steering Committee of WIIS-Brussels (Women In International Security), Associate Fellow a LSE Ideas, and Senior Adviser at European Policy Centre. 

Valentina Bambini

STEM area: Psychology and neurosciences

Competences: Neurolinguistics, Psicolinguitics

Keywords: communication, language

Region: Lombardy


Full Professor in Linguistics at University School for Advanced Studies Pavia

Professional career

She trained in linguistics at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa. During her PhD, also obtained in 2007 at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, she undertook studies in neurolinguistics, conducting functional magnetic resonance imaging and electroencephalography experiments on the understanding of verbal metaphor. In 2009, thanks to a grant obtained from the Region of Tuscany for the creation of a test to evaluate communicative disorders in pathology, she became a junior researcher. In 2011 she moved to the IUSS University School of Advanced Studies in Pavia, first as a senior researcher, then as an Associate Professor and, since 1st November 2022 Full Professor. As an adjunct or visiting lecturer, she has taught experimental neurolinguistics and pragmatics in various universities in Italy and abroad, including the University Vita-Salute S. Raffaele in Milan, the University of Pisa, the University of Verona, the University of Zurich, the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, and the University of Trondheim. At the IUSS School he coordinates the PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience and Philosophy of Mind, jointly with the University Vita-Salute S. Raffaele of Milan.

Scientific results

She works in the field of neuro-linguistics, with a focus on so-called 'pragmatic' communication skills, which enable us to communicate effectively and go beyond the literal meaning of words. Her scientific achievements mainly concern two main lines of research. The first one is focused on the neurophysiological mechanisms that allow the understanding of linguistic implicits, such as metaphors, irony and humorous jokes. These are very frequent phenomena, which on the one hand benefit communication (e.g. by making it more effective), but on the other hand increase the processing costs in our brains. In this area, he has carried out a neuroimaging study on the understanding of metaphors and several studies with electroencephalogram recording.

The second line of research concerns language disorders, in particular pragmatic language disorder. This disorder can occur in neurodevelopment (e.g. in the autistic spectrum) but also in adults suffering from neurological or psychiatric disorders. It leads to difficulties in having conversations that are appropriate to the context and in grasping the more colourful and emotional aspects of language, thus seriously affecting the individual's social sphere. In this research field, she coordinated a project funded by the Tuscany Region (2010-2013), which led to the creation of the APACS test ('Assessment of Pragmatic Abilities and Cognitive Substrates'). APACS has been used to describe pragmatic language disorder in various populations, including schizophrenia, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, dyslexia, traumatic brain injury and Parkinson's disease. The APACS test is currently being adapted from Italian to other languages.

Since 2017, she has been coordinating the project "The interpretative brain", funded by MIUR and aimed at the creation of tools for the rehabilitation and promotion of pragmatic skills in pathology and across the lifespan. The project also deals with the study of the relationships between communication skills and social cognition skills (theory of mind), through behavioural and neurophysiological studies.

In 2017 she founded (together with F. Domaneschi) the network (Experimental Pragmatics in Italy), which aims at providing an Italian forum to discuss - at an international level - pragmatics issues from an experimental perspective.

Editorial work and publications

She is the author of numerous scientific publications in national and international journals and volumes, including:

In Italian with a didactic/divulgative character:

[2017] Bambini V. Il cervello pragmatico. Carocci.

[2017] Bambini V. Dove risiede il linguaggio? Linguaggio, cervello e neurolinguistica.In Masini F, Grandi N (a cura di), Tutto ciò che hai sempre voluto sapere sul linguaggio e sulle lingue, Caissa Italia, 113-116.

[2013] Bambini V. La lingua di Dante entra in risonanza: contributi italiani allo studio dei correlati neurobiologici del linguaggio. In Maraschio N, De Martino D (a cura di), L’italiano dei saperi. Ricerca, scoperta, innovazione, Le Lettere, 7-23.

In English and of a specialised nature:

[2019] Canal P, Bischetti L, Di Paola S, Bertini C, Ricci I, Bambini V.  ‘Honey, shall I change the baby? – Well done, choose another one’: ERP and time-frequency correlates of humor processing.Brain and Cognition.

[2019] Bambini V, Canal P, Resta D, Grimaldi M. Time-course and neurophysiological underpinnings of metaphor in literary context. Discourse Processes, 56:77-97.

[2018] Lecce S, Ronchi L, Del Sette P, Bischetti L, Bambini V. Interpreting physical and mental metaphors: Is Theory of Mind associated with pragmatics in middle childhood?. Journal of Child Language.

[2018] Schaeken W, Van Haeren M, Bambini V. The understanding of scalar implicatures in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Dichotomized responses to violations of informativeness.Frontiers in Psychology, 9:1266.

[2016] Bambini V, Arcara G, Martinelli I, Bernini S, Alvisi E, Moro A, Cappa S, Ceroni M. Communication and pragmatic breakdowns in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients. Brain and Language, 153–154:1–12 .

[2016] Arcara G, Bambini V. A test for the Assessment of Pragmatic Abilities and Cognitive Substrates (APACS): Normative data and psychometric properties. Frontiers in Psychology, 7:70 

[2016] Bambini V, Bertini C, Schaeken W, Stella A, Di Russo F. Disentangling metaphor from context: An ERP study.Frontiers in Psychology, 7:559.

[2016] Bambini V, Arcara G, Bechi M, Buonocore M, Cavallaro R, Bosia M. The communicative impairment as a core feature of schizophrenia: Frequency of pragmatic deficit, cognitive substrates, and relation with quality of life. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 71:106-120.

[2014] Catani M, Bambini V. A model for Social Communication And Language Evolution and Development (SCALED).Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 28:165-171.

[2014] Weiland H, Bambini V, Schumacher P. The role of literal meaning in figurative language comprehension: evidence from masked priming ERP. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8:583.

[2011] Bambini V, Gentili C, Ricciardi E, Bertinetto PM, Pietrini P. Decomposing metaphor processing at the cognitive and neural level through functional magnetic resonance imaging, Brain Research Bulletin 86(3-4):203-216.

Lucia Banci

STEM area: Chemistry

Competences: Chemistry, Life Science, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Keywords: copper transport in cells, functional processes of cells, iron, metal proteins, metals in biological systems, molecular biology, MRI, research infrastructures, structural biology, vaccine design, women and science

Region: Tuscany


Lucia Banci is Professor of Chemistry at the University of Florence.

Professional career

She graduated in Chemistry at the University of Florence in 1978, and continued her training through various research periods abroad, mainly in the USA. She continued her academic career at the University of Florence, first as a researcher and in 1987 as Associate Professor. Since 1999 she is Full Professor of General and Inorganic Chemistry and, from 2011 to 2017, she has been Director of CERM (Magnetic Resonance Center) of the University of Florence. Lucia Banci is the Head of the Italian Core Center of the ESFRI Research Infrastructure Instruct-ERIC, and a member of the Instruct-ERIC Executive Committee and of the Council.

Scientific results

Lucia Banci has provided and is providing original and innovative contributions in structural biology and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) applied to biological systems. In particular, she has gained visibility as an international leader for the characterization of functional processes in living cells with atomic-level resolution. She applied and is applying this approach to the study of the processes responsible for the transport and use of metal ions, in particular copper and iron. She has developed innovative approaches for "in cell NMR", ie high resolution NMR in living cells, which allows the characterization of human proteins in living human cells at atomic resolution. Lucia Banci is contributing to the development and use of high resolution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, a research field in which she has provided important theoretical and methodological advances. She has been active in research projects of structural genomics, in which she uses a "functional" approach, that is, she exploits the knowledge of the conformation of the biomolecules to understand their function and how it can be altered by mutations or other alterations. She has also been a pioneer in the development of an absolutely innovative approach for the rational design of highly effective vaccines, ie the structural vaccinology, based on the structural characterization of the antigens and their interaction with the antibodies.

Editorial work and publications

She has published about 400 research articles on peer reviewed journals with a total of 21.000 citations, including:

(2018) Luchinat E, Banci L. In-Cell NMR in Human Cells: Direct Protein Expression Allows Structural Studies of Protein Folding and Maturation. Acc Chem Res., 51, 1550-1557.

(2016) Nuttle X, Giannuzzi G, Duyzend MH, Schraiber JG, Narvaiza I, Camponeschi F, Ciofi-Baffoni S, Sudmant PH, Penn O, Chiatante G, Malig M, Huddleston J, Benner C, Stessman HAF, Marchetto MCN, Denman L, Harshman L, Baker C, Raja A, Penewit K, Tang WJ, Ventura M, Antonacci F, Akey JM, Amemiya CT, Banci L, Gage FH, Reymond A and Eichler EE. Emergence of a Homo sapiens-specific gene family and the evolution of autism risk at chromosome 16p11.2. Nature, 536:205-209.

(2015) Banci L, Ciofi-Baffoni S, Gajda K, Muzzioli R, Peruzzini R and Winkelmann J. N-terminal domains mediate [2Fe-2S] cluster transfer from glutaredoxin-3 to anamorsin. Nature Chemical Biology, 11:772-778.

(2011) Scarselli M, Aricò B, Brunelli B, Savino S, Di Marcello F, Palumbo E, Veggi D, Ciucchi L, Cartocci E, Bottomley M.J, Malito E, Lo Surdo P, Comanducci M, Giuliani M.M, Cantini F, Dragonetti S, Colaprico A, Doro F, Giannetti P, Pallaoro M, Brogioni B, Tontini M, Hilleringmann M, Nardi-Dei V, Banci L, Pizza M. & Rappuoli R, Rational design of a meningococcal antigen inducing broad protective immunity. Science Translational Medicine, 3:91ra62.

(2010) Banci L, Bertini I, Ciofi-Baffoni S, Kozyreva T, Zovo K & Palumaa P. Affinity gradients drive copper to cellular destinations. Nature, 465:645-648

Awards and prizes

During her career she has received prizes and awards, among which the IUPAC "Distinguished Women in Chemistry" award and the "Fiorino d’Oro della Città di Firenze" Gold Medal of the City of Florence in 2015. In 2017 she received the “Instruct Bertini Award” for Integrated Structural Biology and the Premio Scienza Madre in 2018. She is a member of EMBO (European Organization for Molecular Biology) and is the Italian delegate at the Council of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL).


Oriana Bandiera

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Contracts, Economic Development, Labour Economics, Organizations

Keywords: governments, incentives, institutions, poverty, social connections

Region: ABROAD


Chair Sir Anthony Atkinson at the London School of Economics and Political Sciences, UK.

Professional career

After graduating in Economics at the Bocconi University in Milan, respectively in 1993 and 1994, she completed her education through a PhD in Economics at Boston College (USA), in 2000. From 1999 to 2007 she was lecturer in Economics at London School of Economics (UK) and reader in Economics until 2010 in the same. From 2010 to 2017 she was Professor of Economics and from 2017 she has been Sir Anthony Atkinson chair in Economics at the London School of Economics. She has been visiting assistant professor at the University of Chicago (2003), New York University (2004), Institute for International Economic Studies in Stockholm (2004 and 2006), Bocconi University (2005), Yale University (2005) and Northwestern University (2007) Currently she is also Director of the Suntory and Toyota International Centers for Economics and Related Disciplines (London), Co-Director of the State Capabilities Program at the International Growth Center (London) and of the Development Research Program at the Center for Economic Policy Research (London).

Scientific results

Oriana Bandiera has concentrated its research on the analysis of organizations and labor markets in different contexts, especially in poor and developing countries. In particular, she studied the role of economic incentives and material remuneration, and not, within public and private organizations. In this way, she highlighted the importance of adequate motivation in the selection process of public employees and in the performance of their duties. Similar themes have been applied to the industrial sector, and in particular to the introduction of social incentives in companies and in the workplace, and to the conduct of managers. One of the most recent projects in this field concerns the formation of "altruistic capital", or accumulable social motivation, but also exhaustive, through the fulfillment, or lack, of altruistic acts, that is directed to the good functioning of the community. In the field of labor markets, research on the importance of transferring skills and durable goods to women generally employed in low-return activities, aimed at an efficient allocation of time in work, and a definitive exit is particularly relevant. from poverty. Other topics of study are female affirmation, the importance of social connections and the role of governments in economic development. Her research is largely carried out through the use of empirical methods applied in the field, such as randomized controlled trials.

Editorial work and publications

Oriana Bandiera is co-editor of the Journal of Labor Economics and Economics. She is a member of the European Economic Association and the Royal Economic Society. In addition, she is on the editorial board of the Journal of Economic Literature, Journal of Development Economics, Economic Journal, Economics and Journal of the European Economic Association.
She is the author of numerous publications, including:

(2017) Ashraf N, Bandiera O. Altruistic Capital. American Economic Review, vol. 107(5): 70-75.

(2016) Bandiera O, Burgess R, Das N, Gulesci S, Rasul I, Sulaiman M. Labor Markets and Poverty in Village Economies.Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 132(2): 811-870.

(2015) Bandiera O, Guiso L, Prat A, Sadun R. Matching Firms, Managers and Incentives. Discussion Paper 7207 Journal of Labour Economics, vol. 33(3): 623-681.

(2014) Ashraf N, Bandiera O, Jack K. No Margin, no mission? A field experiment for public service delivery. Journal of Public Economics, vol. 120(C): 1-17.

(2013) Bandiera O, Barankay I, Rasul I. Team Incentives: Evidence from a Field Experiment. Journal of the European Economic Association, vol. 11(5): 1079-1114.

(2011) Bandiera O, Levy G. Diversity and the power of the elites in democratic societies: Evidence from Indonesia. Journal of Public Economics, vol. 95(11): 1322-1330.

(2010) Bandiera O, Barankay I, Rasul I.Social Incentives in the Workplace. Review of Economic Studies, vol. 77(2): 417-458.

(2009) Bandiera O, Prat A, Valletti T. Active and Passive Waste in Government Spending: Evidence from a Policy Experiment. American Economic Review, vol. 99(4): 1278-1308.

(2009) Bandiera O, Barankay I, Rasul I. Social Connections and Incentives in the Workplace: Evidence from Personnel Data. Econometrics, vol. 77(4): 1047-1094.

(2008) Bandiera O, Barankay I, Rasul I. Social capital in the workplace: Evidence on its formation and consequences. Labour Economics, vol. 15(4): 724-748.

(2007) Bandiera O, Branka, I, Rasul I. Incentives for Managers and Inequality Among Worker: Evidence from a Firm Level Experiment. Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 122(2):729-775.

(2006) Bandiera O, Rasul I. Social Networks and the Adoption of New Technology in Northern Mozambique.Economic Journal, vol. 116(514): 862-902.

(2005)  Bandiera O, Barankay I, Rasul I. Social Preferences and the Response to Incentives: Evidence from Personnel Data. Quarterly Journal of Economics.vol. 120(3): 917-962.

(2003) Bandiera O. Private States and the Enforcement of Property Rights: Theory and Evidence on the origins of the Sicilian mafia. Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, vol. 19(1): 218-244.

Awards and prizes

She is a fellow of the British Academy, Econometric Society, Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), Bureau for the Analysis of Economic Development (BREAD), Institute of Labor Economics (IZA), Center for Ecomic Studies (CESIfo), Innovation for Poverty Action ( IPA). JPAL Europe and European Development Research Network (EUDN). She was the winner of numerous awards, including the Carlo Alberto medal, awarded every two years to an Italian citizen under the age of 40 for research in economics.

Elena Baracani

International politics area

Competences: European Union Politics, International Politics, Political Science

Keywords: European foreign policy, European Union Political System, external relations of European Union

Region: Emilia-Romagna

Professional career

Elena Baracani obtains her Ph.D. in Political Science at the University of Florence in 2006. She is appointed deputy director of the Interuniversity Research Centre for Research on Southern Europe (CIRES) at the University of Florence (2006-08). In 2008 she wins a postdoctoral research grant under the 'European Foreign and Security Policy Studies' program, funded by the Compagnia di San Paolo. She carries out her post-doctoral research at the Italian Institute of Human Sciences (currently Scuola Normale Superiore). In 2008 she wins a Visiting Fellowship at the Institute of Security Studies of the European Union. She works as scientific secretary of the Ph.D. in Political Science at the Italian Institute of Human Sciences (now Scuola Normale Superiore) in Florence (2011-14). She teaches numerous political science courses at the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral levels, at Italian (the University of Florence, the University for Foreigners of Perugia, the Italian Institute of Human Sciences, and LUISS) and American (Rutgers University, Kent State University, and California State University) universities. Since 2012 she has been teaching a course entitled EU Politics and Crisis at Stanford University in Florence. In 2013 she wins the competition for researcher in Political Science at the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Bologna. In 2019 she wins the competition for Associate Professor at the same University. In 2022 she wins the Jean Monnet EUGlobA Chair (The EU as a Global Actor).

Scientific results

She is currently the scientific director of the Erasmus project Jean Monnet EUGlobA (The EU as a Global Actor) and scientific co-responsible for the University of Bologna of the Erasmus Youth RE-ACT IN (Rethinking Arts for Cohesion, Trust and Inclusion) project. Throughout her career, she has participated in numerous national and international research projects.

Editorial work and publications

[2022] Baracani E, Sarotto V. The European Commission’s role in EU-Turkey migration: political leadership through strategic framing, West European Politics, 

[2022] Baracani E, EU Democracy Promotion in Times of Crisis. In: The Foreign Policy of the European Union: Assessing Europe’s Role in the World, Brookings

[2021] Baracani E. EU-Turkey Relations: A New Direction for EU Foreign Policy?. Edward Elgar Publishing

[2021] Baracani E. Evaluating EU Actorness as a State-Builder in ‘Contested’ Kosovo’, Geopolitics, 25(2): 362-386

[2021] Baracani E. Le sfide per la politica estera dell’Unione europea in tempi di crisi.  In: Relazioni internazionali. Dalle tradizioni alle sfide. Carocci Editore

[2020] Baracani E, Mingardi C. L’asse franco-tedesco nel nuovo ciclo politico dell’Unione Europea, Aggiornamenti Sociali, 71(2): 112-121

[2019] Baracani E, Calimli M. Shifting Dynamics in Turkish Foreign Policy in the Trans-European Space. In: The EU in a Trans-European Space External Relations across Europe, Asia and the Middle East. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan [2017] 

[2017] Baracani E, Calimli M. (eds) European Perspectives on Turkey's Domestic Politics and Foreign Policy. Trento: Bruno Kessler Foundation Press

[2017] Baracani E. Graham Allison: Conceptual Frameworks of Foreign Policy Decision Making. In: Classic Works in International Relations. Bologna: Il Mulino

[2016] Baracani E, Calimli M. Evaluating Effectiveness in EU Democracy Promotion: The Case of Turkey, Rivista Italiana Di Politiche Pubbliche, 2016 (3): 427-455

[2016] Baracani E. The European Union and conflict prevention. What Europeanization?. World Political Science Review, 12: 219-239

[2015] Baracani E. L'Unione Europea e la prevenzione dei conflitti Quale Europeizzazione?. Rivista Italiana Di Politiche Pubbliche, 2015 (1): 5-30 [2014] Baracani E. L’Unione europea e la prevenzione dei conflitti. Un’analisi comparata di tre casi di studio: Cipro, Kosovo e Palestina. Bologna: Il Mulino.

Awards and prizes

Her most recent book EU-Turkey Relations (Edward Elgar 2021) won the 2022 UACES best book prize.

Anna Barbati

STEM area: Natural and environmental sciences

Competences: Forestry Science

Keywords: biodiversity, remote sensing, resilience

Region: Lazio


Associate Professor in Forest Planning and Silviculture at the University of Tuscia (Viterbo, Italy).

Professional career

Associate Professor at DIBAF (Department for Innovation in Biological, Agro-food and Forest systems) of the University of Tuscia since 2016, she is currently Project Coordinator of the EU-funded project PREVAIL (PREVention Action Increases Large fire response preparedness), and Principal Investigator of the projects REFORM (Increasing resilience of forest mixtures) and FREShLIFE (Demonstrating Remote Sensing integration in sustainable forest management). From 2010 to 2016 Assistant professor at the Department for Innovation in Biological, Agro-food and Forest systems (DIBAF) of the University of Tuscia. 

She holds a Degree in Forest Science at the University of Florence (1996) and a Professional Master in “Remote sensing and natural resources evaluation” from the Istituto Agronomico per l’Oltremare (Florence) (1997); a PhD in Forest Economics and Planning from the University of Florence (2001) and a II level Master Degree in “Landscape ecology and environmental planning” from La Sapienza University of Rome (2007).

Scientific results

Her main research interests concern the application of (satellite and drone) remote sensing and forest sampling strategies to forest resources monitoring. As consultant for the UNECE/FAO Timber Section and European Environment Agency, she contributed to the development of the European Forest Types, a forest classification framework for reporting on indicators of sustainable forest management in Europe.

She has participated in three national and international research projects on the topic of wildfire management in the Mediterranean region, where she tested remote sensing technologies (multispectral optical data and LIDAR) for mapping forest fuel types, as a means to support fire behaviour modelling through computer-based simulators. She has also been working on understanding the relationships between frequency and recurrence of forest fires and fuel and landscape determinants of fire ignition and propagation, in order to support decision-making on forest fire risk prevention on a large-scale through fuel management interventions. Other recent research interests include the interactions between biodiversity (number of forest tree species and forest ecosystem structure heterogeneity), ecosystem services (wood and non-wood products, forest biomass, carbon sequestration, habitat provision) and forest resilience to climate change.

Editorial work and publications

She is the author of some 100 scientific and technical publications, among others:

[2018] Bagaram M.B.1, Giuliarelli D., Chirici G., Giannetti F., Barbati A. UAV Remote Sensing for Biodiversity Monitoring: Are Forest Canopy Gaps Good Covariates? Remote Sensing, 10, 1397.

[2018] Barbati A, Scarascia Mugnozza G, Ayan S, Blasi E, Calama R, Canaveira P, Cicatiello C, Collalti A, Corona P, del RíoM, DucciF, PeruginiL. Adaptation and mitigation. In: FAO and Plan Bleu. 2018. State of Mediterranean Forests 2018. Food and Agriculture Organization of theUnited Nations, Rome and Plan Bleu, Marseille: 128-146

[2015] Barbati A, Corona P, D’amato E, Cartisano R. Is Landscape a Driver of Short-term Wildfire Recurrence? LANDSCAPE RESEARCH, 40 (1): 99-108. 

[2014] Corona P, Ferrari B, Cartisano R, Barbati A. Calibration assessment of forest flammability potential in Italy. IFOREST, 7: 300-305

[2014] Barbati A, Marchetti M., Chirici G., Corona P. European Forest Types and Forest Europe SFM indicators: Tools for monitoring progress on forest biodiversity conservation.FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 321: 145-157

[2013] Chiriacò MV, Perugini L, Cimini D, D’Amato E, Valentini R, Bovio G, Corona P, Barbati A (2013). Comparison of approaches for reporting forest fire-related biomass loss and greenhouse gas emissions in southern Europe. THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WILDLAND FIRE, 22(6): 730-738.

[2013] Barbati A, Chirici G, Corona P, Montaghi A, Travaglini D (2009). Area-based assessment of forest standing volume by field measurements and airborne laser scanner data. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 30 (19): 5177-5194.

[2011] Corona P., Chirici G., McRoberts R.E., Winter S., Barbati A. Contribution of large-scale forest inventories to biodiversity assessment and monitoring. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, vol. 262, p. 2061-2069, ISSN: 0378-1127, doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2011.08.044.

 [2008] Lamonaca A, Corona P, Barbati A. Exploring forest structural complexity by multi-scale segmentation of VHR imagery. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, vol. 112, p. 2839-2849, ISSN: 0034-4257.

Awards and prizes

Coordinator of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) Unit 8.02.01 - Key factors and ecological functions for forest biodiversity and Member of the Italian Academy of Forest Sciences since 2010.

Flavia Barca

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Cultural Economics, Media Economics

Keywords: cultural heritage

Region: Lazio


President of Acume - www.acume.netand Member of the Italian Film and Audiovisual Council at Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities in Italy (Mibac), the independent consultative body to the Italian Minister of Culture.

Professional career

Flavia Barca is an expert in cultural policies, cultural economics, and media economics. 

She served as Deputy Mayor for Culture in the Rome City Council, and has collaborated as an expert for the UNESCO Institute of Statistics and many Italian and international institutions, as well as serving as a consultant and trainer for universities and public and private bodies. She taught Media and ICT Economics at the Media Studies Faculty of Rome University “La Sapienza”and at Teramo University. 

She has conducted extensive research for both public and commercial broadcasters, as well as authoring various audiovisual production projects. She worked as Director at IEM (the Fondazione Rosselli Institute of Media Economics) and managed a large number of research projects in various sectors of the Communications and Creative Industries. Her main areas of work include: culture, development and regional smart-specialization strategies; the economics of media groups and markets; the impact of the media and communications industry on the social and economic fabric of the country; the concept of public service and its reshaping in a new digital habitat; public investments and policies in sustaining culture and creative industries.

She graduated in Liberal Arts at Roma Tre University and received an MA in Communication Policy Studies from City University, London. 

Scientific results

She is specialised in desk and field analysis of cultural and creative SMEs. Among other projects, she conducted the first broad study about the Local TV Sector, the Videogame Sector and the TV Production Sector in Italy, combining theoretical and empirical approaches. She also carried out the first analytic study in Italy on public investments and European funds (2007-2013) in the cultural and creative industries.

More recently, she has concentrated her research on three main themes: promoting projects and research in cultural heritage and territorial development; monitoring and evaluating cultural planning and public policies; promoting gender equality.

Editorial work and publications

Her latest publications include: L’impresa culturale attrattiva e generativa di valore nel Mezzogiorno, in Territori della cultura, n.34, anno 2018, p. 92-97; Le diseguaglianze di genere nella società dello spettacolo in Economia della Cultura, 1-2/2018, pp. 163-172, Il Mulino; L’Anno Europeo del Patrimonio Culturale (The European Year of Cultural Heritage) in Digicult, Scientific Journal on Digital Cultures, vol. 2 n. 3, 2017;Public Service Media and the Common Good in Digicult, Scientific Journal on Digital Cultures, Special Issue, vol. 1 n. 1, 2016;The Television Production Sector in Italy and the Challenges of Globalization in Albarran, Faustino and Santos, “The Media as a Driver of Information Society” (MediaXXI Collection, FormalPress Group, Lisbon, 2009).

Awards and prizes

She is  Member of the Scientific Committee of JOCIS - Journal of Creative Industries and Cultural Studies:, Member of the Scientific Committee of, Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Economia della, Member of the David di Donatello Academy and Jury.


Raffaella Baritono

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Feminist Thought, History, US Domestic Policy, US Political Culture, US Women's History and Politics

Keywords: citizenship, delegitimization, First Lady, leadership, liberalism, presidency, United States

Region: Emilia-Romagna


Full professor of US History and Politics at the School of Political Science, University of Bologna - Chair, Centro Studi sugli Stati Uniti – LAB-USA and Member steering committee Associazione Il Mulino.

Professional career

After graduating with honours from the Faculty of Arts at the University of Florence with a thesis on American History, in 1992 Raffaella Baritono obtained a PhD in the History of the Americas from the University of Genoa.  In 1993 she was awarded a two-year post-doctoral scholarship at the University of Bologna.  At the same university she won the competition for university researcher in the SPS/05 sector, and then, in 2003, the competition for associate professor. Having obtained her national qualification, she will finally take up the position of first chair in 2019. 

Raffaella Baritono has had various research and training experiences abroad: at the University of Wisconsin, Madison; at the Salzburg Global Seminar; at the Fulbright American Studies Institute, organised by Southern Illinois University and at the Roosevelt Institute in New York. Se has spent research periods in New York, Bloomington (IN), Oxford, London, Middelburg (NL).  

In the course of her career she has held numerous positions: she was president of the Italian Society of Historians and vice-president of AISNA (Italian Association of North American Studies). She has been a member of the board of the SISI (Society of International History) and directed the CISPEA (Inter-University Centre for Euro-American History and Politics).  

She has also been involved in the editorial field: she was co-editor of Ricerche di Storia Politica, recognised as a journal of band A for area 11 and area 14, and has been a member of the editorial boards of Ricerche di Storia Politica and Scienza&Politica for the publisher Il Mulino. She is a member of the Culture and Politics Association of the homonymous publishing house. 

She has been a member of the editorial board of the journal Genesis and of the series of the Italian Society of Historians, in collaboration with the publishing house Viella. 

Her role in the media has seen her collaborate on a number of historical programmes, and in particular she has worked for "Passato e presente" and previously "Il tempo e la storia", and "Correva l'anno", all produced by Rai 3 - Rai storia.  

She has been and is present as a columnist in various television and radio programmes, where she speaks on topics related in particular to US politics. 

Scientific results

Raffaella Baritono's main areas of research have focused since the beginning of her career on the social sciences and state-building in the United States. In the field of US political history she has studied industrial and participatory democracy in US progressivism.  

She has studied democracy and pluralism in the managerial thought of Mary Parker Follett and women's leadership in nineteenth-century democracy in the United States. She has focused her research on the figures of the first ladies in the American presidency and in particular that of Eleanor Roosevelt, between liberalism, internationalism and commitment to human rights.   

Following her interest in women and their emancipation, she has studied the birth of the American suffragist movement and in particular the Seneca Falls Convention, American feminism in the 1960s and 1970s, followed by international women's movements and recently African-American and post-colonial feminism. 

Editorial work and publications

Raffaella Baritono is a member of the editorial board of the journal Ricerche di Storia Politica and of the editorial board of the journal Il Mulino.

(2017) Baritono R., ed., Political History Today: Power, Subjects, Categories, special issue “Ricerche di Storia Politica”.  

(2018) Baritono R., «Poverty is an expensive luxury. We cannot afford it»: Eleanor Roosevelt e lAmerica della Great Depression in “Storia delle donne”, [S.l.], 3 (17): 229-251.   

(2018) Baritono R., Intersectionality: a buzzword or a useful category of analysis?, “Iride”, XXXI (84): 295-305.

(2018) Baritono R., L’enigma ‘Stato’ nella riflessione politica e storiografica statunitense, in “Quaderni di Scienze Politiche Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore”, VIII (14): 103-128. 

(2018) Baritono R., «Dare conto dell’incandescenza». Uno sguardo transatlantico (e oltre) ai femminismi del lungo ’68“Scienza & Politica”, XXX (59): 17-40. 

(2018) Baritono R., Rappresentazioni di genere, diritti delle donne e leadership femminili nei populismi contemporanei, in M. Anselmi, P. Blokker, N. Urbinati (a cura di), Populismo di lotta e di governo, Milano, Feltrinelli: 82-103. 

(2019) Baritono R., Smart Government vs. Deep State: State and Nation, Delegitimization and Political Vision, in Barack Obama and Donald Trump’s Presidential Speeches, in U. Rubeo (a cura di), The New Language of American Democracy, “Costellazioni”, III (8): 15-34. 

(2020) Baritono R. e Ricciardi M. (a cura di), Strategie dell’ordine: processi, fratture, soggetti, Bologna, Quaderni di Scienza Politica, n. 8. 

(2020) Baritono R., Delegitimization and the American presidential campaign (1896-1980), “American Studies in Scandinavia”, 52 (2): 145-162. 

(2020)  Baritono R., Efficienza, ordine e democrazia nelle scienze sociali americane (1890-1929), in R. Baritono e M. Ricciardi (a cura di), Strategie dell’ordine: processi, fratture, soggetti, Quaderni di Scienza&Politica, (8): 163-185.  

(2020) Baritono R., “Mrs. Roosevelt Goes on Tour:” Eleanor Roosevelt’s Soft-Diplomacy during World War II, in D. Fazzi and A. Luscombe, (eds.), The Global Citizen: Eleanor Roosevelt’s Views on Diplomacy and Democracy, New York, Palgrave: 41-61. 

(2020) Baritono R., Un paese latecomer? Donne e rappresentanza politica negli Stati Uniti contemporanei in P. Gabrielli (a cura di), Elette ed eletti. Rappresentanza e rappresentazioni di genere nell’Italia Repubblicana, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino: 71-88. 

Awards and prizes

1992 Roberto Ruffilli Prize ‘Opera Prima” for the book Oltre la politica. La crisi politico-istituzionale negli Stati Uniti fra Otto e Novecento, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1993 (Beyond Politics. The political and institutional crisis in the United States at the turn of the 20th century).

2003 'Gisa Giani' Prize, sponsored by the Istituto per la cultura e la storia d’impresa (Institute for the promotion of business history and culture – Terni) for the book, La democrazia vissuta. Individualismo e pluralismo nel pensiero di Mary Parker Follett (We must live democracy. Individualism and pluralism in Mary Parker Follett’s reflection).

Teresa Bartolomei

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Biblical Interpretation, Citizenship, Ecclesiality, Ecology, Literary Theory and Analysis, Pauline Letters, Philosophy

Keywords: Bible, Dante Alighieri, ecology, Emily Dickinson, ethics, Lirycs, Literature, religion, temporality

Region: ABROAD


CITER (Research Centre for Theology and Religious Studies ½ Catholic University of Portugal) full Member. 

Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Theology at the Catholic University of Portugal Università Cattolica del Portogallo.

Professional career

Teresa Bartolomei graduated in Philosophy of Language at La Sapienza University, Rome. She carried out research activities at the J.W. Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt, with K.O. Apel, and later as an independent researcher and publicist. She obtains her PhD in Theory of Literature at the University of Lisbon. Since 2017, she has been an integrated researcher in the Centre for Research in Theology and Religious Sciences (CITER) at the Portuguese Catholic University (UCP), where she teaches as an adjunct professor in the Faculty of Theology.

Scientific results

After doing research on philosophy of language with Professor Tullio De Mauro (La Sapienza University, Rome), with whom she graduated (authors of reference: I. Kant, W. von Humboldt; L. Wittgenstein), Teresa Bartolomei embarked on a research project on transcendental pragmatics and discourse ethics with Professor K.O. Apel (J.W. Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt). Subsequently she worked as an independent scholar, translator and publicist, having authored and edited several books and papers. She lives in Portugal since 1997 where, in 2016, she obtained a Ph.D. in Theory of Literature (University of Lisbon); the thesis Figura huius mundi: Lyrical figures of temporality in Emily Dickinson applies a figural model of temporality reconstructed on the basis of the Pauline letters to the analysis of E. Dickinson’s poetic production dedicated to temporal experience. Inspired by the Pauline studies she published a book dedicated to the ecclesial form and its relationship with citizenship (Radix Matrix, 2018). The discussion of current ethical issues in the light of biblical texts is at the centre of her last book Dove abita la luce? (2019), in which the theme of the ecological crisis is addressed, starting from a reinterpretation of the figure of Noah. 

Editorial work and publications

[2020] Teresa Bartolomei, “Sensibili all’umano. L’attenzione alla cultura comune nell’esercizio del ministero”, in: Rivista del Clero, 12, 2020, pp.879-900.

[2020] Teresa Bartolomei, “A serpente e o bezerro. A idolatria como patologia simbólica. Um ponto de vista bíblico”, in: Ephata, 2, no. 2 (2020), pp. 177-237 (ISSN: 2184-5778), pp.177‑237.

[2019] Teresa Bartolomei, Dove abita la luce? Figure in cammino sulla strada della Parola. Vita e Pensiero. Milano.

[2018] Teresa Bartolomei, Radix, Matrix. Community Belonging and the Ecclesial Form of Universalistic Communitarism. Lisbon: Universidade Católica Editora 2018.

[2018] Teresa Bartolomei, “As comunidades: memória viva das democracias”. In: REVER - Revista de Estudos da Religião, Nr. 3, 2018. Dossier «Religião, memória e identidade na Europa»    DOI: .

[2017] Teresa Bartolomei, “IL POETA ALL’INFERNO. L’altro viaggio della poesia”, Humanitas, 72 (1/2017), pp. 116-131.

[2008] Teresa Bartolomei, “Minority Report”, in: Conférence, Nr. 26, Printemps 2008, pp.369-392. 

[1994] Teresa Bartolomei, “Das narrative Sinnverstehen und die Grenzen der Hermeneutik“, in: K.O.Apel und M. Kettner (eds.), Mythos Wertfreiheit? Neue Beiträge zur Objektivität in den Human- und Kulturwissenschaften. Campus Verlag, Frankfurt/New York 1994, pp. 133-156.

[1990] AA.VV., Etiche in dialogo: Tesi sulla razionalità pratica. Eds. Teresa Bartolomei Vasconcelos e Marina Calloni. Marietti, Genova 1990. 

[1990] Teresa Bartolomei, “La giustezza, la giustizia, e la loro inconciliabilità storica. Sino a che punto l’etica del discorso è e può essere puramente procedurale?”. Introduzione, in: AA.VV., Etiche in dialogo. Tesi sulla razionalità pratica. Eds. Teresa Bartolomei Vasconcelos e Marina Calloni. Marietti, Genova 1990, pp.13-27.

[1987] Teresa Bartolomei, “Il poeta e il boscaiolo. Excursus sul concetto di soggettività in Wilhelm von Humboldt”, in: AA.VV., Le vie di Babele. Percorsi di storiografia linguistica (1600- 1800). Eds. Di Cesare e S. Gensini. Marietti, Casale Monferrato 1987, pp.72-81.

Aniseh Bassiri Tabrizi

International politics area

Competences: European Foreign Policy, International Relations of the Middle East, Middle East, Security

Keywords: Afghanistan, armed groups, drones, Gulf countries, Iran, Iraq, non-proliferation, Syria, Yemen

Region: ABROAD


Research Fellow at the Royal United Services Institute in Middle East Security at the International Security Studies department. Visiting Fellow at War Studies, King's College London and consultant at a NATO-sponsored expert panel on Afghanistan.

Professional career

Aniseh Bassiri Tabrizi is a Research Fellow at the International Security Studies department of the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI). She is also a Visiting Fellow at War Studies, King's College London and a consultant at a NATO-sponsored expert panel on Afghanistan. Her research is concerned with security in the Middle East, with a particular focus on Iran’s foreign and domestic politics, as well as on armed groups, drones’ proliferation, and counter-proliferation. 

She completed her PhD project at the War Studies Department of King’s College London, focusing on the diplomatic initiative of France, Germany and the UK (E3) on the Iranian nuclear issue.

Prior to joining RUSI, she was an Associate Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), where she specialised on EU foreign policy and transatlantic relations on Iran, particularly in the context of sanctions.

Prior to ECFR, she worked as Researcher on Iran at Oxford Research Group, while providing political risk analyses to a number of consultancies.

Scientific results

Aniseh Bassiri Tabrizi frequently writes for outlets such as Foreign Policy, BBC News, The Telegraph, The International Spectator, The Middle East Eye, Al-Monitor, Aspenia Online, and she appears as a commentator on the BBC, Al Jazeera, Sky News, Bloomberg, The Wall Street Journal, CNBC, CNN, The New York Times and France 24.

She often provides briefings to stakeholders looking at the Middle East, including the Foreign Office, State Department, NATO, the EEAS Iran Task Force and the Permanent Missions at the UN.


Editorial work and publications

[2019] Bassiri Tabrizi, A. Written evidence, UK Foreign Affairs Select Committee, 8 November.

[2019] Bassiri Tabrizi, A. Iran Still Doesn’t Want an Escalation, Foreign Policy, 13 May. 

[2019] Bassiri Tabrizi, A. Gulf of Oman tanker attacks: What could be Iran's motive?BBC News, 14 June.

[2018] Bassiri Tabrizi, A. and Bronk, J. Armed Drones in the Middle East: Proliferation and Norms in the RegionRUSI Occasional Paper, December.

[2018] Bassiri Tabrizi, A. Informal Groups of States: A Growing Role in EU Foreign Policy After Brexit? The RUSI Journal, 163:4, 62-70, DOI: 10.1080/03071847.2018.1522046. 

[2018] Bassiri Tabrizi, A. Iran and the West after the Nuclear Deal: High Hopes, Low Returns, RUSI Conference Report, 26 February.

[2016] Bassiri Tabrizi, A. and Pantucci, R. Understanding Iran's role in the Syrian conflict, RUSI Occasional Paper, August.

[2016] Bassiri Tabrizi, A. 'The nuclear deal: Exploiting its potential’, in Paolo Magri and Annalisa Perteghella (eds) Iran after the deal: The road ahead, Italian Institute for International Political Studies.

[2014] Bassiri Tabrizi, A. and Alcaro, R. Europe and Iran’s Nuclear Issue: The Labours and Sorrows of a Supporting Actor, The International Spectator: Italian Journal of International Affairs, Volume 49, Issue 3.

[2014] Bassiri Tabrizi, A. The EU’s sanctions regime against Iran in the aftermath of the JPA, European Council on Foreign Relations, 4 June.

Awards and prizes

2013-2015: Continuation scholar at King‟s College London(tuition/maintenance)

2012-2013: Walton scholar at King‟s College London(tuition)

2009-2011: Fulbright scholar at Syracuse University, Carlo Maria Santoro (tuition/maintenance)

Manuela Bazzarelli

STEM area: Engineering

Competences: Applied Mathematics, Big Data Analysis, Coding in Python, Development of Machine Learning Models, Development of Machine Learning Strategies, Development of Mathematical Methods, Development of Statistical Methods, Development on Cloud Platform, Use of Data-Visualization Tools, Use of Relational and non-Relational Databases

Keywords: artificial intelligence, big data, Cloud Computing, data analysis, Data-Driven, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing

Region: Lombardy


Lead Data Scientist

Professional career

After graduating in Mathematical Engineering and Applied Statistics at the Politecnico di Milano, she joined 3rdPlace as a Data Scientist, a Milanese company of the Datrix group founded in 2010 by a former Google senior manager, dedicated to Human Empowerment through Artificial Intelligence. Today he is Lead Data Scientist of the 3rdPlace research and development team with consolidated experience in mathematical and statistical methods, development of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence strategies and models in the Big Data and Cloud computing fields.

Scientific results

Her main research areas concern data modeling and analysis, the development of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence models in all its nuances: Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Forecasting, Clustering.

Editorial work and publications

[2021] B Talone, M Bazzarelli, A Schirato, F Dello Vicario, D Viola, E Jacchetti, M Bregonzio, MT Raimondi, G Cerullo, D Polli. Phototoxicity induced in living HeLa cells by focused femtosecond laser pulses: a data-driven approach. Biomed. Opt. Express 12, 7886-7905.

[2019] Manuela Bazzarelli, Milo Manica, Michelangelo Morganti, Daniela Casola, Giuseppe Bogliani. Studio preliminare della fenologia e del successo riproduttivo in una colonia di rondone comune (Apus apus) a Jerago con Orago (VA). DOI 10.13140/RG.2.2.32503.98727.

[2018] José Vicario, Ramon Vilanova, M Bazzarelli, Anna Paganoni, Umberto Spagnolini, Aldo Torrebruno, Miguel Prada, Antonio Morán, Manuel Dominguez, Maria João Pereira, Paulo Alves, Michal Podpora, Marian Barbu. Data mining tool for academic data exploitation: Selection of most suitable algorithms. ERASMUS+ KA2/KA203.

Cinzia Bearzot

History and Philosophy area

Competences: History, History of Ancient Historiography, History of Greek Political Thought, Political and Institutional History of Classical Athens

Keywords: Attic law, classical Athens, democracy, epidemics in the ancient world, Greek political thought, historiography, institutions

Region: Lombardy


Full Professor of Greek History at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan and Vice-President of the Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere.

Professional career

After graduating in 1978 from the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, Cinzia Bearzot worked as a researcher at the same university from 1984. Since 1987 she has held the position of associate professor at the University of Venice Ca' Foscari, before returning to the Catholic University of Milan in 1993, first as an associate and then, from 2021, as full professor of Greek History.  At the University of Milan she is coordinator of the Doctoral School in 'Humanistic Studies. Tradition and Contemporaneity' at the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy. 

Bearzot also carries out editorial activities as director of the journal "Erga/Logoi. Rivista di storia, letteratura, diritto e culture dell'antichità", and of the series "Quaderni di Erga/Logoi". She is co-editor of the journal "Politica antica" and she is a member of the scientific committee of other journals and series on historical subjects.

Scientific results

Cinzia Bearzot's first studies focused on the figure of Isocrates and Athenian democracy in the fourth century, with particular attention to its critics.  Subsequently, her research has been oriented towards the analysis of the crisis of Athenian democracy at the end of the fifth century, with particular attention to the facts seen from the point of view of the opponents (Teramenes) and the supporters (Lysias).  In the course of her career she has also devoted herself to studies of ancient historiography, Attic law, ancient federalism and the relations between Greeks and foreigners. 

Editorial work and publications

[1985] Bearzot C., Focione tra storia e trasfigurazione ideale, Vita & Pensiero. 

[1992] Bearzot C., Storia e storiografia ellenistica in Pausania il Periegeta, Il Cardo. 

[1993] Bearzot C. (a cura di), Plutarco, Vita di Focione, BUR. 

[1997] Bearzot C., Lisia e la tradizione su Teramene. Commento storico alle orazioni XII e XIII del corpus lysiacum, Vita & Pensiero. 

[2004] Bearzot C., Federalismo e autonomia nelle Elleniche di Senofonte, Vita & Pensiero. 

[2005; 20112; 20153] Bearzot C., Manuale di storia greca, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2005; 20112; 20153

[2007] Bearzot C., Vivere da democratici. Studi su Lisia e la democrazia ateniese, L’“Erma” di Bretschneider. 

[2008] Bearzot C., La giustizia nella Grecia antica, Carocci. 

[2009] Bearzot C., La polis greca, Il Mulino. 

[2012] Bearzot C., I Greci e gli altri. Convivenza e integrazione, Salerno. 

[2013] Bearzot C., Come si abbatte una democrazia. Tecniche di colpo di stato nell’Atene antica, Laterza. 

[2014] Bearzot C., Il federalismo greco, Mulino. 

Awards and prizes

Cinzia Bearzot received the Prize for High Quality Publications established by the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore for the year 2019, with " À propos du terme ψεῦδος dans l'historiographie ancienne, a study contained in the volume Th. Blank, F.K. Maier, Die symphonische Schwestern. Narrative Konstruktion von "Wahrheiten" in der nachklassischen Geschichtsschreibung, Stuttgart 2018, 31-47. 

Marta Bellingreri

International politics area

Competences: Arabic Language, Asylum and Refugee's Reception Systems, cultures and societies in the Middle East and North Africa, Ethno-Religious Minorities, Femminism, Gender Studies, International Justice, Migrations

Keywords: associationism, culture, diaspora, exile, human rights, Iraq, Jordan, justice, Middle East and North Africa, Syria, Tunisia, women

Region: Sicily


Independent researcher, expert on gender issues in the Middle East

Professional career

Marta Bellingreri graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Oriental Languages and Civilisations (Arabic language) from La Sapienza University of Rome in 2008, after spending a year at INALCO (Institut de Langues et Civilisations Orientales) in Paris. She obtained the DITALS diploma for teaching Italian to foreigners from the University of Siena in 2009, before going on to do a Master's degree in Sciences of Languages, History and Cultures of Arab and Mediterranean Countries at the University L'Orientale in Naples, where she graduated in 2012. After working for schools, institutes and various international organisations, she started a PhD in Cultural Studies at the University of Palermo in 2014, carried out mainly abroad: a year at the University of Jordan in Amman in 2015, plus an Academic Hospitality at SOAS (School of Oriental Studies) in London in 2016, specialising in Gender Studies in the Middle East. Upon completion of her PhD in March 2017, she worked as an independent researcher and freelance journalist, writing for several Italian and international newspapers, and continuing to collaborate with several universities on conferences and publications.

Scientific results

Marta Bellingreri is an expert scholar of gender studies and feminisms in the contemporary Middle East and North Africa. Her master's thesis analysed feminist associations and movements before and during the Tunisian revolution of 2010-2011, while her doctoral research focused on the artistic practices and cultural productions that emerged around the Arab revolutions in Jordan. In both cases, the research work was carried out as a participatory ethnography, combining a feminist methodology, enhanced by the knowledge of the Arabic language and the context in which it took place. A second line of research, developed rather in journalism, was human rights, the right to asylum, and international justice, for which she followed not only the trials of women and men belonging to terrorist groups in Iraq and Syria, but also the Syrian trials for crimes against humanity that took place in Germany, thanks to the principle of universal jurisdiction. Other ongoing research: independent art practices in Iraq.

Editorial work and publications

[2022] Bellingreri M, Tarkib’s Contemporary Arts Festival in Baghdad: Women Artists Play and Perform Memories and New (Hi)stories of Iraq. Journal of Middle East Women's Studies, Duke University Press, 18 (3): 424–432. 

[2020] Bellingreri M, ‘Body Performance and the Engagement within the City: Women Artists Reframing Gender Roles in Amman’, in Borrillo S, Souliman M (eds.), Artivism, Culture, and Knowledge Production for Egalitarian Citizenship in the Middle East and North Africa post 2011, Studi Magrebini, 18 (2): 180-202.  

[2019] Bellingreri M, Our Dreams Are Not Different from Yours”Between Arab Uprisings and Migrations”, South Atlantic Quarterly, Duke University Press, 118 (3): 654–660.  

[2017] Bellingreri M, ‘Tunisian Women: A Polyphonic Choir in a Heterogeneous Society’, in Di Tolla A, Francesca E (eds.), Emerging Actors in Post- Revolutionary North Africa. Gender Mobility and Social Activism, Studi Magrebini, Vol. XIV/2016, Università di Napoli L’Orientale, Napoli 2017, Italy.   

[2014] Bellingreri M, Il sole splende tutto l’anno a Zarzis, Navarra Editore. 

[2013] Bellingreri M, Lampedusa. Conversazioni su Isole, Politica, Migranti, co-author Giusi Nicolini, Edizioni Gruppo Abele.

Awards and prizes

Marta Bellingreri was awarded the Maria Grazia Cutuli Prize in 2019 and the Ivan Bonfanti Prize in 2022.

Eleonora Belloni


Competences: History of Cycling, History of Football in Society, History of Sports

Keywords: cycling, football, sport, sport and society

Region: Tuscany


Sport historian - Associate professor at the Department of Political and International Sciences, University of Siena.

Professional career

She graduated in Political Science from the University of Siena in 2003. In 2006 she obtained her PhD in "Theory and history of modernisation and social change in the contemporary age" at the same university.
She obtained various scholarships and research grants at the University of Siena from 2006 to 2012 and from 2016 to 2019. In 2014-2015 she is a research fellow at Bocconi University in Milan as part of the project "La grande trasformazione 1914-1918" promoted by the Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation. In 2018 she is a visiting fellow at the historical archives of the European University Institute with a postgraduate Vibeke Sorensen grant (European policies for sustainable mobility project).
From 2019 to 2022 she is a fixed-term senior researcher at the Department of Political and International Sciences, University of Siena. 
From December 2022 she is an associate professor at the same Department.
She is part of the Scientific Committee of the journal Storia e problemi contemporanei and of the Editorial Board of the journals Le Carte e la Storia, Storia dello Sport. Journal of Contemporary Studies and European Studies in Sports History (ESSH).
Since 2018, she has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Italian Society of Sports History.

Scientific results

Her research activity initially focused on the issues of economic culture and industrial ideology in liberal and fascist Italy and the history of industrial associationism.
She has also delved into the themes of the economic and social history of the Great War, with a particular focus on the changes in the condition of women and social dynamics on a local and national level.
For some years now, she has been working on the history of mobility and transport, with a focus on the history of cycling and sustainable mobility, and on the social history of sport in Italy.

Editorial work and publications

[2022] Belloni E, Molto più di un gioco. Il calcio e la società̀ italiana: una storia ancora da scrivere?, in Calcio e società in Italia. Bilanci storiografici e nuove prospettive di ricerca. Storia e problemi contemporanei, a cura di E. Belloni, n. 86, gennaio-aprile 202, pp. 5-17.

[2022] Belloni E, Il sistema integrato bicicletta-treno: la storia, le “buone pratiche”, il quadro europeo e nazionale, in Muoversi domani. Verso una mobilità più sostenibile, a cura di E. Belloni e S. Maggi, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2022, pp. 26-36.

[2021] Belloni E, Bicicletta e storia d’Italia (1870-1945). La modernizzazione su due ruote,, n. 16, agosto 2021.

[2021] Belloni E, La rivoluzione su due ruote. Il ciclismo letto alla luce del paradigma rivoluzionario, in Sport e rivoluzione, a cura di D. Guazzoni e M. Monaco, Roma, Aracne, 2021, pp. 15-30.

[2021] Belloni E, Sbetti N, Oltre il guado. L’affermazione della storia dello sport in Italia, in Percorsi di storia e antropologia dello sport, a cura di C. Mancuso, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2021, pp. 29-39. 

[2021] Belloni E, The “American Way of Mobility”. The influence of the American model on traffic and mobility planning in Italy (1920-1960), Journal of Mediterranean Knowledge, 6(1), 2021, pp. 59-79. 

[2021] Belloni E, Questione ambientale e paesaggio: i “tabù” della politica infrastrutturale. Voci critiche negli anni del miracolo economico, Italia Contemporanea, n. 295, aprile 2021, pp. 165-185.

[2020] Belloni E, La nascita della Toscana “ciclistica”. Dagli esordi alla Grande guerra, Rassegna storica toscana, LXVI, 2, 2020, pp. 235-257. 

[2019] Belloni E, Quando si andava in velocipede. Storia della mobilità ciclistica in Italia (1870-1955), Milano, Franco Angeli.

[2019] Belloni E, L’azione del Consiglio dei comuni d’Europa per una mobilità urbana sostenibile (1951-1992), Le Carte e la Storia, a. XXV, 1/2019, pp. 111-122 

[2018] Belloni E, Mobilità sostenibile. Una rilettura della storia dei movimenti in bicicletta, Storia e problemi contemporanei, n. 77, gennaio-aprile 2018, pp. 39-59. 

[2011] Belloni E, La Confindustria e lo sviluppo economico italiano. Gino Olivetti tra Giolitti e Mussolini, Bologna, Il Mulino.

Awards and prizes

2022 - Winner of the 'Giuseppe Imbucci' Prize - 2022 edition, awarded by the International Observatory on the Game of the University of Salerno and destined for 'academics and scholars who have distinguished themselves for social and cultural actions of national and international importance and have committed themselves to the promotion of culture through research in the historical, economic and social fields'.
2021 - Winner of the 'Mario Alighiero Manacorda' Prize for Sports Historiography - 2021 edition, awarded by the Italian Sport History Society. (For the volume Quando si andava in velocipede. Storia della mobilità ciclistica in Italia 1870-1955, Milan, FrancoAngeli, 2019).
2015 - Winner of the 'Aldo Capanni' Prize for sports historiography - 2015 edition, awarded by the Italian Society of Sports History. (For the essay Imprese sportive/imprese dello sport. La Grande Guerra e la nascita dell'industria sportiva in Italia, in Lo sport alla Grande Guerra, Quaderni della Siss, serie speciale, 2015, pp. 274-283).

Antonella Belluti


Competences: cycling, Methods and Didactics of Sport Activities, Movement Sciences, Sport and Health, Sport and Youth, Sporting Well-Being, Sports Event Organization

Keywords: Competition in Sports, dual career in sport, gender equality, inclusion, Olympic Games, sport performance, women in sport

Region: Lazio


Former athlete, cycling champion. Trainer and consultant. Vice-President Assist Ass. Naz. Atlete (National Association Women Athletes)

Professional career

Antonella Belluti is a former track cyclist. She began her career in the pursuit speciality, finishing second at the 1992 Italian championships. At the 1995 World Championships in Bogota, she won the silver medal. In 1996 she set a new world record in the 3-kilometre steeplechase and won the gold medal at the Olympic Games in Atlanta. In 2000 he participated in the Olympic Games in Sydney where he won 5th place in the pursuit and the gold medal in the points race. His palmares includes three World Cups, the gold at the European omnium endurance event in Berlin in 1997, two omniums at the Six Days of Milan, in 1998 and 1999, and sixteen other Italian titles: seven in the pursuit (from 1994 to 2000), six in the 500-metre time trial (from 1995 to 2000), two in the sprint (1997 and 2000) and one in the points race (1997). In 2000, she left competitive cycling and took part in the Olympic Winter Games in Salt Lake City in the two-man bobsleigh speciality, paired with Gerda Weissensteiner. 

After graduating from the ISEF in Florence in 1993, her sporting career was flanked by her work as a physical education teacher in schools, publicist journalist, TV columnist, lecturer, trainer, consultant and sports expert, also for important national institutions. On 18 April 2001 she was elected to the CONI National Council, and in January 2003 she joined the Anti-Doping Ministerial Commission and the Ministerial Commission for Equal Opportunities in Sport as the sole representative of athletes. She is running, without being elected, for the presidency of CONI in 2021.

Editorial work and publications

Antonella Belluti is the author of the book La vita è come andare in bicicletta. Autobiografia alimentare di una vegatleta, Edizioni Sonda, 2018.

Awards and prizes

1996, Cavaliere della Repubblica

2000, Commendatore della Repubblica

2004, Fairplay Award

2018, Ambassador for Italy for the European Week of Sport

2018, Entered in the Walk of Fame

Stefania Benaglia

International politics area

Competences: European Union, Foreign and Security Policy, Public Diplomacy

Keywords: Asia, EU foreign and security policy, EU-India Relations

Region: ABROAD


Senior Expert, EU Public Diplomacy and Outreach in India. Associate Researcher, Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS). Associate Fellow,Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI).

Professional career

Stefania Benaglia holds an MA in Strategic Studies from the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns Hopkins University, an MA in International Development from the University of Pavia and a BA in International Relations from the University of Bologna. She also studied and worked in Israel (International Institute of Counter-Terrorism), USA (Italian Embassy, SAIS and San Francisco State University), France (Science Po Grenoble) and Spain (Leonardo da Vinci programme). In 2009 Stefania moved to Brussels to join the NATO Parliamentary Assembly and then the European Commission (EC), working for the Political & Security Committee (PSC) team and representing the EC at the Political-Military Group (PMG). Between 2014 – 2017 she moved to Delhi, working on EU-India defence cooperation for Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) and for Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.  In 2017 she moved back to Brussels. She is Senior Expert in the Public Diplomacy Project of the European Union Delegation to India, Research Associate at Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) and Associate Fellow at Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI). She also consult for the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Scientific results

Stefania Benaglia research focuses on Foreign and Security policy and EU-India relations. Her approach uses scenario buildings to define clear and coordinated strategic objectives, identification of key stakeholders, and strategy outline.  She also research how to affect change and be an effective policy entrepreneurs.

Editorial work and publications

Stefania Benaglia regularly publishes policy papers for leading Think Tanks (IAI - Roma, CEPS - Bruxelles e ORF- Delhi), as well as OpEds.

[2019] Benaglia S., Is Italy reshaping China-EU relations? April 1, 2019,

[2019] Benaglia S., India-Pakistan: dal confronto ad un nuovo processo di paceMarch 3,

[2018] Benaglia S., Modi-Conte meeting strengthens Indo-Italian relations, 30 October,

[2018] Benaglia S., EU strategy for connectivity in Asia presented at the 12th ASEM Summit, 20 October,

[2018] Benaglia S., Italy and the EU: Brussels must start thinking outside the box, 6 June,

[2017] Benaglia S., EU-India summit: slow progress, except for security deal, 9 October,

[2017] Benaglia S., UE-India: Federica Mogherini a Nuova Delhi, 23 April,

[2017] Benaglia S, Casarini N. & Patil S., Moving Forward EU-India Security Dialogue: Traditional and Emerging Issues,February, Ed. Nuova Cultura

[2016] Benaglia S., Ungaro A. EU-India defence cooperation: A European Perspective, December ‘16, Istituto Affari Internazionali Working Paper

[2016] Benaglia S., How to boost EU– India relations, 29 March, CEPS

Awards and prizes

In 2007 she was awarded of Enzo Grilli Fellowship. In 2019 she was nominated as Top 40 Under 40 EU India Leader.

Ariela Benigni

STEM area: Biomedical sciences and biotechnology

Competences: Molecular Biology

Keywords: cell regeneration, kidney diseases, kidneys, kidney transplant, rejection, stamina cells

Region: Lombardy


Scientific Secretary of the IRCCS Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research and Research Coordinator, Bergamo and Ranica (BG) site.

Professional career

After obtaining a degree in Biological Science from the University of Milan, she received her Ph.D. from the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands. She spent time abroad training and was then awarded a doctoral fellowship at the Centre Regional de Transfusion Sanguigne in Strasbourg, at Guy’s Hospital in London and at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. Her research group focuses on regenerative medicine and studies whether stem cells can be used to treat acute and chronic kidney diseases, and how the kidney can repair itself.

Scientific results

Her research focuses on understanding how kidney diseases develop and on the mechanisms of progression that damage the kidney and lead to renal function decline. In the field of transplant rejection, she was among the first to successfully apply gene therapy through viral vectors to prevent the rejection of solid organ transplants without the need of immunosuppressants.

Between 2007 and 2012 she was a consultant for the WHO for a multicentre observational study on the predictive uses of angiogenic factors for the diagnosis of pre-eclampsia. In connection with this study, she was made a Senior Fellow at the University of Oxford, Nuffield Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, in 2007. She took part of the Visiting Committee of AERES – Agence d’Évaluation de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement Supèrieur – to evaluate scientists at the Hôpital Necker in Paris. She has been a Program Committee Member at the two most important international nephrology meetings (the World Congress of Nephrology, 2015, Cape Town, South Africa and the 2016 American Society of Nephrology Meeting, Chicago, USA). Since 2017 she has been a member of the Innovation and Discovery Task Force of the American Society of Nephrology.

Editorial work and publications

Ariela Benigni has served on the editorial boards of international scientific journals: Associate Editor of Kidney International, Journal of Nephrology, International Journal of Artificial Organs, and also Academic Editor of Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents, PeerJ, PLoS One. Since January 2015, she has been Editor in Chief of the peer-reviewed Nephron. From 2017 to 2019, she was a member of the Innovation and Discovery Task Force Committee of the American Society of Nephrology. 

She is currently a member of the Examining Committee of Major Innovation Projects for the Dutch Kidney Foundation.

She is the author of over 320 scientific articles published in international scientific journals, among which:

(2016) Gagliardini E, Novelli R, Corna D, Zoja C, Ruggiero B, Benigni A, Remuzzi G. B7-1 is not induced in podocytes of human and experimental diabetic nephropathy. Journal of American Society of Nephrology, 27:999-1005. 
(2015) Morigi M, Perico L, Rota C, Longaretti L, Conti S, Rottoli D, Novelli R, Remuzzi G, Benigni A, Sirtuin 3-dependent mitochondrial dynamic improvements protect against acute kidney injury. The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 125:715-726. 
(2015) Trionfini P, Benigni A, Remuzzi G, MicroRNAs in kidney physiology and disease. Nature Reviews Nephrology, 11:23-33. 
(2014) Benigni A, Gagliardini E, Remuzzi G, Abatacept in B7-1-positive proteinuric kidney disease. The New England Journal of Medicine, 370:1261-1263. 
(2013) Parvanova A, van der Meer IM, Iliev I, Perna A, Gaspari F, Trevisan R, Bossi A, Remuzzi G, Benigni A, Ruggenenti P; for the Daglutril in Diabetic Nephropathy Study Group. Effect on blood pressure of combined inhibition of endothelin-converting enzyme and neutral endopeptidase with daglutril in patients with type 2 diabetes who have albuminuria: a randomised, crossover, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol, 1:19-27. 
(2013) Remuzzi G, Benigni A, Finkelstein FO, Grunfeld JP, Joly D, Katz I, Liu ZH, Miyata T, Perico N, Rodriguez-Iturbe B, Antiga L, Schaefer F, Schieppati A, Schrier RW, Tonelli M, Kidney failure: aims for the next 10 years and barriers to success. Lancet, 382:353-362. 
(2011) Mele C, Iatropoulos P, Donadelli R, Calabria A, Maranta R, Cassis P, Buelli S, Tomasoni S, Piras R, Krendel M, Bettoni S, Morigi M, Delledonne M, Pecoraro C, Abbate I, Capobianchi MR, Hildebrandt F, Otto E, Schaefer F, Macciardi F, Ozaltin F, Emre S, Ibsirlioglu T, Benigni A, Remuzzi G, Noris M, the PodoNet Consortium. MYO1E Mutations and Childhood Familial Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis. The New England Journal of Medicine, 365(4):295-306. 
(2011) Benigni A, Morigi M, Rizzo P, Gagliardini E, Rota C, Abbate, M Ghezzi S, Remuzzi A, Remuzzi G. Inhibiting angiotensin-converting enzyme promotes renal repair by limiting progenitor cell proliferation and restoring the glomerular architecture. American Journal Of Pathology, 179(2):628-38. 
(2010) Benigni A, Morigi M, Remuzzi G. Kidney regeneration. Lancet, 375(9722):1310-7. 

(2009) Benigni A, Corna D, Zoja C, Sonzogni A, Latini R, Salio M, Conti S, Rottoli D, Longaretti L, Cassis P, Morigi M, Coffman TM, Remuzzi G. Disruption of the Ang II type 1 receptor promotes longevity in mice. The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 119(3):524-30. 

Awards and prizes

In 2012 she received the Merit Award from Bergamo City Hall for her contributions to science.

In 2019, she was awarded the "Tomoh Masaki" International Prize and the "Trotula 2019" International Prize of the Nuova Scuola Medica Salernitana University.

In 2020 she was awarded the "A.R.M.R 2020 Prize" by the Foundation for Rare Disease Research.

In 2021, she was awarded the title of Cavaliere Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana by the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella.  

Federica Berdini

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Action Theory, Ethic, Feminist Philosophy, Moral Psychology, Philosophy

Keywords: action theory, coping, feminism, normativity, resilience, social injustices

Region: ABROAD


Postdoctoral Researcher at the Centre de Recherche en Éthique (CRÉ), Université de Montréal, Canada.

Professional career

After the BA in Philosophy at the University of Pisa, Federica Berdini obtained a Master’s degree in Philosophy at the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan. During her doctoral studies at the University of Bologna, she carried out periods of research as a Visiting Fellow at Harvard University and at the University of Vienna. Since completing her PhD, she has been a part-time lecturer at the Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University and a postdoctoral researcher at the Chair in Practical Philosophy and Ethics at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich. She has also been a visiting scholar at the University of Toronto and at the University of Waterloo. She is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Centre de Recherche en Éthique (CRÉ), Université de Montréal. She is co-founder and member of the Executive Board of the Italian Society for Women in Philosophy – SWIP Italia.

Scientific results

Federica Berdini’s research focuses mainly on human agency and its societal and interpersonal recognition and attribution. In particular, she is interested in cases of agency exercised in non-ideal conditions or by ‘imperfect’ agents. In her doctoral dissertation, she examined the Kantian version of constitutivism in action theory, proposing an expansion thereof that accounts for the problem of so-called ‘defective’ actions while offering an elucidation of the constitutive norms of human agency. With her current research project, Federica Berdini wants to explore the psychological notions of coping and resilience. Besides providing a conceptual and explicative account of these notions within action theory, she aims at investigating the responsibilities (individual and collective) at play in situations involving a coping agent. This includes pointing out if and when the agent is wronged or subject to injustices. Another strand of study to which she is attentive are issues of social justice, investigated from an intersectional point of view.

Editorial work and publications

[2019] Berdini, F. Agency’s Constitutive Normativity: An Elucidation. Journal of Value Inquiry, 53 (4): 487-512.

[2019] Berdini, F. Agency and Authorship: Towards a Socially Situated, Interactionist View. In A. Siegetsleitner et al. (Eds.), Crisis and Critique: Philosophical Analysis and Current Events. Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Vol. XXVII, pp. 15-17.

[2013] Berdini, F. Speech Acts and Normativity: A Plea for Inferentialism. Esercizi Filosofici, 8 (2): 71-88.

[2015] Berdini, F. Conversation with Lawrence Blum. APhEx 12. 

[2013] Berdini, F., Bianchi, C. J. L. Austin. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 

[2013] Berdini, F., Bianchi, C. Profilo di John Langshaw Austin. APhE7: 674-710.

[2012] Berdini, F. Rationality as the Normative Dimension of Speech Acts. Phenomenology and Mind 2: 200-207.

Awards and prizes

In 2018 she receives the American Philosophical Association’s Journal of Value Inquiry Essay Prize for her paper “Agency’s Constitutive Normativity: An Elucidation”.

Alessandra Bernardi

STEM area: Mathematics

Competences: Algebra, algebric geometry, Geometry, Tensors

Keywords: commutative algebra, tensor decomposition

Region: Trentino-Alto Adige


Associate Professor of Algebra at Univeristy of Trento. Secretary of the Italian Mathematical Union.

Professional career

Alessandra Bernardi began her professional journey by earning a degree in Mathematics from the University of Bologna in 2001. She then pursued doctoral studies at the University of Milan, where she obtained a PhD in Mathematics in 2005. During her doctorate, she focused on varieties parameterizing forms and their secant varieties, under the guidance of Prof. A. Gimigliano.

After her PhD, she embarked on an international research path, serving as a Research Fellow at the University of Bologna until 2009, and later as a Postdoctoral Researcher at CIRM - Fondazione Bruno Kessler in Trento. Her career continued abroad as an Individual Marie Curie Fellow (Post Doc) at INRIA Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée in France from 2010 to 2012, where she dedicated herself to the study of structured tensor decompositions.

Returning to Italy, she took on the role of Researcher (RTD a) at the University of Turin in 2012, before moving to a Researcher (RTD b) position at the University of Bologna until 2016. During these years, Alessandra further developed her research in multilinear algebra and algebraic geometry, with particular attention to the applications of tensor decompositions and secant varieties.

In 2016, Alessandra Bernardi became an Associate Professor at the University of Trento, where she currently engages in teaching and research activities.

 In parallel to her work as a researcher and professor, she coordinates research projects of international and Italian relevance, including the TENORS project funded by the European Community (Horizon 2020) and a PRIN project funded by the MUR. She is also active in numerous mathematical societies, including the Italian Mathematical Union where she serves as Secretary, scientific committees, and editorial boards of international journals (SIMAX, Open Mathematics), significantly contributing to the advancement of mathematical research globally.

Alessandra Bernardi is distinguished by her commitment to scientific dissemination and the third mission, organizing events, workshops, and conferences to bring the public closer to mathematics. Her research focuses mainly on tensor decomposition, algebraic geometry, and their applications in various fields, testifying to her leadership role in her field of study. She founded the TensorDec laboratory in Trento, which aims to be a privileged recipient for both research and training activities, with the goal of connecting master's and undergraduate students to the different aspects of tensor decompositions.


Scientific results

Throughout her career, Alessandra Bernardi has contributed to several areas of mathematics, with scientific results ranging from commutative algebra, algebraic geometry to tensor decomposition, influencing both theoretical research and practical applications.

At the beginning of her career, after obtaining her PhD from the University of Milan in 2005, Bernardi dedicated herself to the study of varieties parameterizing forms and their secant varieties. This period marked the beginning of her interest in the applications of algebraic geometry in tensor decomposition, a field that would become central to her research.

Subsequently, during her period as a Marie Curie Fellow at INRIA Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée in France, Bernardi delved into the study of structured tensor decompositions, exploring computational and theoretical issues. Her research during this period helped establish fundamental connections between multilinear algebra, algebraic geometry, and complexity theory, tackling computational problems in the practical search for tensor decompositions.

Her research has found practical applications in numerous fields, from quantum physics, ecology, to bioinformatics, demonstrating how tensors and their decompositions are powerful tools for data analysis and processing. The wide range of applications of her studies highlights the cross-disciplinary importance of tensor decomposition in real-world problems, from telecommunications systems to image processing, to understanding complex biological systems.

Editorial work and publications

Since 2017, Alessandra Bernardi has served as Editor for the SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications (SIMAX), a leading journal in the field of matrix analysis and its applications.

In 2019, she served as Guest Editor for the volume Quantum Physics and Geometry in the Lecture Notes of the Unione Matematica Italiana series (UMILN volume 25), demonstrating her interest and expertise in the interdisciplinary links between mathematics and quantum physics.

That same year, she was also Guest Editor for a special issue of JSC (Journal of Symbolic Computation) following MEGA 2019, confirming her commitment to publishing related to effective methods in algebraic geometry and symbolic computation.

Since 2021, Alessandra Bernardi has held the position of Responsible Director for the UMI Newsletter (Italian Mathematical Union), playing a key role in scientific dissemination and communication within the Italian mathematical community.

Starting from February 2024, she has taken on the role of Editor for Open Mathematics.

Publications here:

Awards and prizes

Editor Top Pick among all the articles of 2021 in the Bulletin of the Italian Mathematical Union for the work "High order singular value decomposition for plant diversity estimation" together with Martina Iannacito and Duccio Rocchini.

Francesca Iaia Bertinotti

Economy and Finance area

Competences: B2B for Human Resources, General Management of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Management of Large Private Customers KAM and PA, Sales and Marketing

Keywords: edTech, education, e-learning, ESG (Environment, Social, Governance), fintech, international sport events, leadership, services digitalisation, startup, sustainability, welfare and benefits for employees and citizens

Region: Lombardy


Executive in multinational companies and large international groups, also listed on the stock exchange. General Manager in SMEs. Board Member.

Professional career

He graduated with honours and joined the Ferpi Federation (public relations professionals) while working in PR and Marketing at a Danish design company (later IKEA), in Communications for the publisher Monti, in Direct Marketing and market research by founding MyMarketing. He worked in fund raising (Fondazione Cariplo, European Community Leonardo project) then at Fatebenefratelli Hospital where he collaborated on the first Quality in Hospitals project in Italy and on the foundation of the University of Volunteering then Università Cattolica. He obtained various specialisations and master's degrees in Marketing, Human Resources & Quality, Business Lobbying in the USA, and learnt to sit on the Board of Directors at London Stock Exchange. From 1997 for 13 years he worked in the international Swedish group EF Education working in China, USA and Sweden, in the roles of Marketing, product manager, international business development, most recently as Country Manager Corporate Italy, bringing e-learning to Italy. Major projects include the training of 15,000 language teachers under the patronage of the Ministry, of 10,000 police officers and the creation of the 'executive blended training' concept for companies, universities and public administrations, as well as an indirect sales network of 5,000 employees. Part of the international executive team, he collaborated on EF's major sporting events (round-the-world sailing with Paul Cayard and the Beijing Olympics in 2008). Since 2008, she has initiated the 'Women vs. Men' golf project and was VPresident of a sports club for several years. Since 2010 at Edenred, a FinTech listed on the Paris Stock Exchange and world leader in transactional solutions for companies, employees and merchants, she has been in charge of Smart Solutions projects, digitalisation and market development in the areas of Employee Benefits, Fleet and Mobility Solutions, corporate payments/incentives and rewards/ welfare and public social programmes. In 2014 he became Business Director of the Trentino company eLunch and joined the Valore D group 'InTheBoardroom', then the Board of eLunch srl Trento. Since 2016 he has been responsible in Edenred for the areas: Large Customers, Indirect Networks, Smart Cards and Welfare Projects, with projects dedicated to hundreds of thousands of employees and beneficiaries. In December 2017 she obtained the EMBA Executive Master in Business Administration at SDA Bocconi (international class leader) with specialisation in strategy & execution, digital competition, customers value, international megatrends and was nominated Woman in Finance EU 'disruptive' category. She has founded 3 start-ups, the latest with a social matrix. From 2018-2020 Advisory Board in Allegroitalia Hotels and Condo (Sustainability and Strategy). From 2020 to 2023 Director of Sales, Mkg and Strategy at Skilla, leading EdTech and international award-winning company for elearning, digital education, augmented reality. Applied AI, metaverse prototypes. From2021 Assonime Board Induction course, joins NedCommunity, The Effective Board (TEB5) course and specialisation Climate Change and effects on Boards. In2023 becomes Board Member of the Manpower Foundation, General Manager of Lifeed, an EdTech company with a platform and consultancy specialising in Sustainability and People Caring in companies and PAs, and moves from Operations Director to Board Member of Skilla.

Scientific results

Francesca Iaia Bertinotti is one of the key figures in Italy who has also worked extensively in international contexts in multichannel education, smart solutions and digitisation of complex services for businesses, universities and citizens. He has addressed in several corporate experiences the main topics of new business, the creation of structured sales teams and in the change management of B2B services helping companies to optimise operations and make savings. He has capitalised on extensive international experience in executive training by learning and borrowing international models such as those in the USA and China. He first learnt all the issues related to web platform solutions, digitalisation, vouchering, multi application cards, smart payment systems that he also implemented in large public welfare projects such as Dote Scuola Lombardia dedicated to thousands of citizens, or in the transformation of the ticket restaurant (in the hands of 2 million Italians) from paper to electronic and then apps in the fintech field.

She has delved into the technicalities of start-ups in the tourism and social spheres ( ), merging, development from start-up to scale-up, and has transferred her managerial experience and skills to the management of sports realities, female mentoring (GenerAzioni) and found raising. In recent years, she has specialised in EdTech, AI, RV, AR. 

Graziella Bertocchi

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Macroeconomics, Political Economy

Keywords: coronavirus, Covid-19: impact on ethnic minorities, Covid-19: impact on women, Covid-19: socio-economics impact, demographics, family, gender, inheritance, institutions, migrants, political power, slavery

Region: Emilia-Romagna


Full professor of political economy and director of RECent, a research center of the Marco Biagi Department of Economics at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

Professional career

After an undergraduate degree in Economics at the University of Modena in 1980, she obtained a Ph.D. in Economics at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia (USA). Between 1987 and 1993 she was an assistant professor at Brown University in Providence (USA). In 1993 she became an associate, and in 2000 a full professor, in Modena. She has been a visiting professor at several institutions including the University of Oslo, European University Institute, Royal Holloway-University of London, New York University, IGIER-Bocconi and Université Catholique de Louvain. She has coordinated the Group of Evaluation Experts for the Economics and Statistics Area within the 2011-2014 Italian National Research Evaluation run by ANVUR.

Scientific results

Graziella Bertocchi’s research belongs to the fields of political economy and macroeconomics, with a focus on the interactions between economic development and institutions in a historical perspective. In particular, she has studied the determinants and consequences of the empowerment of social groups such as women, youths, ethnic minorities, and migrants. For instance, in a recent paper she has coded the citinzenship laws applied across countries and analyzed their evolution in the face of migration flows, taking into account other factors such as the legal tradition, the level of democracy, the demographic equilibrium, the structure of the welfare state, and geo-political stability. She has also contributed to the analysis of wealth inequality and its link with inheritance systems and taxation showing that, historically, primogeniture favored wealth concentration and that the current decline in inheritance taxation can be explained by a relative decrease in inequality. In another complementary research line she has focused on family structure and the determinants of gender gaps, in terms of education, financial decisions, and sexual behavior. In particular, she has shown how in Africa the spread of polygyny is associated, especially for women, with marital infidelity and vulnerability to HIV contagion. 

Editorial work and publications

Graziella Bertocchi has authored many publications, including the following:

(2015) Bertocchi G, Gambardella A, Jappelli T, Nappi C, Peracchi F. Bibliometric Evaluation vs. Informed Peer Review: Evidence from Italy. Research Policy, 44:451-466.

(2015) Bertocchi G, Dimico A. Slavery, Education, and Inequality. European Economic Review, 70:197-209.

(2014) Bertocchi G, Brunetti M, Torricelli C. Who Holds the Purse Strings within the Household? The Determinants of Intra-family Decision Making. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 101:65-86.

(2006) Bertocchi G. The Law of Primogeniture and the Transition from Landed Aristocracy to Industrial Democracy. Journal of Economic Growth, 11:41-68.

(2002) Bertocchi G, Canova F. Did Colonization Matter for Growth? An Empirical Exploration into the Historical Causes of Africa's Underdevelopment. European Economic Review, 46:1851-1871.

Awards and prizes

Graziella Bertocchi is a fellow of Academia Europaea, Centre for Economic Policy Research, Institute for the Study of Labor, Centre for Household, Income, Labour and Demographic Economics, Dondena Gender Initiative, and Global Labor Organization. She is a member of the Standing Committee on Women in Economics of the European Economic Association. She was invited to deliver the Julian Simon Lecture at the 12th IZA Annual Migration Meeting in Dakar in 2015 and the Keynote Lecture at the 29th Meeting of the German-Israeli Foundation on Understanding Contemporary Migration in Jerusalem in 2008. 













Enrica Bertolini


Competences: assistance in civil litigation, consultancy and contracts in civil law, Gender Equality, Grassroots Sport Activities, leadership and communication in sport, Sport and People with Fragility, sport and safety, Sport and School, sport and sustainability, Sport and Youth, Sport Contracting, Women's Sports

Keywords: consultancy and contracts in civil law, safeguarding obligations, sport reform, sports associations, sports for all, women in sport

Region: Lombardy


President ASD Pro Patria Volley Milano

Professional career

After graduating in Law from the University of Milan and being admitted to the Milan Bar Association, she embarked on her legal career, focusing in particular on the rights of women, children, and vulnerable individuals. She has also held positions as a support administrator. Having discovered a passion for volleyball at a young age, which led her to compete up to the Serie C level, she has combined her legal career with sports management since 2008. She is currently President of ASD Pro Patria Volley Milano, a historic women's volleyball club in Milan

Cristina Bettinelli

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Business Bodel Innovation, Entrepreneurial, Management

Keywords: business models, corporate governance, family business, family firms, internationalization

Region: Lombardy


Associate Professor in Management at the University of Bergamo, Coordinator of the Master Program in Management, Marketing & Finance, Member of the Commission for Technological Transfer at the same univeristy

Professional career

After her Master in Business, she obtained her PhD in Marketing. She was a special student at the University of Harvard and a visiting professor at the University of Grenoble (France) and Linz (Austria). 

Scientific results

Her main research areas concern the competitiveness of family businesses and small and medium-sized enterprises. She studies entrepreneurship and business model innovation.

Editorial work and publications

(2022) Andreini, D., Bettinelli, C., Foss, N. J., & Mismetti, M. (2021). Business model innovation: a review of the process-based literature. Journal of Management and Governance, (in press)

(2022) Cefis, E., Bettinelli, C., Coad, A., & Marsili, O. Understanding firm exit: a systematic literature review. Small Business Economics, (in press)

(2022) Bettinelli, C., Mismetti, M., De Massis, A., & Del Bosco, B. A review of conflict and cohesion in social relationships in family firms. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, (in press)

(2021) Bergamaschi, M., Bettinelli, C., Lissana, E., & Picone, P. M. Past, ongoing, and future debate on the interplay between internationalization and digitalization. Journal of Management and Governance25(4), 983-1032.

(2020) Del Bosco, B., & Bettinelli, C. How do family SMEs control their investments abroad? The role of distance and family control. Management International Review60(1), 1-35.

(2019) Bettinelli, C., Del Bosco, B., & Giachino, C. Women on boards in family firms: What we know and what we need to know. In The Palgrave handbook of heterogeneity among family firms (pp. 201-228). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

(2017) Bettinelli, C., Sciascia, S., Randerson, K., & Fayolle, A. Researching entrepreneurship in family firms. Journal of Small Business Management55(4), 506-529.

(2016) Baronchelli, G., Bettinelli, C., Del Bosco, B., & Loane, S. The impact of family involvement on the investments of Italian small-medium enterprises in psychically distant countries. International Business Review25(4), 960-970.

(2015) Randerson, K., Bettinelli, C., Fayolle, A., & Anderson, A.  Family entrepreneurship as a field of research: Exploring its contours and contents. Journal of Family Business Strategy6(3), 143-154.

(2015) Cucculelli, M., & Bettinelli, C. Business models, intangibles and firm performance: evidence on corporate entrepreneurship from Italian manufacturing SMEs. Small Business Economics45(2), 329-350.

(2014) Bettinelli, C., Fayolle, A., & Randerson, K. (2014). Family entrepreneurship: a developing field. Foundations and Trends® in Entrepreneurship10(3), 161-236.

(2011) Bettinelli, C. Boards of directors in family firms: An exploratory study of structure and group process. Family Business Review24(2), 151-169.

Awards and prizes

Cristina Bettinelli has received numerous prizes and awards:

in June 2022, the Best Unpublished Research Paper Award from the Family Firm Institute (FFI), already awarded in 2015;

in October 2021, the Harvard Certificate for Teaching in Higher Education;

in 2015, the Best Paper Award by the International Council for Small Business (ICSB) and the Sinergie Best Paper Award, already gained in 2010;

in 2014 the Best Poster Award at the Family Enterprise Research Conference (FERC) and the Distinguished Reviewer Award at the Annual Meeting Academy of Management;

in 2013 and 2012 the Family Business Review Excellent Reviewer Award;

in 2012 the Family Business Review Best Paper Award and the Premio 5x1000 ricercatori meritevoli.

Francesca Bettio

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Gender Economy, Labour Economics, Population Economy

Keywords: caring economics, prostitution

Region: Tuscany


Full professor of Economic Policy at the Department of Political Economy and Statistics, University of Siena, Italy

Professional career

Francesca Bettio graduated in political science, economics major, from the University of Bologna, then in economics from the University of Naples (Portici), London School of Economics (MSc) and University of Cambridge (GB)(PhD). Her doctoral thesis was published by Clarendon Press (Oxford) in 1988. In 1984, she resumed teaching in Italian universities as researcher in Rome (La Sapienza) and as associate professor in Salerno and Siena, where she was appointed full professor in 2000. Besides long years of postgraduate training in the UK, she also spent research and teaching periods in Europe, the US and Africa at Columbia University, the New School for Social Research (New York), the American University (Washington), St. Antony’s College (Oxford), Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (Maputo) and Cape Town University.

Since her Ph.D. in the early eighties, she has collaborated intensely with the European Commission. Since 1996 she has periodically coordinated networks of community experts formed from time to time to assist the Commission on the topics of female work and gender equality at the Directorate-Generals for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion and for Justice and Consumers. During more than 30 years of EC activity, she has expounded at many EC summits, publishing many research monographs in collaboration with Alina Verashchagina and other experts. Nine of them were published in EC or EU journals or volumes. She has also offered consultancy and research for Italian local government, especially on the question of gender budgets. In 2000 she co-founded the website to which she contributes regularly.

Scientific results

In the volume based on her doctoral thesis, she offered the first historical reconstruction of the evolution of female employment and salary gender gaps in Italy from the industrial revolution to the 1980s. In this volume and theoretically, she contributed to debate on the factors influencing pay and earnings disparity between men and women and the sex-typing of jobs (occupational segregation), developing what has come to be called the low value added hypothesis.

In the early 1990s, she and Paola Villa developed a Mediterranean model of female participation in the work force and fertility, which drew the attention of scholars to the paradoxical pattern of low employment/low fertility in Mediterreanean countries in contrast with high employment/high fertility in northern countries. The idea created a ripple in the literature and is still topical. Later, in collaboration with experts, including Janneke Plantenga, Paola Villa and Annamaria Simonazzi, she developed a taxonomy of “care regimes” that continues to have a substantial following in the international literature, and in the specific case of elderly care helped introduce the so-called migrant in the family model.

Finally, stimulus received in EC circles was determinant for two lines of research that are proving fertile. The first rests on evidence that the pension disparity between men and women is still very high in Europe, and that in Italy it is even higher than labour earnings disparities. The second concerns links between violence against women, economic status of women and gender equality in general. An important result emerged in a recent collaboration with colleagues Gianni Betti and Elisa Ticci: a methodological innovation enabling measurement of degrees of violence made it possible to show that countries “more equal” from the gender viewpoint tend to have lower indices of domestic violence.

Editorial work and publications

Francesca Bettio is author or co-author of more than 70 publications, including articles, books and research monographs. Five are listed below.

(2018) Bettio F, Ticci E, Betti G. A fuzzy set approach to measuring violence against women and its severity. GLO Discussion Papers, 171.

(2017) Bettio F, Della Giusta M, Di Tommaso ML. Sex Work and Trafficking. Moving beyond Dichotomies. Feminist Economics, 23 (3).

(2013) Bettio F, Tinios P. The Gender Gap In Pensions. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.

(2013) Bettio F, Corsi M, D'Ippoliti C, Lyberaki A, Samek Lodovici M, Verashchagina A. The Impact of the Economic Crisis on the Situation of Women and Men and on Gender Equality Policies. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.

(2010) Bettio F, Kanti Nandi T. Evidence on Women Trafficked for Sexual Exploitation. A Rights-Based Approach. European Journal of Law and Economics, 29 (1).

(2009) Bettio F, Di Tommaso ML, Shima I, Strom S. As Bad as It Gets. Well-Being Deprivation of Sexually Exploited Trafficked Women. European Journal of Political Economy, 25 (2).

(2009) Bettio F, Verashchagina A. Gender Segregation in the Labour Market: Root Causes, Implications and Policy Responses in the EU. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.

(2006) Bettio F, Villa P,  Simonazzi A Change in Care Regimes and Female Migration. Journal of European Social Policy, 16 (3).

(2004) Bettio F, Plantenga J. Comparing Care Regimes in Europe. Feminist Economics, 10 (1).

(1998) Bettio F, Villa P. A Mediterranean Perspective on the Break-Down of the Relationship between Participation and Fertility. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 22 (2).

(1988) Bettio F. The Sexual Division of Labour, Clarendon Press, Oxford.




Francesca Biancani

International politics area

Competences: History, Institutions and Societies of the Modern and Contemporary Middle East, History of Middle East, History of the International Relations of the Middle East

Keywords: biopolitics, cosmopolitism, egypt, Empire, gender issues, modernity, Nation

Region: Emilia-Romagna


Researcher at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, Bologna University. 

Professional career

Francesca Biancani graduates in Oriental History at Bologna University in 2003. She then continues her studies at SOAS (School of Oriental Studies) in London where she obtains her MA in Near and Middle Eastern Studies in 2005. In 2012 she gets a PhD in Government at the London School of Economics and Political Studies. She starts teaching ME history and International Relations at Bologna University in 2010. In 2017 she is visiting post-doc researcher at IFAO  (Institut français d’archéologie orientale) and CEDEJ (Centre d'études et de documentation économiques, juridiques et sociales), Cairo, Egypt. From November 2018 she is Assistant Professor in the Department of Political and Social Sciences, Bologna University. 

Scientific results

Francesca Biancani is an expert on Middle Eastern modern and contemporary history, institutions and societies. Her main research focus so far is ME colonial history, with a special interest for colonial and semi-colonial Egypt (1882-1952) and the role bio-political concepts such gender, sex, and race played within the making of local governmentality and vernacular modernity/ies. Her main contribution to her field of expertise to date is her book “Sex Work in Colonial Egypt. Women, Modernity and the Global Economy” (IB Tauris 2018), a history of sex work regulation in colonial Cairo as a bio-political project serving a fundamental role, it is argued, in making sense of Egyptian modernity at the junction between imperial and nationalist politics. A further research line partly stemming from the previous one explores the link between gender, mobility and labour and looks at the role of female trans-Mediterranean migration in the making of the Egyptian cosmopolitan order from the last quarter of the 19thcentury until the first half of the 20thcentury. Francesca Biancani is currently working on a European Research Council (ERC) grant proposal submission about everyday cosmopolitanism, normative constructions and from below- practices of citizenship and nationality in interwar Egypt based on the systematic and innovative analysis of previously overlooked consular records. 

Other current topics of research: diachronic analysis of statecraft and sovereignty in the Middle East, politics of memory and nostalgia in the contemporary Middle East.  

Editorial work and publications

[2018] Biancani, F, Sex Work in Colonial Egypt. Women, Modernity and the Global Economy. IB Tauris: London. 

[2017] Biancani, F, and Hammad, H.  ‘Prostitution in Cairo’, in M. Rodriguez Garcia, L. Heerma van Voss, E. van Nederveen Meerkerk (eds),“Selling Sex in the City: a Global History of Prostitution, 1600a-2000s”. Leiden: Brill, 233-260.  

[2017] Biancani, F, Genere, mobilità e razza nelle migrazioni trans-mediterranee tra la fine del XIX e l’inizio del XX secolo: il caso delle Aleksandrinke in Egitto, in Afriche e Orienti, 2: 104-122. 

[2017] Biancani, F, Politiche della nostalgia, cosmopolitismo neoliberista e la nuova Bibliotheca Alexandrina, in Afriche e Orienti, 1: 17-34. 

[2015] Biancani, F, ‘International Migration and Sex Work in Early Twentieth Century Cairo’, in L. Kozma, A. Witznisher, C. Schayegh (eds.) A Global Middle East, Mobility, Materiality, and Culture in the Modern Age. London:I.B. Tauris, 109-133. 

[2015] Biancani, F, (2015) ‘Globalization, Gender, and Labour in Cosmopolitan Egypt, 1860-1937’, in M. Milharčič Hladnik (ed.) From Slovenia toEgypt: Aleksandrinke’s Trans-Mediterranean Domestic Workers’ Migration and National Imagination, Gottingen: V & R Unipress, 207-229.

[2013] Biancani, F, (2013) Egitto, la transizione impossibile, Afriche e Orienti, 1-2: 114-122.

Diana Bianchedi


Competences: Fencing, Gender Sports Medicine, Sport and Health, Sport and School, Sport and Youth, Sporting Well-Being, Sports Event Management, Sports Event Organization, Youth's Sports

Keywords: CONI (Comitato Olimpico Nazionale Italiano/Italian National Olympic Committee), dual career in sport, Olympic Games, Olympics, Sport and Education, sport performance, women in sport

Region: Lombardy

Professional career

Diana Bianchedi began her sporting activity with fencing as a child. In 1992 she participated in the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, giving Italy the first Olympic gold medal for a women's team. She repeated the success eight years later in Sydney 2000. Her palmares includes five gold medals at the World Championships, with the women's foil dream team, and numerous continental titles.
During her sports career, she graduated in Medicine and Surgery and specialised in Sports Medicine. At the end of her competitive career, she was elected Vice President of the Italian National Olympic Committee, the first woman ever.
Over the years, she is President of the Italian Athletes' Commission, holds various roles in the Commission for Vigilance and Health Protection, the Scientific Anti-Doping Commission, and the Anti-Doping Tribunal. For six years, he was a member of the Anti-Doping Council. For 15 years, he ran a rehabilitation centre for top athletes. She directed the candidature for the Olympic Games first for Rome 2024 and then for Milan Cortina 2026.
She is an adjunct university professor.  

Awards and prizes

1995, Gold Collar CONI Athletes

2000, Commendatore of the Italian Republic

2003, Bellisario Prize

2001, Golden Ambrogino of the City of Milan

2000, Honorary Citizenship City of Milan

1998, Gold Medal of Recognition Milan

Claudia Bianchi

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Feminist Philosophy, Philosophy, Philosophy of Language, Pragmatics

Keywords: discursive injustice, hate speech, implicit communication, propaganda, slurs, speech acts

Region: Lombardy


Full Professor of Philosophy of Language and President of the Council of the Degree Course in Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milano.

Board Member of the SWIP Italy (Society for Women in Philosophy).

Professional career

Claudia Bianchi holds a degree in Philosophy at the Università degli Studi of Milan and a PhD in Epistemology from CREA - École Polytechnique in Paris. She specialised at the Universities of Eastern Piedmont, Padua and Genoa. Since 2004 she has been teaching Philosophy of Language at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, and since 2015 she has been full professor of Philosophy of Language.

Scientific results

Her field of research is pragmatics - the study of the use of language in context - and its application to epistemology, ethics, political philosophy and gender studies. The aim of her investigation is the creation of communicative theories that can serve as a basis for political action and the promotion of social change. Claudia Bianchi focuses on hate speech, slurs, and pornography as a form of oppressive speech. 

Editorial work and publications

She has published four books and several scientific articles.

2021) Bianchi C., Hate speech. Il lato oscuro del linguaggio, Roma-Bari, Laterza.

(2020) Bianchi, C. “Discursive Injustice: The Role of Uptake”, Topoi, DOI: 10.1007/s11245-020-09699-x.

(2019) Bianchi, C. “Asymmetrical Conversations: Acts of Subordination and the Authority Problem”, Grazer Philosophische Studien, Vol. 96, pp. 401-418.

(2019) Cepollaro, B., Sulpizio S. and Bianchi, C. “How bad is to report a slur? An empirical investigation”, Journal of Pragmatics, 146, pp. 32-42.

(2014) Bianchi C. “How to Do Things with (Recorded) Words”, Philosophical Studies, 167, 2, pp. 485-495.

(2014) Bianchi C. “Slurs and appropriation: an echoic account”, Journal of Pragmatics 66, pp. 35-44.

(2013) Bianchi C. "Implicating", in M. Sbisà and K. Turner (eds.) Pragmatics of Speech ActionsHandbooks of Pragmatics (HoPs) Vol. 2, Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 83-118.

(2009) Bianchi C., Pragmatica cognitiva. I meccanismi della comunicazione, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 3a edizione 2020.

(2008) Bianchi C. "Indexicals, speech acts and pornography", Analysis, 68, 4, pp. 310-316.

(2006) Bianchi C. "‘Nobody loves me’: Quantification and Context", Philosophical Studies, 130, 2, pp. 377-397.

(2005) Bianchi C. e Vassallo N. (a cura di), Filosofia della comunicazione, Roma-Bari, Laterza, ISBN 88-420-7650-3, 3a edizione 2010

(2003) Bianchi C., Pragmatica del linguaggio, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 13a edizione 2020.

Awards and prizes

Over the years she has been a Board member of the SIFA (Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy) and of the SFL (Italian Society for Philosophy of Language). At present, she is a Board member of the Interfaculty centre for gender studies and of the SWIP Italy, and a member of the Scientific Board of the Center for Experimental and Applied Epistemology (CRESA).

Margherita Bianchi

International politics area

Competences: Climate, Energy, European Politics and Integration, European Union

Keywords: climate political, energy policy, euro-med relations, European Union policy, transatlantic relations

Region: Lazio


Jr Researcher, Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI)

Professional career

She holds a BA obtained cum laude in Political Science and International Relations from the Catholic University, Milan campus, concluded with an exchange in Paris in her last year. In the following three years she specialized in Rome and Brussels, completing two masters in EU studies and EU law. During her studies she engaged in some traineeship experiences, including United Nations (UN Environment), IAI, the European Parliament. At the Parliament she afterwards worked for about two years as a Junior Policy Advisor for an Italian MEP, dealing with the dossiers within the ENVI parliamentary committee (Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety) and the ITRE parliamentary committee (on Industry, Research and Energy), working in the Parliamentary Intergroup "for Long-term Investments and Reindustrialization" and in the EU-China and EU-US Delegations. In 2017 she works at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the task force of the Italian G7 Presidency, in charge of liaising with the Tunisian delegation. From February 2018 she works within the research team of the Italian think tank Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) on several projects, both financed by Italian and European institutions and by the private sector. She has lectured in various Italian universities, including the Catholic University (Milan), the Sant’Anna University in Pisa, the University of Trento, the University of Florence, the University of Perugia, the University of Cagliari.

Scientific results

Her main fields of research concern the dynamics of European integration, with a focus on energy and the environment; the changing geopolitical context related to the evolution of the energetic sector and the fight against climate change; the regional developments related to energy security, decarbonisation and access to energy resources. She is interested, studies and writes on issues concerning the Italian foreign policy and the European political dynamics, as well as on the relations between Member States and among institutions, and transatlantic relations. At IAI she has recently worked on a number of projects, including: the "Energy Union Watch", a quarterly report on the state of energy integration at European level; "Medreset", a project financed by the European H2020 fund, which analyses the north-south relation between the shores of the Mediterranean by rethinking the traditional approach and focusing on the local dimension. She is charge for IAI of the online platform "Europea, Parlano i fatti" thought to promote an informative debate on the European Union. Among her main activities, she moreover follows the strategic partnership IAI has with Eni, contributing with publications and training activities.  Her most recent research interests and publications concern: the decarbonisation process in Italy, the energy transition in India, the energetic and environmental aspects of Brexit.

Editorial work and publications

She has authored scientific publications and articles in both Italian and international journals and online magazines, including:


"Sicurezza e Giustizia"

Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI)

Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI)

Climate Diplomacy Platform - Adelphi

NATO Defense College

The International Spectator (Routledge)

Awards and prizes

In October 2018 she was chosen by the think tank of the European Commission (EPSC) for one week of debates on the future of Europe, with European Commissioners, senior officials, journalists, influential think tankers. She has participated as Italian representative alongside 27 young professionals from the other EU member countries. The debates ultimately ended up with a detailed list of priorities and policy recommendations for the next Commission (and Parliament).

In April 2019, under the auspices of the European Commission and of Vice-President Sefkovic, she was selected by the Greek Energy Forum as "future leader" of the Energy Union and has thus participated in a three-day discussion on the state of the art and future steps for a stronger energy integration in South Eastern Europe.

In 2019, representative for Italy in Y7, engagement group of the G7.

Cinzia Bianco

International politics area

Competences: Arabian Peninsula, Persian Gulf

Keywords: Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oil, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen

Region: ABROAD


Senior Analyst at Gulf State Analytics and Researcher at the University of Exeter.

Professional career

Cinzia Bianco is a PhD candidate in Middle East Politics at the University of Exeter in the United Kingdom, where she is working on a thesis on the evolution of threat perceptions in the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council after the 2011 Arab uprisings. She is also a Senior Analyst on the Arabian Peninsula at the geopolitical risk consultancy Gulf State Analytics, based in Washington D.C. Between 2013 and 2014, she was posted in the GCC region as a research fellow for the European Commission's project on EU-GCC relations 'Sharaka'. Between 2015 and 2017 she has been a Non-Resident Research Fellow at TRENDS Research & Advisory in Abu Dhabi.. She has published academic articles on the politics of security in the Arabian Peninsula in journals such as International Affairs and Middle East Policy, book chapters on relations between Europe and the Gulf, and analytical reports for think tanks located in Europe, the United States and the Gulf on domestic policies of the GCC countries. She has spoken at public events cross Europe and the Gulf, including at a Chaham House (London), l’Al Jazeera Forum (Doha), la Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique (Paris), il National Defence College (Abu Dhabi). Cinzia holds a Master of Arts in Middle East and Mediterranean Studies from King's College London.

Scientific results

In the early years, Cinzia’s research focused on relations between the European Union and the Gulf Cooperation Council, with specific reference to economic relations and join projects for socio-economic developments. However, ramifications on political relations were clearly prominent, and her research largely included them. As a research fellow for the European Commission’s project on EU-GCC relations “Sharaka”, her papers were strongly policy-oriented and were provided to the community of policy-makers within the European Union, to inform the establishment of future projects of cooperation with the Gulf Cooperation Council. Later, Cinzia’s research turned towards regional politics and security in the Arabian Peninsula and the Persian Gulf, no longer producing policy papers but instead writing analytical papers for stakeholders in both the private and public sector and academic papers to contribute to the debate on the contemporary policies of the monarchies.

Editorial work and publications

A selection of Cinzia’s publications include:


[2018] Bianco, C. and Roberts D. Britain and the Gulf: Ties that Bind?in External Powers in the Gulf, ed. by Fulton, J. and Li-Chen G., Routledge, August. 

[2018] Bianco, C., Gulf Security After 2011: A Threat Analysis, Middle East Policy, 25, 2, , 4 June, Paged 27-41,

[2018] Bianco, C. and Stansfield G., The intra-GCC crises: mapping GCC fragmentation after 2011,  International Affairs, 94, 3, 1 May, Pages 613–635,”

[2017] Bianco, C., “The Intra-GCC Crisis: Domestic, Regional and International Layers”, Istituto Affari Internazionali, June,

[2017] Bianco, C “Il prossimo Re dell’Arabia Saudita” in “Arabia (non solo) Saudita”, Limes 3/17, April, Roma.

[2016] Bianco, C. and Cafiero G. “Regional Turmoil Threatens Kuwait’s Calm”, Middle East Institute, Washington D.C, March,

[2015]Bianco, C., “The European Union in the Gulf.” in "The United Statesand the GulfShiftingPressures, Strategies and Alignments. ed. by Tim Niblock / Steven Hook. Berlin : GerlachPress, 2015. 

[2015] Bianco, C., “(Petro)pecunia non olet” in “La strategia della paura”, Limes 11/15, Dicembre, Roma 

[2015] Bianco, C. “L’Iran normale divide gli arabi del Golfo”, in “Le guerre islamiche”, Limes 9/15, Ottobre, Roma

[2015] Bianco, C. "Dallo Yemen al Golfo i sauditi attaccano perchè sono deboli" in “La radice quadrata del caos”, Limes 5/15, Giugno, Roma.

[2015] Bianco, C. "Qatar contro Emirati Arabi Uniti: una guerra per procura sui fronti caldi della Libia" in "Chi ha paura del Califfo?" Limes 3/2015, Marzo, Roma,

Awards and prizes

In 2014, she became one of the youngest women ever accepted as speakers at the Gulf Research Meeting (University of Cambridge). She represented Italy at the G8 & G20 Youth Summits in 2011 and 2012, in the Foreign Affairs and International Trade Commission respectively.

Magda Bianco

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Consumer Protection, Finance, Regulation

Keywords: ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolutions), finance, financial education, gender, governance, institutions, justice, protection

Region: Lazio


Head of the Customer Protection and Financial Education Department, Bank of Italy.

Professional career

After graduating in Economics and Commerce at the University of Bergamo in 1985, she continued her education with a master's and doctorate in Economics at the London School of Economics. In 1989 she joined the Research Department of the Bank of Italy, where she worked until 1999 in the Sectoral and Territorial Analysis Offices and then Flows and Financial Structures (which she has held since 1997); then, since 1999, in the new unit of Economic Law, which she has managed since 2007. Since 2014 she has been the Head of the Customer Protection and Anti-Money Laundering Service, created that year within the Banking Supervision. 

On March 1, 2020, she was appointed General Officer, and in this capacity from June 22, 2020, she assumed leadership of the new Client Protection and Financial Education Department.

During the course she taught at the University of Bergamo and Tor Vergata, she was a visiting fellow at Harvard University and Economic Councilor of the Minister of Justice.

Scientific results

The research activity has followed the professional path. In the early years it concerned issues of industrial economics, aimed at analyzing the Italian productive structure. A series of works, started with a joint research group Banca d’Italia - Consob - other researchers, was then dedicated to building original information and analyzing the governance of Italian companies and banks; some reform proposals have emerged. A third area concerned regulation and the role of institutions. The in-depth analyzes and analyzes in particular in the field of civil justice - carried out also with other researchers of the Bank of Italy - were the basis for identifying (and in some cases dealing with) different criticalities of the system. The coordination of an extensive research project on the role of women in the Italian economy (with over 20 contributions by researchers) provided original analysis on the situation in Italy, the causes and possible policy responses. Finally, recently, the analyzes and interventions concern the subjects covered by the institutional role: the protection of banking customers, financial education, anti-money laundering, and have resulted in an increasingly targeted supervisory activity.

Editorial work and publications

Her main publications are:

(2017) L’arbitro bancario finanziario a sette anni dalla nascita, in R. Lener, A. Pozzolo (a cura di) I metodi alternativi di risoluzione delle controversie (ADR), I quaderni di Minerva Bancaria, settembre 2017.

(2013) Bianco M, Lotti F, Zizza R. Le donne e l’economia italiana. Questioni di economia e finanza, Banca d’Italia, n. 171.

(2012) Bianco M, Napolitano G.The Italian administrative system. A source of competitive disadvantage, in (ed. G. Toniolo), Handbook of the Italian Economy since Unification, Oxford University Press.

(2012) Bianco M, Ciavarella A, Signoretti R, Women on boards in Italy. Rivista di politica economica, Apr/June 2012.

(2011) Bianco M, Golinelli R, Parigi G. Family firms’ investments, uncertainty and opacity. Small Business Economics.

(2010) Bianco M, Sestito P. I servizi pubblici locali. Liberalizzazioni, regolazione, sviluppo industriale, Il Mulino, Bologna.

(2007) Bianco M. La durata (eccessiva) dei procedimenti civili in Italia: offerta, domanda o rito? Rivista di politica economica, Sept/Oct 2007.

(2006) Bianco M, Bianchhi M. Italian corporate governance in the last 15 years: from pyramids to coalitions? ECGI WP n. 144.

(2006) Bianco M., Nicodano G. Pyramidal Groups and Debt. European Economic Review.

(2005) Bianco M, Bianchi M, Giacomelli S, Pacces A, Trento S. Proprietà e controllo delle imprese in Italia. Il Mulino, Bologna.

(2005) Bianco M, Pagano M, Jappelli T. Courts and Banks: Effects of Judicial Enforcement on Credit Markets. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.

(2003) Bianco M. L’industria italiana Il Mulino, Bologna.

Awards and prizes

Magda Bianco is a member of the Financial Consumer Protection Network (FinCoNet) and its Advisory Board, of the International Network for Financial Education of the OECD, of the Committee for the promotion and coordination of financial education activities. She is a consultant for the economic policies of the President of the Republic. He received the honor of Knight of the Order "To the Merit of the Italian Republic" and the Minerva Anna Maria Mammoliti Award to the economy in 2013. She is president of the Equal Opportunities Commission of the Bank of Italy.

Ginestra Bianconi

STEM area: Mathematics

Competences: Applied Mathematics, Statistical Mechanics

Keywords: applications to neural networks, cellular molecular networks, complex networks, complex systems, entropy, multilayer networks, network geometry, networks, non-equilibrium models, percolation, social networks

Region: ABROAD


Reader (Associate Professor) in Applied Mathematics and Head of the Complex Systems and Networks group at Queen Mary University of London, UK

Turing Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute, London UK

Professional career

In 1998 Ginestra Bianconi obtained a Laurea in Physics (equivalent to BSc and MSc) at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” and in 2002 she obtained a PhD in Physics at University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA. She has worked as Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Université de Fribourg, Fribourg, CH  (from 2002 to 2003) and at the International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy (from 2003 to 2009). In 2009 she was appointed Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics at Northeastern University, Boston, USA. In 2013 she joined the School of Mathematical Sciences at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), London, UK where since 2015 she is Reader in Applied Mathematics. In 2018 she has been appointed Alan Turing Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute and Head of the Complex Systems and Networks group at QMUL.

Scientific results

Ginestra Bianconi’s research focuses on Network Theory,Applied Mathematics and Statistical Mechanics applied to Complex Systems. Networks describe the rich underlying structure of Complex Systems and are formed by the set of elements of the system (nodes) and the interactions among them (links). The most prominent examples of complex networks include the brain and social networks.

Ginestra Bianconi’s research activity in Network Theory is motivated by the urgent need to develop theoretical approaches that address the challenges posed by the complexity of real networks using innovative approaches at the frontier between Applied Mathematics and Statistical Mechanics. Among her most relevant results we mention the Bianconi-Barabási model. This model explains how networks such as the Internet or the World-Wide-Web evolve by establishing a map between the network evolution and the Bose-Einstein condensation, a quantum phenomenon occurring in a gas of Bose particles. Another notable research line of Ginestra Bianconi is the formulation of an information theory of networks based on entropy of network ensembles that can be used to solve inference problems. Recently the research activity of Ginestra Bianconi has focused on multilayer networks that describe systems formed by several interacting networks and on network geometry. Additonally, Ginestra Bianconi has several interdisciplinary collaborations with scientists in neuroscience and informatics and with economists.

Editorial work and publications

Ginestra Bianconi is the editorial manager of several scientific journals including Nature Scientific Reports and Annals of Physics. She is also the author of more than 100 publications, including: 

(2018) Bianconi, G, Multilayer Networks: Structure and Function (Oxford University Press)

(2014) Bianconi G, Dorogovtsev SN. Multiple percolation transitions in a configuration model of a network of networks. Physical Review E, 89(6):062814. 
(2014) Menichetti G, Dall'Asta L, Bianconi G. Network controllability is determined by the density of low in-degree and out-degree nodes. Physical review letters, 113(7): 078701. 
(2014) Boccaletti S, Bianconi G, Criado R, Del Genio CI, Gómez-Gardenes J, Romance M, Sendina-Nadal I, Wang Z, Zanin M. The structure and dynamics of multilayer networks. Physics Reports, 544(1):1-122. 
(2013) Bianconi G. Statistical mechanics of multiplex networks: Entropy and overlap. Physical Review E, 87(6):062806. 
(2010) Stehlé J, Barrat A, Ginestra Bianconi G. Dynamical and bursty interactions in social networks. Physical review E, 81(3): 035101. 
(2009) Bianconi G, Pin P, Marsili M. Assessing the relevance of node features for network structure. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106(28):11433-11438. 
(2009) Kartik A, Bianconi G. Entropy measures for networks: Toward an information theory of complex topologies. Physical Review E, 80(4):045102. 
(2007) Bianconi G. The entropy of randomized network ensembles. Europhysics Letters, 81(2): 28005. 
(2001) Bianconi G, Barabási A-L. Competition and multiscaling in evolving networks. Europhysics Letter, 54(4):436. 
(2001) Bianconi G, Ginestra, Barabási A-L. Bose-Einstein condensation in complex networks. Physical review letters, 86(24):5632.

Awards and prizes

Ginestra Bianconi is member of the Network Science Society, the European Complex Systems Society, the London Mathematical Society, the European Physics Society and the European Women in Mathematics Society.

Elena Giovanna Bignami

STEM area: Biomedical sciences and biotechnology

Competences: Anesthesia, Intensive Care, Peri-operative Medicine

Keywords: anesthesia, cardio-protection, halogenated, intensive care, protective ventilation, renal protection

Region: Emilia-Romagna


Full Professor of Anesthesiology at the University of Parma and Director of the Complex Operative Unit at the University Hospital of Parma.

Professional career

Graduated in 2000 in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Milan, in 2004 she achieves the Specialization in Anesthesia and Intensive Care at the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University. In the same year she begins her career as a Medical Director at the Department of Anesthesia and Cardiosurgical Intensive Care at the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, becoming, in 2017, director UOC (Complex Operative Unit) at the Azienda Ospedaliera-Universitaria di Parma.

In addition to the clinical practice she does academic and research activity: she is a professor in the theoretical and practical course "Cardio-Protction" in 2007 and she begins the activity of correlator for the degree and specialization theses. Since 2011 she has been a contract professor at the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University for the School of Specialization Anesthesia and Intensive Care and Cardiac Surgery. In January 2014 she obtains the national scientific qualification, as second-level teacher and, in March 2017, the qualification for the first band. In December of the same year she becomes professor of Anesthesiology at the University of Parma.

Scientific results

Elena Bignami's research activity is mainly focused on Cardio-anesthesia, investigating the factors that can influence the outcome of the patient undergoing cardiac surgery, in particular renal, cardiac and respiratory protection. During her career, which has always supported clinical and academic activities, she participates in numerous international projects, including: The effect of isoflurane on myocardial infarction and mortality in cardiac and non-cardiac surgery. A metaanalysis of randomized controlled studies (2008), Role of endogenous Ouabaina as marker of renal damage in cardiac and vascular surgery (2015), CPBVent (Mechanical Ventilation during cardiac surgery) multicenter randomized controlled trial (2015), Expiratory flow limitation and mechanical ventilation during cardiopulmonary bypass in cardiac surgery (2016), Driving Pressure and EFL in Adult Cardiac Surgery (2017).

Editorial work and publications

Elena Bignami has contributed to the realization of the following anesthesia and intensive care therapy manuals:

Kirby, Taylor, Civetta (eds), Manual of Intensive Therapy, Italian edition edited by G. Torri, Delfino Editore, Rome, 2002; Church, Melissano, Zangrillo (eds), Thoraco-Abdominal Aorta Surgical and Anesthetic Management, Springer, 2010; De Gaudio, Romagnoli (eds), Neuromuscolar Blocking Agents, Springer, 2017.

She is the author of more than 150 scientific publications in national and international journals, including:

(2019) Bellini V, Petroni A, Palumbo G, Bignami E. DATA QUALITY AND BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY. Anaesth Crit Care Pain Med. 2019 Jan 8.

(2018) Bignami E, Saglietti F, Di Lullo A.Mechanical ventilation management during cardiothoracic surgery: an open challenge. Ann Transl Med. 2018 Oct;6(19):380

(2018) Bignami E, Bellini V.Do We Need Specific Certification to Use Anesthesia Information Management Systems? Anesth Analg. 2018 Oct 30.

(2016) Bignami E, Guarnieri M, Saglietti F, Belletti A, Trumello C, Giambuzzi I, Monaco F, Alfieri O. Mechanical ventilation during cardiopulmonary bypass. Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia, 30(6):1668-1675.

(2013) Bignami E, Casamassima N, Frati E, Lanzani C, Corno L, Alfieri O, Gottlieb S, Simonini M, Shah KB, Mizzi A, Messaggio E, Zangrillo A, Ferrandi M, Ferrari P, Bianchi G, Hamlyn JM, Manunta P. Preoperative endogenous ouabain predicts acute kidney injury in cardiac surgery patients. Critical care medicine, 41(3) 744.

(2010) Bignami E, Landoni G, Biondi-Zoccai, Boroli F, Messina M, Dedola E, Nobile L, Buratti L, Sheiban I, Zangrillo A. Epidural analgesia improves outcome in cardiac surgery: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia, 24(4): 586-597.

(2009) Bignami E, Biondi-Zoccai G, Landoni G , Fochi O, Testa V, Sheiban Im Giunta F, Zangrillo A. Volatile anesthetics reduce mortality in cardiac surgery. Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia, 23(5): 594-599.

Awards and prizes

In December 2017, she was honoured with the "Mimmo Mileto e Salvatore Filocamo" prize for research and scientific innovation. In 2015 she won as Principal Investigator the ESA Research Project Grant in 2016, with the project "VENTilation during Cardio Pulmonary Bypass (CPBVENT 2014) for cardiac surgery: a multicenter randomized controlled trial (N ° clinical trials NCT 02090205)".

The project "The effect of isoflurane on myocardial infarction and mortality in cardiac and non-cardiac surgery. A metanalysis of randomized controlled studies "of which she was Principal Investigator was the winner of the AIFA 2008 Notice for independent research on drugs.

In 2006, she won the prize "Lab Avant Garde How To Do A Research Today: FROM ANESTHESIA TO INTENSIVE THERAPY: WHAT TOMORROW?" with the project: "Effect of moderate hemodilution in Extra-Body Circulation on postoperative outcome in cardiac surgery patients".

Monica Billio

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Financial Macroeconometrics

Keywords: business cycle, economic cycle analysis, financial crisis, financial system stability, hedge funds, risk management, risk measurement, systemic risk, volatility modeling

Region: Veneto


Full professor of Econometrics and Head of the Department of Economics of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

Professional career

She holds a PhD in Applied Mathematics at the University Paris Dauphine. She held visiting research positions at Ecole Normale Supérieur de Cachan, University Paris Dauphine, University Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne, University of Orleans and Bank of France.

Scientific results

Prof. Billio has published more than 100 technical papers in refereed journals, handbooks, and conference proceedings in the areas of econometrics and financial econometrics, with applications to risk measurement, volatility modelling, financial crisis and systemic risk. She is participating to many research projects financed by the European Commission, Eurostat and the Italian Ministry of Research (MIUR). She has been scientific co-coordinator of the SYRTO project, EU-FP7 project devoted to systemic risk measurement ( and she is now local coordinator of two H2020-EE-CSA project on Energy Efficiency (EeMAP and EeDaPP,

Editorial work and publications


The results of these and other research projects have appeared in peer-refereed journals, including:

(2018 forthcoming) Billio M., R. Casarin, L. Rossini, Bayesian nonparametric sparse VAR models. Journal of Econometrics.

(2018 forthcoming) Bianchi D, Billio M, Casarin R e Guidolin M. Modeling Systemic Risk with Markov Switching Graphical SUR Models. Journal of Econometrics.

(2017) Billio M, Donadelli M, Paradiso A e Riedel M. Which Market Integration Measure? Journal of Banking and Finance, 76: 150–174.

(2016) Billio M, Pelizzon L e Savona R. Systemic Risk Tomography: Signals, Measurement and Transmission Channels. ISTE-Elsevier

(2016) Billio M, Casarin R, Ravazzolo F e van Dijk HK, Interconnections between Eurozone and US booms and busts using a Bayesian Panel Markov-Switching VAR model. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 31/7:1352-1370.

(2016) Ahelegbey DF, Billio M e Casarin R. Bayesian Graphical Models for Structural Vector Autoregressive Processes. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 31:357-386.

(2013) Merton RC, Billio M, Getmansky M, Gray D, Lo AW and Pelizzon L. On a New Approach for Analyzing and Managing Macrofinancial Risks. Financial Analysts Journal, 69/2:22-33.

(2013) Billio M, Casarin R,Ravazzolo F e van Dijk HK. Time-varying Combinations of Predictive Densities using Nonlinear Filtering. Journal of Econometrics, 177/2:213-232.

(2012) Billio M, Getmansky M, Lo AW e Pelizzon L. Econometric Measures of Connectedness and Systemic Risk in the Finance and Insurance Sectors. Journal of Financial Economics, 104:535-559.

Awards and prizes

Prof. Billio is regularly on the program committees of the major international conferences and workshops of her fields (ESEM, ICEEE, CFE, EFMA, EC2, CREDIT) and serves on the editorial board for the journal Computational Statistics and Data Analysis and Econometrics and Statistics. She is currently member of the Board of Directors of the European Financial Management Association (EFMA) and member of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Association Financial Industry Risk Managers (AIFIRM). Her joint paper with M. Getmansky, A.W. Lo and L. Pelizzon, Econometric Measures of Connectedness and Systemic Risk in the Finance and Insurance Sectors, Journal of Financial Economics, 104, 2012 (535-559) has been recognised as the “most influential article published in leading journals of the Elsevier’s Finance portfolio” for the period 2010-2015.

Federiga Bindi

International politics area

Competences: European Union, Foreign Policy, International Relations, Leadership in Sports, Transatlantic Relations, United States, Women Leadership

Keywords: European policy, external relations of European Union

Region: Lazio


Researcher at University Tor Vergata, Rome

Professional career

She holds the Jean Monnet Chair at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, where she also the founding director of the EU Center of Excellence. She is a nonresident scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and Director of the Foreign Policy Initiative at the Institute for Women Policy Research, both in Washington DC. 

She speaks 6 languages and she has been a visiting fellow in a number of institutions: Center for Transatlantic Relations of the SAIS John Hopkins University, the Brookings Institution, Sciences Po in Paris, the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, the University of Lisbon and the Université libre de Bruxelles. She served as acting director of international affairs and director of international training at the Italian National School of Administration, and director of the Italian Cultural Institute in Brussels.  

She also held a number of policy appointments in government, including serving as a fellow in the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee under Sen. John Kerry’s chairmanship. She advised four different Italian governments and several international organizations including the European Commission, the Council of Europe, UNIDO and OAS.

Editorial work and publications

[2019 forth.] Bindi F, Europe and America: The End of Transatlantic Relations?, Brookings Institution Press.

[2017] Bindi F, Cracks in the IR Glass: The Evolving Relationship Between International Relations & Gender Equality, Seaton Hall Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations, Spring/Summer 2017.

[2015] Bindi F, Italy: the country where men die, but bureaucracy remains in Zeff E, Pirro. E, The European Union and the Member States, 3rded., Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder.

[2015] Bindi F, Transatlantic Foreign Policy in the Obama Years in Bonanno L. (ed.) The Transatlantic Agenda: Public Administration and Policy Prospective, Routledge, NY, 2015.

[2012] Bindi F, Eliassen K, Analyzing European Union Politics, Il Mulino, Bologna.

[2011] Bindi F, Italy and the EU,Brookings Institution Press, DC, 2011.

[2011] Bindi F, One year on: Assessing the European Foreign Policy and the European External Service (EEAS), in Brown Journal of World Affairs.

[2011] Angelescu I, Bindi F, The Frontiers of Europe. A Transatlantic Problem? Brookings Institution Press, DC.

[2010] Angelescu I, Bindi F, The Foreign Policy of the EU: Assessing Europe’s Role in the World, Brookings Press..

[2009] Bindi F, Guzzetta G, Lo Stato dell’Unione: L’Europa di inizio millennio, Giappichelli, Torino, 2009.

[2005] Bindi F, Il Futuro dell’Europa, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2005.

Awards and prizes

Woman of Outstanding Leadership, The International Women’s Leadership Association, 2014.

Ten Most Influential Italians in Brussels by, 2013.

Named to the Spinelli Group by the Italian President of the Republic G. Napolitano, 2014.

Aspen Leadership Seminar Fellow, Aspen Institute, 2012.

Young Italian Leader, Council for the United States and Italy, 2006.

Jean Monnet Chair, 2004.

Encomium by the Italian President Carlo Azelio Ciampi for Ph.D. Thesis, 2004.

Selected for the International Leaders Visitors Program, US Department of State, 2003.

Finalist of the National University Prize “La Numero Uno”, Università Bocconi, 1991.