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Results: 97

Tindara Abbate

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Digital Transformation, Management, Management of Innovation, Marketing, Technological Innovation, Technology Transfer

Keywords: agrifood, digital platforms, innovation, small and medium-sized enterprises low-tech, startup, tourism and disability, women

Region: Sicily


Full Professor of Business Economics and Management and Delegate for Student Awards at the University of Messina. Contact person for the Innovation and Technology Marketing section of the Italian Marketing Society.

Professional career

Tindara Abbate is Full Professor of Business Economics and Management at the University of Messina (Italy). She has been involved in several research projects, as member and scientific coordination, and her research work has been accomplished in collaboration with different national and international research groups. Her research interests refer to innovation and technology transfer, open innovation and open innovation intermediaries; digital transformation, tourism and disability. She is the author of over 150 journal contributions (i.e. International Small Business Journal, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Business Process Management Journal, Current Issue in Tourism, International Journal of Tourism Research, International Journal of Digital Accounting Research, International Journal of Hospitality Management), conference publications and book chapters. She is author two books focused on Inbound Open Innovation and absorptive capacity in Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) and Market Orientation in the spin-off companies. At present, she is co-editor of Special Issue published on international journal (i.e., Sustainability). She is member of Italian Society of Management (SIMA) and Society of Marketing (SIM), as referent of University of Messina. 

Scientific results

Hes research activity is mainly focused on the topics of innovation in different sectors (agrifood, tourism) and business contexts, examining the complex transformations dictated by innovation processes (e.g. redefinition of the business model, acquisition and integration of skills and capabilities, exaptation processes, definition and implementation of innovative technologies). In these areas, various research projects include scientific responsibility for the project entitled 'GOFORIT - The experience before departure', ARS01_00865 - Area of specialisation 'Cultural Heritage'. National Operational Programme "Research and Innovation" 2014-2020 (PON "R&I" 2014 - 2020). The Project, admitted to funding under the Directorate Decree 13 July 2017 n. 1735, "Notice for the presentation of Industrial Research and Experimental Development projects in the 12 areas of specialisation identified by the PNR 2015 - 2020, has as its ultimate goal the creation of an innovative ICT service for the accessibility of cultural and tourist sites and infrastructures to people with disabilities.

Editorial work and publications

(2022) De Pascale, A.; Meleddu, M.; Abbate, T.; Pellicano, M., Is there a gender gap in the propensity to travel of people with disabilities? Journal of Travel Research,

(2022) Abbate T., Vecco M., Vermiglio C., Zarone V., Perano M. (2022), Blockchain and Art market: resistance or adoption? Consumption Markets & Culture,

(2021) Marozzo V., Meleddu M., Abbate T., Sustainability and authenticity: are they food risk relievers during the COVID-19 pandemic? British Food Journal, doi 10.1108/BFJ-05-2021-0495

(2021) Abbate T., Cesaroni F., Presenza A.. Knowledge transfer from universities to low- and medium-technology industries. Evidence from Italian winemakers. The Journal of Technology Transfer, Vol. 46, pp. 989-1016. ISSN: 0892-9912. DOI: 10.1007/s10961-020-09800-x

(2021) Perano M., Casali, G. Abbate T., Professional reviews as service: a mix method to assess the value of recommender systems in the entertainment industry. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, vol. 169, August 2021, 120800. ISSN: 0040-1625. DOI:10.1016/j.techfore.2021.120800

(2021) Abbate T., Codini M.P., Aquilani B., Vrontis D., From Knowledge Ecosystems to Capabilities Ecosystems: When Open Innovation Digital Platforms Lead to Value Co-creation. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, ISSN: 1868-7865. DOI 10.1007/s13132-021-00720-1

(2021) Marozzo V., Vargas Sanchez A., Abbate T., D’Amico A., La Rocca E.T., Perceptions and implications of Product Sustainability and Product Authenticity in the agri-food sector: the case of organic olive oil in Spain. Micro&Macro Marketing, vol. 30, n.1, pp. 113-140. ISSN: 1121-4228. DOI: 10.1431/100339

(2020) Presenza A., Abbate T., Meleddu M., Sheehan L. Start-up entrepreneurs’ personality traits. An exploratory analysis of the Italian tourism industry. Current Issue in Tourism, vol. 23, n. 7, pp. 2146-2164ISSN: 1368-3500. DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2019.1677572 

(2020) Aquilani B., Piccarozzi M., Abbate T., Codini M.P., The Role of Open Innovation and Value Co-creation in the Challenging Transition from Industry 4.0 to Society 5.0: Toward a Theoretical Framework. Sustainability, vol. 12, n. 21, 8943. ISSN: 2071-1050. DOI: 10.3390/su12218943

(2019) Mazzucchelli A., Chierici R., Fontana, S., Abbate T., Exploring the microfoundations of innovation capabilities. Evidence from a cross-border R&D partnership. Technological Forecasting & Social Changevol. 146, September 2019, pp. 242-252. ISSN: 0040-1625. DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2019.06.003

(2019) Abbate, T, Cesaroni F, Cinici, M. C., Villari, M., Business models for developing smart cities. A fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis of an IoT platform. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, vol. 142, pp. 183-193. ISSN: 0040-1625. DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2018.07.031

(2019) Abbate T., Codini M.P., Aquilani B., Knowledge co-creation in Open Innovation Digital Platforms: processes, tools and services. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, vol. 4, n. 7, pp. 1434-1447. ISSN: 0885-8624. DOI: 10.1108/JBIM-09-2018-0276

(2019)   Presenza A., Abbate T., Cesaroni F., Appio F.P., Enacting Social Crowdfunding Business Ecosystems: The case of the platform Meridonare. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, vol. 143, June 2019, pp. 190-201. ISSN: 0040-1625. DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2019.03.001

Simonetta Acri

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Corporate Finance, Export Credit, International Development Strategies, New Debt Instruments, Sales and Marketing Policies, Sales Network Organization and Management

Keywords: commercial development, corporate finance, credit insurance, export credit agency, indirect networks, international growth, large corporate, minibond, supplier credit, trade finance

Region: Lazio


Chief Sales Officer of Sace SPA; Board member Simest SPA; Board member Sace FCT SPA; Board Member Veneto Sviluppo SPA (regional financial institution) and Member of the Investment Committee of the same; Member of the Executive Council of the Master of the Catholic University of Milan CARINT Corporate Advisory and intercultural resources.

Professional career

Simonetta Acri has been with SACE since 2003, where she held various first-level roles, contributing to the development of new operational areas and giving a strong boost to the sales network. Previously she worked as Regional Head Structured Trade & Export Finance for the Corporates & Investment Bank Division of Deutsche Bank with responsibility for the Italian market and South Eastern Europe and was head of the Trade Finance unit of Morgan Grenfell. She currently holds the position of Chief Sales Officer of Sace, promoting the commercial development of the company towards the domestic market (from SMEs to Large Corporate) and towards the international market, through the Sace network of offices located abroad.

Scientific results

Proma Group minibond emission

De Cecco minibond emission

Interactive platform development (ExportPlus) for distribution of insurance products to SMEs
Acquisition of Ducati by TPG

Various bond emissions Borrower Emerging Markets

Editorial work and publications

In addition to various articles on emerging market trends published by Sole 24ore in the period 1997-99 in the insert "Imprese e Mercati", Simonetta Acri is the author, with Licastri E. of The experience of Sace in support of business financing, Monetary Observatory , number 3, year 2014.


Michela Addis

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Consumer Behaviour, Cultural Management, Marketing, Marketing Research

Keywords: brand management, business plan, competition, consumer experience, engagement, food design, technologies for culture, welfare

Region: Lazio


Full professor of Economics and Business Management - University of Roma Tre.

Professional career

Michela Addis graduated with honours in Economics and Business at University of Roma Tre in March 1997. She continued her studies at Bocconi University in Milan where in 2001 she obtained a Ph.D. in Business Administration & Management. In 2003 she became a tenured researcher in Economics and Business Management at Bocconi University. She has spent several periods abroad both during her PhD (Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration, 2000; Columbia Business School, 2000) and after it (Columbia Business School, 2004) to complete her studies and conduct her research projects.

In June 2006 she received the eligibility for associate Professor at Bocconi University and in November 2006 she became associate Professor of Economics and Business Management at University of Roma Tre (confirmed in 2009). Since June 2018 she is Full Professor of Economics and Business Management at University of Roma Tre (National Scientific Qualification obtained in December 2013).

Since 2021 he has been coordinator of the Research Infrastructure of the Center of Excellence of the Technological District for new technologies for cultural assets and activities of Lazio Region (DTC Lazio).

Scientific results

Michela Addis is an expert in experiential marketing, brand management, customer centricity and consumer behavior, topics that she addresses with particular attention to innovation.

Regarding industries, her research focuses in particular on the enhancement of cultural heritage and on the management of artistic and cultural organizations, as well as on highly competitive industries.

Michela Addis's research activity addresses two major topics. The first one refers to the understanding of the cognitive and emotional drivers of consumer preferences. Thus, she aims to design effective marketing strategies and policies. This area includes research on individual fantastical thinking, co-creation, customer centricity, food design thinking, customer experience and customer journey map, individual and collective well-being, brand strategies, customer engagement. The second topic refers to the management of cultural heritage value. In this regard, her research aims to identify new opportunities for enhancing cultural heritage. By applying knowledge developed for competitive businesses, she aims at exploiting product, process, and business model innovation. These studies include investigation of cinematic, theatrical, and museum consumptions, as well as the analysis and design of available resources available to artistic and cultural organizations, including technological ones.

Editorial work and publications

Since 2021 Michela Addis is Associate Editor in Strategic Marketing for the International Journal of Arts Management.

Here below, a selection of her publications:

[2022] Addis M, Batat W, Atakan S S, Austin C G, Manika D, Peter P C, Peterson L, Systemic Ethical Food Experience Design to Prevent Unintended Consequences, Journal of Service Research, 25(1): 143-159.

[2021] Addis M, Batat W, Designing food experiences for well-being: A framework advancing design thinking research from a customer experience perspective, European Journal of Marketing, 55(9): 2392-2413.

[2020] Addis M. Engaging Brands, Taylor & Francis – Routledge, London.

[2020] Addis M, Rurale A (eds.), Managing the Cultural Business: Avoiding Mistakes, Finding Success, Taylor & Francis – Routledge, London (Ital. Transl. 2021, Il valore della cultura: 22 esperti per nuove strategie, Skira, Milano).

[2020] Addis M, Miniero G, Ricotta F, Value Co-Production Made Easy: The Role of Fantastical Thinking, European Journal of Marketing, 55(1): 163-192.

[2018] Addis M, Holbrook M B, Is Movie Success a Judgment Device? When More Is Not Better, Psychology & Marketing, 35(12): 1-10.

[2015] Gupta S, Addis M, Page R, Eataly: Reimagining the Grocery Store, Harvard Business Publishing, Multimedia Case, Nr. 515708-HTM-ENG.

[2008] Holbrook M B, Addis M, Art versus Commerce in the Movie Industry: A Two-Path Model of Motion-Picture SuccessJournal of Cultural Economics, 32(2): 87-107.

[2007] Holbrook M B, Addis M, Taste versus The Market: An Extension of Research on The Consumption of Popular Culture, Journal of Consumer Research, 34: 415-424.

[2007] Addis M. (Ed.) Ad uso e consumo. Il marketing esperienziale per il manager, Milano, Financial Times Prentice-Hall.

[2007] Addis M, Le pratiche commerciali sleali e le risorse di fiducia delle imprese: aspetti positivi e questioni irrisolte, in Minervini E, Rossi Carleo L (Eds.), Le pratiche commerciali sleali. Direttiva comunitaria ed ordinamento italiano. Quaderni di Giurisprudenza, Milano, Giuffrè Editore: 57-74.

[2005] Addis M. L’esperienza di consumo. Analisi e prospettive di marketing, Milano, Pearson Education.

Awards and prizes

Her co-authored paper with M. B. Holbrook entitled “Art versus Commerce in the Movie Industry: A Two-Path Model of Motion-Picture Success” won the Werner Pommerehne Prize for best Journal of Cultural Economics paper for 2008-2009.

Stefania Albanesi

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Fiscal Policy, Gender Economy, Inequality, Labour Economics, Macroeconomics, Monetary Policy

Keywords: consumer credit, income tax, inflation

Region: ABROAD


Full Professor of Economics at the University of Pittsburgh

Professional career

After graduating in Political Economics at the Bocconi University in 1996, she continued her training with a Ph.D. in Economics from Northwestern University (USA) completed in 2001. From 2001 to 2011 she was assistant professor at Bocconi University, at Duke University (USA) and assistant and associate professor at Columbia University in New York. In 2009 she was a National Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. From 2012 to 2016 she was Senior Economist and Research Officer at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Since 2016, she has been a full professor of economics at the University of Pittsburgh. She has been a visiting professor at numerous universities including New York University, the University of Pennsylvania and Princeton University.

Scientific results

Stefania Albanesi's research activity takes place in the field of macroeconomics, with particular attention to inequality, its causes and the redistributive consequences of various economic policies. In this context, she studied the political determinants of inflation, regulatory aspects of taxation of labor and capital income, and the historical evolution of gender disparities in the labor market. Currently, her research focuses on various aspects of the economic crisis of the late 2000s. A line of analysis concerns the dynamics of consumer credit, and in particular the mortgage market, in the years preceding the financial crisis of 2007-2009, and during its resolution. A second vein studies the role of variation in female participation and technological changes such as automation in the different economic performance of the United States and of various European nations, with particular attention to employment dynamics and occupational polarization.

Editorial work and publications

She is the author of numerous publications, including:

(2017) Albanesi S, De Giorgi G, Nosal J. Credit Growth and the Financial Crisis: A New Narrative, National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper 23740.

(2017) ) Albanesi S, Sahin A. The Gender Unemployment Gap. National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper 23743.

(2016) Albanesi S,Olivetti C.Gender Roles and Medical Progress. The Journal of Political Economy.

(2015) Albanesi S,Olivetti C, Prados M.Gender and Dynamic Agency: Theory and Evidence on theResearch in Labor Economics.

(2014) Albanesi S, Nosal J.  Insolvency after the 2005 Bankruptcy Reform.  Centre for Economic Policy Research, Discussion Paper 10533.

(2014) Albanesi S,Olivetti C. Maternal Health and the Baby Boom. Quantitative Economics.

(2012) Albanesi S, Roc A. Intertemporal Distortions in the Second Best,The Review of Economic Studies.

(2009) Albanesi S,Olivetti C. Home Production, Market Production and the Gender Wage Gap: Incentives and Expectations, Review of Economic Dynamics.

(2008) Albanesi S. Redistribution and Optimal Monetary Policy: Results and Open Questions.Rivista di Politica Economica.

(2008) Albanesi S. Social Insurance. The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and Law (2nd ed.). London: Palgrave MacMillan Limited.

(2007) Albanesi S.  Inflation and Inequality. Journal of Monetary Economics.

(2006) Albanesi S,Sleet C. Dynamic Optimal Taxation with Private Information.The Review of Economic Studies.

(2003) Albanesi S. Chari VV, Christiano L. Expectation Traps and Monetary Policy.The Review of Economic Studies.

(2002)  Albanesi S. Chari VV, Christiano L. How Severe is the Time Inconsistency Problem in Monetary Policy,Advances in Economic Theory and Econometrics.

Awards and prizes

Stefania Albanesi is NBER Research Associate, CEPR Research Fellow, and non-resident fellow of Carlo F. Dondena Center for Research on Social Dynamics and Public Policy at Bocconi University. Furthermore, she is a network member of the Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Working Group at the Becker-Friedman Institute of the University of Chicago. She was invited to hold keynote lectures at various conferences, including the 17th IWH-CIREQ-GW Macroeconometric Workshop on Inequality, Micro Data and Macroeconomics in 2016 and the Women and Macroeconomics and Finance Workshop in 2017. Stefania Albanesi is also associate editor of several academic journals, including the Journal of Economic Theory and the Review of Economic Dynamics. She also received research funding from the National Science Foundation for her work on female employment and capital taxation.


Alessandra Bacà

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Fintech, Payments, Public Finance

Keywords: e-government, payment system and instruments

Region: Lazio


Fintech market analyst and policy maker at Bank of Italy.

Professional career

After graduating in Economics, Statistics and Social Sciences at Bocconi University, she developed her professional experience in the field of Financial Services in the international arena. In September 2016, she joined the Bank of Italy, where she is in charge of supporting the Italian fintech market through Bank of Italy’s new policy instruments, the so-called “Innovation Facilitators” (Fintech Channel, Milano Hub, Regulatory Sandbox). Previously, she worked as a business consultant both in Italy and abroad at Accenture, by supporting leading banks and insurance companies in streamlining processes, projects and change management. Subsequently, she dealt with corporate organization for credit and risk management at Intesa Sanpaolo; she supported the start-up of Banca del Mezzogiorno and the development of e-government within the Poste Italiane group; she carried out marketing activities on Banco Posta's financial products and payment systems.

In addition to this, she passionately cultivates her humanistic side, through the involvement in various cultural associations and the creation of the Facebook group "Culture sharing" for the development of a "culture of culture" in Rome.

Scientific results

The research activity of Alessandra Bacà has so far been carried out on issues relating to the development of the country and its institutional structure, through the publication of two works with two Roman Think Tanks (Trinità dei Monti, Forma) in order to analyze Italy’s growth perspectives in the next twenty years, and to examine the public finance implications of specific institutional reforms in Italy.

Editorial work and publications

[2018] di Valerio Polidori, Bruno Detti, Paolo Naggar, Andrea Negrini, Alessandra Bacà,    Giulio Bacosi, Luca Benegiamo, An innovative approach to institutional reforms.

[2017] Pierluigi Testa, Alessandra Bacà, Alessandro Bracci, Claudia Curci, Pierangelo Sardi, Roberto Venturini, L’Italia tra vent’anni.


Awards and prizes

Golden medal for graduating with honors in Economics, Statistics and Social Sciences at Bocconi University in 2005.

Oriana Bandiera

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Contracts, Economic Development, Labour Economics, Organizations

Keywords: governments, incentives, institutions, poverty, social connections

Region: ABROAD


Chair Sir Anthony Atkinson at the London School of Economics and Political Sciences, UK.

Professional career

After graduating in Economics at the Bocconi University in Milan, respectively in 1993 and 1994, she completed her education through a PhD in Economics at Boston College (USA), in 2000. From 1999 to 2007 she was lecturer in Economics at London School of Economics (UK) and reader in Economics until 2010 in the same. From 2010 to 2017 she was Professor of Economics and from 2017 she has been Sir Anthony Atkinson chair in Economics at the London School of Economics. She has been visiting assistant professor at the University of Chicago (2003), New York University (2004), Institute for International Economic Studies in Stockholm (2004 and 2006), Bocconi University (2005), Yale University (2005) and Northwestern University (2007) Currently she is also Director of the Suntory and Toyota International Centers for Economics and Related Disciplines (London), Co-Director of the State Capabilities Program at the International Growth Center (London) and of the Development Research Program at the Center for Economic Policy Research (London).

Scientific results

Oriana Bandiera has concentrated its research on the analysis of organizations and labor markets in different contexts, especially in poor and developing countries. In particular, she studied the role of economic incentives and material remuneration, and not, within public and private organizations. In this way, she highlighted the importance of adequate motivation in the selection process of public employees and in the performance of their duties. Similar themes have been applied to the industrial sector, and in particular to the introduction of social incentives in companies and in the workplace, and to the conduct of managers. One of the most recent projects in this field concerns the formation of "altruistic capital", or accumulable social motivation, but also exhaustive, through the fulfillment, or lack, of altruistic acts, that is directed to the good functioning of the community. In the field of labor markets, research on the importance of transferring skills and durable goods to women generally employed in low-return activities, aimed at an efficient allocation of time in work, and a definitive exit is particularly relevant. from poverty. Other topics of study are female affirmation, the importance of social connections and the role of governments in economic development. Her research is largely carried out through the use of empirical methods applied in the field, such as randomized controlled trials.

Editorial work and publications

Oriana Bandiera is co-editor of the Journal of Labor Economics and Economics. She is a member of the European Economic Association and the Royal Economic Society. In addition, she is on the editorial board of the Journal of Economic Literature, Journal of Development Economics, Economic Journal, Economics and Journal of the European Economic Association.
She is the author of numerous publications, including:

(2017) Ashraf N, Bandiera O. Altruistic Capital. American Economic Review, vol. 107(5): 70-75.

(2016) Bandiera O, Burgess R, Das N, Gulesci S, Rasul I, Sulaiman M. Labor Markets and Poverty in Village Economies.Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 132(2): 811-870.

(2015) Bandiera O, Guiso L, Prat A, Sadun R. Matching Firms, Managers and Incentives. Discussion Paper 7207 Journal of Labour Economics, vol. 33(3): 623-681.

(2014) Ashraf N, Bandiera O, Jack K. No Margin, no mission? A field experiment for public service delivery. Journal of Public Economics, vol. 120(C): 1-17.

(2013) Bandiera O, Barankay I, Rasul I. Team Incentives: Evidence from a Field Experiment. Journal of the European Economic Association, vol. 11(5): 1079-1114.

(2011) Bandiera O, Levy G. Diversity and the power of the elites in democratic societies: Evidence from Indonesia. Journal of Public Economics, vol. 95(11): 1322-1330.

(2010) Bandiera O, Barankay I, Rasul I.Social Incentives in the Workplace. Review of Economic Studies, vol. 77(2): 417-458.

(2009) Bandiera O, Prat A, Valletti T. Active and Passive Waste in Government Spending: Evidence from a Policy Experiment. American Economic Review, vol. 99(4): 1278-1308.

(2009) Bandiera O, Barankay I, Rasul I. Social Connections and Incentives in the Workplace: Evidence from Personnel Data. Econometrics, vol. 77(4): 1047-1094.

(2008) Bandiera O, Barankay I, Rasul I. Social capital in the workplace: Evidence on its formation and consequences. Labour Economics, vol. 15(4): 724-748.

(2007) Bandiera O, Branka, I, Rasul I. Incentives for Managers and Inequality Among Worker: Evidence from a Firm Level Experiment. Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 122(2):729-775.

(2006) Bandiera O, Rasul I. Social Networks and the Adoption of New Technology in Northern Mozambique.Economic Journal, vol. 116(514): 862-902.

(2005)  Bandiera O, Barankay I, Rasul I. Social Preferences and the Response to Incentives: Evidence from Personnel Data. Quarterly Journal of Economics.vol. 120(3): 917-962.

(2003) Bandiera O. Private States and the Enforcement of Property Rights: Theory and Evidence on the origins of the Sicilian mafia. Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, vol. 19(1): 218-244.

Awards and prizes

She is a fellow of the British Academy, Econometric Society, Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), Bureau for the Analysis of Economic Development (BREAD), Institute of Labor Economics (IZA), Center for Ecomic Studies (CESIfo), Innovation for Poverty Action ( IPA). JPAL Europe and European Development Research Network (EUDN). She was the winner of numerous awards, including the Carlo Alberto medal, awarded every two years to an Italian citizen under the age of 40 for research in economics.

Flavia Barca

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Cultural Economics, Media Economics

Keywords: cultural heritage

Region: Lazio


President of Acume - www.acume.netand Member of the Italian Film and Audiovisual Council at Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities in Italy (Mibac), the independent consultative body to the Italian Minister of Culture.

Professional career

Flavia Barca is an expert in cultural policies, cultural economics, and media economics. 

She served as Deputy Mayor for Culture in the Rome City Council, and has collaborated as an expert for the UNESCO Institute of Statistics and many Italian and international institutions, as well as serving as a consultant and trainer for universities and public and private bodies. She taught Media and ICT Economics at the Media Studies Faculty of Rome University “La Sapienza”and at Teramo University. 

She has conducted extensive research for both public and commercial broadcasters, as well as authoring various audiovisual production projects. She worked as Director at IEM (the Fondazione Rosselli Institute of Media Economics) and managed a large number of research projects in various sectors of the Communications and Creative Industries. Her main areas of work include: culture, development and regional smart-specialization strategies; the economics of media groups and markets; the impact of the media and communications industry on the social and economic fabric of the country; the concept of public service and its reshaping in a new digital habitat; public investments and policies in sustaining culture and creative industries.

She graduated in Liberal Arts at Roma Tre University and received an MA in Communication Policy Studies from City University, London. 

Scientific results

She is specialised in desk and field analysis of cultural and creative SMEs. Among other projects, she conducted the first broad study about the Local TV Sector, the Videogame Sector and the TV Production Sector in Italy, combining theoretical and empirical approaches. She also carried out the first analytic study in Italy on public investments and European funds (2007-2013) in the cultural and creative industries.

More recently, she has concentrated her research on three main themes: promoting projects and research in cultural heritage and territorial development; monitoring and evaluating cultural planning and public policies; promoting gender equality.

Editorial work and publications

Her latest publications include: L’impresa culturale attrattiva e generativa di valore nel Mezzogiorno, in Territori della cultura, n.34, anno 2018, p. 92-97; Le diseguaglianze di genere nella società dello spettacolo in Economia della Cultura, 1-2/2018, pp. 163-172, Il Mulino; L’Anno Europeo del Patrimonio Culturale (The European Year of Cultural Heritage) in Digicult, Scientific Journal on Digital Cultures, vol. 2 n. 3, 2017;Public Service Media and the Common Good in Digicult, Scientific Journal on Digital Cultures, Special Issue, vol. 1 n. 1, 2016;The Television Production Sector in Italy and the Challenges of Globalization in Albarran, Faustino and Santos, “The Media as a Driver of Information Society” (MediaXXI Collection, FormalPress Group, Lisbon, 2009).

Awards and prizes

She is  Member of the Scientific Committee of JOCIS - Journal of Creative Industries and Cultural Studies:, Member of the Scientific Committee of, Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Economia della, Member of the David di Donatello Academy and Jury.


Francesca Iaia Bertinotti

Economy and Finance area

Competences: B2B for Human Resources, General Management of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Management of Large Private Customers KAM and PA, Sales and Marketing Policies

Keywords: edTech, education, e-learning, ESG (Environment, Social, Governance), fintech, international sport events, leadership, services digitalisation, startup, sustainability, welfare and benefits for employees and citizens

Region: Lombardy


Executive in multinational companies and large international groups, also listed on the stock exchange. General Manager in SMEs. Board Member.

Professional career

He graduated with honours and joined the Ferpi Federation (public relations professionals) while working in PR and Marketing at a Danish design company (later IKEA), in Communications for the publisher Monti, in Direct Marketing and market research by founding MyMarketing. He worked in fund raising (Fondazione Cariplo, European Community Leonardo project) then at Fatebenefratelli Hospital where he collaborated on the first Quality in Hospitals project in Italy and on the foundation of the University of Volunteering then Università Cattolica. He obtained various specialisations and master's degrees in Marketing, Human Resources & Quality, Business Lobbying in the USA, and learnt to sit on the Board of Directors at London Stock Exchange. From 1997 for 13 years he worked in the international Swedish group EF Education working in China, USA and Sweden, in the roles of Marketing, product manager, international business development, most recently as Country Manager Corporate Italy, bringing e-learning to Italy. Major projects include the training of 15,000 language teachers under the patronage of the Ministry, of 10,000 police officers and the creation of the 'executive blended training' concept for companies, universities and public administrations, as well as an indirect sales network of 5,000 employees. Part of the international executive team, he collaborated on EF's major sporting events (round-the-world sailing with Paul Cayard and the Beijing Olympics in 2008). Since 2008, she has initiated the 'Women vs. Men' golf project and was VPresident of a sports club for several years. Since 2010 at Edenred, a FinTech listed on the Paris Stock Exchange and world leader in transactional solutions for companies, employees and merchants, she has been in charge of Smart Solutions projects, digitalisation and market development in the areas of Employee Benefits, Fleet and Mobility Solutions, corporate payments/incentives and rewards/ welfare and public social programmes. In 2014 he became Business Director of the Trentino company eLunch and joined the Valore D group 'InTheBoardroom', then the Board of eLunch srl Trento. Since 2016 he has been responsible in Edenred for the areas: Large Customers, Indirect Networks, Smart Cards and Welfare Projects, with projects dedicated to hundreds of thousands of employees and beneficiaries. In December 2017 she obtained the EMBA Executive Master in Business Administration at SDA Bocconi (international class leader) with specialisation in strategy & execution, digital competition, customers value, international megatrends and was nominated Woman in Finance EU 'disruptive' category. She has founded 3 start-ups, the latest with a social matrix. From 2018-2020 Advisory Board in Allegroitalia Hotels and Condo (Sustainability and Strategy). From 2020 to 2023 Director of Sales, Mkg and Strategy at Skilla, leading EdTech and international award-winning company for elearning, digital education, augmented reality. Applied AI, metaverse prototypes. From2021 Assonime Board Induction course, joins NedCommunity, The Effective Board (TEB5) course and specialisation Climate Change and effects on Boards. In2023 becomes Board Member of the Manpower Foundation, General Manager of Lifeed, an EdTech company with a platform and consultancy specialising in Sustainability and People Caring in companies and PAs, and moves from Operations Director to Board Member of Skilla.

Scientific results

Francesca Iaia Bertinotti is one of the key figures in Italy who has also worked extensively in international contexts in multichannel education, smart solutions and digitisation of complex services for businesses, universities and citizens. He has addressed in several corporate experiences the main topics of new business, the creation of structured sales teams and in the change management of B2B services helping companies to optimise operations and make savings. He has capitalised on extensive international experience in executive training by learning and borrowing international models such as those in the USA and China. He first learnt all the issues related to web platform solutions, digitalisation, vouchering, multi application cards, smart payment systems that he also implemented in large public welfare projects such as Dote Scuola Lombardia dedicated to thousands of citizens, or in the transformation of the ticket restaurant (in the hands of 2 million Italians) from paper to electronic and then apps in the fintech field.

She has delved into the technicalities of start-ups in the tourism and social spheres ( ), merging, development from start-up to scale-up, and has transferred her managerial experience and skills to the management of sports realities, female mentoring (GenerAzioni) and found raising. In recent years, she has specialised in EdTech, AI, RV, AR. 

Graziella Bertocchi

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Macroeconomics, Political Economy

Keywords: coronavirus, Covid-19: impact on ethnic minorities, Covid-19: impact on women, Covid-19: socio-economics impact, demographics, family, gender, inheritance, institutions, migrants, political power, slavery

Region: Emilia-Romagna


Full professor of political economy and director of RECent, a research center of the Marco Biagi Department of Economics at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

Professional career

After an undergraduate degree in Economics at the University of Modena in 1980, she obtained a Ph.D. in Economics at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia (USA). Between 1987 and 1993 she was an assistant professor at Brown University in Providence (USA). In 1993 she became an associate, and in 2000 a full professor, in Modena. She has been a visiting professor at several institutions including the University of Oslo, European University Institute, Royal Holloway-University of London, New York University, IGIER-Bocconi and Université Catholique de Louvain. She has coordinated the Group of Evaluation Experts for the Economics and Statistics Area within the 2011-2014 Italian National Research Evaluation run by ANVUR.

Scientific results

Graziella Bertocchi’s research belongs to the fields of political economy and macroeconomics, with a focus on the interactions between economic development and institutions in a historical perspective. In particular, she has studied the determinants and consequences of the empowerment of social groups such as women, youths, ethnic minorities, and migrants. For instance, in a recent paper she has coded the citinzenship laws applied across countries and analyzed their evolution in the face of migration flows, taking into account other factors such as the legal tradition, the level of democracy, the demographic equilibrium, the structure of the welfare state, and geo-political stability. She has also contributed to the analysis of wealth inequality and its link with inheritance systems and taxation showing that, historically, primogeniture favored wealth concentration and that the current decline in inheritance taxation can be explained by a relative decrease in inequality. In another complementary research line she has focused on family structure and the determinants of gender gaps, in terms of education, financial decisions, and sexual behavior. In particular, she has shown how in Africa the spread of polygyny is associated, especially for women, with marital infidelity and vulnerability to HIV contagion. 

Editorial work and publications

Graziella Bertocchi has authored many publications, including the following:

(2015) Bertocchi G, Gambardella A, Jappelli T, Nappi C, Peracchi F. Bibliometric Evaluation vs. Informed Peer Review: Evidence from Italy. Research Policy, 44:451-466.

(2015) Bertocchi G, Dimico A. Slavery, Education, and Inequality. European Economic Review, 70:197-209.

(2014) Bertocchi G, Brunetti M, Torricelli C. Who Holds the Purse Strings within the Household? The Determinants of Intra-family Decision Making. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 101:65-86.

(2006) Bertocchi G. The Law of Primogeniture and the Transition from Landed Aristocracy to Industrial Democracy. Journal of Economic Growth, 11:41-68.

(2002) Bertocchi G, Canova F. Did Colonization Matter for Growth? An Empirical Exploration into the Historical Causes of Africa's Underdevelopment. European Economic Review, 46:1851-1871.

Awards and prizes

Graziella Bertocchi is a fellow of Academia Europaea, Centre for Economic Policy Research, Institute for the Study of Labor, Centre for Household, Income, Labour and Demographic Economics, Dondena Gender Initiative, and Global Labor Organization. She is a member of the Standing Committee on Women in Economics of the European Economic Association. She was invited to deliver the Julian Simon Lecture at the 12th IZA Annual Migration Meeting in Dakar in 2015 and the Keynote Lecture at the 29th Meeting of the German-Israeli Foundation on Understanding Contemporary Migration in Jerusalem in 2008. 













Cristina Bettinelli

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Business Bodel Innovation, Entrepreneurial, Management

Keywords: business models, corporate governance, family business, family firms, internationalization

Region: Lombardy


Associate Professor in Management at the University of Bergamo, Coordinator of the Master Program in Management, Marketing & Finance, Member of the Commission for Technological Transfer at the same univeristy

Professional career

After her Master in Business, she obtained her PhD in Marketing. She was a special student at the University of Harvard and a visiting professor at the University of Grenoble (France) and Linz (Austria). 

Scientific results

Her main research areas concern the competitiveness of family businesses and small and medium-sized enterprises. She studies entrepreneurship and business model innovation.

Editorial work and publications

(2022) Andreini, D., Bettinelli, C., Foss, N. J., & Mismetti, M. (2021). Business model innovation: a review of the process-based literature. Journal of Management and Governance, (in press)

(2022) Cefis, E., Bettinelli, C., Coad, A., & Marsili, O. Understanding firm exit: a systematic literature review. Small Business Economics, (in press)

(2022) Bettinelli, C., Mismetti, M., De Massis, A., & Del Bosco, B. A review of conflict and cohesion in social relationships in family firms. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, (in press)

(2021) Bergamaschi, M., Bettinelli, C., Lissana, E., & Picone, P. M. Past, ongoing, and future debate on the interplay between internationalization and digitalization. Journal of Management and Governance25(4), 983-1032.

(2020) Del Bosco, B., & Bettinelli, C. How do family SMEs control their investments abroad? The role of distance and family control. Management International Review60(1), 1-35.

(2019) Bettinelli, C., Del Bosco, B., & Giachino, C. Women on boards in family firms: What we know and what we need to know. In The Palgrave handbook of heterogeneity among family firms (pp. 201-228). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

(2017) Bettinelli, C., Sciascia, S., Randerson, K., & Fayolle, A. Researching entrepreneurship in family firms. Journal of Small Business Management55(4), 506-529.

(2016) Baronchelli, G., Bettinelli, C., Del Bosco, B., & Loane, S. The impact of family involvement on the investments of Italian small-medium enterprises in psychically distant countries. International Business Review25(4), 960-970.

(2015) Randerson, K., Bettinelli, C., Fayolle, A., & Anderson, A.  Family entrepreneurship as a field of research: Exploring its contours and contents. Journal of Family Business Strategy6(3), 143-154.

(2015) Cucculelli, M., & Bettinelli, C. Business models, intangibles and firm performance: evidence on corporate entrepreneurship from Italian manufacturing SMEs. Small Business Economics45(2), 329-350.

(2014) Bettinelli, C., Fayolle, A., & Randerson, K. (2014). Family entrepreneurship: a developing field. Foundations and Trends® in Entrepreneurship10(3), 161-236.

(2011) Bettinelli, C. Boards of directors in family firms: An exploratory study of structure and group process. Family Business Review24(2), 151-169.

Awards and prizes

Cristina Bettinelli has received numerous prizes and awards:

in June 2022, the Best Unpublished Research Paper Award from the Family Firm Institute (FFI), already awarded in 2015;

in October 2021, the Harvard Certificate for Teaching in Higher Education;

in 2015, the Best Paper Award by the International Council for Small Business (ICSB) and the Sinergie Best Paper Award, already gained in 2010;

in 2014 the Best Poster Award at the Family Enterprise Research Conference (FERC) and the Distinguished Reviewer Award at the Annual Meeting Academy of Management;

in 2013 and 2012 the Family Business Review Excellent Reviewer Award;

in 2012 the Family Business Review Best Paper Award and the Premio 5x1000 ricercatori meritevoli.

Francesca Bettio

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Gender Economy, Labour Economics, Population Economy

Keywords: caring economics, prostitution

Region: Tuscany


Full professor of Economic Policy at the Department of Political Economy and Statistics, University of Siena, Italy

Professional career

Francesca Bettio graduated in political science, economics major, from the University of Bologna, then in economics from the University of Naples (Portici), London School of Economics (MSc) and University of Cambridge (GB)(PhD). Her doctoral thesis was published by Clarendon Press (Oxford) in 1988. In 1984, she resumed teaching in Italian universities as researcher in Rome (La Sapienza) and as associate professor in Salerno and Siena, where she was appointed full professor in 2000. Besides long years of postgraduate training in the UK, she also spent research and teaching periods in Europe, the US and Africa at Columbia University, the New School for Social Research (New York), the American University (Washington), St. Antony’s College (Oxford), Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (Maputo) and Cape Town University.

Since her Ph.D. in the early eighties, she has collaborated intensely with the European Commission. Since 1996 she has periodically coordinated networks of community experts formed from time to time to assist the Commission on the topics of female work and gender equality at the Directorate-Generals for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion and for Justice and Consumers. During more than 30 years of EC activity, she has expounded at many EC summits, publishing many research monographs in collaboration with Alina Verashchagina and other experts. Nine of them were published in EC or EU journals or volumes. She has also offered consultancy and research for Italian local government, especially on the question of gender budgets. In 2000 she co-founded the website to which she contributes regularly.

Scientific results

In the volume based on her doctoral thesis, she offered the first historical reconstruction of the evolution of female employment and salary gender gaps in Italy from the industrial revolution to the 1980s. In this volume and theoretically, she contributed to debate on the factors influencing pay and earnings disparity between men and women and the sex-typing of jobs (occupational segregation), developing what has come to be called the low value added hypothesis.

In the early 1990s, she and Paola Villa developed a Mediterranean model of female participation in the work force and fertility, which drew the attention of scholars to the paradoxical pattern of low employment/low fertility in Mediterreanean countries in contrast with high employment/high fertility in northern countries. The idea created a ripple in the literature and is still topical. Later, in collaboration with experts, including Janneke Plantenga, Paola Villa and Annamaria Simonazzi, she developed a taxonomy of “care regimes” that continues to have a substantial following in the international literature, and in the specific case of elderly care helped introduce the so-called migrant in the family model.

Finally, stimulus received in EC circles was determinant for two lines of research that are proving fertile. The first rests on evidence that the pension disparity between men and women is still very high in Europe, and that in Italy it is even higher than labour earnings disparities. The second concerns links between violence against women, economic status of women and gender equality in general. An important result emerged in a recent collaboration with colleagues Gianni Betti and Elisa Ticci: a methodological innovation enabling measurement of degrees of violence made it possible to show that countries “more equal” from the gender viewpoint tend to have lower indices of domestic violence.

Editorial work and publications

Francesca Bettio is author or co-author of more than 70 publications, including articles, books and research monographs. Five are listed below.

(2018) Bettio F, Ticci E, Betti G. A fuzzy set approach to measuring violence against women and its severity. GLO Discussion Papers, 171.

(2017) Bettio F, Della Giusta M, Di Tommaso ML. Sex Work and Trafficking. Moving beyond Dichotomies. Feminist Economics, 23 (3).

(2013) Bettio F, Tinios P. The Gender Gap In Pensions. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.

(2013) Bettio F, Corsi M, D'Ippoliti C, Lyberaki A, Samek Lodovici M, Verashchagina A. The Impact of the Economic Crisis on the Situation of Women and Men and on Gender Equality Policies. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.

(2010) Bettio F, Kanti Nandi T. Evidence on Women Trafficked for Sexual Exploitation. A Rights-Based Approach. European Journal of Law and Economics, 29 (1).

(2009) Bettio F, Di Tommaso ML, Shima I, Strom S. As Bad as It Gets. Well-Being Deprivation of Sexually Exploited Trafficked Women. European Journal of Political Economy, 25 (2).

(2009) Bettio F, Verashchagina A. Gender Segregation in the Labour Market: Root Causes, Implications and Policy Responses in the EU. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.

(2006) Bettio F, Villa P,  Simonazzi A Change in Care Regimes and Female Migration. Journal of European Social Policy, 16 (3).

(2004) Bettio F, Plantenga J. Comparing Care Regimes in Europe. Feminist Economics, 10 (1).

(1998) Bettio F, Villa P. A Mediterranean Perspective on the Break-Down of the Relationship between Participation and Fertility. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 22 (2).

(1988) Bettio F. The Sexual Division of Labour, Clarendon Press, Oxford.




Magda Bianco

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Consumer Protection, Finance, Regulation

Keywords: ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolutions), finance, financial education, gender, governance, institutions, justice, protection

Region: Lazio


Head of the Customer Protection and Financial Education Department, Bank of Italy.

Professional career

After graduating in Economics and Commerce at the University of Bergamo in 1985, she continued her education with a master's and doctorate in Economics at the London School of Economics. In 1989 she joined the Research Department of the Bank of Italy, where she worked until 1999 in the Sectoral and Territorial Analysis Offices and then Flows and Financial Structures (which she has held since 1997); then, since 1999, in the new unit of Economic Law, which she has managed since 2007. Since 2014 she has been the Head of the Customer Protection and Anti-Money Laundering Service, created that year within the Banking Supervision. 

On March 1, 2020, she was appointed General Officer, and in this capacity from June 22, 2020, she assumed leadership of the new Client Protection and Financial Education Department.

During the course she taught at the University of Bergamo and Tor Vergata, she was a visiting fellow at Harvard University and Economic Councilor of the Minister of Justice.

Scientific results

The research activity has followed the professional path. In the early years it concerned issues of industrial economics, aimed at analyzing the Italian productive structure. A series of works, started with a joint research group Banca d’Italia - Consob - other researchers, was then dedicated to building original information and analyzing the governance of Italian companies and banks; some reform proposals have emerged. A third area concerned regulation and the role of institutions. The in-depth analyzes and analyzes in particular in the field of civil justice - carried out also with other researchers of the Bank of Italy - were the basis for identifying (and in some cases dealing with) different criticalities of the system. The coordination of an extensive research project on the role of women in the Italian economy (with over 20 contributions by researchers) provided original analysis on the situation in Italy, the causes and possible policy responses. Finally, recently, the analyzes and interventions concern the subjects covered by the institutional role: the protection of banking customers, financial education, anti-money laundering, and have resulted in an increasingly targeted supervisory activity.

Editorial work and publications

Her main publications are:

(2017) L’arbitro bancario finanziario a sette anni dalla nascita, in R. Lener, A. Pozzolo (a cura di) I metodi alternativi di risoluzione delle controversie (ADR), I quaderni di Minerva Bancaria, settembre 2017.

(2013) Bianco M, Lotti F, Zizza R. Le donne e l’economia italiana. Questioni di economia e finanza, Banca d’Italia, n. 171.

(2012) Bianco M, Napolitano G.The Italian administrative system. A source of competitive disadvantage, in (ed. G. Toniolo), Handbook of the Italian Economy since Unification, Oxford University Press.

(2012) Bianco M, Ciavarella A, Signoretti R, Women on boards in Italy. Rivista di politica economica, Apr/June 2012.

(2011) Bianco M, Golinelli R, Parigi G. Family firms’ investments, uncertainty and opacity. Small Business Economics.

(2010) Bianco M, Sestito P. I servizi pubblici locali. Liberalizzazioni, regolazione, sviluppo industriale, Il Mulino, Bologna.

(2007) Bianco M. La durata (eccessiva) dei procedimenti civili in Italia: offerta, domanda o rito? Rivista di politica economica, Sept/Oct 2007.

(2006) Bianco M, Bianchhi M. Italian corporate governance in the last 15 years: from pyramids to coalitions? ECGI WP n. 144.

(2006) Bianco M., Nicodano G. Pyramidal Groups and Debt. European Economic Review.

(2005) Bianco M, Bianchi M, Giacomelli S, Pacces A, Trento S. Proprietà e controllo delle imprese in Italia. Il Mulino, Bologna.

(2005) Bianco M, Pagano M, Jappelli T. Courts and Banks: Effects of Judicial Enforcement on Credit Markets. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.

(2003) Bianco M. L’industria italiana Il Mulino, Bologna.

Awards and prizes

Magda Bianco is a member of the Financial Consumer Protection Network (FinCoNet) and its Advisory Board, of the International Network for Financial Education of the OECD, of the Committee for the promotion and coordination of financial education activities. She is a consultant for the economic policies of the President of the Republic. He received the honor of Knight of the Order "To the Merit of the Italian Republic" and the Minerva Anna Maria Mammoliti Award to the economy in 2013. She is president of the Equal Opportunities Commission of the Bank of Italy.

Monica Billio

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Financial Macroeconometrics

Keywords: business cycle, economic cycle analysis, financial crisis, financial system stability, hedge funds, risk management, risk measurement, systemic risk, volatility modeling

Region: Veneto


Full professor of Econometrics and Head of the Department of Economics of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

Professional career

She holds a PhD in Applied Mathematics at the University Paris Dauphine. She held visiting research positions at Ecole Normale Supérieur de Cachan, University Paris Dauphine, University Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne, University of Orleans and Bank of France.

Scientific results

Prof. Billio has published more than 100 technical papers in refereed journals, handbooks, and conference proceedings in the areas of econometrics and financial econometrics, with applications to risk measurement, volatility modelling, financial crisis and systemic risk. She is participating to many research projects financed by the European Commission, Eurostat and the Italian Ministry of Research (MIUR). She has been scientific co-coordinator of the SYRTO project, EU-FP7 project devoted to systemic risk measurement ( and she is now local coordinator of two H2020-EE-CSA project on Energy Efficiency (EeMAP and EeDaPP,

Editorial work and publications


The results of these and other research projects have appeared in peer-refereed journals, including:

(2018 forthcoming) Billio M., R. Casarin, L. Rossini, Bayesian nonparametric sparse VAR models. Journal of Econometrics.

(2018 forthcoming) Bianchi D, Billio M, Casarin R e Guidolin M. Modeling Systemic Risk with Markov Switching Graphical SUR Models. Journal of Econometrics.

(2017) Billio M, Donadelli M, Paradiso A e Riedel M. Which Market Integration Measure? Journal of Banking and Finance, 76: 150–174.

(2016) Billio M, Pelizzon L e Savona R. Systemic Risk Tomography: Signals, Measurement and Transmission Channels. ISTE-Elsevier

(2016) Billio M, Casarin R, Ravazzolo F e van Dijk HK, Interconnections between Eurozone and US booms and busts using a Bayesian Panel Markov-Switching VAR model. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 31/7:1352-1370.

(2016) Ahelegbey DF, Billio M e Casarin R. Bayesian Graphical Models for Structural Vector Autoregressive Processes. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 31:357-386.

(2013) Merton RC, Billio M, Getmansky M, Gray D, Lo AW and Pelizzon L. On a New Approach for Analyzing and Managing Macrofinancial Risks. Financial Analysts Journal, 69/2:22-33.

(2013) Billio M, Casarin R,Ravazzolo F e van Dijk HK. Time-varying Combinations of Predictive Densities using Nonlinear Filtering. Journal of Econometrics, 177/2:213-232.

(2012) Billio M, Getmansky M, Lo AW e Pelizzon L. Econometric Measures of Connectedness and Systemic Risk in the Finance and Insurance Sectors. Journal of Financial Economics, 104:535-559.

Awards and prizes

Prof. Billio is regularly on the program committees of the major international conferences and workshops of her fields (ESEM, ICEEE, CFE, EFMA, EC2, CREDIT) and serves on the editorial board for the journal Computational Statistics and Data Analysis and Econometrics and Statistics. She is currently member of the Board of Directors of the European Financial Management Association (EFMA) and member of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Association Financial Industry Risk Managers (AIFIRM). Her joint paper with M. Getmansky, A.W. Lo and L. Pelizzon, Econometric Measures of Connectedness and Systemic Risk in the Finance and Insurance Sectors, Journal of Financial Economics, 104, 2012 (535-559) has been recognised as the “most influential article published in leading journals of the Elsevier’s Finance portfolio” for the period 2010-2015.

Cristina Boari

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Business Strategy, Corporate Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Interorganizational Relationships

Keywords: creative industries, geographical cluster, Knowledge, networks, partnership

Region: Emilia-Romagna


Full professor of Strategy at the University of Bologna.

Professional career

After graduating (1978) in Economics and Management at the University of Bologna, she moved as a visiting scholar to Hitotsubashi University in Tokyo (1981 and 1983) and the University of Wisconsin in Madison (1984). She became a researcher at the University of Bologna in 1983, an associate professor at the University of Florence in 1987, and has been a full professor at the University of Bologna since 1993. At the same University she coordinated the PhD in Management in 1999-2000 and directed the Department of Management from 2000 to 2006. In 1997-98 she collaborated with Jetro (Japan External Trade Organization) in a project aimed at creating relations between Italian and Japanese districts. In 1998-99 she participated in the World Bank project "The Role of Small and Medium Enterprises in Development." Recently she was a visiting professor at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul in Porto Alegre and at Universidad Jaume I in Castellon de la Plana.

Scientific results

Her research activity focuses on the relationship between entrepreneurship and business innovation and interorganizational relationships, understood as agreements and joint ventures, in different contexts, such as clusters and creative industries.  In this area, she has explored the relationship between social capital and knowledge development in start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises. In one line of research, she has studied the relationship between firm distance, knowledge acquisition and innovation. More recently, she has delved into the study of actors who play the role of knowledge brokers : firms and individuals that intermediate knowledge between enterprises and other economic actors. She has explored Knowledge broker’s origin, behaviors and the benefits for the broker and the intermediated organizations.

Editorial work and publications

[2021] Formilan, G., Boari, C. The reluctant preference: Communities of enthusiasts and the diffusion of atypical innovation, Industrial and Corporate Change, Volume 30, Issue 3, June 2021, Pages 823–843. 

[2021], Presutti, M., Boari, C., Molina, X. I need you, but do I love you? Strong ties and innovation in supplier-customer relations, European Management Journal, 39(6), 790-801.

[2019] Kadriu, A., Gresnik, K, Boari, C. The impact of institutions on SMEs’ innovation in Transition Economies, The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 23, 4, 399-424.

[2019] Presutti, M., Boari, C., Majocchi, A., & Molina‐Morales, X. Distance to customers, absorptive capacity, and innovation in high‐tech firms: The dark face of geographical proximityJournal of Small Business Management57(2), 343-361.

[2018]  Azam, A., Boari, C. and Bortolotti, F. Top management team international experience and strategic decision-making, Multinational Business Review,26, 1, 50-70.

[2018] Bolzani,  D. and Boari, C.  Evaluation of export feasibility by immigrant and non-immigrant entrepreneurs in new technology-based firms, Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 16 (2), 176-209.

[2017] Boari, C., Molina Morales, F.X., Martinez-Chafer, L. Direct and interactive effects of brokerage roles on innovation in clustered firms, Growth and Change  DOI: 10.1111/grow.12170.

[2016] Presutti, M., Boari, C., Fratocchi, L. The evolution of inter-organizational social capital with foreign customers: Its direct and interactive effects on SMEs’ foreign performance, Journal of World Business, 51, pp. 760-773, DOI  10.1016/j.jwb.2016.05.004.

[2016], Boari, C., Elfring, T., Molina, X. ed. Entrepreneurship and dynamic clusters, N.Y. Routledge.

[2007]. Presutti, M., Boari, C., Fratocchi, L.  Knowledge Acquisition and the Foreign Development of High-tech Start-ups: a Social Capital Approach, International Business Review , vol. volume 16, issue 1, pp 23-46.

[2003]  Boari, C., Odorici, V. and Zamarian, M., Rivalry and localization: does localization really matter? , The Scandinavian Journal of management, Vol 19/4 pp 467-489.

[2001] Boari, C. Industrial clusters, Focal firms, and Economic Dynamism. A Perspective from Italy World Bank Institute working papers,  June, pp. 1-19.

Giovanna Boggio Robutti

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Civil Economics, Debt, Electronic Payments, Entrepreneurial, Family Budget, Financial Education, Planning, Saving, Social Security

Keywords: cultural mediation, simplicity

Region: Lazio


General Director of FEduF (Foundation for financial education and savings)

Professional career

After studying at the Polytechnic School of Design in Milan, at the time of talents of the caliber of Bruno Munari and other great masters of design, she began her professional career at MKT Italia, a company set up by Fiat and Mondadori in 1983 to develop the sponsorship market, still little present in Italy. During the eighties she worked in the communication sector of small and large companies such as CBO, Dow Chemical in Italy, Waste Management Italy, Lepetit, Hoechst Marion Roussel. In 1997 she started her career as head of communications at Zurich in Italy. Five years later, she joined PattiChiari, a consortium of Italian banks that aims to promote a better bank-customer relationship, inspired by the principles of simplicity and clarity of information, mobility of services and customer assistance, where she began her experience in the area of ​​economics, through financial education. In 2010, the PattiChiari Consortium set up an office dedicated only to financial education and, in 2014, the Italian Banking Association decided to set up a Foundation dedicated exclusively to spreading economic culture and savings in Italy: the FEduF (Education Foundation) financial and savings). Giovanna Boggio Robutti was called to direct it.

Scientific results

Giovanna Boggio Robutti started working in economics and finance with PattiChiari, the project born in 2003 following the work, started at the end of 2000 by the ABI Executive Committee, on the subject of the relationship between banks and companies, with the aim of changing banking operations to concretely improve the relationship between banks and society (businesses, families, employees, etc.) in the key aspects of trust, fairness, transparency and efficiency. In particular, since 2006, she has been involved in financial education, first adopting the program dedicated to middle schools of an American-based association also active in Italy, then developing a national program for schools of all grades. She currently deals with financial education issues working between Rome and Milan alongside national institutions (first and foremost the Ministry of Education) and public and private territorial institutions. Thanks to the network of banks, which support FEduF financially and operationally, the Foundation that Giovanna Boggio Robutti directs is able to make its programs and activities available throughout the national territory, free of charge to citizens and institutions.



Paola Agnese Bongini

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Financial Education, Financial Intermediaries, Financial Regulation

Keywords: Banks Business Models, fintech, Meme Stocks, Securities Market, Taxonomy of Sustainable Economic Activities

Region: Lombardy


Full professor of Banking and Finance, University of Milano-Bicocca.

Professional career

After graduating in Economics and Banking from the Catholic University of Milan (1993), she continued her education with the Master of Science in Economics and Finance (1995) – University of Warwick (UK), and a Ph.D. in Financial Markets and Intermediaries (1996) – University of Bergamo. From 1996 to 2006, she was a researcher in Banking and Finance at the University of Macerata (until 2002) and subsequently at the University of Milano-Bicocca. She continued her academic career at the University of Milano-Bicocca, where she became an associate professor in 2006 and a full professor in 2016. At the same university, she chaired the Teaching Coordination Council of the undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs in Economics and Finance (2015-2018); she was a member of the Academic Senate (2018-2021) and of the University Quality Presidium for the research (2013-2021). She currently coordinates the Ph.D. program in Business for Society of the Department of Management and Law. She was a member of the Italian Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanism (2015-2020) and sits on the Scientific Committee of the Feduf foundation. She has many years of experience designing and teaching training courses for bank personnel on household credit, regulation, financial investments, and portfolio management. She is an independent director in Credem Banca spa and Banca Euromobiliare.

Scientific results

Paola Bongini's research activity is mainly empirical in the field of financial intermediation and regulation. In these areas, she has studied the determinants and effects of banks’ business model choices; market reactions to systemic risk regulation; the relationship between economic growth and financial development in emerging countries; the measurement and evolution over time of the financial literacy of the Italian population as well as the link between financial literacy and financial decisions.

Her most recent research projects are interdisciplinary and include the use of Natural Language Processing models, AI, and machine learning models for the analysis of unconventional data (alternative finance white papers, social media, ESG data) and their impact on share prices and corporate performance. Her works have been published in the Journal of Banking and Finance, Sustainability, Small Business Economics, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, among others. She has participated in numerous national and international research projects and in important third-mission activities in both the financial and non-profit sectors.

Editorial work and publications

Paola Bongini has published widely in peer-reviewed journals, including:

[2023] Rym A, Bongini P, Casu B, Cucinelli D. Bank business models in MENA and African countries: the relevance of contextual variables,  Review of Corporate Finance.

[2022] Bongini P, Osborne F, Pedrazzoli A, Rossolini M. A topic modelling analysis of white papers in security token offerings: Which topic matters for funding? Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 184.

[2021] Barboza G, Bongini P, Rossolini M. Financial (il) literacy vs Individual’s behavior. Evidence on credit card repayment patterns,  Financial Services Review, 29: 247-276.

[2021] Ayadi R, Bongini P, Casu B, Cucinelli D. Bank Business Model Migrations in Europe: Determinants and Effects, British Journal of Management, 32(4): 1007-1026.

[2021] Bongini P, Ferrando A, Rossi E, Rossolini M. SME access to market-based finance across Eurozone countries, Small Business Economics, 56(4): 1667-1697.

[2019] Bongini P, Cucinelli D. University students and retirement planning: never too early, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 37(3): 775-797.

[2019] Bongini P, Cucinelli D, Di Battista M, Nieri L. Profitability shocks and recovery in time of crisis evidence from European banks, Finance Research Letters, 30: 233-239.

[2017] Bongini P, Iwanicz-Drozdowska M, Smaga P, Witowski B. Financial Development and Economic Growth: The Role of Foreign-Owned Banks in Cesee Countries, Sustainability, 9(3), 335.

[2016] Bongini P, Nieri L, Pelagatti M, Piccini A. Curbing systemic risk in the insurance sector: a mission impossible?, British Accounting Review, vol. 49(2), pages 256-273.

[2015] Bongini P, Nieri L, Pelagatti M. The importance of being systemically important financial institutions, Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol 50, 562-5774.

Awards and prizes

Prof. Bongini serves on the editorial board for the journals Economic Notes (Wiley), Minerva Bancaria, Safe Bank (National Polish Central Bank) and is a member of the Topical Advisory Board for the Journal of Risk and Financial Management, MDPI. 

She is currently a member of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Association of Financial Industry Risk Managers (AIFIRM). 

Paola Bonomo

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Corporate Governance, Digital Transformation

Keywords: business angels, corporate governance, digital transformation, fintech, innovation, startup, technology

Region: Lombardy


Non Executive Director, advisor, investor

Professional career

Paola earned her undergraduate degree AT Bocconi University and started her career at McKinsey & Company. After earning an MBA at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, she returned to McKinsey, where she advised large domestic and international companies on strategic positioning, growth, new markets, alliances and acquisitions, and reached the rank of Partner. She then worked in leadership roles in the digital domain such as Senior Director, European Operations at eBay International; Head of Online Business Unit at Il Sole 24 Ore; Head of Online Services, Commercial Operations at Vodafone Italia; and Regional Director, Southern Europe at Facebook.

Since 2009 she has been a member of the leading business angels group in Italy, Italian Angels for Growth, where she was a member of the Board and she focuses on investments in the digital space.

She serves on the Board of Telecom Italia S.p.A., AXA Assicurazioni S.p.A., Piquadro S.p.A., Sisal Group S.p.A., Stefanel S.p.A. and FAAC S.p.A., and on the Advisory Board of two fintech companies: MoneyFarm Ltd. and Euklid Ltd.. She is the Chair of Stanford Club Italia, the local alumni chapter of the Stanford Alumni Association.

She is an evaluator for Horizon 2020, and serves on the jury of the EU Prize for Women Innovators.

Scientific results

Paola Bonomo is one the pioneers of the digital economy in Italy. In her management roles, she mastered the key themes of digital marketing and ecommerce: the optimization of traffic and customer acquisition costs, of conversion rates and ROI, of customer lifetime value vs. acquisition cost, particularly in multichannel and omnichannel distribution. Recently, she has studied attribution models in programmatic advertising and new trends in video advertising. She has also worked on product innovation and monetization in digital publishing, as well as customer support improvement through digital channels in telecommunications. She leverages her managerial expertise in her angel investing activities; among her most successful early stage investments was AdEspresso, bought by Hootsuite in December 2016.

In her Non Executive Director roles she acts as a “Digital Director”, i.e. a member of the Board who oversees the company’s digital and/or multichannel transformation, and who informs and guides the other Board members in creating a common language and understanding of strategic priorities on such topics as the emergence of Fintech, the opportunities from AI, and the blockchain.

Editorial work and publications

(March 2018) Enough with Gender Stereotypes, LVMH Dare event; Citigroup #PressforProgress

(Nov. 2017) Technologies and Us (keynote), Salone dei Pagamenti.

(Nov. 2017) Technologies and Us, Linklaters EU Partners Meeting.

(Oct. 2017) Enough with Gender Stereotypes, TEDx Verona.

(Oct. 2017) Fintech, disruption and new ecosystems in the payments market, Mastercard Innovation Forum.

(Oct. 2017) Funding Strategies for Your HR Tech Startup, HRTech Amsterdam.

(Dec. 2016) Will one-to-one marketing save marketing?, Ambrosetti Babylon.

(June 2016) Digital Disruption, guest speaker at the course “Media and Internet”, INSEAD.

Awards and prizes

In 2017 Paola was recognized with the Business Angel of the year award in Italy and the Golden Aurora award for the best woman business angel in Europe.

In 2015 and again in 2016, she was recognized as one of the Inspiring Fifty, the fifty most inspiring women in European Technology. In 2018 she organized the first Italian edition of Inspiring Fifty.

In 2015 she was awarded the TIAW World of Difference 100 Award.

In 2013 she received the Stanford Associates Volunteer Service Award for alumni who have demonstrated significant and long-standing volunteer service to Stanford University.

Stefania Borghini

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Brand Communities, Branding, Children's Behavior, Consumer Behaviour, Institutional Marketing in Fashion, Marketing B2B, Marketing Research

Keywords: children, consumer behavior in digital environments, consumer experience, consumer insights, disability, fashion, marketing

Region: Lombardy


Associate Professor of Marketing at Bocconi University, Milan. Director of the Bachelor in Economics and Management for Arts, Culture and Communication.

Professional career

Stefania Borghini graduated in Management with full marks at University of Pavia in 1995. She started her professional career in a small consultancy company and in 1996 began her cooperation with the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Pavia. In June 2001 she received her PhD in Business Administration and Management from Bocconi University, Milan, where she became Junior Researcher in the same year. After a period of fellowship at Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, Chicago, in 2003 she joined the faculty of Bocconi University as a tenured Researcher. In the following years she visited as research fellows several top-tier Universities in the USA and Canada, and in 2011 she became Associate Professor of Marketing. At Bocconi University she served as Director of the Master of Science in Marketing Management and is currently Director of the bachelor in Economics and Management for Arts, Culture and Communication. She is the Delegate for Diversity in the Marketing Department, member of academic institutions such as Association for Consumer Research, American Marketing Association, Consumer Culture Theory, Società Italiana di Management, and member of the Presidential Committee of Società Italiana di Marketing.

Scientific results

Her main research and expertise areas are related to symbolic consumption, the study of consumption practices and identity construction of consumers. Her contributions, published on books and top-tier journals, deal with consumer behavior in the marketplace, the role of brands and commercial places. Her current projects are focused on children, members of brand communities, and people with disabilities. In the past she has done several projects in b2b contexts. In general, she adopts ethnographic methods.

Editorial work and publications

[2021] Borghini S., Sherry J. F., E Joy A., Attachment To And Detachment From Favorite Stores: An Affordance Theory Perspective, Journal Of Consumer Research47, April, 890-913.

[2021] Morrow G, Borghini S., (2021), the 5th mistake. Ignoring data: Debating the use of data analytics services in the arts, in Addis M., Rurale A. MANAGING THE CULTURAL BUSINESS. Avoiding Mistakes, Finding Success. The 10 most common mistakes in arts management, London: Routledge: 184-212.

[2020] Borghini S., Maclaran P., Bonnin G., and Cova V., The Ecology of the Marketplace Experience: From Consumers’ Imaginary to Design Implications, in L. Peñaloza, N.Toulouse, L. M. Visconti (eds.), Marketing Management: A Cultural PerspectiveLondon: Routledge, 410-26.

[2015] Zerbini F., Borghini S., Release Capacity in the Vendor Selection Process, Journal of Business Research68, 405-14.

[2014] Diamond N., Mcgrath M. A., Sherry J. F., Kozinets R. V., Muniz A. Jr., and Borghini S. Brand Fortitude in Moments of Consumption in R. Denny and P. Sunderland (eds) Handbook of Business Anthropology, Walnut Creek, CA: LeftCoast Press.

[2012] Rinallo D.,  Borghini S., Gamossy G. Kozinets R. When Sacred Objects Go B®a(n)d: Fashion Rosaries and the Contemporary Linkage of Religion and Commerciality, in D. Rinallo, L. Scott, P. Maclaran, Consumption and Spirituality, London: Routledge, 29-40.

[2010] Visconti L. M., Sherry J. F. Jr , Borghini S., and Anderson L. Street Art, Sweet Art? The reclamation of Public Place, Journal of Consumer Research, 37, October, 511-29.

[2010] Borghini S., Visconti L. M., Anderson L. and Sherry J. F. Jr, Symbiotic Postures of Commercial Advertising and Street Art: Implications for Creativity, Journal of Advertising39, 3, 113–26.

[2010] Borghini S., Carù A., and Cova B. Representing BtoB Reality in Case Study Research: New challenges and opportunities, Industrial Marketing Management, 39, 1, 16-24.

[2010] Rinallo D., Borghini S., and Golfetto F. Exploring Visitor Experiences at Trade Shows, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing25, 4, 249-58.

[2009] Borghini S., Diamond N., Kozinets R. V., McGrath M. A., Muniz A. Jr, and Sherry J. F. Jr, Why are themed brandstores so powerful? Retail brand ideology at American Girl Place, Journal of Retailing, 85, 3, 363-75.

[2009] Diamond N., Sherry J. F. Jr, Muniz A. Jr, McGrath M. A., Kozinets R. V., and Borghini S., American Girl and the Brand Gestalt: Closing the Loop on Sociocultural Branding Research, Journal of MarketingVol. 73, May, 118-34.

Awards and prizes

Stefania Borghini received the award for Excellence in Research from Bocconi University in 2009, 2010 and 2021. Her degree thesis got two prizes as the best thesis from University of Pavia and Sindacato Dirigenti Industriali. Her publications won important awards such as Emerald Citation of Excellence 2010, 2011 Davidson Honorable Mention Award for the Best Article in the Journal of Retailing, and 2015 CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title, distinction conferred by the American Library Association.

Valentina Bosetti

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Circular Economy, Economics of Climate Change, Environmental Economy

Keywords: adaptation, mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions

Region: Lombardy


Full Professor of Economics of Climate Change, Bocconi University Economics Department. Senior Scientist at the EuroMediterranean Centre on Climate Change

Professional career

She has a degree in environmental sciences, a master's degree in environmental economics (University College London), and a PhD in computational mathematics and operational research (University of Milan). In 2008/2009 she was a visiting scholar at the Princeton Environmental Institute. In 2014/2015 she was a Fellow at CASBS, Stanford. She is Professor of Environmental Economics and Economics of Climate Change, Bocconi University. She is also a researcher at the Enrico Mattei Foundation and the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change.

Scientific results

She was Lead Author of the Fifth Report of the IPCC (2014) and she will be lead author of the Sixth IPCC Report.


Editorial work and publications

She is in the editorial board of Nature - Energy newspapers, Energy Policy, Review of Environmental Economics and Policy (REEP).

Verdolini, E., L. D. Anadón, E. Baker, V. Bosetti, L. A. Reis, (2018), 'The Future Prospects of Energy Technologies: Insights from Expert Elicitations', REEP Forthcoming

Rao, N., van Ruijven, B., Riahi, K, and Bosetti, V., (2017), Improving poverty and inequality modeling in climate research, Nature Climate Change, doi:10.1038/s41558-017-0004-x

Cattaneo, Cristina and Valentina Bosetti (2017) Climate-induced International Migration and Conflicts, CESifo Economic Studies, ifx010, Published:08 September 2017

Diaz Anadon, L., E. Baker, V. Bosetti (2017) Integrating uncertainty into public energy research and development decisions, Nature Energy 2, 17071  | DOI: 10.1038/nenergy.2017.71 |

Adler, M, D Anthoff, V Bosetti, G Garner, K Keller, and N Treich, (2017), Priority For The Worse Off And The Social Cost Of Carbon, Nature Climate Change, DOI: 10.1038/nclimate3298

Matthew R. Sisco, Valentina Bosetti, Elke U. Weber (2017), When do extreme weather events generate attention to climate change?, forthcoming Climatic Change, DOI: 10.1007/s10584-017-1984-2

Bosetti, V., E. Weber, L. Berger, D. Budescu, N. Liu, M. Tavoni (2017) COP21 Climate Negotiators’ Responses to Climate Model Forecasts, Nature Climate Change, 7, 185-189, DOI: 10.1038/NCLIMATE3208

Marangoni, G. M. Tavoni, V. Bosetti, E. Borgonovo, et al. (2017) Sensitivity of projected long-term CO2 emissions across the Shared Socio-economic Pathways, Nature Climate Change, 7, 113–117

Awards and prizes

She obtained two scholarships from the European Research Council: RISICO "RISK and uncertainty in developing and implementing climate change pOlicies" and ICARUS "Innovation for climate in mitigation:  a study of energy R&D, its effectiveness and spillovers". She was also a fellow at the Center for Advanced Studies in Behavioral Sciences, (CASBS), Stanford.


Laura Bottazzi

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Financial Economy, Political Economy

Keywords: crowfunding, innovation, real effects of financial crisis, venture capital

Region: Emilia-Romagna


Full Professor of Economics and Finance and research fellow IGIER, Bocconi. Head of a Master Program in Economics (EPELM), at the University of Bologna.


Professional career

Graduated in Economics and Social Science (DES) at Bocconi University in 1987, she has been awarded a PhD in Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1992. Since 2005, Professor of Economics at Bologna University. She has been visiting professor at University College of London, the London School of Economics, the Massachusetts Institute of, the Université Libre de Bruxelles, and visiting researcher at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) and the World Bank (capital markets group).  She is non‐residence fellow at IGIER‐Bocconi. She was part of the Group of Experts for the Evaluation of the Quality of Research of the Italian Universities, year 2004‐2010, conducted by the Italian National Agency for Evaluation of the University System (ANVUR) and she has been evaluator of the Research Projects for the Austrian, the Canadian, the Israeli Ministry of Research and the UK Research Council.

Scientific results

The research activity of Laura Bottazzi takes place in the field of political economy and financial economics, focussing on the economics of innovation and its financing. In this context, she has studied the geographical diffusion of innovation and its determinants. Her research has also focussed on the analysis of Venture Capital and Crowdfunding. She has been promoter with two colleagues of the first Venture Capital survey in Europe and analyzed their investment methods and types of contracts, according to the institutional and legal characteristics of the European countries and the professional and cultural specialization of investors. Recently she has been interested in the determinants of financial literacy and the determinants of gender differences in the acquisition of such knowledge. The global financial crisis has been the object of his research to study the real effects of financial shocks.

Editorial work and publications

(2016) Bottazzi L, Hellmann T, Da Rin M. The Importance of Trust for Investment: Evidence from Venture Capital. Review of Financial Studies and Nasdaq Award for best paper on Capital Formation 2006

(2014) Bottazzi L. Underpricing and Voluntary Disclosure: The Case of Mining IPOs in Australia”.

International Journal of Economics, 1: 65‐77, ISSN: 2331‐5903

(2014) Bottazzi L, Girshina A. The aftermath of the financial crisis. The effect of deleveraging on thereal economy GSTF Journal of Business Review, 3:17‐22, ISSN: 2010‐4804, doi: 10.5176/2251‐ 2012_QQE14.13

(2009) Bottazzi L, Hellmann T, Da Rin M. What Role of Legal Systems in Financial Intermediation? Theory and Evidence. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 18 (3): 559‐598, October

(2008) Bottazzi L, Hellmann T, Da Rin M. Who are the active investors? Evidence from Venture Capital. Journal of Financial Economics, 89, issue 3, September

(2007) Bottazzi L, Peri G.The Dynamics of R&D and Innovation in the Short Run and in the Long Run. Mimeo University of California, Davis, Economic Journal, Royal Economic Society, 117(518):486‐511,03.

(2005) Bottazzi L, Da Rin M.Financing European Entrepreneurial Firms: Facts, Issues and Research Agenda. in Venture Capital, Entrepreneurial and Public Policy, MIT Press, (eds. Vesa Kannanien CESIfo)

(2004) Bottazzi L. The Changing Face of the European Venture Capital Industry: Facts and Analysis. Journal of Private Equity, 7(2) Spring 26‐53

(2003) Bottazzi L. Asymmetric Information and Monetary Policy in Common Currency Areas. Journalof Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 37(4), pages 603‐21, August.

(2002) Bottazzi L, Manassi P. Credibility and Seignorage in a Common Currency Area. Journal of Money Credit and Banking,34, 4

(2003) Bottazzi L, Peri G. Innovation and Spillovers in Regions: Evidence from European Patent Data. European Economic Review, 47(4):687‐710

(2002) Bottazzi L, Da Rin M. Venture Capital in Europe: Euro.nm and the Financing of European Innovative Firms. ECONOMIC POLICY, 34:229‐69

(2001) Bottazzi L. Globalization and Local Proximity in Innovation: A Dynamic Process. European Economic Review, 45, 4‐6

(1996) Bottazzi L, Pesenti P., van Wincoop E. Wages, Profits and the International Portfolio Puzzle. European Economic Review, 2, 40

Awards and prizes

Laura Bottazzi is a non‐resident fellow of IGIER, Bocconi and affiliated to the European Economic Association, a Fellow of the Fondation Banque de France, a Member of the American Economic Association, a Member of American Women in Economics, a Member of the American Women in Finance. She has been awarded the Hicks‐Tinbergen medal in Economics and the Nasdaq Prize for the best paper on capital formation.

Marina Brogi

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Banks, Capital Market, Corporate Governance, Cybersecurity, Financial Market

Keywords: bank management, capital market, corporate governance, disclosure, financial intermediaries, transparency

Region: Lazio


Full Professor of International Banking and Capital Markets, Sapienza University of Rome

Professional career

She graduated in Economics at Bocconi University, Milan, with supervisor Prof. Tancredi Bianchi. From 2007 she teaches International Banking and Capital Markets at Sapienza Università di Roma. Chairperson of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Financial Risk Managers Association (AIFIRM). She serves on the Scientific Committee of the Research Centre of Confindustria (Italy’s Industrial Association). She is invited to present her Expert opinion to public hearings of Commissions of the Italian Senate and of the Italian Camera (Italy’s lower house).

From 2012 she has been appointed by the Bank of Italy in the governance bodies of banks and other intermediaries in liquidation. From 2011 to 2017 she served as Deputy Dean, Faculty of Economics Sapienza Università di Roma. From 2014 to 2016 she was one of the 5 top-ranking independent academics appointed among the 30 members which make up the Securities and Markets Stakeholder Group of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) as provided for in article 37 of the ESMA Regulation (1095/2010/EU). From 2008 she serves on the boards of listed and privately held companies. 

She currently serves on the Boards of Banco Desio e della Brianza, Mediaset and Salini Impregilo. She is member of the MSCI Thought Leadership Council on Corporate Governance Fundamentals and is the only European Advisory Board Member of the Women Corporate Directors (WCD) Foundation, the International think tank founded in the US that counts over 3,500 women, chairpersons and independent board members, serving on over 8,500 boards across six continents, Global Co-Chair of the WCD Family Business Council, Co-Chair of the Italian Chapter.

Scientific results

She is Program Chair of the ‘2019 New Frontiers in Banking conference: From Corporate Governance to Risk Management’, promoted by Sapienza, Bocconi University and Review of Financial Studies, Key note address Bengt Holmstrom, Nobel Laurete in Economics 2016. Program Chair of ‘2018 New Frontiers in Banking conference: From Corporate Governance to Risk Management’, promoted by Sapienza, Bocconi University and Review of Financial Studies, Key note address Jean Tirole, Nobel Laurete in Economics 2014

Program Chair of ‘2017 Bank Systemic Risk Measurement and Mitigation conference’, promoted by Sapienza, Bocconi University and Review of Financial Studies, Key note address Robert Engle, Nobel Laurete in Economics 2003.

Editorial work and publications

She is the author of numerous publications on corporate governance, banking and capital markets and is often invited as speaker at international academic and business community conferences. Last publications:

(2019) Brogi M, Lagasio V.Lights in the shadows: exploring the need for regulation in shadow banking,  International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences. 12(2): 205

(2018) Brogi M, Lagasio V. Do bank boards matter? A literature review on the characteristics of banks' Board of Directors. International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics. Available on:

(2018) Amore MD, Brogi M, Calabrò A. e Minichilli A. The Courage to Choose! Primogeniture and Leadership Succession in Family Firms, Strategic Management Journal, pp. 1 – 22.

(2018) Arcuri MC, Brogi M, Gandolgi G. The Effect of Cyber Attacks on Stock Returns, Corporate Ownership and Control, p. 70 – 83.

(2017) Brogi M. Rischio cibernetico e sicurezza nazionale nel sistema finanziario, in AA. VV. “Sicurezza è Libertà”, Gnosis, pp. 145 – 151.

(2017) Arcuri MC, Brogi M. e Gandolfi G. Cyber Risk: A Big Challenge in Developed and Emerging Markets, Identity Theft: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice, IGI Global, pp. 292 – 307.

(2017) Brogi M, Lagasio V. SME sources of funding: more capital or more debt to sustain growth? An empirical analysis, in (a cura di) Rossi S., “Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions”, p. 173 – 199.

(2016) Brogi M, Lagasio V. Sliced and diced: European banks’ business models and profitability, in (a cura di) Bracchi G, Filotto U, Masciandaro D., “Report on the Italian Financial System”, Fondazione Rosselli, Edibank, Milano, p. 55 – 82.

(2016) Brogi M. Corporate Governance, Pixel, EGEA, Milano.

(2016) Brogi M, Calabrò A, Minichilli A. Weathering the storm: family ownership, governance and performance through the financial and economic crisis. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 24,6:552 – 568.

(2016) Brogi M, Calabrò A, Torchia M. What does really matter in the internationalization of small and medium-sized family businesses? Journal of Small Business Management, 54(2):679 – 696.

(2014) Brogi M, Shadow banking, banking union and capital markets union. Law and Economic Review, 2:383 – 400.

(2014) Brogi M. Le politiche di remunerazione nel sistema di corporate governance. Analisi Giuridica dell'Economia, 2:275 - 293

(2014) Brogi M, Langone R. Le politiche di remunerazione tra regolamentazione e say on pay: un'analisi empirica delle banche e delle maggiori società quotate italiane. Banche e Banchieri, 4:467 - 488

(2011) Brogi M. Board, governance and firm performance: are financial intermediaries different? Corporate Ownership and Control, 8:60 - 68

Michela Carlana

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Labour Economics, Public Policies Evaluation

Keywords: discrimination, education, gender, immigration, stereotypes

Region: ABROAD


Assistant Professor at the Harvard Kennedy School, Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA).

Professional career

After graduating in Economics and Commerce at the University of Padua in 2012, she continued her education with a PhD in Economics from Bocconi University. In 2011-12 she was a visiting student at the University of California in Los Angeles, in 2015-16 visiting scholar at Harvard University and in 2016-17 Marie-Curie PODER Fellow at IIES-Stockholm University in 2016-17. Researcher affiliated with the IZA (Institute of Labor Economics) in Bonn and Bocconi-LEAP (Laboratory for Effective Anti-Poverty Policies) in Milan, will discuss the doctoral thesis in May 2018. Now, she is Assistant Professor at Harvard Kennedy School in Boston.

Scientific results

The research activity of Michela Carlana takes place in the field of labor economics, with attention to choices related to the accumulation of human capital. In particular, she studied the influence of gender stereotypes of teachers on math performance, education choices and female students' self-esteem. Another of her research strands deals with immigration issues. She assessed the impact of the "Equal Opportunities" project, financed by some Italian banking foundations and supported by the Ministry of Education. The intervention aimed to provide support in the orientation to the choice of high school for immigrant students and had a positive impact both on the choice of the school path and on cognitive and soft skills outcomes, such as motivation and perception of social barriers. Michela is also concerned with analyzing how exposure to migratory waves influences family education and employment choices of the natives, using historical data from the US census at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Editorial work and publications

She is the author of the following articles:

(2017) Carlana M. Stereotypes and Self-Stereotypes: Evidence from Teachers’ Gender Bias. Mimeo, Bocconi University.

(2017) Carlana M, La Ferrara E, Pinotti P. Goals and Gaps: Educational Careers of Immigrant Children. CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP12538. SSRN:

(2017) Carlana M, Tabellini M, Happily Ever After: Immigration, Natives’ Marriage, and Fertility. Working Paper.

Awards and prizes

Michela Carlana won the Best JM Paper Award (UniCredit & Universities - 4th Edition), the 2017 Tarantelli Young Labor Economist Award, the 2017 Best Presentation Award (Unicredit & Universities) and the Bocconi PhD Award 2015 (for productivity in high-quality research). In 2016-17 she won the PODER Marie Curie Experienced Researcher Fellowship.

Elena Carletti

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Financial Intermediaries, Financial Regulation

Keywords: central bank, financial crisis, investments, prudential regulation, risk, supervisory authority

Region: Lombardy


Full Professor of Finance at the Finance Department of the "Luigi Bocconi" Commercial University. Director of the Banking, Finance and Regulation division at the Baffi Carefin Center for Applied Research center of the same university
Scientific Director and founder of the "Florence School of Banking and Finance" at the European University Institute.

Professional career

After obtaining a degree in Political Economy in 1993 and a Masters in Economics (obtaining distinction and recognition as the best student) the following year at the Bocconi Commercial University, she continued her education with a PhD in Economics at the London School of Economics (UK). From 2000 to 2004 she was assistant professor at the University of Mannheim (DE), from 2004 to 2008 she was senior researcher and then associate professor at the Goethe University of Frankfurt (DE), and from 2008 to 2013 she was professor of economics at the European University Institute in Fiesole. Since 2013 she has been Professor of Finance at Bocconi University. She has been a consultant to numerous institutions such as the World Bank, the Irish and Swedish Central Banks and the OECD. She was a member of the Scientific Committee of Confindustria, from 2014 to 2016, and of the Evaluation Committee for the creation of research centers on financial markets in Sweden. Now she is a member of the Scientific Committee of the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) at the European Central Bank and a member of the Group of Experts on banking supervision for the European Parliament.

Scientific results

Elena Carletti's research activity is mainly carried out in the field of financial intermediation and financial crises, with attention to the effects on the real economy and the consequences in terms of financial regulation. In this context, she studied in depth the determinants and consequences of systemic risk in the financial system. For example, in a series of recent works she has analyzed how the liquidity risk to which banks are subject generates volatility in the prices of financial assets and how this volatility affects the stability of the intermediaries themselves. She also contributed to the analysis of the interbank market and capital regulation as a means of stabilizing the banking system. Another of her research lines focuses instead on the relationship between accounting rules and prudential regulation.

Editorial work and publications

She is the author of numerous publications, among which the most important are:

(2019) Carletti E, Leonello A. Credit Market Competition and Liquidity Crises. Review of Finance, 23(5): 855-892.

(2015) Allen F, Carletti E, Marquez R. Deposits and Bank Capital Structure. Journal of Financial Economics, 118(3):601-619.

(2015) Allen F, Carletti E, Marquez R. Stakeholder Governance, Competition, and Firm Value. Review of Finance, 19 (3):1315-1346.

(2014) Allen F, Carletti E, Gale D. Money, Financial Stability and Efficiency. Journal of Economic Theory, 149:100-127.

(2013) Allen F, Carletti E. What’s Systemic Risk? Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 45(1):121-127.

(2012) Allen F, Babus A, Carletti E. Asset Commonality, Debt Maturity and Systemic Risk. Journal of Financial Economics, 104(3): 519-534.

(2011) Allen F, Carletti E, Marquez R. Competition and Capital Regulation. Review of Financial Studies, 24(4):983–1018.

(2009) Allen F, Babus A, Carletti E. Financial Crises: Theory and Evidence. Annual Review of Financial Economics, 1:97–116.

(2009) Allen F, Carletti E, Gale D. Interbank Market Liquidity and Central Bank Intervention. Journal of Monetary Economics, 56(5):639–652.

(2008) Allen F, Carletti E. Mark-to-Market Accounting and Liquidity Pricing. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 45(2-3):358–378.

Awards and prizes

Elena Carletti is a fellow, among others, of the Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR, London), the Wharton Financial Institutions Center (Philadelphia), the Finance Theory Group (USA) and IGIER (Milan). She is also a member of the scientific committee of the Bank of Italy for the "Paolo Baffi Lecture", of the Scientific Committee of Bruegel (Brussels) and a member of the editorial panel of the Economic Policy magazine. She is regularly invited to hold Keynote or Invited Lectures in international institutions such as the European Central Bank, the European Systemic Risk Board, the International Monetary Fund, the European Commission and the Bank of England, and to participate in policy panels at international conferences such as "The ECB and Its Watchers "(Frankfurt) or" First Annual ESRB Conference "(Frankfurt).


Antonia Carparelli

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Economic History, European Affairs, European Union

Keywords: european economic governance, governance, inclusion, poverty, sustainable development

Region: Lazio


Economist. Lecturer at LUMSA University of Rome (course on Governance of European Union)

Professional career

Antonia Carparelli has an academic background in economics and in economic history. She joined the European Commission Civil Service in Brussels in 1993, where she covered positions of high responsibility, dealing with economic and monetary union, institutional reforms of the European Union, poverty and social inclusion, sustainable development and environmental economics. Before serving in the European institutions, she worked in Rome for several years (1987-93) as an economist and researcher, at the Central Institute of Statistics and at the Institute for the Study and Analysis of the Business Cycle. In 2012-13, she worked in the cabinet of the Minister for European Affairs, Enzo Moavero Milanesi, as a special advisor for economic matters. From 2014 to 2021, she served as Economic Affairs Advisor at the European Commission Representation in Italy. Since 2013, she has been teaching a university course on European Union governance at LUMSA University in Rome. She is a member of various scientific committees and working groups on European issues and has authored various scientific and information articles that reflect the variety and extent of her professional commitments and interests.

Scientific results

In the years following her degree in economics, she carried out various research in
contemporary history of the Italian economy, and in particular in the field of industrial history in the first and second post-war period. At the Central Statistical Institute, she contributed to the development of the social protection accounts, within the framework of the National Accounting Department. At the Institute for the Study and Analysis of the Business Cycle, she worked on the role of monetary policy in the economic cycle and integrated monetary and financial variables and in macro-economic forecasting.

At the European Commission, she was mainly involved in the following areas
of activity, with original works that are reflected both in her individual publications and in her contribution to institutional reports and legislative proposals:analysis of the of the Italian economy in view of Italy’s participation to Economic and Monetary Union; development of the European strategy for sustainable development; institutional reforms of the European Union before and after enlargement; development of the social dimension of European social policies, particularly in the field of fighting poverty and social exclusion; coordination of social protection systems; coordination of European economic policies and reform of the EMU governance.

Editorial work and publications

[2018] Carparelli A, Riforma delle Autorità Europee di Vigilanza: verso una nuova architettura della vigilanza europea? Rivista Bancaria, n. 4 (74):2-12.

[2017] Carparelli A, Prefazioneal volume Italica, l’Unificazione difficile tra ideali e realtà, di Tanzi V, Editore Schena, Fasano: 3-10.

[2017] Carparelli A, Il Semestre europeo per il coordinamento delle politiche economiche: evoluzione, bilanci e prospettive, inLe politiche europee e il ruolo delle Regioni dalla teoria alla pratica, a cura di Ciaffi A, Odone C, CINSEDO, Roma: 31-40,
[2015] Carparelli A, Cessione di sovranità e democrazia nella gestione della crisi dell’eurozona, inPartecipazione politica transnazionale, rappresentanza e sovranità nel progetto europeo, a cura di Marsocci P, Editoriale Scientifica, Napoli: 223-234.

[2014] Carparelli A, Ferri G, “L’euro, l’opinione pubblica e il futuro dell’Europa. La difficile eredità della crisi”, pubblicato in Firstonline

[2010] Carparelli A, Berti K, “Europe 2020. Policies against Poverty and Exclusion in the European Strategy for the Next Decade”, Rivista delle Politiche Sociali, n° 4.

[2005] Carparelli A, “La politica ambientale dell’UE dalle origini al Sesto programma di azione”, in Ambiente Condiviso, di Giovanelli F, Di Bella I, Coizet R, Edizioni Ambiente, Milano: Capitolo 7. 

[1999] Carparelli A, Buti M, Sestito P, Suardi M.Italy’s slow growth in the 1990s: facts explanations and prospects, in Economic Papers, European Commission.

[1998] Carparelli A, Buti M, Sapir A, The Impact of Monetary Policy on the Real Economy, in Economic Policy in EMU, Clarendon Press, Oxford.

[1984] Carparelli A, Ernesto Rossi (1897-1967)in I protagonisti dell'intervento pubblico in Italia, ed. Mortara A, Franco Angeli, Milano: 607-638.

[1983] Carparelli A, Uomini, idee e iniziative per una politica di riconversione industrialein La transizione dall'economia di guerra all'economia di pace in Italia e in Germania, ed. Hertner P. e Mori, Il Mulino, Bologna: 207-247.

[1982] Carparelli A,“I perché di una mezza siderurgia. La società Ilva, l'industria della ghisa e il ciclo integrale negli anni Venti”, inAcciaio per l'industrializzazione, ed. Bonelli F, Einaudi, Torino: 5-158.

Francesca Carta

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Labour Economics, Public Economics

Keywords: coronavirus, Covid-19, Covid-19: impact on inequalities, Covid-19: impact on women, Covid-19: impact on women's work, Covid-19: impact on work, family policies, female employment, pension reforms, poverty

Region: ABROAD


Economist at the Bank of Italy, Department of Economics and Statistics, Economic Structure Service, Economic Structure Division and Labor Market.

Professional career

After obtaining a bachelor's degree (2006) and a specialist degree (2008) in Economics and Social Sciences at Bocconi University, she continued her education with a master's degree in Economic Theory and Econometrics at the Toulouse School of Economics (France). At the same university she obtained a PhD in Economics in 2014. Since 2013 she has been an economist at the Department of Economics and Statistics of the Bank of Italy, in the Division of Economic Structure and Labor Market. She has conducted visiting periods at Bocconi University and the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Spain).

Scientific results

Francesca Carta's research activity takes place in the context of labor economics and the public economy, combining theoretical and empirical approaches. The topics analyzed are different: the determinants of female labor supply, with particular reference to conciliation policies and family interactions that condition the choice to participate in the labor market; the structure of the taxation system for the financing of childcare policies; the theoretical construction of indices for measuring global inequality; the economic implications of introducing an unemployment benefit for the euro area. More recently, she has begun to analyze the consequences of pension reforms on the labor market and the effects of family and income support policies.

Editorial work and publications

She is the author of the following publications:

(2018) Carta F, Rizzica L. Early kindergarten, maternal labor supply and children’s outcomes: evidence from Italy. Journal of Public Economics, 158: 79-102.

(2018) Carta F, De Philippis M. You've come a long way, baby. Husbands' commuting time and family labour supply. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 69:25-37.

(2016) Brandolini A, Carta F, D'Amuri F. A Feasible UnemploymentBased Shock Absorber for the Euro Area. Journal of Common Market Studies, 54(5):1123-1141.

(2016) Brandolini A, Carta F. Some reflections on the social welfare bases of the measurement of global income inequality. Journal of Globalization and Development, 7(1):1-15.

(2013) Carta F. Investing in the youngest: the optimal child care policy. Bank of Italy Occasional paper, n. 180.

Awards and prizes

As soon as she finished her studies at Bocconi University, Francesca Carta received a scholarship to start research and teaching at the Department of Institutional Analysis and Public Management of Bocconi University. Thanks to her master's thesis she was selected for an internship at the Bank of Italy, after being particularly worthy of the scholarship named after B. Stringher. During her doctoral studies she obtained a scholarship for excellent students from the Toulouse School of Economics and a three-year research contract funded by the French Ministry of Education.  Since 2015 she has been a fellow of the Dondena Gender Initiative (Bocconi University).  In 2015, with the article Female Employment and Pre-Kindergarten: on the unintended effects of an Italian reform, she won, with Lucia Rizzica, the “Etta Chiuri” award, promoted by the Italian Society of Public Economics (SIEP) and the International Institute of Public Finance (IIPF) Young Economist Award.

Lilia Cavallari

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Fiscal Policy, International Economics, Macroeconomics, Monetary Policy

Keywords: business cycle, exchange rate regimes, firm dynamics, international trade, macroeconomic models, policy games

Region: Lazio


Chair of Italy’s Parliamentary Budget Office; Professor in Economics at the University of Roma Tre (on leave).

Professional career

Lilia Cavallari graduated summa cum laude in Economics at the University of Rome La Sapienza and obtained the PhD in Economics from the same university in 1993. She was Post-Doc fellow at the Center for Economic Performance of the London School of Economics and scholar at the CIDE School of Econometrics.  She was assistant professor of Public policy at the University of Rome La Sapienza since 1996, associate professor in Economics at the University of Roma Tre since 2002 and professor at the same university since 2011 (on leave since January 2022). She is Chair of Italy’s Parliamentary Budget Office.  She is scientific advisor for the DG Research of the European Commission and member of the editorial board of Economic Modelling, Elsevier. She was visiting professor at several institutions, including the Institute for New Economic Thinking at the University of Cambridge, the Institute for International Studies at the University of Stockholm, the Center for European Integration Studies at the University of Bonn, and the London School of Economics. 

Scientific results

Her research activity develops primarily in the field of international economics. It comprises theoretical and empirical studies of interdependence in the global economy, international policy coordination and the transmission of monetary and fiscal policy worldwide. Her most recent studies focus on the creation of new businesses and new products and their role for the aggregate economy; the impact of the exchange rate regime for foreign market access and multinational production; fiscal policy evaluation; fluctuations of consumption and markups over the business cycle. 

Editorial work and publications

[2021] Cavallari L., Romano S., Naticchioni P. The original sin. Firms’ dynamics and the life-cycle consequences of economic conditions at birth, European Economic Review vol.138, Article 103844.

[2020] Cavallari L., Etro F. Demand, markups and the business cycle, European Economic Review, 127:1-12.

[2020] Cavallari L. Monetary policy and consumers’ demand, Economic Modelling 92: 23-36.

[2020] Cavallari L., D’Addona S. Export margins and world shocks: an empirical investigation in fixed and floating regimes, Applied Economics 52 (20): 2191-2207.

[2017] Cavallari L., D’Addona S. Output stabilization and export margins in fixed and floating exchange rate regimes: does trade of new products matter?, Economic Modelling 64: 365-383.

[2017] Cavallari L., Romano S. Fiscal policy in Europe: the importance of making it predictable”, Economic Modelling 60: 81-97.

[2015] Cavallari L. Entry costs and the dynamics of business formation, Journal of Macroeconomics 44: 312-326.

[2013] Cavallari L. Firms’ entry, monetary policy and the international business cycle, Journal of International Economics 91: 263-274.

[2013] Cavallari L., D’Addona S. Output and interest rate volatility as determinants of FDI, Applied Economics 45: 2603–2610. 

[2012] Cavallari L.  Optimal contracts and the role of the government in wage bargaining, Economics Letters 115: 160–163.

[2010] Cavallari L.  Exports and FDI in an endogenous-entry model with nominal and real uncertainty, Journal of Macroeconomics 32: 300-313.

[2008] Cavallari L.  Macroeconomic interdependence with trade and multinational activities, Review of International Economics 16 (3): 537-558.

[2007] Cavallari L.  A macroeconomic model of entry with exporters and multinationals, The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, vol.7, issue 1(Contributions), Article 32.

Awards and prizes

Lilia Cavallari is fellow of the EABCN (Euro Area Business Cycle Network), fellow of CREI (Center of Research in Economics and Institutions, Roma Tre) and VisitINPS scholar. She was in the scientific board of the European Economics and Finance Society. She received several grants financed by the Ministry of Education, University and Research of Italy.

Denita Cepiku

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Business Administration, Collaborative Governance, Public Management

Keywords: co-production of public services, equity, network management, performance, strategy

Region: Lazio


Associate professor in Public Management and member of the Technical Commission on Performance at the Italian Department of Public Administration.

Professional career

After graduating with honors in Economics at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” in 2002, Denita Cepiku achieves a PhD degree in Public Management & Governance in 2006. Tenure track researcher in 2008 and associate professor in 2017, she teaches Business administration and Public management, and coordinates the PhD track in Public management and governance at the same university. She has been visiting professor at the University of Konstanz (2019) and at the York University of Toronto (2011).

She is editor-in-chief of Azienda Pubblica (the Italian public management journal since 1987), member of the editorial committees of Public Management Review, of Revista de Administração Pública, and of International Journal on Public Sector Performance Management. Since 2002, she has coordinated or taken part in research projects funded by the United Nations, European Commission, OECD, EBRD, International Institute of Administrative Sciences, European Institute of Public Administration, Swedish Research Council, Swiss Development Cooperation, Italian Ministry of health, Department of Public Administration, among others. She is member of the Technical Commission on Performance at the Department of Public Administration, Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

Scientific results

Her main research interests are in the areas of collaborative governance (network management and co-production), strategic performance management, crisis management, and equity.

Denita has contributed to the scientific research on networks by developing a multilevel performance model on public networks. Her empirical research has focused on UNESCO’s Heritage Sites, investigating configurational conditions that impact community-level performance; on the fight of malaria through community health workers in Ethiopia; on the leadership of local government networks.

Her works on strategic performance management have focused on public administrations and international institutions.

More recently, her research interests have addressed the issue of equity and the tools that public managers can employ to improve inclusion and social justice.

Editorial work and publications

[2021] Cepiku, D., & Mastrodascio, M. Equity in public services. Public Administration Review. Volume 81, Issue 6, November/December, pp. 1019-1032.

[2021] Cepiku D., Giordano F., Bovaird T., Loeffler E. Managing the Covid-19 pandemic—from a hospital-centred model of care to a community co-production approach. Public Money and Management, Vol. 41, No. 1.

[2021] Cepiku, D., Giordano, F., Mastrodascio, M., & Wang, W. What drives network effectiveness? A configurational approach. Public Management Review, 1-25. 

[2021] Cepiku D., Mastrodascio M. Leadership behaviours in local government networks: an empirical replication study, Public Management Review, 23:3, 354-375.

[2020] Cepiku D., Marsilio M., Sicilia M.F., Vainieri M. Co-production: management and evaluation. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-3-030-60710-4

[2020] Amici M., Cepiku D. (2020), Performance management in international organizations. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-3-030-39471-4.

[2018] Cepiku D., Giordano F., Bonomi Savignon A. (2018), Does strategy rhyme with austerity?. Public Management Review. 20:3.

[2018] Cepiku D. Strategia e performance nelle amministrazioni pubbliche. Egea. Biblioteca dell’economia d’azienda. Milano, ISBN 9788823845909.

[2017] Thomas R. Klassen, Denita Cepiku and T. J. Lah,, a cura di, (2017). Handbook of Global Public Policy and Administration. Routledge. ISBN: 9781138845220.

[2016] Cepiku D., Mussari R., Giordano F. (2016), Local Governments Managing Austerity: Approaches, Determinants and Impact. Public Administration. 94:1.

[2014] Cepiku D., Giordano F. (2014). Co-production in developing countries. Insights from the Community Health Workers experiences. Public Management Review, 16:3.

[2005] Cepiku D., Governance: riferimento concettuale o ambiguità terminologica nei processi di innovazione della PA?, Azienda Pubblica, N. 1.

Awards and prizes

Best paper Workshop Azienda Pubblica, 2010, Roma.

Best research Award 2011, Faculty of Economics, University of Rome Tor Vergata.

Best paper award International Journal of Public Sector Management, EURAM 2019.

EURAM 2020 Grant Scheme awarded to the research project: “Co-production of public services: an impact evaluation model”.

Best PMR article Kooiman Award published in Public Management Review (PMR) in 2021 (2).

Daria Ciriaci

Economy and Finance area

Competences: European Affairs, Governance, Industrial Economics, Regional Economics

Keywords: brain drain, european economic governance, innovation economy

Region: Lazio


Vicepresident for European Affairs at Cassa depositi e prestiti and Vicepresident of the European Long-Term Investors Association (ELTIa).

Professional career

Daria graduated in Political Science at University La Sapienza University of Rome and holds a Ph.D in Economics, from the same University. After being awarded a degree prize for statistical studies on the industrial development of Southern Italy, she started her career as a researcher at the Association for the industrial development of Southern Italy (SVIMEZ) where she continued working as a consultant until 2010. From 2006 to 2010 she has been research fellow in industrial economics and teaching assistant at Luiss Guido Carli University. She worked as an Adjunt professor of Microeconomics, Industrial economics and of International economics at the John Cabot University in Rome. In 2010 she moved to Seville to work as a post-doc at the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS), a Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, and in 2012 she moved to Madrid to join the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) as senior consultant. In 2013 she was appointed EU official and started working as an economist at the Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs (ECFIN), which she left in 2016 to work in Rome as the economic counsellor of the Representation of the European Commission to Italy. Since 2019 she is Vicepresident for European Affairs at Cassa depositi e prestiti, in charge of both the European institutional relations of the financial institution and of the support to CDP business activities related to EU guarantee and EU financing programs. Since 2019 she is also Vice-president of the European Long-Term Investors Association (ELTI), which gathers 31 European long-term financial institutions from 20 European countries.

Scientific results

She has +20 years of experience as an applied economist with a consistent focus on European public policies and European economic governance. She has a specialization in the economics and policy of innovation, , regional economics and industrial economics (e.g. the vertical integration of knowledge-based business services into manufacturing sector, the impact of structural reforms on firms’ productivity and territories’ attractiveness). She also conducted studies on socio-economic affairs, on the role of university quality and the impact of brain-drain on the potential growth of the Italian regions.

Editorial work and publications

[2016] Ciriaci, Grassano, Vezzani, Top R&D investor decision: how to succeed in the global regulatory contest?, European Commission, JRC Science for Policy Brief.

[2016] Ciriaci, Grassano, Vezzani, Regulation, red tape and location choices of top R&D investors, European Commission, European Economy Discussion papers, n. 31.

[2016] Ciriaci, Palma, To what extent are knowledge intensive business services contributing to manufacturing?. Economic Systems Research.

[2016] Ciriaci, The role of well-designed framework conditions for business investment in R&I, in European Commission, Science, Research and Innovation performance in the EU.

[2015] Ciriaci, La desertificazione industriale del Mezzogiorno. Italiani Europei.

[2015] Ciriaci, Montresor, Palma, Do KIBS make manufacturing more innovative? An empirical investigation for 4 European countries. Technological forecasting and Social Change.

[2015] Ciriaci, Moncada, Voigt, Innovation and job creation: A sustainable relation?. Eurasian Business Review. 

[2015] Ciriaci et al., The economic impact of rescue and recovery frameworks in the EU. European Commission, European Economy Discussion papers, n. 4.

[2014] Ciriaci, Business dynamics and red tape barriers. European Commission, European Economy Economic papers, n. 532. 

[2014] Canton, Ciriaci, Solera, The economic impact of professional services’ liberalization. European Commission, European Economy Economic papers, n. 533.

[2014] Ciriaci, Muscio, University choice, research quality and graduates’ employability: Evidence from Italian national survey data. European Educational Research Journal.

[2013] Ciriaci, University quality, interregional brain drain and spatial inequality. The case of Italy. Regional Studies.

 [2012] Ciriaci, Il ruolo della qualità dell’Università nelle scelte di mobilità dei laureati italiani. Rivista economica del Mezzogiorno. 

[2005] Ciriaci, The Brain Drain from Southern Italy: a difficult catching-up. Rivista Economica del Mezzogiorno.

[2001] Ciriaci, Convergenza e dualismo: Nord e Sud Italia tra il 1970 e il 1999. Rivista Economica del Mezzogiorno.

Awards and prizes

In 2001, she received “The Saraceno award for economical and statistical studies on Southern Italy”, SVIMEZ and in 2007 the ERSA-Prepare Scholarship (Marie Curie Program).

Cinzia Colapinto

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Business Model, Communication Strategy, Digital Transformation, Entrepreneurial Education, Female Entrepreneurship, Food and Wine Business, Food Business, Start up Consulting

Keywords: agrifood, artificial intelligence, digitisation

Region: Veneto

Professional career

After graduating in Political Science with a major in International Economics, she obtained a PhD in Business History, Business Systems and Corporate Finance from the University of Milan (Italy). She has carried out teaching and/or research activities at several Italian universities (University of Milan, University of Milano-Bicocca, Free University of Bolzano) and foreign universities (QUT Australia; Abu Dhabi School of Management, UAE; Skema Business School and IPAG Business School in France, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan; USI, Switzerland; London School of Economics, UK) or other institutions (Veneto Agricoltura). Since 2011 she has been attached to the Department of Management at Ca' Foscari University of Venice, where she is Associate Professor and Head of Experior projects (innovative didactics) and Member of the Commission for the Enhancement of Knowledge. She recently joined the AGRIFOOD Laboratory and set up the B2B Observatory (in collaboration with Marketing Arena), of which she is Director.

Scientific results

In the last twenty years, she has been studying the digital transformation in the media industry focusing on the Italian market  She is interested in issues related to innovation and change in different cultures and contexts looking at the decision making processes. 

The more recent stream of research deals with female entrepreneurship focusing on agrifood/wine industry.

Editorial work and publications

[2021] La Torre, D., Colapinto, C., Durosini, I., Triberti, S., Team Formation for Human-Artificial Intelligence Collaboration in the Workplace: A Goal Programming Model to Foster Organizational Change, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 10.1109/TEM.2021.3077195.

[2021] Colapinto, C., Finotto, V., Coco, N., Supporting Pervasive Digitization in Italian SMEs Through an Open Innovation Process, in Hinterhuber, A., Vescovi, T., Checchinato, F. (eds) Managing Digital Transformation. Understanding the Strategic Process, Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781003008637-26

[2019] Giachetti, C, Manzi, G., Colapinto C. Entry Mode Degree of Control, Firm Performance and Host Country Institutional Development: A Meta-Analysis. Management International Review, 59 (1): 3-39.

[2019] Vié, A., Colapinto, C., La Torre, D., Liuzzi, D., The long-run sustainability of the European Union countries: Assessing the Europe 2020 strategy through a fuzzy goal programming model, Management Decision. 57 (2): 523-542.

[2017] Colapinto, C.; Jayaraman, R.; Marsiglio, S., Multi-criteria decision analysis with goal programming in engineering, management and social sciences: a state-of-the art review. Annals of Operations Research, 251:. 7-40. 

[2016] Colapinto, C., Sartori, E., Tolotti, M.  ‘How the Innovation Diffusion Models from the Past can Help us to Explain Marketing in the New Media Era, in Campbell C.; Ma J., Looking Forward, Looking Back: Drawing on the Past to Shape the Future of Marketing, Springer International Publishing: 726-732 (ISBN 978-3-319-24182-1). 

[2014] Aouni, B., Colapinto, C., La Torre, D., Financial Portfolio Management through the Goal Programming Model: Current State-of-the-Art. European Journal of Operational Research,  234 (2): 536–545.

[2014] Colapinto; C. Benecchi E. Dynamics and Motivations of Media Marketing: The Role of Globalization and Empowerment. Abstract and Applied Analysis,  1-9.

[2014] Colapinto, C., Benecchi, E., The Presentation Of Celebrity Personas In Everyday Twittering, Managing online reputations throughout a communication crisis. Media Culture and Society, 36 (2):. 219 – 233.

[2013] Sofo, F., Colapinto, C., Sofo, M., Ammirato, S. Adaptive Decision Making and Intellectual Styles , Berlin Heidelberg: Springer (ISBN 9781461467076)

[2012] Colapinto, C., Porlezza, C., Innovation in creative industries: from the Quadruple-helix model to the Systems Theory. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 3 (4):. 343-353. 

[2010] Colapinto C. Moving to a multichannel and multiplatform company in the emerging and digital Media eco-system: the case of Mediaset Group. The International Journal On Media Management,  12(2):. 59-75. 

Awards and prizes

Re:gen-u , Progetto Erasmus + (Principal Investigator)

"Urban Camp" Project - Erasmus Plus (Knowledge Alliances) call EAC/A02/2019 (con V. Finotto, F. Pranovi) Grant Agreement number — 621686-EPP-1-2020- 1-ES-EPPKA2

Premio alla ricerca, Dipartimento di Management, Ca’ Foscari Università di Venezia, Italia, 2020

Progetto La digitalizzazione dei mercati agro-alimentari all’ingrosso - progetto di Eccellenza - CUP H76C18000650001 (con F. Checchinato, V. Finotto, C.  Mauracher),  Dipartimento di Management, Ca’ Foscari Università di Venezia, 2020.

Responsabile Scientifico del Progetto PID (“Digital transformation for SMEs in Venice and Rovigo” 5/12/2018 - 31/12/2019 (  (con  V. Finotto)

Progetto: “Does entrepreneurial education of business owners matter? The SME Executive Development program in Kazakhstan”, Marzo 2018, (Nazarbayev University Small Grant; CO-Principal Investigator con  O. Apkemu)   

European Social Fund (DDR 345 - 21/12/2012); Progetto "New models and product for scientific communication 2.0" (code 2120/101/9/1686/2012) - (Principal Investigator) 

Swiss Government Scholarship PBT1P1-130960 2009 (Principal Investigator).

Maria Colurcio

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Management, Marketing

Keywords: agrifood, circular economy, innovation, service ecosystem, social innovation, sustainability, UN Agenda 2030, value co-creation

Region: Calabria


Full professor of Management and Dean of the Bachelor's Degree Program in Business Administration at Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro.

Professional career

After graduating in Economics and Commerce from Federico University II in Naples in 1995, she continued her education with a PhD in Business Administration from the same university. Since 2000, she has received postdoctoral fellowships on innovation. From 2008 to 2015 she was a researcher at the University Magna Graecia of Catanzaro; during this time she built a dense research network and spent training periods abroad (University of Karlstad, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Universidad de Almerìa). She has been a visiting professor at Universidade de Caxias do Sul in Brazil and at the research centre CTF at Karlstad University in Sweden. Since 2020, she has been a full professor at the University of Magna Graecia in Catanzaro.

Scientific results

Since the beginning of her career, she has focused on innovation issues, particularly in the agri-food and cultural sectors. In this context, she coordinated the international project "Network innovation in the small and medium agrifood enterprises (SMEs) POR Calabria FSE 2007/2013 and participated as local coordinator in the" Smart Service Ecosystem: Designing a Sustainable Innovation Practice" funded by the Seventh Framework Program for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration of the European Union. Currently, she is the scientific leader of the projects "Sustainable Business Models: Theoretical Framework and Practices Design ForAgrifood SME's" and "Harmonic Innovation", funded by PON Research 2014-2020. Recently, her research has focused on the circular economy and the application of the service ecosystem framework to villages for the purpose of social and cultural regeneration of territories. She is scientific coordinator of the Innovation and Technology Management thematic group within SIMA - Italian Management Society.

Editorial work and publications

Since 2000, she has been a reviewer for recognised international journals and conferences. She is a member of the editorial board and advisory board of national and international series on management and marketing topics.

She is co-editor of the management journal SIJM - Sinergie Italian Journal of Management and member of the editorial board of IJM - Italian Journal of Management.

[2022] Caridà A., Colurcio M., Melia M. -Digital Platform for Social Innovation: Insights from volunteering Creativity and Innovation Management

[2022] Caridà A., Colurcio M., Edvardsson B., Pastore A. -Creating harmony through a plethora of interests, resources and actors: the challenging task of orchestrating the service ecosystem.- Journal of Service Theory and Practice

[2022] Colurcio, M., Caridà A., Melia M., The transformative role of resource integration in shaping anew service ecosystem. In The Palgrave Handbook of Service Management, edited by Edvardsson B., Tronvoll B., Palgrave. ISBN-13:9783030918279

[2021] Colurcio, M., Caridà A., Melia M. (2021), Valore e Territorio: un’ipotesi mediterranea. In Agricoltura, Società e Sviluppo Sostenibile dell’area del Mediterraneo, edited by Francesco Foglia, Rubbettino Editore

[2019] Colurcio, M., & Caridà, A. .Integrazione delle Risorse. Da concetto generico a costrutto di marketing. Pacini:Pisa.

[2019] Caridà, A., Edvardsson, B., & Colurcio, M.. Conceptualizing resource integration as an embedded process: Matching, resourcing and valuing. Marketing Theory, 19(1), 65-84.

[2019] Candi, M., Melia, M., & Colurcio, M.. Two birds with one stone: The quest for addressing both business goals and social needs with innovation. Journal of Business Ethics, 160(4), 1019-1033

[2019] Caridà, A., Colurcio, M., Russo Spena, T. R., & Kandampully, J.. Service innovation in emerging economies: an inclusive perspective. Sinergie Italian Journal of Management, 37(3), 11-38.

[2017] Colurcio, M., Caridà, A., & Edvardsson, B.. Conceptualizing Resource Integration to Advance Service Innovation. In Innovating in Practice,Springer, Cham, 237-259.

[2016] Kristensson, P., Parasuraman, A., McColl-Kennedy, J. R., Edvardsson, B., & Colurcio, M.. Linking service design to value creation and service research. Journal of Service Management, 27(1), 21-29.

[2015] Witell, L., Anderson, L., Brodie, R. J., Colurcio, M., Edvardsson, B., Kristensson, P., ... & Andreassen, T. W.. Exploring dualities of service innovation: implications for service research. Journal of Services Marketing.

[2012] Colurcio, M., Wolf, P., Kocher, P. Y., & Spena, T. R.. Asymmetric relationships in networked food innovation processes. British Food Journal, 702-727.

Awards and prizes

2008 Best Paper for Service Logic in Innovation, Section Innovative Service Thinking Case Study - 22nd Service Conference and Workshop, Academy of Marketing & Westminister Service Sector Research Center College of Westminister, London UK.

2013 Publication Award 2013, Lucerne College of Applied Sciences and Arts for the paper "Asymmetric relations in networked food innovation process", British Food Journal (2012), Vol 114, Issue 5, 702-727.

2013 Winner of the Outstanding Print Award, Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2013, "Store experience and co-creation: the case of temporary shop", International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Vol. 40 Number 1, 21-40

2014 Best Selected paper "Designing a collaborative business model for SMEs", XXVI Annual Sinergie Conference, Cassino, November 2014.

2018 Highly Commended Paper Award of the Journal of Service Management "Technology as Operating Resources for the Reconstruction Experience of Cultural Heritage", 9th IRSSM conference. Ljubljana, July 2018.

2017 Smart Excellence Recognition for the international research project: "Smart Service Ecosystem: designing a practice of sustainable innovation". Project identified "Excellent Realities", special objective Smart, Il Sole 24 Ore (11/10/2017).

2020 Selected Document Virtual Special Issue on Responsible Innovation in Times of Crisis, Journal of Business Ethics (edited by Montiel I., Gutierrez-Gutierrez L., Castillo A.): "Two birds with one stone: the research to meet both business objectives and social needs with innovation". Journal of Business Ethics (2019), vol. 160, n. 4m 1019-1033.

2020 Best Selected Paper "Ethics and artificial intelligence: new and old challenges. Focus on self-driving cars" Section "Technology & Innovation Marketing", SIM Conference, Milan, 2020.

Marcella Corsi

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Gender Economy, History of Economic Ideas, Human Development, Labour Economics, Microfinance

Keywords: evaluation, gender, microfinance, poverty, work

Region: Lazio


Full Professor of Political Economy at the La Sapienza University of Rome. President of "Minerva. Laboratory on diversity and gender inequalities" at the same University

Professional career

After obtaining a degree in Statistical Sciences (economics) from the University of Rome La Sapienza, she continued her education with a PhD in Economics from the University of Manchester (UK). From 1990 to 1992 she was a researcher at the Istituto Studi Congiuntura (ISCO) and, from 1992 to 2005, she worked as an associate professor at the LUISS "G. Carli ". From 2009 to 2013 she is a visiting professor at the Université Libre del Bruxelles. She is a member of CERMi (Center of European Research on Microfinance) at the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management. She has been collaborating for several years with Fondazione Risorsa Donna with reference to studies on the impact of microfinance and with the Giacomo Brodolini Foundation, on topics related to the gender economy. She is one of the founders of the Economia Civile association ( and of the online magazine ( She has worked as a consultant for various international institutions (European Commission, European Parliament, OECD): in particular she coordinated the EGGSI network (Expert Group on Gender, Social Inclusion, Health and Long-Term Care) on behalf of the European Commission - DG Employment and social affairs. From 2013 to 2016 she coordinated the Gender Commission of the Italian Society of Economists (SIE). From March 2017 she directs the International Review of Sociology.

Scientific results

As part of her research activity, she has dealt with conjunctural analysis in the real world (labor market, consumption and investments, etc.), technical progress, innovations in the public sector, and, in more recent years, related topics to human development (gender inequalities, poverty, social investments, etc.) and to the evaluation of economic research. In recent years she has published in journals of international prestige such as the Journal of development studies and Feminist economics. She contributed to several collective books published by major international publishers (Routledge and Anthem Press) and edited a textbook for the publisher Laterza (in collaboration with Alessandro Roncaglia).

Editorial work and publications

Marcella Corsi is the author of numerous scientific publications, including (in more recent years):

(2018) (a cura di) Corsi M, Kregel J, D’Ippoliti C. Classical Economics Today, Anthem Press.

(2017) Corsi M, Roncaglia A.Nuovi lineamenti di economia politica, Laterza.

(2017) Corsi M, Gurubu G. Inequality and Poverty, in Jo T, Chester L, D’Ippoliti C (a cura di). Handbook of Heterodox Economics, Routledge.

(2017) Corsi M, De Angelis M. Gender Discrimination in Microfinance? Some Evidence from Uganda. Journal of Development Studies, vol. 53.

(2016) Cirillo V, Corsi M, D’Ippoliti C. Gender, Class and the Crisis,  in Fadda S, Tridico P (a cura di), Varieties of Economic Inequality, Routledge.

(2016) Botti F, Corsi M, D’Ippoliti C. Gendered Nature of Poverty in the EU: Individualized versus Collective Poverty Measure. Feminist economics, vol. 22.

(2016) Botti F, Corsi M, Guarini G.Lo Stato come ‘fornitore’ d’investimenti sociali (F), Moneta e Credito, vol. 69.

(2013) Corsi M, D’Ippoliti C. The Productivity of the Public Sector: A ClassicalView PSL Quarterly Review, vol. 66.

(2011) Cipollone A, Corsi M, D’Ippoliti C. Building a Knowledge Economy: Education and Job Opportunities in Gender Perspective. PanOeconomicus, vol. LVIII.

(2011)  Corsi M, D’Ippoliti C, Lucidi F. On the Evaluation of Economic Research: The Case of Italy. Economia Politica, vol. 28.

E’ anche attiva in campo giornalistico, come redattrice del web-magazine ( e come collaboratrice di

Anna Cristina D'Addio

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Development Economy, Econometrics, Education Systems, Public Economics

Keywords: aging of the population, gender, inequality, migrations, poverty

Region: ABROAD


Senior Policy Analyst (Thematic lead) at UNESCO.

Professional career

Anna Cristina D'Addio is an economist by background. After graduating in Economics with a thesis in Public Economics magna cum laude at the Faculty of Economics and Commerce of the University of Genoa, and a Master's degree in Quantitative Economics from CORE (Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve University, Belgium) she obtained a PhD in Public Economics at the University of Pavia with a thesis in Finance Science in June 1997 and a PhD in Quantitative Economics at the University of Louvain-La-Neuve in 2000.

As part of her research, she spent a year at CREST (Centre de Recherche en Economie et Statistique) in Paris where she worked on issues related to youth unemployment and micro-econometrics applied to the labour market. Returning to Belgium she worked at IRES (Institut des Recherches Economiques et Sociales) and CORE (Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve)  conducting research on youth labour marketspreparing various empirical and theoretical articles collaborating with academics worldwide. In August 2000 she obtained a PhD in Quantitative Economics from the Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve within the frame of the European Doctoral Program with a thesis on the transition from school to work of young people in France and on unemployment. From 2000 to 2004 she continued to conduct research on these issues participating in international research projects and working as an associate research professor as part of a European research project at the Department of Economics of Aarhus University and the Research Centre on Integration, Education, Qualifications and Marginalisation at Aarhus Business School (Denmark). She conducted research and also taught at the Center of Applied Microeconometrics of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Copenhagen (Denmark) and at HIVA of the Catholique University of Leuven (Belgium). In 2001 she taught the course of evaluation of public policies as Maître de Conférence Invité of the Université  catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve.

From 2004 to 2017 she worked at the OECD in several areas with a socio-economic focus and with a particular emphasis on policies. Since 2017 she has been working as Senior Policy Analyst (Thematic Lead) in the team of  the Global Education Monitoring Report at UNESCO, where she leads the thematic part of the report.

Scientific results

Before starting her career in international organizations, she has worked in numerous university research centers starting from the Department of Scienza delle Finanze of the University of Genoa where she conducted research on (parametric and non-parametric) methodologies to measure efficiency  by applying them  to public transport in Italy. After obtaining her PhD on this topic, she began to work on micro-econometrics applied to issues related to the labour market and in particular to school to work transitions  and the unemployment of young people at theoreticak (the treatment of censorship on the left in models of duration and transition) and  empirical levels. She has published various articles in  journals and  books.

She has developed during her career a great knowledge of longitudinal, transition and duration dataand models. In the 13 years at the OECD she has worked on a wide range of issues such as income inequality, poverty, intergenerational transmission of education and income, financial education, an ageing population, social protection systems, pensions, gender inequalities and the decline in fertility, with particular emphasis on the role of policies. In this role, she has contributed to leading publications such as "Growing Unequal" and the various editions of "Pensions at a Glance" and "OECD Pensions Outlook", among others.  This research also contributed to the preparation of the European Commission's Pensions Adequacy Report. She also participated as an expert in the Survey on the gender impact of social security legislation and on the disparities in pension treatments between men and women carried out by the Italian Chamber of Deputies.

Since 2017 as a Senior Policy Analyst of the Global Education Monitoring Report at UNESCO, she leads the preparation of the thematic part of the report of which she is also co-author. She also participates in the preparation of the team's other thematic outputs, such as the Gender Report  and  Regional reports. Anna D'Addio is responsible for the preparation of country profiles  (PEER) that deal with key aspects to achieve sustainable development goal 4 on education such as inclusion.

Editorial work and publications

[2020]: “Global Education Monitoring Report 2020: Education and Inclusion”, Collective publication with the GEM Report team, UNESCO;

[2019]. “Premessa: I rapporti scuola-famiglia e l’integrazione dei minori stranieri” (Foreword: The relation between schools and the family and the integration of minors with a migrant background) (2019), Guida ISMU 2019, ed.  Elisabetta Cicciarelli  Scuola e famiglie immigrate: un incontro possibile.

[2018): “Global Education Monitoring Report 2019: Migration, Displacement and Education Building Bridges not Walls”, Collective publication with the GEM Report team, UNESCO;

[2015]: “Filling the contribution gap: the effect of incomplete careers on pension entitlements”, chapter 3 in “OECD Pensions at a Glance 2015”, OECD Pensions at a Glance, OECD Publishing Paris.

[2015]: “Reverse mortgage: a tool to reduce old age poverty without sacrificing social inclusion” with E. Fornero, F. coda Moscarola and MC Rossi, Chapter 21 in Ageing in Europe - Supporting Policies for an Inclusive Society, Publisher: De Gruyter, Editors: Axel Borsch-Supan, Guglielmo Weber, et al, pp.235-244 

[2015]:“Dynamics of Social expenditure over the cycle: is there a ratchet effect?” (2015), OECD Journal: Economic Studies.

[2014]:“Labour mobility and the portability of social security rights” (2014), Cesifo Economic Studies with M.C. Cavalleri. Published on line April 2014.

[2013]:« Using a quasi-natural experiment to identify the effects of birth-related leave policies on subjective well-being in Europe”, OECD Journal: Economic Studies, issue 1, vol. 2013

[2013]: “Pension Reforms and Risks: Challenges for Pension Systems in Advanced European Countries”, Chapter 9 in Designing Equitable and Sustainable Pension Systems in the Post-Crisis World, IMF publishing, 2013

[2012]: “Pension entitlements of women with children: The Role of Childcare credits in pension systems in OECD and EU countries”, Chapter 12 in Nonfinancial Defined Contribution Pension Schemes in a Changing Pension World, Volume 2: Gender, Politics, and Financial Stability, eds. R. Holzmann, E. Palmer and D. Robalino,  The World Bank.

[2010]:« Population ageing and Labour markets » (2010), Oxford review of Economic Policy, volume 26,  number 4,  winter 2010 ,  with  M. Keese and E. Whitehouse.

[2010]:“Duration dependence and time varying variables in discrete time duration models” (2010), Brazilian Review of Econometrics, vol. 30 (2)  with B. Honoré.

Awards and prizes

Anna attends numerous national and international conferences and conferences on inequality, gender, pensions, fertility and education. These include the International Forum of the Americas with a speech on pension systems. 

Conchita D'Ambrosio

Economy and Finance area


Keywords: coronavirus, Covid-19, individual welfare

Region: ABROAD


Professor of Political Economy at the University of Luxembourg

Professional career

Conchita D'Ambrosio graduated with honors in Political Economy from Bocconi University in 1993. She continued her studies with a Master of Arts in Economics at the University of New York in 1997, a PhD in Public Finance at the University of Pavia in 1009, a Master of Philosophy or then a Phd in Economics at the University of New York in 1999 and 2000. In 2001 she was a researcher in Finance at the Bocconi University. In 2004 she became an associate professor at the University of Milan-Bicocca. In 2012 she received the prestigious PEARL Grant (about 2 MEUR) from the Fonds National de la Recherche Luxemburgese for the analysis of socio-economic inequalities and since 2013 she has been a full professor of Political Economy at the University of Luxembourg.

Scientific results

The research activity of Conchita D’Ambrosio is aimed at examining individual well-being, its measurement and its consequences, with particular attention to individual and social dynamics. On the one hand it proposed indicators of poverty, social exclusion, mobility, polarization, relative deprivation, economic insecurity, on the other it analyzed the association between the proposed indicators and individual behaviors in longitudinal data and cohorts of births in different countries, especially in Europe.  Her works underline the importance of inclusion in the measurement of individual well-being of confrontational elements and expectations that depend both on the individual's path being examined and on that of the others that make up the same reference group. Her recent studies are aimed at analyzing the effect of parents' economic insecurities on their children's cognitive and non-cognitive outcomes, both during adolescence, - outcomes such as academic performance, mental health, behavior, the index of body mass, - both in pregnancy on characteristics such as the weight and the circumference of the head of the newborn at birth.

Editorial work and publications

Conchita D’Ambrosio has been editor of the Review of Income and Wealth since 2008 and a member of the editorial board of the International Review of Economics and of the Journal of Economic Inequality. She edited the Handbook of Research on Individual and Social Well-Being, currently being printed with Edward Elgar. She is also the author of numerous scientific articles published in national and international journals, including:

(2018) Bossert W, Can B, D’Ambrosio C. A Head-count Measure of Rank Mobility and Its Directional Decomposition. Economica, 85(340): 793-805.

(2016) Chakravarty SR, Chattopadhyay N, D’Ambrosio C. On a Family of Achievement and Shortfall Inequality Indices. Health Economics, 25:1503-1513.

(2016) Rohde N, D’Ambrosio C, Tang KK, Rao P. Estimating the Mental Health Effects of Social Isolation. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 11:853-869.

(2016) Clark A, D’Ambrosio C, Ghislandi S. Adaptation to Poverty in Long-Run Panel Data. Review of Economics and Statistics, 98:591-600.

(2016) Bossert W, Can B, D’Ambrosio C. Measuring Rank Mobility with Variable Population

Size. Social Choice and Welfare, 46:917-931.

(2015) D’Ambrosio C, Rohde. The Distribution of Economic Insecurity: Italy and the USA over the Great Recession. Review of Income and Wealth, 60:S33-S52.

(2014) Bose A, Chakravarty SR, D’Ambrosio C. Richness Orderings. Journal of Economic Inequality, 12:5-22.

(2013) Bossert W, D’Ambrosio C. Measuring Economic Insecurity. International Economic Review, 54:1017-1030.

(2012) Bossert W A, Chakravarty SR, D’Ambrosio C. Poverty and Time. Journal of Economic Inequality, 10:145-162.

(2012) D’Ambrosio C, Frick J. Individual Well-Being in a Dynamic Perspective. Economica, 79:284-302.

Awards and prizes

Conchita D’Ambrosio is among the twelve WISE WOMEN 2017, Women in Science and Engineering in Luxembourg. She is a member of the Scientific Commission for the Measurement of Wellbeing, ISTAT since 2011, a member of the Eurostat Task Force for the Development of the 2013 EU-SILC ad hoc module on well-being, 2010, member of the board of the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality since 2015. In 2017 she received the “Principessa Sichelgaita” international award, which won the High Patronage of the Chamber of Deputies, the Senate and the Presidency of the Republic - is awarded every year by the Salerno Lions Club Princess Sichelgaita, to women from Salerno who have distinguished themselves for their merits in art, entrepreneurship, entertainment or otherwise.

Daniela Del Boca

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Family Economy, Labour Economics

Keywords: coronavirus, Covid-19: impact on women's work

Region: Piedmont


Daniela Del Boca, Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison, is Professor of Economics at the University of Turin, Fellow of Collegio Carlo Alberto and Director of CHILD.

Professional career

After her bachelor degree at the University of Turin she continued her academic training in Labor Economics at the University of  Wisconsin-Madison where she was awarded her PhD in 1988.

Nel 1990 she has been Associate Professor at the Politecnico of Milan and later full Professor at the University of Turin. She has visited several Universities including New York University, Johns Hopkins, Munich

Scientific results

Her main interests are on gender gaps in the labor market and family investment in human capital and child development.

She has participated and coordinated several European Projects. Among the most recent ones: Families and Societies (FP7 2013-2017), Family and the Economic Crisis (Leibniz Association, 2015-2018), Child Care and Child Outcomes (Collegio Carlo Alberto and Jacobs Foundation), Economic Benefits of Gender Equality in the European Union. ( and Closing the gender pension gap by increasing women’s awareness (2018-2010).

Editorial work and publications

Daniela Del Boca ha written several articles and books. Among the books: Women in the Labor Force: An Economic Perspective (Oxford University Press, 2005), Social Policies, Labour Markets and Motherhood (Cambridge University Press, 2008), Famiglie Sole (Il Mulino, 2009) e Valorizzare le Donne Conviene (Il Mulino, 2012).

Among the most recent articles:

(2020) Del Boca D, Oggero N, Profeta P, Rossi M. Women’s and men’s work, housework and childcare, before and during COVID-19. Review of Economics of the Household 18 (4), 1001-1017

(2018) Del Boca D, Heckman J, Biroli P et al. Evaluating the Reggio Approach on Early. Research in Economics, 71

(2017) Del Boca D, Monfardini C, Nicoletti C. Parental and child time and cognitive development of adolescents. Journal of Labor Economics 35(2):565-608

(2016) Del Boca D, Flinn C, Wiswall M. Transfers to families with children and child outcomes. Economic Journal 526: F138-F183

 (2014) Del Boca D, Flinn C. Household Behavior and Marriage Market. Journal of Economic Theory, 150: 37-155

(2014) Del Boca D, Flinn C, Wiswall M. Household Choices and Child Development. Review of Economic Studies, 81:137-185

Daniela Del Boca is also in the Editorial Board of two journals Labour (Review of Labour Economics) e Review of Economics of the Household and Member of the Editorial Committee of  where she is responsabile dei geneder and family policies  ( Collaborates also to 27esima ora of Corriere della Sera, the online journal inGenere and her results have cited by Repubblica, Il Sole 24 ore, International New York Times, Financial Times. She partecipates to several international conferences and workshops on women’s work, family and child outcomes.

Awards and prizes

In 2007 she was awarded by the President of the Italian Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano of the Order of Merit for her contribution to the study of conciliation work and the family. 

On 25 November 2021, she was awarded the Tarantelli Research Prize for her contribution to the Economics of Work and the Family.

She is presently Research Associate to the Institute of Human Development and Social Change at NYU, the Becker-Friedman Institute of the University of Chicago, CEPR, Ifo at the University of Munich, and  IZA (Bonn). 

Since 2012 is a Member of the General Council of Compagnia di San Paolo.

Since 2016, she has been a member of the International Scientific Committee of the E.L.E.NA Project on labour flexibility policies of men and women of the Equal Opportunities Commission funded by the European Community. She was Keynote Speaker at the Society of Family Economists in San Diego in June 2017.

Valentina Della Corte

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Destination Management, Management, Strategic Management, Tourism Marketing

Keywords: agrifood, artificial intelligence, business models, hospitality management, industry 4.0, innovation through innovation, productions of excellence, tourism

Region: Campania


Full professor of Management at the University of Naples Federico II, where she coordinates the Degree Course in Hospitality Management and the Master in Hospitality and Destination Management established in collaboration with M3 Center University of South Florida. She is the Rector's Delegate for Unina 2024.

Professional career

After graduating in Business and Economics at University of Naples Federico II in 1992, she continues her academic carrier receiving the PhD in Economics and Finance in 1997 at the University Ca’ Foscari of Venice. In 2003 she is nominated Assistant Professor in Management at University of Naples Federico II. At the same University, in 2007 she has become Associate Professor and in 2018 Full Professor in Management. During her academic carriers, she has attended several research periods abroad, namely University of Cooperative Education (University of Ravensburg), University of Utah and Ceram Business School (Skema). Nowadays, she is member of scientific associations and academies, such as: Italian Society of Tourism Science (since 2007), Strategic Management Society (since 2010), European Academy of Management (since 2013), Society of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity (since 2015). Moreover, she serves as reviewer for scientific journals and conferences, both national and international, and she is member of editorial board of scientific journals and editorial books. Since 2016 she is member of the Commission of Evaluation Expert (CEV) appointed by ANVUR for the periodic accreditation and for the new accreditation for degree programs (assessed to date Luigi Bocconi University of Milan, University of Pavia, University of the Studies of Cassino, University of Lecce); coordination of the commission for the evaluation of new courses in the tourism and related sectors for ANVUR. Since 2021 she is member of the steering Committee of the “Polo Agri-tech for Research and Venture Capital”, Ministry of University and Research; Commissioner for the National Scientific Qualification (ASN-Sector 13/B2, Directorial Decree No. 251 of 2021, article 6, paragraph 3); Auditor of the “S. Pietro A Majella ”of Naples, Ministry of University and Research; Vice President & Executive President of Society of Open Innovation: Technology market and Complexity.

Scientific results

Her main research interests concern both the topic of digitalization and artificial intelligence in the context of the tourism and hospitality sector and sustainability considered in environmental, social, economic and technological terms.

She has participated and/or coordinated many projects as principal investigator/academic coordinator on the basis of competitive calls. She is member of the research group and operational coordinator of the national research, funded by MUR PRIN on "Puzzling out smart ruralities, sound knowledge and rural (agricultural/agrifood) entrepreneurial ecosystem". In 2013/2014 she was scientific responsible of the Project "I Circuiti dell'enogastronomia in Provincia di Napoli: le Eccellenze del Made in Naples". In 2011 she was scientific responsible of the following research projects: "Ospitalità nei Borghi", commissioned to the Department of Business Administration by the Campania Region; "Le produzioni d'eccellenza nel percorso: Reale-Virtuale-Reale. The case of made in Naples", funded by the Chamber of Commerce (CCIAA) of Naples to the Department of Business Administration, on the basis of competitive bidding that included peer review; "The Citadel of Arts and Crafts: project developments", commissioned to the Department of Business Administration by the City of Benevento. In 2010 she was the scientific responsible for the research project entitled: "The circuits of luxury made in Campania: the made in Naples", funded by the CCIAA of Naples to the Department of Business Administration, on the basis of competitive bidding that provided for peer review.

Editorial work and publications

[2022] Arica R, Cobanoglu C, Cakir O, Corbaci A, Hsu MJ Della Corte, V. Travel experience sharing on social media: effects of the importance attached to content sharing and what factors inhibit and facilitate it. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 34 (4): 1566-1586.

[2021] Della Corte V, Aria M, Del Gaudio G, Barney J.B, Cobanoglu C, Sepe, F. The relevance of relational capabilities in collaborative decisions. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33 (12): 4391-4417. 

[2021] Della Corte V, Del Gaudio G, Sepe F, Nevola G. Kosher meat and production issues: A bibliometric analysis. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 116: 749-754.

[2021] Pagliara F, Aria M, Russo L, Della Corte V. A theoretical model linking the development of the transportation system with citizens' trust in government actors. Papers in Regional Science, 100 (1): 273-285.

[2021] Pagliara F, Aria M, Russo L, Della Corte V, Nunkoo R. Validating a theoretical model of citizens’ trust in tourism development. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 73: 100922.

[2020] Della Corte V, Management of Hospitality Firms, CEDAM, Padova.

[2020] Della Corte V, Imprese e Sistemi Turistici: il management, Egea, Milano, III Edizione

[2019] Dermody J, Yun J. J, Della Corte V. Innovations to advance sustainability behaviours. The Service Industries Journal, 39 (15-16): 1029-1033.

[2018] Della Corte V, Del Gaudio G, Sepe F. Ethical food and the kosher certification: a literature review. British Food Journal, 120 (10): 2270-2288. 

[2018] Della Corte V, Aria M, Del Gaudio G. Strategic governance in tourist destinations. International Journal of Tourism Research, 20 (4): 411-423.

[2018] Della Corte V, Del Gaudio G, Sepe F. Innovation and tradition-based firms: a multiple case study in the agro-food sector. British Food Journal, 120 (6): 1295-1314.

[2016] Della Corte V, Aria M. Coopetition and sustainable competitive advantage. The case of tourist destinations. Tourism Management, 54: 524-540. 

Awards and prizes

Valentina Della Corte has received international awards and recognitions for her research activities, among which: in 2016 the best papers' award: “The role of ecosystem in cultural firms. The interplay between Smart and open innovation”, Society of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity & Society Annual Conference, San Joseph State University and, in the same year, the nomination as Member of the Organizing Committee and Conference Program Chair of the Strategic Management Society Special Conference: Strategy Challenges in the 21st Century: Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Coopetition, LUISS Guido Carli University; in 2018 Certificate of Appreciation as Hosting Chair and Conference Chair at the Society of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity & Society Annual Conference, Naples; in 2019 Certificate of Appreciation as Keynote Speaker at the Global Conference on Business and Economics, organized by the Association for Higher Education International, University of South Florida and Bau University, Istanbul; in 2020 the nomination as Co-chair of the Global Conference on Services and Retail Management (GLOSERV 2021) and the Best Reviewer Award of the Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity; in 2021 the award “talented women” 2nd edition. 

Silvia Dello Russo

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior, Organizational Psychology

Keywords: feedback, generations, leadership, motivation, performance appraisal

Region: Lazio


Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management at Luiss University of Rome.

Professional career

Graduated in Psychology, with a specialization in Occupational and Organizational Psychology at Sapienza University of Rome (2004), she becomes a chartered psychologist in 2005. She obtains a PhD in Organizational Psychology (2008) at the same University in Rome. During her doctoral studies (2006) she spends a period at the Rotman School of Management (Toronto, Canada) as visiting student. Subsequently, she works in Italy as a consultant in the field of human resources management and is a research fellow at the Department of Psychology of the Sapienza University of Rome (2010). In 2011, with a scholarship from Sapienza University, she is a post-doc at Aston Business School (Birmingham, UK). She holds academic roles in Portugal (from 2012 to 2018 she is Assistant Professor of Human Resource Management at ISCTE in Lisbon) and in France (from 2019 to 2021 she is Associate Professor of Human Resources Management at TBS Education in Toulouse). At the same time, he spends visiting periods in other Italian and foreign universities for research and teaching activities (Luiss University in 2020 and 2021; University of Bologna in 2019; University of Padua in 2018; WU, Vienna, Austria in 2014 and 2013; Università Cattolica del Sacro Heart in 2012). In 2022 she returns permanently to Italy as Associate Professor at Luiss University, and she maintains an affiliation with the Business Research Unit of ISCTE (Lisbon, Portugal).

She is a member of the leadership directory of the Careers division of the Academy of Management (the world's leading association of management researchers) for the period 2020-2023 and from 2022 she is Co-Director of the track on Human Resources Management of the European Academy of Management (one of the major European management associations).

Since 2014 she is a member of the international research group 5C (Cross-Cultural Collaboration on Contemporary Careers), an international network of scholars studying careers and human resource development with over 30 countries involved.

Scientific results

Her research interests include human resource development practices; the aging process with its implications for work and the management of older workers (but also, more broadly, for the simultaneous management of different generational groups); interpersonal dynamics between manager and employee in the application of developmental practices (such as feedback) and in the presence of significant age differences.

In relation to the first point, she has studied the implementation of bundles of developmental practices with strategic intent (e.g. in the health sector) but also the effectiveness of single practices such as coaching. Together with a PhD student (Andrea Fontes), she conducted one of the few randomized control studies on coaching and verified the effectiveness of a program inspired by the principles of positive psychology and psychological capital.

In relation to the second point, she has examined how workers of different ages experience everyday life at work - in particular in relation to the emotional sphere - through a project financed by the FCT (Fundação para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia, Portugal) whose main results are available at the website: Through the collaborative network 5C she also examined the positive role of human resource management practices in increasing the employability of older workers, which was found to be universally effective (

In relation to the third point, recent years have seen her involved in directing two feedback research projects funded by the SIOP Foundation (USA) and the FCT (Portugal). Alongside strictly scientific objectives related to the study of informal feedback and not only associated with performance evaluation, she has also set herself the objective of disseminating good feedback communication practices through which to improve interpersonal relations at work. To this purpose, she has for some years been engaged in the dissemination of scientific research in the field of human resources through the research website

Editorial work and publications

[2021] Fontes A, Dello Russo S. What changes with coaching? Investigating within-person changes in reflection, the predicting role of implicit person theory and the effects on perceived utility of coaching. International Journal of Training and Development, 25(3): 316-340. 

[2021] Fontes A, Dello Russo S. An experimental field study on the effects of coaching: The mediating role of psychological capital. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 70(2): 459-488. 

[2021] Dello Russo S, Antino M, Zaniboni S, Caetano A. Truxillo D. The effect of age on daily positive emotions and work behaviors. Work, Aging and Retirement, 7(1): 9-19. 

[2020] Dello Russo S, Parry E, Bosak J, ... Reichel, A. Still feeling employable with growing age? Exploring the moderating effects of HR developmental practices and country-level unemployment rates in the age – employability relationship. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31(9): 1180-1206. 

[2019] Smale A, Bagdadli S, Cotton R, Dello Russo S, Dickmann M, Dysvik A, Gianecchini M, Kaše R, Lazarova M, Reichel A, Rozo P, Verbruggen M. et al. Proactive career behaviors and subjective career success: The moderating role of national culture. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 40(1): 105-122. 

[2018] Bouville* G, Dello Russo* S, Truxillo D. (2018). The moderating role of age in the job characteristics-absenteeism relationship: A matter of occupational context? Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 91(1): 57–83.

*Shared first authorship

[2018] Martin R. Thomas G, Legood A, Dello Russo S. Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Differentiation and Work Outcomes: Conceptual Clarification and Critical Review. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 39(2): 151–168.

[2018] Dello Russo S, Mascia D, Morandi F. Individual perceptions of HR practices, HRM strength and appropriateness of care: A meso, multi-level approach. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29(2): 286-310. 

[2017] Dello Russo S, Miraglia M, Borgogni L. Reducing organizational politics in performance appraisal: The role of coaching leaders in appraising age-diverse employees. Human Resource Management, 56(5): 769–783. 

[2015] Dello Russo S, Stoykova P. Psychological capital intervention: A replication and extension. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 26(3): 329–347. 

[2015] Mascia D, Dello Russo S, Morandi F. Exploring professionals' motivation to lead: A cross-level study in the healthcare sector. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26(12): 1622-1644. 

[2013] Dello Russo S, Miraglia M, Borgogni L, Johns G. How time and perceptions of social context shape employee absenteeism trajectories. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 83(2); 209-217.  

Awards and prizes

2010   Award for best PhD dissertations in Organizational Psychology granted by the Italian Psychological Association – Division of Organizational Psychology

2015   Outstanding Reviewer Award, Academy of Management Annual Conference, OB Division

2018   Award for Best reviewer, Journal of Managerial Psychology

2018   Runner-up for the 2018 HR Awards, category Research, RH Magazine, Portugal  

2021   Runner-up best as best paper at HRM track, EURAM Conference, with the paper “What practical implications on feedback do researchers offer? A systematic review” (with A. Mirfakhar e M. Miraglia). 

Valentina De Marchi

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Circular Economy, Innovation Economy, International Business Strategies

Keywords: B-corp, green innovation, industrial districts, sustainability, tensions and trade-offs between environmental and economic aspects

Region: Veneto


Associate Professor of Business Economics and Management at the University of Padua. Advisor for the Teaching4learning@Unipd project at the University of Padova, where she is responsible for faculty development and innovative teaching activities. 

Professional career

After graduation and some research experience at Venice International University, she received her PhD in 2011 from the University of Padua, with a thesis analyzing the possibilities of transmitting sustainability standards within global value chains. She became a researcher at the same university in 2015, and Associate Professor in 2019. In 2018 she became national representative at EIBA (European International Business Association) and in 2020, she was elected president of GRONEN, the international academic community of reference for scholars working at the interface between business, environment and sustainability. 

Scientific results

Valentina De Marchi's research activity straddles innovation economics, sustainable development and international economics. She is interested in understanding the strategies of firms interested in reducing their environmental impacts. She initially became interested in studying the specifics of environmental innovations, opening a new line of research interested in understanding how the innovation process changes for firms when they are interested in reducing their environmental impacts. More recently, she has been working on understanding how to deal with the complexities involved in achieving circularity and sustainability goals, especially when it comes to companies that are part of global value chains. She has also been addressing development opportunities for local areas (industrial districts) within global value chains and the role of new digital technologies in ensuring the transition to sustainability.

Editorial work and publications

Sheis an Associate editor of the Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, of the Cambridge University Press Book series Development trajectories in global value chainsand of the Springer Book series Sustainability and Innovation

She is Review Board member of the Journal of International Business Studies e Organization & Environmentand on the Editorial Board of the journal Economia e Società Regionale.

She is author or co-author of numerous scientific publications, including: 

[2022] De Marchi V., Cainelli G., Grandinetti R. "Multinational subsidiaries and green innovation". International Business Review, 31(6): 102027.

[2022] De Marchi V., Molina-Morales F.X., Martínez-Cháfer L. "Environmental innovation and cooperation: A configurational approach". Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 182, 121835.

[2022] Carmine S. De Marchi V. "Nuovi territori per la sostenibilità". Economia e Società Regionale, 40(1): 63-72.

[2022] Carmine S., De Marchi V. "Reviewing Paradox Theory in Corporate Sustainability. Toward a Systems Perspective". Journal of Business Ethics, 

[2022] De Marchi V. "Destinazione sostenibilità per la locomotiva Nord-est? In Nord Est 2022 Il futuro sta passando Chi è pronto e chi no (a cura di Luca Paolazzi e Gianluca Toschi). Marsilio e Fondazione Nord Est.

[2022] Di Maria, E., De Marchi, V., Galeazzo, A. "Industry 4.0 technologies and circular economy: The mediating role of supply chain integration". Business Strategy and the Environment, 31(2): 619-632.

[2022] Alonso-Martinez, D., De Marchi, V., Di Maria, E. (2021). "The sustainability performances of sustainable business models". Journal of Cleaner Production, 323, 129145.

[2022] Panwar R, Pinkse J, De Marchi V. "The future of Global Supply Chains in a Post-COVID-19 World". California Management Review, 64(2): 5-23.

[2021] De Marchi, V., Alford, M. "State policies and upgrading in global value chains: A systematic literature review". Journal of International Business Policy, 5: 88-111.

[2019] De Marchi V., Di Maria E., Galeazzo A. "Modelli di business nelle imprese ad alto tasso di sostenibilità: un focus sulle B Corp e Società Benefit in Italia". Economia e società regionale, XXXVII(2): 85-95.

[2017] de Marchi V, Giuliani E, Rabellotti R. "Do Global Value Chains Offer Developing Countries Learning and Innovation Opportunities?". European Journal of Development Research, 30: 389–407.

[2017] De Marchi V., Di Maria E. "Distretti locali e catene globali. Nuove configurazioni a Nordest". Economia e Società Regionale, 35(2).

[2015] Cainelli G., De Marchi V., Grandinetti R. “Does the development of environmental innovation require different resources? Evidence from Spanish manufacturing firms”. Journal of Cleaner Production, 94: 211‑220.

[2013] De Marchi V., Di Maria E., Micelli S. “Environmental Strategies, Upgrading and Competitive Advantage in Global Value Chains”. Business Strategy & the Environment, 22(1):62-72.

[2012] De Marchi V. "Environmental innovation and R&D cooperation: Empirical evidence from Spanish manufacturing firms". Research Policy, 41(3), 614–623.

Full list avalaible on Google Scholar.

Awards and prizes

She has received prestigious international awards and fellowship such as 'Governing Responsible Business and Research Environment' fellowship (2019) at Copenhagen Business School and the Simon and Hallsworth Visiting Professorship at the University of Manchester (2022). She was also a visiting professor at Universitat Jaume I de Castelló (Spain, 2016); and the Center for Frugal Innovation in Africa, Erasmus University Rotterdam (Netherlands, 2019).

Maria De Paola

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Economics of Education, Labour Economics, Political Economy

Keywords: coronavirus, Covid-19, Covid-19: impact of distance learning on academic performance, Covid-19: impact on the labour market, education, evaluation, experiments, gender, perception of the health and wellbeing trade-off, politics, work

Region: Calabria


Full Professor of Political Economy at the University of Calabria

Professional career

After graduating in Economics at the University of Calabria in 1992, she continued her education with a PhD in Political Economy at the University "La Sapienza" in Rome. She was a visiting student at the University of Cambridge and at the University of East Anglia, Norwich. From 2001 to 2006 she was a researcher at the University of Calabria, at the same university she held the position of associate professor from 2006 to 2017, from 2017 she has been a full professor of Political Economy. Since 2013 she has been a Research Fellow at the Institute of the Study of Labor (IZA), Bonn. From 2011 to 2014 she was a member of GEV 13, National Assessment of Italian Research (VQR 2011-2014). From 2015 to February 2018 she was a member of the de editorial committee.

Scientific results

Maria De Paola's research activity takes place mainly in the field of labor and education economics, public policy evaluation and political economy. In the field of labor and education economics she examined the determinants of students' academic performance, on-the-job training processes and professional careers and work organization. She devoted particular attention to gender differences trying to understand the role played by differences in attitudes and non-cognitive abilities. To this end, she used both observational data and data deriving from field experiments. For example, using data on national scientific certification, she examined the tendency of women to avoid competitive contexts and, for the same purpose, conducted several experiments with students. As part of the evaluation of public policies, she has conducted studies to estimate the impact of some important legislative interventions, such as the points license, the Brunetta law on absenteeism in public administration, gender quotas, the “fruit in schools” program. She also contributed to the analysis of voters' behavior in relation to the characteristics of the electoral system and of candidates for the elections.

Editorial work and publications

She is the author of numerous publications, including:

(2017) De Paola M. Ponzo M e Scoppa V. Gender Differences in Attitudes Towards Competition: Evidence from the Italian Scientific Qualification.Oxford Economic Papers, 1-24 doi: 10.1093/oep/gpx023

(2016) De Paola M, Gioia F. Who Performs Better under Time Pressure? Results from a Field Experiment.  Journal of Economic Psychology, 53:37-53.

(2016) De Paola, De Benedetto MA. The Impact of Incumbency on Turnout.Evidence from Italian Municipalities. Electoral Studies, 44:98-108.

(2015) De Paola M, Bracco E, Green C. Long Lasting Differences in Civic Capital: Evidence from a Unique Immigration Event in Italy. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 217–236.

(2015) De Paola M, Gioia F, Scoppa V. Are Females Scared of Compiting with Males? Results from a Field Experiment. Economics of Education Review, 48:117–128.

(2015) De Paola M, Scoppa V. Gender Discrimination and Evaluators’ Gender: Evidence from the Italian Academia. Economica, 82(325):162-188.

(2014) De Paola M, Scoppa V. The Effectiveness of Remedial Courses in Italy: A Fuzzy Regression Discontinuity Design. Journal of Population Economics, 27, 2:365-386.

(2014) De Paola M, Scoppa V, De Benedetto MA. The Impact of Gender Quotas on Electoral Participation:  Evidence from Italian Municipalities. European Journal of Political Economy, 35:141-157. 

(2014) De Paola M, Scoppa V, Pupo V. Absenteeism In The Italian Public Sector: The Effects Of Changes In Sick Leave Compensation. Journal of Labor Economics, 32, 2:337-360.

(2014) De Paola M, Brunello G, Labartino G. More Apples Fewer Chips? The Effect of School Fruit Schemes on the Consumption of Junk Food. Health Policy, 118(1):114–126.

(2014) De Paola M, Scoppa V. The Impact of Closeness on Electoral Participation Exploiting the Italian Dual Ballot System. Public Choice, 160:467-479.

(2010) De Paola M, Scoppa V, Lombardo R. Can Gender Quotas Break Down Negative Stereotypes? Evidence from Changes in Electoral Rules. Journal of Public Economics, 94(5-6): 344-353.

(2010) De Paola M, Scoppa V, Brunello G. Residential Peer effects in Higher Education: Does the Field of Study Matter? Economic Inquiry, 48(3):621-634.


Awards and prizes

Maria De Paola received the Tarantelli Award in 2013 for the best paper in Labor Economics assigned by the Italian Association of Labor Economists. The book "Education and Training in Europe" (to which he contributed) was selected by Princeton University, The Firestone Library, for the best book of the year award in Labor Economics and Industrial Relations. From 2016 to today she is a member of the Scientific Commission of the publishing house Il Mulino (Bologna), of the Gender Commission of the Italian Society of Economists (SIE), of the Editorial Board of the Italian Economic Journal (ItEJ).


Marta De Philippis

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Political Economy

Keywords: education economy, gender, labor market

Region: Lazio


Economist in the labor market division and economic structure of the economics and statistics department of the Bank of Italy

Professional career

After graduating in Economics and Social Sciences and a three-year degree in Business Economics from the Bocconi University, she continued her education with a PhD in Economics from the London School of Economics, obtained in 2016. In December 2014 she joined the Bank of Italy as an economist. In the past she worked for short periods at the Rodolfo Debenedetti Foundation, the European Commission and the Center of Economic Performance (LSE). Her research interests are related to labor economics, in particular to the economics of education and gender.

Scientific results

The research activity of Marta De Philippis takes place in the field of the labor market and education systems. In this context she studied the consequences on the quality of teaching and research of university professors of incentive systems that are strongly (or exclusively) result-oriented in terms of academic publications. She also studied the determinants of gender differences in obtaining purely scientific degrees (STEM) and, on average, higher paid, leading them in part to preferences regarding future job opportunities. She then contributed to the analysis of female participation and how it also depends on intra-family interactions, showing that pension reforms have greatly increased female participation, and male participation mainly through intra-family interactions, and that a reduction in time displacement would have beneficial effects on female participation, including through the effect on their partners.

Editorial work and publications

She is the author of the following publications:

(2017) M. De Philippis.STEM Graduates and High School Curriculum: Does Early Exposure to Science Matter?, Bank of Italy working paper  n. 1107

(2016) Adamopoulou E, Bobbio E, De Philippis M e Giorgi F. Wage Rigidities and Business Cycle Flactuations: A linked employer-employee analysis. IZA Journal of Labour Policy.

(2016) M. De Philippis. Multitask Agents and Incentives: the Case of Teaching and Research for University Professors. CEP Discussion Paper n.138.

(2016) M. De Philippis e F. Rossi. Parents, Schools and Human Capital Differences across Countries. CFM LSE working paper n. 14.

(2015) Carta F e De Philippis M.You've come a long way, baby. Husbands’ Commuting Time and Family Labour Supply.Regional Science and Urban Economics, 69:25-37

(2015)Boeri T, De Philippis M, Pellizzari M e Patacchini E.Immigration, housing discrimination and employment.The Economic Journal, 125, 586:F82–F114

Awards and prizes

In 2016 Marta De Philippis received the Ezio Tarantelli award for labor economics for the STEM Graduates and High School project. Curriculum: Does Early Exposure to Science Matter? She also received the scholarship in honor of Marco Fanno for the years 2012 and 2013; the ESRC research fellowship (LSE) for the period 2010-2014 and the scholarship as an excellent student at the Bocconi University for the years 2008 and 2009.


Veronica De Romanis

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Economic Policy, European Union, Fiscal Policy

Keywords: debt, european integration, female employment, governance, growth

Region: Lazio


In 2016 Marta De Philippis received the Ezio Tarantelli award for labor economics for the STEM Graduates and High School project. Curriculum: Does Early Exposure to Science Matter? She also received the scholarship in honor of Marco Fanno for the years 2012 and 2013; the ESRC research fellowship (LSE) for the period 2010-2014 and the scholarship as an excellent student at the Bocconi University for the years 2008 and 2009.


Professional career

After graduating with honors in Economics and Business at the Sapienza University of Rome, she continued her education with a PhD in Economics at Columbia University in New York (USA), where she obtained a Master of Philosophy (Major in Economics) and the Master of Art (Major in Economics). For over 10 years she has been a member of the Council of Experts at the Ministry of Economy and Finance, where she mainly dealt with macroeconomics and public finance. She was also responsible for relations with Eurostat, the European Commission, the OECD and the International Monetary Fund. Currently, she teaches European Economic Policy at Stanford University (The Breyer Center for Overseas Studies) in Florence, at the Faculty of Political Sciences and at the Master of Business Administration of the Free University of Social Studies Guido Carli (LUISS) in Rome. Since April 2015, she has been an independent director of the Board of Directors, of the Risk Committee and of the Remuneration and Appointments Committee of Cementir Holding Spa (Rome).

Scientific results

The research activity of Veronica De Romanis takes place in the field of European economic policy, the female labor market and fiscal and monetary policy in Europe during the financial crisis. For example, in the book “Il Caso Germania” the various tools put in place to finance aid to countries in difficulty are illustrated, such as the European Stability Mechanism, but also the new rules agreed on the fiscal side (the Fiscal Compact, the Six Pack , the Two Pack, etc.) and the unconventional tools introduced by the European Central Bank (the SMP, the MTO and the QE). European governance is explained from the point of view of Germany, a country that has tried to reconcile "solidarity" with states in difficulty with "responsibility" among the economies that share the single currency. In particular, debtors were asked for austerity measures in exchange for aid. The latter were considered by various analysts to be the cause of the deep recession that countries like Greece had to face. In the book "Austerity makes us grow" he analyzed the impact of fiscal consolidation policies implemented in several European countries, including Spain, Greece, Ireland and Portugal, on economic growth. Particular attention was paid to the Italian case. The book shows that in countries where "good" austerity is implemented, that is the mix of unproductive spending cuts and reforms, the economy starts to grow again. When, on the other hand, governments concentrated the adjustment on the revenue side, the effects were recessive. Moreover, implementing "austerity" measures does not necessarily make the elections lose. In countries where "good" austerity has been implemented, the current premieres have been reconfirmed.

Editorial work and publications

Veronica De Romanis is the author of three monographs for Marsilio publishers: "Austerity makes us grow", 2017, "The German Case", 2013 and "The Merkel Method", 2009.  She collaborates with various newspapers and magazines (including Aspenia, Corriere della Sera, FirstonLine, Il Foglio, Il Messaggero, Panorama, Istituto Affari Internazionali) on issues of public finance, European integration, international economic policy, labor market with particular attention to female occupation.

Awards and prizes

Veronica De Romanis is a Member of the Steering Committee of the Italian Public Accounts Observatory at the Catholic University of Milan directed by Prof. Cottarelli. She is also a member of the WE Women Empower the World International Board. She was one of the 50 women invited by Chancellor Merkel to the G7 Dialogue with Women which took place in September 2015 in Berlin. She was a member of the Department of Economics of the Scientific Committee of the Einaudi Foundation. She was selected for the D Value Course for women on the Board. She received the "President's Fellow" scholarship at Columbia University in New York.

Eleonora Di Maria

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Circular Economy, Digital Transformation, Environmental Sustainability Strategies, Internationalization

Keywords: business models, digitisation, districts, ecosystems, impatto assessment, industry 4.0, SMEs

Region: Veneto


Full Professor of Business Management at the University of Padua and President of the University Center for the connectivity and the services to the territory VSIX.

Professional career

After graduating in Economics at the University of Udine, she obtains the PhD in Organization and Management of Enterprises at the same University in 2001. She starts her research activity at Fondazione ENI Enrico Mattei in Venice and collaborates in several research projects at Ca' Foscari University in Venice and at Centro TEDIS of Venice International University from 1999 to 2019. She carries out research activities at COSES in Venice and continuously in collaboration with Unioncamere del Veneto - Eurosportello Veneto. At the international level she collaborates with the Duke GVC Center of Duke University on the articulation of global value chains and industrial districts and their evolution. She promotes the Laboratorio Manifattura Digitale (Digital Manufacturing Laboratory) at the Department of Economic and Business Sciences at the University of Padua. She carries out scientific consulting activities for several companies and organizations (including HerAcademy, Confartigianato Imprese Veneto, Ecosistemi Foundation, Italian Network of Benefit Societies). From 2019 she joins Federmeccanica's Task Force "Liberare l’ingegno". From 2020 she is also President of the University Center for Connectivity and Land Services VSIX, which offers Internet Exchange and Telehouse services in the Northeast and participates in technological innovation projects with public and private operators.  From 2021 she coordinates the Observatory 4.0 of SMACT, Competence Center of the Northeast. In 2022 she also plays the role of Advisor for Public Engagement and Entrepreneurship - Prorettorate for Third Mission and Relations with the Territory of the University of Padua.

Scientific results

She publishes the first study on the processes of technological adoption in district systems and small and medium enterprises in 1999. The activities of search - also through the coordination of regional or national plans - regard the processes of technological innovation of the small enterprises and the district systems and the innovation connected to the role of the KIBS (Knowledge-Intensive Business Services). At the same time, it becomes a point of reference for studies on the dynamics of internationalization of the districts in the context of global value chains, alongside the analysis of upgrading processes related to aspects of environmental sustainability. In more recent years, the research activity also includes environmental sustainability strategies and business models related to the circular economy, with the coordination or participation in various research projects and collaborations.

Editorial work and publications

Eleonora Di Maria is author of numerous national and international publications, of which the main ones are listed below:

[2022] Di Maria E., De Marchi V., Galeazzo A. Industry 4.0 Technologies And Circular Economy: The Mediating Role of Supply Chain Integration, Business Strategy and the Environment,

[2021] Alonso-Martinez D., De Marchi V., Di Maria E.. Which Sustainable Business Models Drive Triple-Bottom-Line Performance?. Journal of Cleaner Production, 323.

[2020] De Marchi V., Di Maria E., Golini R., Perri A. Nurturing International Business Research through Global Value Chains literature: a review and discussion of future research opportunities. 29(5): 1-16.

[2020] Bettiol M., Di Maria E., Micelli S. (Eds.), Knowledge Management and Industry 4.0New Paradigms for Value Creation, Springer, Heidelberg.

[2018] De Marchi V., Di Maria E., Gereffi G. (Eds.), Local Clusters in Global Value Chains: Linking Actors and Territories Through Manufacturing And Innovation, Routledge, Abingdon.

[2013] De Marchi V., Di Maria E., Micelli S. Environmental strategies, upgrading and competitive advantage in global value chains. Business Strategy and the Environment, 22(1): 62-72.

[2012] Di Maria E., Grandinetti R. and Di Bernardo B. (Eds.), Exploring Knowledge-Intensive Business Services. Knowledge Management Strategies, Palgrave, Hampshire.

[2008] Chiarvesio M., Di Maria E (2008), Web marketing, Bussole, Carocci Ed. Roma.

[2000] Micelli S., Di Maria E. (a cura di) Distretti industriali e tecnologie di rete. Progettare la convergenza, FrancoAngeli Ed., Milano.

[2000] Rullani E., Micelli S., Di Maria E. Città e cultura nell’economia delle reti, Il Mulino, Bologna.

Awards and prizes

2006 - Winner of the "Marco Fanno" Award - Department of Economic Sciences (University of Padua), as author with M. Chiarvesio and S. Micelli of the paper "From local networks of SMEs to virtual districts? Evidence from recent trands in Italy", Research policy, 2004.

2011 - Winner of the Prize promoted by the journal Measuring Business Excellence (Emerald) for the paper "Creativity vs. Standardization? Knowledge Management in KIBS firms" (co-authors Marco Bettiol and Roberto Grandinetti), presented at the 6th International Forum IFKAD, Tampere, June 15-17.

2013 - Winner of the Best Article Award 2012 "Innovation, Communication and Market Presence. The performance of made in Italy firms" (coauthor Maria Chiarvesio) published in the journal "Mercati e competitività", awarded by the Italian Marketing Society.

2018 - Best selected paper in the Track "Technology and Innovation Marketing" for the paper Capestro M., Bettiol M., Di Maria E. (2018), "The key role of marketing purposes for the fourth industrial revolution" presented at the XV SIM Conference (Società Italiana Marketing), October 18-19, 2018, Bari.

2018 - Winner of the Best paper award - SIG Strategic Management EURAM for the paper Bettiol M., Capestro M., Di Maria E., Furlan A. "Impact of Industry 4.0 investments on Firm performance. Evidence from Italy" presented at EURAM - European Academy of Management 18th Conference, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 19 - 22, 2018.

2018 - Best paper award nomination - SIG Innovation EURAM for the paper De Marchi V., Di Maria E., (2018), "Sustainability strategies, investments in Industry 4.0, and Circular Economy results" presented at the EURAM - European Academy of Management 18th Conference, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 19 - 22, 2018.

2019 - Outstanding Reviewer Award, Strategic Management SIG EURAM - European Academy of Management 19th Conference, Lisbon, June 26-28, 2019.

2020 - Best selected paper in the Track "International Marketing" for the paper Capestro, M., Kinkel S., Di Maria E., Bettiol M., (2020), "Is Artificial Intelligence Linked To Offshoring And Backshoring? An Exploratory Study" presented at the XVII SIM Conference (Italian Marketing Society), LIUC - Cattaneo University of Castellanza, Varese, Italy, October 29-30, 2020 (Online Conference).

Assunta Di Vaio

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Intellectual Capital, Managerial Accounting, Sustainability Reporting, Sustainable Accounting

Keywords: artificial intelligence, blockchain technology, content analysis, corporate social responsibility, cruise industry, gender equality, legitimacy theory, port e shipping industry, sustainable business models, sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), sustainable performance, UN Agenda 2030

Region: Campania


Associate Professor of Business Administration – Department of Law – University of Naples “Parthenope” (Italy).

Professional career

After Four-year Degree in Economics of International Commerce and Currency Markets, and the scholarship won at the National Research Council (Italy), she achieved University Master’s Degree in Service Management - Specialization: Logistics and Transport at University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy). She achieved the Ph.D. in Business Administration at Cà Foscari University of Venice (Italy). She ranked first of public competition achieving the scholarship.

She was visiting researcher at University College London (UK) and the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain). She was visiting fellow of the UCL Quantitative and Applied Spatial Economic Research Laboratory (QASER) - London (UK). 

She is currently an  Associate Professor of Business Administration. with the national qualification for Full Professor. 

During her career she also held various roles for her department services, such as chair of joint committee "teachers-students”, chair of committee for research: 

From 2017 to 2022 (May) Assunta was Deputy Director of the Department of Law.

Since 2014 she is the delegate for International Affairs of Department of Law.

She was the Principal Investigator of the research project "Public-private partnerships in the cruise sector: a governance model for the development of the Campania Regional System". 

Currently, she is the Principal Investigator of the research project titled "Digital transition for Sustainable and Resilient Business Models in the ship-port interface towards the UN 2030 Agenda" funded by the Ministry of University and Research (Italy). She is also Director of the BlueShipping & Cruise Lab (BSCLab) at the Department of Law of the University of Naples Parthenope (Italy) and member of the Gender Equality Plan (GEP) Focal Point at her University.

Her name is listed in the World Scientist and University Rankings 2022. She ranked in Business Administration category: in University of Naples Parthenope #1 and in Italy #69.

Scientific results

Di Vaio scientific research activity focuses mainly on: managerial accounting and management information to support the decision-making processes of private and public companies; performance measurement; sustainability reporting; sustainable accounting; non-financial disclosure; human resources disclosure; CSR; intellectual capital and sustainable business models; UN 2030 Agenda and sustainable development goals (SDGs); digital transformation, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technology. These topics were mainly developed in the shipping, cruise, and port industry.

Editorial work and publications

Professor Di Vaio is associate editor and has been lead or co-lead guest editor of top tier journals, she is also a peer reviewer for international journals published by Elsevier, Emerald, Taylor & Francis, MDPI, Springer, and author of numerous publications, a selection of which are listed here.

(2022) Di Vaio A., Hassan R., Palladino R. “Blockchain technology and gender equality: A systematic literature review”, International Journal of Information Management, ISSN 0268-4012.

(2022) Di Vaio A., Varriale L., Di Gregorio A., Adomako S. Corporate Social Performance and Non-Financial Reporting in the Cruise Industry: Paving the way towards UN Agenda 2030”, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 29 (3), 1-23. ISSN 1535-3966.

(2022) Di Vaio A., Hasan S., Palladino R., Hassan R. “The Transition Towards Circular Economy and Waste within Accounting and Accountability Models: A Systematic Literature Review and Conceptual Framework”, Environment, Development and Sustainability, Electronic ISSN: 1573-2975, Print ISSN: 1387-585X.  10.1007/s10668-021-02078-5.

(2022) Di Vaio A., Hassan R., Alavoine C. “Data intelligence and analytics: A bibliometric analysis of human–Artificial intelligence in public sector decision-making effectiveness”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 174 (January) 121201. ISSN: 0040-1625.

(2021) Di Vaio A., Trujillo L., D’amore G., Palladino R. “Governance Models for meeting Sustainable Development Goals: A Structured Literature Review” Utilities Policy. Governance, Performance, Analysis, 72 (101255), pp. 1-23, ISSN: 0957-1787.

(2021) Del Giudice M., Di Vaio A., Hassan R., Palladino R. “Digitalization and New Technologies for Sustainable Business Models at the Ship-Port Interface: A Bibliometric Analysis”. Maritime Policy & Management, ISSN: 1464-5254.

(2021) Di Vaio A., López-Ojeda A., Manrique-De-Lara-Peñate C., Truijllo L. “The measurement of sustainable behaviour and satisfaction with services in cruise tourism experiences. An empirical analysis”. Research in Transportation Business & Management, ISSN: 2210-5395. 10.1016/j.rtbm.2021.100619. 

(2021) Di Vaio A., Varriale L., Lekakou M. B., Stefanidaki E. “Cruise and container shipping companies: A comparative analysis of Sustainable Development Goals through environmental sustainability disclosure”, Maritime Policy & Management, Vol. 48 (2), 184-212. ISSN: 1464-5254.

(2020) Di Vaio A., Palladino R., Hassan R., Escobar O. “Artificial intelligence and business models in the sustainable development goals perspective: A systematic literature review”. Journal of Business Research, 121, 283-314. ISSN: 0148-2963.

(2020) Di Vaio A., Syriopoulos T., Alvino F., Palladino R.  ““Integrated thinking and reporting” towards sustainable business models: a concise bibliometric analysis”, Meditari Accountancy Research, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. ISSN: 2049-372X.

(2020) Di Vaio A., Palladino R., Hassan R., Alvino F.  “Human Resources Disclosure in the EU Directive 2014/95/EU Perspective: A Systematic Literature Review”, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 257 (June), pp. 1-18. ISSN: 0959-6526.

(2020) Di Vaio A., Varriale L. “Blockchain Technology in Supply Chain Management for Sustainable Performance: Evidence from the Airport Industry”, International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 52, 102014.pp. 1-16. ISSN: 0268-4012 -

(2018) Di Vaio A., Varriale L., Alvino F. “Key performance indicators for developing environmentally sustainable and energy efficient ports: Evidence from Italy”, Energy Policy, 122, pp. 229-240. ISSN: 0301-4215,

Awards and prizes

Assunta Di Vaio is listed in the World Scientist and University Rankings 2022, in the area of Business Economics, in 69th place for Italy and 1st place for the University of Naples Parthenope.

Over the years, she has received the following awards: 

2021 Best Track Chair Award - Disruptive Innovations, IEEE ICTMOD CIEMS, Marrakech.

2021 Best Research Award International Research Award on New Science Inventions Science Father Villupuram.

2019 Best-paper awards selected: “Ownership Structures and Corporate Performance: A literature review”. International Conference in "New Challenges in Corporate Governance: Theory and practice” University of Naples Parthenope, University of Rome Sapienza and Virtus Global Center for Corporate Governance. 

2017 Outstanding contribution in reviewing from Utilities Policy. Governance, Performance, Analysis.

Alessandra Faggian

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Applied Economics, Economic Geography, Regional Economics

Keywords: coronavirus, Covid-19: territorial disparities, Geography of Covid-19, human capital, local economic development, migration, resilience

Region: Abruzzo


Full Professor of Applied Economics and Director of the Social Sciences area at the Gran Sasso Science Institute, where she is also Pro-rector with research authority.

Professional career

After graduating in Economics at the Bocconi University in Milan in 1997, she continued her education with a Master's degree in Regional Sciences and a PhD in Economics at the University of Reading (UK). From 2002 to 2007 she was a permanent researcher at the University of Reading (UK). From 2007 to 2011 she was associate professor at the University of Southampton (UK). In 2012 she moved to Ohio State University (USA) where in 2014 she became a full professor. In 2017 she returned to Italy to the Gran Sasso Science Institute, a new doctoral school based in L'Aquila, where she is also director of the social sciences area and pro-eect at research.

Scientific results

Alessandra Faggian's research activity takes place in the field of regional economy and economic geography, with a focus on issues such as migration (both forced and voluntary) and the role of human capital and creativity in economic development and territorial resilience. She participated in various projects funded in various ways by international bodies / institutions such as the National Science Foundation (USA), the Economic and Social Science Research Council (UK), the Australian Research Council (Australia), the OECD and the Commission European.

Editorial work and publications

Since 2013 she is co-director of Papers in Regional Science. She is also a member of the editorial boards of the Journal of Regional Science, Regional Studies, Regional Science and Review of Regional Research. She has also edited numerous special issues in international journals. She has more than 90 scientific publications, some of which have appeared in prestigious international journals such as the Journal of Economic Geography, the Oxford Economic Papers, the Cambridge Journal of Economics, the Journal of Regional Science, Feminist Economics, Regional Studies, Urban Studies and the Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society.
Below are 10 relevant publications from the most recent ones:

(2018)Biagi B, Faggian A, Rajbhandari I e Venhorst V. (eds.) New Frontiers in Interregional Migration Research.Springer, Berlin Heidelberg.

(2018) Crescenzi R. Di Cataldo M. e Faggian A. Internationalised at work and localistic at home: the split Europeanisation of Brexit. Papers in Regional Science, doi: 10.1111/pirs.12350.

(2018), Faggian A, Partridge M e Malecki E. Creating an environment for economic growth: human capital, creativity or entrepreneurship? International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, doi:10.1111/1468-2427.12555.

(2017) Corcoran J. e Faggian, A. (eds.) Graduate migration and regional development: an international perspective. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham UK, ISBN 9781784712150

(2017) Faggian A, Gemmiti R, Jaquet T e Santini I. Regional resilience: lessons learned from the Italian local labor markets. Annals of Regional Science,doi:10.1007/s00168-017-0822-9.

(2017) Faggian A, Rajbhandari I e Dotzel K. The interregional migration of human capital and its regional consequences: a review. Regional Studies,51(1):128-143.

(2016) Faggian A, Corcoran J e Rowe F. Evaluating the effects of federal policy changes on human capital: The role of a graduate visa scheme. Environment and Planning C, 34(1): 151-170.

(2015) Abreu M, Faggian A e McCann P. Migration and inter-industry mobility of UK graduates. Journal of Economic Geography,15 (2): 353-385.

(2014) Faggian A e Franklin. Human Capital Redistribution in the USA: The Migration of the College-bound. Spatial Economic Analysis, 9,4: 376-395, DOI: 10.1080/ 17421772.2014.961536.

(2014) Faggian A, Comunian C e Li QC. Interregional migration of human creative capital: the strange case of "Bohemian graduates". Geoforum, 55:33-42.

Awards and prizes

In 2006 Alessandra Faggian won (together with Philip McCann) the Moss Madden Medal of the British and Irish regional science association (RSAI-BIS) for the best article published by a member of the association. In 2015 she won the Geoff Hewings Award as the best young regional scientist in North America and in 2016 was mentioned in a ranking of the 100 most influential regional scientists in the world as 19th. She was President of the North American Association of Regional Sciences (NARSC) and is a member of several directorates of regional science associations in the world.

Isabella Falautano

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Communication and Digital PR

Keywords: business angels, diversity and inclusion, global governance, innovation, social innovation, startup, sustainability

Region: Lombardy


Head of Sustainability and Civil Society at Cassa Depositi e Prestiti.

Professional career

Italian and Austrian, European by heart. An International mindset and bridging different worlds are the red threads of Falautano’s professional and personal career. An honor graduate in International Affairs from La Sapienza University of Rome and with a Postgraduate Degree in International Development, she started in 1996 as a research fellow in international trade and global governance at the International Affairs Institute. Here she was detached in 1998 as Summer Assistant in DECVP at the World Bank, led by Joseph Stiglitz, in Washington DC. Further opportunities to strengthen her analytical and strategic skills arose from an assignment as Expert for International Economic Relations at the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

In 2001, Falautano entered the private sector as head of Research & International Affairs at a national banking group, followed by another managerial role at a in the multinational insurance group AXA – a position she held for over a decade. During this time Falautano applied a “startup approach” to developing the activities of the communications team, including strengthening institutional relationships and increasing sustainability initiatives, as well as providing consistently thoughtful leadership. As a result she was appointed  Executive Director and member of the management team. At the end of 2018, she joined the Executive Committee of the banking startup, illimity, taking on the challenge of communicating and positioning a completely new reality in the Italian financial sector She reports directly to illimity CEO Corrado Passera, whose innovative values underpin the business.

In February 2022 she leaves illimity to join Cassa Depositi e Prestiti as Head of Sustainability and Civil Society.

Alongside her primary work, she Falautano contributes to part several international dialogue networks, including: World Responsible Leader of the BMW-Quandt Foundation; Marshall Memorial Fellow of the German Marshall Fund; Conseiller du Commerce Extérieur de la France; and Intheboardroom. She has been on several training and educational institutions and associations’ boards of directors, from the Partnership Foundation for Bocconi to Junior Achievement. Falautano is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Scuola di Politiche where she has also lectured on economic global governance. In 2018 she was awarded a position among the top 100 digital women of Startupitalia and, now, features in the list.

Scientific results

Isabella Falautano has developed four specific areas of expertise. The first, focus is on economic global governance and multilevel policies issues, in a world of increasing complexity. Her accomplishments in this field began at the International Affairs Institute, where she designed and launched the Global Economic Outlook and published several articles on the WTO and the internationalization of the Italian system. Subsequent activities include: a collaboration with the World Bank, in which contributed to several global regionalism studies; an elaboration of studies and dossier on bilateral economic interests at the Prime Minister's Office; and most recently, lecturing and role playing on G-20 at Scuola di Politiche.  Falauntano’s second area of expertise is thought leadership in relation to risk and sustainability, which she began to develop on entering the private sector. At the multinational company AXA her contributions include:, she  launching  partnerships between AXA Research Fund and leading academic and research centers in Italy (Bocconi, EIEF, Collegio Carlo Alberto) resulting in  over 18 million of euro; designing  and coordinating 16 editions of the Italian AXA Forum, one of the main Italian events on the topic of risk; working on various policy briefs on risk issues with the Italian AXA Papers.; and instigating green corporate responsibility projects and, thus, the reporting of sustainability profiles on non-financial statements.  Her third are of expertise is innovation in the startup sector. She has been instrumental to the success of Milan’s first innovation hub and business network that supports female entrepreneurship, Angel 4 Women. And now she is leading crucial communications activities at the banking startup illimity, working to strengthen its position in the innovative fintech and ecosystem. She is among the top 100 digital women of Startupitalia.

Throughout her career, Falautano has cultivated and implemented the values of inclusion and diversity, from the ideation of formats like women in insurance a research projects on women and risk, to participating in the first edition of Intheboardroom and creation of Angels 4 Women. 

Awards and prizes

[2018] Top 100 digital

[2018] Best Storytelling Award– rilasciato da: Lundquist

[2017] CSR Award– rilasciato da: Aifin

[2017] Best Communication Team Award– rilasciato da: Le Fonti

[2016] Leone d’Oro migliore Campagna Istituzionale– rilasciato da: Milano Finanza Awards

[2008] Young Leader e World Responsible Leader– rilasciato da: BMW/Quandt Stiftung

[2001] Marshall Memorial Fellow of German Marshall Fund of the United States

[1999] Young Leader Council for Italy and United States


Cristina Finocchi Mahne

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Ethic, Finance, Governance, Quoted Companies, Sustainability

Keywords: finance, governance, quoted companies, sustainable economy

Region: Lombardy


Board Member and Chairwoman of Board Committees (Audit, Risks and Sustainability; Nomination and Remuneration) of companies listed in Italy and abroad; Business Economist; former Senior Executive of blue-chips with market capitalization up to €10 bn; University Professor.

Co-Chairwoman Italy and Member of the Steering Committee of WCD Foundation, international think tank on best practices in corporate governance.

Professional career

Degree in Economics and Business at La Sapienza University of Rome, MBA at Luiss Business School and further qualifications in finance, financial communication and management skills in London and Los Angeles. She began her career in Euromobiliare,  merchant bank controlled by HSBC, in the corporate finance area, and gained significant experience in finance in Tamburi & Associati, JP Morgan and Hill & Knowlton, before being appointed Senior Executive and Member of the Executive Committee, as Director of Group Investor Relations and Strategic Communication, of financial blue-chips - such as Fineco Group - with market capitalization up to 10 billion. Later she became Partner and, since its IPO, Board Member, of a leading Italian company in strategic advisory in corporate governance and financial communication. From 2004 to 2012 she was also Author and Anchorwoman of Watchdog, television talk show on corporate governance, on air on Class CNBC, Sky 507 economic and financial channel: among her guests, the most influential representatives of the economic, academic and institutional world.

She is a Lecturer on Corporate Governance and Sustainability at Luiss University; Professor in Advanced Business Administration and then in Economics of Banking and Industrial Groups, master's degree courses at La Sapienza University of Rome until 2017 and Lecturer in Corporate Governance at Luiss Business School. She was an ABI lecturer at courses reserved to Board members of banking groups, on risks and corporate governance. She was a government-appointed Member of Commission at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, as a highly recognised expert on corporate governance from 2011 to 2013.

Since 2010 she is Board Member and Chairwoman of Board Committees (risks, audit and sustainability; nomination and remuneration) of companies listed in Italy and abroad, up to € 4bn market cap (sectors: consumer discretionary, healthcare services, banking, IT / communication, industrial, telecom services)

Since 2012 she is also Co-Chairwoman Italy, Member of the Steering Committee of WCD Foundation, international think tank on best practices in corporate governance that brings together, from all over the world, board members of listed companies whose total market capitalization is over $ 8 trillion. She was also member of its global cyber insurance steering committee.

Scientific results

Cristina Finocchi Mahne's research activity is carried out in the field of finance, with focus on listed companies and financial markets, and in particular corporate governance and sustainability issues. Among her most recent research commitments, an international perspective on the sustainability strategy in listed companies; a research on top management incentivation plans including ESG (environmental, social, governance) targets; a cooperation in a large international research project on cyber risk and its implication on corporate governance.

Lecturer at prestigious universities, guest speaker in television talk shows and keynote speaker on corporate governance, financial markets and family business matters at national and international conferences, business and academic, in Tokio, New York, Paris, Milan, Rome, Bologna.

Editorial work and publications

Among her publications: articles on corporate governance matters published by main economic newspapers and influential news sites; international papers as ‘Boards and role models for supporting the climb upwards’ part II of ‘Women on to corporate boards: a snow ball starting in Norway’, (2013) Edward Elgar Publishing

Awards and prizes

In 2003, Luiss awarded her the Distinguished Executive Award, and in 2007 she received the Best in Class award from the University La Sapienza, Faculty of Economics, both for professional achievements.


Elsa Fornero

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Financial Education, Labour Economics, Pension Economy, Public Policies, Saving Economy

Keywords: aging, pension funds, public systems, redistribution, saving, work

Region: Piedmont


Founder and scientific coordinator since 1999 of CeRP-Center for Research on Pensions and Welfare Policies, Professor of Economics, University of Turin. Former Minister of Labour and Social Policies (16 November 2011-28 April 2013)

Professional career

Elsa Fornero is Professor of Economics at the University of Turin (retired since Nov. 2018). She is also Scientific Coordinator at CeRP (the Center for Research on Pensions and Welfare Policies, which she founded in 1999), Vice-President of Share-Eric (Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe), Research Fellow at Netspar, and Policy Fellow at the IZA Institute for the Study of Labour. She is also a member of the Scientific Council of the Observatoire de l'Epargne Européenne, of the Advisory Group of the New Pact for Europe and of the Research Committee of the OECD International Network on Financial Education.

From November 2011 to April 2013 she served as Minister of Labour, Social Policies and Equal Opportunities in Italy’s “technocratic” government, in which capacity she conceived and drafted the pension and labour market reforms. 

Other past positions include: Vice-President of Compagnia di San Paolo, one of the largest Italian foundations (2008-2010); Member of the Evaluation Unit of Welfare Expenditure, established at the Welfare Ministry (2005-11); Member of the Steering Board of the Italian Associations of Economists (2005-7); Vice-President of the Supervisory Board of Intesa Sanpaolo Bank (2010-2011); Member of the scientific board of Confindustria (National Association of Enterprises, 2005-2006).

On behalf of the World Bank, in the early 2000s, she assessed the pension systems of Russia, Latvia, Macedonia and Albania and was invited, later, to WB conferences and events.

Fornero is also the author of many publications on public and private pension systems, pension reforms, population aging, household saving, retirement choices, and life insurance.

Scientific results

Fornero’s research activity focuses on the determinants of household’s saving behaviour, analysed through optimization and behavioural models. She has also been addressing saving for old age, the reasons why pension systems are public and the characteristics of a ‘good’ pension system. From an applied point of view, she analysed European pension systems and reforms. Her recent research focuses on financial education, seen as a way to improve individual’s life-cycle decisions and achieve a more active citizenship; and on the analysis of linguistic bias to explain gender differences in financial decisions.

Editorial work and publications

Elsa Fornero has to her credit many publications on public and private pension systems, pension reforms, population ageing; household savings, retirement choices and life insurance.

She has written the books: Chi ha paura delle riforme. Illusioni, luoghi comuni e verità sulle pensioni. Università Bocconi Editore, 2018; L’economia dei fondi pensione. Potenzialità e limiti della previdenza privata in Italia, Il Mulino Studi e Ricerche, Bologna 1999; (with Onorato Castellino), Economia del risparmio e della ricchezza. Comportamenti privati e indebitamento pubblico, Il Mulino, Ricerca, Bologna, 1990.She edited: (with Paolo Sestito), Pension Systems: Beyond Mandatory Retirement, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2005, (with Elisa Luciano), Developing an Annuity Market in Europe, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2004, (with Onorato Castellino), Pension Policy in an Integrating Europe, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2003.

Among her most recent articles:

(2019) Fornero E, Lo Prete A., Voting in the Aftermath of a Pension Reform: The Role of Financial Literacy, Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 18(1): 1-30.

(2018) Coda Moscarola F, Fornero E, Rossi MC. The family as an informal market and the (low) mobility of the Italian young Politica Economica, Journal of Economic Policy, 34(1): 45-78.

(2018) Sansoni D, Rossi MC, Fornero E. 'Four Bright Coins Shining at Me’ Financial Education in Childhood, Financial Confidence in Adulthood, Journal of Consumers

(2017) Boggio C, Fornero E, Prast H, Sanders J. Seven ways to knit your portfolio: Is the language of investor communication gender neutral? in Garzone G, Catenaccio P, Grego K, Doerr R (eds), “Specialised and professional discourse across media and genres”, Milano: Ledizioni.

(2016) Fornero E. Economic-financial literacy for sustainable welfare reforms in Franklin B, Urzì Brancati C, Hochlaf D (eds), “Towards a new age: The future of the UK welfare state”, International Longevity Centre, UK, pp. 62-68.

(2016) Fornero E, Coda Moscarola F, Strøm S. Absenteeism, childcare and the effectiveness of pension reforms IZA Journal of European Labor Studies, 5:1, DOI 10.1186/s40174-016-0056-3.

(2015) Fornero E. Riforme previdenziali tra vincoli di breve periodo e obiettivi di lungo termine, in Politiche Sociali, Il Mulino, 3:443-459.

(2015) Fornero E. “Reform, Inform, Educate”: A New Paradigm for Pension Systems in Marin B.(ed.), “The Future of Welfare in a Global Europe”, Ashgate, pp. 297-324.

(2015) Fornero E. European pensions and social security: Can there be a happy ending? in Barysch K (ed.) “Our world and us. How our environment and our societies will change”, Allianz SE, pp. 154-171.

(2015) Fornero E. Economic-financial literacy and (sustainable) pension reforms: why the former is a key ingredient for the latter, Bankers, Markets & Investors, 134.

(2013) Reforming labor markets: reflections of an economist who (unexpectedly) became the Italian Minister of Labor, in IZA Journal of European Labor Studies, 2:20 (; most viewed (

Awards and prizes

Tarantelli prize for AspI, (the Social Insurance for Employment scheme, one of the pillars of the labour market reform), selected as best economic idea of the year by “Il Club dell’Economia” 2013

The “Liberal Award” by the Swiss “Young Liberals”, 2013

“La Mela d’Oro / Women: innovation and human capital” prize by the Marisa Bellisario Foundation, in 2011;

(with Olivia Mitchell), INA International Prize for the Economics, Finance and Statistics of Private Insurance by the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome, 2003;

(jointly with Ignazio Musu), Saint Vincent Price for Economics, 2001.

Alessandra Franzosi

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Institutional Investors, Sustainability

Keywords: asset allocation, demographics, Financial Markets, institutional investors, pension funds, sovereign funds, sustainability

Region: Lombardy


Head of Pension Funds and Asset Owners for Capital Markets of Borsa Italiana and London Stock Exchange Group. Lecturer of International Capital Markets at Bocconi University

Professional career

At the London Stock Exchange Group Alessandra is responsible for the relationship with the Asset Owners, such as pension funds, insurances, sovereign wealth funds. She promotes Capital Markets and LSEG brand globally and develops strategic intelligence to identify new trends and opportunities.  She is focal point for issues related to Responsible Investment and ESG. She has been working  for the Italian Stock Exchange since 2000, where she coordinated for ten years the Economic Research Team.  From 1995 to 2000 she was economist at Ref.  an independent economic research provider.  She graduated in Economics at the Bocconi University in 1995, she got a Master degree in Econometrics at the University of Southampton in 1998.  Since 2007 she has been teaching International Financial Markets at Bocconi University. 

She is regularly invited as a speaker at national and international conferences,  she is author of numerous publications, she is Judge in various Awards dedicated Institutional Investors.    

Scientific results

Alessandra had the opportunity to lead relevant projects. She contributed to the Italian National Pension Funds Day hosting international pension funds and facilitating sharing of outstanding experiences.  She participated in drafting the "ESG Guide for issuers" by LSEG and she is among the organizers of the Italian Sustainability Day. She supported to the preparatory work for “Consob SMES Table” and for  the introduction of tax reliefs for investment in SMEs.  She coordinates the working group on “Italian Institutional Investors investing in the domestic real economy”.

Her professional activity has always been strictly connected with scientific research in the field of finance and economics, with a focus on determinants of international capital flows, asset allocation of institutional investors, regulation and capital allocation connections. Recently her interest has turned to issues such as comparative analysis of pension funds, PEPP, ESG investment and active ownership, impacts of regulation on insurances capital allocation.  

Alessandra is Mentor at the London Stock Exchange Group  Mentorship Program.

Editorial work and publications

Alessandra Franzosi is author of numerous publications, including:

(2019) “Investire in Italia: attivare le potenzialità del Paese”, Quaderno di approfondimento 2019, Itinerari Previdenziali, January

(2017) “Your Guide to ESG Reporting. Guidance for issuers on the integration of ESG into investor reporting and communication”, edited by LSEG, February

 (2014) “Investitori Istituzionali, mercato azionario italiano e flussi finanziari” in ‘L'evoluzione dell'asset management durante la crisi: lesson learnt' ed. G. Giudici and F. Marchetto, McGraw-Hill, December

 (2006) “Portoflio and psychology of high frequency online traders. Second report on the Italian market”, with Alemanni B., BItNotes n. 16, July

 (2004) “Capital heterogeneity: does it matter? Fundamental Q and investment on a panel of Italian firms”, con Bontempi E., Del Boca A., Galeotti M. and Rota, L., Rand Journal of Economics, Vol. 35, n. 4, Winter

Awards and prizes

Alessandra Franzosi participated as a speaker at numerous conferences. Among the most recent:

(2018) “World Pension Summit”, The Hague, April

(2018) “EPFSF lunch debate in the European Parliament  on The Pan-European Personal Product (PEPP) Chapter”, European Parliament, Brussels, March

(2018) “SMART BOARDS for SMART COMPANIES. Si può misurare la buona governance?”, Valore D, Milan, February

(2017) “L’adozione dei criteri ESG: da approccio di nicchia a mainstream”, Mefop, Rome, October

(2017) “Pension Funds Risks & Asset Allocation”, IPE360, London, 23-24 June

(2018, 2017) “Annual Meeting Compagnie di Assicurazione”, Itinerari Previdenziali, Venice, June


Liliana Fratini Passi

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Financial Economy

Keywords: big data, digitisation, electronic payments, innovation, institutions

Region: Lazio


CEO CBI S.c.p.a.

Professional career

After graduating in Business and Economics at the “La Sapienza” University of Rome in 1995, she continued her education by taking a Master's Degree in Economy and Management of Financial and Insurance intermediaries at the LUISS Business School of Rome.

She began working with ABI in the Finance Sector for the Euro Project (‘96-’98), after which she joined the start-up team at Wind Telecommunications in the Finance Department.

In 2001, she returned to ABI to see to its start-up process for the Interbank Corporate Banking project (ACBI) and took on the role of Manager of the Technical Secretariat. Then, when ACBI turned into Consorzio CBI in 2008, she became its General Secretary. Due to the large number of innovative contributions made, she was appointed as Chief Executive Officer in 2011.

She also received various nominations both at the domestic and international levels: holds various national and international appointments: she is currently the UN/CEFACT Vice Chair for the International Supply Chain (Pay) Programme Development Area (PDA); since 2013 she performs the role of UNECE – UN/CEFACT liaison rapporteur to ISO TC 68 (technical committee on financial services); she is also board member of ISO 20022 Registration Management Group (RMG); for UN/CEFACT, since 2015 to 2020 she held the position of Finance and Payment Domain coordinator within the International Supply Chain PDA; after being nominated in 2017 by the decree law of the Ministry of Economic Development, she performed  the role of President of the Financial Services Working Group of the National Committee on Trade Facilitation for the 2018-2019 years period; in 2008, she took part in the European Commission E-Invocing Expert Group, helping to draw up the first final report on e-Invoicing. Starting from April 2019, she is Board Member of UNINFO.

She is a member of EURISPES the Scientific Committee; Member of the Board of Directors of the National Association for the Study of Credit Problems (A.N.S.P.C.), Member of the Advisory Board of the Banking Magazine, Minerva Bancaria, Member of the Program Committee - CeTIF Banks division for the period 2021 – 2023,  and is a member of the Board of the Civita Association. 

Liliana Fratini Passi is an expert on all matters related to open finance, e-payments, the financial-value chain and Big-Data analytics, but also on matters regarding the gender gap in the financial sector.

She is also Independent board member of listed companies ELICA SpA.

Scientific results

Here follows a list of some of the innovation projects carried out under her responsibility over the past few years:

2019- ongoing: development of an open finance ecosystem through CBI Globe, to facilitate the interconnection between payment service providers and the development of value-added services through APIs

 2017- 2019: as regards the PSD2 Directive, CBI S.c.p.a.  has been tasked with – on behalf of the Italian banking industry – all standardisation activities and with setting up a collaborative gateway, called CBI Globe (, aimed at interconnecting Third Parties and account-servicing payment-service providers (otherwise known as ASPSPs)

 2017- ongoing: as regards the PSD2 Directive, the Consorzio CBI has been tasked with – on behalf of the Italian banking industry – all standardisation activities and with setting up a cooperative gateway, called CBI Globe (, aimed at interconnecting Third Parties and account-servicing payment-service providers (otherwise known as ASPSPs)

2017: development of a CBI Big-Data cooperative service aimed at boosting the predictive capabilities of banks, and development of a Mutuitel service together with Notartel

2016: upgrading and extension of the CBILL Service interconnected with pagoPA. CBILL ( allows online payments as well as the consultation of bills and notices to pay

2013: launch of “PA Invoice” function

Editorial work and publications

She has authored numerous articles offering insights into these topics which have been published on financial journals and dailies both on an Italian national and international level:

(2020) Fratini Passi L. CBI Globe: the platform enabling the transition from open banking to the data sharing economy. MK, Bancaria Editrice, 1.

(2019) The paradigm shift in the payments market: Italy in pole position, Rivista Bancaria. Minerva Bancaria, n. 5-6.

(2019) Fratini Passi L. CBI Globe: the collaborative Open Banking platform to create the bank of the future. MK, Bancaria Editrice, 2.

(2019) Fratini Passi L.Electronic invoicing and integration opportunities in the financial value chain. Administration and Finance. IPSOA, 3.

(2019) Fratini Passi L. CBI Globe: a collaborative platform to manage the challenge of open banking and Psd2, Bancaria, Bancaria Editrice.

(2018) Fratini Passi L. The creation of an open banking ecosystem to get ready for the PSD2. The CBI Globe testimony.Tempo Finanziario, Number 3-4, Year VIII.

(2018) Fratini Passi L. An open banking ecosystem to survive the revised Payment Services Directive: Connecting international banks and FinTechs with the CBI Globe platform.Journal of Payments Strategy and Systems Volume 12 Number 4

 (2017) Fratini Passi L. The Italian finance industry sustains the digitalisation of the Public Administration-business-citizen relationship: electronic invoicing and CBILL service. Journal of Payments Strategy and Systems, 9, 1.

(2017) Fratini Passi L. The CBILL service: e-payments for the digitalisation of the Nation. MK n. 5.

As from March 2015: running a feature blog on subjects relating to digitalisation, e-payments and the modernisation process of the Public Administration. For the magazine entitled - the online Eurispes journal (Institute of Political, Economic and Social Studies).

Contribution to two in-depth articles by Sole 24 Ore on the subject of Electronic Invoicing (11 March 2015 and 28 May 2014).

(2012) Fratini Passi L. Banks and new trends on the issue of the dematerialisation of the order-payment cycle. Bancaria Editrice.

(2012) Fratini Passi L. La Fattura elettronica in Italia e nel mondo: mercato e principali trend in corso, Bancaria Editrice.

Awards and prizes

On June 2019, the Margutta Prize was awarded to Liliana Fratini Passi for the "Entrepreneurship" category.

She was honoured with the “La colomba della Cività” [The Dove of Civilization] Award in December 2013 from the “Alba del Terzo Millennio” [Dawn of the Third Millennium] Association “In recognition of professional activities promoted in recent years in favour of the Italian banking system with special regard for those undertaken for the development of Consorzio CBI in the promotion of services for the dematerialisation of documents at Italian and international institutions contributing, in particular, to the innovation and modernisation of the financial-administrative-accounting processes in the Public Administration, by way of the banking system infrastructure with particular regard given to CBI, designed by the Italian Banking Association and under whose aegis Consorzio CBI expresses its mission”.

She has been selected by Forbes Italia amongst the most "100 influential Italian women of 2021".

In September 2021 she is named among the 50 most inspiring Italian women in the world of technology with the award InspiringFifty for Italy.

In November 2021, she received the award of "Woman in FinTech of the Year" in the framework of the "Women in Finance - 2020/2021 Italy Awards", the award that celebrates female talent and the value of gender diversity in the world of finance.

Also in November 2021, she was recognised as Managing Director of the Year, for the Banking sector, with the following motivation: "Unanimously recognised as one of the most influential women in the national economic-financial scene, thanks to her leadership, skills and tenacity, she is guiding CBI to excellent results, putting the company in a leading position in the revolution linked to digital payments".

Anna Gervasoni

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Corporate Finance, Entrepreneurial, Venture Capital

Keywords: private banking, private equity, startup, venture capital

Region: Lombardy


Full Professor of Business Economics and Management at LIUC Cattaneo University. General Manager of AIFI, Italian Private Equity, Venture Capital and Private Debt Association.

Professional career

After graduating in Economics and Commerce at Bocconi University in Milan, she has been a Board Member for more than a decade in the company Idea SpA (Institute of Development in Automotive Engineering), a medium-sized family business specialized in the design for the automotive industry. She has served as statutory auditor and board member in listed and non-listed companies including: Saipem SpA, Same Deutz-Fahr SpA, Mittel SpA. She has actively collaborated with Confindustria as a member of the “Innovation” Committee and the “Infrastructures, Logistics and Mobility” Technical Committee. She has actively worked with the Milan Chamber of Commerce on issues related to the financing and development of small and medium-sized enterprises and with reference to the Observatory on Transport, Environment and Infrastructures. From 1985 to 2001, she collaborated with Bocconi University, where since 1989 she has been Adjunct Professor of Business Economics and Management, specialized in the issue of finance for small and medium-sized businesses. She has actively cooperated with the “Institute of Studies and Research A. Lorenzetti” in the same University. First Researcher at the Faculty of Economics of LIUC Cattaneo University, then Associate Professor of Business Economics and Management (SECS-P / 08), from January 2011 she won the competition for a place as Full Professor of Business Economics and Management (SECS- P / 08). She holds many business finance courses. As regards the post-graduate training proposal, she is Director of Master Degree in Merchant Banking and Private Capital. She is Director of Center for Development and Innovation of LIUC Business School. She chairs the Scientific Committee of the Private Equity Monitor - PEM Observatory and the Venture Capital Monitor - VEM Observatory, active in the same University.

Scientific results

Her research activity mainly concerns the field of corporate finance, with particular reference to alternative financing instruments for companies, such as private equity, venture capital and private debt. In particular, even through some active observatories at the LIUC Cattaneo University, she is involved in analyzing the Italian private capital market and its main characteristics. Within this sphere, great attention is devolved to the start-up chain and to the related financing tools. Another field of research is focused on private banking, with a constant monitoring of the whole industry and of some of its peculiar characteristics, as well as with the analysis of some relevant and meaningful issues.

Editorial work and publications

Anna Gervasoni is the author of over 50 publications, including:Private equity and venture capital, edited by Anna Gervasoni, London, Risk Books, June 2014; Dieci lezioni di finanza d’impresa. Business e impresa, by Anna Gervasoni, Milano. Guerini Next, ottobre 2014; Come finanziare l’impresa. Oltre la banca: minibond, private equity, venture capital, crowfunding e altri strumenti, byAnna Gervasoni, Milano, Guerini Next, dicembre 2014; Private equity e venture capital. Manuale di investimento nel capitale di rischio, by Anna Gervasoni and Fabio L. Sattin, Milano, Guerini Next, marzo 2015).

Awards and prizes

In June 2002 she was given the Honorary title of “Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana” by the president Carlo Azeglio Ciampi.

Elisa Giacosa

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Crisis Management and Recovery, Fashion and Luxury Business, Financial Communication, Food and Wine Business, Sustainability, Universities Activities

Keywords: crisis management and recovery, financial statement, innovation

Region: Piedmont


Full Professor of Business Administration, University of Turin. Deputy Vice-Rector for Quality of the University's policies with regard to processes and President of the University Quality Presidium.

Professional career

After graduating in Business and Economics with a focus on business at the University of Turin in 1998, she graduated from a PhD course in Business Administration at the same University in 2003 and started her university career. Assistant research first, then Associate Professor in 2018 and finally Full Professor at University of Turin in 2020. She teaches Financial Reporting and Financial Communication courses in the Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Master degrees. She spent research periods in the United States and is actively involved in international scientific networks.

She is a Fellow of the Euromed Research Business Institute (EMRBI). She is a member of AIDEA (Italian Academy of Business Administration Professors) and SIDREA (Italian Society of Accounting and Business Administration Professors). She was a former associate member of EAA (European Accounting Association) and BAFA (British Accounting & Finance Association).

She was an Erasmus visiting professor in 2012 and 2009 in Groupe Ecole Superieure de Commerce (Graduate Business School) - Chambery Savoie - and in the University of St Kliment Ohridski.

She has assumed various institutional roles since 2015. In the Department of Management of the University of Turin, she is a member of the Board with monitoring and auditing responsibilities, she is the President of the Admission Requirements Commission for Master's Degrees, she is the referent of the research quality assessment process (VQR) and she is Vice-Coordinator and member of the PhD Board in Business and Management. In addition, she has co-created the SAVADOC® software (which is responsible for monitoring, enhancing and evaluating the activity of professors in teaching, research and third mission) registered with the Italian Patent and Trademark Office. Still within the School of Management and Economics, she is a member of the School Board and was Ambassador for SHARPER - European Researchers' Night 2020. In the University of Turin, she was a member of the Orientation, Tutoring and Placement Commission, she’s a member of the Group for the research quality assessment process (VQR), she is the scientific coordinator of the SUpeR project (a new web site for the research and the third mission) and the scientific responsible of MOTIVATE project (Monitoring and evaluation of the impact of research and the third mission). As of autumn 2022, she is Deputy Vice-Rector for Quality of the University's policies with regard to processes and President of the University Quality Presidium.

Scientific results

The main research areas on which she contributed are the following:

  • Accounting and financial statements, financial analysis and financial communication;
  • Crisis management and recovery process, along with business insolvency forecasting models;
  • Monitoring and Valorisation of the missions of the Universities and Departments;
  • Food and wine businesses and enhancement of the commons;
  • Family Businesses;
  • Fashion and Luxury businesses.

She is scientific manager of numerous research projects. To name a few, MOTIVATE (Monitoring and evaluation of the impact of research and the third mission), funded by Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation, and others supported by the Turin University concerning "University and Department missions: models of monitoring and evaluation"," Family business and entrepreneurship","The tourism sector: opportunities offered by the commons to improve attractiveness","Innovation models in the family businesses phenomenon","The financial forecasts of the company in crisis” and“ The business models of companies in the luxury sector”.

She was a member of an agreement between Sviluppo Piemonte Turismo (Piedmont Region) and the Department of Management of UniTo for the realization of the research project "Agriturismo in Piedmont. Microeconomic analysis ".

She is a participant in numerous research projects concerning the financial communication, the enhancement of communes, the business models linked to family businesses and the agri-food context financed by the University of Turin. In an international context, she’s involved in several european projects linked to EIT FOOD ("Summer School Digitalization for Circular Food Systems) and Interreg Europe ("Financing impact on regional development of cultural heritage valorisation","Boosting the financing of innovation for green growth sectors through innovative clusters services in the MED area","Smart Circular Procurement" and "Unlocking SMEs value in agrifood districts").

She actively participates in numerous Research of interest groups (RIC) within the Euromed Research Business Institute, concerning the agro-food sector, business evaluation and corporate governance, as well as other study groups within SIDREA (Italian Society of Accounting and Business Administration Professors) and different universities. It was a participant in a PRIN (Research Projects of Relevant National Interest) concerning the financial communication of companies.

The research activity in the context of company crisis and insolvency has allowed the dissemination of results in a hearing in the Justice Committee of the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Parliament as part of the preparatory work for the approval of the Law on business crisis and amendment of the Bankruptcy Law.

Editorial work and publications

The results of the research consist of several publications in national and international outlets, along with awards and fellowships for research, the dissemination of research results as a speaker at over eighty international and national conferences. The relevance of the scientific results of the research activity has made it possible to hold roles in scientific committees of international journals and conferences, as well as track chairs and reviewers. Authors of over 100 publications, a selection of which follows.


[2018] Giacosa E., Mazzoleni A., I modelli di previsione dell’insolvenza aziendale. Efficacia predittiva, limiti e prospettive di utilizzo. Giuffrè, Milano. Collana accreditata AIDEA “Business Administration and Accounting Studies”.

[2016] Giacosa E., Il fenomeno della crisi aziendale. Un modello di percezione del fenomeno della crisi aziendale nel sistema azienda. FrancoAngeli, Milano. Collana accreditata AIDEA “Accounting & Business Studies”. 

[2015] Giacosa E., Fabbisogno finanziario e indebitamento nelle piccole e medie imprese. FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2015. Collana accreditata AIDEA “Accounting & Business Studies”.  

Articles in international journals

[2021] Giacosa E., Culasso F., Crocco E., Customer Agility in the Modern Automotive Sector: How Lead Management Shapes Agile Digital Companies. Technological forecasting and social science, 10.1016/j.techfore.2021.121362.

[2021] Mahabubul A.G., Giacosa E., Mazzoleni A., Does MBA’s paradigm transformation follow business education’s philosophy? A comparison of academic and job-performance and SES among five types of MBAian. Journal of Business Research, 139(11): 881-892.

[2021] Vrontis D., Christofi M., Giacosa E., Serravalle F., Sustainable Development in Tourism: A Stakeholder Analysis of the Langhe Region. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 10.1177/1096348020982353.

[2021] Ricciardi F., Giacosa E., Culasso F., Stepchildren or prodigal employees? Motives and consequences. International entrepreneurship and management journal, 17(1): 229-247.

[2019] Francheschelli V., Santoro G., Giacosa E., Quaglia G, Assessing the determinants of performance in the Recycling Business: evidences from the Italian context. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 26(5), 1086-1099.

[2019] Scuotto V., Garcia-Perez A., Cillo V., Giacosa E., Do stakeholder capabilities promote sustainable business innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises? Evidence from Italy. Journal of Business Research, 119(1): 131-141.

[2019] Caputo F., Garcia-Perez A., Cillo V., Giacosa E., A Knowledge-based view of People and Technology: Directions for a value co-creation based learning organisation. Journal of Knowledge Management, 23(7): 1314-1334.

[2019] Vrontis D., Culasso F., Giacosa E., Stupino M., Entrepreneurial exploration and exploitation processes of family businesses in the food sector. British Food Journal, 121(11): 2759-2779.

[2017] Giacosa E., Bresciani S., Ferraris A., Exploring and Managing Voluntary Corporate External Disclosure of Intellectual Capital in Listed Companies: a New Conceptual Model. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 18(1): 149-169.

Awards and prizes

2022 e 2021 Best Full Professor for the Teaching Activity of the Department of Management, University of Turin.

2020 e 2021 Best Associate Professor for the Research Activity of the Department of Management, University of Turin.

2018 Conference Best paper award for the paper Santoro, G., Giacosa, E., Candelo, E., Mazzoleni, A., “Identifying Open Innovation Sources and Practices: A Systematic Literature Review” in the 10th Annual Euromed Academy of Business, Malta, September 2018.

2018 Conference Best paper award for the paper “Insolvency prediction models: an empirical analysis”, Risk management conference, Turin, October 2018.

2016 Conference Best Reviewer Award in the 9th Annual Euromed Academy of Business, Warsaw, 14-16, September 2016. 

2013 -2021: Award “Associate EuroMed Academy of Business (EMAB) Fellow by EuroMed Academy of Business (EMAB).

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