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Co-founder MIPU
Professional career
Giulia Baccarin was born in 1981 in Dueville, Vicenza. After getting a Master Degree in Biomedical Engineering and discovering her passion for predictive modelling, she spent the first years of her career in Japan working for a consultancy company and successfully completing the EU funded Executive Training Programme in Tokyo. Back in Italy in 2008, she starts the Italian subsidiary of the engineering company I-care, today European Leader in Predictive Maintenance and Reliability. Meanwhile, pushed by a strong desire to promote and support the entrepreneurial spirit of young talents in Italy, she co-founded MIPU, a group of companies that bring artificial intelligence in Industry.
Scientific results
The solutions developed by MIPU focus on predictive analytics developed to optimize industrial processes and are today chosen by top companies in Italy and abroad.
Awards and prizes
Giulia won in 2016 the Gamma Donna award for youth and female entrepreneurship and in 2018 Fortune Italy award for “Most influent innovative women Under 40”. For over three years, Giulia is active in promoting a deep discussion about the role of ethics in artificial intelligence, diversity in programming communities and the jobless society on prestigious stages such as TedXRoma 2017, Wired Next Fest 2017, Wired Trends 2018, Wired Digital Days 2019, DIGITAL ITALY SUMMIT 2017.
STEM area: Engineering
Competences: Applied Mathematics, Big Data Analysis, Coding in Python, Development of Machine Learning Models, Development of Machine Learning Strategies, Development of Mathematical Methods, Development of Statistical Methods, Development on Cloud Platform, Use of Data-Visualization Tools, Use of Relational and non-Relational Databases
Keywords: artificial intelligence, big data, Cloud Computing, data analysis, Data-Driven, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing
Region: Lombardy
Lead Data Scientist
Professional career
After graduating in Mathematical Engineering and Applied Statistics at the Politecnico di Milano, she joined 3rdPlace as a Data Scientist, a Milanese company of the Datrix group founded in 2010 by a former Google senior manager, dedicated to Human Empowerment through Artificial Intelligence. Today he is Lead Data Scientist of the 3rdPlace research and development team with consolidated experience in mathematical and statistical methods, development of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence strategies and models in the Big Data and Cloud computing fields.
Scientific results
Her main research areas concern data modeling and analysis, the development of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence models in all its nuances: Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Forecasting, Clustering.
Editorial work and publications
[2021] B Talone, M Bazzarelli, A Schirato, F Dello Vicario, D Viola, E Jacchetti, M Bregonzio, MT Raimondi, G Cerullo, D Polli. Phototoxicity induced in living HeLa cells by focused femtosecond laser pulses: a data-driven approach. Biomed. Opt. Express 12, 7886-7905.
[2019] Manuela Bazzarelli, Milo Manica, Michelangelo Morganti, Daniela Casola, Giuseppe Bogliani. Studio preliminare della fenologia e del successo riproduttivo in una colonia di rondone comune (Apus apus) a Jerago con Orago (VA). DOI 10.13140/RG.2.2.32503.98727.
[2018] José Vicario, Ramon Vilanova, M Bazzarelli, Anna Paganoni, Umberto Spagnolini, Aldo Torrebruno, Miguel Prada, Antonio Morán, Manuel Dominguez, Maria João Pereira, Paulo Alves, Michal Podpora, Marian Barbu. Data mining tool for academic data exploitation: Selection of most suitable algorithms. ERASMUS+ KA2/KA203.
Professor in the area of Computing Systems at Politecnico di Milano, delegate for International Relationship with the Far East Asia, Vice-chair for Computer Science and Engineering in the Information Technology PhD Program.
Professional career
After graduating in Electronic Engineering from Politecnico di Milano in 1993, pursues a PhD in Automation and Computer Science Engineering in 1997. She became Assistant Professor in 1999, Associate Professor in 2003 and since 2015 is Professor in the area of Computing Systems at Politecnico di Milano.
Since 2016 she is Vice chair for Computer Science and Engineering in the Information Technology PhD Program, and is a member of the Committee since 2014. Since June 2017 she is a rector's delegate for International Relationship with the Far East Asia.
Scientific results
Cristiana Bolchini's scientific profile is two-fold as she started her research career in the Computer Architecture area, working within the field of Embedded System Design and Design Methodologies, and later extending her interests also to the Data Management area, with a focus on context-awareness.
More precisely, her main research activity has always focused on dependability aspects in computing/embedded systems, by defining methodologies and tools to implement and analyse systems able to autonomously detect the occurrence of hardware
faults and possibly tolerate their effects. While in the past this area of research was mainly attractive for highly (safety) critical environments (e.g., space and health), today dependability has become a major challenge also for traditional contexts, because of the pervasiveness of embedded/computing systems, playing an important role, together with performance and power consumption. As such, cutting edge research seeks solutions to implement systems able to autonomously adapt these aspects based on the working context and the requirements. These issues have been the main focus of an European funded project Cristiana Bolchini co-ordinated and successfully concluded in August 2016.
Sustainability in energy consumption is the other research area, achieved by monitoring and controlling buildings and managing the collected data, to identify how energy is used towards an increased user awareness, a key element for our society.
Editorial work and publications
She co-authored more than 140 scientific publications, among which:
[2017] C. Bolchini, A. Geronazzo, E. Quintarelli, Smart buildings: a monitoring and data analysis methodological framework. Elsevier Building and Environment, 121: 93-105.
[2017] M. H. Haghbayan, A. Miele, A. M. Rahmani, P. Liljeberg, A. Jantsch, C. Bolchini, H. Tenhunen, Can Dark Silicon Be Exploited to Prolong System Lifetime?. IEEE Design & Test, 34(2): 51-59.
[2017] C. Bolchini, L. Cassano, A Fully Automated and Configurable Cost-Aware Framework for Adaptive Functional Diagnosis. IEEE Design & Test 34(2): 79-86.
[2016] C. Bolchini, L. Cassano, A Novel Approach to Incremental Functional Diagnosis for Complex Electronic Boards. IEEE Trans. on Computers, 65(1): 42-52.
[2015] C. Bolchini, L. Cassano, P. Garza, E. Quintarelli, F. Salice, An Expert CAD Flow for Incremental Functional Diagnosis of Complex Electronic Boards. IEEE Trans. on Computer Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 34(5): 835-848.
Awards and prizes
Cristiana Bolchini received two gifts from Cisco University Research Program Fund of Silicon Valley Community Foundation do finance her research on functional diagnosis of complex circuits. She served as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing and the IEEE Transactions on Computers journals.
Full Professor of Electronic Bioengineering at Scuola Universitaria Superiore IUSS in Pavia.
Professional career
After graduating in Physics at the University of Genova in 1991 and a PhD in Bioengineering at the Politecnico di Milano in 1996, she pursues a scientific career in the field of Bioelectronics, with a focus on the realisation of electronic devices for sensor systems by organic semiconductor materials, with applications ranging from biomonitoring with wearable sensors, genomic sensors, cellular sensors for drug testing, brain-machine interfaces, robotics and precision agricolture. In 1996 she joins the University of Cagliari, first as a Researcher, then as an Associate Professor of Electronics and finally as a Full Professor in Electronic Bioengineering. From 2015 to 2017, she is appointed as ViceRector for Innovation and Territorial Strategies at the University of Cagliari. Since 2014, she is in the Board of Directors of CRS4 (Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia), becoming President in 2017, first woman since the foundation (1990), until 2020. Since 2024, she is Full Professor at Scuola Universitaria Superiore IUSS in Pavia.
Scientific results
Since 2001, she has worked at the realization of organic electronic devices for biomonitoring systems, aimed at exploring the human body at different dimensional scales (down to the single cell and to the detection of signals produced by biological micromolecules). Her group of research has been among the very first in the world to work and publish on the development of organic electronic sensors on unconventional substrates as paper, plastics, fabrics. She developed and patented a method for fabricating conductive fibers and fabrics. Starting from this method, her group realized wearable devices and systems, including systems integrated in garments and skin-like devices as electronic tattoes for detecting the biopotentials generated by the human or animal body (as, for instance, cardiac and muscle signals). At the same time, this kind of technology can also be used for realizing advanced sensing systems for environmental monitoring. AB is author of 12 patents focussed on the use of organic semiconductor devices for biomonitoring. She has been the coordinator of several research projects, both at the international and national level.
Editorial work and publications
Annalisa Bonfiglio is the author of more than 200 scientific papers published on scientific journals and conference proceedings, including:
[2024] G. Casula, S. Lai, E. Loi, L, Moi, P. Zavattari, A. Bonfiglio, “An innovative PCR-free approach for DNA methylation measure: An application for early colorectal cancer detection by means of an organic biosensor”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Volume 3981 January 2024 Article number 134698, DOI 10.1016/j.snb.2023.134698.
[2023] S. Lai, K. Kumpf, P.C. Ricci, P. Fruhmann, J. Bintinger, A. Bonfiglio, P. Cosseddu, “Isotropic contact patterning to improve reproducibility in organic thin-film transistors”, Organic Electronics, 122, 106887, November 2023.
[2023] A. Mascia, A. Spanu, A. Bonfiglio, P. Cosseddu “Multimodal force and temperature tactile sensor based on a short channel organic transistor with high sensitivity” Scientific Reports Open Access Volume 13, Issue 1December 2023 Article number 16232, DOI 10.1038/s41598-023-43360-y.
[2022] Andrea Spanu, Tommaso Losi, Antonello Mascia, Annalisa Bonfiglio, Mario Caironi, Piero Cosseddu, “Submicrometer-Channel Organic Transistors with MHz Operation Range on Flexible Substrates by a Low-Resolution Fabrication Technique”, Advanced Materials Technologies, 2022, doi: 10.1002/admt.202200891.
[2021] S. Lai, Y. Vlamidis, N. Mishra, P. Cosseddu, V. Mišeikis, P. C. Ricci, V. Voliani, C. Coletti, A. Bonfiglio"A flexible, transparent chemosensor integrating an inkjet-printed organic field-effect transistor and a non-covalently functionalized graphene electrode", Advanced Materials Technologies.
[2021] F.Torricelli, D. Z. Adrahtas, Z. Bao, M. Berggren, F. Biscarini, A. Bonfiglio, C. A. Bortolotti, C. D. Frisbie, E. Macchia, G. G. Malliaras , I. McCulloch, M. Moser, T.- Q. Nguyen, R. M. Owens, A. Salleo, A. Spanu and L. Torsi, “Electrolyte- gated transistors for enhanced performance bioelectronics”, Nature Reviews|Methods Primers ID (2021) 1:66, doi: s43586-021-00065-8.
[2021] A. Spanu, L. Martines, A. Bonfiglio, “Interfacing cells with organic transistors: a review of in vitro and in vivo applications”, Lab on a Chip, 2021, DOI: 10.1039/D0LC01007C.
[2021] A. Spanu, A. Botter, A. Zedda, G. L. Cerone, A. Bonfiglio, D. Pani, “Dynamic surface electromyography using stretchable screen-printed textile electrodes”, IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng. 2021;29:1661-1668. doi: 10.1109/TNSRE.2021.3104972.
[2020] Spanu, A., Colistra, N., Farisello, P., Friz, A., Arellano, N., Rettner, C., Bonfiglio, A., Bozano, L., Martinoia, S., "A Three-Dimensional Micro-Electrode Array for in-vitro neuronal interfacing" , Journal of Neural Engineering, in press (2020): JNE-103422.R2.
[2019] Spanu, A., Tedesco, M., Martinoia, S., Bonfiglio, A., “From MEAs to MOAs: The Next Generation of Bioelectronic Interfaces for Neuronal Cultures”, Advances in Neurobiology 22, pp. 155-167, 2019 10.1007/978-3-030-11135-9_6.
Awards and prizes
In 2016, she has been awarded with the Itwiin prize as "Best 2016 Italian Inventor" by Associazione Italiana Donne Inventrici e Innovatrici (Italian Association Women Inventors and Innovators). In 2017, she has been awarded with the “Tecnovisionary woman” prize by the Associazione Donne & Tecnologia (Italian Association Women & Technology).
Research Fellow of the CNR-IRPI, Research Institute for Hydrogeological Protection, Section of Padua.
Professional career
After obtaining a bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering in 2007 and a Master's Degree in Environmental and Land Engineering in 2010 at the University of Padua, in the same year she joined as a fellow the Research Institute for Hydrogeological Protection of Padua.. Also at the Research Institute she has been a research fellow since 2013 and at the same time continues her education with a PhD, awarded by the University of Bologna in Civil, Environmental and Materials Engineering in 2015.
Scientific results
Giulia Bossi is an expert in land mechanics and landslides. She is involved, among other things, in statistical analysis of the error associated with simplifications of the stratigraphic profile in the numerical model of landslides; simulations of runout for debris flows and rock avalanches, with reconstruction of the dynamics of past events and risk scenarios; the study of possible mitigation interventions for landslides; finally, analysis of slope stability, landslide monitoring data and risk quantification. During the PhD she developed a research in which she shew a new approach in geotechnical modeling that is based on the stochastic generation of different distributions of soil layers, according to a Boolean logic. This method has been applied to the analysis of stability of landslides in two-dimensional and three-dimensional models. Within the CNR-IRPI of Padua she contributes to the definition of the dynamics of large landslides distributed between Veneto, Alto Adige, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Argentina and manages the monitoring activity for landslides in Italy. As part of European projects, she participated on behalf of the CNR in the training of volunteers for natural risk management. She collaborated with the Ca 'Foscari University of Venice in a project for the modeling of the risk for impacts between birdlife and airplanes near airports, for which it manages the spatial database and participates in the definition of the model.
Editorial work and publications
Giulia Bossi is reviewer for scientific journals Science of the total environment, Natural Hazard and Earth System Sciences, il Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment and Computers & Geosciences.
She is the author of numerous national and international scientific publications including:
(2016) Bossi G, Mantovani M, Frigerio S, Schenato L, Marcato G, Pasuto A. A Monitoring Network to Map and Assess Landslide Activity in a Highly Anthropized Area. Geosciences (MDPI), 6, 40.
(2016) Bossi G, Zabuski L, Pasuto A, Marcato G. Capabilities of Continuous and Discontinuous Modelling of a Complex, Structurally Controlled Landslide. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 1-11.
(2016) Bossi G, Borgatti L, Gottardi G, Marcato G. The Boolean Stochastic Generation method - BoSG: A tool for the analysis of the error associated with the simplification of the stratigraphy in geotechnical models. Engineering Geology, 203:99-106.
(2016) Brezzi L, Bossi G, Gabrieli F, Marcato G, Pastor M, Cola S. A new data assimilation procedure to develop a debris flow run-out model. Landslides, 13(5):1083-1096.
(2015) Coccon F, Zucchetta M, Bossi G, Borrotti M, Torricelli P, Franzoi P. A land-use perspective for birdstrike risk assessment: The attraction risk index. Plos One, 10(6), e0128363.
(2015) Bossi G, Cavalli M, Crema S, Frigerio S, Quan Luna B, Mantovani M, Marcato G, Schenato L, Pasuto A. Multi-temporal LiDAR-DTMs as a tool for modelling a complex landslide: a case study in the Rotolon catchment (eastern Italian Alps). Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 15:715-722.
(2014) Cortes Arevalo VJ, Charrière M, Bossi G, Frigerio S, Schenato L, Bogaard T, Bianchizza C, Pasuto A, Sterlacchini S. Evaluating quality of data collected by volunteers for first level inspection of hydraulic structures in mountain catchments. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 14:2681-2698.
(2014) Frigerio S, Schenato L, Mantovani M, Bossi G, Marcato G, Cavalli M, Pasuto A. A Web-based platform for automatic and continuous landslide monitoring: the Rotolon case study. Computers & Geosciences, (63):96-105.
(2013) Bossi G, Frigerio S, Mantovani M, Schenato L, Pasuto A, Marcato G. Hazard assessment of a potential rock avalanche in South Tyrol, Italy: 3D modeling and risk scenarios. Italian Journal of Engineering Geology and Environment, 6: 221-227.
(2012) Marcato G, Bossi G, Rivelli F, Borgatti L. Debris flood hazard documentation and mitigation on the Tilcara alluvial fan (Quebrada de Humahuaca, Jujuy province, North-West Argentina). Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 12(6):1873-1882.
Awards and prizes
In 2014 she was awarded the Ivo Rocchetti Award for the best presentation of a young researcher at the IX National Conference "GIT-Geosciences and Information Technologies" of Montefalco (PG), for the work Addressing ground lithological variability for numerical modeling through a stochastic approach: the Mortisa landslide case study. It is also a member of various scientific societies such as the International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG), the European Geosciences Union (EGU) and the Italian Association of Applied and Environmental Geology (AIGA).
Security Managing Director at Accenture Italia
Professional career
After graduating in Computer Engineering at the University Federico II of Naples in 2005, she continued her studies obtaining a PhD in Computer and Automatic Engineering at the same University in 2008. In 2007 she was Visiting Researcher at the CSR (Center for Software Reliability) of London City University where she specialized in algorithms and reliability growth models (reliability growth). At the end of the PhD program she was hired by Selex Sistemi Integrati, a company of the Finmeccanica group (now Leonardo) in which she continued her research activities on highly critical software systems, applying methods and results to systems for the control of air traffic, sea traffic and for coastal control. During her experience in Leonardo, she followed industrial research projects under European and national programs as well as dependability assessment and improvement (reliability assessment and improvement) on industrial solutions. In 2014 she began to specialize in methodologies and approaches based on machine learning, to reduce defects in software systems and increase productivity. She was Visiting Researcher at the University of Coimbra under the Marie Sklodowska Curie program aimed at evaluating the reliability of critical software systems OTS (off-the-shelf).
Always interested in the issues of resilience, security and reliability of critical infrastructures, she has been Cloud Advisory Manager at Accenture for a year, where she is interested in transformation and migration issues towards cloud systems with particular attention to cybersecurity aspects. In May 2017 she received her Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from the Bologna Business School. In the meantime, she continues her career at Accenture, in different security management roles, until her current position as Security Managing Director.
Scientific results
During her professional career she coordinated two European projects for SESAR JU, aimed at creating innovative software systems for the supervision of air traffic control systems and airports, and a national project (PON) for the development of methodologies and innovative techniques for testing and validating software systems almost in real time. Since 2013 she has been collaborating with the European Commission as an external expert for the review of research projects under the Horizon 2020 program. Her main areas of interest and research are software fault injection strategies, dependability assessment, reliability testing, defect management and security of cloud infrastructures. In 2014, she created a framework for measuring software defects based on static analysis of the code aimed at predicting (failure prediction) software failures. Gabriella Carrozza is present in the program committees of some of the most important conferences in the community of reliable software systems and reviewer of numerous scientific articles in the sector. Since 2017 she is member of Cloud Security Alliance Italy.
Editorial work and publications
She has published a book on software fault diagnosis strategies and several chapters in European publications on reliable systems. She is the author of over 50 scientific articles in international conferences and journals including:
[2015] Carrozza G. Software Faults Diagnosis in Complex Mission Critical Systems: A novel, recovery oriented, approach. Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN-13:978-3-659-67232-3 ISBN-10:3659672327.
[2015] Carrozza G, Pietrantuono R, Russo S. Defect analysis in mission-critical software systems: a detailed investigation. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 27(1):22-49.
[2015] Pecchia A, Cinque M, Carrozza G, Cotroneo D. Industry Practices and Event Logging: Assessment of a Critical Software Development Process. IEEE/ACM 37th IEEE International Conference on Software Engeneering, 2:169-178.
[2014] Carrozza G, Pietrantuono R, Russo S. Dynamic test planning: a study in an industrial context. International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, 16(5):593-607.
[2013] Carrozza G, Faella M, Fucci F, Pietrantuono R, Russo S. Engineering Air Traffic Control Systems with a Model-Driven Approach. IEEE Software, 30(3):42-48.
[2013] Carrozza G, Manetti V, Marotta A, Canonico R, Avallone S. Exploiting SDN Approach to Tackle Cloud Computing Security Issues in the ATC Scenario. Dependable Computing: 54-60.
[2013] Carrozza G, Cotroneo D, Natella R, Pietrantuono R, Russo S. Analysis and Prediction of Mandelbugs in an Industrial Software System. ICST 2013, IEEE Computer Society: 262-271.
[2011] Carrozza G, Natella R. A Recovery-Oriented Approach for Software Fault Diagnosis in Complex Critical Systems. International Journal of Adaptive, Resilient and Automatic System, 2(1):77-104.
[2011] Bovenzi A, Cinque M, Cotroneo D, Natella R, Carrozza G. OS-level hang detection in complex software systems. International Journal of Critical Computer-Based System, 2(3/4):352-377.
[2010] Carrozza G, Cotroneo D, Natella R, Pecchia A, Russo S. Memory leak analysis of mission-critical middleware. Journal of Systems and Software, 83(9):1556-1567.
Awards and prizes
In 2014 she received the FINMECCANICA Innovation Silver Award for her innovative activities in terms of software quality improvement. In the same year she was Industrial Chair of the 33rd IEEE Symposium on Reliable and Distributed Systems for which she received official IEEE recognition.
Head of the Emergency Support Department and Research in Earthquake Engineering at the European Centre for Training (EUCENTRE, Pavia).
Professional career
She graduated in Building Engineering and Architecture, then she received a Master of Science and a PhD in Earthquake Engineering jointly awarded by the Institute for Advanced Study of Pavia and the Università degli Studi di Pavia in 2004.
In 2005 she worked at the University of California San Diego as post-doctoral researcher, and then as a research fellow at the University of Pavia. Since 2006 she has been working at EUCENTRE.
Scientific results
Dr. Casarotti main scientific interests concern applied experimental research the field of earthquake engineering, dynamic response of RC structures, seismic isolation and dissipation devices and emergency technical response.
Since 2007 she is in charge of the scientific supervision of the tests carried out on the Bearing Tester System lab facility of EUCENTRE.
Since 2009 she has been deeply involved in the emergency management and rapid response to earthquake disasters, both within the framework of pilot projects on the European Civil Protection Mechanism modules, national Civil Protection projects and in real disasters (Abruzzi-Aquila 2009, Emilia 2012 and Central Italy 2016), with technical coordination roles.
Editorial work and publications
She is the author of national and international publications, including:
(2017) Pavese, M. Furinghetti & C. Casarotti. Investigation of theConsequences of Mounting Laying Defects for Curved Surface Slider Devices under GeneralSeismic Input, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, DOI: 10.1080/13632469.2017.1323046
(2017) Casarotti, C., A. Pavese, S. Peloso, B. Borzi. EUCENTRE e l’emergenza sismica: attività preparatorie e supporto in emergenza durante il Sisma in Centro Italia. N° 2 (2017): Progettazione Sismica
(2014) Monteiro R, Marques M, Adhikari G, Casarotti C, Pinho R. Spectral reduction factors evaluation for seismic assessment of frame buildings. Engineering Structures, 77:129-142.
(2013) Pinho R, Marques M, Monteirom Casarotti C, et al. Evaluation of Nonlinear Static Procedures in the Assessment of Building Frames.Earthquake Spectra, 29(4):459-1476.
(2012) Casarotti C, Pavese A, Peloso S. Valutazione delle strutture nella fase post terremoto. Il modulo sviluppato da Eucentre e l'attività sul campo. Progettazione Sismica, 3:37-48.
(2009) Casarotti C, Pavese A, Peloso S. Seismic Response of the San Salvatore Hospital of Coppito (L'Aquila) during the 6th April 2009 earthquake. Progettazione Sismica, 3, Special Abruzzo, Italiano (163-176) e Inglese (159-172).
(2009) Benzoni C, Casarotti C. Effects of Vertical Load, S train Rate and Cycling on the Response of Lead-Rubber Seismic Isolators. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 13:293-312.
(2009) Casarotti C, Monteiro R & Pinho R. Verification of spectral reduction factors for seismic assessment of bridges. Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, 42(2).
(2009) Pinho R, Monteiro R, Casarotti C, Delgado R. Assessment of Continuous Span Bridges through Nonlinear Static Procedures. Earthquake Spectra, 25(1):143-159.
(2007) Pinho R, Casarotti C, Antoniou S. A comparison of Single-Run Pushover Analysis Techniques for seismic assessment of bridges. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 36:1347-1362.
(2007) Casarotti C, Pinho R. An adaptive capacity spectrum method for assessment of bridges subjected to earthquake action. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 5:377-390.
(2006) Casarotti C, Pinho R. Seismic response of continuous span bridges through fibre-based finite element analysis. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibrations 5(1):119-131.
Awards and prizes
Nevada Medal for Distinguished Graduate Student Paper In Bridge Engineering 2005, University of Nevada, Reno
STEM area: Engineering
Competences: Air Treatment, Alternative Energies, Civil Engineering, Energy Efficiency, Environmental Acoustics, Heat Transmission, Technical Physics, Thermodynamic Cycles
Keywords: awa modula, energy saving, environment, heat transmission, renewable sources, seas-sa, sustainable building, thermodynamic cycles, water extraction from the air, water shortage
Region: ABROAD
R&D consultant in SEAS-SA. External researcher and lecturer at the University of Pavia.
Professional career
In the academic year 2001 she obtained a master degree in Civil Engineering, Hydraulic, in the University of Pavia (Italy). In the same university in 2002 she obtained a first level master regarding surface waters defence. Four years later, 2006, she obtained the title of environmental acoustic expert, after a post lauream course organised by F.A.S.T. (Milan- Italy). In 2008 she obtained the energy certificatory qualification. In academic year 2008 she became Philosophy Doctor in technologies for energy and environment (Applied Physics) with a thesis about energetic sustainable buildings (University of Bergamo - Italy). From 2001 to 2014 she worked as external researcher and lecturer in Pavia University, Engineering Faculty, in Applied Physics. She also taught in several professional courses. In 2012 Lucia Cattani worked in the research team of the University of Pavia devoted to design a new machine which can extract water from air. The research ended with the prototype construction. In 2014 she became R&D manager for SEAS-SA, a Swiss start up, which bought rights about the said research and started to build and sell integrated machines which extract water from air and permit to increase energy efficiency in building heating and cooling. In 2017 she shifted to a part time occupation in SEAS, as R&D scientific consultant, in order to return to research and teaching activities in Pavia University. Nowadays she continues her work in SEAS and at the same time carries out research in the field of water from air extraction as external researcher in Pavia University.
Scientific results
Thanks to her studies and previous research work, Lucia Cattani obtained an interdisciplinary attitude, which permits her to work in the branch of Applied Physics which regards advanced integrated plants devoted to increase energy saving and drinking water generation. Having knowledge about: thermodynamics, heat transmission, renewable energies, hydraulics, water sanification and purification treatments, waste treatment and recycling, she was able to become R&D manager of an innovative start up, SEAS SA in the field of AWG (atmospheric water generator). Integrated systems AWA modula, produced by SEAS SA, are not simple water from air extractors, but are particular machines, which can provide not only high quality drinking water, but also two thermal contributes, a fresh and dry airflow and an heating flux. All the said functionalities are obtained at the same time with the same energy consumption. AWA is an evolution of the research prototype and is designed to employ all the useful effects of a reverse cycle applied to environmental air. Her research field regarded also applied acoustics, heat transmission, energy saving, building sustainability.
Editorial work and publications
Lucia Cattani participates in national and international conferences and is the author of numerous scientific articles, including:
(2024) L. Cattani; A. Magrini; A. Chiari. A Method and Metrics to Assess the Energy Efficiency of Smart Working. Buildings 14(3), 741; https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings14030741
(2023) P. Cattani; L. Cattani; A. Magrini. Tyre–Road Heat Transfer Coefficient Equation Proposal. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 11996. https://doi.org/10.3390/app132111996 publisher’s link https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/13/21/11996
(2023) L. Cattani; P. Cattani; A. Magrini; R. Figoni; D. Dondi; D. Vadivel. Suitability and Energy Sustainability of Atmospheric Water Generation Technology for Green Hydrogen Production. Energies 2023, 16, 6440. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16186440 publisher’s link https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/16/18/6440
(2023) L. Cattani; P. Cattani; A. Magrini. Air to Water Generator Integrated System Real Application: A Study Case in a Worker Village in United Arab Emirates. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 3094. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13053094 publisher’s link https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/13/5/3094
(2022) L. Cattani; A. Magrini; V. Leoni. Energy Performance of Water Generators from Gaseous Mixtures by Condensation: Climatic Datasets Choice. Energies 2022, 15, 7581. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15207581, publisher’s link https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/15/20/7581
(2021) L. Cattani; P. Cattani; A. Magrini. Air to Water Generator Integrated Systems: The Proposal of a Global Evaluation Index—GEI Formulation and Application Examples. Energies 2021, 14, 8528. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14248528, publisher’s link https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/14/24/8528
(2021) L. Cattani; P. Cattani; A. Magrini. Extraction from Air: A Proposal for a New Indicator to Compare Air Water Generators Efficiency. Energies 2021, 14, 224. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14010224, publisher’s link https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/14/1/224
(2021) L. Cattani; P. Cattani; A. Magrini. Photovoltaic Cleaning Optimization: A Simplified Theoretical Approach for Air to Water Generator (AWG) System Employment. Energies 2021, 14, 4271. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14144271, publisher’s link https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/14/14/4271
(2018) Cattani L. Magrini A., Cattani P. Water Extraction from Air by Refrigeration¡ªExperimental Results from an Integrated System Application, Applied Sciences. 2018; 8(11):2262.
(2017) Magrini A, Cattani L, Cartesegna M, Magnani L.Water Production from Air Conditioning Systems: Some Evaluations about a Sustainable Use of Resources, Sustainability 2017, 9(8), 1309; doi:10.3390/su9081309.
(2015) Magrini A, Cattani L, Cartesegna M, Magnani L. Production of water from the air: the environmental sustainability of air-conditioning systems through a more intelligent use of resources. The advantages of an integrated system. Energy Procedia, 78:1153-1158.
(2015) Magrini A, Cattani L, Cartasegna M, Magnani L. Integrated systems for air conditioning and production of drinking water - Preliminary considerations. Energy Procedia, 75:1659-1665.
(2010) Magrini A, Cattani L, Magnani L. A global index to evaluate the acoustical and thermal behavior of buildings: first evaluations and applications to common building walls. ISRA Melbourne, Victoria, Australian Acoustical Society.
Full Professor at TNG Group, Politecnico of Turin
Professional career
Carla received her Degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of Florence in 1996, and her Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications from Politecnico di Torino in 2000. Since 2000, she has been with the Electronics and Telecommunications Department at Politecnico di Torino, where she is currently Full Professor. Before her current appointment, she worked at the Politecnico di Torino under as an Assistant Professor (2000-2006), and as an Associate Professor (2006-2018). From 1998 till 2003, she did research work at the Center for Wireless Communications and at the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology, University of California at San Diego. In 2012 and 2016, she was a visiting professor at Monash University (Australia). From 2012 till 2018, she has been the Coordinator of the Master Program in Communications and Computer Engineering at Politecnico di Torino. Since march 2018 she is Rector's Delegate for Alumni and Career Orientation.
Scientific results
Chiasserini participated in several National and European projects on wireless network systems, such as the RAMON, VICOM, PATTERN, NEWCOM++, NEWCOM#, MEADOW, VICSUM, FIGARO projects, and she has been the Principal Investigator for the MASP, TA_SL, IoT_|_ToI, and LIMPID national projects, as well as for the H2020 5G-Crosshaul, H2020 5G-TRANSFORMER, and H2020 I-REACT projects. She was the coordinator of the international QNRF GAD project on next-generation wireless access networks (2012-2015), of the international FLAG project on full-duplex radio, and of the MIMOSE project on local mobile connectivity. She has been the Principal Investigator also for the contracts between Politecnico di Torino and ALCATEL, Telecom Italia, Magneti Marelli, INLAB, FCA, and TIM.
Her research interests are mainly in the field of wireless and mobile networks. Her papers have been published in highly prestigious refereed journals, and she has received several Best Paper Awards. Carla is also co-author of six patents.
Editorial work and publications
Carla is Editor-in-Chief of the Computer Communications journal and is an Associate Editor of the ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking. She has served for several years in the Editorial Board of the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, and the Ad Hoc Networks Journal, and in the Executive Editorial Committee of the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
She has co-authored more than 300 papers, among which:
(2019) Agarwal, S.; Malandrino, F.; Chiasserini, C. F.; De, S., VNF Placement and Resource Allocation for the Support of Vertical Services in 5G Networks. IEEE-ACM Transactions on Networking
(2018) Malandrino, F.; Chiasserini, C. F.; Kirkpatrick, S., Cellular Network Traces Towards 5G: Usage, Analysis and Generation, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
(2015) Malandrino F, Limani Z, Casetti C, Chiasserini CF. Interference-aware downlink and uplink resource allocation in HetNets with D2D support.IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
(2006) Chiasserini, C. F.; Garetto, M., An Analytical Model for Wireless Sensor Networks with Sleeping Nodes, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
(2005) Srinivasan, V.; Nuggehalli, P.; Chiasserini, C.F.; Rao, R.R., An Analytical Approach to the Study of Cooperation in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
Awards and prizes
In 2010 Carla Fabiani Chiasserini received the Best Editor award from the Ad Hoc Networks Journal. Co-author of three patents, she is also a member of the Scientific Committee of the Bruno Kessler Foundation and a senior affiliate of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and a member of ACM (Association for Computing Machinery).
STEM area: Engineering
Competences: Additive Manufacturing, Advanced Manufacturing Processes, Mechanic Engineering, Production Engineering, Quality Control
Keywords: 3D printing, advanced manufacturing processes, coronavirus, Covid-19, face shields, industrial statistics, personal protective equipment, PPE, quality, statistical process control
Region: Lombardy
Full Professor of Manufacturing and Production Systems, Deputy Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Politecnico di Milano
Professional career
After graduating in Management Engineering at Politecnico di Milano in 1996, prof. Colosimo got a PhD in Manufacturing and Production Systems in 2001; in the same year she was visiting postdoc at the Department of Industrial Engineering at Pennsylvania State University (PSU). In 1999 she became researcher (assistant professor) and in 2003 associate professor; from 2014 she is full professor of Manufacturing and Production Systems at Politecnico di Milano. Since 2012 she has been the Coordinator of the PhD Programme in Mechanical Engineering in the same university, and member of the Department Board since 2014. In January 2017 she has been nominated Deputy Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Politecnico di Milano.
Scientific results
The main research interest of prof. Colosimo concerns the development of innovative solutions for data mining, monitoring and control in advanced manufacturing processes (e.g., additive manufacturing or 3D printing). She is carrying out research activities in several international projects, such as SAMM (Smart Additive Manufacturing for Metal) in collaboration with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); some European projects (e.g., CleanSky2 AMATHO for the production of large aeronautical components in additive manufacturing); several national and regional projects on Intelligent Manufacturing (Cluster- High Performance Machining and Sustainable Manufacturing; Made4Lo). She currently has active collaborations with several international research groups: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), Pennsylvania State University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), among the others.
Editorial work and publications
Bianca Maria Colosimo is Editor-in-chief of the Journal of Quality Technology (Taylor & Francis). She is in the Editorial Board of Polimi Springerbriefs since 2013 and of IISE Transactions since 2017. She has been acting as refereefor many international journals, such as International Journal of Production Research, Technometrics, IISE Transactions (former IIE Transactions) and The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology.
She is co-author of more than 130 publications, including:
(2018) Colosimo B.M., Grasso M. Spatially Weighted PCA for Monitoring Video Image Data with Application to Additive Manufacturing, Journal of Quality Technology, vol. 4, 2018.
(2018) Repossini G., Laguzza V., Grasso M., Colosimo B.M., On the use of spatter signature for in-situ monitoring of Laser Powder Bed Fusion, Additive Manufacturing, 16, 35-48
(2017) Grasso M., Colosimo B.M., Process Defects and In-situ Monitoring Methods in Metal Powder Bed Fusion: a Review, Measurement Science and Technology, 28(4), 1-25.
(2017) Wang J, Pagani L, Leach RK, Zeng W, Colosimo BM, Zhou L. Study of weighted fusion methods for the measurement of surface geometry. Precision Engineering, 47, 111-121.
(2017) Grasso M, Laguzza V, Semeraro Q, Colosimo BM. In-Process Monitoring of Selective Laser Melting: Spatial Detection of Defects Via Image Data Analysis. ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 139(5), 016.
(2016) Grasso M, Colosimo BM, Tsung F. A phase I multi-modelling approach for profile monitoring of signal data. International Journal of Production Research, 1-24.
(2015) Colosimo BM, Pacella M, Senin N. Multisensor data fusion via Gaussian process models for dimensional and geometric verification. Precision Engineering, 40:199-213.
(2015) Del Castillo E, Colosimo BM, Tajbakhsh S. Geodesic Gaussian Processes for the Reconstruction of a Free-Form Surface. Technometrics, 57, 1, 87-98.
(2014) Colosimo BM, Cicorella P, Pacella M, Blaco M. From profile to surface monitoring: SPC for cylindrical surfaces via Gaussian Processes. Journal of Quality Technology, 46(2):95-113.
(2013) Colombo D, Colosimo BM, Previtali B. Comparison of methods for data analysis in the remote monitoring of remote laser welding. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 51, 34-46.
(2008) Colosimo BM, Pacella M, Semeraro Q. Statistical Process Control for Geometric Specifications: On the Monitoring of Roundness Profiles. Journal of Quality Technology, 40(1):1-18.
Awards and prizes
In 1996 prof. Colosimo won the UCIMU Degree Award (Union of Italian Machine Tool Manufacturers) and in 2003 was awarded the Young Researcher Award of the Italian Association of Mechanical Technologies (AITeM). In 2008 the article Statistical Process Control for Geometric Specifications of theJournal of Quality Technology, that she co-authored, was recognized as the "Top downloaded paper of the year ". In 2017 she was invited speaker at the Stu-Hunter conference.
Full Professor of Egineering at the University of L'Aquila.
Professional career
After graduating in Economics at the University of L'Aquila, from 2000 to 2005 she served, first as a tutor then as a research and teaching collaborator, at the University of L'Aquila, Faculty of Engineering, for courses of Economics Applied to Engineering, Industrial Economics and Economics of Public Utility Services. At the same time, she continues her educational path with a PhD in Management and Economic Engineering at the University of San Marino which she obtained in 2004.
In 2007 she is a researcher, in 2015 she is an associate professor and since 2020 she is a full professor in management and economic engineering at the University of L'Aquila.
She is member of the Department of Industrial and Information Engineering and Economics, her teaching activity is focused on the courses of Economics and Business Organization and Management of Health Systems and Medical Diagnostic Instrumentation.
Scientific results
The research activity of Prof. Federica Cucchiella began in 2000 with a PhD in Management and Economic Engineering.
She began her scientific activity by taking an interest in the problems of optimizing supply chain performance and technology transfer.
Her research then focused on environmental issues related to waste management, the eco-sustainable exploitation of solar energy, renewable energy and the circular economy.
As part of her scientific research, particular attention was paid, with reference to the economic and managerial aspects, to the management of investments aimed at promoting energy from renewable sources with specific concentration on photovoltaic energy, biomethane and incinerators with energy recovery. Research was also developed to promote the adoption by the market of innovative technologies to support renewable energy, analyzing how to simplify the interconnection to the energy transmission and distribution system and how to support policies that allow the generation, integration, safety and sustainable use of renewable energy.
In order to promote and encourage sustainable development, she become involved in the study of new business models based on the principles of the Circular Economy with reference, among others, to waste from electrical and electronic equipment.
In recent years, the scientific research activities of Prof. Federica Cucchiella have focused on the definition of multidisciplinary frameworks to support decisions that favor the retrofit of existing buildings in order to make cities more efficient, intelligent, resilient and generally sustainable.
Her research is generally characterized by a high interdisciplinarity in a wide range of engineering and science areas applied to renewable energy.
She is the author of four industrial invention patents that can contribute to the promotion of sustainable development and is a founding member of the Spin-off SENSing. The company, where she chaired the Board of Directors, operates in the field of the production of engineering materials and innovative bio-materials, scientific research and technological innovation applied to process or product innovation and the provision of services in the of scientific research
Editorial work and publications
She is co-author of approximately 100 scientific publications, including:
[2020] Cucchiella F, D'Adamo I, Gastaldi M, Koh L, Santibanez-Gonzalez EDR. Assessment of ghg emissions in Europe: Future estimates and policy implications. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 19(1):131-42.
[2020] Annibaldi V, Cucchiella F, De Berardinis P, Gastaldi M, Rotilio M. An integrated sustainable and profitable approach of energy efficiency in heritage buildings. Journal of Cleaner Production, 251.
[2019] Ferella F, Cucchiella F, D'Adamo I, Gallucci K. A techno-economic assessment of biogas upgrading in a developed market. Journal of Cleaner Production, 210:945-57.
[2019] Annibaldi V, Cucchiella F, De Berardinis P, Rotilio M, Stornelli V. Environmental and economic benefits of optimal insulation thickness: A life-cycle cost analysis. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 116.
[2018] Cucchiella F, Gastaldi M, Miliacca M. The management of greenhouse gas emissions and its effects on firm performance. Journal of Cleaner Production, 167:1387-400.
[2018] Awasthi AK, Cucchiella F, D'Adamo I, Li J, Rosa P, Terzi S, et al. Modelling the correlations of e-waste quantity with economic increase. Science of The Total Environment, 613-614:46-53.
[2017] Cucchiella F, D'Adamo I, Gastaldi M. Sustainable waste management: Waste to energy plant as an alternative to landfill. Energy Conversion and Management, 131:18-31.
[2016] Cucchiella F, D’Adamo I, Rosa P. Urban waste to energy (WTE) plants: A social analysis. JP Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 13(3):421-44.
[2016] Cucchiella F, D'Adamo I, Gastaldi M. A profitability assessment of small-scale photovoltaic systems in an electricity market without subsidies. Energy Conversion and Management, 129:62-74.
[2016] Cucchiella F, D'Adamo I. Technical and economic analysis of biomethane: A focus on the role of subsidies. Energy Conversion and Management, 119:338-51.
[2015] Cucchiella F, D’Adamo I, Lenny Koh SC, Rosa P. Recycling of WEEEs: An economic assessment of present and future e-waste streams. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 51:263-72.
[2015] Cucchiella F, D’Adamo I, Gastaldi M. Financial analysis for investment and policy decisions in the renewable energy sector. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 17(4):887-904
Awards and prizes
2020 she appears among the 100,000 international scientists (in the Energy and Environmental Sciences research sectors) identified in the PLOS databases (PLOS - 100,000 Top Scientists) and created by the international journal Plos Biology to classify professors from universities all over the world.
2017 VQR 2011/2014 - 1st place at national level of the Univaq Group. Prof. Cucchiella's products all receive a maximum rating of 1 (excellent).
2017 She receives the prize of the Fund for Funding for Basic Research Activities (FFABR) intended to contribute to the basic research of researchers and assistant professors.
2017 The paper “Recycling of WEEEs: An economic assessment of present and future e-waste streams” (Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015, 51:263-72) is classified by Web of Science as Highly Cited Paper.
2015 The paper "Cleaner Energy Production and Sustainable Investment: A Portfolio Analysis in the Italian Electricity Market" presentato al 5th International Workshop Advances in Cleaner Production (San Paulo, Brazil, 20-22 May 2015) receives "Special mention" in the 5th International Workshop.
2015 she receives by Elsevier the Atlas Award for the paper "Recycling of WEEEs: An economic assessment of present and future e-waste streams" Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Volume 51, November 2015).
2010 Her paper "Risk management in supply chain: a real option approach" is classified among the Top 20 articles of Journal of Manufacturing Technology management.
2010 She receives by Supply Chain Management: an International Journal (Emerald Group Publishing Limited) the Higly Commended Award for the paper "A photovoltaic system in a residential building: environmental and economic optimization analysis" presented at 8th International Conference on Supply Chain Management and Information Systems, Hong Kong, China, 6-8 october 2010
2007 Highly Commended Winner at the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2007 for the paper "Risk management in supply chain: a real option approach" Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management - special issue, 17(6), 700-720.
Full Professor, Deputy Director of the Department of Information Engineering, University of Brescia.
Professional career
Graduated cum laude in Physics from University of Milano, she has been CNR research fellow (1977-1980), assistant professor at University of Milano (1980-1989), associate professor at University of Milano (1989-1991) and at Politecnico di Milano (1991-1994), full professor and Director of the Informatics Institute at the University of Ancona (1994-1996). Since 1996, she has been full professor of Information Systems at the Department of Information Engineering, University of Brescia, where she has carried out intensive teaching, research and institutional service activities promoting the development of the area of Computer Engineering. From November 2010 to October 2016, she was Rector’s Delegate for the Innovation of Information Systems of the University, and successfully led a radical and complex process of renewal of the ICT infrastructure and information systems, aimed at improving the processing of information, the communication with users and the provision of online services. In this role, she represented the University of Brescia in the Board of Directors and in the Executive Board of the CINECA consortium (Interuniversity Consortium for automatic computing) and of the CILEA consortium (Interuniversity Consortium for communication and information technology). From 2011 to 2016, she held numerous positions, including those of President of the University Library System and Chair of the ICT Committee. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the National Interuniversity Consortium for Computer Science (CINI), and University’s delegate for CINI Laboratories on Big Data, Smart Cities, Assistive Technologies. She is member of Scientific Committees for the organization of specialization courses on Industry 4.0 promoted by the University of Brescia with the Industrial Association of Brescia.
Scientific results
The research activity of Valeria De Antonellis is in the area of databases, information systems and Web with focus on design methodologies, conceptual modeling, representation and semantic integration of data, processes, services. She has been working within several national and international research projects and collaborations, coordinating parts of or whole projects. At international level, she is known for leading the national research project DATAID (Progetto Finalizzato CNR) originating the DATAID-1 methodology for the analysis, design and implementation of database systems (cited in “People Behind Informatics: The history of Conceptual Modeling”). In particular, at the beginning of the eighties, she promoted the "conceptual modeling of both data and processes" in the DATAID methodology anticipating issues of the object-oriented methodologies. To respond to the growing need to share and process data from heterogeneous sources, she proposed original techniques of semantic integration and schema matching. She faced problems in the area of the Semantic Web and semantic interoperability, proposing innovative techniques of search, analysis and ranking of data and services available on the web. Her current research topics are aimed at the development of innovative models, methods and tools for the management and exploration of Big Data, with application in strategic areas such as Smart Cities and Industry 4.
Editorial work and publications
She is co-author of the books: Relational Database Theory (Benjamin/Cummings 1993, ISBN 0-8053-0249-2) and La Teoria Relazionale dei Dati (Bollati Boringhieri , ISBN: 88-339-5031-X, 1985). Co-editor of the book: Computer-Aided Database Design: the DATAID approach (North-Holland 1985, ISBN 0-444-87735-5).
She published over 200 scientific papers in relevant international journals and conference proceedings of the field, including:
(2018) Bianchini D, De Antonellis V, Melchiori M. Service Discovery and Recommendation for Multi-datasource Access: Exploiting Semantic and Social Technologies. A Comprehensive Guide through the Italian Database Research over the Last 25 Years. Studies in Big Data vol. 31, 375-390, Springer Int. Publ. 2018, ISBN 978-3-319-61892-0.
(2017) Bianchini D, De Antonellis V, Melchiori M. Wiser: A multi-dimensional framework for searching and ranking Web APIs. ACM Transactions on the Web, 11(3):1-32, ISSN: 1559-1131.
(2014) Bianchini D, Cappiello C, De Antonellis V, Pernici B. Service identification in inter-organizational process design. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 7(2): 265-278, ISSN: 1939-1374.
(2010) Bianchini D, Montanelli S, Aiello C, Baldoni R, Bolchini C, Bonomi S, Castano S, Catarci T, De Antonellis V, Ferrara A, Melchiori M, Quintarelli E, Scannapieco M, Schreiber FA, Tanca L. Emergent Semantics and Cooperation in Multi-knowledge Communities: the ESTEEM Approach. World Wide Web, 13(1-2): 3-31, ISSN: 1386-145X.
(2008) Bianchini D, De Antonellis V, Melchiori M. Flexible Semantic-based Service Matchmaking and Discovery. World Wide Web, 11(2):227-251, ISSN: 1386-145X.
(2006) Bianchini D, De Antonellis V, Pernici B, Plebani P. Ontology based Methodology for e-Service Discovery. Information Systems, 31(4):361-380, ISSN: 0306-4379.
(2001) Castano S, De Antonellis V, De Capitani D, Vimercati S. Global Viewing of Heterogeneous Data Sources. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 13(2): 277-297, ISSN: 1041-4347.
(1998) Castano S, De Antonellis V, Fugini MG, Pernici B. Conceptual Schema Analysis: techniques and applications. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 23(3): 286-332, ISSN: 0362-5915.
(1995) Castano S, De Antonellis V. Reference Conceptual Architectures for Re-engineering Information Systems. International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, 4(2-3): 213-236, ISSN: 0218-8430.
(1990) De Antonellis V, Zonta B. A Disciplined Approach to Office Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 16(8): 822-828, ISSN: 0098-5589.
(1985) De Antonellis V, Di Leva A. DATAID-1: a Database Design Methodology. Information Systems, 10(2):181-195, ISSN: 0306-4379.
Awards and prizes
She has been Chair of the AICA Working Group on Databases (1990-1997). Co-founder of the Italian Pole of Scientific and technological Research on Interoperability "Interop-Vlab.IT" (2008-2014). Co-founder and member of the Steering Committee of the Italian Conference SEBD (Advanced Systems for Databases). Member of the "ER International Conference on Conceptual Modeling" Steering Committee. Associate member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal on Data&Knowledge Engineering, Elsevier. Member of the Scientific Committee of "Collana di Informatica", ed. Franco Angeli.
Recent awards: Outstanding contribution as Conference Co-Chair at International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, 2012; Best paper award at International Conference ICT Infrastructures and Services for Smart Cities, 2017; Best paper award at International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, 2013.
Senior Scientist at the STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Professional career
Mariastefania De Vido received a Master of Science cum laude in Engineering Physics from Politecnico di Milano in 2013. After graduation, she joined the STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the UK where she is working on the development of high energy laser technology.
In 2018 she received a prestigious fellowship from the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 allowing her to establish a laboratory and a research group for the study and optimisation of optical materials.
In parallel with her job, between 2016 and 2020 she completed an Engineering Doctorate at Heriot-Watt University with a thesis on the scaling of output energy and pulse rate in solid-state lasers.
In 2021 she was promoted to Technical Leader responsible for the development of new generation high energy lasers operating at 100 Hz (100 pulses per second). In this role, she is responsible for staff and equipment of significant value (multi-million pounds), as well as taking the scientific lead in design and development activities.
Since 2019, De Vido delivers lectures at the University of York on laser technology for inertial confinement nuclear fusion. Since 2021 she is a member of the Management Committee of the Centre for Doctoral Training in Applied Photonics (University of St Andrews, Glasgow, Strathclyde, Edinburgh, Dundee and Heriot-Watt).
At the end of 2023 she will complete a Master of Business Administration at the Edinburgh Business School.
Scientific results
During her research work at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Mariastefania De Vido led high impact research studies aimed at advancing the development of high energy, high average power solid-state laser technology.
Her work led to an improvement in the power and efficiency of such lasers, making them attractive for future applications such as treatments of materials for aerospace, healthcare diagnostics and treatments and development of energy sources based on inertial confinement nuclear fusion.
She worked to the design and commissioning of lasers for international research centres, including the two most powerful nanosecond lasers in the world: DiPOLE100 at the HiLASE Centre (Czech Republic) and DiPOLE100X at the European XFEL (Germany).
With her team at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory she developed cutting edge theoretical and experimental tools for the development and characterisation of optical materials, advancing the understanding of the thermo-optical effects in laser components and developing new solutions for the optimisation of laser performance.
Her research work on optical materials is funded by grants from the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851, by the European Commission and by the Royal Society.
Editorial work and publications
She is author of large number of international publications and patents, including:
[2021] De Vido M., Mason P. D., Fitton M., Eardley R. W., Quinn G., Clarke D., Ertel K., Butcher T. J., Phillips P. J., Banerjee S., Smith J., Spear J., Edwards C., Collier J. L. Modelling and measurement of thermal stress‑ induced depolarisation in high energy, high repetition rate diode‑pumped Yb:YAG lasers. Optics Express, 29(4): 5607‑23.
[2021] Divoký M., Pilař J., Hanuš M., Navrátil P., Denk O., Severová P., Mason P., Butcher T., Banerjee S., De Vido M., Edwards C., Collier J., Smrž M., Mocek T. 150 J DPSSL operating at 1.5 kW level. Optics Letters, 46(22): 5771‑3.
[2021] Phillips J. P., Banerjee S., Mason P., Smith J., Spear J., De Vido M., Ertel K., Butcher T., Quinn G., Clarke D., Edwards C., Hernandez‑Gomez C., Collier J. L. Second and third harmonic conversion of a kilowatt average power, 100‑J‑level diode pumped Yb:YAG laser in large aperture LBO. Optics Letters, 46(8): 1808‑11.
[2020] De Vido M., Wojtusiak A., Ertel K., High‑resolution absorption measurement at the zero phonon line of Yb:YAG between 80 K and 300 K. Optical Materials Express 10[3]: 717‑723.
[2020] Phillips J. P., Banerjee S., Ertel K., Mason P., Smith J., Butcher T., De Vido M., Edwards C., Hernandez‑Gomez C., Collier J. L. Stable high‑energy, high repetition rate, frequency doubling in a large aperture temperature‑ controlled LBO at 515 nm. Optics Letters 45(10): 2946‑9.
[2019] De Vido M., Ertel K., Wojtusiak A., Mason P. D., Phillips P. J., Banerjee S., Smith J. M., Butcher T. J., Edwards C. Optical rotatory power of quartz between 77 K and 325 K for 1030 nm wavelength. Optical Materials Express, 9(6): 2708‑15.
[2018] De Vido M., Mason P. Laser amplifier module, International Patent Application no. PCT/GB2018/051405, PCT publication no. WO2018215771A1.
[2017] De Vido M., Walsh T. J., Kirkpatrick S., Svrluga R., Ertel K., Phillips P. J., Mason P. D., Banerjee S., Smith J. M., Butcher T. J., Edwards C., Hernandez‑Gomez C., Collier J.L. Impact of gas cluster ion and accelerated neutral atom beam surface treatments on the laser‑induced damage threshold of ceramic Yb:YAG. Optical Materials Express, 7(9): 3303‑11.
[2017] De Vido M., Meissner D., Meissner S., Ertel K., Phillips P. J., Mason P. D., Banerjee S., Butcher T. J., Smith J. M., Edwards C., Hernandez‑Gomez C., Collier J. L. Characterisation of adhesive‑free bonded crystalline Yb:YAG for high energy laser applications. Optical Materials Express, 7(2): 425-32.
[2017] Mason P., Divoky M., Ertel K., Pilar J., Butcher T., Hanus M., Banerjee S., Phillips J., Smith J., De Vido M., Lucianetti A., Hernandez‑Gomez C., Edwards C., Mocek T., Collier J. L. Kilowatt average power 100 J‑level diode pumped solid state laser. Optica, 4(4): 438‑9.
[2017] De Vido M. Laser‑chain alignment, International Patent Application no. PCT/GB2017/050603, PCT publication no. WO/2017/163009.
[2016] Banerjee S., Mason P. D., Ertel K., Phillips P. J., De Vido M., Chekhlov O., Divoky M., Pilar J., Smith J., Butcher T., Lintern A., Tomlinson S., Shaikh W., Hooker C., Lucianetti A., Hernandez‑Gomez C., Mocek T., Edwards C., Collier J. L. 100 J‑level nanosecond pulsed diode pumped solid state laser. Optics Letters, 41(9): 2089‑92.
Awards and prizes
Mariastefania De Vido received several grants and awards, including:
2018: Industrial Fellowship from the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 for research on advanced laser materials.
2018: 1st presentation prize for young researchers at the Advanced Solid-State Laser Congress (Boston, US).
2019: Young UK Laser Engineer Prize by the Association of industrial Laser Users in recognition of her work carried out in developing and optimising high energy, high-power nanosecond laser sources for industrial applications.
2020: Staff Recognition Prize by the Science and Technology Facilities Council for “inspirational line management”, recognising her efforts in employee development and retention.
2020: MacFarlane Prize from Heriot-Watt University, presented to the doctoral graduate who has made the most outstanding contribution to the research of the whole of the University.
2021: she was selected among other 30 professionals from UK academia, research, industry and government to join the Foundation for Science and Technology’s “Future Leaders” programme. As part of this, she engaged in policy advice and organised debates on future R&D challenges.
2021: she received, as principal investigator, an International Exchanges Grant by the Royal Society to establish a new research collaboration with the Italian National Research Council (CNR) on novel manufacturing techniques for laser ceramic materials.
Full Professor of Automatic Control at University of Pavia
Professional career
She got her M.Sc. in Electronic Engineering in 1987 and her PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineering in 1992. She became Assistant Professor at the University of Genova (April 1992), Associate Professor at the University of Pavia (November 1998) and Full Professor of Automatic Control always at the University of Pavia (January 2005).
Scientific results
She has been dealing with the control of complex systems (robotic systems, vehicle networks, vehicular traffic, power networks also based on renewable energy resources). She proposed new algorithms for the control of plants and processes the mathematical model of which is affected by uncertainties. She proposed new approaches to control vehicle traffic in transportation networks with the aim of reducing congestion and environmental impact. She has been working in advanced vehicle control, collaborating with major car manufacturers and coordinating the Italian research group in two European projects (PROTECTOR, ITEAM). In particular, she proposed solutions for driving assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving. She has been studying human-robot interaction proposing an approach based on the joint use of conventional control methodologies and artificial intelligence (deep reinforcement learning). She published more than 380 scientific works, including 118 articles in international journals and 3 scientific books. She also contributed with chapters to 23 edited books.
Editorial work and publications
Antonella Ferrara has signed numerous publications, including:
[2019] Ferrara A, Incremona G.P, Cucuzzella M. Advanced and Optimization Based Sliding Mode Control. SIAM.
[2018] Ferrara A, Simona S, Siri S. Freeway Traffic Modelling and Control. Springer.
[2017] Ferrara A, (Ed.).Sliding Mode Control of Vehicle Dynamics. IET Digital Library.
[2019] Regolin E, Alatorre A, Zambelli M, Victorino A, Charara A, Ferrara A. A Sliding Mode Virtual Sensor for Wheel Forces Estimation with Accuracy Enhancement via EKF. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 68(4): 3457-3471.
[2018] Sangiovanni B, Rendiniello A, Incremona G.P, Ferrara A, Piastra M. Deep Reinforcement Learning for Collision Avoidance of Robotic Manipulators, Proceedings of the European Control Conference ECC 2018, Limassol, Cyprus.
[2018] Canudas de Wit C., Ferrara A. A Variable-Length Cell Transmission Model for Road Traffic Systems. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 97: 428-455.
Awards and prizes
1986, "IEEE North Italy Section Electrical Engineering Student Award"
2003, Senior Member of the IEEE
2006, Outstanding Reviewer for Automatica Award
2013.2016, Chair of the Women in Control Committee of the IEEE Control Systems Society
2012; 2016-2018, Member of the Board of Governors IEEE Control Systems Society
2015-present, Member of the European Control Association (EUCA) Council
2019, "EPSON EMEA WIN-A-ROBOT Contest Award"
Professor of Chemical Plants at the Polytechnic of Turin; Waste, Water and Food Manager of the Politecnico di Torino (Green Team)
Professional career
After graduating in Chemical Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Turin, she continued her studies through a PhD program in Chemical Engineering, where she obtained the title at the same University.
She won a workplace as University Researcher in Chemical Engineering, in the scientific sector for Chemical Plants in November 2002, obtaining confirmation. From July 2010 to March 2016 she worked as Associate Professor in the same SSD. In March 2016 she became full professor of Chemical Plants, where she is currently responsible for a research group consisting of 15 young researchers and PhD students at the Department of Applied Science and Technology of the Politechnic University of Turin. She is a member of the College of Chemical and Materials Engineering a the College of Energy, her teaching activity is focused on the courses of Plants for the Chemical and Food Industry and Re-use Processes and Energy Enhancement.
Scientific results
Her scientific interests focus mainly on the catalytic treatment of Diesel emissions (eg: filtration and combustion of particulates, the removal of nanoparticles, reduction and adsorption of NOx, development of catalytic traps), on the catalytic combustion of methane (eg: development of catalytic converters for methane-fueled cars), on catalytic filters for the treatment of fumes (eg.: multi-functional systems for the removal of fly ash, NOx and dioxins from incinerators) where she obtained several industrial loans (General Motors, Officine Metallurgiche Cornaglia, Petronas, Pirelli, ....), she won national and community projects (PRIN, TOP-Expert, ADDnano, FlameSOFC, ...) and she has 2 patents. Among her environmental research projects, the systems of advanced oxidation of pollutants (eg reactors and electrocatalysts for the electrochemical oxidation of biorefractory organic pollutants, such as phenol, antibiotics and other drugs, dyes, ...; remediation of polluted soil and self-cleaning surfaces) are of particular importance. Among the research undertaken in recent years of particular importance are the results obtained regarding the analysis of waste treatment platforms, the life cycle analysis of industrial processes from a circular economy perspective, where also in the agri-food sector has collaborated with industries of reference in the sector (eg Waste Italia, Ferrero, Ago Renewables, ENI, Lavazza, AUSTEP, etc.) also obtaining important structured financing as in the case of the Innovative Agro-Food-ECOFOOD platform project coordinated by Ferrero, Research & Innovation for The Improvement of the Sustainability of the Agro-Food Chain, of which Debora Fino was responsible for all the research actions of her University. She currently coordinates the research of 2 Horizon 2020 projects funded by the European Community CELBICON (Cost-effective CO2 conversion into chemicals via combination of Capture, Electrochemical and Biochemical Conversion technologies) and BIOROBURPLUS (Advanced direct biogas fuel processor for robust and cost-effective decentralized Hydrogen production ).
Editorial work and publications
She is author of over 200 scientific publications, including:
(2018) Malavè A C L, Fino D, Gómez Camacho C E, Ruggeri B. Experimental tests on commercial Sweet Product Residue (SPR) as a suitable feed for anaerobic bioenergy (H2+ CH4) production, Waste Management, 71: 626-635.
(2017) Massa A, Hernandez Ribullen S P, Lamberti A, Galletti C, Russo N, Fino D. Electro-oxidation of phenol over electrodeposited MnOx nanostructures and the role of a TiO2 nanotubes interlayer. Applied Catalysis. B, Environmental, 203: 270-281.
(2016) Negro V, Mancini G, Ruggeri B, Fino D. Citrus waste as feedstock for bio-based products recovery: Review on limonene case study and energy valorization. Bioresource Technology, 214: 806-815.
(2015) Hussain M, Deorsola F A, Russo N, Fino D, Pirone R. Abatement of CH4 emitted by CNG vehicles using Pd-SBA-15 and Pd-KIT-6 catalysts, Fuel, 149: 2-7.
(2014) Mancini G, Viotti P, Luciano A, Fino D. On the ASR and ASR thermal residues characterization of full scale treatment plant, Waste Management, 34: 448-457.
(2013) Ruggeri B, Luongo Malavè A C, Bernardi M, Fino D. Energy efficacy used to score organic refuse pretreatment process for hydrogen anaerobic production, Waste Management, 33: 2225-2233.
(2012) Bensaid S, Deorsola F A, Fino D, Russo N. After-treatment of household wood-fired stove emissions: from catalyst formulation to full-scale system, Catalysis Today, 197: 76-89.
(2011) Palmisano P, Hernandez S P, Hussain M, Fino D, Russo N. A new concept for a self cleaning household oven, Chemical Engineering Journal, 176-177: 253-259.
(2010) Bensaid S, Russo N; Fino D. Power and Hydrogen Co-generation from Biogas, Energy & Fuels, 24: 4743-4747.
(2009) Rutigliano L, Fino D, Saracco G, Specchia V, Spinelli P, Grizzaffi L. Electrochemical Oxidation process for water condensates recycling in a shuttle orbiter, Journal Of Applied Electrochemistry, 39 (11): 2239-2249.
(2008) Rutigliano L, Fino D, Saracco G, Specchia V, Spinelli P. Electrokinetic remediation of soils contaminated with heavy metals, Journal Of Applied Electrochemistry, 38: 1035-1041.
(2007) Fino D. Diesel Emission Control:Catalytic Filters for Particulate Removal, Science And Technology Of Advanced Materials, 8 (1-2): 93-100.
(2006) Cauda E, Hernandez S, Fino D, Saracco G, Specchia V. PM0.1 Emissions during Diesel Trap Regeneration, Environmental Science And Technology, 40: 5532-5537.
(2005) Fino D, Carlesi J C, Saracco G, Specchia V, Spinelli P. Deactivation and regeneration of Pt anodes for the electro-oxidation of phenol, Journal Of Applied Electrochemistry, 35(4): 405-411.
(2004) Fino D, Russo N, Saracco G, Specchia V. A multifunctional filter for the simultaneous removal of fly-ash and NOx from incinerator flue gases, Chemical Engineering Science, 59 (22-23): 5329-5336.
(2003) Fino D, Russo N, Saracco G, Specchia V. The role of suprafacial oxygen in some perovskites for the catalytic combustion of soot, Journal Of Catalysis, 217: 367-375.
(2002) Fino D, Saracco G, Specchia V. Filtration and catalytic abatement of diesel particulate from stationary sources, Chemical Engineering Science, 57(22-23): 4955-4966.
Awards and prizes
In November 2004 she was winner of the "ITALGAS AWARD - DEBUT IN THE RESEARCH" (XVII edition) for her doctoral thesis (Catalytic combustion of Diesel particulate matter). In February 2007 her article "Innovative means for the catalytic regeneration of particulate traps for diesel exhaust cleaning", Chem. Eng. Sci., 58 (3-6) (2003) 951-958, was awarded by Elsevier Science Publisher as one of the most cited articles of the journal Chemical Engineering Science during the four-year period 2003 - 2006. In December 2007 she was winner of the "SAPIO JUNIOR AWARD for ITALIAN RESEARCH" (IX Edition) for the results obtained in the research "Secondary nanoparticles from filters for the removal of Diesel particulate matter and in other application contexts". October 2009 - the article "Biogas Purification for MCFCs Applications" was awarded among the top 5 by the Scientific Organizing Committee of "HYSYDAYS 2009 - 3rd World Congress of Young Scientists on Hydrogen Energy Systems". The article was published in the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
June 2010 - ITWIIN Award for Italian Association of Women Inventors and Innovators, she also won of the DISTI (Science and Technology Information Innovation Innovation Center based in Bari) special prize, given the effectiveness of the presentation of potential social and economic impacts of scientific projects.
In September 2011, the European Union Women Inventors and Innovators Awards awarded her a special mention in view of the effectiveness in presenting potential social and economic effects of her scientific research by the jury of international experts, Reykjavik (Iceland). In February 2013 the article "M. Hussain, R. Ceccarelli, D.L. Marchisio, D. Fino, N. Russo, F. Geobaldo, Synthesis, Characterization and Photocatalytic Application of Novel TiO2 Nanoparticles "in Chemical Engineering Journal 157, 45-51 of 2010 was awarded as the eighth most cited article of the journal Chemical Engineering Journal in the during the period 10/2009 - 9/2010.
Professor of Electrical and Electronic Measurements at the University of Brescia, President of the Aggregate Course Council in Electronics and Telecommunications of the Department of Information Engineering, Coordinator of the Doctoral College in Technology for Health.
Professional career
After graduating in Physics at the University of Rome La Sapienza in 1985, she worked for more than 10 years in industries operating in industrial plants and energy, including Ansaldo Sistemi Industriali in Milan, where she was responsible for the R&D of the digitally controlled drives section. At the end of 1995 she joined the University of Brescia as a researcher of Electronics, where she became Associate Professor of Electrical and Electronic Measurements in 2002 and Full Professor in 2016. In 2004 she created the Italian Competence Centre on Profibus and Profinet, which is still operational today. From 2013 to 2020 she is in the Board of Directors of CSMT, the main centre for technology transfer in Brescia. Since 2011 she has been a member of the Scientific Council of SPS, the Industrial Automation Exhibition. From 2013 to 2016 she was a member of the ADCOM of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society and in 2015 she was Vice President for Conferences. Since 2018, she has been the Chair of the Aggregate Course Council in Electronics and Telecommunications of the Department of Information Engineering. In 2020 she is elected Coordinator of the Doctoral College in Technology for Health.
Scientific results
Alessandra Flammini's scientific profile is multifaceted: she started her research activity in the field of industrial research with reference to digitally controlled drives and then moved on to scientific research in the field of embedded systems electronics, then "smart" sensors and finally distributed measurement systems for industry, smart grids and smart living.
More specifically, Flammini's scientific research has focused from the outset on interface circuits for sensors and on "smart" sensors, i.e. on technologies that enable sensors to communicate their measurement information in IoT architectures. Alessandra Flammini has made a fundamental scientific contribution to the synchronisation of sensor networks, a key issue in real-time applications for industry and energy, contributing to the realisation and evolution of the IEEE1588 standard. More specifically, her scientific research activity has focused from the outset on interface circuits for sensors and on 'smart' sensors, i.e. on technologies that enable sensors to communicate their measurement information in IoT architectures, which are fundamental in so-called 'smart' systems, ranging from smart grids to smart living, areas in which Alessandra Flammini has been responsible for large-scale interdepartmental projects, with budgets in excess of €5 million, from 2013 to date. In the field of wireless technologies for IoT, her experimental studies on LoRaWAN technology are of absolute importance, which have enabled its use in distributed measurement applications for industry, as evidenced by the high number of citations of her publications on the subject. Alessandra Flammini is also an important figure in the Brescia area. In addition to having founded a research group consisting of three full professors, two associate professors and two researchers, and to having formulated new educational proposals on the topics of IoT and technologies for the digital enterprise, Alessandra Flammini has also developed the first Italian Real Time Ethernet, patented and marketed by Gefran as GDNET, and is co-author of other national and international patents that have had significant commercial value.
Editorial work and publications
She is co-author of more than 300 international scientific publications, including:
[2022] P. Ferrari, E. Sisinni, P. Bellagente, D. Fernandes Carvalho, A. Depari, A. Flammini, M. Pasetti, S. Rinaldi, I. Silva, "On the use of LoRaWAN and cloud platforms for diversification of mobility-as-a-service infrastructure in smart city scenarios", IEEE Trans. Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol., ISSN 0018-9456.
[2020] E. Sisinni, P. Ferrari, D. Fernandes Carvalho, S. Rinaldi, M. Pasetti, A. Flammini, A. Depari, "LoRaWAN Range Extender for Industrial IoT", IEEE Trans. Industrial Informatics, August, 2020, Vol. 16, N. 9, pp. 5607-5616, ISSN 1551-3203, DOI 10.1109/TII.2019.2958620.
[2018] P. Ferrari, A. Flammini, E. Sisinni, S. Rinaldi, D. Brandao, M. Rocha, "Delay Estimation of Industrial IoT Applications Based on Messaging Protocols", IEEE Trans. Instrumentation and Measurement, September, 2018, Vol. 67, N. 9, pp. 2188-2199, ISSN 0018-9456, DOI 10.1109/TIM.2018.2813798.
[2017] M. Rizzi, P. Ferrari, E. Sisinni, A. Flammini, "Evaluation of the IoT LoRaWAN Solution for Distributed Measurement Applications", IEEE Trans. Instrumentation and Measurement, December, 2017, Vol. 66, N. 12, pp. 3340-3349, ISSN 0018-9456, DOI 10.1109/TIM.2017.2746378.
[2016] E. Sisinni, A. Depari, A. Flammini, "Design and implementation of a wireless sensor network for temperature sensing in hostile environments", Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, January, 2016, Vol. 237, pp. 47-55, ISSN 0924-4247, DOI 10.1016/j.sna.2015.11.012.
[2011] C. M. De Dominicis, P. Ferrari, A. Flammini, S. Rinaldi, M. Quarantelli, "On the Use of IEEE 1588 in Existing IEC 61850-Based SASs: Current Behavior and Future Challenges", IEEE Trans. Instrumentation and Measurement, September, 2011, Vol. 60, N. 9, pp. 3070-3081, ISSN 0018-9456, DOI 10.1109/TIM.2011.2158159.
[2009] A. Flammini, D. Marioli, E. Sisinni, A. Taroni, "Design and Implementation of a Wireless Fieldbus for Plastic Machineries", IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics, March, 2009, Vol. 56, N. 3, pp. 747-755, ISSN 0278-0046, DOI 10.1109/TIE.2008.2011602.
[2009] P. Ferrari, A. Flammini, D. Marioli, E. Sisinni, A. Taroni, "Wired and wireless sensor networks for industrial applications", Microelectronics Journal, September, 2009, Vol. 40, N. 9, pp. 1322-1336, ISSN 0026-2692, DOI 10.1016/j.mejo.2008.08.012.
[2008] P. Ferrari, A. Flammini, D. Marioli, A. Taroni, "A Distributed Instrument for Performance Analysis of Real-Time Ethernet Networks", IEEE Trans. Industrial Informatics, February, 2008, Vol. 4, N. 1, pp. 16-25, ISSN 1551-3203, DOI 10.1109/TII.2008.919016.
[2004] A. Flammini, D. Marioli, A. Taroni, "A low-cost interface to high-value resistive sensors varying over a wide range", IEEE Trans. Instrumentation and Measurement, August, 2004, Vol. 53, N. 4, pp. 1052-1056, ISSN 0018-9456, DOI 10.1109/TIM.2004.831500.
[2002] A. Flammini, P. Ferrari, E. Sisinni, D. Marioli, A. Taroni, "Sensor interfaces: from field-bus to Ethernet and Internet", Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, September, 2002, Vol. 101, N. 1-2, pp. 194-202, ISSN 0924-4247 , DOI 10.1016/S0924-4247(02)00201-7.
[1999] A. Flammini, D. Marioli, A. Taroni, "Application of an optimal look-up table to sensor data processing", IEEE Trans.Instrumentation and Measurement, August, 1999, Vol. 48, N. 4, pp. 813-816, ISSN 0018-9456, DOI 10.1109/19.779179.
Awards and prizes
She has been coauthor of award-winning papers at international conferences (ETFA2008, ISPCS2010).
IEEE Senior Member since 2010, General Chair or Technical Chair of several international conferences, she was elected member of the ADCOM of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society from 2013 to 2016 and was Vice President for Conferences in 2015.
Member of the IEEE1588 Study Group.
Top Italian Scientists in Electrical Engeneering.
STEM area: Engineering
Competences: Cost Engineering, Geoinformation, International Relations, Programmatic and Technology Evaluation, Space Economy, Space Engineering
Keywords: Alitalia SpA, Copernicus, ESA (European Space Agency), ISA (Italian Space Agency), NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
Region: ABROAD
Cost Engineer at European Space Agency (ESA).
Professional career
Elisabetta Lamboglia graduates at University of Rome `La Sapienza` in Aerospace Engineering in 2003, including an experience of six months in maintenance engineering at Alitalia SpA technical area. In 2006 Elisabetta graduates (MSc) cum laude in Astronautic Engineering, at the School of Aerospace Engineering of `La Sapienza`, including an experience of four months as intern at the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC, European Space Agency).
In 2007 she continues as young graduate at ESTEC, when she works on analytical research and implementation of `the market effects`, modelling for multivariate data analysis, multi-criteria decision making processes, cost models enhancement and risk management assessment. She furthermore participates as systems cost chair to feasibility studies.
In June 2009 she starts her experience at NASA Ames Research Center (Silicon Valley, California), where she earns the certificate of completion of the Space Studies Program on satellite applications (International Space University, ISU), and where she relates with more than 130 other experts and more than 40 different nationalities. At NASA she also works on the DREAM project (Disaster Risk Evaluation and Management), which customer is the World Bank, and which main objective is to explore the combination of earth observation tools, web-based and mobile data management tools, and how this combination can support and improve Disaster Risk Management.
From September 2009 to March 2010, she moves to the commercial business domain, working for a Dutch leading company in the off-shore and petrochemical sector (Heerema Marine Contractors), where she demonstrates versatility and capability to work in different environments, such as in finance and during the very challenging years right after the 2008 financial crisis.
In March of 2010 she returns in ESTEC as Cost Engineer, in the directorate of Technology, Engineering and Quality, and where she provides cross cutting support to the main programs of all ESA directorates.
In 2013 she is appointed as external and independent officer at programmatic decision point for the Italian Space Agency (ISA), on the PRISMA project, which main objectives are the environmental monitoring, resource management, crop classification, pollution control, forest analysis and precision in agriculture.
In 2015 she completes postgraduate studies in International Relations at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), where she focuses on the theory and practice of global international organizations, diplomacy, and their role in international politics and related matters of concern to our society. Selected subject areas of study are international and environmental security.
Since 2017, Elisabetta covers the role of ESA cost engineering team coordinator for the missions aimed to global monitoring and environmental security (Copernicus) and for the all ESA Earth Observation domain.
In the year 2020 she earns several United Nations certifications, out of which `Entrepreneurship for Migrants and Refugees`, `Geospatial Information Technology (GIT) in Fragile Contexts,`, `Integrated planning for climate change and biodiversity`.
Since November 2021 she has been ESA Mentoring in the STEM Talent Girl Program, an educative project to develop talent and promote scientific–technological vocations. It is specifically addressed to women with the sole goal of inspiring and empowering girls and teenagers to continue with bright STEM careers.
Scientific results
During the elaboration of her master thesis Elisabetta contributed to the activities of the GAUSS group (School of Aerospace Engineering, University of Rome `La Sapienza`), including personal participation to the university-built microsatellite UniSat 4 launch from Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan (26 July 2006).
As young graduate, she worked on the enhancement of mathematical models for financial and risk management applications, still operational nowadays. She furthermore participated to feasibility studies of several space missions, out of which Copernicus Sentinel 5p, successfully launched in October 2017.
In the next years, she has been the appointed cost engineer for several independent programmatic and financial evaluations, dialogues, and negotiations for implementations of projects implementation. Moreover, she coordinated and harmonized cost-working groups for the Earth Explorers` mission selection and implementation, in close cooperation with senior managers of the Agency.
She worked as external officer to the programmatic envelope and critical aspects concerning ASI PRISMA; the satellite reached its orbit in March 2019.
From 2017 to 2020 she has been full-time assigned to the Copernicus expansion program (CHIME, LSTM, CO2M, ROSE-L, CRISTAL, CIMR), which she supported in the preparatory activities for ESA Ministerial Council (Space19+) and the successful implementation kick off of each of the six missions.
From March 2022 to June 2023, she was nominated Climate and Sustainability Leader for the ESA Strategy, Foresight and Coordination. In this role, she was Arrhenius Study manager, and she led the ESA Sustainability Strategy for EGA, the Decarbonisation Working Group, and Climate Action, LCA, and Green Technologies. She represented ESA in collaborations with the European Commission and European Union Agency for the Space Programme on Green Deal Ambitions related to Space and Environmental Policy.
Space sector representative in international fora such as the Council for the relations between Italy and United States (Consiusa), she is currently leading projects, focusing on AI and data simulation R&D for EO downstream applications and commercialisation, together with her doctoral research achievement in Geoinformation.
Editorial work and publications
[2025] New Space markets: the European perspective on new frontiers, commercialization, and domestic uses of space applications, E. Lamboglia at all., in T. Hoerber, M. Borowitz, A. Forganni, & de Sousa, M. (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Space Policy, Routledge, 2025. Doi:10.4324/9781003342380-35.https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9781003342380-35/newspace-markets-elisabetta-lamboglia-vedant-mogha-michel-van-pelt
[2024] The evolution of Earth Observation: exploring space sustainability through European case studies, E. Lamboglia et al., (2024). International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 17(1), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.1080/19397038.2024.2387427
[2024] Long-term temporal analysis of Sentinel-2 spectral reflectance data for post-earthquake monitoring of urban environment dynamics, E. Lamboglia et al., (2024). European Journal of Remote Sensing, 58(1). https://doi.org/10.1080/22797254.2024.2445658, European Journal of Remote Sensing, 58(1) · Dec 24, 2024
[2024] Long-Term Post-Earthquake Monitoring of Urban Areas Based on Time Series Analysis of Sentinel-2 Spectral Reflectance Data, G. Guerrisi, E. Lamboglia, S. Bonafoni and F. Del Frate, IGARSS 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Athens, Greece, 2024, pp. 3897-3901, https://doi.org/10.1109/IGARSS53475.2024.10642433
[2024] An attractive European Earth Observation Ecosystem of Services: Flexible, scalable, and cost-effective data spaces empowering downstream business opportunities, E. Lamboglia et al., (2024), in Proc. 75th Int. Astronaut. Congr. (IAC), Milan, Italy.
[2023] The potential of hybrid hyperspectral constellations, Steven George et al., 14th IAA SSEO, 8-12 May 2023
[2023] New Space SmallSats concepts, from programmatic to governance and sustainability benefits - the ESA perspective and lesson learnt, Lamboglia et al., 14th IAA SSEO, 8-12 May 2023
[2022] The socioeconomic benefits of Earth Observation applications in the New Space era, Elisabetta Lamboglia, Vedant Paul Mogha, IAC 2022, Paris, 21 Sep 2022, https://dl.iafastro.directory/event/IAC-2022/paper/67962/
[2022] Estimating Copernicus High Priority Candidate Missions Jobs for Europe, Elisabetta Lamboglia, Luisa Corrado, Fabio Del Frate, IAC 2022, Paris, 21 Sep 2022
[2021] Elisabetta Lamboglia, ESTEC, The benefit of Full, Free and Open Satellite geoinformation for detecting and monitoring socio-economic factors on land use, 12th ESSCA Space Policy Workshop (28 April 2021) & UACES 2021 (6-8 September 2021, Space Policy panel)
[2018] Lamboglia E. Extensive Cost Estimating methodologies for the CDF GaiaNIR study, SECESA.
[2014] Lamboglia E. A tool for rapid and early schedule estimates, Project Control Professional.
Awards and prizes
ESA Teamwork Excellence Award 2019: Copernicus High Priority Candidate Missions Phase A/B1 team.
ESA Teamwork Excellence Award 2019: Concurrent Design Facility team (Future Mission Studies).
Best Mentor Award 2023, Space Generation Advisory Council, in Support of the United Nations Programme on Space Applications. https://spacegeneration.org/best-mentor-spring-2023-elisabetta-lamboglia.
STEM area: Engineering
Competences: Electromagnetic Computations, Operations Engineering, Programmatic and Operations Service Evaluation, Space Systems Engineering
Keywords: Columbus module, ESA (European Space Agency), International Space Station (ISS), ISS Payloads, NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
Region: ABROAD
Operations and Project Engineer at RHEA Group for the European Space Agency (ESA).
Professional career
Cecilia Marasini graduated at University of Pisa in Telecommunications Engineering in 2001, including a six months scholarship in electromagnetic computation at Chalmers University of Technology in Goteborg, Sweden and an internship of 3 months in Hewlett Packard Consultant. In 2001, she starts her professional carrier as System and Software engineer at Motorola Technology Centre in Torino, where she was part of the interoperability testing team to support the integration of dual mode UMTS/GSM and 3G terminals in mobile service network. Her interest in applied electromagnetic research took her back to the academic world and from 2004 to 2007 she carried out her Ph.D. project at TNO (Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific research) and Eindhoven University of Technology. She was then a research scientist in the Radar and Electronic Warfare group at TNO until 2009.
In 2010 she moved to the space engineering field and joined the RHEA Group the European Space Agency (ESA-ESTEC, The Netherlands) in the directorate of Human and Robotics Exploration Spaceflight (HRE). Since then, she covers the role of Operations and Project Engineer. She contributed to the establishment and programmatic management of the USOCs (User Support Operations Centres) network for running and implementing European payloads on the International Space Station (ISS), elaborating on payloads operations concepts and ESA ISS operations processes. She contributed to the set-up and implementation of the Science Data Centre and HRE Data Archive for storing, valorising and publishing ISS ESA experiments data.
In 2019 and 2022, she served the ESA Houston Liaison Office for extended period as ESA representative in the ISS Mission Management Centre at NASA Johnson Space Centre (Houston, Texas).
In 2021, she takes an operations engineering leading role to the definition of ESA Gateway Operations concepts as next step for operability of ESA modules in Moon orbit.
She has been promoting STEM subjects in primary and medium years schools in Italy and The Netherlands, by presenting her experience to inspire the young generations and girls in particular.
Scientific results
Marasini’s scientific profile is various as she started her research in the electromagnetic computation techniques while performing her master thesis in Telecommunications engineering and extended her research in efficient computation techniques for antenna design by holding a PhD only after a period in the telecommunications sector as young professional. The main research activity was based on coding an efficient computation using the Galerkin Method of Moments to represent the antenna and by applying a Swarm optimization function with the aim of maximizing the antenna gain and minimizing the Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR).
Later, she extended her interest towards the space sector, mainly working into the definition of operations concepts for execution of the European ISS experiments and payloads, and recently for the ESA Gateway provided elements.
With the objective to centralize the ISS Scientific Data from European founded experiments and payloads, she worked towards the definition and implementation of the Science Data Archive / HRE Data Archive, contributing to the establishment of processes, products and deliverables and managing the service contract associated with that.
She extended her interdisciplinary skills and her experience in working in international environments by taking the representative role into the ISS Mission Management Center for ESA.
Editorial work and publications
She author and co-author of various international publications, including:
[2022] C. Marasini, A. Nitsch, T. Sheasby, ‘Implementing a Lean Operational Set-up for Gateway ESA Modules’, for presentation at International Astronautical Congress IAC 2022.
[2021] A. Laveron, C. Marasini, et. All, ‘The HRE Science Data Center: A new entity for storing, valorising and publishing the data coming from ESA experiments’, International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2021.
[2018] C. Marasini, A. Nitsch, ‘Implementing Experiments and Science Operations on ISS with a Network of Operations Centres’, Human Spaceflight and Weightlessness Science Workshop, Toulouse, France.
[2011] C. Leone, A. Rogovich, C. Marasini, S. Genovesi and A. Monorchio, ‘A dynamic particle swarm optimization for the design of loaded wire antennas’, IET Microwave, Antennas and Propagation Journal.
[2010] C. Marasini, A New Approach for Wire Antennas Design – Problem formulation and numerical implementation of Galerkin MoM embedded in a Particle Swarm Optimization Process, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, 2010, ISBN 978-3-8383-4153-8
[2009] C. Marasini and E.S.A.M. Lepelaars, ‘Static magnetic signature translation’, 6th International Marine Electromagnetics Conference, MARLEC 2009.
[2009] C. Marasini, E. S. A. M. Lepelaars and A. P. M. Zwamborn, ‘Interpolation algorithm for fast evaluation of EM coupling between wires’, Applied Computational Electromagnetic Society (ACES) Journal, vol.24 n.3.
[2008] C. Marasini, ‘Efficient Computation Techniques for Galerkin MoM Antenna Design, Ph.D. Dissertation’, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, June 2008, ISBN 978-90-386-1874-6
[2007] A. Rogovich, C. Marasini, A. Monorchio, E. S. A. M. Lepelaars and P. A. M. Zwamborn. ‘Design of Wire Antennas by Using an Evolved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm’. Invited paper at International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, ICEAA ’07.
[2007] C. Marasini, E. S. A. M. Lepelaars and P. A. M. Zwamborn, ‘Interpolation Algorithm for Fast Evaluation of EM Coupling between Wires’. Paper presentation at International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory, EMTS ’07.
[2005] C. Marasini, E. S. A. M. Lepelaars and P. A. M. Zwamborn, ‘Analysis of the resonant behavior of a complex loaded wire by using the Exact Kernel MoM’. Paper presentation at International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, ICEAA ’05.
[2000] C. Marasini, A. Freni, P-S Kildal, ‘Analysis of mictrostrip antenna on a corrugated multilayer structure by using CG-FFT method and G1DMULT algorithm’, Antenna & Propagations AP2000, Millennium Conference.
Awards and prizes
In 2019 she received the certificate of Excellence, RHEA Group in appreciation for 10 years of service.
Associate Director for Robotics and Director of the Bioinspired Soft Robotics Laboratory at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT)
Professional career
After graduating in Biological Sciences at the University of Pisa in 1995, she joined the Biophysics Institute of the National Research Council (CNR), where she worked on environmental issues and in particular on mercury pollution. From 1997 to 1998 she attended a master in Environmental Management and Control (EMAS) at the Sant’Anna High School in Pisa (SSSA), with an internship at the Office for Foreign Risks of Civil Responsibility and Accidents, of Assicurazioni Generali SpA of Trieste. The following year she was a research assistant at the Research Center in Microengineering (CRIM Lab) of the Sant'Anna High School in Pisa, a position she held until 2004. From the same year until 2009 she was a Biomedical Engineering Researcher at the same Sant’Anna High School. In November 2009 she became Team Leader at the Micro Bio-Robotics Centre (CMBR) of the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Genoa. In 2011 she obtained a PhD in Microsystems Engineering at the University Tor Vergata of Rome. In the same year she became coordinator of the CMBR at the IIT, a position she held until March 2021, when she became Associate Director for Robotics and Director of the Boinispired Soft Robotics Laboratory, also at the IIT.
Scientific results
Barbara Mazzolai’s research field is soft and bioinspired robotics, an evolution of robotics that involves the use of non-rigid materials inspired by the living world, in particular invertebrate animals and plants. During her time at the CRIM Lab of the Sant'Anna High School, she founded a new research area specifically dedicated to microtechnologies and robotics applicable to the environment and agri-food, playing the role of project manager of European projects such as Octopus, aimed at developing a soft robot inspired by Octopus vulgaris, and DustBot, a network of autonomous robots that can be used to collect door-to-door waste and improve urban hygiene. Arriving at the head of IIT's Micro Bio-Robotics Center, she founded a new research line in the field of bio-inspired robotics and soft robotics called "Plantoid", which aims at the realization for the first time in the world of robots inspired by movements, to the sensorial and communication skills of plants and their roots for soil exploration and environmental monitoring.
Editorial work and publications
Barbara Mazzolai is a member of the editorial group of various scientific journals, including Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, Soft Robotics, Biomimetics, Robotics & Automation Letters, Frontiers in Bionics and Biomimetics, Micro-BioRobotics.
She is the author of numerous publications in international scientific journals, such as:
(2016) Laschi C, Mazzolai B, Cianchetti M. Soft robotics: Technologies and systems pushing the boundaries of robot abilities. Science Robotics, 1:(1).
(2016) Larson C, Peele B, Li S, Robinson S, Totaro M, Beccai L, Mazzolai B, Shepherd R. Highly stretchable electroluminescent skin for optical signaling and tactile sensing. Science, 351(6277): 1071-1074.
(2016) Argiolas A, Puleo GL, Sinibaldi E, Mazzolai B. Osmolyte cooperation affects turgor dynamics in plants. Scientific Reports, 6.
(2016) Mazzolai B, Mattoli V. Robotics: Generation soft. Nature, 536 (7617), 400-401.
(2014) Sadeghi A, Tonazzini A, Popova L, Mazzolai B. A Novel Growing Device Inspired by Plant Root Soil Penetration Behaviors. PLoS ONE, 9:(2).
(2014) Sinibaldi E, Argiolas A, Puleo GL, Mazzolai B. Another lesson from plants: the forward osmosis-based actuator. PLoS ONE, 9(7): e102461.
(2014) Tramacere F, Kovalev A, Kleinteich T, Gorb SN, Mazzolai B. Structure and mechanical properties of Octopus vulgaris suckers. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 11: 91, 20130816.
(2013) Tramacere F, Beccai L, Kuba M, Gozzi A, Bifone A, Mazzolai B. The Morphology and Adhesion Mechanism of Octopus vulgaris suckers. PLoS ONE, 8(6): e65074.
(2012) Mazzolai B, Margheri L, Cianchetti M, Dario P, Laschi C. Soft robotic arm inspired by the octopus. II. From artificial requirements to innovative technological solutions. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 7 025005.
(2011) Mazzolai B, Mondini A, Corradi P, Laschi C, Mattoli V, Sinibaldi E, Dario P. A Miniaturized Mechatronic System Inspired by Plant Roots. IEEE Transaction on Mechatronics, 16(2), 201-212.
Awards and prizes
In 2010 Barbara Mazzolai received the "Marisa Bellisario" award for the scientific and management activity of the "DustBot" project, in 2013 she was awarded the Pio Manzù Prize with the Medal of the Senate of the Italian Republic for her commitment as a scientist for the creation of technologies that open new paths to sustainable development. In 2015 she received, for the same reasons, the Genoa international award: a woman out of the chorus.
In September 2021 she is named among the 50 most inspiring Italian women in the world of technology with the award InspiringFifty for Italy.
STEM area: Engineering
Competences: Alternative Energies, Applied Complexity, Diversity Management, Extreme Project Management, Leadership, Logistics, Project Management, Sustainability, Systemic Design, Team Management
Keywords: alternative energies, Antarctica, complex projects, digital technologies, expedition to Antarctica, explorer, innovation, management, strategy, sustainability
Region: Lazio
Interface Manager at Cherenkov Array Telescope. First Italian Woman to lead an expedition to Antarctica. Expert of leadership & extreme project management.
Professional career
She holds a master degree in Civil engineering (university of Pisa, Italy) and a MBA at MIP (Graduate School of Business of Politecnico di Milano). From 2002 to 2008 she had been working as Energy Manager and Interface Manager at PNRA (National Italian Programme for Antarctic Research), where she had been developing sustainability strategies and operations for the scientific missions to Antarctica. From 2008 to 2010 she had been appointed twice as Expedition leader at the Italian and French Antarctic research Station Concordia. In 2013, she is back to Antarctica as Head of Logistics fro the French Institute IPEV. In 2015 She had been appointed again Expedition Leader at the Belgian research Station Princess Elizabeth (first Zero Emission Building in Antarctica). Besides Polar missions, she had been working in different organisational domains: Innovation & Digital Broadcast Industry in United Kingdom, Sustainability strategies in Italy, and more recently in developing partnership for innovation between China and Italy. She funded Complexity Aware, a consultancy company for the enterprises interested into the so called “Antarctic mindset”, namely the capability to cope (and to prosper) under the pressure of uncertainties: “Under the pressure of extreme environment you can’t afford neither to be worried nor to be wrong; instead, you must quickly learn how to be effective and overcome difficulties!”
She currently work as consultant for companies and as Interface Manager at Cherenkov Array Telescope gGmbH.
Scientific results
In her 5 mission to Antarctica (she can be defined an explorer of sec.), Chiara Montanari managed all scientific and logistic activities, including emergency operations and media relationships. A mission to Antarctica is a huge investment from the government to deliver innovation and research programmes in complex situations and hard environment. Due to her skills in leadership and management, despite the high risks of these operations, she successfully completed each mission and all the expected results for their programme. Particularly, she managed several times the operations in one of the most extreme place on earth (Concordia station is settled on the Antarctic Plateau, at 4000 m altitude and temperatures between -50°C in summer and -80°C in winter, and the team is made of 70 people in a multidisciplinary-multicultural environment). Furthermore, she had been acknowledged by the Belgium government for the diplomacy and the effectiveness of the Belgian mission, where she faced the unexpected event of a sabotage at the arrival. On the basis of these experiences and her research in organisational theories, she funded Complexity Aware, a consultancy company for the enterprises interested into the so called “Antarctic mindset”(a methodology on negotiations and adaptive problem solving), and she is currently working as consultant.
Editorial work and publications
In 2015 she published the book Cronache dai ghiacci. 90 giorni in Antartide (Mondadori), in which she proposed the extreme ecosystem of Antarctica as a metaphor for the current business world, namely, coping with continuous changes, high risks and tremendous uncertainty.
Awards and prizes
First Italian Woman to lead an expedition to Antarctica.
In 2014 she had been awarded by the city of Milan with “Ambrogino d’oro” (civic medal) for her engagement in boosting Technological Transfer, Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
Full professor of Industrial and Technological Chemistry and Executive Vice-Rector at the Polytechnic of Milan.
Professional career
She graduated in Chemical Engineering at Politecnico of Milan, then continued her education with a Ph.D. in Industrial Chemistry from University of Milan, and with a post doctorate at Politecnico of Milan. In 2002 she became assistant professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering of Politecnico di Milano. In 2007 she became an associate professor, while since 2008 she moved to the Department of Energy, where she is now a full professor.
Since 2018 she is coordinator of the degree program board for Chemical Engineering (Bachelor and Master level) and Ingegneria della Prevenzione e della Sicurezza nell’Industria di Processo (Master level) at Politecnico di Milano. Since 2019 she is Vice Dean of the School of Industrial and Information Engineering at Politecnico of Milan. Since 2023 she is Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Strategic Plan Implementation
Scientific results
Environmental catalytic processes and energy sources are among the main scientific interests of Isabella Nova. Specifically, she studies the catalytic technologies for the control of pollutant emissions from lean combustion exhaust gas, photo-electrochemical processes for the splitting of water into hydrogen and oxygen, and the conversion of carbon dioxide into fuels and chemicals.
She is currently working with Daimler AG (DE), MTU (DE), FPT (I), Johnson Matthey (UK), Polytechnic of Milan, and in EU-H2020 projects.
Editorial work and publications
She is author of more than 130 national and international scientific articles, of 4 international patents, co-editor of 6 special issues of Catalysis Today (Elsevier) and 1 book (Springer), co-author of more than 250 congress communications to conferences.
She was invited to present the results of her work to more than 20 national and international universities or research centers, and to act as a keynote or plenary speaker at more than 10 international conferences.
Awards and prizes
Her scientific work in the field of environmental catalysis has led to several awards, such as the invitation to give lectures to important international conferences and research centers of universities and international companies, the invitation to act as editor for several volumes dedicated to study of catalytic processes for the removal of polluted substances (Catalysis Today, Elsevier Ed.) and a book dedicated to SCR technology for the control of NOx emissions on board vehicles (Springer), to the participation in the Editorial Board of the magazine Applied Catalysis B: Environmental (Elsevier).
She also received some prizes, including the Young Scientists Prize in the 13th International Congress on Catalysis, in Paris (2004), the Glenn Award for the San Diego Meeting of the Fuel Chemistry Division (2005), the K-idea award from the Kilometro Rosso and the Energy award from Schneider Electric for the patent "Apparatus and process for reducing the content of nitrogen oxides in exhaust gases of combustion systems" (2009).
In 2018 she was included in the Inspiring 50 Italy list.
STEM area: Engineering
Competences: Advanced Manufacturing, Business Administration, Business Strategy, Corporate Governance, Digital Transformation, Environmental Engineering, Health & Safety, Product Management, Project Management, Risk Management, Sales and Marketing, Sustainability
Keywords: innovation, management, marketing, strategy, technology
Region: ABROAD
Vice President Strategic Marketing Wabtec Transit.
Board Member European Institute for Digital Innovation & Technology.
Board Member HumanTech Project Politecnico di Milano.
Professional career
After graduating with a degree in Environmental and Land Planning Engineering from the Politecnico di Milano in 2002, she launched her career at URS (now AECOM), a leading American consulting and engineering firm with a global presence. She then joined PRYSMIAN, where she took on increasing responsibilities and developed expertise in large-scale infrastructure construction projects for energy transmission across Europe, Africa, the Middle East, China, Japan, and the United States. Her executive career in transportation and mobility technology continued with roles at BOMBARDIER TRANSPORTATION in Germany, ALSTOM in France, and currently at WABTEC in France.
Scientific results
She owns a qualification as Professional Engineer, and she holds various certifications in Auditing, Environmental Management, Energy, Health, Workplace Safety, Project Management. She obtained an Executive Master in Business Administration EMBA at the Politecnico di Milano. She participated to the Silicon Valley Doing Business experience with Polytecnic of Milan where she could work with Start ups, Venture Capitals, Incubators and Stanford university.
Awards and prizes
She was selected by Valore D, Egon Zehnder and Borsa Italiana for the “InTheBoardroom” course that she followed and completed with 80 other executives (Class XI) in 2022. She won the Best Project Work award in 2023 with the Urban Freight Orchestration project conducted in collaboration with Polytechnic of Milan and Alstom.
Head of the Regional Coordination of Confturismo Toscana within Confcommercio Toscana. Head of Business Services (environment, safety, development) of Confcommercio Province of Florence and Confcommercio Province of Arezzo.
Professional career
After graduating as an Environmental and Territory Engineer from the University of Florence in 2000 and after specializing in Environmental Management and Quality Systems in 2001, I started working as an expert in Environment and Sustainable Development with the team of Coordinators of Agenda 21 (the UN Action Plan for sustainable development for the 21st century) called Terre di Siena.It is a plan a plan to carry out environmental, economic and social sustainability projects in Siena province.
I published articles for magazines and journals and I also developed long-life learning and professional training courses. I dealt with the involvement of economic stakeholders and I took responsibility for services and young people advance.
From 2002 to 2004, within the Environmental Development & Consulting Department of Monte dei Paschi Bancaverde Spa, I was a consultant on the issues of ISO 9001 / ISO 14001 and EMAS certifications for client companies and companies engaged in investments (over 1,000,0000 €) in the field of renewable energy (wind farms, photovoltaic parks, biomass power plants, waste management and recovery plants).
For several years I was a member of the Environmental Assessment and Landscape Commission of the Municipal Building Commission.
From 2005 to 2012 I worked for Toscana Promozione, the regional agency for economic and tourist promotion.
I dealt with territorial marketing and attracted foreign direct investments. I worked on issues and projects developing active and passive internationalization and research. I mapped the economic and the excellent scientific-technological regional offer (in several sectors: renewable energy, real estate, life sciences, ICT and nautical field). I handled activities concerning promotion and searching for partners or foreign investors to match them with the excellences of the regional R & D and industry.
Being responsible for this field, I took part in promotional tours or missions abroad together with CEO, managers or entrepreneurs of Tuscan companies and multinational companies and also together with research managers of Tuscan universities or research centres. In 2007 I led the Tuscan ICT selected delegation during the Italian Springevent in Tokyo.
I was also responsible for the organization of incoming trips in Tuscany of specialized international Venture Capitalists and collaborated in the preparation of related bilateral meetings with selected companies and actors of the Tuscan research system.
Subsequently, I worked as a Key Account for companies working in the mechanical sector and in other high-tech sectors in Tuscany.
In 2008 I was appointed to the Board of Directors of APEA (Provincial Agency for Energy, Environment and Local Development), an in-house company created to carry out actions in the field of environment and energy and whose functions subsequently expanded in order to manage economic development and to design European projects.
Since 2103 I have carried out engineering and technical-design actions within the Public Works Office of Siena Province Administration. I have worked in the field of soil protection and subsequently in the road sector, also checking activities meant to promote work health and safety as Head of the Prevention Service and Protection for the same institution.
In 2020 she was appointed by the multinational LCI Italy as HSE Manager (Safety-Environment-Innovation) for the group's companies in Italy (more than 10 companies).
Since 2021, she has been coordinating the Associations and Federations of the tourism sector in the Region of Tuscany that are part of the Confcommercio system, liaising with regional and local institutions to develop the sector.
As Head of Business Services, he also provides consultancy and support in the areas of Environment, Safety, Hygiene and Privacy to Confcommercio member companies in the provinces of Florence and Arezzo.
Scientific results
Elisa Poggiali is an expert in sustainable development, territorial promotion and internationalisation. In particular, she has worked on the implementation of business management systems or public administration in terms of attention to the environment, quality, safety and economic development through the establishment of international relations (both scientific and economic) and the creation of knowledge networks for the attraction of FDI (foreign direct investment) and the growth of regional enterprises. She has expertise in sustainable development issues and in sharing objectives and projects (action plans) for local territories. She has managed and manages business development as a consultant and the participation of companies active in various sectors, mainly in high technology and innovation, in specialised events and trade fairs abroad.
Editorial work and publications
She is the author of some publications and information materials on the relevant programme areas, strategies, policies and processes identified in AGENDA21:
(2002) Iozzi G., Fiorito L., Poggiali E., Valeriani B., AG 21 Terre di Siena, Amministrazione provinciale di Siena.
(2002) Iozzi G., Fiorito L., Poggiali E., Valeriani B., Manuale guida AG21 delle Terre di Siena, Amministrazione provinciale di Siena.
(2003) Iozzi G., Fiorito L., Poggiali E., Valeriani B., Gli strumenti volontari di certificazione ambientale: percorso comune tra pubblico e privato. Circondario Valdelsa,Amministrazione provinciale di Siena.
(2003) Iozzi G., Fiorito L., Poggiali E., Valeriani B., Tracce di un processo: Agenda 21 Terre di Siena- Circondario Valdelsa, Amministrazione provinciale di Siena.
(2003) Iozzi G., Fiorito L., Poggiali E., Valeriani B., I tre volti dell'agricoltura, risorsa economica, socio-culturale ed ecologica per lo sviluppo- Circondario Valdelsa, Amministrazione provinciale di Siena.
(2005) Poggiali E., Manuale operativo di Agenda 21 Locale, Amministrazione provinciale di Siena.
She is the author of the publication produced for the Region of Tuscany, Department of Territorial and Environmental Policies, Energy Area: Biserni, Bolognin, Chaussadis, Cesareo, Giovannoni, Mautone, Penna, Poggiali, Scenari per la realizzazione di parchi eolici da parte di Enti Locali, 2005 and of a publication on the themes of territorial planning of vast areas, realised for the Provincial Administration of Siena to bring the themes of sustainability, of the norms for the government of the territory, of the conservation of the ecosystems, of the landscapes, and of the government of the cities closer: Campanini, Poggiali, Introduzione al PTCP della provincia di Siena per i ragazzi della scuola secondaria di secondo grado, 2006.
She has been involved for years (2005/2012) in the creation and/or revision of documents/content for institutional and corporate promotion and communication, and web content (www.agenda21.provincia.siena.it www.investintuscany.com).
Chief Executive Officer of companies operating in the public transport sector.
Professional career
Graduate in Civil Transportation Engineering in University of Bologna-Italy, spent a period of study at the ENPC-Paris. She has been speaker in international conferences with publications in French and English magazines. In over 8 years in Paris, she was a researcher at National Research Institute for Transports, Head of the medium-long term projections of public transport customers at Keolis Group and Head of the Forecasts and Models at the Department for Investments Planning of Rèseau Ferrè de France. Back in Italy in 2001, she has been employed by ARRIVA Italia-DB Group in different roles of Managing Director in italian public transport companies. From July 2018 to September 2019, she assumed the role of Business Innovation Director of Arriva Italia. Now she is CEO of STIE and MOVIBUS, two bus companies in Lombardy. She was also CEO of ComoNext (Como Innovation Hub).
Scientific results
Annarita Polacchini is expert on the Mobility Behavior, on the Residential Location and Transport Choices of Households, Planning of Public Transport Services, Business Plan.
Editorial work and publications
(1997) J.P.Orfeuil, A. Polacchini, "Les dépenses transports et les dépenses logement des ménages Franciliens" (I costi di trasporto e d’alloggio delle famiglie della regione parigina), DREIF, Paris.
(1997) C. Gallez, J.P.Orfeuil, A. Polacchini, "L’évolution de la mobilité quotidienne : croissance ou réduction des disparités?" (L’evoluzione della mobilità quotidiana: crescita o riduzione delle disparità?), RTS 56- numero speciale -Enquête Nationale Transports et Communications 1994, Paris
(1997) M-H. Massot, A. Polacchini, F.Broqua, J-M. Blosseville, F. Dumontet, M. Parent, "Prior technical and Economical Evaluation of a Station Car System « Praxitéle »" (Analisi tecnica e valutazione economica del sistema di locazione auto di breve durata «Praxitéle»), 4th World Congress on Intellingent Transport Systems, 21-24 Ottobre 1997, Berlin-Germany.
(1997) C. Gallez, L. Hivert, A. Polacchini, "Budgets Energie Environnement des Déplacements (BEED): un outil de diagnostic et de simulation des consommations et émissions polluantes au sein d'une région urbaine" (Budget Energia Ambiente degli Spostamenti : uno strumento per la diagnosi e la simulazione dei consumi e delle emissioni inquinamenti all’interno di una regione urbanizzata), 4° Meeting Internazionale su "Trasporto ed inquinamento dell’aria" - 9-13 giugno 1997, Avignone – apparso in inglese nella rivista «International Journal of Environnement and Pollution».
(1997) J-M. Blosseville, F. Dumontet, M-H. Massot, M. Parent, A. Polacchini, "Performance Evaluation of a Station Car System" - Transport Research Board 1997, 12-16 Janvier 1997, Washington-USA.
(1996) A. Bernard, A. Polacchini, A. Séguin, Y. Bussière, "Household Structure and Mobility Patterns of Women in O-D Survey: Methods and Results Based on the Case Studies of Montreal and Paris" (Struttura familiare e comportamenti di mobilità delle donne : metodi di studio e risultati basati sui dati di Montreal e Parigi), The Second National Conference on Women's Travel Issues', 23-26 Octobre 1996, Baltimora Maryland-USA
(1996) F. Leurent, A. Polacchini - "Sur le choix du mode de transport par les voyageurs en milieu urbain" (Analisi delle scelte del modo di trasporto scelto dai viaggiatori in ambito urbano) – DREIF, Paris.
(1996) C. Gallez, A. Polacchini, L. Hivert, "Le Budget Energie Emissions des Déplacements (BEED): un outil d'évaluation des politiques urbaines" (Budget Energia e Ambiente degli Spostamenti : uno strumento di valutazione delle politiche di pianificazione in ambito urbano), Congresso Inrets – Ademe - 'Environnement, véhicules et mobilité urbaine', Paris, 25 Giugno 1996.
(1995) A. Polacchini - "La mobilité et les échanges de déplacements des Franciliens en fonction d'une typologie de zone urbaine" (Mobilità e scambi di spostamenti nell’area parigina in funzione della tipologia urbana) – Congresso Internazionale dell’Atec a Havre - 17/18 Ottobre 1995.
(1994) F. Leurent, A. Polacchini - "Prospection d'une demande potentielle pour la voiture en libre service urbain" (Proiezione della domanda potenziale per un sistema di auto a noleggio di breve durata in ambito urbano) - Projet Praxitèle-Inrets, Octobre 1994.
Research Manager in "Life Science" of the MOSE (Molecular Simulation Engineering) in Trieste.
Professional career
After graduating in Chemistry at the University of Trieste, in 1986 she obtained the qualification to the profession. From 1986 to 1990 she worked as a fellow at the Area Science Park in Trieste and at the University of Trieste. From 1990 to February 2002 she was teaching assistant at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Trieste. Since 2002 she is associate professor of Chemical Engineering in the same faculty.
Scientific results
The main research activities are focused on the study, correlation and prediction of the structure/property relationships of complex molecular systems such as dendrimers (macromolecules with a characteristic tree structure), proteins and drug transporters. In 2014, Sabrina Prici, together with other researchers from MOSE (Molecular Simulation Engineering) in Trieste and colleagues at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, published the results of the study on Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML). The study identified the molecular dynamics responsible for resisting targeted drugs. It was proved that patients undergoing long-term therapy developed mutations of a particular protein (BCR-ABL1) that made the therapy ineffective. So, Sabrina Prici and her colleagues provided important information for the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia, allowing not only the possibility of expressing a personalized therapy for the patient, but also investigating the possibility of creating active ingredients antagonistic to the protein mutation. Also in 2014, as part of international research, Sabrina Prici and colleagues develop a "nanovector" capable of transporting and protecting small strands of RNA that have important anti-tumor and anti-viral therapeutic capabilities. In the absence of these "nanovectors" the small strands of RNA cannot be used for therapeutic purposes because they are recognized by the immune system as "exogenous" and therefore destroyed. The discovery is of absolute importance for the development of new therapies.
Editorial work and publications
Sabrina Pricl is the author of numerous national and international scientific publications, including:
(2020) Laurini E, Marson D, Aulic S, Fermeglia M, Pricl S. Computational Alanine Scanning and Structural Analysis of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein/Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 Complex. ACS Nano. 2020 Sep 22;14(9):11821-11830. doi: 10.1021/acsnano.0c04674. Epub 2020 Aug 26. PMID: 32833435
(2020) Laurini E, Marson D, Aulic S, Fermeglia A, Pricl S. Computational Mutagenesis at the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein/Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 Binding Interface: Comparison with Experimental Evidence. CS Nano. 2021 Mar 18. doi: 10.1021/acsnano.0c10833. Online ahead of print. PMID: 33733740
(2016) Chen C, Posocco P, Liu X, Cheng Q, Laurini E, Zhou J, Liu C, Wang Y, Tang J, Dal Col V, Yu T, Giorgio S, Fermeglia M, Qu F, Liang Z, Rossi JJ, Liu M, Rocchi P, Pricl S, Peng L. Mastering dendrimer self-assembly for efficient siRNA delivery: from conceptual design to in vivo efficient gene silencing. Small, 12:3667-3676.
(2015) Brambilla L, Genini D, Laurini E, Merulla J, Perez L, Fermeglia M, Carbone GM, Pricl S, Catapano CV. Hitting the right spot: Mechanism of action of OPB-31121, a novel and potent inhibitor of the Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 3 (STAT3). Molecular Oncology, 9:1194-1206.
(2015) Tuo W, Chao C, Juan L, Cheng L, Posocco P, Xiaoxuan L, Qiang C, Shuaidong H, Zicai L; Fermeglia M, Pricl S, et al. Anticancer drug nanomicelles formed by self-assembling amphiphilic dendrimer to combat cancer drug resistance. Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America, 112:2978-2983.
(2014) Gibbons DL, Pricl S, Posocco P, Laurini E, Fermeglia M, Sun H, Talpaz M, Donato N. Quintás-Cardama A. Molecular dynamics reveal BCR-ABL1 polymutants as a unique mechanism of resistance to PAN-BCR-ABL1 kinase inhibitor therapy. Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America, 111:3550-3555.
(2014) Liu X, Zhou J, Yu T, Chen C, Cheng Q, Sengupta K, Huang Y; Li H, Liu C, Wang Y, Posocco P, Wang M, Cui Q, Giorgio S, Fermeglia M, Qu F, Pricl S, et al. Adaptive Amphiphilic Dendrimer-Based Nanoassemblies as Robust and Versatile siRNA Delivery Systems. Angewandte Chemie. International Edition, 53, 11822-11827.
(2012) Posocco P, Gentilini C, Bidoggia S, Pace A, Franchi P, Lucarini M, Fermeglia M, Pricl S, Pasquato L. Self-organization of mixtures of fluorocarbon and hydrocarbon amphiphilic thiolates on the surface of gold nanoparticles. Acs Nano, 6:7243-7253.
(2011) Barnard A, Posocco P, Pricl S, Calderon M, Haag R, Shum WT, Pack WD, Smith DK. Degradable Self-Assembling Dendrons for Gene Delivery – Experimental and Theoretical Insights into the Barriers to Cellular Uptake. Journal Of The American Chemical Society, 133:20288-20300.
(2011) Pierotti M, Tamborini E, Negri T, Pricl S, Pilotti S. Targeted therapy in GIST: in silico modeling for prediction of resistance. Nature Reviews. Clinical Oncology, 8:161-170.
(2009) Negri T, Pavan GM, Virdis E, Greco A, Fermeglia M, Pricl S, Pierotti MA, Pilotti S, Tamborini E. T670X KIT mutations in gastrointestinal stromal tumors: making sense of missense. Journal Of The National Cancer Institute, 101: 194-204.
(2006) Tamborini E, Pricl S, Negri T, Lagonigro MS, Miselli F, Greco A, Gronchi A, Casali P, Ferrone M, Fermeglia M, Pierotti MA, Pilotti S. Functional analyses and Molecular modeling of two c-Kit mutations responsible for Imatinib secondary resistance in GIST patients. Oncogene, 25, 6140-6146.
Awards and prizes
Sabrina Pricl is a member of the following scientific societies: American Chemical Society, The Society of Rheology, Italian Society of Rheology, American Institute of Chemical Engineering, COMSEF (Computational Molecular Science & Engineering Forum), Editorial Board of Carbohydrate Polymers.
Full Professor of Bioengineering at Politecnico di Milano.
Professional career
After the Master Degree in Biomedical Engineering, in 2000 she receives her PhD in Bioengineering at at Politecnico di Milano, where she develops her career. In 2003 she founds a Bioengineering research unit, inside the IRRCS Galeazzi Orthopaedic Institute in Milano, which she directs until 2008. Since 2010 she founds and directs the Mechanobiology laboratory at the Dept of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta”. From 2013 to 2015 she is the coordinator of the PhD program in Bioengineering. Since 2014 she founds and directs the LuCId lab, for live cell imaging. Since 2015 she is the referent person of Politecnico di Milano for the frame agreement with IRCCS Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research in Milano.
Scientific results
Her scientific activity focuses on bioengineering, on the understanding and the consequent control of biological mechanisms through engineering devices for cell culture outside the human organism. An important result was that of succeeding in orienting the production of organoids (simplified and miniaturized versions of an organ produced in vitro), for example brain tissue or bone tumor metastasis, using miniaturized devices called "millifluidic bioreactors". Manuela Raimondi has designed such systems to produce and maintain living tissue in culture to be used for the experimentation of new drugs, such as chemotherapeutic and anti-inflammatory drugs, in a much more realistic way than conventional cell culture, reducing the use of experimental animals. In her studies she focused on "mesenchymal" cells, i.e. stem cells of bone and cartilage tissue, which provide the natural regenerative and reparative capacity to the tissues of the human body.
Editorial work and publications
She is the author of around 200 scientific publications, among which:
[2018] Marturano-Kruik A, A.Villasante, K.Yaeger, S. Ambati, A. Chramiec, M.T. Raimondi, G. Vunjak-Novakovic. Biomechanical regulation of drug sensitivity in an engineered model of human tumor. Biomaterials. 2018 Jan;150:150-161. doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2017.10.020
[2018] Marturano-Kruik A, Nava MM, Yaeger K, Chramiec A, Hao L, Robinson ST, Guo XE, Raimondi MT, Vunjak-Novakovic G. Human bone perivascular niche-on-a-chip for studyingmetastatic colonization. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018 Feb 6;115(6):1256-1261. doi:10.1073/pnas.1714282115.
[2016] Garcia B, Rodriguez Matas JF, Raimondi MT. Modeling of the mechano-chemical behavior of the nuclear pore complex: current research and perspectives. Integrative Biology, 8(10): 1011-1021 doi: 10.1039/c6ib00153j
[2016] Nava MM, Di Maggio N, Zandrini T, Cerullo G, Osellame R, Martin I, Raimondi MT. Synthetic niche substrates engineered via two-photon laser polymerization for the expansion of human mesenchymal stromal cells. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, doi: 10.1002/term.2187
[2016] Nava MM, Piuma A, Figliuzzi M, Cattaneo I, Bonandrini B, Zandrini T, Cerullo G, Osellame R, Remuzzi A, Raimondi MT. Two-photon polymerized "nichoid" substrates maintain function of pluripotent stem cells when expanded under feeder-free conditions. Stem Cell Research and Therapy, 7:132. doi: 10.1186/s13287-016-0387-z
Awards and prizes
Manuela Raimondi received many grants and awards, among which three ERC grants:
2000-2001: Young Investigator Award from Politecnico di Milano.
2005-2006 e 2006-2007: Research Award from the Cariplo Foundation.
2006 e 2007: Rocca Award from the MIT-Italy program.
2010-2011: Research Award from the Italian Ministry of University and Research.
2011-2012: Young Researcher Award from Politecnico di Milano.
2015-2020: ERC-CoG-2014 Grant award in stem cell mechanobiology, from the European Research Council. Project NICHOID.
2017-2018: ERC-PoC-2016 Grant award in stem cell bioengineering, from the European research Council. Project NICHOIDS.
2019-2020 ERC-PoC-2018 Grant award in microfluidic bioengineering, from the European Research Council. Project MOAB.
2018-202: Research Award from the Italian Ministry of University and Research.
Initiatives and Projects Management Director at Essity.
Professional career
After graduating in Management Engineering from the University of Pisa, she spent 7 years in Procter&Gamble, mainly in the UK Beauty Care category, covering different supply chain roles including Operations, Initiatives and Quality management, in a dynamic and competitive reality, gaining significant experience in supply chain management, project management and product development and industrialisation through Early Management principles.
In 2013 she joined Essity, in the Operational Excellence and Initiatives Management sector, leading production and portfolio transformations with high impact on the Italian and then European business.
Scientific results
Valeria Salvadori specialises in Lean Manufacturing (TPM) principles, coaching skills, communication and influencing skills, business knowledge and product innovation and industrialisation management.
LEO Spacecraft Operations Engineer in EUMETSAT, the European Meteorological Satellite Organization
Professional career
Stefania Tarquini graduated from Politecnico di Milano in Aerospace Engineering in 2010 and in 2012 she obtained a Master of Science is Space Engineering, including a study experience abroad to develop her Master thesis in the United States at the Pennsylvania State University.
During her studies, she worked in her free time for an extra-curricular project, the European Student Moon Orbiter (ESMO). The spacecraft ESMO was a project of the European Space Agency, managed in cooperation with the English company Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL), the first lunar spacecraft to be designed, built and operated by students across ESA Member States and ESA Cooperating States. Stefania Tarquini worked for one year as a technical engineer for the propulsion subsystem, before becoming in charge of the whole team of Politecnico di Milano, leading more than 10 students with engineering tasks for the propulsion sub-system and coordinating the activities with the industry.
Only four months after graduation, Stefania Tarquini is hired by Telespazio Vega Deutschland (Finmeccanica group) as Spacecraft Controller in Darmstadt, Germany, where she was executing routine and contingency operations for the GEO satellites Meteosat 7, 8, 9 and 10 and their relative ground stations.
During the two years as Spacecraft Controller, Stefania Tarquini was noticed for her technical and managerial skils and in 2015 she was hired directly by EUMETSAT as Spacecraft Operations Engineer for the Metop series of satellites, part of the EUMETSAT Polar System (EPS) program, which provides direct observations about ocean, land and atmospheric parameters to be used for weather forecast and climate monitoring.
In 2018 she had a leading role for the launch of Metop-C, the last satellite of the series. Stefania Tarquini was acting as Customer Representive and interface between EUMETSAT and the European Space Agency, which was in charge of the Launch and Early Operation Phase (LEOP) activities. She was also coordinating the activities of the team for the Spacecraft In-Orbit Verification (SIOV) phase, when all the satellite instruments are switched on, tested and operated for the first time.
After the Metop-C launch in November 2018, Stefania Tarquini now follows the routine operations of the Metop series of satellites as platform expert and she leads an End-Of-Life Technological Test project on the Metop-A satellite, which includes as well finding stable solutions to de-orbit the satellite in a “clean” way with no space debris.
In the following years Stefania Tarquini will participate as well to the operations preparation of the EPS-SG constellation, the second generation of more modern Metop satellites to be launched in 2023.
Scientific results
During the research experience in the United States to develop her Master thesis, Stefania Tarquini worked for the selection of a new superhydrophobic material with anti-icing properites to be used on helicopter rotor blades. The work included design of aerodynamic profiles and testing of the specimens on real rotor blades in an icing chamber at the “Penn State Vertical Lift Research Center of Excellence”, developing afterwards several publications on the topic.
Throuought the ESMO project she acquired an extensive knowledge of satellite propulsion subsystems, focusing especially on liquid propellants but not forgetting as well solid and hybrid combustion materials, the latter the main focus of the research for her Bachelor thesis about new materials for innovative hybrid propellants.
Nowadays ’s main area of expertise is in the field of Spacecraft Operations for a Low Earth Orbit satellite, with three-axis stabilization and with focus on Earth Observation. She specializes in satellite platforms, with focus on attitude and orbit control, power and thermal subsystems.
As Spacecraft Operations engineer, her strengths are also about quick problem solving and spacecraft anomaly handling: the Metop satellites have short windows of commandability and the team has to be able to react quickly in case of need.
As Metop Platfrom Team Leader for EUMETSAT, She is also in charge of coordination with the Industry Spacecraft Provider Airbus and aftr additional studies to obtain the PRINCE2 certification in Project Management, she is now the Project Manager for Metop-A End of Life.
Editorial work and publications
[2018] S. Tarquini,”Planning an End-Of-Life Technology Test Campaign for the Metop-A satellite”, Proceeding of SpaceOps Conference 2018, Marseille.
[2014] S. Tarquini, C. Antonini, A. Amirfazli, M. Marengo & J. Palacios, “Investigation of Ice Shedding Properties of Superhydrophobic Coatings on Helicopter Blades”, Cold Regions Science&Technology, 100, 50–58.
[2013] S. Tarquini, Carlo Antonini, A. Amirfazli, J. Palacios, M. Marengo, “Assessing Icephobicity Of Superhydrophobic Surfaces As Passive Coating Icing Mitigation Strategy On Helicopter Blades”, Proceeding of ILASS 2013, Chania, Crete, 1-4 September 2013.
[2012] S. Tarquini, L. Ferrario, A. Devereaux, L. Rossettini, “Design and Development of a Dual Mode Bipropellant Propulsion System for the European Student Moon Orbiter”, Proceeding of 3AF-ESA-CNES Space Propulsion 2012, Bordeaux, 7-10 May 2012.
Awards and prizes
Prize "PoMiLIA-61" for the most outstanding dissertation of 2012 in the topic of innovative solutions to save energy in the aerospace sector (Jul 2013).