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Results: 47

Carla Bagnoli

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Ethical Theory, Moral and Social Epistemology, Philosophy, Philosophy of Action, Theoretical Philosophy

Keywords: emotion, ethics, justice, reasoning

Region: Emilia-Romagna


Professor of Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

Professional career

Carla Bagnoli graduated in Philosophy at the University of Florence and earned a doctorate in Philosophy at the University of Milan. From 1993 to 1997 she conducted her research at Harvard University, as a Special Student and then Visiting Fellow and Teaching Assistant. After a post-doc at the University of Amsterdam, in 1998 she was hired by the University of Wisconsin as Assistant Professor, obtaining tenure as Associate Professor and then as Full Professor (2008). 

Former President of the Italian Society of Analytic Philosophy (2016-18), she is Member of the board of the European Society of Analytic Philosophy (2017-20), of the Italian Society of Theoretical Philosophy (2018-21) and of the Italian Society of Women in Philosophy SWIP-IT (2018-19). 

She has served as Editor in chief of the European Journal of Analytic Philosophy (Croatia).

Former member of evaluation committees for many institutions, including European Research Council (ERC), Research Council in Humanities of Denmark and ANVUR; and external examiner in several international committees (Oxford, Oslo, Aix en Provence, Helsinki, Copenhagen, Tampere, Waterloo CA, Utah).

Scientific results

Carla Bagnoli works on the theory of practical reasoning, theory of obligation, and theory of responsibility. She was one of the first philosophers to elaborate and defend "Kantian constructivism" as formulated by John Rawls as a meta-ethical theory. She has developed a 'dynamic' conception of non-instrumental practical reasoning, in which emotions are recognized to play a fundamental role. She introduced constructivism in Italy as an interpretation of Kant and as a self-standing meta-ethical theory.

Recenti Funded Projects

[2021-25] Partner, HORIZON 2020, Partner, Narrating Migrations, P.I. Matteo Al Kalak (Modena.

Parner, PRIN 2017, Participant, Project on Ethics and Science (SH-5), PI Mario De Caro (University of Rome III),à-vita-salute-san-raffaele.

[2021-25] Grant Swiss National Fund, Partner, project Trust in Institutions, PI Emanuela Ceva, 2021-2025.

[2021-22] ANR Grant, Université de Paris 1 Sorbonne, and Columbia University NY, Parner, P.I. Reactive Attitudes, Prof. Laurent Jaffro 2021-22. 

[2015-18] Research Grant Time and Agency, CSMN, University of Oslo.

Editorial work and publications:

[2021] Bagnoli C. “Disclaiming responsibility, voicing disagreements, negotiating boundaries”, Oxford Studies in Agency and Responsibility, 7:

[2021] Bagnoli C. “The practical significance of the categorical imperative”, Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics, 11: 1-25. 

[2020] Bagnoli C. “Equal Standing and Proper Reliance on Others”, Theoria, 5/6:  

[2019] Bagnoli C. “Authority as a Contingency Plan”, Philosophical Explorations, (2019) 22/2: 130-145.

[2019] Bagnoli C. Teoria della responsabilità, Bologna: Il Mulino, Collana: Saggi.

[2018] Bagnoli C. “Claiming responsibility for action under duress”, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 21/4: 851-868.

[2017] “Structural Modes of Recognition and Virtual Forms of Empowerment: Towards a New Antimafia Culture”, in The Italian Antimafia, New Media, and the Culture of Legality, ed. by R. Pickering-Iazzi, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017, 39-61. 

[2013] Bagnoli C. (ed.) Constructivism in Ethics, Cambridge University Press.

[2011] Bagnoli C. (ed.) Morality and the Emotions, Oxford University Press.

[2011] Bagnoli C. “The Exploration of Moral Life”, in Iris Murdoch, Philosopher, J. Broackes ed., Oxford University Press, 193-221.

[2007] Bagnoli C. L’autorità della morale, Milano: Feltrinelli.

[2005] Bagnoli C. “Humanitarian Intervention as a Perfect Duty”, Nomos, 47 (2005): 117-148. 


Editorial work and publications

[2021] Bagnoli C. “Disclaiming responsibility, voicing disagreements, negotiating boundaries”, Oxford Studies in Agency and Responsibility, 7, chapt. 12. 

[2021] Bagnoli C. “The practical significance of the categorical imperative”, Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics, 11. 

[2020] Bagnoli C. “Equal Standing and Proper Reliance on Others”, Theoria, 86/6: 821-425.  

[2019] Bagnoli C. “Authority as a Contingency Plan”, Philosophical Explorations, 22/2: 130-145.

[2019] Bagnoli C. Teoria della responsabilità, Bologna: Il Mulino, Collana: Saggi.

[2018] Bagnoli C. “Claiming responsibility for action under duress”, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 21/4: 851-868. 

[2017] “Structural Modes of Recognition and Virtual Forms of Empowerment: Towards a New Antimafia Culture”, in The Italian Antimafia, New Media, and the Culture of Legality, ed. by R. Pickering-Iazzi, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 39-61. 

[2013] Bagnoli C. (ed.) Constructivism in Ethics, Cambridge University Press. 

[2011] Bagnoli C. (ed.) Morality and the Emotions, Oxford University Press.

[2011] Bagnoli C. “The Exploration of Moral Life”, in Iris Murdoch, Philosopher, J. Broackes ed., Oxford University Press, 193-221.

[2007] Bagnoli C. L’autorità della morale, Milano: Feltrinelli.

[2005] Bagnoli C. “Humanitarian Intervention as a Perfect Duty”, Nomos, 47: 117-148. 

Awards and prizes

[1995-96] Harvard University, Edmund Safra Foundation in Ethics, Junior Fellow, 1995-96 

[1999-2000] Research Fellowship, Center for the Twenty Century Studies, University of Wisconsin

[2002-03] UWM Foundation-Graduate School Research Faculty Award

[2002-03] Research Fellowship, Institute for Research in the Humanities, UW-Madison

[2009-10] Research Award, project on Kantian Constructivism, University of Wisconsin

[2015-18] Member of the Centre for the Study of the Mind in Nature 

 [2018-19] Visiting Scholar, Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics, and Elected Member of the Senior Common Room at New College, University of Oxford

[2018-19] Invited Visitor, Centre for Philosophy of Memory, Université Grenoble Alpes, February 2019. 

[2018-19] Visiting Fellowship, Center for Advanced Studies, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.

Raffaella Baritono

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Feminist Thought, History, US Domestic Policy, US Political Culture, US Women's History and Politics

Keywords: citizenship, delegitimization, First Lady, leadership, liberalism, presidency, United States

Region: Emilia-Romagna


Full professor of US History and Politics at the School of Political Science, University of Bologna - Chair, Centro Studi sugli Stati Uniti – LAB-USA and Member steering committee Associazione Il Mulino.

Professional career

After graduating with honours from the Faculty of Arts at the University of Florence with a thesis on American History, in 1992 Raffaella Baritono obtained a PhD in the History of the Americas from the University of Genoa.  In 1993 she was awarded a two-year post-doctoral scholarship at the University of Bologna.  At the same university she won the competition for university researcher in the SPS/05 sector, and then, in 2003, the competition for associate professor. Having obtained her national qualification, she will finally take up the position of first chair in 2019. 

Raffaella Baritono has had various research and training experiences abroad: at the University of Wisconsin, Madison; at the Salzburg Global Seminar; at the Fulbright American Studies Institute, organised by Southern Illinois University and at the Roosevelt Institute in New York. Se has spent research periods in New York, Bloomington (IN), Oxford, London, Middelburg (NL).  

In the course of her career she has held numerous positions: she was president of the Italian Society of Historians and vice-president of AISNA (Italian Association of North American Studies). She has been a member of the board of the SISI (Society of International History) and directed the CISPEA (Inter-University Centre for Euro-American History and Politics).  

She has also been involved in the editorial field: she was co-editor of Ricerche di Storia Politica, recognised as a journal of band A for area 11 and area 14, and has been a member of the editorial boards of Ricerche di Storia Politica and Scienza&Politica for the publisher Il Mulino. She is a member of the Culture and Politics Association of the homonymous publishing house. 

She has been a member of the editorial board of the journal Genesis and of the series of the Italian Society of Historians, in collaboration with the publishing house Viella. 

Her role in the media has seen her collaborate on a number of historical programmes, and in particular she has worked for "Passato e presente" and previously "Il tempo e la storia", and "Correva l'anno", all produced by Rai 3 - Rai storia.  

She has been and is present as a columnist in various television and radio programmes, where she speaks on topics related in particular to US politics. 

Scientific results

Raffaella Baritono's main areas of research have focused since the beginning of her career on the social sciences and state-building in the United States. In the field of US political history she has studied industrial and participatory democracy in US progressivism.  

She has studied democracy and pluralism in the managerial thought of Mary Parker Follett and women's leadership in nineteenth-century democracy in the United States. She has focused her research on the figures of the first ladies in the American presidency and in particular that of Eleanor Roosevelt, between liberalism, internationalism and commitment to human rights.   

Following her interest in women and their emancipation, she has studied the birth of the American suffragist movement and in particular the Seneca Falls Convention, American feminism in the 1960s and 1970s, followed by international women's movements and recently African-American and post-colonial feminism. 

Editorial work and publications

Raffaella Baritono is a member of the editorial board of the journal Ricerche di Storia Politica and of the editorial board of the journal Il Mulino.

(2017) Baritono R., ed., Political History Today: Power, Subjects, Categories, special issue “Ricerche di Storia Politica”.  

(2018) Baritono R., «Poverty is an expensive luxury. We cannot afford it»: Eleanor Roosevelt e lAmerica della Great Depression in “Storia delle donne”, [S.l.], 3 (17): 229-251.   

(2018) Baritono R., Intersectionality: a buzzword or a useful category of analysis?, “Iride”, XXXI (84): 295-305.

(2018) Baritono R., L’enigma ‘Stato’ nella riflessione politica e storiografica statunitense, in “Quaderni di Scienze Politiche Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore”, VIII (14): 103-128. 

(2018) Baritono R., «Dare conto dell’incandescenza». Uno sguardo transatlantico (e oltre) ai femminismi del lungo ’68“Scienza & Politica”, XXX (59): 17-40. 

(2018) Baritono R., Rappresentazioni di genere, diritti delle donne e leadership femminili nei populismi contemporanei, in M. Anselmi, P. Blokker, N. Urbinati (a cura di), Populismo di lotta e di governo, Milano, Feltrinelli: 82-103. 

(2019) Baritono R., Smart Government vs. Deep State: State and Nation, Delegitimization and Political Vision, in Barack Obama and Donald Trump’s Presidential Speeches, in U. Rubeo (a cura di), The New Language of American Democracy, “Costellazioni”, III (8): 15-34. 

(2020) Baritono R. e Ricciardi M. (a cura di), Strategie dell’ordine: processi, fratture, soggetti, Bologna, Quaderni di Scienza Politica, n. 8. 

(2020) Baritono R., Delegitimization and the American presidential campaign (1896-1980), “American Studies in Scandinavia”, 52 (2): 145-162. 

(2020)  Baritono R., Efficienza, ordine e democrazia nelle scienze sociali americane (1890-1929), in R. Baritono e M. Ricciardi (a cura di), Strategie dell’ordine: processi, fratture, soggetti, Quaderni di Scienza&Politica, (8): 163-185.  

(2020) Baritono R., “Mrs. Roosevelt Goes on Tour:” Eleanor Roosevelt’s Soft-Diplomacy during World War II, in D. Fazzi and A. Luscombe, (eds.), The Global Citizen: Eleanor Roosevelt’s Views on Diplomacy and Democracy, New York, Palgrave: 41-61. 

(2020) Baritono R., Un paese latecomer? Donne e rappresentanza politica negli Stati Uniti contemporanei in P. Gabrielli (a cura di), Elette ed eletti. Rappresentanza e rappresentazioni di genere nell’Italia Repubblicana, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino: 71-88. 

Awards and prizes

1992 Roberto Ruffilli Prize ‘Opera Prima” for the book Oltre la politica. La crisi politico-istituzionale negli Stati Uniti fra Otto e Novecento, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1993 (Beyond Politics. The political and institutional crisis in the United States at the turn of the 20th century).

2003 'Gisa Giani' Prize, sponsored by the Istituto per la cultura e la storia d’impresa (Institute for the promotion of business history and culture – Terni) for the book, La democrazia vissuta. Individualismo e pluralismo nel pensiero di Mary Parker Follett (We must live democracy. Individualism and pluralism in Mary Parker Follett’s reflection).

Teresa Bartolomei

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Biblical Interpretation, Citizenship, Ecclesiality, Ecology, Literary Theory and Analysis, Pauline Letters, Philosophy

Keywords: Bible, Dante Alighieri, ecology, Emily Dickinson, ethics, Lirycs, Literature, religion, temporality

Region: ABROAD


CITER (Research Centre for Theology and Religious Studies ½ Catholic University of Portugal) full Member. 

Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Theology at the Catholic University of Portugal Università Cattolica del Portogallo.

Professional career

Teresa Bartolomei graduated in Philosophy of Language at La Sapienza University, Rome. She carried out research activities at the J.W. Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt, with K.O. Apel, and later as an independent researcher and publicist. She obtains her PhD in Theory of Literature at the University of Lisbon. Since 2017, she has been an integrated researcher in the Centre for Research in Theology and Religious Sciences (CITER) at the Portuguese Catholic University (UCP), where she teaches as an adjunct professor in the Faculty of Theology.

Scientific results

After doing research on philosophy of language with Professor Tullio De Mauro (La Sapienza University, Rome), with whom she graduated (authors of reference: I. Kant, W. von Humboldt; L. Wittgenstein), Teresa Bartolomei embarked on a research project on transcendental pragmatics and discourse ethics with Professor K.O. Apel (J.W. Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt). Subsequently she worked as an independent scholar, translator and publicist, having authored and edited several books and papers. She lives in Portugal since 1997 where, in 2016, she obtained a Ph.D. in Theory of Literature (University of Lisbon); the thesis Figura huius mundi: Lyrical figures of temporality in Emily Dickinson applies a figural model of temporality reconstructed on the basis of the Pauline letters to the analysis of E. Dickinson’s poetic production dedicated to temporal experience. Inspired by the Pauline studies she published a book dedicated to the ecclesial form and its relationship with citizenship (Radix Matrix, 2018). The discussion of current ethical issues in the light of biblical texts is at the centre of her last book Dove abita la luce? (2019), in which the theme of the ecological crisis is addressed, starting from a reinterpretation of the figure of Noah. 

Editorial work and publications

[2020] Teresa Bartolomei, “Sensibili all’umano. L’attenzione alla cultura comune nell’esercizio del ministero”, in: Rivista del Clero, 12, 2020, pp.879-900.

[2020] Teresa Bartolomei, “A serpente e o bezerro. A idolatria como patologia simbólica. Um ponto de vista bíblico”, in: Ephata, 2, no. 2 (2020), pp. 177-237 (ISSN: 2184-5778), pp.177‑237.

[2019] Teresa Bartolomei, Dove abita la luce? Figure in cammino sulla strada della Parola. Vita e Pensiero. Milano.

[2018] Teresa Bartolomei, Radix, Matrix. Community Belonging and the Ecclesial Form of Universalistic Communitarism. Lisbon: Universidade Católica Editora 2018.

[2018] Teresa Bartolomei, “As comunidades: memória viva das democracias”. In: REVER - Revista de Estudos da Religião, Nr. 3, 2018. Dossier «Religião, memória e identidade na Europa»    DOI: .

[2017] Teresa Bartolomei, “IL POETA ALL’INFERNO. L’altro viaggio della poesia”, Humanitas, 72 (1/2017), pp. 116-131.

[2008] Teresa Bartolomei, “Minority Report”, in: Conférence, Nr. 26, Printemps 2008, pp.369-392. 

[1994] Teresa Bartolomei, “Das narrative Sinnverstehen und die Grenzen der Hermeneutik“, in: K.O.Apel und M. Kettner (eds.), Mythos Wertfreiheit? Neue Beiträge zur Objektivität in den Human- und Kulturwissenschaften. Campus Verlag, Frankfurt/New York 1994, pp. 133-156.

[1990] AA.VV., Etiche in dialogo: Tesi sulla razionalità pratica. Eds. Teresa Bartolomei Vasconcelos e Marina Calloni. Marietti, Genova 1990. 

[1990] Teresa Bartolomei, “La giustezza, la giustizia, e la loro inconciliabilità storica. Sino a che punto l’etica del discorso è e può essere puramente procedurale?”. Introduzione, in: AA.VV., Etiche in dialogo. Tesi sulla razionalità pratica. Eds. Teresa Bartolomei Vasconcelos e Marina Calloni. Marietti, Genova 1990, pp.13-27.

[1987] Teresa Bartolomei, “Il poeta e il boscaiolo. Excursus sul concetto di soggettività in Wilhelm von Humboldt”, in: AA.VV., Le vie di Babele. Percorsi di storiografia linguistica (1600- 1800). Eds. Di Cesare e S. Gensini. Marietti, Casale Monferrato 1987, pp.72-81.

Cinzia Bearzot

History and Philosophy area

Competences: History, History of Ancient Historiography, History of Greek Political Thought, Political and Institutional History of Classical Athens

Keywords: Attic law, classical Athens, democracy, epidemics in the ancient world, Greek political thought, historiography, institutions

Region: Lombardy


Full Professor of Greek History at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan and Vice-President of the Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere.

Professional career

After graduating in 1978 from the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, Cinzia Bearzot worked as a researcher at the same university from 1984. Since 1987 she has held the position of associate professor at the University of Venice Ca' Foscari, before returning to the Catholic University of Milan in 1993, first as an associate and then, from 2021, as full professor of Greek History.  At the University of Milan she is coordinator of the Doctoral School in 'Humanistic Studies. Tradition and Contemporaneity' at the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy. 

Bearzot also carries out editorial activities as director of the journal "Erga/Logoi. Rivista di storia, letteratura, diritto e culture dell'antichità", and of the series "Quaderni di Erga/Logoi". She is co-editor of the journal "Politica antica" and she is a member of the scientific committee of other journals and series on historical subjects.

Scientific results

Cinzia Bearzot's first studies focused on the figure of Isocrates and Athenian democracy in the fourth century, with particular attention to its critics.  Subsequently, her research has been oriented towards the analysis of the crisis of Athenian democracy at the end of the fifth century, with particular attention to the facts seen from the point of view of the opponents (Teramenes) and the supporters (Lysias).  In the course of her career she has also devoted herself to studies of ancient historiography, Attic law, ancient federalism and the relations between Greeks and foreigners. 

Editorial work and publications

[1985] Bearzot C., Focione tra storia e trasfigurazione ideale, Vita & Pensiero. 

[1992] Bearzot C., Storia e storiografia ellenistica in Pausania il Periegeta, Il Cardo. 

[1993] Bearzot C. (a cura di), Plutarco, Vita di Focione, BUR. 

[1997] Bearzot C., Lisia e la tradizione su Teramene. Commento storico alle orazioni XII e XIII del corpus lysiacum, Vita & Pensiero. 

[2004] Bearzot C., Federalismo e autonomia nelle Elleniche di Senofonte, Vita & Pensiero. 

[2005; 20112; 20153] Bearzot C., Manuale di storia greca, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2005; 20112; 20153

[2007] Bearzot C., Vivere da democratici. Studi su Lisia e la democrazia ateniese, L’“Erma” di Bretschneider. 

[2008] Bearzot C., La giustizia nella Grecia antica, Carocci. 

[2009] Bearzot C., La polis greca, Il Mulino. 

[2012] Bearzot C., I Greci e gli altri. Convivenza e integrazione, Salerno. 

[2013] Bearzot C., Come si abbatte una democrazia. Tecniche di colpo di stato nell’Atene antica, Laterza. 

[2014] Bearzot C., Il federalismo greco, Mulino. 

Awards and prizes

Cinzia Bearzot received the Prize for High Quality Publications established by the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore for the year 2019, with " À propos du terme ψεῦδος dans l'historiographie ancienne, a study contained in the volume Th. Blank, F.K. Maier, Die symphonische Schwestern. Narrative Konstruktion von "Wahrheiten" in der nachklassischen Geschichtsschreibung, Stuttgart 2018, 31-47. 

Federica Berdini

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Action Theory, Ethic, Feminist Philosophy, Moral Psychology, Philosophy

Keywords: action theory, coping, feminism, normativity, resilience, social injustices

Region: ABROAD


Postdoctoral Researcher at the Centre de Recherche en Éthique (CRÉ), Université de Montréal, Canada.

Professional career

After the BA in Philosophy at the University of Pisa, Federica Berdini obtained a Master’s degree in Philosophy at the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan. During her doctoral studies at the University of Bologna, she carried out periods of research as a Visiting Fellow at Harvard University and at the University of Vienna. Since completing her PhD, she has been a part-time lecturer at the Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University and a postdoctoral researcher at the Chair in Practical Philosophy and Ethics at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich. She has also been a visiting scholar at the University of Toronto and at the University of Waterloo. She is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Centre de Recherche en Éthique (CRÉ), Université de Montréal. She is co-founder and member of the Executive Board of the Italian Society for Women in Philosophy – SWIP Italia.

Scientific results

Federica Berdini’s research focuses mainly on human agency and its societal and interpersonal recognition and attribution. In particular, she is interested in cases of agency exercised in non-ideal conditions or by ‘imperfect’ agents. In her doctoral dissertation, she examined the Kantian version of constitutivism in action theory, proposing an expansion thereof that accounts for the problem of so-called ‘defective’ actions while offering an elucidation of the constitutive norms of human agency. With her current research project, Federica Berdini wants to explore the psychological notions of coping and resilience. Besides providing a conceptual and explicative account of these notions within action theory, she aims at investigating the responsibilities (individual and collective) at play in situations involving a coping agent. This includes pointing out if and when the agent is wronged or subject to injustices. Another strand of study to which she is attentive are issues of social justice, investigated from an intersectional point of view.

Editorial work and publications

[2019] Berdini, F. Agency’s Constitutive Normativity: An Elucidation. Journal of Value Inquiry, 53 (4): 487-512.

[2019] Berdini, F. Agency and Authorship: Towards a Socially Situated, Interactionist View. In A. Siegetsleitner et al. (Eds.), Crisis and Critique: Philosophical Analysis and Current Events. Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Vol. XXVII, pp. 15-17.

[2013] Berdini, F. Speech Acts and Normativity: A Plea for Inferentialism. Esercizi Filosofici, 8 (2): 71-88.

[2015] Berdini, F. Conversation with Lawrence Blum. APhEx 12. 

[2013] Berdini, F., Bianchi, C. J. L. Austin. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 

[2013] Berdini, F., Bianchi, C. Profilo di John Langshaw Austin. APhE7: 674-710.

[2012] Berdini, F. Rationality as the Normative Dimension of Speech Acts. Phenomenology and Mind 2: 200-207.

Awards and prizes

In 2018 she receives the American Philosophical Association’s Journal of Value Inquiry Essay Prize for her paper “Agency’s Constitutive Normativity: An Elucidation”.

Claudia Bianchi

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Feminist Philosophy, Philosophy, Philosophy of Language, Pragmatics

Keywords: discursive injustice, hate speech, implicit communication, propaganda, slurs, speech acts

Region: Lombardy


Full Professor of Philosophy of Language and President of the Council of the Degree Course in Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milano.

Board Member of the SWIP Italy (Society for Women in Philosophy).

Professional career

Claudia Bianchi holds a degree in Philosophy at the Università degli Studi of Milan and a PhD in Epistemology from CREA - École Polytechnique in Paris. She specialised at the Universities of Eastern Piedmont, Padua and Genoa. Since 2004 she has been teaching Philosophy of Language at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, and since 2015 she has been full professor of Philosophy of Language.

Scientific results

Her field of research is pragmatics - the study of the use of language in context - and its application to epistemology, ethics, political philosophy and gender studies. The aim of her investigation is the creation of communicative theories that can serve as a basis for political action and the promotion of social change. Claudia Bianchi focuses on hate speech, slurs, and pornography as a form of oppressive speech. 

Editorial work and publications

She has published four books and several scientific articles.

2021) Bianchi C., Hate speech. Il lato oscuro del linguaggio, Roma-Bari, Laterza.

(2020) Bianchi, C. “Discursive Injustice: The Role of Uptake”, Topoi, DOI: 10.1007/s11245-020-09699-x.

(2019) Bianchi, C. “Asymmetrical Conversations: Acts of Subordination and the Authority Problem”, Grazer Philosophische Studien, Vol. 96, pp. 401-418.

(2019) Cepollaro, B., Sulpizio S. and Bianchi, C. “How bad is to report a slur? An empirical investigation”, Journal of Pragmatics, 146, pp. 32-42.

(2014) Bianchi C. “How to Do Things with (Recorded) Words”, Philosophical Studies, 167, 2, pp. 485-495.

(2014) Bianchi C. “Slurs and appropriation: an echoic account”, Journal of Pragmatics 66, pp. 35-44.

(2013) Bianchi C. "Implicating", in M. Sbisà and K. Turner (eds.) Pragmatics of Speech ActionsHandbooks of Pragmatics (HoPs) Vol. 2, Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 83-118.

(2009) Bianchi C., Pragmatica cognitiva. I meccanismi della comunicazione, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 3a edizione 2020.

(2008) Bianchi C. "Indexicals, speech acts and pornography", Analysis, 68, 4, pp. 310-316.

(2006) Bianchi C. "‘Nobody loves me’: Quantification and Context", Philosophical Studies, 130, 2, pp. 377-397.

(2005) Bianchi C. e Vassallo N. (a cura di), Filosofia della comunicazione, Roma-Bari, Laterza, ISBN 88-420-7650-3, 3a edizione 2010

(2003) Bianchi C., Pragmatica del linguaggio, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 13a edizione 2020.

Awards and prizes

Over the years she has been a Board member of the SIFA (Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy) and of the SFL (Italian Society for Philosophy of Language). At present, she is a Board member of the Interfaculty centre for gender studies and of the SWIP Italy, and a member of the Scientific Board of the Center for Experimental and Applied Epistemology (CRESA).

Giovanna Bino

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Archival, Economic Emancipation of Women, History, Librarianship, Social History, Women’s and Gender History

Keywords: gender equality, gender history, private archives, public history, urban history, women's empowerment

Region: Apulia


Honorary Inspector of Archives, former director at the Ministry of Culture. Cultural heritage consultant.

Professional career

After her degree in  Foreign Languages ​​and Literatures, she qualifies for teaching in High  school,  and she specializes in Librarianship and Apulian Regional History at the University of Salento. Winner of the competitions as library director coordinator of the Ministry of Culture, she is assigned to the offices of the State Archives of Brindisi and Lecce. He teaches at the MIC Specialization School (Ministry of Culture). She initiates research paths on archival sources relating to social and gender studies,  she is a speaker in numerous seminars for administration and in national and international conferences;  she is a Commissioner in competitions of the Ministry of Culture, she is the curator of exhibitions and events at educational and city institutions and at the State Offices of the Brindisi and Lecce. She promotes the exploitation of sources and research methodology. She collaborates (research project on the social role of women between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in the Land of Otranto) with the Department of History, Society and Human Studies of the University of Salento. Member of the Center for Atlantic-Mediterranean Relations Studies (CESRAM). Member of the Laboratory of Public History and of the Provincial Committee of the Institute of History of the Risorgimento, Member of the "Civic Consciousness" association and of the Committee for the enhancement of Culture for the Republic at the Prefecture of Lecce, promotes active citizenship, the enhancement of female role and sensitivity to the correct conservation and enhancement of civic heritage. She curates projects, in particular documentary films concerning the transmission of the heritage of communities in the Salento area, favoring the scientific dissemination of gender history.  For over ten years she has been involved in the protection and enhancement of the archival heritage of educational and private  institutions. Since 2018 she is Honorary Archival Inspector (Ministry of Culture-Superintendency of Puglia).

She is the authoress of the book: “ Stampa periodica in Terra d’Otranto: fonte pericolosa per la sicurezza, pregio e rarità per gli archivi”.    She is the authoress of over one hundred essays which for the most part concern studies on the sources of social / urban history and gender history.

Scientific results

Her primary research interests concern the social role of women in the urban space, popular female participation, the transmission and dissemination of the historical social heritage, the enhancement of sources. Recently, Public History has made it possible to entrust sources on the history of women to forms of 'story'.

Editorial work and publications

She is the author of numerous publications, including the following:

[2021] Bino G. Si tinsero di ‘rosa’ i campi…cento anni fa, in “ Le donne e la guerra” a c. di M. Spedicato e G. Caramuscio, collana della società di Storia Patria sez. di Lecce “ Cultura e Storia”.

[2020] Bino G.  Le fonti archivistiche: Spazi temporali e geografici per gli ebrei del Salento in  “Eunomia. Rivista semestrale di Storia e Politica Internazionali”, 9(1).

[ 2019] Bino G.  Archivi scolastici: memoria sommersa della scuola? in  “Eunomia.  Rivista semestrale di Storia e Politica Internazionali”, 7(2). With a repertoire of unprecedented female profiles. 

[2019] Bino G. Gli Archivi parlano di donne? Le donne sono nei magazzini di tabacco…in “ Non solo pane, ma diritti. Il contrastato movimento delle tabacchini salentine nel Novecento” a cura di M. Spedicato, Castiglione (LE) Giorgiani editore.

[2018] Bino G. Donne, bambini e anziani in “La Grande Guerra in Terra d’Otranto: un progetto di Public History”,  a cura di G. Iurlano, L. Ingrosso, L. Marulli, Monteroni di Lecce (LE), edizioni Esperidi.

[2017] Bino G. La  biblioteca ‘storica’ del liceo ‘P. Siciliani’ in “Patrimonio di carta. Il fondo antico della Biblioteca e l’Archivio storico  del Liceo “P. Siciliani” di Lecce a cura di G. Bino,, Lecce, Grifo.

[2017] Bino G.  Biografie di Anna Antonaci, Clementina Fumarola De Pietro e Michela Pastore,  in “Salentine. Regine, sante, nobili, borghesi e popolane. Una terra, cento storie”, Lecce, Grifo.

[2017] Bino G. Sulle tracce di Clementina Fumarola De Pietro in “Una vita di impegno civile e sociale: Michele De Pietro e Clementina Fumarola de Pietro”. Ordine degli Avvocati della Provincia  di Lecce, Lecce, Grifo.

[2017] Bino G. Donne e regine: Maria e Isabella, storie oltre i tempi in “Isabella de’Clermont. Duchessa di Copertino e Regina di Napoli" a cura di M. Greco. G. Vallone e P. Corsi. Atti del Convegno di studi. Galatina, Panico.

[2016] Bino G. Virago della malavita macchiaiuola: donne fuori dalla società e dalla legge,  in “ Eunomia. Rivista semestrale di Storia e Politica Internazionali”, 2.

[2016] G. BINO, Nutrire per nutrirsi. Dalla produzione agraria… tragghiamo quasi tutto lo stock che ci è necessario per vivere,  in  “ Culturae Loci Conventus”. Tribute to Annalisa Bianco, Lecce, Grifo.

[2016] G. BINO,  Coi vecchi padri in casa…ed il focolare spento… noi donne andammo sui campi e nelle ‘industrie’…per un tozzo di pane, in “ Eunomia. Rivista semestrale di Storia e Politica Internazionali”, 1.

Patrizia Borsellino

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Analytical Philosophy, Bioethics, Biolaw, Philosophy, Philosophy of Law

Keywords: activation and suspension of treatment, bioethics, care setting, conscientious objection, Covid-19, death, human rights, multiculturalism, organ trade, quality of dying, vaccines

Region: Lombardy


Full Professor of Philosophy of Law at the University of Milano-Bicocca. President of Comitato per l'etica di fine vita (CEF). Coordinator of the College of Lecturers of the Italian Society of Philosophy of Law (SIFD).

Professional career

Patrizia Borsellino graduated in Philosophy in Milan and then in Law in Pavia. 

She taught and researched at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of Law of the Faculty of Law of the University of Milan, then at the University of Insubria, where she taught Philosophy of Law and Bioethics from 1995 to 2006 (since 2001). In 2004/2005, she was vice-director of the Master in Palliative Care. 

She is currently full professor of Philosophy of Law at the University of Milan Bicocca. She is a member of the Board of Lecturers of the Doctorate in Legal Sciences, of the Scientific Committee of the "Department of Excellence for the Law and Pluralism Project", and of the University Ethics Committee.

He is President of the Committee for End-of-Life Ethics (CEF) based in Milan; member of the Scientific Committee of the VIDAS Association in Milan; member of the International Forum of Teachers (IFT) of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics; member of the Scientific Committee of the "Avvocatura LGBT Rete Lenford" Association; member of the Scientific Committee of the Centre for the Study of Public Ethics (CeSEP) (University of San Raffaele in Milan).  

He has held important positions in various institutions: member of the Scientific Committee of the Doctorate in Bioethics at the "Alma Mater" University of Bologna, vice-president of the Consulta di Bioetica Onlus, member of the Ethics Committee set up at the S. Anna hospital in Como, member of the Committee of teachers at the Italian School of Palliative Medicine (S.I.M.P.A).

She is on the scientific and editorial board of several journals, including the Rivista di Filosofia del diritto, Biodiritto-BiolawJournal; La Rivista italiana di cure palliative. 

She is coordinator of the Board of Lecturers of the Italian Society of Philosophy of Law.

Scientific results

Patrizia Borsellino studied philosophy at the school of Mario dal Pra and law at the school of Norberto Bobbio and Uberto Scarpelli. In numerous studies she has tackled the central themes of philosophical-moral and philosophical-legal reflection. After her first studies on the configurability of ethics as a field of rationality, her research and teaching activities have been carried out with a focus on the analysis of legal concepts, in terms of norm, order, responsibility and fundamental rights. His research and teaching activities have focused on the analysis of legal concepts such as norms, order, responsibility and fundamental rights. His research has focused on the relationship between moral conceptions and legal solutions within the framework of the constitutional state under the rule of law, the issue of conscientious objection and the delineation of the contours of a society and a political-legal organisation that can be described as 'secular'.

Since the early 1990s, he has been accompanied by an increasingly marked and deepened interest in the issues of bioethics, based on the conviction that bio-medical interventions on man and living beings have not only moral implications, but also legal implications of such importance that they fall within the competence of jurists and require the commitment of legal philosophers. Indeed, the philosophy of law has to offer bioethics a rich heritage of reflection on the models of law on which to base normative choices, as well as on the problem of the relationship between law and morality. The results of Patrizia Borsellino's studies are entrusted to numerous publications, the subject of hundreds of speeches and training activities in qualified national and international forums. Among the many topics addressed, the doctor-patient relationship (information and consent to the medical act, entitlement to decisions in relation to health treatments, decisions in situations of incapacity); the responsibility of health professionals, ethical-legal issues at the beginning of life (assisted procreation and abortion) and at the end of life (therapeutic obstinacy, refusal of treatment, euthanasia); the issues raised by clinical trials and those connected with the multiethnic and multicultural configuration of western societies; issues connected with the practice of transplantation, with a special focus on the dramatic problem of 'organ trafficking'. 

Editorial work and publications

(2004) Borsellino P., Bioetica entre autonomia y derecho, Editorial Cajica, Puebla (Mexico).

(2012) Borsellino P., Consenso informato in medicina: aspetti etici e giuridici,  Salute e società, XI, 3: 17-41; english version: Informed Consent: Some Philosophical-Legal Concerns, Salute e Società,

(2014) Borsellino P., Norberto Bobbio metateorico del diritto, Maggioli, Milano.

(2015) Borsellino P., Limitation of the therapeutic effort: ethical and legal justification for withholding and/or withdrawing life sustaining treatments, in Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medecine , 10:5 (17 february).

(2016) Borsellino P., Bobbio filosofo del diritto dei giuristi, in Saporiti M. (a cura di), Norberto Bobbio, rigore intellettuale e impegno civile, Giappichelli Torino: 29-45.

(2016) Borsellino P., La sfida di una buona legge in materia di consenso informato e di volontà anticipate sulle cure, in Biolaw Journal-Rivista di Biodiritto,  3: 93-103.

(2017) Borsellino P., ll rifiuto delle cure e dei trattamenti medici vitali, in Cagnazzo A. (a cura di), Trattato di diritto e bioetica, ESI, Napoli :181-204.

(2018) Borsellino P., Bioetica tra “morali” e diritto. Nuova edizione aggiornata, Raffaello Cortina, Milano 2018

(2018) Borsellino P., Porciani F., Vite a perdere. I nuovi scenari del traffico d’organi, FrancoAngeli, Milano.

(2019) Borsellino P,  Dalla bioetica al biodiritto. Tra cultura e norma, in Rodotà S., Tallacchini  M. (a cura di), Ambito e fonti del biodiritto, vol. I del Trattato di biodiritto, diretto da Rodotà S.  e Zatti  P., Giuffrè, Milano: 149-167.   

(2020) Borsellino P., Covid-19. Quali  criteri per l’accesso alle cure e la limitazione terapeutica in tempo di emergenza sanitaria?, in  Notizie di Politeia,  (36)138: 5-25.

(2020) Borsellino P., La sentenza della  Corte costituzionale n. 242/2019: presupposti, punti fermi e questioni aperte, in D’Alessadro G., Di Giovine O. (a cura di), La corte costituzionale e il fine vita.  Un confronto interdisciplinare sul caso Cappato-Antoniani, Giappichelli, Torino:  39-58.

Awards and prizes

Award from Unesco Chair in Bioethics for “The greit efforts, the competence and passion showed in communicating bioethics worldwide” (October 19th, 2017).

Chiara Bottici

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Feminist Philosophy, Gender Studies, Gender Theory, Philosophy

Keywords: LGBT+ people's rights, sexuality

Region: ABROAD


Associate professor of Philosophy and director of the Gender and Sexualities Studies Institute at the New School.

Professional career

Chiara Bottici is a philosopher and a writer. Chiara Bottici e’ filosofa e scrittrice. She taught political theory at the Goethe Universitaet in Francoforte, before becoming Associate Professor of Philosophy and Co-founder of the Gender and Sexualities Studies Institute at the New School. 

Scientific results

Chiara Bottici wrote on International relations, political theory, critical theory, and more recently, on gender theory and feminism. Besides her philosophical research, she is alsoa fiction writer.

Editorial work and publications

Her publications include, among others: Men and States (2009, Palgrave), The Myth of the Clash between Civilizations (2010, Routledge, with Benoit Challand) and Imagining Europe: Myth, Memory and Identity (2013, Cambridge University Press, with Benoit Challand), Imaginal Politics (Critical Theory Series at Columbia University Press, 2014; italian translation forthcoming), Anarchafeminism (Bloomsbury, 2021, italian translation forthcoming) and A Feminist Mythology (Bloomsbury, 2021, italian translation forthcoming).


Francesca Brezzi

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Female Mysticism, Feminist Philosophy, Moral Philosophy, Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion

Keywords: Covid-19, Covid-19: effects on personal, community and social life, diversity and inclusion, ethics, feminism, human rights, multiculturalism, women’s political

Region: Lazio


Professor of Moral Philosophy and Philosophy of Differences and Head of the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Liberal Arts at the University Roma Tre. President of the Observatory of Gender Studies, Equality and Equal Opportunities (GIO) (Sapienza, Tor Vergata, RomaTre)

Professional career

After graduating in Moral Philosophy from the Sapienza University of Rome (1967), she worked first as an assistant and then as an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education in Rome and as a Full Professor of Moral Philosophy at the Roma Tre University, Faculty of Humanities, where she was Department Director from 1998 to 2006. In the same years she was Delegate of the Rector for Equal Opportunities - Gender Studies. She is currently a Senior Lecturer. 

She has led many European research projects and developed new didactic paths such as the post-graduate course in History and Themes of Women's Thought, which in 2001 became a second level Master's degree "Trainers and experts in Equal Opportunities" and the post-graduate course in Science of Religions, which then became an international Master's degree.

She has been President of the Roman Section of the Italian Philosophical Society (SFI), and Vice-President of the National SFI Board.

Scientific results

Francesca Brezzi's research in the 1970s-90s focused on philosophical-moral issues, with particular reference to contemporary French philosophy (existentialism, existential phenomenology, reflective philosophy, hermeneutics). Brezzi is one of the greatest scholars of Paul Ricoeur, on whom in 1969 she wrote the first monograph ever written and in 2006 the important volumeIntroduzione a Paul Ricoeur for Laterza. Among the other philosophers that she privileges in her studies emerges E. Lévinas. Lévinas, linked to other thinkers who consider themselves heirs of phenomenology, such as Marcel and Ricoeur. 

In the field of Moral Philosophy, she broadened her field of study to include contemporary thought, focusing on the one hand on the encounter/clash of philosophical enquiry with legal and political themes, and on the other on the theme of diversity (cultural, religious, ethnic, gender), including questions of human rights. To these areas is added the study of the relationship between philosophy and mysticism, which is part of his teaching in the Philosophy of Religion. She writes about the most important contemporary thinkers (Simon de Beauvoir, Luce Irigaray, Simone Weil, Edith Stein, Maria Zambrano, Judith Butler, etc.) but also draws new maps of knowledge, deconstructing and restructuring already codified meanings, resemanticising linguistic fields, reacting to the emptiness of memory, to absence in history, making a submerged continent re-emerge, what according to S. Moeller Oikin is "the prism of sexual belonging". She shows the philosophical value of marginalised figures, including mystical women such as Angela da Foligno, Maddalena de' Pazzi and Jeanne Guyon. 

Starting with Antigone, she explores many current issues on women's citizenship and human rights and focuses on respect for cultural diversity in multi-ethnic societies and especially on the relationship between feminism and multiculturalism, areas of considerable educational fruitfulness, necessary to be able to form citizens of a complex and interrelated world. The latest developments are aimed at the theme of citizenship and European identity to investigate how to found, through the combination of civil and political social rights, the political capacity to act of people (in particular women and feminist movements).  A digression, but not too much, is her reinterpretation of futurism in Quando il futurismo è donna. Barbara dei colori, a text that investigates the presence of women in such a misogynistic movement.

Her more recent interests continue along the lines of "thinking otherwise", exploring the relationship between philosophy and literature as in Nel labirinto del pensiero. Borges e la filosofia (In the Labyrinth of Thought. Borges and Philosophy).

Finally, in the work Gioco senza regole. Homo ludens tra filosofia, letteratura e teologia (Homo ludens between philosophy, literature and theology), he takes up his interest in the philosophical value of the concept of play.

Editorial work and publications

She is author of several volumes and editorials in the magazine B@bel. She collaborates with important Italian and foreign magazines.


(2005) (2 ed.), Brezzi F., Antigone e la philia. Le passioni tra etica e politica, Franco Angeli, Milano.

(2006) Brezzi F., Intoduzione a Ricoeur, Laterza, Bari.

(2009) Brezzi F.,Quando il futurismo è donna. Barbara dei colori, Mimesis Milano (ed. francese 2010).

(2009) Brezzi F., Strickland E., Ferrari Occhionero M.,  Introd.e cura di Equal opportunities and Human Rights, Laterza, Roma.

(2010) Brezzi F., Una voce differente: Diotima presente al Simposio, introduzione e cura a A. Heller, Il Simposio di San Silvestro, Mimesis, Milano.

(2011) Brezzi, M.Teresa Russo, Oltre la società degli individui .Teoria ed etica del dono, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino.

 (2012) Brezzi F., Piccolo manuale di Etica, Donzelli editore, Roma.

(2014) Brezzi F., Nel Labirinto del pensiero. Borges e la filosofia, ETS Editori, Pisa.

(2018) Brezzi F., Gioco senza Regole, Castelvecchi editore, Roma.

(2019) Brezzi F., Utopia, come pensare altrimenti, in “Infiniti mondi” 11, pp.85-106.

(2019) Brezzi F., Identità Femminile: differenza, corporeità, vulnerabilitàEdith Stein tra passato e presente, a.c. Angela Ales Bello, Castelvecchi editore, Roma, pp.155-174.

(2020) Brezzi F., Società, democrazia, religione: circolarità vivente, in Esperienza, contingenza valori, Quodlibet, Macerata, pp.41-49.

(2020) Brezzi F., Philia e dono, virtù fragili? dall’identità singolare verso un nuovo legame sociale,in Virtù umane Virtù politiche a cura di G. Cotta, Mimesis, Milano Udine, 2020 pp,197-210.

Awards and prizes

She received the City of Syracuse Philosophy Prize in 2007, and in 2011 Francesca Brezzi was the only Italian woman to be included in the First Women Inspiring Europe Calendar created by the EIGE - European Institute for Gender Equality. In the same year she was awarded the prize "Donne Eccellenti di Roma" (Excellent Women of Rome) and a special recognition by the political institute S. Pio V, under the patronage of the European Parliament, the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate of the Republic, for having contributed with her activity to investigate the knowledge of cultural diversities in a multi-ethnic society and for having studied issues related to the relationship between feminism and multiculturalism. 

In 2016 she won the First National Philosophy Prize The Figures of Thought for Academic Research and for the philosophical book Nel labirinto del pensiero. Borges and Philosophy and the following year for the electronic and print magazine "B@bel, Per pensare le differenze", which she conceived and edited.  

She has been a member of the scientific committee of the Fondazione Lelio e Lisli Basso-Isocco and is currently on the board of the Réseau International des Femmes Philosophes, promoted by UNESCO. She has been an expert judge of Prin projects of MIUR for many years. 

Marina Caffiero

History and Philosophy area

Competences: History, History of Emotions, History of Judaism and Jewish-Christian Relations, History of Religious Minorities, History of the Inquisition and Persecutions: Witches, Jews, Muslims, History of witchcraft, Social History of the Modern Age, Women’s and Gender History

Keywords: anti-Semitic lexicon, discrimination, equality, feminism, Inquisition, multiculturalism, rights, women's writings

Region: Lazio


Honorary Professor of Modern History, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Faculty of Humanities, Department of History, Culture, Religions and Performing Arts (SARAS). 

Professional career

Marina Caffiero graduated in Modern History at the University of Rome La Sapienza and has been a researcher since 1982 in the same discipline. In 1992 she won the competition for Associate Professor and was called as a teacher of Modern History at the University of Camerino and then at the University of Rome La Sapienza. In 2000 she won the competition for Full Professor and since then she has been teaching Modern History at La Sapienza, in the Department of History, Culture and Religion, where over the years she has held various positions. From 2006 to 2012 she is Director of the PhD in "Society, Politics and Cultures from the Middle Ages to the Contemporary Age" at the Department of Modern and Contemporary History. From 2012 to 2016 Director of the PhD in " Historical Anthropological and Religious Sciences" at the Department of History, Cultures, Religions. In 2016 she is founder of the "Course of Higher Education in Jewish History" that she directs until 2018. In 2017 she is founder of the "Advanced Training Course Women, Rights ,Cultures in time and space", which she directs until 2018.

She is currently honorary professor of Modern History, at the University of Rome "La Sapienza", Faculty of Humanities, Department of History, Culture, Religion and Performing Arts (SARAS). 

Scientific results

Her research activity mainly concerns the field of religious and cultural history studies, in particular in relation to the relationship between politics and religion during the secularization processes taking place in Italy and Europe between the XVI and XXI centuries and with specific attention to the history of relations with religious minorities (Jews and Muslims), to gender issues and in particular to women's writings. 

Editorial work and publications

Marina Caffiero is the founder and director, since 2007, of the series "La memoria restituita. Sources for Women's History". published by Viella and now in its 15th volume. The Series publishes unpublished female writings produced by non-literate women from the fifteenth to the twenty-first century. Since 2009 she is the founder and director of the online magazine "Giornale di storia" (

Below is a choice selection of her publications:


(2000) Caffiero M., Religion and modernity in Italy (centuries XVII-XIX) , Pisa-Rome, IEPI

(2004, 2009) Caffiero M., Baptesimi forzati. Stories of Jews, Christians and converts in the Rome of the popes, Rome Viella.

(2011)- Caffiero M., Forced Baptisms. Histories of Jews, Christians and Converts in papal Rome, translated by Y l. Cochrane, University of California Press, Berkeley-los Angeles-London, 

(2012) Caffiero M., Dangerous ties. Jews and Christians between heresies, forbidden books and witchcraft, Turin, Einaudi,

(2014, 2015) Caffiero M., Storia degli ebrei nell'Italia moderna. From the Renaissance to the Restoration, Rome, Carocci, 

(2017) Caffiero M., Baptêmes forcés. Histoires de juifs, chrétiens et convertis dans la Rome des papes, Paris, Honoré Champion, 2017   

(2019) Caffiero M., The great mediator. Tranquillo Vita Corcos, Un rabbino nella Roma dei papi, Rome, Carocci.

(2020) Caffiero M., Prophetesses on Trial, Women, Religion and Power in the Modern Age, Brescia, Morcelliana.


(2008) Caffiero M., ed. , Stealing Souls. Diary of Anna del Monte Roman Jewess, Rome, Viella

(2009), M. Caffiero M., ed., Le radici storiche dell'antisemitismo. New sources and research, Rome, Viella

(2020) M. Caffiero M., ed., Donne e Inquisizione, Edizioni di storia e letteratura 

(2021) Caffiero M., ed., L'Inquisizione e gli ebrei. New research, Editions of history and literature 

Awards and prizes

2002 La politica della santità. Nascita di un culto nell’età dei Lumi, Laterza, , International prize “Desiderio Pirovano” 2002, Italy;

2005 Battesimi forzati. Storie di ebrei cristiani e convertiti nella Roma dei Papi, Viella 2004: ” Prize of the Presidency of the Council of the Italian Government 2005, Italy 

2008 Vero e falso. L’uso politico della storia, Donzelli, 2008:  Prize “Renato B. Fabrizi” - ANPI delle Marche 2008, Italy;

2010 Award “Sapienza Ricerca 2010” for the programme “Womens writings (XVth-XXth centuries)", University of Rome Sapienza, Italy.

2015 Storia degli ebrei nell’ Italia moderna , Carocci 2014: " Prize “Benedetto Croce” 2015, Italy.

Daniela Luigia (Gia) Caglioti

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Global History, History, History of Europe, History of Italy, Migrations, Rights

Keywords: citizenship, Europe, human rights, Italy-Russia relations, migrations, wars

Region: Campania


 Full professor of Contemporary History, Università di Napoli Federico II. 

Professional career

After graduating in Philosophy at the University of Napoli Federico II (1985), she obtains a Ph.D. in History and Civilization of the European University Institute, Fiesole (1992) and a Ph.D. in History of the Scuola Superiore di Studi Storici, San Marino (1995). 

She is a postdoc at the Università di Napoli Federico II (1994-1995), at the University of Essex in 1996 thanks to a CNR-NATO Fellowship, and at the University College London (1997) thanks to a CNR fellowship.

From 1998 to 2001 she is research fellow of the Istituto di Studi sulle Società del Mediterraneo (CNR). She teachesContemporary History at the Università della Calabria from 1999 to 2001. From 2002 to 2011 she is associate professor in the Department of Political Science of the Università di Napoli Federico II. From 2011 she is full professor in the same University.

From 2018, she is the Coordinator of the Ph.D. Program in Global History and Governance, Scuola Superiore Meridionale, Università di Napoli Federico II. 

Scientific results

She has published extensively on nineteenth-century Italian history, migration, minorities, social classes, and more recently on human rights citizenship, and the treatment of enemy aliens in interstate nineteenth and twentieth century wars.

Editorial work and publications

Her recent contributions include:

[2021] War and Citizenship. Enemy Aliens and National Belonging from the French Revolution to the First World War, Cambridge University Press.

[2018] ‘Colonial Subjects and Enemy Aliens: Confinement and Internment in Italy 1911-1919’, in S. Manz, P. Panayi, M. Stibbe (eds.), Internment during the First World War, London, Routledge.

[2017] ‘Subjects, Citizens and Aliens in Time of Upheaval. Naturalizing and Denaturalizing in Europe during WWI’, Journal of Modern History, 89/3. 

[2014] 'Property rights in time of war: sequestration and liquidation of enemy aliens' assets in Britain, Germany and France in the First World War', in Journal of Modern European History 12/4.

[2014] The edited special issue Aliens and Internal Enemies: Internment Practices, Economic Exclusion and Property Rights during the First World War of the Journal of Modern European History 12/4. 

[2013] ‘Waging War on Civilians: The Expulsion of Aliens in the Franco-Prussian War’, Past & Present 221. 


Awards and prizes

She was visiting fellow at the University College London, the University of Essex, the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University, the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies. Twice member of the School of Historical Studies of the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, she was also Visiting fellow at the Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung, Potsdam and the Remarque Institute, New York University.

She is the President of SISSCo, the Italian Society for the Study of Contemporary History.

She is member of the editorial board of Contemporanea. Rivista dell’800 e del ‘900 and of The Yearbook of Transnational History

She is also member of the Scientific Council of the Ecole Française de Rome.

Marina Calloni

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Critical Theory, Gender Studies, Human Rights, Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Public Sphere, Social Philosophy

Keywords: citizenship, Covid-19, Covid-19: impact on domestic violences, Covid-19: impact on neighbourhood care, justice, migrations, multiculturalism, violence

Region: Lombardy


Full Professor and Chair of Political and Social Philosophy at the Department of Sociology and Social Research of University of Milan – Bicocca

Professional career

Marina Calloni graduated in Philosophy at the University of Milan, and continued her studies with a PhD in Philosophy at the University of Pavia and a PhD in Political and Social Sciences at the European University Institute in Florence.

As fellow at the University of Frankfurt, she was a senior researcher for six years and director of the International Network for Research on Gender at the Gender Institute of the London School of Economics and Political Science in London. She holds teaching positions at universities in several European cities (Bremen, Vienna, Lugano, Hannover, Lodz, Cort, Bucharest, Skopje) and in Kurume, Japan. In 2011 he was awarded a Distinguished Chair at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana, USA. She has lectured all over the world, from Europe to the United States, from Russia to China, from South America to Africa.

Since 2002 she has been full professor of Political and Social Philosophy at the Department of Sociology and Social Research - University of Milan-Bicocca, as winner of the national competition for the return of Italian scholars employed abroad (call for clear fame). 

Since 2016 she is vice-president of the Italian Society of Political Philosophy (SIFP), of which she was co-founder. Since 2018 she has been president of the Commission for the Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale (ASN) in political philosophy. In 2020 she was appointed by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte as a member of the "Committee of Experts on Economic and Social Issues", chaired by Vittorio Colao.

Scientific results

Marina Calloni has always sought to bring together inter-cultural and multi-disciplinary research activities with dynamic and interactive teaching methods, according to an international perspective and an interest in local realities, focusing in particular on political theory, the defence of human rights and gender issues. 

She has placed the University at the heart of projects to combat gender-based violence. In 2013 she founded at the University of Milan Bicocca the international project ADV-Against Domestic Violence, the first university centre dedicated to this topic. Since 2018 she has been in charge of the course "Training female social workers for combating gender-based violence", with 101 lecturers. She is currently scientific head of UNIRE (Universities in network against violence), for the establishment of a network of Italian and European universities, in collaboration with the MUR and the Council of Europe. On the role of the university she is constantly invited by institutions, such as in 2019 by the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry on Femicide, and in 2018 by Miur. Since 2018, she has been collaborating with the Council of Europe on a project related to the implementation of the Istanbul Convention. 

In parallel, she is working on the history of anti-fascism and women intellectuals of Jewish origin, and coordinates (2019-2020) the Ateneo Razza Istruzione project, Le leggi antiebraiche del 1938, editing the website and the e-book ( She has directed research on "Genocide and War Crimes"; "Solidarity, Humanitarianism and Collective Memory" (with "Crimes of War Project"); "Political Imaginaries of the West"; "Political Imagination and the Borders of Otherness". 

Her interest in the field of human rights led her to collaborate with UNHCR for a research on refugees in Italy, supporting university asylum seekers and projects in favour of students from the Yazidi community, victims of Daesh violence. She has also developed studies on the consequences of new wars, sexual humanitarianism and the right to mortal remains, in relation to deaths at sea during migration processes. 

Editorial work and publications

[2020] (ed), Il ruolo dell’Università nella lotta contro la violenza di genere. Ricerca, didattica e sensibilizzazione pubblica per la prevenzione del fenomeno, Milano: Pearson.

[2020] Women, Minorities, Populism. In: V. Kaul and A. Vajpeyi, (eds.), Minorities and Populism. Comparative Perspectives from South Asia and Europe. Cham: Springer, , 243-264.

[2020] Amelia Rosselli: Pragmatic imagination in exile. In: CPL Editions and Italian Cultural Institute, New York (eds.), Exile and Creativity, New York: CPL Editions, pp. 214-241.

[2019] (with L. Corchia), Zwischen kritischer Theorie und kommunikativer Vernunft: Die Habermas - Rezeption in Italien. In: L. Corchia, S. Müller-Doohm, W. Outhwaite (eds.), Habermas global. Wirkungsgeschichte eines Werks, Berlin: Suhrkamp, pp. 553-586.

[2019] Co-responsabilità multi-livello nell’età dei rischi comuni: Diritto al cibo e dell’ambiente. In: S. Petrucciani (eds.), Macropolitica. I nodi della politica globale, Milano: Mimesis, pp. 115-143.

Director of the series "RiGenarAzioni" at Castelvecchi, she is co-founder of the magazine Reset. Among the 240 scientific writings in different languages, we mention: 

[2019] Southern Europe: Gender Studies and Institutions in the Euro-Mediterranean Region. In: B. Kortendiek, B. Riegraf, K. Sabisch (eds.), Handbuch Interdisziplinäre Geschlechterforschung - Compendium of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies and Gender Research, Wiesbaden: Springer, vol. 2, pp. 1547-1558.

[2020] La divergente unità della “cosiddetta” Scuola di Francoforte. In: Quaderni di Teoria Sociale, n. 1-2, pp. 197-214.

[2018] Libertà individuale, giustizia sociale e lotta contro ogni oppressione. Il socialismo liberale di Carlo Rosselli. In: Politica & Società, , n. 3, pp. 319-352.

[2018] Diritti umani: sviluppo, responsabilità, sostenibilità, uguaglianza di genere. In: Harvard Business Review Italia, n. 4, pp. 10-13.

[2016] Filosofia sociale, critica pragmatica e discorso pubblico. In: Politica e Società, n. 3, pp. 325-342.

[2016] Nuove guerre trans-nazionali e crisi dei tradizionali costrutti politici. In: Sociologia, n. 1, pp. 24-32.

[2016] Images of fear in political philosophy and fairy tales: Linking private abuse to political violence in human rights discourse. In: Journal of International Political Theory, vol. 12, n. 1, pp. 67–89.

Awards and prizes

In 2020 she was awarded by the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, the honor of "Officer of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic".

Laura Caponetto

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Gender Studies, Philosophy, Philosophy of Language, Social Philosophy

Keywords: gender-inclusive language, hate speech, pragmatics, speech acts

Region: ABROAD


Post-Doc Fellow in Philosophy, Newnham College, University of Cambridge

Professional career

After obtaining a BA in History & Philosophy at the University of Catania and a MA in Philosophical Sciences at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University (Milan), in 2019 she was awarded a PhD in Philosophy of Mind, Cognition, and Language from San Raffaele University. In 2017 she was a Visiting PhD Student at the University of Sheffield, Philosophy Department. Since 2019 she has been an Adjunct Lecturer in Verbal Communication & Media Language at the University of Pavia and, since 2020, a Postdoctoral Fellow in Philosophy of Language at San Raffaele University. In January 2022, she has joined the Newnham College, University of Cambridge, for a three-year research fellowship.

Scientific results

Laura Caponetto’s research is primarily in the field of Social Philosophy of Language. Her work revolves around the role that our words play in creating the social reality and its asymmetries. Her scientific results branch out into two main lines of research.

The first aims at disentangling how social identity (i.e. gender, sexual orientation, race, age, disability, etc.) impacts on what one can do with words. Her focus has been on how gender prejudice and stereotyping can silence women – that is, unfairly narrow down women’s communicative agency, by preventing them from mobilizing standard discursive conventions to perform speech acts such as refusing (e.g. male sexual advances), testifying (e.g. violence and abuse), and asserting (especially, qua experts in male-dominated fields). 

The second line of research aims to unpack the complex ways in which we “undo” things with words. We all sometimes backpedal on what we did in speaking: we retract allegations, adjust statements, and even deny that we have in fact said what we’ve been assigned responsibility for saying. In doing so, we bring about changes in the normative domain: we cancel or otherwise modify those rights, commitments, and duties that we had previously introduced with our utterances. The research project that Laura Caponetto will carry out at the University of Cambridge in 2022-2024 sets out to identify the appropriateness conditions for “undoing” speech things (statements, promises, acts of consent, etc.), and to investigate how retractions and the like impact on the reputation of public figures – especially, politicians.

Editorial work and publications

She is author of numerous scientific publications in national and international journals and volumes.

[2021] A Comprehensive Definition of Illocutionary Silencing. Topoi, 40: 191-202.

[2020] Undoing Things with Words. Synthese, 197: 2399-2414.

[2020] Contestazione illocutoria e riduzione al silenzio. In: C. Bianchi & L. Caponetto (eds.), Linguaggio d’odio e autorità, Milano: Mimesis, 105-124.

[2020] [ed. with C. Bianchi] Linguaggio d’odio e autorità, Milano: Mimesis.

[2020] Langton, Rae. In: M. Sellers & S. Kirste (eds.), Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Dordrecht: Springer.

[2018] Filosofia del linguaggio femminista, atti linguistici e riduzione al silenzio. Phenomenology and Mind, 15: 146-158.

[2017] On Silencing, Authority, and the Act of Refusal. Rivista di estetica, 64(1): 35-52.

[2017] [ed. with B. Cepollaro] New Trends in Philosophy. Phenomenology and Mind, 12.

[2016] Silencing Speech with Pornography. Phenomenology and Mind, 11: 182-191.

Awards and prizes

In 2018 she was among the founders of SWIP Italy (Italian Society for Women in Philosophy), of which she is now Secretary. Along with other SWIPs around the world, SWIP Italy aims to promote philosophy by women, support women in the profession, raise public awareness of and counter gender discrimination in academia. 

Annastella Carrino

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Brigandage, Early Modern History, History, Teaching History, Women’s and Gender History

Keywords: cities, emotion, Mediterranean, mercantile identities, narratives, passions, Southern Italy, territory

Region: Apulia


Full Professor of Modern History at the Department of Humanistic Research and Innovation of the University of Bari Aldo Moro.

Professional career

She graduated from the University of Bari, where she also obtained a Phd in History. She qualified for secondary school education in first and second grade. In 2001 she was hired by the University of Bari as a researcher in Modern History and in 2013 has served as Associate Professor. In 2022 she became a full professor of Modern History at the same University. She is a Board member of the Department of Humanistic Research and Innovation and coordinator of the degree courses in History and Digital Heritage at the same Department, where she teaches Modern History and Gender History for three-year and master’s courses. 

Scientific results

In recent years his research activity has focused on urban policy and the production of memories in the South of the modern age; on mercantile profiles and trade flows in the Mediterranean seven/nineteenth century; on the forms of the nineteenth-century family-business, with particular reference to the dimension of individual emotions and passions, and female profiles; on the narration of the phenomenon of brigandage with particular attention to the role of brigantesse; on issues related to gender history. She was also interested in teaching history.

Editorial work and publications

Editorial work and publications:

[2020] L’affaire des bleds. La carestia napoletana nel lago borbonico, in La carestia napoletana del 1763-64: sguardi incrociati, «Società e storia», Ead. ed., 166: 233-256

[2020] Les Rocca de Marseille. Passions et intérêts d’une famille-entreprise, Paris, Garnier, 2020

[2020] con Lucia Boschetti, Briganti a scuola, in Briganti: narrazioni e saperi, «Meridiana», Ead., Gian Luca Fruci (eds.), 99: 53-79 

[2019] Il feudatario nelle “quasi-città” della Puglia di età moderna, in «Società e storia», 165: 503-522

[2018] Passioni e interessi di una famiglia-impresa. I Rocca nel Mediterraneo dell’Ottocento, Rome, Viella

[2018] Ai “margini” del Mediterraneo. Mercanti liguri nella tarda età moderna, Bari, Edipuglia

[2017] Nella città aristocratizzata, in Riti, pratiche e immagini della morte in Puglia. La chiesa e la confraternita di S. Maria del Suffragio a Monopoli dall’età barocca a oggi, Ead., M. Fagiolo (eds.), Quaderni dell’Atlante del Barocco in Italia, Rome, De Luca: 27-40 

[2017] Francisco Hombrados. Un console napoletano nel Mediterraneo borbonicoDe l’utilité commerciale des consuls. L’institution consulaire et les marchands dans le monde méditerranéen  (XVIIe-XXe siècle), A. Bartolomei, G. Calafat, M. Grenet, J. Ulbert (eds.), Rome-Madrid, Editions de l’Ecole Française de Rome-Casa de Velázquez: 375-387

[2017] Etre étrangers à Marseille. Les Sollicofre de St-Gall, « Revue Suisse d’Histoire », (2): 139-162

[2017] Quasi sint civitates Società, poteri e rappresentazioni nella Puglia di età moderna, Soggetti e Oggetti, Rome, Aracne 

[2016] Comment être « malhonnête » sans briser le lien social. Acteurs, institutions et pratiques de l’échange dans l’espace tyrrhénien du XVIIIe siècleLes expressions de la a manipulation du Moyen Age à nos jours, L. Faggion, C. Regina (eds.), Paris, Classiques Garnier, Collection Polen: 467-489

[2013] Text  typologies and urban phenomena: Puglia in the early modern period, «Plurimondi»: 22-38.

Awards and prizes

He is a member of the SIS (Società Italiana delle Storiche); of the CISCUG (Interdipartimental Center for Studies on Gender Cultures - Uniba); of the CEDITH (Interdepartmental Research Centre in Digital Heritage - Uniba) and the CRIAT (Centre for Interuniversity Studies in Territorial Analysis).

She is a member of the management board of «Società e Storia»; of the scientific committee of the series «Mediterranea» of the publishing house Edipuglia (Bari) and of the series «Plus Ultra. History studies» of the publishing house Sette città (Viterbo).

Adriana Cavarero

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Ethic, Femminism, Philosophy, Political Theory

Keywords: altruism, caring, democracy, Hannah Arendt, sexism, violence

Region: Veneto


Former Full Professor of Political Philosophy at the University of Verona, now Honorary Professor at the Department of Human Sciences at the University of Verona.

Professional career

After graduating in Philosophy at the University of Padua, Adriana Cavarero embarked on an academic career and was appointed Full Professor of Political Philosophy at the University of Verona. During these years she was also Visiting Professor at the universities of Warwick and Berkeley, and at New York University and Harvard.

Scientific results

Adriana Cavarero's interests range from ancient to modern and contemporary thought. Distinguished as an Arendtian scholar, she is widely recognized for her studies in (1) feminism, (2) political philosophy, art and literature.  Her most innovative research has led her to analyze (3) the role of place of birth in our culture, (4) narrative and (5) voice. She has also worked on (6) contemporary violence, (7) ethics and (8) politics, as well as topics related to (9) embodiment and (10) sexual difference.

Editorial work and publications

She is the author of several national and international books that have been translated into English and other foreign languages.

 (1990) Cavarero, A., Nonostante Platone. Editori Riuniti; 

(1995) Cavarero, A., In Spite of Plato: A Feminist Rewriting of Ancient Philosophy. Polity.

(1997) Cavarero, A., Tu che mi guardi, tu che mi racconti. Filosofia della narrazione. Feltrinelli.

(2000) Cavarero, A., Corpo in figure. Feltrinelli.

(2000) Cavarero, A., Relating Narratives: Storytelling And Selfhood. Routledge.

(2002) Cavarero, A., Stately Bodies: Literature, Philosophy And The Question of Gender. Michigan U.P..

(2003) Cavarero, A., A più voci. Filosofia dell’espressione vocale. Feltrinelli; 

(2005) Cavarero, A., For More Than One Voice: Toward a Philosophy Of Vocal Expression. Stanford U.P.

(2007) Cavarero, A., Orrorismo. Ovvero della violenza sull’inerme. Feltrinelli.

(2009) Cavarero, A., Horrorism: Naming Contemporary Violence. Columbia U.P.

(2013) Cavarero, A., Inclinazioni. Critica della rettitudine. Raffaello Cortina;

(2016) Cavarero, A., Inclinations: A Critique of Rectitude. Stanford U.P.

(2018) Cavarero, A., Platone. Raffaello Cortina.

(2019) Cavarero, A., Democrazia sorgiva. Note sul pensiero politico di Hannah Arendt. Raffaello Cortina. 

(2021) Cavarero, A., Surging Democracy. Notes on Hannah Arendt’s Political Thought. Stanford U.P.

Emanuela Ceva

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Political Theory, Public Ethics

Keywords: anti-corruption, corruption, Covid-19, Covid-19: individual responsibility, Covid-19: restrictive policies, democracy, justice, philanthropy, solidarity, toleration

Region: ABROAD


Professor of Professor of Political Theory, Université de Genève, Switzerland.

Professional career

Emanuela Ceva graduated in Philosophy from the University of Pavia and then went on to study in the UK, where she obtained a PhD in Political Theory from the University of Manchester. Since 2005 she has held teaching and research positions at several universities in Europe (Oxford, St Andrews, Leuven, Hamburg, Bristol, Kent, Trento), North America (Harvard, Montréal, Princeton), Asia (Tokyo), Russia (Yekaterinburg) and the Middle East (Amman). After 14 years of teaching (as a researcher and, then, as an associate professor) at the University of Pavia, since 2019 she has held the chair in Political Theory at the Université de Genève

Scientific results

Emanuela Ceva's research develops in the field of political theory and public ethics, with particular reference to issues of (1) justice and value conflicts, (2) respect and toleration for minorities, (3) democracy and political corruption. The first line of research led to the publication of the book Interactive Justice (Routledge 2016), which develops a new theory of the processes for managing value conflicts in politics. The second line of research was developed during three collaborative research projects, funded by the European Commission and the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research. The research resulted in a study of the bases of justification for public policies aimed at integrating minorities by improving their conditions of participation in the political life of their community of residence. Finally, the third line of research led to a study of political corruption as a pathology of the forms of interaction involving the use of public power within institutions. The main results of this research were presented in the book Political Corruption: The Internal Enemy of Public Institutions (Oxford University Press, 2021).

Editorial work and publications

[2021] Ceva E, Ferretti MP, Political Corruption. The internal enemy of public institutions. Oxford University Press. 

[2020] Ceva E, Mokrosinska D, Failing Institutions, Whistle-Blowing, and the Role of the News Media. Journal of Applied Philosophy, online first 2020, DOI: 10.1111/japp.12476

[2019] Ceva E, Bocchiola M, Personal Trust, Public Accountability, and the Justification of Whistleblowing. Journal of Political Philosophy, 27(2):187-206.

[2019] Ceva E, Political Corruption as a Relational Injustice. Social Philosophy & Policy, 35(2): 118-37.

[2018] Ceva, E, Radoilska, L, Responsibility for Reason-Giving: The Case of Individual Tainted Reasoning in Systemic Corruption. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 21(4): 789-809.

[2018] Ceva E, Bocchiola M, Is Whistleblowing a Duty? Polity

[2018] Ceva, E, Ferretti MP, Political Corruption, Individual Behaviour, and the Quality of Institutions. Politics, Philosophy & Economics, 17(2): 216–31

[2016] Ceva E, Interactive Justice. Routledge.

[2015] Ceva E,  Political Justification through Democratic Participation: The Case for Conscientious Objection. Social Theory and Practice, 41(1): 26-50.

[2015] Ceva E, Why Toleration is not the Appropriate Response to Dissenting Minorities’ Claims. European Journal of Philosophy, 23(3): 633-51.

[2013] Ceva E,  Zuolo, F, A Matter of Respect. On majority-minority relations in a liberal democracy. Journal of Applied Philosophy, 30(3): 239-53.

Awards and prizes

2012 Jemolo Fellowship, Nuffield College, Oxford

2015 Bourse de séjour pour chercheur invité, CRÉ, Université de Montréal

 Visiting Fellowship, CEPPA, University of St Andrews

2016 “Meet Italian Scientists”, Italian Embassy in London – vincitrice all’unanimità per le Scienze Umane e Sociali

2018 Fulbright Research Scholarship in Filosofia

2019 Senior Visiting Fellowship, RIPPLE—Research in Political Philosophy, KU Leuven


Simona Chiodo

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Aesthetics, Espistemology, Philosophy

Keywords: anarchism, beauty, Europe, ideal, identity, technology, West

Region: Lombardy


Full Professor of Philosophy at the Politecnico di Milano, in charge of the courses “Philosophy of knowledge”, “Fundamentals of aesthetics” and “Aesthetics of architecture” and of the doctoral courses “Epistemology of scientific and technological research”, “European culture” and “Empowering imagination”.

Professional career

During her PhD in Philosophy at the Università degli Studi di Milano, which she obtained in 2006, Simona Chiodo spent research periods at Harvard University. Visiting Scholar at the University of Pittsburgh (2014) and Visiting Professor at the University of Edinburgh (2016) and at the University of Cambridge (2019), since 2008, she has been Full Professor of Philosophy at the Politecnico di Milano, where she is also a member of the Research Ethical Committee. 


Scientific results

Simona Chiodo begins her philosophical research from the study of modern and contemporary Anglo-American philosophy, with a focus on analytic philosophy. Her areas of expertise are aesthetics (specifically representation, beauty and aesthetics of architecture) and epistemology (specifically the relationship between aisthesis and episteme, epistemological dualism, the relationship between reality and ideality and the meaning of technology).

Editorial work and publications

She is author of several national and international volumes and articles.

Authored Books: 

[2020] Chiodo S., Technology and anarchy. A reading of our era, Lexington Books-The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Lanham-Bou­lder-New York-London, pp. 166.

[2018] Chiodo S., Come pensa un europeo. Epistemologia di un agire comune, Carocci, Roma, pp. 120.

[2016] Chiodo S., Che cos’è un ideale. Da Platone alla filosofia contemporanea, Carocci, Roma, pp. 176.

[2015] Chiodo S., La bellezza. Un’introduzione al suo passato e una proposta per il suo futuro, Bruno Mondadori, Milano-To­­­rino, pp. 192.

[2013, reprint 2014] Chiodo S., Apologia del dualismo. Un’indagine sul pensiero occidentale, Carocci, Roma, pp. 176.

[2011] Chiodo S., Io non cerco, trovo. Un empirismo contemporaneo, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino, pp. 254.

[2011] Chiodo S., Estetica dell’architettura, Carocci, Roma, pp. 168.

[2008] Chiodo S., La rappresentazione. Una risposta filosofica sulla verità dell’esperienza sensibile, Bruno Mondadori, Mila­no, pp. 240.

[2006] Chiodo S., Visione o costruzione. Nelson Goodman e la filosofia analitica contemporanea, Led, Milano, pp. 215.

Journal Articles:

[2021] Chiodo S., Human autonomy, technological automation (and reverse). AI & society. Journal of knowledge, culture and communication, forthcoming.

[2020] Chiodo S., The greatest epistemological externalisation. Reflecting on the puzzling direction we are heading to through algorithmic automatisation. AI & society. Journal of knowledge, culture and communication, 35(2): 431-440.

Edited Books:

[2020] Chiodo S., Schiaffonati V., eds., Italian philosophy of technology. Socio-cultural, legal, scientific and aesthetic perspectives on technology, Springer, Cham, pp. 261.

Awards and prizes

In 2012 she was awarded the Philosophical Prize Castiglioncello, section “A. Musu”, with the monograph Estetica del­l'archi­tet­tu­ra (Ca­roc­­ci, Roma 2011).

Since 2020, she is the supervisor of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie research project “SCRAPS (Writing the sleep crisis: 24/7 capitalism and neoliberal subjectivity)”, PI Di­letta De Cristofaro, funded by the European Commission (Horizon 2020).


Simona Colarizi

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Contemporary History, History, History of Media, History of Political Parties

Keywords: Europe, media, political parties, trade union history

Region: Lazio


Professor emerita of Contemporary History at 'La Sapienza' University of Rome. She has been dean of faculties and director of departments.

Professional career

Born in Modena on 25 December 1944, Simona Colarizi graduated in 1967 with a degree in Modern History, with 110/110 cum laude, discussing a thesis on "The origins of Fascism in Puglia". In the following two years, with a scholarship from the CNR, she took part in research directed by Prof. Renzo De Felice on "Parties, State and Civil Society in Fascist Italy". In 1970, she was appointed professor of the History of Trade Unionism and the Workers' Movement at the Faculty of Law - Degree Course in Political Science - of the University of Camerino and began her long academic career. In the same faculty, in 1973 she was awarded a second teaching post in the History of Political Parties and Movements. Also at Camerino, in 1976 she won a competitive examination for a chair in the History of Political Parties and Movements and became a special lecturer at the Faculty of Law - Degree Course in Political Science. Two years later she was appointed dean of the Faculty of Law, and in 1979 she became a full professor. 

In 1983 she moved to Naples, where she first taught History of political parties and movements, and from 1987 onwards, Contemporary History at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Naples "Federico II", where she also taught History of political parties and movements.

In 1992 he moved to his final destination, Rome. At the Faculty of Sociology at 'La Sapienza' University, he was appointed to the chair of Contemporary History. In 2000 she made her second important appointment: she became director of the Department of Innovation and Society (DIeS). A year later she moved to the Faculty of Communication Sciences. Third prestigious appointment: in 2005 she was elected President of the Interdisciplinary Degree Course in Social Sciences of Cooperation, Development and Relations between Peoples. She was later vice-president of the Society for the Study of Contemporary History (SISSCO), and from 2010 to 2015 she directed the doctorate in "Political Languages" . Since 2016 she has been professor emerita. 

Her non-university activities include the scientific director of the Giacomo Mancini Foundation Archives, a member of the Filippo Turati Foundation, the Francesco Saverio Nitti Foundation and the Renzo De Felice Foundation - Ugo Spirito Institute. She is co-editor of the journal "Nova Storica", and is on the scientific committees of the journals (A) "Mondo contemporaneo" and "XXI Secolo". Since 2012 she has been on the Board of the School of Government of LUISS and since 2018 on the Board of Trustees of the Antonio Gramsci Foundation. Since 2019 he is in the Scientific Committee of the M9 Museum for the History of Italy. 

Scientific results

The historical research to which she has dedicated herself has focused on the theme of the origins of Fascism, particularly in the regional context - at the end of the 1960s little investigated - through the local and national archives of the Ministry of the Interior. The same historical method of analysing archival, printed and bibliographic sources was applied to other research. He also studied the position of the southern liberal democrats - Giorgio Amendola - on fascism, and then in general the history of anti-fascist exiles. Finally, archival sources have been invaluable for research into the opinion of Italians during Fascism. Archival, bibliographic and printed sources have also been indispensable for reconstructing the history of political parties after World War II, and an indispensable source - the historical archive of the "Corriere della sera" - for the history of the Corriere in the liberal era. The history of the European twentieth century is mainly bibliographical, with English and French literature as the point of reference for this synthesis. The originality of the results achieved in all the fields of research pursued by Simona Colarizi have been recognised by the scientific community and by the University, which has awarded her its emeritus status.

Editorial work and publications

Among his latest publications: "Storia del Novecento italiano" Rizzoli, Milan 2000; "Storia politica della Repubblica 1943-2006, Laterza, Bari-Rome 2007; "Novecento d'Europa", Laterza, Bari-Rome 2015, "Luigi Barzini. Una storia italiana", Marsilio, Venice 2017; "Un paese in movimento. L'Italia negli anni Sessanta e Settanta", Laterza, 2019. 

[2019] Un paese in movimento. L’Italia negli anni Sessanta e SettantaLaterza, Bari Roma, pp. 162 ISBN 978-88-581-3867-0 

[2017] Luigi Barzini. Una storia italianaMarsilio, Venezia, pp. 220, ISBN 978-88-317-2663-4 

[2015] Novecento d’Europa. L’illusione, l’odio, la speranza, l’incertezza, Laterza, Roma-Bari, pp.482, ISBN 978-88-581-1895-5 

[2012] (con Marco Gervasoni), La tela di Penelope. Storia della seconda RepubblicaLaterza, Bari-Roma (ISBN 978-88-420-5432-0), p.276. 

[2011] Il “Corriere” nell’età liberaleRizzoli, Fondazione Corriere della sera, Milano (ISBN 978-88-96820-24-7), pp. 590.  

[2007] Storia politica della Repubblica 1943-2006Laterza, Roma-Bari  

[2005] (con Marco Gervasoni), La cruna dell’ago. Craxi, il partito socialista e la crisi della RepubblicaLaterza, Bari-Roma 

[2000] Storia del Novecento italianoRizzoli, Milano . 

[1996] Biografia della Prima Repubblica, Laterza, Bari-Roma  

[1994] Storia dei partiti nell'Italia repubblicana, Laterza, Bari-Roma   

[1991] L'opinione degli italiani sotto il regime (1929-1943), Laterza, Bari-Roma 

Awards and prizes

Simona Colarizi has received numerous prizes and awards. These include, in order of time: 

Walter Tobagi Prize for non-fiction 1991 (the prize-winning book is 'L'opinione degli italiani sotto il regime')

Basilicata Literary Prize for historical non-fiction 1996

City of Civitavecchia Culture Prize 2013

Acqui Prize for Lifetime Achievement 2016

Daria De Donno

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Contemporary History, History, History of Southern Italy, Political History, Social History, Women’s and Gender History

Keywords: classes of notables and ruling elites, political dissent, Southern Italy, women, young people

Region: Apulia


Lecture of Contemporary History at the University of Salento.

Professional career

After graduating in Cultural Heritage, Daria De Donno obtained a PhD in The Italian ‘Mezzogiorno’ between Europe and the Mediterranean: Territory, Institutions and Civilisation from the Middle Ages to the Contemporary Age at the University of Salento. In 2004 she carried out period of research at the University of Coimbra (Departamento de História moderna e de História das Ideiais); between 2004 and 2007 she was a research fellow at the University of Salento; since October 2007 she has been a researcher in Contemporary History. Daria De Donno is a member of the teaching staff of the doctorate in “Human and Social Sciences, in remembrance of Giulio Regeni” at the University of Salento. Since 2017, she is scientific director of Research Centre «Archive of female Salento writing» (active at the Department of History, Society and Human Studies at the University of Salento) and since 2020 she is scientific referent of the “Study group of writings of Don Tonino Bello”. She is also a member of Scientific Committee of the “Institute for the History of the Italian Risorgimento” (Provincial Committee of Cosenza). From several years, she is been a member of the Italian Society of Contemporary History (Sissco) and also of the Italian Association of Public History (AIPH).

Scientific results

Daria De Donno’s research focuses mainly on social and political history from the XIX to the XX century. In light of renewed interest in the international historiographic debate, she has approached the categories of élites, middle class, classes of notables (both men and women), with a particular focus on the careers, experiences and roles played by a few protagonists (more or less well-known), especially through the monitoring of private sources. At the same time, her research interest is oriented to the Women’s history, especially towards the study of the women’s writings, with a particular attention on the usage of the feminine literature as a source for the historical research. From some years, she has focused her activity also on the teaching of Gender history, working with some educational institutions with the project Female traces in school archives. More recently, she has deepened the political dissent of the Italian socialist youth movement between the First World War and post-War period. She is currently investigating also the relationship between Coldiretti and the Christian Democratic Party in the 1980s.

Editorial work and publications

[2021] De Donno D., Un partito senza leader. La difficile rappresentanza del Ppi in PugliaAlla scuola di Don Sturzo. Il popolarismo nel Mezzogiorno a cento anni dall’Appello ai liberi e forti, a cura di L. Coscarella, P. Palma, Luigi Pellegrini editore: 123-138.

[2021] De Donno D., Maddalena Santoro tra posizioni emancipazionistiche e adesione al “modello muliebre” del regimeL’officina del sentimento. Gesti voci segni di donne in Terra d’Otranto tra Grande Guerra e fascismo, a cura di G. Caramuscio, Giorgiani: 215-235.

[2020] De Donno D., Les jeunes socialistes italiens, le premier conflit mondial, la révolution1917/2017. Qu’est-ce que réussir une révolution?, Marie Cuillerai, Fabrice Flipo (dir.), Presses des Mines: 89-100

[2020] De Donno D., Storia di un’impresa familiare. Le «Officine meccaniche Massari» tra Salento, Nord-Africa ed Europa mediterranea (1943-1988). «Giornale di Storia Contemporanea», XXVI (2): pp. 59-72.

[2019] De Donno D., Tracce femminili negli archivi scolastici (con M. Calogiuri). «Ricerche Storiche», XLIX (2): 67-76.

[2019] De Donno D., Tabacchine, condizioni di lavoro e disoccupazione nel Salento negli anni Trenta del Novecento. “Non solo pane ma diritti”. Il contrastato movimento delle tabacchine salentine nel Novecento, a cura di M. Spedicato, Giorgiani: 173-198.

[2018] De Donno D., Una «union sacrée» per la pace e per la rivoluzione. Il movimento dei giovani sovversivi meridionali contro la guerraLe Monnier.

[2018] De Donno D., «La Santa Russia». La guerre, les révolutions de 1917 et le mouvement des jeunes socialistes italiens. «Ricerche Storiche» XLVIII (2): 65-75.

[2018] De Donno D., 1916. I giovani socialisti rivoluzionari per «l’unione dei reietti e dei bastardi» contro la guerra. «Itinerari di ricerca storica», XXXII (2): 109-128.

[2015] De Donno D., Una “triste e solenne” terra di galantuomini. Per un profilo del notabilato in Basilicata in età liberale. «Itinerari di ricerca storica», XXIX (2): 11-40.

[2013] De Donno D., Con l’Italia nel cuore. L’esperienza di un patriota mazziniano (Nicola Valletta, 1829-1915). “L'Italia è”. Mezzogiorno, Risorgimento e post-Risorgimento, a cura di M.M. Rizzo, Viella: 101-115.

[2010] De Donno D., Notabilato e carriere politiche tra Otto e Novecento. Un esempio di ascesa (Giuseppe Pellegrino, 1856-1931), Pubblicazione del Dipartimento di Studi Storici dal Medioevo all’Età contemporanea (Congedo).

Awards and prizes

She won the CNR competition “Research Promotion 2005: Identity as a factor of integration” with the book Memorie familiari e storie di comunità. Il «Libro di casa» dei Pellegrino di Melpignano (secc. XVIII-XIX), 2006.

She was awarded the Prize of Study “Maria Marangelli” (22nd edition, 2009-2010) with the book Notabilato e carriere politiche tra Otto e Novecento. Un esempio di ascesa (Giuseppe Pellegrino, 1856-1931), 2010. The same book has been selected as one of the top five “most significant” published works in the seventh edition of the “Premio Ettore Gallo”.

Valeria Deplano

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Contemporary History, Cultural History, History

Keywords: colonialism, Libya, migrations, racism

Region: Sardinia


Lecturer in Contemporary History at the University of Cagliari.

Professional career

After graduating in Modern Literature in 2005, Valeria Deplano obtained a PhD in Contemporary History at the University of Cagliari. During the same period, and until 2010, she worked as an archivist and researcher at the Libyan Studies Center in Tripoli, Libya, where she took part in the project to set up the National Archives. Between 2012 and 2018 she was a research fellow in Cagliari and then at the University of Bologna; in the meantime she teaches History of Mediterranean Countries at the University of Macerata. Since 2018 she has been a researcher in Contemporary History in Cagliari.  

Scientific results

As a PhD student and a post-doc, she studied the way colonialism, usually seen as a separate chapter of Italian history, contributed to shaping national identity, especially during Fascism. The research showed the cultural impact of the expansionist project, and urged a study on the legacies of colonial mentality in Republican Italy. Next researches, carried out also within research group as Intergrace, aimed at investigating continuities in shaping the ideas of “identity” and “otherness” before and after the fall of Fascism and the end of colonialism. Adopting the same perspective, she has studied the historical origins of the Italian multicultural society, focusing on post-colonial migrations and citizenship policies in comparison with the European context

Editorial work and publications

She is the author of several publications, including: 

[2015] Deplano V, L'Africa in casa. Propaganda e cultura coloniale nell'Italia fascista, Le Monnier – Mondadori education. 

[2017] Deplano V, La Madrepatria è una terra straniera. Libici, eritrei e somali nell'Italia del dopoguerra, Le Monnier- Mondadori education. 

[2018] Deplano V, Per una nazione coloniale. Il progetto imperiale fascista nei periodici coloniali, Morlacchi. 

[2014] Deplano V,  Pes A, Quel che resta dell'impero. La cultura coloniale degli italiani, Mimesis. 

[2020] Laschi G, Deplano V, Pes A, Europe between Migrations, Decolonization and Integration, Routledge. 

[2018] Deplano V, Within and outside the nation: former colonial subjects in post-war Italy, Modern Italy, 23 (4): 395-410. 

 [2017] Deplano V, Il mondo che cambia. Decolonizzazione e nuova idea d’Europa nella narrazione dei media italiani (1950-1962), L’Unione Europea e il Mediterraneo Interdipendenza politica e rappresentazioni mediatiche (1947-2017), edited by Cruciani S, Ridolfi M, Franco Angeli, 51- 68. 

[2016] Deplano V, Senza distinzione di razza. Razzismo in controluce nel discorso pubblico italiano tra gli anni Cinquanta e Settanta, From the European South. A transdisciplinary journal of postcolonial humanities” 1 (1): 95-102. 

[2015] Deplano V, Come il colonialismo ha fatto gli italiani. Il caso di “Timira” tra storia e letteratura. Memoria storica e postcolonialismo. Il caso italiano”  edited by Bovo Romoeuf M, Manai F, Peter Lang. 

[2013] Aru S, Deplano V, Costruire una nazione. Politiche, rappresentazioni e discorsi che hanno fatto l'Italia, Ombre Corte. 

[2013] Deplano V, Making Italians: Colonial History and the Graduate Education System from the liberal age to Fascism, Journal of Modern Italian Studies” 18: 580-598. 

[2013] Deplano V, Madre Italia, Africa concubina. La femminilizzazione del territorio nel discorso coloniale fascista, Genesis”, XII(2): 55-73. 

Awards and prizes

She was awarded the Christopher Seton-Watson Memorial Prize 2018 

Simona Feci

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Family History, History of Law and Women’s Rights, Public History and Gender, Teaching of Gender and Women History, Violence Suffered and Acted by Women in History, Women’s and Gender History

Keywords: family, gender, human rights, violence against women

Region: Lazio


Associate Professor of Medieval and Modern Legal History at the University of Palermo. 

Professional career

After graduating in Literature and obtaining a PhD in "Modern and contemporary history - History of the family and gender identity between the 18th and 20th centuries in European society", she became a researcher and is currently an associate professor of "History of medieval and modern law" at the Department of Law at the University of Palermo. At the same University she also teaches 'European Women's Legal History'. Simona Feci is a member of the teaching staff of the international doctorate in "Human Rights. Evolution, protection and limits", at the University of Palermo. She is also a member of the Italian Society of Historians since 1993. Over the years she has been a member of the national steering committee (2014-2016) and chaired the Society from 2016 to 2020. 

Scientific results

A scholar of women's legal status and family history, Simona Feci was the Italian coordinator of the trilateral Italian-French-German research conference "Building an Archive of Women's and Gender History in Europe. Rights, work and bodies from the Middle Ages to the contemporary age''.   

Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (FMSH) and Villa Vigoni - German-Italian Centre for European Excellence, the research developed over the three-year period 2017-2019. 

Over the last five years, Feci has mainly investigated the history of male violence against women, promoting scientific and training meetings around this topic and editing a collection of studies whose results have been published. Currently, her research develops the relationship between violence suffered and violence acted by women during the modern age. At the same time, she is editing a collection of studies proposing an interdisciplinary gender reading of the Italian Constitution. 


Editorial work and publications

[2020] Feci S, The Reception of Women’s and Gender History: A Perspective from the Italian Association of Women Historians, in Women’s History at the Cutting Edge. An Italian Perspective, edited by Teresa Bertolotti, Roma, Viella, pp. 45-53. 

[2019] Feci S, Tendenze e indirizzi della storia di genere sull’età moderna in Italia. Un itinerario attorno alla Società Italiana delle Storiche, in Germania e Italia. Sguardi incrociati sulla storiografia, a cura di C. Cornelissen e G. D’ Ottavio, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp. 283-305 (Annali dell’Istituto Storico Italo-Germanico in Trento. Quaderni, 105). 

[2019] Feci S, Se il diritto costruisce la storia delle donne. Una relazione nel campo della modernistica italiana, in Vingt-cinq ans après. Les femmes au rendez-vous de lhistoire, a cura di Enrica Asquer, Anna Bellavitis, Giulia Calvi, Isabelle Chabot, Maria Cristina La Rocca, Manuela Martini, Rome, Ecole française de Rome, pp. 247-264. 

[2018] Feci S, Exceptional women. Female merchants and working women in Italy in the early modern period, in Gender, Law and Economic Well-Being in Europe from the Fifteenth to the Nineteenth Century: North versus South?, edited by Anna Bellavitis - Beatrice Zucca Micheletto, Routledge, pp. 62-76.  

[2018] L’esclusione delle donne dalla successione ereditaria in Italia tra medioevo ed età moderna: una questione aperta. Rivista di Storia del diritto italiano, XCI (1): 149-181.  

[2017] Feci S, Schettini L, a cura di, La violenza contro le donne nella storia. Contesti, linguaggi, politiche del diritto (sec. XV-XXI), Roma, Viella, pp. 288.

[2016] Feci S, Mobilité, droits et citoyenneté des femmes dans lItalie médiévale et moderne. Clio. Femmes, Genre, Histoire, n. 43 Genre et citoyenneté: 47-72 (on line: 

[2004] Feci S, Pesci fuor d’acqua. Donne a Roma in età moderna: diritti e patrimoni, Roma, Viella, pp. 288.

Awards and prizes

During the term of office of the President of the Italian Society of Historians, some of the association's activities have received the medal of representation of the President of the Italian Republic, and in particular the VII Congress of the Italian Society of Historians "Gender and History: New Research Perspectives" (Pisa, 2-4 February 2017) and the conference, which Feci conceived and helped to organise, "Around 1948. Eight articles of the Constitution in the history of women "(Rome, 8-9 November 2018).  

Flavia Frisone

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Ancient Geography, Ancient History, Archaeology, Cultural Heritage, Greek History, Greek Myths and Religion, History, Social History

Keywords: colonialism, cultural contact, democracy, globalisation, Greek political thought, history of women, Mediterranean, migrations, polis, rituals (burial customs)

Region: Apulia


Associate Professor of  Greek History and Dean of the Degree Course in Cultural Heritage, at the University of Salento (Lecce).

Professional career

Flavia Frisone graduated with honours in Classics from the University of Messina (degree thesis in Classical Philology, 1988). After a post-graduate scholarship at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa in Greek History, she won a two-years scholarship at the Postgraduate Archaeological School of the University of Lecce where she specialised in Classical Archaeology. PhD in Ancient History (1993-1996). She awarded a post-doctoral scholarship at the Dept. of Cultural Heritage of the University of Lecce, and in 2000 she won the competition for university researcher in the LANT02-Greek History sector and strarted working at the Dept. of Cultural Heritage of the University of Lecce. Since 2010 she has held the position of associate professor. In 2017 she obtained her national qualification as a full professor. She has been Coordinator of the PhD School in Ancient History (2012-2016) and since 2017 is Dean of the Degree Course of Cultural Heritage at the University of Salento. 

She collaborates with local organs of the Ministry, like Archaeological Superintendencies, as regards excavations in Southern Italy and and Sicily and organized exibitions in national public or private museums. She is a member of the editorial board  of journals and of scientific societies. She also carries on an intense activity of scientific dissemination and holds seminars and conferences in Italy and abroad.

Scientific results

Flavia Frisone’s  main fields of research have focused on rituals in the ancient Greek world, and in particular funerary rituals, with their complex social and political meaning. On this topic she has widely published (besides various articles, a monograph, Leggi e regolamenti funerari nel mondo greco. Le fonti epigrafiche, 2002).

Another important area of her studies concerns Greek colonisation and the mobility in ancient Mediterranean, investigations which have been carried on within the frame of research projects funded by the Italian Ministry of Scientific Reasearch (PRIN 2003-2005; PRIN 2006-2008) and  of EU funded projects (INTERREG III A Greece-Italy 2006). They include also topic as cultural interaction and the relationships among Greek and native communities in Magna Graecia, in Sicily and in the whole Western Mediterranean in antiquity. On these issues she has edited, together with M. Lombardo, the volume Colonie di colonie: le fondazioni sub-coloniali greche tra colonizzazione e colonialismo (2009) besides several papers and articles.

Starting from questions concerning Greek history, Frisone has also focused on researches of women history and gender issues. Lastly these topics have been developed in the frame of public history, a field in which Frisone has been interested since time: in the 1st Conference of Italian Society of Public History (2017), she has been Chair of the panel AIPH-12 “Archaeostories of all of us”, and she is now a member of the panel Gender and Public History of the Italian Society of Public History.

Editorial work and publications

[2002] Frisone F., Leggi e regolamenti funerari nel mondo greco. I. Le fonti epigrafiche, Congedo Editore.

[2003] Frisone F. Manuale di storia greca. 2.2. La documentazione, Monduzzi Editore.

[2009] Lombardo M., Frisone F. (eds.) Colonie i colonie: le fondazioni sub-coloniali greche tra colonizzazione e colonialismo, Congedo Editore.

[2011]  Frisone F. Construction of consensus: Norms and Change in Greek Funerary Rituals, in Chaniotis A. (ed.) Ritual Dynamics in the Ancient Mediterranean: Agency, Emotion, Gender, Representation, Stuttgart: Steiner Verlag: 179-201.

[2011] Frisone F., La polis greca: gli anticorpi della comunità solidale fra pentitismo e delazione. Iuris Antiqui Historia, (III): 17-31

[2012] Frisone F. Rivers, land organization, and identity in Greek Western Apoikíai. Mediterranean Historical Review, 27(1): 87-115.

[2016] Frisone F. Experimenting Basileia: Princely Models and the Tyrants of Sicily. KTÈMA, 40: 175-87. 

[2016] Frisone F. Sistemi coloniali e definizioni identitarie: le ‘colonie sorelle’ della Sicilia orientale e della Calabria meridionale, in Nizzo V., Donnelan L., Burgers G.J.(eds.) Conceptualising early Colonisation: 179-96.

[2017] Frisone, F. La mujer griega y la polis. Desperta Ferro. Arqueologìa & Historia, 11: 48-55. 

[2017] Frisone, F. Archeostorie di tutti noi: per uno storytelling dei beni culturaliIntroduzione al panel AIPH-12 Archeostorie di tutti noi - 1st Conference of the AIPH, 

[2020] Frisone F., Lombardo M. Dire les villes des « Autres ». Les établissements des peuples non grecs de l’Occident dans l’historiographie grecque, d’Hécatée à Thucydide, in  Lopez‐Rabatel L., Mathé V., Moretti J.-C. (eds.) Dire la ville en grec aux époques antique et byzantine, MOM Éditions: 57-74.

[2021] Frisone F., Les objets fous de Palerme e et d’autres histoires fantastiques d'épigraphie créative. Studi di Antichità 15: 109-22.

Elena Gagliasso

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Citizen Science, Espistemology, Philosophy, Philosophy of Biology, Science Policy

Keywords: environment, environmentalism, gender studies, philosophies of evolutionism, women, women and science

Region: Lazio


Professor of Philosophy of Science at La Sapienza University of Rome

Professional career

Elena Gagliasso graduated in 1971 and began her career in 1976 at La Sapienza University of Rome, first as a researcher and then as an associate (qualified full professor in 2013). Since 2019 she has been an adjunct professor 'for high qualification' in Philosophy of Science. 

She has taught Philosophy and the Sciences of the Living in Rome and at the Oriental University of Naples, and was until 2018 a member of the Doctoral College in Philosophy at Sapienza. She is currently its external consultant. Together with philosophers and biologists she founded, and directed for several mandates, the Interuniversity Centre for Epistemology and History of Living Research (ResVIVA); she has been part of the Scientific Committee of the Center for Methodology of Science Research, Cerms; she was president of the Metaphor Club; she is currently in the Scientific Committee of AIEMS (Association for the Study of Systemic Theories), she was among the co-founders of the Women&Science Association and of the New Academy Association .

She has participated in national PRINs and in two University projects, one of which as Chief Investigator, and organised about 30 national and international conferences and doctoral permanent seminars. Visiting professor at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, at Sissa in Trieste, at the Universities of Pisa, Florence, Cosenza, Venice and Eastern Piedmont. Present in Third Sector missions, from cultural events to radio broadcasts, to lectures in high schools. 

Scientific results

Elena Gagliasso is an internationally renowned expert in methodology and history of modern biology, eco-evolutionism and environmental science and policy, science-society relations (from issues of non-neutrality of science to Citizen Science). She has worked on the link between philosophy, history and ideologies of scientific concepts, on the theme of laws, processes and contingent randomness in bioevolutionary theories, on the relationships between reductionism, holism and narrative methodologies in post-normal science, also considering the theme of gender. 

Editorial work and publications

Elena Gagliasso was on the board of the Rivista di Storia della Scienza, founded and was on the scientific committee of Sofia. Materials of women's philosophy and culture. She is currently on the scientific board of Scienza&Filosofia, Testo e Senso, HumanaMente, Riflessioni Sistemiche and on the scientific committee of Paradigmi. Magazine of Philosophical Criticism.

He has published about 200 specialist and cultural articles, two monographic volumes, and edited about 25 volumes and journals in the philosophical-scientific field. Below is a selection.

[2020] Gagliasso E. Stili di ricerca mutanti. Le donne lavorano l’evoluzionismo, in (a cura di) Gagliasso E., Severini E., Pollo S. Che genere di darwinismo? Scienza, evoluzionismo e questioni di genere, Notizie di Politeia, anno XXXVI, n.139: 28-34.

[2020] Gagliasso E. Agenda (e subenda) covidaria in quattro movimenti: tra epistemologia e coevoluzione, in (a cura di) Monti M., Redi C. A., La vita dopo (il)/ la Covid-19, Ibis: 153-164.

[2020] Gagliasso E. L’uso fecondo del limite. Epistemologia, ecologia, filosofia, in (a cura di) Bucci P., Galletti M. Il futuro della mente, Edizioni ETS: 295-308.

[2020] Gagliasso E. Il paradigma ecologico come stile di ragionamento e il negazionismo, in (a cura di) Mangia C., Rubbia G., Ravaioli M., Ambiente e clima. Il presente per il futuro, IRPP e-publishing: 26-33.

[2019] Gagliasso E. Il concetto di campo in biologia. Tra filosofie tacite e sperimentazioni, in (ed. by) Marina De Palo, Monografic number- Field theories. Psychology, linguistics, biology, Paradigmi, XXXVII, 2-: 275-291.

[2019] Gagliasso E. Condividui in evoluzione: quale filosofia? in (a cura di) Monti M., Redi C.A. CON-dividuo, Cellule e Genomi – XVII corso, Ibis: 81-96.

[2016] Gagliasso E. Morganti F. Passariello A. (a cura di), Percorsi Evolutivi. Lezioni di Filosofia della biologia, Franco Angeli: pp. 196.

[2015] Gagliasso E. Individuals as Ecosystems: An Essential Tension, (eds.) Gagliasso E., Sterpetti F.Natura e conoscenza. Paradigmi, n.2 anno XXXIII, maggio agosto: 87-104.

[2015] Gagliasso E. Per un’epistemologia critica ed autocritica, in (a cura di) Gagliasso E., Della Rocca M., Memoli R., Per una scienza critica, ETS: 111-129.

[2014] Gagliasso E. Contesti di vita: ragionare con Darwin ecologo, in (a cura di) Bucchi S., Gensini S., Darwiniana. Evoluzione e comunicazione, Edizioni ETS: 9-24.

[2013] Gagliasso E. Ambiente, in (a cura di) Michelini F., Davies J., Frontiere della biologia, Mimesis: 117-142.

[2008] Gagliasso E. Dividual Systems & Ultraneoteny, in (eds. by) Molfino F., Zucco F., Women in Biotechnology. Creating Interfaces, Springer: 143-160.

Olivia Guaraldo

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Feminist Theory, History of Feminism, International Politics, Philosophy, Political Philosophy

Keywords: female leadership, gender, Hannah Arendt, Shoah, women

Region: Veneto


Associate Professor of Political Philosophy (Department of Human Sciences) and Director of the Hannah Arendt Centre for Political Studies at the University of Verona; Rector's Delegate for Public Engagement.

Professional career

Olivia Guaraldo graduated in Philosophy at the University of Bologna (1995) and then continued her studies in Finland, where she obtained a PhD in Political Science from the University of Jyvaskyla (2001). Since 2005 she has been a researcher in Political Philosophy at the University of Verona, where, since 2014, she has also held the position of Associate Professor.

Scientific results

She has mainly worked on (1) the political thought of Hannah Arendt, a thinker of Jewish origin who later emigrated to the United States who is one of the major figures in the political debate of the second half of the 20th century. She has published several academic books, among which two monographs (2003 and 2014) and articles on Arendt while also contributing to the knowledge of her thought in larger publics (Newspapers, social media, radio, schools) and in various academic occasions (Italian and international conferences). Since 2016 she has directed the Hannah Arendt Centre for Political Studies at the University of Verona.

Other topics Olivia Guaraldo has been working on are (2) the feminist political theory, the (3) political and (4) social history of women and (5) the thought of sexual difference. 


Editorial work and publications

[2019] “Illusione e realtà nell'epoca della post-verità”, in Bistagnino, G. Fumagalli, C., Fake news, post-verità e politica(ebook), Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, Milano, pp. 33-52.

[2018] “Postcritica: una genealogia”, Politica & Società, 7:2, pp. 163-190.

[2018] “Public happiness. Revisiting an Arendtian hypothesis”, Philosophy Today, 62:2, pp. 395-416.

[2018] ‘La libertà di essere liberi’: circolarità della politica e autonomia della rivoluzione in Hannah Arendt”, Filosofia politica, 35:2, pp. 285-302.

[2018] Introduzione, in A. Cavarero, Platone, Raffaello Cortina editore, Milano, pp. 9-17.

[2018], La vulnerabilità come paradigma fondativo, in O. Giolo, B. Pastore (a cura di), Vulnerabilità. Analisi multidisciplinare di un concetto, Carocci, Roma, pp. 57-71.

[2018] “Violenza, vulnerabilità, invarianza antropologica: alcuni spunti di riflessione”, Iride, 31, n. 85, pp. 643-648.

[2017] “Una fondamentale gratitudine per ciò che è dato”. Hannah Arendt e l’identità ebraica, in O. Ombrosi, (a cura di) Ebraismo “al femminile”. Percorsi diversi di intellettuali ebree del Novecento, Firenze, Giuntina, pp. 217-234.

[2016] with A. Voela, ‘If not now, when?’: feminism, activism and social movements in the European South and beyond, “Gender and Education”, Vol. 28, n. 3, pp. 315-329 (DOI:10.1080/09540253.2016.1175170)

[2016] Safe for Life: Neoliberalism and Mothers’ Milk, in Garret, Jensen, Voela (eds.), We Need to Talk about Family.: Essays on Neoliberalism, the Family and Popular Culture, Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp.118-136.

[2012] “Il populismo, la democrazia e il femminile addomesticato”, in Italianieuropei, 1/2012, pp. 60-66.

[2012] Comunità e vulnerabilità: per una critica politica della violenza, ETS, Pisa (book).

Corinna Guerra

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Environmental Humanities, History, History of Science, Knowledge Management, Philosophy of Science, Scientific Communication

Keywords: Anthropocene, chemistry, environment, natural risks, Vesuvius

Region: Veneto


Assistant Professor in History of Science and Technology at the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage of the Ca' Foscari University of Venice

Professional career

In 2007 she graduates in Philosophy with honors at the University of Bari (Italy). In May 2011 she obtains her Ph.D. in the History of Science and Technology from the same university. Her thesis supervisor is prof. S. Longo of the Department of chemistry.

From 2011 to 2013, she is a post-doc fellow of the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Storici and later of the Società Napoletana di Storia Patria. In 2016, she is a researcher in Paris at the Centre Alexandre Koyré of the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, and until 2018 she is also an Honorary Research Associate at University College London.

In 2017, she obtains the Qualification aux fonctions de Maitre de conférences (French Associate Professor) for the section 72, and in 2021, she obtaines the National Scientific Qualification  for sector 11/C2.

Since 2017 she’s member of the Advisory Committee of the International Conference of the History of Chemistry, by the Working Party on the History of Chemistry of EuChemS.

She is also an Associate Researcher at the LabEx HASTEC (EPHE-PSL) - Laboratoire d'Excellence Histoire, Anthropologie, Savoirs, Techniques et Croyances (France).

Currently she teaches Philosophy and Politics of Life and Environment for the first Italian Master’s Degree in Environmental Humanities at the Ca’ Foscari University.

Scientific results

Historian of science with an expertise in the development of 18th century chemistry (with a focus on the South of Italy) and of natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions.

She organized with M. Thèbaud-Sorger the international conference “The Workshop of Nature. Production of Material Knowledge, Material Production of Knowledge” (Paris, November 10th, 2016) financed by LabEx HASTEC, Centre Koyré (EHESS-CNRS-MNHN), Groupe d'histoire de la chimie (French Chemical Society).

Among her teaching experiences, she gave a lecture during the Semaine interdisciplinaire Université Paris Science et Lettres: “Chemistry in history, philosophy, art and literature” for the MD students of Mines Paris Tech, Chimie ParisTech, École Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles de la ville de Paris (ESPCI).

In December 2020 she organised with M. Piazza the webinar Fear and Disruption of Habits during the Global Pandemic at the University of Roma Tre, with the hypothesis of a parallel between pandemics and natural risks.

Guerra is currently pursuing an environmental studies project titled “Knowledge Transformations in Geology: A Comparative Inquiry” under the FARE Project Positioned Cosmology in Early Modernity: The Geo-Praxis of Water-and-Land Management in Venice, which received funding from the Italian Ministry of University and Research, the ERC Consolidator Project Early Modern Cosmology and the first Italian Planck Partner Group The Water City. The Political Epistemology of Hydrogeological Praxis.

Editorial work and publications

Since 2017 she’s been a member of the editorial board of the journal “Archivio storico per le province napoletane” (founded in 1876).

Below is a selection of her editorial works:

[2020] Guerra C. Maria Bakunin (1873-1960). Chimica d’amore e d’anarchia, in Mezzogiorno di scienza. Ritratti d'autore di grandi scienziati del Sud, a cura di Greco P. Edizioni Dedalo: 63-78.

[2020] Guerra C. La grotte du chien : un laboratoire européen des connaissances chimiques avant la création de laboratoires institutionnels à Naples. Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Sciences, 70: 238-65.

[2018] Guerra C. Les artilleurs traducteurs et leurs ennemis. La première traduction italienne du Traité élémentaire de Lavoisier à Naples. La Révolution française, 13.

[2017] Guerra C. Lavoisier e Parthenope. Contributo ad una storia della chimica del regno di Napoli. Società Napoletana di Storia Patria & Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Storici.

[2016] Guerra C. Reazioni chimiche e reazioni emotive al Vesuvio. Le eruzioni del XVIII secolo nelle raccolte della biblioteca della Società napoletana di storia patria. Giornale critico della filosofia italiana, 2-3: 472-91.

[2016] Guerra C, Il referto radiologico a misura di utente: è possibile?. Il giornale italiano di Radiologia Medica, Schiavon F, Dazzi G, Guerra C, Guglielmi G, Rotondo A. (eds.), 3: 196-99.

[2015] Guerra C. If you don’t a have a good laboratory, find a good volcano: Mount Vesuvius as a natural chemical laboratory in eighteenth century Italy, Ambix, 62(3): 245-65.

[2010] Guerra C. Chimica per le donne, in Scorci di Storia della Scienza, Frank M. L. e Pogliano C. (a cura di), PLUS Pisa University Press: 127-39.

[2009] Coautrice dei capitoli 1, 4 e 7 in Science, Mind, and Creativity: The Bari Symposium. L. L'Abate, P. De Giacomo, M. Capitelli & S. Longo (eds.), Nova Science Publishers.

[2007] Guerra C. Nicola Andria e l’ingresso della chimica pneumatica nel Regno di Napoli. Rendiconti della Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze detta dei XL, serie V, vol. XXXI, parte II, tomo II: 139-52.

Awards and prizes

2017 Book of cultural value Lavoisier e Parthenope (Naples 2017) by the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage.

Her first book, Lavoisier e Parthenope (Naples 2017), was awarded the Prize for Young Historians by the International Academy of the History of Science. Every two years, it honors a first work in the History of Science.

Marina Lalatta Costerbosa

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Bioethics, Ethic, Human Rights, Philosophy, Political Violence, Social Violence

Keywords: autonomy, children's rights, dignity, equality, torture

Region: Emilia-Romagna


Professor of Philosophy of Law, Department of Philosophy and Communication, and Member of the Bioethics Committee of the University of Bologna. 

Professional career

Degree Course in Philosophy with a practical-philosophical focus. During her PhD in "History of political thought and political institutions" at the University of Turin, she attended seminars on the Philosophy of Law held by Prof. Massimo La Torre at the European University Institute of Fiesole (Florence) and those of Prof. Otfried Höffe at the Philosophisches Seminar at the University of Tübingen, in Germany.  In 2001 she became a Researcher of Moral Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Bologna. After teaching History of Moral Philosophy and History of Political Doctrines for ten years also at the University of Catanzaro, she now holds the chair of Philosophy of Law and Bioethics at the Department of Philosophy and Communication in Bologna.

Scientific results

The beginnings of Lalatta Costerbosa's research concerned contemporary issues of justice and classic authors in particular of the democratic and liberal tradition, above all Immanuel Kant and Wilhelm von Humboldt. Over time, the research has taken on more and more decisive traits in the sense of its normative and conceptual dimension, but also in the application of ethics and philosophy of law. Recently, part of the research activity has turned to two forms of violence among others: the question of torture and violence against children. Finally, the theme of violence, evil, consent to evil and moral responsibility has been a constant theme of research over the years, especially against the background of the tragic events of Nazism. At present, the theoretical justification of children's rights and their primacy is the focus of study.

Editorial work and publications

[2021] Lalatta Costerbosa MGustav Radbruch, Diritto e no. Traduzione, saggio introduttivo e cura di Marina Lalatta Costerbosa, Milano, Mimesis.

 [2020] Lalatta Costerbosa MAutonomia diacronica. Rispetto del bambino e antipaternalismo sociale. In L’antipaternalismo giuridico e il problema della vulnerabilità, a cura di Nicola Riva, Roma, Carocci.

[2020] Lalatta Costerbosa M(con Francesco Cerrato) L’Europa allo specchio. Identità, cittadinanza, diritti. Bologna, il Mulino.

[2019] Lalatta Costerbosa M, Il bambino come nemico. L’eccezione humboldtiana. Roma, DeriveApprodi.

[2019] Lalatta Costerbosa M, I diritti dei bambini come priorità. Una vicenda europea. Rivista di filosofia del diritto, VIII (numero speciale): 137-160.

 [2018] Lalatta Costerbosa M, Democracy Is Inclusive. Arendt’s Paradigm. Soft Power, 6 (1): 164-184.

[2016] Lalatta Costerbosa M(con Alberto Burgio), Orgoglio e genocidio. L’etica dello sterminio nella Germania nazista. Roma, DeriveApprodi.

[2015] Lalatta Costerbosa MLo spazio della responsabilità. Approdi e limiti delle neuroscienze. Bologna, il Mulino.

[2014] Lalatta Costerbosa M, La democrazia assediata. Saggio sui principi e sulla loro violazione. Roma, DeriveApprodi.

[2013] Lalatta Costerbosa M(con Massimo La Torre), Legalizzare la tortura? Ascesa e declino dello Stato di diritto. Bologna, il Mulino.

[2012] Lalatta Costerbosa M, Una bioetica degli argomenti. Torino, Giappichelli.

[2012] Lalatta Costerbosa M, Il silenzio della tortura. Contro un crimine estremo, Roma, DeriveApprodi, 2016.


Awards and prizes

2009 Gold Award I.G.E.M. (International Genetically Engineered Machines Competition) Cambridge/Massachusetts (Team Unibo).

Maria Cristina La Rocca

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Archaeology, History, Women’s and Gender History

Keywords: family, high Medieval Period, migrations

Region: Veneto


Professor of Medieval History and Advisor for Europe in the International Relations proctorate at the University of Padua. 

Professional career

In 1980 Maria Cristina La Rocca graduated in Literature from the University of Turin, with a first-class honours degree. She continued her studies in 1984 with a PhD in History at the University of Birmingham (UK).  In 1987, she obtained a PhD in the History of Medieval Society and became a research fellow at the University of Turin, where she remained until 1989, also serving as head of the organisation of the FISITA'90 Congress (Automobile Technicians Association, Turin).  In 1990 she moved to the University of Padua as a Researcher in Medieval History. Eight years later she became Associate Professor and in 2005 she became Full Professor in Medieval History. 

In 2008 she was President of the History course, and from 2007 to 2014 she was a member of the Board of Directors of the Italian Society of Historians. In the same years she directed the doctoral school in Historical, Geographical, and Anthropological Studies at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice, the University of Padua, and the University of Verona, a school that she also coordinates in recent years, until 2020.  

She has had numerous experiences abroad: among others, in 2010 he was Visiting Professor at the Dpt. Of History, UCLA, Los Angeles (USA), in 2015 he represents the University of Padua in the Coimbra Group, workingGroup Doctoral Studies, in 2017 he is Professeure invitée Université Paris 1 - Panthéon Sorbonne.

Scientific results

Maria Cristina La Rocca's research focuses on early medieval society, investigated through written and archaeological sources. Her studies focus in particular on early medieval migrations and on the theme of ethnicity; she investigates the forms of the early medieval family, with particular attention to figures that represent a discrepancy with the normative models: widows, orphans, unmarried daughters, step fathers and the active role of women in society.

In addition to the theme of gender, La Rocca's study also deals with themes of medieval town planning, such as that of cemeteries where tombs with and without grave goods were found between the 6th and 9th centuries; or that of early medieval cities, whose forms, spaces and centrality of places are studied, dwelling on abandoned cities and reflecting on the legacy of the ancient and collective memory. 

Editorial work and publications

The editorial activity is also intense, including collaboration with the journal Archeologia Medievale, participation in the Scientific Committee of the journal Hispania and in the journal Bullettino Storico Italiano per il Medioevo. 

Authored Books:

[2012] Tempi barbarici. L'Europa occidentale tra antichità e medioevo (300-900). pp.7-357. Carocci, Roma (with Stefano Gasparri).

Edited Books:

[2019] Vingt cinq ans aprés. Les femmes au rendez vous de l’histoire, pp. 1-493, Collection de l’Ecole Française de Rome, vol. 561, (con Enrica Asquer, Anna Bellavitis, Giulia Calvi, Isabelle Chabot, Manuela Martini).

[2019] La construction sociale du sujet exclu (Ive-XIe siècle). pp. 1-292 – ISBN 9782503576053, in Collection Haut Moyen Age, vol. 33, Brepols Publishers, (con Sylvie Joye et Stéphane Gioanni). 

[2018] Spazio pubblico e spazio privato tra storia e archeologia (secoli VI-XI), pp.1-383, Brepols, Turnhout  (with Giovanna Bianchi and Tiziana Lazzari) 

[2015] Urban identities in Northern Italy (800-1100 ca.). pp.1-492 (with Piero Majocchi).

[2015] Il genere nella ricerca storica. Atti del VI Congresso della Società Italiana delle Storiche. pp.1-1382 (with Saveria Chemotti).

[2010] Donne in famiglia nell'alto medioevo. pp.5-106. In GENESIS - vol. IX/1 (with Adelisa Malena).

[2007] Agire da donna. Modelli e pratiche di rappresentazione (secoli VI-X). pp.5-326, Turnhout, Brepols. 

[2005] Sauver son âme et se perpétuer. Transmission du patrimoine et mémoire au haut moyen âge. Rome, Collection de l’Ecole Française de Rome, pp.1-529 – (  François Bougard, Régine Le Jan).

[2005] Carte di famiglia. Strategie, rappresentazione e memoria del gruppo familiare di Totone di Campione (721-877), Roma, Viella, pp.1-390 (with Stefano Gasparri).

[2004] Tesori. Forme di accumulazione della ricchezza nell'alto medioevo (secoli V-XI). Roma, Viella, pp.1-328 (with Sauro Gelichi).

[2001] Early Medieval Italy. pp.1-250, Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Awards and prizes

In 1981 he won the Giorgio Bretschneider Prize for the best unpublished monograph. 

Giuliana Laschi

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Contemporary History, History, History of European Integration, History of International Relations, Policies and Institutions of EEC/EU

Keywords: decolonization and EEC, external relations of EEC/EU, Mediterranean, migrations, multilateralism, political history of CAP (Common Agricultural Policy)

Region: Emilia-Romagna


Associate professor of Contemporary history and History of European integration at University of Bologna, Forlì Campus. President of the Scientific Committee of Punto Europa Forlì - University of Bologna

Professional career

In 1991 she obtains her PhD in History at the European University Institute with a thesis titled “L’Italia e il processo d’integrazione europea: il caso dell’agricoltura, 1947-1960”. She spent a year in the same university as Research Assistant. 

In 1994 she is a post-PhD fellow in Contemporary history at the University of Florence. In the following years, she obtains different scholarships that allow her to deepen her research on CAP policy, on European integration process and on European contemporary history. During the same years, she teaches in various American universities in Florence (Syracuse University, Sarah Lawrence College, Georgetown University). 

From 1997 to 2005 she is Adjunct Professor of History of international relations at the University of Bologna, Forlì Campus and from 1998 to 2005 she is Adjunct Professor of History of European integration at the University of Florence. 

From 2005 she is Associate Professor of Contemporary history at the University of Bologna, Forlì Campus and from 2010 she is Jean Monnet Chair ad personam in History of European integration. She also holds courses in many international Masters (University of Siena, Maribor, Krakow, Kaunas, Siegen, Ponta Delgada, Buenos Aires, etc.).

From 2004 she is President of the Scientific Committee of Punto Europa Forlì, University of Bologna which is Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence from 2014. She has been in charge of the organization of many international conferences and she is Coordinator of different European Research Projects. 

Scientific results

Her main research fields are the History of contemporary Europe and the History of European integration with a focus on CAP policy and on EEC/EU external relations. Furthermore, she has studied the history of migrations in Europe and the relationship between decolonization and EEC. 

Editorial work and publications

[2021] Laschi G., Subsidiarity and the history of European Integration in G. Walzenbach e R. Alleweldt (a cura di), Varieties of European Subsidiarity. A Multidisciplinary Approach, Bristol, E-International Relations Publishing: 57 - 67.

[2020] Laschi G., Deplano V., Pes A. (a cura di), Europe between migrations, decolonization and integration (1945-1992), Abingdon e New York, Routledge.

[2020] Laschi G., Calandri E., Paoli S. (a cura di), L’Europa adulta. Attori, ragioni e sfide dall’Atto Unico alla Brexit, Bologna, Il Mulino. 

[2019] Laschi G., Relations with the West: the case study of EEC-USSR as viewed by the Community (1950-1991) in S. Bianchini e A. Fiori (a cura di) Rekindling the Strong State in Russia and China. Domestic Dynamics and Foreign Policy Projections, Leiden, Brill: 450 - 469.

[2019] Laschi G., Un nuovo ruolo internazionale? L’immagine delle Comunità europee all’esterno, 1950-1969, “Ventunesimo secolo”, 45: 9-26.

[2019] Laschi G., From Fascism to European Federalism: the new Italian face after World War II, in Carlos E. Pacheco Amaral (a cura di), Federalismo em tempo de renacionalização, Coimbra, Almedina: 55 - 70.

[2019] Laschi G., La base de notre politique c’est la peur. La peur et le début du procès d’intégration européenne, “De Europa”, 2: 33-42.

[2018] Laschi G., Durable dans les attentes, non durable dans la réalité: le développement durable de la PAC à l’épreuve des faits, 1957- 2008, “Journal of European integration history”, 24: 31-57.

[2017] Laschi G., I mutamenti europei degli anni Settanta e la loro influenza sulla PAC in L. Mechi e D. Pasquinucci (a cura di), Integrazione europea e trasformazioni socio-economiche dagli anni settanta a oggi, Milano, FrancoAngeli: 39 - 51.

[2017] Laschi G., Il ruolo della Spagna nelle relazioni tra CEE/UE e America Latina, “Spagna Contemporanea”, 51: 115-133.

[2017] Laschi G., Deplano V., Pes A. (a cura di), Europa in movimento. Mobilità e migrazioni tra integrazione europea e decolonizzazione 1945-1992, Bologna, Il Mulino.

[2015] Laschi G., L’Europa e gli altri. Le relazioni esterne della Comunità dalle origini al dialogo Nord-Sud, Bologna, Il Mulino.

Awards and prizes

1997: scholarship for a comparative research on the agricultural lobbies in Italy and Spain, CNR.

1998-2005: Jean Monnet Module “History of European integration”, European Commission, DG Education and Culture, Jean Monnet Action.

2005-2010: Jean Monnet Chair “History of European integration”, European Commission, DG Education and Culture, Jean Monnet Action.

2010-2013: Jean Monnet Chair ad personam “The European Communities and the world: an historical perspective”, European Commission, DG Education and Culture, Lifelong Learning Programme, Jean Monnet Action.

2011-2014: Jean Monnet Module “The European integration process and the transatlantic relationship”, European Commission, DG Education and Culture, Lifelong Learning Programme, Jean Monnet Action. 

2014-2017: Jean Monnet Chair “Different paths of integration in Europe after the World War II: economy VS politics at the root of EU”, European Commission, DG Education and Culture, Erasmus+ Programme, Jean Monnet Action.

2017: Chaire d’excellence EHNE-AXE 4 “L’Europe, les européens et le monde”, Centre de Recherches en Histoire Internationale et Atlantique (CRHIA) - Université de Nantes. 

Beatrice Magni

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Bioethics, Ethic, Philosophy, Political Theory

Keywords: compromise, equality, injustice, justice, moral disagreement, political conflict, rights, tyranny of the majority, vulnerability

Region: Lombardy


Professor of Political Philosophy at the University of Milan. Director of the Laboratory of Bioethics at the L. Einaudi research and documentation centre.

Professional career

Beatrice Magni graduated in 1998 with a degree in Political Science from the University of Milan, and went on to obtain a Master's degree (D.E.A.) in Paris, at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), and a Doctorate in the same city, at the Université Paris Sorbonne - Denis Diderot. She returned to Italy, and is currently an associate professor at the Department of Social and Political Studies at the University of Milan, where she teaches Political Philosophy, Bioethics and Theories of Equality and Rights, and is a member of the PTP - Political Theory Project. She co-edited Bdl - Biblioteca della Libertà - the scientific journal of the Luigi Einaudi Research Centre in Turin, a journal of which she is currently deputy editor. Within the Einaudi Centre, she was for twelve years coordinator of the Public Philosophy section of LPF (Laboratory of Politics and Public Philosophy), and for ten years she directed La.B. - Laboratory of Bioethics. She currently directs a Laboratory of Citizenship in collaboration with the Centro Einaudi and with schools and high schools in the city of Turin. His most recent publications include Machiavelli. Sette saggi di teoria politica (Milan, Mimesis, 2018), and Hannah Arendt et la condition politique (Paris-Turin, L'Harmattan, 2019). 

Scientific results

Beatrice Magni deals with normative political theory, i.e. the study of foundations, concepts, and models of political activity, focusing, in particular, on non-ideal models of politics and justice: she wrote an essay on politics as the conflict in Machiavelli, and her focus is on injustice as a priority over ideal justice (as in the works of Judith Shklar), on compromise as a viable and morally preferable solution in politics (Avishai Margalit). She has translated into Italy some important French political theorists of the last century, such as Claude Lefort and Jacques Rancière, and she is currently writing a text on feminisms and their 'waves', and on gender injustice.

Editorial work and publications

Co-editor of “Bdl”, the Journal of Centro Einaudi (Turin), she has published several books and essays, including the following.

Magni B., Hannah Arendt et la condition politique, Paris-Turin, L’Harmattan (2018), ISBN 978-2-336-31235-4, pp. 128.

Magni B., Conflitto e libertà. Saggio su Machiavelli, Pisa, ETS (2012), ISBN 9788846732057, pp. 174.

Magni B., Machiavelli. Sette saggi di teoria politica, Milano, Mimesis (2018), ISBN 9788857544267.

Magni B., Solidarietà. Storia di un’idea, Milano, Giuffrè (2012), ISBN 9788883535116, pp. 152.

Magni B., Il disaccordo. Politica e filosofia, Roma, Meltemi (2007), ISBN 8814172757, pp. 384.

Magni B., “Ragioni per agire: il diritto come interpretazione e come pratica sociale”, Notizie di Politeia, XXXIII, 134, 2019, ISSN 1128-2401.

Magni B., “Compromise and/or Integrity? Some Normative Remarks”, Ethics, Politics, and Society, vol. 2, 2019, p. 335-355, ISSN 2184-2582.

Magni B. e M. Ferrera, “Per un liberalismo 2.0. Prime riflessioni e proposte”, Quaderni di Biblioteca della Libertà, Torino, Centro di Ricerca e Documentazione Luigi Einaudi, 2019, n. 1, ISBN  9788894960143.

Magni B., “La forza dell’esempio: il Paese Ritrovato”, focus article in Innovacare, aprile 2019, download:

Magni B., “My Thinking is My Fighting: la concezione arendtiana della politica”, Bdl – Biblioteca della Libertà, LIII, 223, 2018, pp. 3-48, ISSN 2035-5866, doi: 10.23827/BDL_2018_3_5.

Magni B., “Nuovi criteri normativi per la gestione del conflitto: la interactive justiceNotizie di Politeia, XXXIII, 128, 2017, pp. 153-156, ISSN 1128-2401.

Magni B., “The Universalist Dimension of Territory”, Bdl - Biblioteca della Libertà, LII, 220, 2017, p. 165-174, ISSN: 2035-5866.

Magni B., “New Wine in Old Bottles: The Kind of Political Philosophy We Need”, Phenomenology and Mind, 12, 2017, pp. 30-40, ISSN 2239-4028, doi: 10.13128/Phe_Mi-21103.

Michela Marzano

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Bioethics, Ethic, Moral Philosophy, Philosophy, Political Philosophy

Keywords: autonomy, body, consent, dignity, LGBT+ people's rights, rights, trust, vulnerability

Region: ABROAD


Full Professor of Moral Philosophy at the University of Paris

Professional career

Former student of the SNS of Pisa, after obtaining a Phd in Philosophy, Michela Marzano moved to France where, after being a researcher at the CNRS, she is now Full Professor of Moral Philosophy at the University of Paris. MP of the Democratic Party in 2013, she is now a columnist for La Repubblica and La Stampa.

Scientific results

After becoming interested in the philosophy of the body, she worked in the area of applied ethics (health and sexuality) and social philosophy, focusing in particular on the relationship between consent, autonomy and vulnerability, as well as on the relationship between trust and distrust.

Editorial work and publications

[2006] Marzano M. Je consens, donc je suis… Éthique de l’autonomie. PUF: pp. 262.

[2007] Marzano M. Dictionnaire du corps. PUF: pp. 1048.

[2008] Marzano M. Extension du domaine de la manipulation. Grasset: pp. 283.

[2010] Marzano M. Sii bella e stai zitta. Mondadori: pp. 160.

[2011] Marzano M. Dictionnaire de la violence. PUF: pp. 1568.

[2011] Marzano M. Volevo essere una farfalla. Mondadori: pp. 210.

[2013] Marzano M. L’amore è tutto: è tutto ciò che so dell’amore. UTET: pp. 262.

[2014] Marzano M. Il diritto di essere io. Laterza: pp. 142.

[2014] Marzano M. Avere fiducia. Mondadori: pp. 268.

[2015] Marzano M. Non seguire il mondo come va. Rabbia, coraggio, speranze e altre emozioni politiche. UTET: pp. 267.

[2015] Marzano M. Papà, mamma e gender. UTET: pp. 151.

[2017] Marzano M. L’amore che mi resta. Einaudi: pp. 236.

[2019] Marzano M. Idda. Einaudi: pp. 233.

Lucia Miodini

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Art History, Gender Studies, History, History of Contemporary Architecture, History of Photography, History of Visual Communication

Keywords: deconstruction of the imaginary of gender, ethics and photography, gender public history, photo archives, photography and feminism, visual communication

Region: Emilia-Romagna


Professor of History of Photography, at ISIA Univesrity of Urbino. Responsible for the Fashion Media Section, Study Center and Archive of Communication, at the University of Parma.

Professional career

After graduating from the University of Parma and specializing at the School of Specialization in Modern Art History, Lucia Miodini obtained a PhD in Art History. She collaborates with the Centro Studi e Archivio della Comunicazione of the University of Parma, of which she was a member of the Executive Committee from 1989 to 1996. Since 1993, she has been involved in curating exhibitions and in the preservation and protection of the archival heritage. She carries out studies and research on the CSAC's fonds, where she is in charge of the Media and Fashion Section and delegate for didactics and Public History. Since 2000 she has taught History of Contemporary Architecture and History of Photography at the University of Parma and at the School of Specialization in History of Modern Art. Lecturer at the University Master in Protection and Enhancement of Italian Cultural Heritage abroad, ICoN (Italian Culture on the Net)-University of Parma, from 2010 to 2012. He has taught courses in several Italian universities, currently he teaches History of Photography at ISIA University of Urbino, where from 2014 to 2016 he coordinated the Bachelor degree in Graphic Design and Visual Communication. 

He has participated in national and international conferences and curated numerous exhibitions; published essays and monographic volumes in the field of visual studies.

He is part of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Center of Fine Art Photography in Bibbiena (Arezzo), since 2005, year of its constitution.

In 2013 he joins the Technical and Scientific Committee of the Cesare Leonardi Architectural Archive (Modena). 

From 2013 to 2016 he is in the Scientific Committee of the award Tempo ritrovato. Fotografie da non perdere, I-VI editions, MIA Photo Fair, in collaboration with the Museum of Contemporary Photography of Cinisello Balsamo and Io Donna, creator of the Prize, with the patronage of Regione Lombardia.

Since 2014 she is associated with the Italian Society of Historians. Since 2015 member of AAA, National Association of Contemporary Architecture Archives, of the Scientific Committee of Nino Migliori Foundation, Bologna, and in the Board of Directors of SISF, Italian Society for the Study of Photography.

Since 2021 she has been a member of the Association for the Memory and Writing of Women "Alessandra Contini Bonacossi" and is a member of the Board of Directors of AIPH- Italian Association of Public History.

Scientific results

Lucia Miodini has turned her critical attention to different areas of research, taking into account the close relationship between the various instruments of communication, art, media, design, photography. Her main areas of research are the study of the imaginary of gender in the system of visual communication, in this direction she has designed and organized educational projects. She has coordinated and participated in training courses on the representation of men and women in art, media and new media. And she has deepened the different aspects of the connection between photography and feminism from the seventies to the new millennium. Another area of interest is the study of photographic archives and personal archives of women, both in public and private collections. 

Since its inception, she has been a member of the Italian Public History Association, investigating in particular the relationship between history and photography, the importance of training and questions of method in Public History practices, working to strengthen the presence of women's history and gender studies in projects of dissemination and transmission of women's knowledge.

She investigated the visual elements of the architectural project, offering new readings of the interactions between the representation of the project and photography. A theme to which she has dedicated significant contributions is the history of the domestic project in the Mediterranean culture. Another area of study is the integrated reading of the relationship between photography, landscape representation and communication routes. In the field of contemporary history she has been interested in verbal-visual poetics. 

Editorial work and publications

[2021] Miodini L. “Carla Cerati. Raccontare le donne fra reportage e sperimentazione narrativa”, in Fotografia e femminismo nell’Italia degli anni Settanta. Rispecchiamento, indagine critica e testimonianza, a cura di C. Casero, Milano, Postmedia Books, 60-75.

[2019] Miodini L. ”Professione fotografa. Percorsi di sguardi e trame narrative”, in Davanti a una fotografia. Immagini, metodi d'analisi, interpretazioni, a cura di Giacomo Daniele Fragapane e Giovanni Curtis, Acireale, Bonanno editore, 131-156.

[2019] Miodini L. “Gio Ponti y Bernard Rudofsky. La memoria de los lugares y el proyecto del paisaje/ Gio Ponti and Bernard Rudofsky. Memory of places and the landscape project”, in Imaginando la casa mediterranea. Italia Y España en los años 50/ Imagining the Mediterranean house. Italy and Spain in the 50’s, a cura di A. Pizza, Madrid, Fundaciòn ICO, Madrid, Ediciones asimétricas, pp. 20-31.

[2017] Miodini L.  “Misurare uomini e donne. Strumenti, teorie e pratiche dell’antropometria”, in “Progetto Grafico” 31, Intorno al corpo. Around the body, Rivista internazionale di grafica. International graphic design magazine, Primavera Spring 2017, 24-33.

[2017] Miodini L. “Il progetto domestico della casa all’italiana e il dibattito sulle origini mediterranee dell’abitazione moderna”, in Immaginare il Mediterraneo. Arti Architettura Fotografia, Atti del convegno Internazionale, a cura di Andrea Maglio, Fabio Mangone, Antonio Pizza, Napoli, Palazzo Gravina, 16-17 gennaio 2017, Napoli, artstudiopaparo, 167-177. 

[2017] Miodini L. “L’elaborazione dell’immagine. Riflessioni su nuovo-pittorialismo e post pittorialismo”, in Il Pittorialismo italiano e l’opera fotografica di Peretti Griva, catalogo della mostra, Torino, Mole Antonelliana, Museo Nazionale del cinema, 8 febbraio-8 maggio 2017, Milano, Silvana Editoriale, 218-229.

[2017] Miodini L., Memorie familiari, a cura di Lucia Miodini in Questioni di famiglie, catalogo della mostra, Bibbiena, Centro Italiano della Fotografia d’Autore, 17 giugno-3 settembre 2017, Torino, FIAF, 2017, 26-29.

[2016] Miodini L. “Storie di sguardi e visioni: autoritratti tra percorsi identitari e frame narrativi”, in Autoritratti in assenza, catalogo della mostra, a cura di Giovanna Calvenzi, Lucia Miodini, Cristina Paglionico, Claudio Pastrone, Bibbiena, Centro Italiano della Fotografia d’Autore, Riflessioni, Arezzo.

[2015] Miodini L. “Immaginario bellico e costruzione dell’identità di genere”, In Etica e fotografia. Potere, ideologia, violenza dell’immagine fotografica, a cura di Raffaella Perna e Ilaria Schiaffini, Roma, DeriveApprodi, 64-78.

[2014] Miodini L. “Generazioni (2005-2006) Sperimentazione e ricerca tra materia e memoria”, in Paola Binante. Generazioni Pluralità al femminile, catalogo della mostra, Roma, Museo di Roma in Trastevere, 7 marzo - 1 giugno 2014, Artigrafiche Stibu, Urbania, 13-19.

[2013] Miodini L., “Uomini e donne al lavoro. Senza pericolo?”, in Senza Pericolo. Costruzioni e sicurezza. Building and safety, sezione fotografica a cura di Lucia Miodini, catalogo della mostra, con il Patronato del Presidente della repubblica, a cura di Federico Bucci, Triennale di Milano, 3 maggio - 1 settembre 2013, Bologna, Compositori, 184-190.

[2012] Miodini L., Uliano Lucas, Milano, Bruno Mondadori.


Awards and prizes

2012, 19th International Trophies of Photography: National Trophy for the Critic, by Circolo Fotografico Sannita with the recognition of the President of the Republic, the President of the Senate and the President of the Chamber of Deputies.

2013: special mention for the best solutions adopted in the production, OMI Award dedicated to monographs of Enterprise, awarded to the volume Ifi. 50 years with our territory, curatorship of the photographic part and editing of critical essays, 2013.

2019: member of Comité de investigaciòn y produciòn de la esposiciòn, Imaginando la casa mediterranea. Italia Y España en los años 50/ Imagining the Mediterranean house. Italy and Spain in the 50's, Madrid, Fundaciòn ICO, 2019.

Marina Montesano

History and Philosophy area

Competences: History, Medieval and Renaissance culture, Medieval History

Keywords: crossdressing, cultural history, gender studies, medieval and modern travellers, Middle Age, sorcery, witchcraft

Region: Sicily


Full professor of Medieval history at University of Messina.

Professional career

Marina Montesano graduated in Literature and Philosophy from the University of Bari in 1990 with a first-class honours degree with a thesis on Medieval History. In the same year she won a three-year doctoral scholarship to Bari in Socio-Economic and Religious History of Europe, and at the same time a four-year doctoral scholarship to Florence for a PhD in Medieval History, and chose the latter.  

In 1994, thanks to a new scholarship, she was a visiting scholar at the Department of History of Brown University in Providence (Rhode Island). 

In 1995, at the invitation of the Department of Italian Language and Culture of the University of Turku (Finland), she held a course for students enrolled in the degree course in Italian Language and Culture on the theme of Cultura dotta e cultura popolare nel Rinascimento italiano. On her return to Italy, she obtained her doctorate in 1996 and in the same year won a one-year scholarship at the Accademia della Crusca. From 1999 to 2000 she was a fellow at Villa I Tatti (Harvard University - Berenson Foundation, Florence).  In 2000, she became a researcher in Medieval History at the University of Genoa. In Milan, between 2009 and 2015, she taught as a contract professor of Medieval History at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele. In the meantime she became head of the Genoa Research Unit for the PRIN 2007 on the theme "Mercantile, diplomatic and cultural relations between the Western Mediterranean and the East". 

On 30 March 2011 she was appointed associate professor of Medieval History at the University of Messina.  At the same University she obtained the national scientific qualification, won the competition as full professor in 2015, and still teaches.

Since 2018 she is member of the scientific committee of the International Society For Cultural History. Since 2020 member of the scientific committee of the Italian Historical Institute for the Middle Ages - seat of Barletta.

Scientific results

Marina Montesano has passionately explored many aspects of Medieval and Renaissance culture, with particular attention to the themes of witchcraft and women's issues, but also to the theme of travel and particular aspects of social life such as cross-dressing.  Her research has been presented at national and international conferences and conveyed through cycles of lectures in various cities around the world at the Italian Cultural Institutes: in Cairo, Hamburg, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, Istanbul and at the Pontifical Catholic University of Lima. As a result of his presence, since 2013 she has been a member of the Directorio de evaluadores de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP). 

Editorial work and publications

[1997] Montesano M. La cristianizzazione dell'Italia nel Medioevo, prefazione di A. Paravicini Bagliani, Roma- Bari, Laterza (Il Quadrante). 

[1999] Montesano M.  “Supra acqua et supra ad vento”. Superstizioni, maleficia e incantamenta nei predicatori francescani osservanti (Italia, sec. XV), Roma, Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medio Evo (Nuovi Studi Storici – 46). 

[2000] Montesano M. “Fantasima, fantasima che nella notte vai”. La cultura magica nelle novelle toscane del Trecento, prefazione di G. Airaldi, Roma, Città Nuova (I volti della storia). 

[2003] Montesano M,  “…Sacro alle nursine grotte”. Storie di fate, cavalieri, ‘negromanti’ nei Monti Sibillini, Ascoli Piceno, Istituto superiore di studi medievali “Cecco d’Ascoli”. 

[2005] Montesano M., Cardini F. La lunga storia dell'Inquisizione, Roma, Città Nuova. 

[2010] Montesano M, Da Figline a Gerusalemme. Viaggio del prete Michele in Egitto e in Terrasanta (1489-90), (studio e edizione critica del ms Riccardiano 1923) Roma, Viella. 

[2012] Montesano M. Caccia alle streghe, Roma, Salerno Editrice. 

[2014] Montesano M. Marco Polo, Roma, Salerno Editrice. 

[2015] Montesano M., Cardini F. "Arte gradita agli déi immortali". La magia fra mondo antico e Rinascimento, Torino, Yume. 

[2018] Montesano M. Classical Culture and Witchcraft in Medieval and Renaissance Italy, London, Palgrave/MacMillan. 

[2020] Montesano M. Cardini F, L'uomo dalla barba blu. Gilles de Rais e Giovanna d'Arco nel labirinto delle menzogne e delle verità, Firenze, Giunti. 

[2020] Montesano M. Dio lo volle? 1204: la vera caduta di Costantinopoli. Roma, Salerno Editrice. 

The editorial activities of Marina Montesano include collaboration with the cultural pages of the Manifesto and the magazine 'Storica National Geographic'.

Awards and prizes

In 2000 Montesano received the Lila Wallace Reader's Digest Publications Subsidy Award of USD 5000 from the Wallace Foundation. 

Between March 2001 and March 2002, she was awarded a 10 million lira fund within the framework of the project to finance research by individuals and/or young researchers. 

She was also awarded the "Anassilaos 2017" prize and the "La tela di Penelope" prize in 2019. 

Francesca Nodari

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Hermeneutics, Moral Philosophy, Phenomenology, Philosophy

Keywords: alterity, diachrony, dialogue, dignity, education, evil, heedlessness, human condition, subjectivity, suffering, temporality, violence against women

Region: Lombardy


Ethic Philosopher, Scientific Director of the Filosofi lungo l’Oglio Festival, chairwoman of Fondazione Filosofi lungo l’Oglio.

Professional career

Francesca Nodari graduated in Philosophy at the University of Parma and specialised in Philosophy and languages of modernity at the University of Trento. After her PhD in Philosophy at the University of Trieste, under the guidance of Prof. Bernhard Casper (University of Freiburg), she collaborates with the Faculty of Philosophy of the University Milano-Bicocca.

In 2014, she was awarded the national qualification of second chair in the field of Moral Philosophy. She is currently Scientific Director of the Festival Filosofi lungo l'Oglio. Active in Jewish-Christian dialogue, for seven years she has directed the Festival Fare memoria and promoted the establishment, respectively in 2013 and 2015, of the Garden of the Righteous in Brescia, located in the Tarello City Park, and the Garden of the Righteous in Orzinuovi, located in the Alcide De Gasperi Park. 

She is the editor of the "Chicchidoro" and "Tempo della Memoria" series published by Mimesis. She collaborates with magazines ("Studium" and "Humanitas", "Nuova Secondaria", "Intersezioni", "Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Teologhie", "Iride") and newspapers, including the cultural insert "Domenica" of "Il Sole 24Ore".

Scientific results

Following in the footsteps of her mentor Bernhard Casper, whose thought is based on two constant methodological lines: the phenomenological-hermeneutical one (Heidegger) and that of the new thought (Rosenzweig), Francesca Nodari deals with questions that revolve around the status of subjectivity and otherness, trying to bring out, thanks to stimuli linked in particular to the thought of Levinas, the embodied, temporal and finite dimension. Hence the constant reference to the plexus: time and language and the problematisation of the disoriented contemporary subject, reflecting on crucial issues ranging from the great question of evil and suffering to responsibility, from the ethical crisis of humanity to the fruitfulness of the happening of dialogue, up to the Master-pupil relationship and the great challenge of education as a moral question. In his research he constantly refers to the Jewish-Christian tradition and, within the horizon of an eventual phenomenology of the dialogical event, there is an effort to problematise the results also on the level of inter-religious dialogue.

Editorial work and publications

[2020] Nodari F., Narrare il nome, in P. De Benedetti, La memoria di Dio, a cura di F. Nodari, Milano-Udine:Mimesis: 5-34.

[2019] Nodari F., Introduzione a M. Augé, Condividere la condizione umana. Un vademecum per il nostro presente, tr. it. e cura di F. Nodari, Milano-Udine: Mimesis: 7-44. 

[2019] Nodari F., Farsi-ostaggio-per-l’altro, in B. Casper, Emmanuel Levinas. La scoperta dell’umanità nell’inferno dello Stalag 1492, a cura di F. Nodari, Milano-Udine: Mimesis: 5-19. 

[2019] Nodari F., Adieu à Rav Laras. Polvere e cenere  in G. Laras, Il comandamento della memoria a cura di F. Nodari, Milano-Udine: Mimesis: 5-30; Ricordare per ricostruire in ivi_ 31-39.

[2018]Nodari F., La preghiera come accadimento estremo della ragione pura pratica. Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie 65/1: 98-11.

[2018] Nodari F., Altrimenti che Sartre e al di là di Heidegger. Dal Dasein all’être juif.  Iride, XXXI: 67-85. 

[2017] Nodari F., Temporalità e umanità. La diacronia in Emmanuel Levinas, Firenze: Giuntina. 

[2017] Nodari F., Premessa, in B. Casper, Levinas pensatore della crisi dell’umanità, tr. it. di L. Bonvicini, a cura di F. Nodari, Brescia: La Scuola: 5-10. 

[2016 ]Nodari F., Storia di Dolores. Lettera al padre che non ho mai avuto, Milano-Udine: Mimesis.

[2013] Nodari F., Il bisogno dell’Altro e la fecondità del Maestro. Una questione morale, Firenze: Giuntina.

[2011] Nodari F., Il pensiero incarnato in Emmanuel Levinas, Brescia: Morcelliana.

[2008] Nodari F., Il male radicale tra Kant e Levinas, Firenze: Giuntina.

Awards and prizes

In 2012 she received the "2012 Women Leaders Award" from the International Association EWMD - Brescia Delegation. 

In 2015 she received the "Premio Donne che ce l'abbiamo fatta" (Women who made it award). 

On 2 June 2019, she was awarded the position of Knight of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, by Decree of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella.

Cecilia Novelli

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Contemporary History, History, History of the Welfare State

Keywords: Catholic Church, civil society, colonialism, education, entrepreneurship, family, women

Region: Sardinia


Full Professor of Contemporary History and History of the Welfare State at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Cagliari.

Professional career

In 1988 she obtained a PhD in the History of Political Movements and a Post-Doctorate in 1992 at the University of Roma Tre. In 1979 she graduated in Political Science at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" and in 1989 in Religious Studies at the Pontifical Gregorian University. From 2010 to 2015 she was president of the degree course in Political Science and since 2015 she has directed the Department of Social Sciences and Institutions. She currently teaches Contemporary History and History of the welfare state. For the past four years she has also held a Public History Workshop. For many years she has been a member of the Italian Society of Contemporary History (SISSCO) and since its foundation in 2015, also of the Italian Association of Public History, which aims to broaden the boundaries of history outside the restricted sphere of the academy. 


Scientific results

Cecilia Novelli has worked mainly on the themes of contemporary 'non-political' but social, educational, economic and behavioural history. In particular the history of women and the family in the Church and the Catholic movement. The period is that between the second half of the nineteenth century and the whole of the twentieth century, with particular emphasis on the decades between the two wars and the post-war period.  From 2000 to 2010 she directed a research project entitled "Colonists without colonies" on the outcome of the Italian colonial commitment. Since 2000 she has also been the reference historian for the Federazione Nazionale Cavalieri del Lavoro, for which she is currently directing a project entitled Atlante storico degli imprenditori italiani dal decollo industriale alla Prima guerra mondiale. 

Editorial work and publications

[2020] Dau Novelli C., La storia dipinta: i murales di Orgosolo, in La storia liberata. Nuovi sentieri di ricerca, Mimesis, pp. 101- 119. 

[2020] Dau Novelli C., Nascita di una capitale. Roma dal mito alla realtà (1870-1915), Castelvecchi.

[2019] Dau Novelli C., Famiglia, matrimonio e divorzio, in L’Italia e gli italiani dal 1948 al 1978, Rubbettino, pp. 341-367.  

[2018] Dau Novelli C., Sergio Mattarella, in I Presidenti della Repubblica. Il Capo dello Stato e il Quirinale nella storia della democrazia italiana, Il Mulino, pp. 477-517. 

[2018] Dau Novelli C., Moro, le politiche familiari e dei diritti, in Aldo Moro nella storia della Repubblica, Il Mulino, pp. 81-94. 

[2017] Dau Novelli C., Italy and the memory of colonialism in the seventies, in Images of colonialism and decolonisation in the Italian Media, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 248-264. 

[2017] Dau Novelli C., Storie di imprenditori, lavoro, invenzioni avventure e tragedie, in Public History. Discussioni e pratiche, MIMESIS, pp. 157-173. 

[2017] Dau Novelli C., Matrimonio e famiglia nel magistero dei pontefici del ‘900, “Rivista di Storia della Chiesa in Italia”, n. 1, pp. 131-145. 

[2016] Dau Novelli C., Le donne in Italia nella Prima guerra mondiale, in “Inutile strage” I cattolici e la Santa sede nella Prima guerra mondiale, Editrice vaticana, pp. 409-424. 

[2015] Dau Novelli C., Erasure and denial of the past: the long and winding road of Italian colonial historiography, in Colonial and National identity, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 8- 25. 

[2011] Dau Novelli C., La città nazionale. Roma capitale di una nuova élite, Carocci. 

[2010] Dau Novelli C., Il neofemminismo: riflessioni critiche, in Culture politiche e dimensioni del femminile nell’Italia del ‘900, Rubbettino, pp. 39- 62. 


Awards and prizes

Cecilia Novelli is a member of the two most important historical societies in the Anglo-Saxon world, the Association for the Study of Modern Italy and the Society for Italian Studies.

Gloria Origgi

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Cognitive Science, Espistemology, Philosophy, Philosophy of Knowledge, Social Sciences

Keywords: democracy, emotion, expertise, new technologies, reputation, trust

Region: ABROAD


Senior Researcher at CNRS, Institut Nicod, Ecole Normale Supérieure, PSL, Paris.

Professional career

Gloria Origgi graduated in Philosophy at the University of Milan. After a doctorate in Philosophy and Cognitive Science at the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris, she taught at the University of Bologna before winning a competition at the French CNRS, where she is currently director of research. She has been a visiting professor at several universities: Columbia Unversity, New York, Bielefeld University, Germany, San Raffaele University, Milan, Universidad UNISINOS, Porto Alegre, Brazil.

Scientific results

Gloria Origgi works at the interface between philosophy, epistemology and the social and cognitive sciences. She has notably developed a theory of reputation in order to understand how people use others’ reputations in order to acquire information. More recently, she has worked on the role of political emotions in knowledge and in collective mobilisation. 

Editorial work and publications

Books :

[2019] Origgi G. (a cura di) Passions Sociales, PUF, Paris :

[2019] Origgi G. Reputation. What it is and Why it matters, Princeton University Press.


Articles and Book Chapters:

[forthcoming] Branch-Smith T, Morissau T, Origgi G.“Trust in Experts. The case of chloroquine”, Social Epistemology.

[2021] Origgi G. “The social virtues and vices of curiosity” in M. Alfano (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Social Virtues Epistemology.

[2021] Origgi G. “Ground Zero. Il triangolo dell’umiliazione” in F. Piazza (ed.) Il prisma delle passioni, UniPa Press.

[2020] Origgi G, Chiril P, Moriceau V, Benamara F, Mari A, Origgi G, Coulomb-Gully M.  An Annotated Corpus for Sexism Detection in French TweetsProceedings of the 12th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2020), pp.1397–1403.

[2020] Origgi G. “Trust and Reputation” in J. Simon (ed.) Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Trust, Routledge, London, pp. 88-96.

[2019] Origgi G. “Trust and Reputation as Filtering Mechanisms of Knowledge” in P. Graham (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Social Epistemology, Routledge, London.

[2019] Origgi G. “Reputation in Moral Philosophy and Epistemology” in F. Giardini, R. Wittek (ed.) The Oxford Handbook  of Gossip and Reputation, Oxford University Press, pp. 69-81.

[2018] G. Origgi, “La democrazia può sopravvivere a Facebook? Egualitarismo epistemico, vulnerabilità cognitiva e nuove tecnologie”, in Ragion pratica, 2: 445-458, doi: 10.1415/91549.

Rossella Pace

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Contemporary History, History, History of International Relations, History of Movements and Political Parties, Social History, Women’s and Gender History

Keywords: diplomacy, liberal partisans, Liberal Party, Resistance, women

Region: Lazio


Post Doc Research Fellow at Fondazione Sapienza Roma. General Secretary of the Historical Institute for International Liberal Thought (ISPLI) and General Secretary of the Giacomo Matteotti Foundation, Roma.

Professional career

After graduating in History, cum laude, at La Sapienza University of Rome, Rossella Pace obtained a PhD in European History at the same University. During her doctorate, she carried out periods of research at the Fondation Charles de Gaulle in Paris. During the same period, she carried out research activities for the Department of Documentary, Linguistic, Philological and Geographical Sciences of the Sapienza University and, again for the same department, she was a fellow for the MAGISTER project. After her doctorate, she was a post-doctoral researcher at the Sapienza Foundation, and she is a lecturer in Contemporary History at the Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples and lecturer in History of International Relations at the Sapienza University of Rome. She is currently a research fellow at the Suor Orsola Benincasa University in Naples. She was Secretary General of the Historical Institute for Liberal Thought, of which she is a Founding Member, and Secretary General of the Giacomo Matteotti Foundation in Rome and Secretary of the National Committee for the celebrations of the centenary of Giacomo Matteotti's death. She is a consultant at the Historical Archive of the Senate of the Republic.

Scientific results

Rossella Pace's research has hitherto focused mainly on the period between the two world wars, and more specifically on the war of national liberation in Italy. In particular, she has dealt with the role played in the anti-Fascist movement by some women from great aristocratic and bourgeois families. In the doctoral thesis she examined the contribution of the Italian Liberal party to the Resistance through the Franchi Organization led by Edgardo Sogno, and the role played in it by women. The originality of the research led to the publication of the thesis in a book by the publisher Rubbettino. She is currently studying the intellectual and political biography of Edgardo Sogno in the Cold War period, focusing particularly on the topic of  his relations with the dissidents in Eastern Europe countries since the 1950s. In her research she has often consulted private family archives, hitherto unknown.

Editorial work and publications

[2022] I liberali non hanno canzoni. Maria Giulia Cardini, Storia di una partigiana, Rubbettino.

[2021] Storie di guerra fredda, Il movimento di Pace e libertà, in Variazioni geoculturali europee, a cura di Walter Montanari, Shirin Zakeri, Vol. I, Edizioni Nuova Cultura, pp.235 -246. 

[2020] Partigiane liberali. Organizzazione, guerra, cultura e azione civile,Rubbettino.

[2020] Noi, le altre. Le donne del partito liberale nella Resistenza: una minoranza nella minoranza in «Prospettiva Persona»,113 -114, [2]:62 -66. 

[2020] Dai salotti alla lotta armata. Note sulla resistenza liberale e la rete di Edgardo Sogno, in Le Formazioni autonome della Resistenza, a cura di Tommaso Piffer, Marsilio, pp.76 -92.

[2020] "1945, Cristina Casana, la“protezione delle giovani fanciulle”e l’impegno europeo", Stati Uniti d’Europa, 41, on line.

[2019] L’immagine della donna in trincea,in La fatalità della guerra e la volontà di vincerla, a cura di Rossella Pace, Rubbettino, pp.275 -286.

[2019] "La diplomazia come mezzo per immaginare il futuro. Roberto Ducci e il processo di integrazione europea negli anni 60 -70"in Guido Lenzi, Luciano Monzali, Rossella Pace (a cura di) La diplomazia parallela. La politica estera italiana nelle Lettere e negli Scritti di Roberto Ducci (1970-1975), Aracne, pp.101 – 115.

[2018] "Enrico Serra", in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, Treccani, Roma.

[2018] Una vita tranquilla. I liberali e la lotta di liberazione nazionale nelle memorie di Cristina Casana, Rubbettino.

[2016]"La fuga dal “recinto”: la trincea e la follia", in XXI Secolo. Rivista di studi sulle transazioni, 38, [XV] pp. 172 -188.

[2016] Interesse nazionale e diplomazia multilaterale: dal Congresso di Vienna (1815) all'Atto Finale di Helsinki (1975). La tradizione diplomatica italiana, Rubbettino.

Awards and prizes

2019, Minerva Scientific Research Award, Mention of Merit.

2021, Mention of Merit at the Augusto Monti Prize for the volume Partigiane liberali.

2022, finalist at the Fiuggi Storia Prize with the volume I liberali non hanno canzoni.

Valentina Pisanty

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Memory Studies, Narratology, Philosophy, Semiotics

Keywords: Holocaust denial, interpretation, memory, racism

Region: Lombardy


Associate Professor at the University of Bergamo. 

Scientific results

Her fields of research are narratology and interpretive semiotics - the study of the mechanisms through which human beings make sense of the world, experience and texts - with particular reference to the field of memory and history. Valentina Pisanty has dealt specifically with the trivialising and sacralising uses of the memory of the Jewish extermination (and other traumatic memories that follow its structure), the interpretative and discursive strategies of denialism and, more generally, the logic and rhetoric of anti-Semitic and racist discourse. Other lines of research dedicated to the analysis of different communicative phenomena (historical testimonies, legal discourses, political storytelling, humour, television seriality, European popular fairy tales) branch off from this core of interests, but they are united by the questions they raise concerning the culturally variable relationship between interpretation, use and rewriting of the texts with which the various interpretative communities carve out, represent and prepare to interact with relevant portions of the world. 

Editorial work and publications

[2021] Pisanty V, Rothberg M. (prefazione), McEwen A. (traduzione), The Guardians of Memory and the Return of the Xenophobic Right), New York, CPL (Centro Primo Levi) Editions.

[2020]  Pisanty V. I guardiani della memoria e il ritorno delle destre xenofobe, Milano, Bompiani.

[2019] Pisanty V. “La comprensione umoristica”, in La comprensione linguistica (eds. Alfredo Paternoster e Valentina Pisanty), Milano, Mimesis: 123-142.

[2018] Pisanty V. “Duck or Rabbit? Umberto Eco’s Structuralist Pragmatics”, European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy. X-1. Eco and Pragmatism.

[2017] Pisanty V. “Saul e gli altri: il nuovo cinema sulla Shoah e i dibattiti sulla memoria”, Storica: 9-46.

[2014] Pisanty V. L’irritante questione delle camere a gas: logica del negazionismo, Milano, Bompiani.

[2012] Pisanty, V. Abusi di memoria. Negare, sacralizzare, banalizzare la Shoah, Milano, Bruno Mondadori.

[2009] Pisanty V. Zijno A. Semiotica, Milano, McGraw-Hill.

[2006] Pisanty V. La difesa della razza. Antologia 1938-1943, Milano, Bompiani.

[2004] Pisanty V. Pellerey R. Semiotica e interpretazione, Milano, Bompiani.

[1995] Pisanty V. Cómo se lee un cuento popular, Barcellona, Paidós.

[1993] Pisanty V. Leggere la fiaba, Milano, Bompiani.

Francesca Poggi

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Bioethics, Law, Legal Gender Studies, Legal Interpretation and Argumentation, Philosophy, Philosophy of Law

Keywords: argumentation, biolaw, gender, interpretation, meaning, pragmatics

Region: Lombardy


Full professor of Philosophy of Law at University of Milan

Professional career

Francesca Poggi graduates in 1999 at the Law Faculty of the University of Genoa with magna cum laude. In 2002 she is admitted to the Italian Bar, and in 2003 she obtains the PhD in analytical philosophy and general theory of law at the University of Milan. She is a research fellow at the University of Genoa until 2006, when she becomes a permanent researcher at the University of Milan. Since 2012 she has been an associate professor at the Cesare Beccaria Department of the University of Milan and since 2020 she has been full professor.

Scientific results

Francesca Poggi is an internationally recognized expert on legal interpretation and, in particular, on the relationship between legal language and ordinary understanding. She is a reviewer for the main international journals on these topics (such as Law and PhilosophyOxford Journal for Legal Studies, International Journal for Semiotics of Law). Among the most recent grants in this area, she is the coordinator of the Italian Unit of the project A language-based theory of legal interpretation, funded by Harmonia, Polish National Center for Science (Grant No. 2018/30 / M / HS5 / 00254). In 2020 she was a member of the international jury of The European Award for Legal Theory.

Since 2012 she has also been dealing with bio-legal issues and, in particular, with the analysis and criticism of Italian legislation and case law on bio-medical issues. Since 2014 she has held the course Law and Bioethics at the Master in Global Rule of Law & Constitutional Democracy (University of Genoa). From 2015 to 2021 she was a member of the Ethics Committee of the University of Milan.

More recently, she has engaged on gender legal studies, dealing, in particular, with gender equality and gender violence. In 2019 she edited, together with Isabel Fanlo Cortés, the special issue of the journal About gender “With or without law. The law and gender inequalities ".

Editorial work and publications

[2021] Poggi F. Tra tutela della salute e rispetto dell’autonomia. La libertà di autodeterminazione femminile nella scelta della modalità del parto. Biolaw Journal (1): 105-117.

[2020] Poggi F. Il modello conversazionale. Sulla differenza tra comprensione ordinaria e interpretazione giuridica. ETS, Pisa.

[2020] Poggi F. Defeasibility, Law, and Argumentation: A Critical View from an Interpretative Standpoint. Argumentation.

[2020] Poggi F. Il caso Cappato: la Corte Costituzionale nelle strettoie tra uccidere e lasciar morire. BioLaw Journal 20: 81-98.

[2019] Sobre el concepto de violencia de género y su relevancia para el derecho. Doxa 42: 285-307.

[2019] Canale D, Poggi F. Pragmatic Aspects of Legislative Intent. The American Journal of Jurisprudence 64(1): 125-138.

[2018] Poggi F. La medicina difensiva. Mucchi, Modena.

[2016] Poggi F. If I were in your shoes Aspetti concettuali e probatori della responsabilità dolosa nel diritto penale italiano. Ragion Pratica 47: 381-400.

[2016] Poggi F, Sardo A, Do the right thing! Robert Alexy and the claim to correctness. Rechtstheorie 47(4): 413-441.

[2013] Poggi F. Concetti teorici fondamentali. ETS, Pisa.

[2013] Poggi F. The Myth of Literal Meaning in Legal Interpretation. Analisi e diritto 2013: 313-335. 

[2011] Poggi F. Law and Conversational ImplicaturesInternational Journal for Semiotics of Law 24(1): 21-40.

Francesca Rigotti

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Metaphorology, Philosophy, Philosophy of Everyday Life, Political Ethics, Political Philosophy

Keywords: analogy and metaphor, equality, justice, liberty, philosophy of migration

Region: ABROAD


Professor at University of Italian Switzerland. Philosopher, author and essayist.

Professional career

Francesca Rigotti graduated in Philosophy in Milan in 1974 and obtained a PhD at the European University Institute in 1984. After qualifying as a teacher in 1991, she became a professor at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Göttingen as holder of a 'Heisenberg Stipendium' of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, a visiting fellow at the Department of Politics of Princeton University and a lecturer at the University of Zurich. Since 1996 she has taught at the University of Lugano.  She lectures, writes about book criticism, collaborates with Rete 2 of the Radio della Svizzera italiana and writes for various Italian and foreign magazines and newspapers.

Her monographic works, to which must be added about a hundred essays in journals and about forty contributions in collective volumes, have been translated into thirteen languages.

Scientific results

Francesca Rigotti’s research deals with deciphering and interpreting metaphorical and symbolic procedures sedimenting in philosophical thought, in political reasoning, in cultural practice as well as in everyday experience.

Editorial work and publications

(forthcoming), F. Rigotti, L’era del singolo, Torino Einaudi 

2020, F. Rigotti, Buio, Bologna, il Mulino.

2019, F. Rigotti, Migranti per caso: una vita da Expat, Milano, Cortina.

2018, F. Rigotti, de senectute, Torino, Einaudi.

2015, F. Rigotti, Manifesto del cibo liscio, Novara, Interlinea.

2013, F. Rigotti, Nuova filosofia delle piccole cose , Novara, Interlinea. 

2010, F. Rigotti, Partorire con il corpo e con la mente. Creatività, filosofia, maternità, Torino, Bollati boringhieri.

2006, F. Rigotti, Il pensiero pendolare, il Mulino, Bologna.

2002, F. Rigotti, Il filo del pensiero, il Mulino, Bologna.

1999, F. Rigotti, 2004, 2012, La filosofia in cucina, il Mulino, Bologna.

1998, F. Rigotti, L’onore degli onesti, Feltrinelli, Milano.

1992, F. Rigotti, Il potere e le sue metafore, Feltrinelli, Milano.


Awards and prizes

Francesca Rigotti  was awarded:

2001, the "24 Premio Letterario Città di Chiavari"(for her Book Filosofia in Cucina)

2002, the first prize of Philosophy "Viaggio a Siracusa" (for her book Il filo del pensiero)

the Premio Capalbio 2008, section Philosophy

2016 the  “Outstanding Woman Award”

2020 the "Premio della Fondazione del Centenario della BSI"

Aurora Savelli

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Early Modern History, History, Social History

Keywords: gender history, public history, urban history

Region: Campania


Assistant Professor of Modern and Contemporary Mediterranean History at the University of Naples L'Orientale

Professional career

Aurora Savelli graduated in History at the University of Florence with 110/110 and honours. After working as an archivist at the Archivio Contemporaneo A. Bonsanti (Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux - Florence), she obtained a Ph.D. from the European University Institute (Florence), Department of History and Civilisation. 

Since her PhD, she has subjected research themes to intellectual confrontation and comparison through the ideation of numerous workshops, seminars and conferences. In addition to her academic activities, she has also worked on projects involving the communication and dissemination of history. 

She is a member of the Italian Association of Public History (AIPH, founded in 2017), in the conviction that the dissemination through various media of the results of research and sources is not only a civil duty of the historian and, more broadly, of cultural operators, but also the best way to create active citizenship and sensitivity to the proper preservation and enhancement of heritage. 

She is a consultant scholar for the "Palio di Siena" protection project, on behalf of the Italian Ministry of Culture (DG Archeologia, belle arti e paesaggio, Servizio VI, Tutela del patrimonio demoetnoantropologico e immateriale).

She is member of the SISEM (Italian Society for the History of the Modern Age) Board and she is an associate of the Institute of History of Mediterranean Europe (ISEM-CNR) for research activities on REIRES (Research Infrastructure on Religious Studies) and Tra Mediterraneo e Atlantico: letterati, cronisti, missionari, diplomatici e pionieri projects.

Since summer 2020 she has been an Assistant Professor at the University of Naples L'Orientale.

She is a member of the Board of Directors of the Association for the Memory and Writing of Women “Alessandra Contini Bonacossi” and Scientific advisor of the Institute Life Beyond Tourism (Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation, Florence).

Scientific results

Her areas of interest are the forms of control of urban space, popular and women's associations, city rituals and intangible cultural heritage in the long diachrony, the didactic use and exploitation of sources. More recent is her interest in public history and the forms of museum 'narratives', particularly in relation to women's history.

Editorial work and publications

Aurora Savelli is editor of the journal "Storia delle donne” and author of several scientific publications, including the following selection:

[2019] Savelli A., Online resources for the history of religion: a look at National History Museums and at the House of European History. In “RIME. Rivista dell’Istituto di Storia dell’Europa Mediterranea”, vol. 5/I n.s., 2019, pp. 89-110.

[2019] Savelli A. (coeditor with Gagliardi I.), La didattica della storia di genere: esperienze, metodologie, percorsi, monografico di “Ricerche Storiche”, 2019/n. 2. Con interventi di A. Savelli; A. Chiaiese; L. Gazzetta e F. Bellucci; E. Serafini; I. Biemmi; M. Pacini; M. Calogiuri e D. De Donno; A.F. Celi, M.A. Mannella, L. Vietina; V. Niri;  M. Macchi; S. Follacchio; C. Pavone.

[2019] Savelli A. Pratiche di devozione e di governo: appunti su una biografia di Caterina Medici Gonzaga (1593-1629). In: (ed.): Guerrini M.T., Lagioia V., Negruzzo S., Nel solco di Teodora. Pratiche, modelli e rappresentazioni del potere femminile dall'antico al contemporaneo, Milano, Franco Angeli, pp. 166-179.

[2018] Savelli A. (co editor, with Gagliardi I.), La storia delle donne in percorsi di Public History, a monograhic of “Storia delle donne” n. 14/2018. Contributors: I. Gagliardi e A. Savelli; P. González Marcén e M. Sánchez Romero; I.G. Mastrorosa; M.P. Casalena; C. Da Milano; M. López Fernandez Cao ans A. Fernández Valencia; D.E. Clover , N. Taber, K. Sanford; A. Schoenweger; T. Rochat.

[2016] Savelli A., Sodalizi. Forme dell’associazionismo urbano a Siena tra Otto e Novecento, “Nuovi Quaderni di Ricerche Storiche”, Pisa, Pacini [anche e-book].

[2016] Savelli A., Il primato della patria: Baldovina Vestri (1840-1931), l’ultima garibaldina. In «Rassegna Storica Toscana», LXI, n. 1, pp. 93-124.

[2015] Savelli A., Esempi e modelli femminili nella Firenze dell’Ottocento. Gesualda, Cesira e Antonietta Pozzolini. In: Luceri F. (ed.), Pietro Siciliani e Cesira Pozzolini. Filosofia e Letteratura, Atti del convegno (Galatina, september, 18-19), Lecce, Edizioni Grifo, pp. 219-236.

[2013] Savelli A., Contrade, corporazioni e confraternite in età moderna: le fonti del vivere associati. In: Paoli M.P. (ed.), Nel laboratorio della storia. Una guida alle fonti dell'età moderna, Roma, Carocci, pp. 169-203 (reprinted in 2014 and inl 2015 in“Studi superiori” collection).

[2012] Savelli A., Vigni L. (ed.), Una città al femminile. Protagonismo e impegno di donne senesi dal Medioevo a oggi, Siena, Nuova Immagine Editrice.

[2012] Savelli A. (ed.), Toscana rituale. Politica e festa civica dal secondo dopoguerra, Proceedings (Firenze, 16 june 2009), Pisa, Pacini Editore.

[2009] Savelli A., Tra interessi dinastici e equilibri locali: Caterina Medici Gonzaga Governatrice dello Stato Nuovo (1627-1629). In: Aglietti M. (ed.), Nobildonne, monache e cavaliere dell’Ordine di S. Stefano. Modelli e strategie femminili nella vita pubblica della Toscana granducale, Proceedings (Pisa, 22-23 may 2009), Pisa, ETS, pp. 33-56.

[2008] Savelli A., Siena. Il popolo e le contrade (secc. XVI-XX), Firenze, Olschki.

Awards and prizes

“Prix d’histoire locale européenne Étienne Baluze”: special mention for the doctoral thesis Vero popolo, onorata cittadinanza. Comunità di contrada e appartenenza territoriale a Siena (secc. XVI-XXI).

Lina Scalisi

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Early Modern History, History, History of Historiography, Political History, Social History of Power, Urban History

Keywords: conflict, politics of emergencies, post-Tridentine Catholicism, power, religion

Region: Sicily


Full professor of Early Modern History at the University of Catania.

Professional career

Lina Scalisi graduated in Political Science at the University of Catania in 1992 and obtained a PhD in early Modern History in 1998 also at the University of Catania. Researcher since 2003, in 2006 becomes Associate Professor and in 2016, Full Professor at the Department of Human Sciences of Catania.

During her career, she has held various institutional and governance roles, and she has been the Coordinator of Human Sciences at the Scuola Superiore of Catania. From 1008 to 2010, she has directed the Istituto Meridionale di storia e scienze sociali - Sicilia. Since 2013 she is Académica correspondiente of the Real Academia de la Historia di Madrid. She is member of the board of professors of the PhD in History of the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa and member of various scientific boards of national and European journals. She is President of the Accademia of Belle Arti of Catania and VP of the Teatro Stabile of Catania.   

Scientific results

Her researches have been focused on histories of communities and socio-religious history, with specific attention on the changes of the civic and religious institutions of European societies after the Council of Trent and on the relationship between political power and religious authorities. Moreover, she has widely studied urban history and the history of aristocracy in Early Modern Europe. Other fields of interest have been development studies, the environment, contemporary migrations and history of historiography.

Editorial work and publications

She has authored many papers and monographies:

[2020] Curatela del II volume in II Tomi de La storiografia della Nuova Italia, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, Roma: 1056 ISBN 9788893593939.

[2020] Regolate cure e disordinati mali, in Arianna Rotondo, Memoria, storie e metafore della malattia. La narrazione come metodo, Algra Editore, Viagrande: 17-34 ISBN 97888934413749.

[2019] (con Carlos Hernando Sanchez) Fra le mura della modernità: le rappresentazioni del limite dal Cinquecento ad oggi, Viella, Roma, 2019: 428 ISBN 9788833132587.

[2019] “Da Palermo a Colonia”. Carlo Aragona Tagliavia e la questione delle Fiandre (1577-1580), Viella, Roma: 156 ISBN: 9788833132297.

[2019] Un Secolo di fuoco. Il Seicento e l’Etna nel Compendio di Natale di Pace, Domenico Sanfilippo Editore, Catania: 175 ISBN 9788885127630.

[2018] Carlo d’Aragona e Antonio del Nobile. Difese militari, imprese economiche,vocazioni territoriali, in A. Camara Munoz – M. A. Vasquez, «Ser hechura de»: ingeniería, fidelidades y redes de poder en los siglos XVI y XVII, Ediciones del Umbral y laFundación Juanelo Turriano, Madrid. 135-146 ISBN 8494892525.

[2018] Curatela del I volume de La Storiografia della Nuova Italia: Introduzione alla storia della storiografia italiana, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, Roma: 272 ISBN 9788893592390.

[2018] La restaurazione in Italia, in «Moderna. Semestrale di teoria e critica della letteratura», XX, 1-2:15-22 ISSN. 

[2018] “Que pueda llegar a corte”. Il duca di Terranova tra Lepanto e il futuro, in J.A.G. Berrendero, J. Hernandez Franco, E. Alegra Carvajal, Ruy Gómez deSilva, principe de Eboli. Su tiempo y su contexto, Iberoamericana Vervuert, Madrid: 285-303 ISBN 9788416922758.

[2017] La Sicilia del Rinascimento. Susanna Gonzaga, contessa di Collesano, in A.Carrasco Martinez (a cura di), La nobleza y los reinos. Anatomia del poder en la Monarquia de Espana (siglos XVI-XVII), Iberoabericana Vervuert, Madrid: 151-177 ISBN 9788416922093.

[2017] Le catene della gloria. L’uso politico della genealogia di Luigi Guglielmo Moncada, «Magallanica», 3/6: 64-85 ISSN 2422-779X.

[2017] Il Dapifero di Antonino Collurafi. Storia di un’opera perduta (1639-1644),  «Mediterranea. Ricerche storiche», 40: 295-314 ISSN 1824-3010.

Giorgia Serughetti
Nessuna foto disponibile

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Gender Studies, Political Philosophy, Populism, Prostitution, Trafficking in Women, Violence against Women

Keywords: democracy, gender, politics, sexuality

Region: Lombardy


Research Fellow in Political Philosophy at the Department of Sociology and Social Research of the University of Milano-Bicocca.

Professional career

After graduating in Philosophy at the University of Turin, she obtained a Master's degree in Sociology of Migration at the University "La Sapienza" in Rome and a PhD in Cultural Studies at the University of Palermo. She has worked as a researcher at Associazione Parsec in Rome, and as a research consultant for national and international organisations such as Save the Children, Open Society Foundations, Action Aid, Consorzio Nova, Room to Read. Since 2012 she has been affiliated to the Department of Sociology and Social Research of the University of Milano-Bicocca, first as a research assistant, then as a post-doc researcher and, since 2019, as a research fellow in Political Philosophy. She is currently lecturer in "Politics and Policies"; lecturer and member of the coordination committee of the postgraduate course "Violence against women and minors: knowing and countering the phenomenon" and co-coordinator of the course "Training social workers for countering gender-based violence". 

Scientific results

She is involved in the research and training activities of the ADV - Against Domestic Violence - Research Centre -. 

She is active in the creation of the UN.I.RE network - UNiversità In REte contro la violenza di genere - a project funded with the contribution of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers - Department for Equal Opportunities. 

Editorial work and publications

Serughetti Giorgia is a columnist for the daily newspaper Domani and writes for magazines and newspapers such as InGenere, Leggendaria, il Mulino, il Manifesto. 

[2020] Serughetti G, Who are « the people » in Italy’s multiple populisms?. REVUE TUNISIENNE DE SCIENCE POLITIQUE, vol. 2 (4): 71-95.

[2020] Serughetti G, Donne vulnerabili, soggetti resilienti: le vittime di tratta richiedenti asilo, tra bisogni di protezione e domande di riconoscimento. In I. Fanlo Cortés, & D. Ferrari (a cura di), I soggetti vulnerabili nei processi migratori. Giappichelli: 17-48.

[2020] Serughetti G, The #MeToo Movement in Italy: Chronicle of a Death Foretold?. In A.M. Noel, & D.B. Oppenheimer (a cura di), The Global #MeToo Movement : How Social Media propelled a Historic Movement and the Law responded. Full Court Press: 143-156. 

[2020] Serughetti G, Democratizzare la cura / Curare la democrazia, Nottetempo.

[2020] Belliti D, Serughetti G, L'educazione per prevenire la violenza di genere e promuovere l'agency delle donne: lo stato delle politiche pubbliche in Italia. SICUREZZA E SCIENZE SOCIALI, 3: 33-48.

[2019] Serughetti G, Prostituzione: violenza o lavoro? Riflessioni su volontarietà, costrizione e danno nel dibattito sulle alternative politico-normative. AG-ABOUT GENDER, vol. 8 (15): 164-195. 

[2019] Serughetti G, La violenza contro le donne e il problema dell’identità collettiva nel femminismo. POLITICA & SOCIETÀ, vol. 8 (3): 383-405.

[2019] Serughetti G, Uomini che pagano le donne. Dalla strada al web, i clienti nel mercato del sesso contemporaneo, 2. ed. Ediesse.

[2019] Serughetti G,  “Superare la Merlin”: prostituzione, discorso pubblico e azione legislativa. NOTIZIE DI POLITEIA, vol. 35 (133): 198-216.

[2018] Serughetti G, Smuggled or Trafficked? Refugee or job seeker? Deconstructing rigid classifications by rethinking women’s vulnerability. ANTI TRAFFICKING REVIEW, 11: 16-35.

[2017] Cecilia D’Elia, Serughetti G, Libere tutte. Dall’aborto al velo, donne nel nuovo millennio, Minimum fax.

[2016] Serughetti G, Prostitution and surrogacy: Theoretical and practical issues of (neo) prohibitionism. STUDI SULLA QUESTIONE CRIMINALE, 11(2): 43-63.

Elisa Signori
Nessuna foto disponibile

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Contemporary History, History

Keywords: antifascism, anti-Semitism, fascism, intellectual migrations, Lombardia, Switzerland

Region: Lombardy


Full professor of  Contemporary History at University of Pavia


Professional career

Elisa Signori graduated with honours in Literature in 1976 at the University of Pavia. She was a student and postgraduate student at the Ghislieri College, a scholarship holder of the Einaudi Foundation in Turin, of the Accademia dei Lincei, a trainee at the Study and Research Office of the Department of Public Education of the Canton of Ticino (Switzerland), a CNR scholarship holder at the Historische Seminar of the University of Basel, and a researcher at the University of Pavia since 1981. She has worked there up to the present day, at all levels of her career, from associate to full professor. Between 2013 and 2020 she will also be teaching Contemporary History at the University of Lugano.  

Scientific results

Signori has devoted most of his studies to the study of fascism and anti-fascism, both in Italy and abroad, in France, Switzerland and the United States.  She has studied the history of Switzerland in its relations with Italy between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the phenomenon of anti-Semitism in Italy and Europe, the flow of intellectual migration and the formation of elites in Europe in the twentieth century. 

She has also worked on the history of contemporary Lombardy and the history of the University. 

Editorial work and publications

Elisa Signori is the author of numerous publications, a complete list of which can be found at

See below a selection of the most relevant ones:

Signori (2020). Anni di svolta. L’Università di Pavia, i progetti postbellici e il piano De Carlo, in Costruire le Università. Aspetti architettonici e urbanistici tra ragioni economiche e scelte politiche, a  cura di M.A.Romani, A.Monti, O.Selvafolta e  Andrea Silvestri, Bologna Il Mulino, pp.181-206.

Signori (2019), Contro gli studenti ebrei stranieri di Pisa. Un ostracismo in anticipoin Vite sospese. 1938: Università e ebrei a Pisa, a cura di M. Emdin, B. Henry , I. Pavan, UPI University Press Italiane, Pisa, pp. 89-106 

Signori (2018), Svizzera e Italia allo specchio: lo sguardo dei rifugiati italiani  durante la seconda guerra mondiale in Lugano città aperta, collana Pagine storiche Luganesi, Edizioni Città di Lugano, Lugano,  pp.203-219 

Signori (2017), L’Ateneo di Pavia nel sistema universitario del Regno d’Italia (1860-1913) in Almum Studium Papiense, Vol.2,  Dall’età austriaca alla nuova Italia. II. Dalla Restaurazione alla Grande guerra,  Milano, Cisalpino, 2017, pp. 1043-1080. 

Signori (2017), University  students after Italian Unification. Riots, organizations and political engagement (1860-1885) in Pieter Dhondt (ed.), Student Revolt, City and Society in Europe – From the Middle Ages to the Present, New-York, London, Routledge, pp.152-169.

Signori (2017), Perchè la guerra? Voci e argomenti della  comunità accademica italiana 1914-1918 in Minerva armata. Le università e la Grande guerra, a cura di G.P.Brizzi e E.Signori, Bologna, Clueb, pp.19-38.

Signori (2017), Guglielmo Ferrero: l’interventismo, la federazione latina, la tragedia della pace, in  La Grande guerra e l'idea di Europa,  a cura di C. Lacaita, Milano, Angeli, pp. 81-110.

Signori (2016), El fascismo italiano y la universidad: el caso de Pavia, in La universidad europea bajo las dictaturas, “Ayer” , n. 101, pp.23-50.

Signori (2009) , Fra le righe. Carteggio fra Carlo Rosselli e Gaetano Salvemini, FrancoAngeli, Milano, pp.334.

Signori (2006)   Frammenti di vita e d’esilio. Giulia Bondanini, una scelta antifascista, L’Avvenire dei lavoratori ed., Zürich, pp.176.

Signori (2002), Minerva a Pavia. L'ateneo e la città tra guerre e fascismo, Pavia, Milano-Bologna, Cisalpino ed., pp.342.

Signori (1996) , G. Salvemini, A. Tasca, Il dovere di testimoniare .Carteggio, a cura e con introduzione di E.Signori, Roma-Napoli, Bibliopolis ed., pp.344.

Awards and prizes

 Elisa Signori was awarded the 'Nuova Antologia' and 'Angelini' prizes.

Debora Spini

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Gender Studies, History of Political Thought, Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Religions, Social Philosophy

Keywords: civil society, gender, populism, post-colonial/decolonial, Public Sphere, religion, secularisation/post-secularisation, theology

Region: ABROAD


Professor of Political Theory at New York University in Florence, currently Visiting Assistant Professor Faculty Fellow of Liberal Studies at the New York University Shanghai

Professional career

Spini graduated in Political Philosophy from the University of Florence in 1991. In 1995 she specialised in the History of Political Thought at the Scuola di Studi Superiori "Sant'Anna" in Pisa. Since 1998 she has taught Political Theory at Syracuse University in Florence and at New York University in Florence. Between 2003 and 2019 she is Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Florence in Social Philosophy, in the Degree Course in Sociology and Social Research, where she teaches Social Philosophy from 2007 to 2011, and Philosophies of the Public Sphere from 2003 to 2007.

She is currently Visintg Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Liberal Studies at New York University in Shanghai.

Spini is a member of the Centro Studi "Confronti" (, of the Study Commission of the Federation of Evangelical Churches in Italy ( and on the board of the Forum for Problems of Peace and War. (

She is President of the Protestant Cultural Centre Pietro Martire Vermigli in Florence ( and a member of the Italian Society of Critical Theory and the Italian Society of Political Philosophy.

Scientific results

Debora Spini's early research focused on Protestant theology and contractualist political thought in early modernity: the interaction between theology and politics is a line of research still present in her work.  Later, his interests focused on the transformations of the public sphere in the age of globalisation, including an important work on Civil society in the European Union and the GARNET project Identity and Legitimacy coordinated by F. Cerutti and S. Lucarelli.

Her current research concerns the role of religious groups in the public sphere, secularisation and post-secularisation, monotheism and violence, and the rise of xenophobic populism, with particular attention to gender issues. Spini has also worked on gender-based violence; he has organised several conferences on this topic for New York University in Florence, giving rise to a large network of scholars* and activists*. She is currently working on the relationship between gender-based violence and migration, in the framework of the Women and Migration project coordinated by D. Willis and E. Toscano (New York University). Toscano (New York University).

She has also developed a specific interest in Indian politics as an especially significant testing ground for many contradictions of modernity; she is often a guest lecturer at various academic institutions in India. 

Editorial work and publications

2021]Civil religion, uncivil society. A reflection on Baba Sahib Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s conception of a ‘religion for civil society’ in   B.R. Ambedkar: The Quest for Justice edited by A. Rathore Singh, OUP. 

[2020] Decolonizing Postsecularization, in «Annali  di Studi Religiosi», 21, , pp. 167-179.

[2020] Post – secolarizzazione e regressione politica. Cosa possiamo imparare dal caso del populismo di destra, in «Iride», Gennaio 2020, pp. 369-381; Populismo e religione, in B. Henry, A. Loretoni,  A. Pirni, M. Solinas, a cura di, Manuale di Filosofia politica, Milano, Mondadori, pp. 332-342.

[2019] Religion in the European Public Spheres, in L. Leonardi, G. Scalise, Social Challenges for Europe, pp. 127-141.

[2019] Unveiling Violence: Gender and Migration in the Discourse of Right Wing Populism in Women and Migration: Responses in Art and History, D. Willis, E. Toscano and K. Brooks Nelson (Openbook publishers, pp.135-154.

[2018] «Reformatio» and «Renovatio». A Relation between Sources and Future, in «Annali di Studi Religiosi», 19, pp. 95-111.

[2018] Elective Affinities and liaisons dangereuses. Luther’s Heritage and the New Spirit of Capitalism in «Journal of Interdisciplinary History of Ideas», vol. 7, n. 13

[2018] Dio del popolo o popolo di Dio. Appunti per un’analisi del rapporto fra populismo e religione in N. Urbinati,  P. Blokker, M. Anselmi, a c.d,  Populismo di Lotta e di Governo, Milano, Feltrinelli.

[2017] A call to loyalty. Women bodies, Playground and Battlefields, in «Soft Power. Revista Euro-americana de teoria y historia de la politica y del derecho».

[2016] La coscienza protestante, Claudiana, a c.d., (con Bein Ricco E.), Claudiana.

[2010] Civil society and international governance, a c.d., con Armstrong D, Bello V, Gilson J, Routledge.

[2006]  La società civile post nazionale. Meltemi.

Nadia Urbinati

History and Philosophy area

Competences: History of Political Thought, Philosophy, Political Theory

Keywords: Covid-19, Covid-19: emergency policies, democracy, leadership, populism, power, tasformations of political representation

Region: ABROAD


Full professore of Political Theory at the Columbia University in the City of New York.

Scientific results

Nadia Urbinati's research interests focus on modern and contemporary political thought, with particular attention to liberalism and democratic, theories of political representation and sovereignty, and more recently populism. 

She has contributed to the revival of political representation in democratic theory; she has developed a definition of populism in power as a form of democratic based on direct representation of the leader.

Editorial work and publications

Nadia Urbinati has contributed essays to several books in English on representation, participation and democracy. He has published numerous articles in the academic journals "American Political Science", "Political Theory", "Constellations", "Philosophy and Social Thought", "Micromega", "Iride", "Raison Politique", "Lua Nova", "Rivista di filosofia", "Rivista critica di storia della filosofia". 

Authored books:

[2021] Me the People. How Populism Transforms Democracy, Harvard University Press.

[2020] I pochi contro i molti. Il conflitto politico nel ventunesimo secolo, Laterza.

[2019] Me The People: How Populism Transforms Democracy, Harvard University Press (translated in Italian, Spanish and Arabic).

[2017] Articolo 1, Carocci. 

[2015] The Tyranny of the Moderns, Yale University Press.

[2014]  Democracy Disfigured: Opinion, Truth and The People, Harvard University Press (translated in Italian, Turkiish, Russian) 

[2013] Democrazia in diretta. Le nuove sfide della rappresentanza, Feltrinelli.

[2011] La mutazione antieguaglitaria, Laterza.

[2011] Liberi e uguali. Contro l’ideologia individualista, Laterza.

[2007] Ai confini della democrazia. Oppurtunità e rischi dell’individualismo democratico (Donzelli) 2006. Representative Democracy: Principles and Genealogy, Chicago University Press (translated in Italian ans Spanish)

[1991] Le civili libertà. Positivismo e liberalismo nell’Italia Unita, Marsilio.

Co-authored books:

[2020](with L. Vandelli), Democrazia e sorteggio, Einaudi (chapters translated in Franch).

[2017] (with) Marzano, La società orizzontale. Liberi senza padri, Feltrinelli.

Edited books:

[2019] Thinking Democracy Now. Annale Feltrinelli, Feltrinell.

[2000] Piero Gobetti, On Liberal Revolution, edited with an introduction, Yale University Press.

1994. Carlo Rosselli, Liberal Socialism, edited with an introduction, Princeton University Press.

Co-edited books:

[2012] (with S. Luke) Condorcet: Political Writings, Cambridge University Press.

[2009] (with G. Recchia) Giuseppe Mazzini on Nation Building, Democracy, and Intervention, Princeton University Press (translated in Italian).

Awards and prizes

1991-92. CNR Prize for the best research in the class of Political Philosophy.

2002. His book Mill on Democracy: From Athenian Polis to Representative Government received the David and Elaine Spitz Prize for the best monograph published that year on democratic and liberal thought. 

2008. Lenfest Distinguished Columbia Faculty for research and teaching. 

2008 the President of the Republic awarded her the honour of Commendatore of the Italian Republic with the following motivation: "Through her academic activity and her publications she has made a significant contribution to the deepening of democratic thought and the promotion of writings in the Italian liberal and democratic tradition abroad".

2020. Capalbio Prize for Political Non-fiction for the book Io, il popolo come il populismo trasform la democrazia. 

Nicla Vassallo

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Espistemology, Gender Studies, Metaphysics, Philosophy

Keywords: Covid-19, Covid-19: gender medicine, feminism, gender, identity, Knowledge, LGBT+ people's rights

Region: Liguria


Associate as Emerita Researcher at ISEM-CNR. Professor of PhD "Fino" and Full Professor of Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Genoa and Alumna King's College London.

Professional career

Nicla Vassallo graduated at the University of Genoa and specialised in Advanced Philosophy at King's College - University of London. After obtaining a PhD in Philosophy of Science, she worked first as a research fellow and then as a researcher. In 2002 she qualified as Associate Professor in Logic and Philosophy of Science at the University of Catania, and in 2004 as Full Professor in Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Bergamo. From 2003 to 2008 she was Visiting Professor at the Psychology Faculty at the University Vita-Salute of Milan, where she lectured Epistemology. Since 2005 she has been a Full Professor at the Department of Philosophy (now Dafist) of the University of Genoa, teaching Philosophical Propaedeutics, Philosophy of Knowledge and Epistemology. She now teaches Theoretical Philosophy and is a member of the teaching staff of the Doctoral Programme in Philosophy called "Fino", a consortium comprising four universities (Genoa, Pavia, Eastern Piedmont, Turin). She is an Associate as Emerita Researcher at ISEM-CNR and Alumna King's College London.

Scientific results

Nicla Vassallo works mainly in the field of Analytic Philosophy. Her primary research and teaching areas are Epistemology, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Knowledge, Gender Studies.

In recent years she has been responsible for seven research projects for the CNR (National Research Council). She has been a member of the board of directors of SIFA (Italian Society of Analytical Philosophy), of the Urban Studies Centre, of CRESA (Centre for Research in Experimental and Applied Epistemology); of the Scientific Committee of Comitato Permanente di consulenza del Forum per le politiche di genere of the University of Padua, of O.N. DA (National Observatory on Women's Health), of Sapere, of the LGBT Themes Portal (Council of Ministers, Equal Opportunities Department, National Antidiscrimination Office Unar), of the Board of Referees of CIVR (Committee for Research Evaluation) for VTR (the first Italian Research Evaluation Exercise). 

She was also Miur's referee for “Programma per Giovani Ricercatori – Rita Levi Montalcini” 2010, for the VQR (University Research Quality Assessment) and for Futuro in Ricerca from 2011 to 2013. 


Editorial work and publications

Besides regularly contributing to the cultural pages of various newspapers, magazines and blogs, Nicla Vassallo has served and serves as referee for the following publications, and publishers: Carocci, Codice Edizioni, Dialectica: International Journal of Philosophy, Editori Laterza, Epistemologia: Rivista Italiana di Filosofia della Scienza, European Journal of Analytic Philosophy, FrancoAngeli, Giulio Einaudi Editore, il Saggiatore, Iride: Filosofia e discussione pubblica, Iris: European Journal of Philosophy and Public Debate, Mind & Society, Nordicum-Mediterraneum, Rivista di Estetica, Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica, Teoria politica, Ulisse Biblioteca. 

She is a member of Scientific and Editorial Boards of several national and international scientific journals and is the author of more than 150 articles in Italian and English that have appeared in philosophical journals, editions, conference proceedings and encyclopedias; she has published thirty books.

Her latest Authored Books: 

(2019) Non Annegare: Meditazioni sulla conoscenza e sull'ignoranza. Mimesis, Milano.

(2015) Il matrimonio omosessuale è contro natura: falso!. Laterza, Roma-Bari. 

(2015) Breve viaggio tra scienza e tecnologia, con etica e donne. Orthotes, Napoli-Salerno.n(2012) Conversazioni. Mimesis Edizioni, Milano.

(2011) Per sentito dire. Conoscenza e testimonianza. Feltrinelli, Milano.

Her latest Co–authored Books:

(2021) Fatti non foste a viver come bruti. Brevi e imprecise itinerary per la filosofia della conoscenza, Mimesis, Milano.

(2019) Contextualism, Factivity and Clousure". Springer, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London.

(2015) Frege on Thinking and Its Epistemic Significance. Rowman & Littlefield, Lexington.

(2010) Piccolo trattato di epistemologia. Codice Edizioni, Torino. 

Her latest Edited Books: 

(2022) Parla come mangi. Massa e potere. Mimesis, Milano.

(2021) Fatti non foste a viver come bruti. Mimesis, Milano.

(2017) La donna non esiste. E l'Uomo? Sesso, Genere e identità. Codice Edizioni, Torino.

(2009) Donna m'apparve. Codice Edizioni, Torino.

Her most recent co–edited books: 

(2017), “Philosophy of sex and gender in gender-medicine”, TopoiAn International Review of Philosophy, 36 (3), Springer, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London.

(2016) Meta-Philosophical Reflection on Feminist Philosophies of Science. Springer, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London.

(2012) Reason and Rationality. Ontos Verlag, Frankfurt.

(2011) Terza cultura. il Saggiatore, Milano.

Nicla Vassallo also published two volumes of poems:

(2021) Pandemia amorosa dolorosa. Mimesis, Milano.

(2017) Metafisiche insofferenti per donzelle insolenti. Mimesis, Milano.

(2013) Orlando in ordine sparso. Mimesis, Milano.

The complete and updates list of publiations is available online, here:

Awards and prizes

In 2011 she was awarded the Philosophical Prize 'Viaggio a Siracusa' for her book Per sentito dire. Conoscenza e testimonianza.

As a Full professor in the field of Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Genoa, she was ranked first nationally by the VQR (Evaluation of Research Quality) for the years 2004-2010.