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Leggi l'informativa I agreePosition/Role
Director of Master in Sports Communication at ALMED UCSC (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore), Milan.
Professor of Sports Communication and Marketing Methodology at the UCSC, Milan.
Member of the Academic working Group 'Cattolica per lo sport'
Professional career
She graduated in Modern Literature focusing on Social Communications at the Catholic University in Milan with a paper on the linguistic transformations of Football in Television, just at the beginning of the new era of Paytv. The same topic will be explored during the PhD in Linguistics and Languages of Communication, with a focus on the development of media and the connections with sports.
In 2008, in collaboration with Prof. Simonelli, she planned and coordinated the Summer School in creation and production of television programs on sports, in partnership with SkySport Italy. From this 10-year training experience, in 2018 started the Master in Sports Communication, whose she is the didactic directress since the first edition, which is oriented to training new professional profiles corresponding to the requests of the market, through a dialogue between academia and professionals.
Since 2015 she has been a member, for the Communication area, of "Cattolicaper lo sport”, an academic working group operating in the field of training and applied research for Companies, Sports Leagues, and Sports Federations.
The teaching activity, started in the early 2000s, established with the courses of Radio and Television History and Radio Television Journalism at the Degree Course in Media Languages at the Faculty of Literature and Philosophy and the course of Methodology of Sports Communication and Marketing at the Degree in Sciences and Technologies for Preventive and Adapted Activities.
Since 2021 she has been Professor in Sports and Communication of Master in Sport Management of the School of Sport of CONI.
Scientific results
Her scientific interests are oriented towards the development of media languages and the connections with sports. The most recent publications examine the new forms of production and dissemination of sports content in overcoming the traditional forms of representation and media diffusion.
The academic activity is completed with the participation in qualitative research of analysis of radio, television, and audiovisual media, from which resulted various scientific publications in monographs and collective volumes.
In the last two years she took part at tht international project “Towards an EU Sport Diplomacy” funded by the Erasmus+ project of the European Community, as a member of the research group of the Catholic University.
The research and training activity points towards a continuous dialogue between the educational field and the professionals with a view to create the inclusion of young people in the sports communication sector.
Editorial work and publications
(2023) National Report Slovenia, Towards an EU Sport Diplomacy, Erasmus+ Project
(2022) "La regia calcistica televisiva". Storia, tecniche, maliziein Lupo M, Emina A, Benati I, (a cura di) Visioni di gioco. Calcio e società da una prospettiva interdisciplinare, Il Mulino, Bologna
(2021) "Comunicare lo sport per andare oltre lo sport", in Libro Bianco delle professioni della Comunicazione 2021, Franco Angeli, Milano
(2019) "Lightness, propaganda, and Liberty. Italian radio from its origins to the mid-seventies", in Colombo F., Eugeni R. (a cura di), Media and Communication in Italy: historical and theoretical perspectives, Vita e Pensiero, Milano
(2019) "Lo sport in tv, la cupidigia dell’uomo e le personcine" in Abbiezzi P, Buscemi F, Tramontana G, La Provenza può attendere. Itinerari didattici di Giorgio Simonelli, Interlinea, Cantalupa (NO)
(2019) "C’era una volta la diretta. Storie e teorie attorno al calcio televisivo", in Ruggiero C, Russo P, (a cura di) Il calcio in tv, Fausto Lupetti Editore, Bologna
(2017) "Nuove competenze e nuovi ruoli per il giornalista", in Libro Bianco delle professioni della comunicazione 2017, Franco Angeli, Milano.
(2015) "Il radiodocumentario, dalla registrazione della realtà alla docufiction", in Colombo F, Eugeni R, (a cura di) Storia della comunicazione e dello spettacolo in Italia . Volume II, I media alla sfida della democrazia (1945 – 1978), Vita e Pensiero, Milano.
(2015) La tv è servita. Viaggi e sapori della cucina televisiva, Franco Angeli, Milano.
(2013) Mediazioni televisive. Tra memoria e contemporaneità, Lampi di stampa, Milano.
(2007) La televisione dello sport. Teorie storie e generi, Interlinea, Cantalupa (NO).
(2006) Sport e media, Comunicazioni Sociali, Vita e Pensiero, Milano.
Competences: Justice in Sport, Law in Sport, Responsability in Sport, Sport Management, Sports Arbitration, Sports Facilities
Keywords: CONI (Comitato Olimpico Nazionale Italiano/Italian National Olympic Committee), constraint of justice, FSN (National Sports Federations), Olympics, sports associations, sports clubs, sports contracts
Region: Marche
Judge of the Disciplinary Tribunal of World Athletics and Member of the Sports Guarantee Board at CONI (Vice-President of Section V).
Professional career
Graduated in Law from the University of Urbino 'Carlo Bo' and PhD in Civil Law from the University of Milan, Barbara Agostinis is a lawyer, enrolled in the Urbino Bar Association since 1999 and qualified to practice before the High Courts since 2012.
Her professional career is totally focused on sports law. She is currently a judge in the Disciplinary Tribunal of the World Athletics, the international athletics federation that monitors national federations and organises international competitions; she is a member of the Sports Guarantee Board set up at CONI (vice-president of the V section); she is in charge of the Marche Regional Coordination and the Work Commission of the Sports Lawyers Association; she teaches at the CONI Marche School of Sport; and she is a member and component of the Fiscosport Editorial Committee.
For more than 20 years, she has combined her work as a lawyer with that of a university lecturer, including in numerous postgraduate and master's courses in law and justice, as well as sports law and taxation.
She is the author of numerous scientific publications on sports law and a speaker at conferences, also of international relevance.
Editorial work and publications
B. Agostinis, Il tesseramento, l’abolizione del vincolo sportivo e il riconoscimento della figura professionale del chinesiologo, in Fiscosport srl (a cura di), “La Riforma dello Sport dopo l'approvazione del decreto correttivo Dlgs 163/2022”; eBook ISBN 9788891660602.
B. Agostinis, L’impresa sportiva: peculiarità funzionali, strutturali e aspetti gestionali, in A. Calamita, S. Zuccarino (a cura di), “Il nuovo management sportivo tra passione e professionalità”, Ancona, 2022, p. 47 ss.
B. Agostinis, Il riconoscimento del chinesiologo: riconoscimento effettivo o tanto rumore per nulla? in “Euroconference”, ottobre 2021, p. 15-25.
B. Agostinis, Gli enti sportivi dilettantistici: situazione attuale e prospettive future, In “Eutekne, Terzo settore, non profit e cooperative”, Numero 02, Aprile / Giugno 2021, p. 25-43.
B. Agostinis, Lezioni ed allenamenti on line: quali responsabilità?, in “Associazioni e sport, mensile di aggiornamento ed approfondimento sugli enti associativi,” Euroconference, giugno 2020, p. 15-25.
B. Agostinis, B. Stivanello, L’autonomia patrimoniale imperfetta delle asd alla luce della recente giurisprudenza, in "GiustiziaSportiva.it Rivista Internet di diritto dello sport", n. 1/2019, p. 11-18.
B. Agostinis, L’associazionismo sportivo e la sua funzione alla luce delle delibere CONI, in “Rassegna di Diritto ed Economia dello sport”, n. 2/2018, p. 292 ss.
B. Agostinis, Socio e tesserato: due facce della stessa medaglia?, in "GiustiziaSportiva.it Rivista Internet di diritto dello sport", n. 2/2018, p. 21 -25.
B. Agostinis, Gestire un’associazione sportiva dilettantistica: la normativa nazionale e regionale, Ancona, 2017;
B. Agostinis, Brevi note in materia di responsabilità dell’organizzatore di competizioni sportive e della Federazione per gli infortuni subiti dagli atleti (nota a Trib. Milano, sez. X, 23 febbraio 2009 n. 2430), in “Rassegna di diritto ed economia dello sport,” 2010 n. 1, p. 160-181.
B. Agostinis, L’abuso di posizione dominante in ambito sportivo, in J. Tognon (a cura di), “Diritto comunitario dello sport,” Torino, 2009 (ISBN/EAN 978-88-348-8671-7), p. 188- 208.
B. Agostinis, Le professioni sportive: situazione attuale e prospettive future a tutela dei praticanti, Ancona, 2008 (ISBN 978-88-7663-434-5).
Competences: Grassroots Sport Activities, Sport and School, Sporting Well-Being, Women's Sports, Youth's Sports
Keywords: inclusion, rights and diversity in sport, sport against discrimination, Sport and Education, sport and society, sports for all, sports promotion bodies, sports training courses, women in sport
Region: Piedmont
National vice-president UISP (Unione Italiana Sport per Tutti) Aps (Italian Union of Sport for All) Social Promotion Association. UISP national training manager. President of the UISP Piedmont Committee.
Professional career
Teresa Maria Patrizia Alfano, began her career in 1976 as a trainer and vice-president of a sports club in the Barriera di Milano district of Turin. From 1983 to 1997, she was an instructor and responsible for UISP Turin's training exchanges with FSGT, a French sports organisation. In 1983, she organised the first edition of the event: 'The body, a window on the world', which included twelve stages with international conductors, committed to researching new expressive and movement techniques. From 1978 to 1988 she was coordinator and educator in summer sports camps for adolescents in charge of social services and inmates at the Ferrante Aporti juvenile prison in Turin.
In 1990, she was elected President of UISP Turin and continued to deal with educational policies, activities, and projects, particularly with and in schools, with and for young people at risk. She is one of the three representatives of the sports promotion bodies involved in the table set up by the municipality of Turin for the co-planning and co-programming of the 'Sportinsieme' sports promotion campaign. She represents the sports promotion bodies at the table, set up by the Education Department, to regulate the use of school gyms by sports associations. She participates as UISP representative at national tables and those of the city of Turin dedicated to projects and actions included in Law 285 of 28 August 1997: Provisions for the promotion of rights and opportunities for children and adolescents,
In 1995 she was the creator and promoter of the 'Isola felice' project, counted among the first projects developed in co-planning and co-programming with the municipality, families, schools and associations. In those years, she also collaborated in the realisation of the national UISP project 'Sport Gioco Avventura' (Sport Game Adventure) and in the foundation of the National Association of Boys and Girls on the Move.
In 1997, she was the creator and organiser, with a group of executives from the Turin Committee, of the 'Muovitipositivo' event, the aim of which was to reclaim a park that had been abandoned to illegal trafficking and was not frequented by families and young people. Various festivals combine music and entertainment with important social issues, with the participation of Don Luigi Ciotti, Gad Ledner, Enzo Jannacci, Eugenio Finardi, Nicolò Fabi, Sub Sonica, 99 posse, Pfm, Banco del Mutuo Soccorso and other important artists of national fame. After ten years in the Parco Cavalieri di Vittorio Veneto, the municipality of Turin asked the UISP to transfer the format to Parco Stura, known in the national chronicle as 'Tossic Park', where it would remain for another three years, that is, until the victory over degradation and the conclusion of the reclamation project.
From 1998 to 2000, he was national manager for UISP of the 'Sport for all in metropolitan areas' project. He set up a commission made up of presidents and leaders of the eleven cities, which produced the film 'Metropolitema'. In 1994, he joined the Piedmont Third Sector Forum where he is now in charge of the sports and welfare commission.
In the following years he was also a member of the CONI Regional Council, in 1990 he joined the UISP national council of which he is still a member, he was a member of the UISP national board from 1994 to 1998, from 2005 to 2009, and from 2013 to the present. In those years and until 2017, she is a promoter and organiser with the UISP committee's management team of projects and conferences on issues concerning education and social intervention through sport. Among her numerous projects, in 2008 she promoted 'Lo Sport quotidiano delle donne' (Women's Daily Sport), with activities organised on the basis of women's times, needs and requirements. In 2012 she became regional vice-president of the UISP Piedmont Committee and responsible for training and regional educational projects. In 2017 she became president of the UISP Regional Committee and national training manager, in April 2021 she was elected UISP National Vice-President.
Alfano has long participated in local and national TV broadcasts as an expert on sport for all.
Awards and prizes
1979 UISP Torino Award, for promoting sports aggregation
2016, Award 'Ethics e Sport'.
2018, National Award UISP nazionale '70 years for the future'.
Sport historian - Associate professor at the Department of Political and International Sciences, University of Siena.
Professional career
She graduated in Political Science from the University of Siena in 2003. In 2006 she obtained her PhD in "Theory and history of modernisation and social change in the contemporary age" at the same university.
She obtained various scholarships and research grants at the University of Siena from 2006 to 2012 and from 2016 to 2019. In 2014-2015 she is a research fellow at Bocconi University in Milan as part of the project "La grande trasformazione 1914-1918" promoted by the Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation. In 2018 she is a visiting fellow at the historical archives of the European University Institute with a postgraduate Vibeke Sorensen grant (European policies for sustainable mobility project).
From 2019 to 2022 she is a fixed-term senior researcher at the Department of Political and International Sciences, University of Siena.
From December 2022 she is an associate professor at the same Department.
She is part of the Scientific Committee of the journal Storia e problemi contemporanei and of the Editorial Board of the journals Le Carte e la Storia, Storia dello Sport. Journal of Contemporary Studies and European Studies in Sports History (ESSH).
Since 2018, she has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Italian Society of Sports History.
Scientific results
Her research activity initially focused on the issues of economic culture and industrial ideology in liberal and fascist Italy and the history of industrial associationism.
She has also delved into the themes of the economic and social history of the Great War, with a particular focus on the changes in the condition of women and social dynamics on a local and national level.
For some years now, she has been working on the history of mobility and transport, with a focus on the history of cycling and sustainable mobility, and on the social history of sport in Italy.
Editorial work and publications
[2022] Belloni E, Molto più di un gioco. Il calcio e la società̀ italiana: una storia ancora da scrivere?, in Calcio e società in Italia. Bilanci storiografici e nuove prospettive di ricerca. Storia e problemi contemporanei, a cura di E. Belloni, n. 86, gennaio-aprile 202, pp. 5-17.
[2022] Belloni E, Il sistema integrato bicicletta-treno: la storia, le “buone pratiche”, il quadro europeo e nazionale, in Muoversi domani. Verso una mobilità più sostenibile, a cura di E. Belloni e S. Maggi, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2022, pp. 26-36.
[2021] Belloni E, Bicicletta e storia d’Italia (1870-1945). La modernizzazione su due ruote, Novecento.org, n. 16, agosto 2021.
[2021] Belloni E, La rivoluzione su due ruote. Il ciclismo letto alla luce del paradigma rivoluzionario, in Sport e rivoluzione, a cura di D. Guazzoni e M. Monaco, Roma, Aracne, 2021, pp. 15-30.
[2021] Belloni E, Sbetti N, Oltre il guado. L’affermazione della storia dello sport in Italia, in Percorsi di storia e antropologia dello sport, a cura di C. Mancuso, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2021, pp. 29-39.
[2021] Belloni E, The “American Way of Mobility”. The influence of the American model on traffic and mobility planning in Italy (1920-1960), Journal of Mediterranean Knowledge, 6(1), 2021, pp. 59-79.
[2021] Belloni E, Questione ambientale e paesaggio: i “tabù” della politica infrastrutturale. Voci critiche negli anni del miracolo economico, Italia Contemporanea, n. 295, aprile 2021, pp. 165-185.
[2020] Belloni E, La nascita della Toscana “ciclistica”. Dagli esordi alla Grande guerra, Rassegna storica toscana, LXVI, 2, 2020, pp. 235-257.
[2019] Belloni E, Quando si andava in velocipede. Storia della mobilità ciclistica in Italia (1870-1955), Milano, Franco Angeli.
[2019] Belloni E, L’azione del Consiglio dei comuni d’Europa per una mobilità urbana sostenibile (1951-1992), Le Carte e la Storia, a. XXV, 1/2019, pp. 111-122
[2018] Belloni E, Mobilità sostenibile. Una rilettura della storia dei movimenti in bicicletta, Storia e problemi contemporanei, n. 77, gennaio-aprile 2018, pp. 39-59.
[2011] Belloni E, La Confindustria e lo sviluppo economico italiano. Gino Olivetti tra Giolitti e Mussolini, Bologna, Il Mulino.
Awards and prizes
2022 - Winner of the 'Giuseppe Imbucci' Prize - 2022 edition, awarded by the International Observatory on the Game of the University of Salerno and destined for 'academics and scholars who have distinguished themselves for social and cultural actions of national and international importance and have committed themselves to the promotion of culture through research in the historical, economic and social fields'.
2021 - Winner of the 'Mario Alighiero Manacorda' Prize for Sports Historiography - 2021 edition, awarded by the Italian Sport History Society. (For the volume Quando si andava in velocipede. Storia della mobilità ciclistica in Italia 1870-1955, Milan, FrancoAngeli, 2019).
2015 - Winner of the 'Aldo Capanni' Prize for sports historiography - 2015 edition, awarded by the Italian Society of Sports History. (For the essay Imprese sportive/imprese dello sport. La Grande Guerra e la nascita dell'industria sportiva in Italia, in Lo sport alla Grande Guerra, Quaderni della Siss, serie speciale, 2015, pp. 274-283).
Competences: cycling, Methods and Didactics of Sport Activities, Movement Sciences, Sport and Health, Sport and Youth, Sporting Well-Being, Sports Event Organization
Keywords: Competition in Sports, dual career in sport, gender equality, inclusion, Olympic Games, sport performance, women in sport
Region: Lazio
Former athlete, cycling champion. Trainer and consultant. Vice-President Assist Ass. Naz. Atlete (National Association Women Athletes)
Professional career
Antonella Belluti is a former track cyclist. She began her career in the pursuit speciality, finishing second at the 1992 Italian championships. At the 1995 World Championships in Bogota, she won the silver medal. In 1996 she set a new world record in the 3-kilometre steeplechase and won the gold medal at the Olympic Games in Atlanta. In 2000 he participated in the Olympic Games in Sydney where he won 5th place in the pursuit and the gold medal in the points race. His palmares includes three World Cups, the gold at the European omnium endurance event in Berlin in 1997, two omniums at the Six Days of Milan, in 1998 and 1999, and sixteen other Italian titles: seven in the pursuit (from 1994 to 2000), six in the 500-metre time trial (from 1995 to 2000), two in the sprint (1997 and 2000) and one in the points race (1997). In 2000, she left competitive cycling and took part in the Olympic Winter Games in Salt Lake City in the two-man bobsleigh speciality, paired with Gerda Weissensteiner.
After graduating from the ISEF in Florence in 1993, her sporting career was flanked by her work as a physical education teacher in schools, publicist journalist, TV columnist, lecturer, trainer, consultant and sports expert, also for important national institutions. On 18 April 2001 she was elected to the CONI National Council, and in January 2003 she joined the Anti-Doping Ministerial Commission and the Ministerial Commission for Equal Opportunities in Sport as the sole representative of athletes. She is running, without being elected, for the presidency of CONI in 2021.
Editorial work and publications
Antonella Belluti is the author of the book La vita è come andare in bicicletta. Autobiografia alimentare di una vegatleta, Edizioni Sonda, 2018.
Awards and prizes
1996, Cavaliere della Repubblica
2000, Commendatore della Repubblica
2004, Fairplay Award
2018, Ambassador for Italy for the European Week of Sport
2018, Entered in the Walk of Fame
Competences: assistance in civil litigation, consultancy and contracts in civil law, Gender Equality, Grassroots Sport Activities, leadership and communication in sport, Sport and People with Fragility, sport and safety, Sport and School, sport and sustainability, Sport and Youth, Sport Contracting, Women's Sports
Keywords: consultancy and contracts in civil law, safeguarding obligations, sport reform, sports associations, sports for all, women in sport
Region: Lombardy
President ASD Pro Patria Volley Milano
Professional career
After graduating in Law from the University of Milan and being admitted to the Milan Bar Association, she embarked on her legal career, focusing in particular on the rights of women, children, and vulnerable individuals. She has also held positions as a support administrator. Having discovered a passion for volleyball at a young age, which led her to compete up to the Serie C level, she has combined her legal career with sports management since 2008. She is currently President of ASD Pro Patria Volley Milano, a historic women's volleyball club in Milan
Competences: Fencing, Gender Sports Medicine, Sport and Health, Sport and School, Sport and Youth, Sporting Well-Being, Sports Event Management, Sports Event Organization, Youth's Sports
Keywords: CONI (Comitato Olimpico Nazionale Italiano/Italian National Olympic Committee), dual career in sport, Olympic Games, Olympics, Sport and Education, sport performance, women in sport
Region: Lombardy
Professional career
Diana Bianchedi began her sporting activity with fencing as a child. In 1992 she participated in the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, giving Italy the first Olympic gold medal for a women's team. She repeated the success eight years later in Sydney 2000. Her palmares includes five gold medals at the World Championships, with the women's foil dream team, and numerous continental titles.
During her sports career, she graduated in Medicine and Surgery and specialised in Sports Medicine. At the end of her competitive career, she was elected Vice President of the Italian National Olympic Committee, the first woman ever.
Over the years, she is President of the Italian Athletes' Commission, holds various roles in the Commission for Vigilance and Health Protection, the Scientific Anti-Doping Commission, and the Anti-Doping Tribunal. For six years, he was a member of the Anti-Doping Council. For 15 years, he ran a rehabilitation centre for top athletes. She directed the candidature for the Olympic Games first for Rome 2024 and then for Milan Cortina 2026.
She is an adjunct university professor.
Awards and prizes
1995, Gold Collar CONI Athletes
2000, Commendatore of the Italian Republic
2003, Bellisario Prize
2001, Golden Ambrogino of the City of Milan
2000, Honorary Citizenship City of Milan
1998, Gold Medal of Recognition Milan
Forme athlete, diving champion, multiple Olympic medallist.
Professional career
Tania Cagnotto, an Italian diver who achieved innumerable medals both nationally and internationally, is the only Italian woman to have won a gold medal in the World Championship. She was born in the diving world, as her father Giorgio Cagnotto – who has stepped up as her coach – won numerous European and World medals during the 1970s. Following his footsteps, Tania proved herself to be extremely talented right from the start, participating in her first Olympic Games at only 15 years old. In her palmares she counts a silver medal in the synchronized three-meter springboard, won together with Francesca Dallapè, and a bronze, also in the three-meter springboard, both obtained at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games. In addition, her palmares counts 10 World medals, 1 Gold won in Kazan 2015, 3 Silver and 6 Bronze. At the European level, there are 29 titles with as many as 20 Gold, 5 Silver and 4 Bronze medals.
Editorial work and publications
Tania Cagnotto has authored 3 books:
Oro, argento e Tania, Mondadori Electa, 2018
(with Giovanna Manna) Il pinguino che non voleva tuffarsi, Mondadori, 2016
(with Stefano Bizzotto) Che tuffo, la vita!, Lìminia Editore, 2012
Awards and prizes
2022, Menarini International Fair Play Award
2016, Woman of the Year at the 2016 Gazzetta Sports Awards
2015, Giulio Onesti Award
2015, Expo Value Award
2014, LEN Best Male and Female Diver Award
2010, South Tyrolean Athlete of the Year
Athlete of the Fiamme Gialle sports group, Paralympic champion in the 100 meters and long jump.
Professional career
Martina Caironi has been an active Paralympic athlete since 2010, and has been with the Fiamme Gialle sports group since 2012.
Her achievements include:
Martina Caironi holds the world record in the T63 long jump (5.46 meters), and the Italian record and world best performance in the T63 indoor 60 meters (9.05 seconds) and indoor long jump (5.23 meters).
She was the flag bearer for the Italian Paralympic delegation at Rio 2016, and has been a member of the National Council, the Executive Committee, and the Athletes' Council of the Italian Paralympic Committee. She is currently an athlete representative at the international level (IPC) and on the Milan-Cortina 2026 Athletes' Council.
In addition to her athletic career, she is involved in social work, and is a friend of the Fontana Foundation and Sportfund, with which she carries out inclusion projects. She is active in schools where she shares her testimony and dedicates herself to motivational speaking in companies.
Awards and prizes
Golden Collar for Sports Merit 2012.
Commander of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic 2012.
Mangiarotti Award 2013.
Fair Play Award 2013.
Gazzetta dello Sport Awards Paralympic Athlete of the Year 2015.
International Paralympic Committee Athlete of the Month for May 2015.
Golden Collar for Sports Merit 2016.
Candido Cannavò Athletics Award 2018.
Fiamme Gialle Athlete of the Year 2022.
Standout women award 2023.
City of Rome Award 2024.
Golden Collar for Sports Merit 2024.
Former athlete, swimming champion. President ANAOAI (Associazione Nazionale Atleti Olimpici Azzurri d’Italia, National Association of Italian Olympic Athletes). Member of the Presidential Council of Giulio Onesti Foudation. Vice President of the Safe Guarding Office FGI.
Professional career
Novella Calligaris is a champion swimmer and journalist. She began her career at a very young age, in 1968, the year in which she made her national team debut, participating in the 'Six Nations' tournament in Stockholm and the Olympic Games in Mexico City. In 1972 she won three medals at the Olympic Games in Munich, the first athlete in swimming to stand on the Olympic podium. In 1973 she won the gold medal at the first World Swimming, Water Polo and Diving Championships in Belgrade, with a record of 8'52"973 in the 800 metres freestyle, and 2 bronze medals in the 400 metres freestyle and 400 metres mixed. Her competitive career ended with 71 Italian titles, 22 European titles and the aforementioned world record.
After her sports career, she began her journalistic work, first at Corriere della sera, then at RAI. In 2021, she was elected president of the Associazione Nazionale Atleti Olimpici Azzurri d'Italia).
Awards and prizes
CONI Collare d'oro, Dardanello Prize, Cliché d'oro Prize, Vittoria Alata, Bruno Zavoli Prize, Cavaliere della Repubblica e Grande Ufficiale della Repubblica per Meriti Sportivi, Premio al Campidoglio del Comune di Roma, Prima Italiana enters the International Swimming Hall of Fame, World Swimming Ranking (1971) as best swimmer in the world, Genzini Award for Lifetime Achievement (2014), Gold Star for Sporting Merit, Silver Lion for Lifetime Achievement (2022), Padua Cenacolo Award, Fair Play Award, Genoa International Sports Award "Caravella di Colombo", "Il messaggero" Award (1973), Silver Mask, Marina du Brazil Award, AIPS Sports Media Award (2020), Bruno Zavoli Award.
Second level Track and field trainer and manager FIDAL (Italian Athletic Federation). Journalist, La CRO.S.S. website editorial management. Physical Education Teacher.
Professional career
Giuliana Maria Cassani has been a teacher of Physical Education since 1986, since 2009 she has been seconded to the Regional School Office for Lombardy, Physical Education Office, to the position of Regional Coordinator Physical Education.
A publicist journalist since 1997, over the years she has collaborated with La Gazzetta dello Sport, La Gazzetta dello Sportivo, La Corsa, Atletica Week. From 2008 to 2012 she was head of the press office of FIDAL (Italian Athletics Federation) Lombardy.
She is a FIDAL registered trainer and sports executive, a federation for which she was a councillor, for two successive four-year terms, from 2012 to 2020.
From 2014 to 2022, she is a member of the ISF (International Sport School Federation) Athletics Technical Commission.
She is a founding member and Vice-President of the Association of Historical Sport Chroniclers (La CRO.S.S.), for which she is in charge of the editorial management of the website.
Editorial work and publications
Manuale di Sopravvivenza del Giovane Atleta... e dei suoi genitori, Carabà Edizioni, 2014.
Awards and prizes
As a FIDAL athlete, she won two CONI bronze medals 'for athletic merit' in 1988 and 1989, the Italian 4x400 relay title.
As a coach and FIDAL executive, she received the 2021-22 Athletic Merit Award.
Finally, as coordinator of the Physical Education Office, she received a Note of Merit from the Regional School Office for Lombardy AT Milan in 2021.
FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association) Council Member
Professional career
Graduated in History and Historical Demography, she began her career by holding positions in various fields related to sport and culture.
From 1978 to 1985, she worked at the Fiat Press Office dealing with sports events and the foreign press.
In the following years, he taught at the Faculty of Education at the University of Turin, as a lecturer in Modern History.
In 1996-97 he was a member of the Scientific Committee for the 100th anniversary of Juventus, curating the exhibition and catalogue, and since 2007 has been a member of the Juventus Culture Group.
In 1998-99, she was Executive President of the Turin 2006 Promoting Committee and guided it to success by winning the 20th Winter Olympic Games; the triumph earned her the 'Olympic Golden Collar'.
From 2000 to 2007, she was Deputy Vice President of TOROC, the Committee for the Organisation of the 20th Olympic Winter Games in Turin 2006, and a member of the Executive Board of the Turin 2006 Chess Olympiad Organising Committee.
From 2001 to 2005, she was a member of the CONI National Council, the first and only woman in Italy elected as a sports executive with special responsibility for the 2006 Olympics.
From 2006 to 2010, she was a member of the Board of Directors of the Teatro Regio di Torino, as a representative of the Minister for Cultural Heritage and Activities.
From 2007 to 2015, for two consecutive terms, he was President of the Fondazione del Teatro Stabile di Torino.
Since 19 November 2012, he has been President of the Fondazione Museo delle Antichità Egizie di Torino.
From 30 September 2013 to 31 March 2016 he is a member of the Board of Directors of Banca Carige S.p.A. in Genoa. From 8 October 2015 to 8 October 2018, she was President of Enit (Italian National Tourism Agency).
Since April 2016 she has been appointed as a member of the Board of Directors of Banca Cariparma Credit Agricole
Since July 2016 she has been appointed as a member of the Study Commission on risk profiles in football of the FIGC and international advisor to the President.
Since 14 September 2016 she is appointed as UEFA's female representative to the FIFA Council. Since 2017 she is Vice President of the FIFA Commission 'Football Stakeholders'.
Since 19 October 2018 she has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Milan & Partners Association.
Since 30 April 2019, she is appointed Chairman of the Remuneration Committee of Banca Crédit Agricole.
Since 19 November 2020, she has been appointed Chairman of the Steering Committee of Genoa The Grand Finale, the final leg of the round-the-world sailing race The Ocean Race 2022-23.
Since 13 February 2021, she has been a member of the operational core of the Technical Table for the protection of minors in the world of sport set up by the Department for Sport.
Since April 2022 he has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Teatro Stabile della Città di Napoli.
Editorial work and publications
Evelina Christillin is the author of two books:
Poveri malati, storie di vita quotidiana in un ospedale di antico regime: il San Giovanni Battista di Torino nel secolo XVIII, Paravia, 1994.
(with Christian Greco) Le memorie del futuro. Musei e ricerca, Einaudi, 2021
Awards and prizes
She was awarded, among other recognitions, in June 2002 with the CONI's Stella d'Oro al Merito Sportivo; in March 2006 with the Collare d'oro Olimpico award; in November 2016 with the Premio Torinese dell'anno; in October 2018 with the Stella al Merito Sociale from the Municipality of Milan; in June 2023 as Cavaliere di Gran Croce from the Presidency of the Italian Republic.
Competences: Gender Discrimination in Sport, Grassroots Sport Activities
Keywords: countering gender-based violence in sport, countering gender discrimination in sport, rights and diversity in sport, sport and integration, sports for all, value of differences in sport, women in sport
Region: Emilia-Romagna
Head of Gender Policies and Rights and Coordinator of Associative policies at UISP (Italian Union Sport for All) Aps (Social Promotion Association).
Head of Policies UISP Aps Regional Committee Emilia-Romagna.
Professional career
Committed to grassroots associations from a very young age, Manuela Claysset began her career in the UISP of Ferrara in the late 1980s. In 1990, she collaborated in the organisation of the UISP National Women's Assembly and began to deal with gender and rights issues, until becoming responsible for UISP Gender Policies. In this role, she initiates collaborations with several Associations, for projects on combating violence against women and for LGBT+ rights.
Over the years, she is responsible for and coordinates numerous social, environmental and sports projects at national and regional level, including: Differences, a national project to combat violence against women aimed at high school students, in collaboration with the Dire Network (Women in Network against Violence), Differences in Play. Sport Libera Tutt*, a regional project (Emilia Romagna) for a sport increasingly attentive to body language and respect.
Editorial work and publications
(2018) Claysset, Manuela. "Sport e contrasto alle discriminazioni di Genere: l'esperienza della UISP", in Università degli Studi di Ferrara. Bilancio di genere 2017.
(2018) Claysset, Manuela. " I Diritti nello Sport per le persone LGBTI: l'esperienza della UISP", in Francesca Muzzi. Giochiamo anche noi. L'Italia del calcio gay. Roma: Ultra, pp. 125-129
(2017) (con Giuliana e Paolo Valerio) (a cura di). Terzo tempo. Fair play. I valori dello sport per il contrasto all'omofobia e transfobia. Milano: Mimesis.
Competences: Grassroots Sport Activities, International and National Project Management in sports, Sports Event Management
Keywords: fight against homobitransphobia, international sport events, LGBT+ people's rights, rights and diversity in sport, sexism, sport against discrimination, sport and integration, sports for all, value of differences in sport
Region: Lazio
Head of National Policy for Interculturality and Cooperation at the UISP (Italian Union Sport for All).
Head of Training department for UISP Roma e UISP Lazio.
Professional career
After graduating in Sociology from Rome's La Sapienza University, from 1996 to 2000 she collaborated with the Department of Sociology in various research projects on the social value of sport.
Since 1995 at UISP (Italian Unione Sport for All) APS Association for Social Promotion), where she became national councillor in 2009, continuing in this role to this day.
From 2021 to today she sits on the international board of ISCA (International Sport and Culture Association).
From 1999 to 2015 she sat on the international board of the FARE network (Footbal Against Racism in Europe).
Since 2011 she has been a member of the European Union Expert Group and from 2020 to 2022 she is an evaluator for projects in the Erasmus+ sport programme.
Editorial work and publications
(2022) Toolkit Sentry Sport – Sentry Sport Project.
(2021) Toolkit Riconoscere le discriminazioni, educare all’uguaglianza – Pinocchio Project.
(2018) Implementation Guide for Integration of Refugees through Sport – IRTS Project.
(2018)Methodological Guide SportAntenne – SportAntenne Project.
(2012) Methodological Guide Social Inclusion through sport: a possible model– Mimosa Project.
(2015) Methodological Guide Il Calciastorie. Storie di Integrazione dal profondo del calcio – Il Calciastorie Project.
(2011) European Chart of Womens 'Right in Sport' – Olympia EU Project.
(2004) (with Gianluca Verde) Calcio contro il Razzismo in “Calciopolitiche”, Quaderni di Sociologia Vol. XLVIII, 2004, 34, Rosemberg & Sellier, Torino
(1999) (with Nicola Porro e Giulio Bizzaglia) The sports system and sports organizations in Italy, in Klaus Heinemann (ed.) "Sport Clubs in Various European Countries" Schattauer, Colonia.
(1997) A paradigm in evolution: ‘multiple identities’ of tennis. A research concerning the clubs of Rome and its surroundings” in P. De Nardis, A. Mussino, N. Porro (eds) “Sport: Social Problems, Social Movements”, SEAM, Roma.
(1997) Un paradigma in evoluzione, in “Sport & Loisir”, n° 2-3, SEAM, Roma.
Director of the Local Organization of Italy NOC (National Olympic Committee).
Professional career
Cecilia D'Angelo began her career at CONI in 1991, first as head of the school sector and then as head of the technical sector. From 1993 to 1997 she was in charge of the didactics, research and teaching sector of CONI's School of Sport, also taking care of the organisation and teaching of courses for physical trainers at the Rebibbia prison. In 1997, she was appointed by MURST (Ministry of Education, Universities, Scientific and Technological Research) as an expert in the Commission for the Transformation of Higher Institutes of Physical Education (ISEF) into Degree Courses and Faculties of Motor Sciences, pursuant to Law no. 127/97. From 1998 to 2001 she was seconded by CONI to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Cabinet of the Minister for Equal Opportunities as a consultant for Sport. From 2001 to 2008 she was seconded by CONI to the Municipality of Rome as an expert consultant for the municipality's sports policies and for relations with CONI and the National Sports Federations, in the position of chief of staff to the Mayor's sports delegate. From 2009 to 2010 she was director at the Lazio Region as head of the Agensport structure, the regional sports agency. From 2010 to 2014 she is general secretary of the Italian Badminton Federation. In 2014 she became Head of the Territory and Promotion area at CONI, a role she still holds today.
Editorial work and publications
(2022) "Città in movimento per riavvicinarsi", in Tiziana Ferrante e Fabrizio Tucci (a cura di) BASES. Benessere ambiente sostenibilità energia salute. Programmare e progettare nella transizione. Milano: Franco Angeli, pp. 137-142.
Awards and prizes
2010 Women's Sport Award.
Researcher and Assistant Professor at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan. Sport. Psyhologist
Professional career
Chiara D'Angelo obtained her PhD in 2010, discussing a thesis entitled 'Exploring and accompanying adult identity at work within organisational contexts. The youth sector coach'. In the same year she began her academic career at the Faculty of Psychology of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, where she currently teaches Psychology of Work and Organisations and Methods and Techniques of Working with Groups and Organisations. Since 2010, she has been teaching coordinator of the Master's Degree Course 'Sport and Psychosocial Intervention' at the same University.
Scientific results
Since 2007, he has been coordinating projects in the field of sport on various topics: training of sport professionals (coaches, sport managers, sport psychologists, former elite athletes), quality of Youth Sector (with a particular focus on the theme of Talent Development and career transitions in youth sport), evaluation and monitoring of national and international development projects that uses sport as tool of social inclusion.
Editorial work and publications
Corvino, C., Martinez-Damia, S., Belluzzi, M., Marzana, D., D’Angelo, C. (2023). “Even Though We Have Different Colors, We Are All Equal Here”: Immigrants building a sense of community and wellbeing through sport participation. Journal of Community Psychology, 1-18, https://doi.org/10.1002/jcop.22897
Signorini, G., Scurati, R., D'Angelo, C., Rigon, M., & Invernizzi, P. L. (2022). Enhancing motivation and psychological wellbeing in the workplace through conscious physical activity: Suggestions from a qualitative study examining workers' experience. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 7330.
Gorli, M.; D’Angelo, C.; Corvino, C. (2022). Innovation, Participation and Tutoring as Key-Leverages to Sustain Well-Being at School. Sustainability, 14, 5622. https:// doi.org/10.3390/su14095622
D’Angelo, C.; Gazzaroli, D.; Corvino, C.; Gozzoli, C. (2022). Changes and Challenges in Human Resources Management: An Analysis of Human Resources Roles in a Bank Context (after COVID-19). Sustainability, 14,4847. https://doi.org/10.3390/ su14084847
Corvino, C., Gazzaroli, D., D’Angelo, C. (2022). Dialogic evaluation and inter-organizational learning: insights from two multi-stakeholder initiatives in sport for development and peace, Learning Organization, DOI 10.1108/TLO-07-2021-0078
Alfieri, S., Marzana, D., D’Angelo, C., Corvino, C. Gozzoli, C. & Marta, E. (2021): Engagement of young immigrants: The impact of prosocial and recreational activities, Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community, DOI: 10.1080/10852352.2021.1935199
D’Angelo, C., Corvino,C., Gozzoli, C. (2021). The Challenges of Promoting Social Inclusion through Sport: The Experience of a Sport- Based Initiative in Italy. Societies, 11,44. https://doi.org/10.3390/ soc11020044
Reverberi E, Gozzoli C, D’Angelo C, Lanz M and Sorgente A (2021) The Self-Regulation of Learning – Self-Report Scale for Sport Practice: Validation of an Italian Version for Football. Front. Psychol. 12:604852. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.604852
Gazzaroli D, D’Angelo C & Corvino C (2020) Home-Care Workers’ Representations of Their Role and Competences: A Diaphanous Profession. Front. Psychol. 11:581399. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.581399
D’Angelo, C., Gazzaroli, D., Gozzoli, C. (2020), Organisational Welfare in Italian SMEs: The Process of Valorising Human Resources. Sustainability, 12, 9318; doi:10.3390/su12229318
Reverberi E, D’Angelo C, Littlewood MA and Gozzoli C. (2020), Youth Football Players’ Psychological Well-Being: The Key Role of Relationships. Front. Psychol. 11:567776. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.567776
D’Angelo C., Corvino C., Cianci, E., Gozzoli, C. (2020), Sport for Vulnerable Youth: The Role of Multi-Professional Groups in Sustaining Intersectoral Collaboration, Social Inclusion, 8(3), p. 129–138, DOI: 10.17645/si.v8i3.2745
D’Angelo, C., Corvino, C., De Leo, A., & Sanchez Martín, R. (2019). How can performing arts and urban sport enhance social inclusion and interculturalism in the public space?, Comunicazioni sociali, (1), 142-155.
Thomas, W. E., Brown, R., Easterbrook, M. J., Vignoles, V. L., Manzi, C., D'Angelo, C., & Holt, J. J. (2019). Team‐level identification predicts perceived and actual team performance: Longitudinal multilevel analyses with sports teams. British Journal of Social Psychology, 58(2), 473-492.
D'Angelo, C., Gozzoli, C., Gazzaroli ,D. & Mezzanotte, D. (2018): New custodial cultures. Experiences and consequences on prison police's well-being, World Futures, 74(6), 360-378. DOI: 10.1080/02604027.2018.1445908
Gozzoli, C., D’Angelo, C., & Tamanza, G. (2018). Training And Resistance to Change: Work with a Group of Prison Guards. World Futures, 74(6), 426-449. DOI: 10.1080/02604027.2018.1485420
Thomas, W.E, Brown, R., Gozzoli, C., Easterbrook, M.J., Vignoles, V.L., Manzi, C., D’Angelo, C. & Holt, J.J. (2018). Team-level identification predicts perceived and actual team performance: Longitudinal multilevel analyses with sports teams. British Journal of Social Psychology,
Gazzaroli, D., D’Angelo, C. (2018). Who Cares for Those Who Take Care? Risks and Resources of Work in Care Homes. Front. Psychol.9:314. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00314.
Former athlete, champion golfer.
Professional career
Federica Dassù started playing golf in the national team in 1970. In 1983 she turned professional, the first in Italy with one year in America and 20 years on the European Tour (LET) where she won 6 tournaments, the only Italian woman. From 1993 to 2004 she directed the national women's amateur team as technical director. From 2004 to 2008 she directed the national women's professional team. Since 2008 she has been head coach at Circolo Golf Ugolino (Impruneta, Florence).
Awards and prizes
Federica Dassù is Bronze Medal of Sports Merit.
In 2016 she won the Golden Sower Award for Circolo Ugolino, as best youth activity.
In 2020 she receives the Menarini International Fair Play Award.
Professor of Childhood and Family Pedagogy and of Philosophy of Education and Affectivity and Sexuality Education at the University of Bologna.
Professional career
Silvia Demozzi is a PhD in Pedagogy and Associate Professor in General and Social Pedagogy and Philosophy of Education at the Department of Educational Sciences, University of Bologna.
At the same Univeristy she is a lecturer in Philosophy of Education, Childhood Pedagogy, Affectivity Sexual Education at the Department of Educational Sciences and lecturer in Sexology for the Degree Course in Obstetrics.
Scientific results
Her research concerns, on the theoretical reflection front, complexity theories and, in particular, the construction of knowledge and Gregory Bateson's thought (on which she wrote the monograph "La struttura che connette. Gregory Bateson in education" ETS, 2011, winner of the first Italian prize of the SIPED Pedagogy Society). She is also a scholar of Childhood Pedagogy with a particular interest in the theme of the protection and safeguarding of children's rights, the risks associated with the phenomenon of adultisation and the use of philosophical enquiry practices to train children in critical, creative and ethical thinking.
She deals with education on relationships, affectivity and sexuality, with a view to valuing differences with a view to inclusion and empowerment.
On the empirical research front, her interests have centred around the themes of educational and health care for children, the alliance between schools and families and, currently, the themes of media exposure of minors by parents (spectacularization, "showcasing", sharenting). On these topics, in 2013 she produced, together with Mariagrazia Contini, the video-documentary "Corpi Bambini/Sprechi di Infanzia" (www.corpibambini.wordpress.it) and in 2016, she published (again together with Mariagrazia Contini) a volume with the same title for FrancoAngeli. In 2016, she also published the monograph 'L'infanzia inattuale. Why girls and boys have the right to respect'.
Due to her expertise, she is often called upon in sports to conduct training activities on the topics of body pedagogy and gender pedagogy.
Editorial work and publications
[2022] Demozzi S. La grande domanda. Quando l'infanzia interroga l'esistenza. Brescia: Editrice Morcelliana Scholé.
[2022] Demozzi S, Chieregato N, Magliocchetti, C. «”Padri in uniforme” Il paradosso di una (nuova) genitorialità in cerca di ascolto». Studium Educationis, 23: 4 – 14.
[2021] Demozzi S. Contesti per pensare. Riflessioni su pedagogia, indagine filosofica e comunità di ricerca. Milano: Franco Angeli.
[2021] Cino D, Gigli A, Demozzi S. «That’s the only place where you can get this information today! An exploratory study on Parenting WhatsApp Groups with a sample of Italian parents». Studi sulla formazione, 24: 75 – 96.
[2021] Demozzi S. «Vecchi temi per nuovi scenari. Infanzia e dolore ai tempi della sindrome Covid-19», in Alessandra Gigli (a cura di) Oltre l’emergenza. Sguardi pedagogici su infanzia, famiglie, servizi educativi e scolastici nel Covid-19. Bergamo: Edizioni Junior, 94 – 103.
[2020] Cino C, Demozzi S, Subrahmanyam K. «Why post more pictures if no one is looking at them? Parents’ perception of the Facebook Like in sharenting». The Communication Review, Agosto 5: 1 – 23.
[2019] S.Demozzi, «I bambini “giocano grande”?», in Andrea Bobbio e Anna Bondioli (a cura di) Gioco e infanzia. Teorie e scenari educativi. Roma: Carocci, 103 – 126.
[2019] S. Demozzi, «Tutto troppo presto. L’adultizzazione come nuova forma di violenza all’infanzia», in: Ombre e ferite dell’educazione. Violenza e maltrattamento sui minorenni. Milano: Franco Angeli, 74 – 86.
[2017] Cino, D.; Demozzi, S., «”Figli in vetrina”. Il fenomeno dello sharenting in un’indagine esplorativa». Rivista italiana di educazione familiare, 12: 153 – 184.
[2016] D. Silvia, L'infanzia "inattuale". Perché le bambine e i bambini hanno diritto al rispetto. Bergamo: Edizioni Junior, 1-151.
[2012] Demozzi S. «Infanzie figlie della crisi. Quando una società non si allea con i più piccoli: povertà culturale e spettacolarizzazione», in Mariagrazia Contini (a cura di) Dis-alleanze nei contesti educativi. Roma: Carocci, 77 – 90.
[2011] Demozzi S. La struttura che connette. Gregory Bateson in educazione. Pisa: ETS.
Awards and prizes
First Italian prize of the SIPED Pedagogy Society for the monograph La struttura che connette. Gregory Bateson in educazione('The pattern which connects Structure. Gregory Bateson in education). Pisa: ETS, 2011
Professional career
Graduated cum laude in Economics and Commerce, she obtained a PhD in Economics of Companies and Financial Intermediaries. She served as Researcher and then she became Associate Professor of Business Economics at the University of Teramo. She is qualified to the role of Full Professor in the same disciplinary sector. She presides over the master's degree course in Administrative Sciences at the University of Teramo. At the same University she teaches courses in business economics, management and accounting. She is the author of publications of international relevance in the aforementioned disciplinary fields.
Scientific results
Tiziana Di Cimbrini is the Italian partner of the project "Corporate governance in sports organizations: a gender approach" funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union, in which the following universities participate: University of Minho, Portugal; University of Teramo; Italy; University of Leicester, UK; Sakarya University, Turkey; and University of Zaragoza; Spain). in addition, she is Lecturer and member of the Scientific Council of the first level Master in Communication and Policies for Sport, of the University of Teramo.
Editorial work and publications
Tiziana Di Cimbrini is Member of the Editorial Board of the following scientific journals: Accounting History; Journal of Modern Accounting and Accountability; Journal of Finance and Accounting
She is ad hoc reviewer for the scientific journals Qualitative Research on Accounting and Management; European Accounting Review; Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal; Accounting History Review; British Accounting Review; Contabilità e Cultura Aziendale, and Scientific Director of ESSERE, cultural periodical of the “Eric Fromm” Study Center.
Tiziana Di Cimbrini is also the author of numerous scientific publications. Below is a selection.
(2022) Boffa D, Di Cimbrini T, Prencipe A, Corsi C, Institutional context and corporate governance composition in gender-stereotyped sport organizations. Evidence from Italy in M.L. Esteban Salvador, G. Güngör Göksu T. Di Cimbrini, E. Fernandes, Multidisciplinary perspectives on equality and diversity in sports ; 1ª ed., Universidad de Zaragoza Teruel.
(2022) Esteban Salvador ML, Güngör Göksu G, Di Cimbrini T, Fernandes E, Multidisciplinary perspectives on equality and diversity in sports; 1ª ed., Universidad de Zaragoza Teruel.
(2022) Esteban Salvador ML, Di Cimbrini T, Fernandes E, Güngör Göksu G, Smith C, Corporate governance in sports organizations: A gendered approach. Final report 2022; 1ª ed., Servicio de Publicaciones Universidad de Zaragoza Teruel.
(2022) Esteban Salvador ML, Güngör Göksu G, Fernandes E, Di Cimbrini T, Jones R, Analysis of gender equality policies on the boards of directors of national sports federations: An exploratory analysis: survey report; 1ª ed., Servicio de Publicaciones Universidad de Zaragoza Teruel.
(2022) Esteban Salvador ML, Fernandes E, Di Cimbrini T, Güngör Göksu G, Jones R, Women and National Sport Governance: a European Approach interviews guide; 1ª ed., Servicio de Publicaciones Universidad de Zaragoza Teruel.
(2020) Esteban L, Fernandes E, Smith , Goksu G, Di Cimbrini T, Exploring the presence of women in the national governing bodies of sports federations in 5 European countries, in B. DELL'ABATE ÇELEBI, Y. AĞAOĞLU (eds), The book of abstract of the 1st International World Women Conference, 16 marzo 2020, Ankara (Turchia).
(2019) Di Cimbrini T., Corporate governance in the Italian sports federations: a gender perspective, , in T. Di Cimbrini, M.L. Esteban Salvador, E. Fernandes, G. Güngör Göksu, C. Smith, Corporate governance in sport organizations: a gender perspective, Servicio de Publicaciones. Universidad de Zaragoza, Teruel.
(2019) Di Cimbrini T, Esteban Salvador ML, Fernandes E, Güngör Göksu G, Smith C, Corporate governance in sport organizations: a gender perspective, Servicio de Publicaciones. Universidad de Zaragoza, Teruel, 2019.
Awards and prizes
Best Paper Award AIDEA-Youth 2008 of the Italian Academy of Business Economics / youth section.
Best Paper Award "Albero Bisaschi" 2018 of the Italian Society of the History of Accounting.
Associate Professor in Methods and Didactics of Motor Activities at the University of Enna 'Kore'.
Professional career
Donatella Di Corrado graduated in Philosophy from the University of Catania, discussing a thesis entitled "Quality of Life in chronic illnesses" at the Institute of Psychology in collaboration with the Institute of Internal Medicine at the Vittorio Emanuele Hospital. She was awarded a six-month scholarship in the subject area of 'Historical, Philosophical, Pedagogical and Psychological Sciences', to attend postgraduate courses at foreign university-level institutions in the USA (2000-2001). She attended the Ramapo College of New Jersey, Mahwah (U.S.A.), the Institute of Psychology at Keene State College (U.S.A.) and the Department of Psychology at Stanford University, California (U.S.A.) in collaboration with Professor Albert Bandura. She carried out research activities at the Institute of Internal Medicine and Medical Therapy of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery and at the Institute of Gynaecology at the University of Catania.
In February 2006, she obtained a PhD at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Catania and after 12 years of research activity, in 2018 she became Associate Professor for the Scientific Disciplinary Sector M-EDF/01, Methods and Didactics of Motor Activities, at the University of Enna "Kore", where since 2021 she has been Coordinator of the Master's Degree Course in Sciences and Techniques of Preventive and Adapted Motor Activities.
Scientific results
Donatela Di Corrado's research activity focuses on imagery, mood states, human perception, emotions, health and attention in sport. She currently carries out research activities at the Chair of Psychology of the Faculty of Education, University of Catania, the Department of Physiology of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Catania, the Faculty of Psychology, University of Trieste, the Faculty of Psychology, University of Naples Federico II and the Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin.
Since 2019, she has been Scientific Responsible on behalf of the Department of Sciences of Man and Society (KORE University of Enna) of the Joint Research Programme entitled "Sport: motor, physiological and psychological aspects" within the Framework Convention with the Department of Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences (University of Catania), the Department of Neuroscience Biomedicine and Movement (University of Verona) and the Department of Psychology (University of Wisconsin-La Crosse).
Editorial work and publications
Donatella Di Corrado is a Member of the Reviewer Board of the journals Life Span and Disability and Healthcare, she is Associate Editor for the journals Movement Science and Sport Psychology (Frontiers in Psychology and Frontiers in Sports and Active Living) and Exercise Medicine.
She has authored numerous scientific publications. Below are the most recent ones:
2022 Di Corrado D., Muzii B., Magnano P., Coco M., La Paglia R., Maldonato N.M. The moderated mediating effect of Hope, Self-efficacy and Resilience in the relationship between Post-Traumatic Growth and Mental Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Healthcare, 10, 1091.
2022 Pirrone C., Varrasi S., Privitera A., Castellano S., Di Corrado D. Students’ mathematics anxiety at distance and in-person learning conditions during COVID-19 pandemic: Are there any differences? An exploratory study. Education Sciences, 12:379-389.
2022 Tušak M., Di Corrado D., Coco M., Tušak M., Žilavec I., Masten R. Dynamic Interactive Model of Sport Motivation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 4202.
2022 Vitali F., Bisagno E., Coco M., Cadamuro A., Maldonato N.M., Di Corrado D. A Moderated Mediation Analysis of the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Well-Being and Sport Readiness of Italian Team Sports Players: The Role of Perceived Safety of the Training Environment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 2764.
2021 Castellano S., Rizzotto A., Neri S., Currenti W., Guerrera C.S., Pirrone C., Coco M., Di Corrado D. The relationship between body dissatisfaction and eating disorder symptoms in young women aspiring fashion models: The mediating role of stress. Journal European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education, 11:607–615.
2021 Di Nuovo S., Di Corrado D., Magnano P. Decent work and hope for the future among young migrants. Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community. doi: 10.1080/10852352.2021.1935198.
2021 Di Corrado D., Coco M., Guarnera M., Maldonato N.M., Quartiroli A., Magnano P.
The influence of self-efficacy and locus of control on body image: A path-analysis in aspiring fashion models, athletes and students. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (11):6128.
2021 Coco M., Di Corrado D., Cirillo F., Iacono C., Perciavalle V., Buscemi A. Effects of General Fatigue Induced by Exhaustive Exercise on Posture and Gait Stability of Healthy Young Men. Behavioral Sciences, 11(5):72.
2021 Di Corrado D., Buscemi A., Magnano P., Maldonato N.M., Tusak M., Coco M. Mood States and Performance in Elite Canoe Polo Players: The Mediating Role of Stress. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; 18(9):4494.
2021 Di Corrado D., Quartiroli A., Coco M. Editorial: Psychological and Motor Associations in Sports Performance: A Mental Approach to Sports. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:629944.
2020 Di Corrado D., Magnano P., Muzii B., Coco M., Guarnera M., De Lucia S., Maldonato N.M. Effects of social distancing on psychological state and physical activity routines during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sport Science for Health, 16(4):619–624.
2020 Di Corrado D., Guarnera M., Guerrera C.S., Maldonato N.M., Di Nuovo S., Castellano S., Coco M. Mental Imagery Skills in Competitive Young Athletes and Non-athletes. Frontiers in Psychology, 11(633).
2019 Coco M., Buscemi A., Perciavalle V., Maci T., Galvano G., Scavone A.M.F., Perciavalle V., Di Corrado D.Cognitive Deficits and White Matter Alterations in Highly Trained Scuba Divers. Frontiers Psychology; 10:2376.
2019 Di Corrado D., Guarnera M., Vitali F., Quartiroli A., Coco M. Imagery ability of elite level athletes from individual vs. team and contact vs. no-contact sports. PeerJ, 7:e6940.
Assistant Professor in Sport Sciences at University of Cassino and Southern Lazio.
Professional career
After a master's degree in "Science and Techniques of Preventive and Adaptive Motor Activities", that she obtained, with honors, at the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Liliana Falese delved into Sport Management topics with a Master in "Sports Strategies and Business" organized by the Cà Foscari University of Venice in collaboration with Verdesport, Benetton Group, Treviso.
This path allowed her to work in the organization of several international sports events working for the Italian Volleyball Federation, covering the roles of Event Manager, Facility Manager, Marketing and Promotion Manager. In 2009 she obtained a PhD in "Sports and Health Sciences" at the University of Rome "Foro Italico" and in 2011 she became assistant professor with permanent contract at the University of Cassino, where she still works with research and teaching assignments, at the Department of Human, Social and Health Sciences and in the Laboratory of Epidemiology and Active Lifestyles.
Scientific results
Lavinia Falese carries out research on physical activities, with a particular interest in identifying potential mediators of physical activity and health.
In particular, her research activities have focused on social inequalities in the practice of physical activity and on the psychological aspects that can influence the practice of physical activity, sports performance and health behaviors.
On going research include topics such as: impact of sports events and sports tourism; well-being, safety and hygiene of sports facilities; use of technology in fitness; improvement of sleep quality in elite athletes; lifestyles of adolescents; well-being in the workplace.
Editorial work and publications
She is Guest Editor for the Special Issue ”Sport Science, Physical Activity Promotion, and Public Health” in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) as well as reviewer for several international journals with Impact Factor.
She is author of several publications in international scientific journals with impact factors including:
[2022] Diotaiuti P, Valente G, Mancone S, Falese L, Corrado S, Siqueira TC, Andrade A. Psychoeducational Intervention in Prenatal Classes: Positive Effects on Anxiety, Self-Efficacy, and Temporal Focus in Birth Attendants. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(13), 7904.
[2022] Ferrara M, Langiano E, Falese L, Diotaiuti P, Cortis C, De Vito E. Changes in Physical Activity Levels and Eating Behaviours during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Sociodemographic Analysis in University Students. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(9), 5550.
[2022] Diotaiuti P, Corrado S, Mancone S, Palombo M, Rodio A, Falese L, Andrade A. Both Gender and Agonistic Experience Affect Perceived Pain during the Cold Pressor Test. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(4), 2336.
[2022] D Oliveira A, De Souza LC, Langiano E, Falese L, Diotaiuti P, Vilarino GT, Andrade, A. Home Physical Exercise Protocol for Older Adults, Applied Remotely During The Covid-19 Pandemic: Protocol for Randomized and Controlled Trial. Frontiers in Psychology, 182.
[2021] Ferrara M, Langiano E, Falese L, De Marco A, De Vito E. Quality of Life and Psychosocial Impacts of the Different Restrictive Measures during One Year into the COVID-19 Pandemic on Patients with Cancer in Italy: An Ecological Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(13), 7161.
[2021] Falese L, Federico B, Kunst AE. et al. The association between socioeconomic position and vigorous physical activity among adolescents: a cross-sectional study in six European cities. BMC Public Health 21, 866.
[2021] Diotaiuti P, Corrado S, Mancone S, Falese L. Resilience in the Endurance Runner: The Role of Self-Regulatory Modes and Basic Psychological Needs. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 3723.
[2020] Diotaiuti P, Falese L, Mancone S, Corrado S, Mallia L, Zelli A, Lucidi, F. Psychometric Properties and Reliability of the Referee Self-Efficacy Scale (REFS) in Volleyball Referees. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(22), 8423.
[2019] Rodríguez-Negro J, Falese L, Yanci J. Effects of different balance interventions for primary school students. The Journal of Educational Research, 112(6), 656-662
[2016] Falese L, Della Valle P, Federico B. Epidemiology of football (soccer) injuries in the 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 seasons of the Italian Serie A. Res Sports Med. 29:1-7.
[2012] Federico B, Falese L, Marandola D, Capelli G. Socioeconomic differences in sport and physical activity among Italian adults. Journal of Sports Sciences; 31(4):451-458.
[2009] Federico B, Falese L, Capelli G. Individual, parental and environmental determinants of regular physical activity in Italian children and adolescents. J Public Health, Springer.17:377-387.
The full list of publications is available on Scopus.
Awards and prizes
In 2010 she won the “Assicurazioni Generali award” for the most successful ex student, one year after the Master in Sport Business Strategy.
Responsible Gender Equality Policy of UISP(Unione Italiana Sport per Tutti /Sport for All Association), Veneto
Professional career
fter classical studies, Valeria Frigerio began her career as President of the Unione Italiana Sport per Tutti (UISP), of the Veneto region. In 1985 she was part of the group that drafted the 'Charter of Women's Rights in Sport', and in the following years she took part in the organisation of activities to promote, update and develop the Charter: 2011 European Charter, Eu Olympia Project, 2017 ENWOSP Comics Charter.
In the course of her career, she followed several campaigns to promote sport for all and health (e.g., the "Diamoci una mossa" project, food and exercise education for primary school children) and participated in the Uisp National working group for the drafting of the manifesto for correct information on women's sport, produced by UISP, in collaboration with the Giulia Giornaliste association.
Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Department of Psychology, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. Head of the Exercise & Sport Science Laboratory, Exercise and Sport Science Degree Course, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.
Professional career
After obtaining her Diploma in Physical Education at the Higher Institute of Physical Education of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, she obtained her Licence at the U.F.R. (Unité de Formation et de Recherche) S.T.A.P. S. (Science et Technique des Activités Physiques et Sportives) in Nice (France) and the Diplôme d'Etude Approfondie in S.T.A.P.S. (Science et Technique des Activités Physiques et Sportives) at the University of Marseille (France). In 2008 she obtained a PhD in S.T.A.P.S (Science et Technique des Activités Physiques et Sportives) at the University of Rennes2.
From 1996 to 2002, she worked at Technogym's "Study and Research Centre" developing products, training protocols and research protocols.
In 2002, she began her academic career as a researcher and then Associate Professor at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan.
Editorial work and publications
(2012) Raffaelli C, Galvani C, Lanza M, Zamparo P. Different methods for monitoring intensity during water-based aerobic exercises. Eur J Appl Physiol, 112(1):125-34.
(2013) Galvani C, Bruseghini P, Annoni I, Demarie S, Salvati A, Faina M. Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption after different moderate physical activities in a healthy female population. Medicina dello Sport, 66(2):163-78.
(2013) Alberti M, Galvani C, El Ghoch M, Capelli C, Lanza M, Calugi S, Dalle Grave R. Assessment of Physical Activity in Anorexia Nervosa and Treatment Outcome. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 45(9):1643-8
(2015) Galvani C, Ardigò LP, Alberti M, Daniele F, Capelli C. Physical activity, sleep pattern and energy expenditure in double-handed offshore sailing. J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 55(12):1480-8.
(2017) Ciprandi D, Bertozzi F, Zago M, Ferreira CLP, Boari G, Sforza C, Galvani C. Study of the association between gait variability and physical activity. Eur Rev Aging Phys Act, 15;14:19. doi: 10.1186/s11556-017-0188-0. eCollection 2017.
( 2018) Ciprandi D, Zago M, Bertozzi F, Sforza C, Galvani C. Influence of energy cost and physical fitness on the preferred walking speed and gait variability in elderly women. J Electromyogr Kinesiol, 26;43:1-6.
(2020) Bruseghini P, Tam E, Calabria E, Milanese C, Capelli C, Galvani C. High Intensity Interval Training Does Not Have Compensatory Effects on Physical Activity Levels in Older Adults. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 8;17(3):1083.
(2020) Casolo A, Nuccio S, Tommasini E, Casolo F, Galvani C. Parental influence on children’s cardiometabolic risk factors and cardiorespiratory fitness. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 15(4proc):S1354-S1366.
(2022) Tommasini E, Demarie S, Bruseghini P, Gianfelici A, Galvani C. Physiological and exertional responses of partner dance in elderly. J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 62(5):691-699.
(2022) Tommasini E, Cipriani E, Antonietti A, Galvani C. Correlations Between Physical Activity Level, Quality of Life, and Cognitive Performance in Elderly Individuals Engaging in Multi-Year Dance Activities. J Dance Med Sci, 15;26(1):34-40.
(2022) Pasqualetti M, Onori ME, Canu G, Moretti G, Minucci A, Baroni S, Mordente A, Urbani A, Galvani C. The Relationship between ACE, ACTN3 and MCT1 Genetic Polymorphisms and Athletic Performance in Elite Rugby Union Players: A Preliminary Study. Genes, 13(6):969.
Coordinator of the Women and Sport Commission of the Sports Lawyers Association. Member of the board of the Lombardy regional coordination of the Sports Lawyers Association and member of the board of the Civil Chamber Association and Judge of the III Section of the Federal Court of Appeal of the F.I.G.C.
Professional career
After graduating in Law from the University of Pavia, she qualified as a lawyer (1999) and as a mediator (2010), being registered respectively on the Albo dell'Ordine degli Avvocati di Brescia (Brescia Bar Association Register) and on the Albo della Camera di Conciliazione dell'Ordine degli Avvocati di Brescia (Brescia Bar Association Conciliation Chamber Register). In 2012 she starts a path of specialisation in sports justice, participating in numerous academic and professional courses, and gender/equal opportunity issues. In 2018, she was elected and then appointed President of the Equal Opportunities Committee Bar Association of Brescia, a position she will hold until September 2020. In 2019 she is the most voted in the election of the Council of the Bar Association of Brescia, in 2020 she joins the Women and Sport Commission of the Italian Sport Lawyers Association and the Sport & Disability Commission of the Italian Sport Lawyers Association. Since 2021 she has been a Member of the Federal Court of Appeal III section F.I.G.C. Since 2023 she has been President of the CPO (Copitato Pari Opportunità/Equal Opportunities Committee) of the Order of Lawyers of Brescia.
Suffering from multiple sclerosis since 2006, in 2014 she started to practice running and, in 2018, she managed to rank at the FISPES (Italian Federation of Paralympic Sports) level in the T38 category. In the same year she participated in the Italian Paralympic Championships in Nembro, becoming Italian champion in the 1500 metres and also in the 800 metres, a distance over which she obtained the Italian record.
On 9 February 2020, she became Italian Paralympic champion in the half marathon during the Italian Paralympic Championships held in Barletta (BA). In July 2021, she took part in the Italian Paralympic Championships in Concesio (BS) and won the Italian Paralympic title in the T38 category in the 400 and 800 metres. In April 2022 at the Paralympic Absolute Italian Championships held in Ancona, he won three Italian titles, namely in the shot put, 200 and 400 metres, again in the T38 category.
Editorial work and publications
Maria Luisa Garatti has authored 2 books:
(with Rubens Noviello) Sua Maestà: correre al di là della sclerosi multipla. Marco Serra Tarantola, 2019.
(with Maurizio Folli and Elena Pisani) Speriamo sia un pareggio. Le donne, la riforma dello sport, la sfida al cambiamento. Geo Edizioni, 2021.
Competences: Gender Equality, History of Sports, Leadership in Sports, Mountain Sports, Skiing, Sport and Youth, Sport Communication, Sport Management, Sports Tourism, Winter Sports
Keywords: CONI (Comitato Olimpico Nazionale Italiano/Italian National Olympic Committee), Milano Cortina 2026, Olympic Games, Olympics, Olympic Values, Paris 2024, sports training courses, women in sport
Region: Lombardy
Former athlete, Nordic skiing champion. Vice President of CONI (Italian National Olympic Committee) and Milan Metropolitan City Delegate.
Professional career
Alpine skier, Italian athlete until 1981, won the silver medal at the Innsbruck Olympics in 1976. Her palmares includes 14 national titles and the gold medal at the Universiade in Jaca in 1981.
An Alpine ski instructor since 1976 and a national and international judge since 1981, after her competitive career she is an entrepreneur and consultant in the field of communications. She deals with public and media relations, follows and works for international sports events, for institutions, companies, organisations, developing projects aimed at different target audiences. To date, she has gathered experience in various roles in 26 editions of the Summer and Winter Olympic Games.
Sports manager since 2010 and Founding Member of the SML Sport Management Leadership Association. Translator and lecturer in University Masters and CONI School of Sport. Cesvi Volunteer. Since 2018 she has been Vice President of the Milan, Lodi, Monza Brianza Provincial Committee of FISI (Italian Winter Sports Federation). Since 2021 she has been Vice President of CONI and Milan metropolitan city delegate since 2013.
Editorial work and publications
Claudia Giordani is the author of the book dedicated to the memory of her father: Quando il basket era il Jordan. Aldo Giordani vent'anni dopo, Libreria dello Sport 2013.
Awards and prizes
1977, 'Cavaliere Ordine al merito sportivo' Italian Republic.
2013, Bronze Star for sporting merit.
2021, Gold Star for sporting merit.
Former athlete, canoe champion. Didactic coordinator of in-house training for the youth and school sector at FGCI (Federazione Gioco Calcio Italiana) and lecturer at FGCI's Coverciano technical sector.
Professional career
Iosefa Idem has a long career as an Olympic athlete, as a canoeist. From 1984 to 2012 she participated in 8 Olympic Games, winning 1 gold, 2 silver and 2 bronze medals. She is 5 times world champion and 9 times European champion. At the end of her competitive career, she graduated in Work and Organisational Psychology and obtained a master's degree in Sport Psychology. In 2022, she enrolled in the Emilia Romagna Region's register of psychologists and obtained a certificate of Higher Education as a Consultant Expert in Professional Orientation and Career Guidance. Since 2008 she has been active in the field of corporate training, since 2018 she has been collaborating with the youth and school sector and since 2022 she has been a teacher at the technical sector of Coverciano of the Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio.
Her professional career also includes a political interlude: a candidate in the 2013 elections, she was elected to the Senate and from 28 April to 24 June she was Minister for Equal Opportunities, Sport and Youth Policies in the government headed by Enrico Letta.
Editorial work and publications
Josefa Idem has published two autobiographies: Controcorrente (Sperling & Kupfer 2006) and Partiamo dalla fine (Mondadori 2013).
Competences: Beach Handball, Handball, Law in Sport, Leadership in Sports, rights and protections of male and female athletes, Sporting Well-Being
Keywords: athletes' transversal skills, CONI (Comitato Olimpico Nazionale Italiano/Italian National Olympic Committee), dual career in sport, women in sport
Region: Marche
Ex Athlete, handall. Member of the Committee of the National Athletes Commission and President of the FIGH Federal Athletes’ Commission.
Professional career
Cristina Lenardon has been a handball and beach handball athlete for over twenty years.
She began practicing this sport at the age of 10. After graduating, she moved to Ferrara, engaged in the local A1 team, and at the same time she enrolled in the law faculty.
Her sporting career in the next years led her to serve in various clubs in the top league, also participating in the main European cups, and became part of the senior national handball team with which she competed in a University World Cup and two Mediterranean Games.
In 2011 she was appointed captain of the federal team, set up by the Italian Handball Federation in collaboration with the Army's Olympic Sports Center as part of the Olympic project called "Rio 2016", a team with which she played for two seasons, the second one participating to the Slovenian Top League championship.
She also achieved important results in beach handball, competing in various Italian championships (2 Italian titles and 2 second places), 2 Champions Cups and 3 European championships.
In 2013 she graduated in law with a thesis on the topic of the role of administrative judge in sports disciplinary disputes.
After graduating, despite several requests for engagement from Italian and foreign teams, she preferred to give precedence to her "post career" and start practicing as a lawyer, still continuing her sporting activity, albeit at a lower level.
In 2015 she obtained a master's degree in Sport Law & Management with honors and in 2016 she enrolled in the Ancona Bar Association.
Always passionate about athletes' rights, she held various managerial roles: first as federal councilor for athletes (Olympic four-year period 2012-2016), then as President of the Federal Athletes Commission (in office) and as Team Manager of the national beach handball team .
Since 2021 she has been a member of the Committee of the National Athletes Commission at CONI and she contributed to the organization of the first forum of athletes’ representatives ("Stronger Together") which was held in October 2022 in the Coni Hall of Honor and she is still working on a project to increase the federal commissions of athletes to ensure maximum representation of the same within the National Sports Federations, as well as in other initiatives concerning the dual career and the psycho-physical well-being of the athletes.
Since 2023 she has been a speaker at various events and conferences on athletes' rights, dual careers and the transition from sports to work.
She is also a federal coach and currently coaches a team of young women.
Director of the Office Riconoscimento ai fini sportivi - Vigilanza e Registri sportivi of the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI). Head of Corruption Prevention and Transparency of the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI).
Professional career
After graduating in law, she obtained the title of Lawyer and the specialization in sports law and economics. Since 2004 within the Italian National Olympic Committee, she developed his activity at the Legal Assistance and Litigation Office. She was also a member of the Sports Justice Bodies and a part of the Editorial Committee of the Sports Law Review. On behalf of CONI Francesca participates in Working Groups, Commissions and Assemblies of the National Sports Federations. She has held and still holds lectures at universities and other institutes. She currently heads the Office Riconoscimento ai fini sportivi - Vigilanza e Registri sportivi and has assumed the role of Head of the Working Group on aggregations and recognitions, of the Working Group on e-sports and of the Working Group on relations between FSN/DSA-EPS. In 2022 she was appointed CONI's Head of Corruption Prevention and Transparency.
Former athlete, shot put champion.
Professional career
Danielle Frederique Madam began practising athletics in 2011 and in 2014 won her first title as Italian champion of shot-put in the junior category. Originally from Cameroon, she obtained Italian citizenship in 2021, finally being able to wear the Azzurri jersey. In the meantime, she won 5 Italian champion titles (3 federal and 2 university), 5 Italian runner-up titles, 2 bronze medals, 1 absolute bronze, 14 absolute Lombardy regional champion titles.
She graduated in Communication, Innovation, Multimedia at the University of Pavia, and currently works in the field of communication.
From 11 June to 11 July 2021 she will host the TV programme Notti Europee.
Former athlete, fencing champion, foil speciality. Vice-President CONI Lombardy. President A.N.S.Me.S. Milano e Provincia (National Association of Stars, Palms and Golden Collars of Merit of CONI and CIP). President of the Mangiarotti Sword Club.
Professional career
Carola Mangiarotti began her sporting career with foil fencing at the age of 10, following a family tradition. 13 years old, she won the Italian Youth Championship (Rome, 1965). The following year, after being diagnosed with scoliosis in his right hand, he began training with his left hand, losing several years of competitive activity. In 1968, he resumed competitions and competed in the finals of the Italian Championships in the Giovanette and Giovani categories. In 1970, he joined the national under-20 team and in 1973 the absolute national team. He took part in the Olympic Games in Montreal in 1976 and in Moscow in 1980. In both cases, he ranked 5th in the team foil. From 1973 to 1979, he took part in 6 World Absolute Championships and 3 Universiades. Her palmares includes the 1st place in the World Cup Team Competition in Minsk in 1974, the individual bronze medal at the Mediterranean Games in Algiers in 1975, the 4th place at the Martini York International Trophy in New York in 1976, the 3rd place at the Italy Cup in 1977, the 1st place at the Berne Cup in 1979, the year in which she became Italian University Champion and Italian Absolute Foil Team Champion.
After the 1980 Moscow Olympics, she ended her high-level competitive activity and devoted herself to working as a physical education instructor in schools. Although no longer competitive, in 1984 she took part in the Italian Absolute Team Championships and came 2nd. Since 1981, she has directed the Circolo della Spada Mangiarotti, today one of the most important fencing clubs in Italy, with 380 students and around 20 teachers and collaborators. From 1986 to 2017, he was Vice-President of Circolo della Spada Mangiarotti and has been its current President since 2018. In 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016, he organised and chaired the Edoardo Mangiarotti International Prize, which aimed to offer recognition and resonance to young people aged 18 to 30 involved in sport through a Call for Competitions. In 2019, she organised, in collaboration with Gazzetta dello Sport, the event for the centenary of Edoardo Mangiarotti's birth.
In 2021 she was elected Vice-President CONI Lombardy and subsequently also President A.N.S.Me.S. Milano e Provincia (National Association of Stars, Palms and Collars of Gold for Merit of CONI and CIP). In the same year, she was appointed Member of the CONI Lombardy Merit/Honours Commission.
She is a member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Merit of the Municipality and Province of Milan and a member of the Board of Directors of UNVS Milan (National Union of Sports Veterans).
He is also a Member of the Honour and Steering Committee for the World Fencing Championships Milan, July 2023.
Awards and prizes
1975, Bronze Medal for Athletic Valour, CONI.
1991, Milan Provincial Council Award for Sporting Achievement.
2007, Bronze Star for Sporting Merit, CONI.
2016, Silver Star for Sporting Merit, CONI.
Former athlete, football champion. Head of the women's football sector of the Italian Footballers' Association. FIGC (Italian Federation Football Game) Federal Councillor. Team manager of the Italian National Women's Football Team.
Professional career
Chiara Marchitelli is a former Italian football player, playing the role of goalkeeper. She started her career in 1999 in Lazio and then wore the jerseys of Atletico Oristano, Fiammamonza, Roma Calcio Femminile, Tavagnacco, Brescia, Florentia San Gimignano and Inter. She won four Italian championships, as many editions of the Italian Cup and five Super Cups.
After playing in the youth national teams and participating in the historic first Women's World Cup in Thailand in 2004 with the Under-19 selection, she was called up for the senior national team in 2005 and in the same year took part in the European Championship held in England. She participated in the 2019 French World Cup and at the end of the tournament - after wearing the Azzurri jersey for 14 years, collecting 52 appearances - she bid farewell to the national team.
In 2021 she announced her retirement from playing football and became the head of the women's football sector of the AIC (Italian Footballers' Association), Federal Councillor and accompanying manager of the senior national team.
Awards and prizes
2015, Bronze Medal for Athletic Valour CONI (Italian National Olympic Committee).
2017, Bronze Medal for Athletic Valour CONI.
2021, Italian Talent Award.
Associate professor of Methods and Didactics of Sports Activities at the University of Naples 'Parthenope'.
Professional career
After graduating in Medicine and Surgery in Naples at the Second Faculty of Medicine (today "Luigi Vanvitelli"), in 2000 he obtained first a Specialisation in Clinical Pharmacology and then a Doctorate in Pathophysiology of Diseases of the Respiratory System. During his PhD, he spent a period for a Followship at the Office of Health Policy and Clinical Outcomes, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia (Pennsylvania). In 2002, she began her career as a Researcher until becoming Associate Professor Methods and Didactics of Sport Activities at the University of Naples "Parthenope". In 2022, she obtained the National Qualification (ASN) of I Fascia for the Competition Sector of Exercise and Sport Sciences. She is a member of the Scientific Committee of the University Centre for Bioethics Research (C.I.R.B.) of Partehnope University; she is a member of the CUG (Comitato Unico di Garanzia) and a member of the Teaching Board for the PhD in Exercise and Sport Sciences. She is a member of several Scientific Societies.
Scientific results
Filomena Mazzeo's main research interest lies in aspects of Clinical Pharmacology, concerning the use of drugs and/or related practices aimed at enhancing performance or otherwise gaining an advantage in sporting activities (doping). The study is directed at all pharmacologically active substances, including nutraceuticals and the toxic effects of such substances, as well as those for functional recovery.
Editorial work and publications
Filomena Mazzeo has numerous publications in national and international journals to her credit. Below is a recent selection:
(2022) Motti, M. L., Tafuri, D., Donini, L., Masucci, M. T., De Falco, V., & Mazzeo, F. The role of nutrients in prevention, treatment and post-coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19). Nutrients, 14(5):1000.
(2021) Mazzeo, F., Santamaria, S., & Onofrio, V. D. Data investigation on the performance-enhancing drugs spread in italy among young athletes: Prevention trough education and the fight against doping in sport. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 16 (Proc2), 705-715.
(2020) Mazzeo, F., & Ascione, A. New technology and no drugs in sport: Gene doping regulation, education and research. Sport Science, 14, 18-23.
(2020) Mazzeo, F., Santamaria, S., Montesano, P., Rinaldi, M., & Madonna, G.). Updated evidence report for the anti-doping research: Analysis from 2008 to 2018 for performance-enhancing drugs and gene doping test development. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 20, 2378-2385.
(2020) Filomena Mazzeo & Giuseppe Madonna. Sport, Physical Activity and Education in response to COVID-19. Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics.
(2020) Montesano P, Masala D, Di Silvestro M, Cipriani G, Tafuri D and Mazzeo F. Effects of combined training program, controlled diet and drugs on middle-distance amateur runners: a pilot study . Sport Science 13 (2020) 1: 17-22.
(2019) Mazzeo Filomena. Nutrition, supplements, and drugs to improve sports performance in order to educate for the correct intake and to promote health in primary school. Formazione & Insegnamento. Vol 17/3: 147-155.
(2019) Mazzeo Filomena. Attitude and practice of substance misuse and dietary supplements to improve performance in sport. Journal of Substance Use 24:6, 581-586.
(2019) Mazzeo, F., Santamaria, S., Donisi A., Montesano, P. Use and attitudes toward dietary supplements and drugs amongst Italian Elite Athletes and its correlation with banned doping substances . J Human Sport Exerc VOLUME 14 | Proc4 | 2019 | S964- 973 ISSN 1988-5202
(2019) Mazzeo, F., Santamaria, S., & Montesano, P. Gender difference, nutritional supplements and drug use in sport to enhancing performance: an Italian revision over the last decade. Sport Mont, 17(1), 69-73.
(2019). Montesano, P., & Mazzeo, F. Sports activities in obese teenagers improve social inclusion and health. Sport Mont, 17(1), 55-60.
(2018) Mazzeo F, Monda V, Santamaria S, Nigro E, Valenzano A, Villano I, et al. Antidoping program: an important factor in the promotion and protection of the integrity of sport and athlete’s health. J Sports Med Phys Fitness 58(7-8):1135-1145.
General Secretary ANAOAI (National Association of Italian Olympic Athletes)
Professional career
Giada Michetti is graduated in Philosophy from the University of Rome La Sapienza.
In 1972, she received her first call-up from FIPAV for both the A and junior national volleyball teams.
She attended Business Administration courses at Canning School in London.
From 1990, she worked at Promotor International S.p.A, the organizer of the Motor Show in Bologna and the Turin Auto Show.
From 1999 to 2016, she held the position of Vice President and CEO of Lingotto Fiere S.p.A., which served as the press venue for the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin.
In 2000, she was elected Federal Councilor of FIPAV for the 2000/2003 term, coinciding with the first victory of a Women's Volleyball World Championship.
From 2004 to 2006, she was a Board Member of Fiera di Roma S.p.A.
In 2007, she became CEO and Board Member of GL-events S.p.A. (a multinational company listed on the Paris Stock Exchange) and CEO of Padova Fiere S.p.A.
Since 2010, she has been a Board Member of Rimini Fiere SpA and Bologna Fiere S.p.A. In 2017, she took on the role of Project Manager for Foto Industria, the Biennale di Fotografia dell’Industria e delLavoro and Fondazione MAST.
In 2018, she was appointed Board Member of Vivaticket S.p.A. and NTV (Italo Treni – Nuovo trasporto viaggiatori S.p.A.) and became the President of the Nomination and Compensation Committee.
Since April 2021, she has been elected National Secretary of ANAOAI, the National Association of Italian Olympic Athletes.
Awards and prizes
1975, Unione Italiana Sport Popolare Award for the best spiker.
1976, CUS Award for the best player.
1979, Vianello Trophy Award for the best player.
1995, Panthlon Roma Award.
1999, Quattro Ruote Award for Motorshow Bologna.
2003, "Marisa Bellisario" Award – Sport Donna più che mai.
2008, Champion in Sport, Champion in Life Award (CONI).
2010, Motor Interview Award as CEO of GL-events.
Chief Executive Officer F.C. Como Women
Professional career
Graduated in History from the University of Padua in 2006 and with a Master's in Business Management from the CUOA Foundation obtained the following year, Elena Mirandola began her professional career in the marketing department of a major Italian retail company. In 2008, she moved to London, where she was immediately exposed to the world of digital marketing and media, taking on the role of Client Partner at Unique Digital, a WPP Group agency.
After six years in England, she relocated to Dubai to take on a new professional challenge as Deputy Head of MENA for Artefact, a French consulting firm with a strong focus on digital topics, with offices worldwide. During her time there, she had the opportunity to work with some of the world’s largest brands, including Emirates Airline.
In 2017, moved to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on behalf of Artefact, where she served as Managing Director with the goal of establishing the company’s presence in Asia, opening offices in Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, and Melbourne.
Between 2020 and 2021, she was Director of Business Development APAC for Expedia Group, based in Singapore, and in 2021, she decided to return to Italy to take on the role of Managing Director for Alkemy Spa, a leading Italian publicly traded company in the field of digital consulting services for businesses.
Since August 2024, she has been the CEO of F.C. Como Women, a women's football club competing in Serie A Femminile and part of Mercury/13’s portfolio.
Awards and prizes
Google Squared Award ‘The Big Thinker’.
Inspirign Fifty 2021
Lawyer, Federal Prosecutor FIDAL (Italian Athletics Federation)
Professional career
Graduated in Law at the LUMSA University of Rome, she is a lawyer, registered in Rome Bar Association since 2011. Her professional career is totally focused on the person’s rights, family rights and sports law. She is currently Federal Prosecutor of FIDAL and member of the Federal Court of FPI. She is Head of the Lazio Regional Coordination and of the Minor and Sports Commission of the Italian Association of Sport Lawyers.
She regularly participates as a speaker at conferences, including international ones.
Editorial work and publications
Maria Cecilia Morandini is the author of several publications on sports law, including the following:
IUS SOLI sportivo: novità ed aspettative di una legge tanto attesa, in "Rivista Diritto ed Economia dello Sport", Vol. XII, Fascicolo 1, 2016.
Trasferimento dei minori nel calcio: casi recenti ed esigenze di tutela, in "Giustizia Sportiva" n. 3/2015.
La Federazione Internazionale di Pugilato (A.I.B.A.), in "La Giustizia Sportiva", a cura di Michele Colucci e Salvatore Civale, SLPC 2015.
La buona fede e l’ignoranza scusabile dell’atleta escludono la violazione dell’art. 2.3 del Codice WADA per mancanza dell’elemento soggettivo – Nota a lodo arbitrale CAS 2008/A/1557 WADA v/ CONI, FIGC, Daniele Mannini & Davide Possanzini, 27 luglio 2009, in "Rivista della Giustizia Sportiva" n. 2 del 15 settembre 2009.
Former athlete, Rugby player. Corporate trainer. Member of the National Council of the Italian Rugby Federation and Italy's representative to the World Rugby Board.
Professional career
Erika Morri is a former athlete and rugby player. She won two World Cups and seven European Championships during her 21-year career, 12 of which were spent with the national team. After retiring from competitive play, she entered politics, serving as a regional councillor for Emilia Romagna. She then turned to federal rugby, serving as a national councillor for the Italian Rugby Federation until 2021. In 2019, she joined the Rugby Europe Committee, where she worked to promote women's rugby in Europe. In 2022, she founded "Wo*men's rugby land of freedom:chi semina sport raccoglie futuro", an international project that focuses on four Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 UN Agenda: quality education, health and well-being, gender equality, and peace. The project uses sport to promote the growth of communities. Morri is also a business trainer and coach. She has taught an experimental course called "SOFT SKILLS TAKE SHAPE between contemporary art and rugby" at the University of Padua. She believes that the body is a language of learning, and she is working to include "motor competence" as the ninth of the eight European key competences. n autumn 2023, she was elected to the National Council of the Italian Rugby Federation and appointed as Italy's representative on the World Rugby Board.
Editorial work and publications
Creator and interviewer in the international project “Freedom is not just given to you, “it is trained” within you”: 70 video interviews with rugby players from all over the world (35 nations) plus the Italian women’s national team, on how the rugby mindset has impacted daily life;12 interviews were broadcast on SKY SPORT during the World Cup.
She is also the creator and interviewer of the “Sisters of Sport: Women Team Up” column on MS Channel - Sky 814.
She writes the “Beauty of Strength” column for “VITA MAGAZINE”, telling the story of sport as a connection between mind, soul, and body.
In 2022 she commentated on the Women's Rugby World Cup for Sky Sports. In 2023 she commented for Sky Sport on the "England - France" match of the women's 6 Nations Rugby Championship.
Awards and prizes
INCREDIBol 2012 Top 10 innovative creative companies – Municipality of Bologna
Med Ked 2014 Innovation, creativity, and start-up in the Mediterranean area" - Aster award
Golden Oval and Silver Oval 2021 - Italian Rugby Federation
Tina Anselmi 2021 to the sport career – Municipality of Bologna
Milone d'oro 2022 - Opes Italia
Unstoppable Women. 1000 women who are changing Italy 2023 - from Startup Italia
Athlete, boxer of the 'Fiamme oro' sports group.
Professional career
Rebecca Nicoli began her career in 2015 at the Pavia Boxing Association. In 2017 she joined the Italian Boxing Federation. In 2019 she became a police officer and athlete of the Fiamme oro sports group.
Awards and prizes
Roberta Nicoli's palmares include the bronze medal at the 2022 Mediterranean Games and the 2020-21 Tokyo Olympics, the silver medal at the 2019 European under-22 Championships, the gold medal at the 2016 and 2019 Italian Championships, the gold medal at the 2018 European under-22 Championships and the 2018 gold glove.
Head of the Legal Department of the Italian Footballers' Association, Member of the Board of Directors of the Italian Sports Lawyers' Association.
Professional career
After graduating in Law, she qualified as a lawyer and specialised in sports law, with a master's degree organised by the Sports Law and Policy Center (SPLC) together with the Rivista di Diritto ed Economia dello Sport, a specialist course at the Business School of the LUISS University in Rome and a specialisation course at the Consiglio Nazionale Forense. She began her professional career as a Trustee of Assocalciatori, later becoming Head of Assocalciatori's Amateur and Women's Football Legal Office.
Editorial work and publications
Priscilla Palombi is the author of the Chapter 'FITAV', in La Giustizia Sportiva, Volume II, edited by Michele Colucci and Salvatore Civale, in collaboration with Associazione Italiana Avvocati dello Sport, published by Sport and Law Policy Center, 2015, and co-author (with Michele Colucci) of the article 'Il vincolo sportivo e la sua (irreversibile) abolizione, considerazioni sull'istruttoria dell'AGCOM nel caso della FIPAV', Rivista di Diritto e Economia dello Sport, Vol. XVIII, Fascicolo unico 2022.
Competences: Gender Equality, Geopolitics of Sports, Kickboxing, Sport Communication, Sports Event Management, Sports Policy
Keywords: Competition in Sports, CONI (Comitato Olimpico Nazionale Italiano/Italian National Olympic Committee), discipline in sports, female leadership, women in sport
Region: Sicily
Former athlete, kickboxing champion. National Councillor of CONI (Italian National Olympic Committee).
Professional career
Elena Pantaleo began practising kickboxing in 2011, to date she is a 10-time Italian champion, five-time European champion and three-time world kickboxing champion. She was elected National Councillor of the CONI (Italian National Olympic Committee) in the athletes' quota for the four-year period 2021-2025 and, as defending champion, she is qualified for the next World Combat Games to be held in Ryiadh in Saudi Arabia in October 2023.
Parallel to her competitive activity, she has always flanked her studies, obtaining a degree in Law at the University of Palermo with top marks and then a master's degree in Geopolitics at the Sapienza University. She currently works at the Supreme Court as a trial clerk, is an alumnus of the School of Politics and is doing a second master's degree at the Alma Mater University of Bologna, in Sports Communication and Marketing.
She is team manager of the Proper team (one of the most successful pointfighting teams in the world), she is in charge of organising the Proper Summer Camp as well as all the communication of the team and its initiatives. For the Italian Kickboxing Federation he managed the communication of social channels for the European Championships in Antalya 2022.
Scientific results
Dual career award, Opes Sports Gala 2022
Golden Star executives, CONI 2021
Precious Mosaic of Palermo card for 'The City of Talents', 2019
Athlete of Elite, Universitat de Valencia 2017
Gold Medal for Athletic Valour, CONI 2017
Gold medal for sporting merit, Federkombact 2016
Silver medal for athletic merit, CONI 2015
Professor affiliated with the University of Rome "Foro Italico", on leave for dissemination activities of good practices in promoting holistic development of children through quality motor activities (Joy of Moving, within the framework of Ferrero Corporate Social Responsibility) and for teaching physical education at a European school in Berlin.
Professional career
Caterina Pesce holds a degree in Physical Education (Higher Institute of Physical Education in Rome) and in Movement and Sport Sciences (University Institute of Movement Sciences in Rome), a master's degree in Psychology (University 'La Sapienza' in Rome) and a PhD in Philosophy (Free University of Berlin). She began her career as a lecturer and research assistant at the Higher Institute of Physical Education in Rome. In 2003, she became a researcher in Movement and Sport Methods and Techniques at the Foro Italico University in Rome, where she became an associate professor in 2007. In 2019, she moved to Germany, where she currently resides, on leave for activities to disseminate good practices for promoting the holistic development of children through quality motor activities (Joy of Moving, as part of Ferrero's Corporate Social Responsibility) and for teaching physical education at a European school in Berlin. During her academic career, she was a member of the PhD program in Sport, Physical Activity and Ergonomics Sciences and a member of the Department of Movement, Human and Health Sciences at the Foro Italico University in Rome and a founding member of the Italian Society of Movement and Sport Sciences.
Scientific results
Caterina Pesce contributed to research across the lifespan and in skilled athletes in the areas of sport and exercise psychology and physical education, with focus on exercise and cognition, rise and fall of motor coordination and enhanced physical education.
Editorial work and publications
Caterina Pesce is Associate Editor for the journal Mental Health and Physical Activity, and editorial board member for Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. In addition, she is author, co-author or editor of books and book chapters, and of international and national scientific articles, with Impact Factor 34 and about 4,000 citations.
Below is a selection of her most relevant publications.
Tomporowski P, McCullick B, Pesce C. (2015). Enhancing children’s cognition with physical activity games. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. ISBN: 978-1-4504-4142-1.
Pesce C, Marchetti R, Motta A, Bellucci M. (eds.) (2015). Joy of Moving – MoviMenti & ImmaginAzione. Giocare con la variabilità per promuovere lo sviluppo motorio, cognitive e del Cittadino. Torgiano (PG): Calzetti-Mariucci. ISBN: 978-88-6028-431-40 (Translated and published in various languages).
Chapters in books
Pesce C, Voelcker-Rehage C. (2020). “The unique contribution of physical activity to successful cognitive aging”. In Tenenbaum G., Eklund R. (eds.), Handbook of Sport Psychology (4th edition). West Sussex, UK: Wiley.
Pesce C , Faigenbaum A.D. Goudas M, Tomporowski P.D. (2018). “Coupling our plough of thoughtful moving to the star of children’s right to play: from neuroscience to multisectoral promotion.” In: Baile R, Meeusen R, Kubesch R, Tomporowski P. (eds.), Physical Activity and Educational Achievement: Insights from exercise neuroscience, pp. 247-274. Routledge.
Journal papers
Mavilidi MF, Pesce C, Benzing V, Schmidt M. Okely A, Paas F, Vazou S. (2022). Meta-analysis of Movement-based Interventions to Aid Academic and Behavioral Outcomes: A Taxonomy of Relevance and Integration. EducationalResearch Review.
Hulteen RM, Terlizzi B, Abrams TC, Sacko RS, De Meester A, Pesce C, Stodden DF. (2022). Reinvest to Assess: Advancing Approaches to Motor Competence Measurement Across the Lifespan. Sports Medicine. doi: 10.1007/s40279-022-01750-8.
Tocci N, Scibinetti P, Mazzoli E, Mavilidi M, Masci I, Schmidt M, Pesce C. (2022). Giving ideas some legs or legs some ideas? Children’s motor creativity is enhanced by physical activity enrichment: direct and mediated paths. Frontiers in Psychology, 13:806065. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.806065. IF = 3.0; Q2.
Stodden D, Lakes .D, Côté J, Aadland E, Benzing V, Brian A, Draper CE, Ekkekakis P, Fumagalli G, Laukkanen A, Mavilidi MF, Mazzoli E, Neville RD, Niemistö D, Rudd J, Sääkslahti A, Schmidt M, Tomporowski PD, Tortella P, Vazou S, Pesce C. (2021). Exploration: An Overarching Focus for Holistic Development. Brazilian Journal of Motor Behavior, 15(5), 301-320. https://doi.org/10.20338/bjmb.v15i5.254.
Condello G, Mazzoli E, De Fano A, Masci I, Marchetti R, Pesce C. (2021). Fostering holistic development with a designed multisport intervention in physical education: a class-randomized cross-over trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 9871. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18189871.
Pesce C, Vazou S, Benzing V, Alvarez-Bueno C, Anzeneder S, Mavilidi M, Leone L, Schmidt M. (2021). Effects of chronic physical activity on cognition across the lifespan: a systematic meta-review of randomized controlled trials and realist synthesis of contextualized mechanisms. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology [online first].https://doi.org/10.1080/1750984X.2021.1929404.
Rudd JR, Pesce C, Strafford BW, Davids K. (2020). Physical Literacy - A Journey of Individual Enrichment: An Ecological Dynamics Rationale for Enhancing Performance and Physical Activity in All. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1904. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01904.
Tomporowski P, Pesce C. (2019). Exercise, sports, and performance arts benefit cognition via a common process. Psychological Bulletin. 145, 929-951. https://doi.org/10.1037/bul0000200.
Awards and prizes
The Book Joy of Moving. MoviMenti & ImmaginAzione. Giocare con la variabilità per promuovere lo sviluppo motorio, cognitivo e del Cittadino was awarded by CONI (the Italian Olympic Committee ) in 2016.
Professional career
Consultant, Professional Coaching Trainer A.I.F. (Italian Association of Trainers) and Lecturer in University Masters, she works with important Trade Unions, Institutions, Companies and Organisations: from the Ministry of Defence to NGOs and International Organisations. She is UISP contact person for Gender Sport, Mentor of PWN (Professional Women Network) and of MIP (Murate Idea Park)
As expert in inclusive languages, she is the Accademia di Scienze Forensi's contact person for violent narratives.
She writes and collaborates with Repubblica Firenze, Senza Filtro, Ag Cult, Ladynomics, Rai Radio 3 REWRITERS, an elaborated model for female leadership.
She has a degree cum laude in Theory of Literature, a Specialisation and a PhD in Italianistics.
Editorial work and publications
Eleonora Pinzuti is the author of Narrazioni e Generi, Seri Editore, 2020 and Con Figure, Editrice Zona, 2018.
She also edited (with Ernestina Pellegrini) the volume Bestiari di genere, Sef Editrice Fiorentina, 2009, and the volume Marguerite Yourcenar sulle tracce "des accidents passagers", Bulzoni, 2007.
She is the author of the chapter "I Queer Studies", in Brioschi, Di Girolamo, Fusillo (eds.), Introduzione alla Letteratura, Carocci, 2013, pp. 246-253.
Awards and prizes
Selection Anthology Crocetti Il Nodo Sottile, Carocci, 2003.
Selection Biennial Young Artists of Europe and the Mediterranean in Athens, 2003.
British Institute of Florence, Grant for Magdalene College, Oxford (UK), 2011.
Selection in the XI Quaderno di Poesia Italiana Contemporanea, 2012.
First National Prize "Poesia di Strada" 2015.
Owner, founder and Managing Director of Communis srl s.u. President of Assist. Ass. Naz. Atlete (National Association Women Athletes)
Professional career
Professional expert in communication, institutional relations, events, sports marketing.
Journalist and trainer, she is an expert in gender politics and activist for women's and LGBTIQA+ rights.
She has 30 years of experience in the field of institutional communication and press offices, managed for large clients and prestigious institutional and associative entities. Currently press office manager of Differenza Donna Aps and of the 1522 national number of the Equal Opportunities Department
President and founder since 2000 of Assist - Italian Female Athelets Association, a reality committed to the protection of women's collective rights in sport, she is also on the board of the Italian Organising Committee, One Billion Rising, the Italian coordination of the world event against violence against women wanted by the American playwright Eve Ensler.
She has been the marketing director of many professional sports Clubs and has organised a lot of national and international volleyball, sittingvolley and beach volleyball events.
Competences: Athletics, hammer throw, Leadership in Sports, Prevention of Bullying in Sport, Prevention of Sexual Abuse in Sport, Prevention of Sexual Harassment in Sport, Sport and School, Sport and Youth, Sport Communication, Sport Politics, Sports Work
Keywords: CONI (Comitato Olimpico Nazionale Italiano/Italian National Olympic Committee), gender equality, Made in Italy, Olympic Games, Olympics, women in sport, youth and sports
Region: Lazio
Deputy vice-president CONI (Italian National Olympic Committee)
Professional career
Silvia Salis began her career in sport by practising athletics and then hammer throwing, a speciality in which she competed at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and the 2012 London Olympics, and was a finalist at the World Championships in Daegu, South Korea (2011). Also in the hammer throw, she won the Gold Medal at the Mediterranean Games in Pescara (2009) and the Bronze Medal at the Mediterranean Games in Mersin (2013). Her palmares also includes 10 Italian titles.
At the end of her competitive career, she began her career as a manager with numerous assignments: since 2016, she has been Federal Councillor at the Italian Athletics Federation (FIDAL) with responsibility for marketing and communication and Federal Delegate at Casa Atletica Italiana, a tricolour garrison at the World and European Championships, where FIDAL carries out institutional and public relations activities aimed at promoting the 'Italy brand' around the world. In 2017, she is the creator of the 'Allenamente' project, a university grant to support study paths for young under-23 Italian Athletes. Since the same year, she has been a Member of the National Council of the Italian Olympic Committee and of the CONI Athletes Commission with the responsibility of selecting the winners of the "Atleta Eccellente, Studente Eccellente" (Excellent Athlete, Excellent Student) call. In 2018, she participates in the working table leading to the creation of the Maternity Fund for female athletes. Since 2021, she has been a Member of the Athletes' Commission of the European Athletics Federation, Vice-President of CONI and National Board Representative in the Coordination of Meritorious Associations. Since 2022, he has been a Member of the Safeguard Policies office of the Italian Gymnastics Federation for actions to prevent and fight against prevarication, bullying, sexual harassment and abuse in sport, and of the homonymous office of the Sports Dance Federation. Also since 2022 he has been a Member of the Advisory Board of the Lottomatica Foundation, leading projects on ESG policies in sport, and a Member of the Honour Committee of the Villa Menarini Foundation.
Since 2010 he has been a member of the Fiamme Azzurre Sports Group, first as an athlete, then as Head of Communication, Social Media and Media Relations.
She has several experiences in the world of journalism to her credit, as a reporter, social media manager and columnist.
Silvia Salis holds a degree in Political Science from Link Campus University in 2018.
Editorial work and publications
Silvia Salis is the author of the book La Bambina più Forte del Mondo (Salani, Genoa 2022), the proceeds from the sale of which go to the Giannina Gaslini Hospital in Genoa.
Awards and prizes
Silvia Salis in 2022 is listed among the 100 most influential women in Italy by FORBES magazine and among the 40 under 40 'who are changing the country' by FORTUNE magazine.
In 2023 she was awarded the honour of Commendatore dell'Ordine al Merito della Repubblica d'Italia and the title of 'Ambassador of Genoa in the World'.
Former athlete, footall champion. Technical commentator and columnist for RAI.
Professional career
Katia Serra began her career as a footballer (midfielder) making her debut in Serie B in 1986, with the club Bazzano, which later became Bologna CF. She played in several national football clubs, ending her career in the Spanish league in 2002. His palmares includes 1 Scudetto, 3 Coppa Italia, 1 Super Coppa Italiana, 1 Italy Womne's Cup.
At the end of his competitive career, he held various roles in the AIC (Italian Footballers' Association) and the FICG (Italian Football Federation). He carries out coaching, training and consulting activities. Since 2015, she has been coaching the national parliamentary football team.
Since 2010 she has been a technical commentator and columnist in TV programmes, for Rai and, in the 2018/19 season for Sky Italia.
Graduated in Motor Sciences, she is the holder of the teaching "Models of management of women's football" at the course of studies in Motor Sciences, address Football, at the San Raffaele Telematic University of Rome, since 2018.
Translated with DeepL
Editorial work and publications
Una vita in fuorigioco. Cronache dal mondo che tutti pensano di conoscere. With contributions by Arrigo Sacchi, Lele Adani and Damiano Tommasi. Fabbri Editore, 2023.
Awards and prizes
2021 Honorary citizenship of Angola dell'Emilia (Bologna).
2007 Best Footballer Oscar.
Professional career
Valeria Straneo has always been a lover of long-distance running, which she has practised since she was young. She was born with hereditary spherocytosis, a genetic disorder of the red blood cell membrane that leads to severe anaemia, splenomegaly, jaundice and biliary stones. In 2010, following a severe haemolytic crisis, she underwent surgery and had her spleen and gallbladder removed. After recovering from the operation, she turned out to be a very strong long-distance runner: in 2012, she set the current Italian marathon record (2h23'44" in Rotterdam), won several Italian half-marathon and 10,000-metre titles, took part in two Olympic Games (London 2012, Rio 2016), won a world silver medal (Moscow 2013) and a European silver medal (Zurich 2014). Between 2012 and 2014, he took part in several international competitions and won the Stramilano, the Rock'n roll half-marathon in Lisbon, the half-marathon at the Mediterranean Games in Mersin (Turkey) and placed 5th at the NYC Marathon.
Editorial work and publications
Valeria Straneo is the author of an autobiographical book with Marco Tarozzi: Valeria fa 'gli' Olimpiadi, Minerva Edizioni 2014; she is the author of the column Di corsa con Valeria in Runners' World magazine.
Awards and prizes
2018, Certificate of merit by the municipality of Alessandria
2014, Silver Medal of Athletic Valor (Coni)
2013, Bronze Medal of Athletic Valor (Coni)
2013, Athlete of the year Fidal
2013, Piedmont Athlete of the year
Former athlete, shooting champion. National Technical Director. Vice-President of the CONI National Technical Commission
Professional career
Valentina Turisni began her career in the national shooting range in 1986. In 2000 she joined the Federal Executive Council, from which he resigned in 2009. She won the silver medal in the discipline 50m rifle three positions at the Athens Olympics in
2004. In 2009 she became Technical Director of the men's and women's national teams of the
Italian Union of Schooting, a profession that she carries on until the end of 2022.
She deals with the training of federal coaches as Head of coaches’ education and Teacher.
She holds a degree in law and is a qualified lawyer.
Editorial work and publications
Manuale di Tiro con la carabina(Rifle Shooting Manual)Edizioni UITS, 2010
Awards and prizes
2004, Gold medal for athletic valor in the Corpo Forestale dello Stato
2004, CONI Gold Medal for Athletic Valor
2004,Official Order of Merit of the Italian Republic
2012, CONI Golden Palm for Technical Merit
2013, CONI Sports Merit Gold Star
2014, Commander of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic
Professor of Labour Law, Director of the Master's Degree Course in 'Sports Law and Labour Relations in Sport' and of the Executive Course of Higher Education 'The Profession of the Sports Agent' at the University of Milan-Bicocca.
Professional career
After graduating in Law at the University of Milan and obtaining a PhD in Labour Law and Industrial Relations at the University of Pavia, Tiziana Vettor began her academic career as a research fellow at the Faculty of Law of the University of Insubria. In 2004, she became a researcher in Labour Law at the University of Milan-Bicocca, where she continued her career, becoming an associate professor in 2006.
Scientific results
In her university activities she has held various positions, including that, assigned to her by rector's decree, of "President of the Single Guarantee Committee" in the years 2014-2018. By decree of the Minister for Youth Policy and Sport of 30/1/2020, she was appointed 'Expert' to carry out the activity of drafting the reform of the sports legal system. She is the author of numerous scientific publications, including the volume entitled Conciliare vita e lavoro. La prospettiva del diritto del lavoro dopo il Jobs Act, published by Giappichelli.
Editorial work and publications
[2023] Vettor T, La nuova riforma del lavoro sportivo: prime analisi alle disposizioni integrative e correttive al d.lgs. n. 36/2021 (d.lgs. n. 163/2022). MASSIMARIO DI GIURISPRUDENZA DEL LAVORO, (1): 127-146.
[2022] Vettor T, Pari opportunità, lavoro e agenti nel settore sportivo. In: (a cura di): Pittalis M, Ripartire con lo sport: impianto valoriale di una riforma “in progress”, Milano, Ledizioni: 53-61.
[2022] Vettor T, La proposta di Direttiva sul lavoro tramite piattaforma nel prisma delle fonti internazionali ed europee. LAVORO DIRITTI EUROPA, (2): 1-9.
[2019] Vettor T, Il diritto della sicurezza sociale alla prova delle trasformazioni familiari. RESPONSABILITÀ CIVILE E PREVIDENZA, (5): 1475-1484.
[2018] Vettor T, Conciliare vita e lavoro. La prospettiva del diritto del lavoro dopo il Jobs Act. STUDI DI DIRITTO DEL LAVORO. Collana fondata da L. Galantino e S. Hernandez e diretta da F. Basenghi e G. Pellacani, Torino, Giappichelli, (42): 1-152.
[2018] Vettor T, Il reddito di inclusione: quale sostegno contro la povertà?. In: (a cura di): Ferrante V, Economia informale e strategia di contrasto: a che punto siamo?, Milano, Vita e pensiero: 43-68,
[2017] Vettor T, Attualità e prospettive delle esigenze di cura, di vita e di lavoro. In: (a cura di): D'Amico M, Leone S, La donna dalla fragilitas alla pienezza dei diritti? Un percorso non ancora concluso. CENTRO DI RICERCA COORDINATO STUDI SULLA GIUSTIZIA, Milano, Giuffrè: 221-242.
[2016] Vettor T, Salute e sicurezza. Valutazione dei rischi e differenze di genere. In: (a cura di): Bianchini M, Calegari A, Gioia G, Dialogo tra Corti e nuove frontiere della responsabilità. PUBBLICAZIONI DELLA SCUOLA DI GIURISPRUDENZA DELL'UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PADOVA. NUOVA SERIE, (VI), Milano, Wolters Kluwer CEDAM: 563-584.
[2015] Vettor T, Beni primari (cibo, acqua) e lavoro umano sostenibile. In: (a cura di): Biscotti B, Lamarque E, Cibo e acqua. Sfide per il diritto contemporaneo. Verso e oltre Expo 2015. COLLANA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI GIURISPRUDENZA DELL'UNIVERSITÀ DI MILANO-BICOCCA, Torino, Giappichelli, (121): 113-118.
[2013] Vettor T, Le donne lavoratrici. In: (a cura di): Cendon P, Rossi S, I nuovi danni alla persona. I soggetti deboli. DIRITTO. ORIZZONTI, Roma, Aracne, (1): 587-648.
[2011] Vettor T, Die Praxis rassistischer Gesetze zwischen Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. In: (a cura di): Garlati L;Vettor T, Das Recht und die Rechtsschandung. 70 Jahre nach dem Erlass der italienischen Rassegesetze, Berlin, Lit Verlgag: 35-51.
[2009] Vettor T, Uguaglianza e diritto del lavoro. In: (a cura di): Cartabia M, Vettor T, Le ragioni dell'uguaglianza. Atti del VI Convegno della Facoltà di Giurisprudenza. Università di Milano-Bicocca, 15-16 maggio 2008. UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO-BICOCCA (FACOLTÀ DI GIURISPRUDENZA), Milano, Giuffrè, (58): 199-208.
Awards and prizes
1997, "Maria Grazia Zerman" Award, called by the Association for Women's Studies "Maria Grazia Zerman", with a research project entitled: "Women's self-employment: the presence and originality of women in work".
2000, Prize "Progetto giovani ricercatori", announced by the University of Insubria, with a research project entitled: "Self-employed work: qualifying profiles and discipline to protect health and safety".
Competences: Methods and Didactics of Sport Activities, Motor Activity for Disability, Motor Activity for Primary and Secondary Prevention of Non-Communicable Chronic Diseases (cardiovasc, Theory, Technique and Didactics of Human Movement
Keywords: adapted physical exercise, cardiovascular deseas, disability, dysmetabolic diseases, kidney diseases, oncologica diseases, pulmonary diseases, sport
Region: Abruzzo
Associate Professor MEDF/02 Methods and Techniques of Motor and Sports Activities, Delegate of the Rector for Sport, and President of the Didactic Area of Motor Science Degree Courses, at the University of L'Aquila. Vice-President of the Municipal Sports Council for the Municipality of L'Aquila.
Professional career
In 1984, she obtained the Higher Diploma of Physical Education Teacher at the Higher Institute of Physical Education (ISEF) of L'Aquila; in 1993,s he obtained the Degree in Motor Sciences with specialization in "Sciences et techniques des activities phisique et sportives , at the Faculty of Sports Science (UFR-STAPS) of the Claude Bernarde University of Lyon, France; in 1999, she specialized in "Evaluation of the Athlete's Physical Capacity" at the State Institute of Physical Education in Rome. Since 1986 she has been teaching in the middle school of the first and second grade, obtaining qualifications in all sectors, also in the primary school, at the same time, she was a contract professor from 1985 to 1999 at the ISEF of Aquila, and subsequently, after having collaborated with the transformation of the ISEF into the Faculty of Motor Sciences (1999/2000), in March 2005, winner of the competition, she leaves school teaching, and enters the University of L'Aquila as a researcher. She is currently an Associate Professor in the Degree Courses in Motor Sciences of the Department of Applied Clinical Sciences and Biotechnology (DISCAB). She is engaged in numerous research activities that she has always carried out during the years of contract teaching and promotes innovative Projects for Exercise and Sports Sciences. You are a lecturer in the PhD Board and in the Schools of Specialization. You have numerous participations in International Conferences and Congresses as Invited Speaker.
Scientific results
Maria Giulia Vinciguerra's research topics concern motor and sports activity related to morpho-functional changes in the human organism, the evaluation of problems related to the osteo-muscular-ligament apparatus and postural problems, and the screening of vertebral deformities in the secondary school population.
She has carried out research for the study, screening and prevention of atherosclerosis; for the development of physical and motor activity programmes for the prevention of cardiovascular and dysmetabolic diseases; for the development of motor tables as part of LONFLIT projects, and for the development of procedures for the recognition of the symmetry line of backs acquired by means of 3D scanners. She has studied the effects of Pycnogenol in motor/sports performance; anthropometric characteristics, dietary habits and physical activity in young people, in a longitudinal perspective; lifestyle habits in young L'Aquila rugby players before and after the 2009 earthquake.
She participated in the following projects:
Editorial work and publications
R Scaramucci, M.G. Vinciguerra. 2016.Dizionario delle Scienze Motorie e Tecnica dell'Educazione Fisica, Viterbo: Casa Editrice Serena.
P. Raimondi, F. Bizzarri, G. Costanzo, M.G.Vinciguerra. 2001. Proteggi la tua schiena, Roma: Marrapese Editore.
International Scientific Articles
Bonavolonta, Valerio, Gallotta, Maria Chiara, Zimatore, Giovanna, Curzi, Davide, Ferrari, Dafne, Vinciguerra Maria Giulia, Guidetti, Laura, Baldari, Carlo (2023). “Chronic Effects of Asymmetric And Symmetric Sport Load In Varsity Athletes Across A Six Month Sport Season”. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health. 20(3):2186. doi: 10.3390/ijerph20032186. PMID: 36767552; PMCID: PMC9916379.
La Greca, Stefano, Rapali, Mariano, Ciaprini, Giuliano, Russo, Luca, Vinciguerra Maria Giulia, Di Giminiani, Riccardo (2022). “Acute and Chronic Effects of Supervised Flexibility Training in Older Adults: A Comparison of Two Different Conditioning Programs”. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health. 19(24):16974. doi: 10.3390/ijerph192416974. PMID: 36554854; PMCID: PMC9779245.
Riva A, Corti A, Belcaro G, Cesarone MR, Dugall M, Vinciguerra G, Feragalli B, Zuccarini M, Eggenhoffner R, Giacomelli L. 2019. “Interaction study between antiplatelet agents, anticoagulants, diabetic therapy and a novel delivery form of quercetin”. Minerva Cardioangiol. 67(1):79-83. doi: 10.23736/S0026-4725.18.04795-3.
Belcaro G, Hu S, Strong J, Feragalli B, Vinciguerra G, Cacchio M, Cesarone MR. 2018. “Sports supplement in short triathlon: improvements in training, performance, recovery and oxidative stress”. Minerva Med. 109(6):451-456.
Vinciguerra, MG; Belcaro, G. 2015. Cacchio Robuvit® and endurance in triathlon: improvements in training performance, recovery and oxidative stress. Minerva Cardilogica. 63(5):403-9.
Vinciguerra G, Belcaro G, Bonanni E, Cesarone MR, Rotondi V, Ledda A, Hosoi M, Dugall M, Cacchio M, Cornelli U. 2013 “Evaluation of the effects of supplementation with Pycnogenol® on fitness in normal subjects with the Army Physical Fitness Test and in performances of athletes in the 100-minute triathlon”. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 53(6):644-54.
Bottari A, Belcaro G, Ledda A, Cesarone MR, Vinciguerra G, Di Renzo A, Stuard S, Dugall M, Pellegrini L, Errichi S, Gizzi G, Ippolito E, Ricci A, Cacchio M, Ruffini I, Fano F, Hosoi M. 2012. “Lady Prelox® improves sexual function in post-menopausal women”. Panminerva Med. 54(1 Suppl 4):3-9.
Valenti M, Vinciguerra MG, Masedu F, Tiberti S, Sconci V. 2012. “A before and after study on personality assessment in adolescents exposed to the 2009 earthquake in L'Aquila, Italy: influence of sports practice”. BMJ Open. 2(3): e000824.
Di Angelo L., Di Stefano P., Raimondi P., Vinciguerra M. G. 2011. “Validation of a method for symmetry line detection”, Computer-Aided Design And Applications. 8 (1): 71-86.
Cesarone MR, Belcaro G, Rohdewald P, Pellegrini L, Ledda A, Vinciguerra G, Ricci A, Ippolito E, Fano F, Dugall M, Cacchio M, Di Renzo A, Hosoi M, Stuard S, Corsi M. 2010 “Improvement of signs and symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency and microangiopathy with Pycnogenol: a prospective, controlled study”.Phytomedicine. 17(11):835-9. doi: 10.1016/j.phymed.2010.04.009.
Belcaro G, Cesarone MR, Errichi S, Zulli C, Errichi BM, Vinciguerra G, Ledda A, Di Renzo A, Stuard S, Dugall M, Pellegrini L, Gizzi G, Ippolito E, Ricci A, Cacchio M, Cipollone G, Ruffini I, Fano F, Hosoi M, Rohdewald P.2008. “Variations in C-reactive protein, plasma free radicals and fibrinogen values in patients with osteoarthritis treated with Pycnogenol”. Redox Rep. 13(6):271-6.
Researcher at the University of Verona, Teaching College of Sport Sciences, Sport Psychologist, Past President of the Italian Association of Sport, and Exercise Psychology (AIPS).
Professional career
Francesca Vitali is Researcher (Junior Researcher, RTD-A) and Assistant Professor at the University of Verona, Italy, where she has been since 2010. She obtained her Ph.D. in Methodology of research in psychology in 2003 at the University of Genoa, Italy. She has been teaching Sport and Exercise Psychology for ten years at the School of Sport Sciences, University of Genoa. In 2014 she won a Research Grant, and she started collaborating with CeRiSM (Centre of Research in Sport, Mountain and Health), University of Verona. From 2015 to 2019 she has been Research Fellow at the University of Verona.
She has been the Scientific Coordinator for the University of Verona Team of the co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union projects Be a Winner In elite Sport and Employment before and after athletic Retirement (BeWiser) and Dual Careers for Mental Health (DC4MH): the projects were focused respectively on optimizing active and former elite athletes’ employability and employment after sport retirement and on improving mental health for dual career elite athletes. She is also the Scientific Coordinator of the co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union project Sport Without Stereotypes (SWOST): this project started in January 2021 and will end in December 2023.
Together with Federico Schena, since the academic year (a.y.) 2017/2018 she is the Scientific Director of the Academic Coach project, a peer-tutorship project offered at the students-athletes of the University of Verona. From the a.y. 2020/2021 she is the Scientific Director of the new dual career program of the University of Verona. The project is promoted and implemented thanks to the coordination of the CUS Verona, the University Sports Committee of the University of Verona and the ESU Verona. The project is aimed at supporting the dual career of the students-athletes of the University of Verona.
She chaired the XXth AIPS 2014 National Congress which has been held in Rovereto, Italy. She co-chaired the XXIth AIPS 2016 National Congress which has been held in Bologna, Italy. From 2014 to 2016 she has been the National President of the Associazione Italiana Psicologia dello Sport e dell'esercizio (AIPS).
As Sport Psychologist she has been working with youth top-level athletes of different sports (i.e., Shooting Italian Olympic Youth National Team; Italian Junior Cross Country Skiing Team; Track and Field Youth National Team). She collaborates as Expert with the School of Sport of Sport and Health (Sport e Salute) and Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI). Since 2019 she has a “Consultancy with training assignment” collaboration with the Italian Rugby Federation. Since 2017 she is responsible of the Center of studies of the Assist - the Italian Association of Female Athletes.
Scientific results
She has published/in press several research articles and book chapters. Her research agenda has been on the understanding of the motivational processes and prevention of early youth dropout from sports; psychosocial benefits of sport and physical activity for patients and people with and without disabilities;psychobiosocial (PBS) states and motivational processes in Physical Education; psychological aspects in sport-injury recovery; student-athlete dual career and career transitions; enhancement of the attentive strategies and optimization of performance in endurance sports.
Editorial work and publications
Francesca Vitali is currently the Editor for the Psicologia dello Sport e dell'Esercizio (En. tr. Sport and Exercise Psychology), the new official journal of the Associazione Italiana Psicologia dello Sport e dell'esercizio (AIPS, Italian Association of Sport and Exercise Psychology) (which replaced the Giornale Italiano di Psicologia dello Sport), and author of numerous scientific publications, including:
Borrueco, M., Torregrossa, M., Pallarès, S., Vitali, F., & Ramis, Y. (2023). Women coaches at top level: looking back through the maze. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 18, 327-338 (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/17479541221126614).
Modena, R., Bisagno, E., Schena, F., Carazzato, S., & Vitali, F. (2022). How do elite female athletes cope with symptoms of their pre-menstrual period? A study on Union Rugby and Football players’ perceived physical ability and well-being. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 11168 (DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph191811168).
Bisagno E., Cadamuro A., Rubichi S., Robazza C., & Vitali, F. (2022). A developmental outlook on the role of cognition and emotions in youth volleyball and artistic gymnastics. Frontiers in Psychology 13:954820. (DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.954820).
Vitale, J. A., Ieno, C., Baldassarre, R., Bonifazi, M., Vitali, F., La Torre, A., & Piacentini, M. F. (2022). The impact of a 14-day altitude training camp on Olympic-level open-water swimmers’ sleep. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 4253. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19074253).
Vitali, F., Bisagno, E., Coco, M., Cadamuro, A., Maldonato, N. M., & Di Corrado, D. (2022). A moderated mediation analysis of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on well-being and sport readiness of Italian team sports players: The role of perceived safety of the training environment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 2764. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19052764).
Speranza, E., Bolzan, V., Roi, G. S, & Vitali, F. (2021). Impact of telerehabilitation after sports injuries on psychological outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Medicina dello Sport, 74, 657-171. (DOI: 10.23736/S0025-7826.21.03909-0).
Smismans, S., Wylleman, P., De Brandt, K., Defruyt, S., Vitali, F., Ramis, Y., Torregrossa, M., Lobinger, B., Stambulova, N., & Cecić Erpič, S. (2021). From elite sport to the job market: Development and initial validation of the Athletes’ Competences Questionnaire for Employability (ACQE). Cultura, Ciencia y Deporte, 16, 39-48. (DOI: 10.12800/ccd.v16i47.1694).
Purgato, M., Richards, J., Prina, E., Kip, A., Del Piccolo, L., Michencigh, G., Rimondini, M., Rudi, D., Vitali, F., Carta, M. G., Morina, N., Schena, F., & Barbui, C. (2021). Physical activity interventions on psychological outcomes in refugee, asylum seeker and migrant populations: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 54 (DOI: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2021.101901).
Bisagno, E., Morra, S., Basciano, M., Rosina, C., & Vitali, F. (2019). Assessing individual performance in team sports: A new method developed in youth volleyball. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology, 4, 53 (DOI: 10.3390/jfmk4030053).
Di Battista, R., Robazza, C., Ruiz, M. C., Bertollo, M., Vitali, F., & Bortoli, L. (2019). Student’s Intention to Practice Physical Activity: The Interplay of Task-involving Climate, Competence Needs Satisfaction, and Psychobiosocial States in Physical Education. European Physical Education Review, 25, 761-777. (DOI: 10.1177/1356336x18770665).
Vitali, F., Tarperi, C., Cristini, J., Rinaldi, A., Zelli, A., Lucidi, F., Schena, F., Bortoli, L., & Robazza, C. (2019). Action monitoring through external or internal focus of attention does not impair endurance performance. Frontiers in Psychology10:535. (DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00535).
Vitali, F., Robazza, C., Bortoli, L., Bertinato, L., Schena, F., & Lanza, M. (2019). Enhancing fitness, enjoyment, and physical self-efficacy in primary school children: a DEDIPAC naturalistic study. PeerJ, 7:e6436. (DOI: 10.7717/peerj.6436).
Associate Professor of Methods and didactics of sporting activities at the University of Ferrara; vice-coordinator of the MSc in Sport Sciences at the University of Ferrara.
Professional career
Luciana Zaccagni graduated with honours in Natural Sciences in 1991 from the University of Bologna; she obtained her PhD in Anthropological Sciences in 1995 discussing a thesis entitled "Anthropometric characteristics and sports performance in high-level volleyball players" at the University of Bologna; in the academic year 1995-1997 she obtained a post-doctoral scholarship with a research project entitled "Determination of biological age in former athletes" at the University of Bologna. From 2001 to 2008 she was a tenured secondary school teacher. From 2008 to 2020 she was a Confirmed Researcher in SSD M-EDF/02 Methods and Didactics of Sporting Activities at the University of Ferrara and from 2020 to present Associate Professor in the same SSD.
Scientific results
Luciana Zaccagni's research activity focuses on the relationship between anthropometric characteristics and sports performance for aptitude selection and to provide indications for improving performance, and on the association between lifestyle (especially the practice of physical activity and/or sports), weight status, and body image perception to highlight strategies for the prevention of overweight and obesity in the population.
Editorial work and publications
[2001] Gualdi-Russo E, Zaccagni, L. Somatotype, role and performance in elite volleyball players. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 41(2):256–262.
[2012] Zaccagni L. Anthropometric characteristics and body composition of Italian national wrestlers. European Journal of Sport Science, 12(2):145–151.
[2012] Barbieri D, Zaccagni L, Cogo A, Gualdi-Russo E. Body composition and somatotype of experienced mountain climbers. High Altitude Medicine and Biology, 13(1):46–50.
[2016] Rinaldo N, Zaccagni L, Gualdi-Russo E. Soccer training programme improved the body composition of pre-adolescent boys and increased their satisfaction with their body image. Acta Paediatrica, International Journal of Paediatrics, 105(10):492–495.
[2017] Barbieri D, Zaccagni L, Babić V, ...Mišigoj-Duraković M, Gualdi-Russo E. Body composition and size in sprint athletes. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 7(9):1142–1146.
[2019] Zaccagni L, Lunghi B, Barbieri D, ...Bernardi F, Gualdi-Russo E. Performance prediction models based on anthropometric, genetic and psychological traits of Croatian sprinters. Biology of Sport, 36(1):17–23.
[2019] Zaccagni L, Rinaldo N, Gualdi-Russo E. Anthropometric indicators of body image dissatisfaction and perception inconsistency in young rhythmic gymnastics. Asian Journal of Sports Medicine, 10(4):e87871.
[2019] Gualdi-Russo E, Rinaldo N, Pasini A, Zaccagni L. Hand preference and performance in basketball tasks. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(22):4336.
[2020] Rinaldo N, Toselli S, Gualdi-Russo E, Zedda N, Zaccagni L. Effects of anthropometric growth and basketball experience on physical performance in pre-adolescent male players. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(7):2196.
[2021] Rinaldo, N, Gualdi-Russo E, Zaccagni L. Influence of size and maturity on injury in young elite soccer players. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(6):3120.
[2021] Toselli S, Campa F, Latessa PM,...Grigoletto A, Zaccagni L. Differences in maturity and anthropometric and morphological characteristics among young male basketball and soccer players and non-players. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(8):3902.
[2023] Zaccagni L, Gualdi-Russo E. The Impact of Sports Involvement on Body Image Perception and Ideals: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(6): 5228.
Awards and prizes
In 2011, she won an award for Best Poster at the 19th Congress of the Italian Anthropological Association (AAI), with 'Anthropometric characteristics and body composition of the football player in relation to the game level', by L. Zaccagni, Turin, 21-24 September.