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Associate Professor of Algebra at Univeristy of Trento. Secretary of the Italian Mathematical Union.
Professional career
Alessandra Bernardi began her professional journey by earning a degree in Mathematics from the University of Bologna in 2001. She then pursued doctoral studies at the University of Milan, where she obtained a PhD in Mathematics in 2005. During her doctorate, she focused on varieties parameterizing forms and their secant varieties, under the guidance of Prof. A. Gimigliano.
After her PhD, she embarked on an international research path, serving as a Research Fellow at the University of Bologna until 2009, and later as a Postdoctoral Researcher at CIRM - Fondazione Bruno Kessler in Trento. Her career continued abroad as an Individual Marie Curie Fellow (Post Doc) at INRIA Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée in France from 2010 to 2012, where she dedicated herself to the study of structured tensor decompositions.
Returning to Italy, she took on the role of Researcher (RTD a) at the University of Turin in 2012, before moving to a Researcher (RTD b) position at the University of Bologna until 2016. During these years, Alessandra further developed her research in multilinear algebra and algebraic geometry, with particular attention to the applications of tensor decompositions and secant varieties.
In 2016, Alessandra Bernardi became an Associate Professor at the University of Trento, where she currently engages in teaching and research activities.
In parallel to her work as a researcher and professor, she coordinates research projects of international and Italian relevance, including the TENORS project funded by the European Community (Horizon 2020) and a PRIN project funded by the MUR. She is also active in numerous mathematical societies, including the Italian Mathematical Union where she serves as Secretary, scientific committees, and editorial boards of international journals (SIMAX, Open Mathematics), significantly contributing to the advancement of mathematical research globally.
Alessandra Bernardi is distinguished by her commitment to scientific dissemination and the third mission, organizing events, workshops, and conferences to bring the public closer to mathematics. Her research focuses mainly on tensor decomposition, algebraic geometry, and their applications in various fields, testifying to her leadership role in her field of study. She founded the TensorDec laboratory in Trento, which aims to be a privileged recipient for both research and training activities, with the goal of connecting master's and undergraduate students to the different aspects of tensor decompositions.
Scientific results
Throughout her career, Alessandra Bernardi has contributed to several areas of mathematics, with scientific results ranging from commutative algebra, algebraic geometry to tensor decomposition, influencing both theoretical research and practical applications.
At the beginning of her career, after obtaining her PhD from the University of Milan in 2005, Bernardi dedicated herself to the study of varieties parameterizing forms and their secant varieties. This period marked the beginning of her interest in the applications of algebraic geometry in tensor decomposition, a field that would become central to her research.
Subsequently, during her period as a Marie Curie Fellow at INRIA Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée in France, Bernardi delved into the study of structured tensor decompositions, exploring computational and theoretical issues. Her research during this period helped establish fundamental connections between multilinear algebra, algebraic geometry, and complexity theory, tackling computational problems in the practical search for tensor decompositions.
Her research has found practical applications in numerous fields, from quantum physics, ecology, to bioinformatics, demonstrating how tensors and their decompositions are powerful tools for data analysis and processing. The wide range of applications of her studies highlights the cross-disciplinary importance of tensor decomposition in real-world problems, from telecommunications systems to image processing, to understanding complex biological systems.
Editorial work and publications
Since 2017, Alessandra Bernardi has served as Editor for the SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications (SIMAX), a leading journal in the field of matrix analysis and its applications.
In 2019, she served as Guest Editor for the volume Quantum Physics and Geometry in the Lecture Notes of the Unione Matematica Italiana series (UMILN volume 25), demonstrating her interest and expertise in the interdisciplinary links between mathematics and quantum physics.
That same year, she was also Guest Editor for a special issue of JSC (Journal of Symbolic Computation) following MEGA 2019, confirming her commitment to publishing related to effective methods in algebraic geometry and symbolic computation.
Since 2021, Alessandra Bernardi has held the position of Responsible Director for the UMI Newsletter (Italian Mathematical Union), playing a key role in scientific dissemination and communication within the Italian mathematical community.
Starting from February 2024, she has taken on the role of Editor for Open Mathematics.
Publications here: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6948-1274
Awards and prizes
Editor Top Pick among all the articles of 2021 in the Bulletin of the Italian Mathematical Union for the work "High order singular value decomposition for plant diversity estimation" together with Martina Iannacito and Duccio Rocchini.
STEM area: Mathematics
Competences: Applied Mathematics, Statistical Mechanics
Keywords: applications to neural networks, cellular molecular networks, complex networks, complex systems, entropy, multilayer networks, network geometry, networks, non-equilibrium models, percolation, social networks
Region: ABROAD
Reader (Associate Professor) in Applied Mathematics and Head of the Complex Systems and Networks group at Queen Mary University of London, UK
Turing Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute, London UK
Professional career
In 1998 Ginestra Bianconi obtained a Laurea in Physics (equivalent to BSc and MSc) at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” and in 2002 she obtained a PhD in Physics at University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA. She has worked as Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Université de Fribourg, Fribourg, CH (from 2002 to 2003) and at the International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy (from 2003 to 2009). In 2009 she was appointed Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics at Northeastern University, Boston, USA. In 2013 she joined the School of Mathematical Sciences at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), London, UK where since 2015 she is Reader in Applied Mathematics. In 2018 she has been appointed Alan Turing Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute and Head of the Complex Systems and Networks group at QMUL.
Scientific results
Ginestra Bianconi’s research focuses on Network Theory,Applied Mathematics and Statistical Mechanics applied to Complex Systems. Networks describe the rich underlying structure of Complex Systems and are formed by the set of elements of the system (nodes) and the interactions among them (links). The most prominent examples of complex networks include the brain and social networks.
Ginestra Bianconi’s research activity in Network Theory is motivated by the urgent need to develop theoretical approaches that address the challenges posed by the complexity of real networks using innovative approaches at the frontier between Applied Mathematics and Statistical Mechanics. Among her most relevant results we mention the Bianconi-Barabási model. This model explains how networks such as the Internet or the World-Wide-Web evolve by establishing a map between the network evolution and the Bose-Einstein condensation, a quantum phenomenon occurring in a gas of Bose particles. Another notable research line of Ginestra Bianconi is the formulation of an information theory of networks based on entropy of network ensembles that can be used to solve inference problems. Recently the research activity of Ginestra Bianconi has focused on multilayer networks that describe systems formed by several interacting networks and on network geometry. Additonally, Ginestra Bianconi has several interdisciplinary collaborations with scientists in neuroscience and informatics and with economists.
Editorial work and publications
Ginestra Bianconi is the editorial manager of several scientific journals including Nature Scientific Reports and Annals of Physics. She is also the author of more than 100 publications, including:
(2018) Bianconi, G, Multilayer Networks: Structure and Function (Oxford University Press)
(2014) Bianconi G, Dorogovtsev SN. Multiple percolation transitions in a configuration model of a network of networks. Physical Review E, 89(6):062814.
(2014) Menichetti G, Dall'Asta L, Bianconi G. Network controllability is determined by the density of low in-degree and out-degree nodes. Physical review letters, 113(7): 078701.
(2014) Boccaletti S, Bianconi G, Criado R, Del Genio CI, Gómez-Gardenes J, Romance M, Sendina-Nadal I, Wang Z, Zanin M. The structure and dynamics of multilayer networks. Physics Reports, 544(1):1-122.
(2013) Bianconi G. Statistical mechanics of multiplex networks: Entropy and overlap. Physical Review E, 87(6):062806.
(2010) Stehlé J, Barrat A, Ginestra Bianconi G. Dynamical and bursty interactions in social networks. Physical review E, 81(3): 035101.
(2009) Bianconi G, Pin P, Marsili M. Assessing the relevance of node features for network structure. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106(28):11433-11438.
(2009) Kartik A, Bianconi G. Entropy measures for networks: Toward an information theory of complex topologies. Physical Review E, 80(4):045102.
(2007) Bianconi G. The entropy of randomized network ensembles. Europhysics Letters, 81(2): 28005.
(2001) Bianconi G, Barabási A-L. Competition and multiscaling in evolving networks. Europhysics Letter, 54(4):436.
(2001) Bianconi G, Ginestra, Barabási A-L. Bose-Einstein condensation in complex networks. Physical review letters, 86(24):5632.
Awards and prizes
Ginestra Bianconi is member of the Network Science Society, the European Complex Systems Society, the London Mathematical Society, the European Physics Society and the European Women in Mathematics Society.
STEM area: Mathematics
Competences: applications of stochastic control on applications in economics, finanze and insurance, applications of stochastic filtering on applications in economics, finanze and insurance, Applied Mathematics, probability
Keywords: stochastic calculus, stochastic models, stochastic processes
Region: Lazio
Professional career
Claudia Ceci obtained a degree (with honours) in Mathematics in 1990 and a PhD in Probability in 1996 at the University of Rome Sapienza.
She benefited from a C.N.R. scholarship abroad, spending a period of research at the "Laboratoire des Probabilites" of the University of Paris VI, in 1991-92.
She was researcher at the University of Florence from 1993 to 1998 and associate professor in Probability and Mathematical Statistics at the University of Chieti-Pescara from 1998 to 2011.
She became a full professor in the same disciplinary scientific sector at the same University in 2011. She has been full professor of Mathematical Methods of Economics and Actuarial and Financial Sciences at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Rome Sapienza, since 2022.
She carried out various management activities at the University of Chieti-Pescara, including President of the Degree Course in Economics and Business and Coordinator of the PhD in Sciences.
Scientific results
Claudia Ceci has obtained significant scientific results in the field of stochastic filtering and stochastic control and their applications. Her research mainly focused on applications in economics, finance and insurance; in particular, in the framework of incomplete financial market models for pure jump and jump-diffusion processes, also under partial information. She studied hedging and pricing of derivative securities including credit and insurance-type securities with mortality risk. A consistent part of her papers concerns optimal investment and reinsurance problems investigated using the classical stochastic control approach based on the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation, or techniques based on BSDEs (backward stochastic differential equations) which are well suited in non-Markovian or infinite-dimensional frameworks.Recently, her interests concern modeling, through contagion processes, of phenomena that exhibit clusters effects, such as insurance losses due to catastrophic events. Claudia Ceci has participated in several Research Projects, acting as Unit’s responsible for three national projects: COFIN 1999, PRIN 2006 and PRIN 2008. She was PI of three GNAMPA-INdAM (National Institute of Higher Mathematics) projects in 2016 , 2020 and 2022. She is currently Unit’s responsible for the PRIN 2022 entitled "Optimal control and games and the role of information" and she is also PI of a three-year Sapienza Big Project entitled "Stochastic Optimization Problems in Insurance, Finance and Economics".
Editorial work and publications
Claudia Ceci is author of more than 50 articles in international scientific journals. She presented her research results at about 60 international conferences and workshpos in Italy and abroad. Many of the conference presentations have been under invitation. She is part of the Editorial Board of two international scientific journals: Journal Stochastic Analysis and Applications and AIMS Mathematics. She was Guest Editor of the Special Issue Stochastic Optimization Methods in Economics, Finance and Insurance, Mathematics. She acts as a reviewer for numerous international scientific journals, PhD theses and research projects.
Among the main publications:
M.Brachetta, G.Callegaro, C.Ceci, C.Sgarra: Optimal reinsurance via BSDEs in a partially observable model with jump clusters, Finance and Stochastics, 2023.
C.Ceci, K.Colaneri, A.Cretarola: Optimal Reinsurance and Investment under Common Shock Dependence Between Financial and Actuarial Markets, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 2022.
M.Brachetta, C.Ceci: A Stochastic Control Approach to Public Debt Management, Mathematics and Financial Economics, 2022.
M.Brachetta, C.Ceci: A BSDE-based approach for the optimal reinsurance problem under partial information , Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 2020.
C.Ceci, K.Colaneri, A.Cretarola: Indifference pricing of pure endowments via BSDEs under partial information , Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, published online 2020, https://doi.org/10.1080/03461238.2020.1790030.
G.Callegaro, C.Ceci, G.Ferrari: Optimal reduction of public debt under partial observation of the economic growth , Finance and Stochastics, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00780-020-00438-z.
C.Ceci, K.Colaneri, R.Frey, V.Koeck: Value adjustments and dynamic hedging of Reinsurance Counterparty Risk , SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics, 2020.
L.Bo, C.Ceci: Locally Risk-Minimizing Hedging of Counterparty Risk for Portfolio of Credit Derivatives , Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 2020.
C.Ceci, K.Colaner, A.Cretarola: Local risk-minimization under restricted information on asset prices, Electronic Journal of Probability, 2015.
C.Ceci, A.Cretarola, F.Russo: BSDES under partial information and financial applications, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 2014, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.spa.2014.03.003.
C.Ceci, K.Colaneri: The Zakai equation of nonlinear filtering for jump-diffusion observation: existence and uniqueness, Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 2014.
C.Ceci, K.Colaneri: Nonlinear filtering for jump diffusion observations, Advances in Applied Probability, 2012.
Awards and prizes
She received the degree award in memory of Prof. Gabriella Del Grosso at the Department of Mathematics Castelnuovo, of the University of Rome Sapienza, in 1990. She won two C.N.R. scholarships, the first for undergraduates in 1989 (ranking seventh out of 30 grants) and the second in 1990 (ranking third out of 23 places) for a year research period at the "Laboratoire des Probabilites" of University Paris VI. She is member of the Board of the UMI-PRISMA Group (Probability In Statistics, Mathematics and Applications) from 2020 and member of the Scientific Commission of the “Unione Matematica Italiana” (https://umi.dm.unibo.it/organi-direttivi /) from 2021.
Full professor of Mathematics of the University of Rome Tor Vergata and Member of the ANVUR Governing Board
Professional career
After the Master degree in Mathematics as the University of Rome La Sapienza, she continued her studies through a PhD in Mathematics at the Swiss Polytechnic Institute (ETH) in Zuerich, awarded in 1989. Afterwards, she becomes Researcher in Mathematical Physics at the Department of Mathematics of the University of L’Aquila until 1999. Since then, she is associate professor of Mathematical Physics at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. Since 2013 she is full professor at the same university; from 2015 to 2018 she has been chair of the Department of Mathematics of the University of Rome Tor Vergata, where she coordinates since 2010 the post-graduate course in “Space Science and Technology”. In 2019 she was appointed Board Member of the Italian Space Agency, a role she held until February 2020. Since April 2020 she is a member of the Board of Directors of ANVUR.
Scientific results
The research interests of Alessandra Celletti include celestial mechanics, dynamical systems theory, interplanetary trajectories and the study of the dynamics of space debris. Celestial Mechanics is a discipline which dates back to primordial times and studies the dynamics of objects in the solar system, form the Moon to the planets, from spacecraft to artificial satellites. There are several open questions that celestial mechanics tries to answer: for example, whether the solar system will undergo collisions among the planets, how it is possible to design interplanetary low-cost trajectories, which is the fate of the space debris orbiting around the Earth or which is the probability of the threat induced ny the collision of an asteroid with the Earth.
Editorial work and publications
She is author of several books at university and popular level:
Celletti A, Esercizi di Meccanica Razionale, Aracne editrice, 1999.
Celletti A, Stability and Chaos in Celestial Mechanics, Springer-Praxis, 2010.
Celletti A, Perozzi E, Celestial Mechanics: The Waltz of the Planets, Springer-Praxis, 2007.
Celletti A, Perozzi E, Pianeti per caso, UTET, 2012.
Celletti A., Meccanica Celeste, Lezioni di Fisica, Corriere della Sera, 2019.
Alessandra Celletti is also author of several scientific publications on national and international journals, among which:
(2018) Celletti A., Gales C., "Dynamics of resonances and equilibria of Low Earth Objects", SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst., vol. 17:203-235
(2016) Celletti A, Gales C, Pucacco G. Bifurcation of lunisolar secular resonances for space debris orbits. SIAM, Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 15(3):1352-1383.
(2016) Lhotka C, Celletti A, Gales C. Poynting-Robertson drag and solar wind in the space debris problem. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 460(1):802-815.
(2015) Celletti A, Gales C. Dynamical investigation of minor resonances for space debris.Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 123(2):203-222.
(2015) Celletti A, Pucacco G, Stella D. Lissajous and Halo orbits in the restricted three-body problem. Journal of Nonlinear Science, 25(2):343-370.
(2014) Celletti A, Gales C. On the dynamics of space debris: 1:1 and 2:1 resonances. Journal of Nonlinear Science, 24(6):1231-1262.
(2014) Calleja R, Celletti A, Falcolini C, de la Llave R. An extension of Greene's criterion for conformally symplectic systems and a partial justification. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 46(4):2350-2384.
(2013) Calleja R, Celletti A, de la Llave R. A KAM theory for conformally symplectic systems: efficient algorithms and their validation. Journal of Differential Equations, 255(5):978-1049.
(2011) Celletti A, Stefanelli L, Lega E, Froeschle' C. Global dynamics of the regularized restricted three-body problem with dissipation. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 109:265-284.
(2009) Celletti A, Chierchia L. Quasi-periodic attractors in Celestial Mechanics. Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 191(2):311-345.
Awards and prizes
From 2011 to 2013 Alessandra Celletti is chair of the Italian Society of Celestial Mechanics and Astrodynamics; the asteroid 2005 DJ1, n. 117539 bears the name Alessandra Celletti. In 2010 she is elected member of the Celestial Mechanics Institute, an international organization composed by about 20 experts in Celestial Mechanics. In 2012 she is invited speaker at the sixth congress of the European Mathematical Society. She received from the Europen Community grants for the projects "Marie Curie Innovative Training Networks" called Astronet-II (2011), Stardust (2013), Stardust-R (2019). In 2018 she becomes president of the Scientific Committee in Celestial Mechanics of the International Astronomical Union. During the period 2015-2018 she is member of the scientific committee of the Italian Mathematical Union and since 2014 of the scientific committee of the Italian National Group of Mathematical Physics. In 2016 she is elected Editor in Chief of the international journal "Celestial Mechanics & Dynamical Astronomy" (edited by Springer), a reference publication in the field of Celestial Mechanics and Flight Dynamics. She is e member of the Committee Women in Mathematics of the European Mathematical Society. In September 2018 she was elected Presidente of the Celestial Mechanic and Astrodynamics Committee of the International Astronomical Union.
In 2023, she won the most important prize in the field of Celestial Mechanics, the Brouwer Award.
STEM area: Mathematics
Competences: Critical Transitions in Complex Systems, Dynamical Systems, Mathematical Physics, Women and Science
Keywords: analytical and numerical aspects of Hamiltonian systems, applications to celestial mechanics, ecology, climate, desertification, dinamical systems
Region: Apulia
Aggregated professor in Mathematical Physics and Vice Rector for Gender Policies at University of Salento
Professional career
After graduating in Mathematics with honours at the University of Bologna, Anna Maria Cherubini gets a PhD degree in Mathematics from the same university, with a thesis on the theory of perturbations in semiclassical mechanics. In the following two years she works as a post-doc fellow at the University of Padua, on problems in Hamiltonian perturbation theory studied both from an analytical and numerical point of view. She also works at the University of Verona, teaching courses in mathematical analysis.
Since her appointment as a researcher at the University of Salento she broadens her research interests to other areas, such as critical transitions in complex systems, with applications to ecology, and random dynamical systems. From 2013 to 2015 she is a visiting researcher at the Department of Mathematics at Imperial College London, collaborating with the dynamical systems group. She is currently an aggregated professor at the Department of Mathematics and Physics of the University of Salento, where she teaches courses in mathematical physics and dynamical systems.
Since November 2019, she is the Vice Rector for gender policies. She is also a member of the Gender Commission of the National Conference of Italian University Rectors; of the Steering Committee of European Women in Mathematics (EWM), of which she also coordinates the editorial team; of the Steering Committee of the Italian Conference of University Equality Bodies and of the Equal Opportunities Committee of the Italian Mathematical Association (UMI).
Scientific results
Anna Maria Cherubini's research interests include various aspects of mathematical physics and dynamical systems theory. One field of interest is Hamiltonian systems, systems with a particular geometrical structure, which are fundamental in physics and in particular in classical and quantum dynamics. In particular, she has studied perturbation theory of Hamiltonian systems (in a very general sense, these are techniques for dealing with open problems as 'small' variations of known systems) both theoretically and numerically (symplectic algorithms).
She has worked on problems of critical transitions (or tipping points) in complex systems, i.e. abrupt and irreversible changes of state in non-linear systems with a large number of interacting variables. Such systems are of great interest in the real world, e.g. in ecology, climate, finance, where critical transitions can have dramatic consequences. In particular, she has worked on applications to ecology, using percolation theory techniques and stochastic cellular automata to study the risk of desertification in semi-arid areas, also with the aim of identifying early signs of transition.
Another field of work is random dynamical systems: in this area she has studied phenomena such as the stochastic resonance (a phenomenon found in nature and used in technology in which environmental noise amplifies a signal instead of blurring it).
She is currently working on problems that combine the Hamiltonian aspect with random components, such as Hamiltonian problems with noise or the use of ergodic theory techniques in celestial mechanics problems.
Editorial work and publications
Anna Maria Cherubini is the head of the editorial team of the European Women in Mathematics newsletter and the author of publications in mathematics andpublications related to gender equality in science, some of which are listed below.
P. Cherubini, C. Reverberi, M. Mantovani and A.M. Cherubini. Dentro la teoria del prospetto: come la probabilità degli esiti cambia gli atteggiamenti verso il rischio Sistemi intelligenti, ISSN 1120-9550, (2024), in print.
C. Cerroni and A.M. Cherubini. A che punto è la notte: i numeri delle donne nella matematica italiana. Matematica, Cultura e Società 3 (2018), 5-11.
A.M. Cherubini, J.S.W. Lamb, M. Rasmussen, and Y. Sato. A random dynamical system perspective on stochastic resonance. Nonlinearity 30 (2017), 2835–2853.
F. Bagarello, A.M. Cherubini and F. Oliveri. An operatorial description of desertification. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 76.2 (2016), 433–597.
R. Corrado, A.M. Cherubini and C. Pennetta. Critical Desertification Transition in Semi-Arid Ecosystems: the role of local facilitation and colonization rate, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations, 22.1 (2015), 3–12.
R. Corrado, A.M. Cherubini and C. Pennetta. Desertification transitions in semi-arid ecosystems and directed percolation, ISCS 2014: Interdisciplinary Symposium on Complex Systems, A. Sanayei, O. E. R¨ossler, I. Zelinka eds, Series: Emergence, complexity and computation, 14, Springer (2015), 99–107.
R. Corrado, A.M. Cherubini and C. Pennetta. Early warning signals of desertification transitions in semi-arid ecosystems. Physical Review E 90.6 (2014): 062705.
K. Mazzocco, A.M. Cherubini and P. Cherubini. On the short horizon of spontaneous iterative reasoning in logical puzzles and games, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 121 (2013),14–40.
A.M. Cherubini, G. Metafune and F. Paparella. On the stopping time of a bouncing ball, Discrete and Continous Dynamical Systems-B 10:1 (2008), 43–72.
P. Cherubini, E. Castelvecchio and A.M. Cherubini. Generation of hypotheses in Wason’s 2-4-6 task: an information theory approach, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 158A:2 (2005), 309–332.
G. Benettin, A.M. Cherubini and F. Fass`o. Regular and chaotic motions of the fast rotating rigid body: a numerical study, Discrete and Continous Dynamical Systems-B 2:4 (2002), 43–72.
G. Benettin, A.M. Cherubini and F. Fass`o. A ”changing chart” symplectic algorithm for rigid bodies and other dynamical systems on manifolds, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 23:4 (2001), 1189–1203.
A.M. Cherubini, P. Colella and C. Mangia eds. Empowerment e orientamento di genere nella scienza. Dalla teoria alle buone pratiche. Franco Angeli Edizioni (2011), pp.208, ISBN 9788856839623.
Awards and prizes
Anna Maria Cherubini coordinated the STReGA project for women in scientific research, funded by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies within the framework of the Positive Action Plan (2008-2011). She was in the core team of the University of Salento of the European project "CALIPER: Linking research and innovation for gender equality" (SwafS-09-2018-2019-2020), as well as in the core team of projects for the European Researchers' Night including the latest, just approved, ERN APULIA MED. She has participated in the European doctoral network ITN CRITICS on critical transitions in complex systems, and in several PRIN, projects of national research interest.
She is the Vice Rector for gender policies for Unisalento.
She is a member of the Steering Committee of European Women in Mathematics (EWM), of which she also coordinates the editorial team, of the Equal Opportunities Committee of the Italian Mathematical Union, of the President's Committee of the National Conference of University Equality Bodies and of the Gender Commission of the Conference of Italian University Rectors (CRUI) for which, among other things, she participated in the drafting of the guidelines for the Gender Equality Plan of universities.
STEM area: Mathematics
Competences: Equal Opportunities in STEM fields, Functional Analysis, Geometry, Mathematics and Music
Keywords: complex analysis, dinamical systems, gender equality, gender gap in science, geometry and music, quaternionic analysis, women and mathematics, women and science, Women in STEM
Region: Marche
Full Professor of Geometry at the Università Politecnica delle Marche and coordinator of the Equal Opportunity Committee of Unione Matematica Italiana (Italian Mathematics Union).
Professional career
Chiara de Fabritiis gets a MSc degree in mathematics at Università di Pisa and a “diploma di corso ordinario” at Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa in 1989, where she gets also a PhD in Mathematics in 1994. She is ricercatrice universitaria in Geometry at SISSA (Trieste) in 1992-96, then she moves to Università di Bologna. In 1999 she is associate professor in Geometry at Università Politecnica delle Marche; in 2005 she obtains a full professor position in Geometry at the same institution. From 2008 to 2011 she is Head of the Dipartimento di Matematica “Vito Volterra”, since 2022 she is è director of Consorzio Interuniversitario per l’Alta Formazione Matematica.
Scientific results
Chiara de Fabritiis’ scientific activity mainly concerns the study of complex geometry of manifolds, in last years she adds them quaternionic geometry and analysis, which then become central in her research. She is also interested in gender issues in STEM fields; in didactics of mathematics, with particular focus on tertiary education and use of digital technologies, and in applications of geometry to technology and arts, music above all.
Editorial work and publications
She wrote several books, both at university level and addressed to general audience:
C. de Fabritiis: Il teorema fondamentale dell'algebra, I teoremi de Le Scienze, 2024.
C. de Fabritiis: Il teorema di Abel-Ruffini, I teoremi de Le Scienze, 2024.
F. Alessio , C. de Fabritiis, C. Marcelli, P. Montecchiari: Matematica zero, Pearson, 2016.
M. Abate, C de Fabritiis: Geometria analitica con elementi di algebra lineare, McGraw-Hill, 2015.
She is also author of several scientific papers published on national and international journals, among them:
(2023) F. Alessio, C. de Fabritiis, A. I. Telloni: A STEM Literacy Program for Students in Secondary-Tertiary Transition to Reduce the Gender Gap: a Focus on the Students’ Perception, Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 19 6, 13 – 21.
(2023) A. Altavilla, C. de Fabritiis: *-Logarithm for Slice Regular Functions, Atti Accademia Nazionale Lincei, Classe di Scienze, 31(2), 491-529.
(2020) A. Altavilla, C. de Fabritiis: Equivalence of slice semi-regular functions via Sylvester operators, Linear Algebra Applications, 607C, 151-189.
(2019) A. Altavilla, C. de Fabritiis: *-exponential of Slice Regular Functions, Proceedings American Mathematical Society, 147, 1173-1188.
(2018) C. de Fabritiis, G. Gentili, G. Sarfatti: Quaternionic Hardy Spaces, Annali Scienze Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (5), XVIII-2 697-733.
(2006) C. de Fabritiis: Composition Operators on Bergman Spaces over the Punctured Plane, Journal Functional Analysis, 274, 152 -179.
(2002) C. de Fabritiis: Generic Subgroups of Aut(B_n), Annali Scienze Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (5), I, 851-868.
(1999) C. de Fabritiis: G. Gentili : On Holomorphic Maps which Commute with Hyperbolic Automorphisms, Advances in Mathematics, 144, 119 -136.
Awards and prizes
Since 2018 she is a member of Commissione Scientifica of Unione Matematica Italiana, she is also coordinates the Equal Opportunity Committee. Since the same date is member of Comitato Unico di Garanzia of her university, since 2021 she is the president of CUG. She is director of Consorzio Interuniversitario per l’Alta Formazione Matematica since 2022. From 2015 to 2023 she is head of the Unità di Ricerca dell’Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica at Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale e Scienze Matematiche. She is a member of the learned societies European Women in Mathematics and European Mathematical Society. In 1993 she is awarded the Premio di studio F. Severi.
Full Professor of Numerical Analysis at the University of Pavia
Professional career
After graduating in Mathematics at the University of Pavia in 1970 she has been fellow first, and then Researcher of C.N.R. at the Istituto di Analisi Numerica in Pavia (now IMATI-CNR) from 1973 to 1990. Since 1990 she is Full Professor of Numerical Analysis, at the Faculty of Science of the University of Genova until 1993, and then at the Engineering Faculty of the University of Pavia. Currently, she is professor emerita of Numerical Analysis at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Pavia.
Scientific results
The field of interest of Luisa Donatella Marini is, generally speaking, the analysis of numerical schemes for the solution of elliptic partial differential equations (of second and fourth order) by means of different kinds of finite element methods: conforming, non-conforming, hybrid, mixed, and equilibrium. More specifically, she applied finite element techniques for the treatment of problems coming from various applications: semiconductor device simulation, electromagnetism, fluid-dynamics, structural mechanics. Particular emphasis was given to the approximation of non-coercive problems, which lead to develop various techniques for stabilizing Galerkin formulations, for applications to domain decomposition methods with non-matching grids, and to advection dominated problems. In the last decade she was particularly interested in developing and analyzing schemes based on Discontinuous Galerkin methods, for the discretization of various applied problems, such as Darcy flows, advection-diffusion problems, and Reissner-Mindlin model for plate problems. The more recent production is devoted to a new technique, the Virtual Element Method, for the discretization of Pde's with applications.
Editorial work and publications
L. Donatella Marini serves or has served as Associate Editor of various journals: SISC (SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing) from 1988 to 1993, CMAME (Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering) since 2001, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, since 2017, the Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics since 2008, and is member of the Advisory Board of CAMES (Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Sciences) since 2014. She is also reviewer for other numerous important international journals, and evaluator for national and international proposals.
She authored over 100 publications on international journals. Several of her journal articles are among the most cited in mathematics. Below five selected publications. For a complete list I refer to my webpage: http://arturo.imati.cnr.it/marini
[2002] Unified analysis of Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Elliptic Problems. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 39(5):1749-1779 (with Arnold DN, Brezzi F, Cockburn B).
[1985] Marini LD. Two families of mixed finite elements for second order elliptic problems. Journal of Numerical Mathematics, 47:217-235 (with Brezzi F, Douglas J jr.,).
[2013] Basic principles of Virtual Element Methods. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 23(1):199-214 (with Beirão da Veiga L, Brezzi F, Cangiani A, Manzini G, Russo A.).
[2013]Virtual Elements for linear elasticity problems, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 51(2):794-812 (with Beirão da Veiga L, Brezzi F).
[2014] The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Virtual Element Method, Math. Models Methods. Appl. Sci. 24(8):1541-1573 (with Beirão da Veiga L, Brezzi F, Russo A).
Awards and prizes
She was awarded the Turner-Kirk Distinguished Visiting Fellowship for the GCS programme at the Isaac Newton Institute (Cambridge, UK), July-December 2019, is Member of the scientific committee of the 20th International Conference on Finite Elements in Flow Problems (FEF 2019, Chicago), is representative of SIMAI (The Italian Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics) in the General Assembly and Managing Board of the European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS) since 2014, has been Chair of the committee for the ICIAM (The International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) Collatz prize in 2015. In 2010 she was elected a member of the European Academy of Science (EURASC), where she also serves as a member of the scientific committee of the Division of Mathematics (March 2018-March 2021). She has been member of the Committee for PhD programs at the University of Pavia from 1999 to 2009, and then Director of the Doctoral School of “Scienze e Tecnologie A. Volta” of the University of Pavia from 2009 to 2013. In 2012 she delivered the inaugural lecture for the opening of the academic year at the University of Pavia.
Group Leader at Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences (Germany).
Professional career
Raffaella Mulas obtained her Master's degree at the University of Bonn in 2017, and her PhD at Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences (MPI MiS) in 2020. After a postdoc at the Alan Turing Institute of London, she was awarded a Minerva Fast Track Fellowship from the Max Planck Society and became the group leader of the “Spectral Hypergraph Theory” research group at the MPI MiS. Starting from March 2023, she will be an Assistant Professor in Applied Mathematics at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Scientific results
Raffaella Mulas' research focuses on network sciences, and in particular on the spectral theory of graphs and hypergraphs. Her results are mostly in pure mathematics, but she has many interdisciplinary collaborations that allow her to work also on applications, for instance to physics and biology.
Editorial work and publications
[2022] Mulas R, Horak D, Jost J. Graphs, Simplicial Complexes and Hypergraphs: Spectral Theory and Topology. In: Higher-Order Systems, Understanding Complex Systems, F. Battiston and G. Petri (eds.), Springer.
[2022] Mulas R, Kuehn, C, Böhle T, Jost J. Random walks and Laplacians on hypergraphs: When do they match?. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 317:26-41.
[2022] Galuppi F, Mulas R, Venturello L. Spectral theory of weighted hypergraphs via tensors. Linear and Multilinear Algebra, DOI: 10.1080/03081087.2022.2030659.
[2021] Mulas R, Zhang D. Spectral theory of Laplace operators on oriented hypergraphs. Discrete Mathematics, 344(6):112372.
[2021] Mulas R. A Cheeger Cut for Uniform Hypergraphs. Graphs and Combinatorics, 37: 2265-2286.
[2021] Abiad A, Mulas R, Zhang D. Coloring the normalized Laplacian for oriented hypergraphs. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 629:192-207.
[2021] Mulas R, Casey MJ. Estimating cellular redundancy in networks of genetic expression. Mathematical Biosciences, 341:108713.
[2020] Mulas R, Kuehn C, Jost J. Coupled dynamics on hypergraphs: Master stability of steady states and synchronization. Physical Review E, 101(6):062313.
[2019] Jost J, Mulas R. Hypergraph Laplace operators for chemical reaction networks. Advances in Mathematics, 351:870–896.
Awards and prizes
In 2020, she was awarded the Prize "Donna di Scienza Giovani" (Woman of Science Young). In 2021, she was awarded a Minerva Fast Track Fellowship from the Max Planck Society, and in the same year, she was elected Member of the Elisabeth-Schiemann-Kolleg.
Moreover, she won a Science Slam Prize from the Max Planck Society PhD-net in 2018, for her outreach activity. For an illustration she made, in 2021 she was awarded the First Prize at the Mathematics and Diversity Art Competition of the University of Southampton.
Full Professor of Mathematical Analysis in the University of Catania, Italy
Professional career
After graduating in Mathematics, with honors, at the University of Catania in 1988, she became, in 1989, Expert in Mathematical Analysis at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Catania. In 1990 she passed the admission exam to the PhD in Mathematics at the University of Catania. In 1992 she won a competition exam for University Researcher in Mathematical Analysis at the University of Catania, in 2000 she was Associate Professor at the University of Catania. In 2012 she was awarded a PhD in Mathematics from Luleå University (Sweden).
In 2013 she obtained the national scientific qualification as Full Professor of Mathematical Analysis and from 2017 she is Full Professor of Mathematical Analysis at the University of Catania. She is Chief Researcher of the Center of Nonlinear Problems of Mathematical Physics, RUDN University, Moscow (Russia). She is a member of the Academic Board of the PhD in Mathematics at the University of Catania, and of international PhD exam commissions. She has held teaching courses for the Research Doctorate in Italy, France, Turkey and Sweden.
She is responsible for research projects of the "National Group for Mathematical Analysis, Probability and their Applications (GNAMPA) - National Institute of High Mathematics", of ERASMUS agreements between the University of Catania and foreign Universities in Sweden, Norway, Romania, Turkey and France.
She is Vice Dean of the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences of the University of Catania from 2009 to 2012, she was elected, in 2012, President of the Master of Science in Environmental Protection Sciences of the University of Catania, and in 2013 Director of the "University Center for the Protection and Management of Natural Environments and Agro-Ecosystems" (CUTGANA).
She is Deputy Rector of the University of Catania to the Internationalization in the scientific field.
She is the contact person for Catania of the Unione Matematica Italiana, member of the Gioenia Academy, proponent member of the "Angelo Marcello Anile Center for Mathematics for Technology" of the University of Catania, proponent member of the "Interdepartmental research center for community engagement" (CUrE) of the University of Catania It is included in the Register of expert evaluators of the National Agency for the Evaluation of University and Research (ANVUR).
Scientific results
She is currently responsible for a research group that is interested in the study of partial differential, linear and quasilinear equations and climate change and their impact.
With her team he defined an index that makes it possible to easily calculate the territorial effect of sensitivity to desertification in order to exceed the international protocol limit "Mediterranean Mediterranean Desertification And Land Use European" (MEDALUS), which does not provide an estimate of sensitivity to the desertification of a territorial area (municipal, provincial, regional, hydrographic area) through a single value. This index has significant advantages, because it produces effective rankings, with the consequent possibility of processing comparative data in relation to different time periods.
Within the scope of this research in mathematics applied to the protection of the environment, the effects of the impact of the transport of Saharan dust on particulate matter (PM10) are studied.
The results of these researches have been exhibited in international conferences in all 5 continents, of which about 20 organized by her in Europe and the USA, being part of scientific committees in which she was sometimes the only Italian member. She has held seminars in numerous Italian and foreign universities, being, by way of example only: guest of research groups, invited guest on the occasion of intensive semesters of the National Institute of High Mathematics (INDAM), guest of the "Mathematics Research Center E. De Giorgi "of the" Scuola Normale Superiore "of Pisa, of the" Newton Institute "of Cambridge, of the Department of Mathematics of the" Research Melbourne Institute of Technology "of Melbourne, of the" Tokyo University of Science "of Tokyo, of the" Florida Institute of Technology "of Miami, of the Department of Mathematics, of the" Harvard University "of Boston, of the" Mittag-Leffler "Institute of the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences in Stockholm.
Editorial work and publications
She is the unique Editor in Chief of the international journal "Journal of Mathematics Research", published by the Canadian Center of Science and Education, Editor of the volume of "Journal of Inequalities and Applications" ed. Springer. 2015, member of Editorial Board of several international scientific journals published on Scopus and Web of Science with impact factor.
She is the author of more than 90 scientific publications, in single name and in collaboration with about 30 co-authors, of which one third are Italians and the other Europeans and non-Europeans. She published papers having only her name in journals that are among the top 10 of the Journal Citation Reports and publications that, in both the Scopus and Web of Science databases, have more than 170 citations.
Just as examples, some of his scientific publications:
2021) Hamdy M. Ahmed, Reda A. Elbarkouky, Othman A. M. Omar, and Maria Alessandra Ragusa. Models for COVID-19 Daily Confirmed Cases in Different Countries. Mathematics, 9:659.
(2018) Guliyev V, Omarova M, Ragusa MA, Scapellato A. Commutators and Generalized Local Morrey Spaces. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 457 (2): 1388-1402.
(2017) Cuspilici A, Monforte P, Ragusa MA. Study of Saharan dust influence on PM10 measures in Sicily from 2013 to 2015. Ecological Indicatiors, 76: 297-303.
(2017) Deringoz F, Guliyev V, Ragusa MA. Intrinsic Square Functions on Vanishing Generalized Orlicz-Morrey Spaces. Set-Valued and Variational Analysis, 25: 807–828.
(2017) Ragusa MA, Scapellato A. Mixed Morrey spaces and their applications to partial differential equations. Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods & Applications, 151: 51-65.
(2017) Duro A, Piccione V, Ragusa MA, Rapicavoli V, Veneziano V. Enviromentally Sensitive Patch Index of desertification risk applied to the main habitats of Sicily. Book Series: American Institute of Physics, 1863, Article Number: UNSP 510005.
(2014) Benboenou S, Ragusa MA, Terberche M. Remarks on Leray's self-similar solutions to the 3D magnetohydrodynamic equations. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 37 (17): 2615-2618.
(2013) Ragusa MA, Tachikawa A, Takabayashi H. Partial regularity of p(x)-harmonic maps. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 365 (6):3329-3353.
(2012) Persson LE, Ragusa MA, Samko N, Wall P. Commutators of Hardy operators in vanishing Morrey spaces. Book Series: American Institute of Physics, 1863:859-866.
(2008) ) Polidoro S, Ragusa MA. Harnack inequality for hypoelliptic ultraparabolic equations with a singular lower order term. Revista Matematica Iberoamericana Vol. 24, 1011-1046.
(2002) Ragusa MA. Local holder regularity for solutions of elliptic system. Duke Mathematical Journal, 113 (2):385-397.
(2000) D. Palagachev, M.A. Ragusa, L. Softova. Regular Oblique derivatives problem in Morrey Spaces. El. Journal of Differential Equations (39).
Full professor of operations research and President of International Federation of Operational Research Societies, University of Brescia
Professional career
After graduating in Mathematics in 1980 from the University of Milan, she continued her education by attending the Scuola di Perfezionamento in Matematica. In 1983 she graduated, becoming an operational researcher. From 1983 to 1987 she was an associate professor in the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences at the University of Udine. She then held a collaborative position at the Institute for Applications of Mathematics and Informatics of the CNR, from 1986 to 1987. Since 1994 she has been full professor of Operational Research at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Brescia. From 2002 to 2008 she is Dean of the same faculty. Since 1 November 2016 she has been Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University of Brescia.
Scientific results
The research activity of Maria Grazia Speranza is oriented to the study of mixed integer mathematical programming models, that is optimization models where a function is minimized or maximized subject to constraints and the variables must take integer values. Such models have been applied to several problems, in particular in the area of finance, where the decision concerns the investment of a capital in securities with the objective of minimizing the risk while guaranteeing a given average rate of return, and to the area of transportation and logistics where location or distribution decisions must be taken with the objective of minimizing the costs while guaranteeing a given service level. Most recent research concerns the value of collaboration and shared mobility.
Editorial work and publications
Maria Grazia Speranza is editor of international scientific journals such as Transportation Science and EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics. She is author of more than 150 publications among which:
(2018) Archetti C, Christiansen, M, Speranza MG. Inventory routing with pickups and deliveries, European Journal of Operational Research, 268:314–324.
(2018) Speranza MG. Trends in transportation and logistics, European Journal of Operational Research, 264: 830–836.
(2017) Guastaroba G, Savelsbergh M, Speranza MG.Adaptive kernel search: A heuristic for solving mixed integer linear programs, European Journal of Operational Research, 263: 789-804.
(2017) Archetti C, Boland N, Speranza MG. A matheuristic for the multi-vehicle inventory routing problem, Informs Journal on Computing, 29:377-387.
(2016) Guastaroba G, Vigo D, Speranza MG.Intermediate facilities in freight transportation planning: a survey, Transportation Science, 50:763-789.
She has also written two books:
S. Martello, M.G. Speranza, Ricerca operativa per l'economia e l'impresa, Esculapio, 2012.
R. Mansini, W. Ogryczak, M. G. Speranza, Linear and Mixed Integer Programming for Portfolio Optimization, EURO Advanced Tutorials on Operational Research, Springer, 2015.
Awards and prizes
In 2008-2009 she was Vice-President of IFORS (International Federation of Operation Research Societies). In 2011-2012 she was President of the EURO (Association of European Operational Research Societies). In 2014 she was President of the Transportation Science and Logistic Society of INFORMS (The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Science). From 2019 to 2021 she is President of IFORS. She is member of scientific committees of the major conferences in the area of transportation and logistics. She has been chair of the program committee of the IFORS conference in Quebec City in 2017. She was plenary speaker at several international conferences and in particular at Optimization days 2005 in Montréal (together with John Nash) and at the 27th European Conference on Operational Research in Glasgow in 2015.
STEM area: Mathematics
Competences: Causal Inference, with Applications in Medicine, Finance and Economics, Development of Multivariate Statistical Models, Graphical Markov Models, Statistics
Keywords: corporate social responsibility, credit scoring, models for forecasting the default event in Small and Medium Enterprises (SME), models for individual data in biomedicine and epidemiology
Region: Umbria
Full Professor of Statistics at the Università degli Studi di Perugia.
Professional career
Elena Stanghellini graduated in Economics at the Università degli Studi di Firenze in 1991, where she also completed in 1995 the Ph.D. in Applied Statistics. After a position as Research Fellow at the Open University in Milton Keynes (U.K.), in 1996 she awards a permanent position as Researcher in Statistics at the Università degli Studi di Perugia, where she became full professor in 2005.
In 2005 she is consultant to the Regional Institute of Economic Planning of Tuscany (I.R.P.E.T.) for a research about the analysis and forecasts of the regional tourist flows.
In 2007 she is Visiting Professor at the Center of Research in Statistical Methodology of the University of Warwick (U.K.).
In 2007 she is consultant to the World Bank for a survey about the environmental perceptions and behaviours of the Teheran residents.
In 2008 consultant to IRPET for the analysis of competitiveness of the European Regions.
In 2009 consultant to the Ministry of Treasure (Department UVAL) for the development of a methodology for the definition of urban and rural areas, based on socioeconomic variables.
From 2010 to 2012 she is a member of the Research Group for the Sustainable Investment Research Program (SIRP), funded by the Swedish Foundation MISTRA.
From 2011 to 2013 she participates in the research group “Identification of Graphical Markov Models with latent variables”, with annual meetings at the American Institute of Mathematics, Palo Alto.
From 2011 to 2014, she is a member of the Swedish research group SIMSAM, to study the long term effects on health of the exposure to risk factors during childhood.
From 2013 to 2016 she is Director of the Ph.D. program in Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Economic and Social Sciences.
From 2014 to 2019 she is appointed Deputy Rector for International Relationships. In this position, she was responsible of the relations with foreign Universities, Italian Ministries and the National University Council (CUN). Several missions abroad.
From 2015 to 2019 she is Affiliated Professor at the Umeå University (SE).
In 2020 she is in the Advisory Board of the national Italian Bureau of Statistics (ISTAT) for the design and implementation of sample surveys to measure and monitor epidemiological parameters of COVID-19 pandemic. Currently, she is involved in two projects, in Lombardy and Tuscany, for the analysis of COVID-19 individual data.
In 2020 and 2021 she partecipates several times at the SKY TV program “The numbers of pandemic”. In 2020 she joined the Rotary E-Club “Due Mondi”, with meetings mainly online. Presently she teaches “Statistics” and “Statistical models for Credit Scoring” and “Graphical Markov Models”.
Scientific results
Her main scientific achievements concern (a) the extension of graphical models for continuous random variables to asymmetrically distributed random variables (b) the analysis of point or interval identifiability of statistical models with missing information and (c) causal inference.
With reference to (a) she has derived the first extension of graphical models to include Extended Skew-Normal variates. With reference to point (b) she has derived condition of identifiability of graphical models for both Gaussian and discrete random variables with one dimensional confounding factor and condition for interval identification of continuous or binary response models under informative missingness of the outcome. With reference to point (c) she has derived the parametric decomposition of the total effect with binary mediators.
All results have been derived in cooperation with researchers from Italian and foreign universities. From the applied viewpoint, she has worked on micro econometric data to forecast the default event in SME, to study the relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and profitability. In epidemiology, she has been involved in the evaluation of the efficacy of a treatment in a case-control study and in the estimate of the unknown numbers of individual of an elusive population via capture-recapture methods.
Editorial work and publications
Since 2011, she participates in the Editorial Board of the International Journal “Statistical Papers”.
She has published numerous scientific contributions, including the following.
[2021] Raggi M., Stanghellini E., Doretti M. Path Analysis for Binary Random Variables. Sociological Methods and Research. Forthcoming.
[2019] Stanghellini E., Doretti M.. On marginal and conditional parameters in logistic regression models. Biometrika, 106(3):732-739.
[2018] Doretti M., Geneletti S., Stanghellini E. Missing Data: A Unified Taxonomy Guided by Conditional Independence. International Statistical Review, 86: 189-204.
[2014] Genbäck, M., Stanghellini E., De Luna X. Uncertainty Intervals for regression parameters with non-ignorable missingness in the outcome. Statistical Papers, 56(3): 829-847.
[2014] Nicolosi M., Grassi S., Stanghellini E. Item Response Models to Measure Corporate Social Responsibility. Applied Financial Economics, 24(22):1449-1464.
[2013] Stanghellini E., Vantaggi B. On the identification of discrete concentration graph models with one hidden binary variable. Bernoulli, 19(5A): 1920-1937.
[2011]. Hutton J.L., Stanghellini E. Modelling bounded health scores with censored skew-normal distributions. Statistics in Medicine, 30: 368–376.
[2009] Stanghellini E. Introduzione ai metodi statistici per il Credit Scoring. Springer Verlag Italia. Monografia.
[2005] Stanghellini E., Wermuth N. On the identification of path analysis models with one hidden variable. Biometrika, 92(2):337-350.
[2004] Stanghellini E., Van der Heijden P.G.M. A multiple-record systems estimation method that takes observed and unobserved heterogeneity into account. Biometrics, 60: 510-516.
[2003] Capitanio A., Azzalini A., Stanghellini E. Graphical Models for skew-normal variates. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 30: 129-144.
[1997] Stanghellini E. Identification of a single-factor model using graphical Gaussian rules. Biometrika 84: 241-244.
Awards and prizes
1997: Ex-aequo winner of the Prize for the best PhD Thesis in Statistics (VII Cycle) by the Italian Statistical Society.
1999: Recipient of the Jemolo Fellowship at the Nuffield College of the University of Oxford.
2010 to date: Elected Member of the International Statistical Institute.
2011: Winner of the Square Grant by the American Institute of Mathematics.