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Honorary Inspector of Archives, former director at the Ministry of Culture. Cultural heritage consultant.
Professional career
After her degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures, she qualifies for teaching in High school, and she specializes in Librarianship and Apulian Regional History at the University of Salento. Winner of the competitions as library director coordinator of the Ministry of Culture, she is assigned to the offices of the State Archives of Brindisi and Lecce. He teaches at the MIC Specialization School (Ministry of Culture). She initiates research paths on archival sources relating to social and gender studies, she is a speaker in numerous seminars for administration and in national and international conferences; she is a Commissioner in competitions of the Ministry of Culture, she is the curator of exhibitions and events at educational and city institutions and at the State Offices of the Brindisi and Lecce. She promotes the exploitation of sources and research methodology. She collaborates (research project on the social role of women between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in the Land of Otranto) with the Department of History, Society and Human Studies of the University of Salento. Member of the Center for Atlantic-Mediterranean Relations Studies (CESRAM). Member of the Laboratory of Public History and of the Provincial Committee of the Institute of History of the Risorgimento, Member of the "Civic Consciousness" association and of the Committee for the enhancement of Culture for the Republic at the Prefecture of Lecce, promotes active citizenship, the enhancement of female role and sensitivity to the correct conservation and enhancement of civic heritage. She curates projects, in particular documentary films concerning the transmission of the heritage of communities in the Salento area, favoring the scientific dissemination of gender history. For over ten years she has been involved in the protection and enhancement of the archival heritage of educational and private institutions. Since 2018 she is Honorary Archival Inspector (Ministry of Culture-Superintendency of Puglia).
She is the authoress of the book: “ Stampa periodica in Terra d’Otranto: fonte pericolosa per la sicurezza, pregio e rarità per gli archivi”. She is the authoress of over one hundred essays which for the most part concern studies on the sources of social / urban history and gender history.
Scientific results
Her primary research interests concern the social role of women in the urban space, popular female participation, the transmission and dissemination of the historical social heritage, the enhancement of sources. Recently, Public History has made it possible to entrust sources on the history of women to forms of 'story'.
Editorial work and publications
She is the author of numerous publications, including the following:
[2021] Bino G. Si tinsero di ‘rosa’ i campi…cento anni fa, in “ Le donne e la guerra” a c. di M. Spedicato e G. Caramuscio, collana della società di Storia Patria sez. di Lecce “ Cultura e Storia”.
[2020] Bino G. Le fonti archivistiche: Spazi temporali e geografici per gli ebrei del Salento in “Eunomia. Rivista semestrale di Storia e Politica Internazionali”, 9(1).
[ 2019] Bino G. Archivi scolastici: memoria sommersa della scuola? in “Eunomia. Rivista semestrale di Storia e Politica Internazionali”, 7(2). With a repertoire of unprecedented female profiles.
[2019] Bino G. Gli Archivi parlano di donne? Le donne sono nei magazzini di tabacco…in “ Non solo pane, ma diritti. Il contrastato movimento delle tabacchini salentine nel Novecento” a cura di M. Spedicato, Castiglione (LE) Giorgiani editore.
[2018] Bino G. Donne, bambini e anziani in “La Grande Guerra in Terra d’Otranto: un progetto di Public History”, a cura di G. Iurlano, L. Ingrosso, L. Marulli, Monteroni di Lecce (LE), edizioni Esperidi.
[2017] Bino G. La biblioteca ‘storica’ del liceo ‘P. Siciliani’ in “Patrimonio di carta. Il fondo antico della Biblioteca e l’Archivio storico del Liceo “P. Siciliani” di Lecce a cura di G. Bino, et.al.., Lecce, Grifo.
[2017] Bino G. Biografie di Anna Antonaci, Clementina Fumarola De Pietro e Michela Pastore, in “Salentine. Regine, sante, nobili, borghesi e popolane. Una terra, cento storie”, Lecce, Grifo.
[2017] Bino G. Sulle tracce di Clementina Fumarola De Pietro in “Una vita di impegno civile e sociale: Michele De Pietro e Clementina Fumarola de Pietro”. Ordine degli Avvocati della Provincia di Lecce, Lecce, Grifo.
[2017] Bino G. Donne e regine: Maria e Isabella, storie oltre i tempi in “Isabella de’Clermont. Duchessa di Copertino e Regina di Napoli" a cura di M. Greco. G. Vallone e P. Corsi. Atti del Convegno di studi. Galatina, Panico.
[2016] Bino G. Virago della malavita macchiaiuola: donne fuori dalla società e dalla legge, in “ Eunomia. Rivista semestrale di Storia e Politica Internazionali”, 2.
[2016] G. BINO, Nutrire per nutrirsi. Dalla produzione agraria… tragghiamo quasi tutto lo stock che ci è necessario per vivere, in “ Culturae Loci Conventus”. Tribute to Annalisa Bianco, Lecce, Grifo.
[2016] G. BINO, Coi vecchi padri in casa…ed il focolare spento… noi donne andammo sui campi e nelle ‘industrie’…per un tozzo di pane, in “ Eunomia. Rivista semestrale di Storia e Politica Internazionali”, 1.
Full professor of Strategy at the University of Bologna.
Professional career
After graduating (1978) in Economics and Management at the University of Bologna, she moved as a visiting scholar to Hitotsubashi University in Tokyo (1981 and 1983) and the University of Wisconsin in Madison (1984). She became a researcher at the University of Bologna in 1983, an associate professor at the University of Florence in 1987, and has been a full professor at the University of Bologna since 1993. At the same University she coordinated the PhD in Management in 1999-2000 and directed the Department of Management from 2000 to 2006. In 1997-98 she collaborated with Jetro (Japan External Trade Organization) in a project aimed at creating relations between Italian and Japanese districts. In 1998-99 she participated in the World Bank project "The Role of Small and Medium Enterprises in Development." Recently she was a visiting professor at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul in Porto Alegre and at Universidad Jaume I in Castellon de la Plana.
Scientific results
Her research activity focuses on the relationship between entrepreneurship and business innovation and interorganizational relationships, understood as agreements and joint ventures, in different contexts, such as clusters and creative industries. In this area, she has explored the relationship between social capital and knowledge development in start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises. In one line of research, she has studied the relationship between firm distance, knowledge acquisition and innovation. More recently, she has delved into the study of actors who play the role of knowledge brokers : firms and individuals that intermediate knowledge between enterprises and other economic actors. She has explored Knowledge broker’s origin, behaviors and the benefits for the broker and the intermediated organizations.
Editorial work and publications
[2021] Formilan, G., Boari, C. The reluctant preference: Communities of enthusiasts and the diffusion of atypical innovation, Industrial and Corporate Change, Volume 30, Issue 3, June 2021, Pages 823–843.
[2021], Presutti, M., Boari, C., Molina, X. I need you, but do I love you? Strong ties and innovation in supplier-customer relations, European Management Journal, 39(6), 790-801.
[2019] Kadriu, A., Gresnik, K, Boari, C. The impact of institutions on SMEs’ innovation in Transition Economies, The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 23, 4, 399-424.
[2019] Presutti, M., Boari, C., Majocchi, A., & Molina‐Morales, X. Distance to customers, absorptive capacity, and innovation in high‐tech firms: The dark face of geographical proximity. Journal of Small Business Management, 57(2), 343-361.
[2018] Azam, A., Boari, C. and Bortolotti, F. Top management team international experience and strategic decision-making, Multinational Business Review,26, 1, 50-70.
[2018] Bolzani, D. and Boari, C. Evaluation of export feasibility by immigrant and non-immigrant entrepreneurs in new technology-based firms, Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 16 (2), 176-209.
[2017] Boari, C., Molina Morales, F.X., Martinez-Chafer, L. Direct and interactive effects of brokerage roles on innovation in clustered firms, Growth and Change DOI: 10.1111/grow.12170.
[2016] Presutti, M., Boari, C., Fratocchi, L. The evolution of inter-organizational social capital with foreign customers: Its direct and interactive effects on SMEs’ foreign performance, Journal of World Business, 51, pp. 760-773, DOI 10.1016/j.jwb.2016.05.004.
[2016], Boari, C., Elfring, T., Molina, X. ed. Entrepreneurship and dynamic clusters, N.Y. Routledge.
[2007]. Presutti, M., Boari, C., Fratocchi, L. Knowledge Acquisition and the Foreign Development of High-tech Start-ups: a Social Capital Approach, International Business Review , vol. volume 16, issue 1, pp 23-46.
[2003] Boari, C., Odorici, V. and Zamarian, M., Rivalry and localization: does localization really matter? , The Scandinavian Journal of management, Vol 19/4 pp 467-489.
[2001] Boari, C. Industrial clusters, Focal firms, and Economic Dynamism. A Perspective from Italy World Bank Institute working papers, June, pp. 1-19.
Professor of Chemistry at Politecnico di Torino, where she is the Contact person for the Batteries @ Polito task force
Professional career
After graduating in Chemistry at the University of Turin, she got PhD in Material Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano. University researcher in Chemical Foundations for Technology, since 1995 and Associate Professor in the same SSD since 2015. She carries out her activity in the Department of Applied Science and Technology of the Polytechnic of Turin where she coordinates a research group made up of 15 young people, researchers, grant holders research and doctoral students.
The teaching activity is mainly carried out within the basic chemistry courses. In addition, she carries out numerous educational activities in the electrification masters and from next year in the new course of electrochemical energy storage systems.
She is also launching of the new European Master on Energy Storage.
Leader of the "education" activities in the European initiatives Battery2030+ (battery2030.eu) and in the ETIP Batteries Europe.
Since its starting in 1995, she has been the referent for the chemistry teaching laboratories and since 2018 she has been the referent for the chemistry courses of the Politecnico di Torino.
She is also responsible for the energy storage laboratories at the Energy Center Lab interdepartmental laboratory.
Scientific results
Silvia Bodoardo's main research activity is in the Electrochemistry group of the Politecnico di Torino.
Over the years, her research has focused on various lines of research in the field of physical chemistry and in particular of electrochemistry, studying and designing in particular new materials for different types of electrochemical energy generators.
The main themes studied are: structural characteristics and electrochemical properties of manganese dioxide as an active substance in alkaline batteries, lead-acid accumulator, electrode materials for lithium ion cells, high-capacity materials as anode for lithium ion cells, high potential materials as cathode for lithium ion cells, electrodes and electrolytic materials for lithium-sulfur cells, electrodes and electrolytic materials for lithium air cells, characterization of industrial cells for lithium ion batteries, hybrid electrochemical systems: high energy / high power
She has participated in numerous projects funded by the European community (coordinator of the STABLE project) and also in national and regional projects. She is currently the only Italian researcher who participates in the Large Research initiative Battery2030 + (battery2030.eu) in which he deals with smart batteries. She is also cochair in WG3 on Advanced Materials in the ETIP BatteRIes Europe technology platform. Silvia has organized numerous conferences and seminars on materials with electrochemical application and was chair woman at the launch of the Horizon Award on innovative batteries.
She is also an evaluator for the European community of ERC projects and in the NMP and ICT area, LCBAT.
National evaluator of FIRB and PRIN projects, for Faraday and for the Norwegian research council.
Recently she has started a new research line on new battery designs by publishing a new international patent and for which she won two Proof of Concept projects.
Editorial work and publications
[2019] Giai Pron, Vittorio; Versaci, Daniele; Amici, Julia; Francia, Carlotta; Santarelli, Massimo; Bodoardo, Silvia, Electrochemical Characterization and Solid Electrolyte Interface Modeling of LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4-Graphite Cells, Journal of Electrochem Soc. 166(10) 2255 doi: 10.1149/2.0941910jes
[2019] Zubair, Usman; Amici, Julia; Crespiera, Sandra Martinez; Francia, Carlotta; Bodoardo, Silvia, Rational design of porous carbon matrices to enable efficient lithiated silicon sulfur full cell, Carbon doi10.1016/j.carbon.2019.01.005
[2019] J. Amici, S. Romanin, M. Alidoost, D. Versaci, C. Francia,F .Smeacetto, S. Bodoardo, UV-cured methacrylate based polymer composite electrolyte for metallic lithium batteries, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 837 (2019) 103–107. DOI:10.1016/j.jelechem.2019.02.027
[2018] J. Amici, M. Alidoost, F. Caldera, D. Versaci, U. Zubair, F. Trotta, C. Francia, S. Bodoardo, PEEK-WC / nanosponge membranes for lithium anode protection in rechargeable Li-O2 batteries, ChemElectroChem 5, 1599–1605. DOI: 10.1002/celc.201800241R1
[2018] Bodoardo, S.; Zubair, Usman; Serrapede, M.; Amici, J.; Zaccagnini, P.; Versaci, D.; Francia, C.; Pirri, C.; Lamberti, A. Dispositivo elettrochimico a commutazione automatica per l’accumulo ad alta energia e ad alta potenza P2952PC00 - PCT/IB2019/053525
[2017] U. Zubair, A. Anceschi, F. Caldera, M. Alidoost, J. Amici, C. Francia, M. Zanetti, F. Trotta, S. Bodoardo, N. Penazzi. Dual confinement of sulphur with rGO wrapped microporous carbon from ß-cyclodextrin nanosponges as a cathode material for Li-S batteries, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 21(12), 3411. DOI: 10.1007/s10008-017-3664-6
[2017] D. Versaci, R. Nasi, U. Zubair, J. Amici, M. Sgroi, M.A. Dumitrescu, C. Francia, S. Bodoardo, N. Penazzi, New ecofriendly low-cost binders for Li-ion anodes, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 21(12), 3429-3435. DOI: 10.1007/s10008-017-3665-5
[2016]J. Amici, M. Alidoost, C. Francia, S. Bodoardo, S. Martinez Crespiera, D. Amantia, M. Biasizzo, F. Caldera, F. Trotta O2 selective membranes based on a dextrin-nanosponge (NS) in PVDF-HFP polymer matrix for Li-Air Cells, Chem. Commun., 52, 13683—13686. DOI: 10.1039/c6cc06954a
[2001] S. Bodoardo; N. Penazzi; P. Spinelli; M. Arrabito Influence of aluminium doping on the electrochemical behaviour of manganese dioxide J. Power Sources 94(2) 194 doi: 10.1016/S0378-7753(00)00586-3
[1998] Bodoardo S.; R.Chiappetta; B. Onida; F.Figueras; E.Garrone Ammonia interaction and reaction with Al-pillared montmorillonite: an IR study Microporous and Mesoporous Materials20,187
[1997] Fubini B; Mollo L; Bodoardo S.; Onida B; Oberson D; Lafuma C. Evaluation of the surface acidity of some phillosilicates in relation to their activity toward the enzyme human leucocyte elastase Langmuir 13 919
[1995] Bodoardo S. Maja M., Penazzi N. Processes involving gases in valve-regulated lead/acid batteries. J. Power Sources 55 (2) 183 doi:10.1016/0378-7753(95)02188-M
Awards and prizes
Professor Bodoardo has received numerous invitations from the European Community to present the results of the research: for example, she partecipated in the consultation day on battery-related issues promoted by DG Connect (10 January 2018), and she presented the activities on the subject of lithium air during the FET day (Brussels, 10 January 2018) and was rapporteur of the mobility table.
She was sent by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bolivia for a course on lithium systems from 16 to 22 May 2010.
Silvia Bodoardo was invited to present scientific papers at numerous international conferences.
She is an active member of the scientific committee of the Telios Foundation.
General Director of FEduF (Foundation for financial education and savings)
Professional career
After studying at the Polytechnic School of Design in Milan, at the time of talents of the caliber of Bruno Munari and other great masters of design, she began her professional career at MKT Italia, a company set up by Fiat and Mondadori in 1983 to develop the sponsorship market, still little present in Italy. During the eighties she worked in the communication sector of small and large companies such as CBO, Dow Chemical in Italy, Waste Management Italy, Lepetit, Hoechst Marion Roussel. In 1997 she started her career as head of communications at Zurich in Italy. Five years later, she joined PattiChiari, a consortium of Italian banks that aims to promote a better bank-customer relationship, inspired by the principles of simplicity and clarity of information, mobility of services and customer assistance, where she began her experience in the area of economics, through financial education. In 2010, the PattiChiari Consortium set up an office dedicated only to financial education and, in 2014, the Italian Banking Association decided to set up a Foundation dedicated exclusively to spreading economic culture and savings in Italy: the FEduF (Education Foundation) financial and savings). Giovanna Boggio Robutti was called to direct it.
Scientific results
Giovanna Boggio Robutti started working in economics and finance with PattiChiari, the project born in 2003 following the work, started at the end of 2000 by the ABI Executive Committee, on the subject of the relationship between banks and companies, with the aim of changing banking operations to concretely improve the relationship between banks and society (businesses, families, employees, etc.) in the key aspects of trust, fairness, transparency and efficiency. In particular, since 2006, she has been involved in financial education, first adopting the program dedicated to middle schools of an American-based association also active in Italy, then developing a national program for schools of all grades. She currently deals with financial education issues working between Rome and Milan alongside national institutions (first and foremost the Ministry of Education) and public and private territorial institutions. Thanks to the network of banks, which support FEduF financially and operationally, the Foundation that Giovanna Boggio Robutti directs is able to make its programs and activities available throughout the national territory, free of charge to citizens and institutions.
Professor in the area of Computing Systems at Politecnico di Milano, delegate for International Relationship with the Far East Asia, Vice-chair for Computer Science and Engineering in the Information Technology PhD Program.
Professional career
After graduating in Electronic Engineering from Politecnico di Milano in 1993, pursues a PhD in Automation and Computer Science Engineering in 1997. She became Assistant Professor in 1999, Associate Professor in 2003 and since 2015 is Professor in the area of Computing Systems at Politecnico di Milano.
Since 2016 she is Vice chair for Computer Science and Engineering in the Information Technology PhD Program, and is a member of the Committee since 2014. Since June 2017 she is a rector's delegate for International Relationship with the Far East Asia.
Scientific results
Cristiana Bolchini's scientific profile is two-fold as she started her research career in the Computer Architecture area, working within the field of Embedded System Design and Design Methodologies, and later extending her interests also to the Data Management area, with a focus on context-awareness.
More precisely, her main research activity has always focused on dependability aspects in computing/embedded systems, by defining methodologies and tools to implement and analyse systems able to autonomously detect the occurrence of hardware
faults and possibly tolerate their effects. While in the past this area of research was mainly attractive for highly (safety) critical environments (e.g., space and health), today dependability has become a major challenge also for traditional contexts, because of the pervasiveness of embedded/computing systems, playing an important role, together with performance and power consumption. As such, cutting edge research seeks solutions to implement systems able to autonomously adapt these aspects based on the working context and the requirements. These issues have been the main focus of an European funded project Cristiana Bolchini co-ordinated and successfully concluded in August 2016.
Sustainability in energy consumption is the other research area, achieved by monitoring and controlling buildings and managing the collected data, to identify how energy is used towards an increased user awareness, a key element for our society.
Editorial work and publications
She co-authored more than 140 scientific publications, among which:
[2017] C. Bolchini, A. Geronazzo, E. Quintarelli, Smart buildings: a monitoring and data analysis methodological framework. Elsevier Building and Environment, 121: 93-105.
[2017] M. H. Haghbayan, A. Miele, A. M. Rahmani, P. Liljeberg, A. Jantsch, C. Bolchini, H. Tenhunen, Can Dark Silicon Be Exploited to Prolong System Lifetime?. IEEE Design & Test, 34(2): 51-59.
[2017] C. Bolchini, L. Cassano, A Fully Automated and Configurable Cost-Aware Framework for Adaptive Functional Diagnosis. IEEE Design & Test 34(2): 79-86.
[2016] C. Bolchini, L. Cassano, A Novel Approach to Incremental Functional Diagnosis for Complex Electronic Boards. IEEE Trans. on Computers, 65(1): 42-52.
[2015] C. Bolchini, L. Cassano, P. Garza, E. Quintarelli, F. Salice, An Expert CAD Flow for Incremental Functional Diagnosis of Complex Electronic Boards. IEEE Trans. on Computer Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 34(5): 835-848.
Awards and prizes
Cristiana Bolchini received two gifts from Cisco University Research Program Fund of Silicon Valley Community Foundation do finance her research on functional diagnosis of complex circuits. She served as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing and the IEEE Transactions on Computers journals.
Professor Emerita of Plant Biology, University of Torino Italy.
Professional career
After graduating in Biological Sciences from the University of Turin in 1970, Paola Bonfante continued her training with a scholarship at the Centro di Studio sulla Micologia del Terreno (CSMT) of the CNR in Turin. Since 1973 she has been a Researcher at the CNR, an activity she carried out until 1985. From that date she was Full Professor of Plant Biology at the University of Turin until 2017. From 1995 to 2009 she was Head of the Turin Section of the CNR Plant Protection Institute. From 2006 to 2011 she is Director of the Department of Plant Biology at the University of Turin, and then, until 2013, she is Coordinator of the PhD course in Biology and Biotechnology. Until 2017, she coordinates the Plant-Microorganism Interactions laboratory. Today, she is Professor Emerita and combines her residual research activity with an intense work of science dissemination.
Scientific results
Paola Bonfante Professor Emerita of Plant Biology at the University of Turin has dedicated her scientific activity to plant-microorganism interactions, a field in which she is considered a pioneer and which is relevant both for the environment and for its impact on society. In particular, with her research group she has focused since 1975 on the study of the biology of symbiotic associations and the taxonomy of fungi, investigating the intimate interactions between fungi and plants and between bacteria and fungi. Applying the techniques of genetic investigation, in the early 1990s she made important contributions to our knowledge of mycorrhizae (symbiotic associations between soil fungi and plant roots) found both in nature and in agroecosystems. Paola Bonfante discovered a group of endobacteria that live within mycorrhizal fungi, in a process of symbiosis within symbiosis, and that can modulate some of the functional traits of their fungal hosts. Using Next Generation Sequencing techniques, her research group has sequenced genomes of mycorrhizal fungi and continues to study the cellular and molecular basis of plant-fungus interactions: by investigating their genetic determinants, she aims to define their biodiversity and communication modes. The ultimate aim of the research is to assess the impact and application of the so-called plant microbiota to natural and agricultural ecosystems, in the light of the sustainability recommendations of the New Green Deal.
Editorial work and publications
Paola Bonfante was editor of Environmental Microbiology from 2013 to 2022, member of the Editorial Board of several international scientific journals such as the ISME Journal and New Phytologist. She performs review activities for Plant Cell, Plant Journal, Plant Physiology, Planta, Fungal Biology & Genetics, PNAS and for the American and European National Science Foundation (NSF). He performs evaluation tasks for numerous European and international institutions. She has written a book for Il Mulino (Una Pianta non è un'isola, 2021) in which she discusses the scientific topics that fascinate her most.
She is the author of more than 300 international scientific publications, listed on Google Scholar.
Awards and prizes
In 2010 Paola Bonfante received two prestigious awards: the Plant Biology Prize from the Accademia dei Lincei and the French Food Spirit Prize in the Science section.
From 2012 to 2016 she is a member of the Scientific Committee of the CNR; from 2014 to 2018 of the Scientific Committee for the research activities of the Province of Trento; since 2020 of the General Council of the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation.
She is a member of numerous Academies, including the Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, and the Accademia dei Lincei, has received international awards, including the Kondorosi Award (2021), and is Commendatore della Repubblica for scientific merit (2019). She was among the Highly Cited Researchers 2017, 2018, 2020 (Clarivate Analitcs), and is on the list of Top Italian Scientists.
Full Professor of Electronic Bioengineering at Scuola Universitaria Superiore IUSS in Pavia.
Professional career
After graduating in Physics at the University of Genova in 1991 and a PhD in Bioengineering at the Politecnico di Milano in 1996, she pursues a scientific career in the field of Bioelectronics, with a focus on the realisation of electronic devices for sensor systems by organic semiconductor materials, with applications ranging from biomonitoring with wearable sensors, genomic sensors, cellular sensors for drug testing, brain-machine interfaces, robotics and precision agricolture. In 1996 she joins the University of Cagliari, first as a Researcher, then as an Associate Professor of Electronics and finally as a Full Professor in Electronic Bioengineering. From 2015 to 2017, she is appointed as ViceRector for Innovation and Territorial Strategies at the University of Cagliari. Since 2014, she is in the Board of Directors of CRS4 (Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia), becoming President in 2017, first woman since the foundation (1990), until 2020. Since 2024, she is Full Professor at Scuola Universitaria Superiore IUSS in Pavia.
Scientific results
Since 2001, she has worked at the realization of organic electronic devices for biomonitoring systems, aimed at exploring the human body at different dimensional scales (down to the single cell and to the detection of signals produced by biological micromolecules). Her group of research has been among the very first in the world to work and publish on the development of organic electronic sensors on unconventional substrates as paper, plastics, fabrics. She developed and patented a method for fabricating conductive fibers and fabrics. Starting from this method, her group realized wearable devices and systems, including systems integrated in garments and skin-like devices as electronic tattoes for detecting the biopotentials generated by the human or animal body (as, for instance, cardiac and muscle signals). At the same time, this kind of technology can also be used for realizing advanced sensing systems for environmental monitoring. AB is author of 12 patents focussed on the use of organic semiconductor devices for biomonitoring. She has been the coordinator of several research projects, both at the international and national level.
Editorial work and publications
Annalisa Bonfiglio is the author of more than 200 scientific papers published on scientific journals and conference proceedings, including:
[2024] G. Casula, S. Lai, E. Loi, L, Moi, P. Zavattari, A. Bonfiglio, “An innovative PCR-free approach for DNA methylation measure: An application for early colorectal cancer detection by means of an organic biosensor”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Volume 3981 January 2024 Article number 134698, DOI 10.1016/j.snb.2023.134698.
[2023] S. Lai, K. Kumpf, P.C. Ricci, P. Fruhmann, J. Bintinger, A. Bonfiglio, P. Cosseddu, “Isotropic contact patterning to improve reproducibility in organic thin-film transistors”, Organic Electronics, 122, 106887, November 2023.
[2023] A. Mascia, A. Spanu, A. Bonfiglio, P. Cosseddu “Multimodal force and temperature tactile sensor based on a short channel organic transistor with high sensitivity” Scientific Reports Open Access Volume 13, Issue 1December 2023 Article number 16232, DOI 10.1038/s41598-023-43360-y.
[2022] Andrea Spanu, Tommaso Losi, Antonello Mascia, Annalisa Bonfiglio, Mario Caironi, Piero Cosseddu, “Submicrometer-Channel Organic Transistors with MHz Operation Range on Flexible Substrates by a Low-Resolution Fabrication Technique”, Advanced Materials Technologies, 2022, doi: 10.1002/admt.202200891.
[2021] S. Lai, Y. Vlamidis, N. Mishra, P. Cosseddu, V. Mišeikis, P. C. Ricci, V. Voliani, C. Coletti, A. Bonfiglio"A flexible, transparent chemosensor integrating an inkjet-printed organic field-effect transistor and a non-covalently functionalized graphene electrode", Advanced Materials Technologies.
[2021] F.Torricelli, D. Z. Adrahtas, Z. Bao, M. Berggren, F. Biscarini, A. Bonfiglio, C. A. Bortolotti, C. D. Frisbie, E. Macchia, G. G. Malliaras , I. McCulloch, M. Moser, T.- Q. Nguyen, R. M. Owens, A. Salleo, A. Spanu and L. Torsi, “Electrolyte- gated transistors for enhanced performance bioelectronics”, Nature Reviews|Methods Primers ID (2021) 1:66, doi: s43586-021-00065-8.
[2021] A. Spanu, L. Martines, A. Bonfiglio, “Interfacing cells with organic transistors: a review of in vitro and in vivo applications”, Lab on a Chip, 2021, DOI: 10.1039/D0LC01007C.
[2021] A. Spanu, A. Botter, A. Zedda, G. L. Cerone, A. Bonfiglio, D. Pani, “Dynamic surface electromyography using stretchable screen-printed textile electrodes”, IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng. 2021;29:1661-1668. doi: 10.1109/TNSRE.2021.3104972.
[2020] Spanu, A., Colistra, N., Farisello, P., Friz, A., Arellano, N., Rettner, C., Bonfiglio, A., Bozano, L., Martinoia, S., "A Three-Dimensional Micro-Electrode Array for in-vitro neuronal interfacing" , Journal of Neural Engineering, in press (2020): JNE-103422.R2.
[2019] Spanu, A., Tedesco, M., Martinoia, S., Bonfiglio, A., “From MEAs to MOAs: The Next Generation of Bioelectronic Interfaces for Neuronal Cultures”, Advances in Neurobiology 22, pp. 155-167, 2019 10.1007/978-3-030-11135-9_6.
Awards and prizes
In 2016, she has been awarded with the Itwiin prize as "Best 2016 Italian Inventor" by Associazione Italiana Donne Inventrici e Innovatrici (Italian Association Women Inventors and Innovators). In 2017, she has been awarded with the “Tecnovisionary woman” prize by the Associazione Donne & Tecnologia (Italian Association Women & Technology).
Full professor of Banking and Finance, University of Milano-Bicocca.
Professional career
After graduating in Economics and Banking from the Catholic University of Milan (1993), she continued her education with the Master of Science in Economics and Finance (1995) – University of Warwick (UK), and a Ph.D. in Financial Markets and Intermediaries (1996) – University of Bergamo. From 1996 to 2006, she was a researcher in Banking and Finance at the University of Macerata (until 2002) and subsequently at the University of Milano-Bicocca. She continued her academic career at the University of Milano-Bicocca, where she became an associate professor in 2006 and a full professor in 2016. At the same university, she chaired the Teaching Coordination Council of the undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs in Economics and Finance (2015-2018); she was a member of the Academic Senate (2018-2021) and of the University Quality Presidium for the research (2013-2021). She currently coordinates the Ph.D. program in Business for Society of the Department of Management and Law. She was a member of the Italian Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanism (2015-2020) and sits on the Scientific Committee of the Feduf foundation. She has many years of experience designing and teaching training courses for bank personnel on household credit, regulation, financial investments, and portfolio management. She is an independent director in Credem Banca spa and Banca Euromobiliare.
Scientific results
Paola Bongini's research activity is mainly empirical in the field of financial intermediation and regulation. In these areas, she has studied the determinants and effects of banks’ business model choices; market reactions to systemic risk regulation; the relationship between economic growth and financial development in emerging countries; the measurement and evolution over time of the financial literacy of the Italian population as well as the link between financial literacy and financial decisions.
Her most recent research projects are interdisciplinary and include the use of Natural Language Processing models, AI, and machine learning models for the analysis of unconventional data (alternative finance white papers, social media, ESG data) and their impact on share prices and corporate performance. Her works have been published in the Journal of Banking and Finance, Sustainability, Small Business Economics, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, among others. She has participated in numerous national and international research projects and in important third-mission activities in both the financial and non-profit sectors.
Editorial work and publications
Paola Bongini has published widely in peer-reviewed journals, including:
[2023] Rym A, Bongini P, Casu B, Cucinelli D. Bank business models in MENA and African countries: the relevance of contextual variables, Review of Corporate Finance.
[2022] Bongini P, Osborne F, Pedrazzoli A, Rossolini M. A topic modelling analysis of white papers in security token offerings: Which topic matters for funding? Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 184.
[2021] Barboza G, Bongini P, Rossolini M. Financial (il) literacy vs Individual’s behavior. Evidence on credit card repayment patterns, Financial Services Review, 29: 247-276.
[2021] Ayadi R, Bongini P, Casu B, Cucinelli D. Bank Business Model Migrations in Europe: Determinants and Effects, British Journal of Management, 32(4): 1007-1026.
[2021] Bongini P, Ferrando A, Rossi E, Rossolini M. SME access to market-based finance across Eurozone countries, Small Business Economics, 56(4): 1667-1697.
[2019] Bongini P, Cucinelli D. University students and retirement planning: never too early, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 37(3): 775-797.
[2019] Bongini P, Cucinelli D, Di Battista M, Nieri L. Profitability shocks and recovery in time of crisis evidence from European banks, Finance Research Letters, 30: 233-239.
[2017] Bongini P, Iwanicz-Drozdowska M, Smaga P, Witowski B. Financial Development and Economic Growth: The Role of Foreign-Owned Banks in Cesee Countries, Sustainability, 9(3), 335.
[2016] Bongini P, Nieri L, Pelagatti M, Piccini A. Curbing systemic risk in the insurance sector: a mission impossible?, British Accounting Review, vol. 49(2), pages 256-273.
[2015] Bongini P, Nieri L, Pelagatti M. The importance of being systemically important financial institutions, Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol 50, 562-5774.
Awards and prizes
Prof. Bongini serves on the editorial board for the journals Economic Notes (Wiley), Minerva Bancaria, Safe Bank (National Polish Central Bank) and is a member of the Topical Advisory Board for the Journal of Risk and Financial Management, MDPI.
She is currently a member of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Association of Financial Industry Risk Managers (AIFIRM).
Non Executive Director, advisor, investor
Professional career
Paola earned her undergraduate degree AT Bocconi University and started her career at McKinsey & Company. After earning an MBA at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, she returned to McKinsey, where she advised large domestic and international companies on strategic positioning, growth, new markets, alliances and acquisitions, and reached the rank of Partner. She then worked in leadership roles in the digital domain such as Senior Director, European Operations at eBay International; Head of Online Business Unit at Il Sole 24 Ore; Head of Online Services, Commercial Operations at Vodafone Italia; and Regional Director, Southern Europe at Facebook.
Since 2009 she has been a member of the leading business angels group in Italy, Italian Angels for Growth, where she was a member of the Board and she focuses on investments in the digital space.
She serves on the Board of Telecom Italia S.p.A., AXA Assicurazioni S.p.A., Piquadro S.p.A., Sisal Group S.p.A., Stefanel S.p.A. and FAAC S.p.A., and on the Advisory Board of two fintech companies: MoneyFarm Ltd. and Euklid Ltd.. She is the Chair of Stanford Club Italia, the local alumni chapter of the Stanford Alumni Association.
She is an evaluator for Horizon 2020, and serves on the jury of the EU Prize for Women Innovators.
Scientific results
Paola Bonomo is one the pioneers of the digital economy in Italy. In her management roles, she mastered the key themes of digital marketing and ecommerce: the optimization of traffic and customer acquisition costs, of conversion rates and ROI, of customer lifetime value vs. acquisition cost, particularly in multichannel and omnichannel distribution. Recently, she has studied attribution models in programmatic advertising and new trends in video advertising. She has also worked on product innovation and monetization in digital publishing, as well as customer support improvement through digital channels in telecommunications. She leverages her managerial expertise in her angel investing activities; among her most successful early stage investments was AdEspresso, bought by Hootsuite in December 2016.
In her Non Executive Director roles she acts as a “Digital Director”, i.e. a member of the Board who oversees the company’s digital and/or multichannel transformation, and who informs and guides the other Board members in creating a common language and understanding of strategic priorities on such topics as the emergence of Fintech, the opportunities from AI, and the blockchain.
Editorial work and publications
(March 2018) Enough with Gender Stereotypes, LVMH Dare event; Citigroup #PressforProgress
(Nov. 2017) Technologies and Us (keynote), Salone dei Pagamenti.
(Nov. 2017) Technologies and Us, Linklaters EU Partners Meeting.
(Oct. 2017) Enough with Gender Stereotypes, TEDx Verona.
(Oct. 2017) Fintech, disruption and new ecosystems in the payments market, Mastercard Innovation Forum.
(Oct. 2017) Funding Strategies for Your HR Tech Startup, HRTech Amsterdam.
(Dec. 2016) Will one-to-one marketing save marketing?, Ambrosetti Babylon.
(June 2016) Digital Disruption, guest speaker at the course “Media and Internet”, INSEAD.
Awards and prizes
In 2017 Paola was recognized with the Business Angel of the year award in Italy and the Golden Aurora award for the best woman business angel in Europe.
In 2015 and again in 2016, she was recognized as one of the Inspiring Fifty, the fifty most inspiring women in European Technology. In 2018 she organized the first Italian edition of Inspiring Fifty.
In 2015 she was awarded the TIAW World of Difference 100 Award.
In 2013 she received the Stanford Associates Volunteer Service Award for alumni who have demonstrated significant and long-standing volunteer service to Stanford University.
Full professor in Fundamentals of Chemistry for the Technologies at the University of Brescia. Responsible for the research line concerning eco-materials at the Chemistry for Technologies Laboratory.
Professional career
After graduating in Environmental Engineering from the University of Brescia, she continues her studies at the same university with a PhD in Engineering Materials, focusing mainly on materials characterisation and advanced X-ray characterisation techniques. During her PhD, she worked in Grenoble (France), at the 'Laboratoire de Crystallographie', in Professor Raoux's group. Since 2011, she has been full professor of Chemical Foundations of Technologies at the University of Brescia.
Scientific results
Elza Bontempi was 2017-2020 TOP WORLD RESEARCHER (first position of reported 500 researchers by SciVal) for the research topic of Waste Incineration; Municipal Solid Waste; Carbonation.
She currently is (from 2021) in the list of TOP 2% of world scientists, proposed by Stanford University.
She has been responsible for several national and international research projects, developing new technologies and new sustainable materials, coming from waste and by-products. In recent years, his scientific activity has focused on the recovery of critical raw materials in the field of circular economy, such as lithium and cobalt, from exhausted batteries. She is the author of more than 300 peer-reviewed papers and several patents in the field of material recovery. She is included in the list of Unstoppable Women (the 1000 women that are changing Italy) and the Top Italian Scientists (https://topitalianscientists.org/) in the field of natural and environmental sciences.
Editorial work and publications
Elza Bontempi is the author of numerous publications, including:
[2023] Ducoli, S., Zacco, A., Valentim, B., Zanoletti, A., Ye, G., Mousa, E., Bontempi, E.
ESCAPE simplified approach designed to evaluate materials sustainability: The case of new adsorbent materials for activated carbon substitution, Sustainable Materials and Technologies, 38, art. no. e00709.
[2023] Fahimi, A., Alessandri, I., Cornelio, A., Frontera, P., Malara, A., Mousa, E., Ye, G., Valentim, B., Bontempi, E. A microwave-enhanced method able to substitute traditional pyrometallurgy for the future of metals supply from spent lithium-ion batteries, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 194, art. no. 106989.
[2023]Sorrentino, G.P., Zanoletti, A., Ducoli, S., Zacco, A., Iora, P., Invernizzi, C.M., Di Marcoberardino, G., Depero, L.E., Bontempi, E. Accelerated and natural carbonation of a municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) fly ash mixture: Basic strategies for higher carbon dioxide sequestration and reliable mass quantification, Environmental Research, 217, art. no. 114805.
[2022]Fiameni, L., Fahimi, A., Federici, S., Cornelio, A., Depero, L.E., Bontempi, E.
A new breakthrough in the P recovery from sewage sludge ash by thermochemical processes, Green Chemistry, 24 (18), pp. 6836-6839.
[2022] Fahimi, A., Ducoli, S., Federici, S., Ye, G., Mousa, E., Frontera, P., Bontempi, E.
Evaluation of the sustainability of technologies to recycle spent lithium-ion batteries, based on embodied energy and carbon footprint, Journal of Cleaner Production, 338, art. no. 130493.
[2022] Bontempi, E. A global assessment of COVID-19 diffusion based on a single indicator: Some considerations about air pollution and COVID-19 spread, Environmental Research, 204, art. no. 112098.
[2021] Zanoletti, A., Cornelio, A., Bontempi, E. A post-pandemic sustainable scenario: What actions can be pursued to increase the raw materials availability?, Environmental Research, 202, art. no. 111681.
[2021] Fahimi, A., Federici, S., Depero, L.E., Valentim, B., Vassura, I., Ceruti, F., Cutaia, L., Bontempi, E. Evaluation of the sustainability of technologies to recover phosphorus from sewage sludge ash based on embodied energy and CO2 footprint, Journal of Cleaner Production, 289, art. no. 125762.
[2020] Assi, A., Bilo, F., Federici, S., Zacco, A., Depero, L.E., Bontempi, E.
Bottom ash derived from municipal solid waste and sewage sludge co-incineration: First results about characterization and reuse, Waste Management, 116, pp. 147-156.
[2020] Assi, A., Bilo, F., Zanoletti, A., Ponti, J., Valsesia, A., La Spina, R., Zacco, A., Bontempi, E.Zero-waste approach in municipal solid waste incineration: Reuse of bottom ash to stabilize fly ash, Journal of Cleaner Production, 245, art. no. 118779.
[2018] Bilo, F., Pandini, S., Sartore, L., Depero, L.E., Gargiulo, G., Bonassi, A., Federici, S., Bontempi, E. A sustainable bioplastic obtained from rice straw, Journal of Cleaner Production, 200, pp. 357-368.
[2017] Bontempi, E. A new approach for evaluating the sustainability of raw materials substitution based on embodied energy and the CO2 footprint, Journal of Cleaner Production, 162, pp. 162-169.
Full list available at OPENBS Iiris.
Awards and prizes
Winner of the European prize: EIT Raw Materials Business Ideas Competition, in collaboration with Velaworks (December 2016).
Winner of the national prize in the theme "Enabling Technologies and Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Cities," awarded by the Italian Association for Industrial Research (AIRI) in May 2018.
Winner of the national Gaetano Marzotto Prize (November 2018).
Winner of the national ITWIIN (Italian Women Innovators and Inventors Network) Prize as an innovator (November 2018).
Winner of the national "Innovation Village Award" established by Innovation Village and ASviS – Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (April 2019).
Winner of the national ENERGY GLOBE AWARD (July 2020).
Winner of the "European Business Idea Competition on raw materials" from the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) Raw Materials, for a new technology for recovering raw materials from waste (February 2022).
Winner of the 2031 Prize (formerly Gaetano Marzotto) (November 2023).
Winner of the Intellectual Property Award in the Climatech category (women's entrepreneurship prize) for the innovative patent 'Method for recovering materials from waste or scraps through an improved carbothermal process' (November 2024).
Economy and Finance area
Competences: Brand Communities, Branding, Children's Behavior, Consumer Behaviour, Institutional Marketing in Fashion, Marketing B2B, Marketing Research
Keywords: children, consumer behavior in digital environments, consumer experience, consumer insights, disability, fashion, marketing
Region: Lombardy
Associate Professor of Marketing at Bocconi University, Milan. Director of the Bachelor in Economics and Management for Arts, Culture and Communication.
Professional career
Stefania Borghini graduated in Management with full marks at University of Pavia in 1995. She started her professional career in a small consultancy company and in 1996 began her cooperation with the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Pavia. In June 2001 she received her PhD in Business Administration and Management from Bocconi University, Milan, where she became Junior Researcher in the same year. After a period of fellowship at Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, Chicago, in 2003 she joined the faculty of Bocconi University as a tenured Researcher. In the following years she visited as research fellows several top-tier Universities in the USA and Canada, and in 2011 she became Associate Professor of Marketing. At Bocconi University she served as Director of the Master of Science in Marketing Management and is currently Director of the bachelor in Economics and Management for Arts, Culture and Communication. She is the Delegate for Diversity in the Marketing Department, member of academic institutions such as Association for Consumer Research, American Marketing Association, Consumer Culture Theory, Società Italiana di Management, and member of the Presidential Committee of Società Italiana di Marketing.
Scientific results
Her main research and expertise areas are related to symbolic consumption, the study of consumption practices and identity construction of consumers. Her contributions, published on books and top-tier journals, deal with consumer behavior in the marketplace, the role of brands and commercial places. Her current projects are focused on children, members of brand communities, and people with disabilities. In the past she has done several projects in b2b contexts. In general, she adopts ethnographic methods.
Editorial work and publications
[2021] Borghini S., Sherry J. F., E Joy A., Attachment To And Detachment From Favorite Stores: An Affordance Theory Perspective, Journal Of Consumer Research, 47, April, 890-913.
[2021] Morrow G, Borghini S., (2021), the 5th mistake. Ignoring data: Debating the use of data analytics services in the arts, in Addis M., Rurale A. MANAGING THE CULTURAL BUSINESS. Avoiding Mistakes, Finding Success. The 10 most common mistakes in arts management, London: Routledge: 184-212.
[2020] Borghini S., Maclaran P., Bonnin G., and Cova V., The Ecology of the Marketplace Experience: From Consumers’ Imaginary to Design Implications, in L. Peñaloza, N.Toulouse, L. M. Visconti (eds.), Marketing Management: A Cultural Perspective, London: Routledge, 410-26.
[2015] Zerbini F., Borghini S., Release Capacity in the Vendor Selection Process, Journal of Business Research, 68, 405-14.
[2014] Diamond N., Mcgrath M. A., Sherry J. F., Kozinets R. V., Muniz A. Jr., and Borghini S. Brand Fortitude in Moments of Consumption in R. Denny and P. Sunderland (eds) Handbook of Business Anthropology, Walnut Creek, CA: LeftCoast Press.
[2012] Rinallo D., Borghini S., Gamossy G. Kozinets R. When Sacred Objects Go B®a(n)d: Fashion Rosaries and the Contemporary Linkage of Religion and Commerciality, in D. Rinallo, L. Scott, P. Maclaran, Consumption and Spirituality, London: Routledge, 29-40.
[2010] Visconti L. M., Sherry J. F. Jr , Borghini S., and Anderson L. Street Art, Sweet Art? The reclamation of Public Place, Journal of Consumer Research, 37, October, 511-29.
[2010] Borghini S., Visconti L. M., Anderson L. and Sherry J. F. Jr, Symbiotic Postures of Commercial Advertising and Street Art: Implications for Creativity, Journal of Advertising, 39, 3, 113–26.
[2010] Borghini S., Carù A., and Cova B. Representing BtoB Reality in Case Study Research: New challenges and opportunities, Industrial Marketing Management, 39, 1, 16-24.
[2010] Rinallo D., Borghini S., and Golfetto F. Exploring Visitor Experiences at Trade Shows, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 25, 4, 249-58.
[2009] Borghini S., Diamond N., Kozinets R. V., McGrath M. A., Muniz A. Jr, and Sherry J. F. Jr, Why are themed brandstores so powerful? Retail brand ideology at American Girl Place, Journal of Retailing, 85, 3, 363-75.
[2009] Diamond N., Sherry J. F. Jr, Muniz A. Jr, McGrath M. A., Kozinets R. V., and Borghini S., American Girl and the Brand Gestalt: Closing the Loop on Sociocultural Branding Research, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 73, May, 118-34.
Awards and prizes
Stefania Borghini received the award for Excellence in Research from Bocconi University in 2009, 2010 and 2021. Her degree thesis got two prizes as the best thesis from University of Pavia and Sindacato Dirigenti Industriali. Her publications won important awards such as Emerald Citation of Excellence 2010, 2011 Davidson Honorable Mention Award for the Best Article in the Journal of Retailing, and 2015 CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title, distinction conferred by the American Library Association.
History and Philosophy area
Competences: Analytical Philosophy, Bioethics, Biolaw, Philosophy, Philosophy of Law
Keywords: activation and suspension of treatment, bioethics, care setting, conscientious objection, Covid-19, death, human rights, multiculturalism, organ trade, quality of dying, vaccines
Region: Lombardy
Full Professor of Philosophy of Law at the University of Milano-Bicocca. President of Comitato per l'etica di fine vita (CEF). Coordinator of the College of Lecturers of the Italian Society of Philosophy of Law (SIFD).
Professional career
Patrizia Borsellino graduated in Philosophy in Milan and then in Law in Pavia.
She taught and researched at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of Law of the Faculty of Law of the University of Milan, then at the University of Insubria, where she taught Philosophy of Law and Bioethics from 1995 to 2006 (since 2001). In 2004/2005, she was vice-director of the Master in Palliative Care.
She is currently full professor of Philosophy of Law at the University of Milan Bicocca. She is a member of the Board of Lecturers of the Doctorate in Legal Sciences, of the Scientific Committee of the "Department of Excellence for the Law and Pluralism Project", and of the University Ethics Committee.
He is President of the Committee for End-of-Life Ethics (CEF) based in Milan; member of the Scientific Committee of the VIDAS Association in Milan; member of the International Forum of Teachers (IFT) of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics; member of the Scientific Committee of the "Avvocatura LGBT Rete Lenford" Association; member of the Scientific Committee of the Centre for the Study of Public Ethics (CeSEP) (University of San Raffaele in Milan).
He has held important positions in various institutions: member of the Scientific Committee of the Doctorate in Bioethics at the "Alma Mater" University of Bologna, vice-president of the Consulta di Bioetica Onlus, member of the Ethics Committee set up at the S. Anna hospital in Como, member of the Committee of teachers at the Italian School of Palliative Medicine (S.I.M.P.A).
She is on the scientific and editorial board of several journals, including the Rivista di Filosofia del diritto, Biodiritto-BiolawJournal; La Rivista italiana di cure palliative.
She is coordinator of the Board of Lecturers of the Italian Society of Philosophy of Law.
Scientific results
Patrizia Borsellino studied philosophy at the school of Mario dal Pra and law at the school of Norberto Bobbio and Uberto Scarpelli. In numerous studies she has tackled the central themes of philosophical-moral and philosophical-legal reflection. After her first studies on the configurability of ethics as a field of rationality, her research and teaching activities have been carried out with a focus on the analysis of legal concepts, in terms of norm, order, responsibility and fundamental rights. His research and teaching activities have focused on the analysis of legal concepts such as norms, order, responsibility and fundamental rights. His research has focused on the relationship between moral conceptions and legal solutions within the framework of the constitutional state under the rule of law, the issue of conscientious objection and the delineation of the contours of a society and a political-legal organisation that can be described as 'secular'.
Since the early 1990s, he has been accompanied by an increasingly marked and deepened interest in the issues of bioethics, based on the conviction that bio-medical interventions on man and living beings have not only moral implications, but also legal implications of such importance that they fall within the competence of jurists and require the commitment of legal philosophers. Indeed, the philosophy of law has to offer bioethics a rich heritage of reflection on the models of law on which to base normative choices, as well as on the problem of the relationship between law and morality. The results of Patrizia Borsellino's studies are entrusted to numerous publications, the subject of hundreds of speeches and training activities in qualified national and international forums. Among the many topics addressed, the doctor-patient relationship (information and consent to the medical act, entitlement to decisions in relation to health treatments, decisions in situations of incapacity); the responsibility of health professionals, ethical-legal issues at the beginning of life (assisted procreation and abortion) and at the end of life (therapeutic obstinacy, refusal of treatment, euthanasia); the issues raised by clinical trials and those connected with the multiethnic and multicultural configuration of western societies; issues connected with the practice of transplantation, with a special focus on the dramatic problem of 'organ trafficking'.
Editorial work and publications
(2004) Borsellino P., Bioetica entre autonomia y derecho, Editorial Cajica, Puebla (Mexico).
(2012) Borsellino P., Consenso informato in medicina: aspetti etici e giuridici, Salute e società, XI, 3: 17-41; english version: Informed Consent: Some Philosophical-Legal Concerns, Salute e Società, http://www.francoangeli.it/riviste/sommario.asp?IDRivista=107&lingua=en-
(2014) Borsellino P., Norberto Bobbio metateorico del diritto, Maggioli, Milano.
(2015) Borsellino P., Limitation of the therapeutic effort: ethical and legal justification for withholding and/or withdrawing life sustaining treatments, in Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medecine , 10:5 (17 february).
(2016) Borsellino P., Bobbio filosofo del diritto dei giuristi, in Saporiti M. (a cura di), Norberto Bobbio, rigore intellettuale e impegno civile, Giappichelli Torino: 29-45.
(2016) Borsellino P., La sfida di una buona legge in materia di consenso informato e di volontà anticipate sulle cure, in Biolaw Journal-Rivista di Biodiritto, 3: 93-103.
(2017) Borsellino P., ll rifiuto delle cure e dei trattamenti medici vitali, in Cagnazzo A. (a cura di), Trattato di diritto e bioetica, ESI, Napoli :181-204.
(2018) Borsellino P., Bioetica tra “morali” e diritto. Nuova edizione aggiornata, Raffaello Cortina, Milano 2018
(2018) Borsellino P., Porciani F., Vite a perdere. I nuovi scenari del traffico d’organi, FrancoAngeli, Milano.
(2019) Borsellino P, Dalla bioetica al biodiritto. Tra cultura e norma, in Rodotà S., Tallacchini M. (a cura di), Ambito e fonti del biodiritto, vol. I del Trattato di biodiritto, diretto da Rodotà S. e Zatti P., Giuffrè, Milano: 149-167.
(2020) Borsellino P., Covid-19. Quali criteri per l’accesso alle cure e la limitazione terapeutica in tempo di emergenza sanitaria?, in Notizie di Politeia, (36)138: 5-25.
(2020) Borsellino P., La sentenza della Corte costituzionale n. 242/2019: presupposti, punti fermi e questioni aperte, in D’Alessadro G., Di Giovine O. (a cura di), La corte costituzionale e il fine vita. Un confronto interdisciplinare sul caso Cappato-Antoniani, Giappichelli, Torino: 39-58.
Awards and prizes
Award from Unesco Chair in Bioethics for “The greit efforts, the competence and passion showed in communicating bioethics worldwide” (October 19th, 2017).
Head of Particle Physics at the University of Oxford (September 2018-to present)
Professional career
Daniela Bortoletto graduated in Physics from the University of Pavia, Italy in 1982. She earned her MA (1986) and PhD (1989) from Syracuse University. In 1989 she joined the Faculty of Purdue University as Postdoctoral Research Associate (1989-1992), Assistant Professor (1992-1995), Associate Professor (1995-2001), and Full Professor (2001). She became the Edward M. Purcell Distinguished Professor of Physics in 2010. In 2013 she joined the University of Oxford where she is now the Head of the sub department of particle physics. Daniela is passionate about increasing female participation in Physics and other sciences. She has enabled efforts aimed at giving young women the resources, motivation, and confidence to pursue careers in Physics. This includes the creation of the Purdue Women in Physics Organization, the development of Purdue Sciencescape, and leadership in the APS Conference Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP). She has taken CUWiP in the UK where the conference has been extraordinarily successful.
Scientific results
She has made important contributions to heavy flavour physics at CLEO (Cornell, USA) and CDF (Fermilab USA). She is a co-discoverer of the Higgs boson (CERN, 2012) and the top quark (CDF, Fermilab, 1995). She is currently studying the properties of the Higgs boson and searching for new physics at the LHC with the ATLAS experiment at CERN. She is also searching for new physics in very rare decays of muons with the mu3e experiment at the Paul Sherrer Institut. Daniela played an important role in the construction of the muon system for the CLEO detector, the SVX II silicon system for CDF, and the CMS Forward Pixel detector. She was the US CMS Upgrade coordinator for over 7 years and led the activities of over 40 US Universities for the phase 1 and phase 2 upgrade of CMS. She is currently participating in the construction of the ATLAS ITK for the High Luminosity LHC, high voltage CMOS sensors, and ultra-radiation hard silicon sensors. She is the Deputy Scientific Coordinator of the Advanced European Infrastructures for Detectors at Accelerators (AIDA 2020)
Editorial work and publications
Editor of Nuclear Instrument and Methods. Author of over 1500 publications, including:
(2015) Bortoletto D, How and why silicon sensors are becoming more and more intelligent?. Journal of Instrumentation, 10(08).
(2015) Khachatryan V, Mousa J, Tumasyan A, Bortoletto D, et al. Search for dark matter, extra dimensions, and unparticles in monojet events in proton-proton collisions at √s = 8 TeV. European Physical Journal C, 75(5):235.
(2015) Khachatryan V, Mousa J, Tumasyan A, Bortoletto D, et al. Search for physics beyond the standard model in final states with a lepton and missing transverse energy in proton-proton collisions at √s = 8 TeV, Physical Review D, 91(9).
(2015) Khachatryan V, Mousa J, Tumasyan A, Bortoletto D, et al. Measurement of J/ψ and ψ(2S) Prompt Double-Differential Cross Sections in pp Collisions at √s=7 TeV. Physical Review Letters, 114(19):191802.
(2015) Ad G, Abbot B, Abdallah J, Bortoletto D, et al. Combined Measurement of the Higgs Boson Mass in pp Collisions at √s=7 and 8 TeV with the ATLAS and CMS Experiments. Physical Review Letters, 114(19):191803.
(2015) Khachtryan V, Mousa J, Tumasyan A, Bortoletto D, et al. Observation of the rare Bs0 →µ+µ− decay from the combined analysis of CMS and LHCb data. Nature, 522(7554).
(2015) Adam W, Bergauer T, Dragicevic M, Bortoletto D, et al. Trapping in irradiated p-on-n silicon sensors at fluences anticipated at the HL-LHC outer tracker. Journal of Instrumentation, 11(04).
(2015) Aaltonen T, Abazov VM, Abbott B, Bortoletto D, et al. Tevatron Constraints on Models of the Higgs Boson with Exotic Spin and Parity Using Decays to Bottom-Antibottom Quark Pairs. Physical Review Letters, 114(15).
(2015) CDF Collaboration, Aaltonen T, Amerio S, Bortoletto D, et al, Measurement of the production and differential cross sections of W + W − bosons in association with jets in p p ¯ collisions at s = 1.96 TeV. Physical Review D, 91(11).
(2015) CDF Collaboration, Aaltonen T, Amerio S, Bortoletto D, et al. Measurement of the top-quark mass in the t t ¯ dilepton channel using the full CDF Run II data set. Physical Review, D, 92(3).
Awards and prizes
She is a fellow of the American Physical Society (2004), American Association for the Advancement of Science (2013) and the Institute of Physics (2015). She has received the Purdue University Ruth and Joel Spira for Excellence in Undergraduate Education (2004). She was awarded the Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship (1994), the Early Career Award of the US National Science Foundation (1997) and the US NSF Career Advancement Award (1994). She has been a member of the UK STFC grants panel (2018), the UK STFC Detectors Strategic Review Panel (2018), US Particle Physics Projects Prioritization Panel (P5, 2005-2007, 2008, 2010), the High Energy Physics Advisory Panel (HEPAP, 2005-2008) to the US DOE and NSF, and the Mathematical and Physical Science Advisory Committee (MPSAC, 2008-2014) to the NSF and the chair of the Fermilab Program Advisory Committee (2014-2017).
Full Professor of Economics of Climate Change, Bocconi University Economics Department. Senior Scientist at the EuroMediterranean Centre on Climate Change
Professional career
She has a degree in environmental sciences, a master's degree in environmental economics (University College London), and a PhD in computational mathematics and operational research (University of Milan). In 2008/2009 she was a visiting scholar at the Princeton Environmental Institute. In 2014/2015 she was a Fellow at CASBS, Stanford. She is Professor of Environmental Economics and Economics of Climate Change, Bocconi University. She is also a researcher at the Enrico Mattei Foundation and the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change.
Scientific results
She was Lead Author of the Fifth Report of the IPCC (2014) and she will be lead author of the Sixth IPCC Report.
Editorial work and publications
She is in the editorial board of Nature - Energy newspapers, Energy Policy, Review of Environmental Economics and Policy (REEP).
Verdolini, E., L. D. Anadón, E. Baker, V. Bosetti, L. A. Reis, (2018), 'The Future Prospects of Energy Technologies: Insights from Expert Elicitations', REEP Forthcoming
Rao, N., van Ruijven, B., Riahi, K, and Bosetti, V., (2017), Improving poverty and inequality modeling in climate research, Nature Climate Change, doi:10.1038/s41558-017-0004-x
Cattaneo, Cristina and Valentina Bosetti (2017) Climate-induced International Migration and Conflicts, CESifo Economic Studies, ifx010, https://doi.org/10.1093/cesifo/ifx010 Published:08 September 2017
Diaz Anadon, L., E. Baker, V. Bosetti (2017) Integrating uncertainty into public energy research and development decisions, Nature Energy 2, 17071 | DOI: 10.1038/nenergy.2017.71 |
Adler, M, D Anthoff, V Bosetti, G Garner, K Keller, and N Treich, (2017), Priority For The Worse Off And The Social Cost Of Carbon, Nature Climate Change, DOI: 10.1038/nclimate3298
Matthew R. Sisco, Valentina Bosetti, Elke U. Weber (2017), When do extreme weather events generate attention to climate change?, forthcoming Climatic Change, DOI: 10.1007/s10584-017-1984-2
Bosetti, V., E. Weber, L. Berger, D. Budescu, N. Liu, M. Tavoni (2017) COP21 Climate Negotiators’ Responses to Climate Model Forecasts, Nature Climate Change, 7, 185-189, DOI: 10.1038/NCLIMATE3208
Marangoni, G. M. Tavoni, V. Bosetti, E. Borgonovo, et al. (2017) Sensitivity of projected long-term CO2 emissions across the Shared Socio-economic Pathways, Nature Climate Change, 7, 113–117
Awards and prizes
She obtained two scholarships from the European Research Council: RISICO "RISK and uncertainty in developing and implementing climate change pOlicies" and ICARUS "Innovation for climate in mitigation: a study of energy R&D, its effectiveness and spillovers". She was also a fellow at the Center for Advanced Studies in Behavioral Sciences, (CASBS), Stanford.
Research Fellow of the CNR-IRPI, Research Institute for Hydrogeological Protection, Section of Padua.
Professional career
After obtaining a bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering in 2007 and a Master's Degree in Environmental and Land Engineering in 2010 at the University of Padua, in the same year she joined as a fellow the Research Institute for Hydrogeological Protection of Padua.. Also at the Research Institute she has been a research fellow since 2013 and at the same time continues her education with a PhD, awarded by the University of Bologna in Civil, Environmental and Materials Engineering in 2015.
Scientific results
Giulia Bossi is an expert in land mechanics and landslides. She is involved, among other things, in statistical analysis of the error associated with simplifications of the stratigraphic profile in the numerical model of landslides; simulations of runout for debris flows and rock avalanches, with reconstruction of the dynamics of past events and risk scenarios; the study of possible mitigation interventions for landslides; finally, analysis of slope stability, landslide monitoring data and risk quantification. During the PhD she developed a research in which she shew a new approach in geotechnical modeling that is based on the stochastic generation of different distributions of soil layers, according to a Boolean logic. This method has been applied to the analysis of stability of landslides in two-dimensional and three-dimensional models. Within the CNR-IRPI of Padua she contributes to the definition of the dynamics of large landslides distributed between Veneto, Alto Adige, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Argentina and manages the monitoring activity for landslides in Italy. As part of European projects, she participated on behalf of the CNR in the training of volunteers for natural risk management. She collaborated with the Ca 'Foscari University of Venice in a project for the modeling of the risk for impacts between birdlife and airplanes near airports, for which it manages the spatial database and participates in the definition of the model.
Editorial work and publications
Giulia Bossi is reviewer for scientific journals Science of the total environment, Natural Hazard and Earth System Sciences, il Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment and Computers & Geosciences.
She is the author of numerous national and international scientific publications including:
(2016) Bossi G, Mantovani M, Frigerio S, Schenato L, Marcato G, Pasuto A. A Monitoring Network to Map and Assess Landslide Activity in a Highly Anthropized Area. Geosciences (MDPI), 6, 40.
(2016) Bossi G, Zabuski L, Pasuto A, Marcato G. Capabilities of Continuous and Discontinuous Modelling of a Complex, Structurally Controlled Landslide. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 1-11.
(2016) Bossi G, Borgatti L, Gottardi G, Marcato G. The Boolean Stochastic Generation method - BoSG: A tool for the analysis of the error associated with the simplification of the stratigraphy in geotechnical models. Engineering Geology, 203:99-106.
(2016) Brezzi L, Bossi G, Gabrieli F, Marcato G, Pastor M, Cola S. A new data assimilation procedure to develop a debris flow run-out model. Landslides, 13(5):1083-1096.
(2015) Coccon F, Zucchetta M, Bossi G, Borrotti M, Torricelli P, Franzoi P. A land-use perspective for birdstrike risk assessment: The attraction risk index. Plos One, 10(6), e0128363.
(2015) Bossi G, Cavalli M, Crema S, Frigerio S, Quan Luna B, Mantovani M, Marcato G, Schenato L, Pasuto A. Multi-temporal LiDAR-DTMs as a tool for modelling a complex landslide: a case study in the Rotolon catchment (eastern Italian Alps). Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 15:715-722.
(2014) Cortes Arevalo VJ, Charrière M, Bossi G, Frigerio S, Schenato L, Bogaard T, Bianchizza C, Pasuto A, Sterlacchini S. Evaluating quality of data collected by volunteers for first level inspection of hydraulic structures in mountain catchments. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 14:2681-2698.
(2014) Frigerio S, Schenato L, Mantovani M, Bossi G, Marcato G, Cavalli M, Pasuto A. A Web-based platform for automatic and continuous landslide monitoring: the Rotolon case study. Computers & Geosciences, (63):96-105.
(2013) Bossi G, Frigerio S, Mantovani M, Schenato L, Pasuto A, Marcato G. Hazard assessment of a potential rock avalanche in South Tyrol, Italy: 3D modeling and risk scenarios. Italian Journal of Engineering Geology and Environment, 6: 221-227.
(2012) Marcato G, Bossi G, Rivelli F, Borgatti L. Debris flood hazard documentation and mitigation on the Tilcara alluvial fan (Quebrada de Humahuaca, Jujuy province, North-West Argentina). Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 12(6):1873-1882.
Awards and prizes
In 2014 she was awarded the Ivo Rocchetti Award for the best presentation of a young researcher at the IX National Conference "GIT-Geosciences and Information Technologies" of Montefalco (PG), for the work Addressing ground lithological variability for numerical modeling through a stochastic approach: the Mortisa landslide case study. It is also a member of various scientific societies such as the International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG), the European Geosciences Union (EGU) and the Italian Association of Applied and Environmental Geology (AIGA).
Full Professor of Economics and Finance and research fellow IGIER, Bocconi. Head of a Master Program in Economics (EPELM), at the University of Bologna.
Professional career
Graduated in Economics and Social Science (DES) at Bocconi University in 1987, she has been awarded a PhD in Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1992. Since 2005, Professor of Economics at Bologna University. She has been visiting professor at University College of London, the London School of Economics, the Massachusetts Institute of, the Université Libre de Bruxelles, and visiting researcher at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) and the World Bank (capital markets group). She is non‐residence fellow at IGIER‐Bocconi. She was part of the Group of Experts for the Evaluation of the Quality of Research of the Italian Universities, year 2004‐2010, conducted by the Italian National Agency for Evaluation of the University System (ANVUR) and she has been evaluator of the Research Projects for the Austrian, the Canadian, the Israeli Ministry of Research and the UK Research Council.
Scientific results
The research activity of Laura Bottazzi takes place in the field of political economy and financial economics, focussing on the economics of innovation and its financing. In this context, she has studied the geographical diffusion of innovation and its determinants. Her research has also focussed on the analysis of Venture Capital and Crowdfunding. She has been promoter with two colleagues of the first Venture Capital survey in Europe and analyzed their investment methods and types of contracts, according to the institutional and legal characteristics of the European countries and the professional and cultural specialization of investors. Recently she has been interested in the determinants of financial literacy and the determinants of gender differences in the acquisition of such knowledge. The global financial crisis has been the object of his research to study the real effects of financial shocks.
Editorial work and publications
(2016) Bottazzi L, Hellmann T, Da Rin M. The Importance of Trust for Investment: Evidence from Venture Capital. Review of Financial Studies and Nasdaq Award for best paper on Capital Formation 2006
(2014) Bottazzi L. Underpricing and Voluntary Disclosure: The Case of Mining IPOs in Australia”.
International Journal of Economics, 1: 65‐77, ISSN: 2331‐5903
(2014) Bottazzi L, Girshina A. The aftermath of the financial crisis. The effect of deleveraging on thereal economy GSTF Journal of Business Review, 3:17‐22, ISSN: 2010‐4804, doi: 10.5176/2251‐ 2012_QQE14.13
(2009) Bottazzi L, Hellmann T, Da Rin M. What Role of Legal Systems in Financial Intermediation? Theory and Evidence. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 18 (3): 559‐598, October
(2008) Bottazzi L, Hellmann T, Da Rin M. Who are the active investors? Evidence from Venture Capital. Journal of Financial Economics, 89, issue 3, September
(2007) Bottazzi L, Peri G.The Dynamics of R&D and Innovation in the Short Run and in the Long Run. Mimeo University of California, Davis, Economic Journal, Royal Economic Society, 117(518):486‐511,03.
(2005) Bottazzi L, Da Rin M.Financing European Entrepreneurial Firms: Facts, Issues and Research Agenda. in Venture Capital, Entrepreneurial and Public Policy, MIT Press, (eds. Vesa Kannanien CESIfo)
(2004) Bottazzi L. The Changing Face of the European Venture Capital Industry: Facts and Analysis. Journal of Private Equity, 7(2) Spring 26‐53
(2003) Bottazzi L. Asymmetric Information and Monetary Policy in Common Currency Areas. Journalof Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 37(4), pages 603‐21, August.
(2002) Bottazzi L, Manassi P. Credibility and Seignorage in a Common Currency Area. Journal of Money Credit and Banking,34, 4
(2003) Bottazzi L, Peri G. Innovation and Spillovers in Regions: Evidence from European Patent Data. European Economic Review, 47(4):687‐710
(2002) Bottazzi L, Da Rin M. Venture Capital in Europe: Euro.nm and the Financing of European Innovative Firms. ECONOMIC POLICY, 34:229‐69
(2001) Bottazzi L. Globalization and Local Proximity in Innovation: A Dynamic Process. European Economic Review, 45, 4‐6
(1996) Bottazzi L, Pesenti P., van Wincoop E. Wages, Profits and the International Portfolio Puzzle. European Economic Review, 2, 40
Awards and prizes
Laura Bottazzi is a non‐resident fellow of IGIER, Bocconi and affiliated to the European Economic Association, a Fellow of the Fondation Banque de France, a Member of the American Economic Association, a Member of American Women in Economics, a Member of the American Women in Finance. She has been awarded the Hicks‐Tinbergen medal in Economics and the Nasdaq Prize for the best paper on capital formation.
Associate professor of Philosophy and director of the Gender and Sexualities Studies Institute at the New School.
Professional career
Chiara Bottici is a philosopher and a writer. Chiara Bottici e’ filosofa e scrittrice. She taught political theory at the Goethe Universitaet in Francoforte, before becoming Associate Professor of Philosophy and Co-founder of the Gender and Sexualities Studies Institute at the New School.
Scientific results
Chiara Bottici wrote on International relations, political theory, critical theory, and more recently, on gender theory and feminism. Besides her philosophical research, she is alsoa fiction writer.
Editorial work and publications
Her publications include, among others: Men and States (2009, Palgrave), The Myth of the Clash between Civilizations (2010, Routledge, with Benoit Challand) and Imagining Europe: Myth, Memory and Identity (2013, Cambridge University Press, with Benoit Challand), Imaginal Politics (Critical Theory Series at Columbia University Press, 2014; italian translation forthcoming), Anarchafeminism (Bloomsbury, 2021, italian translation forthcoming) and A Feminist Mythology (Bloomsbury, 2021, italian translation forthcoming).
Full professor of Physics at University of Milan and President of Italian Physical Society
Professional career
After graduating in Physics at University of Milan, she obtains the PhD in 1984 at University of Manitoba (Canada), which is one of the founding universities of TRIUMF of Vancouver (Canada), where she carries out her research in the field of experimental Nuclear Physics, with focus on gamma spectroscopy for nuclear structure. After returning to Italy as a researcher she spends several periods at the ORNL laboratory (USA) and the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen, Denmark. In Milan she becomes a full professor in 2002. Between 2005 and 2011 she is president of the National Scientific Commission of Nuclear Physics of INFN. In 2011-2015 member of the INFN Board of Directors as MIUR representative and since January 2020 she is president of SIF. She has been member and often chairperson of several international scientific committees and of evaluation panels.
Scientific results
The research which was carried out during the years concerns the study of nuclear structure with experiments using gamma spectroscopy and light and heavy ions from accelerators. This research has focused on the collective excitations of nuclei, in particular that of electric dipole type. This excitation is a probe for nuclear properties such as shape, coupling to complex excitations that have similarities in other manybody physical systems. More recently attention has been paid to dipole vibrations in unstable nuclei with an unnatural number of protons and neutrons. These nuclei are generated in stellar explosions, and some of them are produced in the laboratory as "radioactive beams". Knowledge of dipolar oscillations in these nuclei offers the possibility to give relevant information for the nucleosynthesis patterns of heavy nuclei. This research therefore concerns a chapter of nuclear physics that has implications in the field of nuclear astrophysics.
In particular, she is currently performing investigations of nuclear properties dealing with neutron oscillations at the surface of the nucleus; their understanding is relevant to the description of neutron stars which are themselves sources of gravitational waves.
Over the years she has also participated in the development and construction of new scintillation and of solid state detectors highly segmented for the measurement of gamma radiation. The new detectors were designed for highly selective measurements that made it possible to obtain new data relevant to the understanding of nuclei in uncharted regions which have astrophysical implications.
Editorial work and publications
Angela Bracco is editor of the Italian Physical Society journals, supervisory editor of the Nuclear Physics A (Elsevier) e membro dello Steering Committee di EPJ (Springer and Nature).
She is author of vaste number of publications we quote here some of the most relevant:
(2019) Bracco, A.; Lanza E. G.; Tamii, A. Isoscalar and isovector dipole excitations: Nuclear properties from low-lying states and from the isovector giant dipole resonance.PROGRESS IN PARTICLE AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS,106: 360-433.
(2018) Morales, A. I.; Benzoni, G.; Watanabe, H.; Bracco A. et al. Is seniority a partial dynamic symmetry in the first vg(9/2) shell? PHYSICS LETTERS B, 781:706.
(2017) Nakatsuka, N.; Baba, H.; Aumann, T.; A. Bracco et al. Observation of isoscalar and isovector dipole excitations in neutron-rich O-20, PHYSICS LETTERS B768: 387.
(2017) Leoni, S.; Fornal, B.; Marginean, N.; Bracco, A. et al. Multifaceted Quadruplet of Low-Lying Spin-Zero States in Ni-66: Emergence of Shape Isomerism in Light Nuclei. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 118 , 162502.
(2015) Ceruti, S.; Camera, F.; Bracco, A.; et al. Isospin Mixing in Zr-80: From Finite to Zero Temperature. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 115, 222502.
(2016) Bocchi, G.; Leoni, S.; Fornal, B.; Bracco A. et al. The mutable nature of particle-core excitations with spin in the one-valence-proton nucleus Sb-133. PHYSICS LETTERS B 760, 273.
(2015) Bracco, A.; Crespi, F. C. L.; Lanza, E. G. Gamma decay of pygmy states from inelastic scattering of ions. EPJA 51, 99.
(2014) Pellegri, L.; Bracco, A.; Crespi, F. C. L.; et al. Pygmy dipole resonance in Sn-124 populated by inelastic scattering of O-17. PHYSICS LETTERS B (2014) Volume: 738, 519.
(2013) Crespi, F. C. L.; Bracco, A.; Nicolini, R.; et al. Isospin Character of Low-Lying Pygmy Dipole States in Pb-208 via Inelastic Scattering of O-17 Ions. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 113, 1, 012501.
(2013) Bracco, A. Concluding remarks on the EMIS2012 conference. NIM 317, 810.
(2013) Larsen, A. C.; Blasi, N.; Bracco, A.; et al. Evidence for the Dipole Nature of the Low-Energy gamma Enhancement in Fe-56, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 111, 242504.
Awards and prizes
Member of the European Academy
Member of the Committee on International Scientific Affairs (CISA) dell'American Physical Society (APS)
In 2011 she received the EnergyLab Foundation Award
In 2018 she received the GENCO membership award from the GSI Exotic Nuclei Community (GSI, Laboratory, Germany)
Chief of Medical Oncology Department, AUSL / IRCCS Institute of Neurological Sciences
Professional career
In July 1981 Dr Brandes graduated in Medicine at the University of Padova with the Title "Polychemotherapy in the treatment of ovarian cancer". She completed the fellowship in Medical Oncology with the dissertation titled "The chemotherapy and surgical combined treatment in small cell lung cancer” She was visiting physician at the Radiotherapy Department of Royal Marsden, London, at the Oncology Department, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, and at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York. Thereafter she became the Chief of the Neuro-Oncology Unit in the Azienda Ospedale-Università, Padova. Since 2006 she was the Chief of Medical Oncology Department, AUSL / IRCCS Institute of Neurological Sciences. She has been the global Principal Investigator in several clinical studies.
Scientific results
Dr Brandes is the Coordinator of the Italian Association of Medical Oncology guidelines for the treatment of brain tumors and provides an active contribution as an EMA Expert
She is Member of the Scientific Committee for the National Institute of the Cancer (INCa), for France, reviewer for oncology guidelines of Oncological Institute of Italian Switzerland (IOSI), Member of Response Assessment in Pediatric Neuro-Oncology (RAPNO), member of Immunotherapy Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO), Member of the restricted group of the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) for brain tumors.
She has been also National and International coordinator for research projects of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC)/National Cancer Institute of Canada (NCIC)
Since 2009 Dr Brandes serves as Referee and national expert for the national CME committee, evaluating scientific events and educations projects
Dr. Brandes was the Principal Investigator of the project "Role of MGMT methylation status at time of diagnosis and recurrence for patients with glioblastoma: exploratory analysis and clinical implications", funded by Fondazione Celeghin
She is a member of the regional group for rare tumors, member of the Oncology Committee of Emilia Romagna Region.
Dr Brandes is the clinical coordinator for the integrated care pathways for brain tumors for AUSL Bologna and is co-chair for the integrated care pathways for breast and lung cancers.
Editorial work and publications
Dr Brandes is the Author of many papers in peer reviewed international journals, including:
(2016) Baumert BG, Hegi ME, van den Bent MJ, von Deimling A, Gorlia T, Hoang-Xuan K, Brandes AA, Kantor G, Taphoorn MJ, Hassel MB, Hartmann C, Ryan G, Capper D, Kros JM, Kurscheid S, Wick W, Enting R, Reni M, Thiessen B, Dhermain F, Bromberg JE, Feuvret L, Reijneveld JC, Chinot O, Gijtenbeek JM, Rossiter JP, Dif N, Balana C, Bravo-Marques J, Clement PM, Marosi C, Tzuk-Shina T, Nordal RA, Rees J, Lacombe D, Mason WP, Stupp R. Temozolomide chemotherapy versus radiotherapy in high-risk low-grade glioma (EORTC 22033-26033): a randomised, open-label, phase 3 intergroup study. The Lancet Oncology. pii: S1470-2045(16)30313-8. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(16)30313-8. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 27686946
(2016) Reijneveld JC, Taphoorn MJ, Coens C, Bromberg JE, Mason WP, Hoang-Xuan K, Ryan G, Hassel MB, Enting RH, Brandes AA, Wick A, Chinot O, Reni M, Kantor G, Thiessen B, Klein M, Verger E, Borchers C, Hau P, Back M, Smits A, Golfinopoulos V, Gorlia T, Bottomley A, Stupp R, Baumert BG. Health-related quality of life in patients with high-risk low-grade glioma (EORTC 22033-26033): a randomised, open-label, phase 3 intergroup study. The Lancet Oncology. pii: S1470-2045(16)30305-9. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(16)30305-9. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 27686943
(2016) Schiffgens S, Wilkens L, Brandes AA, Meier T, Franceschi E, Ermani M, Hartmann C, Sandalcioglu IE, Dumitru CA. Sex-specific clinicopathological significance of novel (Frizzled-7) and established (MGMT, IDH1) biomarkers in glioblastoma. Oncotarget. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.10465. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 27409829
(2016) Wick W, Gorlia T, Bady P, Platten M, van den Bent MJ, Taphoorn MJ, Steuve J, Brandes AA, Hamou MF, Wick A, Kosch M, Weller M, Stupp R, Roth P, Golfinopoulos V, Frenel JS, Campone M, Ricard D, Marosi C, Villa S, Weyerbrock A, Hopkins K, Homicsko K, Lhermitte B, Pesce G, Hegi ME. Phase II Study of Radiotherapy and Temsirolimus versus Radiochemotherapy with Temozolomide in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma without MGMT Promoter Hypermethylation (EORTC 26082). Clinical Cancer Research. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 27143690
(2016) Brandes AA, Finocchiaro G, Zagonel V, Reni M, Caserta C, Fabi A, Clavarezza M, Maiello E, Eoli M, Lombardi G, Monteforte M, Proietti E, Agati R, Eusebi V, Franceschi E. AVAREG: a phase II, randomized, noncomparative study of fotemustine or bevacizumab for patients with recurrent glioblastoma. Neuro Oncology, 18(9):1304-12. doi: 10.1093/neuonc/now035. PMID: 26951379
(2016) Brandes AA, Carpentier AF, Kesari S, Sepulveda-Sanchez JM, Wheeler HR, Chinot O, Cher L, Steinbach JP, Capper D, Specenier P, Rodon J, Cleverly A, Smith C, Gueorguieva I, Miles C, Guba SC, Desaiah D, Lahn MM, Wick W. A Phase II randomized study of galunisertib monotherapy or galunisertib plus lomustine compared with lomustine monotherapy in patients with recurrent glioblastoma. Neuro Oncology, 18(8):1146-56. doi: 10.1093/neuonc/now009. PMID: 26902851
(2015) Okada H, Weller M, Huang R, Finocchiaro G, Gilbert MR, Wick W, Ellingson BM, Hashimoto N, Pollack IF, Brandes AA, Franceschi E, Herold-Mende C, Nayak L, Panigrahy A, Pope WB, Prins R, Sampson JH, Wen PY, Reardon DA. Immunotherapy response assessment in neuro-oncology: a report of the RANO working group. The Lancet Oncology, 16(15): e534-42.
(2015) Pignata S, Lorusso D, Scambia G, Sambataro D, Tamberi S, Cinieri S, Mosconi AM, Orditura M, Brandes AA, Arcangeli V, Panici PB, Pisano C, Cecere SC, Di Napoli M, Raspagliesi F, Maltese G, Salutari V, Ricci C, Daniele G, Piccirillo MC, Di Maio M, Gallo C, Perrone F; MITO 11 investigators. Pazopanib plus weekly paclitaxel versus weekly paclitaxel alone for platinum-resistant or platinum-refractory advanced ovarian cancer (MITO 11): a randomised, open-label, phase 2 trial. The Lancet Oncolology,16(5):561-8. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(15)70115-4. Epub 2015 Apr 14. PMID: 25882986
(2015) Brandes AA, Bartolotti M, Marucci G, Ghimenton C, Agati R, Fioravanti A, Mascarin M, Volpin L, Ammannati F, Masotto B, Gardiman MP, De Biase D, Tallini G, Crisi G, Bartolini S, Franceschi E.New perspectives in the treatment of adult medulloblastoma in the era of molecular oncology. Critical Review in Oncology/Hematology, 94(3):348-59. doi: 10.1016/j.critrevonc.2014.12.016. Epub 2014 Dec 31. Review. PMID: 25600839
(2014) Brandes AA et al. Pattern of care and effectiveness of treatment for glioblastoma patients in the real world: Results from a prospective population-based registry. Could survival differ in a high-volume center?. Neuro-Oncology Practice, 1(4):166-171.
Awards and prizes
In 2001 she was Knighted with the title of Cavaliere della Repubblica by the President of the Republic of Italy for her activities in oncology research.
In 2012was named the 2012 Michael Gruson Lecturer in Neuro-Oncology and came to Weill Cornell Medical Center to make the Grand Rounds lecture. Of note it was the first time that an Italian researcher was awarded for the scientific contributes in the field of neuro-oncology.
Full professor of Endocrinology at the University of Florence
Professional career
Graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 1977 at the University of Florence, she specialised in endocrinology in 1980 at the same university, and in 1988 she obtained a PhD in Molecular Biology at the University of Rome. In 2003 she became a full professor of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases. In addition to her academic career, she has also worked as a clinician: since 1992 she has been in charge of the Reference Centre for Hereditary Endocrine Tumours at the Careggi University Hospital, where since 2007 she has also been Director of the Operative Unit of Mineral and Bone Metabolism Diseases. Since 2016, she has been coordinating two European Reference Networks on rare endocrine diseases and rare bone diseases at the above-mentioned hospital.
Scientific results
For years she has been committed to the prevention and treatment of skeletal diseases, not only as a physician and researcher of international standing, with over 650 publications in peer-reviewed journals, but also as a promoter, through her role as President of F.I.R.M. O (Raffella Becagli Foundation), which provides support for the prevention and treatment of skeletal diseases, she is also the promoter of an active awareness campaign, aimed at spreading knowledge of these pathologies, which are too little known yet widespread, beyond the circle of scientists and patients. It works to draw public attention to the problems of rare bone diseases, rare endocrine diseases and osteoporosis and to support communication and prevention campaigns.
Editorial work and publications
She is the author of numerous scientific publications, including:
(1986) Brandi ML, Fitzpatrick LA, Coon HG, Aurbach GD. Bovine parathyroid cells: cultures maintained for more than l40 population doublings. Proceeding of the National Academy Society of the United States of America, 83:1709-1713.
(1986) Brandi ML, Aurbach GD, Fitzpatrick LA, Quarto R, Spiegel AM, Bliziotes MM, Norton JA, Doppman JL, Marx SJ. Parathyroid mitogenic activity in plasma from patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia type I. The New England Journal of Medicine, 314:1287-1293.
(1987) Sakaguchi K, Santora A, Zimering M, Curcio F, Aurbach GD, Brandi ML. Functional epithelial cell line cloned from rat parathyroid glands. Proceeding of the National Academy Society of the United States of America, 84:3269-3273.
(1992) Gattei V, Bernabei PA, Pinto A, Bezzini R, Ringressi A, Formigli L, Tanini A, Attadia V, Brandi ML. Phorbol ester induced osteoclast-like differentiation of a novel human leukemic cell line (FLG 29.1). The Journal of Cell Biology, 116:437-447.
(2001) Brandi ML, Gagel RF, Angeli A, Bilezikian JP, Beck-Peccoz P, Bordi C, Conte-Devolx B, Falchetti A, Gheri RG, Libroia A, Lips CJM, Lombardi G, Mannelli M, Pacini F, Ponder BA, Raue F, Skogseid B, Tamburrano G, Thakker RV, Thompson NW, Tommasetti P, Tonelli F, Wells SA Jr, Marx SJ. Guidelines for Diagnosis and Therapy of MEN Type1 and Type 2. The journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 86:5658-5671.
(2004) Khosla S, Riggs BL, Atkinson EJ, Oberg AL, Mavilia C, Del Monte F, Melton LJ 3rd, Brandi ML. Relationship of estrogen receptor genotypes to bone mineral density and to rates of bone loss in men. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 89:1808-1816.
(2004) Falchetti A, Di Stefano M, Marini F, Del Monte F, Mavilia C, Strigoli D, De Feo ML, Isaia G, Masi L, Amedei A, Cioppi F, Ghinoi V, Maddali Bongi S, Di Fede G, Sferrazza C, Rini GB, Melchiorre D, Matucci-Cerinin M, Brandi ML. Two novel mutation at exon 8 of the Sequestosome 1 (SQSTM1) gene in an Italian series of patients affected by Paget's disease of bone (PDB). The Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 19:1013-1017.
(2008) Luzi E, Marini F, Sala SC, Tognarini I, Galli G, Brandi ML. Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Adipose Tissue-Derived Stem Cells Is Modulated by the miR-26a Targeting of the SMAD1 Transcription Factor. The Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 23(2):287-95.
(2012) Luzi E, Marini F, Tognarini I, Galli G, Falchetti A, Brandi ML, The Regulatory Network Menin-MicroRNA 26a As a Possible Target for RNA-Based Therapy of Bone Diseases. Mulecular Therapy Nucleic Acids, 22(2):103-8.
(2016) Brandi ML, Bilezikian JP, Shoback D, Bouillon R, Clarke BL, Thakker RV, Khan AA, Potts JT Jr. Management of Hypoparathyroidism: Summary Statement and Guidelines. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, Jun101(6):2273-83.
History and Philosophy area
Competences: Female Mysticism, Feminist Philosophy, Moral Philosophy, Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion
Keywords: Covid-19, Covid-19: effects on personal, community and social life, diversity and inclusion, ethics, feminism, human rights, multiculturalism, women’s political
Region: Lazio
Professor of Moral Philosophy and Philosophy of Differences and Head of the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Liberal Arts at the University Roma Tre. President of the Observatory of Gender Studies, Equality and Equal Opportunities (GIO) (Sapienza, Tor Vergata, RomaTre)
Professional career
After graduating in Moral Philosophy from the Sapienza University of Rome (1967), she worked first as an assistant and then as an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education in Rome and as a Full Professor of Moral Philosophy at the Roma Tre University, Faculty of Humanities, where she was Department Director from 1998 to 2006. In the same years she was Delegate of the Rector for Equal Opportunities - Gender Studies. She is currently a Senior Lecturer.
She has led many European research projects and developed new didactic paths such as the post-graduate course in History and Themes of Women's Thought, which in 2001 became a second level Master's degree "Trainers and experts in Equal Opportunities" and the post-graduate course in Science of Religions, which then became an international Master's degree.
She has been President of the Roman Section of the Italian Philosophical Society (SFI), and Vice-President of the National SFI Board.
Scientific results
Francesca Brezzi's research in the 1970s-90s focused on philosophical-moral issues, with particular reference to contemporary French philosophy (existentialism, existential phenomenology, reflective philosophy, hermeneutics). Brezzi is one of the greatest scholars of Paul Ricoeur, on whom in 1969 she wrote the first monograph ever written and in 2006 the important volumeIntroduzione a Paul Ricoeur for Laterza. Among the other philosophers that she privileges in her studies emerges E. Lévinas. Lévinas, linked to other thinkers who consider themselves heirs of phenomenology, such as Marcel and Ricoeur.
In the field of Moral Philosophy, she broadened her field of study to include contemporary thought, focusing on the one hand on the encounter/clash of philosophical enquiry with legal and political themes, and on the other on the theme of diversity (cultural, religious, ethnic, gender), including questions of human rights. To these areas is added the study of the relationship between philosophy and mysticism, which is part of his teaching in the Philosophy of Religion. She writes about the most important contemporary thinkers (Simon de Beauvoir, Luce Irigaray, Simone Weil, Edith Stein, Maria Zambrano, Judith Butler, etc.) but also draws new maps of knowledge, deconstructing and restructuring already codified meanings, resemanticising linguistic fields, reacting to the emptiness of memory, to absence in history, making a submerged continent re-emerge, what according to S. Moeller Oikin is "the prism of sexual belonging". She shows the philosophical value of marginalised figures, including mystical women such as Angela da Foligno, Maddalena de' Pazzi and Jeanne Guyon.
Starting with Antigone, she explores many current issues on women's citizenship and human rights and focuses on respect for cultural diversity in multi-ethnic societies and especially on the relationship between feminism and multiculturalism, areas of considerable educational fruitfulness, necessary to be able to form citizens of a complex and interrelated world. The latest developments are aimed at the theme of citizenship and European identity to investigate how to found, through the combination of civil and political social rights, the political capacity to act of people (in particular women and feminist movements). A digression, but not too much, is her reinterpretation of futurism in Quando il futurismo è donna. Barbara dei colori, a text that investigates the presence of women in such a misogynistic movement.
Her more recent interests continue along the lines of "thinking otherwise", exploring the relationship between philosophy and literature as in Nel labirinto del pensiero. Borges e la filosofia (In the Labyrinth of Thought. Borges and Philosophy).
Finally, in the work Gioco senza regole. Homo ludens tra filosofia, letteratura e teologia (Homo ludens between philosophy, literature and theology), he takes up his interest in the philosophical value of the concept of play.
Editorial work and publications
She is author of several volumes and editorials in the magazine B@bel. She collaborates with important Italian and foreign magazines.
(2005) (2 ed.), Brezzi F., Antigone e la philia. Le passioni tra etica e politica, Franco Angeli, Milano.
(2006) Brezzi F., Intoduzione a Ricoeur, Laterza, Bari.
(2009) Brezzi F.,Quando il futurismo è donna. Barbara dei colori, Mimesis Milano (ed. francese 2010).
(2009) Brezzi F., Strickland E., Ferrari Occhionero M., Introd.e cura di Equal opportunities and Human Rights, Laterza, Roma.
(2010) Brezzi F., Una voce differente: Diotima presente al Simposio, introduzione e cura a A. Heller, Il Simposio di San Silvestro, Mimesis, Milano.
(2011) Brezzi, M.Teresa Russo, Oltre la società degli individui .Teoria ed etica del dono, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino.
(2012) Brezzi F., Piccolo manuale di Etica, Donzelli editore, Roma.
(2014) Brezzi F., Nel Labirinto del pensiero. Borges e la filosofia, ETS Editori, Pisa.
(2018) Brezzi F., Gioco senza Regole, Castelvecchi editore, Roma.
(2019) Brezzi F., Utopia, come pensare altrimenti, in “Infiniti mondi” 11, pp.85-106.
(2019) Brezzi F., Identità Femminile: differenza, corporeità, vulnerabilità, Edith Stein tra passato e presente, a.c. Angela Ales Bello, Castelvecchi editore, Roma, pp.155-174.
(2020) Brezzi F., Società, democrazia, religione: circolarità vivente, in Esperienza, contingenza valori, Quodlibet, Macerata, pp.41-49.
(2020) Brezzi F., Philia e dono, virtù fragili? dall’identità singolare verso un nuovo legame sociale,in Virtù umane Virtù politiche a cura di G. Cotta, Mimesis, Milano Udine, 2020 pp,197-210.
Awards and prizes
She received the City of Syracuse Philosophy Prize in 2007, and in 2011 Francesca Brezzi was the only Italian woman to be included in the First Women Inspiring Europe Calendar created by the EIGE - European Institute for Gender Equality. In the same year she was awarded the prize "Donne Eccellenti di Roma" (Excellent Women of Rome) and a special recognition by the political institute S. Pio V, under the patronage of the European Parliament, the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate of the Republic, for having contributed with her activity to investigate the knowledge of cultural diversities in a multi-ethnic society and for having studied issues related to the relationship between feminism and multiculturalism.
In 2016 she won the First National Philosophy Prize The Figures of Thought for Academic Research and for the philosophical book Nel labirinto del pensiero. Borges and Philosophy and the following year for the electronic and print magazine "B@bel, Per pensare le differenze", which she conceived and edited.
She has been a member of the scientific committee of the Fondazione Lelio e Lisli Basso-Isocco and is currently on the board of the Réseau International des Femmes Philosophes, promoted by UNESCO. She has been an expert judge of Prin projects of MIUR for many years.
Full Professor of International Banking and Capital Markets, Sapienza University of Rome
Professional career
She graduated in Economics at Bocconi University, Milan, with supervisor Prof. Tancredi Bianchi. From 2007 she teaches International Banking and Capital Markets at Sapienza Università di Roma. Chairperson of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Financial Risk Managers Association (AIFIRM). She serves on the Scientific Committee of the Research Centre of Confindustria (Italy’s Industrial Association). She is invited to present her Expert opinion to public hearings of Commissions of the Italian Senate and of the Italian Camera (Italy’s lower house).
From 2012 she has been appointed by the Bank of Italy in the governance bodies of banks and other intermediaries in liquidation. From 2011 to 2017 she served as Deputy Dean, Faculty of Economics Sapienza Università di Roma. From 2014 to 2016 she was one of the 5 top-ranking independent academics appointed among the 30 members which make up the Securities and Markets Stakeholder Group of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) as provided for in article 37 of the ESMA Regulation (1095/2010/EU). From 2008 she serves on the boards of listed and privately held companies.
She currently serves on the Boards of Banco Desio e della Brianza, Mediaset and Salini Impregilo. She is member of the MSCI Thought Leadership Council on Corporate Governance Fundamentals and is the only European Advisory Board Member of the Women Corporate Directors (WCD) Foundation, the International think tank founded in the US that counts over 3,500 women, chairpersons and independent board members, serving on over 8,500 boards across six continents, Global Co-Chair of the WCD Family Business Council, Co-Chair of the Italian Chapter.
Scientific results
She is Program Chair of the ‘2019 New Frontiers in Banking conference: From Corporate Governance to Risk Management’, promoted by Sapienza, Bocconi University and Review of Financial Studies, Key note address Bengt Holmstrom, Nobel Laurete in Economics 2016. Program Chair of ‘2018 New Frontiers in Banking conference: From Corporate Governance to Risk Management’, promoted by Sapienza, Bocconi University and Review of Financial Studies, Key note address Jean Tirole, Nobel Laurete in Economics 2014
Program Chair of ‘2017 Bank Systemic Risk Measurement and Mitigation conference’, promoted by Sapienza, Bocconi University and Review of Financial Studies, Key note address Robert Engle, Nobel Laurete in Economics 2003.
Editorial work and publications
She is the author of numerous publications on corporate governance, banking and capital markets and is often invited as speaker at international academic and business community conferences. Last publications:
(2019) Brogi M, Lagasio V.Lights in the shadows: exploring the need for regulation in shadow banking, International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences. 12(2): 205
(2018) Brogi M, Lagasio V. Do bank boards matter? A literature review on the characteristics of banks' Board of Directors. International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics. Available on: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3126458
(2018) Amore MD, Brogi M, Calabrò A. e Minichilli A. The Courage to Choose! Primogeniture and Leadership Succession in Family Firms, Strategic Management Journal, pp. 1 – 22.
(2018) Arcuri MC, Brogi M, Gandolgi G. The Effect of Cyber Attacks on Stock Returns, Corporate Ownership and Control, p. 70 – 83.
(2017) Brogi M. Rischio cibernetico e sicurezza nazionale nel sistema finanziario, in AA. VV. “Sicurezza è Libertà”, Gnosis, pp. 145 – 151.
(2017) Arcuri MC, Brogi M. e Gandolfi G. Cyber Risk: A Big Challenge in Developed and Emerging Markets, Identity Theft: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice, IGI Global, pp. 292 – 307.
(2017) Brogi M, Lagasio V. SME sources of funding: more capital or more debt to sustain growth? An empirical analysis, in (a cura di) Rossi S., “Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions”, p. 173 – 199.
(2016) Brogi M, Lagasio V. Sliced and diced: European banks’ business models and profitability, in (a cura di) Bracchi G, Filotto U, Masciandaro D., “Report on the Italian Financial System”, Fondazione Rosselli, Edibank, Milano, p. 55 – 82.
(2016) Brogi M. Corporate Governance, Pixel, EGEA, Milano.
(2016) Brogi M, Calabrò A, Minichilli A. Weathering the storm: family ownership, governance and performance through the financial and economic crisis. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 24,6:552 – 568.
(2016) Brogi M, Calabrò A, Torchia M. What does really matter in the internationalization of small and medium-sized family businesses? Journal of Small Business Management, 54(2):679 – 696.
(2014) Brogi M, Shadow banking, banking union and capital markets union. Law and Economic Review, 2:383 – 400.
(2014) Brogi M. Le politiche di remunerazione nel sistema di corporate governance. Analisi Giuridica dell'Economia, 2:275 - 293
(2014) Brogi M, Langone R. Le politiche di remunerazione tra regolamentazione e say on pay: un'analisi empirica delle banche e delle maggiori società quotate italiane. Banche e Banchieri, 4:467 - 488
(2011) Brogi M. Board, governance and firm performance: are financial intermediaries different? Corporate Ownership and Control, 8:60 - 68
Full Professor and former Vice Rector of Politecnico di Milano for the Como Campus.
Professional career
After obtaining a degree in Physics at the University of Milan in 1986, she continued her education with a PhD in Geodetic and Topographical Sciences that she obtained in 1991 at the Interuniversity Consortium of Milan, Turin and Pavia. From 1992 to 1994, she was Researcher at the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, where she helped create the International Geoid Service (IGeS) of the International Geodesy Association (IAG) and became part of the IGeS Bulletin committee, becoming its chief editor. In 1994, she became a researcher at the Politecnico di Milano, and four years later an associate professor. In 1997, she founded and coordinated the Geomatics Laboratory at the Como Campus of the Politecnico di Milano. From 2006 to 2011, she was a lecturer of GIS at the Federal Polytechnic of Zurich (ETH). Since 2010, she has been Full Professor of Digital Mapping and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) at the Politecnico di Milano and from 2011 to 2016 she was Vice Rector of Politecnico for the Como Campus.
Scientific results
After obtaining a degree in Physics at the University of Milan in 1986, she continued her education with a PhD in Geodetic and Topographical Sciences that she obtained in 1991 at the Interuniversity Consortium of Milan, Turin and Pavia. From 1992 to 1994, she was Researcher at the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, where she helped create the International Geoid Service (IGeS) of the International Geodesy Association (IAG) and became part of the IGeS Bulletin committee, becoming its chief editor. In 1994, she became a researcher at the Politecnico di Milano, and four years later an associate professor. In 1997, she founded and coordinated the Geomatics Laboratory at the Como Campus of the Politecnico di Milano. From 2006 to 2011, she was a lecturer of GIS at the Federal Polytechnic of Zurich (ETH). Since 2010, she has been Full Professor of Digital Mapping and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) at the Politecnico di Milano and from 2011 to 2016 she was Vice Rector of Politecnico for the Como Campus.
Editorial work and publications
Maria Antonia Brovelli is editor of the Applied Geomatics journal published by Springer, co-author of three textbooks on the statistical processing of data, of a volume on orthophotos, i.e. geometrically correct and georeferenced aerial and satellite imagery, and digital terrain models, and author of over 150 scientific publications including:
(2018) Brovelli MA, Zamboni G, A new method for the assessment of spatial accuracy and completeness of OpenStreetMap building footprints, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 7(8), 289.
(2016) Brovelli MA, Minghini M, Moreno Sanchez R, Oliveira R. Free anD Open Source Software for Geospatial Applications (FOSS4G) to support Future Earth. International Journal of Digital Earth, 1-19.
(2016) Brovelli MA, Minghini M, Molinari ME, Mooney P. Towards an automated comparison of OpenStreetMap with authoritative road datasets. Transactions in GIS.
(2015) Brovelli MA, Molinari ME, Hussein E, Chen J, Li R. The First Comprehensive Accuracy Assessment of GlobeLand30 at a National Level: Methodology and Results. Remote Sensing, 7(4):4191-4212.
(2015) Brovelli MA, Minghini M, Zamboni G. Public Participation GIS: a FOSS architecture enabling field-data collection. International Journal of Digital Earth, 8(5):345-363.
(2012) Valentini L, Brovelli MA, Zamboni G. Multi-frame and multi-dimensional historical digital cities: The Como example. International Journal of Digital Earth, 7(4):336-350.
(2011) Brovelli MA, Giori G, Mussin M, M. Negretti M. Improving the Monitoring of the Status of the Environment Through Web Geo-services: The Example of Large Structures Supervision. Transactions in GIS, 15(2), 173-188.
(2008) Brovelli MA, Crespi M, Fratarcangeli F, Giannone F, Realini E. Accuracy assessment of high resolution satellite imagery orientation by leave-one-out method. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 63(4):427-440.
(2004) Brovelli MA, Cannata M, Longoni UM. LIDAR Data Filtering and DTM Interpolation Within GRASS. Transactions in GIS, 8(2), 155-174.
(1993) Knudsen P, Brovelli MA. Collinear and cross-over adjustment of Geosat ERM and Seasat altimeter data in the Mediterranean Sea. Surveys in Geophysics, 14, 4-5:449-459.
(1993) Rummel R, Van Gelderan M, Koop R, Schrama E, Sansò F, Brovelli MA, Migliaccio F, Sacerdote F. Spherical Harmonic Analysis of Satellite Gradiometry. Publications on Geodesy, new series, number 39, Netherland Geodetic Commission, Delft, The Netherlands.
Awards and prizes
In September 2015 she was awarded the Sol Katz Award 2015 for her contribution to Free Software and Open Source Geospatial during the FOSS4G 2015 conference in Seoul, South Korea. Maria Antonia Brovelli was one of the Directors of OSGeo (International GIS Open Foundation). She is Chair of the working group IV / 4 "Collaborative Crowdsourced Cloud Mapping (C³M)" of the International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), member of UN-GGIM Italy, Chair of the "Capacity Building" working group of the United Nations "UN OpenGIS", Deputy chair and member of the International Task Team (single woman) with the task of supporting the United Nations for the geospatial aspects (UN-GGIM). She was co-organizer of the annual "Europa NASA World Wind Challenge" event, which involved students and professionals in developing applications based on the virtual globe of NASA. Finally, she is a member of ACEO, the Advisory Committee for Earth Observation (ACEO), which is the main interpreter of the views and needs of the European scientific community on access to space experimentation and data exploitation in Earth science programs.
STEM area: Biomedical sciences and biotechnology
Competences: Clinical and Pathophysiological in Hepatology and Gastroenterology, Clinical Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Health Care Management, Translational and Clinic-pathologic Research
Keywords: hepatitis, Hepatitis B Virus, Hepatitis C Virus, Hepatitis D Virus, Hepatocarcinoma, liver, Liver and Biliary Diseases, Liver and Biliary Diseases, liver cirrhosis, molecular biology, Steatosis
Region: Tuscany
Adjunct Full Professor of Internal Medicine at the Clinical and Experiment Medicine Department of the University of Pisa.
Professional career
After graduation in Medicine and Surgery and specialization in Digestive Diseases in 1984 and 1988 respectively at the University of Turin, she began her professional career in 1988 as full-time medical assistant and in 1993 medical associate at the Gastroenterology Division, San Giovanni Battista Hospital of Turin. In 1989 she obtained the specialization in Ultrasound Diagnostics in Internal Medicine at the University of Bologna. In 1998 she moved to Pisa as Medical Associate at the Gastroenterology Unit of Spedali Riuniti di Santa Chiara Hospital and in 2001 became its Acting Director. From 1999 she is Director of the Reference Center for Chronic Liver Disease and Cancer of the Tuscany Region. From 2003 she is Director of the Gastroenterology and Hepatology Unit and Laboratory of Liver Pathophysiology of the University Hospital of Pisa. From 2016 she is Adjunct Full Professor of Internal Medicine, Clinical and Experimental Medicine of the University of Pisa, and from 2020 Chair of the Medical Specialties Integrated Department of the University Hospital of Pisa.
Scientific results
Maurizia Rossana Brunetto started her biomedical research activity in 1981 with a residency at the General Pathology Institute of the University of Turin and in 1982 with ab internship at the Laboratory of the Department of Biochemistry of Brunel University Uxbridge, GB studying peroxidative liver damage. Subsequently, she gets involved in the study of the pathogenesis and therapy of hepatitis B, and in 1989, Visiting Scientist at the Molecular Biology Laboratory of the Max Plank Institut fur Biochemie, Munich, Germany she isolated and characterized the Hepatitis B Virus mutant, defective for the HBeAg secretion which causes the HBeAg negative, anti-HBe positive form of chronic hepatitis B clinically defined at the Gastroenterology Division of the San Giovanni BattistaHospital of Torino. In 1993 and 1994 she continues the study of the pathogenetic implications of viral heterogeneity of hepatitis viruses, HBV e HCV at the Department of Virology I, National Institute of Health, Tokyo, Japan with a Fellowship of the Human Science Foundation of Japan. She contributed to the definition of the impact of interferon in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B and C in relation to the risk of development of hepatocellular-carcinoma, the clinical usefulness of viral biomarkers such as HBsAg and HBcrAg in the management of HBV carriers, and the national and international guidelines for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B. She contributed to the experimental design and\or conduction of the registration studies for major drugs used for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B, D, and C.
Editorial work and publications
(2021) Brunetto MR, Carey I, Maasoumy B, Marcos-Fosch C, Boonstra A, Caviglia GP, Loglio A, Cavallone D, Scholtes C, Ricco G, Smedile A, Riveiro-Barciela M, van Bömmel F, van der Eijk A, Zoulim F, Berg T, Cornberg M, Lampertico P, Agarwal K, Buti M. Incremental value of HBcrAg to classify 1582 HBeAg negative individuals in chronic infection without liver disease or hepatitis Aliment Pharmacol Ther.2021, Jan 19 doi:10.111/apt.16258
(2013) Brunetto MR, Marcellin P, Cherubini B, Yurdaydin C, Farci P, Hadziyannis SJ, Rothe V, Regep L, Bonino F. Response to peginterferon alfa-2a (40KD) in HBeAg-negative CHB: on-treatment kinetics of HBsAg serum levels vary by HBV genotype. J Hepatol. 2013 Dec;59(6):1153-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2013.07.017. Epub 2013 Jul 18. PubMed PMID: 23872601.
(2010) Brunetto MR, Oliveri F, Colombatto P, Moriconi F, Ciccorossi P, Coco B, Romagnoli V, Cherubini B, Moscato G, Maina AM, Cavallone D, Bonino F. Hepatitis B surface antigen serum levels help to distinguish active from inactive hepatitis B virus genotype D carriers. Gastroenterology. 2010 Aug;139(2):483-90. doi:10.1053/j.gastro.2010.04.052. Epub 2010 May 5. PubMed PMID: 20451520.
(2009) Brunetto MR, Moriconi F, Bonino F, Lau GK, Farci P, Yurdaydin C, Piratvisuth T, Luo K, Wang Y, Hadziyannis S, Wolf E, McCloud P, Batrla R, Marcellin P. Hepatitis B virus surface antigen levels: a guide to sustained response to peginterferon alfa-2a in HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B. Hepatology. 2009 Apr;49(4):1141-50. doi: 10.1002/hep.22760. PubMed PMID: 19338056.
(2007) Brunetto MR. Tailoring antiviral therapy in chronic hepatitis B patients with lamivudine resistance. J Hepatol. 2007 May;46(5):756-8. Epub 2007 Mar 9. PubMed PMID: 17383043.
(1998) Brunetto MR, Oliveri F, Koehler K, Zahm F, Bonino F and the International Interferon-alpha Study Group Effect of interferon-alpha on progression of cirrhosis to hepatocellular carcinoma: retrospective cohort study. Lancet 1998;351:1535-9.
(1993) Brunetto MR, Giarin M, Saracco G, Oliveri F, Calvo P, Capra G, Randone A, Abate ML, Manzini P, Capalbo M, et al. Hepatitis B virus unable to secrete e antigen and response to interferon in chronic hepatitis B.Gastroenterology. 1993 Sep;105(3):845-50. PubMed PMID: 7689519.
(1991) Brunetto MR, Oliveri F, Demartini A, Calvo P, Manzini P, Cerenzia MT, Bonino F. Treatment with interferon of chronic hepatitis B associated with antibody to hepatitis B e antigen. J Hepatol. 1991;13 Suppl 1:S8-11. Review. PubMed PMID:1960379.
(1989) Brunetto MR, Stemler M, Schodel F, Will H, Ottobrelli A, Rizzetto M, Verme G, Bonino F. Identification of HBV variants which cannot produce precore derived HBeAg and may be responsible for severe hepatitis. Ital. J. Gastroenterol.1989;Jun 21(3):151-154. WOSA1989AK15100003; ISSN: 0392-0623.
(1989) Brunetto MR, Oliveri F, Rocca G, Criscuolo D, Chiaberge E, Capalbo M, David E, Verme G, Bonino F. Natural course and response to interferon of chronic hepatitis B accompanied by antibody to hepatitis B e antigen.Hepatology. 1989 Aug;10(2):198-202. PubMed PMID: 2663695.
Awards and prizes
Maurizia Rossana Brunetto achieved in 1989 the «Young Investigator Award» della European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) in occasion of the XXIV Annual Meeting of the EASL in Munich (Germany) per for the discovery of the HBV variant, defective in the secretion of HBeAg . In 2002 she obtained the «Young Investigator Award» dell’ Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver (APASL) in occasion of the XVII Annual Meeting APASL in Kyoto (Japan) for the discovery of the HBeAg negative, anti-HBe positive chronic hepatitis B and its etiologic cause, the HBeAg negative HBV variant.
Researcher at the Cagliari Astronomical Observatory of the Italian National Intitute for Astrophysics (INAF)
Professional career
After graduating in Astronomy at the University of Bologna in 2000, Marta Burgay continued her studies at the same university where she obtained her PhD in 2004. A few months later she became a researcher at the INAF - Cagliari Astronomical Observatory, where she works on compact objects (studying ultra-dense stars). In particular she is an expert in observations and studies of radio pulsars (one of the manifestations of the compact neutron stars, so called because they are observed through pulses of radiation appearing at short regular intervals). Since 2012 she is part of the scientific team operating the new 64-m Sardinia Radio Telescope. She is also a member of the European and the International Pulsar Timing Array experiments for the detection of gravitational waves from supermassive black holes, and of the GRAWITA (GRAvitational Wave Inaf TeAm) collaboration to search for the electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational wave events.
Scientific results
The scientific activity of Marta Burgay is focused mainly on neutron star studies and in particular on observations and investigations of pulsars. Her name is linked to the important discovery of the binary system J0737-3039A / B, the first and, to date, the only system formed by two pulsars. Thanks to its many peculiarities, thisdouble pulsar represents a unique laboratory in several fields (nuclear physics, plasma physics, relativistic gravity...): in the field of general relativity, for example, the study of the times of arrival of the pulses of the two stars allowed her team to test the validity of the theory of general relativity with a precision of 99.95%. Continued observations of this system, still underway, will allow to further improve this limit and to test alternative theories of gravity.
Since 2008 Marta Burgay has been part of the High Time Resolution Universe Survey project for pulsars and transients searches, and since 2013 of the SUPERB survey (Survey for Pulsars and Extragalactic Radio Bursts). Thanks to these projects almost 200 new pulsars have been discovered, including more than 30 extremely fast rotating millisecond pulsars, a magnetar (a different type of neutron star with a huge magnetic field) emitting radio waves, a pulsar with a "diamond" planet, and a new class of transient sources, the Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs), of yet unknown origin.
Editorial work and publications
Marta Burgay is (co-)author of 140 refereed articles published in international journals (including 4 in Nature and 5 in Science) that have received a total of more than 9000 citations. She is (co-)author of 22 telematic scientific communications (Astronomer's Telegram, GCN Circulars) and (co-)author of 58 conference proceedings. She is editor in chief of a volume of conference proceedings.
[2013] Thornton D, Stappers B, Bailes M, Barsdell B, Bates S, Bhat N D R, Burgay M, Burke-Spolaor S, Champion D J, Coster P, D'Amico N, Jameson A, Johnston S, Keith M, Kramer M, Levin L, Milia S, Ng C, Possenti A, van Straten W. A Population of Fast Radio Bursts at Cosmological Distances, Science, 341:53.
[2013] Burgay M, Keith MJ, Lorimer DR, Hassall TE, Lyne AG, Camilo F, D'Amico N, Hobbs GB, Kramer M, Manchester RN, McLaughlin MA, Possenti A, Stairs I H, Stappers BW. The Perseus Arm Pulsar Survey, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 429:579.
[2011] Bailes M, Bates SD, Bhalerao V, Bhat NDR, Burgay M, Burke-Spolaor S, D'Amico N, Johnston S, Keith MJ, Kramer M, Kulkarni SR, Levin L, Lyne AG, Milia S, Possenti A, Spitler L, Stappers B, van Straten, W. Transformation of a Star into a Planet in a Millisecond Pulsar Binary, Science, 333:1717.
[2006] Kramer M, Stairs IH, Manchester RN, McLaughlin MA, Lyne AG, Ferdman RD, Burgay M, Lorimer DR, Possenti A, D'Amico N, Sarkissian J M, Hobbs G B, Reynolds J E, Freire PCC, Camilo F. Tests of General Relativity from Timing the Double Pulsar, Science, 314:97.
[2006] McLaughlin MA, Lyne AG, Lorimer DR, Kramer M, Faulkner AJ, Manchester RN, Cordes JM, Camilo F, Possenti A, Stairs IH, Hobbs G, D'Amico N, Burgay M, O'Brien JT. Transient radio bursts from rotating neutron stars, Nature, 439:817.
[2004] Lyne AG, Burgay M, Kramer M, Possenti A, Manchester RN, Camilo F, McLaughlin MA, Lorimer DR, D'Amico N, Joshi BC, Reynolds J, Freire PCC, A Double-Pulsar System - A rare Laboratory for Relativistic Gravity and Plasma Physics, Science, 303:1153L.
[2003] Burgay M, D'Amico N, Possenti A, Manchester RN, Lyne AG, Joshi BC, McLaughlin MA, Kramer M, Sarkissian JM, Camilo F, Kalogera V, Kim C, Lorimer DR. An increased estimate of the merger rate of double neutron stars from observations of a highly relativistic system, Nature, 426:531.
Awards and prizes
Marta Burgay has received several awards, from the beginning of her career, in addition to covering important scientific and institutional roles. Her PhD thesis "The Parkes High-Latitude Pulsar Survey and the Discovery of the First Double Pulsar" received the 2005 Tacchini Prize of the Italian Astronomical Society (SAIt). In 2005 she also received the Descartes Prize for excellence in scientific collaborative research, as a member of the group PulSE (Pulsar Science in Europe). In 2006 she was awarded with two important prizes, the Italian Society of General Relativity and Gravity Physics (SIGrav) Award for young researchers, and the International Union for Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) Award for young physicists. In 2010 she won the Marsden Prize of the European Astrosky Network and the Vainu Bappu Award of the Astronomical Society of India. In 2011, the XXIII edition of the Marisa Bellisario Award dedicated to Women, Innovation and Human Capital assigned her a prize in the special awards section for young talents in research fields. In 2014 she was named "Chevalier de l'autonomie" of the Valle d'Aosta region and in 2015 she was designated "Sardinian woman of the year" by the Lyones Club of Cagliari. In 2017 the International Astronomical Union attributed to the asteroid n. 198634 the name Burgaymarta.
Full Professor of Gastroenterology and Delegate for Postgraduate Schools and Observatory for Postgraduate Specialist Training at the University of Padua. Head of the Multivisceral Transplantation Unit at the Hospital of University of Padua.
Professional career
Professor Burra obtained her medical degree at the University of Padua in 1984, followed by specialization in Gastroenterology and Endoscopy. Subsequently, she undertook an international research fellowship at the Liver Unit and Liver Research Laboratories at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, UK, before completing a PhD in Hepatology at the Padua University in 1993. She then joined the faculty at the Padua University as a Senior Registrar and Assistant Professor, Since 2004 Professor Burra is responsible of the “Regional center for cell therapy of metabolic diseases”. In 2010 she was appointed Head of the Multivisceral Transplantation Unit at the Padua University. In 2014, she became associate professor and in 2019 full professor of Gastroenterology at the University of Padua. From 2015 to 2021 she is pro-rector for Postgraduate Training at the University of Padua. From 2021 she will be Delegate to the Schools of Specialisation and to the Observatory for Postgraduate Training, at the same University.
She is currently Secretary of the Italian Society of Gastroenterology (SIGE), President of the North Italian Transplant program (NITp), and elected Chair of the Public Affairs Committee of the United European Gastroenterology (UEG). She is also Honorary President of the European Board Transplant Medicine and Coordinator of the Permanent Transplant Commission of the Italian Association for the Study of the Liver (AISF).
Scientific results
Patrizia Burra is interested in clinical and translational studies in the setting of liver transplantation, mainly regarding antiviral therapy for HCV recurrence, HBV prophylaxis after transplantation, acute alcoholic hepatitis as indication for liver transplantation, liver transplantation for NASH and NAFLD, adherence to medical treatments and quality of life of transplant recipients.
In the past, she has carried out studies on neurological function and regional cerebral flux by means of SPECT (single photon emission tomography) and has carried out quantitative studies on neurological function by PET (positron emission tomography) in subjects who are candidates for liver transplantation. In addition to clinical research, Patrizia Burra has been involved in basic research, mainly carrying out studies on primary cultures of human hepatocytes, receptors for thyroid hormones and stem cells from the umbilical cord and their differentiation into hepatocytes.
Editorial work and publications
Patrizia Burra is associate editor of Transplant International since 2009, of American Journal of Transplantation from 2010 to 2015 and of Digestive and Liver Disease since 2015. Since 2017 she is Special Section Editor of Journal of Hepatology and from 2018 she is co-chair of The Lancet–EASL Commission on liver diseases in Europe.
She has authored more than 290 articles in international peer-reviewed journals, including:
Manns MP, Burra P, Sargent J, Horton R, Karlsen TH. The Lancet-EASL Commission on liver diseases in Europe: overcoming unmet needs, stigma, and inequities. Lancet. 2018 Aug 25;392(10148):621-622
Burra P, Zanetto A, Germani G. Liver Transplantation for Alcoholic Liver Disease and Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Cancers (Basel). 2018 Feb 9;10(2):pii: E46
Toniutto P, Zanetto A, Ferrarese A, Burra P. Current challenges and future directions for liver transplantation. Liver Int. 2017;37:317–327
Burra P,Rodríguez-Castro K, Guarino M, Morisco F, Villa E, Mazzella G, Women in Hepatology Group; Italian Association for the Study of the Liver (AISF). AISF position paper on liver transplantation and pregnancy: Women in Hepatology Group, Italian Association for the Study of the Liver (AISF). Digestive and Liver Disease, 48(8):860-868.
Burra P, Germani G, Adam R, Karam V, Marzano A, Lampertico P, Salizzoni M, Filipponi F, Klempnauer JL, Castaing D, Kilic M, Carlis LD, Neuhaus P, Yilmaz S, Paul A, Pinna AD, Burroughs AK, Russo FP. Liver transplantation for HBV-related cirrhosis in Europe: an ELTR study on evolution and outcomes. J Hepatol. 2013 Feb;58(2):287-96.
Awards and prizes
Patrizia Burra is President of the NGO Marina Minnaja Foundation for the research and study of liver transplantation. She is a member of numerous Italian and international scientific societies, including: AISF (Italian Association of Liver Study) since 1985, SIGE (Italian Society of Gastroenterology) since 1985, ESOT (European Society for Organ Transplantation) since 1994, EASL (European Association Study of the Liver) since 1995 and ILTS (International Liver Transplant) since 2008.
Additionally, Professor Burra has previously served as Vice President of ESOT, Councillor of ILTS and Chair of the ILTS Education Committee, President of ILTS as well as Chair of the European Liver and Intestine Transplant Association. Currently, she is Past President of ILTS.
In 2021, she became a Fellow of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (FAASLD) and received the EASL 2021 Recognition Award.
Full professor of Social Psychology at the University of Padua
Professional career
After graduating in Philosophy at the University of Trieste (1988) she received a PhD in Social Psychology from the University of Oregon in 1996. In 1996, she began her career as a researcher at the University of Padua, where she is currently a full professor.
Scientific results
Research activity on gender issues. Among these, the problem of sexual objectification of women and sexual harassment and the way in which the media, for example the Italian TV, support these phenomena have been investigated. This line of research has shown that viewing Italian TV clips with a representation of sexually objectified women increases adherence to traditional gender norms, which in turn increases the propensity to sexual harassment. Within the construction of a media literacy program, it has also been shown how watching complaint videos of female sexual objectification increases the intention to take collective actions, such as signing a petition against sexist and objectifying media, but only by women participants. Furthermore, the viewing of a complaint video by a group of male participants was effective in reducing their sexual harassment actions, such as sending sexist jokes to an unknown woman, and their intention to engage in more serious sexual harassment such as blackmail and qui pro quo.
Editorial work and publications
Associate Editor for the European Journal of Social Psychology from 2001 to 2004.
Ad-hoc reviewer for the following journals: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, European Journal of Social Psychology, Social Cognition, Group processes and Intergroup relations, British Journal of Social Psychology, Social Psychology and Personality Science, European Journal.
International publications:
(2017) Fasoli, F., Cadinu, M., Carnaghi, A., Galdi, S., Guizzo, F., & Tassara, L. How do you self-categorize? Gender and sexual orientation self-categorization in homosexual/heterosexual men and women. Personality and Individual Differences. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2017.11.011
(2017) Galdi, S., Maass, A., & Cadinu, M. Defending the Victim of Sexual Harassment: The Influence of Civil Courage and Media Exposure. Psychology of Women Quarterly, doi: 0361684317709770.
(2017) Guizzo, F., Cadinu, M. Galdi, S., Maass, A., Latrofa, M. Objecting to Objectification: Women's Collective Action Against Sexual Objectification on Television. Sex Roles. doi: 10.1007/s11199-016-0725-8
(2016) Guizzo, F., & Cadinu, M. Effects of Objectifying Gaze on Women’s Cognitive Performance: the Role of Flow Experience and Internalization of Beauty Ideals. British Journal of Social Psychology. doi: 10.1111/bjso.1217
(2016) Pacilli, M.G., Tomasetto, C. & Cadinu, M. Exposure to Sexualized Advertisements Disrupts Children’s Math Performance by Reducing Working Memory.Sex roles: A Journal of Research.DOI: 10.1007/s11199-016-0581-6.
(2015) Hunt, C. J., Fasoli, F., Carnaghi, A., & Cadinu, M. Masculine Self-Presentation and Distancing From Femininity in Gay Men: An Experimental Examination of the Role of Masculinity Threat. Psychology of Men & Masculinity. doi:10.1037/a0039545..
(2014) Galdi, S., Maass, A., & Cadinu, M. Objectifying media: Their effect on gender role norms and sexual harassment of women. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 38, 398-413. doi: 10.1177/0361684313515185.
(2013) Cadinu, M., Galdi, S., &Maass, A. Chameleonic social identities: Context induces shifts in homosexuals’ self-categorization and self-stereotyping. European Journal of Social Psychology, 43, 474-481. doi: 10.1002/ejsp.1957
(2013) Galdi, S. Cadinu, M., & Tomasetto, C. In Search of the Roots of Stereotype Threat: The Activation of Math-gender Stereotypes Disrupts Girls’ Performance in Absence of Stereotype Awareness. Child Development. doi:10.1111/cdev.12128
(2013) Maass, A., Cadinu, M., Galdi, S. Sexual Harassment: Motivations and consequences. In M.K. Ryan &N.R. Branscombe (Eds.) The Sage Handbook of Gender and Psychology (cap. 21, pp. 341-358). London: Sage.
(2013) Cadinu, M., Latrofa, M., &Carnaghi, A. Comparing Self-Stereotyping with Ingroup- Stereotyping and Outgroup-Stereotyping in Unequal Group Contexts: the case of Gender. Self and Identity, 12, 582-596. Taylor and Francis online. doi:10.1080/15298868.2012.712753.
(2006) Maass, A., & Cadinu, M. Protecting a threatened identity through sexual harassment: A social identity interpretation. In R. Brown &D. Capozza (Eds.). Social Identities: Motivational, emotional, cultural influences (pp. 109-131). Hove, England. Hove, England: Psychology Press/Taylor &Francis (UK).
Awards and prizes
Member of the Executive Committee of the European Association of Social Psychology - 6-year term of office (2011-2017).
Associate professor at theGeorgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States.
Professional career
After graduating in Physics at the University of Milan, she continued her studies at the Princeton University, earning first a master's degree in 1998 and then a PhD in Physics in 2001. In the same year she became a post doc member at Princeton University, while, from 2002 to 2004 she held the same position at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology).
In 2005 she was a research scientist at MIT, a role she held until 2007, when she became assistant professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. At the same university she worked as associate professor from 2012 until 2015. In 2014 she has been visiting scholar of Cardiff University for about six months. Since 2015 she is associate professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology.
Scientific results
Her scientific research concerns gravitational waves, specifically it deals with identifying, characterizing and interpreting those of short duration produced by huge astrophysical events such as the collapse of the supernova core or the collisions of black holes. In February 2016 a press conference was held to present the discovery (which took place in September 2015) which changed the way astrophysics is understood: Laura Cadonati and her international research team showed the existence of gravitational waves theorized by Albert Einsten in the Theory of General Relativity. The discovery was carried out by the LIGO gravitational observatory in the United States, in collaboration with an international team of a thousand scientists, including those responsible for the Italian experiment Virgo, in Cascina. Thanks to this result there will be new applications in the field of theoretical physics and applied physics: indeed the discovery is not limited to providing a better understanding of the theory of relativity, but it offers new possibilities for scientific research in the field of the birth of the universe, and of the understanding of the forces that surround us. Laura Cadonati’s previous research activity included the detection of solar neutrinos with the Borexino experiment and participation in the DarkSide project for the research of Dark Matter, both experiments took place in the Gran Sasso National Laboratories.
Editorial work and publications
Laura Cadonati is the author of numerous presentations of international conferences and workshops, as well as seminars and parts of university books such as:
“Listening to Space with LIGO.” L. Cadonati. State of the Universe 2007 - New Images, Discoveries, and Events, 2006 Springer Praxis Books, Popular Astronomy Series. Ratcliffe Editor.
Moreover, she is author of numerous scientific publications, including:
(2016) LIGO-Virgo Collaboration. GW151226: Observation of Gravitational Waves from a 22 Solar-mass Binary Black Hole Coalescence. Physical Review Letters ,116, 241103.
(2016) LIGO-Virgo Collaboration. Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Merger. Physical Review Letters, 116, 061102.
(2016) LIGO-Virgo Collaboration. Characterization of transient noise in Advanced LIGO relevant to gravitational wave signal GW150914. Classical & Quantum Gravity, 33, 134001.
(2016) LIGO-Virgo Collaboration. Observing gravitational-wave transient GW150914 with minimal assumptions. Physical Review D, 93, 122004.
(2016) LIGO-Virgo Collaboration. Prospects for Observing and Localizing Gravitational-Wave Transients with Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo. Living Reviews in Relativity, 19, 1.
(2014) Clark J, Bauswein A, Cadonati L, Janka HT, Pankow C, Stergioulas N. Prospects For High Frequency Burst Searches Following Binary Neutron Star Coalescence With Advanced Gravitational Wave Detectors. Physical Review D, 90, 062004.
(2014) LIGO-Virgo Collaboration. Methods and results of a search for gravitational waves associated with gamma-ray bursts using the GEO600, LIGO, and Virgo detectors. Physical Review D, 89,122004.
(2014) LIGO Scientific Collaboration, Virgo Collaboration, NINJA Collaboration. The NINJA-2 project: Detecting and characterizing gravitational waveforms modelled using numerical binary black hole simulations. Classical & Quantum Gravity, 31, 115004.
(2014) Borexino Collaboration. Neutrinos from the primary proton–proton fusion process in the Sun. Nature, 512, 383–386.
(2008) Borexino Collaboration. Direct Measurement of the Be 7 Solar Neutrino Flux with 192 Days of Borexino Data. Physical Review Letters, 101, 091302.
Awards and prizes
She has been working for the LIGO Scientific Collaboration since 2002. In 2010 she received the Career Award from the National Science Foundation (NSF), in the same year she was elected to the executive committee of the Topical Group on Gravitation of the American Physical Society. In 2014 she was chosen in the Chair-line of the APS Topical Group on Gravitation (currently called “Division of Gravity”). The following year she joined the Fellow of the American Physical Society. In 2016 she became a member of the Advisory Board of the Classical and Quantum Gravity Journal.
Full professor of International Relations at University of Turin, President Torino World Affairs Institute – T.wai
Professional career
Graduated in Political Science from the University of Turin, Anna Caffarena got her PhD in International Relations (University of Padua). She started teaching at the Army School in Turin and became Associate professor at the University of Teramo in 2000. Since 2006 is Associate professor at the University of Turin, Department of Cultures, Politics and Society. Presently serves as Academic Coordinator of the Master course in International Relations. Recently has been part of a PRIN (Research project of national relevance) on Italian foreign policy and is presently part of an international research network on China’s role in contemporary international system.
Scientific results
Anna Caffarena’s research interests include ideas and representations as frames influencing political discourse and policymaking; images of world politics; cooperation through international regimes and international organizations, multilateralism and international order. Recently her research has focused on two main areas: change and continuity in world politics, in particular from the perspective of political ideas and representations; China and other emerging countries’ impact on international order and the future of multilateralism.
Editorial work and publications
Anna Caffarena has authored books and articles. Her recent contributions include:
[2020] Caffarena, A., Gabusi, G., Europa e Cina nell'ordine in trasformazione: il ruolo del multilateralismo, "OrizzoneCina!, vol. 10, n. 4, https://www.twai.it/journal/orizzontecina-10-4/.
[2019] Caffarena, A., Gabusi, G., China's Belt and Road Initiative in Eurasia: Space-Shaping as Odering, in S. Giusti, I. Mirkina (eds), The EU in a Trans-European Space: External Relations Across Europe, Asia and the Middle East, London, Palgrave Macmillan.
[2018] Caffarena, A., La Trappola di Tucidide e altre immagini. Perché la politica internazionale sembra non cambiare mai,il Mulino, Bologna.
[2017] Caffarena, A., Diversity Management in World Politics. Reformist China and the Future of the (Liberal) Order, in The International Spectator, 52, 3.
[2017] Caffarena, A., Come cambia l’ordine internazionale. Il riformismo di Pechino per un “multilateralismo efficace con caratteristiche cinesi”?, in La Comunità Internazionale, LXXII, 2.
[2017] Caffarena, A., Gabusi, G., Making sense of a changing world: foreign policy ideas and Italy's national role conceptions after 9/11, in Italian Political Science Review, 47, 2.
[2017] Caffarena, A., Conoscenti, M., The Tipping Point. Donald Trump and the Discourse on World (Dis)Order in the Press and Expert Media, in Comunicazione Politica, XVIII, 3.
[2014] ] Caffarena, A., Couples and Trust-building in International Society. A Social Capital Perspective, in B. Vassort-Rousset (ed.), Building Sustainable Couples in International Relations, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke.
[2011] Caffarena, A.,Primavera araba e transizioni democratiche. Considerazioni attorno all’immagine della quarta ondata, Biblioteca della libertà, XLVI, 201.
[2011] Caffarena, A., Più democrazia e meno ordine nella politica mondiale del xxisecolo?, in P.P. Portinaro (a cura di), L’interesse dei pochi, Le ragioni dei molti, Einaudi, Torino.
[2010]Caffarena, A., L’ordine internazionale alla prova del power shift, in L’orizzonte del mondo. Politica internazionali, sfide globali, nuove geografie del potere, Guerini, Milano.
[2009] Caffarena, A., Le organizzazioni internazionali, Il Mulino, Bologna.
[2009] Caffarena, A., 1989-2009, ovvero il paradosso della politica globale, in La Comunità Internazionale, LXI, 4.
Awards and prizes
Anna Caffarena is presently member of the board of the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) in Rome. She served on the Steering committee of the Italian Society of Political Science -Società italiana di Scienza Politica (SISP) e on Steering Committee of the Standing Group on International Relations dello European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR). She has served on the Expert Technical Review Panel of the United Nations System Staff College.
History and Philosophy area
Competences: History, History of Emotions, History of Judaism and Jewish-Christian Relations, History of Religious Minorities, History of the Inquisition and Persecutions: Witches, Jews, Muslims, History of witchcraft, Social History of the Modern Age, Women’s and Gender History
Keywords: anti-Semitic lexicon, discrimination, equality, feminism, Inquisition, multiculturalism, rights, women's writings
Region: Lazio
Honorary Professor of Modern History, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Faculty of Humanities, Department of History, Culture, Religions and Performing Arts (SARAS).
Professional career
Marina Caffiero graduated in Modern History at the University of Rome La Sapienza and has been a researcher since 1982 in the same discipline. In 1992 she won the competition for Associate Professor and was called as a teacher of Modern History at the University of Camerino and then at the University of Rome La Sapienza. In 2000 she won the competition for Full Professor and since then she has been teaching Modern History at La Sapienza, in the Department of History, Culture and Religion, where over the years she has held various positions. From 2006 to 2012 she is Director of the PhD in "Society, Politics and Cultures from the Middle Ages to the Contemporary Age" at the Department of Modern and Contemporary History. From 2012 to 2016 Director of the PhD in " Historical Anthropological and Religious Sciences" at the Department of History, Cultures, Religions. In 2016 she is founder of the "Course of Higher Education in Jewish History" that she directs until 2018. In 2017 she is founder of the "Advanced Training Course Women, Rights ,Cultures in time and space", which she directs until 2018.
She is currently honorary professor of Modern History, at the University of Rome "La Sapienza", Faculty of Humanities, Department of History, Culture, Religion and Performing Arts (SARAS).
Scientific results
Her research activity mainly concerns the field of religious and cultural history studies, in particular in relation to the relationship between politics and religion during the secularization processes taking place in Italy and Europe between the XVI and XXI centuries and with specific attention to the history of relations with religious minorities (Jews and Muslims), to gender issues and in particular to women's writings.
Editorial work and publications
Marina Caffiero is the founder and director, since 2007, of the series "La memoria restituita. Sources for Women's History". published by Viella and now in its 15th volume. The Series publishes unpublished female writings produced by non-literate women from the fifteenth to the twenty-first century. Since 2009 she is the founder and director of the online magazine "Giornale di storia" (giornaledistoria.net).
Below is a choice selection of her publications:
(2000) Caffiero M., Religion and modernity in Italy (centuries XVII-XIX) , Pisa-Rome, IEPI
(2004, 2009) Caffiero M., Baptesimi forzati. Stories of Jews, Christians and converts in the Rome of the popes, Rome Viella.
(2011)- Caffiero M., Forced Baptisms. Histories of Jews, Christians and Converts in papal Rome, translated by Y l. Cochrane, University of California Press, Berkeley-los Angeles-London,
(2012) Caffiero M., Dangerous ties. Jews and Christians between heresies, forbidden books and witchcraft, Turin, Einaudi,
(2014, 2015) Caffiero M., Storia degli ebrei nell'Italia moderna. From the Renaissance to the Restoration, Rome, Carocci,
(2017) Caffiero M., Baptêmes forcés. Histoires de juifs, chrétiens et convertis dans la Rome des papes, Paris, Honoré Champion, 2017
(2019) Caffiero M., The great mediator. Tranquillo Vita Corcos, Un rabbino nella Roma dei papi, Rome, Carocci.
(2020) Caffiero M., Prophetesses on Trial, Women, Religion and Power in the Modern Age, Brescia, Morcelliana.
(2008) Caffiero M., ed. , Stealing Souls. Diary of Anna del Monte Roman Jewess, Rome, Viella
(2009), M. Caffiero M., ed., Le radici storiche dell'antisemitismo. New sources and research, Rome, Viella
(2020) M. Caffiero M., ed., Donne e Inquisizione, Edizioni di storia e letteratura
(2021) Caffiero M., ed., L'Inquisizione e gli ebrei. New research, Editions of history and literature
Awards and prizes
2002 La politica della santità. Nascita di un culto nell’età dei Lumi, Laterza, , International prize “Desiderio Pirovano” 2002, Italy;
2005 Battesimi forzati. Storie di ebrei cristiani e convertiti nella Roma dei Papi, Viella 2004: ” Prize of the Presidency of the Council of the Italian Government 2005, Italy
2008 Vero e falso. L’uso politico della storia, Donzelli, 2008: Prize “Renato B. Fabrizi” - ANPI delle Marche 2008, Italy;
2010 Award “Sapienza Ricerca 2010” for the programme “Womens writings (XVth-XXth centuries)", University of Rome Sapienza, Italy.
2015 Storia degli ebrei nell’ Italia moderna , Carocci 2014: " Prize “Benedetto Croce” 2015, Italy.
Full professor of Contemporary History, Università di Napoli Federico II.
Professional career
After graduating in Philosophy at the University of Napoli Federico II (1985), she obtains a Ph.D. in History and Civilization of the European University Institute, Fiesole (1992) and a Ph.D. in History of the Scuola Superiore di Studi Storici, San Marino (1995).
She is a postdoc at the Università di Napoli Federico II (1994-1995), at the University of Essex in 1996 thanks to a CNR-NATO Fellowship, and at the University College London (1997) thanks to a CNR fellowship.
From 1998 to 2001 she is research fellow of the Istituto di Studi sulle Società del Mediterraneo (CNR). She teachesContemporary History at the Università della Calabria from 1999 to 2001. From 2002 to 2011 she is associate professor in the Department of Political Science of the Università di Napoli Federico II. From 2011 she is full professor in the same University.
From 2018, she is the Coordinator of the Ph.D. Program in Global History and Governance, Scuola Superiore Meridionale, Università di Napoli Federico II.
Scientific results
She has published extensively on nineteenth-century Italian history, migration, minorities, social classes, and more recently on human rights citizenship, and the treatment of enemy aliens in interstate nineteenth and twentieth century wars.
Editorial work and publications
Her recent contributions include:
[2021] War and Citizenship. Enemy Aliens and National Belonging from the French Revolution to the First World War, Cambridge University Press.
[2018] ‘Colonial Subjects and Enemy Aliens: Confinement and Internment in Italy 1911-1919’, in S. Manz, P. Panayi, M. Stibbe (eds.), Internment during the First World War, London, Routledge.
[2017] ‘Subjects, Citizens and Aliens in Time of Upheaval. Naturalizing and Denaturalizing in Europe during WWI’, Journal of Modern History, 89/3.
[2014] 'Property rights in time of war: sequestration and liquidation of enemy aliens' assets in Britain, Germany and France in the First World War', in Journal of Modern European History 12/4.
[2014] The edited special issue Aliens and Internal Enemies: Internment Practices, Economic Exclusion and Property Rights during the First World War of the Journal of Modern European History 12/4.
[2013] ‘Waging War on Civilians: The Expulsion of Aliens in the Franco-Prussian War’, Past & Present 221.
Awards and prizes
She was visiting fellow at the University College London, the University of Essex, the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University, the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies. Twice member of the School of Historical Studies of the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, she was also Visiting fellow at the Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung, Potsdam and the Remarque Institute, New York University.
She is the President of SISSCo, the Italian Society for the Study of Contemporary History.
She is member of the editorial board of Contemporanea. Rivista dell’800 e del ‘900 and of The Yearbook of Transnational History.
She is also member of the Scientific Council of the Ecole Française de Rome.
Forme athlete, diving champion, multiple Olympic medallist.
Professional career
Tania Cagnotto, an Italian diver who achieved innumerable medals both nationally and internationally, is the only Italian woman to have won a gold medal in the World Championship. She was born in the diving world, as her father Giorgio Cagnotto – who has stepped up as her coach – won numerous European and World medals during the 1970s. Following his footsteps, Tania proved herself to be extremely talented right from the start, participating in her first Olympic Games at only 15 years old. In her palmares she counts a silver medal in the synchronized three-meter springboard, won together with Francesca Dallapè, and a bronze, also in the three-meter springboard, both obtained at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games. In addition, her palmares counts 10 World medals, 1 Gold won in Kazan 2015, 3 Silver and 6 Bronze. At the European level, there are 29 titles with as many as 20 Gold, 5 Silver and 4 Bronze medals.
Editorial work and publications
Tania Cagnotto has authored 3 books:
Oro, argento e Tania, Mondadori Electa, 2018
(with Giovanna Manna) Il pinguino che non voleva tuffarsi, Mondadori, 2016
(with Stefano Bizzotto) Che tuffo, la vita!, Lìminia Editore, 2012
Awards and prizes
2022, Menarini International Fair Play Award
2016, Woman of the Year at the 2016 Gazzetta Sports Awards
2015, Giulio Onesti Award
2015, Expo Value Award
2014, LEN Best Male and Female Diver Award
2010, South Tyrolean Athlete of the Year
Athlete of the Fiamme Gialle sports group, Paralympic champion in the 100 meters and long jump.
Professional career
Martina Caironi has been an active Paralympic athlete since 2010, and has been with the Fiamme Gialle sports group since 2012.
Her achievements include:
Martina Caironi holds the world record in the T63 long jump (5.46 meters), and the Italian record and world best performance in the T63 indoor 60 meters (9.05 seconds) and indoor long jump (5.23 meters).
She was the flag bearer for the Italian Paralympic delegation at Rio 2016, and has been a member of the National Council, the Executive Committee, and the Athletes' Council of the Italian Paralympic Committee. She is currently an athlete representative at the international level (IPC) and on the Milan-Cortina 2026 Athletes' Council.
In addition to her athletic career, she is involved in social work, and is a friend of the Fontana Foundation and Sportfund, with which she carries out inclusion projects. She is active in schools where she shares her testimony and dedicates herself to motivational speaking in companies.
Awards and prizes
Golden Collar for Sports Merit 2012.
Commander of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic 2012.
Mangiarotti Award 2013.
Fair Play Award 2013.
Gazzetta dello Sport Awards Paralympic Athlete of the Year 2015.
International Paralympic Committee Athlete of the Month for May 2015.
Golden Collar for Sports Merit 2016.
Candido Cannavò Athletics Award 2018.
Fiamme Gialle Athlete of the Year 2022.
Standout women award 2023.
City of Rome Award 2024.
Golden Collar for Sports Merit 2024.
Professor of History of International relations at the University of Padua
Professional career
PhD in History of International Relations at the University of Florence in 1992, SSRC-McArthur Foundation Fellow in International Peace and Security in 1994-1995, lecturer, later professor at the University of Florence. Since 2019 she is Full professor of History of International relations at the University of Padua, chairwoman of the MA International Relations and Diplomacy. She coordinates the European Integration Working Group of the Italian Society of International History, is a member of the Scientific Committee for the publication of Italian diplomatic documents of the Italian Ministry of Foreign affairs.
Scientific results
Her studies concern the history of the European Union as an international actor, the history of the Cold War, Italian post-1945 foreign policy, international cooperation, on these issues she has published volumes, articles and essays and organized scientific initiatives and research groups. She is interested in the study of women in diplomacy.
Editorial work and publications
[2023] (ed) in preparation. Intersectional approaches to Mediterranean Cooperation and Security.
[2023] (eds) in preparation. Integrazione europea e crisi esterne.
[2023] in preparation. “Tienanmen: fra crisi del comunismo e nuovo paradigma dei diritti umani”. In Integrazione europea e crisi esterne.
[2020] (with G. Laschi and S. De Paoli). L’Europa adulta. Attori, ragioni e sfide all’Atto Unico alla Brexit, Bologna: il Mulino.
[2020] “The EC and the Mediterranean: Hitting the Glass Ceiling”, In U. Krotz, K.K. Patel, F. Romero, Europe’s Cold War Relations: The EC toward a Global Role, London: Bloomsbury Academic.
[2016] (with D. Caviglia and A. Varsori). Détente in Cold War Europe. Politics and Diplomacy in the Mediterranean and the Middle East, (cocuratela) London: Bloomsbury.
[2015] (with M.E Guasconi and R. Ranieri). Storia politica e economica dell’integrazione europea, Napoli: Edises.
[2013] Prima della globalizzazione. L’Italia la cooperazione allo sviluppo e la Guerra fredda 1955-1995, Padova: CEDAM.
[1997] Il Mediterraneo e la difesa dell'Occidente 1947-1956. Eredità imperiali e logiche di guerra fredda, Firenze: Edizioni il Maestrale.
Lecturer in Middle East Politics, Faculty of Humanities, University of Leiden; Guest Professor at Bocconi University in Milan.
Professional career
Marina Calculli holds a BA and an MA in Classics (University of Pisa and École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris), an MA in International Relations (ASERI School of Economics and International Relations, Milan) and an MA in Middle Eastern Studies (Saint-Joseph University, Beirut). In 2014, she received a PhD in International Relations (Catholic University in Milan) and thereafter doctorate has held research and teaching positions at various universities, including at Ca’ Foscari University in Venice, the University of Oxford, the American University of Beirut, and the George Washington University in Washington DC. She is currently a Lecturer in Middle East Politics at the University of Leiden and a guest professor at Bocconi University in Milan.
Scientific results
Marina Calculli’s research focuses on the competition for power and authority between state and non-state actors in the contemporary international system, with a concentration on the Middle East. Her research mainly deals with three aspects: the justification of the state; the rise and role of non-state armed groups; the role of ethics in the justification of political violence. Marina Calculli has extensively studied the relation between Hezbollah and the Lebanese Army in the broader regional and global context. She is currently working on a research project on the logic of violence in the Syrian conflict.
Editorial work and publications
Marina Calculli’s publications include:
[2019] Calculli M,’ Reconceiving the struggle between non-state armed organizations, the state and ‘the international’ in the Middle East’, in Sadiki L. (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Middle East Politics, Routledge.
[2019] Calculli M, ‘Middle East Security: the politics of violence after the 2003 Iraq war’, in L. Fawcett (ed.), International Relations of the Middle East, 5thedition, Oxford University Press, pp. 226-244.
[2018] Calculli M, Come uno stato. Hizbullah e la mimesi strategica, Vita&Pensiero.
[2018] Calculli M, ‘Mirage of Retrenchment: Obama and the Syrian Conflict’, in Clementi M, Dian M. and Pisciotta B. (eds.),US Foreign Policy in a Challenging World - Building Order on Shifting Foundations, Springer, pp. 279-296.
[2017] Calculli M. e Strazzar, F, Terrore Sovrano. Stato e jihad nell’era postliberale, Il Mulino.
[2016] Calculli M, ‘Hezbollah’s Lebanese strategy in Syria’, in Galariotis I. and Ifantis K. (eds.), The Syrian Imbroglio. International and Regional Strategies, European University Institute, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, pp. 36-44.
[2016] Calculli M. e Legrenzi, M., ‘Middle East conflict and securitization of identities’,in Fawcett L. (ed.), International Relations of the Middle East, 4thedition, Oxford University Press, pp. 218-235.
[2016] Calculli M, Hamadi S. (a cura di), Esilio Siriano.Migrazioni e Responsabilità Politiche, Guerini Editore.
[2015] Calculli M, ‘Sub-regions and security in the Middle East: ‘hierarchical interdependence’, in Gulf-Levant relations, in Elizabeth Iskander Monier, Narratives of Regional Threat: (in)security, (in)stability and the Middle East, Palgrave McMillan, pp. 41-58.
[2014] Calculli M, National prerogatives in International Peacekeeping: Italy in Lebanese perception and Rome’s role within UNIFIL II, in Cahiers de la Méditerranée, 88 (1), pp. 201-214.
Awards and prizes
Marina Calculli has received numerous grants and awards, including a research grant from the American Political Science Association (Middle East and North Africa Forum) in 2014, and a Fulbright scholarship in 2015. Since 2017, she is a member of ‘LUCIS - Leiden Center for the Study of Islam and Society’ and the ‘Netherlands Interuniversity School for Islamic Studies’.
Former athlete, swimming champion. President ANAOAI (Associazione Nazionale Atleti Olimpici Azzurri d’Italia, National Association of Italian Olympic Athletes). Member of the Presidential Council of Giulio Onesti Foudation. Vice President of the Safe Guarding Office FGI.
Professional career
Novella Calligaris is a champion swimmer and journalist. She began her career at a very young age, in 1968, the year in which she made her national team debut, participating in the 'Six Nations' tournament in Stockholm and the Olympic Games in Mexico City. In 1972 she won three medals at the Olympic Games in Munich, the first athlete in swimming to stand on the Olympic podium. In 1973 she won the gold medal at the first World Swimming, Water Polo and Diving Championships in Belgrade, with a record of 8'52"973 in the 800 metres freestyle, and 2 bronze medals in the 400 metres freestyle and 400 metres mixed. Her competitive career ended with 71 Italian titles, 22 European titles and the aforementioned world record.
After her sports career, she began her journalistic work, first at Corriere della sera, then at RAI. In 2021, she was elected president of the Associazione Nazionale Atleti Olimpici Azzurri d'Italia).
Awards and prizes
CONI Collare d'oro, Dardanello Prize, Cliché d'oro Prize, Vittoria Alata, Bruno Zavoli Prize, Cavaliere della Repubblica e Grande Ufficiale della Repubblica per Meriti Sportivi, Premio al Campidoglio del Comune di Roma, Prima Italiana enters the International Swimming Hall of Fame, World Swimming Ranking (1971) as best swimmer in the world, Genzini Award for Lifetime Achievement (2014), Gold Star for Sporting Merit, Silver Lion for Lifetime Achievement (2022), Padua Cenacolo Award, Fair Play Award, Genoa International Sports Award "Caravella di Colombo", "Il messaggero" Award (1973), Silver Mask, Marina du Brazil Award, AIPS Sports Media Award (2020), Bruno Zavoli Award.
History and Philosophy area
Competences: Critical Theory, Gender Studies, Human Rights, Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Public Sphere, Social Philosophy
Keywords: citizenship, Covid-19, Covid-19: impact on domestic violences, Covid-19: impact on neighbourhood care, justice, migrations, multiculturalism, violence
Region: Lombardy
Full Professor and Chair of Political and Social Philosophy at the Department of Sociology and Social Research of University of Milan – Bicocca
Professional career
Marina Calloni graduated in Philosophy at the University of Milan, and continued her studies with a PhD in Philosophy at the University of Pavia and a PhD in Political and Social Sciences at the European University Institute in Florence.
As fellow at the University of Frankfurt, she was a senior researcher for six years and director of the International Network for Research on Gender at the Gender Institute of the London School of Economics and Political Science in London. She holds teaching positions at universities in several European cities (Bremen, Vienna, Lugano, Hannover, Lodz, Cort, Bucharest, Skopje) and in Kurume, Japan. In 2011 he was awarded a Distinguished Chair at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana, USA. She has lectured all over the world, from Europe to the United States, from Russia to China, from South America to Africa.
Since 2002 she has been full professor of Political and Social Philosophy at the Department of Sociology and Social Research - University of Milan-Bicocca, as winner of the national competition for the return of Italian scholars employed abroad (call for clear fame).
Since 2016 she is vice-president of the Italian Society of Political Philosophy (SIFP), of which she was co-founder. Since 2018 she has been president of the Commission for the Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale (ASN) in political philosophy. In 2020 she was appointed by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte as a member of the "Committee of Experts on Economic and Social Issues", chaired by Vittorio Colao.
Scientific results
Marina Calloni has always sought to bring together inter-cultural and multi-disciplinary research activities with dynamic and interactive teaching methods, according to an international perspective and an interest in local realities, focusing in particular on political theory, the defence of human rights and gender issues.
She has placed the University at the heart of projects to combat gender-based violence. In 2013 she founded at the University of Milan Bicocca the international project ADV-Against Domestic Violence, the first university centre dedicated to this topic. Since 2018 she has been in charge of the course "Training female social workers for combating gender-based violence", with 101 lecturers. She is currently scientific head of UNIRE (Universities in network against violence), for the establishment of a network of Italian and European universities, in collaboration with the MUR and the Council of Europe. On the role of the university she is constantly invited by institutions, such as in 2019 by the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry on Femicide, and in 2018 by Miur. Since 2018, she has been collaborating with the Council of Europe on a project related to the implementation of the Istanbul Convention.
In parallel, she is working on the history of anti-fascism and women intellectuals of Jewish origin, and coordinates (2019-2020) the Ateneo Razza Istruzione project, Le leggi antiebraiche del 1938, editing the website and the e-book (https://razzaeistruzione.unimib.it/). She has directed research on "Genocide and War Crimes"; "Solidarity, Humanitarianism and Collective Memory" (with "Crimes of War Project"); "Political Imaginaries of the West"; "Political Imagination and the Borders of Otherness".
Her interest in the field of human rights led her to collaborate with UNHCR for a research on refugees in Italy, supporting university asylum seekers and projects in favour of students from the Yazidi community, victims of Daesh violence. She has also developed studies on the consequences of new wars, sexual humanitarianism and the right to mortal remains, in relation to deaths at sea during migration processes.
Editorial work and publications
[2020] (ed), Il ruolo dell’Università nella lotta contro la violenza di genere. Ricerca, didattica e sensibilizzazione pubblica per la prevenzione del fenomeno, Milano: Pearson.
[2020] Women, Minorities, Populism. In: V. Kaul and A. Vajpeyi, (eds.), Minorities and Populism. Comparative Perspectives from South Asia and Europe. Cham: Springer, , 243-264.
[2020] Amelia Rosselli: Pragmatic imagination in exile. In: CPL Editions and Italian Cultural Institute, New York (eds.), Exile and Creativity, New York: CPL Editions, pp. 214-241.
[2019] (with L. Corchia), Zwischen kritischer Theorie und kommunikativer Vernunft: Die Habermas - Rezeption in Italien. In: L. Corchia, S. Müller-Doohm, W. Outhwaite (eds.), Habermas global. Wirkungsgeschichte eines Werks, Berlin: Suhrkamp, pp. 553-586.
[2019] Co-responsabilità multi-livello nell’età dei rischi comuni: Diritto al cibo e dell’ambiente. In: S. Petrucciani (eds.), Macropolitica. I nodi della politica globale, Milano: Mimesis, pp. 115-143.
Director of the series "RiGenarAzioni" at Castelvecchi, she is co-founder of the magazine Reset. Among the 240 scientific writings in different languages, we mention:
[2019] Southern Europe: Gender Studies and Institutions in the Euro-Mediterranean Region. In: B. Kortendiek, B. Riegraf, K. Sabisch (eds.), Handbuch Interdisziplinäre Geschlechterforschung - Compendium of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies and Gender Research, Wiesbaden: Springer, vol. 2, pp. 1547-1558.
[2020] La divergente unità della “cosiddetta” Scuola di Francoforte. In: Quaderni di Teoria Sociale, n. 1-2, pp. 197-214.
[2018] Libertà individuale, giustizia sociale e lotta contro ogni oppressione. Il socialismo liberale di Carlo Rosselli. In: Politica & Società, , n. 3, pp. 319-352.
[2018] Diritti umani: sviluppo, responsabilità, sostenibilità, uguaglianza di genere. In: Harvard Business Review Italia, n. 4, pp. 10-13.
[2016] Filosofia sociale, critica pragmatica e discorso pubblico. In: Politica e Società, n. 3, pp. 325-342.
[2016] Nuove guerre trans-nazionali e crisi dei tradizionali costrutti politici. In: Sociologia, n. 1, pp. 24-32.
[2016] Images of fear in political philosophy and fairy tales: Linking private abuse to political violence in human rights discourse. In: Journal of International Political Theory, vol. 12, n. 1, pp. 67–89.
Awards and prizes
In 2020 she was awarded by the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, the honor of "Officer of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic".
Research Director of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), Section Catania - Osservatorio Etneo
Professional career
She was researcher (1987-1999) at Istituto Internazionale di Vulcanologia in Catania, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), then moved to Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Sezione Catania - Osservatorio Etneo when several CNR institutes dealing with geophysics and volcanology merged together to form INGV. At INGV she was Senior Researcher (2001-2008), then Director of Research (2008-present); head of the Unità Funzionale di Vulcanologia e Geochimica (2002-2009), coordinating the activities of 35 scientists dealing with volcanology and geochemistry; leader of the Tematica Trasversale Coordinata (2004-2013) coordinating the monitoring and research activities on volcanoes of about 150 INGV scientists; leader of the Centro di Pericolosità Vulcanica (Volcanic Hazard Centre, CPV; 2016-present), coordinating within INGV the researches on volcanic hazard assessment, development of tools for hazard evaluation, and acting as a member of the "Unità di Crisi" (Crisis Unit).
Geology degree (full marks with laude) at Università della Calabria (Italy), PhD in Volcanic Hazard at Lancaster University (U.K.).
Scientific results
Monitoring and research on volcanic regions in Italy and abroad and development of tools for prompt hazard assessment, especially during volcanic crisis. Geology of volcanic systems, with development and applications of new methodologies for mapping volcanic terrains, and production of geological maps and data bases. Study on lava flows, lava flow fields and lava tubes, and ideation of routines useful for hazard assessment during effusive volcanic eruptions. Monitoring of explosive eruption using multidisciplinary data, and estimation of erupted volumes and explosion dynamics. Outreach activities, involving also several participations to Italian and foreign TV programs, such as RAI Explora (RAI Educational), Geo & Geo (RAI3), La TV delle Scienze (RAI1), National Geographic, Discovery Channel, plus several contributions and interviews to History Channel, CNN, BBC, Endemol UK, SWR (Germany), and talks to students organized by Zanichelli, where she was presenting the results from the activities and researches carried out by INGV.
Editorial work and publications
Proposer and editor of four geophysical monographs; of these, two were published by the American Geophysical Union: one dedicated to Etna volcano (Bonaccorso A, Calvari S, Coltelli M, Del Negro C, Falsaperla S (eds), Mt. Etna: Volcano Laboratory. Geophysical Monograph Series, v. 143, 2004), and the second to the 2002-03 eruption of Stromboli (Calvari S, Inguaggiato S, Puglisi G, Ripepe M and Rosi M (eds), The Stromboli Volcano: An integrated study of the 2002-2003 Eruption, Geophysical Monograph Series, 182, 2008). The third is a special issue of Frontiers in Earth Science (Calvari S, Bonaccorso A, Oppenheimer C, Spampinato L (eds), Exploring Volcanic Paroxysmal Explosive Activity From Magma Source to Ground and Atmosphere) and is in press in 2019. The fourth is a special issue of Annals of Geophysics (Calvari S, Del Negro C, Harris A (eds) and is in press in 2019. She is also author, together with Professor L.H. Tanner, of a book on Volcanoes for undergraduates published by the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science of Albuquerque (New Mexico): Tanner LH and Calvari S, Volcanoes: Windows on the Earth. Albuquerque, New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, A Division of the Department of Cultural Affairs, 2012.
She was Associate Editor of Bulletin of Volcanology (2011-2015) and currently she is Associate Editor of Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research (2018-present). She published more than 120 papers, and here below is a small selection of the most recent papers:
(2018) Calvari S, Cannavò F, Bonaccorso A, Spampinato L, Pellegrino AG Paroxysmal Explosions, Lava Fountains and Ash Plumes at Etna Volcano: Eruptive Processes and Hazard Implications. Frontiers in Earth Science, 6(107) doi: 10.3389/feart.2018.00107.
(2018) Calvari S, Ganci G, Silva Victória S, Hernandez PA, Perez NM, Barrancos J, Alfama V, et al. Satellite and Ground Remote Sensing Techniques to Trace the Hidden Growth of a Lava Flow Field: The 2014–2015 Effusive Eruption at Fogo Volcano (Cape Verde). Remote Sensing, 10(1115) doi:10.3390/rs10071115.
(2017) Bonaccorso A, Calvari S. A new approach to investigate an eruptive paroxysmal sequence using camera and strainmeter networks: Lessons from the 3–5 December 2015 activity at Etna volcano.Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 475:231-241, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2017.07.020.
(2016) Calvari S, Intrieri E, Di Traglia F, Bonaccorso A, Casagli A, Cristaldi A. Monitoring crater-wall collapse at active volcanoes: a study of the 12 January 2013 event at Stromboli. Bulletin of Volcanology, 78(5):1-16.
(2015) Bonaccorso A, Calvari S, Boschi E. Hazard mitigation and crisis management during major flank eruptions at Etna volcano: reporting on real experience.Geological Society, London, Special Publications 426, SP426, 4.
Awards and prizes
2017 "Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing" awarded October 2017 by the Editors of Earth and Planetary Science Letters (Elsevier, Amsterdam The Netherlands).
2007 Most Cited Author 2003-2007 Award by Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.
2001 Diploma and Medal from the Italian Department of Civil Defence for the work carried out during the 1991-1993 Etna eruptive crisis.
1989 Diploma from the Minister of the Italian Civil Protection for having actively contributed to the first simulation of a volcanic emergency and evacuation of the island of Vulcano, Italy.
Post-Doc Fellow in Philosophy, Newnham College, University of Cambridge
Professional career
After obtaining a BA in History & Philosophy at the University of Catania and a MA in Philosophical Sciences at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University (Milan), in 2019 she was awarded a PhD in Philosophy of Mind, Cognition, and Language from San Raffaele University. In 2017 she was a Visiting PhD Student at the University of Sheffield, Philosophy Department. Since 2019 she has been an Adjunct Lecturer in Verbal Communication & Media Language at the University of Pavia and, since 2020, a Postdoctoral Fellow in Philosophy of Language at San Raffaele University. In January 2022, she has joined the Newnham College, University of Cambridge, for a three-year research fellowship.
Scientific results
Laura Caponetto’s research is primarily in the field of Social Philosophy of Language. Her work revolves around the role that our words play in creating the social reality and its asymmetries. Her scientific results branch out into two main lines of research.
The first aims at disentangling how social identity (i.e. gender, sexual orientation, race, age, disability, etc.) impacts on what one can do with words. Her focus has been on how gender prejudice and stereotyping can silence women – that is, unfairly narrow down women’s communicative agency, by preventing them from mobilizing standard discursive conventions to perform speech acts such as refusing (e.g. male sexual advances), testifying (e.g. violence and abuse), and asserting (especially, qua experts in male-dominated fields).
The second line of research aims to unpack the complex ways in which we “undo” things with words. We all sometimes backpedal on what we did in speaking: we retract allegations, adjust statements, and even deny that we have in fact said what we’ve been assigned responsibility for saying. In doing so, we bring about changes in the normative domain: we cancel or otherwise modify those rights, commitments, and duties that we had previously introduced with our utterances. The research project that Laura Caponetto will carry out at the University of Cambridge in 2022-2024 sets out to identify the appropriateness conditions for “undoing” speech things (statements, promises, acts of consent, etc.), and to investigate how retractions and the like impact on the reputation of public figures – especially, politicians.
Editorial work and publications
She is author of numerous scientific publications in national and international journals and volumes.
[2021] A Comprehensive Definition of Illocutionary Silencing. Topoi, 40: 191-202.
[2020] Undoing Things with Words. Synthese, 197: 2399-2414.
[2020] Contestazione illocutoria e riduzione al silenzio. In: C. Bianchi & L. Caponetto (eds.), Linguaggio d’odio e autorità, Milano: Mimesis, 105-124.
[2020] [ed. with C. Bianchi] Linguaggio d’odio e autorità, Milano: Mimesis.
[2020] Langton, Rae. In: M. Sellers & S. Kirste (eds.), Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Dordrecht: Springer.
[2018] Filosofia del linguaggio femminista, atti linguistici e riduzione al silenzio. Phenomenology and Mind, 15: 146-158.
[2017] On Silencing, Authority, and the Act of Refusal. Rivista di estetica, 64(1): 35-52.
[2017] [ed. with B. Cepollaro] New Trends in Philosophy. Phenomenology and Mind, 12.
[2016] Silencing Speech with Pornography. Phenomenology and Mind, 11: 182-191.
Awards and prizes
In 2018 she was among the founders of SWIP Italy (Italian Society for Women in Philosophy), of which she is now Secretary. Along with other SWIPs around the world, SWIP Italy aims to promote philosophy by women, support women in the profession, raise public awareness of and counter gender discrimination in academia.
Computer Engineering Professor Politecnico of Turin and Director Hub AI@polito
Professional career
In 1998 Barbara Caputo graduated in Physics at the Sapienza University of Rome, continuing her education with a specialization course in Biomedical Signal and Image Processing. Her research went on abroad, first at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, then at the Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute in San Francisco and at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm, where she received her PhD of research in Computer Science in 2005. She moved to Switzerland to work at the Idiap Research Institute in Martigny and later became the Research Manager of a group on artificial cognitive systems at the Idiap Institute. Back in Italy, since 2013 she is associate professor of the Department of Automatic and Management Computer Engineering at the “La Sapienza” University of Rome. She is now full professor of Computer Engineering at the Politecnico di Torino and senior researcher at the Italian Institute of Technology.
Scientific results
The main research interest of Barbara Caputo, defined by the media as "the woman who talks to robots", is the development of algorithms for learning, recognition and categorization of visual and multimodal models for artificial autonomous systems, just like the robot. Leading the robotic engineering group Visual Learning and Multimodal Perception (VALEM) since 2013, Barbara Caputo, with her colleagues, is developing algorithms to allow robots to learn information directly from the internet. So it will be possible to create robots capable of learning but also of interacting and reacting to the unexpected with a wide range of uses, from home robotics to assistance for the elderly, the disabled and children.
Editorial work and publications
Barbara Caputo is the author of several publications on international newspapers, including:
(2016) Kuzborskij I, Orabona F, Caputo B. Scalable Greedy Algorithms for Transfer Learning. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, arXiv:1408.1292.
(2015) Atzori M, Gijsberts A, Kuzborskij I, Caputo B, et al. Characterization of a Benchmark Database for Myoelectric Movement Classification. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 23(1):73-83.
(2014) Castellini C, Artemiadis P, Wininger M, Caputo B, et al. Proceedings of the first workshop on Peripheral Machine Interfaces: Going beyond traditional surface electromyography. Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 8:22.
(2014) Gijsberts A, Bohra R, Sierra Gonzalez D, Caputo B, et al. Stable Myoelectric Control of a Hand Prosthesis using Non-Linear Incremental Learning. Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 25:8.
(2014) Tommasi T, Orabona F, Caputo B. Learning Categories From Few Examples With Multi Model Knowledge Transfer. The IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 36(5):928-41.
(2013) Gijsberts A, Caputo B. Exploiting accelerometers to improve movement classification for prosthetics. IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitative Robotics, 2013:6650476.
(2012) Atzori M, Gijsberts A, Heynen S, Hager AG, Castellimi C, Caputo B, Müller H. Experiences in the creation of an electromyography database to help hand amputated persons. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics,180:828-32.
Awards and prizes
In 2014 she won the prestigious Starting Grant of the European Research Council (ERC) for the project "RoboExNovo Robots learning about objects from externalized knowledge sources". The Starting Grant is a recognition that rewards the new talents in world research who are committed to building their laboratory in a European country.
Director of Complex Neuroscience Structure and National Centre for BSE, Institute of Piedmont, Liguria and Valle d'Aosta
Professional career
After graduating in Veterinary Medicine at the University of Turin, she specialized in Inspection of food of animal origin at the same university. Later she obtained a PhD in Comparative Veterinary Pathology at the University of Milan. In 1990 she joined the experimental zooprophylactic institute of Piedmont, Liguria and Valle d'Aosta as a veterinarian of the Department of General Diagnostics. Nine years later, she became head of the Histopathology Laboratory of the same zooprophylactic institute. Since 2001 she has been responsible for the National Reference Center for Animal Encephalopathies (based on the decree 3/8/1991) and in 2005 also for the Neuropathological and Genetic area. From 2009 she became medical director of the entire zooprophylactic experimental institute of Piedmont, Liguria and Valle d'Aosta. In 2012 she obtained the position of General Director f.f. of the experimental zooprophylactic institute of Piedmont, Liguria and Valle d'Aosta and since the beginning of 2016 she has been the general director of the Institute.
Scientific results
Maria Caramelli is one of the world's leading experts on bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), known as the "mad cow" disease. The etiological hypothesis according to which the triggering agent is an altered and malevolent protein, the prion, which causes lesions and is infectious has been confirmed by several experiments all over the world: the prion triggers the production of other pathological proteins determining the typical « spongiosi "(i.e. holes in the brain), hence the name" spongiform encephalopathies ". She currently works with her team, on the detection of different strains, that is on forms of the disease never identified before: in Turin it was discovered in particular one, called BASE (from Bovine amyloid spongiform encephalopathy), typical of old cattle, originated from a probably more aggressive and virulent prion than that of BSE. She has recently committed itself to other aspects of food safety, including, for example, the "strange case" of blue mozzarella, the European scandal of racehorse-based lasagna, wild boar contaminated with Cesio137 and the problem of hepatitis A in frozen berries.
Editorial work and publications
She is the author of the book To not find out by eating ... Food security in our country(Instar Libri, 2013
She is also the author of more than one hundred publications:n
(2015) Berrone E, Corona C, Mazza M, Vallino Costassa E, Lo Faro M, Properzi F, Guglielmetti C, Maurella C, Caramelli M, Deregibus MC, Camussi G, Casalone C. Detection of cellular prion protein in exosome derived from ovine plasma. Journal of General Virology, 96(12):3698-3702.
(2015) Orrú CD, Favole A, Corona C, Mazza M, Manca M, Groveman BR, Hughson AG, Acutis PL, Caramelli M, Zanusso G, Casalone C, Caughey B. Detection and discrimination of classical and atypical L-type bovine spongiform encephalopathy by real-time quaking-induced conversion. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 53(4):1115-20.
(2014) Guglielmetti C, Mazza M, Pagano M, Carrella S, Sciuto S, Nodari S, Pezzolato M, Richelmi GB, Baioni E, Caramelli M, Acutis PL, Bozzetta E. Identification by a proteomic approach of a plasma protein as a possible biomarker of illicit dexamethasone treatment in veal calves. Food additives & contaminants. Part A, Chemistry, analysis, control, exposure & risk assessment, 31(5): 833-8.
(2014) Chieppa MN, Perota A, Corona C, Grindatto A, Lagutina I, Vallino Costassa E, Lazzari G, Colleoni S, Duchi R, Lucchini F, Caramelli M, Bendotti C, Galli C, Casalone C. Modeling amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in hSOD1 transgenic swine. Neurodegenerative Diseases, 13(4):246-54.
(2013) Sciuto S, Martucci F, Desiato R, Mazza M, Guglielmetti C, Dell'Atti L, Ubaldi A, Ru G, Acutis PL, Caramelli M. Evaluation of the DR-CALUX® bioassay as screening method for the detection of contamination by dioxins in milk in Piedmont. Large Animal Review, 19(3):107-114.
(2013) Richelmi GB, Pezzolato M, Gili S, Gallina S, Decastelli L, Tarasco R, Abete MC, Ingravalle F, Serracca L, Pavino D, Vivaldi B, Riina MV, Acutis PL, Prearo M, Caramelli M, Bozzetta E. Pilot project to set up a control programme on fishery products. Italian Journal of Food Safety, 2(2):25.
(2013) Bianchi DM, Barbaro A, Gallina S, Vitale N, Chiavacci L, Caramelli M, Decastelli L. Monitoring of foodborne pathogenic bacteria in vending machine raw milk in Piedmont, Italy. Food Control, 33(2):435–439.
(2013) Meloni D, Pitardi D, Maurella C, Di Vietro D, Nocilla L, Piscopo A, Pavoletti E, Negro M, Caramelli M, Bozzetta E. Reducing the contamination of beef carcasses by specified risk materials during slaughter. Italian Journal of Food Safety, 2(1):3.
(2013) Vrentas CE, Greenlee JJ, Baron T, Caramelli M, Czub S, Nicholson EM. Stability properties of PrP(Sc) from cattle with experimental transmissible spongiform encephalopathies: use of a rapid whole homogenate, protease-free assay. BMC Veterinary Research, 9:167.
(2013) Pezzolato M, Richelmi GB, Maurella C, Pitardi D, Varello K, Caramelli M, Bozzetta E. Histopathology as a simple and reliable method to detect 17β-oestradiol illegal treatment in male calves. Food additives & contaminants. Part A, Chemistry, analysis, control, exposure & risk assessment, 30(6): 1096-9.
Awards and prizes
In 2005 she won the AIDDA Award (Association of Businesswomen and Women Executives), in 2011 she was awarded by the Turin Chamber of Commerce with the Bogianen Prize, two years later she received the Green Environment Award (VAS Onlus) and in the same year also the Tecnovisionary Award (Women and Technologies Association). In 2013, Il Sole 24 ore included her among the 10 scientists who honor Italy. In 2016 she received the Sapio Award for Research and Innovation for her commitment as a scientist.
She has the rank of Research Director and works at the Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica (INAF) in Milano. She is also Professor of “Introduction to Astronomy” at the University of Pavia.
Professional career
PATRIZIA CARAVEO got her degree in physics in 1977 at the Milano University. Since 2002 she has the rank of Research Director and works atthe Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica (INAF) in Milano. She is also Professor of “Introduction to Astronomy” at the University of Pavia
She took part in several international space missions dedicated to high energy astrophysics, starting from the European mission COS-B. Currently, she is involved in the exploitation of ESA’s Integral, of NASA’s Swift, of the Italian Agile and of the NASA Fermi missions, all fully operational in orbit. She also represents INAF within the CTA (Cherenkov Telescope Array) Collaboration Board.
Scientific results
She is a recognized leader in the study of neutron stars behavior at different wevelengths. Her work lead to the discovery (and to the understanding) of Geminga, the first radio quiet neutron star. Indeed, her career in astronomy was based in an interdisciplinary approach, using data from space and ground instruments.
Editorial work and publications
Patrizia Caraveo is the author of numerous national and international scientific publications, with a total of almost 50,000 citations. The full list is available online at: https://fisica.unipv.it/personale/PersFiles/Publ_357.pdf.
He has also written five popular science books:
Sidereus Nuncius 2.0. I messaggeri celesti della nuova astronomia (Mondadori Università, 2021)
(con Giovanni Bignami) I marziani siam noi. All ricerca di un'altra terra (Zanichelli 2019)
Conquistati dalla Luna. Storia di un'attrazione senza tempo (Raffaello Cortina Editore)
L'universo violento (Lezioni di fisica, Corriere della sera, 2019)
Uomini e Donne: stessi diritti? (Castelvecchi editore, 2017)
Awards and prizes
Patrizia Caraveo is a member of the International Astronomical Union, and shared with colleagues from the Swift, Fermi and AGILE teams, the American Astronomical Society's Bruno Rossi Award in 2007, 2011 and 2012 respectively.
Owing to the Geminga success story, she won the Premio Nazionale Presidente della Repubblica in 2009 "for contributions to the understanding of high-energy emission from neutron stars".
In 2014 she received the Outstanding Achievement Award from the Women in Aerospace European Society and was included by Thomson Reuters in the list of Highly Cited Researchers for Space Science
In 2017 she was awarded the title of Commendatore dell’Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana
In 2021, she received the "Enrico Fermi" prize (ex aequo with Prof. Elena Aprile) "for his role as a world leader in the field of high-energy emission from neutron stars and for his contribution to the identification of Geminga."
International politics area
Competences: Economic Development, Female Entrepreneurship, Industrial Development, International Organizations, Rural Entrepreneurship, Youth Entrepreneurship
Keywords: Africa, investment Promotion, Jordan, Middle East, North Africa, women economic empowerment, women's empowerment
Region: ABROAD
Consultant in international projects for the development of women and youth entrepreneurship, former UN official
Professional career
Monica Carcò holds a University degrees in Political Sciences and a Post Graduate Course in Diplomatic Studies. She has started her career as Junior Professional Officer of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP)in Tanzania monitoring and evaluating the programs related to Botswana, Tanzania, Seychelles and Zimbabwe and later for the World Food Programme Organization (WFP) in Rome. From 1991 to 1995 she has worked as Investment Promotion Officer at the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) ITPO office in Italy. During this period she was following the development and implementation of strategical investment promotion programs in Eastern Europe and Africa. From 1995 to 2000 she has been Program Officer, Small and Medium Enterprise Expert at the Italian Department of Cooperation for Development of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. From 2000 to 2008 she was nominated Head of the UNIDO Investment Promotion Office in Jordan responsible of the implementation of an Investment Promotion Unit at the Jordan Investment Board to provide capacity building in the area of investment promotion and SMEs development. The project was link to a 10 M. USD Credit line for SMEs.
In 2008, she has been nominated UNIDO Representative in Tunisia. During her assignment, which lasted until 2013, she was leading the delivery of high-level technical services based on identified needs and priorities of the country, strengthening the dialogue with the Government, private sector, UN organizations, bilateral and multilateral assistance providers, including Development Finance Institutions (AfDB, WB, IDB, AgFund) and coordinating and mobilizing resources for programmes and projects.
From 2013 to 2015 has been UNIDO Chief of Investment and Technology Unit in Vienna. From 2016 she moved to the Department of Agri-Business and 2019 became Division Chief, Rural Entrepreneurship, Job Creation, Human Security.
In July 2020, she left UNIDO to work as a volunteer and consultant. She is part of the Management Team of Women20, active with the Gender Alliance and Responible Leaders Network of BMW Herbert Quandt Foundation. She is Place programme evaluator and consultant for UNIDO in the preparation of the Eurasia Women's Forum.
Scientific results
Monica Carcò has worked as an international civil servant for UNDP, WFP, UNIDO and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for over 25 years. Having held representation and management roles, Monica strives to build public and private partnerships and strategic alliances with different stakeholders to promote local development. She has managed several technical assistance projects in the area of private sector development, women's economic empowerment and youth employment through entrepreneurship development. She was responsible for a regional programme in the MENA region with the aim of promoting women's empowerment for inclusive and sustainable industrial development. Monica strongly believes that through promoting entrepreneurship development for youth and women and strengthening the entrepreneurial ecosystem will contribute to a more inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development.
Editorial work and publications
[2006] Carcò M, “Entrepreneurship Development in Developing Countries: the case of ARCEIT” in Nazioni Unite e Sviluppo Industriale, Franco Angeli.
[1993] Carcò M, “Unido assistance to SME ”, Euromonitor.
[1990] Carcò M, “ Food Assistance and Child’s right to education”, Cooperazione.
[1988] Carcò M, “Social Aspect of international assistance to developing Countries”, Cooperazione.
PhD candidate in Transnational Governance at Scuola Normale Superiore and Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies
Professional career
In 2016, she was awarded a Master’s Degree (with honors) in Foreign Languages Applied to International Relations from Milan’s Catholic University of the Sacred Heart. In her dissertation, she analyzed the ideological and operational evolution of global jihadism. She subsequently worked as a researcher at the Center on Terrorism and International Radicalization, based at the Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI). She is currently pursuing a PhD in Transnational Governance, a doctoral program jointly offered by Scuola Normale Superiore and Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies. She is part of the Cosmos network (The Centre on Social Movement Studies) at Scuola Normale Superiore.
Scientific results
Her research interests are mainly focused on jihadism and Islamism. In this respect, she examined the following aspects:the foreign fighters phenomenon; radicalization and recruitment in Europe; jihadist ideology; the evolution al-Qa‘ida and the self-styled Islamic State; institutionalized Islamist groups in the MENA region. At present, as part of her PhD research project, she aims to carry out a comparative analysis of jihadist groups’ political preferences, to understand why the opt for local- and/or global-oriented strategies.
Editorial work and publications
She authored and co-authored various analyses and contributions to edited reports or volumes, including the following:
[2018] Varvelli, A.and. Carenzi, S, Islamist-Inspired Groups After the Arab Spring. In A. Varvelli & K. Mezran (ed.), The Arc of Crisis in the MENA Region, Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale (ISPI) e Atlantic Council, settembre
[2018] Vidino, L. and Carenzi, S., Terrorist Attacks. Youngsters and Jihadism in Europe. In IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook 2018, European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed),
[2018] Carenzi, S., Il futuro di Daesh e la minaccia jihadista in Italia. In The Alpha Institute of Geopolitics and Intelligence, Italia: Security Report 2018, giugno, ISSN 2421-4272
[2018] Carenzi, S., Cosa rimane del califfato in Siria e Iraq?, Focus Mediterraneo allargato n. 7, ISPI, aprile 2018
[2018] Vidino, L. and Carenzi, S., Jihadist Madrasat in Italy: A Background, ISPI Commentary, ISPI, 27 marzo, https://www.ispionline.it/en/publication/jihadist-madrasat-italy-background-19984
[2018] Carenzi, S., Twenty Years After the World Islamic Front’s Statement: Where Is the Jihadist Galaxy Heading?, European Eye on Radicalization, 14 marzo, https://eeradicalization.com/twenty-years-after-the-world-islamic-fronts-statement-where-is-the-jihadist-galaxy-heading/
[2017] Carenzi, S., Il ritorno dei foreign fighters europei: rischi e prospettive, ISPI Analysis N. 317, 6 novembre, https://www.ispionline.it/it/pubblicazione/il-ritorno-dei-foreign-fighters-europei-rischi-e-prospettive-18591
[2017] Varvelli, A. and Carenzi, S., Dopo il Califfato: quali scenari per lo Stato Islamico, Focus Mediterraneo allargato n. 5, ISPI, settembre
[2017] Carenzi, S., L’evoluzione ideologica e operativa del jihadismo globale, Il mondo dell’intelligence, Sistema di informazione per la sicurezza della Repubblica, 5 settembre, http://www.sicurezzanazionale.gov.it/sisr.nsf/approfondimenti/evoluzione-ideologica-operativa-deljihadismo-globale.html
[2017] Carenzi, S., Terror Attack in Spain: What We Know So Far, Osservatorio Mashrek, 28 agosto, http://www.osservatoriomashrek.com/terror-attack-spain-know-far/
[2017] Carenzi, S., Jihadismo in Europa: la minaccia del single-actor terrorism, Osservatorio di Politica Internazionale, 17 febbraio, http://www.bloglobal.net/2017/02/jihadismo-europa-single-actorterrorism.html
Awards and prizes
She is an affiliate member of the International Counter-Terrorism Youth Network (ICTYN), as part of its “Young Professionals” program.
Assistant Professor at the Harvard Kennedy School, Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA).
Professional career
After graduating in Economics and Commerce at the University of Padua in 2012, she continued her education with a PhD in Economics from Bocconi University. In 2011-12 she was a visiting student at the University of California in Los Angeles, in 2015-16 visiting scholar at Harvard University and in 2016-17 Marie-Curie PODER Fellow at IIES-Stockholm University in 2016-17. Researcher affiliated with the IZA (Institute of Labor Economics) in Bonn and Bocconi-LEAP (Laboratory for Effective Anti-Poverty Policies) in Milan, will discuss the doctoral thesis in May 2018. Now, she is Assistant Professor at Harvard Kennedy School in Boston.
Scientific results
The research activity of Michela Carlana takes place in the field of labor economics, with attention to choices related to the accumulation of human capital. In particular, she studied the influence of gender stereotypes of teachers on math performance, education choices and female students' self-esteem. Another of her research strands deals with immigration issues. She assessed the impact of the "Equal Opportunities" project, financed by some Italian banking foundations and supported by the Ministry of Education. The intervention aimed to provide support in the orientation to the choice of high school for immigrant students and had a positive impact both on the choice of the school path and on cognitive and soft skills outcomes, such as motivation and perception of social barriers. Michela is also concerned with analyzing how exposure to migratory waves influences family education and employment choices of the natives, using historical data from the US census at the beginning of the twentieth century.
Editorial work and publications
She is the author of the following articles:
(2017) Carlana M. Stereotypes and Self-Stereotypes: Evidence from Teachers’ Gender Bias. Mimeo, Bocconi University.
(2017) Carlana M, La Ferrara E, Pinotti P. Goals and Gaps: Educational Careers of Immigrant Children. CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP12538. SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3095588
(2017) Carlana M, Tabellini M, Happily Ever After: Immigration, Natives’ Marriage, and Fertility. Working Paper.
Awards and prizes
Michela Carlana won the Best JM Paper Award (UniCredit & Universities - 4th Edition), the 2017 Tarantelli Young Labor Economist Award, the 2017 Best Presentation Award (Unicredit & Universities) and the Bocconi PhD Award 2015 (for productivity in high-quality research). In 2016-17 she won the PODER Marie Curie Experienced Researcher Fellowship.
Full Professor of Finance at the Finance Department of the "Luigi Bocconi" Commercial University. Director of the Banking, Finance and Regulation division at the Baffi Carefin Center for Applied Research center of the same university
Scientific Director and founder of the "Florence School of Banking and Finance" at the European University Institute.
Professional career
After obtaining a degree in Political Economy in 1993 and a Masters in Economics (obtaining distinction and recognition as the best student) the following year at the Bocconi Commercial University, she continued her education with a PhD in Economics at the London School of Economics (UK). From 2000 to 2004 she was assistant professor at the University of Mannheim (DE), from 2004 to 2008 she was senior researcher and then associate professor at the Goethe University of Frankfurt (DE), and from 2008 to 2013 she was professor of economics at the European University Institute in Fiesole. Since 2013 she has been Professor of Finance at Bocconi University. She has been a consultant to numerous institutions such as the World Bank, the Irish and Swedish Central Banks and the OECD. She was a member of the Scientific Committee of Confindustria, from 2014 to 2016, and of the Evaluation Committee for the creation of research centers on financial markets in Sweden. Now she is a member of the Scientific Committee of the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) at the European Central Bank and a member of the Group of Experts on banking supervision for the European Parliament.
Scientific results
Elena Carletti's research activity is mainly carried out in the field of financial intermediation and financial crises, with attention to the effects on the real economy and the consequences in terms of financial regulation. In this context, she studied in depth the determinants and consequences of systemic risk in the financial system. For example, in a series of recent works she has analyzed how the liquidity risk to which banks are subject generates volatility in the prices of financial assets and how this volatility affects the stability of the intermediaries themselves. She also contributed to the analysis of the interbank market and capital regulation as a means of stabilizing the banking system. Another of her research lines focuses instead on the relationship between accounting rules and prudential regulation.
Editorial work and publications
She is the author of numerous publications, among which the most important are:
(2019) Carletti E, Leonello A. Credit Market Competition and Liquidity Crises. Review of Finance, 23(5): 855-892.
(2015) Allen F, Carletti E, Marquez R. Deposits and Bank Capital Structure. Journal of Financial Economics, 118(3):601-619.
(2015) Allen F, Carletti E, Marquez R. Stakeholder Governance, Competition, and Firm Value. Review of Finance, 19 (3):1315-1346.
(2014) Allen F, Carletti E, Gale D. Money, Financial Stability and Efficiency. Journal of Economic Theory, 149:100-127.
(2013) Allen F, Carletti E. What’s Systemic Risk? Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 45(1):121-127.
(2012) Allen F, Babus A, Carletti E. Asset Commonality, Debt Maturity and Systemic Risk. Journal of Financial Economics, 104(3): 519-534.
(2011) Allen F, Carletti E, Marquez R. Competition and Capital Regulation. Review of Financial Studies, 24(4):983–1018.
(2009) Allen F, Babus A, Carletti E. Financial Crises: Theory and Evidence. Annual Review of Financial Economics, 1:97–116.
(2009) Allen F, Carletti E, Gale D. Interbank Market Liquidity and Central Bank Intervention. Journal of Monetary Economics, 56(5):639–652.
(2008) Allen F, Carletti E. Mark-to-Market Accounting and Liquidity Pricing. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 45(2-3):358–378.
Awards and prizes
Elena Carletti is a fellow, among others, of the Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR, London), the Wharton Financial Institutions Center (Philadelphia), the Finance Theory Group (USA) and IGIER (Milan). She is also a member of the scientific committee of the Bank of Italy for the "Paolo Baffi Lecture", of the Scientific Committee of Bruegel (Brussels) and a member of the editorial panel of the Economic Policy magazine. She is regularly invited to hold Keynote or Invited Lectures in international institutions such as the European Central Bank, the European Systemic Risk Board, the International Monetary Fund, the European Commission and the Bank of England, and to participate in policy panels at international conferences such as "The ECB and Its Watchers "(Frankfurt) or" First Annual ESRB Conference "(Frankfurt).
Economist. Lecturer at LUMSA University of Rome (course on Governance of European Union)
Professional career
Antonia Carparelli has an academic background in economics and in economic history. She joined the European Commission Civil Service in Brussels in 1993, where she covered positions of high responsibility, dealing with economic and monetary union, institutional reforms of the European Union, poverty and social inclusion, sustainable development and environmental economics. Before serving in the European institutions, she worked in Rome for several years (1987-93) as an economist and researcher, at the Central Institute of Statistics and at the Institute for the Study and Analysis of the Business Cycle. In 2012-13, she worked in the cabinet of the Minister for European Affairs, Enzo Moavero Milanesi, as a special advisor for economic matters. From 2014 to 2021, she served as Economic Affairs Advisor at the European Commission Representation in Italy. Since 2013, she has been teaching a university course on European Union governance at LUMSA University in Rome. She is a member of various scientific committees and working groups on European issues and has authored various scientific and information articles that reflect the variety and extent of her professional commitments and interests.
Scientific results
In the years following her degree in economics, she carried out various research in
contemporary history of the Italian economy, and in particular in the field of industrial history in the first and second post-war period. At the Central Statistical Institute, she contributed to the development of the social protection accounts, within the framework of the National Accounting Department. At the Institute for the Study and Analysis of the Business Cycle, she worked on the role of monetary policy in the economic cycle and integrated monetary and financial variables and in macro-economic forecasting.
At the European Commission, she was mainly involved in the following areas
of activity, with original works that are reflected both in her individual publications and in her contribution to institutional reports and legislative proposals:analysis of the of the Italian economy in view of Italy’s participation to Economic and Monetary Union; development of the European strategy for sustainable development; institutional reforms of the European Union before and after enlargement; development of the social dimension of European social policies, particularly in the field of fighting poverty and social exclusion; coordination of social protection systems; coordination of European economic policies and reform of the EMU governance.
Editorial work and publications
[2018] Carparelli A, Riforma delle Autorità Europee di Vigilanza: verso una nuova architettura della vigilanza europea? Rivista Bancaria, n. 4 (74):2-12.
[2017] Carparelli A, Prefazioneal volume Italica, l’Unificazione difficile tra ideali e realtà, di Tanzi V, Editore Schena, Fasano: 3-10.
[2017] Carparelli A, Il Semestre europeo per il coordinamento delle politiche economiche: evoluzione, bilanci e prospettive, inLe politiche europee e il ruolo delle Regioni dalla teoria alla pratica, a cura di Ciaffi A, Odone C, CINSEDO, Roma: 31-40,http://www.regioni.it/cms/file/SEMINARI/27/Atti_Seminari_Cinsedo_2016_Europa_291217.pdf.
[2015] Carparelli A, Cessione di sovranità e democrazia nella gestione della crisi dell’eurozona, inPartecipazione politica transnazionale, rappresentanza e sovranità nel progetto europeo, a cura di Marsocci P, Editoriale Scientifica, Napoli: 223-234.
[2014] Carparelli A, Ferri G, “L’euro, l’opinione pubblica e il futuro dell’Europa. La difficile eredità della crisi”, pubblicato in Firstonline http://firstonline.info/news/files/988.pdf.
[2010] Carparelli A, Berti K, “Europe 2020. Policies against Poverty and Exclusion in the European Strategy for the Next Decade”, Rivista delle Politiche Sociali, n° 4.
[2005] Carparelli A, “La politica ambientale dell’UE dalle origini al Sesto programma di azione”, in Ambiente Condiviso, di Giovanelli F, Di Bella I, Coizet R, Edizioni Ambiente, Milano: Capitolo 7.
[1999] Carparelli A, Buti M, Sestito P, Suardi M.Italy’s slow growth in the 1990s: facts explanations and prospects, in Economic Papers, European Commission.
[1998] Carparelli A, Buti M, Sapir A, The Impact of Monetary Policy on the Real Economy, in Economic Policy in EMU, Clarendon Press, Oxford.
[1984] Carparelli A, Ernesto Rossi (1897-1967)in I protagonisti dell'intervento pubblico in Italia, ed. Mortara A, Franco Angeli, Milano: 607-638.
[1983] Carparelli A, Uomini, idee e iniziative per una politica di riconversione industriale, in La transizione dall'economia di guerra all'economia di pace in Italia e in Germania, ed. Hertner P. e Mori, Il Mulino, Bologna: 207-247.
[1982] Carparelli A,“I perché di una mezza siderurgia. La società Ilva, l'industria della ghisa e il ciclo integrale negli anni Venti”, inAcciaio per l'industrializzazione, ed. Bonelli F, Einaudi, Torino: 5-158.
Full Professor of Modern History at the Department of Humanistic Research and Innovation of the University of Bari Aldo Moro.
Professional career
She graduated from the University of Bari, where she also obtained a Phd in History. She qualified for secondary school education in first and second grade. In 2001 she was hired by the University of Bari as a researcher in Modern History and in 2013 has served as Associate Professor. In 2022 she became a full professor of Modern History at the same University. She is a Board member of the Department of Humanistic Research and Innovation and coordinator of the degree courses in History and Digital Heritage at the same Department, where she teaches Modern History and Gender History for three-year and master’s courses.
Scientific results
In recent years his research activity has focused on urban policy and the production of memories in the South of the modern age; on mercantile profiles and trade flows in the Mediterranean seven/nineteenth century; on the forms of the nineteenth-century family-business, with particular reference to the dimension of individual emotions and passions, and female profiles; on the narration of the phenomenon of brigandage with particular attention to the role of brigantesse; on issues related to gender history. She was also interested in teaching history.
Editorial work and publications
Editorial work and publications:
[2020] L’affaire des bleds. La carestia napoletana nel lago borbonico, in La carestia napoletana del 1763-64: sguardi incrociati, «Società e storia», Ead. ed., 166: 233-256
[2020] Les Rocca de Marseille. Passions et intérêts d’une famille-entreprise, Paris, Garnier, 2020
[2020] con Lucia Boschetti, Briganti a scuola, in Briganti: narrazioni e saperi, «Meridiana», Ead., Gian Luca Fruci (eds.), 99: 53-79
[2019] Il feudatario nelle “quasi-città” della Puglia di età moderna, in «Società e storia», 165: 503-522
[2018] Passioni e interessi di una famiglia-impresa. I Rocca nel Mediterraneo dell’Ottocento, Rome, Viella
[2018] Ai “margini” del Mediterraneo. Mercanti liguri nella tarda età moderna, Bari, Edipuglia
[2017] Nella città aristocratizzata, in Riti, pratiche e immagini della morte in Puglia. La chiesa e la confraternita di S. Maria del Suffragio a Monopoli dall’età barocca a oggi, Ead., M. Fagiolo (eds.), Quaderni dell’Atlante del Barocco in Italia, Rome, De Luca: 27-40
[2017] Francisco Hombrados. Un console napoletano nel Mediterraneo borbonico, De l’utilité commerciale des consuls. L’institution consulaire et les marchands dans le monde méditerranéen (XVIIe-XXe siècle), A. Bartolomei, G. Calafat, M. Grenet, J. Ulbert (eds.), Rome-Madrid, Editions de l’Ecole Française de Rome-Casa de Velázquez: 375-387
[2017] Etre étrangers à Marseille. Les Sollicofre de St-Gall, « Revue Suisse d’Histoire », (2): 139-162
[2017] Quasi sint civitates Società, poteri e rappresentazioni nella Puglia di età moderna, Soggetti e Oggetti, Rome, Aracne
[2016] Comment être « malhonnête » sans briser le lien social. Acteurs, institutions et pratiques de l’échange dans l’espace tyrrhénien du XVIIIe siècle, Les expressions de la a manipulation du Moyen Age à nos jours, L. Faggion, C. Regina (eds.), Paris, Classiques Garnier, Collection Polen: 467-489
[2013] Text typologies and urban phenomena: Puglia in the early modern period, «Plurimondi»: 22-38.
Awards and prizes
He is a member of the SIS (Società Italiana delle Storiche); of the CISCUG (Interdipartimental Center for Studies on Gender Cultures - Uniba); of the CEDITH (Interdepartmental Research Centre in Digital Heritage - Uniba) and the CRIAT (Centre for Interuniversity Studies in Territorial Analysis).
She is a member of the management board of «Società e Storia»; of the scientific committee of the series «Mediterranea» of the publishing house Edipuglia (Bari) and of the series «Plus Ultra. History studies» of the publishing house Sette città (Viterbo).
Security Managing Director at Accenture Italia
Professional career
After graduating in Computer Engineering at the University Federico II of Naples in 2005, she continued her studies obtaining a PhD in Computer and Automatic Engineering at the same University in 2008. In 2007 she was Visiting Researcher at the CSR (Center for Software Reliability) of London City University where she specialized in algorithms and reliability growth models (reliability growth). At the end of the PhD program she was hired by Selex Sistemi Integrati, a company of the Finmeccanica group (now Leonardo) in which she continued her research activities on highly critical software systems, applying methods and results to systems for the control of air traffic, sea traffic and for coastal control. During her experience in Leonardo, she followed industrial research projects under European and national programs as well as dependability assessment and improvement (reliability assessment and improvement) on industrial solutions. In 2014 she began to specialize in methodologies and approaches based on machine learning, to reduce defects in software systems and increase productivity. She was Visiting Researcher at the University of Coimbra under the Marie Sklodowska Curie program aimed at evaluating the reliability of critical software systems OTS (off-the-shelf).
Always interested in the issues of resilience, security and reliability of critical infrastructures, she has been Cloud Advisory Manager at Accenture for a year, where she is interested in transformation and migration issues towards cloud systems with particular attention to cybersecurity aspects. In May 2017 she received her Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from the Bologna Business School. In the meantime, she continues her career at Accenture, in different security management roles, until her current position as Security Managing Director.
Scientific results
During her professional career she coordinated two European projects for SESAR JU, aimed at creating innovative software systems for the supervision of air traffic control systems and airports, and a national project (PON) for the development of methodologies and innovative techniques for testing and validating software systems almost in real time. Since 2013 she has been collaborating with the European Commission as an external expert for the review of research projects under the Horizon 2020 program. Her main areas of interest and research are software fault injection strategies, dependability assessment, reliability testing, defect management and security of cloud infrastructures. In 2014, she created a framework for measuring software defects based on static analysis of the code aimed at predicting (failure prediction) software failures. Gabriella Carrozza is present in the program committees of some of the most important conferences in the community of reliable software systems and reviewer of numerous scientific articles in the sector. Since 2017 she is member of Cloud Security Alliance Italy.
Editorial work and publications
She has published a book on software fault diagnosis strategies and several chapters in European publications on reliable systems. She is the author of over 50 scientific articles in international conferences and journals including:
[2015] Carrozza G. Software Faults Diagnosis in Complex Mission Critical Systems: A novel, recovery oriented, approach. Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN-13:978-3-659-67232-3 ISBN-10:3659672327.
[2015] Carrozza G, Pietrantuono R, Russo S. Defect analysis in mission-critical software systems: a detailed investigation. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 27(1):22-49.
[2015] Pecchia A, Cinque M, Carrozza G, Cotroneo D. Industry Practices and Event Logging: Assessment of a Critical Software Development Process. IEEE/ACM 37th IEEE International Conference on Software Engeneering, 2:169-178.
[2014] Carrozza G, Pietrantuono R, Russo S. Dynamic test planning: a study in an industrial context. International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, 16(5):593-607.
[2013] Carrozza G, Faella M, Fucci F, Pietrantuono R, Russo S. Engineering Air Traffic Control Systems with a Model-Driven Approach. IEEE Software, 30(3):42-48.
[2013] Carrozza G, Manetti V, Marotta A, Canonico R, Avallone S. Exploiting SDN Approach to Tackle Cloud Computing Security Issues in the ATC Scenario. Dependable Computing: 54-60.
[2013] Carrozza G, Cotroneo D, Natella R, Pietrantuono R, Russo S. Analysis and Prediction of Mandelbugs in an Industrial Software System. ICST 2013, IEEE Computer Society: 262-271.
[2011] Carrozza G, Natella R. A Recovery-Oriented Approach for Software Fault Diagnosis in Complex Critical Systems. International Journal of Adaptive, Resilient and Automatic System, 2(1):77-104.
[2011] Bovenzi A, Cinque M, Cotroneo D, Natella R, Carrozza G. OS-level hang detection in complex software systems. International Journal of Critical Computer-Based System, 2(3/4):352-377.
[2010] Carrozza G, Cotroneo D, Natella R, Pecchia A, Russo S. Memory leak analysis of mission-critical middleware. Journal of Systems and Software, 83(9):1556-1567.
Awards and prizes
In 2014 she received the FINMECCANICA Innovation Silver Award for her innovative activities in terms of software quality improvement. In the same year she was Industrial Chair of the 33rd IEEE Symposium on Reliable and Distributed Systems for which she received official IEEE recognition.
Programme Director of MA programmes of Diplomacy and Global Governance (MADAGG) and Global Security and Strategy (MAGSS). She is assistant professor of International Relations at the Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy (CSDS) of the Brussels School of Governance (BSoG-VUB)
Professional career
Caterina graduated in Political Science at the University of Catania. She got her PhD in Comparative and European Politics at the University of Siena, where she also held a post-doctoral fellowship awarded by the Compagnia di San Paolo, the Riksbankens Jubileumsfond and the Volkswagen Stiftung. Later, she worked as researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). From 2012 to 2017, she worked at Vesalius College (VUB, Brussels), where she also served as associate dean for teaching. In June 2017, she has held a Canada Research Chair in Public Diplomacy and worked as an associate professor at the Université Laval in Quebec City. Since September 2019 she is Director of MA programmes of Diplomacy and Global Governance (MADAGG) and Global Security and Strategy (MAGSS). She is assistant professor of International Relations at the Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy (CSDS) of the Brussels School of Governance (BSoG-VUB).
Scientific results
Caterina followed the process of institution- and identity-building connected to the creation of the European Union External Action Service. Her studies have also highlighted the role of all European executive actors in the foreign and external policy decision-making process in the aftermath of the Lisbon Treaty. As an expert in political discourse, Caterina analyzed the discursive modalities that characterize the European Union’s public diplomacy. She also followed the evolution of the European strategic approach to international cultural relations and conducted a comparative study of the cultural diplomatic systems of France, Spain, the United Kingdom and Germany. Throughout her career, she has participated in several international research consortia. Lately, she has taken part in a study – led by the Université Laval and by the Université du Québec in Montreal – on the perspectives of the American allies in the matter of power transition.
Editorial work and publications
[2019] Carta C. and Higgott R. (eds.), Cultural Diplomacy in Europe: Between the Domestic and the International, Palgrave.
[2018] Carta C, ‘A rose by any other name’: Three competing ways of approaching Discourse Analysis, in International Studies Review, 20(1): 343-369.
[2017] Carta C, Gramsci and the Prince: Taking Machiavelli outside the Realist Courtyard?, in Review of International Studies, 43(2) 345–366.
[2015] Balfour R, Carta C. and Raik K, (eds.), The European External Action Service and National Diplomacies: From Complementarity to Convergence?, Ashgate.
[2015] CartaC, The Swinging “We”: Framing the European Union International Discourse, in Journal of Language and Politics,14(1): 65-86.
[2015] CartaC. andWodak R, Introduction: Discourse Analysis and the Borders of European Identity, inJournal of Language and Politics, 14(1): 1-17.
[2014] CartaC. and Morin JF. (eds.), Making Sense of Diversity: EU’s Foreign Policy through the Lenses of Discourse Analysis, Ashgate.
[2014] CartaC,Use of Metaphors and International Discourse: the EU as an Idiot Power, a Deceptive Pangloss and a Don Giovanni in His Infancy, in Cooperation and Conflict,49(3): 334-353.
[2014] CartaC. and Morin J. F, Struggling over Meanings: Discourses on EU’s International Presence, in Cooperation and Conflict, 49(3): 295-314.
[2014] Morin J. F. and CartaC, Overlapping and Evolving European Discourses on Market Liberalization, in British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 16(1): 117-132.
[2012] CartaC, The European Union Diplomatic Service: Ideas, Preferences and Identities, Routledge.
Awards and prizes
In June 2017, Caterina Carta has been awarded a Canada Research Chair in Public Diplomacy by the Canadian Federal Government.