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Results: 465

Antonella Ferrara

STEM area: Engineering

Competences: Advanced Automatic Control, Control Engineering, Robotics

Keywords: autonomous driving, control of microgrids and power networks, human-robot interaction, process control, robotics, smart mobility, vehicle control, vehicle traffic control

Region: Lombardy


Full Professor of Automatic Control at University of Pavia

Professional career

She got her M.Sc. in Electronic Engineering in 1987 and her PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineering in 1992. She became Assistant Professor at the University of Genova (April 1992), Associate Professor at the University of Pavia (November 1998) and Full Professor of Automatic Control always at the University of Pavia (January 2005).

Scientific results

She has been dealing with the control of complex systems (robotic systems, vehicle networks, vehicular traffic, power networks also based on renewable energy resources). She proposed new algorithms for the control of plants and processes the mathematical model of which is affected by uncertainties. She proposed new approaches to control vehicle traffic in transportation networks with the aim of reducing congestion and environmental impact. She has been working in advanced vehicle control, collaborating with major car manufacturers and coordinating the Italian research group in two European projects (PROTECTOR, ITEAM). In particular, she proposed solutions for driving assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving. She has been studying human-robot interaction proposing an approach based on the joint use of conventional control methodologies and artificial intelligence (deep reinforcement learning). She published more than 380 scientific works, including 118 articles in international journals and 3 scientific books. She also contributed with chapters to 23 edited books.

Editorial work and publications

Antonella Ferrara has signed numerous publications, including:

[2019] Ferrara A, Incremona G.P, Cucuzzella M. Advanced and Optimization Based Sliding Mode Control. SIAM.

[2018] Ferrara A, Simona S, Siri S. Freeway Traffic Modelling and Control. Springer.

[2017] Ferrara A, (Ed.).Sliding Mode Control of Vehicle Dynamics. IET Digital Library.

[2019] Regolin E, Alatorre A, Zambelli M, Victorino A, Charara A, Ferrara A. A Sliding Mode Virtual Sensor for Wheel Forces Estimation with Accuracy Enhancement via EKF. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 68(4): 3457-3471.

[2018] Sangiovanni B, Rendiniello A, Incremona G.P, Ferrara A, Piastra M. Deep Reinforcement Learning for Collision Avoidance of Robotic Manipulators, Proceedings of the European Control Conference ECC 2018, Limassol, Cyprus.

[2018] Canudas de Wit C., Ferrara A. A Variable-Length Cell Transmission Model for Road Traffic Systems. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 97: 428-455.

Awards and prizes

1986, "IEEE North Italy Section Electrical Engineering Student Award"

2003, Senior Member of the IEEE

2006, Outstanding Reviewer for Automatica Award

2013.2016, Chair of the Women in Control Committee of the IEEE Control Systems Society 

2012; 2016-2018, Member of the Board of Governors IEEE Control Systems Society 

2015-present, Member of the European Control Association (EUCA) Council

2019, "EPSON EMEA WIN-A-ROBOT Contest Award"

Floriana Filomena Ferrara

STEM area: Computer science

Competences: Corporate Social Responsability (CSR), Digital Innovation

Keywords: artificial intelligence, digital skill, girls in STEM, patents, social responsibility

Region: Lazio


Corporate Social Responsibility Country Manager at IBM Italy and IBM. Master Inventor

Professional career

After graduating in Information Sciences at the University of Bari, she won a scholarship at the CNR of Genoa for the IT section. She spent two years of research at CORINTO (National Research Consortium for Object Technology) in Bari. Immediately afterwards she started working for IBM, where she held different roles in different sectors, but always in the field of innovative digital projects. She serves as the Manager Corporate Social Responsibility Country Manager at IBM Italia and IBM.

In 2016, she was selected by the Commissioner for implementation of the digital agenda of Italian Government, Diego Piacentini, and she has joined the Digital Transformation Team for the Prime Minister's Office. From February 2019 she is the new Director of IBM Foundation and also Corporate Citizenship manager for Italy. Floriana Filomena Ferrara has been awarded the title of Master Inventor since 2008, in her curriculum 21 patents in the digital field. Leader for the projects: NERD? & P-Tech.

Scientific results

Floriana Filomena Ferrara is author of 21 patents in the field of digital innovation.

She shares her enthusiasm about the digital world especially with her students. Floriana encourages teenager women students to undertake a career in computer science, thanks also to the project “NERD? - Is It Not For Women?”. This IBM project was born with Paola Velardi of Sapienza University. This Project is done in collaboration with several Italian Universities (Bari, Genova, Napoli, Padova, Alessandria, Milano, Roma). 100 IBM Volunteer Women support this Project #goodtechIBM.

Editorial work and publications

[2000-2018] #61 Publication in IBM Tech Disclosure Bulletin 

[1997] Ferrara, Corinto & Aphrodite a new Object Oriented methodology. SEDBT, CNR.

[1996] Ferrara, Clematis, Cassano, Spagnulo. Peucher&Douglass for the Processing Terrain with characterisation on "Triangolazione", “Rapporto Tecnico”, IMA 14/95.

[1996] Cassano, Clematis, Ferrara, Spagnulo, Network based parallel processing for terrain characterisation on irregular simple data. “High-Performance Computing and Networking”, HPCN Europe 1996: 940-941.

Awards and prizes

2008-2019 Master inventor

2015, One of the 100 woman in the Digital

2016, One of the 100 woman in the Digital in Italy

2017, One of 15 influential Italian women in the world of digital technology, technology and innovation of

2017, When the innovation is woman: 150 women in Italy

2018, Joniche Award

2018, One of the 150 woman in the Digital

2019, Role model for System Company-Schoo

2019, Woman of the Year Award for Innovation, by the magazine D la Repubblica delle donne 

Elena Ferrari

STEM area: Computer science

Competences: Computer Science

Keywords: big data, coronavirus, Covid-19, Covid-19: attack on data security and privacy, data management systems, iot, privacy, safety, social networks, social web

Region: Lombardy


Full professor of Computer Science at the University of Insubria in Varese.

Professional career

After graduating in Computer Science at the University of Milan in 1992, she continued her education with a PhD in Computer Science at the same university in 1998. During the summer of 1996 she carried out a period of research as a Visiting Researcher at the Department of Computer Science at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. In the following two years is a visiting researcher at Rutgers University in Newark, New Jersey. In 1998 he returned to Italy and worked as assistant professor of Computer Science at the University of Milan. Later she became full professor of Computer Science at the University of Insubria in Varese.

Scientific results

Her research activities are linked to various aspects of data management systems, including web security, access control and privacy. Recently she has been involved in several research projects such as "ISocial" which develops advanced systems for the protection of privacy in social networks. She worked on the EU Euphorbia project, which provided for a series of experiments on filtering documents on the Internet according to an impartial approach. The aim was to produce a new, more powerful and flexible information review system, able to adapt to the cultural needs of each user. This system is capable of making a selection based on the semantic content of the information, and adapts to the description of the topics on a given website. She is currently involved in security and privacy issues in the IoT (Internet of Things) and Big Data areas.

Editorial work and publications

She has signed numerous publications, including:

(2015) N. Laleh, B. Carminati, E. Ferrari. Risk Assessment in Social Networks based on User Anomalous Behaviour. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 15(2):295-308.

(2015) P. Colombo, E. Ferrari. Privacy aware access control for Big Data: a research roadmap. Big Data Research, 2(4).

(2014) Akcora C, Carminati B, Ferrari E, Kantarcioglu M. Detecting Anomalies in Social Network Data Consumption. Social Network Analysis Mining, 4(1):231.

(2014) Parra-Arnau J, Perego A, Ferrari E, Fornè J & Rebollo-Monedero D. Privacy-Preserving Enhanced Collaborative Tagging. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 26(1):180-193.

(2013) Carminati B, Ferrari E, Viviani M. Security and Trust in Online Social Networks, Synthesis Lectures on Information Security, Privacy and Trust. Morgan & Claypool.

(2011) Cao J, Carminati B, Ferrari E, Tan KL. CASTLE: Continuously Anonymizing Data Streams. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 8(3): 337-352.

(2010) Bonchi F, Ferrari E. Privacy-Aware Knowledge Discovery: Novel Applications and New Techniques. Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Series.

Articles from international conferences:

(2016) Carminati B, Colombo P, Ferrari E & Sagirlar G.Enhancing User Control on Personal Data Usage in Internet of Things Ecosystems. Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, San Francisco, USA.

(2016) Colombo P & Ferrari E. Towards Virtual Private NoSQL Datastores. Proceedings of the32nd IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, Helsinki, Finlandia.

(2014) Bahri L, Carminati B, Ferrari E. Community-based Identity Validation on Online Social Networks. Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Madrid, Spagna.

Awards and prizes

In 2009 Elena Ferrari was awarded for her research in the field of privacy and security by one of the two most important international associations of reference (IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) with the Technical Achievement Award. In 2011 she obtained the Google Research Award for her work in the field of privacy in social networks, while in 2014 she received the IBM Faculty Award for her investigation on big data privacy. She is IEEE fellow and ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) Distinguished Scientist.


Alba Ferreri

International politics area

Competences: Business Administration, Business Affairs, Comparative Politics, Diplomacy, Foreign Affairs, International Relations, Leadership, Management, Public Affairs, Public Diplomacy

Keywords: Embassy, European Union, United States

Region: Lombardy


Economic and ESTH (Environment - Science - Tech - Health) Advisor @ the U.S. Consulate General of Milan.

Professional career

Alba Ferreri joined the U.S. Consulate General in Milan as Economic and Science/Tech Advisor in November 2021. Before that, she has worked for over 7 years as Political and Institutional Advisor at the U.S. Consulate General of Naples, covering local politics, organized crime, migration, and global issues.  Before starting her career as Foreign Service National with the U.S. State Department, she was a lecturer and university researcher in Comparative Politics at the University of Siena, Italy, and at Sciences Po Bordeaux, France. She holds a BA and an MA in political science and international relations (University of Siena); an MA in diplomacy and history of international relations (University of Florence); and a PhD in Comparative and European Politics (University of Siena). She is currently a part-time MBA candidate at MIB Trieste School of Management (exp. graduation year: 2023).

Scientific results

Her major research interests and publications focus on elite studies, executive-legislative relations, European Union affairs, and the role of public opinion. Lately, she has developed an interest in strategic management models, with particular attention on the role of leadership in international business management. 

Editorial work and publications

Ferreri, A., ‘Debating Europe. Effects of the Eurovision Debate on Young Voters’, ComPol, Vol. 16, N. 3, pp. 343-364, 2015; co-authored with Andrea Pedrazzani, Luca Pinto and Riccardo Ladini 

Ferreri, A.: ‘Governance economica europea in tempi di crisi e scelte di policy nazionali: l’austerità nel discorso parlamentare italiano’; in ‘Neoliberalismo all’Italiana, edited by Giulio Moini, Ediesse, 2015; co-authored with Cavatorto, Sabrina. 

Ferreri, A. Armchair quarterback or Most Valuable Player? The Italian parliament debating economic planning with a crisis in the offing (2006-2014), in Papakostas, N. and Pasamitros, N. (eds.), EU: Beyond the Crisis: A Debate on Sustainable Integrationism, Ibidem, Columbia University Press, 2016 

Ferreri, A., Friend Request Sent: EU identity and Turkey’s accession bid, in Papakostas, N. and Pasamitros, N. (eds.), Unraveling Turkey, Inter Alia Collective Volume 1, Aug. ISBN: 798-618-80847-0-4 ( 

Ferreri, A., Capire le elezioni Europee: il modello SOE trent’anni dopo (1979-2009)” (book: Understanding EP elections: the SOE model thirty years later), Edizioni Accademiche Italiane, 2014.

Awards and prizes

2020 Honor Award - U.S. Department of State (outstanding political and economic reporting during the COVID-19 pandemic)

2018  Eagle award, U.S. Department of State (extraordinary levels of inter-section collaboration and excellent last-minute event coordination) 

2015 Extra mile award, U.S. Department of State (for covering Protocol activities related to Naples and Sicily Independence Day celebrations in July 2015, just 3 months after the beginning of my service and with no formal training) 

Florinda Ferreri

STEM area: Psychology and neurosciences

Competences: Clinical Neurophysiology, Neurology

Keywords: brain aging, brain plasticity, dementia, neuromodulation, neuroscience

Region: Veneto


Associate Professor of Neurology in the Department of Neuroscience at the University of Padua, Italy.

Professional career

Dr. Florinda Ferreri received honors in Medicine in 2001 and certification in Neurology in 2006 from the University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome-Italy, and PhD in Clinical Neurophysiology in 2012 from the University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio-Finland. In 2006 she was Research Assistant at the Department of Psychiatry, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. From 2007 to 2016 Dr. Ferreri was Neurologist Consultant with expertise in Neurophysiology, teaching and research duties at the University Hospital Campus Bio-Medico of Rome and in 2016 she was appointed Assistant Professor. As of April 2018, Dr. Ferreri is Associate Professor of Neurology in the Department of Neuroscience at the University of Padua, Italy.

Scientific results

Dr. Florinda Ferreri research activities focus on the study of the physiology of human motor cortex and its pathophysiology in neurodegenerative disorders by using highly innovative neurophysiological techniques and multimodal data collection. In 2008 Dr. Ferreri worked in an international research group that obtained the first direct control of a biomechatronic prosthetic hand via neural interfaces implanted in the peripheral nerves of an amputated patient. In recent years, Dr Ferreri’s commitment has been focused on the technological transfer towards the early diagnosis of neurological diseases and towards rehabilitation procedures with non-invasive electromagnetic stimulations of the brain.

Editorial work and publications

She has signed numerous international scientific publications including:

[2016] Ferreri F, Vecchio F, Vollero L, Guerra A, Petrichella S, Ponzo D, Määtta S, Mervaala E, Könönen M, Ursini F, Pasqualetti P, Iannello G, Rossini PM, Di Lazzaro V. Sensorimotor cortex excitability and connectivity in Alzheimer’s disease: A TMS-EEG Co-registration study. Human Brain Mapping, 37[6):2083-96. doi: 10.1002/hbm.23158.

[2016] Guerra A, Pogosyan A, Nowak M, Tan H, Ferreri F, Di Lazzaro V, Brown P. Phase Dependency of the Human Primary Motor Cortex and Cholinergic Inhibition Cancelation During Beta tACS. Cerebral Cortex, 26(10):3977-90. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhw245.

[2015] Rossini PM, Burke D, Chen R, Cohen LG, Daskalakis Z, Di Iorio R, Di Lazzaro V, Ferreri F, Fitzgerald PB, George MS, Hallett M, Lefaucheur JP, Langguth B, Matsumoto H, Miniussi C, Nitsche MA, Pascual-Leone A, Paulus W, Rossi S, Rothwell JC, Siebner HR, Ugawa Y, Walsh V, Ziemann U. Non-invasive electrical and magnetic stimulation of the brain, spinal cord, roots and peripheral nerves: Basic principles and procedures for routine clinical and research application. An updated report from an I.F.C.N. Committee. Clinical Neurophysiology Journal,. Feb 10. Review.

[2014] Di Pino G, Pellegrino G, Assenza G, Capone F, Ferreri F, Formica D, Ranieri F, Tombini M, Ziemann U, Rothwell JC, Di Lazzaro V. Modulation of brain plasticity in stroke: a novel model for neurorehabilitation. Nature Reviews Neurology, 10(10):597-608.

[2014] Ferreri F, Vecchio F, Ponzo D, Rossini PM. Time-varying coupling of EEG oscillations of primary motor cortex predicts excitability fluctuations as reflected by motor evoked potentials amplitude: an EEG-TMS study. Human Brain Mapping, 35(5):1969-80.

[2013] Ferreri F, Rossini PM. TMS and TMS-EEG techniques in the study of the excitability, connectivity, and plasticity of the human motor cortex. Reviews Neuroscience, 24(4):431-42. Review.

[2011] Ferreri F, Pasqualetti P, Määttä S, Ponzo D, Ferrarelli F, Tononi G, Mervaala E, Miniussi C and Rossini PM. Imaging human brain cortical effective connectivity during single and paired pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation. Neuroimage, 1;54(1):90-102.

[2006] Ferreri F. Curcio G. Patrizio P. De Gennaro L. Fini R. and Rossini PM. Mobile phone emission and human brain excitability. Annals of Neurology, 60(2):188-96.

[2006] Babiloni C, Benussi L, Binetti G, Cassetta E, Dal Forno G, Del Percio C, Ferreri F, Ferri R, Frisoni G, Guidoni R, Miniussi C, Rodriguez G, Romani GL, Squitti R, Ventriglia MC and Rossini PM. Apolipoprotein e and alpha brain rhythms in mild cognitive impairment: a multicentric eeg study. Annals of Neurology, 59(2):323-34.

[2003] Ferreri F, Pauri F, Pasqualetti P, Fini R, Dal Forno G, PM Rossini. Motor cortex excitability in Alzheimer Disease. Annals of Neurology, 53(1):102-8.

Debora Fino

STEM area: Engineering

Competences: Biotechnologies, Chemical Plants, Energy, Environment

Keywords: biofuels, carbon dioxide conversion, catalysis, chemical reactors, circular economy, pollutants elimination, waste reduction

Region: Piedmont


Professor of Chemical Plants at the Polytechnic of Turin; Waste, Water and Food Manager of the Politecnico di Torino (Green Team)

Professional career

After graduating in Chemical Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Turin, she continued her studies through a PhD program in Chemical Engineering, where she obtained the title at the same University.

She won a workplace as University Researcher in Chemical Engineering, in the scientific sector for Chemical Plants in November 2002, obtaining confirmation. From July 2010 to March 2016 she worked as Associate Professor in the same SSD. In March 2016 she became full professor of Chemical Plants, where she is currently responsible for a research group consisting of 15 young researchers and PhD students at the Department of Applied Science and Technology of the Politechnic University of Turin. She is a member of the College of Chemical and Materials Engineering a the College of Energy, her teaching activity is focused on the courses of Plants for the Chemical and Food Industry and Re-use Processes and Energy Enhancement.

Scientific results

Her scientific interests focus mainly on the catalytic treatment of Diesel emissions (eg: filtration and combustion of particulates, the removal of nanoparticles, reduction and adsorption of NOx, development of catalytic traps), on the catalytic combustion of methane (eg: development of catalytic converters for methane-fueled cars), on catalytic filters for the treatment of fumes (eg.: multi-functional systems for the removal of fly ash, NOx and dioxins from incinerators) where she obtained several industrial loans (General Motors, Officine Metallurgiche Cornaglia, Petronas, Pirelli, ....), she won national and community projects (PRIN, TOP-Expert, ADDnano, FlameSOFC, ...) and she has 2 patents. Among her environmental research projects, the systems of advanced oxidation of pollutants (eg reactors and electrocatalysts for the electrochemical oxidation of biorefractory organic pollutants, such as phenol, antibiotics and other drugs, dyes, ...; remediation of polluted soil and self-cleaning surfaces) are of particular importance. Among the research undertaken in recent years of particular importance are the results obtained regarding the analysis of waste treatment platforms, the life cycle analysis of industrial processes from a circular economy perspective, where also in the agri-food sector has collaborated with industries of reference in the sector (eg Waste Italia, Ferrero, Ago Renewables, ENI, Lavazza, AUSTEP, etc.) also obtaining important structured financing as in the case of the Innovative Agro-Food-ECOFOOD platform project coordinated by Ferrero, Research & Innovation for The Improvement of the Sustainability of the Agro-Food Chain, of which Debora Fino was responsible for all the research actions of her University. She currently coordinates the research of 2 Horizon 2020 projects funded by the European Community CELBICON (Cost-effective CO2 conversion into chemicals via combination of Capture, Electrochemical and Biochemical Conversion technologies) and BIOROBURPLUS (Advanced direct biogas fuel processor for robust and cost-effective decentralized Hydrogen production ).

Editorial work and publications

She is author of over 200 scientific publications, including:

(2018) Malavè A C L, Fino D, Gómez Camacho C E, Ruggeri B.  Experimental tests on commercial Sweet Product Residue (SPR) as a suitable feed for anaerobic bioenergy (H2+ CH4) production, Waste Management, 71: 626-635.

(2017) Massa A, Hernandez Ribullen S P, Lamberti A, Galletti C, Russo N, Fino D. Electro-oxidation of phenol over electrodeposited MnOx nanostructures and the role of a TiO2 nanotubes interlayer. Applied Catalysis. B, Environmental, 203: 270-281.

(2016) Negro V, Mancini G, Ruggeri B, Fino D. Citrus waste as feedstock for bio-based products recovery: Review on limonene case study and energy valorization. Bioresource Technology, 214: 806-815.

(2015) Hussain M, Deorsola F A, Russo N, Fino D, Pirone R. Abatement of CH4 emitted by CNG vehicles using Pd-SBA-15 and Pd-KIT-6 catalysts, Fuel, 149: 2-7.

(2014) Mancini G, Viotti P, Luciano A, Fino D. On the ASR and ASR thermal residues characterization of full scale treatment plant, Waste Management, 34: 448-457.

(2013) Ruggeri B, Luongo Malavè A C, Bernardi M, Fino D. Energy efficacy used to score organic refuse pretreatment process for hydrogen anaerobic production, Waste Management, 33: 2225-2233.

(2012) Bensaid S, Deorsola F A, Fino D, Russo N. After-treatment of household wood-fired stove emissions: from catalyst formulation to full-scale system, Catalysis Today, 197: 76-89.

(2011) Palmisano P, Hernandez S P, Hussain M, Fino D, Russo N. A new concept for a self cleaning household oven, Chemical Engineering Journal, 176-177: 253-259.

(2010) Bensaid S, Russo N; Fino D. Power and Hydrogen Co-generation from Biogas, Energy & Fuels, 24: 4743-4747.

(2009) Rutigliano L, Fino D, Saracco G, Specchia V, Spinelli P, Grizzaffi L. Electrochemical Oxidation process for water condensates recycling in a shuttle orbiter, Journal Of Applied Electrochemistry, 39 (11): 2239-2249.

(2008) Rutigliano L, Fino D, Saracco G, Specchia V, Spinelli P. Electrokinetic remediation of soils contaminated with heavy metals, Journal Of Applied Electrochemistry, 38: 1035-1041.

(2007) Fino D. Diesel Emission Control:Catalytic Filters for Particulate Removal, Science And Technology Of Advanced Materials, 8 (1-2): 93-100.

(2006) Cauda E, Hernandez S, Fino D, Saracco G, Specchia V. PM0.1 Emissions during Diesel Trap Regeneration, Environmental Science And Technology, 40: 5532-5537.

(2005) Fino D, Carlesi J C, Saracco G, Specchia V, Spinelli P. Deactivation and regeneration of Pt anodes for the electro-oxidation of phenol, Journal Of Applied Electrochemistry, 35(4): 405-411.

(2004) Fino D, Russo N, Saracco G, Specchia V.  A multifunctional filter for the simultaneous removal of fly-ash and NOx from incinerator flue gases, Chemical Engineering Science, 59 (22-23): 5329-5336.

(2003) Fino D, Russo N, Saracco G, Specchia V.  The role of suprafacial oxygen in some perovskites for the catalytic combustion of soot, Journal Of Catalysis, 217: 367-375.

(2002) Fino D, Saracco G, Specchia V. Filtration and catalytic abatement of diesel particulate from stationary sources, Chemical Engineering Science, 57(22-23): 4955-4966.

Awards and prizes

In November 2004 she was winner of the "ITALGAS AWARD - DEBUT IN THE RESEARCH" (XVII edition) for her doctoral thesis (Catalytic combustion of Diesel particulate matter). In February 2007 her article "Innovative means for the catalytic regeneration of particulate traps for diesel exhaust cleaning", Chem. Eng. Sci., 58 (3-6) (2003) 951-958, was awarded by Elsevier Science Publisher as one of the most cited articles of the journal Chemical Engineering Science during the four-year period 2003 - 2006. In December 2007 she was winner of the "SAPIO JUNIOR AWARD for ITALIAN RESEARCH" (IX Edition) for the results obtained in the research "Secondary nanoparticles from filters for the removal of Diesel particulate matter and in other application contexts". October 2009 - the article "Biogas Purification for MCFCs Applications" was awarded among the top 5 by the Scientific Organizing Committee of "HYSYDAYS 2009 - 3rd World Congress of Young Scientists on Hydrogen Energy Systems". The article was published in the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
June 2010 - ITWIIN Award for Italian Association of Women Inventors and Innovators, she also won of the DISTI (Science and Technology Information Innovation Innovation Center based in Bari) special prize, given the effectiveness of the presentation of potential social and economic impacts of scientific projects.
In September 2011, the European Union Women Inventors and Innovators Awards awarded her a special mention in view of the effectiveness in presenting potential social and economic effects of her scientific research by the jury of international experts, Reykjavik (Iceland). In February 2013 the article "M. Hussain, R. Ceccarelli, D.L. Marchisio, D. Fino, N. Russo, F. Geobaldo, Synthesis, Characterization and Photocatalytic Application of Novel TiO2 Nanoparticles "in Chemical Engineering Journal 157, 45-51 of 2010 was awarded as the eighth most cited article of the journal Chemical Engineering Journal in the during the period 10/2009 - 9/2010.

Cristina Finocchi Mahne

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Ethic, Finance, Governance, Quoted Companies, Sustainability

Keywords: finance, governance, quoted companies, sustainable economy

Region: Lombardy


Board Member and Chairwoman of Board Committees (Audit, Risks and Sustainability; Nomination and Remuneration) of companies listed in Italy and abroad; Business Economist; former Senior Executive of blue-chips with market capitalization up to €10 bn; University Professor.

Co-Chairwoman Italy and Member of the Steering Committee of WCD Foundation, international think tank on best practices in corporate governance.

Professional career

Degree in Economics and Business at La Sapienza University of Rome, MBA at Luiss Business School and further qualifications in finance, financial communication and management skills in London and Los Angeles. She began her career in Euromobiliare,  merchant bank controlled by HSBC, in the corporate finance area, and gained significant experience in finance in Tamburi & Associati, JP Morgan and Hill & Knowlton, before being appointed Senior Executive and Member of the Executive Committee, as Director of Group Investor Relations and Strategic Communication, of financial blue-chips - such as Fineco Group - with market capitalization up to 10 billion. Later she became Partner and, since its IPO, Board Member, of a leading Italian company in strategic advisory in corporate governance and financial communication. From 2004 to 2012 she was also Author and Anchorwoman of Watchdog, television talk show on corporate governance, on air on Class CNBC, Sky 507 economic and financial channel: among her guests, the most influential representatives of the economic, academic and institutional world.

She is a Lecturer on Corporate Governance and Sustainability at Luiss University; Professor in Advanced Business Administration and then in Economics of Banking and Industrial Groups, master's degree courses at La Sapienza University of Rome until 2017 and Lecturer in Corporate Governance at Luiss Business School. She was an ABI lecturer at courses reserved to Board members of banking groups, on risks and corporate governance. She was a government-appointed Member of Commission at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, as a highly recognised expert on corporate governance from 2011 to 2013.

Since 2010 she is Board Member and Chairwoman of Board Committees (risks, audit and sustainability; nomination and remuneration) of companies listed in Italy and abroad, up to € 4bn market cap (sectors: consumer discretionary, healthcare services, banking, IT / communication, industrial, telecom services)

Since 2012 she is also Co-Chairwoman Italy, Member of the Steering Committee of WCD Foundation, international think tank on best practices in corporate governance that brings together, from all over the world, board members of listed companies whose total market capitalization is over $ 8 trillion. She was also member of its global cyber insurance steering committee.

Scientific results

Cristina Finocchi Mahne's research activity is carried out in the field of finance, with focus on listed companies and financial markets, and in particular corporate governance and sustainability issues. Among her most recent research commitments, an international perspective on the sustainability strategy in listed companies; a research on top management incentivation plans including ESG (environmental, social, governance) targets; a cooperation in a large international research project on cyber risk and its implication on corporate governance.

Lecturer at prestigious universities, guest speaker in television talk shows and keynote speaker on corporate governance, financial markets and family business matters at national and international conferences, business and academic, in Tokio, New York, Paris, Milan, Rome, Bologna.

Editorial work and publications

Among her publications: articles on corporate governance matters published by main economic newspapers and influential news sites; international papers as ‘Boards and role models for supporting the climb upwards’ part II of ‘Women on to corporate boards: a snow ball starting in Norway’, (2013) Edward Elgar Publishing

Awards and prizes

In 2003, Luiss awarded her the Distinguished Executive Award, and in 2007 she received the Best in Class award from the University La Sapienza, Faculty of Economics, both for professional achievements.


Alessandra Flammini

STEM area: Engineering

Competences: Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Telecomunications Engineering

Keywords: electrical and electronic measurements, smart grids, smart living, smart mobility

Region: Lombardy


Professor of Electrical and Electronic Measurements at the University of Brescia, President of the Aggregate Course Council in Electronics and Telecommunications of the Department of Information Engineering, Coordinator of the Doctoral College in Technology for Health.

Professional career

After graduating in Physics at the University of Rome La Sapienza in 1985, she worked for more than 10 years in industries operating in industrial plants and energy, including Ansaldo Sistemi Industriali in Milan, where she was responsible for the R&D of the digitally controlled drives section. At the end of 1995 she joined the University of Brescia as a researcher of Electronics, where she became Associate Professor of Electrical and Electronic Measurements in 2002 and Full Professor in 2016. In 2004 she created the Italian Competence Centre on Profibus and Profinet, which is still operational today. From 2013 to 2020 she is in the Board of Directors of CSMT, the main centre for technology transfer in Brescia. Since 2011 she has been a member of the Scientific Council of SPS, the Industrial Automation Exhibition. From 2013 to 2016 she was a member of the ADCOM of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society and in 2015 she was Vice President for Conferences. Since 2018, she has been the Chair of the Aggregate Course Council in Electronics and Telecommunications of the Department of Information Engineering. In 2020 she is elected Coordinator of the Doctoral College in Technology for Health. 

Scientific results

Alessandra Flammini's scientific profile is multifaceted: she started her research activity in the field of industrial research with reference to digitally controlled drives and then moved on to scientific research in the field of embedded systems electronics, then "smart" sensors and finally distributed measurement systems for industry, smart grids and smart living.

More specifically, Flammini's scientific research has focused from the outset on interface circuits for sensors and on "smart" sensors, i.e. on technologies that enable sensors to communicate their measurement information in IoT architectures. Alessandra Flammini has made a fundamental scientific contribution to the synchronisation of sensor networks, a key issue in real-time applications for industry and energy, contributing to the realisation and evolution of the IEEE1588 standard. More specifically, her scientific research activity has focused from the outset on interface circuits for sensors and on 'smart' sensors, i.e. on technologies that enable sensors to communicate their measurement information in IoT architectures, which are fundamental in so-called 'smart' systems, ranging from smart grids to smart living, areas in which Alessandra Flammini has been responsible for large-scale interdepartmental projects, with budgets in excess of €5 million, from 2013 to date. In the field of wireless technologies for IoT, her experimental studies on LoRaWAN technology are of absolute importance, which have enabled its use in distributed measurement applications for industry, as evidenced by the high number of citations of her publications on the subject. Alessandra Flammini is also an important figure in the Brescia area. In addition to having founded a research group consisting of three full professors, two associate professors and two researchers, and to having formulated new educational proposals on the topics of IoT and technologies for the digital enterprise, Alessandra Flammini has also developed the first Italian Real Time Ethernet, patented and marketed by Gefran as GDNET, and is co-author of other national and international patents that have had significant commercial value.

Editorial work and publications

She is co-author of more than 300 international scientific publications, including:

[2022] P. Ferrari, E. Sisinni, P. Bellagente, D. Fernandes Carvalho, A. Depari, A. Flammini, M. Pasetti, S. Rinaldi, I. Silva, "On the use of LoRaWAN and cloud platforms for diversification of mobility-as-a-service infrastructure in smart city scenarios", IEEE Trans. Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol., ISSN 0018-9456.

[2020] E. Sisinni, P. Ferrari, D. Fernandes Carvalho, S. Rinaldi, M. Pasetti, A. Flammini, A. Depari, "LoRaWAN Range Extender for Industrial IoT", IEEE Trans. Industrial Informatics, August, 2020, Vol. 16, N. 9, pp. 5607-5616, ISSN 1551-3203, DOI 10.1109/TII.2019.2958620.

[2018] P. Ferrari, A. Flammini, E. Sisinni, S. Rinaldi, D. Brandao, M. Rocha, "Delay Estimation of Industrial IoT Applications Based on Messaging Protocols", IEEE Trans. Instrumentation and Measurement, September, 2018, Vol. 67, N. 9, pp. 2188-2199, ISSN 0018-9456, DOI 10.1109/TIM.2018.2813798.

[2017] M. Rizzi, P. Ferrari, E. Sisinni, A. Flammini, "Evaluation of the IoT LoRaWAN Solution for Distributed Measurement Applications", IEEE Trans. Instrumentation and Measurement, December, 2017, Vol. 66, N. 12, pp. 3340-3349, ISSN 0018-9456, DOI 10.1109/TIM.2017.2746378.

[2016] E. Sisinni, A. Depari, A. Flammini, "Design and implementation of a wireless sensor network for temperature sensing in hostile environments", Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, January, 2016, Vol. 237, pp. 47-55, ISSN 0924-4247, DOI 10.1016/j.sna.2015.11.012.

[2011] C. M. De Dominicis, P. Ferrari, A. Flammini, S. Rinaldi, M. Quarantelli, "On the Use of IEEE 1588 in Existing IEC 61850-Based SASs: Current Behavior and Future Challenges", IEEE Trans. Instrumentation and Measurement, September, 2011, Vol. 60, N. 9, pp. 3070-3081, ISSN 0018-9456, DOI 10.1109/TIM.2011.2158159.

[2009] A. Flammini, D. Marioli, E. Sisinni, A. Taroni, "Design and Implementation of a Wireless Fieldbus for Plastic Machineries", IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics, March, 2009, Vol. 56, N. 3, pp. 747-755, ISSN 0278-0046, DOI 10.1109/TIE.2008.2011602.

[2009] P. Ferrari, A. Flammini, D. Marioli, E. Sisinni, A. Taroni, "Wired and wireless sensor networks for industrial applications", Microelectronics Journal, September, 2009, Vol. 40, N. 9, pp. 1322-1336, ISSN 0026-2692, DOI 10.1016/j.mejo.2008.08.012.

[2008] P. Ferrari, A. Flammini, D. Marioli, A. Taroni, "A Distributed Instrument for Performance Analysis of Real-Time Ethernet Networks", IEEE Trans. Industrial Informatics, February, 2008, Vol. 4, N. 1, pp. 16-25, ISSN 1551-3203, DOI 10.1109/TII.2008.919016.

[2004] A. Flammini, D. Marioli, A. Taroni, "A low-cost interface to high-value resistive sensors varying over a wide range", IEEE Trans. Instrumentation and Measurement, August, 2004, Vol. 53, N. 4, pp. 1052-1056, ISSN 0018-9456, DOI 10.1109/TIM.2004.831500.

[2002] A. Flammini, P. Ferrari, E. Sisinni, D. Marioli, A. Taroni, "Sensor interfaces: from field-bus to Ethernet and Internet", Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, September, 2002, Vol. 101, N. 1-2, pp. 194-202, ISSN 0924-4247 , DOI 10.1016/S0924-4247(02)00201-7.

[1999] A. Flammini, D. Marioli, A. Taroni, "Application of an optimal look-up table to sensor data processing", IEEE Trans.Instrumentation and Measurement, August, 1999, Vol. 48, N. 4, pp. 813-816, ISSN 0018-9456, DOI 10.1109/19.779179.

Awards and prizes

She has been coauthor of award-winning papers at international conferences (ETFA2008, ISPCS2010).

IEEE Senior Member since 2010, General Chair or Technical Chair of several international conferences, she was elected member of the ADCOM of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society from 2013 to 2016 and was Vice President for Conferences in 2015.

Member of the IEEE1588 Study Group.

Top Italian Scientists in Electrical Engeneering. 

Serena Fonda Umani

STEM area: Natural and environmental sciences

Competences: Marine Ecology

Keywords: biodiversity, carbon flows, food chain, marine biology, marine ecosystem, plankton, sea

Region: Friuli-Venezia Giulia


Former full Professor of Ecology at University of Trieste

Professional career

After graduating in Biological Sciences from the University of Trieste in 1974, she continued her training as a research fellow in Ecology at the same university until 1981. Since that year she has been a researcher, and in 1992 she became associate professor and head of the Laboratory of Marine Biology at the University of Trieste. Since 2008 she has been a full professor of Ecology.

Scientific results

Serena Fonda Umani's main research interests concern marine ecosystem dynamics, carbon fluxes, the study of plankton ecology and marine microbial ecology. In order to conduct her studies, she has travelled to various areas of the Mediterranean Sea, the Strait of Magellan (Chile), Chesapeake Bay (USA) and the Ross Sea (Antarctica). One of the main objectives of Serena Fonda Umani's research is to estimate the carbon fluxes within the pelagic-microbial food chain (from viruses to jellyfish), in order to check whether there is selection by predators on prokaryotes (the first cellular organisms to appear on earth, characterised by the absence of a well-defined nucleus). This is possible through the metagenomic approach (the study of microbial communities directly in their natural environment) that Serena Fonda Umani and colleagues use.

Editorial work and publications

She has authored more than 200 international and national scientific publications, including:

(2016) Zoccarato L, Celussi M, Pallavicini A, Fonda Umani S. Aurelia aurita ephyrae reshape a coastal microbial community. c 7:749. 

(2015) Caruso G, La Ferla R, Leonardi M, Zaccone R, Azzaro F, Azzaro M, Decembrini F, Maimone G, Monticelli L, Caroppo C, Cavallo RA, Acquaviva MI, Narracci M, Stabili L, Marino G, Petochi T, De Angelis R, Zoppini A, Fonda Umani S, Del Negro P, Todorova NH, Karamfilov VK, Corinaldesi C, Rastelli E, Cappello S, Latini M, Danovaro R. Microbial assemblages for environmental quality assessment: knowledge, gaps and usefulness in the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Critical Reviews in Microbiology

(2013) Di Poi E, Blason C, Corinaldesi, Danovaro R, Malisana E, Fonda Umani S. Structure and interactions within the pelagic microbial food web (from viruses to microplankton) across environmental gradients in the Mediterranean Sea. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 27: 1034-1045. 

(2012) Giani M, Djakovac T, Degobbis D, Cozzi S, Solidoro C, Fonda Umani S. Recent changes in the marine ecosystems of the northern Adriatic Sea. Estuarines, Coastal and Shelf Sciences, 115:1-13. 

(2012) Fonda Umani S, Malfatti F, Del Negro P. Carbon fluxes in the pelagic ecosystem of the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic Sea). Estuarines, Coastal and Shelf Sciences, 115:170-186.

(2010) Fonda Umani S, Malisana E, Focaracci F, Magagnini M, Corinaldesi C, Danovaro R. Disentangling the impact of viruses and nanoflagellates on prokaryotes in bathypelagic waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 418:73-85. 

(2010) Mozetič P, Solidoro C, Cossarini G, Socal G, Precali R, Francé J, Bianchi F, Smodlaka N, De Vittor C, Fonda Umani S. Recent trends towards oligotrophication of the northern Adriatic: evidence from chlorophyll a time series. Estuaries and Coasts, 33:362-375.

(2009) Danovaro R, Fonda Umani S, Pusceddu A. Climate Change and the potential spreading of marine mucilage and microbial pathogens in the Mediterranean Sea. PLoS ONE, 4(9):e7006. 

(2007) Fonda Umani S, Del Negro P, Larato C, De Vittor C, Cabrini M, Celio M, Falconi C, Tamberlich F, Azam F. Major inter-annual variations in microbial dynamics in the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic Sea) and their ecosystem implications. Aquatic Microbial Ecology Journal, 46:163-175. 

(2005) Fonda Umani S, Milani L, Borme D, de Olazabal A, Parlato S, Precali R, Kraus R, Lucic D, Njire J, Totti C, Romagnoli T, Pompei M, Cangini M. Inter-annual variations of planktonic food webs in the northern Adriatic Sea. Science of the Total Environment, 353(1-3):218-231.

Awards and prizes

Serena Fonda Umani is a member of numerous scientific societies and committees, including the Scientific Committee of the Sea Park (since 2005) and the Italian Society of Ecology (SItE), of which she was elected President in 2012.

Iole Fontana

International politics area

Competences: European Migration Policies, International Relations, Political Science

Keywords: democratization processes, European Union, Mediterranean, migrations, political regimes

Region: Sicily


Researcher and Assistant Professor in Politics and International Relations at University of Catania

Professional career

She graduated in Politics and International Relations in 2009 and specialized in Global Politics and Euro-Mediterranean Relations in 2011 at the University of Catania. She obtained her PhD in Institutions, Politics and Policies at the IMT of Lucca in 2015, with a thesis on the neighborhood policy of the European Union in Tunisia and Morocco. As a research fellow in political science (2018-2019; 2019-2020; 2020-2021) at the Department of Political Sciences of the University of Catania, she focused her research on migratory crises in the Mediterranean and on migration and asylum policies of the European Union in this area. In 2021, she obtained the National Scientific Qualification for the functions of Associate University Professor and from 2022 she is Assistant Professor at the University of Catania, with a project on climate change and forced migration.

She carried out several research periods abroad: at the London School of Economics and Political Sciences, London (2013); at the Hassan II University of Casablanca, Morocco (2014); at the European External Action Service - Delegation of the European Union of Tunis, Tunisia (2014); at the University of Delaware and the US Department of State (2019).

She is currently the holder of the European Union Political System course at the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Catania (AY 2022-2023). 

Scientific results

She is scientific coordinator of the DEPMI project, External Dimension of Italian Migration Policies, at The Syracuse Institute for Criminal Justice and Human Rights, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a project with the aim of mapping the agreements between Italy and third countries in the migratory field.

Furthermore, she is currently working on the project ‘Climate change and migration flows: analysis and measurement of the impact of ecosystem changes on forced human mobility’ (2022-2024), with the aim of analyzing how climate change and its short, medium and long-term consequences impact forced human mobility, through the identification of variables (water resources, desertification, alterations of the hydrogeological regime, etc.) that allow to explore the causal relationships between climate change and migration. The project focuses on the cases of Tunisia and Senegal in the period 2000-2021, and aims to identify early warning mechanisms for the study of climate migration.

She has also participated in several national and international research groups. In 2021 she was part of the Horizon 2020 PROTECT Project, led by the University of Bergen. As a member of the Local Unit of the University of Catania, she dealt with the analysis of the externalization of European Union migration policies, building an interactive map that allows you to navigate the multiplicity of agreements concluded with third countries in the field of migration. In 2019, she was a member of the VAM - Asylum Visa and Migration Policies at the Department of Political Science of the University of Catania;  between 2018 and 2021 she was a member of the HISMED- Human Insecurity in the Mediterranean group, funded by the European International Studies Association.

Her research focuses on migration phenomena and on the policies of the European Union and Italy to manage these phenomena, from a political, humanitarian, policy tools and asylum perspective.

Editorial work and publications

[2022] Fontana, I. The EU and the Politics of Migration in the Mediterranean: from Crisis Management to Management in Crisis, in Panebianco, S. (2022) Border Crises and Human Mobility in the Mediterranean Global South. Challenges to Expanding Borders, Palgrave. ISBN 978-3-030-90294-0.

[2022] Fontana, I. The human (in)security trap: how European border(ing) practices condemn migrants to vulnerability, International Politics. 59: 65–484 ISSN: 1384-5748, doi: 10.1057/s41311-020-00268-y.

[2021] Fontana, I. Back to the future? Questioning EU’s renewed approach to returns and readmission. H2020 PROTECT Blog. 

[2020] Fontana, I. Organised crime, migration and domestic politics in Italy: unfolding the interplay, South European Society and Politics 25(1):49-74. ISSN: 1360-8746, doi: 10.1080/13608746.2020.1738092.

[2019] Fontana, I. The implementation of Italian asylum policy and the recognition of protection in times of crisis: between external and internal constraints, Contemporary Italian Politics 11(4): 429-445, DOI: 10.1080/23248823.2019.1680027.

[2018] Panebianco S., Fontana, I.  When Responsibility to protect hits home: the EU and the Syrian refugee crisis, Third World Quarterly 39(1): 1-17, ISSN: 0143-6597 (Print) 1360-2241 (Online). doi: 10.1080/01436597.2017.1369035.

[2018] Fontana, I., (with Sahizer Samuk), Migrants’ Integration Policies in Italy: the cases of Lucca and Catania, in Lace, A. (ed.) “New Comer Integration in Europe: Nest practices and Innovation in Response to 2015 crisis”. 127-141, Brussels: Foundation for European Progressive Studies. ISBN: 978-2-930769-08-0.

[2018] Fontana, I. (with Giugni, L et al.) (2018), Can education stop abuse? Comprehensive sexuality education against gender-based violence. GenPol Policy Papers, Cambridge: Cambridge Business School.

[2017] Fontana, I. Disentangling the cyber politics-cyber security nexus: the new challenge of global politics. Global Affairs 3(1), p.99-104. ISSN: 2334-0460 (Print) 2334-0479 (Online) doi: 10.1080/23340460.2017.1320059.

[2017] Fontana, I. EU Neighbourhood Policy in the Maghreb. Implementing the ENP in Tunisia and Morocco before and after the Arab uprisings. London & New York: Routledge. ISBN: 9781138237179 doi: 10.4324/9781315300559.

[2016] The security dimension of the European Neighbourhood Policy: the case of security sector reform in Tunisia, EUMedEA Working Paper, 2-2016. ISSN 2499-2402.

[2015] Fontana, I. How Great Expectations in Brussels are dashed in Tunis? A Bottom-up approach to the Implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy in Tunisia, Athens Journal of Mediterranean Studies, vol. 1 (1), pp-81-92. ISSN 2407-9480.

[2014] Fontana, I. The EU paradigmatic policy change in light of the Arab Spring: exploring the "black box" in Do Ceu Pinto M. (ed.) “Thinking Out of the Box: Devising New European Policies to Face the Arab Spring”, Lisbon: Diario de Bordo Editores, p. 8-17.

Awards and prizes

2019 Winner of the US Department of State Visiting Program 'SUSI-Study of the US Institutes on US Foreign Policy'.

2018 Winner of the Enrico Melchionda Award for the PhD Thesis ‘The implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy in Tunisia and Morocco: when domestic actors make a difference’. 

Elsa Fornero

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Financial Education, Labour Economics, Pension Economy, Public Policies, Saving Economy

Keywords: aging, pension funds, public systems, redistribution, saving, work

Region: Piedmont


Founder and scientific coordinator since 1999 of CeRP-Center for Research on Pensions and Welfare Policies, Professor of Economics, University of Turin. Former Minister of Labour and Social Policies (16 November 2011-28 April 2013)

Professional career

Elsa Fornero is Professor of Economics at the University of Turin (retired since Nov. 2018). She is also Scientific Coordinator at CeRP (the Center for Research on Pensions and Welfare Policies, which she founded in 1999), Vice-President of Share-Eric (Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe), Research Fellow at Netspar, and Policy Fellow at the IZA Institute for the Study of Labour. She is also a member of the Scientific Council of the Observatoire de l'Epargne Européenne, of the Advisory Group of the New Pact for Europe and of the Research Committee of the OECD International Network on Financial Education.

From November 2011 to April 2013 she served as Minister of Labour, Social Policies and Equal Opportunities in Italy’s “technocratic” government, in which capacity she conceived and drafted the pension and labour market reforms. 

Other past positions include: Vice-President of Compagnia di San Paolo, one of the largest Italian foundations (2008-2010); Member of the Evaluation Unit of Welfare Expenditure, established at the Welfare Ministry (2005-11); Member of the Steering Board of the Italian Associations of Economists (2005-7); Vice-President of the Supervisory Board of Intesa Sanpaolo Bank (2010-2011); Member of the scientific board of Confindustria (National Association of Enterprises, 2005-2006).

On behalf of the World Bank, in the early 2000s, she assessed the pension systems of Russia, Latvia, Macedonia and Albania and was invited, later, to WB conferences and events.

Fornero is also the author of many publications on public and private pension systems, pension reforms, population aging, household saving, retirement choices, and life insurance.

Scientific results

Fornero’s research activity focuses on the determinants of household’s saving behaviour, analysed through optimization and behavioural models. She has also been addressing saving for old age, the reasons why pension systems are public and the characteristics of a ‘good’ pension system. From an applied point of view, she analysed European pension systems and reforms. Her recent research focuses on financial education, seen as a way to improve individual’s life-cycle decisions and achieve a more active citizenship; and on the analysis of linguistic bias to explain gender differences in financial decisions.

Editorial work and publications

Elsa Fornero has to her credit many publications on public and private pension systems, pension reforms, population ageing; household savings, retirement choices and life insurance.

She has written the books: Chi ha paura delle riforme. Illusioni, luoghi comuni e verità sulle pensioni. Università Bocconi Editore, 2018; L’economia dei fondi pensione. Potenzialità e limiti della previdenza privata in Italia, Il Mulino Studi e Ricerche, Bologna 1999; (with Onorato Castellino), Economia del risparmio e della ricchezza. Comportamenti privati e indebitamento pubblico, Il Mulino, Ricerca, Bologna, 1990.She edited: (with Paolo Sestito), Pension Systems: Beyond Mandatory Retirement, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2005, (with Elisa Luciano), Developing an Annuity Market in Europe, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2004, (with Onorato Castellino), Pension Policy in an Integrating Europe, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2003.

Among her most recent articles:

(2019) Fornero E, Lo Prete A., Voting in the Aftermath of a Pension Reform: The Role of Financial Literacy, Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 18(1): 1-30.

(2018) Coda Moscarola F, Fornero E, Rossi MC. The family as an informal market and the (low) mobility of the Italian young Politica Economica, Journal of Economic Policy, 34(1): 45-78.

(2018) Sansoni D, Rossi MC, Fornero E. 'Four Bright Coins Shining at Me’ Financial Education in Childhood, Financial Confidence in Adulthood, Journal of Consumers

(2017) Boggio C, Fornero E, Prast H, Sanders J. Seven ways to knit your portfolio: Is the language of investor communication gender neutral? in Garzone G, Catenaccio P, Grego K, Doerr R (eds), “Specialised and professional discourse across media and genres”, Milano: Ledizioni.

(2016) Fornero E. Economic-financial literacy for sustainable welfare reforms in Franklin B, Urzì Brancati C, Hochlaf D (eds), “Towards a new age: The future of the UK welfare state”, International Longevity Centre, UK, pp. 62-68.

(2016) Fornero E, Coda Moscarola F, Strøm S. Absenteeism, childcare and the effectiveness of pension reforms IZA Journal of European Labor Studies, 5:1, DOI 10.1186/s40174-016-0056-3.

(2015) Fornero E. Riforme previdenziali tra vincoli di breve periodo e obiettivi di lungo termine, in Politiche Sociali, Il Mulino, 3:443-459.

(2015) Fornero E. “Reform, Inform, Educate”: A New Paradigm for Pension Systems in Marin B.(ed.), “The Future of Welfare in a Global Europe”, Ashgate, pp. 297-324.

(2015) Fornero E. European pensions and social security: Can there be a happy ending? in Barysch K (ed.) “Our world and us. How our environment and our societies will change”, Allianz SE, pp. 154-171.

(2015) Fornero E. Economic-financial literacy and (sustainable) pension reforms: why the former is a key ingredient for the latter, Bankers, Markets & Investors, 134.

(2013) Reforming labor markets: reflections of an economist who (unexpectedly) became the Italian Minister of Labor, in IZA Journal of European Labor Studies, 2:20 (; most viewed (

Awards and prizes

Tarantelli prize for AspI, (the Social Insurance for Employment scheme, one of the pillars of the labour market reform), selected as best economic idea of the year by “Il Club dell’Economia” 2013

The “Liberal Award” by the Swiss “Young Liberals”, 2013

“La Mela d’Oro / Women: innovation and human capital” prize by the Marisa Bellisario Foundation, in 2011;

(with Olivia Mitchell), INA International Prize for the Economics, Finance and Statistics of Private Insurance by the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome, 2003;

(jointly with Ignazio Musu), Saint Vincent Price for Economics, 2001.

Silvia Francescon

International politics area

Competences: Environment, Geopolitics, Global Governance, Sustainability

Keywords: biodiversity, European Union, female leadership, G7, gender equality, international relations, leadership, sustainability

Region: Lazio


Senior advisor for sustainability, European Movement 

Professional career

Silvia Francescon’s mission in life is working for the Planet. Silvia has been the Director of the Rome Office of the European Council on Foreign Relations for 9 years. She also worked for 4 years at the Prime Minister Office, G7 Sherpa Unit. In 2016-2017 in preparation of and during the Italian Presidency of the G7 focusing on the gender equality dossier and on the drafting of the Leaders’ Declaration. In 2007-2009 Silvia worked at the Prime Minister Office as Deputy head of the G8-G20 Sherpa Office, where she was in charge of coordinating the Prime Minister and Sherpa’s G8 and G20 policy dossiers and bilaterals. Silvia also served the United Nations as Coordinator of the Millennium Campaign in Italy and is a former negotiator of international and European agreements for the Italian Ministry for the Environment, where she worked for 4 years. Previously, Silvia worked at the OECD (Environment Directorate, Paris), the WTO (Legal Affairs Division, Geneva) and the European Commission (DG Agriculture, Brussels) and was Research Fellow at the International Law Departments of the Universities of Leiden (NL) and Ferrara (Italy). Silvia Francescon did her Erasmus at the University of Leiden, Faculty of Law. 

Silvia holds a Masters in International Environmental Law at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS, London) and graduated cum laude in International Law at the University of Ferrara.

She is a member of the IAI Committee of Directors, the CESPI’s Scientific Committee, the Strategic Committee of the BA on Global Governance at the University of Tor Vergata and a founding member of Women in International Security - Italy

Scientific results

Current projects: working on crafting a new generation of leaders (personal and professional mastery); make Europe the world leader for sustainable development.

Previous highlights: two Italian Presidencies of the G7/G8 (in 2009 and 2017, Prime minister’s Office), one Italian Presidency of the European Union (in 2003 Ministry for the Environment); lead a UN Campaign on the Development Goals; lead a foreign affairs think tank.

Editorial work and publications

From 2010 to 2019 multiple articles published on ECFR.EU website on geopolitics and Italian politics.

In English

[2006] Francescon, S., The impact of GMOs on Poor Countries: A Threat to the Achievement of the Millennium Development Goals?, in Rivista di Biologia, Biology Forum, 3, 381-394.

[2005] Francescon, S., Ministry of Internal Affairs v. Patmos Shipping Corporation (1989), jurisprudence case in International Environmental Law Reports, International Environmental Law in National Courts, 4; Cambridge University Press, 288-297.

[2004] Francescon, S., The political momentum on access to genetic resources and equitable sharing of the benefits deriving from their utilization, in the Istituto Agronomico per l’Oltremare’s web site.

[2003] Francescon, S., Recent developments of the international processes on access to genetic resources and benefit sharing, and on traditional knowledge of the indigenous and local communities, in the Istituto Agronomico per l’Oltremare’s web site.

[2001] Francescon, S., The New Directive 2001/18/EC on the Deliberate Release of Genetically Modified Organisms into the Environment: Changes and Perspectives, in RECIEL, Review of European Community and International Environmental Law, 10, 3, 309-320.

[2001] Francescon, S., The Precautionary Principle in the European Union, in International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Environmental Law Center Newsletter, 1, 15-19.

[2000] Francescon, S., The Precautionary Principle: Its Status under WTO Law, in The Economist Conferences - “Colloque sur le Principe de Précaution” (co-authored with Jan Kuijper P., former Director, Legal Affairs Division, WTO).

[2000] Francescon, S., The Regulation of GM Foods in the EU: An Overview, in New York University Environmental Law Journal, 8, 3, 530-555 (co-authored with Mackenzie R., former Biodiversity Programme Director, FIELD).

In Italian

[2006] Francescon, S., La cancellazione del debito quale contributo alle politiche di lotta alla povertà, in Output N.3.

[2003] Francescon, S., Quale futuro per “commercio e ambiente” dopo Hong Kong?, in Rivista Giuridica dell’Ambiente, 2, 359-366.

[2003] Francescon, S., Quali agricoltori? Il dibattito in seno al WTO, in Il Ponte, Volume speciale su “Il cibo”, 121-135.

[2002] Francescon, S.; “Biosafety”: Europa e USA su vie diverse, in Etica per le Professioni, Giornale della Fondazione Lanza, 3, 39-47.

Awards and prizes

Teaching assistant in International Law, University of Ferrara.

Alessandra Franzosi

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Institutional Investors, Sustainability

Keywords: asset allocation, demographics, Financial Markets, institutional investors, pension funds, sovereign funds, sustainability

Region: Lombardy


Head of Pension Funds and Asset Owners for Capital Markets of Borsa Italiana and London Stock Exchange Group. Lecturer of International Capital Markets at Bocconi University

Professional career

At the London Stock Exchange Group Alessandra is responsible for the relationship with the Asset Owners, such as pension funds, insurances, sovereign wealth funds. She promotes Capital Markets and LSEG brand globally and develops strategic intelligence to identify new trends and opportunities.  She is focal point for issues related to Responsible Investment and ESG. She has been working  for the Italian Stock Exchange since 2000, where she coordinated for ten years the Economic Research Team.  From 1995 to 2000 she was economist at Ref.  an independent economic research provider.  She graduated in Economics at the Bocconi University in 1995, she got a Master degree in Econometrics at the University of Southampton in 1998.  Since 2007 she has been teaching International Financial Markets at Bocconi University. 

She is regularly invited as a speaker at national and international conferences,  she is author of numerous publications, she is Judge in various Awards dedicated Institutional Investors.    

Scientific results

Alessandra had the opportunity to lead relevant projects. She contributed to the Italian National Pension Funds Day hosting international pension funds and facilitating sharing of outstanding experiences.  She participated in drafting the "ESG Guide for issuers" by LSEG and she is among the organizers of the Italian Sustainability Day. She supported to the preparatory work for “Consob SMES Table” and for  the introduction of tax reliefs for investment in SMEs.  She coordinates the working group on “Italian Institutional Investors investing in the domestic real economy”.

Her professional activity has always been strictly connected with scientific research in the field of finance and economics, with a focus on determinants of international capital flows, asset allocation of institutional investors, regulation and capital allocation connections. Recently her interest has turned to issues such as comparative analysis of pension funds, PEPP, ESG investment and active ownership, impacts of regulation on insurances capital allocation.  

Alessandra is Mentor at the London Stock Exchange Group  Mentorship Program.

Editorial work and publications

Alessandra Franzosi is author of numerous publications, including:

(2019) “Investire in Italia: attivare le potenzialità del Paese”, Quaderno di approfondimento 2019, Itinerari Previdenziali, January

(2017) “Your Guide to ESG Reporting. Guidance for issuers on the integration of ESG into investor reporting and communication”, edited by LSEG, February

 (2014) “Investitori Istituzionali, mercato azionario italiano e flussi finanziari” in ‘L'evoluzione dell'asset management durante la crisi: lesson learnt' ed. G. Giudici and F. Marchetto, McGraw-Hill, December

 (2006) “Portoflio and psychology of high frequency online traders. Second report on the Italian market”, with Alemanni B., BItNotes n. 16, July

 (2004) “Capital heterogeneity: does it matter? Fundamental Q and investment on a panel of Italian firms”, con Bontempi E., Del Boca A., Galeotti M. and Rota, L., Rand Journal of Economics, Vol. 35, n. 4, Winter

Awards and prizes

Alessandra Franzosi participated as a speaker at numerous conferences. Among the most recent:

(2018) “World Pension Summit”, The Hague, April

(2018) “EPFSF lunch debate in the European Parliament  on The Pan-European Personal Product (PEPP) Chapter”, European Parliament, Brussels, March

(2018) “SMART BOARDS for SMART COMPANIES. Si può misurare la buona governance?”, Valore D, Milan, February

(2017) “L’adozione dei criteri ESG: da approccio di nicchia a mainstream”, Mefop, Rome, October

(2017) “Pension Funds Risks & Asset Allocation”, IPE360, London, 23-24 June

(2018, 2017) “Annual Meeting Compagnie di Assicurazione”, Itinerari Previdenziali, Venice, June


Liliana Fratini Passi

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Financial Economy

Keywords: big data, digitisation, electronic payments, innovation, institutions

Region: Lazio


CEO CBI S.c.p.a.

Professional career

After graduating in Business and Economics at the “La Sapienza” University of Rome in 1995, she continued her education by taking a Master's Degree in Economy and Management of Financial and Insurance intermediaries at the LUISS Business School of Rome.

She began working with ABI in the Finance Sector for the Euro Project (‘96-’98), after which she joined the start-up team at Wind Telecommunications in the Finance Department.

In 2001, she returned to ABI to see to its start-up process for the Interbank Corporate Banking project (ACBI) and took on the role of Manager of the Technical Secretariat. Then, when ACBI turned into Consorzio CBI in 2008, she became its General Secretary. Due to the large number of innovative contributions made, she was appointed as Chief Executive Officer in 2011.

She also received various nominations both at the domestic and international levels: holds various national and international appointments: she is currently the UN/CEFACT Vice Chair for the International Supply Chain (Pay) Programme Development Area (PDA); since 2013 she performs the role of UNECE – UN/CEFACT liaison rapporteur to ISO TC 68 (technical committee on financial services); she is also board member of ISO 20022 Registration Management Group (RMG); for UN/CEFACT, since 2015 to 2020 she held the position of Finance and Payment Domain coordinator within the International Supply Chain PDA; after being nominated in 2017 by the decree law of the Ministry of Economic Development, she performed  the role of President of the Financial Services Working Group of the National Committee on Trade Facilitation for the 2018-2019 years period; in 2008, she took part in the European Commission E-Invocing Expert Group, helping to draw up the first final report on e-Invoicing. Starting from April 2019, she is Board Member of UNINFO.

She is a member of EURISPES the Scientific Committee; Member of the Board of Directors of the National Association for the Study of Credit Problems (A.N.S.P.C.), Member of the Advisory Board of the Banking Magazine, Minerva Bancaria, Member of the Program Committee - CeTIF Banks division for the period 2021 – 2023,  and is a member of the Board of the Civita Association. 

Liliana Fratini Passi is an expert on all matters related to open finance, e-payments, the financial-value chain and Big-Data analytics, but also on matters regarding the gender gap in the financial sector.

She is also Independent board member of listed companies ELICA SpA.

Scientific results

Here follows a list of some of the innovation projects carried out under her responsibility over the past few years:

2019- ongoing: development of an open finance ecosystem through CBI Globe, to facilitate the interconnection between payment service providers and the development of value-added services through APIs

 2017- 2019: as regards the PSD2 Directive, CBI S.c.p.a.  has been tasked with – on behalf of the Italian banking industry – all standardisation activities and with setting up a collaborative gateway, called CBI Globe (, aimed at interconnecting Third Parties and account-servicing payment-service providers (otherwise known as ASPSPs)

 2017- ongoing: as regards the PSD2 Directive, the Consorzio CBI has been tasked with – on behalf of the Italian banking industry – all standardisation activities and with setting up a cooperative gateway, called CBI Globe (, aimed at interconnecting Third Parties and account-servicing payment-service providers (otherwise known as ASPSPs)

2017: development of a CBI Big-Data cooperative service aimed at boosting the predictive capabilities of banks, and development of a Mutuitel service together with Notartel

2016: upgrading and extension of the CBILL Service interconnected with pagoPA. CBILL ( allows online payments as well as the consultation of bills and notices to pay

2013: launch of “PA Invoice” function

Editorial work and publications

She has authored numerous articles offering insights into these topics which have been published on financial journals and dailies both on an Italian national and international level:

(2020) Fratini Passi L. CBI Globe: the platform enabling the transition from open banking to the data sharing economy. MK, Bancaria Editrice, 1.

(2019) The paradigm shift in the payments market: Italy in pole position, Rivista Bancaria. Minerva Bancaria, n. 5-6.

(2019) Fratini Passi L. CBI Globe: the collaborative Open Banking platform to create the bank of the future. MK, Bancaria Editrice, 2.

(2019) Fratini Passi L.Electronic invoicing and integration opportunities in the financial value chain. Administration and Finance. IPSOA, 3.

(2019) Fratini Passi L. CBI Globe: a collaborative platform to manage the challenge of open banking and Psd2, Bancaria, Bancaria Editrice.

(2018) Fratini Passi L. The creation of an open banking ecosystem to get ready for the PSD2. The CBI Globe testimony.Tempo Finanziario, Number 3-4, Year VIII.

(2018) Fratini Passi L. An open banking ecosystem to survive the revised Payment Services Directive: Connecting international banks and FinTechs with the CBI Globe platform.Journal of Payments Strategy and Systems Volume 12 Number 4

 (2017) Fratini Passi L. The Italian finance industry sustains the digitalisation of the Public Administration-business-citizen relationship: electronic invoicing and CBILL service. Journal of Payments Strategy and Systems, 9, 1.

(2017) Fratini Passi L. The CBILL service: e-payments for the digitalisation of the Nation. MK n. 5.

As from March 2015: running a feature blog on subjects relating to digitalisation, e-payments and the modernisation process of the Public Administration. For the magazine entitled - the online Eurispes journal (Institute of Political, Economic and Social Studies).

Contribution to two in-depth articles by Sole 24 Ore on the subject of Electronic Invoicing (11 March 2015 and 28 May 2014).

(2012) Fratini Passi L. Banks and new trends on the issue of the dematerialisation of the order-payment cycle. Bancaria Editrice.

(2012) Fratini Passi L. La Fattura elettronica in Italia e nel mondo: mercato e principali trend in corso, Bancaria Editrice.

Awards and prizes

On June 2019, the Margutta Prize was awarded to Liliana Fratini Passi for the "Entrepreneurship" category.

She was honoured with the “La colomba della Cività” [The Dove of Civilization] Award in December 2013 from the “Alba del Terzo Millennio” [Dawn of the Third Millennium] Association “In recognition of professional activities promoted in recent years in favour of the Italian banking system with special regard for those undertaken for the development of Consorzio CBI in the promotion of services for the dematerialisation of documents at Italian and international institutions contributing, in particular, to the innovation and modernisation of the financial-administrative-accounting processes in the Public Administration, by way of the banking system infrastructure with particular regard given to CBI, designed by the Italian Banking Association and under whose aegis Consorzio CBI expresses its mission”.

She has been selected by Forbes Italia amongst the most "100 influential Italian women of 2021".

In September 2021 she is named among the 50 most inspiring Italian women in the world of technology with the award InspiringFifty for Italy.

In November 2021, she received the award of "Woman in FinTech of the Year" in the framework of the "Women in Finance - 2020/2021 Italy Awards", the award that celebrates female talent and the value of gender diversity in the world of finance.

Also in November 2021, she was recognised as Managing Director of the Year, for the Banking sector, with the following motivation: "Unanimously recognised as one of the most influential women in the national economic-financial scene, thanks to her leadership, skills and tenacity, she is guiding CBI to excellent results, putting the company in a leading position in the revolution linked to digital payments".

Valeria Frigerio


Competences: Grassroots Sport Activities

Keywords: diversity and inclusion, gender issues, Sport and Education, sport and integration, sports for all, women in sport

Region: Veneto


Responsible Gender Equality Policy of UISP(Unione Italiana Sport per Tutti /Sport for All Association), Veneto

Professional career

fter classical studies, Valeria Frigerio began her career as President of the Unione Italiana Sport per Tutti (UISP), of the Veneto region. In 1985 she was part of the group that drafted the 'Charter of Women's Rights in Sport', and in the following years she took part in the organisation of activities to promote, update and develop the Charter: 2011 European Charter, Eu Olympia Project, 2017 ENWOSP Comics Charter. 
In the course of her career, she followed several campaigns to promote sport for all and health (e.g., the "Diamoci una mossa" project, food and exercise education for primary school children) and participated in the Uisp National working group for the drafting of the manifesto for correct information on women's sport, produced by UISP, in collaboration with the Giulia Giornaliste association.

Flavia Frisone

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Ancient Geography, Ancient History, Archaeology, Cultural Heritage, Greek History, Greek Myths and Religion, History, Social History

Keywords: colonialism, cultural contact, democracy, globalisation, Greek political thought, history of women, Mediterranean, migrations, polis, rituals (burial customs)

Region: Apulia


Associate Professor of  Greek History and Dean of the Degree Course in Cultural Heritage, at the University of Salento (Lecce).

Professional career

Flavia Frisone graduated with honours in Classics from the University of Messina (degree thesis in Classical Philology, 1988). After a post-graduate scholarship at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa in Greek History, she won a two-years scholarship at the Postgraduate Archaeological School of the University of Lecce where she specialised in Classical Archaeology. PhD in Ancient History (1993-1996). She awarded a post-doctoral scholarship at the Dept. of Cultural Heritage of the University of Lecce, and in 2000 she won the competition for university researcher in the LANT02-Greek History sector and strarted working at the Dept. of Cultural Heritage of the University of Lecce. Since 2010 she has held the position of associate professor. In 2017 she obtained her national qualification as a full professor. She has been Coordinator of the PhD School in Ancient History (2012-2016) and since 2017 is Dean of the Degree Course of Cultural Heritage at the University of Salento. 

She collaborates with local organs of the Ministry, like Archaeological Superintendencies, as regards excavations in Southern Italy and and Sicily and organized exibitions in national public or private museums. She is a member of the editorial board  of journals and of scientific societies. She also carries on an intense activity of scientific dissemination and holds seminars and conferences in Italy and abroad.

Scientific results

Flavia Frisone’s  main fields of research have focused on rituals in the ancient Greek world, and in particular funerary rituals, with their complex social and political meaning. On this topic she has widely published (besides various articles, a monograph, Leggi e regolamenti funerari nel mondo greco. Le fonti epigrafiche, 2002).

Another important area of her studies concerns Greek colonisation and the mobility in ancient Mediterranean, investigations which have been carried on within the frame of research projects funded by the Italian Ministry of Scientific Reasearch (PRIN 2003-2005; PRIN 2006-2008) and  of EU funded projects (INTERREG III A Greece-Italy 2006). They include also topic as cultural interaction and the relationships among Greek and native communities in Magna Graecia, in Sicily and in the whole Western Mediterranean in antiquity. On these issues she has edited, together with M. Lombardo, the volume Colonie di colonie: le fondazioni sub-coloniali greche tra colonizzazione e colonialismo (2009) besides several papers and articles.

Starting from questions concerning Greek history, Frisone has also focused on researches of women history and gender issues. Lastly these topics have been developed in the frame of public history, a field in which Frisone has been interested since time: in the 1st Conference of Italian Society of Public History (2017), she has been Chair of the panel AIPH-12 “Archaeostories of all of us”, and she is now a member of the panel Gender and Public History of the Italian Society of Public History.

Editorial work and publications

[2002] Frisone F., Leggi e regolamenti funerari nel mondo greco. I. Le fonti epigrafiche, Congedo Editore.

[2003] Frisone F. Manuale di storia greca. 2.2. La documentazione, Monduzzi Editore.

[2009] Lombardo M., Frisone F. (eds.) Colonie i colonie: le fondazioni sub-coloniali greche tra colonizzazione e colonialismo, Congedo Editore.

[2011]  Frisone F. Construction of consensus: Norms and Change in Greek Funerary Rituals, in Chaniotis A. (ed.) Ritual Dynamics in the Ancient Mediterranean: Agency, Emotion, Gender, Representation, Stuttgart: Steiner Verlag: 179-201.

[2011] Frisone F., La polis greca: gli anticorpi della comunità solidale fra pentitismo e delazione. Iuris Antiqui Historia, (III): 17-31

[2012] Frisone F. Rivers, land organization, and identity in Greek Western Apoikíai. Mediterranean Historical Review, 27(1): 87-115.

[2016] Frisone F. Experimenting Basileia: Princely Models and the Tyrants of Sicily. KTÈMA, 40: 175-87. 

[2016] Frisone F. Sistemi coloniali e definizioni identitarie: le ‘colonie sorelle’ della Sicilia orientale e della Calabria meridionale, in Nizzo V., Donnelan L., Burgers G.J.(eds.) Conceptualising early Colonisation: 179-96.

[2017] Frisone, F. La mujer griega y la polis. Desperta Ferro. Arqueologìa & Historia, 11: 48-55. 

[2017] Frisone, F. Archeostorie di tutti noi: per uno storytelling dei beni culturaliIntroduzione al panel AIPH-12 Archeostorie di tutti noi - 1st Conference of the AIPH, 

[2020] Frisone F., Lombardo M. Dire les villes des « Autres ». Les établissements des peuples non grecs de l’Occident dans l’historiographie grecque, d’Hécatée à Thucydide, in  Lopez‐Rabatel L., Mathé V., Moretti J.-C. (eds.) Dire la ville en grec aux époques antique et byzantine, MOM Éditions: 57-74.

[2021] Frisone F., Les objets fous de Palerme e et d’autres histoires fantastiques d'épigraphie créative. Studi di Antichità 15: 109-22.

Paola Gaeta

International politics area

Competences: International Criminal Law, International Humanitarian Law, International Law

Keywords: aggression, armed conflicts, crimes against humanity, genocide, international crimes, international criminal courts, use of force, war crimes

Region: ABROAD


Professor of International Law at University of Geneva (Suisse)

Professional career

Paola Gaeta (PhD in Law, European University Institute, 1997) is Professor of Public International Law at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (Geneva).  Before she joined the Institute, she was Professor of International Criminal Law at the University of Geneva and Adjunct Professor at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies. Previously, from 1998 to 2007, Paola Gaeta was consecutively Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor of International Law at the University of Florence. 

She was the Director of the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights (with Andrew Clapham) from 2010 to 2014, and was the Director of its LLM programmes from 2007 to 2014. She was also Long-Term Visiting Professor (1.09.2014-31.08.2015) and then Adjunct Professor at the Law Department of Bocconi University, Milan (1.09.2015 -31.08.2018).

She is a member of the Board of Directors of the Italian Institute for International Affairs (as from January 2017) and a promoter and founder of the Antonio Cassese Intiative for Justice, Peace and Humanity.

Scientific results

Professor’s Gaeta research interests focus on International criminal law, particularly with regard to topics more closely related to general issues of public international law and/or exposed to cross-fertilization by international human rights law and international humanitarian law. 

The most relevant publications in this field include The 1949 Geneva Conventions, A commentary(co-editor with A. Clapham and M. Sassòli) (OUP, 2015); The Oxford Handbook of International Law in Armed Conflict(co-edited with Andrew Clapham) (OUP, 2014), the third and updated edition of Cassese’s International Criminal Law(with Antonio Cassese and others, OUP 2013); The UN Genocide Convention: A Commentary(editor, OUP, 2009); and The Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary(co-editor with A. Cassese and J.R.W.D. Jones, OUP 2001). 

She is currently leading a research project, funded by the Swiss National Foundation for Research, on Lethal Autonomous Weapons and Responsibility for War Crimes.

Editorial work and publications

She is the author of numerous publications in leading international journals and volumes, covering a variety of issues concerning her area of interests and expertise.  She is also the co-author, with Antonio Cassese, of Cassese’s International Criminal Law, 3rd ed, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013 and Le sfide del diritto internazionale (‘Current Challenges of International Law’), Bologna, Il Mulino, 2008 [315 pp]. 

The full list of publications is available at the following address:

She is also a Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of International Criminal Justiceand previously of the European Journal of International Law. She was also editor (with S. Zappalà), of the Oxford Monographs in International Humanitarian and Criminal Law (Oxford University Press) (2012-16).

Awards and prizes

Winner (together with A. Clapham and M. Sassoli) of the 2017 ASIL Certificate of Merit for high technical craftsmanship and utility to practicing lawyers and scholars for the following volume: Andrew Clapham, Paola Gaeta, and Marco Sassóli (eds), The 1949 Geneva Conventions: A Commentary (Oxford University Press, 2015)

Elena Gagliasso

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Citizen Science, Espistemology, Philosophy, Philosophy of Biology, Science Policy

Keywords: environment, environmentalism, gender studies, philosophies of evolutionism, women, women and science

Region: Lazio


Professor of Philosophy of Science at La Sapienza University of Rome

Professional career

Elena Gagliasso graduated in 1971 and began her career in 1976 at La Sapienza University of Rome, first as a researcher and then as an associate (qualified full professor in 2013). Since 2019 she has been an adjunct professor 'for high qualification' in Philosophy of Science. 

She has taught Philosophy and the Sciences of the Living in Rome and at the Oriental University of Naples, and was until 2018 a member of the Doctoral College in Philosophy at Sapienza. She is currently its external consultant. Together with philosophers and biologists she founded, and directed for several mandates, the Interuniversity Centre for Epistemology and History of Living Research (ResVIVA); she has been part of the Scientific Committee of the Center for Methodology of Science Research, Cerms; she was president of the Metaphor Club; she is currently in the Scientific Committee of AIEMS (Association for the Study of Systemic Theories), she was among the co-founders of the Women&Science Association and of the New Academy Association .

She has participated in national PRINs and in two University projects, one of which as Chief Investigator, and organised about 30 national and international conferences and doctoral permanent seminars. Visiting professor at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, at Sissa in Trieste, at the Universities of Pisa, Florence, Cosenza, Venice and Eastern Piedmont. Present in Third Sector missions, from cultural events to radio broadcasts, to lectures in high schools. 

Scientific results

Elena Gagliasso is an internationally renowned expert in methodology and history of modern biology, eco-evolutionism and environmental science and policy, science-society relations (from issues of non-neutrality of science to Citizen Science). She has worked on the link between philosophy, history and ideologies of scientific concepts, on the theme of laws, processes and contingent randomness in bioevolutionary theories, on the relationships between reductionism, holism and narrative methodologies in post-normal science, also considering the theme of gender. 

Editorial work and publications

Elena Gagliasso was on the board of the Rivista di Storia della Scienza, founded and was on the scientific committee of Sofia. Materials of women's philosophy and culture. She is currently on the scientific board of Scienza&Filosofia, Testo e Senso, HumanaMente, Riflessioni Sistemiche and on the scientific committee of Paradigmi. Magazine of Philosophical Criticism.

He has published about 200 specialist and cultural articles, two monographic volumes, and edited about 25 volumes and journals in the philosophical-scientific field. Below is a selection.

[2020] Gagliasso E. Stili di ricerca mutanti. Le donne lavorano l’evoluzionismo, in (a cura di) Gagliasso E., Severini E., Pollo S. Che genere di darwinismo? Scienza, evoluzionismo e questioni di genere, Notizie di Politeia, anno XXXVI, n.139: 28-34.

[2020] Gagliasso E. Agenda (e subenda) covidaria in quattro movimenti: tra epistemologia e coevoluzione, in (a cura di) Monti M., Redi C. A., La vita dopo (il)/ la Covid-19, Ibis: 153-164.

[2020] Gagliasso E. L’uso fecondo del limite. Epistemologia, ecologia, filosofia, in (a cura di) Bucci P., Galletti M. Il futuro della mente, Edizioni ETS: 295-308.

[2020] Gagliasso E. Il paradigma ecologico come stile di ragionamento e il negazionismo, in (a cura di) Mangia C., Rubbia G., Ravaioli M., Ambiente e clima. Il presente per il futuro, IRPP e-publishing: 26-33.

[2019] Gagliasso E. Il concetto di campo in biologia. Tra filosofie tacite e sperimentazioni, in (ed. by) Marina De Palo, Monografic number- Field theories. Psychology, linguistics, biology, Paradigmi, XXXVII, 2-: 275-291.

[2019] Gagliasso E. Condividui in evoluzione: quale filosofia? in (a cura di) Monti M., Redi C.A. CON-dividuo, Cellule e Genomi – XVII corso, Ibis: 81-96.

[2016] Gagliasso E. Morganti F. Passariello A. (a cura di), Percorsi Evolutivi. Lezioni di Filosofia della biologia, Franco Angeli: pp. 196.

[2015] Gagliasso E. Individuals as Ecosystems: An Essential Tension, (eds.) Gagliasso E., Sterpetti F.Natura e conoscenza. Paradigmi, n.2 anno XXXIII, maggio agosto: 87-104.

[2015] Gagliasso E. Per un’epistemologia critica ed autocritica, in (a cura di) Gagliasso E., Della Rocca M., Memoli R., Per una scienza critica, ETS: 111-129.

[2014] Gagliasso E. Contesti di vita: ragionare con Darwin ecologo, in (a cura di) Bucchi S., Gensini S., Darwiniana. Evoluzione e comunicazione, Edizioni ETS: 9-24.

[2013] Gagliasso E. Ambiente, in (a cura di) Michelini F., Davies J., Frontiere della biologia, Mimesis: 117-142.

[2008] Gagliasso E. Dividual Systems & Ultraneoteny, in (eds. by) Molfino F., Zucco F., Women in Biotechnology. Creating Interfaces, Springer: 143-160.

Simonetta Gallerini

STEM area: Chemistry

Competences: Industrial Chemistry, Total Quality Management

Keywords: business model canvas, Kaizen Monozukuri WG, Lean, Six Sigma, Toyota Way

Region: ABROAD


IMPROVEMENT & SAVING Project Leader. EU Lead Auditor Conformity Assessment CE marking

Professional career

After graduating in Chemistry at the University of Florence (1999) and a scholarship at the Interuniversity Consortium for Research on Metal-Proteins of the University of Florence, she gained professional experience in various fields, distinguishing herself for the study and optimisation of business processes and analytical methods in the pharmaceutical and environmental fields.

From 2000 to 2017 she was Technical Consultant for the Office of the Court of Florence.

From 2003 to May 2008, she worked at ALPHA ECOLOGIA Srl, obtaining ACCREDIA accreditation, optimising company processes and chemical laboratory activities.

In 2006 she obtained the certification of Internal Auditor (ISO19011) for Quality Management Systems at CSQA. 

From May 2008 to February 2016 she worked at Biochemielab Srl, first as Laboratory Manager implementing the Quality Management System with the process approach, the QA/QC EPA Standard Quality System, increasing ACCREDIA ISO17025 accreditation, digitalization of laboratory activities; then as Quality Assurance Manager dealing with the integrated quality-environment-safety system, ISO9001, ISO14001 certifications, ACCREDIA ISO17025 accreditation, optimization of business processes.

From 2016 to 2022 she held the role of Quality Assurance Manager in SAGEA Centro di Saggio Srl, International Contract Research Organization in the agri-food sector, dealing with GLP and GEP certifications as an internal auditor. He has implemented the ISO9001 Quality Management System in the company, the process approach of the Japanese Total Quality model.

In 2022 she becomes IMPROVEMENT & SAVING Project Leader, leading some standardization projects for European laboratories, projects commissioned by the European Commission DG-GROW with the CEN in Brussels, and EU Lead Auditor at a Dutch notification/certification body EFCI Register ( NB2832) authorized by the European Commission for the conformity assessment and CE marking of products for the European market.

Since 2016 she has been national president of the Food Sector of AICQ (Italian Association of Quality Culture) for the diffusion of quality in the agri-food sector and vice-president of the Testing and Calibration Laboratories Committee of AICQ for the diffusion of quality in testing laboratories.

Since 2019 she has been Green Belt Six Sigma and is an international consultant in TQM and Lean Six Sigma at COMATCH GmbH based in Berlin.

Scientific results

Since 2000, she has been an expert in the implementation of the Japanese Total Quality Management model (Toyota Way), Kaizen continuous improvement, business process analysis and Lean Six Sigma projects, and the corporate implementation of MonozukuriWG

She has participated in numerous presentations as a speaker and gained extensive training experience.

In particular, from 2016 to date, her activity in AICQ has allowed her to organise Training Courses and National Conferences with Istituto Superiore di Sanità, ACCREDIA, AICQ-SICEV.

Since 2018 she is a UNI/CT 003 member "Agro-food Commission" with voting rights, UNI/CT003/GL21 member "Plant Biostimulants" with voting rights, UNI/CT406 member "Fertilizers" with voting rights, UNI/CT003/GL23 member "Food Authenticity" with voting rights.

Since 2019 she is one of the managers of the European Training Project ENVIRECA-ERASMUS+ European Commission, AICQ, DU, FLA, HRC, CSM and EXELIA "Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training" for the HORECA sector.

Editorial work and publications

[2017] Gallerini S., Le GLP/BPL, il Kaizen e il Monozukuri, Magazine Qualità AICQ gen-feb 

[2016] Gallerini S., Le GLP/BPL, il Kaizen e il Monozukuri, AICQ QualitàOnLine, novembre 

[2007] Gallerini S., Salvini A., Frediani P., Homogeneous hydrogenation of ketones in the presence of H2Ru(CO)2(PPh3)2, Dalton Transaction, Issue 39

[2001], Gallerini S., Total Quality Management nel passaggio generazionale delle imprese toscane, ASFOR Toscana

[2000] Gallerini S., Salvini A., Frediani P., Homogeneous hydrogenation of ketones in the presence of H2Ru(CO)2(PPh3)2, Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 14: 570-580

[1999] Gallerini S., Salvini A., Frediani P., Homogeneous hydrogenation, XIII FECHEM International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry Book of Abstract, Lisbon

Awards and prizes

In 2016 she received the Sagea Innovation Award, an award for the implementation of Total Quality Management aimed at the pursuit of continuous Kaizen improvement.

In 2017 she received the AICQ Committees and Sectors Award, as president of the Food Sector for having actively participated in the diffusion of Quality Culture in Italy, for national training events organised with success in terms of audience and contents and for articles published in the magazines Qualità Magazine and Qualità On Line.

Christel Galvani


Competences: Methods and Didactics of Sport Activities, Methods and Teaching of Motor Activities

Keywords: expertise therapy, functional evaluation, physical activity

Region: Lombardy


Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Department of Psychology, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. Head of the Exercise & Sport Science Laboratory, Exercise and Sport Science Degree Course, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.

Professional career

After obtaining her Diploma in Physical Education at the Higher Institute of Physical Education of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, she obtained her Licence at the U.F.R. (Unité de Formation et de Recherche) S.T.A.P. S. (Science et Technique des Activités Physiques et Sportives) in Nice (France) and the Diplôme d'Etude Approfondie in S.T.A.P.S. (Science et Technique des Activités Physiques et Sportives) at the University of Marseille (France). In 2008 she obtained a PhD in S.T.A.P.S (Science et Technique des Activités Physiques et Sportives) at the University of Rennes2.
From 1996 to 2002, she worked at Technogym's "Study and Research Centre" developing products, training protocols and research protocols.
In 2002, she began her academic career as a researcher and then Associate Professor at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan.

Editorial work and publications

(2012) Raffaelli C, Galvani C, Lanza M, Zamparo P. Different methods for monitoring intensity during water-based aerobic exercises. Eur J Appl Physiol, 112(1):125-34.

(2013) Galvani C, Bruseghini P, Annoni I, Demarie S, Salvati A, Faina M. Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption after different moderate physical activities in a healthy female populationMedicina dello Sport, 66(2):163-78.

(2013) Alberti M, Galvani C, El Ghoch M, Capelli C, Lanza M, Calugi S, Dalle Grave R. Assessment of Physical Activity in Anorexia Nervosa and Treatment OutcomeMed Sci Sports Exerc, 45(9):1643-8

(2015) Galvani C, Ardigò LP, Alberti M, Daniele F, Capelli C. Physical activity, sleep pattern and energy expenditure in double-handed offshore sailing. J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 55(12):1480-8.

(2017) Ciprandi D, Bertozzi F, Zago M, Ferreira CLP, Boari G, Sforza C, Galvani CStudy of the association between gait variability and physical activity. Eur Rev Aging Phys Act, 15;14:19. doi: 10.1186/s11556-017-0188-0. eCollection 2017.

( 2018) Ciprandi D, Zago M, Bertozzi F, Sforza C, Galvani CInfluence of energy cost and physical fitness on the preferred walking speed and gait variability in elderly women. J Electromyogr Kinesiol, 26;43:1-6. 

(2020) Bruseghini P, Tam E, Calabria E, Milanese C, Capelli C, Galvani CHigh Intensity Interval Training Does Not Have Compensatory Effects on Physical Activity Levels in Older Adults. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 8;17(3):1083.

(2020) Casolo A, Nuccio S, Tommasini E, Casolo F, Galvani CParental influence on children’s cardiometabolic risk factors and cardiorespiratory fitness. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 15(4proc):S1354-S1366.

(2022) Tommasini E, Demarie S, Bruseghini P, Gianfelici A, Galvani CPhysiological and exertional responses of partner dance in elderly. J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 62(5):691-699.

(2022) Tommasini E, Cipriani E, Antonietti A, Galvani CCorrelations Between Physical Activity Level, Quality of Life, and Cognitive Performance in Elderly Individuals Engaging in Multi-Year Dance Activities. J Dance Med Sci, 15;26(1):34-40.

(2022) Pasqualetti M, Onori ME, Canu G, Moretti G, Minucci A, Baroni S, Mordente A, Urbani A, Galvani CThe Relationship between ACE, ACTN3 and MCT1 Genetic Polymorphisms and Athletic Performance in Elite Rugby Union Players: A Preliminary Study. Genes, 13(6):969.

Maria Cristina Gambi

STEM area: Natural and environmental sciences

Competences: Marine Biology

Keywords: biodiversity, ecology, environmental factors, evolutionary biology, oceans, polychaetes, sea

Region: Friuli-Venezia Giulia


Associate researcher at the National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics (OGS) in Trieste

Professional career

After graduating in Biological Sciences from the University of Siena in 1977, from 1977-1979 she carried out an internship as a graduate student at the Institute of Comparative Anatomy (Laboratory of Hydrobiology) of the University of Siena. From 1980 to 1982 she was a member of the Marine Biology, Hydrobiology and Aquaculture Cooperative, "Coipa" (Rome). The following year she was a researcher at the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn in Naples, at the Benthos Ecology Laboratory based at Villa Dohrn, Ischia. In 1986 she was a post-doctoral fellow at the School of Oceanography of the University of Washington and at Friday Harbor Laboratories. Since 1992 she is first researcher at the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn. In 2014 she was awarded the national scientific qualification for Ecology (full professor) and Zoology (associate professor). Since February 2021 she has been a research associate at the Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS) in Trieste.

Scientific results

The research of Maria Cristina Gambi aims to study the diversity and evolutionary biology and ecology of marine benthic invertebrates with special focus on polychaetes (one of the most abundant and diverse groups of benthic assemblages) and their role as bioindicators and in the functioning of coastal benthic habitats. As part of her main results, Maria Cristina Gambi described 16 species of polychaetes new to science and a new and peculiar group of detritivores (debris consumers) in the seagrass Posidonia oceanica system of the Mediterranean and the Thalassia testudinum system in the Caribbean. She identified key species of polychaetes and other invertebrates resistant to various stress factors related to climate change, in particular to ocean acidification, that can be used as models to study acclimatization and adaptation to local conditions of this stressor and other forcing environmental factors. Actually, experimental research on climate change effects on polychaetes and zoobenthic communities are carried out both in the laboratory and in situ, utilizing submerged systems characterized by of emissions of CO2 of volcanic origin from the bottom (gas vents) which cause a natural acidification of the marine water and represent natural laboratories to study future scenario of climate change and ocean acidification. The studies conducted in these systems by M.C. Gambi pionereed the world international research on the effects of ocean acidification in the benthic biota. 

Editorial work and publications

From2005 to 2013 Editor, and from 2014 to present Associate Editor of the International Journal Marine Ecology (Wiley-Blackwell). 

She is author of numerous scientific publications, including some books, and has edited various special issues of Marine Ecology; the most recent and relevant publications are listed below: 

(2018) Teixido N, Gambi MC, Parravicini V, Kroeker K, Micheli F, Villeger S, Ballesteros E. Functional biodiversity loss along natural CO2 gradients. Nature Communications, 9(1). DOI.10.1038/s41467-018-07592-1.

(2018) Foo SA, ByrneM, RicevutoE, Gambi MC. The carbon dioxide vents of Ischia, Italy, a natural laboratory to assess impacts of ocean acidification on marine ecosystems: an overview of research and comparisons with other vent systems. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, 56, 237-310

(2017) Vizzini S, Martínez-Crego B, Andolina C, Massa-Gallucci A, Connell SD, Gambi MC. Ocean acidification as a driver of community simplification via the collapse of higher-order and rise of lower-order consumers. Scientific Report 7, 4018. 

(2013) Kroeker K, Micheli F, Gambi MC. Ocean acidification causes ecosystem shifts via altered competitive interactions. Nature Climate Change, 3, 156-159. 

(2013) Kroeker KJ, Gambi MC, Micheli F. Altered recovery dynamics result in homogenous assemblages in an acidified ocean. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA (PNAS), 110 (31): 12721-12726. 

(2011) Kroeker KJ, Micheli F, Gambi MC, Martz TR. Divergent ecosystem responses within a benthic marine community to ocean acidification. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS), 108 (35), 14515-14520. 

Awards and prizes

She is member of the Italian Society of Marine Biology (S.I.B.M.) since 1977, where she participated in the Steering Committee of the Society from 2009 to 2012 and was for various times coordinator of the Benthos Committee. She also member of the Italian Zoological Association (U.Z.I.), and the Italian Association of Oceanology and Limnology (A.I.O.L.). She has been also a member of the GOSSOE group (Group of Specialists of Southern Ocean Ecology) of the S.C.A.R.-S.C.O.R.

From 1992 to 2001 she was the national representative of the Steering Committee of the International Polychaete Association (I.P.A.) (1992-2001) and from 2001 to 2004 she has been its President.

Sara Gandini

STEM area: Clinical sciences and nutrition science

Competences: Biostatistics, Epidemiology

Keywords: colon cancer, coronavirus, Covid-19, Covid-19 in paediatric age, melanoma, meta analysis, microbiota, vitamin d

Region: Lombardy


Group leader of the "Molecular and Pharmaco-Epidemiology" unit at the Experimental Oncology department of the European Institute of Oncology in Milan (IEO). Faculty member of the European School of Molecular Medicine in Milan (ESMM). Adjunct professor in medical statistics at University of Milan

Professional career

She graduated in Statistics from the University of Bologna in 1993, continuing his education with a specialisation in Biometrics in 1995 at the University of Reading (UK). She joined the IEO in Milan in 1996, when the Institute was only 2 years old; she is constantly involved in research activities. In 2004 she obtained a PhD in Epidemiology from the University of Birmingham (Public Health). Since 2009 she has been Deputy Director of the Division of Biostatistics and Epidemiology at the IEO in Milan and in 2014 she became Consultant of Statistics for the Ethics Committee of Multimedica in Milan. In 2016 she became Adjunct Professor of Mean Statistics at the University of Milan and in 2017 she obtained the National Scientific Qualification to the functions of University Professor in Medical Statistics. Since 2018 she has been a faculty member at the European School of Molecular Medicine in Milan (SEMM) and Group leader of the "Molecular and Pharmaco-Epidemiology" unit at the Department of Experimental Oncology of the European Institute of Oncology in Milan (IEO).

Scientific results

Sara Gandini provides constant consultancy in a wide range of sectors, including statistical analysis of experiments and clinical studies, study designs and development of the protocols. She collaborates with researchers around the world and has conducted extensive research on the cancer epidemiology, including meta-analyses and pooled analyses, with the aim of better understanding cancer aetiology. In recent years her main interest has focused on the study of melanoma and related risk factors which has led to a change in the classification of the Lyon International Cancer Research Agency, defining exposure to the entire spectrum of ultraviolet carcinogens, including sunbed use. Sara Gandini thus came to analyse the role of vitamin D within the complex system of the human body. She is the Principal Investigator of two randomized studies that she designed and promoted to evaluate the effect of vitamin D on the prognosis of patients with melanoma and colon cancer and on the interaction between diet and intestinal microbiota.

In general, she believes in independent research and in her career she has been involved in primary prevention and study of biomarkers and also in Drug repositioning, the reuse in the oncological field of the active principle of commercially available drugs (Vitamin D, Metformin, Beta-blockers...), on which there are no economic interests and investments by pharmaceutical companies.

Editorial work and publications

Sara Gandini is the author of more than 200 articles in national and international hight impact journals, including:

(2019) Thomas AM, Manghi P, Asnicar F, Pasolli E, Armanini F, Zolfo M, Beghini F, Manara S, Karcher N, Pozzi C, Gandini S, Serrano D, Tarallo S, Francavilla A, Gallo G, Trompetto M, Ferrero G, Mizutani S, Shiroma H, Shiba S, Shibata T, Yachida S, Yamada T, Wirbel J, Schrotz-King P, Ulrich CM, Brenner H, Arumugam M,  Bork P, Zeller G, Cordero F, Dias-Neto E, Setubal JC, Tett A, Pardini B, Rescigno M, Waldron L, Naccarati A, Segata N. Metagenomic analysis of colorectal cancer datasets identifies cross-cohort microbial diagnostic signatures and a link with  choline degradation.Nat Med. 25(4):667-678. 

(2019) Wirbel J, Pyl PT, Kartal E, Zych K, Kashani A, Milanese A, Fleck JS, Voigt AY, Palleja A, Ponnudurai R, Sunagawa S, Coelho LP, Schrotz-King P, Vogtmann E, Habermann N, Niméus E, Thomas AM, Manghi P, Gandini S, Serrano D, Mizutani S, Shiroma H, Shiba S, Shibata T, Yachida S, Yamada T, Waldron L, Naccarati A, Segata N, Sinha R, Ulrich CM, Brenner H, Arumugam M, Bork P, Zeller G. Meta-analysis of fecal metagenomes reveals global microbial signatures that are specific for colorectal cancer. Nat Med. 25(4):679-689.

(2016) Le CP, Nowell CJ, Kim-Fuchs C, Botteri E, Hiller JG, Ismail H, Pimentel MA, Chai MG, Karnezis T, Rotmensz N, Renne G, Gandini S, et al. Chronic stress in mice remodels lymph vasculature to promote tumour cell dissemination. Nature Communications, 7:10634. 

(2014) Gandini S, Puntoni M, Heckman-Stoddard BM, Dunn BK, Ford L, DeCensi A, Szabo E. Metformin and cancer risk and mortality: a systematic review and meta-analysis taking into account biases and confounders. Cancer Prevention Research (Philadelphia), 7(9):867-85. 

(2012) Boniol M, Autier P, Boyle P, Gandini S. Cutaneous melanoma attributable to sunbed use: systematic review and meta-analysis. British Medical Journal, 345:e4757. 

(2012) Zittermann A, Iodice S, Pilz S, Grant WB, Bagnardi V, Gandini S. Vitamin D deficiency and mortality risk in the general population: a meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies.The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 95(1):91-100. 

(2011) Gandini S, Boniol M, Haukka J, et al. Meta-analysis of observational studies of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels and colorectal, breast and prostate cancer and colorectal adenoma. International Journal of Cancer, 128(6):1414-24. 

(2010) DeCensi A, Puntoni M, Goodwin P, Cazzaniga M, Gennari A, Bonanni B, Gandini S. Metformin and Cancer Risk in Diabetic Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Cancer Prevention Research (Philadelphia), 3(11):1451-61. 

(2007) Autier P, Gandini S. Vitamin D suppl. and total mortality - A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Archives of Internal Medicine, 167(16):1730-7. 

(2005) Gandini S, et al. Meta-analysis of risk factors for cutaneous melanoma: II. Sun exposure. European Journal of Cancer, 41(1):45-60. 

(2005) Gandini S, et al. Meta-analysis of risk factors for cutaneous melanoma: I. Common and atypical naevi. European Journal of Cancer, 41(1):28-44. 

(2005) Gandini S, et al. Meta-analysis of risk factors for cutaneous melanoma: III. Family history, actinic damage and phenotypic factors. European Journal of Cancer, 41(14):2040-59.

Awards and prizes

In 2008 she won the Bruno Martinetto award for research on cancer prevention.

In 2014 she was unanimously elected President of the independent scientific society EuroSkin that deals with primary prevention.

Since 2019 she is member of the Top Italian Women Scientist Club of Onda (Osservatorio nazionale sulla salute delle donne e di genere), an Italian observatory on women and gender health.

Maria Luisa Garatti


Competences: Justice in Sport, Law in Sport, Paralympic Sports, Sport Management

Keywords: diversity and inclusion, rights and duties in sport, sport and integration, women in sport

Region: Lombardy


Coordinator of the Women and Sport Commission of the Sports Lawyers Association. Member of the board of the Lombardy regional coordination of the Sports Lawyers Association and member of the board of the Civil Chamber Association and Judge of the III Section of the Federal Court of Appeal of the F.I.G.C.

Professional career

After graduating in Law from the University of Pavia, she qualified as a lawyer (1999) and mediator (2010), and is registered with the Brescia Bar Association and the Register of the Conciliation Chamber of the Brescia Bar Association, respectively. In 2012, she began a specialization in sports justice, attending numerous academic and professional courses, and in gender/equal opportunities issues. In 2018, she was elected and then appointed President of the Equal Opportunities Committee of the Brescia Bar Association, a position she held until September 2020.

In 2019, she received the most votes in the election of the Council of the Brescia Bar Association, and in 2020 she joined the Women and Sport Commission of the Italian Association of Sports Lawyers. Since 2021, she has been a Member of the Federal Court of Appeal III section F.I.G.C. Since 2023, she has been President of the CPO (Equal Opportunities Committee) of the Brescia Bar Association.

She has participated in numerous conferences and courses as a speaker, including at La Sapienza University in Rome, on topics concerning sports reform, the history of women's sports, safeguarding policies, etc.

Diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2006, in 2014 she began running and, in 2018, managed to qualify at the FISPES (Italian Paralympic Sports Federation) level in the T38 category. In the same year, she participated in the Italian Paralympic Championships in Nembro, becoming Italian champion in the 1500 meters and also in the 800 meters, a distance in which she obtained the Italian record.

On February 9, 2020, she became the Italian Paralympic champion in the half marathon during the Italian Paralympic Championships held in Barletta (BA). In July 2021, she participated in the Italian Paralympic Championships in Concesio (BS) and won the Italian Paralympic title in the T38 category in the 400 and 800 meters. In April 2022, at the Italian Absolute Paralympic Championships held in Ancona, she won 3 Italian titles, specifically in the shot put, 200 and 400 meters, again in the T38 category.

In 2023, she won the Italian 10 km road race title, again in her T38 category, and in January 2024 she won 3 medals in Ancona, namely Gold, Silver and Bronze, and in June 2024 a Bronze medal in the shot put.

To date, she has run 17 Marathons. The first was in Brescia in her city in 2016 and then various Queens followed in Italy and around the world, running the New York marathon 4 times between 2016, 2019, 2023 and 2024.

Editorial work and publications

Maria Luisa Garatti has authored 2 books: (with Rubens Noviello) Sua Maestà: correre al di là della sclerosi multipla. Marco Serra Tarantola, 2019; (with Maurizio Folli and Elena Pisani) Speriamo sia un pareggio. Le donne, la riforma dello sport, la sfida al cambiamento. Geo Edizioni, 2021.

Cecilia Garlanda

STEM area: Biomedical sciences and biotechnology

Competences: Immunology

Keywords: cancer cure, coronavirus, Covid-19, Covid-19: associated inflammatory response, immunology, immunopathology, infections, inflammation, preclinical studies

Region: Lombardy


Head of the Experimental Immunopathology Laboratory of the Humanitas Clinical Institute in Milan and Associate Professor of Clinical Pathology at Humanitas University of Milan

Professional career

After graduating in Veterinary Medicine at the University of Milan in 1990, she specialized in immunopathology working in Italian and foreign laboratories, such as the Immunology Laboratory of the "Mario Negri" Institute of Pharmacological Research from 1990 to 2005, and the Department of Molecular Biology of the Grenoble Nuclear Studies Center for the two-year period 1994-1995. She is currently in charge of the Laboratory of Experimental Immunopathology at the Humanitas Clinical Institute. Her interests concern the cells of the immune system and the characterization of their biological activity, innate immunity to pathogens and regulation of inflammatory processes.

Scientific results

The research group in charge of Cecilia Garlanda is focused on the study of the PTX3 molecule, the innate immunity molecule involved in resistance to fungal, bacterial and viral infections, and in the regulation of inflammation. Recently the group pointed out that PTX3 creates an environment hostile to tumor growth, regulating the inflammation that is generated in the tumor microenvironment. Cecilia Garlanda also engages in pre-clinical studies and in studies aimed at the possibility of transferring the information obtained to clinical activity.

Editorial work and publications

She has authored numerous scientific publications, including:

(2015) Doni A, Musso T, Morone D, Bastone A, Zambelli V, Sironi M, Castagnoli C, Cambieri I, Stravalaci M, Pasqualini F, Laface I, Valentino S, Tartari S, Ponzetta A, Maina V, Barbieri SS, Tremoli E, Catapano AL, Norata GD, Bottazzi B, Garlanda C, Mantovani A. An acidic microenvironment sets the humoral pattern recognition molecule PTX3 in a tissue repair mode. J Exp Med, 1;212(6):905-25.

(2015) Bonavita E, Gentile S, Rubino M, Maina V, Papait R, Kunderfranco P, Greco C, Feruglio F, Molgora M, Laface I, Tartari S, Doni A, Pasqualini F, Barbati E, Basso G, Galdiero MR, Nebuloni M, Roncalli M, Colombo P, Laghi L, Lambris JD, Jaillon S, Garlanda C, Mantovani A. PTX3 is an extrinsic oncosuppressor regulating complement-dependent inflammation in cancer. Cell, 12;160(4):700-14.

(2014) Jaillon S, Moalli F,  Ragnarsdottir B, Bonavita E, Riva F,  Barbati E, Nebuloni M, Cvetko Krajinovic L, Markotic A, Valentino S,  Doni A, Tartari S, Graziani G, Montanelli A, Delneste Y, Svanborg C, Garlanda C,  Mantovani A. The humoral pattern recognition molecule PTX3 is a key component of innate immunity against urinary tract infection. Immunity, 17;40(4):621-32.

(2013) Garlanda C, Dinarello CA, Mantovani A, The interleukin-1 family: back to the future. Immunity, 12;39(6):1003-18.

(2010) Moalli F, Doni A, Deban L, Zelante T, Zagarella S, Bottazzi B, Romani L, Mantovani A, and Garlanda C. Role of complement and Fcg receptors in the protective activity of the long pentraxin PTX3 against Aspergillus fumigatus. Blood, 9;116(24):5170-80. 

(2007) Garlanda C, Riva F, Veliz T, Polentarutti N, Pasqualini F, Radaelli E, Sironi M, Nebuloni M, Zorini EO, Scanziani E, Mantovani A. Increased susceptibility to colitis-associated cancer of mice lacking TIR8, an inhibitory member of the interleukin-1 receptor family. Cancer Research, 1;67(13):6017-21.

(2005) Garlanda C, Bottazzi B, Bastone A, Mantovani A. Pentraxins at the crossroads between innate immunity, inflammation, matrix deposition, and female fertility. Annual Review of Immunology, 23: 337-366.

(2004) Garlanda C, Riva F, Polentarutti N, Buracchi C, Sironi M, De Bortoli M, Muzio M, Bergottini R, Scanziani E, Vecchi A, Hirsch A, Mantovani A. Intestinal inflammation in mice deficient in Tir8, an inhibitory member of the IL-1 receptor family. Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences of the United States of America, 101: 3522-3526.

(2002) Garlanda C, Hirsch E, Bozza S, Salustri A, De Acetis M, Nota R, Maccagno A, Riva F, Bottazzi B, Peri G, Doni A, Vago L, Botto M, De Santis R, Carminati P, Siracusa G, Altruda F, Vecchi A, Romani L, Mantovani A. Non-redundant role of the long pentraxin PTX3 in anti-fungal innate immune response. Nature, 420: 182-186.(2000) Hirsch E, Katanaev V L, Garlanda C, Azzolino O, Pirola L, Silengo L, Sozzani S, Mantovani A, Altruda F, Wymann MP. Central role for G protein-coupled phosphoinositide 3-kinase gamma in inflammation. Science, 287: 1049-1053.

Amalia Gastaldelli

STEM area: Biomedical sciences and biotechnology

Competences: Biomedical Engineering, Physiopathology, Translational Medicine

Keywords: diabetes, liver, metabolic diseases, metabolism, obesity, pollutant endocrine disruptors, preventive medicine

Region: Tuscany


She is director of the Cardiometabolic Risk Laboratory and Coordinator of human metabolic research at the Clinical Physiology Institute of the CNR of Pisa, she is also Adjunct associate professor at the Division of Diabetes, University of Texas Health at San Antonio, USA.

Professional career

After graduating in 1990 in Electronic Engineering with a specialization in Bioengineering at the University of Padua, she continued her education with a PhD in Bioengineering at the Polytechnic University of Milan and a PhD in Preventive Medicine and Community Health, specialized in Human Physiology , at the University of Texas Medical Branch of Galveston, where she was a fellow from 1991 to 1995. In that period her research focused on the physiological mechanisms that regulate the metabolism of sugars, lipids and proteins using innovative techniques based on the infusion of tracers marked with stable isotopes measured in mass spectrometry, and on their kinetics’ analysis by mathematical models. In 1995 she returned to Italy to found the Stable Isotope Laboratory at the Institute of Clinical Physiology of the CNR, in the Unit of Metabolism and Nutrition of Pisa. From 2008 to 2009 she was Director of the Mass Spectrometry Laboratory of the G. Monasterio Foundation of Pisa and then in 2009 she returned as a researcher to the CNR Clinical Physiology Institute of Pisa to the CNR, where she founded the Cardiometabolic Risk Laboratory and coordinated research metabolic in humans. In addition to research, she has also been involved in the academic career since 2011: she was first Assistant, then Associate Professor at the University of Texas Health Science Center, Diabetes Division, in San Antonio; from 2006 to 2011 she was a contract professor at the Faculty of Engineering (a degree course in Biomedical Engineering) of the University of Pisa.
Since 2010 she has been a member of the board of directors of the American College of Nutrition (ACN) and she has been directing its European Chapter. In 2012 she founded the study group on non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis (NAFLD) of the European Society for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), and since then she has been leading it.


Scientific results

Amalia Gastaldelli is a PhD specialized in human physiology, an expert in the study of human metabolism, cardio-metabolic risk and glucose and lipid metabolism pathologies, such as insulin resistance, non-insulin-dependent diabetes and non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis. Her multidisciplinary training allowed her to carry out translational research to study human metabolism. Using tracers marked with stable isotopes and mathematical models she showed that the liver is central to proper metabolic functioning. She was among the first to show how fasting hyperglycemia in diabetic patients is mainly due to excessive hepatic glucose production by gluconeogenesis and how patients with fatty liver (NAFLD) have an altered metabolism not only in the liver, but also in the muscle and adipose tissue. She holds several European grants that study the physiopathological mechanisms of NAFLD. At the same time she was a co-investigator in many clinical trials that studied the mechanism of action of antidiabetic drugs such as: PPAR + receptor agonists (TZD), able to increase insulin sensitivity in various organs and to decrease liver fat; the agonists of the GLP-1 hormone produced by the intestine which act as incretins stimulating the production of insulin; and DPP4 enzyme inhibitors responsible for its degradation. A new line of research investigates the impact of pollutants that act as endocrine disruptors on the health of adults and children.

Editorial work and publications

Amalia Gastaldelli is an Associate Editor and a member of the Commitee for the publication of the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, she is on the Editorial Board of the World Journal of Hepatology and World Journal of Diabetes, and is a reviewer for over twenty international peer review journals. She is the author of over 200 scientific articles and book chapters including:


(2016) Gastaldelli A, Gaggini M, Daniele G, Ciociaro D, Cersosimo E, Tripathy D, Triplitt C, Fox P, Musi N, DeFronzo R, Iozzo P. Exenatide improves both hepatic and adipose tissue insulin resistance: A dynamic positron emission tomography study. Hepatology, 64(6), 2028-2037.


(2016) EASL, Marchesini G, Day CP, Dufour JF, Canbay A, Nobili V, Ratziu V, Tilg H, EASD, Roden M, Gastaldelli A, Yki-Järvinen H, Schick F, EASO, Vettor R, Frühbeck G, Mathus-Vliegen L. EASL-EASD-EASO Clinical Practice Guidelines for the management of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Journal of Hepatology, 64(6), 1388-1402.


(2014) Salehi M, Gastaldelli A, D'Alessio DA. Blockade of glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor corrects postprandial hypoglycemia after gastric bypass. Gastroenterology, 146(3), 669-680 e662.


(2013) DeFronzo RA, Tripathy D, Schwenke DC, Banerji M, Bray GA, Buchanan TA, Clement SC, Henry RR, Kitabchi AE, Mudaliar S, Ratner RE, Stentz FB, Musi N, Reaven PD, Gastaldelli A, Study AN. Prediction of diabetes based on baseline metabolic characteristics in individuals at high risk. Diabetes Care 36(11):3607-3612.

(2012) Bradley D, Conte C, Mittendorfer B, Eagon JC, Varela JE, Fabbrini E, Gastaldelli A, Chambers KT, Su X, Okunade A, Patterson BW, Klein S. Gastric bypass and banding equally improve insulin sensitivity and beta cell function. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 122(12), 4667-4674.


(2009) Gastaldelli A, Kozakova M, Hojlund K, Flyvbjerg A, Favuzzi A, Mitrakou A, Balkau B, Risc Investigators. Fatty liver is associated with insulin resistance, risk of coronary heart disease, and early atherosclerosis in a large European population. Hepatology, 49(5), 1537-1544.


(2007) Gastaldelli A, Cusi K, Pettiti M, Hardies J, Miyazaki Y, Berria R, Buzzigoli E, Sironi AM, Cersosimo E, Ferrannini E, DeFronzo RA. Relationship between hepatic/visceral fat and hepatic insulin resistance in nondiabetic and type 2 diabetic subjects. Gastroenterology, 133(2), 496-506.


(2006) Belfort R, Harrison SA, Brown K, Darland C, Finch J, Hardies J, Balas B, Gastaldelli A, Tio F, Pulcini J, Berria R, Ma JZ, Dwivedi S, Havranek R, Fincke C, DeFronzo R, Bannayan GA, Schenker S, Cusi K. A placebo-controlled trial of pioglitazone in subjects with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. The New England Journal of Medicine, 355(22), 2297-2307.


(2004) Gastaldelli A, Ferrannini E, Miyazaki Y, Matsuda M, DeFronzo RA, San Antonio Metabolism study. Beta-cell dysfunction and glucose intolerance: results from the San Antonio metabolism (SAM) study. Diabetologia, 47(1), 31-39.  

(2000) Gastaldelli A, Baldi S, Pettiti M, Toschi E, Camastra S, Natali A, Landau BR, Ferrannini E. Influence of obesity and type 2 diabetes on gluconeogenesis and glucose output in humans: a quantitative study. Diabetes, 49(8), 1367-1373.


Awards and prizes

During her university career, Amalia Gastaldelli received numerous awards, including over 80 readings by invitation in national and international congresses. In 1998, she was awarded the Glaxo Wellcome / EASD Burden of Diabetes prize for the study of gluconeogenesis and in 2016 she joined the Top Italian Scientist for Biomedical Sciences. She participated in many scientific commissions for the organization of national and international congresses and for the selection of international research projects (grant), and is a member of several international scientific societies.
She is also the scientific director of the European Chapter of the American College of Nutrition (ACN), a professional organization created to promote scientific research in the field of nutritional sciences; she is president of the European study group for non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis NAFLD-EASD and member of the Steering Committee of the EGIR group (European Group for the Study of Insulin Resistance).


Simonetta Gentile

STEM area: Physics

Competences: Experimental Physics

Keywords: atlas project, CERN, higgs boson, neutrinos, nucleons, particle physics

Region: Lazio


Full Professor of Experimental Physics at the La SapienzaUniversity of Rome

Professional career

After obtaining a degree in Physics at the University La Sapienza of Rome in 1974, she received a training grant at the same University from 1975 to 1981. In 1978 she graduated from the School of Specialization in Physics (Nuclear Physics)(corresponding to a nowadays PhD). From 1980 to 1982 she was a two-year research  fellow at the Division of Experimental Physics of CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research). In 1981 she worked as researcher at the La SapienzaUniversity of Rome until 1988 when she became an associate professor at the University of Calabria. In 1992  and 1993 and in1999 and 2000 she returned to CERN as Visiting Scientist. In 1992 she moved as associate professor at University La Sapienza. Since 2011 she is  Full Professor of Experimental Physics at La Sapienza in Rome.

Scientific results

The research sector, in which Simonetta Gentile is dedicated, concerns the Experimental Physics of Elementary Particles. Her lines of investigation follow the Standard Model (the theory that describes three of the four known fundamental forces: the strong, electromagnetic and weak interactions, and all the elementary particles connected to them) or the Neutrino Physics, the structure functions of the nucleons, the properties of the intermediate bosons Z and W and the search for the Higgs bosons. It is currently part of the ATLAS project (A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS), one of six particle detectors built for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the particle accelerator at CERN, in Switzerland. Simonetta Gentile is also involved in research and development for particle detectors for future accelerators. During her career, she participates in experiments aimed at identifying triggers and detectors of mu-mesons (muons, sort of heavy electrons). She collaborated with the Fermi Laboratory of Batavia (Chicago) in the search for particles with charm and with NASA working  at AMS, the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer, a detector used in particle physics installed since 19 May 2011 on the International Space Station. It is designed for the research of new types of particles (antimatter, dark matter, strange matter) through the high-precision measurement of the composition of cosmic rays. Its measures will help scientists understand the laws behind the formation of the universe.

Editorial work and publications

Publishing activities and publications she is the author of numerous international publications, including:

(2018) Gentile S. , ATLAS [ATLAS Collaboration, Authors: 2856], Observation of Higgs boson production in association with a top quark pair at the LHC with the ATLAS detector, Phys. Lett. B 784 (2018) 173.

(2018) Gentile S. , ATLAS [ATLAS Collaboration, Authors: 2856],  Evidence for the associated production of the Higgs boson and a top quark pair with the ATLAS detector,Phys.Rev. D97 (2018) no.7, 072003.

(2017) Gentile S. , ATLAS Search for the dimuon decay of the Higgs boson in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorPhys. Rev. Lett. 119 (2017) 051802

(2016) Gentile S.,ATLAS & CMS Collaboration, Measurements of the Higgs boson production and decay rates and constraints on its couplings from a combined ATLAS and CMS analysis of the LHCppcollision data ats=7 and 8 TeV, JHEP 08 (2016) 045

(2015) Gentile S.,ATLAS Search for the associated production of the Higgs boson with a top quark pair in multilepton final states with the ATLAS detector, Physics Letters B 749 (2015) 519-541

(2013) Corcella G, Gentile S. Heavy Neutral Gauge Bosons at LHC in an Extended MSSM.Nuclear Physics B, 866:293-366. 

(2012) Gentile S. Z 'production at LHC in an extended MSSM.Proceedings of Science, 36th International Conference on High Energy Physics, Melbourne, Australia. 

(2012) Gentile S. Phenomenology of new heavy neutral gauge bosons in an extended MSSM. Nuovo Cimento C, 035:349-360. 

(2012) Aad et al. [ATLAS Collaboration, Authors: 2932]. Observation of a new particle in the search for the Standard Model Higgs boson with the ATLAS detector at the LHC"G. Physics Letters B 716, 1. 

(2010) Gentile S. Systematics in charged Higgs search in ATLAS. Proceedings of Science, Third International Workshop on Prospects for charged Higgs Discovery at colliders-CHARGED2010, Uppsala, Sweden.

Anna Gervasoni

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Corporate Finance, Entrepreneurial, Venture Capital

Keywords: private banking, private equity, startup, venture capital

Region: Lombardy


Full Professor of Business Economics and Management at LIUC Cattaneo University. General Manager of AIFI, Italian Private Equity, Venture Capital and Private Debt Association.

Professional career

After graduating in Economics and Commerce at Bocconi University in Milan, she has been a Board Member for more than a decade in the company Idea SpA (Institute of Development in Automotive Engineering), a medium-sized family business specialized in the design for the automotive industry. She has served as statutory auditor and board member in listed and non-listed companies including: Saipem SpA, Same Deutz-Fahr SpA, Mittel SpA. She has actively collaborated with Confindustria as a member of the “Innovation” Committee and the “Infrastructures, Logistics and Mobility” Technical Committee. She has actively worked with the Milan Chamber of Commerce on issues related to the financing and development of small and medium-sized enterprises and with reference to the Observatory on Transport, Environment and Infrastructures. From 1985 to 2001, she collaborated with Bocconi University, where since 1989 she has been Adjunct Professor of Business Economics and Management, specialized in the issue of finance for small and medium-sized businesses. She has actively cooperated with the “Institute of Studies and Research A. Lorenzetti” in the same University. First Researcher at the Faculty of Economics of LIUC Cattaneo University, then Associate Professor of Business Economics and Management (SECS-P / 08), from January 2011 she won the competition for a place as Full Professor of Business Economics and Management (SECS- P / 08). She holds many business finance courses. As regards the post-graduate training proposal, she is Director of Master Degree in Merchant Banking and Private Capital. She is Director of Center for Development and Innovation of LIUC Business School. She chairs the Scientific Committee of the Private Equity Monitor - PEM Observatory and the Venture Capital Monitor - VEM Observatory, active in the same University.

Scientific results

Her research activity mainly concerns the field of corporate finance, with particular reference to alternative financing instruments for companies, such as private equity, venture capital and private debt. In particular, even through some active observatories at the LIUC Cattaneo University, she is involved in analyzing the Italian private capital market and its main characteristics. Within this sphere, great attention is devolved to the start-up chain and to the related financing tools. Another field of research is focused on private banking, with a constant monitoring of the whole industry and of some of its peculiar characteristics, as well as with the analysis of some relevant and meaningful issues.

Editorial work and publications

Anna Gervasoni is the author of over 50 publications, including:Private equity and venture capital, edited by Anna Gervasoni, London, Risk Books, June 2014; Dieci lezioni di finanza d’impresa. Business e impresa, by Anna Gervasoni, Milano. Guerini Next, ottobre 2014; Come finanziare l’impresa. Oltre la banca: minibond, private equity, venture capital, crowfunding e altri strumenti, byAnna Gervasoni, Milano, Guerini Next, dicembre 2014; Private equity e venture capital. Manuale di investimento nel capitale di rischio, by Anna Gervasoni and Fabio L. Sattin, Milano, Guerini Next, marzo 2015).

Awards and prizes

In June 2002 she was given the Honorary title of “Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana” by the president Carlo Azeglio Ciampi.

Serena Giacomin

STEM area: Physics

Competences: Climatology, Meteorology

Keywords: advocacy, climate, climate changes, climate political, education, scientific communication and dissemination

Region: Lombardy


President of the Italian Climate Network. Meteorologist for Meteo Expert.

Professional career

Serena Giacomin has a degree in Physics, specialising in the Physics of the Atmosphere and Climatology. She conducts weather forecasts and in-depth environmental analysis programmes on Mediaset channels and the main national radio stations. She is a management consultant for climate risk management and a lecturer and science popularizer. Since 2017 she has been president of the Italian Climate Network, the non-profit organisation set up in 2011 to strengthen the fight against climate change by disseminating scientific content, promoting knowledge and monitoring the institutional choices made in Italy and Europe. She is the scientific director of Educazione climatica, for the OK! CLIMA.

Scientific results

Serena Giacomin's main research interests are the analysis of meteorological models for forecasting activities and research on climate parameters for climate change risk assessment and management. She is also involved in school planning and training, for teachers and students, and in professional training and consultancy, for local administrations. 

Editorial work and publications

Serena Giacomin is the author, with Luca Perri, of Pinguini all’Equatore. Non tutto ciò che senti sul clima è vero (DeAgostini 2020). She collaborated in the production of the school manual for secondary schools Scienze Live (Garzanti Scuola 2020), and wrote Meteo che scegli, tempo che trovi (Imprimatur Editore 2018).

Awards and prizes

In 2020 she received the Gelso d'oro civic award from the City of Cernusco sul Naviglio, with the following motivation: "for her example of commitment to the dissemination of scientific information and issues related to climate change and environmental sustainability, at a time when, especially the younger generations, are urging society to become more aware of the serious risks that the planet runs - and with it life - if new policies and more environmentally friendly personal lifestyles are not adopted".

In 2021 she was awarded the DonnAmbiente prize, by 5 Terre Academy, "for having contributed to creating a new communicative approach to Science through multimedia and social media, combining the scientific rigour of complex subjects such as climatology and meteorology with an authoritative but always accessible and never banal language, with a particular focus on the younger generations. Also, for her commitment in person and through the association she chairs, the Italian Climate Network, to raise awareness of the climate issue and to actively participate in building a more sustainable future for the planet".

Elisa Giacosa

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Crisis Management and Recovery, Fashion and Luxury Business, Financial Communication, Food and Wine Business, Sustainability, Universities Activities

Keywords: crisis management and recovery, financial statement, innovation

Region: Piedmont


Full Professor of Business Administration, University of Turin. Deputy Vice-Rector for Quality of the University's policies with regard to processes and President of the University Quality Presidium.

Professional career

After graduating in Business and Economics with a focus on business at the University of Turin in 1998, she graduated from a PhD course in Business Administration at the same University in 2003 and started her university career. Assistant research first, then Associate Professor in 2018 and finally Full Professor at University of Turin in 2020. She teaches Financial Reporting and Financial Communication courses in the Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Master degrees. She spent research periods in the United States and is actively involved in international scientific networks.

She is a Fellow of the Euromed Research Business Institute (EMRBI). She is a member of AIDEA (Italian Academy of Business Administration Professors) and SIDREA (Italian Society of Accounting and Business Administration Professors). She was a former associate member of EAA (European Accounting Association) and BAFA (British Accounting & Finance Association).

She was an Erasmus visiting professor in 2012 and 2009 in Groupe Ecole Superieure de Commerce (Graduate Business School) - Chambery Savoie - and in the University of St Kliment Ohridski.

She has assumed various institutional roles since 2015. In the Department of Management of the University of Turin, she is a member of the Board with monitoring and auditing responsibilities, she is the President of the Admission Requirements Commission for Master's Degrees, she is the referent of the research quality assessment process (VQR) and she is Vice-Coordinator and member of the PhD Board in Business and Management. In addition, she has co-created the SAVADOC® software (which is responsible for monitoring, enhancing and evaluating the activity of professors in teaching, research and third mission) registered with the Italian Patent and Trademark Office. Still within the School of Management and Economics, she is a member of the School Board and was Ambassador for SHARPER - European Researchers' Night 2020. In the University of Turin, she was a member of the Orientation, Tutoring and Placement Commission, she’s a member of the Group for the research quality assessment process (VQR), she is the scientific coordinator of the SUpeR project (a new web site for the research and the third mission) and the scientific responsible of MOTIVATE project (Monitoring and evaluation of the impact of research and the third mission). As of autumn 2022, she is Deputy Vice-Rector for Quality of the University's policies with regard to processes and President of the University Quality Presidium.

Scientific results

The main research areas on which she contributed are the following:

  • Accounting and financial statements, financial analysis and financial communication;
  • Crisis management and recovery process, along with business insolvency forecasting models;
  • Monitoring and Valorisation of the missions of the Universities and Departments;
  • Food and wine businesses and enhancement of the commons;
  • Family Businesses;
  • Fashion and Luxury businesses.

She is scientific manager of numerous research projects. To name a few, MOTIVATE (Monitoring and evaluation of the impact of research and the third mission), funded by Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation, and others supported by the Turin University concerning "University and Department missions: models of monitoring and evaluation"," Family business and entrepreneurship","The tourism sector: opportunities offered by the commons to improve attractiveness","Innovation models in the family businesses phenomenon","The financial forecasts of the company in crisis” and“ The business models of companies in the luxury sector”.

She was a member of an agreement between Sviluppo Piemonte Turismo (Piedmont Region) and the Department of Management of UniTo for the realization of the research project "Agriturismo in Piedmont. Microeconomic analysis ".

She is a participant in numerous research projects concerning the financial communication, the enhancement of communes, the business models linked to family businesses and the agri-food context financed by the University of Turin. In an international context, she’s involved in several european projects linked to EIT FOOD ("Summer School Digitalization for Circular Food Systems) and Interreg Europe ("Financing impact on regional development of cultural heritage valorisation","Boosting the financing of innovation for green growth sectors through innovative clusters services in the MED area","Smart Circular Procurement" and "Unlocking SMEs value in agrifood districts").

She actively participates in numerous Research of interest groups (RIC) within the Euromed Research Business Institute, concerning the agro-food sector, business evaluation and corporate governance, as well as other study groups within SIDREA (Italian Society of Accounting and Business Administration Professors) and different universities. It was a participant in a PRIN (Research Projects of Relevant National Interest) concerning the financial communication of companies.

The research activity in the context of company crisis and insolvency has allowed the dissemination of results in a hearing in the Justice Committee of the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Parliament as part of the preparatory work for the approval of the Law on business crisis and amendment of the Bankruptcy Law.

Editorial work and publications

The results of the research consist of several publications in national and international outlets, along with awards and fellowships for research, the dissemination of research results as a speaker at over eighty international and national conferences. The relevance of the scientific results of the research activity has made it possible to hold roles in scientific committees of international journals and conferences, as well as track chairs and reviewers. Authors of over 100 publications, a selection of which follows.


[2018] Giacosa E., Mazzoleni A., I modelli di previsione dell’insolvenza aziendale. Efficacia predittiva, limiti e prospettive di utilizzo. Giuffrè, Milano. Collana accreditata AIDEA “Business Administration and Accounting Studies”.

[2016] Giacosa E., Il fenomeno della crisi aziendale. Un modello di percezione del fenomeno della crisi aziendale nel sistema azienda. FrancoAngeli, Milano. Collana accreditata AIDEA “Accounting & Business Studies”. 

[2015] Giacosa E., Fabbisogno finanziario e indebitamento nelle piccole e medie imprese. FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2015. Collana accreditata AIDEA “Accounting & Business Studies”.  

Articles in international journals

[2021] Giacosa E., Culasso F., Crocco E., Customer Agility in the Modern Automotive Sector: How Lead Management Shapes Agile Digital Companies. Technological forecasting and social science, 10.1016/j.techfore.2021.121362.

[2021] Mahabubul A.G., Giacosa E., Mazzoleni A., Does MBA’s paradigm transformation follow business education’s philosophy? A comparison of academic and job-performance and SES among five types of MBAian. Journal of Business Research, 139(11): 881-892.

[2021] Vrontis D., Christofi M., Giacosa E., Serravalle F., Sustainable Development in Tourism: A Stakeholder Analysis of the Langhe Region. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 10.1177/1096348020982353.

[2021] Ricciardi F., Giacosa E., Culasso F., Stepchildren or prodigal employees? Motives and consequences. International entrepreneurship and management journal, 17(1): 229-247.

[2019] Francheschelli V., Santoro G., Giacosa E., Quaglia G, Assessing the determinants of performance in the Recycling Business: evidences from the Italian context. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 26(5), 1086-1099.

[2019] Scuotto V., Garcia-Perez A., Cillo V., Giacosa E., Do stakeholder capabilities promote sustainable business innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises? Evidence from Italy. Journal of Business Research, 119(1): 131-141.

[2019] Caputo F., Garcia-Perez A., Cillo V., Giacosa E., A Knowledge-based view of People and Technology: Directions for a value co-creation based learning organisation. Journal of Knowledge Management, 23(7): 1314-1334.

[2019] Vrontis D., Culasso F., Giacosa E., Stupino M., Entrepreneurial exploration and exploitation processes of family businesses in the food sector. British Food Journal, 121(11): 2759-2779.

[2017] Giacosa E., Bresciani S., Ferraris A., Exploring and Managing Voluntary Corporate External Disclosure of Intellectual Capital in Listed Companies: a New Conceptual Model. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 18(1): 149-169.

Awards and prizes

2022 e 2021 Best Full Professor for the Teaching Activity of the Department of Management, University of Turin.

2020 e 2021 Best Associate Professor for the Research Activity of the Department of Management, University of Turin.

2018 Conference Best paper award for the paper Santoro, G., Giacosa, E., Candelo, E., Mazzoleni, A., “Identifying Open Innovation Sources and Practices: A Systematic Literature Review” in the 10th Annual Euromed Academy of Business, Malta, September 2018.

2018 Conference Best paper award for the paper “Insolvency prediction models: an empirical analysis”, Risk management conference, Turin, October 2018.

2016 Conference Best Reviewer Award in the 9th Annual Euromed Academy of Business, Warsaw, 14-16, September 2016. 

2013 -2021: Award “Associate EuroMed Academy of Business (EMAB) Fellow by EuroMed Academy of Business (EMAB).

Martina Gianecchini

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Human Resource Management, Labour and Technology, Women's Work

Keywords: career, resilience, skills, technology, work

Region: Veneto


Associate professor of Human Resource Management at University of Padova. Director of the Executive Master in Human Resource Management at CUOA Business School.

Professional career

After graduating in Economics and Business (1999) from the University of Padova, she obtained her PhD in Organizational Behavior and Business Management (2003) from the University of Udine. She began her research activities at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Padova, carrying out periods of study and research in several foreign universities: HEC of the Université de Montréal (Canada), Research Centre for Organisation Studies of the Faculty of Business and Economics of the Katholieke Universiteit of Leuven (Belgium), Sun Wah International Business School of Liaoning University in Shenyang (China), Guangzhou University (China). Since 2011 she has been a member of the international research group 5C (Cross-Cultural Collaboration on Contemporary Careers) coordinated by Jon Briscoe (Northern Illinois), which involves more than 30 countries and aims to understand the meanings and determinants of career success from a cross-cultural perspective. Internationally, she is also Ambassador for Italy on human resource management issues of the Academy of Management, a leading association of management scholars. She carries out training and scientific consulting activities for companies and organizations mainly in collaboration with CUOA Business School, holding since 2015 the role of Director of the Executive Master in Human Resource Management aimed at professionals working in the Personnel Departments of companies. Since 2018 she has been deputy director of the Observatory on Digital Professions and Hybrid Jobs. Also since the same year, she has been a member of a working group on Gender Balance that drafted the CRUI guidelines for gender balance in Italian universities.

Scientific results

Always intrigued by the study of individuals’ behavior at work, her study and research interests have developed around human resource management issues. In 2005 she authored, with Giovanni Costa, the handbook "Human Resources. People, relationships, value" (McGraw-Hill), now in its 4th edition. Her research activity has developed mainly around three strands. In the area of career studies, she participates in the research of the international research group Cross-Cultural Collaboration on Contemporary Careers (, which has defined and validated a scale to measure the meanings of career success and wants to develop tools to support individual professional development. As part of the study of how technology is changing work, she has contributed to the research activities of the Observatory on Digital Occupations and Hybrid Jobs, which has defined the concept of hybrid work and conducts dissemination activities related to new jobs. In more recent years, her research interests have also included the study of new organizational models, developed by companies to be resilient to crises and adversities.

Editorial work and publications

[2022] Marcazzan E, Campagnolo D, Gianecchini M, Reaction or anticipation? Resilience in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development,

[2021] Briscoe J, Kaše R, Dries N, Dysvik A, Unite J, Gianecchini M, et al., Here, There, & Everywhere: Development and Validation of a Cross-Culturally Representative Measure of Subjective Career Success. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 130, 103612.

[2021] Bagdadli S, Gianecchini M, et al. Human Capital Development Practices and Career Success: The moderating role of country development and income inequality. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42(4): 429-447.

[2020] Gubitta P, Gianecchini M, Ibridazione dei mestieri: prospettive per il lavoro nell’epoca digitale (pp. 109-123), in Marini D, Setiffi F (a cura di), Una grammatica della digitalizzazione, Guerini Scientifica, Milano.

[2019] Costa G, Gianecchini M, Risorse Umane. Persone, relazioni e valore [4/ed]. McGraw-Hill, Milano.

[2019] Bagdadli S, Gianecchini M, Fare carriera in Italia: nuovi percorsi, vecchie tensioni. Economia & Management, 3: 47-52.

[2019] Bagdadli S, Gianecchini M, Organizational Career Management practices and objective career success: A systematic review and framework. Human Resource Management Review, 29(3): 353-370.

[2019] Smale A., Bagdadli S, Cotton R, Dello Russo S, Dickmann M, Dysvik A, Gianecchini M, Kaše R, Lazarova M, Reichel A, Rozo P, Verbruggen M, Proactive career behaviors and subjective career success: The effects of perceived organizational support and national culture. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 40(1): 105-122. 

[2016] Montanari F, Scapolan A, Gianecchini M, ‘Absolutely free’? The role of relational work in sustaining artistic innovation. Organization Studies, 37(6): 797–821. 

[2015] Boccuzzo G, Gianecchini M, Measuring young graduates’ job quality through a composite indicator. Social Indicators Research, 122(2): 453-478. 

[2015] Felker J, Gianecchini M, Influence of pre-graduation international experiences on early career internationalization: The mediation effect of career capital. European Management Journal, 33(1): 60-70. 

[2014] Tremblay M, Dahan J, Gianecchini M, The mediating influence of career success in relationship between career mobility criteria, career anchors and satisfaction with the organization. Personnel Review, 43(6): 818-844.

Awards and prizes

2007 Best paper award, for the paper “Outils et modèles de gestion des ressources humaines: une approche intégrée” (with G. Costa), XVIII Congres Annuel de l’Association Francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines “Outils, Modes et Modèles en GRH”, Université de Fribourg (Suisse).

2011 The paper “Enterpreneurship & Firm Growth in knowledge intensive business services” (with P. Gubitta and G. Costa) has been included in the best paper selection - XXXIV Convegno Annuale AIDEA “Aziende di servizi e servizi per le aziende”.

2012 The paper “Entrepreneurs’ Knowledge and Network: What Matters The Most? The Case of Knowledge-Intensive Firms” (with P. Gubitta) has been included in the best paper selection - Academy of Management 2012 Annual Meeting “The informal economy”, Boston (MA), 3-7 August. 

2020 Best paper award, for the paper “Shaping the future of work” (with S. Dotto and P. Gubitta), XXI Workshop dei docenti e ricercatori di Organizzazione Aziendale (WOA) “Will employees dream of electric sheep?”, Milan.

2020 The paper “The disabling effects of enabling social policies on organisations’ human capital development practices for women” (with Reichel, A., Suzanne, P., Bosak, J., Apospori, E., Bagdadli, S., Afiouni, F., Andresen, M., Lazarova, M., Briscoe, J.P., Parry, E., Taniguchi, M.) has been included in the best paper selection - Academy of Management 2020 Annual Meeting “20/20: Broadening our Sight”, on-line, 7-11 August.

2021 Società Italiana di Management (SIMA) Best paper award, for the paper “Facing adversities: Entrepreneur’s resilience and business recovery in SMEs” (with D. Campagnolo, S. Leonelli, A. Tognazzo and P. Gubitta), EURAM 2021 Conference “Reshaping capitalism for a sustainable world”, on-line.

Mariassunta Giannetti

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Corporate Finance, Financial Market, International Finance

Keywords: finance, growth law, institutions

Region: ABROAD


Professor of Finance at the Stockholm School of Economics

Professional career

Mariassunta Giannetti is an internationally renowned researcher, winner of numerous awards, currently professor of finance at the Stockholm School of Economics. Giannetti holds or has held a vast number of positions in the editorial boards of international newspapers and other academic organizations. She has a Ph.D. in economics from the University of California Los Angeles and she has a degree in Economic and Social Disciplines and a Masters degree from Bocconi University. She is the author of over 30 scientific articles in corporate finance published in prestigious international newspapers.


Scientific results

Mariassunata deals with the financing of companies for the stability of financial systems.

Editorial work and publications

(2018) Giannetti M, Kahraman B. Open-end Organizational Structures and Limits to Arbitrage.Review of Financial Studies, 31-2, 773-810; Paul Woolley Centre for the Study of Capital Market Dysfunctionality Best Paper Award, Runner Up.

(2017) Giannetti M, Favara G. Forced Asset Sales and the Concentration of Outstanding Debt: Evidence from the Mortgage Market. Journal of Finance, 72,3:1081-1118-

(2017) Giannetti M, Liberti J, Sturgess J. Information Sharing and Rating Manipulation. Review of Financial Studies, 30,9:3269–3304. 

(2016) Giannetti M, Wang T. Corporate Scandals and Household Stock Market Participation. Journal of Finance, 71, 6:2591-2636.

(2015) Giannetti M, Liao G, Yu X. The Brain Gain of Corporate Boards: Evidence from China. Journal of Finance, 70,4:1629-1682, 2015; Winner of the Sun Yefang Financial Innovation Award, 2016

(2013) Cella C, Ellul A, Giannetti M. Investors' Horizons and the Amplification of Market Shocks. Review of Financial Studies, 26,7:1607-1648 (Lead Article).

(2013) Giannetti M, Simonov A. On the real effects of bank bailouts: Micro-Evidence from Japan. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 5,1:135-167.

(2012) Giannetti M, Laeven L. The Flight Home Effect: Evidence from the Syndicated Loan Market During Banking Crises. Journal of Financial Economics, 104,1:23-43.

(2012) Giannetti M, Laeven L. Flight Home, Flight Abroad, and International Credit Cycles. American Economic Review, 102, 3:219-224.

(2012) Giannetti M, YafehY.Do Cultural Differences Between Contracting Parties Matter?  Evidence from Syndicated Bank Loans. Management Science, 58,2:365-383.

(2011) Burkart M, Ellingsen T, Giannetti M. What you sell is what you lend? Explaining trade credit contracts. Review of Financial Studies, 24,4: 1261-1298.

(2009) Giannetti M, Laeven L. Pension reform, ownership structure and corporate governance: Evidence from a natural experiment. Review of Financial Studies, 22,10:4091-4127.

(2006) Giannetti M, Simonov A. Which investors fear expropriation? Evidence from investors’ portfolio choices. Journal of Finance, 61,3: 1507-1547.

Awards and prizes

Standard Life Investments Finance Prize ECGI Finance Series, 2017

Bank of England and EBRD: 6th MoFiR Workshop on Banking, keynote speaker, 2017

Rising Star in Finance (NYU-Fordham-Imperial College), 2016

Sun Yefang Financial Innovation Award, China’s highest award for economists, Beijing, 2016

European Central Bank Duisenberg Fellow, 2016-2017

European Financial Management Conference, “Merton H. Miller” keynote lecture, 2015

Best Paper Award, Journal of Financial Intermediation, 2014

18th International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance, Crete, Greece, keynote speaker, 2014

Swedish Economic Association Conference, Umea, keynote speaker, 2014

Assar Lindbeck Medal, awarded biennially to an outstanding young economist in Sweden, 2013


Stefania Giannini

International politics area

Competences: Artificial Intelligence, Cultural Diplomacy, Education for Peace and Development, Education in Emergencies, Post-crisis and Conflict Environments, Education Policy and Planning, Gender Equality for Development, Linguistics, Prevention of the Violence and Extremism through Education, Culture and Science, Science Diplomacy, Sociolinguistics, Sustainable Development

Keywords: education, gender equality, hate speech and violent extremism conducive terrorism, higher education and research infrastructures, inclusion, migrations, quality and inclusive education, refugees, Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4)

Region: ABROAD


Assistant Director-General for Education, UNESCO.

Professional career

Stefania Giannini was appointed Assistant Director-General for Education in May 2018, becoming the top United Nations official in the field of education. In this position, she provides strategic vision and leadership for UNESCO’s Education Sector in coordinating and monitoring the implementation of the Education 2030 Agenda, encapsulated in Sustainable Development Goal 4.

With an academic background is in the Humanities (PhD in Linguistics), Giannini became Professor of Linguistics in 1992 and served as Rector of the University for Foreigners of Perugia (2004 – 2012), being one of the first female Rectors and the youngest at that time in Italy.

She was member of the Selection Committee of the Erasmus Mundus programme in Brussels (2005 – 2009), the person responsible for international relations in the Committee of The Conference of Italian University Rectors (2006 – 2010) and a member of the National Commission for the Promotion of Italian Culture Abroad at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2006 – 2011). 

Later on, Giannini was Senator of the Republic of Italy (2013 – 2018) and Minister of Education, Universities and Research (2014 – 2016).

Giannini also chaired the Education and Competitiveness Council of the European Union during the Italian Presidency (July – December 2014), working to promote the importance of creativity, cultural heritage and innovation as tools for dialogue between diverse populations, with a view to preventing radicalization and extremism.

Scientific results

Ms Giannini has devoted her career to promoting education as a fundamental human right, through the importance of language, lifelong learning, culture, freedom of expression and identity, in an effort to ensure more inclusive and equal societies.

Ms Giannini coordinated a number of relevant international projects in the field of higher education and research, contributing to the improvement of university cooperation between Europe and several other countries, from the United States to countries in Asia as well as the Middle East and North Africa region.

In her role as Senator of the Italian Republic and Minister of Education, Universities and Research, Ms Giannini developed and implemented a structural reform of the Italian education system, centred on social inclusion and targeting cultural awareness.

Editorial work and publications

Stefania Giannini has over 50 publications to her credit, including monographs and articles in specialized national and international sector magazines.

Selection of recent publications:

[2019] Giannini S., Editing and preface of Human Learning in the Digital EraUNESCO.

[2019] Giannini S., Right to education handbook, UNESCO.

[2019] Giannini S., Editing and foreword to UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers, UNESCO.

[2018] Giannini S., Editing and foreword to Behind the numbers: ending school violence and bullying, UNESCO.

[2018] Giannini S., Editing and foreword to Guidebook on education for sustainable development for educators: effective teaching and learning in teacher education institutions in Africa, UNESCO.

Awards and prizes

Grand’Ufficiale al Merito della Repubblica Italiana.

Honorary Professor at Bejing Beiwei University.

Valeria Giannotta

International politics area

Competences: International Relations

Keywords: Middle East, Turkey, UE-Turkey relations

Region: ABROAD


Scientific Director of Observatory on Turkey- CeSPI

Professional career

She studied in Milan at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, where she graduated in Political Science and International Relations with the highest grades (110/110) and where she received a summa cum laude degree in International Relations and European Integration. At the Catholic University of Milan she also got a PhD in Institutions and Policies with a thesis on "AKP (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi) and its Conservative Democracy program". She has been active in Turkey since March 2009 as a researcher and lecturer. She worked at Türk Hava Kurumu Üniversitesi in Ankara, the Department of Political Science and International Relations of Sabahattin Zaim University in Istanbul and as a visiting scholar at Yildirim Beyazit University in Ankara, chairing the course on the democratization process in Muslim countries, and at Gazikent University in Gaziantep. Previously she was a visiting researcher at the Department of International Relations at Boğaziçi University in Istanbul, and in Ankara she collaborated with the Center for European Studies at the University of Ankara (ATAUM) and at the Center for European Studies of the Middle East Technical University (CES). As a Turkey expert, she collaborates with Think Tanks and participates in high-level strategic meetings. She is the author of numerous analyzes and articles that she has presented internationally as well. Among other things, she is the scientific coordinator of EİEAD (European Institute of Eurasian Dialogue), amember of the editorial committee of Mondo Operaio, a journal of politics and society and member of the scientific committee of ReaCT (National Observatory on Radicalism and for the Contrast to Terrorism).  From 2018 she has been regularly collaborated on issues of international importance as op-ed for the Turkish newspaper Daily Sabah and as an analyst for the digital platform The New Turkey. From 2019 shi is director of Dal 2019 è Direttrice scientifica dell'Osservatorio Turchia- CeSPI. For her analytical objectivity and her commitment to supporting Italian diplomacy in Turkey, in 2017 she was awarded by the title Cavaliere della Stella di Italia by the Presidency of the Italian Republic.

Scientific results

She studied in Milan at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, where she graduated in Political Science and International Relations with the highest grades (110/110) and where she received a summa cum laude degree in International Relations and European Integration. At the Catholic University of Milan she also got a PhD in Institutions and Policies with a thesis on "AKP (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi) and its Conservative Democracy program". She has been active in Turkey since March 2009 as a researcher and lecturer. She worked at Türk Hava Kurumu Üniversitesi in Ankara, the Department of Political Science and International Relations of Sabahattin Zaim University in Istanbul and as a visiting scholar at Yildirim Beyazit University in Ankara, chairing the course on the democratization process in Muslim countries, and at Gazikent University in Gaziantep. Previously she was a visiting researcher at the Department of International Relations at Boğaziçi University in Istanbul, and in Ankara she collaborated with the Center for European Studies at the University of Ankara (ATAUM) and at the Center for European Studies of the Middle East Technical University (CES). As a Turkey expert, she collaborates with Think Tanks and participates in high-level strategic meetings. She is the author of numerous analyzes and articles that she has presented internationally as well. Among other things, she is the scientific coordinator of EİEAD (European Institute of Eurasian Dialogue), amember of the editorial committee of Mondo Operaio, a journal of politics and society and member of the scientific committee of ReaCT (National Observatory on Radicalism and for the Contrast to Terrorism).  From 2018 she has been regularly collaborated on issues of international importance as op-ed for the Turkish newspaper Daily Sabah and as an analyst for the digital platform The New Turkey. From 2019 shi is director of Dal 2019 è Direttrice scientifica dell'Osservatorio Turchia- CeSPI. For her analytical objectivity and her commitment to supporting Italian diplomacy in Turkey, in 2017 she was awarded by the title Cavaliere della Stella di Italia by the Presidency of the Italian Republic.

Scientific results

Since 2009 she has been focusing on Turkey and Turkish politics. She studied from within the AKP phenomenon and the normalization and transformation processes of Turkish politics, culminating in the executive presidentialism in June 2018. Specifically, her research interests concern the Turkish democratic transition within contemporary Turkish politics, the Turkey-EU relations, Turkish foreign policy and relations between religion and politics. She regularly lectures and gives seminars on international relations and Turkey at universities and Thin Tanks. She takes part in panels and conferences and she is called to give her contribution to radio and television programs, newspapers and journals.

Editorial work and publications

[2020] Giannotta  V. and Andrea Locatelli, Tra il califfo e il sultano: la guerra allo Stato Islamico, il contributo dei curdi e il ruolo della Turchia, in D. Fiammenghi (ed),L’evoluzione del terrorismo islamico. Dalle Primavere Arabe al ritiro americano dalla Siria (2011-2020)Edizioni Epoke’, 2020, ISBN 978-88-31327-07-7

[2020] Giannotta V.NATO and Turkey: a fluctuating relationshipin M. Testoni (ed)NATO and Transatlantic Relations in the 21st Century: Foreign and Security Policy Perspectives", Routledge, December 2020 ISBN9781003045434

[2019] Il partito AKP: tra conservatorismo e riformismoRivista di Politica, 02/2019, ISSN: 2037-495X

[2018] Giannotta V., Trump, il Mediorente e la Turchia, in Quarenghi A. (ed.),Trump e l'ordine internazionale. Continuità e discontinuità nella politica estera statunitense del XXI secolo, Egea, 2018.

[2018] Giannotta V., Erdoğan e il suo Partito. AKP tra riformismo e conservatorismo, Castelvecchi, 2018. 

[2016] Giannotta V., Narratives of the Past and Cultural Heritage in Turkish Party Politics: from Republican Political Myth to Conservative Counter- revolution, in Raudvere, C. (ed.), Contested Memories and the Demands of the Past: History Cultures in the Modern Muslim World,Routledge, London, 2016.

[2015] Giannotta V., Il partito della Nazione,in Mondoperaio, ottobre 2015.

[2014] Giannotta V., La Turchia e l’Azerbaijan(Turkey and Azerbaijan), in Locatelli, A. e Carati, A. Le Relazioni İnternazionali Dell’Azerbaijan,Sandro Teti ed., Roma. 

[2013] Giannotta V., La Turchia dopo la primavera Araba (Turkey after the Arab Spring), in Locatelli A., e Parsi, V. E. (ed.),L’onda lunga delle Primavere arabe,Vita e Pensiero, Milano. 

[2013] Giannotta V., European Paradox, Cypriot anathema, in Rivista della Cooperazione Giuridica Internazionale (İnternational Cooperation Law Review), XXV, 43.

[2013] Giannotta V., AKP as Social and Political Center, in ISZU, journal of Social Sciences, spring issue, 2013.

Awards and prizes

"Cavaliere dell’Ordine della Stella d’Italia", awarded by the Presidency of the Republic of Italy for the objectivity of analysis and activity in support of Italian diplomacy and efforts in building cultural bridge between Italy and Turkey.

The book Erdoğan e il suo partito. AKP tra Riformismo e conservatorismo got awarded with the Italian special Prize Cerruglio 2019 on contemporary essays. 

Raffaella Giavazzi

STEM area: Biomedical sciences and biotechnology

Competences: Oncological Biology, Pharmacology, Translational Research

Keywords: angiogenesis, anticancer drugs, cancer, coronavirus, Covid-19, metabolism, microenvironment, ovarian cancer, pancreatic adenocarcinoma, tumor metastases

Region: Lombardy


Director of the Laboratory of Biology and Therapy of Tumour Metastases at IRCCS Mario Negri

Professional career

After graduating in Biological Sciences from the University of Milan in 1979, Raffaella Giavazzi qualified as a biologist. She continued her studies with a PhD in Biology and Pharmacology, at the Post-graduate School of Professional Education at the Mario Negri Institute, and a specialisation in Pharmacology at the University of Milan. After several experiences abroad, both as a researcher at the Cancer Metastasis and Treatment Laboratory of the National Cancer Institute, in Maryland, and as a university teaching assistant at the Department of Cell Biology of the M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute, University of Texas, she came back to Italy. Since 1986 she has been head of the Laboratory of Biology and Therapy of Tumour Metastases at the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research. From 2005 to 2007 she was President of the Italian Society of Cancerology and from 2008 to 2012 she was a member of the Executive Committee of the European Association for Cancer Research. Since the same year she has been a member of the Board of Directors of the University of Trento.

Scientific results

Raffaella Giavazzi’s research interests are in the field of tumor biology and pharmacology with a specific interest in the metastatic process and tumor angiogenesis. She is involved in the pre-clinical and clinical development of new therapeutics against cancer, with particular involvement in ovarian and pancreatic cancer.

Editorial work and publications

Raffaella Giavazzi has published approximately 200 articles in the field of Cancer Research, including: 

(2018) Resovi A, Bani MR, Porcu L, Anastasia A, Minoli L, Allavena P, Cappello P, Novelli F, Scarpa A, Morandi E, Falanga A, Torri V, Taraboletti G, Belotti D, Giavazzi R. Soluble stroma-related biomarkers of pancreatic cancer.Embo Molecular Medicine, 10(8), pii: e8741, doi: 10.15252/emmm.201708741.

(2016) Cesca M, Morosi L, Berndt A, Fuso Nerini I, Frapolli R, Richter P, Decio A, Dirsch O, Micotti E, Giordano S, D’Incalci M, Davoli E, Zucchetti M, Giavazzi R. Bevacizumab-induced inhibition of angiogenesis promotes a more homogeneous intratumoral distribution of paclitaxel, improving the antitumor response. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics,15(1):125-35. 

(2014) Ricci R, Bizzaro F, Cesca M, Guffanti F, Ganzinelli M, Decio A, Ghilardi C, Perego P, Fruscio R, Buda A, Milani R, Ostano P, Chiorino G, Bani MR, Damia G, Giavazzi R. A platform of patient-derived tumor xenografts (EOC-xenografts) to recapitulate the clinicopathology and genetic alterations of ovarian cancer. Cancer Research, 74(23):6980-90. 

(2013) Rovida A, Castiglioni V, Decio A, Scarlato V, Scanziani E, Giavazzi R, Cesca M. Chemotherapy counteracts metastatic dissemination induced by antiangiogenic treatment in mice.Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, 12(10):2237-47.

(2012) Moschetta M, Pretto F, Berndt A, Galler K, Richter P, Bassi A, Oliva P, Micotti E, Valbusa G, Schwager K, Kaspar M, Trachsel E, Kosmehl H, Bani MR, Neri D, Giavazzi R. Paclitaxel enhances the therapeutic efficacy of the F8-IL2 immunocytokine to EDA-fibronectin positive metastatic human melanoma xenografts. Cancer Research, 72(7):1814-24. 

(2007) Giavazzi R, Bani MR, Taraboletti G. Tumor-host interaction in the optimization of paclitaxel based combination therapies with vascular targeting compounds. Cancer Metastasis Reviews, 26:481-88. 

(2005) Rybak JN, Ettorre A, Kaissling B, Giavazzi R, Neri D, Elia G. In vivo protein biotinylation for identification of organ-specific antigens accessible from the vasculature. Nature Methods, 2(4):291-98.

(2003) Belotti D, Paganoni P, Manenti L, Garofalo A, Marchini S, Taraboletti G, Giavazzi R. Matrix Metalloproteinases (MMP9 and MMP2) Induce the Release of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) by Ovarian Carcinoma Cells: Implications for Acites Formation. Cancer Research, 63:5224-29. 

(1998) Valoti G, Nicoletti MI, Pellegrino A, Jimeno J, Hendriks H, D'Incalci M, Faircloth G, Giavazzi R. Ecteinascidin-743 (ET-743), a new marine natural product with potent antitumor activity on human ovarian carcinoma xenografts. Clinical Cancer Research, 4:1977-1983. 

(1995) Taraboletti G, Garofalo A, Belotti D, Drudis T, Borsotti P, Scanziani E, Brown PD, Giavazzi R. Inhibition of angiogenesis and murine hemangioma growth by Batimastat, a synthetic inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases. Journal of the National Cancer Instistute, 87:293-298. 

(1993) Giavazzi R, Foppolo M, Dossi R, Remuzzi A. Rolling and adhesion of human tumor cells on vascular endothelium under physiological flow conditions. The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 92:3038-3044.

Awards and prizes

In 1981 Raffaella Giavazzi was awarded the "Fellowship for Advanced Professional Training" by the Italian Ministry of Labour and the European Economic Community. 

In 2003, she received the Researcher Career Award “Lega Italiana per la lotta contro i tumori”.

In 2012,  she received the “Giorgio Prodi” Lecturship by the Italian Cancer Society.

In 2016, she was included among the "Top Italian Women Scientists"

In 2018, seh received the Researcher Career Award “5th Simon Karpatkin Memorial Lecture”.

Claudia Giordani


Competences: Gender Equality, History of Sports, Leadership in Sports, Mountain Sports, Skiing, Sport and Youth, Sport Communication, Sport Management, Sports Tourism, Winter Sports

Keywords: CONI (Comitato Olimpico Nazionale Italiano/Italian National Olympic Committee), Milano Cortina 2026, Olympic Games, Olympics, Olympic Values, Paris 2024, sports training courses, women in sport

Region: Lombardy


Former athlete, Nordic skiing champion. Vice President of CONI (Italian National Olympic Committee) and Milan Metropolitan City Delegate.

Professional career

Alpine skier, Italian athlete until 1981, won the silver medal at the Innsbruck Olympics in 1976. Her palmares includes 14 national titles and the gold medal at the Universiade in Jaca in 1981. 

An Alpine ski instructor since 1976 and a national and international judge since 1981, after her competitive career she is an entrepreneur and consultant in the field of communications. She deals with public and media relations, follows and works for international sports events, for institutions, companies, organisations, developing projects aimed at different target audiences. To date, she has gathered experience in various roles in 26 editions of the Summer and Winter Olympic Games. 

Sports manager since 2010 and Founding Member of the SML Sport Management Leadership Association. Translator and lecturer in University Masters and CONI School of Sport. Cesvi Volunteer. Since 2018 she has been Vice President of the Milan, Lodi, Monza Brianza Provincial Committee of FISI (Italian Winter Sports Federation). Since 2021 she has been Vice President of CONI and Milan metropolitan city delegate since 2013.

Editorial work and publications

Claudia Giordani is the author of the book dedicated to the memory of her father: Quando il basket era il Jordan. Aldo Giordani vent'anni dopo, Libreria dello Sport 2013.

Awards and prizes

1977, 'Cavaliere Ordine al merito sportivo' Italian Republic.

2013, Bronze Star for sporting merit.

2021, Gold Star for sporting merit.

Giorgia Giovannetti

International politics area

Competences: Development Policy, European Economy, International Economics and Policy

Keywords: belt and road, Brexit, China, coronavirus, Covid-19, Covid-19 and Italian companies, Covid-19 an Mediterranean, Covid-19: impact on global value chains, Covid-19: manufacturing and services, Covid-19: socio-economics impact, economic development, emerging countries, Europe, Financial crisis and Covid-19 crisis: differences, Middle East and North Africa, productivity, social protection, Sub Saharan Africa

Region: Tuscany


Full professor of Political Economics and pro rector at University of Florence

Professional career

Giorgia Giovannetti is vice president for international relations and full professor of economics at the University of Florence, visiting professor at the European University Institute (EUI) and New York University - Florence, and member of the "Consiglio di reggenza" of the Bank of Italy-Florence. She was the scientific director of the first and second European Development Report (ERD 2009 and 2010); she directed the research unit of the Italian trade Agency-ICE (2005-2007). She has a PhD in economics from Cambridge-UK and a degree with honors in Statistics from Rome-Sapienza. She was a fellow of Trinity College in Cambridge (1990-1995) and a visiting professor at several universities (Pompeu Fabra University -UPF, Hoover Institution- Stanford, Universitat Torcuato de Tella). She is (or has been) member of the editorial boards of IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook (since 2010); Rapporto Commercio estero, ICE (since 2004); Italian Economy, Journal of Unicredit (2011-2014); Manlio Masi Foundation (since 2007), Italian Economic Journal, from 2017. She has published in important academic journals and presented at major international conferences. She has been a consultant to MAECI, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Ministry of Foreign Trade, European Commission, World Bank, Global Development Center. She is a fellow of the Luca D’Agliano study center and of the Ferdi Foundation (Clermont Ferrand).

Scientific results

Giorgia Giovannetti's research activity is mainly on international economics and development economics. Giovannetti has dedicated itself to studying firms’ productivity and competitiveness both in industrial countries (with particular attention to Italy) and in developing countries. More specifically, she studied how participation in global value chains affects firms’ productivity, as well as the possibility of a country to exploit development opportunities. She also studied the Chinese economy both to understand if and to what extent Chinese exports "crowd out" the Italian and German ones and those of African countries, and to identify the reasons behind Chinese investments along the Belt and Road Initiative. Over time, she has studied European economy and Brexit, the problems of African countries in situation of fragility and conflict, as well as the role of social protection in developing countries.

Editorial work and publications

[2018] Giovannetti, G., The Dynamics of Foreign Direct Investments in Land and Pollution Accumulation, Environmental and Resource Economics with Borghesi, S., Iannucci GL and Russo. 

[2018] Giovannetti, G., The Role of Trade and Offshoring in the Determination of Relative Wages and Child Labour, in The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development RJTE Global, with S. Cigno and L. Sabani, volume 27, number 3.

[2017] Giovannetti, G., Del Prete, D., Marvasi, E., Global Value Chains: new evidence for North Africa, International Economics, November 2017, Volume 153, Issue 4, pp 675–701.

[2017] Giovannetti, G., MArvasi, E., Governance, value chain positioning and firms' heterogeneous performance: The case of Tuscany, International Economics, 2017.

[2017] Giovannetti, G., Del Prete, D., Marvasi, E., Value Chains Participation and Productivity Gains for North African Firms, Review of World Economy.

[2017] Giovannetti, G., Ricchiuti, G., Velucchi, M., Size and technology: The Odd Couple for affiliates survival, in Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Volume 40, March 2017, Pages 64-71. 

[2016] Giovannetti, G., Ticci, E., Determinants of biofuel-oriented land acquisitions in Sub-Saharan Africa, in Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews.

[2016] Giovannetti, G., Marvasi, E., Food Exporters in Global Value Chains, in Food Policy, 2016. 

[2016] Giovannetti, G., Sanfilippo, M., China’s competition and the export price strategies of developed countries, in International Review of Applied Economics, 2016, volume 30, number 2.

[2015] Giovannetti, G., Sanfilippo, M., Marvasi, E., Supply chains and the internationalization of small firms, in Small Business Economics.

[2013] Giovannetti, G., Ricchiuti, G., Velucchi, M., Location, Internationalization and Performance of Firms in Italy: a Multilevel Approach, in Applied Economics, 2013, volume 45, issue 18.

[2013] Giovannetti, G., Cuffaro, N., Monni, S., Foreign Acquisitions of Land in Developing Countries. Risks, Opportunities and New Actors , in QA – Rivista dell’Associazione Rossi-Doria, n. 2, 2013.

Maria Rita Gismondo

STEM area: Biomedical sciences and biotechnology

Competences: Microbiology

Keywords: anthrax, bioemergencies, bioterrorism, ebola, infections, microbiology, migrants, pandemics, virology

Region: Lombardy


Director of the Laboratori of Clinical Microbiology, Virology and Bioemergency of the Sacco Hospital in Milan and Associate Professor of Clinical Microbiology at the Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences "Sacco" of the University of Milan

Professional career

After graduating in Biological Sciences from the University of Catania in 1976, she continued her training by specialising in Clinical Microbiology and Virology. In 1984 he obtained a second degree in Medicine and Surgery at the same Sicilian university. From 1976 to 1981 she was a member of the Institute of Microbiology at the University of Milan. In 1982 she was an intern in Clinical Microbiology at the London Hospital and in Oral Microbiology at the Hospital Medical School For Dentistry in London. In 1986 she became a resident in Microbiology at the University of Tennessee. Since 1991 she has been Associate Professor in Clinical Microbiology at the University of Milan. She leads several research groups dealing with bioterrorism, SARS, Ebola and infectious emergencies. He has also been a member of the National AIDS Commission since 2007. Since 2014 he has been head of the Clinical Microbiology, Virology and Bioemergency laboratory at the Sacco Hospital in Milan.

Scientific results

Within the UOC (Complex Operational Unit) Clinical Microbiology and Virology, Maria Rita Gismondo has implemented the 'bioemergency' sector consisting of a BSL3 (Bio safety level 3) laboratory and a BSL4 laboratory (one of two existing in Italy) dedicated to serious health crises. Gismondo brought together a research and operational team with the aim of providing a rapid response to infectious emergencies, both of natural origin (pandemics) and voluntary (bioterrorism). Today, the laboratory she directs is the reference point for diagnosing tropical diseases, anthrax risks and risks associated with other potentially infectious elements.

Editorial work and publications

Maria Rita Gismondo is associate editor of several scientific journals and author of numerous articles, including: 

(2016) Rimoldi SG, De Vecchi E, Pagani C, Antona C, Gismondo MR. Use of Dithiothreitol to Dislodge Bacteria From the Biofilm on an Aortic Valve in the Operating Theatre: A Case of Infective Endocarditis Caused by Staphylococcus aureus and Proteus mirabilis. The Annals of thoracic surgery, 102(4):e357-9. 

(2016) Rossotti R, Borghi V, Callegaro AP, Rusconi S, Gismondo MR. Impact of Circulating Resistance-Associated Mutations on HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) efficacy: Modeling from Antiretroviral Resistance Cohort Analysis (ARCA) National Database. Journal of clinical virology: the official publication of the Pan American Society for Clinical Virology. 

(2016) Cagnoni G, Rimoldi SG, Pagani C, Gismondo MR. Can Drainage Using a Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy Device Replace Traditional Sample Collection Methods?. Surgical Infections, 17(5):577-82. 

(2016) Caruso I, Santandrea S, Gismondo MR, Sarzi Puttini P. Vaccination with endosomal unknown epitopes produces therapeutic response in rheumatoid arthritis patients and modulates adjuvant arthritis of rats. Journal of Translational Medicine, 14:162. 

(2015) Ridolfo AL, Sara Giordana Rimoldi SG, Pagani C, Gismondo MR. Diffusion and transmission of carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae in the medical and surgical wards of a university hospital in Milan, Italy. Journal of Infection and Public Health, 9(1):24-33. 

(2015) D'Alessandro S, Corbett Y, Ilboudo DP, Parapini S, Gismondo MR. Salinomycin and Other Ionophores as a New Class of Antimalarial Drugs with Transmission-Blocking Activity. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 59(9):5135-44. 

(2015) Vocale C, Rimoldi SG, Pagani C, Sambri V, Gismondo MR. Comparative evaluation of the new xTAG GPP multiplex assay in the laboratory diagnosis of acute gastroenteritis. Clinical assessment and potential application from a multicentre Italian study. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 34:33-7. 

(2014) Perrone V, Cattaneo D, Radice S, Clementi E, Gismondo MR. Impact of therapeutic drug monitoring of antiretroviral drugs in routine clinical management of patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus and related health care costs: A real-life study in a large cohort of patients. ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research, 6:341-8. 

(2013) Tau P, Mancon A, Mileto D, Rusconi S, Gismondo MR. Favorable Therapeutic Response with an Antiretroviral Salvage Regimen in an HIV-1-Positive Subject Infected with a CRF11-cpx Virus. AIDS research and human retroviruses, 30(5):480-3. 

(2013) de Luca A, Dunn D, Zazzi M, Sloot, PM, Gismondo MR. Declining Prevalence of HIV-1 Drug Resistance in Antiretroviral Treatment-exposed Individuals in Western Europe. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 207(8):1216-20.

Awards and prizes

In 2005 she was awarded the "Ambrogino d'Oro" as director of the Clinical Microbiology Laboratory of the University Hospital "L. Sacco" in Milan. 

In 2007, she was awarded the Woman of Achievement 2007. 

In 2009, she was awarded the 'Rosa Camuna' Prize by the Lombardy Region. 

She was also appointed representative of the Ministry of Universities on the Board of Directors of the Smith Kline Foundation. 

In memory of her Norwegian microbiologist colleague Tom Bergan, she founded the Tom Bergan Study Centre, which promotes cultural and scientific initiatives, including "Donna in Salute" and the "Sportello Unico per gli anziani".

Elisa Giuliani

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Business Economics, Development Economy, Innovation Economy

Keywords: business and human rights, innovation, responsible business, sustainable development

Region: Tuscany


Full Professor of Economics and Business Management at the University of Pisa. Member of the Coordination Committee, National Doctorate in Sustainable Development and Climate Change, at University School for Advanced Studies (IUSS) of Pavia.

Professional career

After graduating, she obtained a Ph.D. in business and economics at the University of Pisa in 2003, and a Ph.D. in Science and Technology Policy at the SPRU, University of Sussex (UK) in 2005. She was Jean Monnet Fellow at the European University Institute in 2004, and ESRC Post-Doctoral Fellow at SPRU in 2005-2006. She moved to the University of Pisa in 2006, where she became Full Professor in 2016, when she founded the REMARC -Responsible Management Research Center of which she is now director. She has been Visiting Professor at the University of Lund (2016), the MIT Sloan School of Management (2017-2018) and Bocconi University (2019-2020).  

Scientific results

Elisa Giuliani's research activity lies at the interface of business studies and sustainable development. She is interested in understanding how business activity impacts on society and the economic systems. One line of research concerns the economics of innovation and the technological catching up of companies in developing countries, and the research carried out in this area has concerned industrial districts, multinational companies, and global value chains. She has recently been interested in the impacts of technological innovation on society and the environment, working on a project for measuring the potential toxicity of inventions, using computational chemistry methodologies to predict the toxic content of industrial patents. A second and more recent area of ​​interest concerns business, human rights and corporate social responsibility. Her research in this area is aimed at measuring and studying the causes of organizational wrongdoing. She has been Principal Investigator (PI) of national and international projects, and is currently PI of a Horizon Europe project on the subject of enterprise and democracy.

Editorial work and publications

Elisa Giuliani is editor of Research Policy and member of the editorial board of the journals: Journal of Economic Geography, Economic Geography, Business and Human Rights Journal.

She is the author of numerous publications, including:

2022) Balland P.A., Broekel T., Diodato D., Giuliani E., Hausmann R., O’Clery N., Rigby D. The New Paradigm of Economic Complexity, Research Policy, 51 (3), 104450.

(2022) Biggi G., Giuliani E., Martinelli A., Benfenati E. Patent Toxicity, Research Policy, 51 (1), 104329.

(2021) Giuliani E., Jaqueminet A., Nieri F. Bringing Light to Dark Spots: The Case of Cross-border Bioprospecting, in Castellani D., Perri A., Scalera V., Zanfei A. (eds.), Cross-Border Innovation in a Changing World, Oxford University Press.

(2019) Wettstein F., Giuliani E., Santangelo G., Stahl G.   International Business and Human Rights: A research agenda, Journal of World Business, 54 (1): 54-65.

(2019) Giuliani E., Balland P.A., Matta A. Straining but not thriving: Understanding network dynamics in underperforming industrial clusters, Journal of Economic Geography, 19 (1): 147-172. 

(2018) Amendolagine V., Giuliani E., Martinelli A., Rabellotti R. Chinese and Indian MNEs’ shopping sprees in advanced countries. How good is it for their innovation output? Journal of Economic Geography, 18 (5): 1149–1176.

(2017) Giuliani E. Ciravegna L. Vezzulli A., Kilian B.  Decoupling standards from practice: The impact of in-house certifications on coffee farms’ environmental and social conduct, World Development, 96: 294–314. 

(2017) Fiaschi D., Giuliani E., Nieri F.  Overcoming the liability of origin by doing no harm. Assessing emerging country firms’ social irresponsibility as they go global, Journal of World Business, 52 (4): 546- 563.

(2014) Giuliani E., Macchi C. Multinational Corporations' Economic and Human Rights Impacts on Developing Countries: A Review and Research Agenda, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 38 (2): 479-517. 

(2013) Giuliani E.  Network dynamics in regional clusters: Evidence from Chile, Research Policy, 42 (8): 1406-1419.

(2005) Giuliani E., Pietrobelli C., Rabellotti R.   Upgrading in global value chains: Lessons from Latin American clusters. World Development 33(4): 549-573.

(2005) Giuliani E., Bell M. The micro-determinants of meso-level learning and innovation: evidence from a Chilean wine cluster. Research Policy 34(1): 47-68.

Awards and prizes

Elisa Giuliani is a Fellow of the Regional Studies Association (RSA), and received the RSA MERSA Award in 2017. During her career she has been recipient of several awards (e.g. 2020 Highly Commended Paper Emerald Literati Awards; 2014 Danny van den Bulcke Prize for Best Paper- European Academy of International Business; 2005 The Druid Young Scholar Best Paper Award - Copenhagen Business School). She has been invited to give keynote lectures at various conferences, including RSAI-GSSI in 2021; Druid Academy in 2017; European Meeting of Applied Evolutionary Economics, MERIT in Maastricht in 2015, among others.

Elisa Giunchi

International politics area

Competences: History and Politics of the Middle East, Islam

Keywords: Afghanistan, Islam and gender, Islamism, Middle East, Pakistan, shari’a

Region: Lombardy


Associate professor of History and institutions of Muslim Countries at Università degli Studi di Milano

Professional career

She obtained an M.Phil. in Islamic Studies and a PhD in History at the University of Cambridge. Between 1994 and 2001 she worked in the humanitarian field in Jordan and Italy and in that context she travelled extensively in Asia. In 2002 she became a researcher at the Università degli studi di Milano and started to teach various courses on the history and institutions of the Middle East. Since then she has also taught at other Universities and acted as a referee for several academic journals. In 2013 she visiting scholar at the University of Cambridge. She has recently set up with some colleagues a new on-line journal; she has been for many years part of editorial committees and board of directors of academic journals such as Rivista italiana di storia internazionale; Afriche & Orienti; Quaderni Asiatici; Storia delle Donne.

Scientific results

Elisa Giunchi follows four main research fields: the first is the evolution and interpretation of shari’a in the courts of law of Pakistan; the second is the territorial disputes between Afghanistan and Pakistan; the third is religious authority in Islam and its relationship with political power; the fourth is the transfer of military technology to Afghanistan since the end of the 19th century. On each of these subjects she has written extensively and held seminars and lectures.

Editorial work and publications

[2017] Giunchi E., Nel nome di Allah: l’autorità religiosa nell’Islam. Jouvence.

[2009] Giunchi E., Pakistan: islam, potere e democratizzazione. Carocci.

[2007] Giunchi E., Afghanistan: Storia e società nel cuore dell’Asia. Carocci.

Recent academic articles and essays

[2019] Giunchi E., Democratization and the relevance of history: the case of Pakistan, in Nuovi autoritarismi e democrazie: diritto, istituzioni, società (NAD), 1, 1.

[2019] Giunchi E., La proliferazione di armi in Afghanistan: una prospettiva di lungo periodo, in Giunchi E. - Ponti C. (eds.),  Le armi nel mondo contemporaneo: proliferazione, regimi di controllo e prospettive di disarmoGiappichelli.

[2018] Giunchi E., Il concetto di sovranità divina nella Costituzione pakistana: uno strumento per espandere o limitare i diritti fondamentali?, in Afriche e Orienti, XX, 1-2.

[2015] Giunchi E., Jihadists, the web and the issue of religious authority, in L. Tomè (ed.), Islamic state. The new global jihadist phenomenon.

[2014] Giunchi E.,Muslim Family Law and Legal Practice in the West: An Introduction, in Giunchi E., (ed.), Muslim family law in Western courts, Routledge.

[2013] Giunchi E.,Islamization and judicial activism in Pakistan: what šarīʻah?, Oriente Moderno, 93, 1.

[2013] Giunchi E., The Durand Line: an historical perspective, Internationales Asienform, 44, 1-2. 

[2011] Giunchi E, Democratic Transition and Social Spending: the case of Pakistan in the 1990s, Democratization, 18, 6.

[2010] Giunchi E., The reinvention of the sharī‘a under the British Raj: In search for authenticity and certainty,Journal of Asian Studies, 68, 4. 

Awards and prizes

In 2018 she received from the Università degli Studi di Milano a special fund as a reward for her scientific production.

Anna Giunta

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Firms’ Economics, Industrial Policy, Italian Economy, Public Policies Evaluation

Keywords: companies, digitisation, internationalization, procurement for innovation

Region: Lazio


Full Professor of Industrial Economics and Director of the Centro Ricerche Economiche e Sociali Manlio Rossi-Doria, Center of Excellence, Università Roma Tre.

Professional career

After a PhD in Development Economics, Centro di Ricerche Economiche-Agrarie per il Mezzogiorno, founded by Manlio Rossi-Doria and Master of Arts in Economics, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, in 1995 she becomes associated Professor, Università della Calabria and, since 2005 Full Professor, Università Roma Tre.

Visiting Professor: Rutgers University (New Jersey); London School of Economics; New School for Social Research (New York); Duke University (North Carolina).

Member of the National Recruitment Committee, ASN (2012-14).

President of Società Italiana di Economia e Politica Industriale, SIEPI (2016-19).

Director of the Centro di Ricerche Economiche e Sociali Manlio Rossi-Doria, Centre of Excellence, Università Roma Tre.

Member of “Consiglio di Reggenza” Bank of Italy, Rome Branch. 

Member of scientific boards such as: Centro Europa Ricerche (CER, Rome); Center for Industrial Studies (CSIL, Milan); senior fellow of the School of European Political Economy (SEP, Luiss, Rome) 

Member of Scientific Societies: Società Italiana di Economia (SIE); Società Italiana di Economia e Politica Industriale (SIEPI); European Trade Study Group (ETSG); Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE).

Scientific results

Her main research area is on Italian industry with a focus on Productivity, Research and Development; Innovation, Digitalization; Internationalization.

With regard to firms’ internationalization, she has published several articles on firms’ participation and positioning within Global Value Chains, highlighting the impact on firms’ productivity. She also investigates the impact of the recent EU Trade Agreements on Italian firms.

She also works on Public Procurement for Innovation. Her articles point out the role of big research infrastructures (Cern, the European Organization for Nuclear Research; ASI, the Italian Space Agency) in activating links with industrial firms, thus enhancing firms’ innovation (patenting) and performance.  

She works as well on technological transfer. Her articles point out which are the determinants of University-Industry links and their impact on firms’ innovation.   

She has contributed to the foundation of the School of Evaluation of Public Policies’ Impact, organized by the Centro Rossi-Doria (Università Roma Tre), currently in its fourth edition. The aim of the School is to provide participants with the counterfactual techniques to evaluate the impact of public policy, with a focus on industrial and regional policies. 

Editorial work and publications

[2022] Giunta A., Montalbano P., Nenci S., Consistency of Micro- and Macro-level Data on Global Value Chains: Evidence from Selected European Countries, International Economics, 171, 130-142,


[2022] Cainelli G., Ganau R., Giunta A., Business Groups, Institutions, and Firm Performance, Industrial and  Corporate Change, vol. 31 (1), 215-233,,


[2021] Vurchio D., Giunta A., The impact of the Italian Space Agency on Scientific Knowledge: Evidence from Academic Publications, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics,,  n. 92, 511-529, 

[2021] Bastianin A., Castelnovo P., Florio M., Giunta A., Big Science and Innovation: Gestation Lag from Procurement to Patents for CERN Suppliers, The Journal of Technology Transfer,

[2020] Cerulli G., Corsino M., Gabriele R., Giunta A., A Dose-Response Evaluation of Regional R&D Subsidies Policy, Economics of Innovation and New TechnologyDOI 10.1080/10438599.2020.1792604, 2020 

[2020] Giunta A., Lo shock da offerta. GVC, COVID 19 e le imprese italiane, Menabò di Etica ed Economia, n. 121,

[2020] Agostino M., Brancati E., Giunta A., Scalera D., Trivieri F., Firm’s Efficiency and Global Value Chains: An Empirical Investigation on Italian Industry, The World Economy,, 43 (4): 827-1146.

[2018] Florio M., Giffoni F., Giunta A., Sirtori E., Big Science, Learning and Innovation: Evidence from Cern Procurement, Industrial and Corporate Change, 27  (5): 915-936.

[2018] Cainelli G., Ganau R., Giunta A., Spatial Agglomeration, Global Value Chains, and Productivity. Micro-Evidence from Italy and Spain, Economic Letters, 169: 43-46.

[2018] Accetturo A., Giunta A., Value Chains and the Great Recession: Evidence from Italian and German Firms, International Economics, 153: 55-68.

[2017] Giunta A., Rossi S., Che cosa sa fare l’Italia. La nostra economia dopo la grande crisi, Roma, Laterza.

[2016] Agostino M., Giunta A., Scalera D., Trivieri F., Italian Firms in Global Value Chains: Updating our Knowledge in Manzocchi S., Ottaviano G. (edited by), Global Value Chains, Trade Networks and Firm Performance: International Evidence and the Italian Case, Rivista di Politica Economica, VII-IX, 155- 186. 

[2016] Giunta A., Pericoli F., Pierucci E., University-Industry Collaboration in the Biopharmaceuticals: the Italian Case, Journal of Technology Transfer, 41: 818–840.

[2015] Agostino M., Giunta A., Nugent J., Scalera D., Trivieri F., The Importance of Being a Capable Supplier: Italian Industrial Firms in Global Value Chains, International Small Business Journal, 33 (7), 708-30.

[2012] Accetturo A., Giunta A., Rossi S., Being in a Global Value Chain: Hell or Heaven?,, 15 December.

Serena Giusti

International politics area

Competences: Art and Politics, Central and Eastern Europe, Cultural Diplomacy, European Foreign Policy, Foreign Policy Analysis, International Relations, Russian foreign policy, Security, United Kingdom Foreign Policy

Keywords: coronavirus, Covid-19, Covid-19: geopolitics of vaccines, European Union, United Kingdom

Region: Tuscany


Senior Lecturer International Relations, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies Pisa and Senior Associate Research Fellow, ISPI, Milan  

Professional career

Serena Giusti graduated in Political Scienceat University of Florence and holds a Ph.D. in Political and Social Sciences from the European University Institute in Florence, as well as a Master’s degree from the College of Europe (Natolin). She has worked for the European Commission, Unicef-icdc and OSCE. She has been a visiting Researcher in the Centre for the Study of Democracy (CSD) in the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Westminster London. She has offered courses in several universities, among them: Catholic University (Milan), Luiss (Rome), New York University (Florence), Pázmány Péter Catholic University (Budapest), Kazakh Humanitarian Law University, Novosibirsk State University. Since 2014, she teaches International Relations at the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa. 

Scientific results

Serena Giusti is an expert on Central-Eastern European countries and on Russia, especially in the field of their relationship with the European Union. Moreover, she has studied the dynamics of foreign policy and security both for the EU and for other actors. In 2017 she was awarded a Jean Monnet Activities project "EU-Russia, Connecting People and Ideas Revolution, Post-Soviet Space”- 587038-EPP-1-2017-1-IT-EPPJMO-PROJECT and in 2014 a Jean Monnet module: “The EU’s responses to the challenges of its Neighbourhood”, Grant Decision n.2014 2539/553495. Since 2018, she is a partner of the project The use of Art in the Public Domain and the Politics of Heritage (Politage)headed by the University of BolzanoIn 2018, her project on the Protection of cultural heritage was financed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

Editorial work and publications

Among her latest publications: 

[2019] Giusti, S., Mirkina, I. (eds) The EU in a Trans-European Space, External Relations across Europe, Asia and the Middle East, London, Palgrave.  

[2019] Giusti, S., “Russia’s Fluctuating Foreign Policy” in F. Bindi (ed), Europe and America- The End of the Transatlantic Relationship, The Brookings Institute, Washington, March.

[2019] Giusti,  S., “From a regional hegemony to a global power in potency: the EU’s Global Strategy”  in Giusti, S., Mirkina, I. (eds), The EU in a Trans-European Space, External Relations across Europe, Asia and the Middle East, London, Palgrave. 

[2019] Giusti, S., Russo, A. "The Securitisation of Cultural Heritage"International Journal of Cultural Policy, 25(7): 843-857.

[2018] Giusti, S., Talani, L.S., (eds) Women in the Mediterranean, London and New York, Routledge.

[2018] Giusti, S., Lamonica, A., Foradori, P. “Reshaping Cultural Heritage Protection Policies at a Time of Securitisation: The Case of France, Italy, and the United Kingdom”, International Spectator, 5(3): 86-101.

[2017] Giusti, S., "Gender Mainstreaming towards the Mediterranean: The Case of the ENP"Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 19(5): 524-540

[2017]Giusti, S., Franco, C., "The Europeanization of Turkey’s Foreign Policy: from Alignment to Misalignment?", in Baracani, E., Calimli, M. (a cura di), European Perspectives on Turkey's Domestic Politics and Foreign Policy, Foundation Bruno Kessler Press, 73-94. 

[2017]Giusti, S., "Russia Federation’s posture towards the European Neighbourhood Policy: A Neoclassical Realist Explanation", in Gstohl, S. and Schunz J. (a cura di), Theorizing the European Neighbourhood Policy, London and New York, Routledge, 61-82. 

[2016] Giusti, S., "The EU’s transformative power challenged in Ukraine"European Foreign Affairs Review, 2(2): 165-183. 

[2014]Giusti, S., Fassi, E., "The European Endowment for Democracy and Democracy Promotion in the EU Neighbourhood", The International Spectator, 49(4):112-129.

[2012] Giusti, S., La Proiezione sterna della Federazione Russa, Pisa, ETS. 

Awards and prizes

She is a member of the OSCE Reflection Group on European Security and sits in the Advisory board of Women International Security (WIIS) – Italy. She is also vice-President of the Forum per i problemi della Pace e della Guerra, Florence. 

Monica Gori

STEM area: Psychology and neurosciences

Competences: Experimental Psychology

Keywords: bracelet, learning, low vision, motor system, perception, rihabilitation, sensory system, visual disabilities, visually impaired children, visual perception

Region: Liguria


Senior Researcher Tenured - Principal Investigator at U-Vip Unit Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (ITT) Genova

Professional career

Monica Gori graduated in Psychology at the University of Florence in 2004 (cum laude). From 2002 to 2006 she worked at the within the VisionLab of the CNR of Pisa in David Burr’s Laboratory. In 2008 she worked in Martin Banks lab (Berkeley, California). She did her PhD in January 2009 at University of Genoa on Humanoid Technologies supervised by David Burr and Giulio Sandini. Currently Monica Gori is Tenure Track Researcher, leading the Unit for people with visual disabilities (U-Vip Unit) at the Italian Institute of Technology of Genoa.

Scientific results

Monica Gori is expert of development, multisensory integration, sensorial-motor perception and visual disability. Through her research, she studies how the sensory and multi-sensorial perception skills interact during development in children with and without disabilities. The aim of her study is to exploit this knowledge to better understand brain functions, create new rehabilitation programs and to develop new technological solutions to improve the perceptual, motor and social skills of children with sensory disabilities. From 2014 to 2017 she coordinated the European ABBI project (, whose aim is precisely the development of a new technology based on sensory-motor rehabilitation for blind and low vision children. The project involves the study and creation of a wearable sound device, similar to a bracelet, also useful for creating sound networks to be placed in environments where the blind are living, thus allowing the hearing, and not the sight, to create a spatial map in which the person can move. From 2017 to 2018 she coordinated the weDRAW European project ( in which she proposed to develop a multisensory approach and technology for learning mathematical skills at the elementary school. weDRAW involved children and teachers in Italy, UK and Ireland. WeDraw is highly interdisciplinary,  involving engineers, psychologists, pedagogics, and industrial links. The project exploits knowledge of multisensory integration in the teaching activity of elementary schools.

Editorial work and publications

Monica Gori is the author of book chapters and numerous scientific articles in international journals, including:

(2018) Gori, Amadeo, Campus Temporal cues influence space estimations in visually impaired individuals. iScience, vol. 6, pp. 319-326.

(2018)Campus, Sandini, Concetta Morrone, & Gori. Spatial localization of sound elicits early responses from occipital visual cortex in humans. Scientific Report.

(2017) Gori, Cappagli, Tonelli, Baud-Bovy, Finocchietti. Devices for visually impaired people: high technological devices with low user acceptance and no adaptability for children Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews.

(2017) Gori, Cappagli, Baud-Bovy, & Finocchietti. Shape Perception and Navigation in Blind Adults.Frontiers  in Psychology.

(2017)Cappagli, Cocchi, & Gori. Auditory and proprioceptive spatial impairments in blind children and adults. Developmental Science, 2017.

(2016)  Cuturi, Aggius-Vella, Campus, Parmiggiani, and Gori. From science to technology: orientation and mobility in blind children and adults. Neurosci and Biobe. Reviews 2016, impact factor 10.5 citations 2 (2016) Cappagli G, Gori M. Auditory spatial localization: Developmental delay in children with visual impairments. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 53-54:391-8. 

(2016) Tonelli A, Brayda L, Gori M. Depth echolocation learnt by novice sighted people. PLoS ONE, 11(6):e0156654. 

(2016) Vercillo T, Burr D, Gori M. Early visual deprivation severely compromises the auditory sense of space in congenitally blind children. Developmental Psychology, 52(6):847-53. 

(2015) Finocchietti S, Cappagli G, Porquis LB, [...], Cocchi E, Gori M. Evaluation of the Audio Bracelet for Blind Interaction for improving mobility and spatial cognition in early blind children - A pilot study. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS. 

(2015) Magnusson C, Rydeman B, Finocchietti S, [...], Baud-Bovy G, Gori M. Co-located games created by children with visual impairments. MobileHCI 2015, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services Adjunct. 

(2015) Tinelli F, Anobile G, Gori M, [...], Cioni G, Concetta Morrone M. Time, number and attention in very low birth weight children. Neuropsychologia, 73:60-9.

Awards and prizes

(2008) F1000 with the article "Gori et al. 2008; Young children do not integrate visual and haptic form information. Curr Biol, 18(9)"
(2012) TR35 Giovani Innovatori
(2015) Smart Cup Liguria October 2015 Cup for new technological solutions and start-up


Maria Luisa Gorno Tempini

STEM area: Psychology and neurosciences

Competences: Behavioural Neurology

Keywords: Alzheimer, aphasia, dyslexia, language, learning disabilities, neuro degenerative diseases, neuroscience, reading, syntax

Region: ABROAD


Professor of neurology and psychiatry at University of California, San Francisco

Professional career

After graduating from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Brescia in 1993, she continued her studies through a training period in neurology at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Subsequently, she obtained a PhD in Neuroscience at University College London and specialised in Behavioural Neurology at the UCSF Memory and Aging Center in San Francisco. In the last years Maria Luisa Gorno Tempini, besides teaching neurology in San Francisco, has been involved in the study of neurodegenerative diseases, in particular frontotemporal dementia and primary progressive aphasia (PPA), also through the use of neuroimaging techniques and language neuropsychology.

Gorno Tempini  directs the Language Neurobiology Laboratory of the UCSF Memory and Aging Center. She also co-founded the UCSF Dyslexia Center in 2015 and is a co-director of the center.

Scientific results

At the Dyslexia Center, she leads a large multidisciplinary team of clinicians and scientists with expertise in behavioral neurology, cognitive neuroscience, speech-language pathology and advanced neuroimaging techniques. Her work in neurodevelopmental disorders aims at discovering the distinct clinical and biological phenotypes of dyslexia and the best approach to diagnose and remediate them.

Editorial work and publications

She has authored over 170 peer-reviewed papers on the neurobiology of language disorders in scientific journals and has been invited to speak at conferences across the globe, including the American Academy of Neurology and the Italian Senate.

Awards and prizes

She is the current recipient of multiple National Institute of Health projects grants and has received a prestigious career award for mentoring scientists and clinicians on the neurobiology of language at UCSF. In 2017, she received a Weill Institute for Neurosciences Trailblazer award to study language development in children, and in 2018, she was distinguished as the Charles Schwab Endowed Professor in Dyslexia and Neurodevelopment.

Giulia Grancini

STEM area: Chemistry

Competences: Energy, Nano-materials, Photovoltaics, Physical-chemistry

Keywords: advanced materials, nanotechnologies, solar cells, sustainability

Region: Lombardy


Associate Professor of Physical Chemistry, University of Pavia and Director of the PVsquared2 team at the Chemistry Department of University of Pavia

Professional career

Giulia Grancini received an MS in Physical Engineering in 2008 and obtained her PhD in Physics cum laude in 2012 at the Politecnico of Milan. Her experimental thesis focused on the realisation of a new femtosecond-microscope for mapping the ultrafast phenomena at organic interfaces. During her PhD, she worked for one year at the Physics Department of Oxford University where she pioneered new concepts within polymer/oxide solar cell technology. From 2012-2015, she was a post-doctoral researcher at the Italian Institute of Technology in Milan. In 2015, she joined the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) with a Co-Funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship. From 2016 to 2019, she has been awarded by the Swiss Ambizione Energy Grant providing a platform to lead her independent research group at EPFL. Since July 2019, Giulia is Associate Professor at Physical Chemistry Unit at University of Pavia, leading the PVsquared2 team, and PI of the ERCStG Project “HYNANO”aiming at the development of advanced hybrid perovskites materials and innovative functional interfaces for efficient, cheap and stable photovoltaics. 

Scientific results

The research interest of Giulia Grancini is focused on exploring the fundamental photophysical properties and dynamical processes behind advanced materials and devices, with a special attention to nanostructured semiconductors for the development of new generation solar cells.  Within this field, she contributed to reveal the fundamental light-induced dynamical processes underlying the charge generation mechanisms happening on ultrafast time scale whose understanding is paramount for a smart device optimization. In particular, she made seminal contributions in ultrafast science applied to investigate the interface physics in polymer blends, and hybrid polymer/oxide systems. With the ERC “HY-NANO” project, her recent research is focused on the design and the study of HYbrid NANOstructured multi-functional interfaces for the development of advanced photovoltaic devices based on low dimensional hybrid perovskite semiconductors. More in details, her multidisciplinary team aims at expanding the family of hybrid perovskite materials and interfaces as lego-bricks for a new generation of efficient, stable, environmentally friendly solar technology. 

Editorial work and publications

She is author of more than 90 publications (h index= 44, with more than 14000 citations).

[2020] Sutanto A, Szostak R, Drigo N, Queloz V, Marchezi P, Germino J, Tolentino H, Nazeeruddin M, Nogueira A, Grancini G* In Situ Analysis Reveals the Role of 2D Perovskite in Preventing Thermal-Induced Degradation in 2D/3D Perovskite Interfaces Nano Lett. 20, 5, 3992-3998.

[2020] Queloz V. et al. Spatial Charge Separation as the Origin of Anomalous Stark Effect in Fluorous 2D Hybrid Perovskites Adv. Funct. Mater.

[2019] Grancini G*, Nazeeruddin M Dimensional tailoring of hybrid perovskites for photovoltaics Nature Rev. Materials, 4, 4-22.

[2018] Pantaler M, Cho K, Queloz V, García Benito I., Fettkenhauer C, Anusca I, Nazeeruddin M, Lupascu D, Grancini G* Hysteresis-Free Lead-Free Double-Perovskite Solar Cells by Interface Engineering ACS Energy Lett. 3, 1781-1786.

[2017] Grancini G. et al. One-Year stable perovskite solar cells by 2D/3D interface engineering. Nature Comm., 8(1) 1-8, 15684.

[2017] A. D. Jodlowski, C. Roldán-Carmona, G. Grancini, et al. Large guanidinium cation mixed with methylammonium in lead iodide perovskites for 19% efficient solar cells Nature Energy 2, 972.

[2016] Gratia, P., Grancini G.* et al. Intrinsic Halide Segregation at Nanometer Scale Determines the High-Efficiency of mixed cation/mixed halide Perovskite Solar Cells J. Am. Chem. Soc. 138 (49), 15821.

[2015] Grancini G. et al. Role of microstructure in the electron-hole interaction of hybrid lead halide perovskitesNature Photonics 9, 695-701.

[2014] D’Innocenzo V., Grancini G. et al. Excitons versus Free Charges: a Photophysical Picture of Organo-lead Tri- Halide Perovskites Nat. Commun. 5, 3586.

[2013] Grancini G. et al. Hot exciton dissociation in polymer solar cells Nature Mater. 12, 29.

[2013] Stranks S. D., Eperon G. E., Grancini G. et al. Electron-Hole Diffusion Lengths Exceeding 1 Micron in an Organometal Trihalide Perovskite Absorber Science 342 (6156), 341. 

[2012] G. Grancini, et al. Boosting Infrared Light Harvesting by Molecular Functionalization of Metal Oxide/Polymer Interfaces in Efficient Hybrid Solar Cells Adv. Funct. Mater. 22, 2160. 

Awards and prizes

In 2015 she received the prestigious National Award for Physics 2015 from EDISON, “in memoria di Francesco Somaini”. 

In 2017 she has been awarded by the IUPAP Young Scientist Prize in Optics from the International Commission of Optics for her ““deep knowledge on photophysical properties and ultrafast light-induced dynamical processes”c.

In 2018 she received the “Swiss Physical Society Award” from the Swiss Physical Society.

In 2018 she has been granted by the ERC Starting Grant HYNANO (1.5 M€) for the developement of “HYbrid NANOstructured multi-functional interfaces for stable, efficient and eco-friendly photovoltaic devices”.

In 2019 she has been nominated USERN Laureate in Physical Science. In addition, from January 2020 she is the Italian Ambassador for USERN.

In 2019 she appears among the “Highly Cited Researchers” (ranking in the top 1% by citations for field and year), Web of Science.

From 2020 she joined the “Gruppo 2003” and she is part of the Top Italian Scientist list.

Olivia Guaraldo

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Feminist Theory, History of Feminism, International Politics, political participation, Political Philosophy

Keywords: female leadership, gender, Hannah Arendt, public happiness), Shoah, women

Region: Veneto


Full Professor of Political Philosophy (Department of Human Sciences) and Director of the Hannah Arendt Centre for Political Studies at the University of Verona; Rector's Delegate for Public Engagement.

Professional career

Olivia Guaraldo graduated in Philosophy at the University of Bologna (1995) and then continued her studies in Finland, where she obtained a PhD in Political Science from the University of Jyvaskyla (2001). Since 2005 she has worked, first as a researcher, then as an associate professor of Political Philosophy at the University of Verona. Since 2020 she has been a Full Professor. 

Scientific results

She has mainly worked on (1) the political thought of Hannah Arendt, a thinker of Jewish origin who later emigrated to the United States who is one of the major figures in the political debate of the second half of the 20th century. She has published several academic books, among which two monographs (2003 and 2014) and articles on Arendt while also contributing to the knowledge of her thought in larger publics (Newspapers, social media, radio, schools) and in various academic occasions (Italian and international conferences). Since 2016 she has directed the Hannah Arendt Centre for Political Studies at the University of Verona.

Other topics Olivia Guaraldo has been working on are (2) the feminist political theory, the (3) political and (4) social history of women and (5) the thought of sexual difference. 

She has edited and provided introductions for two of Judith Butler's works in Italian translation (Vite precarie, Fare e disfare il genere).


Editorial work and publications

[2019] “Illusione e realtà nell'epoca della post-verità”, in Bistagnino, G. Fumagalli, C., Fake news, post-verità e politica(ebook), Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, Milano, pp. 33-52.

[2018] “Postcritica: una genealogia”, Politica & Società, 7:2, pp. 163-190.

[2018] “Public happiness. Revisiting an Arendtian hypothesis”, Philosophy Today, 62:2, pp. 395-416.

[2018] ‘La libertà di essere liberi’: circolarità della politica e autonomia della rivoluzione in Hannah Arendt”, Filosofia politica, 35:2, pp. 285-302.

[2018] Introduzione, in A. Cavarero, Platone, Raffaello Cortina editore, Milano, pp. 9-17.

[2018], La vulnerabilità come paradigma fondativo, in O. Giolo, B. Pastore (a cura di), Vulnerabilità. Analisi multidisciplinare di un concetto, Carocci, Roma, pp. 57-71.

[2018] “Violenza, vulnerabilità, invarianza antropologica: alcuni spunti di riflessione”, Iride, 31, n. 85, pp. 643-648.

[2017] “Una fondamentale gratitudine per ciò che è dato”. Hannah Arendt e l’identità ebraica, in O. Ombrosi, (a cura di) Ebraismo “al femminile”. Percorsi diversi di intellettuali ebree del Novecento, Firenze, Giuntina, pp. 217-234.

[2016] with A. Voela, ‘If not now, when?’: feminism, activism and social movements in the European South and beyond, “Gender and Education”, Vol. 28, n. 3, pp. 315-329 (DOI:10.1080/09540253.2016.1175170)

[2016] Safe for Life: Neoliberalism and Mothers’ Milk, in Garret, Jensen, Voela (eds.), We Need to Talk about Family.: Essays on Neoliberalism, the Family and Popular Culture, Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp.118-136.

[2012] “Il populismo, la democrazia e il femminile addomesticato”, in Italianieuropei, 1/2012, pp. 60-66.

[2012] Comunità e vulnerabilità: per una critica politica della violenza, ETS, Pisa (book).

Laura Guazzoni

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Business Administration, Business Valuations, Corporate Finance, Corporate Governance

Keywords: competitive strategies, internal control, value creation

Region: Lombardy


Member of the Board of Directors in listed and not listed companies; President or Member of several Committees within the Board of Directors; President and Member of the Board of Statutory Auditors in listed and not listed companies and public interest entities; corporate economist; academic fellow.     

Professional career

Graduated at “Bocconi University” of Milan with a degree in Management and afterwards was involved in research activities at the Research Institute about stock exchange markets “Andrea Lorenzetti” of “Bocconi University”, as well as in the professional activity consisting mainly in business valuations, corporate governance and corporate growth strategies.

Gained meaningful expertise in business and finance area with reference to business valuation, corporate governance and internal control system. Since 1991 has been cooperating with the “Bocconi University” and since 1994 has been in charge as an Academic Professor on contract of “Corporate management and business” at the said university.

During her career she has been in charge as Independent Director, President or Member of several Committees within the Board of Directors, President and Member of the Board of Statutory Auditors. She has undertaken these roles in leading renowned companies in the financial and industrial sector, both listed and not listed and public interest entities such as: Gas Plus SpA, Reno de Medici SpA, Sace BT SpA, Simest SpA, AgustaWestland SpA, CDI Centro Diagnostico Italiano SpA, Bracco Imaging Italia Srl, Campus Bio Medico SpA, Generfid SpA, Il Sole 24Ore SpA, Retelit SpA, Digital Bros SpA and ENI Group companies: Edison, Snam, Alerion.    

She has been also lecturer in several conferences upon topics such as business valuation, corporate finance and M&A deals.

Scientific results

In addition to academic and professional activity, she has been constantly committed to ongoing research activities concerning finance and business economics, with main focus on business valuation criteria, value creation leverages and corporate growth strategies.

Due to her experience gained in these years, she has also carried out in-depth studies and research about corporate governance matters with specific reference to internal control system, remuneration and incentives reports of listed companies,

In addition to business and finance advisory activities she has cooperated in relevant managing projects mainly in control and audit aiming to improve the internal control corporate processes and transparency.

Editorial work and publications

She has written and been published on business and financial newspapers and books, regarding business valuation, intangible assets appraisal, fair value, financial reports as listed below:

[2005] Guazzoni L. Il fair value, in Conti, Costanzo, Novati, Priori, “Bilancio e reddito di impresa”, Egea.

[1997] Guazzoni L. e Grando A. La valutazione dei beni immateriali legati alla tecnologia: i progetti di ricerca e sviluppo nel settore farmaceutico, La valutazione delle aziende, n. 4.

[1997] Guazzoni L. Cenni sulla stima dei beni immateriali nella valutazione delle aziende, Newsletter Lorenzetti, n. 2.

[1995] Guazzoni L. Intervento pubblico nell’economia e nei mercati finanziariAnalisi degli strumenti finanziari presenti sul mercatoin (a cura di M. Dallocchio e A. Dess) “I mercati finanziari internazionali”, IPSOA, WOLTERS KLUWER ITALIA, pp 447-478.

[1993] Guazzoni L. I mercati mobiliari locali, Working Paper, Istituto di Studi sulle Borse Valori “Andrea Lorenzetti”, Università Bocconi.

[1992] Guazzoni L. L’informativa economico-finanziaria e il mercato mobiliare: le modalità di propagazione delle informazioni”, Working Paper, Istituto di Studi sulle Borse Valori “Andrea Lorenzetti”, Università Bocconi.

Corinna Guerra

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Environmental Humanities, History, History of Science, Knowledge Management, Philosophy of Science, Scientific Communication

Keywords: Anthropocene, chemistry, environment, natural risks, Vesuvius

Region: Veneto


Assistant Professor in History of Science and Technology at the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage of the Ca' Foscari University of Venice

Professional career

In 2007 she graduates in Philosophy with honors at the University of Bari (Italy). In May 2011 she obtains her Ph.D. in the History of Science and Technology from the same university. Her thesis supervisor is prof. S. Longo of the Department of chemistry.

From 2011 to 2013, she is a post-doc fellow of the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Storici and later of the Società Napoletana di Storia Patria. In 2016, she is a researcher in Paris at the Centre Alexandre Koyré of the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, and until 2018 she is also an Honorary Research Associate at University College London.

In 2017, she obtains the Qualification aux fonctions de Maitre de conférences (French Associate Professor) for the section 72, and in 2021, she obtaines the National Scientific Qualification  for sector 11/C2.

Since 2017 she’s member of the Advisory Committee of the International Conference of the History of Chemistry, by the Working Party on the History of Chemistry of EuChemS.

She is also an Associate Researcher at the LabEx HASTEC (EPHE-PSL) - Laboratoire d'Excellence Histoire, Anthropologie, Savoirs, Techniques et Croyances (France).

Currently she teaches Philosophy and Politics of Life and Environment for the first Italian Master’s Degree in Environmental Humanities at the Ca’ Foscari University.

Scientific results

Historian of science with an expertise in the development of 18th century chemistry (with a focus on the South of Italy) and of natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions.

She organized with M. Thèbaud-Sorger the international conference “The Workshop of Nature. Production of Material Knowledge, Material Production of Knowledge” (Paris, November 10th, 2016) financed by LabEx HASTEC, Centre Koyré (EHESS-CNRS-MNHN), Groupe d'histoire de la chimie (French Chemical Society).

Among her teaching experiences, she gave a lecture during the Semaine interdisciplinaire Université Paris Science et Lettres: “Chemistry in history, philosophy, art and literature” for the MD students of Mines Paris Tech, Chimie ParisTech, École Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles de la ville de Paris (ESPCI).

In December 2020 she organised with M. Piazza the webinar Fear and Disruption of Habits during the Global Pandemic at the University of Roma Tre, with the hypothesis of a parallel between pandemics and natural risks.

Guerra is currently pursuing an environmental studies project titled “Knowledge Transformations in Geology: A Comparative Inquiry” under the FARE Project Positioned Cosmology in Early Modernity: The Geo-Praxis of Water-and-Land Management in Venice, which received funding from the Italian Ministry of University and Research, the ERC Consolidator Project Early Modern Cosmology and the first Italian Planck Partner Group The Water City. The Political Epistemology of Hydrogeological Praxis.

Editorial work and publications

Since 2017 she’s been a member of the editorial board of the journal “Archivio storico per le province napoletane” (founded in 1876).

Below is a selection of her editorial works:

[2020] Guerra C. Maria Bakunin (1873-1960). Chimica d’amore e d’anarchia, in Mezzogiorno di scienza. Ritratti d'autore di grandi scienziati del Sud, a cura di Greco P. Edizioni Dedalo: 63-78.

[2020] Guerra C. La grotte du chien : un laboratoire européen des connaissances chimiques avant la création de laboratoires institutionnels à Naples. Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Sciences, 70: 238-65.

[2018] Guerra C. Les artilleurs traducteurs et leurs ennemis. La première traduction italienne du Traité élémentaire de Lavoisier à Naples. La Révolution française, 13.

[2017] Guerra C. Lavoisier e Parthenope. Contributo ad una storia della chimica del regno di Napoli. Società Napoletana di Storia Patria & Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Storici.

[2016] Guerra C. Reazioni chimiche e reazioni emotive al Vesuvio. Le eruzioni del XVIII secolo nelle raccolte della biblioteca della Società napoletana di storia patria. Giornale critico della filosofia italiana, 2-3: 472-91.

[2016] Guerra C, Il referto radiologico a misura di utente: è possibile?. Il giornale italiano di Radiologia Medica, Schiavon F, Dazzi G, Guerra C, Guglielmi G, Rotondo A. (eds.), 3: 196-99.

[2015] Guerra C. If you don’t a have a good laboratory, find a good volcano: Mount Vesuvius as a natural chemical laboratory in eighteenth century Italy, Ambix, 62(3): 245-65.

[2010] Guerra C. Chimica per le donne, in Scorci di Storia della Scienza, Frank M. L. e Pogliano C. (a cura di), PLUS Pisa University Press: 127-39.

[2009] Coautrice dei capitoli 1, 4 e 7 in Science, Mind, and Creativity: The Bari Symposium. L. L'Abate, P. De Giacomo, M. Capitelli & S. Longo (eds.), Nova Science Publishers.

[2007] Guerra C. Nicola Andria e l’ingresso della chimica pneumatica nel Regno di Napoli. Rendiconti della Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze detta dei XL, serie V, vol. XXXI, parte II, tomo II: 139-52.

Awards and prizes

2017 Book of cultural value Lavoisier e Parthenope (Naples 2017) by the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage.

Her first book, Lavoisier e Parthenope (Naples 2017), was awarded the Prize for Young Historians by the International Academy of the History of Science. Every two years, it honors a first work in the History of Science.

Emanuela Guidoboni

STEM area: Natural and environmental sciences

Competences: Historical Seismology, Historical Volcanology, History of Engineering

Keywords: archaeoseismology, climate changes, earthquakes, historical anti-seismic systems, post-seismic disaster reconstruction, seismic disasters, seismic hazard, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions

Region: Emilia-Romagna


Research Associate at INGV- National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, Rome, Seismology and Tectonophysics Section. Formerly research manager at INGV, Bologna. Coordinator of the multidisciplinary activities of the Euro-Mediterranean Documentation Center for Extreme Events and Disasters.

Professional career

Trained as a medieval historian (University of Bologna) and historical seismologist, for over thirty years she has been developing historical research on earthquakes, tidal waves and volcanic eruptions in Italy and the Mediterranean area, focusing on Earth Sciences (seismology, volcanology and climatology) and engineering history.  

She has carried out and continues to carry out her research activities as manager of national projects and as a scholar. She was scientific director of the research company SGA, Storia Geofisica Ambiente in Bologna (1983-2006), then a tenured research manager at the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) until 2011.  Since 2012 she has coordinated the multidisciplinary activities of EEDIs (Extreme Events and Disasters, Euro-Mediterranean Documentation Centre), aimed at both scientific dissemination and new research. 

Consultant of the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency - UN) for the seismicity of North Africa and Armenia, she has contributed to improving knowledge on the seismic hazard of these areas with specific research and related publications. 

Committed to the crucial issue of risk from extreme natural events and the study of their long-term impacts, she has written several popular science books that have entered the national debate.

Scientific results

Emanuela Guidoboni has designed and directed all the historical research for the Catalogo dei Forti Terremoti in Italia e nell'area mediterranea (CFTI), from the ancient world to the 20th century, editions 1995, 1997, 2000, 2007, 2018.  The presentation of the architecture and contents of this Web-GIS, basic for seismic hazard assessments, was published in 2019 in Nature.

The method applied to historical research aimed at seismology has defined a neo-discipline of international interest, Historical Seismology, of which Emanuela Guidoboni published in 2009 the first manual, together with John Ebel: "Earthquakes and Tsunamis in the Past. A Guide to Techniques in Historical Seismology" (Cambridge University Press, 2009). 

She has deepened our knowledge of ancient and medieval earthquakes and tsunamis in Italy and the Mediterranean area, shedding light on the impact of such events on the inhabited world, highlighting many previously unknown events, and developing new seismic parameters.  The results are published in "Catalogue of Ancient Earthquakes in the Mediterranean area up to 10th century", with A. Comastri and G. Traina (1994); and in "Catalogue of Earthquakes and Tsunamis in the Mediterranean area from the 11th to the 15th century", with A. Comastri (2005). 

Editorial work and publications

Emanuela Guidoboni is the author of over 200 scientific publications.

Among the articles in international journals and contributions in national works, the following works from the last ten years are worth mentioning.

(2021) Valensise G., Guidoboni E., Iervolino I. What is an exceptional earthquake? Seismological Reseaerch Letters.

(2019) Guidoboni E. Azzardo sismico, vulnerabilità e ricostruzioni nei centri storici italiani, in “Dopo la catastrofe”, editet by C. Belmonte, E. Scirocco, G. Wolf, G. Wolf, Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz - Max-Planck-Institut, Roma, pp. 30-44.

(2018) Guidoboni E. Florence: the effects of earthquakes on the artistic heritage. Method and historical sources (15th-20thcenturies), pp. 267-277; Florence: a first concise dossier of seismic effect on artistic heritage (15th-20th centuries), pp. 279-300, in  "3rd International Conference, AISI", a cura di S. D'Agostino,  vol I, 2018, Napoli.

(2017) Guidoboni E. Disastri sismici e ricostruzioni nella storia d’Italia: l'azzardo sismico in un nodo non risolto in “Building Back Better: idee per ricostruire meglio. Individui e comunità, manufatti e paesaggio”- Sendai 2015-2030 (Nazioni Unite,) a cura di F. Esposito, M. Russo, Carrocci, Roma. 

(2016) Guidoboni E. Erdbeben und Seebeben im antiken Mittelmeerraum. Gründe für einen Dialog zwischen Seismologie und Geschichte, in “Erdbeben in der Antike”, Deutungen – Folgen – Repräsentationen, herausgegeben von  J. Borsch und L.Carrara, Mohr Siebec, Tubingen Univ.

(2015) Guidoboni E. When Towns Collapse: Images of Earthquakes, Floods, and Eruptions in Italy. Fifteenth – Nineteenth Centuries, in “Wounded Cities: The Representation of Urban Disasters in European Art (14th–20th Centuries)”, edited by M. Folin and M. Preti, chapter 2, Koninklijke Brill, NY– Leiden, pp. 33-56.

(2015) Guidoboni E., Valensise G. On the complexity of earthquake sequences: a historical seismology perspective based onthe L'Aquila seismicity (Abruzzo, Central Italy), 1315-1915. Earthquakes and Structures, 8(1): 153-184.    

Books and monographs

(2019) Guidoboni E. and Poirier  J.-P.  Storia culturale del terremoto dal mondo antico a oggi, Rubettino.                                    

(2015)  Guidoboni E., Mulargia F., Teti V. Prevedibile / Imprevedibile. Eventi estremi nel prossimo                                  futuro, Rubbettino.

(2014) Guidoboni E. and Valensise G. (eds) L’Italia dei disastri. Dati e riflessioni sugli impatti degli eventi naturali (1861-2013), Bononia University Press.

(2011) Guidoboni E., Valensise G. Il peso economico e sociale dei disastri sismici in Italia negli ultimi 150 anni (1861-2011), Bononia University Press, Bologna.

(2011) Guidoboni E., Navarra A., Boschi E. The Spiral of Climate. Civilizations of the Mediterranean and Climate Change in History, Bononia University Press, Bologna. 

Awards and prizes

In 2004 she was appointed member of the Academia Europaea for the multidisciplinary approach to seismic and volcanic hazards.

In 2016 she won the first Maiella Prize for Environmental Essays with the book Prevedibile / Imprevedibile. Eventi estremi nel prossimo futuro, Rubbettino.

In 2017 she is appointed research associate of INGV, Roa.

In 2020 she is appointed as a member of the Scientific and Steering Committees of the International Engineering History Association. 


Giovanna Iannantuoni

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Experimental Research on Game Theory, Microeconomics, Political Economy, Political Economy and Microeconomics Decisions

Keywords: game theory, voting theory

Region: Lombardy


Rector of the University of Milano-Bicocca.

Professional career

Rector of the University of Milano-Bicocca since October 2019, Giovanna Iannantuoni is Full Professor of Economics. After graduating in Economics and Social Disciplines (DES) at Bocconi University, she obtained her PhD in Economics at the Louvain-la-Neuve University (2001).

She spent several years abroad in the most prestigious Departments of Economics, such as the University of Rochester (NY, USA), the Carlos III University of Madrid, the University of Cambridge (UK), Trinity Hall College (University of Cambridge).

At the University of Milano-Bicocca she was Coordinator of the PhD in Economics, then, in 2015, she was nominated President of the Doctoral School.

Scientific results

Her research interests are focused on game theory, political economy decisions and

microeconomics, solution concepts of game theory models and their applications to different electoral systems.

She has won several international and national projects (Ramon y Cajal Fellowship, Trinity Hall Fellowship, PRIN, Cariplo) and she has published in the most important international economics journals.

Editorial work and publications

[2019] De Sinopoli, F., Iannantuoni, G., Manzoni, E., & Pimienta, C., Proportional. Representation with Uncertainty. MATHEMATICAL SOCIAL SCIENCES, 99, 18-23. 

[2018] Baghdasaryan, V., Iannantuoni, G., & Maggian, V. Electoral fraud and voter turnout: An experimental study. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY, 1-17.

[2017] Cella, M., Iannantuoni, G., & Manzoni, E. Do the Right Thing: Incentives for Policy Selection in Presidential and Parliamentary Systems. ECONOMICA, 84(335), 430-453. 

[2017] Bettarelli, L., Iannantuoni, G., Manzoni, E., & Rossi, F. Voters’ preferences and electoral systems: the EuroVotePlus experiment in Italy. ECONOMIA POLITICA, 34(1), 159-177. 

[2015] De Sinopoli, F., Iannantuoni, G., & Pimienta, G. On stable outcomes of approval, plurality, and negative plurality games. SOCIAL CHOICE AND WELFARE, 44(4), 889-909. 


Awards and prizes

Staff Fellowship, Trinity Hall, Cambridge University (2004-2005).

Premio alla Ricerca del Dipartimento di Economia, University Carlos III de Madrid (2006, 2004, 2003).

Ramon y Cajal Fellowship, Spagna. Grant del Ministero dell’Educazione per il progetto “Markets, organizations and institutions: new approaches” (2006-2009).

MIUR (PRIN), Coordinatore Scientifico del Progetto “Political Economics: Theory and Empirical Evidence”, (2007-2010). 

Università di Milano-Bicocca (FAR), Coordinatore Scientifico del Progetto “The role of institutions and of information in the analysis of the strategic behaviour of individual agents”, (2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2014, 2015).

Fondazione Cariplo, Coordinatore Scientifico del Progetto “Internazionalizzazione e Formazione di Eccellenza: la Graduate School in Public Economics”, (2010-2015). 

MIUR (PRIN), Coordinatore Scientifico del Progetto “New Approaches to Political Economics: Positive Political Theories, Empirical Evidence and Experiments in Laboratory”, 2012-2015. 

Josefa Idem
Nessuna foto disponibile


Competences: Canoeing, Methods and Didactics of Sport Activities, Methods and Teaching of Motor Activities, Women's Sports, Youth's Sports

Keywords: education, sports training courses, women in sport, youth and sports

Region: Emilia-Romagna


Former athlete, canoe champion. Didactic coordinator of in-house training for the youth and school sector at FGCI (Federazione Gioco Calcio Italiana) and lecturer at FGCI's Coverciano technical sector.

Professional career

Iosefa Idem has a long career as an Olympic athlete, as a canoeist. From 1984 to 2012 she participated in 8 Olympic Games, winning 1 gold, 2 silver and 2 bronze medals. She is 5 times world champion and 9 times European champion. At the end of her competitive career, she graduated in Work and Organisational Psychology and obtained a master's degree in Sport Psychology. In 2022, she enrolled in the Emilia Romagna Region's register of psychologists and obtained a certificate of Higher Education as a Consultant Expert in Professional Orientation and Career Guidance. Since 2008 she has been active in the field of corporate training, since 2018 she has been collaborating with the youth and school sector and since 2022 she has been a teacher at the technical sector of Coverciano of the Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio.

Her professional career also includes a political interlude: a candidate in the 2013 elections, she was elected to the Senate and from 28 April to 24 June she was Minister for Equal Opportunities, Sport and Youth Policies in the government headed by Enrico Letta.

Editorial work and publications

Josefa Idem has published two autobiographies: Controcorrente (Sperling & Kupfer 2006) and Partiamo dalla fine (Mondadori 2013).