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Leggi l'informativa I agreePosition/Role
Economist at the Bank of Italy, Department of Economics and Statistics, Economic Structure Service, Economic Structure Division and Labor Market.
Professional career
After obtaining a bachelor's degree (2006) and a specialist degree (2008) in Economics and Social Sciences at Bocconi University, she continued her education with a master's degree in Economic Theory and Econometrics at the Toulouse School of Economics (France). At the same university she obtained a PhD in Economics in 2014. Since 2013 she has been an economist at the Department of Economics and Statistics of the Bank of Italy, in the Division of Economic Structure and Labor Market. She has conducted visiting periods at Bocconi University and the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Spain).
Scientific results
Francesca Carta's research activity takes place in the context of labor economics and the public economy, combining theoretical and empirical approaches. The topics analyzed are different: the determinants of female labor supply, with particular reference to conciliation policies and family interactions that condition the choice to participate in the labor market; the structure of the taxation system for the financing of childcare policies; the theoretical construction of indices for measuring global inequality; the economic implications of introducing an unemployment benefit for the euro area. More recently, she has begun to analyze the consequences of pension reforms on the labor market and the effects of family and income support policies.
Editorial work and publications
She is the author of the following publications:
(2018) Carta F, Rizzica L. Early kindergarten, maternal labor supply and children’s outcomes: evidence from Italy. Journal of Public Economics, 158: 79-102.
(2018) Carta F, De Philippis M. You've come a long way, baby. Husbands' commuting time and family labour supply. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 69:25-37.
(2016) Brandolini A, Carta F, D'Amuri F. A Feasible Unemployment‐Based Shock Absorber for the Euro Area. Journal of Common Market Studies, 54(5):1123-1141.
(2016) Brandolini A, Carta F. Some reflections on the social welfare bases of the measurement of global income inequality. Journal of Globalization and Development, 7(1):1-15.
(2013) Carta F. Investing in the youngest: the optimal child care policy. Bank of Italy Occasional paper, n. 180.
Awards and prizes
As soon as she finished her studies at Bocconi University, Francesca Carta received a scholarship to start research and teaching at the Department of Institutional Analysis and Public Management of Bocconi University. Thanks to her master's thesis she was selected for an internship at the Bank of Italy, after being particularly worthy of the scholarship named after B. Stringher. During her doctoral studies she obtained a scholarship for excellent students from the Toulouse School of Economics and a three-year research contract funded by the French Ministry of Education. Since 2015 she has been a fellow of the Dondena Gender Initiative (Bocconi University). In 2015, with the article Female Employment and Pre-Kindergarten: on the unintended effects of an Italian reform, she won, with Lucia Rizzica, the “Etta Chiuri” award, promoted by the Italian Society of Public Economics (SIEP) and the International Institute of Public Finance (IIPF) Young Economist Award.
International politics area
Competences: Arab Region: Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development, International Relations, Investment and Technology Promotion, Management of Technical Cooperation for Developing and Emerging Countries, North-South Cooperation
Keywords: Arab Region, emerging countries, Emerging countries, Inclusive and Sustainable industrial Development, Partnerships for Development, UN (United Nations)
Region: ABROAD
Senior Coordinator, Regional Division (Arab Region), at the Department of Programmes, Partnerships and Field Integration, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Vienna, Austria.
Professional career
Lucia Cartini holds a Master’s Degree from the University “Orientale” in Naples (Italy) in Economy, Politics, History and Development in the Arab Region.
She also holds a Post-Graduate Executive Specialization in “Management of International Cooperation for Development” from Stoa Business School – Istituto di Studi per la Direzione e Gestione di Impresa, Naples - Italy.
Lucia Cartini was a visiting Associate Researcher at IPALMO – Istituto per le Relazioni tra Italia e i Paesi dell’Africa, America Latina, Medio ed Estremo Oriente, Rome – Italy.
She has served the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) for the last 24 years under various responsibilities.
In 1994, she joined the United Nations as Junior Professional Officer (JPO) in the United Nations Developemnt Programe (UNDP) in Egypt and continued to work in the country till the end of 1999 as Investment Promotion Officer in a joint project between UNIDO and the Egyptian General Authority for Investment and Free Zones (GAFI).
After the field experience, in 2000 she was reassigned to UNIDO Headquarters as Field Operation Officer in the Arab Regional Bureau of UNIDO where she was in charge of the technical cooperation portfolio of UNIDO in several Arab countries and in the region. Furthermore, she was responsible to promote UNIDO’s cooperation with international and regional partners including the League of Arab States, ESCWA, AIDMO, the Islamic Development Bank, the Organization of Islamic Conference etc.
In September 2006, she was appointed Deputy to the Director of the UNIDO Regional Office in Egypt. Throughout this period, the focus of her work was to mobilize resources and partners to expand UNIDO’s Technical Cooperation Programme, especially to strengthen the interactions with the UN Country team in Egypt and the donor community in general.
In February 2011, Cartini moved to Vienna Headquarters to serve as he Coordinator of UNIDO’s Network of Investment and Technology Promotion Offices (ITPOs) in the Department of Trade, Technology and Innovation of the organization. In this capacity, Ms. Cartini has managed and monitored the operations of nine UNIDO Investment and Technology Promotion Offices (ITPOs) both in emerging and industrialized countries: Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain; Bonn, Germany; Rome, Italy; Tokyo, Japan; Lagos, Nigeria; Beijing and Shanghai, the People’s Republic of China; Seoul, the Republic of Korea; and Moscow, the Russian Federation.
During her assignment, she has been instrumental not only to secure, standardize and strengthen the operations of the Network but also to expand it by establishing two new strategic ITPOs i.e. ITPO Nigeria (the first ITPO in Africa) and ITPO Germany..
Since January 2019 to present, Lucia Cartini is acting as Senior Coordinator in the regional division for the Arab countries, which is responsible for the formulation and implementation of UNIDO strategy for the region, including the monitoring of technical cooperation activities and the operations of the organization’s field offices.
Scientific results
Lucia Cartini has been working for more than 20 years for UN International Organisations dealing with issues of industrial and technological development, with particular reference to the MENA region (North Africa and the Middle East) and to Arab Countries. In particular his activity has been focussing on developing technical assistance projects and incentives to promote investments in the Arab Region.
Editorial work and publications
As a staff member, she has contributed and is contributing to several UNIDO publications related to investment and technology, lessons learned and best practices in international development cooperation.
She authored: “Resoconto di un Dibattito” in Politica Internazionale, Rivista bimestrale dell'IPALMO Istituto per le Relazioni tra Italia e i Paesi dell’Africa, America Latina, Medio ed Estremo Oriente, Rome, Italy, 1994.
Awards and prizes
Ms. Cartini has been awarded as honourable guest and speaker by several partner institutions for contributing to international fora and workshops.
In 2013 she received a merit promotion by the Director General of UNIDO for her dedication, long-service, effort and achievement as a staff member of the organization.
Head of the Emergency Support Department and Research in Earthquake Engineering at the European Centre for Training (EUCENTRE, Pavia).
Professional career
She graduated in Building Engineering and Architecture, then she received a Master of Science and a PhD in Earthquake Engineering jointly awarded by the Institute for Advanced Study of Pavia and the Università degli Studi di Pavia in 2004.
In 2005 she worked at the University of California San Diego as post-doctoral researcher, and then as a research fellow at the University of Pavia. Since 2006 she has been working at EUCENTRE.
Scientific results
Dr. Casarotti main scientific interests concern applied experimental research the field of earthquake engineering, dynamic response of RC structures, seismic isolation and dissipation devices and emergency technical response.
Since 2007 she is in charge of the scientific supervision of the tests carried out on the Bearing Tester System lab facility of EUCENTRE.
Since 2009 she has been deeply involved in the emergency management and rapid response to earthquake disasters, both within the framework of pilot projects on the European Civil Protection Mechanism modules, national Civil Protection projects and in real disasters (Abruzzi-Aquila 2009, Emilia 2012 and Central Italy 2016), with technical coordination roles.
Editorial work and publications
She is the author of national and international publications, including:
(2017) Pavese, M. Furinghetti & C. Casarotti. Investigation of theConsequences of Mounting Laying Defects for Curved Surface Slider Devices under GeneralSeismic Input, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, DOI: 10.1080/13632469.2017.1323046
(2017) Casarotti, C., A. Pavese, S. Peloso, B. Borzi. EUCENTRE e l’emergenza sismica: attività preparatorie e supporto in emergenza durante il Sisma in Centro Italia. N° 2 (2017): Progettazione Sismica
(2014) Monteiro R, Marques M, Adhikari G, Casarotti C, Pinho R. Spectral reduction factors evaluation for seismic assessment of frame buildings. Engineering Structures, 77:129-142.
(2013) Pinho R, Marques M, Monteirom Casarotti C, et al. Evaluation of Nonlinear Static Procedures in the Assessment of Building Frames.Earthquake Spectra, 29(4):459-1476.
(2012) Casarotti C, Pavese A, Peloso S. Valutazione delle strutture nella fase post terremoto. Il modulo sviluppato da Eucentre e l'attività sul campo. Progettazione Sismica, 3:37-48.
(2009) Casarotti C, Pavese A, Peloso S. Seismic Response of the San Salvatore Hospital of Coppito (L'Aquila) during the 6th April 2009 earthquake. Progettazione Sismica, 3, Special Abruzzo, Italiano (163-176) e Inglese (159-172).
(2009) Benzoni C, Casarotti C. Effects of Vertical Load, S train Rate and Cycling on the Response of Lead-Rubber Seismic Isolators. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 13:293-312.
(2009) Casarotti C, Monteiro R & Pinho R. Verification of spectral reduction factors for seismic assessment of bridges. Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, 42(2).
(2009) Pinho R, Monteiro R, Casarotti C, Delgado R. Assessment of Continuous Span Bridges through Nonlinear Static Procedures. Earthquake Spectra, 25(1):143-159.
(2007) Pinho R, Casarotti C, Antoniou S. A comparison of Single-Run Pushover Analysis Techniques for seismic assessment of bridges. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 36:1347-1362.
(2007) Casarotti C, Pinho R. An adaptive capacity spectrum method for assessment of bridges subjected to earthquake action. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 5:377-390.
(2006) Casarotti C, Pinho R. Seismic response of continuous span bridges through fibre-based finite element analysis. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibrations 5(1):119-131.
Awards and prizes
Nevada Medal for Distinguished Graduate Student Paper In Bridge Engineering 2005, University of Nevada, Reno
1st level Medical Director, Neurologist at Neurology and Stroke Unit wards of S. Maria Della Misericordia Hospital in Perugia.
Professional career
Specialization in Neurology obtained in 1999, at University of Perugia. In 1997 she obtained an ERASMUS scholarship from the Neurology Department of the University of Kiel in Germany, to deepen her skills in acute therapy in stroke. In 2000 she obtained a fellowship at the Intensive Care Unit of the Neurology Department of the University of Heidelberg, for the development of innovative therapies for stroke. In 2003 she obtained a PhD in Cerebrovascular Diseases from the University of Perugia. She also participated in the ESO (European Stroke Organisation) working group for the drafting of the first European guidelines for the ‘treatment of stroke in the acute phase’.
Scientific results
Specialization in Neurology obtained in 1999 at the University of Perugia. In 1997 she earned an ERASMUS scholarship from the Neurology Department of the University of Kiel in Germany to deepen her skills in acute therapy in stroke. In 2000 she obtained a fellowship at the Intensive Care Unit of the Neurology Department of the University of Heidelberg for the development of innovative therapies for stroke. In 2003 she earned a Ph.D. in Cerebrovascular Diseases from the University of Perugia. She also participated in the ESO (European Stroke Organisation) working group for the drafting of the first European guidelines for the ‘treatment of stroke in the acute phase.’
In 2014 she founded the WISE (Women Initiative for Stroke in Europe) group. This group produced several publications and scientific projects, including an international and multicenter study on stroke in pregnancy, which today represents one of the most important causes of maternal and infant mortality. This group is currently working on drafting guidelines for stroke in women.
In 2014 she was elected president of ESO (the first woman to fill this role), with the programmatic mission to increase female representation in the key positions of related scientific societies, as speakers and heads of scientific commissions. Also, in 2014 he obtained the national scientific qualification as Associate Professor, and in 2017 the one of Full Professor.
The most important scientific project in which she is currently participating in the Horizon 2020 PRESTIGE AF Project, with the role of international coordinator of the working group on gender inequalities. The final objective of this research is to encourage the inclusion of women in clinical trials and to identify obstacles related to the diminished socio-economic conditions of women (the so-called ‘pension gap’ between men and women) and the ‘self-exclusion’ of patients from treatment.
Editorial work and publications
Valeria Caso is associate editor of the ‘Neurological Sciences’ publication and member of editorial boards of numerous scientific journals, such as the ‘International Stroke Journal’ and the ‘European Stroke Journal.’ She published books and chapters in three languages: German, Italian, and English producing more than 300 scientific.
(2021) Caso V. Editorial: Coronavirus disease 2019 and stroke: how to avoid a new lockdown for stroke patients. Curr Opin Neurol. 2021 Feb 1;34(1):1-2. doi: 10.1097/WCO.0000000000000892. PMID: 33278147.
(2020) Caso V, Federico A. No lockdown for neurological diseases during COVID19 pandemic infection. Neurol Sci. 2020 May;41(5):999-1001. doi: 10.1007/s10072-020-04389-3. PMID: 32270358; PMCID: PMC7138901.
(2020) Aguiar de Sousa D, van der Worp HB, Caso V, Cordonnier C, Strbian D, Ntaios G, Schellinger PD, Sandset EC; European Stroke Organisation. Maintaining stroke care in Europe during the COVID-19 pandemic: Results from an international survey of stroke professionals and practice recommendations from the European Stroke Organisation. Eur Stroke J. 2020 Sep;5(3):230-236. doi: 10.1177/2396987320933746. Epub 2020 Jun 10. PMID: 33072876; PMCID: PMC75387.
(2020) Zedde M, Pezzella FR, Paciaroni M, Corea F, Reale N, Toni D, Caso V. Stroke care in Italy: An overview of strategies to manage acute stroke in COVID-19 time. Eur Stroke J. 2020 Sep;5(3):222-229. doi: 10.1177/2396987320942622. Epub 2020 Jul 26. PMID: 33072875; PMCID: PMC7538763.
(2020) Beghi E, Feigin V, Caso V, Santalucia P, Logroscino G. COVID-19 Infection and Neurological Complications: Present Findings and Future Predictions. Neuroepidemiology. 2020;54(5):364-369. doi: 10.1159/000508991. Epub 2020 Jul 1. PMID: 32610334; PMCID: PMC7445369.
(2020) Leira EC, Russman AN, Biller J, Brown DL, Bushnell CD, Caso V, Chamorro A, Creutzfeldt CJ, Cruz-Flores S, Elkind MSV, Fayad P, Froehler MT, Goldstein LB, Gonzales NR, Kaskie B, Khatri P, Livesay S, Liebeskind DS, Majersik JJ, Moheet AM, Romano JG, Sanossian N, Sansing LH, Silver B, Simpkins AN, Smith W, Tirschwell DL, Wang DZ, Yavagal DR, Worrall BB. Preserving stroke care during the COVID-19 pandemic: Potential issues and solutions. Neurology. 2020 Jul 21;95(3):124-133. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000009713. Epub 2020 May 8. PMID: 32385186; PMCID: PMC7455350.
(2019) Sandset E, de Sousa Aguiar D, Christensen H, Cordonnier C, Fischer U, Katan M Kremer C Pavlovic A Sprigg N, van der Worp HB, Zedde M, Caso V. Women in the European Stroke Organisation: One, two, many. . . – A top Down and Bottom Up approach ESJ, 4, 3, 2019: 247-253.
(2019) Acciarresi M, Altavilla R, Mosconi MG, Caso V. Management of intracranial haemorrhage, unruptured aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations during and after pregnancy. Curr Opin Neurol. 2019 32(1):36-42.
(2018) Baschieri F, Acciarresi M, Caso V. Gender-Based Approaches for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases. Stroke , 49 (12), 2810-2811
(2017) Cordonnier C, Sprigg N, Sandset EC, Pavlovic A, Sunnerhagen KS, Caso V, Christensen H, Stroke in women – from evidence to inequalities, Women Initiative for Stroke in Europe (WISE) group. Nat Rev Neurol.;13(9):521-532.
(2017) Tsivgoulis G, Katsanos AH, Caso V, Under-representation of women in stroke randomized controlled trials: inadvertent selection bias leading to suboptimal conclusions, Ther Adv Neurol Disord. 10:241-24.
(2017) Caso V, Falorni A, Bushnell CD, Acciarresi M, Remohí J, Sprigg N, Gerli S. Pregnancy, Hormonal Treatments for Infertility, Contraception, and Menopause in Women After Ischemic Stroke: A Consensus Document. Stroke;48:501-506.
(2017) Caso V, Paciaroni M. Sex Is Not a Risk Factor in Outcome When a Stroke Unit Treats the Patient. Stroke;48:250-251.
(2016) Arnao V, Acciarresi M, Cittadini E, Caso V. Stroke incidence, prevalence and mortality in women worldwide. Int J Stroke. 2016;11:287-301.
(2014) Acciarresi M, De Luca P, Caso V, Agnelli G, D'Amore C, Alberti A, Venti M, Paciaroni M. Acute stroke symptoms: do differences exist between sexes? J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis.;23:2928-33.
(2014) Pezzella FR, Santalucia P, Vadalà R, Giugni E, Zedde ML, Sessa M, Anticoli S, Caso V; Women Stroke Association. Women Stroke Association Statement on Stroke. Int J Stroke;9:20-27.
(2013) De Rango P, Brown MM, Leys D, Howard VJ, Moore WS, Paciaroni M, Ringleb P, Rockman C, Caso V. Management of carotid stenosis in women: consensus document. Neurology;80:2258-68.
(2013) Santalucia P, Pezzella FR, Sessa M, Monaco S, Torgano G, Anticoli S, Zanoli E, Maimone Baronello M, Paciaroni M, Caso V; Women Stroke Association (WSA). Sex differences in clinical presentation, severity and outcome of stroke: results from a hospital-based registry. Eur J Intern Med;24:167-71.
(2010) Caso V, Paciaroni M, Agnelli G, Corea F, Ageno W, Alberti A, Lanari A, Micheli S, Bertolani L, Venti M, Palmerini F, Billeci AM, Comi G, Previdi P, Silvestrelli G. Gender differences in patients with acute ischemic stroke. Womens Health (Lond). 2010;6:51-7.
Awards and prizes
2015 - Honoray Member of “Société française neuro-vasculaire”
2017 - Critics Award of R.O.S.A., Club Canova Roma
2017 - Award Toshkent Tibbiyot Akademiyasi
2018 - Award Umbria in Rosa 2018
Second level Track and field trainer and manager FIDAL (Italian Athletic Federation). Journalist, La CRO.S.S. website editorial management. Physical Education Teacher.
Professional career
Giuliana Maria Cassani has been a teacher of Physical Education since 1986, since 2009 she has been seconded to the Regional School Office for Lombardy, Physical Education Office, to the position of Regional Coordinator Physical Education.
A publicist journalist since 1997, over the years she has collaborated with La Gazzetta dello Sport, La Gazzetta dello Sportivo, La Corsa, Atletica Week. From 2008 to 2012 she was head of the press office of FIDAL (Italian Athletics Federation) Lombardy.
She is a FIDAL registered trainer and sports executive, a federation for which she was a councillor, for two successive four-year terms, from 2012 to 2020.
From 2014 to 2022, she is a member of the ISF (International Sport School Federation) Athletics Technical Commission.
She is a founding member and Vice-President of the Association of Historical Sport Chroniclers (La CRO.S.S.), for which she is in charge of the editorial management of the website.
Editorial work and publications
Manuale di Sopravvivenza del Giovane Atleta... e dei suoi genitori, Carabà Edizioni, 2014.
Awards and prizes
As a FIDAL athlete, she won two CONI bronze medals 'for athletic merit' in 1988 and 1989, the Italian 4x400 relay title.
As a coach and FIDAL executive, she received the 2021-22 Athletic Merit Award.
Finally, as coordinator of the Physical Education Office, she received a Note of Merit from the Regional School Office for Lombardy AT Milan in 2021.
Researcher at the IBFM-CNR (Institute of Molecular Bio-images and Physiology - National Research Council) in Milan.
Professional career
After graduating in Physics at the University of Milan in 1993, she received a scientific education in the field of physics applied to medicine, (more recently to cultural heritage and the environment), in particular in applications of imaging diagnostics combined with advanced computational techniques. Since 1997 she is Researcher at the Institute of Molecular Bioimaging and Physiology of the National Research Council (IBFM-CNR), where, since 2011, she is also a member of the Council of the Institute. From 2010 to 2016 she was professor on contract at the University of Milano-Bicocca. She gained experience in research responsibility through the creation and management of her own research group at the IBFM-CNR, which was consolidated in 2011 in a research laboratory (Integration & Innovation Laboratory in Molecular Imaging, INLAB www.inlab.ibfm.cnr.it), which currently hosts 10 researchers with expertise in the field of bioimaging, computer science, biology and biotechnology.
Scientific results
She obtained important scientific results in: 1) physical characterization of diagnostic imaging systems, in particular positron emission tomography (PET), single photon emission tomography (SPECT), computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance (MRI), fluorescence imaging/bioluminescence and near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), 2) development of methods of acquisition and processing of diagnostic images for medical and cultural applications, 3) development of methods and models for the correction of physical effects, noise sources in diagnostic imaging studies (eg attenuation, dispersion, partial volume effect), 4) development of methods of quantification and extraction of characteristics from diagnostic images (for example analysis of statistical parametric mapping, radiomics, analysis of main components, machine learning), 5) creation of databases of synthetic medical images for the validation of processing methods and quantification of medical images. Since 2010 she has coordinated 13 scientific research projects financed on competitive tenders or through contracts, for a total non-repayable net grant of 2M €, and 12 research projects in agreement with IRCCS and Hospitals. She showed her research achievements in more than 50 seminars and lectures at national and international conferences, universities and research institutes. She is co-inventor of four softwares for the extraction and quantification of biomarker images and biomedical data in use at national and foreign health facilities. From 2012 to 2015 she was Mentor of two spin offs in the biomedical technology sector.
Editorial work and publications
She is credited with 112 scientific publications in ISI scientific journals, including:
Science, Nucleic Acids Research, Theranostics, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Medicine, Cerebral Cortex; she is in pole position (with the role of first, corresponding or last author) in more than 70% of her publications.
[2005] Berti A, Bottini G, Gandola M, Pia L, Smania N, Stracciari A, Castiglioni I, Vallar G. Shared cortical anatomy for motor awareness and motor control. Science, 309(5733):488-91.
[2014]Picchio M, Kirienko M, Mapelli P, Dell'Oca I, Villa E, Gallivanone F, Gianolli L, Messa C, Castiglioni I. Predictive value of pre-therapy (18)F-FDG PET/CT for the outcome of (18)F-FDG PET-guided radiotherapy in patients with head and neck cancer.Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 41(1):21-31.
[2015] Bertoli G, Cava C, Castiglioni I. MicroRNAs: New Biomarkers for Diagnosis, Prognosis, Therapy Prediction and Therapeutic Tools for Breast Cancer. Theranostics, 5(10):1122-43.
[2015] Salvatore C, Cerasa A, Battista P, Gilardi MC, Quattrone A, Castiglioni I; Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Magnetic resonance imaging biomarkers for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease: a machine learning approach. Front Neurosci, 9:307. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2015.00307. eCollection 2015.
[2016] Colaprico A, Silva TC, Olsen C, Garofano L, Cava C, Garolini D, Sabedot TS, Malta TM, Pagnotta SM, Castiglioni I, Ceccarelli M, Bontempi G, Noushmehr H. TCGAbiolinks: an R/Bioconductor package for integrative analysis of TCGA data. Nucleic Acids Res, 44(8):e71. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkv1507.
[2017] Antunovic L, Gallivanone F, Sollini M, Sagona A, Invento A, Manfrinato G, Kirienko M, Tinterri C, Chiti A, Castiglioni I. [18F]FDG PET/CT features for the molecular characterization of primary breast tumors. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 44(12):1945-1954.
[2017] Berti A, Della-Torre E, Gallivanone F, Canevari C, Milani R, Lanzillotta M, Campochiaro C, Ramirez GA, Bozzalla Cassione E, Bozzolo E, Pedica F, Castiglioni I, Arcidiacono PG, Balzano G, Falconi M, Gianolli L, Dagna L. Quantitative measurement of 18F-FDG PET/CT uptake reflects the expansion of circulating plasmablasts in IgG4-related disease. Rheumatology,56(12):2084-2092.
[2018] Gargano M, Galli A, Bonizzoni L, Alberti R, Aresi N, Caccia M, Castiglioni I, Interlenghi M, Salvatore C, Ludwig N, Martini M. The Giotto's workshop in the XXI century: looking inside the “God the Father with Angels” gable. Journal of cultural heritage: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2018.09.016
[2019] Cantini L, Bertoli G, Cava C, Dubois T, Zinovyev A, Caselle M, Castiglioni I, Barillot E, Martignetti L. Identification of microRNA clusters cooperatively acting on Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition in Triple Negative Breast Cancer. NAR, in press (Published on-line).
[2019] Musazzi L, Sala N, Tornese P, Gallivanone F, Belloli S, Conte A, Di Grigoli G, Fenghua C, Treccani G, Bazzini C, Castiglioni I, Nyengaard JR, Wegener G, Moresco RM, Popoli P. Acute inescapable stress rapidly increases synaptic energy metabolism in prefrontal cortex and alters working memory performance. Cerebral Cortex, in press.
Awards and prizes
From 2007 to 2009 she was Foreign Scientific Visitors Tutor for the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). She is a scientific evaluator of research projects for International Institutions (Engineering in the Medical and Biology Society, Fundacao para a Cienca and in Technology FCT – Portugal, French Institute National du Cancer, Poland National Science Center, Horizon2020). She is a scientific reviewer in international scientific journals in the field of bioimaging and molecular diagnostics and carries out publishing activities, as Associate Editor and Guest Editor. In particular she was Lead Guest Editor of the Special Issue "Frontiers in Biomarkers for Theranostics" in Frontiers in Bioscience - Landmark, of the Special Issue "Frontiers from Radiomics in Molecular Imaging" in Contrast Media and Molecular Imaging, and of the Special Issue "Imaging biomarkers for the diagnosis and prognosis of neurodegenerative diseases” in Frontiers in Neuroscience.
In September 2021 she is named among the 50 most inspiring Italian women in the world of technology with the award InspiringFifty for Italy.
Full rofessor of Computer Engineering and Director of the Department of Computer, Automatic and Management Engineering at La Sapienza University of Rome.
Professional career
After graduating in Electronic Engineering from La Sapienza University of Rome in 1987, she continued her education with a PhD in Computer Science at the same university. Since November 2000 she has been a full professor of Information Processing Systems at the Faculty of Computer Engineering, Informatics and Statistics at La Sapienza University of Rome. From 2009 to October 2014 she is president of the InfoSapienza Centre. From November 2010 to April 2014 she is pro-rector for Infrastructure and Technology and coordinator of the Organismo di Indirizzo e Raccordo (OIR) of the same university. Since 2014 she is director of the Interuniversity Centre on Cognitive Processing in Natural and Artificial Systems (ECONA). Since May 2015 she is director of the interdepartmental research centre "Sapienza Design Research". Since July 2015 she is President of KION S.p.A., a company belonging to the CINECA group. Since 2018, she has been Director of the Department of Computer, Automatic and Management Engineering at La Sapienza University of Rome.
Professor Catarci is very active in combating gender disparities and promoting the STEM disciplines among female students by promoting dedicated projects at both school and university level and acting as role-model for “Inspiring Girls” and other initiatives.
Scientific results
Tiziana Catarci’s main research interests are in theoretical and application oriented aspects of visual formalisms for databases, human-computer interaction, user interfaces, usability, smart environments, information visualization, data management, data quality and digital libraries. On these topics she has published over 200 papers in international journals, conferences and workshop proceedings, and 20 books. In particular, her contribution can be regarded as one of the first and most significant examples of deep analysis and formalization of the interaction between the user and the database, which takes in consideration both usability issues and various database related aspects.
Editorial work and publications
Tiziana Catarci serves on the scientific committee and as a reviewer for many leading scientific journals and international conferences in the relevant fields, including ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, ACM Transactions on Information Systems, VLDB Journal, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, WWW Journal, Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, ACM Interact, Computing Surveys, VLDB, ACM Sigmod, IEEE Multimedia, ACM CHI.
She is the author of more than 200 scientific articles in international journals, including:
(2019) Marco Angelini, Graziano Blasilli, Tiziana Catarci, Simone Lenti, Giuseppe Santucci. Vulnus: Visual Vulnerability Analysis for Network Security. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 25(1): 183-192.
(2018) Paolo Ceravolo, Tiziana Catarci,et al.:Big Data Semantics. J. Data Semantics7(2): 65-85.
(2014) Bauleo E, Carnevale S, Catarci T, Kimani S, Leva M, Mecella M. Design, realization and user evaluation of the SmartVortex Visual Query System for accessing data streams in industrial engineering applications. Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 25(5):577-601.
(2010) Catarci T, Dix AJ, Kimani S, Santucci G. User-Centered Data Management. Morgan & Claypool Publishers.
(2000) Catarci T. What Happened When Database Researchers Met Usability. Information Systems, 25(3):177-212.
Awards and prizes
In 2003 she won the IBM Eclipse Innovation Award for the SEAWER project, SEmantic Annotation of WEb Resources.
In 2014 she was the first female candidate for Rector in the secular history of La Sapienza University.
In 2015 she received the honour of "Commendatore della Repubblica Italiana".
In 2016, she was invited to join the prestigious European Academy of Sciences and Arts.
In 2021, she received the international prize "Le Tecnovisionarie".
STEM area: Engineering
Competences: Air Treatment, Alternative Energies, Civil Engineering, Energy Efficiency, Environmental Acoustics, Heat Transmission, Technical Physics, Thermodynamic Cycles
Keywords: awa modula, energy saving, environment, heat transmission, renewable sources, seas-sa, sustainable building, thermodynamic cycles, water extraction from the air, water shortage
Region: ABROAD
R&D consultant in SEAS-SA. External researcher and lecturer at the University of Pavia.
Professional career
In the academic year 2001 she obtained a master degree in Civil Engineering, Hydraulic, in the University of Pavia (Italy). In the same university in 2002 she obtained a first level master regarding surface waters defence. Four years later, 2006, she obtained the title of environmental acoustic expert, after a post lauream course organised by F.A.S.T. (Milan- Italy). In 2008 she obtained the energy certificatory qualification. In academic year 2008 she became Philosophy Doctor in technologies for energy and environment (Applied Physics) with a thesis about energetic sustainable buildings (University of Bergamo - Italy). From 2001 to 2014 she worked as external researcher and lecturer in Pavia University, Engineering Faculty, in Applied Physics. She also taught in several professional courses. In 2012 Lucia Cattani worked in the research team of the University of Pavia devoted to design a new machine which can extract water from air. The research ended with the prototype construction. In 2014 she became R&D manager for SEAS-SA, a Swiss start up, which bought rights about the said research and started to build and sell integrated machines which extract water from air and permit to increase energy efficiency in building heating and cooling. In 2017 she shifted to a part time occupation in SEAS, as R&D scientific consultant, in order to return to research and teaching activities in Pavia University. Nowadays she continues her work in SEAS and at the same time carries out research in the field of water from air extraction as external researcher in Pavia University.
Scientific results
Thanks to her studies and previous research work, Lucia Cattani obtained an interdisciplinary attitude, which permits her to work in the branch of Applied Physics which regards advanced integrated plants devoted to increase energy saving and drinking water generation. Having knowledge about: thermodynamics, heat transmission, renewable energies, hydraulics, water sanification and purification treatments, waste treatment and recycling, she was able to become R&D manager of an innovative start up, SEAS SA in the field of AWG (atmospheric water generator). Integrated systems AWA modula, produced by SEAS SA, are not simple water from air extractors, but are particular machines, which can provide not only high quality drinking water, but also two thermal contributes, a fresh and dry airflow and an heating flux. All the said functionalities are obtained at the same time with the same energy consumption. AWA is an evolution of the research prototype and is designed to employ all the useful effects of a reverse cycle applied to environmental air. Her research field regarded also applied acoustics, heat transmission, energy saving, building sustainability.
Editorial work and publications
Lucia Cattani participates in national and international conferences and is the author of numerous scientific articles, including:
(2024) L. Cattani; A. Magrini; A. Chiari. A Method and Metrics to Assess the Energy Efficiency of Smart Working. Buildings 14(3), 741; https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings14030741
(2023) P. Cattani; L. Cattani; A. Magrini. Tyre–Road Heat Transfer Coefficient Equation Proposal. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 11996. https://doi.org/10.3390/app132111996 publisher’s link https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/13/21/11996
(2023) L. Cattani; P. Cattani; A. Magrini; R. Figoni; D. Dondi; D. Vadivel. Suitability and Energy Sustainability of Atmospheric Water Generation Technology for Green Hydrogen Production. Energies 2023, 16, 6440. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16186440 publisher’s link https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/16/18/6440
(2023) L. Cattani; P. Cattani; A. Magrini. Air to Water Generator Integrated System Real Application: A Study Case in a Worker Village in United Arab Emirates. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 3094. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13053094 publisher’s link https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/13/5/3094
(2022) L. Cattani; A. Magrini; V. Leoni. Energy Performance of Water Generators from Gaseous Mixtures by Condensation: Climatic Datasets Choice. Energies 2022, 15, 7581. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15207581, publisher’s link https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/15/20/7581
(2021) L. Cattani; P. Cattani; A. Magrini. Air to Water Generator Integrated Systems: The Proposal of a Global Evaluation Index—GEI Formulation and Application Examples. Energies 2021, 14, 8528. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14248528, publisher’s link https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/14/24/8528
(2021) L. Cattani; P. Cattani; A. Magrini. Extraction from Air: A Proposal for a New Indicator to Compare Air Water Generators Efficiency. Energies 2021, 14, 224. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14010224, publisher’s link https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/14/1/224
(2021) L. Cattani; P. Cattani; A. Magrini. Photovoltaic Cleaning Optimization: A Simplified Theoretical Approach for Air to Water Generator (AWG) System Employment. Energies 2021, 14, 4271. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14144271, publisher’s link https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/14/14/4271
(2018) Cattani L. Magrini A., Cattani P. Water Extraction from Air by Refrigeration¡ªExperimental Results from an Integrated System Application, Applied Sciences. 2018; 8(11):2262.
(2017) Magrini A, Cattani L, Cartesegna M, Magnani L.Water Production from Air Conditioning Systems: Some Evaluations about a Sustainable Use of Resources, Sustainability 2017, 9(8), 1309; doi:10.3390/su9081309.
(2015) Magrini A, Cattani L, Cartesegna M, Magnani L. Production of water from the air: the environmental sustainability of air-conditioning systems through a more intelligent use of resources. The advantages of an integrated system. Energy Procedia, 78:1153-1158.
(2015) Magrini A, Cattani L, Cartasegna M, Magnani L. Integrated systems for air conditioning and production of drinking water - Preliminary considerations. Energy Procedia, 75:1659-1665.
(2010) Magrini A, Cattani L, Magnani L. A global index to evaluate the acoustical and thermal behavior of buildings: first evaluations and applications to common building walls. ISRA Melbourne, Victoria, Australian Acoustical Society.
Chair of Italy’s Parliamentary Budget Office; Professor in Economics at the University of Roma Tre (on leave).
Professional career
Lilia Cavallari graduated summa cum laude in Economics at the University of Rome La Sapienza and obtained the PhD in Economics from the same university in 1993. She was Post-Doc fellow at the Center for Economic Performance of the London School of Economics and scholar at the CIDE School of Econometrics. She was assistant professor of Public policy at the University of Rome La Sapienza since 1996, associate professor in Economics at the University of Roma Tre since 2002 and professor at the same university since 2011 (on leave since January 2022). She is Chair of Italy’s Parliamentary Budget Office. She is scientific advisor for the DG Research of the European Commission and member of the editorial board of Economic Modelling, Elsevier. She was visiting professor at several institutions, including the Institute for New Economic Thinking at the University of Cambridge, the Institute for International Studies at the University of Stockholm, the Center for European Integration Studies at the University of Bonn, and the London School of Economics.
Scientific results
Her research activity develops primarily in the field of international economics. It comprises theoretical and empirical studies of interdependence in the global economy, international policy coordination and the transmission of monetary and fiscal policy worldwide. Her most recent studies focus on the creation of new businesses and new products and their role for the aggregate economy; the impact of the exchange rate regime for foreign market access and multinational production; fiscal policy evaluation; fluctuations of consumption and markups over the business cycle.
Editorial work and publications
[2021] Cavallari L., Romano S., Naticchioni P. The original sin. Firms’ dynamics and the life-cycle consequences of economic conditions at birth, European Economic Review vol.138, Article 103844.
[2020] Cavallari L., Etro F. Demand, markups and the business cycle, European Economic Review, 127:1-12.
[2020] Cavallari L. Monetary policy and consumers’ demand, Economic Modelling 92: 23-36.
[2020] Cavallari L., D’Addona S. Export margins and world shocks: an empirical investigation in fixed and floating regimes, Applied Economics 52 (20): 2191-2207.
[2017] Cavallari L., D’Addona S. Output stabilization and export margins in fixed and floating exchange rate regimes: does trade of new products matter?, Economic Modelling 64: 365-383.
[2017] Cavallari L., Romano S. Fiscal policy in Europe: the importance of making it predictable”, Economic Modelling 60: 81-97.
[2015] Cavallari L. Entry costs and the dynamics of business formation, Journal of Macroeconomics 44: 312-326.
[2013] Cavallari L. Firms’ entry, monetary policy and the international business cycle, Journal of International Economics 91: 263-274.
[2013] Cavallari L., D’Addona S. Output and interest rate volatility as determinants of FDI, Applied Economics 45: 2603–2610.
[2012] Cavallari L. Optimal contracts and the role of the government in wage bargaining, Economics Letters 115: 160–163.
[2010] Cavallari L. Exports and FDI in an endogenous-entry model with nominal and real uncertainty, Journal of Macroeconomics 32: 300-313.
[2008] Cavallari L. Macroeconomic interdependence with trade and multinational activities, Review of International Economics 16 (3): 537-558.
[2007] Cavallari L. A macroeconomic model of entry with exporters and multinationals, The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, vol.7, issue 1(Contributions), Article 32.
Awards and prizes
Lilia Cavallari is fellow of the EABCN (Euro Area Business Cycle Network), fellow of CREI (Center of Research in Economics and Institutions, Roma Tre) and VisitINPS scholar. She was in the scientific board of the European Economics and Finance Society. She received several grants financed by the Ministry of Education, University and Research of Italy.
Former Full Professor of Political Philosophy at the University of Verona, now Honorary Professor at the Department of Human Sciences at the University of Verona.
Professional career
After graduating in Philosophy at the University of Padua, Adriana Cavarero embarked on an academic career and was appointed Full Professor of Political Philosophy at the University of Verona. During these years she was also Visiting Professor at the universities of Warwick and Berkeley, and at New York University and Harvard.
Scientific results
Adriana Cavarero's interests range from ancient to modern and contemporary thought. Distinguished as an Arendtian scholar, she is widely recognized for her studies in (1) feminism, (2) political philosophy, art and literature. Her most innovative research has led her to analyze (3) the role of place of birth in our culture, (4) narrative and (5) voice. She has also worked on (6) contemporary violence, (7) ethics and (8) politics, as well as topics related to (9) embodiment and (10) sexual difference.
Editorial work and publications
She is the author of several national and international books that have been translated into English and other foreign languages.
(1990) Cavarero, A., Nonostante Platone. Editori Riuniti;
(1995) Cavarero, A., In Spite of Plato: A Feminist Rewriting of Ancient Philosophy. Polity.
(1997) Cavarero, A., Tu che mi guardi, tu che mi racconti. Filosofia della narrazione. Feltrinelli.
(2000) Cavarero, A., Corpo in figure. Feltrinelli.
(2000) Cavarero, A., Relating Narratives: Storytelling And Selfhood. Routledge.
(2002) Cavarero, A., Stately Bodies: Literature, Philosophy And The Question of Gender. Michigan U.P..
(2003) Cavarero, A., A più voci. Filosofia dell’espressione vocale. Feltrinelli;
(2005) Cavarero, A., For More Than One Voice: Toward a Philosophy Of Vocal Expression. Stanford U.P.
(2007) Cavarero, A., Orrorismo. Ovvero della violenza sull’inerme. Feltrinelli.
(2009) Cavarero, A., Horrorism: Naming Contemporary Violence. Columbia U.P.
(2013) Cavarero, A., Inclinazioni. Critica della rettitudine. Raffaello Cortina;
(2016) Cavarero, A., Inclinations: A Critique of Rectitude. Stanford U.P.
(2018) Cavarero, A., Platone. Raffaello Cortina.
(2019) Cavarero, A., Democrazia sorgiva. Note sul pensiero politico di Hannah Arendt. Raffaello Cortina.
(2021) Cavarero, A., Surging Democracy. Notes on Hannah Arendt’s Political Thought. Stanford U.P.
STEM area: Mathematics
Competences: applications of stochastic control on applications in economics, finanze and insurance, applications of stochastic filtering on applications in economics, finanze and insurance, Applied Mathematics, probability
Keywords: stochastic calculus, stochastic models, stochastic processes
Region: Lazio
Professional career
Claudia Ceci obtained a degree (with honours) in Mathematics in 1990 and a PhD in Probability in 1996 at the University of Rome Sapienza.
She benefited from a C.N.R. scholarship abroad, spending a period of research at the "Laboratoire des Probabilites" of the University of Paris VI, in 1991-92.
She was researcher at the University of Florence from 1993 to 1998 and associate professor in Probability and Mathematical Statistics at the University of Chieti-Pescara from 1998 to 2011.
She became a full professor in the same disciplinary scientific sector at the same University in 2011. She has been full professor of Mathematical Methods of Economics and Actuarial and Financial Sciences at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Rome Sapienza, since 2022.
She carried out various management activities at the University of Chieti-Pescara, including President of the Degree Course in Economics and Business and Coordinator of the PhD in Sciences.
Scientific results
Claudia Ceci has obtained significant scientific results in the field of stochastic filtering and stochastic control and their applications. Her research mainly focused on applications in economics, finance and insurance; in particular, in the framework of incomplete financial market models for pure jump and jump-diffusion processes, also under partial information. She studied hedging and pricing of derivative securities including credit and insurance-type securities with mortality risk. A consistent part of her papers concerns optimal investment and reinsurance problems investigated using the classical stochastic control approach based on the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation, or techniques based on BSDEs (backward stochastic differential equations) which are well suited in non-Markovian or infinite-dimensional frameworks.Recently, her interests concern modeling, through contagion processes, of phenomena that exhibit clusters effects, such as insurance losses due to catastrophic events. Claudia Ceci has participated in several Research Projects, acting as Unit’s responsible for three national projects: COFIN 1999, PRIN 2006 and PRIN 2008. She was PI of three GNAMPA-INdAM (National Institute of Higher Mathematics) projects in 2016 , 2020 and 2022. She is currently Unit’s responsible for the PRIN 2022 entitled "Optimal control and games and the role of information" and she is also PI of a three-year Sapienza Big Project entitled "Stochastic Optimization Problems in Insurance, Finance and Economics".
Editorial work and publications
Claudia Ceci is author of more than 50 articles in international scientific journals. She presented her research results at about 60 international conferences and workshpos in Italy and abroad. Many of the conference presentations have been under invitation. She is part of the Editorial Board of two international scientific journals: Journal Stochastic Analysis and Applications and AIMS Mathematics. She was Guest Editor of the Special Issue Stochastic Optimization Methods in Economics, Finance and Insurance, Mathematics. She acts as a reviewer for numerous international scientific journals, PhD theses and research projects.
Among the main publications:
M.Brachetta, G.Callegaro, C.Ceci, C.Sgarra: Optimal reinsurance via BSDEs in a partially observable model with jump clusters, Finance and Stochastics, 2023.
C.Ceci, K.Colaneri, A.Cretarola: Optimal Reinsurance and Investment under Common Shock Dependence Between Financial and Actuarial Markets, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 2022.
M.Brachetta, C.Ceci: A Stochastic Control Approach to Public Debt Management, Mathematics and Financial Economics, 2022.
M.Brachetta, C.Ceci: A BSDE-based approach for the optimal reinsurance problem under partial information , Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 2020.
C.Ceci, K.Colaneri, A.Cretarola: Indifference pricing of pure endowments via BSDEs under partial information , Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, published online 2020, https://doi.org/10.1080/03461238.2020.1790030.
G.Callegaro, C.Ceci, G.Ferrari: Optimal reduction of public debt under partial observation of the economic growth , Finance and Stochastics, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00780-020-00438-z.
C.Ceci, K.Colaneri, R.Frey, V.Koeck: Value adjustments and dynamic hedging of Reinsurance Counterparty Risk , SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics, 2020.
L.Bo, C.Ceci: Locally Risk-Minimizing Hedging of Counterparty Risk for Portfolio of Credit Derivatives , Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 2020.
C.Ceci, K.Colaner, A.Cretarola: Local risk-minimization under restricted information on asset prices, Electronic Journal of Probability, 2015.
C.Ceci, A.Cretarola, F.Russo: BSDES under partial information and financial applications, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 2014, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.spa.2014.03.003.
C.Ceci, K.Colaneri: The Zakai equation of nonlinear filtering for jump-diffusion observation: existence and uniqueness, Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 2014.
C.Ceci, K.Colaneri: Nonlinear filtering for jump diffusion observations, Advances in Applied Probability, 2012.
Awards and prizes
She received the degree award in memory of Prof. Gabriella Del Grosso at the Department of Mathematics Castelnuovo, of the University of Rome Sapienza, in 1990. She won two C.N.R. scholarships, the first for undergraduates in 1989 (ranking seventh out of 30 grants) and the second in 1990 (ranking third out of 23 places) for a year research period at the "Laboratoire des Probabilites" of University Paris VI. She is member of the Board of the UMI-PRISMA Group (Probability In Statistics, Mathematics and Applications) from 2020 and member of the Scientific Commission of the “Unione Matematica Italiana” (https://umi.dm.unibo.it/organi-direttivi /) from 2021.
Full professor of Mathematics of the University of Rome Tor Vergata and Member of the ANVUR Governing Board
Professional career
After the Master degree in Mathematics as the University of Rome La Sapienza, she continued her studies through a PhD in Mathematics at the Swiss Polytechnic Institute (ETH) in Zuerich, awarded in 1989. Afterwards, she becomes Researcher in Mathematical Physics at the Department of Mathematics of the University of L’Aquila until 1999. Since then, she is associate professor of Mathematical Physics at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. Since 2013 she is full professor at the same university; from 2015 to 2018 she has been chair of the Department of Mathematics of the University of Rome Tor Vergata, where she coordinates since 2010 the post-graduate course in “Space Science and Technology”. In 2019 she was appointed Board Member of the Italian Space Agency, a role she held until February 2020. Since April 2020 she is a member of the Board of Directors of ANVUR.
Scientific results
The research interests of Alessandra Celletti include celestial mechanics, dynamical systems theory, interplanetary trajectories and the study of the dynamics of space debris. Celestial Mechanics is a discipline which dates back to primordial times and studies the dynamics of objects in the solar system, form the Moon to the planets, from spacecraft to artificial satellites. There are several open questions that celestial mechanics tries to answer: for example, whether the solar system will undergo collisions among the planets, how it is possible to design interplanetary low-cost trajectories, which is the fate of the space debris orbiting around the Earth or which is the probability of the threat induced ny the collision of an asteroid with the Earth.
Editorial work and publications
She is author of several books at university and popular level:
Celletti A, Esercizi di Meccanica Razionale, Aracne editrice, 1999.
Celletti A, Stability and Chaos in Celestial Mechanics, Springer-Praxis, 2010.
Celletti A, Perozzi E, Celestial Mechanics: The Waltz of the Planets, Springer-Praxis, 2007.
Celletti A, Perozzi E, Pianeti per caso, UTET, 2012.
Celletti A., Meccanica Celeste, Lezioni di Fisica, Corriere della Sera, 2019.
Alessandra Celletti is also author of several scientific publications on national and international journals, among which:
(2018) Celletti A., Gales C., "Dynamics of resonances and equilibria of Low Earth Objects", SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst., vol. 17:203-235
(2016) Celletti A, Gales C, Pucacco G. Bifurcation of lunisolar secular resonances for space debris orbits. SIAM, Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 15(3):1352-1383.
(2016) Lhotka C, Celletti A, Gales C. Poynting-Robertson drag and solar wind in the space debris problem. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 460(1):802-815.
(2015) Celletti A, Gales C. Dynamical investigation of minor resonances for space debris.Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 123(2):203-222.
(2015) Celletti A, Pucacco G, Stella D. Lissajous and Halo orbits in the restricted three-body problem. Journal of Nonlinear Science, 25(2):343-370.
(2014) Celletti A, Gales C. On the dynamics of space debris: 1:1 and 2:1 resonances. Journal of Nonlinear Science, 24(6):1231-1262.
(2014) Calleja R, Celletti A, Falcolini C, de la Llave R. An extension of Greene's criterion for conformally symplectic systems and a partial justification. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 46(4):2350-2384.
(2013) Calleja R, Celletti A, de la Llave R. A KAM theory for conformally symplectic systems: efficient algorithms and their validation. Journal of Differential Equations, 255(5):978-1049.
(2011) Celletti A, Stefanelli L, Lega E, Froeschle' C. Global dynamics of the regularized restricted three-body problem with dissipation. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 109:265-284.
(2009) Celletti A, Chierchia L. Quasi-periodic attractors in Celestial Mechanics. Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 191(2):311-345.
Awards and prizes
From 2011 to 2013 Alessandra Celletti is chair of the Italian Society of Celestial Mechanics and Astrodynamics; the asteroid 2005 DJ1, n. 117539 bears the name Alessandra Celletti. In 2010 she is elected member of the Celestial Mechanics Institute, an international organization composed by about 20 experts in Celestial Mechanics. In 2012 she is invited speaker at the sixth congress of the European Mathematical Society. She received from the Europen Community grants for the projects "Marie Curie Innovative Training Networks" called Astronet-II (2011), Stardust (2013), Stardust-R (2019). In 2018 she becomes president of the Scientific Committee in Celestial Mechanics of the International Astronomical Union. During the period 2015-2018 she is member of the scientific committee of the Italian Mathematical Union and since 2014 of the scientific committee of the Italian National Group of Mathematical Physics. In 2016 she is elected Editor in Chief of the international journal "Celestial Mechanics & Dynamical Astronomy" (edited by Springer), a reference publication in the field of Celestial Mechanics and Flight Dynamics. She is e member of the Committee Women in Mathematics of the European Mathematical Society. In September 2018 she was elected Presidente of the Celestial Mechanic and Astrodynamics Committee of the International Astronomical Union.
In 2023, she won the most important prize in the field of Celestial Mechanics, the Brouwer Award.
Associate professor in Public Management and member of the Technical Commission on Performance at the Italian Department of Public Administration.
Professional career
After graduating with honors in Economics at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” in 2002, Denita Cepiku achieves a PhD degree in Public Management & Governance in 2006. Tenure track researcher in 2008 and associate professor in 2017, she teaches Business administration and Public management, and coordinates the PhD track in Public management and governance at the same university. She has been visiting professor at the University of Konstanz (2019) and at the York University of Toronto (2011).
She is editor-in-chief of Azienda Pubblica (the Italian public management journal since 1987), member of the editorial committees of Public Management Review, of Revista de Administração Pública, and of International Journal on Public Sector Performance Management. Since 2002, she has coordinated or taken part in research projects funded by the United Nations, European Commission, OECD, EBRD, International Institute of Administrative Sciences, European Institute of Public Administration, Swedish Research Council, Swiss Development Cooperation, Italian Ministry of health, Department of Public Administration, among others. She is member of the Technical Commission on Performance at the Department of Public Administration, Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers.
Scientific results
Her main research interests are in the areas of collaborative governance (network management and co-production), strategic performance management, crisis management, and equity.
Denita has contributed to the scientific research on networks by developing a multilevel performance model on public networks. Her empirical research has focused on UNESCO’s Heritage Sites, investigating configurational conditions that impact community-level performance; on the fight of malaria through community health workers in Ethiopia; on the leadership of local government networks.
Her works on strategic performance management have focused on public administrations and international institutions.
More recently, her research interests have addressed the issue of equity and the tools that public managers can employ to improve inclusion and social justice.
Editorial work and publications
[2021] Cepiku, D., & Mastrodascio, M. Equity in public services. Public Administration Review. Volume 81, Issue 6, November/December, pp. 1019-1032.
[2021] Cepiku D., Giordano F., Bovaird T., Loeffler E. Managing the Covid-19 pandemic—from a hospital-centred model of care to a community co-production approach. Public Money and Management, Vol. 41, No. 1.
[2021] Cepiku, D., Giordano, F., Mastrodascio, M., & Wang, W. What drives network effectiveness? A configurational approach. Public Management Review, 1-25.
[2021] Cepiku D., Mastrodascio M. Leadership behaviours in local government networks: an empirical replication study, Public Management Review, 23:3, 354-375.
[2020] Cepiku D., Marsilio M., Sicilia M.F., Vainieri M. Co-production: management and evaluation. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-3-030-60710-4
[2020] Amici M., Cepiku D. (2020), Performance management in international organizations. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-3-030-39471-4.
[2018] Cepiku D., Giordano F., Bonomi Savignon A. (2018), Does strategy rhyme with austerity?. Public Management Review. 20:3.
[2018] Cepiku D. Strategia e performance nelle amministrazioni pubbliche. Egea. Biblioteca dell’economia d’azienda. Milano, ISBN 9788823845909.
[2017] Thomas R. Klassen, Denita Cepiku and T. J. Lah,, a cura di, (2017). Handbook of Global Public Policy and Administration. Routledge. ISBN: 9781138845220.
[2016] Cepiku D., Mussari R., Giordano F. (2016), Local Governments Managing Austerity: Approaches, Determinants and Impact. Public Administration. 94:1.
[2014] Cepiku D., Giordano F. (2014). Co-production in developing countries. Insights from the Community Health Workers experiences. Public Management Review, 16:3.
[2005] Cepiku D., Governance: riferimento concettuale o ambiguità terminologica nei processi di innovazione della PA?, Azienda Pubblica, N. 1.
Awards and prizes
Best paper Workshop Azienda Pubblica, 2010, Roma.
Best research Award 2011, Faculty of Economics, University of Rome Tor Vergata.
Best paper award International Journal of Public Sector Management, EURAM 2019.
EURAM 2020 Grant Scheme awarded to the research project: “Co-production of public services: an impact evaluation model”.
Best PMR article Kooiman Award published in Public Management Review (PMR) in 2021 (2).
STEM area: Biomedical sciences and biotechnology
Competences: Biology, Biotechnologies, Cellular Biology, Molecular Biology, Virology
Keywords: attention, CRISPR-Cas, designer nucleases, editing of the genome, gene therapies, gene therapy, Genome editing, human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), image analysis, learning, prostate cancer, viral vectors, virus
Region: Trentino-Alto Adige
Full Professor of Molecular Biology at University of Trento, Group Leader Laboratory of Molecular Virology
Professional career
After graduating in Biological Sciences at the University of Genoa in 1990 she moves to the United States, Bethesda MD, at the National Institute of Health (NIH) where she studies the molecular biology of retroviruses. In 1998 she moves to New York where she first works as postdoc at the Cornell University and then as Instructor at the Institute of Gene Therapy, Mount Sinai School of Medicine. She moves back to Italy to work at the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and then to the International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, ICGEB, in Trieste. She became Assistant Professor and Group Leader in the at Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS) in Pisa. Currently she is Full Professor of Molecular Biology at the University of Trento where she teaches Gene Therapy and Molecular Virology. In the Department CIBIO, at the University of Trento, she leads a research groups developing strategies for genome editing to repair genetic diseases including one of the most frequent disease, Cystic Fibrosis. She is co-inventor of three patents, she is co-founder and scientific advisor of an academic start-up, Alia Therapeutics, working for the development of genome editing strategies for genetic diseases.
Scientific results
Her scientific career took off as post-doctoral fellow in Robert Gallo’s lab at the NIH where she studied the cellular transformation mechanisms of a human retrovirus, HTLV-1, causing a specific type of T-cell leukemia. Her studies gave important contribution to the cancer field by shedding light onto the basic mechanisms responsible for cancer formation viruses. Three main publications on these topics are: i) Science, 1995. 269(5220): p. 79-81. 31.8, ii) Blood, 1996. 88(5): p. 1551-60.10.1 and iii) Oncogene, 1999. 18(15): p. 2441-50.
Her studies continued in the field of retrovirology investigating the molecular biology of HIV-1, the causative agent of AIDS. She focused on the central events of HIV-1 replication occurring at the nuclear level of the infected cells. She used innovative experimental approaches by integrating molecular biology and advanced fluorescence microscopy to study the nuclear dynamics of the virus and fusion of the HIV-1 cDNA into the cellular genome. Three main publications in the field are: i) Cell Host Microbe. 2011 Jun 16;9(6):484-95, ii) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Apr 2;110(14):5636-41 and Methods Mol Biol. 2014;1087:47-54.
More recently she gave important contribution to the field of gene therapy by advancing concepts and tools in genome editing. With her group she developed viral and non-viral delivery tools for genome editing delivery and identified one of the most precise CRISPR nuclease (evoCas). Her work aimed also at proving the power of CRISPR based technology for the treatment of genetic diseases with a specific focus in Cystic Fibrosis, one of the most frequent genetic disease. The objects of her work have been filed for patenting and she is founder of an academic spin-off, Alia Therapeutics, developing genome editing approaches for genetic diseases. Three main publications in the field are: Nat Commun. 2019 Aug 7;10(1):3556, Mol Ther Nucleic Acids. 2018; 12:453-462, Nat Biotechnol. 2018; 36(3):265-271).
Editorial work and publications
(2020) Leslie W, Frati G, Felix T, Hardouin G, Casini A, Wollenschlaeger C, Meneghini V, Masson C, De Cian A, Chalumeau A, Mavilio F, Amendola M, Andre-Schmutz I, Cereseto A, El Nemer W, Concordet JP, Giovannangeli C, Cavazzana M, Miccio. Editing a γ-Globin Repressor Binding Site Restores Fetal Hemoglobin Synthesis and Corrects the Sickle Cell Disease Phenotype. Science Advances 2020 6 (7): eaay9392.
(2019) Maule G, Casini A, Montagna C, Ramalho AS, De Boeck K, Debyser Z, Carlon MS, Petris G, Cereseto A. Allele specific repair of splicing mutations in cystic fibrosis through AsCas12a genome editing. Nat Commun. 2019 Aug 7;10(1):3556. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-11454-9.
(2018) Montagna C, Petris G, Casini A, Maule G, Franceschini GM, Zanella I, Conti L, Arnoldi F, Burrone OR, Zentilin L, Zacchigna S, Giacca M, Cereseto A. VSV-G Enveloped Vesicles for Traceless Delivery of CRIAPR-Cas9. Mol Ther Nucleic Acids. 2018; 12:453-462.
(2018) Casini A, Olivieri M, Petris G, Montagna C, Reginato R, Maule G, Lorenzin F, Prandi D, Romanel A, Demichelis F, Inga A, Cereseto A. In vivo screening of highly specific SpCas9 variants. Nat Biotechnol. 2018; 36(3):265-271
(2017) Romanel A, Garritano S, Stringa B, Blattner M, Dalfovo D, Chakravarty D, Soong D, Cotter KA, Petris G, Dhingra P, Gasperini P, Cereseto A, Elemento O, Sboner A, Khurana E, Inga A, Rubin MA, Demichelis F. Inherited determinants of early recurrent somatic mutations in prostate cancer. Nat Commun 2017;8:48.
(2017) Petris G, Casini A, Montagna C, Lorenzin F, Prandi D, Romanel A, Zasso J, Conti L, Demichelis F, Cereseto A. Hit and go CAS9 delivered through a lentiviral based self-limiting circuit. Nat Commun 2017;8:15334.
(2016) Quercioli V, Di Primio C, Casini A, Mulder LCF, Vranckx LS, Borrenberghs D, Gijsbers R, Debyser Z, Cereseto A. Comparative Analysis of HIV-1 and Murine Leukemia Virus Three-Dimensional Nuclear Distributions. J Virol 2016;90:5205–5209.
(2015) Casini A, Olivieri M, Vecchi L, Burrone OR, Cereseto A. Reduction of HIV-1 infectivity through endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation-mediated Env depletion. J Virol 2015;89:2966–2971.
(2014) Cereseto A, Giacca M. Imaging HIV-1 nuclear pre-integration complexes. Methods Mol Biol Clifton NJ 2014;1087:47–54.
(2013) Di Primio C, Quercioli V, Allouch A, Gijsbers R, Christ F, Debyser Z, Arosio D, Cereseto A. Single-cell imaging of HIV-1 provirus (SCIP). Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2013;110:5636–5641.
(2011) Allouch A, Di Primio C, Alpi E, Lusic M, Arosio D, Giacca M, Cereseto A. The TRIM family protein KAP1 inhibits HIV-1 integration. Cell Host Microbe 2011;9:484–495.
(2010) Manganaro L, Lusic M, Gutierrez MI, Cereseto A, Del Sal G, Giacca M. Concerted action of cellular JNK and Pin1 restricts HIV-1 genome integration to activated CD4+ T lymphocytes. Nat Med 2010;16:329–333.
Awards and prizes
Anna Cereseto received financial support for her research from the European community in the context of the Framework Programme 7 and 8 (Horizon 20202), from the Italian Ministry of Health (Bandi AIDS) and from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. She is reviewer for internationl research foundations (Flanders Research Fundation, Austrian Science Fund, MRC-University of Cambridge and Czech Science Fundation) and for international journals including Nature Biotechnology, Nature Communications, Nature Methods and and Cell RTeports Medicine. She’s been awarded of an AIRC and Fogarty International Center Research fellowships.
Research Director of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) at the Turin Division.
Professional career
After graduating in Theoretical Physics in Turin in 1984, she obtained a PhD from the State University of New York at Stony Brook in 1989 and worked at CALTECH in California, before returning in 1993 as a researcher and lecturer at the Politecnico di Torino. She is a research manager at the Turin Section of the INFN, where she coordinated the Theoretical Physics Group from 2015 to 2022. Her research explores quantum field theories of fundamental interactions including gravity, with applications to black holes and cosmology. Since 2017 she leads a national research project on String and Field Theory. She has been a team member of the ERC "Superfields" and a working group leader in the COST project "The String Theory Universe." She is active in promoting gender in Theoretical Physics and among the founders of the GenHET group at CERN. She is involved in science outreach through various means, including Theatre, she is one of the creators of La forza nascosta: scienziate nella fisica e nella storiata: scienziate nella fisica e nella storia and president of the Teatro&Scienza association in Turin and president of the Science&Theatre association in Turin.
Scientific results
Her research activity has been in high-energy theoretical physics. She has devoted herself to the construction of new quantum theories that, extending Einstein's General Relativity and the Standard Model for elementary particles, can describe the unification of gravity with the other fundamental interactions of elementary particles. Her focus has been on mathematical structures and symmetries governing the interaction of space, time and matter. She is an expert in models in which space-time possesses more than 4 dimensions, in field theories with conformal invariance and with supersymmetry: supergravity, string theories, holographic theories. She has also contributed their applications to the study of black holes and cosmology.
Her most relevant results concern the construction of general models of supergravity in 4 and 5 space-time dimensions suitable for describing the interaction between (super)gravity and matter, the analysis of their electromagnetic duality symmetries, the work on consistency proofs of the holographic principle and the description of black holes in supergravity by means of flow equations.
Editorial work and publications
Her publications include more than 60 research papers published in international journals and one specialized volume in the field of high energy theoretical physics and mathematical physics. Below is a selection.
[2019] Castellani L., Ceresole A., D'Auria R., Fré P. Tullio Regge: An Eclectic Genius: From Quantum Gravity to Computer Play. World Scientific, ISBN 978-981-12-1343-4, doi 10.1142/11643.
[2014] Ceresole A., Dall'Agata G., Ferrara S., Trigiante M., Van Proeyen A. A search for an N=2 inflaton potential, Fortsch. Phys. 62 (2014) 584 [arXiv:1404.1745 [hep-th]].
[2007] Ceresole A., Dall'Agata G. Flow equations for non-BPS extremal black holes, JHEP 0703 (2007) 110 [arXiv:hep-th/0702088].
[2006] Ceresole A., Dall'Agata G., Giryavets A., Kallosh R., Linde A. Domain walls, near-BPS bubbles, and probabilities in the landscape, Phys. Rev. D 74 (2006) 086010 [arXiv:hep-th/0605266].
[2000] Ceresole A., Dall'Agata G. General Matter Coupled N=2, D = 5 Gauged Supergravity, Nucl. Phys. 585 (2000)143{170, [hep-th/0004111].
[2001] Ceresole A., Dall'Agata G., Kallosh R., Van Proeyen A. Hypermultiplets, Domain Walls and Supersymmetric Attractors, Phys. Rev. D 64 (2001) 104006 (23 pages) [arXiv:hep-th/0104056].
[2000] Ceresole A., Dall'Agata G., D'Auria R., Ferrara S. Spectrum of type IIB supergravity on AdS(5)xT11: Predictions on N = 1 SCFT's" , Phys. Rev. D61 066001-19, [hep-th/9905226].
[1997] Andrianopoli L., Bertolini M., Ceresole A., D'Auria R., Ferrara S., Fre P., Magri T. N=2 Supergravity and N=2 Super Yang-Mills Theory on General Scalar Manifolds: Symplectic Covariance, Gaugings and the Momentum Map, J. Geom. Phys. 23, 111 (1997), [hep-th/9605032].
[1995] Cadavid A. C., Ceresole A., D'Auria R., Ferrara S. 11-Dimensional Supergravity Compactified on Calabi Yau Threefolds, Phys. Lett B357 (1995) 76-80, [hep-th/9506144].
[1995] Ceresole A., D'Auria R., Ferrara S., Van Proeyen A. Duality Transformations in N=2 Supersymmetric Yang Mills Theories coupled to Supergravity, Nucl. Phys. B444 (1995) 92-124, [hep-th/9502072].
[1992] Ceresole A., D'Auria R., S. Ferrara S., Lerche W., Louis J. Picard-Fuchs equations and special geometry, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A, 8 (1993) 79-114 [hep-th/9204035 [hep-th]].
[1985] Ceresole A., Frè P., Nicolai H. Multiplet Structure and Spectra of N=2 Supersymmetric Compactifications, Class.Quant.Grav. 2 (1985) 133.
Research & Development Director and Member of the Executive Board of Dr. Schär group
Professional career
After graduating in Food Science and Technologies in 1994 at the University of Udine, Virna Cerne moved to Germany where she was Project leader of Research and Development at Zuegg Frucht in Berlin. In 1996 she came back to Italy and became Responsible for Quality Assurance and Research & Development department of Dr. Schär, leading company in Europe for gluten free nutrition. Since 2003 she has been Director of Dr. Schär R&D Centre, the Reserach & Development Centre of the entire Dr. Schär group.
Scientific results
Virna Cerne and Ombretta Polenghi developed the innovative patent which allows to extract from corn proteins similar to gluten which can be added to gluten free food products. Through this process it is possible to add the isolated proteins into food products for coeliac people obtaining the taste and texture of traditional food containing wheat flour.
Awards and prizes
In 2016 Virna Cerne and the Research team of Dr. Schär were nominated finalists at the European Inventor Award, in the Industry category, the only ones in the food sector. This is one of the most important European prizes concerning Innovation.
Professor of Professor of Political Theory, Université de Genève, Switzerland.
Professional career
Emanuela Ceva graduated in Philosophy from the University of Pavia and then went on to study in the UK, where she obtained a PhD in Political Theory from the University of Manchester. Since 2005 she has held teaching and research positions at several universities in Europe (Oxford, St Andrews, Leuven, Hamburg, Bristol, Kent, Trento), North America (Harvard, Montréal, Princeton), Asia (Tokyo), Russia (Yekaterinburg) and the Middle East (Amman). After 14 years of teaching (as a researcher and, then, as an associate professor) at the University of Pavia, since 2019 she has held the chair in Political Theory at the Université de Genève
Scientific results
Emanuela Ceva's research develops in the field of political theory and public ethics, with particular reference to issues of (1) justice and value conflicts, (2) respect and toleration for minorities, (3) democracy and political corruption. The first line of research led to the publication of the book Interactive Justice (Routledge 2016), which develops a new theory of the processes for managing value conflicts in politics. The second line of research was developed during three collaborative research projects, funded by the European Commission and the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research. The research resulted in a study of the bases of justification for public policies aimed at integrating minorities by improving their conditions of participation in the political life of their community of residence. Finally, the third line of research led to a study of political corruption as a pathology of the forms of interaction involving the use of public power within institutions. The main results of this research were presented in the book Political Corruption: The Internal Enemy of Public Institutions (Oxford University Press, 2021).
Editorial work and publications
[2021] Ceva E, Ferretti MP, Political Corruption. The internal enemy of public institutions. Oxford University Press.
[2020] Ceva E, Mokrosinska D, Failing Institutions, Whistle-Blowing, and the Role of the News Media. Journal of Applied Philosophy, online first 2020, DOI: 10.1111/japp.12476
[2019] Ceva E, Bocchiola M, Personal Trust, Public Accountability, and the Justification of Whistleblowing. Journal of Political Philosophy, 27(2):187-206.
[2019] Ceva E, Political Corruption as a Relational Injustice. Social Philosophy & Policy, 35(2): 118-37.
[2018] Ceva, E, Radoilska, L, Responsibility for Reason-Giving: The Case of Individual Tainted Reasoning in Systemic Corruption. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 21(4): 789-809.
[2018] Ceva E, Bocchiola M, Is Whistleblowing a Duty? Polity
[2018] Ceva, E, Ferretti MP, Political Corruption, Individual Behaviour, and the Quality of Institutions. Politics, Philosophy & Economics, 17(2): 216–31
[2016] Ceva E, Interactive Justice. Routledge.
[2015] Ceva E, Political Justification through Democratic Participation: The Case for Conscientious Objection. Social Theory and Practice, 41(1): 26-50.
[2015] Ceva E, Why Toleration is not the Appropriate Response to Dissenting Minorities’ Claims. European Journal of Philosophy, 23(3): 633-51.
[2013] Ceva E, Zuolo, F, A Matter of Respect. On majority-minority relations in a liberal democracy. Journal of Applied Philosophy, 30(3): 239-53.
Awards and prizes
2012 Jemolo Fellowship, Nuffield College, Oxford
2015 Bourse de séjour pour chercheur invité, CRÉ, Université de Montréal
Visiting Fellowship, CEPPA, University of St Andrews
2016 “Meet Italian Scientists”, Italian Embassy in London – vincitrice all’unanimità per le Scienze Umane e Sociali
2018 Fulbright Research Scholarship in Filosofia
2019 Senior Visiting Fellowship, RIPPLE—Research in Political Philosophy, KU Leuven
STEM area: Mathematics
Competences: Critical Transitions in Complex Systems, Dynamical Systems, Mathematical Physics, Women and Science
Keywords: analytical and numerical aspects of Hamiltonian systems, applications to celestial mechanics, ecology, climate, desertification, dinamical systems
Region: Apulia
Aggregated professor in Mathematical Physics and Vice Rector for Gender Policies at University of Salento
Professional career
After graduating in Mathematics with honours at the University of Bologna, Anna Maria Cherubini gets a PhD degree in Mathematics from the same university, with a thesis on the theory of perturbations in semiclassical mechanics. In the following two years she works as a post-doc fellow at the University of Padua, on problems in Hamiltonian perturbation theory studied both from an analytical and numerical point of view. She also works at the University of Verona, teaching courses in mathematical analysis.
Since her appointment as a researcher at the University of Salento she broadens her research interests to other areas, such as critical transitions in complex systems, with applications to ecology, and random dynamical systems. From 2013 to 2015 she is a visiting researcher at the Department of Mathematics at Imperial College London, collaborating with the dynamical systems group. She is currently an aggregated professor at the Department of Mathematics and Physics of the University of Salento, where she teaches courses in mathematical physics and dynamical systems.
Since November 2019, she is the Vice Rector for gender policies. She is also a member of the Gender Commission of the National Conference of Italian University Rectors; of the Steering Committee of European Women in Mathematics (EWM), of which she also coordinates the editorial team; of the Steering Committee of the Italian Conference of University Equality Bodies and of the Equal Opportunities Committee of the Italian Mathematical Association (UMI).
Scientific results
Anna Maria Cherubini's research interests include various aspects of mathematical physics and dynamical systems theory. One field of interest is Hamiltonian systems, systems with a particular geometrical structure, which are fundamental in physics and in particular in classical and quantum dynamics. In particular, she has studied perturbation theory of Hamiltonian systems (in a very general sense, these are techniques for dealing with open problems as 'small' variations of known systems) both theoretically and numerically (symplectic algorithms).
She has worked on problems of critical transitions (or tipping points) in complex systems, i.e. abrupt and irreversible changes of state in non-linear systems with a large number of interacting variables. Such systems are of great interest in the real world, e.g. in ecology, climate, finance, where critical transitions can have dramatic consequences. In particular, she has worked on applications to ecology, using percolation theory techniques and stochastic cellular automata to study the risk of desertification in semi-arid areas, also with the aim of identifying early signs of transition.
Another field of work is random dynamical systems: in this area she has studied phenomena such as the stochastic resonance (a phenomenon found in nature and used in technology in which environmental noise amplifies a signal instead of blurring it).
She is currently working on problems that combine the Hamiltonian aspect with random components, such as Hamiltonian problems with noise or the use of ergodic theory techniques in celestial mechanics problems.
Editorial work and publications
Anna Maria Cherubini is the head of the editorial team of the European Women in Mathematics newsletter and the author of publications in mathematics andpublications related to gender equality in science, some of which are listed below.
P. Cherubini, C. Reverberi, M. Mantovani and A.M. Cherubini. Dentro la teoria del prospetto: come la probabilità degli esiti cambia gli atteggiamenti verso il rischio Sistemi intelligenti, ISSN 1120-9550, (2024), in print.
C. Cerroni and A.M. Cherubini. A che punto è la notte: i numeri delle donne nella matematica italiana. Matematica, Cultura e Società 3 (2018), 5-11.
A.M. Cherubini, J.S.W. Lamb, M. Rasmussen, and Y. Sato. A random dynamical system perspective on stochastic resonance. Nonlinearity 30 (2017), 2835–2853.
F. Bagarello, A.M. Cherubini and F. Oliveri. An operatorial description of desertification. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 76.2 (2016), 433–597.
R. Corrado, A.M. Cherubini and C. Pennetta. Critical Desertification Transition in Semi-Arid Ecosystems: the role of local facilitation and colonization rate, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations, 22.1 (2015), 3–12.
R. Corrado, A.M. Cherubini and C. Pennetta. Desertification transitions in semi-arid ecosystems and directed percolation, ISCS 2014: Interdisciplinary Symposium on Complex Systems, A. Sanayei, O. E. R¨ossler, I. Zelinka eds, Series: Emergence, complexity and computation, 14, Springer (2015), 99–107.
R. Corrado, A.M. Cherubini and C. Pennetta. Early warning signals of desertification transitions in semi-arid ecosystems. Physical Review E 90.6 (2014): 062705.
K. Mazzocco, A.M. Cherubini and P. Cherubini. On the short horizon of spontaneous iterative reasoning in logical puzzles and games, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 121 (2013),14–40.
A.M. Cherubini, G. Metafune and F. Paparella. On the stopping time of a bouncing ball, Discrete and Continous Dynamical Systems-B 10:1 (2008), 43–72.
P. Cherubini, E. Castelvecchio and A.M. Cherubini. Generation of hypotheses in Wason’s 2-4-6 task: an information theory approach, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 158A:2 (2005), 309–332.
G. Benettin, A.M. Cherubini and F. Fass`o. Regular and chaotic motions of the fast rotating rigid body: a numerical study, Discrete and Continous Dynamical Systems-B 2:4 (2002), 43–72.
G. Benettin, A.M. Cherubini and F. Fass`o. A ”changing chart” symplectic algorithm for rigid bodies and other dynamical systems on manifolds, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 23:4 (2001), 1189–1203.
A.M. Cherubini, P. Colella and C. Mangia eds. Empowerment e orientamento di genere nella scienza. Dalla teoria alle buone pratiche. Franco Angeli Edizioni (2011), pp.208, ISBN 9788856839623.
Awards and prizes
Anna Maria Cherubini coordinated the STReGA project for women in scientific research, funded by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies within the framework of the Positive Action Plan (2008-2011). She was in the core team of the University of Salento of the European project "CALIPER: Linking research and innovation for gender equality" (SwafS-09-2018-2019-2020), as well as in the core team of projects for the European Researchers' Night including the latest, just approved, ERN APULIA MED. She has participated in the European doctoral network ITN CRITICS on critical transitions in complex systems, and in several PRIN, projects of national research interest.
She is the Vice Rector for gender policies for Unisalento.
She is a member of the Steering Committee of European Women in Mathematics (EWM), of which she also coordinates the editorial team, of the Equal Opportunities Committee of the Italian Mathematical Union, of the President's Committee of the National Conference of University Equality Bodies and of the Gender Commission of the Conference of Italian University Rectors (CRUI) for which, among other things, she participated in the drafting of the guidelines for the Gender Equality Plan of universities.
Full Professor of Economic Policy at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Pavia.
Professional career
She got a degree in Political Sciences, with Major in Economics and a PhD in Public Economics. She teaches Economics, Human progress and Sustainable Development, Development Economics and Cooperation at undergraduate and graduate level at the University of Pavia and Human Development in Master programs abroad.
She is the head of the Department of Political and Social Sciences and President of the Santa Caterina University College. She is among the founders of the Human Development and Capability Association and Editor of the Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, the academic journal of the Association. She is member of the Scientific Committee of the Feltrinelli Foundation in Milan. She has been Extraordinary Professor alt the Department of Economics, University of Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa. She also teaches at the Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya.
Scientific results
Her main research interests are on poverty and human development measurement, inequalities (of income and in other dimensions as well) including gender inequalities, vulnerability and marginalization, social innovation.
She has been principal investigator of numerous European and International research projects on the above-mentioned topics.
Editorial work and publications
She is co-editor with Mozaffar Qizilbash and Siddiq Osmani of the forthcoming Handbook of the Capability Approach published by Cambridge University Press.
Below the most recent ten scientific publications:
[2019] Chiappero E. Estimating conversion rates: a new empirical strategy with an application to healthcare in Italy (co-authors Paola Salardi, Francesco Scervini), Health Economics (2019, forthcoming)
[2019] Chiappero E. Eliciting, Applying and Exploring Multidimensional Welfare Weights: Evidence from the Field(co-author Lucio Esposito), Review of Income and Wealth (2019, forthcoming)
[2018] Chiappero E. From resources to functioning: Rethinking and measuring conversion rates (co-authors: Paola Salardi and Francesco Scervini), in Comim F., Shailaja Fennell and P.B. Anand, New frontiers of the Capability Approach, Cambridge University Press, 2018, 232-245,
[2018] Chiappero E. Third sector and capability-oriented policies(co-authors: G. Acconcia and P. Graziano), in H.U. Otto, M. Walker and H. Ziegler (eds.), Capability-promoting policies enhancing individual and social development, Policy Press, 2018, pp.147-163,
[2017] Chiappero E. Chronic and late poverty as the main concerns in a twofold survey on inter-temporal welfare preferences (co-author: Lucio Esposito), in Journal of International Development, oct 2017
[2017] Chiappero E. Improving the quality of life of disavantaged young people in Europe (co-authored), in Atzmüller, Bonvin, Edgell and Otto (eds), Empowering young people in disempowering times. Fighting Inequality Through Capability Oriented Policies, Edward Elgar Publisher 2017, pp. 251-261.
[2017] Chiappero E. The participation of the young in the European Union (co-authors: Goffette, Vero, Graham, Raeside, Spreafico and Peruzzi), in Atzmüller, Bonvin, Edgell and Otto (eds), Empowering young people in disempowering times. Fighting Inequality Through Capability Oriented, Edward Elgar Publisher 2017, pp. 39-53.
[2017] Chiappero E. Social Innovation, Individuals and Societies: An Empirical Investigation of Multi-layered Effects(co-author: N. von Jacobi) in Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, vol. 8, n. 2, 2017, pp.271-301.
[2017] Chiappero E. Creating (economic) space for social innovation(co-authors: Molnár György, Nadia von Jacobi, Rafael Ziegler), Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, vol. 18, n. 2, 2017, pp. 293-298.
[2017] Chiappero E. Corrosive Disadvantages and Intersectionality: empirical evidence on multidimensional inequality amongst young people in Europe( co-authors: A.M.C. Spreafico and A. D. Peruzzi), in H. U. Otto,S. Pantazis, H. Ziegler and A. Pots (eds.), Human Development in Times of Crisis: renegotiating social justice, Palgrave McMillan, 2017, pp. 39-62.
[2011] Chiappero E, S. Moroni, G. Nuvolati (a cura di) Gli spazi della povertà. Strumenti di indagine e politiche di intervento, Bruno Mondadori, 2011.
[2011] Chiappero E. Politiche per uno sviluppo umano sostenibile, Carocci Editore, 2011.
[2010] Chiappero E. Sviluppo umano sostenibile, capability approach e cooperazione internazionale (co-autore Mario Biggeri), in “Temi avanzati di economia e politica della cooperazione internazionale allo sviluppo”, a cura di M.Biggeri e G. Canitano, 2010, Franco Angeli, Milano, pp. 37-54.
[2009] Chiappero E. Sviluppo umano sostenibile e qualità della vita. Modelli economici e politiche pubbliche, (co- editor: Stefano Pareglio), Carocci Editore, 2009.
Full Professor at TNG Group, Politecnico of Turin
Professional career
Carla received her Degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of Florence in 1996, and her Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications from Politecnico di Torino in 2000. Since 2000, she has been with the Electronics and Telecommunications Department at Politecnico di Torino, where she is currently Full Professor. Before her current appointment, she worked at the Politecnico di Torino under as an Assistant Professor (2000-2006), and as an Associate Professor (2006-2018). From 1998 till 2003, she did research work at the Center for Wireless Communications and at the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology, University of California at San Diego. In 2012 and 2016, she was a visiting professor at Monash University (Australia). From 2012 till 2018, she has been the Coordinator of the Master Program in Communications and Computer Engineering at Politecnico di Torino. Since march 2018 she is Rector's Delegate for Alumni and Career Orientation.
Scientific results
Chiasserini participated in several National and European projects on wireless network systems, such as the RAMON, VICOM, PATTERN, NEWCOM++, NEWCOM#, MEADOW, VICSUM, FIGARO projects, and she has been the Principal Investigator for the MASP, TA_SL, IoT_|_ToI, and LIMPID national projects, as well as for the H2020 5G-Crosshaul, H2020 5G-TRANSFORMER, and H2020 I-REACT projects. She was the coordinator of the international QNRF GAD project on next-generation wireless access networks (2012-2015), of the international FLAG project on full-duplex radio, and of the MIMOSE project on local mobile connectivity. She has been the Principal Investigator also for the contracts between Politecnico di Torino and ALCATEL, Telecom Italia, Magneti Marelli, INLAB, FCA, and TIM.
Her research interests are mainly in the field of wireless and mobile networks. Her papers have been published in highly prestigious refereed journals, and she has received several Best Paper Awards. Carla is also co-author of six patents.
Editorial work and publications
Carla is Editor-in-Chief of the Computer Communications journal and is an Associate Editor of the ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking. She has served for several years in the Editorial Board of the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, and the Ad Hoc Networks Journal, and in the Executive Editorial Committee of the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
She has co-authored more than 300 papers, among which:
(2019) Agarwal, S.; Malandrino, F.; Chiasserini, C. F.; De, S., VNF Placement and Resource Allocation for the Support of Vertical Services in 5G Networks. IEEE-ACM Transactions on Networking
(2018) Malandrino, F.; Chiasserini, C. F.; Kirkpatrick, S., Cellular Network Traces Towards 5G: Usage, Analysis and Generation, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
(2015) Malandrino F, Limani Z, Casetti C, Chiasserini CF. Interference-aware downlink and uplink resource allocation in HetNets with D2D support.IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
(2006) Chiasserini, C. F.; Garetto, M., An Analytical Model for Wireless Sensor Networks with Sleeping Nodes, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
(2005) Srinivasan, V.; Nuggehalli, P.; Chiasserini, C.F.; Rao, R.R., An Analytical Approach to the Study of Cooperation in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
Awards and prizes
In 2010 Carla Fabiani Chiasserini received the Best Editor award from the Ad Hoc Networks Journal. Co-author of three patents, she is also a member of the Scientific Committee of the Bruno Kessler Foundation and a senior affiliate of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and a member of ACM (Association for Computing Machinery).
International politics area
Competences: European Affairs, International Politics, International Relations, Social and Political Sciences
Keywords: Balkan route, Balkans, civil society, democracy, Eastern Europe, European decision-making process, european integration, human rights, media freedom and European public sphere, migrations, participation of civil society, politics of memory, post-comunism, public history, Saouth-East Europe, transnational dynamics
Region: Trentino-Alto Adige
Director of Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT), operative unit of the Centre for International Cooperation
Professional career
PhD in Political and Social Sciences at the European University Institute of Fiesole (FI), degree in Political science at the University of Milan. She has been the scientific director of OBCT since 2006.From 2003 to 2008, she was a lecturer in History and Institutions of Eastern Europe at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Bologna. She has taught European affairs in several university courses in Italy and abroad (universities of Florence, Siena, Trento, Bergamo, Turin, University of Salento, Sarajevo). She has served as referee for various scientific journals including: Croatian International Relation Review; Albanian Journal of Politics; the series of university publications of the Carocci publishing house and the Italian magazine Diacronie. Between 2003 and 2005, she was a researcher for the Institute for Eastern and Balkan Europe (IECOB/ CECOB) and coordinated, among other things, the European research project funded by the V Framework Programme: Functional Borders and Sustainable Security. Integrating the Balkans in the European Union. From 1995 to 1999, she held various temporary positions with international governmental organisations (OSCE; World Bank) and non-governmental organisations (ICS).
Scientific results
She has coordinated several research projects as director of the OBCT and for the Institute for Eastern and Balkan Europe (IECOB), focusing on civil society and transnational social dynamics. She has led OBCT's national and European affirmation for over a decade, developing an original think-tank model on European affairs that combines information, research, training, dissemination, and advocacy and acts as a link between scientific knowledge and European public opinions, between academia and journalism; between civil and political society; and between Eastern and Western European countries. Today, showing a strong propensity to animate European networks, OBCT fosters the participation of civil society in international politics, offers its own contribution to the growth of the European public sphere, and raises public awareness on areas at the heart of many European challenges.
Editorial work and publications
She contributes to the publications of her organization with articles, policy papers, and volumes:
[2017] Chiodi L. La società civile europea contro il reato di solidarietà, Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa, https://www.balcanicaucaso.org/aree/Italia/La-societa-civile-europea-contro-il-reato-di-solidarieta-182156.
[2015] Chiodi L. Un'iniziativa dal basso per la libertà di informazione in Europa, Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa, https://www.balcanicaucaso.org/aree/Europa/Un-iniziativa-dal-basso-per-la-liberta-di-informazione-in-Europa-159121.
[2014] Chiodi L. Nuova commissione: più vicinato, meno allargamento?, Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa, https://www.balcanicaucaso.org/aree/Europa/Nuova-commissione-piu-vicinato-meno-allargamento-155957.
[2014] Chiodi L.Macroregione Adriatico-ionica: potenzialità e limiti, Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa, https://www.balcanicaucaso.org/aree/Italia/Macroregione-Adriatico-ionica-potenzialita-e-limiti-153808.
[2011] Chiodi L. L'89 senza l'Europa: il contagio democratico nel mondo arabo, Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa, https://www.balcanicaucaso.org/aree/Italia/L-89-senza-l-Europa-il-contagio-democratico-nel-mondo-arabo-89183.
Full list here: https://www.balcanicaucaso.org/Autori/Luisa-Chiodi
Publications with other Italian and European think tanks:
[2018] Chiodi L. Western Balkans-EU Integration: Why Italy Should Take the Lead, ISPI on-line, Milano.
[2017] Chiodi L., Bona M. Balcani: democrazia e movimenti sociali, Istituto Affari Internazionali.
[2016] Chiodi L., Martino F. La rotta balcanica, Rapporto sulla protezione internazionale in Italia 2016, edito da Caritas Italiana, pp. 24-27.
[2015] Chiodi L., Simili B. Non c’è più tempo. Barriere, cemento, filo spinato Il Mulino online, https://www.rivistailmulino.it/news/newsitem/index/Item/News:NEWS_ITEM:2952.
[2014] Chiodi L. The Ongoing EU Enlargement and the Public Spheres in the Western Balkans, ISPI Studies.
Publications on academic books and reviews:
[2019] Chiodi L. Youth as social actor in the Albanian Transition to democracy, in A. Rama (edited by), The End of the Communist Rule in Albania: Political Change and the role of the Student Movement, London: Routledge.
[2015] Chiodi L. L'allargamento inevitabile? Un processo da compiere tra fatiche e novità politiche, Quaderni del Circolo Rosselli, 1/2015.
[2012] Chiodi L. Mass Migration, Student Protests and the Intelligentsia Popullore in the Albanian Transition to Democracy, COSMOS WP 2012/2, Department of political and social sciences, European University Institute.
Awards and prizes
Premio Fabbricatore di idee 2012, Città dell'Impresa.
Full Professor of Philosophy at the Politecnico di Milano, in charge of the courses “Philosophy of knowledge”, “Fundamentals of aesthetics” and “Aesthetics of architecture” and of the doctoral courses “Epistemology of scientific and technological research”, “European culture” and “Empowering imagination”.
Professional career
During her PhD in Philosophy at the Università degli Studi di Milano, which she obtained in 2006, Simona Chiodo spent research periods at Harvard University. Visiting Scholar at the University of Pittsburgh (2014) and Visiting Professor at the University of Edinburgh (2016) and at the University of Cambridge (2019), since 2008, she has been Full Professor of Philosophy at the Politecnico di Milano, where she is also a member of the Research Ethical Committee.
Scientific results
Simona Chiodo begins her philosophical research from the study of modern and contemporary Anglo-American philosophy, with a focus on analytic philosophy. Her areas of expertise are aesthetics (specifically representation, beauty and aesthetics of architecture) and epistemology (specifically the relationship between aisthesis and episteme, epistemological dualism, the relationship between reality and ideality and the meaning of technology).
Editorial work and publications
She is author of several national and international volumes and articles.
Authored Books:
[2020] Chiodo S., Technology and anarchy. A reading of our era, Lexington Books-The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Lanham-Boulder-New York-London, pp. 166.
[2018] Chiodo S., Come pensa un europeo. Epistemologia di un agire comune, Carocci, Roma, pp. 120.
[2016] Chiodo S., Che cos’è un ideale. Da Platone alla filosofia contemporanea, Carocci, Roma, pp. 176.
[2015] Chiodo S., La bellezza. Un’introduzione al suo passato e una proposta per il suo futuro, Bruno Mondadori, Milano-Torino, pp. 192.
[2013, reprint 2014] Chiodo S., Apologia del dualismo. Un’indagine sul pensiero occidentale, Carocci, Roma, pp. 176.
[2011] Chiodo S., Io non cerco, trovo. Un empirismo contemporaneo, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino, pp. 254.
[2011] Chiodo S., Estetica dell’architettura, Carocci, Roma, pp. 168.
[2008] Chiodo S., La rappresentazione. Una risposta filosofica sulla verità dell’esperienza sensibile, Bruno Mondadori, Milano, pp. 240.
[2006] Chiodo S., Visione o costruzione. Nelson Goodman e la filosofia analitica contemporanea, Led, Milano, pp. 215.
Journal Articles:
[2021] Chiodo S., Human autonomy, technological automation (and reverse). AI & society. Journal of knowledge, culture and communication, forthcoming.
[2020] Chiodo S., The greatest epistemological externalisation. Reflecting on the puzzling direction we are heading to through algorithmic automatisation. AI & society. Journal of knowledge, culture and communication, 35(2): 431-440.
Edited Books:
[2020] Chiodo S., Schiaffonati V., eds., Italian philosophy of technology. Socio-cultural, legal, scientific and aesthetic perspectives on technology, Springer, Cham, pp. 261.
Awards and prizes
In 2012 she was awarded the Philosophical Prize Castiglioncello, section “A. Musu”, with the monograph Estetica dell'architettura (Carocci, Roma 2011).
Since 2020, she is the supervisor of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie research project “SCRAPS (Writing the sleep crisis: 24/7 capitalism and neoliberal subjectivity)”, PI Diletta De Cristofaro, funded by the European Commission (Horizon 2020).
Associate Professor of Physics at University of Pisa
Professional career
After obtaining the MD in Physics at the University of Pisa in1992 and the PhD at the Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS) in 1996, both cum laude, at the SNS she has been postdoc and then researcher (1998-2002, 2004-2007), working in 2002-2004 with Professor Anna Nobili. Since 2007 she is associate Professor at the University of Pisa (habilitated as full professor). She teaches two elementary-physics courses for BSD and MD in Pharmacy, one specialized course for MD and PhD in Physics, and Physics of everyday life to teach physics teaching. She contributes to the Interdisciplinary Center Sciences for Peace, Interdepartmental Center for Education Research, and the Responsible Research&Innovation group of the University of Pisa.
She has coordinated disciplinary or physics education research projects funded by CINECA, SNS, ASI, INFN, MIT-UNIPI, KITP, Erasmus+, and CISIA.
Part of her research activity has been carried out at international scientific Institutions, such as: IRC Cambridge, TU-Eindhoven, Institut Poincaré (Paris), CNRS (Grenoble), University of Auckland, Strathclyde University (UK), ICTP, ECT e CRS-BEC (Trento), and Los Alamos National Labs, Aspen Center for Physics, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, Stanford, Harvard e MIT (US). Long and strong ties are with JILA (Boulder, US), where she has investigated quantum fluids for 1-2 months almost every year since 1995 in the groups of Murray Holland or Debbie Jin, around the pioneering experiments of the Nobel laureates Carl Wiemann and Eric Cornell.
Scientific results
She has developed the bipolaronic theory for high-temperature superconductivity, published in a monography, while contributing to the study of strongly correlated charged bosons. Since the observation in 1995 at JILA and MIT of Bose-Einstein condensation in ultracold (i.e. at billionths Kelvin above absolute zero) atoms, she has focused on the study of these systems as a platform to engineer quantum technologies under the accurate control of temperature, interactions, and spatial dimensions. To this aim, she has also developed simulational and theoretical methods, among the latter the time-dependent density functional theory for superfluids. The most relevant and recognized work has been conceiving with Murray Holland the theory of resonant fermionic superfluidity, later observed by Debbie Jin at JILA.
During the happy research parenthesis in the group of Anna Nobili, she has developed the simulational environment for the Galileo Galilei on the Ground test of the equivalence principle, with macroscopic bodies. Such cross-disciplinary approach keeps characterizing the research activity, nowadays along two directions: quantum technologies for fundamental physics with atomic interferometry (she is coauthor of a number of proposals, among which Atomic Experiments for Dark Matter and Gravity Exploration in Space submitted to the ESA call Voyage2050); developing a “quantum black box” to solve quantum problems which, by means of on-purpose conceived videogames, modelling human behavior, and using machine learning, integrates the power of human-mind creativity and intuition with the power of machines (classical or quantum). In fact, she coordinates with Sabrina Maniscalco (Turku University) the cross-disciplinary proposal Integrating Human&Machine Minds for Quantum Technologies (IQHuMinds) crossing quantum physics, neuroscience, computer science, gamification, with European and US partners from Universities (Pisa and Turku, ICFO, JILA) and sectoral companies (VIS, MiTale, QuSide, IBM-Zurich, Unity).
She parallels the disciplinary research with physics education research and outreach. She has created a number of formats and events for radio (e.g. Hallo, Science! with Sara Maggi), videos, and art&science shows. She has collaborated on science&society with Rai-Radio3, Repubblica, Focus Junior, Scienzainrete, Ingenere, Corriere della Sera, DireDonne.
Editorial work and publications
[2019] Lucchesi L and Chiofalo ML, Many-body Entanglement of Fermi Gases with Short-Range Interactions. Phys. Rev. Lett. 123: 60406.
[2018] Colella E, Citro R, Barsanti M, Rossini D, and Chiofalo ML, Quantum Phases of Spinful Fermi Gases in Optical Cavities. Phys. Rev. B 97: 134502.
[2014] Iadonisi G, Cantele G, Chiofalo ML, Introduction to Solid State Physics and Crystalline Nanostructures, SPRINGER VERLAG- Italia (2014) 685 pp.
[2008] Ivanov V, Alberti A, Schioppo M, Ferrari G, Artoni M, Chiofalo ML and Tino G, Coherent delocalization of atomic wavepackets in driven lattice potentials. Phys. Rev. Lett. 100: 43601.
[2007] Citro R, Orignac E, de Palo S, and Chiofalo ML, Evidence of Luttinger liquid behavior in one-dimensional dipolar quantum gases, Phys. Rev. A Rapid Comm. 75: 51602.
[2006] Chiofalo ML, Giorgini S, and Holland MJ, Released Momentum Distribution of a Fermi Gas in the BCS-BEC Crossover. Phys. Rev. Lett. 97: 070404.
[2003] Nobili AM, Bramanti D, Comandi GL, Toncelli R, Polacco E, and Chiofalo ML, GALILEO GALILEI-GG: design, requirements, error budget and significance of the ground prototype. Phys. Lett. A.318: 172.
[2001] Holland MJ, Kokkelmans SJJMF, Chiofalo ML and Walser R, Resonance superfluidity in a quantum degenerate Fermi gas. Phys. Rev. Lett. 87: 120406.
[2001] Chiofalo ML and Tosi MP, Time-dependent density-functional theory for superfluids. Europhys. Lett. 53:162.
[2001] Burger S, Cataliotti FS, Fort C, Minardi F, Inguscio M, Chiofalo ML and Tosi MP, Superfluid and Dissipative Dynamics of a Bose-Einstein Condensate in a Periodic Optical Potential. Phys. Rev. Lett. 86: 4447.
[1998] Iadonisi G, Schrieffer RJ and Chiofalo ML Eds., Models and Phenomenology for conventional and high-Tcsuperconductivity, Proceedings del CXXXVI Corso della Scuola Internazionale di Fisica "Enrico Fermi", IOS.
[1997] Holland M, Jin J, Chiofalo ML and Cooper J, Emergence of interaction effects in Bose--Einstein condensation. Phys. Rev. Lett. 78: 3801.
Awards and prizes
She has been awarded the Prize for MD students by the Italian Physical Society (1997). The work on Time-dependent density functional theory for superfluids has been selected among the INFM Highlights (1998). She has been awarded the Prizes Culture of Solidarity (Pistoia, 2014) and Successful Women (Sportello Donna, Pavia, and Fondazione Gaia, Milan, 2016, event Beijin+20). According to Ladynomics, she is among the 150 most influential feminists 2019.
She has organized a number of events as component of scientific board, among which the CXXXVI International School of Physics Enrico Fermi (Varenna 1997, on high-temperature superconductivity) with the directors R. J. Schrieffer (Nobel laureate) and G. Iadonisi. She has created and directed the Festival MusicalMente for the Arts Campus in Sangemini, and chairs the Conferences series Quantum gases, Fundamental interactions, and Cosmology (2017-). She is part of the scientific boards of the CISP Magazine, the series Culture and training (D. Pardini and M. Agujari eds.), and the Cosmos Award for popular science, chaired by Gianfranco Bertone. She has served as peer reviewer for VQR 2011-2014, ERC Starting Grant 2019, and academic Institutions (Stanford, Harvard, LKB Paris). She is in the board of Photonics. She is reviewer for Physical Review (Letters, A, B, E, X), Nature, NJP, EPJ, Europhysics Letters.
FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association) Council Member
Professional career
Graduated in History and Historical Demography, she began her career by holding positions in various fields related to sport and culture.
From 1978 to 1985, she worked at the Fiat Press Office dealing with sports events and the foreign press.
In the following years, he taught at the Faculty of Education at the University of Turin, as a lecturer in Modern History.
In 1996-97 he was a member of the Scientific Committee for the 100th anniversary of Juventus, curating the exhibition and catalogue, and since 2007 has been a member of the Juventus Culture Group.
In 1998-99, she was Executive President of the Turin 2006 Promoting Committee and guided it to success by winning the 20th Winter Olympic Games; the triumph earned her the 'Olympic Golden Collar'.
From 2000 to 2007, she was Deputy Vice President of TOROC, the Committee for the Organisation of the 20th Olympic Winter Games in Turin 2006, and a member of the Executive Board of the Turin 2006 Chess Olympiad Organising Committee.
From 2001 to 2005, she was a member of the CONI National Council, the first and only woman in Italy elected as a sports executive with special responsibility for the 2006 Olympics.
From 2006 to 2010, she was a member of the Board of Directors of the Teatro Regio di Torino, as a representative of the Minister for Cultural Heritage and Activities.
From 2007 to 2015, for two consecutive terms, he was President of the Fondazione del Teatro Stabile di Torino.
Since 19 November 2012, he has been President of the Fondazione Museo delle Antichità Egizie di Torino.
From 30 September 2013 to 31 March 2016 he is a member of the Board of Directors of Banca Carige S.p.A. in Genoa. From 8 October 2015 to 8 October 2018, she was President of Enit (Italian National Tourism Agency).
Since April 2016 she has been appointed as a member of the Board of Directors of Banca Cariparma Credit Agricole
Since July 2016 she has been appointed as a member of the Study Commission on risk profiles in football of the FIGC and international advisor to the President.
Since 14 September 2016 she is appointed as UEFA's female representative to the FIFA Council. Since 2017 she is Vice President of the FIFA Commission 'Football Stakeholders'.
Since 19 October 2018 she has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Milan & Partners Association.
Since 30 April 2019, she is appointed Chairman of the Remuneration Committee of Banca Crédit Agricole.
Since 19 November 2020, she has been appointed Chairman of the Steering Committee of Genoa The Grand Finale, the final leg of the round-the-world sailing race The Ocean Race 2022-23.
Since 13 February 2021, she has been a member of the operational core of the Technical Table for the protection of minors in the world of sport set up by the Department for Sport.
Since April 2022 he has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Teatro Stabile della Città di Napoli.
Editorial work and publications
Evelina Christillin is the author of two books:
Poveri malati, storie di vita quotidiana in un ospedale di antico regime: il San Giovanni Battista di Torino nel secolo XVIII, Paravia, 1994.
(with Christian Greco) Le memorie del futuro. Musei e ricerca, Einaudi, 2021
Awards and prizes
She was awarded, among other recognitions, in June 2002 with the CONI's Stella d'Oro al Merito Sportivo; in March 2006 with the Collare d'oro Olimpico award; in November 2016 with the Premio Torinese dell'anno; in October 2018 with the Stella al Merito Sociale from the Municipality of Milan; in June 2023 as Cavaliere di Gran Croce from the Presidency of the Italian Republic.
Full professor of International Law, Verona University and Visiting Professor of European Human Rights Law, Monash University
Professional career
She graduated magna cum laudefrom the University of Florence (Juris Doctor, 1993), has a Masters’ Degree from Harvard Law School, where she was a Fulbright Scholar,and a PhD in International Law from the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’ (1998). She is currently a Professor of International Law at the University of Verona in Italy (2012- ) and a Visiting Professor of European Human Rights Law at Monash University (Prato Centre, 2015- ). She is also an Attorney at Law and a member of the Italian Bars of Florence and of the Court of Cassation.
In Italy, she taught at the Universities of Florence, Trento, Macerata and Catanzaro. Prior to Monash, she was a visiting professor of international law at the Academy of European Law, European University Institute (2008) and the Institut des Hautes Etudes Internationales, Paris II (2009).
She served as a legal adviser to the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs on issues of international and EU law. She also served as an expert to the Committee of Legal Advisers on Public International Law of the Council of Europe (CAHDI) and acted as co-agent for the Government of Italy to the European Court of Human Rights (Grand Chamber), in the case Markovic vs Italy (judgment of 14 December 2005).
She served in various capacities in international organizations, including as amicus curie before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and the International Criminal Court, as visiting professional with the Legal and Advisory Section of the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, as well as as ad hoc judge of the European Court of Human Rights, member of the European Committee of Social Rights and, most recently, UN Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association.
She is a member of the leading professional associations of international lawyers worldwide, including ACUNS (where she also serves to Board of Directors for the term 2017-2020) and ASIL.
Scientific results
She is an international and EU law expert. Her current areas of research include human rights, international criminal and humanitarian law, the UN, international trade and arbitration as well as the interface between international law, history, art and literature.
Editorial work and publications
[2007] Ciampi A., Sanzioni del Consiglio di sicurezza e diritti umani(Milano: Giuffrè), pp. IV-500, ISBN: 88-14-13598-3
[2003] Ciampi A.,L’assunzione di prove all’estero in materia penale(with a summary in English)(Padova: Cedam), pp. XII-669, ISBN: 88-13-24704-4
Book chapters
[2019] Ciampi A., "La Cour pénale internationale et les Nations Unies", in J. Fernandez, X. Pacreau (eds.), Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale. Commentaire article par article, 2nded., Paris: Editions A. Pedone
[2019] Ciampi A., "Kafka’s Trial and the EU Dublin Asylum System", in D. Carpi (ed.), Monsters and Monstrosity, Berlin: Degruyter, 221-234
[2016] Ciampi A., "L’effetto diretto «invertito» dell’art. 325 del Trattato sul funzionamento dell’Unione europea", in C. Paonessa, l. Zilletti (eds.), Dal giudice garante al giudice disapplicatore delle garanzie. I nuovi scenari della soggezione al diritto dell'Unione europea: a proposito della sentenza della Corte di giustizia Taricco, Pisa: Pacini Giuridica, 17-32, ISBN: 978-88-6995-051-3
[2011] Ciampi A., "Invalidity and Termination of Treaties and Rules of Procedure", in E. Cannizzaro (ed.), The Law of Treaties Beyond the Vienna Convention, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011, 360-377, ISBN: 978-0-19-958891-6
[2011] Ciampi A., "Security Council Targeted Sanctions and Human Rights", in B. Fassbender (ed.), Securing Human Rights? Achievements and Challenges of the UN Security Council, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 98-140, ISBN: 978-0-19-964149-9
[2018] Ciampi A., "The Divide between Human Rights, International Trade, Investment and Development Law",German Yearbook of International Law, 61, 1-43, ISSN: 0344-3094
[2018] Ciampi A., "Can the EU Ensure Respect for the Rule of Law by Its Member States? The Case of Poland", Osservatorio sulle fonti, 11, 3, 1-14, ISSN 2038-5633
[2017] Ciampi A., (Vision) "Report of the Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association” to the General Assembly (72ndsession), UN Doc. A/72/135, July 14, 2017, http://undocs.org/A/72/135.
[2016] Ciampi A., "Il referendum per la Brexit: esiti e possibili scenari", Osservatorio sulle fonti, 9, 2, 1-6, ISSN 2038-5633
[2011] Ciampi A., "Problemi relativi all'attuale regime giuridico del Trattato di amicizia Italia-Libia",Osservatorio sulle fonti, 4, 2, 1-14,ISSN 2038-5633
[2011] Ciampi A., "L'ipotesi dell'estradizione condizionata di Battisti dal Brasile all'Italia", Rivista di diritto internazionale, 94, 183-187, ISSN: 0035-6158
[2001] Ciampi A.,"BaraldiniItalian Constitutional Court decision regarding release of prisoner convicted in the United states and transferred following agreement that the full sentence would be served", American Journal of International Law, 95, 919-927, ISSN: 0002-9300
[1999] Ciampi A., "Public Prosecutorv. AshbyItalian decision on jurisdiction under NATO Status of Forces Agreement to try U.S. military officers for deaths caused when aircraft severed ski lift cable", American Journal of International Law, 93, 219-224, ISSN: 0002-9300
Awards and prizes
Fulbright Scholar to Harvard Law School (Cambridge, MA) (1995-1996)
Seminario Associazione di Studi e Ricerche Parlamentari “Silvano Tosi”, University of Florence, Grant (1994)
Soroptimist Award for the Best Dissertation Thesis, Law School, Florence (1993)
“Stucchi Prinetti” Award for the Best Graduate, Law School, Florence (1993)
Vicepresident for European Affairs at Cassa depositi e prestiti and Vicepresident of the European Long-Term Investors Association (ELTIa).
Professional career
Daria graduated in Political Science at University La Sapienza University of Rome and holds a Ph.D in Economics, from the same University. After being awarded a degree prize for statistical studies on the industrial development of Southern Italy, she started her career as a researcher at the Association for the industrial development of Southern Italy (SVIMEZ) where she continued working as a consultant until 2010. From 2006 to 2010 she has been research fellow in industrial economics and teaching assistant at Luiss Guido Carli University. She worked as an Adjunt professor of Microeconomics, Industrial economics and of International economics at the John Cabot University in Rome. In 2010 she moved to Seville to work as a post-doc at the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS), a Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, and in 2012 she moved to Madrid to join the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) as senior consultant. In 2013 she was appointed EU official and started working as an economist at the Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs (ECFIN), which she left in 2016 to work in Rome as the economic counsellor of the Representation of the European Commission to Italy. Since 2019 she is Vicepresident for European Affairs at Cassa depositi e prestiti, in charge of both the European institutional relations of the financial institution and of the support to CDP business activities related to EU guarantee and EU financing programs. Since 2019 she is also Vice-president of the European Long-Term Investors Association (ELTI), which gathers 31 European long-term financial institutions from 20 European countries.
Scientific results
She has +20 years of experience as an applied economist with a consistent focus on European public policies and European economic governance. She has a specialization in the economics and policy of innovation, , regional economics and industrial economics (e.g. the vertical integration of knowledge-based business services into manufacturing sector, the impact of structural reforms on firms’ productivity and territories’ attractiveness). She also conducted studies on socio-economic affairs, on the role of university quality and the impact of brain-drain on the potential growth of the Italian regions.
Editorial work and publications
[2016] Ciriaci, Grassano, Vezzani, Top R&D investor decision: how to succeed in the global regulatory contest?, European Commission, JRC Science for Policy Brief.
[2016] Ciriaci, Grassano, Vezzani, Regulation, red tape and location choices of top R&D investors, European Commission, European Economy Discussion papers, n. 31.
[2016] Ciriaci, Palma, To what extent are knowledge intensive business services contributing to manufacturing?. Economic Systems Research.
[2016] Ciriaci, The role of well-designed framework conditions for business investment in R&I, in European Commission, Science, Research and Innovation performance in the EU.
[2015] Ciriaci, La desertificazione industriale del Mezzogiorno. Italiani Europei.
[2015] Ciriaci, Montresor, Palma, Do KIBS make manufacturing more innovative? An empirical investigation for 4 European countries. Technological forecasting and Social Change.
[2015] Ciriaci, Moncada, Voigt, Innovation and job creation: A sustainable relation?. Eurasian Business Review.
[2015] Ciriaci et al., The economic impact of rescue and recovery frameworks in the EU. European Commission, European Economy Discussion papers, n. 4.
[2014] Ciriaci, Business dynamics and red tape barriers. European Commission, European Economy Economic papers, n. 532.
[2014] Canton, Ciriaci, Solera, The economic impact of professional services’ liberalization. European Commission, European Economy Economic papers, n. 533.
[2014] Ciriaci, Muscio, University choice, research quality and graduates’ employability: Evidence from Italian national survey data. European Educational Research Journal.
[2013] Ciriaci, University quality, interregional brain drain and spatial inequality. The case of Italy. Regional Studies.
[2012] Ciriaci, Il ruolo della qualità dell’Università nelle scelte di mobilità dei laureati italiani. Rivista economica del Mezzogiorno.
[2005] Ciriaci, The Brain Drain from Southern Italy: a difficult catching-up. Rivista Economica del Mezzogiorno.
[2001] Ciriaci, Convergenza e dualismo: Nord e Sud Italia tra il 1970 e il 1999. Rivista Economica del Mezzogiorno.
Awards and prizes
In 2001, she received “The Saraceno award for economical and statistical studies on Southern Italy”, SVIMEZ and in 2007 the ERSA-Prepare Scholarship (Marie Curie Program).
Competences: Gender Discrimination in Sport, Grassroots Sport Activities
Keywords: countering gender-based violence in sport, countering gender discrimination in sport, rights and diversity in sport, sport and integration, sports for all, value of differences in sport, women in sport
Region: Emilia-Romagna
Head of Gender Policies and Rights and Coordinator of Associative policies at UISP (Italian Union Sport for All) Aps (Social Promotion Association).
Head of Policies UISP Aps Regional Committee Emilia-Romagna.
Professional career
Committed to grassroots associations from a very young age, Manuela Claysset began her career in the UISP of Ferrara in the late 1980s. In 1990, she collaborated in the organisation of the UISP National Women's Assembly and began to deal with gender and rights issues, until becoming responsible for UISP Gender Policies. In this role, she initiates collaborations with several Associations, for projects on combating violence against women and for LGBT+ rights.
Over the years, she is responsible for and coordinates numerous social, environmental and sports projects at national and regional level, including: Differences, a national project to combat violence against women aimed at high school students, in collaboration with the Dire Network (Women in Network against Violence), Differences in Play. Sport Libera Tutt*, a regional project (Emilia Romagna) for a sport increasingly attentive to body language and respect.
Editorial work and publications
(2018) Claysset, Manuela. "Sport e contrasto alle discriminazioni di Genere: l'esperienza della UISP", in Università degli Studi di Ferrara. Bilancio di genere 2017.
(2018) Claysset, Manuela. " I Diritti nello Sport per le persone LGBTI: l'esperienza della UISP", in Francesca Muzzi. Giochiamo anche noi. L'Italia del calcio gay. Roma: Ultra, pp. 125-129
(2017) (con Giuliana e Paolo Valerio) (a cura di). Terzo tempo. Fair play. I valori dello sport per il contrasto all'omofobia e transfobia. Milano: Mimesis.
Professional career
After graduating in Political Science with a major in International Economics, she obtained a PhD in Business History, Business Systems and Corporate Finance from the University of Milan (Italy). She has carried out teaching and/or research activities at several Italian universities (University of Milan, University of Milano-Bicocca, Free University of Bolzano) and foreign universities (QUT Australia; Abu Dhabi School of Management, UAE; Skema Business School and IPAG Business School in France, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan; USI, Switzerland; London School of Economics, UK) or other institutions (Veneto Agricoltura). Since 2011 she has been attached to the Department of Management at Ca' Foscari University of Venice, where she is Associate Professor and Head of Experior projects (innovative didactics) and Member of the Commission for the Enhancement of Knowledge. She recently joined the AGRIFOOD Laboratory and set up the B2B Observatory (in collaboration with Marketing Arena), of which she is Director.
Scientific results
In the last twenty years, she has been studying the digital transformation in the media industry focusing on the Italian market She is interested in issues related to innovation and change in different cultures and contexts looking at the decision making processes.
The more recent stream of research deals with female entrepreneurship focusing on agrifood/wine industry.
Editorial work and publications
[2021] La Torre, D., Colapinto, C., Durosini, I., Triberti, S., Team Formation for Human-Artificial Intelligence Collaboration in the Workplace: A Goal Programming Model to Foster Organizational Change, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 10.1109/TEM.2021.3077195.
[2021] Colapinto, C., Finotto, V., Coco, N., Supporting Pervasive Digitization in Italian SMEs Through an Open Innovation Process, in Hinterhuber, A., Vescovi, T., Checchinato, F. (eds) Managing Digital Transformation. Understanding the Strategic Process, Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781003008637-26
[2019] Giachetti, C, Manzi, G., Colapinto C. Entry Mode Degree of Control, Firm Performance and Host Country Institutional Development: A Meta-Analysis. Management International Review, 59 (1): 3-39.
[2019] Vié, A., Colapinto, C., La Torre, D., Liuzzi, D., The long-run sustainability of the European Union countries: Assessing the Europe 2020 strategy through a fuzzy goal programming model, Management Decision. 57 (2): 523-542.
[2017] Colapinto, C.; Jayaraman, R.; Marsiglio, S., Multi-criteria decision analysis with goal programming in engineering, management and social sciences: a state-of-the art review. Annals of Operations Research, 251:. 7-40.
[2016] Colapinto, C., Sartori, E., Tolotti, M. ‘How the Innovation Diffusion Models from the Past can Help us to Explain Marketing in the New Media Era, in Campbell C.; Ma J., Looking Forward, Looking Back: Drawing on the Past to Shape the Future of Marketing, Springer International Publishing: 726-732 (ISBN 978-3-319-24182-1).
[2014] Aouni, B., Colapinto, C., La Torre, D., Financial Portfolio Management through the Goal Programming Model: Current State-of-the-Art. European Journal of Operational Research, 234 (2): 536–545.
[2014] Colapinto; C. Benecchi E. Dynamics and Motivations of Media Marketing: The Role of Globalization and Empowerment. Abstract and Applied Analysis, 1-9.
[2014] Colapinto, C., Benecchi, E., The Presentation Of Celebrity Personas In Everyday Twittering, Managing online reputations throughout a communication crisis. Media Culture and Society, 36 (2):. 219 – 233.
[2013] Sofo, F., Colapinto, C., Sofo, M., Ammirato, S. Adaptive Decision Making and Intellectual Styles , Berlin Heidelberg: Springer (ISBN 9781461467076)
[2012] Colapinto, C., Porlezza, C., Innovation in creative industries: from the Quadruple-helix model to the Systems Theory. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 3 (4):. 343-353.
[2010] Colapinto C. Moving to a multichannel and multiplatform company in the emerging and digital Media eco-system: the case of Mediaset Group. The International Journal On Media Management, 12(2):. 59-75.
Awards and prizes
Re:gen-u , Progetto Erasmus + (Principal Investigator)
"Urban Camp" Project - Erasmus Plus (Knowledge Alliances) call EAC/A02/2019 (con V. Finotto, F. Pranovi) Grant Agreement number — 621686-EPP-1-2020- 1-ES-EPPKA2
Premio alla ricerca, Dipartimento di Management, Ca’ Foscari Università di Venezia, Italia, 2020
Progetto La digitalizzazione dei mercati agro-alimentari all’ingrosso - progetto di Eccellenza - CUP H76C18000650001 (con F. Checchinato, V. Finotto, C. Mauracher), Dipartimento di Management, Ca’ Foscari Università di Venezia, 2020.
Responsabile Scientifico del Progetto PID (“Digital transformation for SMEs in Venice and Rovigo” 5/12/2018 - 31/12/2019 (https://www.puntoimpresadigitale.camcom.it/) (con V. Finotto)
Progetto: “Does entrepreneurial education of business owners matter? The SME Executive Development program in Kazakhstan”, Marzo 2018, (Nazarbayev University Small Grant; CO-Principal Investigator con O. Apkemu)
European Social Fund (DDR 345 - 21/12/2012); Progetto "New models and product for scientific communication 2.0" (code 2120/101/9/1686/2012) - (Principal Investigator)
Swiss Government Scholarship PBT1P1-130960 2009 (Principal Investigator).
Professor emerita of Contemporary History at 'La Sapienza' University of Rome. She has been dean of faculties and director of departments.
Professional career
Born in Modena on 25 December 1944, Simona Colarizi graduated in 1967 with a degree in Modern History, with 110/110 cum laude, discussing a thesis on "The origins of Fascism in Puglia". In the following two years, with a scholarship from the CNR, she took part in research directed by Prof. Renzo De Felice on "Parties, State and Civil Society in Fascist Italy". In 1970, she was appointed professor of the History of Trade Unionism and the Workers' Movement at the Faculty of Law - Degree Course in Political Science - of the University of Camerino and began her long academic career. In the same faculty, in 1973 she was awarded a second teaching post in the History of Political Parties and Movements. Also at Camerino, in 1976 she won a competitive examination for a chair in the History of Political Parties and Movements and became a special lecturer at the Faculty of Law - Degree Course in Political Science. Two years later she was appointed dean of the Faculty of Law, and in 1979 she became a full professor.
In 1983 she moved to Naples, where she first taught History of political parties and movements, and from 1987 onwards, Contemporary History at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Naples "Federico II", where she also taught History of political parties and movements.
In 1992 he moved to his final destination, Rome. At the Faculty of Sociology at 'La Sapienza' University, he was appointed to the chair of Contemporary History. In 2000 she made her second important appointment: she became director of the Department of Innovation and Society (DIeS). A year later she moved to the Faculty of Communication Sciences. Third prestigious appointment: in 2005 she was elected President of the Interdisciplinary Degree Course in Social Sciences of Cooperation, Development and Relations between Peoples. She was later vice-president of the Society for the Study of Contemporary History (SISSCO), and from 2010 to 2015 she directed the doctorate in "Political Languages" . Since 2016 she has been professor emerita.
Her non-university activities include the scientific director of the Giacomo Mancini Foundation Archives, a member of the Filippo Turati Foundation, the Francesco Saverio Nitti Foundation and the Renzo De Felice Foundation - Ugo Spirito Institute. She is co-editor of the journal "Nova Storica", and is on the scientific committees of the journals (A) "Mondo contemporaneo" and "XXI Secolo". Since 2012 she has been on the Board of the School of Government of LUISS and since 2018 on the Board of Trustees of the Antonio Gramsci Foundation. Since 2019 he is in the Scientific Committee of the M9 Museum for the History of Italy.
Scientific results
The historical research to which she has dedicated herself has focused on the theme of the origins of Fascism, particularly in the regional context - at the end of the 1960s little investigated - through the local and national archives of the Ministry of the Interior. The same historical method of analysing archival, printed and bibliographic sources was applied to other research. He also studied the position of the southern liberal democrats - Giorgio Amendola - on fascism, and then in general the history of anti-fascist exiles. Finally, archival sources have been invaluable for research into the opinion of Italians during Fascism. Archival, bibliographic and printed sources have also been indispensable for reconstructing the history of political parties after World War II, and an indispensable source - the historical archive of the "Corriere della sera" - for the history of the Corriere in the liberal era. The history of the European twentieth century is mainly bibliographical, with English and French literature as the point of reference for this synthesis. The originality of the results achieved in all the fields of research pursued by Simona Colarizi have been recognised by the scientific community and by the University, which has awarded her its emeritus status.
Editorial work and publications
Among his latest publications: "Storia del Novecento italiano" Rizzoli, Milan 2000; "Storia politica della Repubblica 1943-2006, Laterza, Bari-Rome 2007; "Novecento d'Europa", Laterza, Bari-Rome 2015, "Luigi Barzini. Una storia italiana", Marsilio, Venice 2017; "Un paese in movimento. L'Italia negli anni Sessanta e Settanta", Laterza, 2019.
[2019] Un paese in movimento. L’Italia negli anni Sessanta e Settanta, Laterza, Bari Roma, pp. 162 ISBN 978-88-581-3867-0
[2017] Luigi Barzini. Una storia italiana, Marsilio, Venezia, pp. 220, ISBN 978-88-317-2663-4
[2015] Novecento d’Europa. L’illusione, l’odio, la speranza, l’incertezza, Laterza, Roma-Bari, pp.482, ISBN 978-88-581-1895-5
[2012] (con Marco Gervasoni), La tela di Penelope. Storia della seconda Repubblica, Laterza, Bari-Roma (ISBN 978-88-420-5432-0), p.276.
[2011] Il “Corriere” nell’età liberale, Rizzoli, Fondazione Corriere della sera, Milano (ISBN 978-88-96820-24-7), pp. 590.
[2007] Storia politica della Repubblica 1943-2006, Laterza, Roma-Bari
[2005] (con Marco Gervasoni), La cruna dell’ago. Craxi, il partito socialista e la crisi della Repubblica, Laterza, Bari-Roma
[2000] Storia del Novecento italiano, Rizzoli, Milano .
[1996] Biografia della Prima Repubblica, Laterza, Bari-Roma
[1994] Storia dei partiti nell'Italia repubblicana, Laterza, Bari-Roma
[1991] L'opinione degli italiani sotto il regime (1929-1943), Laterza, Bari-Roma
Awards and prizes
Simona Colarizi has received numerous prizes and awards. These include, in order of time:
Walter Tobagi Prize for non-fiction 1991 (the prize-winning book is 'L'opinione degli italiani sotto il regime')
Basilicata Literary Prize for historical non-fiction 1996
City of Civitavecchia Culture Prize 2013
Acqui Prize for Lifetime Achievement 2016
Full professor of Psychiatry at University Vita-Salute San Raffaele of Milan and Head of the Complex Operative Unit of Rehabilitation of Mood Disorders at San Raffaele Hospital, Milan
Professional career
After graduating in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Milan and qualifying as a doctor in 1985, Cristina Colombo continued her training as a volunteer at the Laboratory of Clinical Neurophysiology of the Psychiatric Clinic of the University of Milan. At the same time she worked as a medical assistant at the Division of Psychiatry 3 of the Department of Neuropsychiatric Sciences, IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital. The following year he completed his specialisation in Psychiatry at the University of Milan. In 1991 he completed a postgraduate course in bioethics at the Department of Biomedical Science and Technology, IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital. In 2001 she obtained a second specialisation in Clinical Criminology, also at the University of Milan. Today she is Professor of Psychiatry at the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Head of the Complex Operative Unit of Rehabilitation of Mood Disorders at the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan and Director of the Master of II level Forensic Psychopathology and Criminology at the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele.
Scientific results
Cristina Colombo's research activity extends from computerised electroencephalography, brain mapping and brain imaging techniques (CT, MRI, PET) to her current position as coordinator of the research group of the Chronobiology Unit of the Centre for Mood Disorders at San Raffaele Hospital. Within the centre, she and her colleagues carry out specific scientific research on mood disorders, the main research aims being not only to expand knowledge about this pathology, but also to design and develop diagnostic and measurement tools. The main lines of scientific research at the Centre coordinated by Cristina Colombo are functional neuroimaging, the psychopathology of mood disorders, chronobiology and chronotherapy and somatotherapy (TMS, a non-invasive technique for stimulating areas of the brain related to depressive disorders).
Editorial work and publications
Cristina Colombo is on the scientific committees of several international journals and has authored more than 100 articles in international journals, including:
(1993) Colombo C, Bonfanti A, Livian S, Abbruzzese M, Scarone S. Size of the corpus callosum and auditory comprehension in schizophrenics and normal controls. Schizophrenia Research, 11:63-70.
(1999) Smeraldi E, Benedetti F, Barbini B, Campori C, Colombo C. Sustained antidepressant effect of sleep deprivation combined with pindolol in bipolar depression: a placebo-controlled trial. Neuropsychopharmacology, 20(4):380-385.
(2000) Moresco RM, Colombo C, Fazio F, Bonfanti A, Lucignani G, Messa C, Gobbo C, Galli L, Del Sole A, Lucca A, Smeraldi E. Effects of fluvoxamine treatment on the in vivo binding of [F-18]FESP in drug naive depressed patients: a PET study. Neuroimage, 12(4):452-465.
(2002) Benedetti F, Colombo C, Barbini B, Smeraldi E. Sleep deprivation and biological rhytms in bipolar disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders, (68):88-89.
(2007) Benedetti F, Barbini B, Colombo C, Smeraldi E. Chronoterapeutics in a psychiatric ward. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 11:509-522.
(2011) Benedetti F, Colombo C. Sleep deprivation in mood disorders. Neuropsychobiology, 64:141-151.
(2014) Benedetti F, Bollettini I, Radaelli D, Poletti S, Locatelli C, Falini A, Smeraldi E, Colombo C. Adverse childhood experiences influence white-matter microstructure in patients with bipolar disorder. Psychological Medicine, 44:3069-3082.
(2014) Benedetti F, Riccaboni R, Poletti S, Radaelli D, Locatelli C, Lorenzi C, Pirovano A, Smeraldi E, Colombo C. The serotonin transporter genotype modulates the relationship between early stress and adult suicidality in bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorders, 16: 857-866.
(2015) Benedetti F, Poletti S, Radaelli D, Locatelli C, Pirovano A, Lorenzi C, Vai B, Bollettini I, Falini A, Smeraldi E, Colombo C. Lithium and GSK-3beta promoter gene variants influence cortical gray matter volumes in bipolar disorder. Psychopharmacology.
(2015) Benedetti F, Riccaboni R, Dallaspezia S, Locatelli C, Smeraldi E, Colombo C. Effects of CLOCK gene variants and early stress on hopelessness and suicide in bipolar depression. Chronobiology International, Posted online on July 23, 2015.
STEM area: Engineering
Competences: Additive Manufacturing, Advanced Manufacturing Processes, Mechanic Engineering, Production Engineering, Quality Control
Keywords: 3D printing, advanced manufacturing processes, coronavirus, Covid-19, face shields, industrial statistics, personal protective equipment, PPE, quality, statistical process control
Region: Lombardy
Full Professor of Manufacturing and Production Systems, Deputy Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Politecnico di Milano
Professional career
After graduating in Management Engineering at Politecnico di Milano in 1996, prof. Colosimo got a PhD in Manufacturing and Production Systems in 2001; in the same year she was visiting postdoc at the Department of Industrial Engineering at Pennsylvania State University (PSU). In 1999 she became researcher (assistant professor) and in 2003 associate professor; from 2014 she is full professor of Manufacturing and Production Systems at Politecnico di Milano. Since 2012 she has been the Coordinator of the PhD Programme in Mechanical Engineering in the same university, and member of the Department Board since 2014. In January 2017 she has been nominated Deputy Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Politecnico di Milano.
Scientific results
The main research interest of prof. Colosimo concerns the development of innovative solutions for data mining, monitoring and control in advanced manufacturing processes (e.g., additive manufacturing or 3D printing). She is carrying out research activities in several international projects, such as SAMM (Smart Additive Manufacturing for Metal) in collaboration with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); some European projects (e.g., CleanSky2 AMATHO for the production of large aeronautical components in additive manufacturing); several national and regional projects on Intelligent Manufacturing (Cluster- High Performance Machining and Sustainable Manufacturing; Made4Lo). She currently has active collaborations with several international research groups: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), Pennsylvania State University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), among the others.
Editorial work and publications
Bianca Maria Colosimo is Editor-in-chief of the Journal of Quality Technology (Taylor & Francis). She is in the Editorial Board of Polimi Springerbriefs since 2013 and of IISE Transactions since 2017. She has been acting as refereefor many international journals, such as International Journal of Production Research, Technometrics, IISE Transactions (former IIE Transactions) and The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology.
She is co-author of more than 130 publications, including:
(2018) Colosimo B.M., Grasso M. Spatially Weighted PCA for Monitoring Video Image Data with Application to Additive Manufacturing, Journal of Quality Technology, vol. 4, 2018.
(2018) Repossini G., Laguzza V., Grasso M., Colosimo B.M., On the use of spatter signature for in-situ monitoring of Laser Powder Bed Fusion, Additive Manufacturing, 16, 35-48
(2017) Grasso M., Colosimo B.M., Process Defects and In-situ Monitoring Methods in Metal Powder Bed Fusion: a Review, Measurement Science and Technology, 28(4), 1-25.
(2017) Wang J, Pagani L, Leach RK, Zeng W, Colosimo BM, Zhou L. Study of weighted fusion methods for the measurement of surface geometry. Precision Engineering, 47, 111-121.
(2017) Grasso M, Laguzza V, Semeraro Q, Colosimo BM. In-Process Monitoring of Selective Laser Melting: Spatial Detection of Defects Via Image Data Analysis. ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 139(5), 016.
(2016) Grasso M, Colosimo BM, Tsung F. A phase I multi-modelling approach for profile monitoring of signal data. International Journal of Production Research, 1-24.
(2015) Colosimo BM, Pacella M, Senin N. Multisensor data fusion via Gaussian process models for dimensional and geometric verification. Precision Engineering, 40:199-213.
(2015) Del Castillo E, Colosimo BM, Tajbakhsh S. Geodesic Gaussian Processes for the Reconstruction of a Free-Form Surface. Technometrics, 57, 1, 87-98.
(2014) Colosimo BM, Cicorella P, Pacella M, Blaco M. From profile to surface monitoring: SPC for cylindrical surfaces via Gaussian Processes. Journal of Quality Technology, 46(2):95-113.
(2013) Colombo D, Colosimo BM, Previtali B. Comparison of methods for data analysis in the remote monitoring of remote laser welding. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 51, 34-46.
(2008) Colosimo BM, Pacella M, Semeraro Q. Statistical Process Control for Geometric Specifications: On the Monitoring of Roundness Profiles. Journal of Quality Technology, 40(1):1-18.
Awards and prizes
In 1996 prof. Colosimo won the UCIMU Degree Award (Union of Italian Machine Tool Manufacturers) and in 2003 was awarded the Young Researcher Award of the Italian Association of Mechanical Technologies (AITeM). In 2008 the article Statistical Process Control for Geometric Specifications of theJournal of Quality Technology, that she co-authored, was recognized as the "Top downloaded paper of the year ". In 2017 she was invited speaker at the Stu-Hunter conference.
Full professor of Management and Dean of the Bachelor's Degree Program in Business Administration at Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro.
Professional career
After graduating in Economics and Commerce from Federico University II in Naples in 1995, she continued her education with a PhD in Business Administration from the same university. Since 2000, she has received postdoctoral fellowships on innovation. From 2008 to 2015 she was a researcher at the University Magna Graecia of Catanzaro; during this time she built a dense research network and spent training periods abroad (University of Karlstad, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Universidad de Almerìa). She has been a visiting professor at Universidade de Caxias do Sul in Brazil and at the research centre CTF at Karlstad University in Sweden. Since 2020, she has been a full professor at the University of Magna Graecia in Catanzaro.
Scientific results
Since the beginning of her career, she has focused on innovation issues, particularly in the agri-food and cultural sectors. In this context, she coordinated the international project "Network innovation in the small and medium agrifood enterprises (SMEs) POR Calabria FSE 2007/2013 and participated as local coordinator in the" Smart Service Ecosystem: Designing a Sustainable Innovation Practice" funded by the Seventh Framework Program for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration of the European Union. Currently, she is the scientific leader of the projects "Sustainable Business Models: Theoretical Framework and Practices Design ForAgrifood SME's" and "Harmonic Innovation", funded by PON Research 2014-2020. Recently, her research has focused on the circular economy and the application of the service ecosystem framework to villages for the purpose of social and cultural regeneration of territories. She is scientific coordinator of the Innovation and Technology Management thematic group within SIMA - Italian Management Society.
Editorial work and publications
Since 2000, she has been a reviewer for recognised international journals and conferences. She is a member of the editorial board and advisory board of national and international series on management and marketing topics.
She is co-editor of the management journal SIJM - Sinergie Italian Journal of Management and member of the editorial board of IJM - Italian Journal of Management.
[2022] Caridà A., Colurcio M., Melia M. -Digital Platform for Social Innovation: Insights from volunteering Creativity and Innovation Management https://doi.org/10.1111/caim.12499
[2022] Caridà A., Colurcio M., Edvardsson B., Pastore A. -Creating harmony through a plethora of interests, resources and actors: the challenging task of orchestrating the service ecosystem.- Journal of Service Theory and Practice https://doi.org/10.1108/JSTP-06-2021-0110
[2022] Colurcio, M., Caridà A., Melia M., The transformative role of resource integration in shaping anew service ecosystem. In The Palgrave Handbook of Service Management, edited by Edvardsson B., Tronvoll B., Palgrave. ISBN-13:9783030918279
[2021] Colurcio, M., Caridà A., Melia M. (2021), Valore e Territorio: un’ipotesi mediterranea. In Agricoltura, Società e Sviluppo Sostenibile dell’area del Mediterraneo, edited by Francesco Foglia, Rubbettino Editore
[2019] Colurcio, M., & Caridà, A. .Integrazione delle Risorse. Da concetto generico a costrutto di marketing. Pacini:Pisa.
[2019] Caridà, A., Edvardsson, B., & Colurcio, M.. Conceptualizing resource integration as an embedded process: Matching, resourcing and valuing. Marketing Theory, 19(1), 65-84.
[2019] Candi, M., Melia, M., & Colurcio, M.. Two birds with one stone: The quest for addressing both business goals and social needs with innovation. Journal of Business Ethics, 160(4), 1019-1033
[2019] Caridà, A., Colurcio, M., Russo Spena, T. R., & Kandampully, J.. Service innovation in emerging economies: an inclusive perspective. Sinergie Italian Journal of Management, 37(3), 11-38.
[2017] Colurcio, M., Caridà, A., & Edvardsson, B.. Conceptualizing Resource Integration to Advance Service Innovation. In Innovating in Practice,Springer, Cham, 237-259.
[2016] Kristensson, P., Parasuraman, A., McColl-Kennedy, J. R., Edvardsson, B., & Colurcio, M.. Linking service design to value creation and service research. Journal of Service Management, 27(1), 21-29.
[2015] Witell, L., Anderson, L., Brodie, R. J., Colurcio, M., Edvardsson, B., Kristensson, P., ... & Andreassen, T. W.. Exploring dualities of service innovation: implications for service research. Journal of Services Marketing.
[2012] Colurcio, M., Wolf, P., Kocher, P. Y., & Spena, T. R.. Asymmetric relationships in networked food innovation processes. British Food Journal, 702-727.
Awards and prizes
2008 Best Paper for Service Logic in Innovation, Section Innovative Service Thinking Case Study - 22nd Service Conference and Workshop, Academy of Marketing & Westminister Service Sector Research Center College of Westminister, London UK.
2013 Publication Award 2013, Lucerne College of Applied Sciences and Arts for the paper "Asymmetric relations in networked food innovation process", British Food Journal (2012), Vol 114, Issue 5, 702-727.
2013 Winner of the Outstanding Print Award, Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2013, "Store experience and co-creation: the case of temporary shop", International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Vol. 40 Number 1, 21-40
2014 Best Selected paper "Designing a collaborative business model for SMEs", XXVI Annual Sinergie Conference, Cassino, November 2014.
2018 Highly Commended Paper Award of the Journal of Service Management "Technology as Operating Resources for the Reconstruction Experience of Cultural Heritage", 9th IRSSM conference. Ljubljana, July 2018.
2017 Smart Excellence Recognition for the international research project: "Smart Service Ecosystem: designing a practice of sustainable innovation". Project identified "Excellent Realities", special objective Smart, Il Sole 24 Ore (11/10/2017).
2020 Selected Document Virtual Special Issue on Responsible Innovation in Times of Crisis, Journal of Business Ethics (edited by Montiel I., Gutierrez-Gutierrez L., Castillo A.): "Two birds with one stone: the research to meet both business objectives and social needs with innovation". Journal of Business Ethics (2019), vol. 160, n. 4m 1019-1033.
2020 Best Selected Paper "Ethics and artificial intelligence: new and old challenges. Focus on self-driving cars" Section "Technology & Innovation Marketing", SIM Conference, Milan, 2020.
Full professor and Head of the SENSOR laboratory at University of Brescia
Professional career
After achieving her degree in Experimental Physics in 1996 at the University of Pisa, she has been a Ph.D. student in Materials for Engineering at the University of Brescia. She was awarded with her Ph.D. degree in 2000. From 1999 to 2001 she was employed as a technologist at INFM (National Institute of Physics of Matter). Since 2001 she has been a researcher in Physics of Matter at the University of Brescia, where she later became associate professor and then full professor of Experimental Physics of Matter.
Scientific results
Elisabetta Comini specialises in studying the growth of metal oxides, in particular nanowires, and in measuring their electronic, functional and structural properties. She is responsible for the research line on "Metal oxide nanocrystalline quasi-1D structures" at the SENSOR laboratory (University of Brescia and National Institute of Optics). The aim of the SENSOR lab is to design and develop new materials and manufacturing processes to realise devices and systems for functional applications. The laboratory is dedicated to research in the fields of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), nanomedicine, food and safety. One of the laboratory's most advanced research areas is the one directed by Elisabetta Comini, which deals with quasi-one-dimensional oxide nanostructures: 1-D crystalline nanostructures are now emerging as the basis for next-generation electronics and nanoscale optoelectronic devices with superior performance.
Editorial work and publications
Elisabetta Comini has authored more than 350 peer-reviewed papers.
Selected publications:
(2019) Nunez-Carmona E, Bertuna A, Abbatangelo M, Sberveglieri V, Comini E, Sberveglieri G. BC-MOS: The novel bacterial cellulose based MOS gas sensors MATERIALS LETTERS, 237 10.1016/j.matlet.2018.11.011
(2018) Zappa D, Galstyan V, Kaur N, Arachchige HMMM, Sisman O, Comini E. Metal oxide -based heterostructures for gas sensors. A review ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA 1039, 10.1016/j.aca.2018.09.020.
(2016) Kaur N, Comini E, Zappa D, Poli N, Sberveglieri G. Nickel oxide nanowires: vapor liquid solid synthesis and integration into a gas sensing device. Nanotechnology, 27(20).
(2015) Comini E, Galstyan V, Faglia G, Bontempi E, Sberveglieri G. Highly conductive titanium oxide nanotubes chemical sensors. Microporous and Mesoporus Materials, 208:165-170.
(2013) Comini E. Integration of Metal Oxide Nanowires in Flexible Gas Sensing Devices. Sensors-Basel, 13(8):10659-10673.
(2009) Comini E, Baratto C, Faglia G, Ferroni M, Vomiero A, Sberveglieri G. Quasi-one dimensional metal oxide semiconductors: Preparation, characterization and application as chemical sensors. Progress in Materials Sciences, 54(1):1-67.
(2007) Vomiero A, Ferroni M, Comini E, Faglia G, Sberveglieri G. Preparation of radial and longitudinal nanosized heterostructures of In2O3 and SnO2. Nano Letters, 7(12):3553-3558.
(2006) Ponzoni A, Comini E, Sberveglieri G, Zhou J, Deng SZ, Xu NS, Ding Y, Wang ZL. Ultrasensitive and highly selective gas sensors using three-dimensional tungsten oxide nanowire networks. Applied Physics Letters, 88(20).
(2004) Comini E, Guidi V, Malagu C, Martinelli G, Pan Z, Sberveglieri G, Wang ZL, Electrical properties of tin dioxide two-dimensional nanostructures. Journal of Physical Chemestry B, 108 (6):1882-1887.
(2002) Comini E, Faglia G, Sberveglieri G, Pan ZW, Wang ZL. Stable and highly sensitive gas sensors based on semiconducting oxide nanobelts. Applied Physics Letters, 81(10):1869-1871.
Awards and prizes
In September 2005 she won the prize for the best presentation at the EUROSENSORS XIX conference in Barcelona. The following year, she won the same prize at the EUROSENSORS XX conference in Gothenburg. In 2010 she won the first place in Science as Art as part of the MRS Spring Meeting in San Francisco. Two years later she won the Eurosensors fellow 2012, a leading conference for the sensor community.
Competences: Grassroots Sport Activities, International and National Project Management in sports, Sports Event Management
Keywords: fight against homobitransphobia, international sport events, LGBT+ people's rights, rights and diversity in sport, sexism, sport against discrimination, sport and integration, sports for all, value of differences in sport
Region: Lazio
Head of National Policy for Interculturality and Cooperation at the UISP (Italian Union Sport for All).
Head of Training department for UISP Roma e UISP Lazio.
Professional career
After graduating in Sociology from Rome's La Sapienza University, from 1996 to 2000 she collaborated with the Department of Sociology in various research projects on the social value of sport.
Since 1995 at UISP (Italian Unione Sport for All) APS Association for Social Promotion), where she became national councillor in 2009, continuing in this role to this day.
From 2021 to today she sits on the international board of ISCA (International Sport and Culture Association).
From 1999 to 2015 she sat on the international board of the FARE network (Footbal Against Racism in Europe).
Since 2011 she has been a member of the European Union Expert Group and from 2020 to 2022 she is an evaluator for projects in the Erasmus+ sport programme.
Editorial work and publications
(2022) Toolkit Sentry Sport – Sentry Sport Project.
(2021) Toolkit Riconoscere le discriminazioni, educare all’uguaglianza – Pinocchio Project.
(2018) Implementation Guide for Integration of Refugees through Sport – IRTS Project.
(2018)Methodological Guide SportAntenne – SportAntenne Project.
(2012) Methodological Guide Social Inclusion through sport: a possible model– Mimosa Project.
(2015) Methodological Guide Il Calciastorie. Storie di Integrazione dal profondo del calcio – Il Calciastorie Project.
(2011) European Chart of Womens 'Right in Sport' – Olympia EU Project.
(2004) (with Gianluca Verde) Calcio contro il Razzismo in “Calciopolitiche”, Quaderni di Sociologia Vol. XLVIII, 2004, 34, Rosemberg & Sellier, Torino
(1999) (with Nicola Porro e Giulio Bizzaglia) The sports system and sports organizations in Italy, in Klaus Heinemann (ed.) "Sport Clubs in Various European Countries" Schattauer, Colonia.
(1997) A paradigm in evolution: ‘multiple identities’ of tennis. A research concerning the clubs of Rome and its surroundings” in P. De Nardis, A. Mussino, N. Porro (eds) “Sport: Social Problems, Social Movements”, SEAM, Roma.
(1997) Un paradigma in evoluzione, in “Sport & Loisir”, n° 2-3, SEAM, Roma.
Program manager ECFR (European Council on Foreign Relations), Rome
Professional career
Teresa Coratella is the programme manager at ECFR’s Rome office. She joined ECFR in 2011, and previously worked for the Warsaw-based Institute for Eastern Studies as partnership manager and analyst for southern Europe. She holds an MA in European Interdisciplinary Studies from the College of Europe, Natolin Campus, with a focus on the EU as a regional actor. A graduate in political science and international relations and native Polish-Italian, her main areas of interest are Polish and Italian foreign policy and the EU’s eastern neighbourhood.
Scientific results
Teresa Coratella follows for ECFR the developments and dynamics of Italian foreign policy and the role of Italy in Europe. Thanks to her specialization in EU as a global actor and policy and her mother tongue knowledge of Polish, she follows closely the developments in the eastern neighborhood of Europe and the related European political processes.
Editorial work and publications
Her recent contributions include:
[July 2019] Coratella T., Salvini goes global, ECFR.
[June 2019] Dennison S., Leonard M., and Zerka P., with contributions from Coratella T., Janning J., Mendel-Nykorowycz A., Ignacio Torreblanca J., How to govern a fragmented EU: What Europeans said at the ballot box, ECFR.
[May 2019] Coratella T.,Poland and Italy: Best of frenemies, ECFR.
[April 2019] Coratella T.,Italy’s distracted political elite, ECFR.
[March 2019] Coratella T., Italy's Chinese dilemma, ECFR.
[July 2018] Coratella T., The League of Leagues: Pan-European cooperation against the EU, ECFR.
Awards and prizes
Teresa Coratella is a member of WIIS Italy, of the think tank Trinità dei Monti e and she is an Ancienne of the College of Europe.
Phd Candidate in Political Studies at University of Milan.
Professional career
Tiziana Corda is pursuing a PhD in Political Studies at the Network for the Advancement of Social and Political Studies (NASP) of the University of Milan, Italy. Currently, she is also collaborating on a project of the University of Sussex and funded by the European Research Council (ERC) on Violence, Elites, and Resilience in States Under Stress (VERSUS), focusing mostly on Ethiopia. Previously, she worked as a researcher at the Africa Programme of the Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI) in Milan, at a local NGO in Cape Town, South Africa, and at the EU’s European External Action Service (EEAS) in Brussels, Belgium.
Scientific results
Within the framework of her doctoral thesis, her research activity focuses on the analysis of international sanctions, specifically the institutional factors and decision-making processes inside the regimes targeted by sanctions which affect their overall effectiveness. Empirical analysis is drawn mostly from cases of sanctions imposed on African countries as well as Iran. Within the framework of her collaboration on the ERC-funded research project VERSUS, instead, she focuses on the analysis of political crises and conflicts in Ethiopia. Overall, her research and teaching activities include international politics; geopolitics; foreign policy analysis, geopolitics, the African agenda of extra-continental powers, especially those of the Gulf; conflicts and political transitions in the Horn of Africa, with a focus on Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Sudan.
Editorial work and publications
Her recent contributions include:
[2021] Corda, T. Not All Plain Sailing: The Highs and Lows of Iran's Scramble for the Horn of Africa, in C. Branco and F. Leandro, Geopolitics of Iran, London: Palgrave Macmillan.
[2021] Corda, T. Ankara's Africa Policy: An Overview, The International Spectator, 56(3), ahead of print.
[2018] Corsa al Corno d’Africa: interessi globali e competizione regionale, Osservatorio di Politica Internazionale del Parlamento Italiano, n.141, (con G. Dentice e M. Procopio).
[2016] Recovering Regional Power: The Islamic Republic under Rouhani’s Presidency, Il Politico - Rivista Italiana di Scienze Politiche (Ed. Rubbettino).
Other policy briefs and articles appeared in the al-Sharq Strategic Research, the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED), the Italian Institute of Political Studies (ISPI), Treccani, the United States Institute of Peace (USIP).
President and co-founder of Talent4Rise, Milan
Professional career
In 1986 she graduated in Electronic and System Physics from the University of Milan with a thesis on the effects of acid rain carried out at CRTN (ENEL's Centre for Thermal and Nuclear Research). In 1987 she joined the Italtel Telesis Consortium in the role of Proposal Manager for the development of environmental monitoring networks and the first mathematical models for air quality forecasting (DISIA Ministry of the Environment project). From 1988 to 1997 she was Head of the Environmental Subsystem in the 5T Consortium. In 1997 she joined Italtel S.p.A. as Proposal Manager and took part in the ministerial tender for the assignment of the third mobile operator (Wind). Later, from 2000 to 2013, she was International Bid and Contract Manager and contributed to the implementation of important intranets (EINET-Italian Army), the IP backbone of the Italian Research and University Network (GARR Consortium) and VoIP for international operators (SNCF, Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Français) and Italian operators (CGIL Piemonte, Acciaieria Cogne di Aosta and for the Barilla factory). In 2013 he founded the association Talent4Rise.
Scientific results
Paola Corradi has been working for almost thirty years on the development of ICT networks for businesses and public administration, on cloud solutions, on the start-up of new services and new markets. Her current interests include innovative ICT applications for smart cities and international relations as a lever for development in a globalised world. Advocating the importance of shared value between public administration, profit and non-profit companies, to activate cooperative circuits and positive feedback, and the development of new digital technologies as a tool for economic growth, Paola Corradi participates in Expo 2015 with a series of workshops at Cascina Triulza and cultural exhibitions on Expo themes (Epic Exhibition of Expo in the City - Shepherds of the Alps: 100 stories, 100 faces to feed the Planet). She brings to Expo 2015 the original Rise2Up project, whose primary objective is to give visibility to the good practices of Italian companies, in Italy and abroad, that stand out for Quality and Safety, Food Education, Originality and Biodiversity, Eco-sustainability, Health, WEB2.0, Internationality, Tradition and Conservation and Innovation. In April 2016, she organised a business mission to Dubai on the themes of innovation. Today she promotes, with the support of Talent4Rise Management, scientific workshops within the Human Factory Day programme of Fondazione Triulza.
Awards and prizes
The Rise2Up project was awarded by the Milan Chamber of Commerce as one of the best projects presented at the Thematic Tables of Expo2015. Paola Corradi is a member of the General Council of Fondazione Triulza as co-founder.
International politics area
Competences: Arabic Culture, Arabic Language, Cultural Anthropology, History of Middle East, History of North Africa, Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue, Mediterranean studies, Multiculturalism, Political Discourse Analysis, Political Thought in Arab World
Keywords: coronavirus, Covid-19, identity, pandemics, political thought, resilience
Region: Lazio
Full professor of Arabic language and culture ane Director of the Master Mislam. Institutions and Economy of the Middle East and North Africa at LUISS Carlo Guidi University, Rome
Professional career
Ph.D. at Rome University “La Sapienza”, and Master in Arabic Studies at the American University in Cairo. Former professor at the Napoli “L’Orientale”. Her studies are focused on literature, hystory and culture of Arab countries.
Scientific results
She coordinated the publication of the secret correspondence between the leaders of the Young Turks and Muhammad Farid, the leader of the Egyptian National party (1912-14). She did the first translation in a European language of a manuscript of the Mamluke age.
Editorial work and publications
[2020] Corrao F.M. Oltre il Mediterraneo: il covid-19 nel mondo arabo. Luiss Open, https://open.luiss.it/2020/04/21/oltre-il-mediterraneo-il-covid-19-nel-mondo-arabo/
[2020] Corrao F.M. "Uno sguardo al di là del nostro giardino", in Pandemia e resilienza. PErsona, comunità e modelli di sviluppo dopo la Covid-19. Consulta Scientifica dei Cortili Gentili, a cura di C. Caporale e A. Pirni.
[2020] Corrao F.M. “Emergency and solidarity : an Islamic perspective” in The Bulletin of The Institute of Oriental Philosophy n. 36, 2020 TOKIO JAPAN ISSN 0912-0610
[2018] Corrao F.M. e Violante L. L’Islam non è terrorismo, ed. Il Mulino
[2017] Eyadat Z, Corrao F.M. Hashas M,Islam, State and Modernity. Mohammed Abed Al-Jabri and the Future of the Arab World, Editors: Z. Eyadat, F.M. Corrao, M.Hashas, Palgrave Macmillan US
[2017] Corrao F.M. Islam Religion and Politics, LUISS University Press (Islam Religione e politica, LUP 2015);
[2017] Corrao F.M. Reflections on Education and Culture in al-Jabri’s Thought in Islam, State and Modernity. Mohammed Abed Al-Jabri and the Future of the Arab World, Editors: Z. Eyadat, F.M. Corrao, M.Hashas, Palgrave Macmillan US 9781-1-137-59760-1
[2015] Corrao F.M. Diaspora araba ed emancipazione culturale, in Gli Studi Interculturali: teorie e pratiche nel contesto degli scambi culturali con la sponda Sud del Mediterraneo, a cura di Franca Sinopoli e Isabella Camera d’Afflitto, Roma Libreria Editrice Orientalia
[2014] Corrao F.M. Médias et conflicts: l’Europe vue par les Arabes, in D. Bendo-Soupou, Le Monde arabe et l’Europe. Entre conflicts et paix, ed. l’Harmattan, pp. 101-110
[2014] Corrao F.M. The Relevance of a Humanistic Education to Intercultural Dialogue, in TŌYŌ TETSUGAKU KENKYŪJO KIYŌ, ed. THE INSTITUTE OF ORIENTAL PHILOSOPHY, vol. 30, Tokyo, pp. 51-62
[2014] Corrao F.M., Maffettone S. Arab Minorities, Liberalism, and Multiculturalismin Multiculturalism and Minority Rights in the Arab World, ed. E. Poefstl W. Kymlicka, Oxford University Press, pp. 138-172
[2014] Corrao F.M. L’Evoluzione Culturale all’Origine delle Rivoluzioni Arabe, in Economia e Istituzioni dei Paesi del Mediterraneo, a cura di Eugenia Ferragina – Adalgiso Amendola, ed. Il Mulino
[2014] Corrao F.M. Donne Islamiche in Italia: ieri e oggi, in Musulmane d’Italia, a cura di E. Poefstl, ed. Bordeaux, pp.19-56
[2011] Corrao F.M. Le rivoluzioni arabe. La transizione mediterranea, Mondadori Università
[2003] Corrao F.M. Le opinioni e l’informazione nei Paesi arabo-islamici dopo l’11 settembre, a cura di F. M. Corrao, volumetto allegato a “Giano”, n. 40
Awards and prizes
International Career Arward for translation Gherardo da Cremona, Toledo University and Anna Lindh Foundation 2016; Minerva National Awards for Culture, XXII edition 2016.
President of the cultural committee of the Fondazione Orestiadi di Gibellina. Member of the UEAI (Union of European Arabist and Islamist), and the EMTAR (European professor of Modern Arabic Literature), and Researcher at the IOP (Institute of Oriental Philosophy) at the Soka University in Tokyo. Visiting professor in different Universities: Cairo, Beirut, Tunis, Rabat, Paris Inalco and Sciencepò, Cambridge and Harvard.
Full Professor of Political Economy at the La Sapienza University of Rome. President of "Minerva. Laboratory on diversity and gender inequalities" at the same University
Professional career
After obtaining a degree in Statistical Sciences (economics) from the University of Rome La Sapienza, she continued her education with a PhD in Economics from the University of Manchester (UK). From 1990 to 1992 she was a researcher at the Istituto Studi Congiuntura (ISCO) and, from 1992 to 2005, she worked as an associate professor at the LUISS "G. Carli ". From 2009 to 2013 she is a visiting professor at the Université Libre del Bruxelles. She is a member of CERMi (Center of European Research on Microfinance) at the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management. She has been collaborating for several years with Fondazione Risorsa Donna with reference to studies on the impact of microfinance and with the Giacomo Brodolini Foundation, on topics related to the gender economy. She is one of the founders of the Economia Civile association (http://www.economiacivile.it) and of the online magazine inGenere.it (www.ingenere.it). She has worked as a consultant for various international institutions (European Commission, European Parliament, OECD): in particular she coordinated the EGGSI network (Expert Group on Gender, Social Inclusion, Health and Long-Term Care) on behalf of the European Commission - DG Employment and social affairs. From 2013 to 2016 she coordinated the Gender Commission of the Italian Society of Economists (SIE). From March 2017 she directs the International Review of Sociology.
Scientific results
As part of her research activity, she has dealt with conjunctural analysis in the real world (labor market, consumption and investments, etc.), technical progress, innovations in the public sector, and, in more recent years, related topics to human development (gender inequalities, poverty, social investments, etc.) and to the evaluation of economic research. In recent years she has published in journals of international prestige such as the Journal of development studies and Feminist economics. She contributed to several collective books published by major international publishers (Routledge and Anthem Press) and edited a textbook for the publisher Laterza (in collaboration with Alessandro Roncaglia).
Editorial work and publications
Marcella Corsi is the author of numerous scientific publications, including (in more recent years):
(2018) (a cura di) Corsi M, Kregel J, D’Ippoliti C. Classical Economics Today, Anthem Press.
(2017) Corsi M, Roncaglia A.Nuovi lineamenti di economia politica, Laterza.
(2017) Corsi M, Gurubu G. Inequality and Poverty, in Jo T, Chester L, D’Ippoliti C (a cura di). Handbook of Heterodox Economics, Routledge.
(2017) Corsi M, De Angelis M. Gender Discrimination in Microfinance? Some Evidence from Uganda. Journal of Development Studies, vol. 53.
(2016) Cirillo V, Corsi M, D’Ippoliti C. Gender, Class and the Crisis, in Fadda S, Tridico P (a cura di), Varieties of Economic Inequality, Routledge.
(2016) Botti F, Corsi M, D’Ippoliti C. Gendered Nature of Poverty in the EU: Individualized versus Collective Poverty Measure. Feminist economics, vol. 22.
(2016) Botti F, Corsi M, Guarini G.Lo Stato come ‘fornitore’ d’investimenti sociali (F), Moneta e Credito, vol. 69.
(2013) Corsi M, D’Ippoliti C. The Productivity of the Public Sector: A ClassicalView PSL Quarterly Review, vol. 66.
(2011) Cipollone A, Corsi M, D’Ippoliti C. Building a Knowledge Economy: Education and Job Opportunities in Gender Perspective. PanOeconomicus, vol. LVIII.
(2011) Corsi M, D’Ippoliti C, Lucidi F. On the Evaluation of Economic Research: The Case of Italy. Economia Politica, vol. 28.
E’ anche attiva in campo giornalistico, come redattrice del web-magazine inGenere.it (http://www.ingenere.it/persone/corsi) e come collaboratrice di lavoce.info.
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in International Relations at Università di Napoli, L’Orientale.
Professional career
Irene Costantini graduates cum laude in Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Rome, LA Sapienza in 2010 and gains a MSc in Development Studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in London in 2011. In April 2015, she completes her Ph.D in International Studies at the School of International Studies, University of Trento with a dissertation entitled: “Statebuilding versus State Formation: the political economy of transition in Iraq e Libya”. After her doctorate, she works as a Research Fellow at the Post-war Reconstruction and Development Unit, University of York and at the Middle East Research Institute (MERI), Erbil, Iraq. Since Dicember 2017, she is a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the University of Naples L’Orientale.
Scientific results
She has been researching and teaching on conflict dynamics, the politics of international interventions in conflict-affected areas and the post-conflict transitions in the Middle East and North Africa with a focus on Iraq and Libya. She collaborated in different research projects, including “Drivers for Onward migration: the case of Iraqi IDPs in the Kurdistan Region leaving the country (2016-2017, NWO funding).
Editorial work and publications
She is the author of various publications, including:
[2019] Costantini I. & Palani K., “Unpacking the displacement-migration nexus: evidence from northern Iraq”, International Migration, first published September 6, 2019.
[2019] Belloni R. & Costantini I., “From Liberal Statebuilding to Counterinsurgency and Stabilization: the International Intervention in Iraq”, Ethnopolitics, 18 (5): 509–525.
[2019] Costantini I. & O’Driscoll, D. “Practices of exclusion, narratives of inclusion: violence, population movements and identity politics in post-2014 northern Iraq”, Ethnicities, first published June, 27, 2019.
[2019] Costantini I. & Hanau Santini R., “Saudi Arabia’s Regional Space-shaping: making or unmaking a region? (with Ruth Hanau Santini). In: Giusti Serana & Mirkina Irina (eds). The EU in a trans-European Space. External Relations across Europe, Asia and the Middle East. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan: 113–131.
[2019] Costantini I. “State building”. In: Il trono di sabbia. Stato, nazioni e potere in Medio Oriente. A cura di: Giacomo Bottos, Francesco Rustichelli, Francesco Salesio Schiavi, Jacopo Scita e Gabriele Sirtori. Torino: Rosenberg & Sellier, in collaborazione con Pandora Rivista: 67–81.
[2018] Costantini, I. Statebuilding in the Middle East and North Africa: the aftermath of regime change. Routledge Studies in Intervention and Statebuilding series. Abingdon: Routledge.
[2017] Costantini I. “Conflict and Peace in the Mediterranean Space: Europe’s response to the Libyan crisis.” In: Muriam Haleh Davis and Thomas Serres (eds), North Africa and the Making of Europe: governance, institutions, and culture, London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic Publishing: 223–242.
[2017] Costantini, I. “La partita degli sfollati di Iraq”. Limes, Rivista Italiana di Geopolitica, 7: 69–74.
[2017] Costantini I. “A neoliberal rentier system: new challenges and past economic trajectories in Iraq”. The International Spectator, 52 (1): 61–75.
[2016] Costantini I. “Conflict Dynamics in post-2011 Libya: a political economy perspective, Conflict, Security & Development16 (5): 405–422.
[2013] Costantini I. “Statebuilding and foreign direct investment. The case of post-2003 Iraq”. International Peacekeeping, 20 (3): 263–279.
[2012] Costantini I. “Economic issues in war-to-peace transitions: old and new challenges”, Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 6 (4): 427–435.
Full professor of Pharmacology at the University of Bari
Professional career
After graduating in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Bari in 1979, she specialized in Neurology at the same university. She then obtained a scholarship from the Mario Negri Institute in Milan and, in 1984, moved as a researcher to Duke University Medical Center, Durham in the United States, in the group of Dr. R.J. Lefkowitz, Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2012. Her academic career continued as Research Assistant Professor at the same Duke University and, since 1992, as professor of Pharmacology at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland. In 2007 she returned to Italy definitively and became professor of Pharmacology at the University of Bari.
Scientific results
Susanna Cotecchia has always been committed to basic research as an indispensable tool for understanding the mechanisms of disease and drug action. Her research focuses on the study of membrane receptors and site-directed mutagenesis, a particular technique used in molecular biology to study the structure-function relationship of proteins. This line of research aims to address the fundamental questions of molecular pharmacology, providing rapid screening methods and useful information to understand the mechanism of action of medicines. The goal is to build new molecules with selective and targeted pharmacological properties, the so-called drug design, which avoids side effects in the treatment of numerous diseases.
Editorial work and publications
She is the author of more than 100 national and international scientific papers, including:
(2006) Stanasila L, Abuin L, Diviani D, Cotecchia S. Direct interaction of ezrin with the alpha1b-adrenergic receptor regulates recycling of the internalized receptors. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 281:4354-63.
(2005) Hosoda C, Koshimizu TA, Tanoue A, Nasa Y, Oikawa R, Tomabechi T, Fukuda S, Shinoura H, Oshikawa S, Takeo S, Kitamura T, Cotecchia S, Tsujimoto G. Two alpha1-adrenergic receptor subtypes regulating the vasopressor response have differential roles in blood pressure regulation. Molecular Pharmacology, 67:912-22.
(2005) Novi F, Stanasila L, Giorgi F, Corsini GU, Cotecchia S, Maggio R. Paired activation of two components within muscarinic M3 receptor dimers is required for recruitment of beta-arrestin-1 to the plasma membrane. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 280:19768-76.
(2005) Costa T and Cotecchia S. Historical Perspective: The discovery of inverse efficacy and the constitutive activity of GPCRs. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences.
(2005) Hosoda C, Tanoue A, Shibano M, Tanaka Y, Hiroyama M, Koshimizu TA, Cotecchia S, Kitamura T, Tsujimoto G, Koike K. Correlation between vasoconstrictor roles and mRNA expression of alpha(1) adrenoceptor subtypes in blood vessels of genetically engineered mice. British Journal of Pharmacology 146:456-66.
(2005) Sarang Z, Molnar P, Nemeth T, Gomba S, Kardon T, Melino G, Cotecchia S, Fesus L, Szondy Z. Tissue transglutaminase (TG2) acting as G protein protects hepatocytes against Fas-mediated cell death in mice. Hepatology 42:578-87.
(2004) Diviani D, Abuin L, Cotecchia S and Pansier L. Anchoring of both PKA and 14-3-3 inhibits the Rho-GEF activity of the AKAP-Lbc signaling complex, EMBO Journal 23:2811-20.
(2004) Cotecchia S, Stanasila L, Diviani D, Bjorklof K, Rossier O and Fanelli F. Structural determinants involved in the activation and regulation of G protein-coupled receptors: lessons from the alpha1-adrenegic receptor subtypes. Biology of the Cell, 96:327-33.
(2005) Zhang H, Cotecchia S, Thomas SA, Tanoue A, Tsujimoto G and Faber JE. Gene deletion of dopamine beta-hydroxylase and alpha1-adrenoceptors demonstrates involvement of catecholamines in vascular remodeling. American Physiological Society Journals, Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 287:H2106-H2114.
(2004) Townsend SA, Jung AS, Gillian Hoe YS, Lefkowitz RY, Khan SA, Lemmon CA, Harrison RW, Lee K, Barouch LA, Cotecchia S, Shoukas AA, Nyhan D, Hare JM and Berkowitz DE. Critical role for the alpha-1B adrenergic receptor at the sympathetic neuroeffector junction. Hypertension, 44:776-82.
Awards and prizes
Susanna Cotecchia received the award of the European Federation of Biochemical Societies (FEBS) in 1995. In 2001 she obtained the "Receptor Research Prize" of Perk.
Full Professor of Egineering at the University of L'Aquila.
Professional career
After graduating in Economics at the University of L'Aquila, from 2000 to 2005 she served, first as a tutor then as a research and teaching collaborator, at the University of L'Aquila, Faculty of Engineering, for courses of Economics Applied to Engineering, Industrial Economics and Economics of Public Utility Services. At the same time, she continues her educational path with a PhD in Management and Economic Engineering at the University of San Marino which she obtained in 2004.
In 2007 she is a researcher, in 2015 she is an associate professor and since 2020 she is a full professor in management and economic engineering at the University of L'Aquila.
She is member of the Department of Industrial and Information Engineering and Economics, her teaching activity is focused on the courses of Economics and Business Organization and Management of Health Systems and Medical Diagnostic Instrumentation.
Scientific results
The research activity of Prof. Federica Cucchiella began in 2000 with a PhD in Management and Economic Engineering.
She began her scientific activity by taking an interest in the problems of optimizing supply chain performance and technology transfer.
Her research then focused on environmental issues related to waste management, the eco-sustainable exploitation of solar energy, renewable energy and the circular economy.
As part of her scientific research, particular attention was paid, with reference to the economic and managerial aspects, to the management of investments aimed at promoting energy from renewable sources with specific concentration on photovoltaic energy, biomethane and incinerators with energy recovery. Research was also developed to promote the adoption by the market of innovative technologies to support renewable energy, analyzing how to simplify the interconnection to the energy transmission and distribution system and how to support policies that allow the generation, integration, safety and sustainable use of renewable energy.
In order to promote and encourage sustainable development, she become involved in the study of new business models based on the principles of the Circular Economy with reference, among others, to waste from electrical and electronic equipment.
In recent years, the scientific research activities of Prof. Federica Cucchiella have focused on the definition of multidisciplinary frameworks to support decisions that favor the retrofit of existing buildings in order to make cities more efficient, intelligent, resilient and generally sustainable.
Her research is generally characterized by a high interdisciplinarity in a wide range of engineering and science areas applied to renewable energy.
She is the author of four industrial invention patents that can contribute to the promotion of sustainable development and is a founding member of the Spin-off SENSing. The company, where she chaired the Board of Directors, operates in the field of the production of engineering materials and innovative bio-materials, scientific research and technological innovation applied to process or product innovation and the provision of services in the of scientific research
Editorial work and publications
She is co-author of approximately 100 scientific publications, including:
[2020] Cucchiella F, D'Adamo I, Gastaldi M, Koh L, Santibanez-Gonzalez EDR. Assessment of ghg emissions in Europe: Future estimates and policy implications. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 19(1):131-42.
[2020] Annibaldi V, Cucchiella F, De Berardinis P, Gastaldi M, Rotilio M. An integrated sustainable and profitable approach of energy efficiency in heritage buildings. Journal of Cleaner Production, 251.
[2019] Ferella F, Cucchiella F, D'Adamo I, Gallucci K. A techno-economic assessment of biogas upgrading in a developed market. Journal of Cleaner Production, 210:945-57.
[2019] Annibaldi V, Cucchiella F, De Berardinis P, Rotilio M, Stornelli V. Environmental and economic benefits of optimal insulation thickness: A life-cycle cost analysis. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 116.
[2018] Cucchiella F, Gastaldi M, Miliacca M. The management of greenhouse gas emissions and its effects on firm performance. Journal of Cleaner Production, 167:1387-400.
[2018] Awasthi AK, Cucchiella F, D'Adamo I, Li J, Rosa P, Terzi S, et al. Modelling the correlations of e-waste quantity with economic increase. Science of The Total Environment, 613-614:46-53.
[2017] Cucchiella F, D'Adamo I, Gastaldi M. Sustainable waste management: Waste to energy plant as an alternative to landfill. Energy Conversion and Management, 131:18-31.
[2016] Cucchiella F, D’Adamo I, Rosa P. Urban waste to energy (WTE) plants: A social analysis. JP Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 13(3):421-44.
[2016] Cucchiella F, D'Adamo I, Gastaldi M. A profitability assessment of small-scale photovoltaic systems in an electricity market without subsidies. Energy Conversion and Management, 129:62-74.
[2016] Cucchiella F, D'Adamo I. Technical and economic analysis of biomethane: A focus on the role of subsidies. Energy Conversion and Management, 119:338-51.
[2015] Cucchiella F, D’Adamo I, Lenny Koh SC, Rosa P. Recycling of WEEEs: An economic assessment of present and future e-waste streams. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 51:263-72.
[2015] Cucchiella F, D’Adamo I, Gastaldi M. Financial analysis for investment and policy decisions in the renewable energy sector. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 17(4):887-904
Awards and prizes
2020 she appears among the 100,000 international scientists (in the Energy and Environmental Sciences research sectors) identified in the PLOS databases (PLOS - 100,000 Top Scientists) and created by the international journal Plos Biology to classify professors from universities all over the world.
2017 VQR 2011/2014 - 1st place at national level of the Univaq Group. Prof. Cucchiella's products all receive a maximum rating of 1 (excellent).
2017 She receives the prize of the Fund for Funding for Basic Research Activities (FFABR) intended to contribute to the basic research of researchers and assistant professors.
2017 The paper “Recycling of WEEEs: An economic assessment of present and future e-waste streams” (Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015, 51:263-72) is classified by Web of Science as Highly Cited Paper.
2015 The paper "Cleaner Energy Production and Sustainable Investment: A Portfolio Analysis in the Italian Electricity Market" presentato al 5th International Workshop Advances in Cleaner Production (San Paulo, Brazil, 20-22 May 2015) receives "Special mention" in the 5th International Workshop.
2015 she receives by Elsevier the Atlas Award for the paper "Recycling of WEEEs: An economic assessment of present and future e-waste streams" Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Volume 51, November 2015).
2010 Her paper "Risk management in supply chain: a real option approach" is classified among the Top 20 articles of Journal of Manufacturing Technology management.
2010 She receives by Supply Chain Management: an International Journal (Emerald Group Publishing Limited) the Higly Commended Award for the paper "A photovoltaic system in a residential building: environmental and economic optimization analysis" presented at 8th International Conference on Supply Chain Management and Information Systems, Hong Kong, China, 6-8 october 2010
2007 Highly Commended Winner at the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2007 for the paper "Risk management in supply chain: a real option approach" Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management - special issue, 17(6), 700-720.
Full Professor of Physical Chemistry, University of Bari “Aldo Moro”
Professional career
After graduating in Chemistry from the University of Bari in 1993, she continued her education with a PhD in Chemistry in 1996 and, between 1995 and 1996, she was a Research Assistant in the Department of Chemistry at University College London. From 1996 to 1998, back in Italy, she carried out a post-doctorate at the Centro Studi Chimico Fisici sull'Interazione Luce-Materia of the CNR, in Bari. Since 1999 she has been a researcher at the Centre for Chemical and Physical Studies on Light-Matter Interaction, the following year she became a permanent researcher and since 2010 she has been First Researcher at the Institute for Chemical and Physical Processes (IPCF) of the CNR in Bari. Since 2018 she is Full Professor of Chemistry at the University of Bari.
Scientific results
Maria Lucia Curri is currently responsible for materials chemistry activities, aimed at designing, manufacturing and processing inorganic solids at the nanoscale, within the Institute for Physical Chemistry Processes in Bari. The institute carries out interdisciplinary research activities oriented towards exploitation, technology transfer and training in research fields such as soft matter, complex materials and systems, nanostructured composites, biomimetic systems, innovative methodologies and multidisciplinary applications. Maria Lucia Curri's main activities, carried out within the framework of national and international research projects, concern the synthesis of nanoparticles (i.e. particles formed by atomic or molecular aggregates with a diameter between 2 and 200 nanometres) with control over their shape, size and crystalline phase, in order to precisely regulate their chemical-physical properties and their functionalisation. In this sense, the study of the properties of manufactured colloidal nanoparticles is important in order to assess their potential use of nanostructured materials in the biomedical field, such as theragnostic systems for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, in energy conversion and in the environmental technology sector, for the abatement of pollutants and the creation of sensors. Of particular note are the results obtained in the field of environmental applications of nanostructured semiconductors by the European LIMPID project on "Nanocomposite materials for the photocatalytic degradation of pollutants", of which she was coordinator.
Editorial work and publications
She has been co-authoring more than 200 publications and over 180 papers on international peer-reviewed journals and a number of other publications, including 10 book chapters.
Here below a selection:
(2019) Truppi A., Petronella F., Margiotta V., Lasorella G., Giotta G., Giannini C., Sibillano T., Murgolo S., Mascolo G., Agostiano A., Curri M. L. , Comparelli R. Gram-scale synthesis of UV–vis light active plasmonic photocatalytic nanocomposite based on TiO2/Au nanorods for degradation of pollutants in water Applied Catalysis B, 243, 604-613.
(2016) Valente G, Depalo N, de Paola I, Iacobazzi RM, Denora N, Laquintana V, Comparelli R, Altamura E, Latronico T, Altomare M, Fanizza E, Striccoli M, Agostiano A, Saviano M, Del Gatto A, Zaccaro L, Curri ML. Integrin Targeting with Peptide Bioconjugated to Semiconductor-Magnetic Nanocrystalline Heterostructures. Nano Research, 9:644-662.
(2015) Ingrosso C, Esposito Corcione C, Striani R, Comparelli R, Striccoli M, Agostiano A, Curri ML, Frigione M. UV-curable Nanocomposite based on Methacrylic-Siloxane Resin and Surface modified-TiO2 Nanocrystals. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 7:15494-15505.
(2014) Corricelli M, Depalo N, Di Carlo E, Fanizza E, Laquintana V, Denora N, Agostiano A, Striccoli M, Curri ML. Biotin-decorated silica coated PbS nanocrystals emitting in the second biological near infrared window for bioimaging. Nanoscale, 6: 7924-7933.
(2013) Fanizza E, Depalo N, Clary L, Agostiano A, Striccoli M, Curri ML. A combined size sorting strategy for monodisperse plasmonic nanostructures. Nanoscale, 5(8):3272-82.
(2013) Placido T, Aragay G, Pons J, Comparelli R, Curri ML, Merkoçi A. Ion-Directed Assembly of Gold Nanorods: a Strategy for Mercury Detection. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 5 (3):1084-1092.
(2010) Ingrosso C, Sardella E, Keller D, Dohn S, Striccoli M, Agostiano A, Boisen A, Curri ML. Surface functionalization of epoxy resist based microcantilevers with iron oxide nanocrystals. Advanced Material, 22:3288-3292.
(2009) Placido T, Comparelli R, Giannici F, Cozzoli PD, Capitani G, Striccoli M, Agostiano A, Curri ML. Photochemical Synthesis of Water-Soluble Gold Nanorods: the Role of Silver in Assisting Anisotropic Growth. Chemistry of Materials, 18:4192-4202.
(2009) Kim JY, Ingrosso C, Fakhfouri V, Striccoli M, Agostiano A, Curri ML, Brugger J. Multi-color inkjet printing of highly luminescent nanocrystal based nanocomposites. Small, 5:1051-1057.
(2007) Ingrosso C, Fakhfouri V, Striccoli M, Agostiano A, Voigt A, Gruetzner G, Curri ML, Brugger J. Luminescent nanocrystal modified epoxy photoresist for the fabrication of 3-D high aspect-ratio microstructures. Advanced Functional Materials, 17:2009-2017.
(2005) Comparelli R, Curri ML, Fanizza E, Cozzoli PD, Mascolo G, Agostiano A. UV-induced Photocatalytic Degradation of Azo Dyes by Organic-Capped ZnO Nanocrystals Immobilized onto Substrate. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 60:1-11.
Awards and prizes
Maria Lucia Curri has received numerous awards for her scientific posters.
In 2000, "L. Senatore" (Italian Chemical Society) award for the poster ”Chemical and physical characterization of hybrid structures based on in organic nanocrystalline semiconductors and semiconducting polymer for opto-electronic applications”
In 2002, best poster at E-MRS Spring Meeting Strasbourg June 2002: “Colloidal oxide nanoparticles for the photocatalytic degradation of organic dyes”
In 2003, best poster at E-MRS Spring Meeting Strasbourg E-MRS Spring Meeting Strasbourg 2003: "TiO2 nanocrystals -conjugated -polymer thin film for photovoltaic application"
In 2004, best poster at E-MRS Spring Meeting Strasbourg May 2004: “Hybrid organic nanocomposites based on semiconducting colloidal quantum dots in polymers”.
In 2006, "L. Senatore" award Italian Chemical Society for the poster “Optical and morphological properties of hybrid nanocomposite based on colloidal TiO2nanocrystals in polymer”.
In 2017, best Poster Nomination at IEEE NEMS 2017 Los Angeles (CA, USA): “Drug Delivery Nanovectors Based on SPIONS for Targeted Therapy of Hepatocellular Carcinoma”
Senior Policy Analyst (Thematic lead) at UNESCO.
Professional career
Anna Cristina D'Addio is an economist by background. After graduating in Economics with a thesis in Public Economics magna cum laude at the Faculty of Economics and Commerce of the University of Genoa, and a Master's degree in Quantitative Economics from CORE (Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve University, Belgium) she obtained a PhD in Public Economics at the University of Pavia with a thesis in Finance Science in June 1997 and a PhD in Quantitative Economics at the University of Louvain-La-Neuve in 2000.
As part of her research, she spent a year at CREST (Centre de Recherche en Economie et Statistique) in Paris where she worked on issues related to youth unemployment and micro-econometrics applied to the labour market. Returning to Belgium she worked at IRES (Institut des Recherches Economiques et Sociales) and CORE (Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve) conducting research on youth labour marketspreparing various empirical and theoretical articles collaborating with academics worldwide. In August 2000 she obtained a PhD in Quantitative Economics from the Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve within the frame of the European Doctoral Program with a thesis on the transition from school to work of young people in France and on unemployment. From 2000 to 2004 she continued to conduct research on these issues participating in international research projects and working as an associate research professor as part of a European research project at the Department of Economics of Aarhus University and the Research Centre on Integration, Education, Qualifications and Marginalisation at Aarhus Business School (Denmark). She conducted research and also taught at the Center of Applied Microeconometrics of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Copenhagen (Denmark) and at HIVA of the Catholique University of Leuven (Belgium). In 2001 she taught the course of evaluation of public policies as Maître de Conférence Invité of the Université catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve.
From 2004 to 2017 she worked at the OECD in several areas with a socio-economic focus and with a particular emphasis on policies. Since 2017 she has been working as Senior Policy Analyst (Thematic Lead) in the team of the Global Education Monitoring Report at UNESCO, where she leads the thematic part of the report.
Scientific results
Before starting her career in international organizations, she has worked in numerous university research centers starting from the Department of Scienza delle Finanze of the University of Genoa where she conducted research on (parametric and non-parametric) methodologies to measure efficiency by applying them to public transport in Italy. After obtaining her PhD on this topic, she began to work on micro-econometrics applied to issues related to the labour market and in particular to school to work transitions and the unemployment of young people at theoreticak (the treatment of censorship on the left in models of duration and transition) and empirical levels. She has published various articles in journals and books.
She has developed during her career a great knowledge of longitudinal, transition and duration dataand models. In the 13 years at the OECD she has worked on a wide range of issues such as income inequality, poverty, intergenerational transmission of education and income, financial education, an ageing population, social protection systems, pensions, gender inequalities and the decline in fertility, with particular emphasis on the role of policies. In this role, she has contributed to leading publications such as "Growing Unequal" and the various editions of "Pensions at a Glance" and "OECD Pensions Outlook", among others. This research also contributed to the preparation of the European Commission's Pensions Adequacy Report. She also participated as an expert in the Survey on the gender impact of social security legislation and on the disparities in pension treatments between men and women carried out by the Italian Chamber of Deputies.
Since 2017 as a Senior Policy Analyst of the Global Education Monitoring Report at UNESCO, she leads the preparation of the thematic part of the report of which she is also co-author. She also participates in the preparation of the team's other thematic outputs, such as the Gender Report and Regional reports. Anna D'Addio is responsible for the preparation of country profiles (PEER) that deal with key aspects to achieve sustainable development goal 4 on education such as inclusion.
Editorial work and publications
[2020]: “Global Education Monitoring Report 2020: Education and Inclusion”, Collective publication with the GEM Report team, UNESCO;
[2019]. “Premessa: I rapporti scuola-famiglia e l’integrazione dei minori stranieri” (Foreword: The relation between schools and the family and the integration of minors with a migrant background) (2019), Guida ISMU 2019, ed. Elisabetta Cicciarelli Scuola e famiglie immigrate: un incontro possibile.
[2018): “Global Education Monitoring Report 2019: Migration, Displacement and Education Building Bridges not Walls”, Collective publication with the GEM Report team, UNESCO;
[2015]: “Filling the contribution gap: the effect of incomplete careers on pension entitlements”, chapter 3 in “OECD Pensions at a Glance 2015”, OECD Pensions at a Glance, OECD Publishing Paris.
[2015]: “Reverse mortgage: a tool to reduce old age poverty without sacrificing social inclusion” with E. Fornero, F. coda Moscarola and MC Rossi, Chapter 21 in Ageing in Europe - Supporting Policies for an Inclusive Society, Publisher: De Gruyter, Editors: Axel Borsch-Supan, Guglielmo Weber, et al, pp.235-244
[2015]:“Dynamics of Social expenditure over the cycle: is there a ratchet effect?” (2015), OECD Journal: Economic Studies.
[2014]:“Labour mobility and the portability of social security rights” (2014), Cesifo Economic Studies with M.C. Cavalleri. Published on line April 2014.
[2013]:« Using a quasi-natural experiment to identify the effects of birth-related leave policies on subjective well-being in Europe”, OECD Journal: Economic Studies, issue 1, vol. 2013.
[2013]: “Pension Reforms and Risks: Challenges for Pension Systems in Advanced European Countries”, Chapter 9 in Designing Equitable and Sustainable Pension Systems in the Post-Crisis World, IMF publishing, 2013
[2012]: “Pension entitlements of women with children: The Role of Childcare credits in pension systems in OECD and EU countries”, Chapter 12 in Nonfinancial Defined Contribution Pension Schemes in a Changing Pension World, Volume 2: Gender, Politics, and Financial Stability, eds. R. Holzmann, E. Palmer and D. Robalino, The World Bank.
[2010]:« Population ageing and Labour markets » (2010), Oxford review of Economic Policy, volume 26, number 4, winter 2010 , with M. Keese and E. Whitehouse.
[2010]:“Duration dependence and time varying variables in discrete time duration models” (2010), Brazilian Review of Econometrics, vol. 30 (2) with B. Honoré.
Awards and prizes
Anna attends numerous national and international conferences and conferences on inequality, gender, pensions, fertility and education. These include the International Forum of the Americas with a speech on pension systems.
Head of the Department of Experimental Oncology and Molecular Medicine of the Cancer Institute of Milan
Professional career
After graduating in Biological Sciences at the University of Milan in 1976, she continued her education at the oncology laboratory of the Health Science Center of Tucson, in the United States. She then obtained a specialization in Medical and Biomedical Statistics at the University of Milan in 1997. In 1985 she became a professor of the Italian School of Breast Cancer and in 2001 professor for the Master in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Senology of the University of Siena, roles she still holds. She is also head of the Department of Experimental Oncology and Molecular Medicine of the Milan Cancer Institute.
Scientific results
The main interests of Maria Grazia Daidone are the study and characterization of tumor cells with high potential. This also occurs through translational studies in solid human tumors for the identification of biomolecular markers / profiles that lead to a diagnosis, prognosis and response to specific treatments, and through the study of resistance mechanisms to antitumor agents (drugs and / or hormones). Preclinical research on biomarkers and interactions between cancer cells and the immune system is an important support for the treatment and treatment of tumors: specifically, Maria Grazia Daidone is engaged in research on cancer cells of breast, ovarian and cervical cancer. She also coordinates quality control programs for the formulation and proposition of guidelines for the clinical use of biomarkers and for the collection and storage of biological material (BioBanche).
Editorial work and publications
She is the author of several book chapters and also more than 200 scientific publications in national and international journals including:
(2016) Callari M, Guffanti A, Soldà G, Merlino G, Fina E, Brini E, Moles A, Cappelletti V, Daidone MG. In-depth characterization of breast cancer tumor-promoting cell transcriptome by RNA sequencing and microarrays. Oncotarget, 7(1):976-94.
(2016) Callari M, Cappelletti V, D'Aiuto F, Musella V, Lembo A, Petel F, Karn T, Iwamoto T, Provero P, Daidone MG, Gianni L, Bianchini G. Subtype-Specific Metagene-Based Prediction of Outcome after Neoadjuvant and Adjuvant Treatment in Breast Cancer. Clinical Cancer Research, 22(2):337-45.
(2015) Cappelletti V, Appierto V, Tiberio P, Fina E, Callari M, Daidone MG. Circulating Biomarkers for Prediction of Treatment Response. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, (51):60-3.
(2015) D'Aiuto F, Callari M, Dugo M, Merlino G, Musella V, Miodini P, Paolini B, Cappelletti V, Daidone MG. miR-30e is an independent subtype-specific prognostic marker in breast cancer. British Journal of Cancer, 113(2):290-8.
(2015) Musella V, Pietrantonio F, Di Buduo E, Iacovelli R, Martinetti A, Sottotetti E, Bossi I, Maggi C, Di Bartolomeo M, de Braud F, Daidone MG, Cappelletti V. Circulating tumor cells as a longitudinal biomarker in patients with advanced chemorefractory, RAS-BRAF wild-type colorectal cancer receiving cetuximab or panitumumab. International Journal of Cancer, 137(6):1467-74.
(2015) Fina E, Callari M, Reduzzi C, D'Aiuto F, Mariani G, Generali D, Pierotti MA, Daidone MG, Cappelletti V. Gene expression profiling of circulating tumor cells in breast cancer. Clinical Chemistry, 61(1):278-89.
(2014) Callari M, Musella V, Di Buduo E, Sensi M, Miodini P, Dugo M, Orlandi R, Agresti R, Paolini B, Carcangiu ML, Cappelletti V, Daidone MG. Subtype-dependent prognostic relevance of an interferon-induced pathway metagene in node-negative breast cancer. Molecular Oncology, 8(7):1278-89.
(2011) Cordenonsi M, Zanconato F, Azzolin L, Forcato M, Rosato A, Frasson C, Inui M, Montagner M, Parenti AR, Poletti A, Daidone MG, Dupont S, Basso G, Bicciato S, Piccolo S. The Hippo transducer TAZ confers cancer stem cell-related traits on breast cancer cells. Cell, 147(4):759-72.
(2011) Callari M, Cappelletti V, De Cecco L, Musella V, Miodini P, Veneroni S, Gariboldi M, Pierotti MA, Daidone MG. Gene expression analysis reveals a different transcriptomic landscape in female and male breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 127(3):601-10.
(2010) Martello G, Rosato A, Ferrari F, Manfrin A, Cordenonsi M, Dupont S, Enzo E, Guzzardo V, Rondina M, Spruce T, Parenti AR, Daidone MG, Bicciato S, Piccolo S. A MicroRNA targeting dicer for metastasis control. Cell, 141(7):1195-207.
Awards and prizes
In May 2014, Maria Grazia Daidone received the R.O.S.A. (Results obtained without aid) from the Canova Club of Rome.
Senior Researcher at the Vienna Centre for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation (VCDNP) and Consultant for Office V of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
Professional career
After graduating summa cum laude in Political Science at the University of Roma Tre, and winning a full merit scholarship for an exchange programme at the Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia, Federica Dall'Arche obtained her Master's degree in Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies and a Certificate in Conflict Resolution at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey (MIIS), California. In 2014, she won the Michiel Brandt Memorial Prize for best MIIS paper on Human Trafficking and concluded an internship at the Asian-Pacific Center for Security Studies, a US Department of Defense academic institute. She was the recipient of the United Nations Security Council Monitor Fellowship at the Women International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), as well as the Nonproliferation and Nuclear Security Fellowship at Pacific Forum – Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). She also worked at Deloitte UK, and as Graduate Research Assistant at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS), at the William Tell Coleman Library, and at Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), in Rome, and, as a free-lance collaborator for the online magazine Geopolitica.info.
Currently, she is a Senior Researcher at the Vienna Centre for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation (VCDNP) and Consultant for Office V of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.
Scientific results
Federica Dall'Arche's research topics are non-proliferation and disarmament, and gender dimensions in international security.
Editorial work and publications
She is the main editor of the EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium monthly newsletterand the Mediterranean Women Mediators Network Newsletter.
[2017] Dall’Arche F.,Countering Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction: Adherence to WMD-Related Regimes in the Asia Pacific, 29 Agosto, Center for Strategic and International Studies
[2017] Dall’Arche F.,CSCAP Study Group on Nonproliferation and Disarmament in the Asia-Pacific, 25 Maggio, Center for Strategic and International Studies
[2016] Dall’Arche F.,Nuclear Governance in Asia after the Nuclear Security Summit Process, 6 Dicembre, Center for Strategic and International Studies
[2016] Dall’Arche F., Toward A US-China Strategic Partnership on Nonproliferation and Nuclear Security, 12 Settembre, Center for Strategic and International Studies
[2016] Dall’Arche F.,US - China Nonproliferation and Nuclear Security Dialogue, Agosto, Center for Strategic and International Studies
[2016] Dall’Arche F.,Dialogue on Nonproliferation and Nuclear Security Cooperation in Southeast Asia, Agosto, Center for Strategic and International Studies
[2015] Dall’Arche F.,Arms trade, Small Arms and Gender Based Violence, 12 Novembre, Women International League for Peace and Freedom
[2015] Dall’Arche F.,From Space Debris to Space Governance: Space Security Index 2015, 26 Ottobre, First Committee Monitor, Reaching Critical Will
[2015] Dall’Arche F.,Harnessing Tools and Technologies for Nuclear Disarmament, 19 Ottobre, First Committee Monitor, Reaching Critical Will
[2015] Dall’Arche F.,Overview of the Security Council Open Debate on Women and Peace and Security, 14 Ottobre, Women International League for Peace and Freedom
[2015] Dall’Arche F., ISIS and its hostages: an Overview, 11 February, Centro Studi di Geopolitica e Relazioni Internazionali - Geopolitica.info
Awards and prizes
Nuclear Security and Nonproliferation Fellowship 2016 - 2017
United Nation Security Council Monitor Fellow 2015
Michiel Brandt Memorial Prize Fund Apr - 2014
Monterey Institute Merit Scholarship 2013 - 2015
Betty and David Jones Language (Full) Scholarship Jun 2013
Full merit extra-European scholarship - University of Roma Tre 2010 – 2011
Assistant Professor at Leiden University.
Professional career
Silvia D’Amato holds a bachelor degree in International Studies from the University of Florence and a master degree in International and Diplomatic Science from the University of Bologna (Forli Campus). She received her Ph.D. in Political Science at the Scuola Normale Superiore recognised worth of publication and granted cum laude. As postdoctoral research she has been involved within the H202 RESPOND project at the University of Florence. She has been Max Weber research fellow at the European University Institute and Adjunct Professor for James Madison University and the University of Bologna and she is currently Assistant Professor for the Terrorism and Political Violence (TPV) group at Leiden University.
Scientific results
During her Master studies, Silvia D’Amato worked on forms of political violence with specific attention on civil wars in West Africa. During her doctoral studies, she specifically focused on dynamics of terrorism and responses of counterterrorism in Europe from a comparative perspective. Her research interests include international politics and security, terrorism & counterterrorism foreign policy, military interventions.
Editorial work and publications
Latest publications
[2021] D'Amato S. and Sachoulidou A. "European transnationalism between successes and shortcomings: threats, strategies and actors under the microscope", Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 1-8.
[2021] D'Amato S. "Patchwork of counterterrorism: analyzing European types of cooperation in Sahel", International Studies Review, 0: 1-23.
[2020] D'Amato S. & Baldaro E. "Jihadi paranoia: why we (still) need to rethink the debate on terrorism and political violence", Open Democracy.
[2019] D’Amato, S. Cultures of Counterterrorism: French and Italian approaches to terrorism in the post 9/11. Routledge.
[2019] D’Amato, S., Lucarelli S. "Talking Migration: Narratives of Migration and Justice Claims in the European Migration System of Governance", The International Spectator, 54(3): 1-17.
[2019] D’Amato, S., Lavizzari, A. "The Migration Triangle: Narratives, Justice and the Politics of Migration in France", The International Spectator, 54(3): 37-53.
[2019] Baldaro, E.,D’Amato, S. & Giurati, T. "The CorsAfrique: The Corsican milieu in Africa, between business and raison d’Etat", European Review of Organized Crime, 5(1):36-59.
[2019] D’Amato, S., "Islamisation of criminal behaviour: the path to terrorism? Terrorist threat and crime in French counterterrorism policy-formulation". Special Issue ‘Jihadism and Crime in Europe’, European Journal of Criminology.
[2018] Coticchia, F., D’Amato, S. "Can you hear me Major Tom? News, narratives and contemporary military operations: the case of the Italian mission in Afghanistan", European Security, 27(2): 224-244.
[2018] D’Amato, S., "From BR to ISIS. The Italian domestic and international response to terrorism", European Politics and Society, 19(4): 416-434.
[2018] D’Amato, S., Terlizzi, A., Federico, V. Comparative Database on Migration, RESPOND.
[2018] D’Amato, S., Pannia, P. & Federico, V. National Country Report: Italy. Working Paper, RESPOND.
Full list, avai.
Professor of Political Economy at the University of Luxembourg
Professional career
Conchita D'Ambrosio graduated with honors in Political Economy from Bocconi University in 1993. She continued her studies with a Master of Arts in Economics at the University of New York in 1997, a PhD in Public Finance at the University of Pavia in 1009, a Master of Philosophy or then a Phd in Economics at the University of New York in 1999 and 2000. In 2001 she was a researcher in Finance at the Bocconi University. In 2004 she became an associate professor at the University of Milan-Bicocca. In 2012 she received the prestigious PEARL Grant (about 2 MEUR) from the Fonds National de la Recherche Luxemburgese for the analysis of socio-economic inequalities and since 2013 she has been a full professor of Political Economy at the University of Luxembourg.
Scientific results
The research activity of Conchita D’Ambrosio is aimed at examining individual well-being, its measurement and its consequences, with particular attention to individual and social dynamics. On the one hand it proposed indicators of poverty, social exclusion, mobility, polarization, relative deprivation, economic insecurity, on the other it analyzed the association between the proposed indicators and individual behaviors in longitudinal data and cohorts of births in different countries, especially in Europe. Her works underline the importance of inclusion in the measurement of individual well-being of confrontational elements and expectations that depend both on the individual's path being examined and on that of the others that make up the same reference group. Her recent studies are aimed at analyzing the effect of parents' economic insecurities on their children's cognitive and non-cognitive outcomes, both during adolescence, - outcomes such as academic performance, mental health, behavior, the index of body mass, - both in pregnancy on characteristics such as the weight and the circumference of the head of the newborn at birth.
Editorial work and publications
Conchita D’Ambrosio has been editor of the Review of Income and Wealth since 2008 and a member of the editorial board of the International Review of Economics and of the Journal of Economic Inequality. She edited the Handbook of Research on Individual and Social Well-Being, currently being printed with Edward Elgar. She is also the author of numerous scientific articles published in national and international journals, including:
(2018) Bossert W, Can B, D’Ambrosio C. A Head-count Measure of Rank Mobility and Its Directional Decomposition. Economica, 85(340): 793-805.
(2016) Chakravarty SR, Chattopadhyay N, D’Ambrosio C. On a Family of Achievement and Shortfall Inequality Indices. Health Economics, 25:1503-1513.
(2016) Rohde N, D’Ambrosio C, Tang KK, Rao P. Estimating the Mental Health Effects of Social Isolation. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 11:853-869.
(2016) Clark A, D’Ambrosio C, Ghislandi S. Adaptation to Poverty in Long-Run Panel Data. Review of Economics and Statistics, 98:591-600.
(2016) Bossert W, Can B, D’Ambrosio C. Measuring Rank Mobility with Variable Population
Size. Social Choice and Welfare, 46:917-931.
(2015) D’Ambrosio C, Rohde. The Distribution of Economic Insecurity: Italy and the USA over the Great Recession. Review of Income and Wealth, 60:S33-S52.
(2014) Bose A, Chakravarty SR, D’Ambrosio C. Richness Orderings. Journal of Economic Inequality, 12:5-22.
(2013) Bossert W, D’Ambrosio C. Measuring Economic Insecurity. International Economic Review, 54:1017-1030.
(2012) Bossert W A, Chakravarty SR, D’Ambrosio C. Poverty and Time. Journal of Economic Inequality, 10:145-162.
(2012) D’Ambrosio C, Frick J. Individual Well-Being in a Dynamic Perspective. Economica, 79:284-302.
Awards and prizes
Conchita D’Ambrosio is among the twelve WISE WOMEN 2017, Women in Science and Engineering in Luxembourg. She is a member of the Scientific Commission for the Measurement of Wellbeing, ISTAT since 2011, a member of the Eurostat Task Force for the Development of the 2013 EU-SILC ad hoc module on well-being, 2010, member of the board of the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality since 2015. In 2017 she received the “Principessa Sichelgaita” international award, which won the High Patronage of the Chamber of Deputies, the Senate and the Presidency of the Republic - is awarded every year by the Salerno Lions Club Princess Sichelgaita, to women from Salerno who have distinguished themselves for their merits in art, entrepreneurship, entertainment or otherwise.
Director of the Local Organization of Italy NOC (National Olympic Committee).
Professional career
Cecilia D'Angelo began her career at CONI in 1991, first as head of the school sector and then as head of the technical sector. From 1993 to 1997 she was in charge of the didactics, research and teaching sector of CONI's School of Sport, also taking care of the organisation and teaching of courses for physical trainers at the Rebibbia prison. In 1997, she was appointed by MURST (Ministry of Education, Universities, Scientific and Technological Research) as an expert in the Commission for the Transformation of Higher Institutes of Physical Education (ISEF) into Degree Courses and Faculties of Motor Sciences, pursuant to Law no. 127/97. From 1998 to 2001 she was seconded by CONI to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Cabinet of the Minister for Equal Opportunities as a consultant for Sport. From 2001 to 2008 she was seconded by CONI to the Municipality of Rome as an expert consultant for the municipality's sports policies and for relations with CONI and the National Sports Federations, in the position of chief of staff to the Mayor's sports delegate. From 2009 to 2010 she was director at the Lazio Region as head of the Agensport structure, the regional sports agency. From 2010 to 2014 she is general secretary of the Italian Badminton Federation. In 2014 she became Head of the Territory and Promotion area at CONI, a role she still holds today.
Editorial work and publications
(2022) "Città in movimento per riavvicinarsi", in Tiziana Ferrante e Fabrizio Tucci (a cura di) BASES. Benessere ambiente sostenibilità energia salute. Programmare e progettare nella transizione. Milano: Franco Angeli, pp. 137-142.
Awards and prizes
2010 Women's Sport Award.
Researcher and Assistant Professor at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan. Sport. Psyhologist
Professional career
Chiara D'Angelo obtained her PhD in 2010, discussing a thesis entitled 'Exploring and accompanying adult identity at work within organisational contexts. The youth sector coach'. In the same year she began her academic career at the Faculty of Psychology of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, where she currently teaches Psychology of Work and Organisations and Methods and Techniques of Working with Groups and Organisations. Since 2010, she has been teaching coordinator of the Master's Degree Course 'Sport and Psychosocial Intervention' at the same University.
Scientific results
Since 2007, he has been coordinating projects in the field of sport on various topics: training of sport professionals (coaches, sport managers, sport psychologists, former elite athletes), quality of Youth Sector (with a particular focus on the theme of Talent Development and career transitions in youth sport), evaluation and monitoring of national and international development projects that uses sport as tool of social inclusion.
Editorial work and publications
Corvino, C., Martinez-Damia, S., Belluzzi, M., Marzana, D., D’Angelo, C. (2023). “Even Though We Have Different Colors, We Are All Equal Here”: Immigrants building a sense of community and wellbeing through sport participation. Journal of Community Psychology, 1-18, https://doi.org/10.1002/jcop.22897
Signorini, G., Scurati, R., D'Angelo, C., Rigon, M., & Invernizzi, P. L. (2022). Enhancing motivation and psychological wellbeing in the workplace through conscious physical activity: Suggestions from a qualitative study examining workers' experience. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 7330.
Gorli, M.; D’Angelo, C.; Corvino, C. (2022). Innovation, Participation and Tutoring as Key-Leverages to Sustain Well-Being at School. Sustainability, 14, 5622. https:// doi.org/10.3390/su14095622
D’Angelo, C.; Gazzaroli, D.; Corvino, C.; Gozzoli, C. (2022). Changes and Challenges in Human Resources Management: An Analysis of Human Resources Roles in a Bank Context (after COVID-19). Sustainability, 14,4847. https://doi.org/10.3390/ su14084847
Corvino, C., Gazzaroli, D., D’Angelo, C. (2022). Dialogic evaluation and inter-organizational learning: insights from two multi-stakeholder initiatives in sport for development and peace, Learning Organization, DOI 10.1108/TLO-07-2021-0078
Alfieri, S., Marzana, D., D’Angelo, C., Corvino, C. Gozzoli, C. & Marta, E. (2021): Engagement of young immigrants: The impact of prosocial and recreational activities, Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community, DOI: 10.1080/10852352.2021.1935199
D’Angelo, C., Corvino,C., Gozzoli, C. (2021). The Challenges of Promoting Social Inclusion through Sport: The Experience of a Sport- Based Initiative in Italy. Societies, 11,44. https://doi.org/10.3390/ soc11020044
Reverberi E, Gozzoli C, D’Angelo C, Lanz M and Sorgente A (2021) The Self-Regulation of Learning – Self-Report Scale for Sport Practice: Validation of an Italian Version for Football. Front. Psychol. 12:604852. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.604852
Gazzaroli D, D’Angelo C & Corvino C (2020) Home-Care Workers’ Representations of Their Role and Competences: A Diaphanous Profession. Front. Psychol. 11:581399. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.581399
D’Angelo, C., Gazzaroli, D., Gozzoli, C. (2020), Organisational Welfare in Italian SMEs: The Process of Valorising Human Resources. Sustainability, 12, 9318; doi:10.3390/su12229318
Reverberi E, D’Angelo C, Littlewood MA and Gozzoli C. (2020), Youth Football Players’ Psychological Well-Being: The Key Role of Relationships. Front. Psychol. 11:567776. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.567776
D’Angelo C., Corvino C., Cianci, E., Gozzoli, C. (2020), Sport for Vulnerable Youth: The Role of Multi-Professional Groups in Sustaining Intersectoral Collaboration, Social Inclusion, 8(3), p. 129–138, DOI: 10.17645/si.v8i3.2745
D’Angelo, C., Corvino, C., De Leo, A., & Sanchez Martín, R. (2019). How can performing arts and urban sport enhance social inclusion and interculturalism in the public space?, Comunicazioni sociali, (1), 142-155.
Thomas, W. E., Brown, R., Easterbrook, M. J., Vignoles, V. L., Manzi, C., D'Angelo, C., & Holt, J. J. (2019). Team‐level identification predicts perceived and actual team performance: Longitudinal multilevel analyses with sports teams. British Journal of Social Psychology, 58(2), 473-492.
D'Angelo, C., Gozzoli, C., Gazzaroli ,D. & Mezzanotte, D. (2018): New custodial cultures. Experiences and consequences on prison police's well-being, World Futures, 74(6), 360-378. DOI: 10.1080/02604027.2018.1445908
Gozzoli, C., D’Angelo, C., & Tamanza, G. (2018). Training And Resistance to Change: Work with a Group of Prison Guards. World Futures, 74(6), 426-449. DOI: 10.1080/02604027.2018.1485420
Thomas, W.E, Brown, R., Gozzoli, C., Easterbrook, M.J., Vignoles, V.L., Manzi, C., D’Angelo, C. & Holt, J.J. (2018). Team-level identification predicts perceived and actual team performance: Longitudinal multilevel analyses with sports teams. British Journal of Social Psychology,
Gazzaroli, D., D’Angelo, C. (2018). Who Cares for Those Who Take Care? Risks and Resources of Work in Care Homes. Front. Psychol.9:314. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00314.