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Results: 465

Silvia Penati

STEM area: Physics

Competences: Elementary Particle Physics, Fundamental Interactions, General Relativity, Quantum Gravity, Quantum Mechanics, Theoretical Physics

Keywords: Black Holes, Gauge Theories, Gravity, Quantum Field Theory, String Theory, Supersymmetry

Region: Lombardy


Full Professor in Theoretical Physics at the University of Milano Bicocca.

Professional career

In 1984 Silvia Penati gets the master’s in physics at the University of Milano. In 1985 she wins a scholarship to enter a PhD program at the physics Department of University of Milano, where she obtains the PhD title in Physics in 1989. In 1988 she wins a postdoctoral fellowship at Brandeis University, Massachusetts, US, where she carries out her research until 1990. She comes back to Milano University with a second postdoctoral fellowship, where she wins a competition for a permanent researcher position starting in 1992. In 2000 she moves to the new-born University of Milano-Bicocca where she becomes associate professor in 2003 and full professor in 2017. In 2013 she wins, as Principal Investigator, a European COST project “The String Theory Universe”, that involves about 500 researchers from 25 European countries, a scientific networking project in theoretical physics with a special focus on the problem of the low percentage of women in this community. From 2012 to 2018 she is President of the Teaching Council of the Physics Department, University of Milano-Bicocca. Since 2020 she chairs a university working group on gender issue in academia, and the European network GenHET, based at CERN-Geneve, active in the promotion of female excellence in theoretical physics. She participates as invited speaker in many international congresses. She organizes several international conferences; she constantly acts as peer revisor for the main international journals of theoretical physics and for EU and Australian Research Council projects.

Since 1992 she has been teaching Quantum Mechanics, General Relativity, Quantum Field Theory and Mathematical Methods for Physics at bachelor’s and master’s in Physics. She periodically delivers supersimmetry courses at international PhD schools. Along her career she has supervised about one hundred bachelor and master students, and about fifteen PhD students. 

Since 1985 she has been carrying out periodical outreach activities in secondary schools and for the general public.

Scientific results

Silvia Penati started her career in research working on various aspects of string theory, a theory that was originally proposed as an attempt to unify the four fundamental forces, gravity included, but that subsequently developed into a powerful mathematical framework, inspiring new ideas not only in the context of theoretical particle physics, but more generally in the study of strongly correlated systems. In this context, her main contributions regarded the study of the interacting dynamics of particles with arbitrary spin, string sigma models coupled to gravity, and the study of integrable systems in two dimensions that may have interesting applications to the description of bidimensional phenomena like the Kondo effect, dissipative systems, quantum impurities and the quantum Hall effect. In subsequent years, Silvia Penati studied supersymmetric quantum field theories and supergravity, inspired by string theory and relevant for the most recent developments in the holographic description of gravity. In this context the most recent and relevant results concern supersymmetric gauge theories in three dimensions and the development of non-trivial theoretical tests of the AdS/CFT correspondence - an explicit realization of the holographic principle for the description of quantum gravity and black holes - and the description of physical systems with defects and impurities.  

Editorial work and publications

Silvia Penati has co-authored more than 100 publications in high impact international journals with peer review. 

See below a selection:

[1988] Howe P S, Penati S, Pernici M, Townsend P K, Wave Equations for arbitrary spin from Quantization of the Extended Supersymmetric Spinning ParticlePhysics Letters B215 (1988): 555-558.

[1995] Penati S, Zanon D, Quantum Integrability in two-dimensional systems with boundary, Physics Letters B358 (1995): 63-72.

[2000] Mussardo G, Penati S, A quantum Field Theory with Infinite Resonance States, Nuclear Physics B567: 454-492.

[2000] Gates S J, Grisaru M T, Penati S, Holomorphy, minimal homotopy and 4D, N=1 Bardeen-Gross- Jackiw anomaly, Physics Letters B481 (2000): 397-407. 

[2002] Arutyunov G, Penati S, Petkou A C, Santambrogio A, Sokatchev E, Nonprotected operators in N=4 SYM and multiparticle states of AdS(5) SUGRA, Nuclear Physics B643 (2002): 49-78.

[2003] Klemm D, Penati S, Tamassia L, Non(anti)commutative superspace, Classical Quantum Gravity 20 (2003): 2905-2916.

[2003] Grisaru M T, Penati S, Romagnoni A, Two loop renormalization for nonanticommutative N=1/2 supersymmetric Z model, JHEP 08 (2003):003.

[2005] Mauri A, Penati S, Santambrogio A, Zanon D, Exact results in planar N=1superconformal Yang-Mills theory, JHEP 11 (2005): 024.

[2010] Bianchi M S, Penati S, Siani M, Infrared stability of N=2 Chern-Simons matter theoriesJHEP 05 (2010): 106.

[2011] Bianchi M S, Leoni M, Mauri A, Penati S, Santambrogio A, Scattering Amplitudes/Wilson Loop duality in ABJM theory, JHEP 01 (2011): 073.

[2017] Bianchi M S, Griguolo L, Mauri A, Penati S, Preti M, Seminara D, Towards the exact Bremsstrahlung function of ABJM theory, JHEP 08 (2017): 022.

[2021] Penati S, Superconformal Line Defects in 3D, Universe 7 (2021) 9: 348.

The complete list of papers can be found at

Silvia Peppoloni

STEM area: Natural and environmental sciences

Competences: Earth Science, Geoethics, Natural Hazard and Risks

Keywords: Earth system, ethic of geosciences, geological education, geology, natural disasters, scientific communication and dissemination

Region: Lazio


Researcher at the INGV (Italian Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology) and General secretary of the International Association for Promoting Geoethics

Professional career

After getting the degree in Geological Sciences and the PhD in Earth Sciences at the University of Rome La Sapienza, in 1999 she begins her scientific activity in the field of geological hazards and natural risks, collaborating with the National Group from Defence from Earthquakes (National Research Council), the University of Roma Tre, the University of Genoa and the Polytechnic of Milan. From 2008 to 2011 she is Professor of Geology, Applied Geology and Geotechnics at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Rome La Sapienza and at the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Viterbo Tuscia. Since 2012 she teaches in the PhD Course on Landscape and Environment at the University of Rome La Sapienza, and in 2016 at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland) in the online course "Disaster Risk Reduction" on the theme of resilience and geoethics. In 2012 she founds the International Association for Promoting Geoethics, a scientific network, with more than 2000 members in 124 countries, which aims to analyse and enhance the ethical, social and cultural aspects of Earth Sciences. She has been recently elected Councillor of the IUGS (International Union of Geological Sciences) for the four-year period 2018-2022. She is a member of the Executive Board of the Italian Geological Society since 2013, member of the Executive Committee of IAEG Italy (International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment) since 2015 and coordinator of the "Geological and Geological Culture" section of the Italian Geological Society since 2012. From 2017 is a member of the Ethical Advisory Board of ICOS ERIC (Integrated Carbon Observation System), a pan-European research infrastructure dedicated to scientific data on the carbon cycle and greenhouse gases. From 2014 to 2016 she was Senior Editor of the Oxford University Press for the series "Natural Hazard Science". Since 2017 she is a member of the Editorial Board of the journal "Scienze e Ricerche".

Scientific results

Since 1999 she participates in national and international research projects on geological hazards, natural risks and seismic microzonation, with particular reference to historical centers and monumental sites. In 2007 she begins to deal with the communication and dissemination of geosciences, an activity that led her to publish two books with the publisher "Il Mulino" (Bologna). Since 2012 she has been constantly dedicated to the development of geoethics, namely the study of the ethical, social, philosophical and cultural implications of the research and practice of geosciences, of which she is among the world's leading experts. The activity on geoethics commits her in organizing scientific sessions in the major international conferences of geosciences, in publishing monographic volumes with international scientific publishers, in participating  as invited speaker to numerous scientific events. Currently within the European project ENVRI-Plus she is the leader of a work-package dedicated to the development of an ethical framework for European research infrastructures in the environmental and solid Earth sectors. She collaborates with newspapers and magazines (including Corriere della Sera) with articles on the topics of geological hazard, risk prevention, and scientific dissemination.

Editorial work and publications

Silvia Peppoloni is author of two due popular books: (with Doglioni), Pianeta Terra: una storia non finita(Il Mulino, 2016) e Convivere con i rischi naturali(Il Mulino, 2014).

She has authored numerous scientific publications. Among the latest:

[2018] Arattano M., Peppoloni S., Gatti A. The ethical duty to divulge geosciences and the improvement of communication skills to fulfill it. Episodes, 41(2): 97-103. 

[2017] Peppoloni S., Di Capua G., Bobrowsky P., Cronin V. (eds). Geoethics at the heart of all geoscience. Annals of Geophysics, 60, Fast track 7.

[2017] Bobrowsky P., Cronin V., Di Capua G., Kieffer S., Peppoloni S. "The emerging field of geoethics". In Scientific Integrity and Ethics: With Applications to the Geosciences, edited by L. Gundersen, Special Publication American Geophysical Union. New York, John Wiley.

[2016] Peppoloni S., Di Capua G. "Geoethics: Ethical, social, and cultural values in geosciences research, practice, and education". In Geoscience for the Public Good and Global Development: Toward a Sustainable Future, edited by Wessel G., Greenberg J., Geological Society of America, Special Paper, 520:17-21.

[2016] Di Capua G, Peppoloni S, Amanti M, Cipolloni C and Conte G. "Site classification map of Italy based on surface geology". In Developments in Engineering Geology, edited by Eggers M.J., Griffiths J.S., Parry S., Culshaw M.G. Geological Society, London. Engineering Geology Special Publication, 27: 147–158.

[2015] Peppoloni S., Di Capua G (eds.). Geoethics: the Role and Responsibility of Geoscientists. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 419.

[2015] Peppoloni S, Bobrowsky P, Di Capua G. "Geoethics: A Challenge for Research Integrity in Geosciences".  In Integrity in the Global Research Arena, edited by Steneck N, Anderson M, Kleinert S, Mayer T., World Scientific, pp. 287-294

[2014] Wyss M., Peppoloni S. (eds.). Geoethics, Ethical Challenges and Case Studies, in Earth Sciences, Elsevier.

[2014] Matteucci R., Gosso G., Peppoloni S., Piacente S., Wasowski J. The “Geoethical Promise”: A Proposal. Episodes, 37, 3:190-191.

[2014] Peppoloni S., Di Capua G. "Geoethical aspects in the natural hazards management". In Engineering Geology for Society and Territory, Vol. 17, edited by Lollino G, Arattano M, Giardino M, Oliveira R, Peppoloni S. Education, Professional Ethics and Public Recognition of Engineering Geology. Springer.

Awards and prizes

In 2017 she receives the Special Jury Prize at the XX Edition of the "Parco Majella" Literary Prize for the book, written in collaboration with C. Doglioni, "Planet Earth: an unfinished story", book that in 2016 also won the third place at the National Award for Scientific Dissemination, in the category Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences. For the same award, she was a finalist in the 2014 edition, with the book "Living with natural risks".


Daniela Perani

STEM area: Clinical sciences and nutrition science

Competences: Clinical Neuroscience, Neurology, Nuclear Medicine, Radiology

Keywords: brain, dementia, diagnostic imaging, neuroscience

Region: Lombardy


Full Professor of Neuroscience at the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan and Head of Unit "In vivo Human Molecular and Structural Neuroimaging", Division of Neuroscience, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan

Professional career

After graduating in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Milan, she continued her training by specialising in Neurology, followed by another in Radiology, also at the University of Milan. In 1987-1988 she left Italy for London where she was a researcher at the Royal Post-Graduate Medical School, Hammersmith Hospital, University of London. In 1989, on her return to Italy, she became a researcher at the Istituto Tecnologie Biomediche Avanzate del C.N.R. in Milan; from 1991 to 2000 she was research director at the Istituto di Neuroscienze e Bioimmagini del C.N.R. in Milan. Since 2001 she has been full professor of Neuroscience at the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele in Milan, Head of the "In vivo Human Molecular and Structural Neuroimaging" Unit of the Division of Neuroscience of the San Raffaele Scientific Institute and coordinator of the Neuroimaging Diagnostic Activity Area, Nuclear Medicine, of the San Raffaele Hospital. Since 2021 she is also Director of the School of Specialization in Neuropsychology, Faculty of Psychology.

Scientific results

Daniela Perani and her group are developing numerous research projects in the field of structural (MRI) and molecular (PET) neuroimaging, techniques applied to the study of neurodegenerative diseases. Daniela Perani's studies are also carried out in the field of functional neuroimaging (fMRI) for the study of normal cognitive functions and their modifications associated with neurological diseases. In fact, the use of functional neuroimaging techniques (such as SPECT, PET, fMRI) enables diagnostic investigations in numerous cognitive neurosciences such as neuropsychology, neurophysiology (sensorimotor systems) and neurology (study of dementia, cerebrovascular diseases, extrapyramidal diseases such as Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis and prion diseases, caused by the accumulation in the brain of an abnormal protein, the prion). These techniques provide the possibility of investigating in vivo, in normal subjects or patients, functional brain activity during the performance of sensorimotor or cognitive tasks. PET and fMRI techniques have demonstrated the interaction between blood flow and brain function. These high spatial resolution methods allow a precise anatomical localisation of regional brain activation, which in turn represents the functional correlate of in vivo mental activity.

Editorial work and publications

She is author of more that 250 full papers, books and chapters, including:

(2013) Klunk WE, Perani D. Amyloid and neurodegeneration: Converging and diverging paths. Neurology, 81(20):1728-1729. 

(2013) Garibotto V, Tettamanti M, Marcone A, Florea I, Panzacchi A, Moresco R, Virta JR, Rinne J, Cappa SF, Perani D. Cholinergic activity correlates with reserve proxies in Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology of Aging, 34(11):2694.e13-8. 

(2013) Iannaccone S, Cerami C, Alessio M, Garibotto V, Panzacchi A, Olivieri S, Gelsomino G, Moresco RM, Perani D. In vivo microglia activation in very early dementia with Lewy bodies, comparison with Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, 19(1): 47-52. 

(2013) Consonni MCafiero RMarin DTettamanti M, Iadanza A, Fabbro FPerani DNeural convergence for language comprehension and grammatical class production in highly proficient bilinguals is independent of age of acquisition. Cortex, 49(5):1252-1258. 

(2013) Nordberg A, Carter SF, Rinne J, Drzezga A, Brooks DJ, Vandenberghe R, Perani D, Forsberg A, Långström B, Scheinin N, Karrasch M, Någren K, Grimmer T, Miederer I, Edison P, Okello A, Van Laere K, Nelissen N, Vandenbulcke M, Garibotto V, Almkvist O, Kalbe E, Hinz R, Herholz K. A European multicentre PET study of fibrillar amyloid in alzheimer's disease. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 40(1):104-114. 

(2012) Tettamanti M, Rognoni E, Cafiero R, Costa T, Galati D, Perani D. Distinct pathways of neural coupling for different basic emotions. Neuroimage, 59(2):1804-1817. 

(2012) Babiloni C, Buffo P, Vecchio F, Marzano N, Del Percio C, Spada D, Rossi S, Bruni I, Rossini PM, Perani D. Brains "in concert": Frontal oscillatory alpha rhythms and empathy in professional musicians. Neuroimage, 60(1):105-116.  

(2012) Marcone AGaribotto VMoresco RM, Florea I, Panzacchi ACarpinelli AVirta JRTettamanti MBorroni BPadovani ABertoldo AHerholz KRinne JOCappa SFPerani D[11]-MP4A PET cholinergic measurements in amnestic mild cognitive impairment, probable alzheimer's disease, and dementia with lewy bodies: A bayesian method and voxel-based analysis. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 31(2):4387-399.

(2012) Canessa N, Alemanno F, Riva F, Zani A, Proverbio AM, Mannara N, Perani D, Cappa SF. The neural bases of social intention understanding: The role of interaction goals. PLoS ONE, 7(7). 

(2012) Lalli SPiacentini S, Franzini A, Panzacchi ACerami CMessina GFerré FPerani DAlbanese AEpidural premotor cortical stimulation in primary focal dystonia: Clinical and 18F-fluoro deoxyglucose positron emission tomography open study. Movement Disorders Journal, 27(4):533-428.


Awards and prizes

Daniela Perani is the Italian Neuroimaging Coordinator of the National Alzheimer NETWORKS Finalised Project 2014-2017. She is also a member of the Italian Society of Neuropsychology, the International Society of Neuroscience (ISFNSCI) and a member of the International Neuropsychological Symposium, since 2000.

Simona Perissinotto

STEM area: Engineering

Competences: Advanced Manufacturing, Business Administration, Business Strategy, Corporate Governance, Digital Transformation, Environmental Engineering, Health & Safety, Product Management, Project Management, Risk Management, Sales and Marketing, Sustainability

Keywords: innovation, management, marketing, strategy, technology

Region: ABROAD


Vice President Strategic Marketing Wabtec Transit.

Board Member European Institute for Digital Innovation & Technology.

Board Member HumanTech Project Politecnico di Milano.

Professional career

After graduating with a degree in Environmental and Land Planning Engineering from the Politecnico di Milano in 2002, she launched her career at URS (now AECOM), a leading American consulting and engineering firm with a global presence. She then joined PRYSMIAN, where she took on increasing responsibilities and developed expertise in large-scale infrastructure construction projects for energy transmission across Europe, Africa, the Middle East, China, Japan, and the United States. Her executive career in transportation and mobility technology continued with roles at BOMBARDIER TRANSPORTATION in Germany, ALSTOM in France, and currently at WABTEC in France.

Scientific results

She owns a qualification as Professional Engineer, and she holds various certifications in Auditing, Environmental Management, Energy, Health, Workplace Safety, Project Management. She obtained an Executive Master in Business Administration EMBA at the Politecnico di Milano. She participated to the Silicon Valley Doing Business experience with Polytecnic of Milan where she could work with Start ups, Venture Capitals, Incubators and Stanford university.

Awards and prizes

She was selected by Valore D, Egon Zehnder and Borsa Italiana for the “InTheBoardroom” course that she followed and completed with 80 other executives (Class XI) in 2022. She won the Best Project Work award in 2023 with the Urban Freight Orchestration project conducted in collaboration with Polytechnic of Milan and Alstom.

Caterina Pesce


Competences: Movement Sciences, Sport Sciences

Keywords: physical activity, sport, Sport and Cognitive Development, Sport and Education

Region: ABROAD


Professor affiliated with the University of Rome "Foro Italico", on leave for dissemination activities of good practices in promoting holistic development of children through quality motor activities (Joy of Moving, within the framework of Ferrero Corporate Social Responsibility) and for teaching physical education at a European school in Berlin.

Professional career

Caterina Pesce holds a degree in Physical Education (Higher Institute of Physical Education in Rome) and in Movement and Sport Sciences (University Institute of Movement Sciences in Rome), a master's degree in Psychology (University 'La Sapienza' in Rome) and a PhD in Philosophy (Free University of Berlin). She began her career as a lecturer and research assistant at the Higher Institute of Physical Education in Rome. In 2003, she became a researcher in Movement and Sport Methods and Techniques at the Foro Italico University in Rome, where she became an associate professor in 2007. In 2019, she moved to Germany, where she currently resides, on leave for activities to disseminate good practices for promoting the holistic development of children through quality motor activities (Joy of Moving, as part of Ferrero's Corporate Social Responsibility) and for teaching physical education at a European school in Berlin. During her academic career, she was a member of the PhD program in Sport, Physical Activity and Ergonomics Sciences and a member of the Department of Movement, Human and Health Sciences at the Foro Italico University in Rome and a founding member of the Italian Society of Movement and Sport Sciences.

Scientific results

Caterina Pesce contributed to research across the lifespan and in skilled athletes in the areas of sport and exercise psychology and physical education, with focus on exercise and cognition, rise and fall of motor coordination and enhanced physical education.


Editorial work and publications

Caterina Pesce is Associate Editor for the journal Mental Health and Physical Activity, and editorial board member for Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. In addition, she is author, co-author or editor of books and book chapters, and of international and national scientific articles, with Impact Factor 34 and about 4,000 citations.

Below is a selection of her most relevant publications.


Tomporowski P, McCullick B, Pesce C. (2015). Enhancing children’s cognition with physical activity games. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. ISBN: 978-1-4504-4142-1. 

Pesce C, Marchetti R, Motta A, Bellucci M. (eds.) (2015). Joy of Moving – MoviMenti & ImmaginAzione. Giocare con la variabilità per promuovere lo sviluppo motorio, cognitive e del Cittadino. Torgiano (PG): Calzetti-Mariucci. ISBN: 978-88-6028-431-40 (Translated and published in various languages).

Chapters in books

Pesce C, Voelcker-Rehage C. (2020). “The unique contribution of physical activity to successful cognitive aging”. In Tenenbaum G., Eklund R. (eds.), Handbook of Sport Psychology (4th edition). West Sussex, UK: Wiley. 

Pesce C , Faigenbaum A.D. Goudas M, Tomporowski P.D. (2018). “Coupling our plough of thoughtful moving to the star of children’s right to play: from neuroscience to multisectoral promotion.” In: Baile R, Meeusen R, Kubesch R, Tomporowski P. (eds.), Physical Activity and Educational Achievement: Insights from exercise neuroscience, pp. 247-274. Routledge. 

Journal papers

Mavilidi MF, Pesce C, Benzing V, Schmidt M. Okely A, Paas F, Vazou S. (2022). Meta-analysis of Movement-based Interventions to Aid Academic and Behavioral Outcomes: A Taxonomy of Relevance and Integration. EducationalResearch Review.

Hulteen RM, Terlizzi B, Abrams TC, Sacko RS, De Meester A, Pesce C, Stodden DF. (2022). Reinvest to Assess: Advancing Approaches to Motor Competence Measurement Across the Lifespan. Sports Medicine. doi: 10.1007/s40279-022-01750-8.

Tocci N, Scibinetti P, Mazzoli E, Mavilidi M, Masci I, Schmidt M, Pesce C. (2022). Giving ideas some legs or legs some ideas? Children’s motor creativity is enhanced by physical activity enrichment: direct and mediated paths. Frontiers in Psychology13:806065. IF = 3.0; Q2.

Stodden D, Lakes .D, Côté J, Aadland E, Benzing V, Brian A, Draper CE, Ekkekakis P, Fumagalli G, Laukkanen A, Mavilidi MF, Mazzoli E, Neville RD, Niemistö D, Rudd J, Sääkslahti A, Schmidt M, Tomporowski PD, Tortella P, Vazou S, Pesce C. (2021). Exploration: An Overarching Focus for Holistic Development. Brazilian Journal of Motor Behavior, 15(5), 301-320.

Condello G, Mazzoli E, De Fano A, Masci I, Marchetti R, Pesce C. (2021). Fostering holistic development with a designed multisport intervention in physical education: a class-randomized cross-over trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 9871.

Pesce C, Vazou S, Benzing V, Alvarez-Bueno C, Anzeneder S, Mavilidi M, Leone L, Schmidt M. (2021). Effects of chronic physical activity on cognition across the lifespan: a systematic meta-review of randomized controlled trials and realist synthesis of contextualized mechanisms. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology [online first].  

Rudd JR, Pesce C, Strafford BW, Davids K. (2020). Physical Literacy - A Journey of Individual Enrichment: An Ecological Dynamics Rationale for Enhancing Performance and Physical Activity in All. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1904.

Tomporowski P, Pesce C. (2019). Exercise, sports, and performance arts benefit cognition via a common process. Psychological Bulletin. 145, 929-951.

Awards and prizes

The Book Joy of MovingMoviMenti & ImmaginAzione. Giocare con la variabilità per promuovere lo sviluppo motorio, cognitivo e del Cittadino was awarded by CONI (the Italian Olympic Committee ) in 2016.

Chiara Petrioli

STEM area: Computer science

Competences: Computer Science, Network Protocols

Keywords: bluetooth, computer, data, internet, mobile computing, mobile radios, mobile telecommunication, networking, networks, sensor networks, wireless networks

Region: Lazio


Full Professor in Computer Science at La Sapienza University of Rome

Professional career

After graduating in Computer Science at the University of Rome La Sapienza in 1993, she continued her education with a PhD in Computer Engineering at the same university. During her PhD she won a prestigious Fulbright scholarship, thanks to which she was a Visiting Research Associate at the Advanced Communications Technologies laboratory of Boston University in 1996, and the following year at the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science of the University of Texas at Dallas. In 1998, she collaborated with the Department of Electronics and Information of the Politecnico di Milano. The following year she became a research fellow at the Politecnico di Milano. Since the following year she has been a research fellow at the Politecnico di Milano and also carries out teaching activities. Since 2001 she has been a tenured researcher in Computer Science at the University of Rome La Sapienza, where she became an associate professor in 2006 and a full professor in 2021. Since January 2021 she has been Pro-Rector with responsibility for the development of entrepreneurial culture for the enhancement of the third mission.

Scientific results

Chiara Petrioli's research activity concerns the development of solutions for next-generation wireless systems, sensor networks and the "Internet of things". In particular, Chiara Petrioli coordinated the European GENESI project which developed innovative static and dynamic structural monitoring systems for buildings, bridges and tunnels, tested in the construction phase of the B1 metro in Rome and the construction of the Pont de la Poya in Switzerland. The technologies developed in GENESI allow to provide real-time data for long periods of time thanks to a new communication paradigm, based on wake up radio, which allows the devices to consume energy only when they have to perform operations or communicate, and thanks the ability to power devices through energy harvesting, i.e. to collect energy from the environment through micro-wind turbines and solar cells. In a collaboration with the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, Chiara Petrioli's team has therefore developed micro-climatic monitoring systems, shocks and vibrations whose data are helping to define "good practices and guidelines" to increase the safety of works of art in the transport phase. These systems have been used within the Safe-Art project to monitor over forty transports of important works of art (such as the Pietà Rondinini, the Narciso by Caravaggio, the Marcello of the Louvre, the Livia Orante of the Vatican Museums, the Crater of Eufronio of the Museum of Villa Giulia). Chiara Petrioli also proposed solutions to extend the “Internet of things” to marine environments. Thanks to the technologies developed by its group and by twenty international partners in the SUNRISE project, submarine sensor nodes and autonomous submarine vehicles interconnected in a network have been developed and they are able to cooperate and perform complex tasks. These technologies are laying the foundations for creating an intelligent monitoring system for the marine environment, making it possible to sustainably exploit its resources and allowing policies based on safeguarding the environment to be based on quantitative data. The SUNRISE system can be employed in various application contexts: from environmental monitoring, to the conservation and enhancement of submerged archaeological sites, to the protection of critical infrastructures and maritime borders, to the monitoring of aquaculture farms. In December 2016 it was included in NT100, i.e. the list of Nominet Trusts on the best 100 "global social tech changing our lives".

Editorial work and publications

Chiara Petrioli is, or was, a member of the editorial board of numerous scientific journals. She has signed numerous publications, including:

(2016) Ateniese G, Bianchi G, Capossele A, Petrioli C, Spenza D. Low-cost Standard Signatures for Energy-Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems.

(2015) Petrioli C, Petroccia R, Potter JR, Spaccini D. The SUNSET framework for simulation, emulation and at-sea testing of underwater wireless sensor networks. Ad Hoc Networks, 34:224-238.

(2015) Basagni S, Petrioli C, Petroccia R, Spaccini D. CARP: A Channel-aware Routing Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Wireless Networks. Ad Hoc Networks, 34:92-104.

(2015) Spenza D, Magno M, Basagni S, Benini L, Paoli M, Petrioli C. Beyond Duty Cycling: Wake-up Radio with Selective Awakenings for Long-lived Wireless Sensing Systems. IEEE INFOCOM, Hong Kong, 522-530.

(2014) Petrioli P, Spenza D, Tommasino P, Trifiletti A. A Novel Wake-Up Receiver with Addressing Capability for Wireless Sensor Nodes. Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems Conference 2014:18-25.

(2014) La Porta T, Petrioli C, Phillips C, Spenza D. Sensor-mission assignment in rechargeable wireless sensor networks. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN), 10(4).

(2014) Basagni S, Boloni L, Gjanci P, Petrioli C, et al. Maximizing the Value of Sensed Information in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks via an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle. Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM. Toronto, Canada.

(2014) Petrioli C, Nati M, Casari P, Zorzi M, Basagni S. ALBA-R: Load-Balancing Geographic Routing Around Connectivity Holes in Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 25(3):529-539.

(2011) La Porta TF, Maselli G, Petrioli G. Anticollision Protocols for Single-Reader RFID Systems: Temporal Analysis and Optimization. IEEE Transaction on Mobile Computing, 10(2):267-279.

(2003) Petrioli C, Basagni S Chlamtac I, Configuring BlueStars: Multihop scatternet formation for Bluetooth networks. IEEE Transactions on Computers, Special Issue on Wireless Internet, 52:779-790.


Awards and prizes

Chiara Petrioli won a Fulbright grant in 1996. The work of her research group won the "Best poster" award at IEEE INFOCOM 2013, the "Best demo" award at ACM WINTECH 2013 and the "Best demo" award at ACM WUWNET 2014. GENESI and SUNRISE research projects coordinated by Chiara Petrioli were highlighted as successful cases on the Digital Agenda of Europe website and on the website of the Vice-President of the European Commission. The SUNRISE project was chosen as the testimonial of the campaign of the Italian representation of the European commission EuFactor.

Barbara Petrongolo

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Labour Economics

Keywords: family, gender, public policies, work

Region: ABROAD


Full Professor of Economics at the Oxford University.

Professional career

After graduating in Economics and Commerce at the S. Anna High School of the University of Pisa in 1993, she obtained a PhD in Economics from the London School of Economics in 1998. From 1997 to 2001 she was assistant professor at the Carlos III University of Madrid, before returning to LSE in 2001 as a lecturer in Economics. 

From 2010 to 2020 she is a full Professor of Economics at Queen Mary University of London, and from September 2020 at Oxford University.

She is a research associate of the Centre for Economic Performance at the London School of Economics and since 2015 she has directed the CEPR Labor Economics program (Center for Economic Policy Research). 

She has been a visiting scholar at various universities including University of California Berkeley, Paris School of Economics, Toulouse School of Economics, University College London.

Scientific results

Barbara Petrongolo's research activity takes place in the field of labor economics. She has dealt with labor markets with frictions, with applications to labor mobility, the dynamics of the unemployment rate, and the effects of social assistance and territorial development policies. She also works on issues related to gender inequalities in the labor market, studying the factors that have allowed the reduction of these inequalities and the causes of the remaining disparities, with emphasis on the role of the industrial structure, of interactions within family units and social norms.

Editorial work and publications

Barbara Petrongolo is joint managing editor of the Economic Journal and author of numerous publications, including:

(2017) Manning A, Petrongolo B. How local are labor markets? Evidence from a spatial job search model.American Economic Review,107: 2877-2907.

(2017) Ngai R, Petrongolo B. Gender gaps and the rise of the service economy.American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics,9: 1-44.

(2016) Olivetti C, Petrongolo B. The economic consequences of family policies. Drawing lessons from a century of legislation across OECD countries.Journal of Economic Perspectives,31: 205-230.


(2016) Olivetti C, Petrongolo B.The evolution of the gender gap in industrialized countries. Annual Review of Economics,8: 405-434.

(2014) Olivetti C, Petrongolo B.Gender gaps across countries and skills: Demand, supply and the industry structure.Review of Economic Dynamics,17: 842-859.


(2014) Goux D, Maurine E, Petrongolo B.Worktime regulations and spousal labor supply.American Economic Review, 104: 252-276.

(2011) Eckstein Z, Petrongolo B, Ge S. Job and wage mobility con minimum wages and imperfect compliance.Journal of Applied Econometrics, 26: 580-612.

(2009) Olivetti C, Petrongolo B.The long-term effects of job search requirements: Evidence from the UK JSA reform. Journal of Public Economics, 93: 1234-1253.

(2008) Olivetti C, Petrongolo B. Unequal pay or unequal employment? A cross-country analysis of gender gaps.Journal of Labor Economics, 26: 621-654.

(2008) Pissarides C, Petrongolo B The ins and outs of European unemployment. American Economic Review, P&P,98: 256-262

(2008) Coles M, Petrongolo B. A test between stock-flow matching and the random matching function approach.International Economic Review, 49: 1113-1141.

(2005) Petrongolo B. Pissarides C. Scale effects in markets con search.Economic Journal, 116: 21-44.



Simona Piattoni

International politics area

Competences: Comparative Political Institutions, European Union Politics, Governance, Multilevel Governance, Political Economy, Political Theory, Regional Development

Keywords: clientelism, democracy, Europe, industrialized countries

Region: Trentino-Alto Adige


Professor of Political Science at the University of Trento.

Professional career

She obtained her BA/MA (five-year study program) in Economic and Social Disciplines at Bocconi University in 1985. After spending two years as company consultant for an industrial group and researcher the Department of Industrial Economics at Bocconi University, she was admitted in the PhD program in Political Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA (USA) that she completed in 1996. She became Amanuensis (Assistant professor), then Førsteamanuensis (Associate Professor) in Comparative Politics at the Department of Politikkvitenskap (Political Science) of the University of Tromsø (Norway) (1994-99). Thereafter she spent two years as Jean Monnet Fellow at the European University Institute (EUI) of Fiesole (Italy) (1999-2000) and was hired as Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Trento in 2001. From 2010 to 2011 (two academic years) she was Professorin zu Europäische Politik (European Politics) at the Department of Political Science of the University of Innsbruck (Austria), but she was called back as Full Professor of Political science at the University of Trento in 2011, where she currently holds that position. She keeps strong links with the Norwegian academia, having been Adjunct Professor of Governance at the University of Agder (Kristiansand) (2014-18) and since 2019 Adjunct Researcher with the ARENA Centre for European Studies of the University of Oslo. She served as Chair of the Conference Group on Italian Politics and Society (CONGRIPS), a section of the American Political Science Association (APSA) (2007-09), and as a member then Chair of the Executive Committee of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) (2009-15), the first woman to hold this role, as well as President of the Italian Political Science Society (SISP) (2015-18). She was a member of the Executive Committee of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) (2018-21).

She coordinated BA and MA courses in International Studies at the University of Trento; was a member of the national Research Quality Assessment committee for Political science (2014-18) and member of the national Habilitation committee for Political Science of the Italian Ministry for University and Research (2018-20). She is fluent in English and has solid knowledge of French, German and Norwegian. Italian is her mother tongue. 

Scientific results

The Phd thesis and first scientific interest was the economic development of (four areas of) the South of Italy with a particular attention to the role of local political elites in favoring or hindering economic development. From this research project two parallel and long-lasting research interests evolved: on the one side, the study and refinement of clientelism and local government; on the other, an interest for economic development and, more generally, political economy. From the study of the economic policies for the Italian South to that of EU Cohesion policy it was a short step, and from here to a more general interest for the role of  European regions and the European Committee of the Regions for EU democracy it was an equally natural and logical passage. Cohesion policy was the source of a long-lasting interest in multilevel governance, a field on inquiry to which she contributed innovative analyses. More recently, the comparative economic performance of Germany and Italy during the euro crisis and the problems of European democracy have become the main foci of research.  

Editorial work and publications

[2001] Piattoni S. ed, Clientelism, Interests and Democratic Representation: The European Experience in Historical and Comparative Perspective, New York: Cambridge University Press. [2003] Bukowski J., Piattoni S., Smyrl M. eds, Between Europeanization and Local Societies. The Space for Territorial Governance, Lanham, MD Rowman & Littlefield.

[2005] Piattoni S., Il clientelismo. L’Italia in prospettiva comparata, Roma: Carocci.

[2010] Piattoni S. The Theory of Multilevel Governance. Conceptual, Empirical and Normative Challenges, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 

[2011] Piattoni, S., "The problematic coexistence of functional and territorial representation in the EU", Journal of European Integration, 33 (4): 369-384.

[2015] Piattoni S., Schönlau J., Shaping Policy from Below. EU Democracy and the Committee of the Regions, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. 

[2015] Piattoni S. ed, The European Union: Democratic Principles and Institutional Architectures in Times of Crisis, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

[2016] Piattoni S., Polverari L. eds, Handbook on Cohesion Policy in the EU, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.

[2017] Piattoni S., “The European Union between Intergovernmentalism and 'Shared and Responsible Sovereignty': The Haptic Potential of EMU's Institutional Architecture (The Leonard Schapiro Lecture 2016)”, Government and Opposition, 52 (3): 385-411.

[2019] Papadopoulos Y., Piattoni S., “The European Semester: Democratic Weaknesses as Limits to Learning”, European Policy Analysis, 2019 (1): 58-79.

[2021] Piattoni S., Notermans T., "Italy and Germany: Incompatible Varieties of Europe or Dissimilar Twins?", German Politics, 30 (3): 319-339. 

[2022] Notermans T., Piattoni S. eds, Italy and Germany, Incompatible Varieties of Europe? London, UK: Routledge. 

Awards and prizes

Villa Vigoni grant for German-Italian socio-scientific dialogue: "E la nave va. Social Science perspectives on Germany, Italy and the European Union after a decade of crisis", 2019.

Villa Vigoni grant for German-Italian social-scientific dialogue: "Amici come prima? Social science perspectives on Germany, Italy and the EU in times of crisis", 2017.

Jean Monnet Fellowship, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Research, European University Institute, Florence, 1999-2001.

Scholarship for the study of German, "Minda de Gunzburg" Center for European Studies, Harvard University, Summer 1991.

Dissertation grant, MacArthur Foundation, 1991.

Dissertation grant, Social Science Research Council, 1990.

Golden medal as “Best 1985-86 student”, Bocconi University, Milano, September 1986.

AIESEC Internship in Management Games, Wroclaw Polytechnic (Poland), Summer 1983.

Lara Piccardo

International politics area

Competences: History of European Integration, History of Frozen Conflicts, History of Post-Soviet States, History of Russian Foreign Policy, History of Soviet Foreign Policy

Keywords: European Community, European Union, frozen conflicts, Russian Federation, URSS

Region: Liguria


Associate Professor in History of International Relations at the Department of Political and International Sciences of the University of Genoa.

Professional career

After graduating in Political Science, she obtained a Master's degree in Logistics, a Master's degree in Public and Political Communication and a PhD in History of Europe, Federalism and European Unity at the University of Pavia. During her PhD, she also carried out research activities at the Faculty of History of the Lomonosov University in Moscow. She began her academic career as a research fellow at the Universities of Trento and Genoa, where she is now an associate professor.

Scientific results

She is a member of the University Association of European Studies (AUSE), of which she was Deputy Secretary General for over a decade and for which she was part of the Coordination Team of several European projects (Jean Monnet Action). From 2006 to 2009 she was the holder of the European module Jean Monnet in “History of European parties and movements for European unity”. She lectures at the Army Training Command and Application School, Post-Conflict Operations Study Center. She was Visiting Professor at the Evropejskij Universitet (European University) of St. Petersburg for a series of conferences on the history of the European Integration.

She regularly participates in national and international conferences, she is deputy director of the review «De Europa» of the University of Turin and a member of the Interuniversity Research Center on the History of Federalism and European Integration (CRIE).

Editorial work and publications


(2020) Piccardo L. Dalla patria all’umanità. L’Europa di Giuseppe Mazzini, Bologna, il Mulino.

(2017) Piccardo L. Ai confini dell’Europa. Piccola storia della Crimea contesa, Bari, Cacucci.

(2012) Piccardo L. Agli esordi dell’integrazione europea. Il punto di vista sovietico nel periodo staliniano, Pavia, Interregional Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence.

(2007) Piccardo L. L’Europa del nuovo millennio. Storia del quinto ampliamento (1989-2007) Bologna, CLUEB.

[Book contributions]

(2020) Piccardo L. Dall’Europa all’Africa: il COMECON tra dimensione regionale e globale, in L’organizzazione internazionale tra universalismo e regionalismo, a cura di Giovanni Finizio, Milano, Cedam: 115-129.

(2019) Piccardo L. State-Euroscepticism First! The Soviet Union against Hypotheses and Moments of the European Unity, in Euroscepticisms. Resistance and Opposition to the European Community/European Union, a cura di D. Preda, G. Levi, Bologna, il Mulino: 565-588.

(2017) Piccardo L. Three Lessons from the Past: Monetary Unions in the 19th Century Europe, in The History of European Monetary Union. Comparing Strategies amidst Prospects for Integration and National Resistance, a cura di Daniela Preda, Bruxelles, Pie Peter Lang: 21-36.

(2015) Piccardo L. Le relazioni tra Unione Europea e Federazione russa: collaborazione o competizione?, in L’Unione Europea tra istituzioni e opinione pubblica, a cura di Marinella Belluati, Paolo Caraffini, Roma, Carocci: 140-150.

(2015) Piccardo L. La perestrojka in politica estera. Gorbacëv e l’integrazione europea, in L’Italia e l’Europa negli anni Ottanta. Storia, politica, cultura, a cura di L. Piccardo, Milano, Franco Angeli: 13-32.


(2016) Piccardo L. On the Relations between Russia and Europe, «Il Politico», 241: 29-51.

(2015) Piccardo L. The Historical Dimension of the EU-Russia Relations, «The European Union Review», 20: 33-52.

(2012) Piccardo L. I rapporti tra COMECON e CEE: dalla guerra fredda al mutuo riconoscimento, «La Cittadinanza Europea», 2: 135-152.

Awards and prizes

In 2012, she won the 'Spadolini Nuova Antologia' national prize awarded for the book Risorgimento e pedagogia a Genova: il 'caso' Emanuele Rossi.

Eleonora Pinzuti


Competences: Social Inclusion, Women Leadership, Women's Sports

Keywords: diversity and inclusion, gender equality, gender-inclusive language, LGBT+ people's rights, violence against women, women in sport, women's empowerment

Region: Tuscany

Professional career

Consultant, Professional Coaching Trainer A.I.F. (Italian Association of Trainers) and Lecturer in University Masters, she works with important Trade Unions, Institutions, Companies and Organisations: from the Ministry of Defence to NGOs and International Organisations. She is UISP contact person for Gender Sport, Mentor of PWN (Professional Women Network) and of MIP (Murate Idea Park)
As expert in inclusive languages, she is the Accademia di Scienze Forensi's contact person for violent narratives.
She writes and collaborates with Repubblica Firenze, Senza Filtro, Ag Cult, Ladynomics, Rai Radio 3 REWRITERS, an elaborated model for female leadership. 
She has a degree cum laude in Theory of Literature, a Specialisation and a PhD in Italianistics. 

Editorial work and publications

Eleonora Pinzuti is the author of Narrazioni e Generi, Seri Editore, 2020 and Con Figure, Editrice Zona, 2018.

She also edited (with Ernestina Pellegrini) the volume Bestiari di genere, Sef Editrice Fiorentina, 2009, and the volume Marguerite Yourcenar sulle tracce "des accidents passagers", Bulzoni, 2007.

She is the author of the chapter "I Queer Studies", in Brioschi, Di Girolamo, Fusillo (eds.), Introduzione alla Letteratura, Carocci, 2013, pp. 246-253.

Awards and prizes

Selection Anthology Crocetti Il Nodo Sottile, Carocci, 2003.

Selection Biennial Young Artists of Europe and the Mediterranean in Athens, 2003.

British Institute of Florence, Grant for Magdalene College, Oxford (UK), 2011.

Selection in the XI Quaderno di Poesia Italiana Contemporanea, 2012.

First National Prize "Poesia di Strada" 2015.

Valentina Pisanty

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Memory Studies, Narratology, Philosophy, Semiotics

Keywords: Holocaust denial, interpretation, memory, racism

Region: Lombardy


Associate Professor at the University of Bergamo. 

Scientific results

Her fields of research are narratology and interpretive semiotics - the study of the mechanisms through which human beings make sense of the world, experience and texts - with particular reference to the field of memory and history. Valentina Pisanty has dealt specifically with the trivialising and sacralising uses of the memory of the Jewish extermination (and other traumatic memories that follow its structure), the interpretative and discursive strategies of denialism and, more generally, the logic and rhetoric of anti-Semitic and racist discourse. Other lines of research dedicated to the analysis of different communicative phenomena (historical testimonies, legal discourses, political storytelling, humour, television seriality, European popular fairy tales) branch off from this core of interests, but they are united by the questions they raise concerning the culturally variable relationship between interpretation, use and rewriting of the texts with which the various interpretative communities carve out, represent and prepare to interact with relevant portions of the world. 

Editorial work and publications

[2021] Pisanty V, Rothberg M. (prefazione), McEwen A. (traduzione), The Guardians of Memory and the Return of the Xenophobic Right), New York, CPL (Centro Primo Levi) Editions.

[2020]  Pisanty V. I guardiani della memoria e il ritorno delle destre xenofobe, Milano, Bompiani.

[2019] Pisanty V. “La comprensione umoristica”, in La comprensione linguistica (eds. Alfredo Paternoster e Valentina Pisanty), Milano, Mimesis: 123-142.

[2018] Pisanty V. “Duck or Rabbit? Umberto Eco’s Structuralist Pragmatics”, European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy. X-1. Eco and Pragmatism.

[2017] Pisanty V. “Saul e gli altri: il nuovo cinema sulla Shoah e i dibattiti sulla memoria”, Storica: 9-46.

[2014] Pisanty V. L’irritante questione delle camere a gas: logica del negazionismo, Milano, Bompiani.

[2012] Pisanty, V. Abusi di memoria. Negare, sacralizzare, banalizzare la Shoah, Milano, Bruno Mondadori.

[2009] Pisanty V. Zijno A. Semiotica, Milano, McGraw-Hill.

[2006] Pisanty V. La difesa della razza. Antologia 1938-1943, Milano, Bompiani.

[2004] Pisanty V. Pellerey R. Semiotica e interpretazione, Milano, Bompiani.

[1995] Pisanty V. Cómo se lee un cuento popular, Barcellona, Paidós.

[1993] Pisanty V. Leggere la fiaba, Milano, Bompiani.

Francesca Poggi

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Bioethics, Law, Legal Gender Studies, Legal Interpretation and Argumentation, Philosophy, Philosophy of Law

Keywords: argumentation, biolaw, gender, interpretation, meaning, pragmatics

Region: Lombardy


Full professor of Philosophy of Law at University of Milan

Professional career

Francesca Poggi graduates in 1999 at the Law Faculty of the University of Genoa with magna cum laude. In 2002 she is admitted to the Italian Bar, and in 2003 she obtains the PhD in analytical philosophy and general theory of law at the University of Milan. She is a research fellow at the University of Genoa until 2006, when she becomes a permanent researcher at the University of Milan. Since 2012 she has been an associate professor at the Cesare Beccaria Department of the University of Milan and since 2020 she has been full professor.

Scientific results

Francesca Poggi is an internationally recognized expert on legal interpretation and, in particular, on the relationship between legal language and ordinary understanding. She is a reviewer for the main international journals on these topics (such as Law and PhilosophyOxford Journal for Legal Studies, International Journal for Semiotics of Law). Among the most recent grants in this area, she is the coordinator of the Italian Unit of the project A language-based theory of legal interpretation, funded by Harmonia, Polish National Center for Science (Grant No. 2018/30 / M / HS5 / 00254). In 2020 she was a member of the international jury of The European Award for Legal Theory.

Since 2012 she has also been dealing with bio-legal issues and, in particular, with the analysis and criticism of Italian legislation and case law on bio-medical issues. Since 2014 she has held the course Law and Bioethics at the Master in Global Rule of Law & Constitutional Democracy (University of Genoa). From 2015 to 2021 she was a member of the Ethics Committee of the University of Milan.

More recently, she has engaged on gender legal studies, dealing, in particular, with gender equality and gender violence. In 2019 she edited, together with Isabel Fanlo Cortés, the special issue of the journal About gender “With or without law. The law and gender inequalities ".

Editorial work and publications

[2021] Poggi F. Tra tutela della salute e rispetto dell’autonomia. La libertà di autodeterminazione femminile nella scelta della modalità del parto. Biolaw Journal (1): 105-117.

[2020] Poggi F. Il modello conversazionale. Sulla differenza tra comprensione ordinaria e interpretazione giuridica. ETS, Pisa.

[2020] Poggi F. Defeasibility, Law, and Argumentation: A Critical View from an Interpretative Standpoint. Argumentation.

[2020] Poggi F. Il caso Cappato: la Corte Costituzionale nelle strettoie tra uccidere e lasciar morire. BioLaw Journal 20: 81-98.

[2019] Sobre el concepto de violencia de género y su relevancia para el derecho. Doxa 42: 285-307.

[2019] Canale D, Poggi F. Pragmatic Aspects of Legislative Intent. The American Journal of Jurisprudence 64(1): 125-138.

[2018] Poggi F. La medicina difensiva. Mucchi, Modena.

[2016] Poggi F. If I were in your shoes Aspetti concettuali e probatori della responsabilità dolosa nel diritto penale italiano. Ragion Pratica 47: 381-400.

[2016] Poggi F, Sardo A, Do the right thing! Robert Alexy and the claim to correctness. Rechtstheorie 47(4): 413-441.

[2013] Poggi F. Concetti teorici fondamentali. ETS, Pisa.

[2013] Poggi F. The Myth of Literal Meaning in Legal Interpretation. Analisi e diritto 2013: 313-335. 

[2011] Poggi F. Law and Conversational ImplicaturesInternational Journal for Semiotics of Law 24(1): 21-40.

Elisa Poggiali

STEM area: Engineering

Competences: Environment, Internationalization, Sustainable Development

Keywords: communication, ecology, energy, energy saving, environment, marketing, territory

Region: Tuscany


Head of the Regional Coordination of Confturismo Toscana within Confcommercio Toscana. Head of Business Services (environment, safety, development) of Confcommercio Province of Florence and Confcommercio Province of Arezzo.

Professional career

After graduating as an Environmental and Territory Engineer from the University of Florence in 2000 and after specializing in Environmental Management and Quality Systems in 2001, I started working as an expert in Environment and Sustainable Development with the team of Coordinators of Agenda 21 (the UN Action Plan for sustainable development for the 21st century) called Terre di Siena.It is a plan a plan to carry out environmental, economic and social sustainability projects in Siena province.

I published articles for magazines and journals and I also developed long-life learning and professional training courses. I dealt with the involvement of economic stakeholders and I took responsibility for services and young people advance.

From 2002 to 2004, within the Environmental Development & Consulting Department of Monte dei Paschi Bancaverde Spa, I was a consultant on the issues of ISO 9001 / ISO 14001 and EMAS certifications for client companies and companies engaged in investments (over 1,000,0000 €) in the field of renewable energy (wind farms, photovoltaic parks, biomass power plants, waste management and recovery plants).

For several years I was a member of the Environmental Assessment and Landscape Commission of the Municipal Building Commission.

From 2005 to 2012 I worked for Toscana Promozione, the regional agency for economic and tourist promotion.

I dealt with territorial marketing and attracted foreign direct investments. I worked on issues and projects developing active and passive internationalization and research. I mapped the economic and the excellent scientific-technological regional offer (in several sectors: renewable energy, real estate, life sciences, ICT and nautical field). I handled activities concerning promotion and searching for partners or foreign investors to match them with the excellences of the regional R & D and industry.

Being responsible for this field, I took part in promotional tours or missions abroad together with CEO, managers or entrepreneurs of Tuscan companies and multinational companies and also together with research managers of Tuscan universities or research centres. In 2007 I led the Tuscan ICT selected delegation during the Italian Springevent in Tokyo.

I was also responsible for the organization of incoming trips in Tuscany of specialized international Venture Capitalists and collaborated in the preparation of related bilateral meetings with selected companies and actors of the Tuscan research system. 

Subsequently, I worked as a Key Account for companies working in the mechanical sector and in other high-tech sectors in Tuscany.

In 2008 I was appointed to the Board of Directors of APEA (Provincial Agency for Energy, Environment and Local Development), an in-house company created to carry out actions in the field of environment and energy and  whose functions subsequently expanded in order to manage economic development and to design European projects.

Since 2103 I have carried out engineering and technical-design actions within the Public Works Office of Siena Province Administration. I have worked in the field of soil protection and subsequently in the road sector, also checking activities meant to promote work health and safety as Head of the Prevention Service and Protection for the same institution.

In 2020 she was appointed by the multinational LCI Italy as HSE Manager (Safety-Environment-Innovation) for the group's companies in Italy (more than 10 companies).

Since 2021, she has been coordinating the Associations and Federations of the tourism sector in the Region of Tuscany that are part of the Confcommercio system, liaising with regional and local institutions to develop the sector.

As Head of Business Services, he also provides consultancy and support in the areas of Environment, Safety, Hygiene and Privacy to Confcommercio member companies in the provinces of Florence and Arezzo.

Scientific results

Elisa Poggiali is an expert in sustainable development, territorial promotion and internationalisation. In particular, she has worked on the implementation of business management systems or public administration in terms of attention to the environment, quality, safety and economic development through the establishment of international relations (both scientific and economic) and the creation of knowledge networks for the attraction of FDI (foreign direct investment) and the growth of regional enterprises. She has expertise in sustainable development issues and in sharing objectives and projects (action plans) for local territories. She has managed and manages business development as a consultant and the participation of companies active in various sectors, mainly in high technology and innovation, in specialised events and trade fairs abroad.

Editorial work and publications

She is the author of some publications and information materials on the relevant programme areas, strategies, policies and processes identified in AGENDA21:

(2002) Iozzi G., Fiorito L., Poggiali E., Valeriani B., AG 21 Terre di Siena, Amministrazione provinciale di Siena.

(2002) Iozzi G., Fiorito L., Poggiali E., Valeriani B., Manuale guida AG21 delle Terre di Siena, Amministrazione provinciale di Siena. 

(2003) Iozzi G., Fiorito L., Poggiali E., Valeriani B., Gli strumenti volontari di certificazione ambientale: percorso comune tra pubblico e privato. Circondario Valdelsa,Amministrazione provinciale di Siena. 

(2003) Iozzi G., Fiorito L., Poggiali E., Valeriani B., Tracce di un processo: Agenda 21 Terre di Siena- Circondario Valdelsa, Amministrazione provinciale di Siena. 

(2003) Iozzi G., Fiorito L., Poggiali E., Valeriani B., I tre volti dell'agricoltura, risorsa economica, socio-culturale ed ecologica per lo sviluppo- Circondario Valdelsa, Amministrazione provinciale di Siena. 

(2005) Poggiali E., Manuale operativo di Agenda 21 Locale, Amministrazione provinciale di Siena. 

She is the author of the publication produced for the Region of Tuscany, Department of Territorial and Environmental Policies, Energy Area: Biserni, Bolognin, Chaussadis, Cesareo, Giovannoni, Mautone, Penna, Poggiali, Scenari per la realizzazione di parchi eolici da parte di Enti Locali, 2005 and of a publication on the themes of territorial planning of vast areas, realised for the Provincial Administration of Siena to bring the themes of sustainability, of the norms for the government of the territory, of the conservation of the ecosystems, of the landscapes, and of the government of the cities closer: Campanini, Poggiali, Introduzione al PTCP della provincia di Siena per i ragazzi della scuola secondaria di secondo grado, 2006.

She has been involved for years (2005/2012) in the creation and/or revision of documents/content for institutional and corporate promotion and communication, and web content ( 

Annarita Polacchini

STEM area: Engineering

Competences: Economics and Planning of Transport Systems, Management of Complex Public Transport Companies with Public/Private Shareholding, Transport Engineering

Keywords: business plan, Ecological Transition, innovation, Mobility, Public Transports

Region: Lombardy


Chief Executive Officer of companies operating in the public transport sector.

Professional career

Graduate in Civil Transportation Engineering in University of Bologna-Italy, spent a period of study at the ENPC-Paris. She has been speaker in international conferences with publications in French and English magazines. In over 8 years in Paris, she was a researcher at National Research Institute for Transports, Head of the medium-long term projections of public transport customers at Keolis Group and Head of the Forecasts and Models at the Department for Investments Planning of Rèseau Ferrè de France. Back in Italy in 2001, she has been employed by ARRIVA Italia-DB Group in different roles of Managing Director in italian public transport companies. From July 2018 to September 2019, she assumed the role of Business Innovation Director of Arriva Italia. Now she is CEO of STIE and MOVIBUS, two bus companies in Lombardy. She was also CEO of ComoNext (Como Innovation Hub).

Scientific results

Annarita Polacchini is expert on the Mobility Behavior, on the Residential Location and Transport Choices of Households, Planning of Public Transport Services, Business Plan.

Editorial work and publications

(1997) J.P.Orfeuil, A. Polacchini, "Les dépenses transports et les dépenses logement des ménages Franciliens" (I costi di trasporto e d’alloggio delle famiglie della regione parigina), DREIF, Paris. 

(1997) C. Gallez, J.P.Orfeuil, A. Polacchini, "L’évolution de la mobilité quotidienne : croissance ou réduction des disparités?" (L’evoluzione della mobilità quotidiana: crescita o riduzione delle disparità?), RTS 56- numero speciale -Enquête Nationale Transports et Communications 1994, Paris 

(1997) M-H. Massot, A. Polacchini, F.Broqua, J-M. Blosseville, F. Dumontet, M. Parent, "Prior technical and Economical Evaluation of a Station Car System « Praxitéle »" (Analisi tecnica e valutazione economica del sistema di locazione auto di breve durata «Praxitéle»), 4th World Congress on Intellingent Transport Systems, 21-24 Ottobre 1997, Berlin-Germany. 

(1997) C. Gallez, L. Hivert, A. Polacchini, "Budgets Energie Environnement des Déplacements (BEED): un outil de diagnostic et de simulation des consommations et émissions polluantes au sein d'une région urbaine" (Budget Energia Ambiente degli Spostamenti : uno strumento per la diagnosi e la simulazione dei consumi e delle emissioni inquinamenti all’interno di una regione urbanizzata), 4° Meeting Internazionale su "Trasporto ed inquinamento dell’aria" - 9-13 giugno 1997, Avignone – apparso in inglese nella rivista «International Journal of Environnement and Pollution».

(1997) J-M. Blosseville, F. Dumontet, M-H. Massot, M. Parent, A. Polacchini, "Performance Evaluation of a Station Car System" - Transport Research Board 1997, 12-16 Janvier 1997, Washington-USA. 

(1996) A. Bernard, A. Polacchini, A. Séguin, Y. Bussière, "Household Structure and Mobility Patterns of Women in O-D Survey: Methods and Results Based on the Case Studies of Montreal and Paris" (Struttura familiare e comportamenti di mobilità delle donne : metodi di studio e risultati basati sui dati di Montreal e Parigi), The Second National Conference on Women's Travel Issues', 23-26 Octobre 1996, Baltimora Maryland-USA 

(1996) F. Leurent, A. Polacchini - "Sur le choix du mode de transport par les voyageurs en milieu urbain" (Analisi delle scelte del modo di trasporto scelto dai viaggiatori in ambito urbano) – DREIF, Paris. 

(1996) C. Gallez, A. Polacchini, L. Hivert, "Le Budget Energie Emissions des Déplacements (BEED): un outil d'évaluation des politiques urbaines" (Budget Energia e Ambiente degli Spostamenti : uno strumento di valutazione delle politiche di pianificazione in ambito urbano), Congresso Inrets – Ademe - 'Environnement, véhicules et mobilité urbaine', Paris, 25 Giugno 1996. 

(1995) A. Polacchini - "La mobilité et les échanges de déplacements des Franciliens en fonction d'une typologie de zone urbaine" (Mobilità e scambi di spostamenti nell’area parigina in funzione della tipologia urbana) – Congresso Internazionale dell’Atec a Havre - 17/18 Ottobre 1995. 

(1994) F. Leurent, A. Polacchini - "Prospection d'une demande potentielle pour la voiture en libre service urbain" (Proiezione della domanda potenziale per un sistema di auto a noleggio di breve durata in ambito urbano) - Projet Praxitèle-Inrets, Octobre 1994.

Valeria Poli

STEM area: Biomedical sciences and biotechnology

Competences: Molecular Biology

Keywords: cancer, coronavirus, Covid-19: impact on schools, Covid-19: impact on women's work, Covid-19: vaccines, inflammation, mammary tumors, stat factors

Region: Piedmont


Full Professor of Molecular Biology at the University of Turin

Professional career

Valeria Poli obtained her degree in Biology in 1984, and then a doctorate in human biology in 1992, at the University of Turin. From 1988 to 1990 she was a post-doctoral fellow at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg, Germany, and from 1990 to 1992 at Columbia University in New York. From 1992 to 1997 she was Principal Investigator at the Research Institute of Molecular Biology P. Angeletti of Rome. From 1997 to 2001 she worked at the University of Dundee, in England, as Principal Investigator, Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow, Honorary Senior Lecturer and Head of the Transgenic Unit, which she established at the Department of Biochemistry.
In 2001 she became associate professor of molecular biology at the University of Turin, and then, since 2005, Full professor.
She is currently President of the Italian Society of Biophysics and Molecular Biology.

Scientific results

Valeria Poli has contributed to fundamental advances in the understanding of the mechanisms that mediate the activity and function at the transcriptional level of cytokines (molecules produced by various types of cells and secreted in the surrounding medium, usually in response to a stimulus capable of modifying the behavior of other cells inducing new activities such as growth, differentiation and death), in both physiological and pathological conditions. In particular, she contributed to the discovery of the transcription factor IL-6DBP-C/EBPbeta, which mediates many of the functions of Interleukin 6 (IL-6), a protein that acts as a multifunctional cytokine, both pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory; the generation and characterization of mutant mouse strains for the C/EBPbeta and IL-6 genes, mice then widely used by the scientific community to understand the physiological and pathological functions of the two factors; the generation of mouse strains genetically manipulated for the pro-oncogenic transcription factor STAT3; and finally the pathogenic role of STAT3 in mediating auto-immune myocarditis.
Currently the activities of her laboratory mainly concern the study of the biological functions of the transcription factor STAT3, the main mediator of the cytokine signaling belonging to the IL-6 family, using in vivo cellular and murine models. In particular she is focusing on the understanding of the fundamental mechanisms that mediate STAT3 protein activity as an oncogene, at the crossroads between inflammation, immune response, stem and cancer cells niche and tumor transformation, analyzing its interactions with other tumorigenic/tumor suppressor genes and trying to identify specific pro-oncogenic target genes. She is currently engaged in research on the relationship between breast cancer cells and cancer associated fibroblasts in the tumor niche, on the role of STAT3 in the regulation of energy metabolism and calcium homeostasis in the tumor as well as in normal cells, and on the role of STAT3-dependent long non coding RNAs in stemness and differentiation.

Editorial work and publications

Valeria Poli is and has been in the editorial board of prestigious scientific journals such as Cell Communication and Signaling, American Journal of Cancer Research, Cancers and Frontiers in Molecular and Cellular Oncology. She acts as regular scientific reviewer for international journals such as Nature, the Journal of Clinical Investigation, the EMBO Journal, the European Journal of Immunology, Cancer Research, the Journal of Cell Science, the Biochemical Journal, Circulation Research, Cell Death and Differentiation and PLOS ONE.

She is co-author of more than 150 publications, including those listed below.

[2018] Avalle L, Camporeale A, Morciano G, Caroccia N, Ghetti E, Orecchia V, Viavattene D, Giorgi C, Pinton P, Poli V. STAT3 localizes to the ER, acting as a gatekeeper for ER-mitochondrion Ca2+ fluxes and apoptotic responses. Cell Death & Differentation, 26: 932-942.

[2017] Avalle L, Incarnato D, Savino A, Gai M, Marino F, Pensa S, Barbieri I, Stadler MB, Provero P, Oliviero S, Poli V.MicroRNAs-143 and -145 induce epithelial to mesenchymal transition and modulate the expression of junction proteins. Cell Death & Differentation,  24: 1750-1760. 

[2014] Demaria M, Camporeale A, Poli V STAT3 and metabolism: How many ways to use a single molecule?  Int J Cancer, 135 (9): 1997-2003.

[2013] Camporeale A, Marino F, Papageorgiou A, Carai P, Fornero S, Fletcher S, Page BDG, Gunning P, Forni M, Chiarle R, Morello M, Jensen O, Levi R, Heymans S, Poli V. STAT3 activity is necessary and sufficient for the development of immune-mediated myocarditis in mice and promotes progression to dilated cardiomyopathy. EMBO Molecular Medicine, 5: 572–590.

[2012] Demaria M, Misale S, Giorgi C, Miano V, Camporeale A, Campisi J, Pinton P and Poli V. STAT3 can serve as a hit in the process of malignant transformation of primary cells, Cell Death and Differentiation, 19:1390-1397.

[2010] Barbieri I, Pensa S, Pannellini T, Quaglino E, Maritano D, Demaria M, Voster A, Turkson J, Cavallo F, Watson CJ,Provero P, Musiani P and Poli V. Constitutively active Stat3 enhances Neu-mediated migration and metastasis in mammary tumors via upregulation of Cten, Cancer Research, 70:2558-67.

[2009] Vallania F, Schiavone D, Dewilde S, Pupo E, Garbay S, Calogero R, Pontoglio M, Provero P andPoli V. Genome-Wide Discovery of Functional Transcription Factor Binding Sites by Comparative Genomics: the Case of Stat3, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106:5117-22.

[2004] Maritano D, Sugrue ML, Tininini S, Dewilde S, Strobl B, Fu XP, Murray-Tait V, Chiarle R and Poli V. The STAT3 isoforms, a and b, play unique and specific roles, Nature Immunology, 5:401-409.

[2001] Alonzi T, Maritano D, Gorgoni B, Rizzuto G, Libert C, Poli V. Essential role of STAT3 in the control of the acute phase response as revealed by inducible gene inactivation in the liver. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 21:1621-1632.

[1996] Screpanti I, Musiani P, Bellavia D, Cappelletti M, Aiello FB, Maroder M, Frati L, Modesti A, Gulino A and Poli V. Inactivation of the Interleukin-6 gene prevents development of Castleman's disease in C/EBPß-deficient mice, The Journal of Experimental Medicine, 184:1561-1566.

Awards and prizes

Valeria Poli was elected member of two of the most prestigious international scientific communities, the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO), and the Academia Europaea.

She was a member of the Life Science panel for the Advanced European Research Council and she is among the expert evaluators of the Horizon 2020 projects. Regular reviewer for the technical-scientific evaluation of research projects for MIUR and for various international bodies and institutions such as the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council , the American Institute for Cancer Research, the Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund, the Austrian Science Fund, the Foundation for Scientific Research Belgium.


Emanuela Prandelli

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Collaborative Marketing and Open Innovation, Digital Marketing, Digital Strategies, Fashion and Luxury Management

Keywords: consumer behavior in digital environments, customer engagement in innovation processes, fashion and luxury marketing and strategy, new business models: second-hand, rental, customization, new product development, omnichannel strategies

Region: Lombardy


Associate Professor of Digital Marketing at the Management & Technology Department, Università Bocconi of Milan.

LVMH Associate Professor of Fashion and Luxury Management.

Director of Master in Fashion, Design, and Experience Management (MAFED), SDA Bocconi School of Management. 

Professional career

Emanuela Prandelli graduated in Management cum laude at Bocconi University in 1994 (Major in Marketing) and in the same year she started to collaborate with the Management Department at Bocconi University e with the Marketing Area at SDA Bocconi School of Management. In 2001 she got a Ph.D. in Management and Business Administration from Bocconi University; in the same year she became Researcher and in 2005 Associate Professor within the Technology and Innovation Management Department of Bocconi University. She served as a Research Assistant at St.Gallen University and at the Research Center on Technology, Innovation, and eCommerce of the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. She has also been Visiting Professor at the same Kellogg School of Management and at WU Vienna University of Economics and Business. She is responsible for the Fashion & Luxury Topic of Bocconi Alumni Association.

Scientific results

Her research focus regards collaborative marketing and open innovation, digital business and social media marketing. She has a special interest in exploring these topics in the fashion and luxury industry and in the publishing industry. She permanently develops her research projects in collaboration with the Kellogg School of Management of Northwestern University and WU Vienna University of Economics and Business. 

Editorial work and publications

Selection of some publications:

[2021] Moreau, P.; Prandelli, E; Schreier, M.; Sielke, S. Customization in Luxury Brands: Can Valentino Get Personal?.Journal of Marketing Research, September, Vol. 57(5) 937-947.

[2020] Prandelli E., Verona G. Human Digital Enterprise, Egea, Milano.

[2020] Cillo P., Nunes J., Prandelli E., Scopelliti I. Changing Style in Style-Changing Industries: The Role of Critics as Gatekeepers in High-End Fashion. In Special Issue of Advances in Strategic Management “Style in Strategy and Strategy of Style: Theoretical Developments, Empirical Results, and Research Agenda”.

[2016] Prandelli E., Pasquini, M. Verona G. In user's shoes: An experimental design on the role of perspective taking in discovering entrepreneurial opportunities. Journal of Business Venturing, 31, pp. 287-301.

[2013] Dahl, D.; Fuchs, C.; Prandelli E.; Schreier, M. All that is Users Might not be Gold: How Labeling Products as User-designed Backfires in the Context of Luxury Fashion Brand. Journal of Marketing, September, Vol. 77, pp. 75-91.

[2010] Fuchs, C.; Prandelli, E.; Schreier, M. Psychological Effects of Empowerment Strategies on Consumers' Product Demand. Journal of Marketing, January, pp. 65-79.

[2008] Sawhney M., Prandelli E., Verona G. Collaborating with Customers to Innovate. Conceiving and Marketing Products in the Network Age, July, Edgar, Sheffield Brightman.

[2006] Prandelli E., Verona G., Raccagni D. Web-based Product Innovation. California Management Review, Summer 48 (4), pp. 109-135.

[2006] Verona G., Prandelli E., Sawhney, M. Innovation and virtual environments: towards virtual knowledge brokers.Organization Studies, 27(6), pp. 765-788.

[2005] Sawhney M., Verona G., Prandelli E.  Collaborating to Create: The Internet as a Platform for Customer Engagement in Product Innovation, Journal of Interactive Marketing,  19(4), pp. 3-17.

[2003] Sawhney M., Prandelli E., Verona G. The Power of Innomediation. MIT Sloan Management Review, Winter, 44 (2), pp. 77-82.

[2002] Prandelli E., Verona G. Marketing in Rete. Analisi e decisioni nell’economia digitale, McGraw Hill, Milano.

[2000] Sawhney M., Prandelli E.  Communities of Creation: Managing Distributed Innovation in Turbulent Markets. California Management Review, Vol. 42, n. 4, Summer, pp. 24-54.

Awards and prizes

Emanuela Prandelli got the award for distinctive academic research from Bocconi University for the results achieved during the periods 2001-2003, 2005-2007, 2013-2014, and 2020. In 2021 she won the Best Management Book of the Year Award by Canova Club with the book published in 2020 and entitled “Human digital enterprise. Creare e co-creare valore in un contesto omni-data”, co-author G. Verona. In 2012 she won the “Innovation Excellence Award” in custom executive programs. In 2008 she was prized as the best teacher of the Marketing Department at SDA Bocconi in 2007.  She won the 2001 Accenture Award for the best paper published in California Management Review in 2000.  She also was Runner-up for the Theo Scholler-Preis 2011, Munich Best Paper Award Innovation Management, and for the JIM’s 2006 Award for the Best Paper published in the Journal of Interactive Marketing in 2005. Her Ph.D. Dissertation was prized by Booz Allen & Hamilton and financed by the Marketing Science Institute of Cambridge. 

Annalisa Prencipe

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Accounting Standards, Financial Communication, Financial Statements, Higher Education, Non-financial Disclosures

Keywords: accounting policies, family firms, reporting quality, sustainability reporting, university orientation

Region: Lombardy


Full Professor and KPMG Chair in Accounting, Department of Accounting, Bocconi University. Dean of the Bocconi Undergraduate School. President of the European Accounting Association.

Professional career

After graduating in Business Administration at Bocconi University, Annalisa Prencipe continues her studies and earns a Ph.D. in Business Administration and Management at the same institution (2001). In 2010 she is promoted to Associate Professor at Bocconi, in 2016 she is appointed Full Professor. She has conducted research for the NYSE and has been visiting scholar at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In 2016 she is appointed Dean of the Undergraduate School and elected member of the Management Committee of the European Accounting Association, of which she became President in 2021. 

Scientific results

Annalisa Prencipe conducts research in accounting, focusing on accounting policies, reporting quality and accounting standards.

She has been among the first to study accounting issues in family firms, which she continues to research. More recently, Annalisa Prencipe has extended her research interests to non-financial disclosure, sustainability reporting and real effects of accounting regulation.

She has been part of several funded research projects at national and international level.

Editorial work and publications

Annalisa Prencipe has been member of the editorial board of several international journals, such as: European Accounting ReviewJournal of Accounting Auditing and FinanceAccounting in Europe e Accounting and Business Research.

She is the author of several articles and books on accounting-related topics, such as:

[2022] Siciliano G., Prencipe A., Radhakrishnan S. Trust, Family Firms and M&A Quality. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics.

[2021] Minichilli A., Prencipe A., Siciliano G., Radhakrishnan S. What's in a Name? Eponymous Private Firms and Financial Reporting Quality. Management Science, vol. 68, n. 3. 

[2021] Prencipe A., Viarengo L. Should I trust you? Bidder’s earnings quality as an indicator of trustworthiness in earnout agreements. The International Journal of Accounting.

[2020] Ivanova M., Prencipe A. The effects of board interlocks with an allegedly fraudulent company on audit fees.Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance.

[2018] Viarengo L., Gatti S., Prencipe A. Enforcement Quality and the Use of Earnouts in M&A Transactions: International Evidence. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting.

[2016] D’Augusta C., Bar-Yosef S., Prencipe A. The Effects of Conservative Reporting on Investor Disagreement, European Accounting Review, n. 3. 

[2016] Cameran M., Prencipe A., Trombetta M. Mandatory Audit Firm Rotation and Audit Quality, European Accounting Review, n. 1. 

[2013] Bar-Yosef S., Prencipe A. The Impact of Corporate Governance and Earnings Management on Stock Market Liquidity in a Highly Ownership Concentrated Capital Market, Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, n. 3.

[2012] Prencipe A. Earnings management in domestic versus multinational firms: discussion of “Where do firms manage earnings? Review of Accounting Studies, n. 3.

[2011] Prencipe A., Bar-Yosef S., Mazzola P., Pozza L. Income smoothing in family-controlled companies: Evidence from Italian listed companies. Corporate Governance: an International Review, n. 6.

[2011] Prencipe A., Bar-Yosef S., Corporate governance and earnings management in family-controlled companies. Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, n. 2.

[2006] Prencipe A., Earnings quality. Pearson Education, Milano.

Awards and prizes

Annalisa Prencipe was awarded several prizes for her research and teaching activities. Among those, the Donato Menichella Prize (2018), the Virgo Fidelis Prize (2018), the Impact of Research Award (2020) and the title of ‘Alfiere del Lavoro’ given by the President of the Italian Republic (1990).

Currently, she is the holder of the KPMG Chair in Accounting. Moreover, she has been the first Italian woman to be elected President of the European Accounting Association.

Paola Prete

STEM area: Materials sciences and nanotechnology

Competences: Experimental Physics

Keywords: crystallography, graphene, materials, nanoelectronics, nanofotonics, nanomaterials, nanostructures, nanotechnologies, optics, renewable energies, semiconductors

Region: Apulia


Researcher at CNR, responsible of the Epitaxial Growth Laboratory (MOVPE and MBE) of the Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems (IMM), Lecce Unit. Scientific responsible for IMM of the research activity for the “Rete di Laboratori Pubblici di Ricerca PHASHYN”.  

Professional career

After graduating in Physics in 1991 at the University of Lecce, she continued his education through a PhD in Physics at the University of Bari, obtaining her degree in 1996. In September 1996 she won a post-doctoral position for one year in Wales, Great Britain, at the North East Wales Institute (NEWI), now Glyndwr University. Since March 1998 she has been a researcher in Physics of Matter at the IMM (Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems) of the CNR, Lecce section. In 1996/97 she was lecturer at several foreign institutions in Great Britain, in October 1998 Visiting Scientist at Chiba University, Chiba, Japan and from 1997 to 2011 Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Salento. She is the author of numerous degree and doctoral theses.

Scientific results

Her expertise includes the study of the semiconductor compound crystal growth, specially nanowires, and their optical morphological and functional properties. In particular, the study of the synthesis of semiconductor materials through epitaxial technologies (Vapour Phase Epitaxy, MOVPE and Molecular Beam Epitaxy, MBE), the study of the physical, chemical and morphological properties through optical spectroscopy techniques (luminescence and absorption) and microscopy (FE-SEM, cathodoluminescence). 
She has more than twenty five-years experience in the material science research field. She started by studying the optical and structural properties of low dimensional structures for optoelectronic applications. At present she works in the field of nanotechnology by studying and applying bottom-up approaches for the fabrication of the 1D nanostructures for application in nano- /opto- electronics, sensing and photonics.  Among her recent activities, Paola Prete is working on third generation photovoltaics for the project “Rete di Laboratori Pubblici di Ricerca PHASHYN”. This research could create a breakthrough in the area of renewable energy sources by using the nanotechnology: it focuses to the fabrication to and high efficiency III-generation solar cells made by nanowires, i.e. semiconductor nanocrystals of the dimension of a virus, i.e. of the order of few tens of millionth of a millimeter, each of them being a solar cell capable to convert in electricity an enormous amount of solar radiation. The technologies under developments at Lecce by Paola Prete will allow to pack tens of billions per square centimeter. A far-reaching technology which, in a close future, will ensure jump in cell efficiencies and low production costs opening up to unimaginable scenarios. Inside this topic, there is also the study of the van der Waals epitaxial growth of 2D layers (graphene and graphene-like materials)

Editorial work and publications

Since 2011 she is the founder and the Editor-in-Chief of the open access scientific journal “Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology”, SAGE, USA (2017 Impact Factor 1.730). Since December 2016, she is also Associate Editor of the renowned journal “Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials”, Elsevier (2017 Impact Factor 3.147). She is editor of books and Guest Editor of several international volumes and Special Issue on peer-reviewed journals such as Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials (Elsevier), Crystal Research and Technology (WileyVCH), Applied Physics A: Material Science and Processing (Springer).  

She is author of more than 120 publications in peer reviewed journals, among which the following ones:  

[2018] Wolf D, Huebner R, Niermann T, Sturm S, Prete P, Lovergine N, Buechner B, Lubk A, Three-Dimensional Composition and Electric Potential Mapping of III-V CoreMultishell Nanowires by Correlative STEM and Holographic Tomography. Nano Letters, 18 (8) 4777-4784.   

[2017] Di Carlo V, Prete P, Dubrovskii V G, Berdnikov Y, Lovergine N, CdTe nanowires by Au-catalyzed Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy. Nano Letters, in stampa (pubblicato on-line 14 giugno, 2017), DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.7b00719.

[2015] Bianco GV, Losurdo M, Giangregorio MM, Sacchetti A, Prete P, Lovergine N, Capezzuto P, and Bruno G, Direct epitaxial CVD synthesis of tungsten disulfide on epitaxial and CVD graphene. RSC Advances, 5:98700-98708.

[2015] Chen G., McGuckin T, Hawley C J, Gallo EM, Prete P, Miccoli I, Lovergine N, Spanier J E, Subsurface imaging of coupled carrier transport in GaAs/AlGaAs core-shell nanowires. Nano Letters, 15 (1):75-79.

[2015] Miccoli I, Prete P, Lovergine N, A mass-transport limited model describing the MOVPE growth of III-V shells around dense free-standing nanowire arrays. CrystEngComm, 17 (31): 5998-6005.

[2014] Lubk A, Wolf D, Kern F, Roeder F, Prete P, Lovergine N, Lichte H, Nanoscale three-dimensional reconstruction of elastic and inelastic mean free path lenghts by electron holographic tomography. Applied Physics Letters, 105 (17):173101.

[2013] Chen G, Sun G, Ding Y J, Prete P, Miccoli I, Lovergine N, Shtrikman H, Kung P, Livneh T, J. E. Spanier J E, Direct measurement of band edge discontinuity in individual core-shell nanowires by photocurrent spectroscopy, Nano Letters, 13:4152−4157

[2012] Persano A, Taurino A, Prete P, Lovergine N, Nabet B, Cola A, Photocurrent properties of single GaAs/AlGaAs core-shell nanowires with Schottky contacts. Nanotechnology 23 (46):465701 (6pp).

[2011] Chen G, Gallo E M, Leaffer O D, McGuckin T, Prete P, Lovergine N, Spanier J E, Tunable hot-electron transfer within a single core-shell nanowire. Physical Review Letters, 107:156802 (1-5).

[2011] Gallo E M, Chen G, Currie M, McGuckin T, Prete P, Lovergine N, Nabet B, Spanier J E, Picosecond response times in GaAs/AlGaAs core/shell nanowire-based photodetectors. Applied Physics Letters 98 (24):241113 (3pp).

[2011] Wolf D, Lichte H, Pozzi G, Prete P, Lovergine N, Electron holographic tomography for mapping the three-dimensional distribution of electrostatic potential in III-V semiconductor nanowires. Applied Physics Letters 98 (26): 264103 (3pp).

Awards and prizes

She was winner of the Italian Association of Crystallography (AIC), Young scientists Award for the 2000 year, reserved to young scientists working in the field of crystallography who have obtained innovative results of both theoretical and applicative crystallographic interest, prize conferred with the following motivation: "for the innovative results obtained in the study of semiconductor growth and the determination of their optical and structural properties". She was the winner of the Best Oral presentation Prize at the Nanophotonics and Micro/Nano-Optics (NANOP) 2018 International Conference, Rome 30 Sep-3 Oct 2018. 
 Member of the Italian Crystal Growth Commission inside the Italian Association of Crystallography (AIC) during the 2006-2011 and 2015-2017 years. Coordinator of the Crystal Growth Section of AIC, 2012-2014. Italian Councillor of the International Organization for Crystal Growth (IOCG), 2012-2014. Chair of the European School on Crystal Growth (ESCG2015), Bologna 5-8 September 2015. Member of the Advisory and Scientific Board of several International Conference.  Project monitor in the field of research, pre-competitive development and technological transfer of the Regional Agency for Technology and Innovation (A.R.T.I.) Apulia Region, Italy. 

Sabrina Pricl

STEM area: Engineering

Competences: Chemical Engineering, Nanotechnologies

Keywords: antibodies, cancer, chronic mieloid leukemia, coronavirus, Covid-19, drugs resistance, leukemia, molecular engineering, nanotechnologies, nanovectors, proteins, rna, therapy, tumor

Region: Friuli-Venezia Giulia


Research Manager in "Life Science" of the MOSE (Molecular Simulation Engineering) in Trieste.

Professional career

After graduating in Chemistry at the University of Trieste, in 1986 she obtained the qualification to the profession. From 1986 to 1990 she worked as a fellow at the Area Science Park in Trieste and at the University of Trieste. From 1990 to February 2002 she was teaching assistant at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Trieste. Since 2002 she is associate professor of Chemical Engineering in the same faculty.

Scientific results

The main research activities are focused on the study, correlation and prediction of the structure/property relationships of complex molecular systems such as dendrimers (macromolecules with a characteristic tree structure), proteins and drug transporters. In 2014, Sabrina Prici, together with other researchers from MOSE (Molecular Simulation Engineering) in Trieste and colleagues at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, published the results of the study on Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML). The study identified the molecular dynamics responsible for resisting targeted drugs. It was proved that patients undergoing long-term therapy developed mutations of a particular protein (BCR-ABL1) that made the therapy ineffective. So, Sabrina Prici and her colleagues provided important information for the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia, allowing not only the possibility of expressing a personalized therapy for the patient, but also investigating the possibility of creating active ingredients antagonistic to the protein mutation. Also in 2014, as part of international research, Sabrina Prici and colleagues develop a "nanovector" capable of transporting and protecting small strands of RNA that have important anti-tumor and anti-viral therapeutic capabilities. In the absence of these "nanovectors" the small strands of RNA cannot be used for therapeutic purposes because they are recognized by the immune system as "exogenous" and therefore destroyed. The discovery is of absolute importance for the development of new therapies.


Editorial work and publications

Sabrina Pricl is the author of numerous national and international scientific publications, including:

(2020) Laurini E, Marson D, Aulic S, Fermeglia M, Pricl S. Computational Alanine Scanning and Structural Analysis of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein/Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 Complex. ACS Nano. 2020 Sep 22;14(9):11821-11830. doi: 10.1021/acsnano.0c04674. Epub 2020 Aug 26. PMID: 32833435 

(2020)  Laurini E, Marson D, Aulic S, Fermeglia A, Pricl S. Computational Mutagenesis at the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein/Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 Binding Interface: Comparison with Experimental Evidence. CS Nano. 2021 Mar 18. doi: 10.1021/acsnano.0c10833. Online ahead of print. PMID: 33733740

(2016) Chen C, Posocco P, Liu X, Cheng Q, Laurini E, Zhou J, Liu C, Wang Y, Tang J, Dal Col V, Yu T, Giorgio S, Fermeglia M, Qu F, Liang Z, Rossi JJ, Liu M, Rocchi P, Pricl S, Peng L. Mastering dendrimer self-assembly for efficient siRNA delivery: from conceptual design to in vivo efficient gene silencing. Small, 12:3667-3676.

(2015) Brambilla L, Genini D, Laurini E, Merulla J, Perez L, Fermeglia M, Carbone GM, Pricl S, Catapano CV. Hitting the right spot: Mechanism of action of OPB-31121, a novel and potent inhibitor of the Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 3 (STAT3). Molecular Oncology, 9:1194-1206.

(2015) Tuo W, Chao C, Juan L, Cheng L, Posocco P, Xiaoxuan L, Qiang C, Shuaidong H, Zicai L; Fermeglia M, Pricl S, et al. Anticancer drug nanomicelles formed by self-assembling amphiphilic dendrimer to combat cancer drug resistance. Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America, 112:2978-2983.

(2014) Gibbons DL, Pricl S, Posocco P, Laurini E, Fermeglia M, Sun H, Talpaz M, Donato N. Quintás-Cardama A. Molecular dynamics reveal BCR-ABL1 polymutants as a unique mechanism of resistance to PAN-BCR-ABL1 kinase inhibitor therapy. Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America, 111:3550-3555.

(2014) Liu X, Zhou J, Yu T, Chen C, Cheng Q, Sengupta K, Huang Y; Li H, Liu C, Wang Y, Posocco P, Wang M, Cui Q, Giorgio S, Fermeglia M, Qu F, Pricl S, et al. Adaptive Amphiphilic Dendrimer-Based Nanoassemblies as Robust and Versatile siRNA Delivery Systems. Angewandte Chemie. International Edition, 53, 11822-11827.

(2012) Posocco P, Gentilini C, Bidoggia S, Pace A, Franchi P, Lucarini M, Fermeglia M, Pricl S, Pasquato L. Self-organization of mixtures of fluorocarbon and hydrocarbon amphiphilic thiolates on the surface of gold nanoparticles. Acs Nano, 6:7243-7253.

(2011) Barnard A, Posocco P, Pricl S, Calderon M, Haag R, Shum WT, Pack WD, Smith DK. Degradable Self-Assembling Dendrons for Gene Delivery – Experimental and Theoretical Insights into the Barriers to Cellular Uptake. Journal Of The American Chemical Society, 133:20288-20300.

(2011) Pierotti M, Tamborini E, Negri T, Pricl S, Pilotti S. Targeted therapy in GIST: in silico modeling for prediction of resistance. Nature Reviews. Clinical Oncology, 8:161-170.

(2009) Negri T, Pavan GM, Virdis E, Greco A, Fermeglia M, Pricl S, Pierotti MA, Pilotti S, Tamborini E. T670X KIT mutations in gastrointestinal stromal tumors: making sense of missense. Journal Of The National Cancer Institute, 101: 194-204.

(2006) Tamborini E, Pricl S, Negri T, Lagonigro MS, Miselli F, Greco A, Gronchi A, Casali P, Ferrone M, Fermeglia M, Pierotti MA, Pilotti S. Functional analyses and Molecular modeling of two c-Kit mutations responsible for Imatinib secondary resistance in GIST patients. Oncogene, 25, 6140-6146.

Awards and prizes

Sabrina Pricl is a member of the following scientific societies: American Chemical Society, The Society of Rheology, Italian Society of Rheology, American Institute of Chemical Engineering, COMSEF (Computational Molecular Science & Engineering Forum), Editorial Board of Carbohydrate Polymers.


Silvia Giuliana Priori

STEM area: Biomedical sciences and biotechnology

Competences: Cardiovascular Pathophysiology, Molecular Cardiology, Rehabilitative Cardiology

Keywords: cardiology, rehabilitative cardiology, sudden death syndrome, telethon

Region: Lombardy


Scientific Director at the IRCSS Salvatore Maugeri Foundation of Pavia and Full Professor of Cardiology at the University of Pavia

Professional career

Silvia Giuliana Priori graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 1986 at the University of Milan, then specialized in Cardiology at the same university, obtaining a PhD in Cardiac Pathophysiology in 1995. After a period of training abroad, in the Cellular Electrophysiology laboratories of the Cardiology Department of Washington University, she returned to Italy to carry out a research internship in molecular biology at the Telethon Institute for Genetics and Medicine (TIGEM) in Milan. From 2008 to January 2016 she is Professor of Medicine and Director of the Genetics Program at the Leon H. Charney Division of Cardiology at the University of New York. She is currently Full Professor of Cardiology at the University of Pavia. In addition to the academic activity, Silvia Giuliana Priori coordinates several laboratories and departments: she is the Central Scientific Director of the Salvatore Maugeri Foundation Clinic of Labor and Rehabilitation IRCCS and Director of the Department of Rehabilitation Cardiology and of the Molecular Cardiology Service at the same Foundation. She also directs and coordinates international programs, such as the Cardiovascular Genetics Genetic Cardiovascular Program at the National Center for Investigations Cardiovasculares Carlos III (CNIC) in Madrid.

Scientific results

Since 1997 she has begun the development of an autonomous research line in the laboratories that she directs. By merging the clinical activity on arrhythmogenic diseases (cardiac diseases that cause arrhythmias) to the skills of molecular biology and cell electrophysiology, she created the first center in Italy, and one of the first in the world, of Molecular Cardiology where she studies the mechanisms of cardiac arrhythmias that cause sudden deaths in children and adolescents. She achieved important successes in research on long QT syndrome (LQTS, from the English "Long QT Syndrome"), a rare cardiac anomaly characterized by delayed repolarization of myocardial cells and associated with syncope, and Brugada syndrome, also a heart condition with disorders of the electrical activity of the heart that leads to cardiac arrest. The team she directs is involved in a wide-ranging project based on the creation of innovative animal models of genetic diseases and on the development of advanced molecular strategies to correct gene defects through the use of adeno-associated viruses (able to integrate into the cell genome host even in the absence of cell proliferation) to silence sick genes and to re-express healthy ones.

Editorial work and publications

She has autored numerous national and international publications, including:

(2016) Mosca B, Eckhardt J, Bergamelli L, Priori SG, et al. Role of the JP45-calsequestrin complex on calcium entry in slow twitch skeletal muscles. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 291(28):14555-65.

(2016) Mazzanti A, Priori SG. Brugada Syndrome. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 68(6):624-625.

(2016) Faragli A, Underwood K, Priori SG, Mazzanti A. Is There a Role for Genetics in the Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death?. Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology.

(2016) Mosca B, Eckhardt J, Bergamelli L, Priori SG, et al. Role of the JP45-Calsequestrin Complex on Calcium Entry in Slow Twitch Skeletal Muscles. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 291(28).

(2016) Chyou JY Fredman D, Cerrone M, Priori SG, et al. Electrocardiographic features of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy, Epilepsia.

(2016) Curcio A, Mazzanti A, Bloise R, Priori SG, et al. Clinical Presentation and Outcome of Brugada Syndrome Diagnosed With the New 2013 Criteria. Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology, 27(8):937-43.

(2016) Mazzanti A, Maragna R, Faragli A, Priori SG, et al. Gene-Specific Therapy With Mexiletine Reduces Arrhythmic Events in Patients With Long QT Syndrome Type 3. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 67(9):1053-1058.

(2016) Imberti JF, Underwood K, Mazzanti A, Priori SG. Clinical Challenges in Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia. Heart, Lung and Circulation, 25(8).

(2015) Priori SG, Blomstorm-Lundqvist C, Mazzanti A, et al. 2015 ESC Guidelines for the Management of Patients With Ventricular Arrhythmias and the Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death. Revista Española de Cardiología, 69(2):176.

(2015) Ferrantini C, Coppini R, Scellini B, Priori SG, et al. R4496C RyR2 mutation impairs atrial and ventricular contractility. The Journal of General Physiology, 147(1).

Annalisa Prizzon

International politics area

Competences: Development Economy, Finance for Development

Keywords: China, development, development aid, external debt, multilateral development banks, Sub Saharan Africa, World Bank

Region: ABROAD

Professional career

Annalisa  Prizzon graduated in Economics (University of Padua) in 2003, studied at the Department of Economics of Essex University (United Kingdom) in 2003, and completed her MSc in International Economic Integration (University of Pavia) in 2005. She undertook her doctoral studies in Economics and Public Finance (University of Pavia), completing them in 2009. The thesis analyzed various issues related to the sustainability of foreign debt in low-income countries. During her doctoral studies, Annalisa worked as a consultant at the World Bank's Economic Policy and Debt Department and spent a period as a Visiting Scholar at Notre Dame University (United States). From 2008 to 2011 she had been an economist at the OECD Development Centre, analysing issues related to the sustainability of debt, public development aid and development macroeconomics in emerging countries and in Sub-Saharan Africa. Since 2011 she has been working at the Overseas Development Institute in London, one of the most prestigious think-tanks in the field of development. She has been leading and coordinating consultancy, advisory and research projects in the areas of effective aid allocation, development effectiveness, financing for development and debt sustainability in sub-Saharan Africa. 

Scientific results

Annalisa Prizzon has been leading and coordinating research, consulting and advisory projects in collaboration with Ministries of Foreign Affairs, development cooperation agencies in Europe, Africa and Asia, international organizations, multilateral development banks and civil society organizations. She has extensive field experience, particularly in Africa (Botswana, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Senegal, Zambia), Latin America (Chile, Mexico) and Asia (Fiji, Indonesia, Mongolia, Papua New Guinea, Vietnam).

She has published extensively on the themes of international cooperation, on the allocation and effectiveness of financing and public development aid, on the implications of external debt sustainability in sub-Saharan African. 

Editorial work and publications

Annalisa Prizzon is referee of the European Journal of Development Research, The Review of International Organizations, Development Policy Review, World Economy, Oxford Development Studies, Sustainability, Journal of Pacific Studies.

She has contributed various policy papers on development cooperation and peer-reviewed journals, for example:

[2018] Mustapha S, Prizzon A, Debt relief initiatives 20 years on and implications of the new development finance landscape, in Third World Thematics: A TWQ Journal.

[2018] Engen L, Prizzon A, A guide on multilateral development banks, Overseas Development Institute.

[2017] Bhattacharya A, Kharas H, Plant M, Prizzon A, The New Global Agenda and the Future of the MDB System,Paper prepared for the G20 Eminent Persons Group meeting in Frankfurt am Main on 4 December 2017, Brookings Institute, Centre for Global Development, Overseas Development Institute.

[2017] Prizzon A, et al. (eds.), Six recommendations for reforming multilateral development banks: an essay series,ODI report, December. 

[2017] Pickering, J, Davies R, Prizzon A, Development co-operation: New perspectives from developing countries – Introduction for special issue of Development Policy Review, in Development Policy Review, 35, O1-O9.

[2017] Prizzon A, Greenhill R, Mustapha S, An ‘age of choice’ for external development finance? Evidence from country case studies, in Development Policy Review, 35, O29-O45.

[2015] Schmaljohann M, Prizzon A, Age of choice:  How partner countries are managing the new development assistance landscape – The cases of Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Timor-Leste and Vanuatu, in Asia and Pacific Policy Studies, Australian National University. Volume 2, Issue 3, pages 643–651, September.  

[2015] Mold A, Prizzon A, Commodity prices and export performance in Sub-Saharan African countries,in Morrissey O, Lopez R, Sharma K (eds.) “Handbook On Trade And Development”, Edward Elgar Publishing.   

[2013] Mold A, Prizzon A, South-South trade liberalization as a way out of the financial crisis? An exploratory CGE simulation, in Journal of International Development, vol. 25(8), pages 1071-1084, November. 

[2013] Prizzon A, Vaggi G, On the sustainability of external debt: Is debt relief enough?, in Cambridge Journal of Economics, December.

[2012] Mold A, Prizzon A, Aid flows in times of crisis, in Alonso JA, Ocampo JA (eds.) “Development Cooperation in Times of Crisis, Initiative for Policy Dialogue”, Columbia University Press [Spanish version in Fondo de Cultura Económica].

Awards and prizes

Annalisa Prizzon is academic advisor of Jubilee Debt Campaign and a member of the World Economic Forum Council on the Future on Infrastructure.

Paola Profeta

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Gender Economy, Gender Policies, Pension Systems, Public Economics, Public Finance, Taxation

Keywords: coronavirus, Covid-19: impact on women's work, female employment, female leadership, gender, gender quotas, public policies, taxation

Region: Lombardy


Full professor of Public Economics at Bocconi University, Milan

Professional career

After graduating in Economic and Social Sciences at Bocconi University in 1995, she continues her education with a Ph.D. in Economics at Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, completed in 2000, spending two semesters as a visiting scholar at Columbia University in New York. She has been a post-doctoral fellow at CORE, Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. From 2001 to 2005 she is researcher in Science of Finance at the University of Pavia and since 2005 she is professor, first associate and then full professor, at Bocconi University, where she directs the Master of Science in Politics and Policy Analysis and the AXA Research Lab on Gender Equality. She is also Research Fellow of CESifo, of CHILD-Collegio Carlo Alberto of Turin and scientific advisor of Unicredit and Universities Foundation. She is currently President of the European Public Choice Society and a member of the Board of Management of the International Institute of Public Finance. She has been visiting professor at several institutions including Harvard Kennedy School, Nuffield College, Oxford University, CESifo Munich, Trinity College Dublin, University of Lugano, Rennes, Edinburgh. 

Scientific results

Her research activity develops in two fields: public economics and gender economics, with a particular attention to the policy implications of pension and taxation systems and of measures which promote female employment and women’s empowerment.

Editorial work and publications

Paola Profeta is author of several publications in prestigious journals of economics and of books, among which:

 (2021) Gender Equality and Public PolicyMeasuring Progress in Europe. Cambridge University Press

(2018) When the state mirrors the family: the design of pension systems (with V. Galasso), Journal of European Economic Association.

(2018) Tax Policy and Economic Growth: Does it Really Matter? (with D. Baiardi, R. Puglisi and S.Scabrosetti) International tax and Public Finance.

(2014) Women Directors. The Italian Way and Beyond (with L. Amidani Aliberti, A. Casarico, M. D’Amico, A. Puccio; lead author), Palgrave MacMillan.

(2014) Gender quotas and the quality of politicians (with A. Baltrunaite, P. Bello, A. Casarico), Journal of Public Economics, 118:62-74. 

(2013) Does Democracy affect taxation and public spending? Evidence from Developing countries (with R. Puglisi and S. Scabrosetti), Journal of Comparative Economics 41: 684-717.

(2012) Public education and Redistribution when Talents are Mismatched (with M. Bernasconi), European Economic Review, 56(1): 84-96.

(2010) The political economy of taxation: lessons from developing countries (with S. Scabrosetti), E. Elgar.

(2007) The Redistributive Design of Social Security Systems (with J.I. Conde Ruiz), The Economic Journal 117: 686-712.

(2004)Lessons for an Aging Society: the Political Sustainability of Social Security Systems (with V. Galasso), Economic Policy 63-115.

(2002) The Political Economy of Social Security: A Survey (with V. Galasso), European Journal of Political Economy 18: 1-29


Awards and prizes

Paola Profeta is responsible of the Dondena Gender initiative, fellow of Carlo F. Dondena Centre for Research on Social Dynamics and Public Policy all'Università Bocconi, of CHILD at Collegio Carlo Alberto of Turin and CESifo of Munich. She has been invited as keynote speaker at several conferences, such as Alp-Pop 2018, the international conference 2017 “From parents to children” Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation, Lisbon, the international conference in memory of Valeria Solesin at Ca’ Foscari, the conference “Inefficient Inequality” of Intereconomics/CEPS a Bruxelles, the conference “Trust and Taxation” of UCSIA- Anvers and numerous conferences in Italy and in Europe on the topic of board gender quotas and gender quotas in politics. She is member of the editorial board of European Journal of Political Economyand CESifo Economic Studies. Her research was funded by the European Commission – DG Justice and DG Emploment, private foundations (FBBVA, Ramon Areces), universities and research centers (Sandell, Netspar). She was awarded the SIEP 3002 prize and the 2018 research impact award of Bocconi University. She was invited for hearing at the Council of Europe, the European Parliament, the Italian Parliament. She organized several international workshops on the topic of equal opportunities between men and women and women’s empwoerment. On the same topic she is active in the national and international debate. She writes on Il Sole 24 Oreand collaborates with Corriere della Sera and La 27esima Ora.

In September 2021 she is  named among the 50 most inspiring Italian women in the world of technology with the award InspiringFifty for Italy.


Chiara Proietti Silvestri

International politics area

Competences: Analysis of Energy Markets, Geopolitics of Energy

Keywords: decarbonisation, energy scenarios and investments, energy transition and sustainability, European energy dependence, gas pipeline war, O&G discoveries in the Eastern Mediterranean, power interconnections, Security of supply

Region: Emilia-Romagna


Energy market analyst at the bologna-based research and consultancy firm RIE (Ricerche Industriali ed Energetiche); Associate research fellow energy security at the institute of international policy ISPI

Professional career

Chiara Proietti Silvestri attended the Faculty of Political Sciences "R. Ruffilli ” (Forlì Campus); in 2011 she graduated with a master's degree cum laudein International and Diplomatic Sciences. In the same year, she joined the research team of RIE in Bologna where she still works as a political and energy economics analyst. In 2015, she began working with ISPI on the drafting of energy security reports for the Italian Parliament's International Policy Observatory. The collaboration with ISPI continues also in the field of teaching and in 2017 she becomes Associate Research Fellow Energy Security. She continues to study, believing that learning must be continuously stimulated; for this reason, over the years she has attended specialization courses on energy law, industrial economics, econometrics, energy certification analysis.

Scientific results

As part of her work at RIE, Proietti Silvestri follows various research sectors, including the development of O&G resources at national level and the development of Italian energy districts. This line of research has led to the drafting of various policy-oriented papers on the subject and to the realization of a book entitled "the Coexistence between Hydrocarbons and Agriculture, Fisheries and Tourism in Italy, for which she was co-author of some chapters. Recently, she has coordinated a research project on heavy transport and sustainable mobility.

Editorial work and publications

She is a member of the editorial board of the quarterly journal 'Energia' on energy issues since 1980. She has also published numerous articles in specialist publications, some of which are listed below:

[2019] Proietti Silvestri C. I numeri dell’economia circolare in Italia, Gestore Mercati Energetici 

[2018] Proietti Silvestri C. Anche litio e cobalto nelle statistiche dell’energia, Gestore Mercati Energetici

[2018] Proietti Silvestri C. La finanza verde a 10 anni dal primo Green bond, Gestore Mercati Energetici

[2018] Proietti Silvestri C. Turkish Stream, gli esiti del divide et impera russo, Formiche 

[2016] Proietti Silvestri C. Gas, perno della cooperazione nel Mediterraneo orientale, Affari Internazionali

[2015] Gugliotta A., Proietti Silvestri C. Shale gas e prezzi oil: cosa cambia?Gestore Mercati Energetici

[2015] Proietti Silvestri C. Egitto a tutto gas: nuovi equilibri energetici nel Mediterraneo Orientale,Osservatorio di Politica Internazionale del Senato della Repubblica

[2015] Proietti Silvestri C. Esplorazione: nuovo dinamismo nel Mar Adriatico, Affari Internazionali 

[2014] Clò F., Proietti Silvestri C. I distretti petroliferi in Emilia Romagna: realtà da indagare e valorizzare, Rivista “Energia”

[2013] Proietti Silvestri C. Cipro: tra sviluppo energetico e tensioni politiche, The Risky Shift 

[2013] Proietti Silvestri C. Stati Uniti: le implicazioni internazionali di una politica energetica “non convenzionale, The Risky Shift

[2013] Proietti Silvestri C.  L’onda siriana sul petrolio, Affari Internazionali

[2012] Proietti Silvestri C. Sicurezza Energetica: Egitto e Israele alla battaglia del gas, Affari Internazionali 

[2011] Proietti Silvestri C. Non Proliferazione: Giro di vite sul commercio nucleare, Affari Internazionali

[2011] Proietti Silvestri C. Sicurezza nucleare: insegnamenti dopo Fukushima, Rivista Energia

[2009] Proietti Silvestri C. Russia: Il war game simulato contro la Polonia inquieta l'Alleanza Atlantica, Equilibri.

Awards and prizes

She is a member of the editorial board of the “Rivista Energia", since 1980 a quarterly review regarding the main energy issues. Moreover, she has published numerous articles in specialized magazines, some of which are listed below:


[2019] Proietti Silvestri C. I numeri dell’economia circolare in Italia, Gestore Mercati Energetici 

[2018] Proietti Silvestri C. Anche litio e cobalto nelle statistiche dell’energia, Gestore Mercati Energetici

[2018] Proietti Silvestri C. La finanza verde a 10 anni dal primo Green bond, Gestore Mercati Energetici

[2018] Proietti Silvestri C. Turkish Stream, gli esiti del divide et impera russo, Formiche 

[2016] Proietti Silvestri C. Gas, perno della cooperazione nel Mediterraneo orientale, Affari Internazionali

[2015] Gugliotta A., Proietti Silvestri C. Shale gas e prezzi oil: cosa cambia?Gestore Mercati Energetici

[2015] Proietti Silvestri C. Egitto a tutto gas: nuovi equilibri energetici nel Mediterraneo Orientale,Osservatorio di Politica Internazionale del Senato della Repubblica

[2015] Proietti Silvestri C. Esplorazione: nuovo dinamismo nel Mar Adriatico, Affari Internazionali 

[2014] Clò F., Proietti Silvestri C. I distretti petroliferi in Emilia Romagna: realtà da indagare e valorizzare, Rivista “Energia”

[2013] Proietti Silvestri C. Cipro: tra sviluppo energetico e tensioni politiche, The Risky Shift 

[2013] Proietti Silvestri C. Stati Uniti: le implicazioni internazionali di una politica energetica “non convenzionale, The Risky Shift

[2013] Proietti Silvestri C.  L’onda siriana sul petrolio, Affari Internazionali

[2012] Proietti Silvestri C. Sicurezza Energetica: Egitto e Israele alla battaglia del gas,Affari Internazionali 

[2011] Proietti Silvestri C. Non Proliferazione: Giro di vite sul commercio nucleare, Affari Internazionali

[2011] Proietti Silvestri C. Sicurezza nucleare: insegnamenti dopo Fukushima, Rivista Energia

[2009] Proietti Silvestri C. Russia: Il war game simulato contro la Polonia inquieta l'Alleanza Atlantica,Equilibri

Chiara Daniela Pronzato

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Demographics, Family Economy, Political Economy, Public Policies Evaluation

Keywords: childcare services, children cognitive and non-cognitive development, coronavirus, Covid-19: impact of school closures and activities on children, gender, intergenerational transmission, parental separation

Region: Piedmont


Associate Professor of Demography at the University of Turin (Italy) and Collegio Carlo Alberto Affiliate.

Professional career

She studied Statistics at the University of Turin and then moved to ISER, University of Essex, where she earned a Phd in Economics. In 2008, she was back to Italy with a post-doc position at Dondena, Bocconi University. In 2011, she received the UWIN (Unicredit Women’s International Network) Best Paper Award on topics related to “Economic Consequences of Gender Equality in Europe”.

Scientific results

Her main research interests are in the fields of economics of the family, demography, and policy evaluation methods. In recent years, she has received grants to study children’s time use and to carry out policy evaluation of educational programs.  

Her research appears in the Economic Journal, in the Journal of Population Economics, in the European Journal of Population, in Review of Economics of the Household, in Oxford Economic Papers, and in Regional Studies.

Roberta Rabellotti

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Development Economy, Innovation Economy

Keywords: China, emerging countries, industrialization, multinationls

Region: Lombardy


Professor of Economics - Department of Political and Social Science, Università di Pavia and Assigned Professor at the University of Aalborg, Denmark.


Professional career

She has a laurea in Economics at Bocconi University, a Master Degree in Development Economics at the University of Oxford and a Doctor of Philosophy at the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex.

She held a lecturer position in the Università di Padova and she was Associate Professor at the Università del Piemonte Orientale.

She was visiting fellow at the University of Singapore, JETRO-Institute of Developing Economies, Duke University, Northeastern University, Manchester University, Tsinghua University, Universidad Autonoma de Mexico, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana de Mexico.

She has working experience as consultant for OECD, UE, IADB, ITC, UNCTAD, UNIDO, ILO, FMI, CEPAL.

Scientific results

Her research focuses on development economics, regional economics and innovation. She has studied clusters and small enterprises in developing countries. Furthermore, she has researched how the involvement in Global Value Chains can facilitate the entry of firms from developing countries in global markets. More recently, the focus of her research is on multinationals from emerging countries, such as China and India, investing in advanced countries and on how these investments contribute to the building of an autonomous innovation capability in these countries.

Editorial work and publications

(2019) Amendolagine V., Giuliani E., Martinelli A., Rabellotti R., Chinese and Indian MNEs shopping spree in advanced countries. How good is for their innovative output?, Journal of Economic Geography, 18(5): 1149-1176.


(2011) Pietrobelli C, Rabellotti R. Global Value Chains Meet Innovation Systems: Are There Learning Opportunities for Developing Countries? World Development 9(7):1261-1269.

(2010) Cusmano L, Morrison A, Rabellotti R. Catching-up Trajectories in the Wine Sector: A Comparative Study of Chile, Italy and South Africa. World Development 38 (11):1588-1602.

(2010) Giuliani E, Morrison A, Pietrobelli C, Rabellotti R. Why do researchers collaborate with industry? An analysis of the wine sector in Chile, Italy and South Africa. Research Policy, 39(6): 748-761.

(2207) Pietrobelli C, Rabellotti R (ed.). Upgrading to Compete: SMEs, Clusters and Value Chains in Latin America, Cambridge Mass.: Harvard University Press.


Greta Radaelli

STEM area: Materials sciences and nanotechnology

Competences: Nanotechnologies, Physical Engineering

Keywords: bedimensional, bedimensional crystals, graphene, innovation, smart materials, startup, technological transfer

Region: Lombardy


McKinsey & Company Associate Partner

Professional career

After graduating in Physical Engineering, she continued her studies with a PhD in Physics at the Politecnico di Milano, during which she spent a year at the Institute of Materials Science (ICMAB-CSIC) of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She then moved to France for a post-doc. In 2014, back in Italy, she puts the skills and experience gained abroad at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Genoa. In 2016 she is co-founder and sole director of BeDimensional, a start-up born from the IIT laboratories. In March 2017 she became a Partner at McKinsey & Company.

Scientific results

During her PhD she dealt with oxide electronics and in particular focused on the study of the phenomena that characterize the interface between ferromagnetic and ferroelectric materials. The objective of these studies is the development of new electrically controlled memory devices based on tunnel effect junctions. At the Italian Institute of Technology she initially devoted herself to the development of intelligent materials for industrial applications. Subsequently, she dedicated herelf to the technology transfer project of new two-dimensional materials, in particular graphene, born in IIT, becoming sole administrator of BeDimensional startup. Inside the Italian Institute of Technology, in the Graphene Labs, we study two-dimensional crystals, the new family of "smart" materials born in 2004 with the isolation of the first and most famous of these materials - graphene - and which possess unique characteristics from the mechanical, electrical, thermal and optical point of view. Graphene, defined as a wonder material, has a mechanical resistance about 200 times greater than steel and an extraordinary thermal conductivity. 

It is biocompatible, biodegradable, capable of sustaining a higher electric current density than copper and is an almost impermeable barrier to the vast majority of chemical elements, while maintaining the characteristics of flexibility and lightness. In IIT's Graphene Labs, a process has been developed for the production of these materials that can be scaled at the industrial level. Two-dimensional crystals (including graphene) can also be appropriately mixed in plastic matrices, in carbon / glass fibers or in metals creating composites with high performance. These opportunities open up a new industrial scenario that was unimaginable until a few years ago. The idea is therefore to revolutionize and facilitate national and international manufacturing industry.


Editorial work and publications

She has authored numerous publications in national and international scientific journals, including:

(2016) Pesquera D, Barla A, Wojcik M, Jedryka E, Bondino F, Mangano E, Nappini S, Gutiérrez D, Radaelli G, et al. Strain-Driven Orbital and Magnetic Orders and Phase Separation in Epitaxial Half-Doped Manganite Films for Tunneling DevicesPhysical Review Applied 6(3):034004. 

(2016) Radaelli G, Heredia-Guerrero JA, et al. Highly Effective Antiadhesive Coatings from pH-Modified Water-Dispersed Perfluorinated Acrylic Copolymers: The Case of Vulcanizing Rubber. Advanced Materials Interfaces 3(13).

(2015) Asa M, Baldrati L, Rinaldi C, Bertoli S, Radaelli G, et al. Electric field control of magnetic properties and electron transport in BaTiO 3 -based multiferroic heterostructures. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 27(50):504004.

(2015) Bertacco R, Radaelli G, et al. Switching magnetic order at an Fe/BaTiO3 interface on and off: Impact on hybrid magnetic-ferroelectric tunnel junctions.

(2015) Liu F, Fina I, Gutiérrez D, Radaelli G, et al. Selecting Steady and Transient Photocurrent Response in BaTiO3 Films.

(2015) Radaelli G, Gutiérrez D, et al. Large Room-Temperature Electroresistance in Dual-Modulated Ferroelectric Tunnel Barriers. Advanced Materials 27(16). 

(2014) Radaelli G, Petti D, Cantoni M, et al, Absence of strain-mediated magnetoelectric coupling at fully epitaxial Fe/BaTiO3 interface (invited). Journal of Applied Physics 115(17).

(2014) Radaelli G, Cantoni M, et al. Two dimensional growth of ultrathin Fe films on BaTiO. Journal of Applied Physics 115(6):063501.

(2014) Gutiérrez D, Radaelli G, et al. Bandwidth-limited control of orbital and magnetic orders in half-doped manganites by epitaxial strainPhysical Review B 89:075107

(2014) Radaelli G, Petti D, et al. Electric Control of Magnetism at the Fe/BaTiO3 Interface. Nature Communications 5:3404.

Maria Alessandra Ragusa

STEM area: Mathematics

Competences: Mathematical Analysis, Mathematical Methods and Models Applied to the Environment

Keywords: coronavirus, Covid-19, Covid-19: different countries, differential equations, environment, local minimums, mathematical models

Region: Sicily


Full Professor of Mathematical Analysis in the University of Catania, Italy

Professional career

After graduating in Mathematics, with honors, at the University of Catania in 1988, she became, in 1989, Expert in Mathematical Analysis at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Catania. In 1990 she passed the admission exam to the PhD in Mathematics at the University of Catania. In 1992 she won a competition exam for University Researcher in Mathematical Analysis at the University of Catania, in 2000 she was Associate Professor at the University of Catania. In 2012 she was awarded a PhD in Mathematics from Luleå University (Sweden).

In 2013 she obtained the national scientific qualification as Full Professor of Mathematical Analysis and from 2017 she is Full Professor of Mathematical Analysis at the University of Catania. She is Chief Researcher of the Center of Nonlinear Problems of Mathematical Physics, RUDN University, Moscow (Russia). She is a member of the Academic Board of the PhD in Mathematics at the University of Catania, and of international PhD exam commissions. She has held teaching courses for the Research Doctorate in Italy, France, Turkey and Sweden.

She is responsible for research projects of the "National Group for Mathematical Analysis, Probability and their Applications (GNAMPA) - National Institute of High Mathematics", of ERASMUS agreements between the University of Catania and foreign Universities in Sweden, Norway, Romania, Turkey and France.

She is Vice Dean of the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences of the University of Catania from 2009 to 2012, she was elected, in 2012, President of the Master of Science in Environmental Protection Sciences of the University of Catania, and in 2013 Director of the "University Center for the Protection and Management of Natural Environments and Agro-Ecosystems" (CUTGANA).

She is Deputy Rector of the University of Catania to the Internationalization in the scientific field.

 She is the contact person for Catania of the Unione Matematica Italiana, member of the Gioenia Academy, proponent member of the "Angelo Marcello Anile Center for Mathematics for Technology" of the University of Catania, proponent member of the "Interdepartmental research center for community engagement" (CUrE) of the University of Catania It is included in the Register of expert evaluators of the National Agency for the Evaluation of University and Research (ANVUR).

Scientific results

She is currently responsible for a research group that is interested in the study of partial differential, linear and quasilinear equations and climate change and their impact.

 With her team he defined an index that makes it possible to easily calculate the territorial effect of sensitivity to desertification in order to exceed the international protocol limit "Mediterranean Mediterranean Desertification And Land Use European" (MEDALUS), which does not provide an estimate of sensitivity to the desertification of a territorial area (municipal, provincial, regional, hydrographic area) through a single value. This index has significant advantages, because it produces effective rankings, with the consequent possibility of processing comparative data in relation to different time periods.

Within the scope of this research in mathematics applied to the protection of the environment, the effects of the impact of the transport of Saharan dust on particulate matter (PM10) are studied.

The results of these researches have been exhibited in international conferences in all 5 continents, of which about 20 organized by her in Europe and the USA, being part of scientific committees in which she was sometimes the only Italian member. She has held seminars in numerous Italian and foreign universities, being, by way of example only: guest of research groups, invited guest on the occasion of intensive semesters of the National Institute of High Mathematics (INDAM), guest of the "Mathematics Research Center E. De Giorgi "of the" Scuola Normale Superiore "of Pisa, of the" Newton Institute "of Cambridge, of the Department of Mathematics of the" Research Melbourne Institute of Technology "of Melbourne, of the" Tokyo University of Science "of Tokyo, of the" Florida Institute of Technology "of Miami, of the Department of Mathematics, of the" Harvard University "of Boston, of the" Mittag-Leffler "Institute of the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences in Stockholm.

Editorial work and publications

She is the  unique Editor in Chief of the international journal "Journal of Mathematics Research", published by the Canadian Center of Science and Education, Editor of the volume of "Journal of Inequalities and Applications" ed. Springer. 2015, member of Editorial Board of several international scientific journals  published on Scopus and Web of Science with impact factor. 

She is the author of more than 90 scientific publications, in single name and in collaboration with about 30 co-authors, of which one third are Italians and the other Europeans and non-Europeans. She published papers having only her name in journals that are among the top 10 of the Journal Citation Reports and publications that, in both the Scopus and Web of Science databases, have more than 170 citations.

Just as examples, some of his scientific publications:

2021) Hamdy M. Ahmed, Reda A. Elbarkouky, Othman A. M. Omar,  and Maria Alessandra Ragusa. Models for COVID-19 Daily Confirmed Cases in Different Countries. Mathematics, 9:659.

(2018) Guliyev V, Omarova M, Ragusa MA, Scapellato A. Commutators and Generalized Local Morrey Spaces. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 457 (2): 1388-1402.

(2017) Cuspilici A, Monforte P, Ragusa MA. Study of Saharan dust influence on PM10 measures in Sicily from 2013 to 2015. Ecological Indicatiors, 76: 297-303.

(2017) Deringoz F, Guliyev V, Ragusa MA. Intrinsic Square Functions on Vanishing Generalized Orlicz-Morrey Spaces. Set-Valued and Variational Analysis, 25: 807–828.

(2017) Ragusa MA, Scapellato A. Mixed Morrey spaces and their applications to partial differential equations. Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods & Applications, 151: 51-65.

(2017) Duro A, Piccione V, Ragusa MA, Rapicavoli V, Veneziano V. Enviromentally Sensitive Patch Index of desertification risk applied to the main habitats of Sicily. Book Series: American Institute of Physics, 1863, Article Number: UNSP 510005.

(2014) Benboenou S, Ragusa MA, Terberche M. Remarks on Leray's self-similar solutions to the 3D magnetohydrodynamic equations. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 37 (17): 2615-2618.

(2013) Ragusa MA, Tachikawa A, Takabayashi H. Partial regularity of p(x)-harmonic maps. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 365 (6):3329-3353.

(2012) Persson LE, Ragusa MA, Samko N, Wall P. Commutators of Hardy operators in vanishing Morrey spaces. Book Series: American Institute of Physics, 1863:859-866.

(2008) ) Polidoro S, Ragusa MA. Harnack inequality for hypoelliptic ultraparabolic equations with a singular lower order term. Revista Matematica Iberoamericana Vol. 24, 1011-1046.

(2002) Ragusa MA. Local holder regularity for solutions of elliptic system. Duke Mathematical Journal, 113 (2):385-397.

(2000) D. Palagachev, M.A. Ragusa, L. Softova. Regular Oblique derivatives problem in Morrey Spaces. El. Journal of Differential Equations (39).

Manuela Teresa Raimondi

STEM area: Engineering

Competences: Biomedical Engineering

Keywords: biopharmaceuticals, drugs, in vitro organs, regenerative medicine, stamina cells, tissue engineering

Region: Lombardy


Full Professor of Bioengineering at Politecnico di Milano.

Professional career

After the Master Degree in Biomedical Engineering, in 2000 she receives her PhD in Bioengineering at at Politecnico di Milano, where she develops her career. In 2003 she founds a Bioengineering research unit, inside the IRRCS Galeazzi Orthopaedic Institute in Milano, which she directs until 2008. Since 2010 she founds and directs the Mechanobiology laboratory at the Dept of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta”. From 2013 to 2015 she is the coordinator of the PhD program in Bioengineering. Since 2014 she founds and directs the LuCId lab, for live cell imaging. Since 2015 she is the referent person of Politecnico di Milano for the frame agreement with IRCCS Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research in Milano.

Scientific results

Her scientific activity focuses on bioengineering, on the understanding and the consequent control of biological mechanisms through engineering devices for cell culture outside the human organism. An important result was that of succeeding in orienting the production of organoids (simplified and miniaturized versions of an organ produced in vitro), for example brain tissue or bone tumor metastasis, using miniaturized devices called "millifluidic bioreactors". Manuela Raimondi has designed such systems to produce and maintain living tissue in culture to be used for the experimentation of new drugs, such as chemotherapeutic and anti-inflammatory drugs, in a much more realistic way than conventional cell culture, reducing the use of experimental animals. In her studies she focused on "mesenchymal" cells, i.e. stem cells of bone and cartilage tissue, which provide the natural regenerative and reparative capacity to the tissues of the human body.

Editorial work and publications

She is the author of around 200 scientific publications, among which: 

[2018] Marturano-Kruik A, A.Villasante, K.Yaeger, S. Ambati, A. Chramiec, M.T. Raimondi, G. Vunjak-Novakovic. Biomechanical regulation of drug sensitivity in an engineered model of human tumor. Biomaterials. 2018 Jan;150:150-161. doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2017.10.020

[2018] Marturano-Kruik A, Nava MM, Yaeger K, Chramiec A, Hao L, Robinson ST, Guo XE, Raimondi MT, Vunjak-Novakovic G. Human bone perivascular niche-on-a-chip for studyingmetastatic colonization. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018 Feb 6;115(6):1256-1261. doi:10.1073/pnas.1714282115.

[2016] Garcia B, Rodriguez Matas JF, Raimondi MT. Modeling of the mechano-chemical behavior of the nuclear pore complex: current research and perspectives. Integrative Biology, 8(10): 1011-1021 doi: 10.1039/c6ib00153j

[2016] Nava MM, Di Maggio N, Zandrini T, Cerullo G, Osellame R, Martin I, Raimondi MT. Synthetic niche substrates engineered via two-photon laser polymerization for the expansion of human mesenchymal stromal cells. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, doi: 10.1002/term.2187

[2016] Nava MM, Piuma A, Figliuzzi M, Cattaneo I, Bonandrini B, Zandrini T, Cerullo G, Osellame R, Remuzzi A, Raimondi MT. Two-photon polymerized "nichoid" substrates maintain function of pluripotent stem cells when expanded under feeder-free conditions. Stem Cell Research and Therapy, 7:132. doi: 10.1186/s13287-016-0387-z

Awards and prizes

Manuela Raimondi received many grants and awards, among which three ERC grants:

2000-2001: Young Investigator Award from Politecnico di Milano.

2005-2006 e 2006-2007: Research Award from the Cariplo Foundation.

2006 e 2007: Rocca Award from the MIT-Italy program.

2010-2011: Research Award from the Italian Ministry of University and Research.

2011-2012: Young Researcher Award from Politecnico di Milano.

2015-2020: ERC-CoG-2014 Grant award in stem cell mechanobiology, from the European Research Council. Project NICHOID.

2017-2018: ERC-PoC-2016 Grant award in stem cell bioengineering, from the European research Council. Project NICHOIDS.

2019-2020 ERC-PoC-2018 Grant award in microfluidic bioengineering, from the European Research Council. Project MOAB.

2018-202: Research Award from the Italian Ministry of University and Research.

Nicoletta Ravasio

STEM area: Chemistry

Competences: Green Chemistry, Upcycling of Agrofood and Food Industry Waste, Use of Renewable Raw Materials for the Production of Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biomaterials

Keywords: antioxidants, bioeconomy, biolubrificants, biomaterials, biosurfactants, circular economy, vegerable oil

Region: Lombardy


Research Director at CNR, the National Council of Research of Italy.

Professional career

After graduating in Chemistry at the University of Milan, she carried out research activities at the University of Bari where she obtained her PhD in 1988 and began her career as a CNR researcher. In 1996 she moves to Milan, where in 2020 she becomes Research Director at the 'Giulio Natta' Institute of Chemical Sciences and Technologies (SCITEC).

Scientific results

Much of hes scientific activity has been dedicated to the use of heterogeneous catalysis in organic synthesis processes (selective catalytic hydrogenation in the synthesis of fine chemicals and specialties, selective catalytic dehydrogenation, heterogeneous catalytic epoxidation), and selective catalytic transformations of raw materials from renewable sources (vegetable oils, terpenes, sugars, cellulose, valorisation of agro-industry waste, circular economy).

She has been in charge of several contracts with italian and foreign industries.

She has been the Principal Investigator of research projects of interest for the development of Circular Economy: VeLiCA: da antiche colture materiali e prodotti per il futuro (Regione Lombardia, 2011-2013); RiceRes: From waste to resource: an integrated valorization of the rice productive chain residues (Fondazione Cariplo, 2015-2017); Circo: Multi valorization of silverskin, a residue of the coffee roasting industry (Fondazione Cariplo e InnovHub, 2018-2021)

Editorial work and publications

[2021] Cavuoto D, Ravasio N, Scotti N, Gervasini A, Campisi S, Marelli M, Cappelletti G,  Zaccheria F. A green solvent diverts the hydrogenation of γ–valerolactone to 1,4   pentandiol over Cu/SiO2. Molecular Catalysis, 516: 111936

[2021] Overturf E, Pezzutto S, Boschiero M, Ravasio N, Monegato A. The CirCo (Circular Coffee) Project: A Case Study on Valorization of Coffee Silverskin in the Context of Circular Economy in Italy. Sustainability, 13: 9069

[2021] Bellini M, Zaccheria F, Bianchi S, Ravasio N. Vegetable oils as Triple Bottom Line compliant lubricants. Tribology International, 161: 107103

[2021] Nasti R, Galeazzi A, Marzorati S, Zaccheria F,  Ravasio N, Bozzano G.L.,  Manenti F, Verotta L. Valorisation of Coffee Roasting By‑Products: Recovery of Silverskin Fat By Supercritical CO2 Extraction. Waste and Biomass Valorization,

[2020] Cavuoto D, Zaccheria F,  Ravasio N. Some Critical Insights into the Synthesis and Applications of Hydrophobic Solid Catalysts. Catalysts 10: 1337

[2020] Zaccheria F,  Bossola F, Scotti N, Evangelisti C, Dalsanto V,  Ravasio N. On demand production of ethers or alcohols from furfural and HMF by selecting the composition of a Zr/Si catalyst. Catalysis Science and Technology,  10: 7502–7511

[2020] Pappalardo V.M, Cavuoto D,  Sangiorgio S, Speranza G, Cappelletti G,  Ravasio N, Zaccheria F. Clays as Effective Solid Acid Catalysts for the Preparation of Sugar Esters with Surfactant Properties. ChemistrySelect 5: 8009–8014

[2020] Overturf  E, Ravasio N,  Zaccheria F, Tonin C, Patrucco A,  Bertini F,  Canetti M, Avramidou K, Speranza G, Bavaro T, Ubiali D. Towards a more sustainable circular bioeconomy. Innovative approaches to rice residue valorization: The RiceRes case study. Bioresource Technology Reports,  11: 100427

[2020] Cavuoto D,  Zaccheria F, Marelli M,  Evangelisti C, Piccolo O, Ravasio N. The Role of Support Hydrophobicity in the Selective Hydrogenation of Enones and Unsaturated Sulfones over Cu/SiO2 Catalysts. Catalysts 10: 515

[2020]  Scotti N, Bossola F, Zaccheria F, Ravasio N. Copper-zirconia catalysts: Powerful multifunctional catalytic tools to approach sustainable processes. Catalysts 10: 168

[2020]  Scotti N, Ravasio N, Zaccheria F, Irimescu A, Merola S.S. Green pathway to a new fuel extender: continuous flow catalytic synthesis of butanol/butyl butyrate mixtures. RSC Advances, 10: 3130 – 3136

[2017]  Zaccheria F, Mariani M, Scotti N, Psaro R,  Ravasio N. Catalytic upgrading of lactose: a rest raw material of the dairy industry. Green Chemistry 19: 1904 - 1910

Awards and prizes

In 2021 she was awarded the  Medaglia Piero Pino  by the Industrial Chemistry Division of the Italian Chemical Society "For contributions of scientific, innovative and applicative importance, in the sector of heterogeneous catalysis with particular attention to the substitution of noble metals in fine chemical synthesis and to selective transformation of renewable raw materials"

Lucrezia Reichlin

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Banks, Econometrics, Finance, Macroeconomics, Monetary Policy

Keywords: business cycle, monetary policy, previsions

Region: ABROAD


Full Professor of Economics at the London Business School, Non-executive Director of Unicredit Banking Group, Ageas Insurance Group (member of the Risk committee), Eurobank Ergasias SA (chairman nomination committee, chair remuneration committee), Messaggerie Italiane Group, Chairman and co-founder Now-Casting Economics limited, Trustee of the International Financial Reporting Standards Foundation.

Professional career

After obtaining a degree in Economics from the University of Modena in 1980, she continued her education with a PhD in Economics from the New York Iniversity (USA). She held various academic roles. In sequence: European University Institute, Florence, Observatoire des Conjonctures Economiques of the Institut d’Etudes Politiques of Paris, Columbia University Graduate School of Business, New York. From 1994 to 2004 she was professor of economics at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. In 2005 she was appointed general manager of research at the European Central Bank (ECB) where she headed the monetary policy, financial markets and economic forecasting divisions. After four years at the ECB she returned to the academy as Full Professor of Economics at the London Business School. Since 2009 she has been a member of the board of directors of Unicredit, since 20013 of the Board of Ageas Insurance Group and since 2016 of Eurobank Ergesias where she was also chair of the remuneration and nomination committees. In 2011 she founded the forecasting company No-Casting Economics in London and became its President. Since 2018 she has been appointed Trustee of the Foundation of the International Financial Reporting Standards.

Scientific results

Reichlin is considered the most influential European woman economist being ranked by Repec / Ideas (the site used by the profession for the international ranking) number one in Europe and number thirteen in the world for impact of its research and publications (2017 data). Her main academic contributions are in the fields of econometrics, monetary policy and business cycle analysis. On these issues she has published in numerous international journals. She was elected "Fellow" of the most prestigious international academic institutions: Econometric Society, British Academy, Academia Europaea, European Economic Association, Center for European Economic Research. She received the Birgit Grodal award from the European Economic Association for excellence in women's economic careers in Europe and other awards (see CV).

Her research leadership is also demonstrated by the various roles she holds in international research institutions. Some of her many present and past roles: Trustee Center of European Economic Policy Research, Board Member, Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), Board Member, International Center for Monetary and Banking Studies Geneva, Chair, Scientific Council, Bruegel, Brussels ( 2013-2016), Scientific director (2011-2013) and Program co-director, International Macroeconomics (1999-2004) of the Center of Economic Policy Research, Founder of the Euro Area Business Cycle Network.

Reichlin has been at the top of one of the most important central banks in the world for five years (see above) and has almost ten years of experience as a non-executive director in international banking and insurance groups. She is the author of influential international relations on debt issues, the economic reform of the single European currency government and various publications on monetary policy and financial crises. She is regularly called upon to contribute speeches at major international conferences on these topics: Federal Reserve including the annual Jackson Hole assembly, European Central Bank including the annual Sintra assembly and generally central banks of both developed and emerging world as well as Fund International Monetary and Organization of Economic and Development.

In 2011 Reichlin founded the company Now-Casting Economics ltd in London which is a spin-off of her research on forecasting methods based on real-time analysis of a large amount of data. The methodology, innovative from the research point of view, provides a web-based service to financial investors and is powered by a completely automatic procedure. Reichlin is the President of the company.
Finally, she has a long experience in consulting economic policy and organizing research in economic policy institutions. For example, she was a member of the Commission Economique de la Nation, (advisory board of the ministries of finance and economics of France, 2014-2016), she was a member of the research evaluation committee Banque de France and of the central banks of Spain and Sweden. She was a member of the council on the euro crisis of the Institute for New Economic Thinking in New York and a consultant to the Federal Reserve Board in Washington. She is an "academic advisor" to the Institute of Global Affairs, the Laby Global Policy of the London School of Economics.

Editorial work and publications

Lucrezia Riechlin is a columnist for Corriere della Sera and Project Syndicate. She occasionally writes comments for the Financial Times. She has numerous publications to her credit, including, in the academic field:

(2016) Giannoni D, Monti F, Reichlin L. Exploiting the Monthly Data Flow in Structural, Journal of Monetary Economics.


(2012) Giannone D, Doz C, Reichlin L. A maximum likelihood approach to dynamic factor analysis in large panels, Review of Economics and Statistics.

(2010) Lenza M, Oill H, Reichlin L. Monetary policy in exceptional times, Economic Policy, 62:295-339.

(2009) Forni M, Giannone D, Lippi M, Reichlin L. Opening the black box: the econometrics of structural factor models. Econometric Theory.

(2008) Giannone D, Reichlin L, Small D. Nowcasting GDP and inflation: the real time informational content of macroeconomic data releases. Journal of Monetary Economics.

(2008) De Mol C, Giannone D, Reichlin L.  Forecasting with a large number of predictors: is Bayesian shrinkage a valid alternative to principal components? Journal of Econometrics.

(2005) Forni M, Hallin M, Lippi M, Reichlin L. The generalised dynamic factor model: one sided estimation and forecasting. Journal of the American Statistical Association,100, 471:830-840.

(2000) Forni M, Hallin M, Lippi M, Reichlin L. The generalised dynamic factor model: identification and estimation. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 82, 4: 540-554.

(1998) Forni M, Reichlin L. Let’s get real: a factor analytical approach to disaggregated business cycle dynamics. Review of Economic Studies,65, 3:453-73.

(1995) Lippi M, Reichlin L. Diffusion of technical change and the decomposition of output into trend and cycle. Review of Economic Studies,61, 1:19-30.

Awards and prizes

In 2015 she was nominated by the President of the Republic as "Grand Officer" of the "Star of Italy", in 2017 she was nominated among the 100 Italian Excellencies and received the "Premiolino" award for her editorials for the Corriere della Sera in 2013.


Alessandra Ricci

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Corporate Finance

Keywords: companies, export, internationalization

Region: Lazio


Head of the Italian Guarantee Programme and Green New Deal at SACE

Professional career

After graduating cum laude in 1994 with a degree in Business and Economics from the LUISS University in Rome, in 1995 Ricci joined the project finance team at Mediocredito Centrale (Unicredit Group) as an Associate Director. She held senior positions in structuring/arranging and advisory roles for project finance and export finance transactions in both the emerging markets and in Italy in the petrochemicals and oil & gas sectors.

In September 2005 she joined SACE Spa as a Senior Manager in the Structured Finance division. She held positions with ever-increasing responsibility within the company, control of which was transferred from the Ministry for the Economy and Finance to Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, including:

- Head of Steel & Petrochemicals Department (2007-2009);

- Deputy Head of Export and Structured Finance Division (2009 – 2011);

- Head of the Operations Management Division (2011-2012)

- Head of Corporate and Investment Finance (2012-2014);

- Chief Business Officer (2014-2017)

- Chief Underwriting Officer (Apr-Oct 2017): in this senior position, six division heads reported directly to her (Competence Line/Underwriting, Administration, Claims, Recoveries, Marketing, Commercial Planning, Business Innovation). She established guidelines for all SACE Group companies in the areas of marketing and commercial and distribution planning, handled the development of the product portfolio and processes for taking on and managing medium/long-term business and the development of digital business. 

She is currently Head of the Italian Guarantee Programme and Green New Deal.

From October 2017 to April 2020 Ricci was appointed Chief Executive Officer of the subsidiary SIMEST Spa, a company that together with SACE forms the Italian export and internationalisation hub, which offers the entire range of instruments to support Italian companies interested in competing and expanding internationally, including equity investments in EU and non-EU investment projects.

She is currently Head of SACE's Guarantee Italy and Green New Deal Programme, and a member of the Board of Directors of SACE FCT and - during his time at SACE - has also held the same role at SACE BT.

Scientific results

Alessandra Ricci is a top manager operating in the areas of corporate finance and equity investment connected with the internationalisation of firms. An expert in project finance and structured finance, she has contributed to the structuring of major transactions at the international and domestic levels, covering a large range of industries – from the energy sector to infrastructure, commodities, and oil & gas – and in various regions around the world (EMEA, LATAM, Pacific).

Over the course of her professional career, her activities have included developing forms of non-bank finance and participating in the establishment of private debt funds. Alongside her corporate finance activities, she has also been involved in a variety of major projects, including work focusing on business innovation to enhance internal corporate processes and the customer experience.

Francesca Rigotti

History and Philosophy area

Competences: Metaphorology, Philosophy, Philosophy of Everyday Life, Political Ethics, Political Philosophy

Keywords: analogy and metaphor, equality, justice, liberty, philosophy of migration

Region: ABROAD


Professor at University of Italian Switzerland. Philosopher, author and essayist.

Professional career

Francesca Rigotti graduated in Philosophy in Milan in 1974 and obtained a PhD at the European University Institute in 1984. After qualifying as a teacher in 1991, she became a professor at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Göttingen as holder of a 'Heisenberg Stipendium' of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, a visiting fellow at the Department of Politics of Princeton University and a lecturer at the University of Zurich. Since 1996 she has taught at the University of Lugano.  She lectures, writes about book criticism, collaborates with Rete 2 of the Radio della Svizzera italiana and writes for various Italian and foreign magazines and newspapers.

Her monographic works, to which must be added about a hundred essays in journals and about forty contributions in collective volumes, have been translated into thirteen languages.

Scientific results

Francesca Rigotti’s research deals with deciphering and interpreting metaphorical and symbolic procedures sedimenting in philosophical thought, in political reasoning, in cultural practice as well as in everyday experience.

Editorial work and publications

(forthcoming), F. Rigotti, L’era del singolo, Torino Einaudi 

2020, F. Rigotti, Buio, Bologna, il Mulino.

2019, F. Rigotti, Migranti per caso: una vita da Expat, Milano, Cortina.

2018, F. Rigotti, de senectute, Torino, Einaudi.

2015, F. Rigotti, Manifesto del cibo liscio, Novara, Interlinea.

2013, F. Rigotti, Nuova filosofia delle piccole cose , Novara, Interlinea. 

2010, F. Rigotti, Partorire con il corpo e con la mente. Creatività, filosofia, maternità, Torino, Bollati boringhieri.

2006, F. Rigotti, Il pensiero pendolare, il Mulino, Bologna.

2002, F. Rigotti, Il filo del pensiero, il Mulino, Bologna.

1999, F. Rigotti, 2004, 2012, La filosofia in cucina, il Mulino, Bologna.

1998, F. Rigotti, L’onore degli onesti, Feltrinelli, Milano.

1992, F. Rigotti, Il potere e le sue metafore, Feltrinelli, Milano.


Awards and prizes

Francesca Rigotti  was awarded:

2001, the "24 Premio Letterario Città di Chiavari"(for her Book Filosofia in Cucina)

2002, the first prize of Philosophy "Viaggio a Siracusa" (for her book Il filo del pensiero)

the Premio Capalbio 2008, section Philosophy

2016 the  “Outstanding Woman Award”

2020 the "Premio della Fondazione del Centenario della BSI"

Veronica Riniolo

International politics area

Competences: General Sociology, Socio-economical Inclusion of Rom in the Italian Context, Sociology of Migration

Keywords: immigration, integration, migrants, political activism, second-generations

Region: Lombardy


Researcher of Sociology at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the Catholic University of Milan

Professional career

Graduated with honours in International Relations and European integration at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, she earned a Phd in Sociology and Methodology of Social Research (Doctor Europeaus) at the same institutions in 2015 with a thesis on the processes of integration of migrants in Sweden. Since 2008 she has been collaborating with ISMU Foundation, where she has participated in and/or coordinated activities of research groups characterized by collaborations at national and international levels on the following topics: processes of integration of migrants, migration policies, ethnic-racial discrimination, processes of socio-economical inclusion of Rom and Sinti people. From January 2017 to December 2018 she worked as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Sociology and Social Research at Università Bicocca in Milan, carrying on an empirical research on the political involvement of second-generations in Italy. Since 2017 she has been working as a consultant in the research field in support of the activities of the Minister of Interior (Department of Civil Liberty and Immigration - Central Directorate for Immigration and Asylum Policies) with the role of National Contact Point (NCP). Since 2019 she has been working as a Researcher for the scientific-disciplinary sector SPS/07 (General Sociology) at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan. For the next 2019/2020 academic year she is teaching General Sociology and Methodology of Social Research at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan. She is a member of the Scientific Board of the Methodology Section at AIS (Italian Association of Sociology) (2019-2011) She is a referee for many Italian scientific journals.  She has presented the outcomes of her researches at different national and international conferences (Canada, Israel, Uruguay, Sweden, Poland, Finland, UK).

Scientific results

Her main research interests and her scientific production concern mainly three branches: policies and processes of immigrant integration in Italy and Europe, with a particular focus on the Sweden case; socio-economical inclusion of Rom in the Italian context; activism and political involvement of second generations in Italy.

Editorial work and publications


[2018] Riniolo V., L’integrazione dei migranti in Svezia. Tra sfide e opportunità, FrancoAngeli, Milano. 


[2019] Riniolo V., Second-generation Youths: Experiences of Political Participation in Italy, in Studi di Sociologia.

[2018] Riniolo V., Codini E., L’attivismo delle seconde generazioni e la riforma della legge sulla cittadinanza in Italia, in Visioni LatinoAmericane 18 (2018), pp. 9-25.

[2015] Riniolo V., Marcaletti F., Migrant trade union membership, employment status and citizenship practices. A comparison of different European countries, in Mondi Migranti, N.1, pp. 127-149.

[2013] Riniolo V., Sul concetto di coesione sociale oggi, in Studi di Sociologia, 3-4, pp. 355-364.

[2012] Riniolo V., L’immigrazione femminile sudamericana in Italia, in Visioni Latinoamericane, n. 6, pp. 91-98.

[2011] Riniolo V., Marcaletti F., S. Pozzi S., Percorsi di empowerment e integrazione lavorativa di Rom e Sinti: l’esperienza del progetto Valore Lavoro, in Autonomie Locali e Servizi Sociali, n. 2, pp. 287-300.

[2015] Riniolo V., Marcaletti F., A Participatory Governance Model Towards the Inclusion of Ethnic Minorities. An Action Research Experience in Italy, in Revue Interventions Èconomiques, No. 53/2015.

[2012] Riniolo V., Marcaletti F., Active participation of Roma. An experience of participatory planning toward labour integration, in European Roma Rights Journal, pp. 59-65. 

Chapters in books:

[2019] Riniolo V., Immigration and Housing Policies in Sweden, in Alietti, A., Agustoni, A. (eds.), Housing Policies, Migrants and Integration. Reflections on Italian and European cases, Aracne Editrice.

[2018] Riniolo V., Lovison M., I piani di integrazione: la gestione dell’immigrazione in Europa e in Italia, inVentitreesimo Rapporto sulle migrazioni 2017, FrancoAngeli, Milano, pp. 247-262. 

[2018] Riniolo V., Lovison M., The Integration Plans: the migration governance in Europe and ItalyThe Twenty-third Italian Report on Migrations 2017, pp. 111-120. 

Paola Rivetti

International politics area

Competences: Governmentality, Iranian Foreign and Domestic Politics, Social and Protest Movements, Transformation of the State in the MENA Region

Keywords: authoritarianism, civil society, democracy, Iran, Middle East, Social movements

Region: ABROAD


Assistant Professor in Politics of the Middle East and International Relations at the School of Law and Government of the Dublin City University (DCU).  

Professional career

She holds a degree in Political Science from the University of Torino, a PhD in Social and Political Sciences from the University of Siena and a MA in Political Science and International Relations from the University of Turin. She was an adjunct at the Catholic University of Milan between 2009 and 2011, a research fellow at the University of Turin in 2010 and 2011, and then an IRC postdoctoral fellow at the DCU between 2011 and 2013. She held visiting positions at Boğaziçi University, Laval University, University of Montreal (UdeM), University of Palermo and Ecole de management de Normadie.

Scientific results

She is a member of the Advisory board of the Cambridge Centre for Palestine Studies, and for the IRC-funded project “What works? Sharing best practices in how civil society organisations use the internet in organising and building for socio-economic rights” (PIs Aileen O'Carroll, Maynooth University, and David Landy, Trinity College Dublin). 

She leads the Erasmus Plus International Credit Mobility (ICM) Exchange with Bethlehem University and is part of the ITN-Marie Curie funded doctoral training network Around the Caspian.

She was the General Secretary of the Italian Society for Middle Eastern Studies (SeSaMO) between 2013 and 2016. Before joining DCU, she also collaborated with NGOs in the field of asylum-seekers assistance. 
Her research interests focus on the government of societies and polities in the Middle East and North Africa from a comparative perspective; and on social and political mobilisations. She also works on migration in and from the region. She authored numerous scientific as well as non-academic publications on these topics, published in several languages (Persian, English, French, Spanish, and Italian). She carried out extensive field research in the region. She also works and publishes on the topics of precarity in academia and academic freedom both in the Middle East and North Africa, and in the EU and US. She is also involved in non-academic reaching-out activities, engaging both the media and public speaking. 

Her works builds on two main approaches. The first is to examine how societies are governed through the means of ideology, policy coercion, and political violence. In particular, her current work looks at Islamic reformism as a project of government which does not only elaborates and imposes public order and a specific way of ordering society, but also delineates and delimits spaces for political participation. She has completed a monograph on this subject forthcoming for Palgrave McMillan (Political Participation in Iran: From Khatami to the Green Movement), the first of this kind. However, this approach informs all her publications and work in general – especially publications focusing on civil society. The second approach focuses on the comparison of democratic and authoritarian regimes. While questioning the binary of democracy vs authoritarianism, her work also questions the role of policies in those regimes. 

She also works on other topics and issues, from migration to academic precarity and academic freedom.

Editorial work and publications

Paola Rivetti is the author of numerous scientific publications. The complete and updated list is available here: DCU_Paola Rivetti Publications.

She has also authored several political analysis articles for media outletssuch as Expresso Portugal, RTE News, News Talk Radio, Ghalamro, Presidential Power, LeftEast, QCode Mag, Cultural Labour, Zapruder, Irish Humanities Association, Effimera, Global.

Awards and prizes

2018: Early-Career Researcher of the Year Award by the Irish Research Council (selected among all IRC awardees across all disciplines).

2018: Dublin City University President’s Award for Excellence in Research, Early-Career researcher.

2005/06:MA dissertation awarded by the University of Turin as the best dissertation in Political Science. 

2006: Optime Award 2006 for the MA dissertation, Chamber of Commerce of Turin.

Lucia Rizzica

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Labour Economics, Microeconomics

Keywords: criminality, education, immigration, work

Region: Lazio


Economist at the Bank of Italy, DG Economics and Statistics, Economic Structure Service, Law and Economics Division


Professional career

Lucia Rizzica graduated in Economics and Social Sciences at Bocconi University in 2007, under the supervision of prof. Eliana La Ferrara. In the same year she held an internship period at the European Commission, DG Development, in Brussels. In 2014 she obtained a PhD in Economics from the University College London. Since 2012 she has been working as Economist at the DG Economics and Statistics of the Bank of Italy.

Scientific results

Her research interests lie in the area of applied microeconomics. In particular, her research has focused on the effects that high skilled migration may have on the sending country, on labour economics topics, specifically female labour supply and public employment, and on human capital accumulation policies, with particular attention to access to tertiary education.

Furthermore, in recent years, she has developed some research projects aimed at measuring the entity and estimating the impact of criminal activity on the Italian economy, focusing especially on organized crime and on corruption.

Editorial work and publications

Lucia Rizzica published the following articles on refereed journals:

(2019 – forthcoming) Rizzica, L. Raising Aspirations and Higher Education. Evidence from the UK’s Widening Participation Policy. Journal of Labor Economics.

(2018) Carta F., Rizzica L. Early Kindergarten, maternal labor supply and children’s outcomes: evidence from Italy. Journal of Public Economics,58: 79–102.

(2018) Rizzica L. When the cat’s away…the effect of spousal migration on investments on children.The World Bank Economic Review. Volume 32, Issue 1.

(2008) Rizzica L. The Impact of Skilled Migration on the Sending Country: Evidence from African Medical Brain Drain. Rivista di Politica Economica, vol. 98(6).

She also published the following articles on the Bank of Italy’s working paper series:

(2018) Giorgiantonio C., Rizzica L. Il lavoro nella gig economy.Evidenze dal mercato del food delivery.Occasional Papers 472, Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area.

(2018) Rizzica, L. Raising Aspirations and Higher Education. Evidence from the UK’s Widening Participation Policy.Economic working papers 1043, Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area.

(2016) Rizzica L. Why go public? A study on the individual determinants of public sector employment choice. Occasional Papers 343, Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area.

(2016) Giorgiantonio C., Orlando T., Palumbo G., Rizzica L. Incentivi e selezione nel pubblico impiego.Occasional Papers 342, Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area.

(2016) Occhilupo R., Rizzica L. Incentivi e valutazione dei dirigenti pubblici. Occasional Papers 310, Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area.

(2015) Rizzica L., The use of fixed term contracts and the (adverse) selection of public sector workers.Economic working papers 1041, Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area.

(2015) Rizzica L., Tonello M. Exposure to media and corruption perceptions. Economic working papers 1043, Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area.

(2014) Cassetta A., Pauselli C., Rizzica L., Tonello M. Exploring flows to tax havens through means of a gravity model: evidence from Italy.Occasional Papers 236, Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area.

(2013) Rizzica L. Home or away? Gender differences in the effects of an expansion of tertiary education supply.Occasional Papers 181, Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area.

Awards and prizes

During her studies at Bocconi University, Lucia Rizzica received the Bocconi Graduate Merit Awards. With her Master thesis “Doctors on the move: an empirical study on the African Medical Brain Drain”, she won the Angelo Costa award, financed by Confindustria, and the Fausto Vicarelli prize, promoted by the Einaudi Institute of Economics and Finance.During her doctoral studies, she first received a scholarship from the Centro Studi Luca d'Agliano, then the “B. Stringher scholarship” of the Bank of Italy and, finally, the “W.M. Gorman” scholarship by the Univeristy College of London.  In 2015, with the article “Early Kindergarten, maternal labor supply and children’s outcomes: evidence from Italy”, joint with Francesca Carta, she won the "Etta Chiuri" prize, promoted by the Italian Society of Public Economics (SIEP) and the International Institute of Public Finance (IIPF) Young Economist Award. In the same year, with Marco Tonello, she received the Giorgio Rota Prize of the Einaudi Institute, for the paper “Persuadable Perceptions: media exposure and corruption measures”.


Luisa Rizzitelli


Competences: Gender Equality, Sport Communication, Sport Marketing, Sports Event Organization, Violence against Women

Keywords: anti-discrimination, LGBT+ people's rights, violence against women, women in sport

Region: Emilia-Romagna


Owner, founder and Managing Director of Communis srl s.u. President of Assist. Ass. Naz. Atlete (National Association Women Athletes)

Professional career

Professional expert in communication, institutional relations, events, sports marketing.

Journalist and trainer, she is an expert in gender politics and activist for women's and LGBTIQA+ rights.

She has 30 years of experience in the field of institutional communication and press offices, managed for large clients and prestigious institutional and associative entities. Currently press office manager of Differenza Donna Aps and of the 1522 national number of the Equal Opportunities Department

President and founder since 2000 of Assist - Italian Female Athelets Association, a reality committed to the protection of women's collective rights in sport, she is also on the board of the Italian Organising Committee, One Billion Rising, the Italian coordination of the world event against violence against women wanted by the American playwright Eve Ensler.

She has been the marketing director of many professional sports Clubs and has organised a lot of national and international volleyball, sittingvolley and beach volleyball events.

Caterina Roggero

International politics area

Competences: EU-MENA Relations, International History

Keywords: Algeria, Current affairs of Algeria and North Africa, Mediterranean

Region: Lombardy


Professor with a temporary appointment for two Laboratories “National and International Cooperation and Development” (24hours + 24 hours/each AY), University of the Studies of Milan-Bicocca, Dep. of Sociologyand Assistant Professor of History and Institutions of Islamic Countries, University of the Studies of Milan, Political Science Faculty, Dep. of International Studies.

Professional career

After a cum laude Degree in History at the University of Studies of Milan (Italy) in 2005 with a thesis about Zine El Abidine Ben Ali Tunisia, she continues her academic training with a Master on Arab World at the Université Aix-Marseille (Aix-en-Provence, France) and with a PhD (2010) in International History at the University of Studies of Milan (Italy). In this period, she starts a collaboration with Professor Gian Paolo Calchi Novati, a very well-known African Historian. This collaboration will last until his death in 2017. Together they participated to small projects about Italy Foreign Policy and North Africa (Centre for Africa and Orient, CSIAO, 2013-2014 Rome), European Union and Nigeria (Report ISPI, 2014 Milan), European Union and Israel (Special Issue of Il Ponte revue, Florence 2015), also cooperating on editorial projects and academic courses. In 2012 she was Tutor and Lecturer at the course “Greater Middle East: actors, dynamics, challenges” at the “Collegio di Milano”, inter-university Campus of excellence, Milan (Italy). In 2014 she collaborated with Enrico Mattei Eni Foundation (FEEM, Milan) in the organization of the Summer School within Economy and Society research program. In 2014-2015 she was Researcher at Oasis Foundation (Venice-Milan, Italy) within the Research Programme “Knowing the hybridisation of civilisations and cultures – Manage with a Changing Society”. Since 2014 she has been professor with a temporary appointment for two Laboratories “National and International Cooperation and Development” where people working in non-profit organizations present their experience to students at the University of the Studies of Milan-Bicocca, Dep. of Sociology. Since 2017 she has been Expert in History and Institutions of Islamic Countries at the University of the Studies of Milan. Before that, she has also been Expert in History and Institution of Africa (2011-2014) and International Relations History (2006-2007) at the same University. 

Scientific results

Since 2009 she has been studying Algerian contemporary history. Her PhD research (archives in Algiers and Paris) is part of the new research trend about internationalization of Algerian war (1954-1962). Her research fields concern: political institutions history in Algeria from Colonial period to nowadays with particular regard to interactions between political Algerian forces and different nationalisms; North African regional history analyzed as an area where the 5 countries (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt) passed through common historical phases characterized by common and transnational ideologies. She worked on the updating in bibliography and contents of the only one Italian book about Algerian History from the Independence of Calchi Novati (new edition of 2018) and she published the first Italian historiographical essay about region North African History (2019). She gives lectures and seminars on history and current affairs of Algeria, North Africa and Euro-Med relations at Universities, Studies Centers and Think Tank, and she is often invited to take part to tv and radio programs. She participates to Academic international meeting as well as dissemination events.  


Editorial work and publications

[2019] Roggero C., Storia del Nord Africa indipendente. Tra imperialismi, nazionalismi e autoritarismi, Bompiani, Milano.

[2019] Roggero C., Il popolo e l’esercito, i due fronti della storia contemporanea algerina, Il Ponte, anno LXXV, n. 3, maggio-giugno 2019.

[2018] Roggero C., Calchi Novati, G.P., Storia dell’Algeria indipendente. Dalla guerra di liberazione a Bouteflika, Bompiani, Milano. 

[2016] Roggero C., Equilibrismi europei tra solidarietà e sicurezza: la sfida delle migrazioni, in Pin A. e Pellegrino C., (eds.), Europa e Islam: attualità di una relazione, Marsilio e-book, Venezia.

[2016] Roggero C., Parabole di conversione. Viaggio insolito attraverso la secolarizzazione, in Salmeri G., (ed.), Troppa religione o troppo poca? Cristiani e musulmani alla prova della secolarizzazione, Marsilio e-book, Venezia 2016.

[2016] Roggero C., Algerian Tightrope: a Balancing Exercise on the Brink of a Crisis, in IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook 2016, European Institute of the Mediterranean, Barcelona.

[2015] Roggero C., L’Unione europea tra scelte e non scelte, in Calchi Novati, G.Pe Roggero C.(eds.), La questione israeliana, numero speciale de Il Ponte, anno LXXI nn. 11-12, novembre-dicembre 2015.

[2015] Roggero C., Sahara, nucleo del disordine. Dalla Libia alla costa atlantica(Sahara, Heart of the Disorder. From Libya to the Atlantic Coast), in Pilati, A, Sapelli G., (eds.), Il nuovo disordine internazionale. Conflitti politici, cambiamenti tecnologici ed evoluzioni strategiche, Centro Studi Fondazione Magna Carta-Osservatorio Politico.

[2015] Roggero C., Lo Stato islamico tra realtà e utopia. Nord Africa e modelli globali,in Plebani, A., Diez, M., (eds.), La galassia fondamentalista. Tra jihad armato e partecipazione politica, e-book Marsilio, Venezia.

[2015] Roggero C., Riconoscersi cittadini. Per una nuova indipendenza algerina, in Massimo Zaccaria, Airò B. (eds.), I confini della cittadinanza nel nuovo Medio Oriente, Quaderni di Asia, Major n. 2, Viella, Roma.

[2014] Roggero C., Le organizzazioni regionali: incroci, contraddizioni, debolezze, in Aliboni R., e Calchi Novati, G.P. (eds.), Il Nord Africa nel nuovo contesto mediterraneo e la politica dell’Italia, Rapporto Csiao-Centro studi italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente, marzo 2014.

[2014] Roggero C., Un accordo particolare con l’Unione europea, in Calchi Novati, G.P. e Montanini, M., (eds.), La Nigeria in Africa e la politica dell’Italia, Rapporto Ispi per il Ministero degli Affari esteri e della cooperazione internazionale, Oct. 2014.

Giulia Romano

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Corporate Governance, Economy of Public Services, Performance Measurement, Utilities Management, Water Sector

Keywords: ownership, utilities management, waste, water

Region: Tuscany


Associate professor of Business Administration at the University of Pisa.

Professional career

After earning a degree in Business Administration from the University of Pisa, she worked at Consob in the Intermediaries division and in the Inspectorate division. She attended the specialization course in Stock Exchanges and other regulated markets at the Bocconi University of Milan and obtained a PhD in Business Administration at the University of Pisa. Since 2009 she has been a permanent researcher in Business Economics and she teaches Corporate Governance in the master degree in Strategy, Management and Control at the University of Pisa. Since 2018 she is Associate Professor and she also teaches Economics of Public Services and Regulated Sectors and Business Economics. She was visiting fellow at the University of Lisbon (CERIS / CESUR) and at the University of Granada (Instituto del Agua). She is a member, among others, of the REMARC research center (Responsible Management Research Center) and of the Advances in Cleaner Production network. She has multidisciplinary research collaborations with scholars in Italy and abroad.

Scientific results

Giulia Romano's research activity focuses on corporate governance and performance of different types of companies. After an initial phase in which she focused on listed companies and the role of private equity, the focus of her research is on public utility sectors such as the water sector and municipal waste management and on economic, environmental and social sustainability. Particular interest is devoted to the study of the relationship between shareholding and corporate governance and corporate performance and strategies. More recently she is interested in circular economy and cooperative and participatory governance models.

Editorial work and publications

[2022] Romano G, Marciano C, Minoja M. Successful remunicipalization processes in Italian waste management: triggers, key success factors, and results. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 10.1177/00208523221077574.

[2022] Romano G, Rapposelli A, Lombardi GV, Gastaldi M. The factors affecting Italian provinces’ separate waste-collection rates: An empirical investigation. Waste Management, 139:217-226.

[2021] Minoja M, Romano G. Managing intellectual capital for sustainability: Evidence from a Re-municipalized, publicly owned waste management firm, Journal of Cleaner Production, 279:123213.

[2021] Romano G, Marciano C, Fiorelli MS. Best practices in Urban Solid Waste Management: Ownership, Governance, and Drivers of Performance in a Zero Waste Framework, Emerald Publishing, Bingley, UK.

[2021] Romano G, Masserini L, Lombardi GV. Environmental performance of waste management: Impacts of corruption and public maladministration in Italy, Journal of Cleaner Production, 288:125521.

[2019] Romano G. Le cooperative idriche in Italia e in Europa. Evoluzione, assetti di governance, performance e prospettive della gestione delle community-owned water supplies, FrancoAngeli, Milano.

[2019] Romano G, Rapposelli A, Marrucci L. Improving waste production and recycling through zero-waste strategy and privatization: An empirical investigation, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 146:256-263.

[2014] Romano G, Guerrini A. The effects of ownership, board size and board composition on the performance of Italian water utilities, Utilities Policy, 31:18-28.

[2014] Guerrini A, Romano G. Water Management in Italy. Governance, Performance and Sustainability, Springer.

[2012] Romano G, Guerrini A. Corporate Governance and Accounting Enforcement Actions in Italy, Managerial Auditing Journal, 27:622-638.

[2012] Romano G. Strategie aziendali e quotazione in borsa. p. 1-282, Milano: GIUFFRE' EDITORE.

[2011] Romano G, Guerrini A. Measuring and comparing the efficiency of water utility companies: A data envelopment analysis approach. Utilities Policy, 19:202-209.

Awards and prizes

Young Researchers Award of the University of Pisa (2011 and 2013) 

Two of her articles have been included among the “most cited” Utilities Policy articles.

Lorenza Rossi

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Macroeconomics, Political Economy

Keywords: economic cycle analysis, fiscal policy, monetary economy, monetary policy

Region: ABROAD


Full Professor of Economics at University of Lancaster (UK)

Professional career

She graduated in Political Science at “La Sapienza” University of Rome in 2000. She gained a MSc in Economics and Quantitative Methods and a PhD in Economics from the University of Rome Tor Vergata. From 2005 to 2006, she was researcher at the Italian National Institute of Statistics. From 2006 to 2008, she was Post-Doc Fellow at the Catholic University of Milan. In 2008 she became researcher at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Pavia, where in 2014 became Associate and then Full Professor in Political Economics. In September 2021 she moved to Lancaster University in England. During the last years, she has been visiting professor by several Universities: the University Of British Columbia (UBC), by CREI - University of Pompeu Fabra (Barcellona), by the Christian Albrecht University, l’IfW (Kiel) and EIEF (Roma). She participate to a research project of the European Commission. She is now member of the Editorial Board of the Italian Economic Journal.

Scientific results

Her research interests are in macroeconomics, business cycle analysis, and monetary and fiscal policies. She studied the effects of different monetary policies in economies with imperfect financial markets where agents have limited access to credit. She showed that in this context there could be important redistributive effects of the policies. A second research topic on which she is involved is on the relationship between firms’ dynamics and business cycle. She analyzed the effects of business dynamics on the dynamics of GDP and more in general on business cycle. In a very recent paper, she showed that the interaction between business dynamics and financial markets is important to explain business cycle movements and statistics.


Editorial work and publications

Lorenza Rossi si author of several scientific publications. The most recent are:

[2019] The Overshooting of Firms’ Destruction, Banks and Productivity Shocks, European Economic Review, forthcoming.

[2018] Rossi L. Are Uncertainty Shock Aggregate Demand Shocks?.Economics Letters, vol. 167, pp. 142-146, with Stefano Fasani. 

[2018] Rossi L. Firms Endogenous Entry and Monopolistic Banking in a DSGE model. Macroeconomic Dynamics, vol. 22, pp. 153-171, with Carla La Croce. 

[2017] Rossi L. Limited Asset Market Participation, Sticky Wages and Monetary Policy. Economic Inquiry, vol. 75, pp. 879-897, with Guido Ascari and Andrea Colciago. 

[2015] Rossi L. New-Keynesian Phillips Curve with Bertrand Competition and Endogenous Entry. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, vol. 51, pp. 318-340, with F. Etro. 

[2015] Rossi L. Firms Dynamics, Endogenous markups and the Labor Share of Income. Macroeconomic Dynamics, vol. 19(6) 1309-1331, with A. Colciago. 

[2015] Rossi L.  Taylor Rules, Long-Run Growth and Real Uncertainty. Economics Letters, vol. 133, pp. 31-34, with B. Annicchiarico. 

[2013] Unions Power, Collective Bargaining and Optimal Monetary. Economic Inquiry, vol. 51(1), pp. 408-427, with E. Faia. 

[2012] Rossi L. Trend Inflation and Firms Price-Setting: Rotemberg vs. Calvo. The Economic Journal, vol. 122, Issue 563, pp. 115-1141, with G. Ascari. 

 [2011] Rossi L. Monetary Policy and Automatic Stabilizers, the Role of Progressive Taxation. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, vol.44 (5), pp. 825-862, with F. Mattesini. 

[2011] Rossi L. Calvo vs. Rotemberg in a Trend Inflation World: An Empirical Investigation. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, vol. 35, pp. 1852--1867, with G. Ascari and E. Castelnuovo. 

[2009] Rossi L. Optimal Monetary Policy in Economies with Dual Labor Markets. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, vol. 33, 1469-14, with F. Mattesini. 

Awards and prizes

Lorenza Rossi is fellow of the EABCN (Euro Area Business Cycle Network), of CEIS di Tor Vergata. In 2011 she won the “Mela D'oro” price – of XXIII Edition of Fondazione Marisa Bellisario Price entitled: "Women, Innovation and Human Capital” - as best researcher under the age of 35 of the CUN Economic area 13 of the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research. She is winner of several grants of the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research and of the European Commission.


Maria Costanza Rovida

STEM area: Chemistry

Competences: Alternatives to Animal Experiments, Chemicals Dossier, Chromatography, Cosmetic Components, Validation of New Methods

Keywords: animal experiments, animal feed, animal testing, cosmetics, in vitro tests, official toxicological methods, reach regulation

Region: Lombardy


Scientific Officer at CAAT-Europe (University of Konstanz, Germany, Project Manager at TEAM Mastery)

Professional career

After her master degree in Chemistry with bio-organic specialisation at the University of Milan in 1989, she worked for 10 months in Germany as a chemist trainee at the Hewlett Packard (now Agilent Technology). The following years, she started as Chromatography Applicant specialist to investigate components in complex mixtures. For 15 years, she worked as analytical manager in national and international companies and in 2005 she joined the European Commission for a three year program at ECVAM, the European Centre for Validation of Alternative Methods where she participated in the working group RIP 3.3 (REACH Implementation Project, Technical Guidelines to Industries) and coordinated the integrated European Project Sens-it-iv, for the development of in vitro and in silico methods for the assessment of skin sensitisation. Since 2009 she has been appointed as Scientific Officer at CAAT - Europe (Centre for Alternatives to Animal Testing) at the Konstanz University in Germany, in collaboration with the John Hopkins University in Baltimora (USA). For 10 years, Costanza Rovida has been also Project Manager at TEAM Mastery, a consultancy company in the business of regulatory affairs for chemistry, with special focus on REACH Regulation, that implements safe use of chemicals in the EU to improve human and environment health

Scientific results

Costanza Rovida has been committed in the evaluation of strategies to reduce or avoid the use of animals for scientific purposes. As Project Manager at TEAM Mastery and expert in testing strategies, she is also responsible for the preparation of registration dossiers of chemical substances, or for the toxicological evaluation of food/feed ingredients or cosmetics products in compliance with EU or non-EU legislation. Costanza Rovida is educator at the Association for Environment and workers taking care of safety in compliance with the provisions of both REACH and CLP (Regulations about how to communicate and manage the risk related to the handlings of chemicals). Her main commitment still lays in the dissemination and promotion of innovative human-based methods that are not using animals, through the organisation of workshops and publication of scientific papers as well as the spread of safety culture in compliance with international guidelines or with (International Conference on Harmonisation), with FDA (Food and Drug Administration) in collaboration with ECVAM, the European Centre for Validation of Alternative Methods.

Editorial work and publications

She is the author of many peer review publication, including: 

(2018) Meigs L., Smirnova L., Rovida C., Leist M. and Hartung T. Animal Testing and its Alternatives – the Most Important Omics is Economics. ALTEX  35(3) 275-305

(2016) Luechtefeld T, Maertens A, Russo DP, Rovida C, Zhu H and Hartung T. Global analysis of publicly available safety data for 9,801 substances registered under REACH from 2008-2014. ALTEX 33(2), 95-109

(2015) Rovida C, Asakura S, Daneshian M, Hofman-Huether H, Leist M, Meunier L, Reif D, Rossi A, Schmutz M, Valentin JP, Zurlo J, Hartung T. Toxicity testing in the 21st century beyond environmental chemicals. ALTEX Alternatives to Animal Experimentation, 32(3):171-81. 

(2015) Rovida C, Alépée N, Api AM, Basketter DA, Bois FY, Caloni F, Corsini E, Daneshian M, Eskes C, Ezendam J, Fuchs H, Hayden P, Hegele-Hartung C, Hoffmann S, Hubesch B, Jacobs MN, Jaworska J, Kleensang A, Kleinstreuer N, Lalko J, Landsiedel R, Lebreux F, Luechtefeld T, Locatelli M, Mehling A, Natsch A, Pitchford JW, Prater D, Prieto P, Schepky A, Schuurmann G, Smirnova L, Toole C, van Vliet E, Weisensee D, Hartung T. Integrated Testing Strategies (ITS) for safety assessment. ALTEX Alternatives to Animal Experimentation, 32(1): 25-40. 

(2014) Rovida C, Vivier M, Garthoff B, Hescheler J. ESNATS Conference — The Use of Human Embryonic Stem Cells for Novel Toxicity Testing Approaches. ATLA Alternatives to Laboratory Animals, 42, 97-113. 

(2014) Knight J, Rovida, C. Safety Evaluations under the Proposed US Safe Cosmetics and Personal Care Products Act of 2013: Animal Use and Cost Estimates. ALTEX Alternatives to Animal Experimentation, 31(2):177-208.

(2013) Rovida C, De Angelis I, Lorenzetti S. Alternative in vitro methods to characterize the role of Endocrine Active Substances (EASs) in hormone-targeted tissues. ALTEX Alternatives to Animal Experimentation, 30(2):253-5. 

(2011) Rovida C, Longo F, Rabbit RR. How are Reproductive Toxicity and Developmental Toxicity Addressed in REACH Dossiers? ALTEX Alternatives to Animal Experimentation, 28(3), 111-132. 

(2010) Rovida C. Food for Thought... Why No New In Vitro Tests Will Be Done for REACH by Registrants. ALTEX, Alternatives to Animal Experimentation, 27(3), 175-183. 
(2009) Hartung T, Rovida C. Opinion. Chemical regulators have overreached. Nature, 460, 1080-1.

Awards and prizes

Costanza Rovida is in the list of National Certified Toxicologists Register (RENTIC) and Accredited Stakeholder at the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) and at the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). She is in the expert group of the National Reference Centre for Alternative Methods (Istituto Zooprofilattico di Brescia), of ESTAF (ECVAM Stakeholder Forum), IPAM (Italian Platform for Alternative Methods) and secretary of ecopa (European Platform for Alternative Methods). She is also member of several scientific societies such as ESTIV (European Society of in vitro testing), SITOX (Italian Society Italiana of Toxicology) and AFI (Italian Associazione of Pharma). She is in the list of STOA consultant (European Parliament Science and Technology Options Assessment).


Raffaella Rumiati

STEM area: Psychology and neurosciences

Competences: Cognitive Neurosciences, Social Neurosciences

Keywords: cognitive deficits, cognitive functions, decision making, dementia, food preferences, neuroimaging

Region: Friuli-Venezia Giulia


Full Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at SISSA (International School for Advanced Studies) of Trieste

Professional career

After graduating in philosophy (psychological curriculum) at the University of Bologna in 1990, she continued her education at the same university and in 1995 she obtained the research doctorate in Psychology. For the entire duration of the doctorate Raffaella collaborated with Professor Glyn Humphreys, at the School of Psychology of Birmingham University, in Great Britain. This collaboration provided her with a specialization in Cognitive Neuropsychology. In 1995 she joined the cognitive neuroscience sector, at SISSA (International School for Advanced Studies) in Trieste, first as a research fellow, in 1999 she became a lecturer, and in 2003 an associate professor. In December 2011 she was made full professor of Cognitive Neuroscience. In 2017, she was appointed as an advisor to ANVUR, of which she is vice-president for the two-year period 2018-2019.

Scientific results

The main research interest of Raffaella Rumiati is the study of the neural bases of human cognitive functions. For about 25 years she aimed at characterizing the relationship between the motor system and cognition. Using different neuroscientific methods (neuropsychology, TMS and fMRI), she demonstrated how the motor system is involved in not typically motor functions (e.g., imagination, recognition of actions and objects, and language understanding), but that this involvement is not automatic but it occurs only in certain circumstances. Thus the motor imagination seems to act as a "glue" between these two apparently very different areas. Afterwards, Rumiati began to develop new lines of research. The first concerns the study of economic decision making, pursued using both behavioral and neuroimaging experiments, the second the neural representation of social knowledge, mainly investigated by examining the performance on lexical-semantic tests of patients with brain lesions of different etiology. The third line of research aimed at identifying the factors that influence food recognition, food choices and preferences. These topics are explored both in neurologically intact individuals and in patients suffering from neurodegenerative diseases (such as dementia and Parkinson's disease), also using neuroimaging techniques. With the collaboration of Medialab, Raffaella Rumiati's laboratory has created FoodIE, an application that allows tracking down people’s real food preferences, and that was available to the public of CasaCorriere at the Milan Expo for several months. 


Editorial work and publications

Raffaella Rumiati authored several publications among which: 

(2016) Rumiati R, Foroni F, et al. Lexical-semantic deficits in processing food and non-food items. Brain and Cognition, S0278-2626(16)30197-X. 

(2016) Turella L, Rumiati R, Lingnau A. Hierarchical Organization of Action Encoding Within The Human Brain. Journal of Vision, 16(12):24. 

(2016) Aiello M, Silani V, Rumiati R. You stole my food! Eating alterations in frontotemporal dementia. Neurocase, 22(4). 

(2016) Rumiati R, Foroni F. We are what we eat: How food is represented in our mind/brain. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 23(4):1043-54. 

(2016) Turella L, Tucciarelli R, […] Rumiati R. Beta band modulations underlie action . NeuroImage, 136:197-207. 

(2016) Foroni F, Rumiati R, et al. A bait we cannot avoid: Food-induced motor distractibility. Brain and Cognition, doi:10.1016/j.bandc.2015.12.003. 

(2016) Ambron E, Rumiati R, Foroni F. Do emotions or gender drive our actions? A study of motor distractibility. Cognitive Neuroscience, 7:1-4. 

(2015) Rumiati R. Cognitive neuroscience goes social. Cortex, 70:1-4. 

(2015) Piretti L, Carnaghi A, Campanella F, Rumiati R. The neural network associated with lexical- semantic knowledge about social groups. Cortex, 70, Special issue: Neuro-cognitive mechanisms of social interaction, 155-168. 

(2015) Mengotti P, Ripamonti E, Pesavento V, Rumiati R. Anatomical and spatial matching in imitation: Evidence from left and right brain-damaged patients. Neuropsychologia, 79(Pt B):256-71. 

She also authored the book Donne e Uomini(il Mulino, 2010).

Awards and prizes

In 2003 the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung awarded her the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award. The award is given to scientists and scholars who have established themselves internationally in their field. In 2006 she received the "Women in Cognitive Science Mentorship Award" which is usually attributed to scientists who have trained and promoted female students and young researchers. In 2013 she was awarded the “Pulcheria. Women, talents, professions".


Alessandra Russo

International politics area

Competences: International Relations, Security Studies

Keywords: Caucasus, Central Asia, international organisation, international security, post-soviet area, regional organisations

Region: Trentino-Alto Adige


Senior Researcher and Assistant Professor of International Relations and Security Studies at University of Trento.

Professional career

She holds an MA in International Relations and European Studies, and a PhD in Politics, Human Rights and Sustainability awarded by the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (Pisa), with a thesis co-supervised at the University of Oxford. I held research positions in Germany (Freie Universitat Berlin), France (Sciences Po Bordeaux) eand Belgium (Université Libre de Bruxelles), after which she started working at the University of Trento as Senior Researcher / Assistant Professor in International Relations and Security Studies. She has participated to a number of EU-funded collaborative research projects and has been awarded 2 personal grants for carrying out multi-year research projects, respectively on “International Determinants in the Production of Regional Counter-crime Norms, Policies and Practices” and “Countering Terrorism, Radicalisation, Extremism: EU’s Schemes and Local Responses”. Since 2017 she is the co-editor of the Open Access academic journal Inter-disciplinary Political Studies; since 2022 she is coordinator of the Standing Group on Russia and the Post-Soviet Space of the Italian Political Science Association. 

Scientific results

The research activities that I have carried out so far can be grouped into 3 main thematic clusters: 

1. Comparative Regionalism and study of the international and regional organisations, with a special focus on the former Soviet area and the contribution of post-Soviet countries to the making and un-making of global governance infrastructures. Building on these issues, she is committed to study the dialectics between international norms, policies and practices on the one hand, and their translation/localization on the other. 

2. Critical approaches to the study of European security, in particular looking at the development of counter-crime and counter-terrorism strategies, and more recently, engaged with critical debates on the notions of counter-/de-radicalisation and countering violent extremism, with particular attention devoted to the Enlargement and Neighbourhood areas of the EU. 

3. Practices and ethics of fieldwork research, especially looking at the nexus between academic freedom, risks and responsibilities of site-intensive methodologies, research security and safety in context of crisis and socio-political fragility.  

Editorial work and publications

[2022] Russo A., Selenica E., “Counter-radicalisation and countering violent extremism in the Western Balkans and South Caucasus: the cases of Kosovo and Georgia”. Critical Studies on Terrorism, DOI: 10.1080/17539153.2022.2111777

[2022] D’Amato S., Dian M., Russo A., “Reaching for allies? The dialectics and overlaps between International Relations and Area Studies in the study of politics, security and conflicts”. Italian Political Science Review/Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica 52(2): 153-171

[2021] Russo A., Stambøl E., “The External Dimension of the EU’s Fight against Transnational Crime: Transferring Political Rationalities of Crime Control”. Review of International Studies 48(2): 326-345

[2021] Russo A., Selenica E., “Actors and Sites for Knowledge Production on Radicalisation in Europe and Beyond” (with Ervjola Selenica). Journal of Contemporary European Studies, DOI 10.1080/14782804.2021.1997729

[2021] Buscemi F., Russo A., “The State Before Criminal Firearms”. In Felia Allum and Stan Gilmour (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Transnational Organized Crime 2nd edition. London: Routledge

[2020] Saliba I., Lust E., Beals E., Diab O., Russo A., “In the Field”. In J. Grimm, K. Koehler, E. Lust, I. Saliba, I. Schierenbeck (eds.) Safer Field Research in the Social Sciences: A Guide to Human and Digital Security in Hostile Environments. London: SAGE

[2020] Russo A., Strazzari F., “The Politics of Safe Research in Violent and Illiberal Contexts”. In Berit Bliesemann de Guevara and Morten Boas (eds.) Doing Fieldwork in Areas of International Intervention. Bristol: Bristol University Press

[2020] Loschi C., Russo A., “Whose Enemy at the Gates? Border Management in the Context of EU Crisis Response in Libya and Ukraine”. Geopolitics (26)5: 1486-1509 

[2018] Russo A., Stoddard E., “Why do Authoritarian Leaders do Regionalism? Ontological Security and Eurasian Regional Cooperation”. The International Spectator 53(3): 20-37 

[2018] Russo A., Regions in Transition in the Former Soviet Area: Ideas and Institutions in the Making (2018). Basingstoke: Palgrave 

[2018] Russo A., Giusti S., “The Securitisation of Cultural Heritage” (2018). International Journal of Cultural Policy, DOI: 10.1080/10286632.2018.1518979

[2017] Russo A., Gawrich A., “Overlap with contestation? Comparing norms and policies of regional organisations in the former Soviet area”. Central Asian Survey 36(3): 331-352 

Sabrina Sabatini

STEM area: Biomedical sciences and biotechnology

Competences: Biology

Keywords: biophysics, genetics, molecular biology, plant development biology, plant stem cells

Region: Lazio


Associate professor of Molecolar Biology at La Sapienza University of Rome

Professional career

After graduating in Biological Sciences at the Sapienza University of Rome in 1998, she obtained a PhD in Molecular Biology at the same university. She then moved to Holland for a post doc at the University of Utrecht, in the Department of Genetics and Cell Biology from 1998 to 2003. There she worked on the molecular mechanisms of plant hormones such as auxin. These studies reveal the crucial role of this hormone in regulating fundamental processes such as the division, polarity and fate of a cell. From 2003 to 2006 she returned to Italy as a contract professor at the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences of Sapienza University in Rome thanks to the "Incentives for the mobility of Italian and foreign teachers working abroad" and to the assignment of the prestigious Career Development Award by the Giovanni Armenise - Harvard Foundation of Harvard University (USA). This is the first time this award has been given to a Plant Biology project. In 2008 she became a researcher at the General Department of Molecular Biology at Sapienza University and since 2010 she has been working as an associate professor in the "Charles Darwin" Department of Biology and Biotechnology. In 2010 she won a very prestigious ERC starting grant awarded by the European Reasercher Council for a value of € 1,500,000.

Scientific results

Sabrina Sabatini has established herself as an international leader in plant development biology. By studying the root of the Arabidopsis thaliana, Sabatini and her collaborators were able to understand the mechanism of action of the phytohormones, a discovery that opens up a new way to accelerate the evolutionary processes of the cultivated species. From this discovery derives, among other things, the possibility of speeding up and increasing the growth of the roots to make them sink into the ground until they reach the aquifer or, vice versa, prevent the roots from descending too deeply and avoid reaching areas with excessively high salt concentrations . Future applications of this discovery would therefore mark a turning point in the production of the much hated / loved GMOs, which could be outclassed.

Editorial work and publications

She is the author of numerous articles, including:

(2015) Pacifici E, Polverari L, Sabatini S. Plant hormone cross-talk: the pivot of root growth. Journal of Experimental Botany, 66(4):1113-21. 

(2014) Heidstra R, Sabatini S. Plant and animal stem cells: similar yet different. Nature Reviews Molecolar Cell Biology, 15(5):301-12.

(2013) Perilli S, Perez-Perez JM, Di Mambro R, Peris CL, Díaz-Triviño S, Del Bianco M, Pierdonati E, Moubayidin L, Cruz-Ramírez A, Costantino P, Scheres B, Sabatini S. RETINOBLASTOMA-RELATED protein stimulates cell differentiation in the Arabidopsis root meristem by interacting with cytokinin signaling. Plant Cell, 25(11):4469-78.

(2013) Mattei B, Sabatini S, Schininà ME. Proteomics in deciphering the auxin commitment in the Arabidopsis thaliana root growth. Journal of Proteome Research, 12(11):4685-701.

(2013) Moubayidin L, Di Mambro R, Sozzani R, Pacifici E, Salvi E, Terpstra I, Bao D, van Dijken A, Dello Ioio R, Perilli S, Ljung K, Benfey PN, Heidstra R, Costantino P, Sabatini S. Spatial coordination between stem cell activity and cell differentiation in the root meristem. Developmental Cell, 26(4):405-15.

(2011) Perilli S., Di Mambro R., Sabatini S. Growth and development of the root apical meristem. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 15(1):17-23. 

(2011) Kim K, Ryu H, Cho YH, Scacchi E, Sabatini S, Hwang I. Cytokinin-facilitated Proteolysis of ARABIDOPSIS RESPONSE REGULATOR2 Attenuates Signaling Output in Two-component Circuitry. Plant Journal, 69(6):934-45.

(2011) Aichinger E, Villar CB, Di Mambro R, Sabatini S, Köhler C. The CHD3 chromatin remodeler PICKLE and polycomb group proteins antagonistically regulate meristem activity in the Arabidopsis root. Plant Cell, 23:1047-60.

(2010) Moubayidin L., Perilli S, Dello Ioio R., Di Mambro R, Costantino P and Sabatini S. Root meristem growth is controlled by an increase in the rate of cell differentiation relative to cell division. Journal of Biotechnology,150, Supplement 1, S110. 

(2010) Moubayidin L, Perilli S, Dello Ioio R, Di Mambro R, Costantino P and Sabatini S. The rate of cell differentiation controls the Arabidopsis root meristem growth phase. Current Biology, 20:1138-1143. 

Awards and prizes

In 2003 she won the Career Development Award from the Giovanni Armenise-Harvard Foundation of Harvard University (USA), for the first time assigned to a Plant Biology project. In 2010 she won a prestigious ERC starting grant awarded by the European Reasercher Council.



Paola Giuseppina Sacerdote

STEM area: Biomedical sciences and biotechnology

Competences: Basic Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacology

Keywords: acute pain, analgesic drugs, chronic pain, neuroinflammation, opioids, palliative care, physiopathology of pain, substances of abuse

Region: Lombardy


Full professor of Pharmacology at the University of Milan.

Professional career

After the Degree in Biology at the University of Milano in 1983 and a period of research experience in the Dept. of Pharmacology of the same University, she spends a 3 year period at the National Institute of Health (Bethesda, USA), where she gets a PhD degree in Neuropharmacology.  She returns in Italy at the Department of Pharmacology, where she continues her career and research experience, as staff researcher and then as Associate Professor of Pharmacology. From 2017 she is full Professor of Pharmacology at the Department of Pharmacological and Biomolecular Sciences where she  is the Head of the laboratory of “ Pain Therapy, neuroimmunology and drug of abuse” composed of young Italian and foreign scientists.


Scientific results

Paola Sacerdote since many years is involved in studies focused on the relationship between the Central Nervous System and the Immune System with particular reference to inflammation and pain.

Her research interest is the study of the mechanisms at the basis of onset, maintenance and resolution of chronic inflammatory and neuropathic pain, with the aim to identify novel more effective and safer therapeutic approaches. The group has demonstrated that at the  basis of pain there is a pathological interaction between neurons, glia, microglia and immune cells in the central and peripheral nervous system and  has identified the role of a new family of chemokines, the prokineticin, in pain and inflammation.

Recently the group has demonstrated in several animal models the efficacy of  stem cells and their secretome to modulate nociceptive pathways, due to the ability of stem cells to modulate endogenous cell activity and inflammation.  
Moreover, over the years, she has studied in deep the basic and clinical pharmacology of the analgesic drugs opioids.  In this context, her research group was the first to identify the role of the opioid peptide beta-endorphin in the modulation of immune responses. She analyzed the immune-pharmacological profiles of different analgesic drugs, in order to identify molecules devoid of immunosuppressive properties to propose in pain therapy. She collaborates with several National and International Clinical Centers for the treatment of pain to reach the best therapeutic approach for each patient.

Editorial work and publications

She authored of about 190 scientific publications, and has participated in Consensus Conferences in the field of pain and opioids that have led to important publications widely used by Pain Therapists. She has written chapters for numerous books with national and international distribution.

Below is a list of her main scientific publications:

(2017) Brini A, Amodeo G, Ferreira LM, Milani A, Niada S, Moschetti G, Franchi S, Borsani E, Rodella LF, Panerai AE, Sacerdote P. Therapeutic effect of human adipose-derived stem cells and their secretome in experimental diabetic pain. Scientific Reports, 7(1):9904.

(2017) Franchi S, Amodeo G, Gandolla M, Moschetti G, Panerai AE, Sacerdote P. Effect of Tapentadol on splenic cytokine production in mice. Anesthesia and Analgesia, 124:986-995.

(2016) Castelli M, Amodeo G, Negri L, Lattanzi R, Maftei D, Gotti C, Pistillo F, Onnis V, Congu C, Panerai AE, Sacerdote P, Franchi S. Antagonism of the prokineticin system prevents and reverses allodynia and inflammation in a mouse model of diabetes. Plos One, 11(1):e0146259.

(2014) Maftei D, Marconi V, Florenzano F, Giancotti LA, Castelli M,vMoretti S, Borsani E, Rodella LF, Balboni G, Luongo L, Maione S, Sacerdote P, Negri L and Lattanzi R. Controlling the activation of the Bv8/Prokineticin system reduces neuroinflammation and abolishes thermal and tactile hyperalgesia in neuropathic animals. British Journal of Pharmacology, 171:4850-65.

(2014) Moretti S, Castelli M, Franchi S, Raggi MA, Mercolini L, Protti M, Somaini L, Panerai AE, Sacerdote P. D-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol-induced anti-inflammatory responses in adolescent mice switch to proinflammatory in adulthood. Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 96:523-34.

(2013) Sacerdote P, Franchi S, Moretti S, Castelli M, Procacci P, Magnaghi V, Panerai AE. Cytokine Modulation is Necessary for Efficacious Treatment of Experimental Neuropathic Pain. Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology, 8:202-11.

(2013) Sacerdote P, Niada S, Franchi S, Arrigoni E, Rossi A, Yenagi V, De Girolamo L, Panerai AA, Brini AT. Systemic administration of human Adipose-derived Stem Cells (hASCs) reverts nociceptive hypersensitivity in an experimental model of neuropathy. Stem Cells And Development, 22:1252-63.

(2012) Franchi S, Valsecchi AE, Borsani E, Procacci P, Ferrari D, Zaffa C, Sartori P, Rodella LF, Vescovi A, Maione S, Rossi F, Colleoni M, Sacerdote P, Panerai AE. Intravenous Neural Stem Cells abolish nociceptive hypersensitivity and trigger nerve regeneration in experimental neuropathy. Pain, 153:850-861.

(2012) Sacerdote P, Franchi S, Panerai AE. Non-Analgesic Effects of Opioids: Mechanisms and Potential Clinical Relevance of Opioid-Induced Immunodepression. Current Pharmaceutical Design,18(37):6034-42.

(2009) Giannini E, Lattanzi R, Nicotra A, Campese Af, Grazioli P, Screpanti I, Balboni G, Salvadori S, Sacerdote P, Negri L. The chemokine Bv8/prokineticin 2 is up-regulated in inflammatory granulocytes and modulates inflammatory pain. Proceedings of the National Acadademy of Sciences USA, 106:14646-51.

(2008) Gironi M, Martinelli-Boneschi F, Sacerdote P, Solaro C, Zaffaroni M, Cavarretta R, Moiola L, Bucello S, Radaelli M, Pilato V, Rodegher M, Cursi M, Franchi S, Martinelli V, Nemni R, Comi G, Martino G. A pilot trial of low-dose naltrexone in primary progressive multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis, 14: 1076-83.

(2008) Pergolizzi J, Böger RH, Budd K, Dahan A, Erdine S, Hans G, Kress HG, Langford R, Likar R, Raffa RB, Sacerdote P. Opioids and the management of chronic severe pain in the elderly: consensus statement of an international expert panel with focus on the six clinically most often used WHO step III opioids (buprenorphine, fentanyl, hydromorphone, methadone, morphine, oxycodone). Pain Practice. 8:287-313.

Raffaella Sadun

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Labour Economics, Organizational Economics

Keywords: CEO, coronavirus, Covid-19, Covid-19: impact on organisational and managerial aspects of enterprises, Covid-19: impact on the HR skills, decentralization, management, productivity

Region: ABROAD


"Thomas S. Murphy" Associate Professor of Business Administration in the Strategy Unit at Harvard Business School. 

Professional career

She earned a BA in Economics from La Sapienza university in Rome, a MSc in Economics from Pompeu Fabra university, and a PhD in Economics from the London School of Economics. She started as an Assistan Professor at Harvard Business School in 2009, and was promoted to Full Professor with tenure in 2018.

Scientific results

Professor Sadun's research focuses on the economics of productivity, management and organizational change. Her research documents the economic and cultural determinants of managerial choices, as well as their implications for organizational performance in both the private and public sector (including healthcare and education). She is among the founders of the World Management Survey ( and the Executive Time Use Study ( 

Professor Sadun's work has appeared in leading peer reviewed journals including the American Economic Review, the Quarterly Journal of Economics and the Economic Journal, and has been featured in the business press, including The New York TimesThe Economist, The Wall Street Journal, and the Financial Times

She is a Faculty Research Fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research, Faculty Associate at the Centre for Economic Performance at the London School of Economics, Research Affiliate at the Center for Economic Policy Research and Research Associate in the Ariadne Labs Program in the Department of Health Policy and Management at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. In 2012 Professor Sadun was nominated as a Junior Faculty Fellow at the Kauffman Foundation. In 2018 she won the McKinsey award for the best article published on the Harvard Business Review in 2017.

Editorial work and publications

(2018) Bandiera O, Prat A, Lemos R and Sadun R. Managing the Family Firm: Evidence from CEOs at WorkReview of Financial Studies, 31(5):1605-1653.

(2017) Sadun R, Bloom N and Van Reenen J. Why Do We Undervalue Competent Management? Neither Great Leadership Nor Brilliant Strategy Matters Without Operational Excellence. Harvard Business Review95, 5:120–127.  

(2015) Tsai T, Ashish K, Atul J, Gawande A, Huckman RS, Bloom N. and Sadun R. Hospital Board and Management Practices Are Strongly Related to Hospital Performance on Clinical Quality MetricsHealth Affairs, 34, 8:1304–1311.  

(2015) Bloom N, Lemos R, Sadun R and Van Reenen J. Does Management Matter in Schools? Economic Journal (Royal Economic Society)125, 584:647–674.  

(2015) Sadun R. Does Planning Regulation Protect Independent Retailers?Review of Economics and Statistics, 97, 5: 983–1001.

(2014) Bloom N, Garicano L, Sadun R and Van Reenen J. The Distinct Effects of Information Technology and Communication Technology on Firm Organization. Management Science 60, 12:2859–2885.  

(2015) Bandiera, Oriana, Luigi Guiso, Andrea Prat, and Raffaella Sadun. "Matching Firms, Managers, and Incentives." Journal of Labor Economics 33, no. 3 (July 2015): 623–681.  

(2012) Bloom N, Sadun R. and Van Reenen J. The Organization of Firms Across Countries. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 127, 4. (Slides from 2008 , Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 12-005, August 2011.)  

(2012) Bloom N, Sadun R. and John Van Reenen J. Americans Do IT Better: US Multinationals and the Productivity Miracle. American Economic Review, 102, 1: 167–201. (Slides Summary The Economist Financial Times New York Times .)  

(2012) Bloom N, Genakos C, Sadun R. and Van Reenen J. Management Practices across Firms and CountriesAcademy of Management Perspectives, 26, 1: 12–33.  

(2010) Bloom N, Sadun R. and Van Reenen J. Recent Advances in the Empirics of Organizational Economics. Annual Review of Economics, 2: 105–137. 

Federica Saini Fasanotti

International politics area

Competences: Counterinsurgency, Foreign and Security Policy, History of Libia, Military History

Keywords: Afghanistan, defense, Horn of Africa, irregular conflicts, Italian colonies in Africa, Libya, military operations, safety

Region: Lombardy


Non-resident Senior Fellow and military historian at the Brookings Institution (Washington); Senior Associate Fellow at the Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI).

Professional career

In 2004, she gained a PhD degree at the University of Milan, with a study on controversial relationship between Fascism and the Italian Red Cross.

She has collaborated with the Pentagon and with Secretary of Defense James Mattis as a consultant on Libya. She has worked as an advisor on the Maghreb for Terna Group, the first grid operator for electricity transmission in Europe. 

In September 2016 she testified before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs about terrorism in Libya.

She is currently Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution and a Senior Associate Fellow at the Italian Institute for International Political Studies.

Scientific results

She is a specialist of counterinsurgency. She is a military historian expert in African colonies: her studies have covered Libya and the Horn of Africa, but also Afghanistan. She is a frequent lecturer at military history conferences and congresses, and is a guest lecturer for the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis.

She developed for Rai-National Italian Television the series "The History of Fascism" (2006) and "The Second World War" (2009), distributed by "Il Corriere della Sera". She has published five historical books and she is publishing the last one with the Naval Institute of Annapolis on the Italian Counterinsurgency Operations in Libya and Ethiopia (1922-1940). 

Editorial work and publications


[2019] Saini Fasanotti F, VINCERE! The Italian way of COIN: Libya and Ethiopia. 1922-1941, USNI, Annapolis.

[2015] Saini Fasanotti F, The Army at the maquis. The Italian Counterinsurgency from the Brigandage to the Balcans in IIWW (L'Esercito alla macchia. La controguerriglia italiana dal Brigantaggio alla Seconda Guerra Mondiale - 1860-1943), Ufficio Storico dello Stato Maggiore della Difesa, Roma.

 [2014] Saini Fasanotti F, Afghanistan. From the Durrani Empire to the Resolute Support Mission(Afghanistan. Dall'Impero dei Durrani alla Resolute Support Mission)MursiaEditore, Milano.

[2012] Saini Fasanotti F, Libya 1922-1931. The Italian Counterinsurgency (Libia 1922-1931. Le operazioni militari italiane), Ufficio Storico dello Stato Maggiore dell'Esercito, Roma.

[2010] Saini Fasanotti F,  Ethiopia 1936-1940. Colonial Counterinsurgency through the sources of the ItalianArmy(Etiopia 1936-1940. Le operazioni di polizia coloniale attraverso le fonti dell'Esercito italiano),Ufficio Storico dello Stato Maggiore dell'Esercito, Roma.

[2006] Saini Fasanotti F, The Violated Joy. Crimes against Italians 1940-1946 (La gioia violata. Crimini contro gli italiani 1940-1946),EdizioniAres,Milano.


She writes for several Think Tanks, reviews and magazines. Her many published essays and articles have also appeared in historical and geopolitical journals.

[2019] Saini Fasanotti F,  Libya and the Franco-Italian rivalry,in Geopolitical Intelligence Services

[2019] Saini Fasanotti F,  The Rise of Populacracy, in The National Interest 

[2019] Saini Fasanotti F,  Between false myths and real threats, in Formiche (Agosto-Settembre).

[2017] Saini Fasanotti F, Libya, a nation suspended between past and future, in Studia Diplomatica LXVIII-4, Egmont Royal Institute for International Relations.

[2016] Saini Fasanotti F, The Italian war industry on the threshold of the Great War: between mobilization and innovation, pp. 332-345, in "Neutral Italy 1914-1915", Roma, Rodorigo Editore. 

[2014] Saini Fasanotti F, Libyan Troops (1922-1931).The Trainingduring the Reconquest, inRivista Militare, a quarterlymagazine.

Awards and prizes

Finalist and Special Award in the historical-scientific section of the 44th"Acqui-Storia" award.

Silvia Salis


Competences: Athletics, hammer throw, Leadership in Sports, Prevention of Bullying in Sport, Prevention of Sexual Abuse in Sport, Prevention of Sexual Harassment in Sport, Sport and School, Sport and Youth, Sport Communication, Sport Politics, Sports Work

Keywords: CONI (Comitato Olimpico Nazionale Italiano/Italian National Olympic Committee), gender equality, Made in Italy, Olympic Games, Olympics, women in sport, youth and sports

Region: Lazio


Deputy vice-president CONI (Italian National Olympic Committee)

Professional career

Silvia Salis began her career in sport by practising athletics and then hammer throwing, a speciality in which she competed at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and the 2012 London Olympics, and was a finalist at the World Championships in Daegu, South Korea (2011). Also in the hammer throw, she won the Gold Medal at the Mediterranean Games in Pescara (2009) and the Bronze Medal at the Mediterranean Games in Mersin (2013). Her palmares also includes 10 Italian titles.

At the end of her competitive career, she began her career as a manager with numerous assignments: since 2016, she has been Federal Councillor at the Italian Athletics Federation (FIDAL) with responsibility for marketing and communication and Federal Delegate at Casa Atletica Italiana, a tricolour garrison at the World and European Championships, where FIDAL carries out institutional and public relations activities aimed at promoting the 'Italy brand' around the world. In 2017, she is the creator of the 'Allenamente' project, a university grant to support study paths for young under-23 Italian Athletes. Since the same year, she has been a Member of the National Council of the Italian Olympic Committee and of the CONI Athletes Commission with the responsibility of selecting the winners of the "Atleta Eccellente, Studente Eccellente" (Excellent Athlete, Excellent Student) call. In 2018, she participates in the working table leading to the creation of the Maternity Fund for female athletes. Since 2021, she has been a Member of the Athletes' Commission of the European Athletics Federation, Vice-President of CONI and National Board Representative in the Coordination of Meritorious Associations. Since 2022, he has been a Member of the Safeguard Policies office of the Italian Gymnastics Federation for actions to prevent and fight against prevarication, bullying, sexual harassment and abuse in sport, and of the homonymous office of the Sports Dance Federation. Also since 2022 he has been a Member of the Advisory Board of the Lottomatica Foundation, leading projects on ESG policies in sport, and a Member of the Honour Committee of the Villa Menarini Foundation.

Since 2010 he has been a member of the Fiamme Azzurre Sports Group, first as an athlete, then as Head of Communication, Social Media and Media Relations.

She has several experiences in the world of journalism to her credit, as a reporter, social media manager and columnist.

Silvia Salis holds a degree in Political Science from Link Campus University in 2018.

Editorial work and publications

Silvia Salis is the author of the book La Bambina più Forte del Mondo (Salani, Genoa 2022), the proceeds from the sale of which go to the Giannina Gaslini Hospital in Genoa.

Awards and prizes

Silvia Salis in 2022 is listed among the 100 most influential women in Italy by FORBES magazine and among the 40 under 40 'who are changing the country' by FORTUNE magazine.

In 2023 she was awarded the honour of Commendatore dell'Ordine al Merito della Repubblica d'Italia and the title of 'Ambassador of Genoa in the World'.

Valeria Salvadori

STEM area: Engineering

Competences: Management Engineering, Project Management, Total Quality Management

Keywords: decision making, diversity and inclusion, innovation, sustainability

Region: Tuscany


Initiatives and Projects Management Director at Essity.

Professional career

After graduating in Management Engineering from the University of Pisa, she spent 7 years in Procter&Gamble, mainly in the UK Beauty Care category, covering different supply chain roles including Operations, Initiatives and Quality management, in a dynamic and competitive reality, gaining significant experience in supply chain management, project management and product development and industrialisation through Early Management principles.

In 2013 she joined Essity, in the Operational Excellence and Initiatives Management sector, leading production and portfolio transformations with high impact on the Italian and then European business. 

Scientific results

Valeria Salvadori specialises in Lean Manufacturing (TPM) principles, coaching skills, communication and influencing skills, business knowledge and product innovation and industrialisation management.

Daniela Salvioni

Economy and Finance area

Competences: Business Administration, Circular Economy, Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsability (CSR), Financial Communication, Non-financial Reporting, Risk Management

Keywords: internal control system, sustainability, sustainable business models

Region: Lombardy


Full Professor of Business Administration at University of Brescia.

Professional career

After graduating in Business Administration from Bocconi University in 1976, she continued her education at the same University where she obtained a CoPAS diploma in Planning and Strategic Analysis in 1978 and became assistant professor in 1982. From 1988 to 1991, she was an Associate Professor of Business Administration at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Bologna; after that, she was an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Milan. Since 1994, she has been Full Professor of Business Administration at the University of Brescia. She served as the chairwoman of the Evaluation Unit of the University of Brescia from 1995 to 2012. Moreover, she worked as scientific coordinator of research centres and as principal investigator for national and international competitive research projects. She is a member of many prestige academies of business administration. Moreover, she is a member of ASviS (Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development) Working Group for Goal 12 (Responsible Production and Consumption). She is also a member of the CT057 Technical Commission on Circular Economy established by UNI (the Italian National Standardization Body) and connected to ISO/TC323 Technical Committee on Circular Economy. In addition, she provides business consultancy and she has served as a board member in listed companies and as an expert appointed by the Court.

Scientific results

Daniela Salvioni’s research activity focuses on Business Economics, with particular attention to direction and control, social responsibility and corporate communication. Currently, her studies specifically aim to deepen the relationship between corporate governance, social responsibility and corporate sustainability in the global economic context. In this regard, a line of research concerns circular economy and new business models. Another perspective of analysis considers the role of board’s sustainability committees for the achievement of sustainable business success.

Editorial work and publications

Daniela Salvioni has authored more than one hundred and twenty scientific publications, including:

[2022] Salvioni D. M., Bosetti L., Fornasari T., Implementing and Monitoring Circular Buseness Models: An Analysis of Italian SMEs, Sustainability, vol. 14 (1), 1-33.

[2020] Salvioni D. M., Almici A., Circular Economy and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy. Symphonya. Emerging Issues in Management (, (1), 26-44.

[2019] Gennari F., Salvioni D. M., CSR committees on boards: the impact of the external country level factors, Journal of Management and Governance, 23 (3),1-26.

[2018] Salvioni D.M., Corporate governance, ownership and global markets. In: Brondoni S. M. (ed.), Competitive business management. A global perspective, Routledge-Giappichelli Studies in Business and Management, Routledge, Abingdon and New York, Giappichelli, Turin, 47-68. 

[2017] Salvioni D. M., Franzoni S., Cassano R., Sustainability in the higher education system: an opportunity to improve quality and image, Sustainability, vol. 9, n. 914, 1-27.

[2016] Salvioni D. M., Gennari F., Corporate Governance, Ownership and Sustainability, Corporate Ownership & Control, Vol. 13, No. 2, 604-612.

[2016] Salvioni D. M., Hotel chains and the sharing economy in global tourism, Symphonya. Emerging Issues in Management, n. 1/2016, 31-44.

[2015] Salvioni D. M., Gennari F., Bosetti L., Almici A., The Audit Committee in the EU Emerging Countries, in Boubaker S., Nguyen D.K. (ed.), Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility: Emerging Markets Focus, World Scientific Publishing, 211-234.

[2014] Salvioni D. M., Gennari F., Corporate governance, sustainability and capital markets orientation, International Journal of Management and Sustainability, vol. 3, 469-483.

[2013] Salvioni D.M., Astori R., Sustainable Development and Global Responsibility in Corporate Governance, Symphonya. Emerging Issues in Management, n. 1, 1-25.

[2012] Salvioni D. M., Governance, Risk Management and Business Effectiveness in Global Firm. In: Tipuric D., Dabic M. (ed.). Management, Governance, and Entrepreneurship – New Perspectives and Challenges, Darwen, Access Press UK

[2009] Salvioni D. M. (ed.), Corporate governance, controllo e trasparenza, vol. unico, II° ed., Milano, FrancoAngeli, 1-630.

Awards and prizes

1986 Honorary Member AICE - Italian Cost Engineers Association, appointed for the contribution to the advancement of studies provided by her book: Salvioni D.M., "La gestione delle grandi commesse industriali. Previsione e controllo", Milan, Giuffrè, 1-204 [1985].

2012 Referee in the evaluation procedure of Ca' Foscari University of Venice’s scientific products, appointed by the Rector on the basis of her scientific fame and internationally recognized competence. 

2015 Best paper award at the QUAESTI Virtual Multidisciplinary Conference , obtained for the paper: Salvioni D.M. and Cassano R. “Improvement of the performance management in the school system”.

2017 Referee appointed by the Rector of the University of Rome Tor Vergata to evaluate scientific research projects presented in response to the call on "Mission: Sustainability".

2017 Referee appointed by the Rector of the University of Insubria for the promotion of excellence in its research projects.

Martina Sanlorenzo

STEM area: Clinical sciences and nutrition science

Competences: Dermatology, Melanoma, Molecular Medicine

Keywords: cancer, immunotherapy, melanoma, melanoma metastasis, molecular target drugs, molecular therapy

Region: ABROAD



Professional career

After graduating in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Turin in 2010, she continued her education with a specialization in Dermatology achieved in 2016, followed by a PhD in molecular medicine. Martina Sanlorenzo began her career as a researcher in Turin in 2011, in 2012 she was a Medical fellow at the Ayder Refferal Hospital in Mekelle, Ethiopia. The following year she was a Research fellow at the Ortiz lab, of the Dermatology Department of the University of California in San Francisco and since 2013 she has also been a Medical fellow in the Melanoma and cutaneous oncology center, at the same Californian university.

In 2016 she began her research at the Institute of Cancer Research at the Medical University of Vienna, where she moved and started a private medical practice.

Scientific results

Martina Sanlorenzo in 2016 won the "L'Oreal Italia for women and science" award in partnership with Unesco thanks to her project entitled "Interaction between molecular target drugs and immunotherapy in the treatment of metastatic melanoma: preclinical model for the evaluation of potential synergism ". She is precisely through this award that it will be possible for the researcher to conduct clinical research studies that aim to integrate two therapeutic approaches, on the one hand the therapies that target the melanoma cells (one of the most aggressive and difficult to cure tumors) and by the other is those that aim to enhance the immune system's response to cancer. 

Editorial work and publications

She is the author of numerous national and international publications, including:

(2016) Dapavo P, Vujic I, Fierro MT, Quaglino P, Sanlorenzo M. The infliximab biosimilar in the treatment of moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 75(4):736-9. 

(2016) Posch C, Moslehi H, Sanlorenzo M, Green G, Vujic I, Panzer-Grümayer R, Rappersberger K, Ortiz-Urda S. Pharmacological inhibitors of c-KIT block mutant c-KIT mediated migration of melanocytes and melanoma cells in vitro and in vivo. Oncotarget. 

(2016) Ribero S, Balagna E, Sportoletti Baduel E, Picciotto F, Sanlorenzo M, Fierro MT, Quaglino P, Macripo G. Efficacy of electrochemotherapy for eruptive legs keratoacanthomas. Dermatology and Therapy, 29(5):345-348. 

(2016) Posch C, Sanlorenzo M, Vujic I, Oses-Prieto JA, Cholewa BD, Kim ST, Ma J, Lai K, Zekhtser M, Esteve-Puig R, Green G, Chand S, Burlingame AL, Panzer-Grümayer R, Rappersberger K, Ortiz-Urda S. Phospho-proteomic analysis reveals increased CK2α kinase activity in NRAS(Q61) mutant melanoma. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 136(10):2041-8. 

(2016) Sanlorenzo M, Vujic I, Posch C, Ma J, Lin K, Lai K, Lee D, Vujic M, Oses-Prieto JA, Chand S, Rodriguez-Peralto JL, Burlingame A, Ortiz-Urda S. Oncogenic KIT mutations in different exons lead to specific changes in melanocyte phospho-proteome. Journal of Proteomics, 144:140-7. 

(2016) Vujic I, Sanlorenzo M, Esteve-Puig R, Vujic M, Kwong A, Tsumura A, Murphy R, Moy A, Posch C, Monshi B, Rappersberger K, Ortiz-Urda S. Acyl protein thioesterase 1 and 2 (APT-1, APT-2) inhibitors palmostatin B, ML348 and ML349 have different effects on NRAS mutant melanoma cells. Oncotarget, 7(6):7297-306. 

(2015) Sanlorenzo M, Vujic I, Ortiz-Urda S. Time-Dependent Measurement of Adverse Events-Reply. JAMA Dermatology, 151(12):1392-1393. 

(2015) Sanlorenzo M, Ribero S, Osella Abate S, Mariani S, Strignano P, Salizzoni M, Savoia P, Fierro MT, Quaglino P. Genetic mutations in primary malignant melanoma of the esophagus: case report and literature review. Giornale Italiano di Dermatologia e Venereologia. 

(2015) Posch C, Cholewa BD, Vujic I, Sanlorenzo M, Ma J, Kim ST, Kleffel S, Schatton T, Rappersberger K, Gutteridge R, Ahmad N, Ortiz-Urda S. Combined Inhibition of MEK and Plk1 has Synergistic Anti-Tumor Activity in NRAS Mutant Melanoma. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 135(10):2475-83. 

(2015) Ribero S, Gualano MR, Osella-Abate S, Scaioli G, Bert F, Sanlorenzo M, Balagna E, Fierro MT, Macripò G, Sapino A, Siliquini R, Quaglino P. Histological regression in primary melanoma with sentinel lymph node status: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA Dermatology, 151(12):1301-1307.

Awards and prizes

Among the numerous awards received, in 2015 she received the Euroderm Excellence and in 2016 she won the L’Oreal-UNESCO Italy - For Women in Science 2015-2016 award.