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Full Professor, Deputy Director of the Department of Information Engineering, University of Brescia.
Professional career
Graduated cum laude in Physics from University of Milano, she has been CNR research fellow (1977-1980), assistant professor at University of Milano (1980-1989), associate professor at University of Milano (1989-1991) and at Politecnico di Milano (1991-1994), full professor and Director of the Informatics Institute at the University of Ancona (1994-1996). Since 1996, she has been full professor of Information Systems at the Department of Information Engineering, University of Brescia, where she has carried out intensive teaching, research and institutional service activities promoting the development of the area of Computer Engineering. From November 2010 to October 2016, she was Rector’s Delegate for the Innovation of Information Systems of the University, and successfully led a radical and complex process of renewal of the ICT infrastructure and information systems, aimed at improving the processing of information, the communication with users and the provision of online services. In this role, she represented the University of Brescia in the Board of Directors and in the Executive Board of the CINECA consortium (Interuniversity Consortium for automatic computing) and of the CILEA consortium (Interuniversity Consortium for communication and information technology). From 2011 to 2016, she held numerous positions, including those of President of the University Library System and Chair of the ICT Committee. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the National Interuniversity Consortium for Computer Science (CINI), and University’s delegate for CINI Laboratories on Big Data, Smart Cities, Assistive Technologies. She is member of Scientific Committees for the organization of specialization courses on Industry 4.0 promoted by the University of Brescia with the Industrial Association of Brescia.
Scientific results
The research activity of Valeria De Antonellis is in the area of databases, information systems and Web with focus on design methodologies, conceptual modeling, representation and semantic integration of data, processes, services. She has been working within several national and international research projects and collaborations, coordinating parts of or whole projects. At international level, she is known for leading the national research project DATAID (Progetto Finalizzato CNR) originating the DATAID-1 methodology for the analysis, design and implementation of database systems (cited in “People Behind Informatics: The history of Conceptual Modeling”). In particular, at the beginning of the eighties, she promoted the "conceptual modeling of both data and processes" in the DATAID methodology anticipating issues of the object-oriented methodologies. To respond to the growing need to share and process data from heterogeneous sources, she proposed original techniques of semantic integration and schema matching. She faced problems in the area of the Semantic Web and semantic interoperability, proposing innovative techniques of search, analysis and ranking of data and services available on the web. Her current research topics are aimed at the development of innovative models, methods and tools for the management and exploration of Big Data, with application in strategic areas such as Smart Cities and Industry 4.
Editorial work and publications
She is co-author of the books: Relational Database Theory (Benjamin/Cummings 1993, ISBN 0-8053-0249-2) and La Teoria Relazionale dei Dati (Bollati Boringhieri , ISBN: 88-339-5031-X, 1985). Co-editor of the book: Computer-Aided Database Design: the DATAID approach (North-Holland 1985, ISBN 0-444-87735-5).
She published over 200 scientific papers in relevant international journals and conference proceedings of the field, including:
(2018) Bianchini D, De Antonellis V, Melchiori M. Service Discovery and Recommendation for Multi-datasource Access: Exploiting Semantic and Social Technologies. A Comprehensive Guide through the Italian Database Research over the Last 25 Years. Studies in Big Data vol. 31, 375-390, Springer Int. Publ. 2018, ISBN 978-3-319-61892-0.
(2017) Bianchini D, De Antonellis V, Melchiori M. Wiser: A multi-dimensional framework for searching and ranking Web APIs. ACM Transactions on the Web, 11(3):1-32, ISSN: 1559-1131.
(2014) Bianchini D, Cappiello C, De Antonellis V, Pernici B. Service identification in inter-organizational process design. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 7(2): 265-278, ISSN: 1939-1374.
(2010) Bianchini D, Montanelli S, Aiello C, Baldoni R, Bolchini C, Bonomi S, Castano S, Catarci T, De Antonellis V, Ferrara A, Melchiori M, Quintarelli E, Scannapieco M, Schreiber FA, Tanca L. Emergent Semantics and Cooperation in Multi-knowledge Communities: the ESTEEM Approach. World Wide Web, 13(1-2): 3-31, ISSN: 1386-145X.
(2008) Bianchini D, De Antonellis V, Melchiori M. Flexible Semantic-based Service Matchmaking and Discovery. World Wide Web, 11(2):227-251, ISSN: 1386-145X.
(2006) Bianchini D, De Antonellis V, Pernici B, Plebani P. Ontology based Methodology for e-Service Discovery. Information Systems, 31(4):361-380, ISSN: 0306-4379.
(2001) Castano S, De Antonellis V, De Capitani D, Vimercati S. Global Viewing of Heterogeneous Data Sources. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 13(2): 277-297, ISSN: 1041-4347.
(1998) Castano S, De Antonellis V, Fugini MG, Pernici B. Conceptual Schema Analysis: techniques and applications. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 23(3): 286-332, ISSN: 0362-5915.
(1995) Castano S, De Antonellis V. Reference Conceptual Architectures for Re-engineering Information Systems. International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, 4(2-3): 213-236, ISSN: 0218-8430.
(1990) De Antonellis V, Zonta B. A Disciplined Approach to Office Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 16(8): 822-828, ISSN: 0098-5589.
(1985) De Antonellis V, Di Leva A. DATAID-1: a Database Design Methodology. Information Systems, 10(2):181-195, ISSN: 0306-4379.
Awards and prizes
She has been Chair of the AICA Working Group on Databases (1990-1997). Co-founder of the Italian Pole of Scientific and technological Research on Interoperability "Interop-Vlab.IT" (2008-2014). Co-founder and member of the Steering Committee of the Italian Conference SEBD (Advanced Systems for Databases). Member of the "ER International Conference on Conceptual Modeling" Steering Committee. Associate member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal on Data&Knowledge Engineering, Elsevier. Member of the Scientific Committee of "Collana di Informatica", ed. Franco Angeli.
Recent awards: Outstanding contribution as Conference Co-Chair at International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, 2012; Best paper award at International Conference ICT Infrastructures and Services for Smart Cities, 2017; Best paper award at International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, 2013.
Research Director of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics, Director of the “Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics” Arcetri, Florence (Italy
Professional career
Physics Degree at the University of Florence, PhD at the School of Advanced Studies (SISSA) for the Elementary Particles’ Sector, Visiting Scientist at the University of Geneva and Cern, Professor on Contract at the Faculty of Science of Education and the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the Florence University, Research Director of the Florence Unit of the INFN, Member of the Plenary European Committee for Future Accelerators (ECFA), Director of the Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics, Arcetri Firenze (Italy).
Scientific results
Her research is in the field of particle physics. She has been interested on the phenomenological manifestations of New Physics phenomena in the high energy particle physics experiments by proposing beyond Standard Model scenarios that may solve the open problems of the Standard Model and study their experimental manifestations at present and future particle accelerators. Having long worked on the construction of effective models she was able to give substantial contributions to the formulation of composite Higgs scenarios but also to the analysis of their phenomenological implications. After the discovery of the Higgs particle in 2012, several questions are still to be answered: is it a fundamental scalar? Is it the only one responsible for the electroweak and the mass generation? Is it unique, or a part of an extended Higgs sector? Is it the portal of an “hidden” dynamics? If the answer to this last question is affirmative, then one can explore the possibility of a composite Higgs particle, possibly a pseudo-Nambu Goldstone boson associated to the breaking of a global symmetry; a “new pion” which could offer a solution to the hierarchy problem. Recently the study of the composite dynamics in the early universe has captured her attention, in particular the occurrence of a strong first-order electro-weak phase transition, which can trigger baryogenesis in composite Higgs models. Another interesting aspect of this scenario is the generation of gravitational wave signatures that could be observed at future space-based interferometers.
Editorial work and publications
[2022] De Curtis S., Delle Rose L., Guiggiani A., Muyor A.G., Panico G., Bubble wall dynamics at the electroweak phase transition, Journal of High Energy Physics 03, 163.
[2019] De Curtis S., Delle Rose L., Panico G., Composite dynamics in the early Universe, Journal of High Energy Physics 12, 149.
[2013] Barducci D, Belyaev A, De Curtis S, Moretti S, Pruna G M. Exploring Drell-Yan signals from the 4D Composite Higgs Model at the LHC, Journal of High Energy Physics 04, 152.
[2012] De Curtis S, Redi M, Tesi A. The 4D composite Higgs, Journal of High Energy Physics 04, 042
[2009] Cacciapaglia G, Deandrea A, De Curtis S. Nearby resonances beyond the Breit-Wigner approximation, Physics Letters B 682: 43-49.
[2004] Casalbuoni R, De Curtis S, Dominici D. Moose models with vanishing S parameter, Physical Review D, PARTICLES, FIELDS, GRAVITATION, AND COSMOLOGY, 70: 055010.
[1999] Casalbuoni R, De Curtis S, Dominici D, Gatto R. SM Kaluza-Klein excitations and electroweak precision tests, Physics Letters B462: 48-54.
[1996] Casalbuoni R, Dominici D, Deandrea A, Gatto R, De Curtis S, Grazzini M. Low energy strong electroweak sector with decoupling, Physical Review D 53: 5201-5221.
[1993] Altarelli G, Casalbuoni R, De Curtis S, Dibartolomeo N, Gatto R, Feruglio F. Extended Gauge-Modrels and Precision Electroweak Data, Physics Letters B 318: 139-147.
[1989] Barducci A, Casalbuoni R, De Curtis S, Gatto R, Pettini G. Chiral-Symmetry Breaking in QCD at Finite Temperature and Density, Physics Letters B 231: 463-470.
[1989] Casalbuoni R, De Curtis S, Dominici D, Feruglio F, Gatto R. Non-Linear Realization of Supersymmetry Algebra from Supersymmetric Constraint, Physics Letters B220: 569-575.
[1988] Barducci A, Casalbuoni R, De Curtis S, Dominici D, Gatto R. Dynamical Chiral-Symmetry Breaking and Determination of the Quark Masses, Physical Review D 38: 238-278.
[1985] Casalbuoni R, De Curtis S, Dominici D, Gatto R. Effective Weak Interaction Theory with a Possible New Vector Resonance From a Strong Higgs Sector, Physics Letters, B 155: 95-99.
Lecture of Contemporary History at the University of Salento.
Professional career
After graduating in Cultural Heritage, Daria De Donno obtained a PhD in The Italian ‘Mezzogiorno’ between Europe and the Mediterranean: Territory, Institutions and Civilisation from the Middle Ages to the Contemporary Age at the University of Salento. In 2004 she carried out period of research at the University of Coimbra (Departamento de História moderna e de História das Ideiais); between 2004 and 2007 she was a research fellow at the University of Salento; since October 2007 she has been a researcher in Contemporary History. Daria De Donno is a member of the teaching staff of the doctorate in “Human and Social Sciences, in remembrance of Giulio Regeni” at the University of Salento. Since 2017, she is scientific director of Research Centre «Archive of female Salento writing» (active at the Department of History, Society and Human Studies at the University of Salento) and since 2020 she is scientific referent of the “Study group of writings of Don Tonino Bello”. She is also a member of Scientific Committee of the “Institute for the History of the Italian Risorgimento” (Provincial Committee of Cosenza). From several years, she is been a member of the Italian Society of Contemporary History (Sissco) and also of the Italian Association of Public History (AIPH).
Scientific results
Daria De Donno’s research focuses mainly on social and political history from the XIX to the XX century. In light of renewed interest in the international historiographic debate, she has approached the categories of élites, middle class, classes of notables (both men and women), with a particular focus on the careers, experiences and roles played by a few protagonists (more or less well-known), especially through the monitoring of private sources. At the same time, her research interest is oriented to the Women’s history, especially towards the study of the women’s writings, with a particular attention on the usage of the feminine literature as a source for the historical research. From some years, she has focused her activity also on the teaching of Gender history, working with some educational institutions with the project Female traces in school archives. More recently, she has deepened the political dissent of the Italian socialist youth movement between the First World War and post-War period. She is currently investigating also the relationship between Coldiretti and the Christian Democratic Party in the 1980s.
Editorial work and publications
[2021] De Donno D., Un partito senza leader. La difficile rappresentanza del Ppi in Puglia. Alla scuola di Don Sturzo. Il popolarismo nel Mezzogiorno a cento anni dall’Appello ai liberi e forti, a cura di L. Coscarella, P. Palma, Luigi Pellegrini editore: 123-138.
[2021] De Donno D., Maddalena Santoro tra posizioni emancipazionistiche e adesione al “modello muliebre” del regime. L’officina del sentimento. Gesti voci segni di donne in Terra d’Otranto tra Grande Guerra e fascismo, a cura di G. Caramuscio, Giorgiani: 215-235.
[2020] De Donno D., Les jeunes socialistes italiens, le premier conflit mondial, la révolution. 1917/2017. Qu’est-ce que réussir une révolution?, Marie Cuillerai, Fabrice Flipo (dir.), Presses des Mines: 89-100
[2020] De Donno D., Storia di un’impresa familiare. Le «Officine meccaniche Massari» tra Salento, Nord-Africa ed Europa mediterranea (1943-1988). «Giornale di Storia Contemporanea», XXVI (2): pp. 59-72.
[2019] De Donno D., Tracce femminili negli archivi scolastici (con M. Calogiuri). «Ricerche Storiche», XLIX (2): 67-76.
[2019] De Donno D., Tabacchine, condizioni di lavoro e disoccupazione nel Salento negli anni Trenta del Novecento. “Non solo pane ma diritti”. Il contrastato movimento delle tabacchine salentine nel Novecento, a cura di M. Spedicato, Giorgiani: 173-198.
[2018] De Donno D., Una «union sacrée» per la pace e per la rivoluzione. Il movimento dei giovani sovversivi meridionali contro la guerra, Le Monnier.
[2018] De Donno D., «La Santa Russia». La guerre, les révolutions de 1917 et le mouvement des jeunes socialistes italiens. «Ricerche Storiche» XLVIII (2): 65-75.
[2018] De Donno D., 1916. I giovani socialisti rivoluzionari per «l’unione dei reietti e dei bastardi» contro la guerra. «Itinerari di ricerca storica», XXXII (2): 109-128.
[2015] De Donno D., Una “triste e solenne” terra di galantuomini. Per un profilo del notabilato in Basilicata in età liberale. «Itinerari di ricerca storica», XXIX (2): 11-40.
[2013] De Donno D., Con l’Italia nel cuore. L’esperienza di un patriota mazziniano (Nicola Valletta, 1829-1915). “L'Italia è”. Mezzogiorno, Risorgimento e post-Risorgimento, a cura di M.M. Rizzo, Viella: 101-115.
[2010] De Donno D., Notabilato e carriere politiche tra Otto e Novecento. Un esempio di ascesa (Giuseppe Pellegrino, 1856-1931), Pubblicazione del Dipartimento di Studi Storici dal Medioevo all’Età contemporanea (Congedo).
Awards and prizes
She won the CNR competition “Research Promotion 2005: Identity as a factor of integration” with the book Memorie familiari e storie di comunità. Il «Libro di casa» dei Pellegrino di Melpignano (secc. XVIII-XIX), 2006.
She was awarded the Prize of Study “Maria Marangelli” (22nd edition, 2009-2010) with the book Notabilato e carriere politiche tra Otto e Novecento. Un esempio di ascesa (Giuseppe Pellegrino, 1856-1931), 2010. The same book has been selected as one of the top five “most significant” published works in the seventh edition of the “Premio Ettore Gallo”.
STEM area: Mathematics
Competences: Equal Opportunities in STEM fields, Functional Analysis, Geometry, Mathematics and Music
Keywords: complex analysis, dinamical systems, gender equality, gender gap in science, geometry and music, quaternionic analysis, women and mathematics, women and science, Women in STEM
Region: Marche
Full Professor of Geometry at the Università Politecnica delle Marche and coordinator of the Equal Opportunity Committee of Unione Matematica Italiana (Italian Mathematics Union).
Professional career
Chiara de Fabritiis gets a MSc degree in mathematics at Università di Pisa and a “diploma di corso ordinario” at Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa in 1989, where she gets also a PhD in Mathematics in 1994. She is ricercatrice universitaria in Geometry at SISSA (Trieste) in 1992-96, then she moves to Università di Bologna. In 1999 she is associate professor in Geometry at Università Politecnica delle Marche; in 2005 she obtains a full professor position in Geometry at the same institution. From 2008 to 2011 she is Head of the Dipartimento di Matematica “Vito Volterra”, since 2022 she is è director of Consorzio Interuniversitario per l’Alta Formazione Matematica.
Scientific results
Chiara de Fabritiis’ scientific activity mainly concerns the study of complex geometry of manifolds, in last years she adds them quaternionic geometry and analysis, which then become central in her research. She is also interested in gender issues in STEM fields; in didactics of mathematics, with particular focus on tertiary education and use of digital technologies, and in applications of geometry to technology and arts, music above all.
Editorial work and publications
She wrote several books, both at university level and addressed to general audience:
C. de Fabritiis: Il teorema fondamentale dell'algebra, I teoremi de Le Scienze, 2024.
C. de Fabritiis: Il teorema di Abel-Ruffini, I teoremi de Le Scienze, 2024.
F. Alessio , C. de Fabritiis, C. Marcelli, P. Montecchiari: Matematica zero, Pearson, 2016.
M. Abate, C de Fabritiis: Geometria analitica con elementi di algebra lineare, McGraw-Hill, 2015.
She is also author of several scientific papers published on national and international journals, among them:
(2023) F. Alessio, C. de Fabritiis, A. I. Telloni: A STEM Literacy Program for Students in Secondary-Tertiary Transition to Reduce the Gender Gap: a Focus on the Students’ Perception, Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 19 6, 13 – 21.
(2023) A. Altavilla, C. de Fabritiis: *-Logarithm for Slice Regular Functions, Atti Accademia Nazionale Lincei, Classe di Scienze, 31(2), 491-529.
(2020) A. Altavilla, C. de Fabritiis: Equivalence of slice semi-regular functions via Sylvester operators, Linear Algebra Applications, 607C, 151-189.
(2019) A. Altavilla, C. de Fabritiis: *-exponential of Slice Regular Functions, Proceedings American Mathematical Society, 147, 1173-1188.
(2018) C. de Fabritiis, G. Gentili, G. Sarfatti: Quaternionic Hardy Spaces, Annali Scienze Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (5), XVIII-2 697-733.
(2006) C. de Fabritiis: Composition Operators on Bergman Spaces over the Punctured Plane, Journal Functional Analysis, 274, 152 -179.
(2002) C. de Fabritiis: Generic Subgroups of Aut(B_n), Annali Scienze Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (5), I, 851-868.
(1999) C. de Fabritiis: G. Gentili : On Holomorphic Maps which Commute with Hyperbolic Automorphisms, Advances in Mathematics, 144, 119 -136.
Awards and prizes
Since 2018 she is a member of Commissione Scientifica of Unione Matematica Italiana, she is also coordinates the Equal Opportunity Committee. Since the same date is member of Comitato Unico di Garanzia of her university, since 2021 she is the president of CUG. She is director of Consorzio Interuniversitario per l’Alta Formazione Matematica since 2022. From 2015 to 2023 she is head of the Unità di Ricerca dell’Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica at Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale e Scienze Matematiche. She is a member of the learned societies European Women in Mathematics and European Mathematical Society. In 1993 she is awarded the Premio di studio F. Severi.
Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Trieste.
Professional career
Graduated in Political Science at the University of Bologna (2003), she obtained the title of Master in European Parliamentary Institutions and Constitutional History at the University of Rome La Sapienza (2004) and the PhD in Comparative and European Politics at the University of Siena (2008). She then worked as a research fellow at the University of Siena until 2011, to then move to Lisbon in 2012, with a post-doc fellowship and, starting from 2016, as a fixed-term researcher at the Universidade NOVA of Lisbon. At the end of 2018 she returned to Italy, as a fixed-term senior researcher at the University of Trieste, where she still works as an Associate Professor of Political Science. She has been assistant editor of the journal South European Society and Politics since 2016 and managing editor of the Italian Political Science Review since 2019. Since 2022 she has been co-chair of the Standing Group Government, Parliament, Representation of the Italian Political Science Association.
Scientific results
Her main research interests are the comparative analysis of representative institutions in contemporary political systems and the study of the behaviour of the various institutional actors in the parliamentary arena, with particular attention to the role and characteristics of parliamentary opposition. Over the years, her research has focused on Italy and, starting from the economic crisis of the Eurozone, also on Southern Europe more broadly, with a special focus on the Portuguese case. She has participated in and coordinated national and international research projects on these issues, based both in Italy and in Portugal and is currently head of the Trieste research unit within the PRIN Democracy under Pressure project and member of the research teams of several international projects, based in Portugal and Spain.
Editorial work and publications
De Giorgi, E., Dias, A. e Dolny, B. (2021) New Challenger Parties in Opposition: Isolation or Cooperation?, Parliamentary Affairs, Vo.74, no.3.
De Giorgi, E. e Santana-Pereira, J. (2020) The Exceptional Case of Post-Bailout Portugal: A Comparative Outlook, South European Society and Politics, Vol.15, no.2.
Moury, C., De Giorgi, E. e Pita Barros, P. (2020) How to Combine Public Spending with Fiscal Rigour? ‘Austerity by Stealth’ in Post-Bailout Portugal (2015-2019), South European Society and Politics, Vol.15, no.2.
De Giorgi, E. e Dias, A. (2020) Divided, but not by much: the parties of the centre right between government and opposition, Contemporary Italian Politics, Vol.12, no.2.
De Giorgi, E. e Cancela, J. (2019) The Portuguese Radical Left Parties Supporting Government: From Policy-Takers to Policymakers?, Government and Opposition, Vol.56, no.2.
De Giorgi, E. e Ilonszki, G. (a cura di) (2018) Opposition parties in European legislatures. Conflict or consensus?, Abingdon, Routledge.
De Giorgi, E. (2016) L’opposizione parlamentare in Italia. Dall’antiberlusconismo all’antipolitica, Roma, Carocci.
De Giorgi, E. e Santana-Pereira, J. (2016) The 2015 Portuguese Legislative Election: Widening the Coalitional Space and Bringing the Extreme Left in, South European Society & Politics, Vol. 21, no. 4.
Moury, C. e De Giorgi, E. (2015) Introduction: Conflict and consensus in Parliament during the economic crisis, The Journal of Legislative Studies, Vol. 21, no. 1.
De Giorgi, E., Moury, C., Ruivo, J.P. (2015) Incumbents, opposition and international lenders: governing Portugal in times of crisis, The Journal of Legislative Studies, Vol. 21, no. 1.
De Giorgi, E. (2015) The evolution of the Italian opposition in the last twenty years: has anything changed?, Contemporary Italian Politics, Vol. 7, no.1.
De Giorgi, E. e Marangoni, F. (2015) Government laws and the opposition parties’ behaviour in parliament, Acta Politica, 50.
Daniela Del Boca, Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison, is Professor of Economics at the University of Turin, Fellow of Collegio Carlo Alberto and Director of CHILD.
Professional career
After her bachelor degree at the University of Turin she continued her academic training in Labor Economics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison where she was awarded her PhD in 1988.
Nel 1990 she has been Associate Professor at the Politecnico of Milan and later full Professor at the University of Turin. She has visited several Universities including New York University, Johns Hopkins, Munich
Scientific results
Her main interests are on gender gaps in the labor market and family investment in human capital and child development.
She has participated and coordinated several European Projects. Among the most recent ones: Families and Societies (FP7 2013-2017), Family and the Economic Crisis (Leibniz Association, 2015-2018), Child Care and Child Outcomes (Collegio Carlo Alberto and Jacobs Foundation), Economic Benefits of Gender Equality in the European Union. (http://www.carloalberto.org/child-collegiocarloalberto) and Closing the gender pension gap by increasing women’s awareness (2018-2010).
Editorial work and publications
Daniela Del Boca ha written several articles and books. Among the books: Women in the Labor Force: An Economic Perspective (Oxford University Press, 2005), Social Policies, Labour Markets and Motherhood (Cambridge University Press, 2008), Famiglie Sole (Il Mulino, 2009) e Valorizzare le Donne Conviene (Il Mulino, 2012).
Among the most recent articles:
(2020) Del Boca D, Oggero N, Profeta P, Rossi M. Women’s and men’s work, housework and childcare, before and during COVID-19. Review of Economics of the Household 18 (4), 1001-1017
(2018) Del Boca D, Heckman J, Biroli P et al. Evaluating the Reggio Approach on Early. Research in Economics, 71
(2017) Del Boca D, Monfardini C, Nicoletti C. Parental and child time and cognitive development of adolescents. Journal of Labor Economics 35(2):565-608
(2016) Del Boca D, Flinn C, Wiswall M. Transfers to families with children and child outcomes. Economic Journal 526: F138-F183
(2014) Del Boca D, Flinn C. Household Behavior and Marriage Market. Journal of Economic Theory, 150: 37-155
(2014) Del Boca D, Flinn C, Wiswall M. Household Choices and Child Development. Review of Economic Studies, 81:137-185
Daniela Del Boca is also in the Editorial Board of two journals Labour (Review of Labour Economics) e Review of Economics of the Household and Member of the Editorial Committee of lavoce.info where she is responsabile dei geneder and family policies (www.lavoce.info). Collaborates also to 27esima ora of Corriere della Sera, the online journal inGenere and her results have cited by Repubblica, Il Sole 24 ore, International New York Times, Financial Times. She partecipates to several international conferences and workshops on women’s work, family and child outcomes.
Awards and prizes
In 2007 she was awarded by the President of the Italian Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano of the Order of Merit for her contribution to the study of conciliation work and the family.
On 25 November 2021, she was awarded the Tarantelli Research Prize for her contribution to the Economics of Work and the Family.
She is presently Research Associate to the Institute of Human Development and Social Change at NYU, the Becker-Friedman Institute of the University of Chicago, CEPR, Ifo at the University of Munich, and IZA (Bonn).
Since 2012 is a Member of the General Council of Compagnia di San Paolo.
Since 2016, she has been a member of the International Scientific Committee of the E.L.E.NA Project on labour flexibility policies of men and women of the Equal Opportunities Commission funded by the European Community. She was Keynote Speaker at the Society of Family Economists in San Diego in June 2017.
Full professor of Management at the University of Naples Federico II, where she coordinates the Degree Course in Hospitality Management and the Master in Hospitality and Destination Management established in collaboration with M3 Center University of South Florida. She is the Rector's Delegate for Unina 2024.
Professional career
After graduating in Business and Economics at University of Naples Federico II in 1992, she continues her academic carrier receiving the PhD in Economics and Finance in 1997 at the University Ca’ Foscari of Venice. In 2003 she is nominated Assistant Professor in Management at University of Naples Federico II. At the same University, in 2007 she has become Associate Professor and in 2018 Full Professor in Management. During her academic carriers, she has attended several research periods abroad, namely University of Cooperative Education (University of Ravensburg), University of Utah and Ceram Business School (Skema). Nowadays, she is member of scientific associations and academies, such as: Italian Society of Tourism Science (since 2007), Strategic Management Society (since 2010), European Academy of Management (since 2013), Society of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity (since 2015). Moreover, she serves as reviewer for scientific journals and conferences, both national and international, and she is member of editorial board of scientific journals and editorial books. Since 2016 she is member of the Commission of Evaluation Expert (CEV) appointed by ANVUR for the periodic accreditation and for the new accreditation for degree programs (assessed to date Luigi Bocconi University of Milan, University of Pavia, University of the Studies of Cassino, University of Lecce); coordination of the commission for the evaluation of new courses in the tourism and related sectors for ANVUR. Since 2021 she is member of the steering Committee of the “Polo Agri-tech for Research and Venture Capital”, Ministry of University and Research; Commissioner for the National Scientific Qualification (ASN-Sector 13/B2, Directorial Decree No. 251 of 2021, article 6, paragraph 3); Auditor of the “S. Pietro A Majella ”of Naples, Ministry of University and Research; Vice President & Executive President of Society of Open Innovation: Technology market and Complexity.
Scientific results
Her main research interests concern both the topic of digitalization and artificial intelligence in the context of the tourism and hospitality sector and sustainability considered in environmental, social, economic and technological terms.
She has participated and/or coordinated many projects as principal investigator/academic coordinator on the basis of competitive calls. She is member of the research group and operational coordinator of the national research, funded by MUR PRIN on "Puzzling out smart ruralities, sound knowledge and rural (agricultural/agrifood) entrepreneurial ecosystem". In 2013/2014 she was scientific responsible of the Project "I Circuiti dell'enogastronomia in Provincia di Napoli: le Eccellenze del Made in Naples". In 2011 she was scientific responsible of the following research projects: "Ospitalità nei Borghi", commissioned to the Department of Business Administration by the Campania Region; "Le produzioni d'eccellenza nel percorso: Reale-Virtuale-Reale. The case of made in Naples", funded by the Chamber of Commerce (CCIAA) of Naples to the Department of Business Administration, on the basis of competitive bidding that included peer review; "The Citadel of Arts and Crafts: project developments", commissioned to the Department of Business Administration by the City of Benevento. In 2010 she was the scientific responsible for the research project entitled: "The circuits of luxury made in Campania: the made in Naples", funded by the CCIAA of Naples to the Department of Business Administration, on the basis of competitive bidding that provided for peer review.
Editorial work and publications
[2022] Arica R, Cobanoglu C, Cakir O, Corbaci A, Hsu MJ Della Corte, V. Travel experience sharing on social media: effects of the importance attached to content sharing and what factors inhibit and facilitate it. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 34 (4): 1566-1586.
[2021] Della Corte V, Aria M, Del Gaudio G, Barney J.B, Cobanoglu C, Sepe, F. The relevance of relational capabilities in collaborative decisions. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33 (12): 4391-4417.
[2021] Della Corte V, Del Gaudio G, Sepe F, Nevola G. Kosher meat and production issues: A bibliometric analysis. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 116: 749-754.
[2021] Pagliara F, Aria M, Russo L, Della Corte V. A theoretical model linking the development of the transportation system with citizens' trust in government actors. Papers in Regional Science, 100 (1): 273-285.
[2021] Pagliara F, Aria M, Russo L, Della Corte V, Nunkoo R. Validating a theoretical model of citizens’ trust in tourism development. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 73: 100922.
[2020] Della Corte V, Management of Hospitality Firms, CEDAM, Padova.
[2020] Della Corte V, Imprese e Sistemi Turistici: il management, Egea, Milano, III Edizione
[2019] Dermody J, Yun J. J, Della Corte V. Innovations to advance sustainability behaviours. The Service Industries Journal, 39 (15-16): 1029-1033.
[2018] Della Corte V, Del Gaudio G, Sepe F. Ethical food and the kosher certification: a literature review. British Food Journal, 120 (10): 2270-2288.
[2018] Della Corte V, Aria M, Del Gaudio G. Strategic governance in tourist destinations. International Journal of Tourism Research, 20 (4): 411-423.
[2018] Della Corte V, Del Gaudio G, Sepe F. Innovation and tradition-based firms: a multiple case study in the agro-food sector. British Food Journal, 120 (6): 1295-1314.
[2016] Della Corte V, Aria M. Coopetition and sustainable competitive advantage. The case of tourist destinations. Tourism Management, 54: 524-540.
Awards and prizes
Valentina Della Corte has received international awards and recognitions for her research activities, among which: in 2016 the best papers' award: “The role of ecosystem in cultural firms. The interplay between Smart and open innovation”, Society of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity & Society Annual Conference, San Joseph State University and, in the same year, the nomination as Member of the Organizing Committee and Conference Program Chair of the Strategic Management Society Special Conference: Strategy Challenges in the 21st Century: Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Coopetition, LUISS Guido Carli University; in 2018 Certificate of Appreciation as Hosting Chair and Conference Chair at the Society of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity & Society Annual Conference, Naples; in 2019 Certificate of Appreciation as Keynote Speaker at the Global Conference on Business and Economics, organized by the Association for Higher Education International, University of South Florida and Bau University, Istanbul; in 2020 the nomination as Co-chair of the Global Conference on Services and Retail Management (GLOSERV 2021) and the Best Reviewer Award of the Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity; in 2021 the award “talented women” 2nd edition.
Assistant professor of communications and media studies at John Cabot University, Rome.
Professional career
Background in Media Studies with a specialization in Arabic-speaking media. From 2007 until 2011 she lived in Damascus and carried out an extensive media ethnography of Syrian TV series which became the topic of her Ph.D. research, obtained from the University of Copenaghen in 2013. She is a former Post-Doctoral Fellow at University of Copenhagen and at the Annenberg School for Communication, Pennsylvania University and an Affiliate of the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University.
She has authored three monographs on Arab media, and curated chapters on Syrian media and politics in several collective books. She is a contributor to Italian and international media outlets such as Al Jazeera English, Hyperallergic, Internazionale, and Il Manifesto. She has professional experience as a journalist, TV author and producer and managed the Arabic speaking community of the international NGO Creative Commons www.creativecommons.org for five years (2008-2013).
Scientific results
Her research develops in two main strands. The first one relates to the geopolitics of the media in the Middle East, with a particular focus on pan-Arab networks (Al Jazeera, etc.), on specific television genres (TV serials, etc.), on the network (meme, etc.) and on specific areas (Syria). The second strand concerns the critical analysis of digital media and the relationship between new "social" formats, politics and the representation of violence. Her latest book "Shooting a Revolution: Visual Media and Warfare in Syria" (Pluto Press, 2018) is an expression of these two lines of research.
Editorial work and publications
[2018] Della Ratta D. Shooting a Revolution. Visual Media and Warfare in Syria, Pluto Press.
[2015] Della Ratta D. (together with Sakr N. and Skovgaard Petersen J.), Arab Media Moguls, I.B. Tauri.
[2014] Della Ratta D. La Fiction Siriana. Mercato e Politica della Televisione nell`Era degli Asad, Arab Media Report.
[2009] Della Ratta D. (together with Valerani A.), Un Hussein alla Casa Bianca. Cosa pensa il mondo arabo di Barack Obama, Odoya.
[2005] Della Ratta D. Al Jazeera. Media e Società Arabe nel Nuovo Millennio, Bruno Mondadori Editore.
[2000] Della Ratta D. Media Oriente. Modelli, Strategie e Tecnologie nelle Nuove Televisioni Arabe, Seam.
Awards and prizes
She co-founded SyriaUntold.com, a portal on Syria that was awarded the ‘best digital community’ prize at the Linz Ars Electronica Festival in 2014.
In 2000, she also received the Ilaria Alpi Award for best TV author under 30 for her work in the Rai 2 TV show Un Mondo a Colori.
Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management at Luiss University of Rome.
Professional career
Graduated in Psychology, with a specialization in Occupational and Organizational Psychology at Sapienza University of Rome (2004), she becomes a chartered psychologist in 2005. She obtains a PhD in Organizational Psychology (2008) at the same University in Rome. During her doctoral studies (2006) she spends a period at the Rotman School of Management (Toronto, Canada) as visiting student. Subsequently, she works in Italy as a consultant in the field of human resources management and is a research fellow at the Department of Psychology of the Sapienza University of Rome (2010). In 2011, with a scholarship from Sapienza University, she is a post-doc at Aston Business School (Birmingham, UK). She holds academic roles in Portugal (from 2012 to 2018 she is Assistant Professor of Human Resource Management at ISCTE in Lisbon) and in France (from 2019 to 2021 she is Associate Professor of Human Resources Management at TBS Education in Toulouse). At the same time, he spends visiting periods in other Italian and foreign universities for research and teaching activities (Luiss University in 2020 and 2021; University of Bologna in 2019; University of Padua in 2018; WU, Vienna, Austria in 2014 and 2013; Università Cattolica del Sacro Heart in 2012). In 2022 she returns permanently to Italy as Associate Professor at Luiss University, and she maintains an affiliation with the Business Research Unit of ISCTE (Lisbon, Portugal).
She is a member of the leadership directory of the Careers division of the Academy of Management (the world's leading association of management researchers) for the period 2020-2023 and from 2022 she is Co-Director of the track on Human Resources Management of the European Academy of Management (one of the major European management associations).
Since 2014 she is a member of the international research group 5C (Cross-Cultural Collaboration on Contemporary Careers), an international network of scholars studying careers and human resource development with over 30 countries involved.
Scientific results
Her research interests include human resource development practices; the aging process with its implications for work and the management of older workers (but also, more broadly, for the simultaneous management of different generational groups); interpersonal dynamics between manager and employee in the application of developmental practices (such as feedback) and in the presence of significant age differences.
In relation to the first point, she has studied the implementation of bundles of developmental practices with strategic intent (e.g. in the health sector) but also the effectiveness of single practices such as coaching. Together with a PhD student (Andrea Fontes), she conducted one of the few randomized control studies on coaching and verified the effectiveness of a program inspired by the principles of positive psychology and psychological capital.
In relation to the second point, she has examined how workers of different ages experience everyday life at work - in particular in relation to the emotional sphere - through a project financed by the FCT (Fundação para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia, Portugal) whose main results are available at the website: www.dailyproject.weebly.com. Through the collaborative network 5C she also examined the positive role of human resource management practices in increasing the employability of older workers, which was found to be universally effective (https://5c.careers/sparks/).
In relation to the third point, recent years have seen her involved in directing two feedback research projects funded by the SIOP Foundation (USA) and the FCT (Portugal). Alongside strictly scientific objectives related to the study of informal feedback and not only associated with performance evaluation, she has also set herself the objective of disseminating good feedback communication practices through which to improve interpersonal relations at work. To this purpose, she has for some years been engaged in the dissemination of scientific research in the field of human resources through the research website https://realpal.work.
Editorial work and publications
[2021] Fontes A, Dello Russo S. What changes with coaching? Investigating within-person changes in reflection, the predicting role of implicit person theory and the effects on perceived utility of coaching. International Journal of Training and Development, 25(3): 316-340.
[2021] Fontes A, Dello Russo S. An experimental field study on the effects of coaching: The mediating role of psychological capital. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 70(2): 459-488.
[2021] Dello Russo S, Antino M, Zaniboni S, Caetano A. Truxillo D. The effect of age on daily positive emotions and work behaviors. Work, Aging and Retirement, 7(1): 9-19.
[2020] Dello Russo S, Parry E, Bosak J, ... Reichel, A. Still feeling employable with growing age? Exploring the moderating effects of HR developmental practices and country-level unemployment rates in the age – employability relationship. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31(9): 1180-1206.
[2019] Smale A, Bagdadli S, Cotton R, Dello Russo S, Dickmann M, Dysvik A, Gianecchini M, Kaše R, Lazarova M, Reichel A, Rozo P, Verbruggen M. et al. Proactive career behaviors and subjective career success: The moderating role of national culture. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 40(1): 105-122.
[2018] Bouville* G, Dello Russo* S, Truxillo D. (2018). The moderating role of age in the job characteristics-absenteeism relationship: A matter of occupational context? Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 91(1): 57–83.
*Shared first authorship
[2018] Martin R. Thomas G, Legood A, Dello Russo S. Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Differentiation and Work Outcomes: Conceptual Clarification and Critical Review. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 39(2): 151–168.
[2018] Dello Russo S, Mascia D, Morandi F. Individual perceptions of HR practices, HRM strength and appropriateness of care: A meso, multi-level approach. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29(2): 286-310.
[2017] Dello Russo S, Miraglia M, Borgogni L. Reducing organizational politics in performance appraisal: The role of coaching leaders in appraising age-diverse employees. Human Resource Management, 56(5): 769–783.
[2015] Dello Russo S, Stoykova P. Psychological capital intervention: A replication and extension. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 26(3): 329–347.
[2015] Mascia D, Dello Russo S, Morandi F. Exploring professionals' motivation to lead: A cross-level study in the healthcare sector. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26(12): 1622-1644.
[2013] Dello Russo S, Miraglia M, Borgogni L, Johns G. How time and perceptions of social context shape employee absenteeism trajectories. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 83(2); 209-217.
Awards and prizes
2010 Award for best PhD dissertations in Organizational Psychology granted by the Italian Psychological Association – Division of Organizational Psychology
2015 Outstanding Reviewer Award, Academy of Management Annual Conference, OB Division
2018 Award for Best reviewer, Journal of Managerial Psychology
2018 Runner-up for the 2018 HR Awards, category Research, RH Magazine, Portugal
2021 Runner-up best as best paper at HRM track, EURAM Conference, with the paper “What practical implications on feedback do researchers offer? A systematic review” (with A. Mirfakhar e M. Miraglia).
STEM area: Clinical sciences and nutrition science
Competences: Psychiatry
Keywords: anxiety, complicated bereavement, coronavirus, Covid-19, Covid-19: impact on domestic violences, Covid-19: post-traumatic demoralization syndrome, depression, mood, post traumatic stress disorder, psychotic disorders, spectrum, suicide, traumatic bereavement, violence against women
Region: Tuscany
Full Professor of Psychiatry at University of Pisa. Director of the Psychiatry Care Unit of the University Hospital of Pisa. President of the Italian College of University Professors of Psychiatry
Professional career
She graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Pisa in 1979, where she specialised in Psychiatry in 1984. In 1983 she became a researcher at the Institute of Pharmacology of the University of Pisa, and in 1987 she took up the same position at the Institute of Psychiatry of the same University. In 1992 she became an associate professor of psychiatry, and in 2001 she became a full professor of psychiatry in the Department of Psychiatry, Neurobiology, Pharmacology and Biotechnology at the same University. From 2001 to 2010 she was director of Operational Unit 2 of Psychiatry, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Pisana. Since 2010 she has also been director of the Operational Unit 1 of Psychiatry and of the School of Specialisation in Psychiatry at the University of Pisa. Since 2012 she coordinates the Research and Teaching of the Integrated Department (DAI) of Neuroscience of the Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Pisana. Since 2015 she is Vice President of the Italian Society of Psychiatry (SIP). In 2018 she was elected President of the Italian College of Full Professors of Psychiatry.
Scientific results
His research activity is carried out in the fields of psychopathology, neurobiology, clinical pharmacology and genetics. Of particular relevance is her contribution to the "Spectrum Project", an international collaborative project (University of Pisa, University of Pittsburgh, University of New York, University of San Diego) for the development and validation of structured clinical interviews and questionnaires for the evaluation of mood (SCI-MOODS), anxiety (SCI-SHY, SCI-OBS, SCI-TALS), psychotic (SCI-PSY) and substance use symptoms (SCI-SUBS). Liliana Dell'Osso also conducts clinical research on the treatment of psychotic disorders, with particular emphasis on studies on the use of clozapine, on the use of typical and atypical antipsychotics in patients with bipolar syndrome and studies on schizophrenic disorders. More recently, Liliana Dell'Osso is involved in the study of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and the autistic spectrum.
Editorial work and publications
Liliana Dell'Osso has written several popular scientific books:
L'altra Marilyn. Psichiatria e psicoanalisi di un cold case (Le Lettere, Firenze 2016)
L'Abisso negli occhi. Spettro Autistico e violenza di genere nel mito e nell’arte (ETS, Pisa 2016, 2019)
La verità sulla menzogna: dalle origini alla post-verità (ETS, Pisa 2017)
Il caso Coco Chanel. L’insopportabile Genio (Giunti, Firenze 2018)
L’ombra dell’autismo. Declinazioni cliniche e psicopatologiche dello spettro autistico sottosoglia. (Franco Angeli, Milano 2018)
Genio e follia 2.0. Il complesso rapporto tra spettro autistico e competenze eccezionali (Franco Angeli, 2019).
Fatti di quotidiana follia (Giunti, Firenze 2019)
She is also the author/co-author/co-editor of more than 800 publications in international and national scientific journals, book chapters: manuals, treatises and monographs (in English and Italian), books, including:
La malattia depressiva (Idelsen-Gnocchi, Napoli, 1989)
Diagnosi psichiatrica e DSM-3-R (Giuffrè, Milano1989)
Da Esculapio a Igea. Un approccio di genere alla salute (Plus, Pisa 2007)
Recurrent Mood Disorders. New Perspectives in Therapy (Springer, 2012)
Manuale di Clinica e Riabilitazione Psichiatrica, vol I e vol II (Giovanni Fioriti Editore, Roma, 2018)
Awards and prizes
Liliana Dell'Osso is a member of the Top Italia Scientists, for the field of Clinical Sciences, is included in the Top Italian Women Scientists and is an member of the Virtual Italia Academy which includes Italian scientists and women scientists working in Italy and abroad.
Since 1 November 2021, she has been the dean of the University of Pisa's Medical Area, the first woman in the history of the university to reach this goal.
In 2021, she won the international "Profilo Donna" award.
International politics area
Competences: European-Israeli-Palestinian Relations, Europe- Midle East relations, International Relations of the Middle East, Israeli Domestic and Foreign Policies, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Relations between Europe and the Middle East and North Africa
Keywords: Israel, borders and regional order, Maghreb, Mashreq, Mediterranean Middle East and North Africa, security and identity politics
Region: Emilia-Romagna
Associate Professor of Middle East Studies at Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, SAIS Europe (Bologna campus).
Professional career
After completing her MA studies in Political Science at the Albert-Ludwigs Universität in Freiburg, Germany, she began her career as an external collaborator and consultant at the Friedrich Naumann Foundation, Jerusalem (1997-1998) and the Israel Democracy Institute in Jerusalem. From 1998 to 2000 she was the Manager of the project ‘The German Fund for Palestinian NGOs’ for the Friedrich Naumann Foundation in Jerusalem. In 2003 she obtains a PhD in International Relations from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (summa cum laude). From 2004 to 2005 she is a Jean Monnet Fellow at the European University Institute and from 2005 to 2007 a Marie Curie Fellow there. From 2007 to 2011 she is the Pears Fellow in Israel and Mediterranean Studies at the University of Oxford, St Antony's College, the Middle East Center. Between 2011 and the spring of 2019 she is part-time Professor at the European University Institute. From 2010 to 2015 she is Adjunct Professor of Middle Eastern Studies and International Relations at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, SAIS Europe, in Bologna. In 2015, she obtains the Italian national scientific qualification for associate professor, and in 2019 for full professor. She has been Associate Professor of Middle East Studies at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, SAIS Europe (Bologna), since 2015.
Scientific results
Raffaella A. Del Sarto obtained a research grant from the European Research Council (ERC) for the project BORDERLANDS: Boundaries, Governance, and Power in the European Union's Relations with North Africa and the Middle East(2011-2018). She published two monographs, over 15 academic articles, over 10 book chapters, and numerous policy reports, working papers and grey publications. She has also edited or co-edited 5 volumes.
Editorial work and publications
Raffaella Del Sarto is a member of the Editorial Board of The International Spectator and member of the Advisory Board of the journals Mediterranean Politics and International Affairs.
[2019] Del Sarto, R. A. ‘Stuck in the Logic of Oslo: Europe and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict’, The Middle East Journal 73(3): 376-396.
[2019] Del Sarto, R. A. ‘Insecurity, Identity Politics, and the Restructuring of the Middle East’, in Shifting Global Politics and the Middle East, POMEPS Studies 34, March, Project on Middle East Political Science.
[2019] Del Sarto, R. A., Malmvig, H. and Soler i Lecha, E., Interregnum: The Regional Order in the Middle East and North Africa after the Arab Uprisings, MENARA Final Report no. 1, February.
[2018] Del Sarto, R A. and Jean-Pierre Cassarino, ‘The Governance of Migration and Border Controls in the European-North African Context’, MENARA Working Paper no. 13, September.
[2017] Del Sarto, R. A. Israel under Siege: The Politics of Insecurity and the Rise of the Israeli Neo-Revisionist Right, Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University.
[2017] Del Sarto, R. A. ‘Contentious Borders in the Middle East and North Africa: Context and Concepts’, in International Affairs 93(4): 767-787.
[2017] Del Sarto, R. A., Fawcett L. and Okyay A., eds., Contentious Borders: Sovereignty and Statehood in the Middle East and North Africa post-2011, special issue of International Affairs, 93(4).
[2016] Del Sarto, R. A. ‘Normative Empire Europe: The European Union, Its Borderlands, and the “Arab Spring”’, Journal of Common Market Studies 54(2): 215-232.
[2015] Del Sarto, R. A., ed. Fragmented Borders, Interdependence and External Relations: The Israel-Palestine-European Union Triangle, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
[2015] Del Sarto, R. A. ‘Defining Borders and People in the Borderlands: EU Policies, Israeli Prerogatives and the Palestinians’, Journal of Common Market Studies 52(2): 200-216.
[2011] Del Sarto, R. A. and Schumacher T. ‘From Brussels with Love: Leverage, Benchmarking, and the Action Plans with Jordan and Tunisia in the EU’s Democratization Policy’, Democratization 18(4): 932-955.
[2006] Del Sarto, R. A., Adler E., Bicchi F., and Crawford B. eds. The Convergence of Civilizations: Constructing a Mediterranean Region, Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
[2006] Del Sarto, R. A. Contested State Identities and Regional Security in the Euro-Mediterranean Area, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
[2005] Del Sarto, R. A. and Schumacher T. ‘From EMP to ENP: What’s at Stake with the European Neighbourhood Policy towards the Southern Mediterranean?’, European Foreign Affairs Review 10(1): 17-38.
For a complete list of her publications see here.
Awards and prizes
In 2003 she obtained the "Alex Berger" prize for excellent doctoral dissertation at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
From October 2019 to March 2020 she was Robert Schuman Fellow at the European University Institute.
Full professor of Pharmacology and former Rector of the University of Cagliari
Professional career
Following her degree in Medicine at the University of Cagliari, Maria Del Zompo took a specialty degree in Neurology and started a career at the University of Cagliari as assistant in-charge in 1979. During the various phases of her career she spent more than two years at the “Biological Psychiatry Branch”, National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), Bethesda (USA), where she collaborated with John Tallman under Robert M. Post’s supervision.
She is currently Full Professor of Pharmacology in the Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Cagliari, where she was Pro-Rector from 2005 to 2007 and Rector from April 2015 to April 2021.
Scientific results
Professor Maria Del Zompo is member of numerous scientific societies, including the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics, the International Society of Biological Psychiatry and the Italian Society of Pharmacology. She won the Burroughs Wellcome Stipend Award issued by the Burroughs Wellcome Fund, Research Triangle Park, NC (USA) at the Biological Psychiatry Branch, NIMH, Bethesda, MD (USA).
Her clinical activity was based at the Unit of Clinical Pharmacology of the “San Giovanni di Dio” Hospital in Cagliari (Italy), a health care facility with clinics and day hospital, dedicated to various pathologies related to the field on clinical neurosciences, such as bipolar disorder and migraine, and to more specific activities in the field of clinical pharmacology, such as the management of adverse reactions to drugs.
Her many clinical and research interests include Clinical Psychopharmacology, Psychiatric Genetics (epidemiology and molecular genetics of bipolar disorder and suicidal behavior), Genetics of complex diseases such as Migraine, Cluster Headache and Alzheimer’s disease, Pharmacogenetics (genetic bases of response to drugs and adverse reactions to drugs).
She has many ongoing international collaborations with Professor Martin Alda (Department of Psychiatry, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada); Professor Gustavo Turecki (Research and Academic Affairs, Department of Psychiatry, McGill University, Montreal, Canada); Dr. Ming Ta Michael Lee (Laboratory for International Alliance on Genomic Research Core for Genomic Medicine, RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences, Yokohama, Japan) and Dr. David Gurwitz (National Institute for Psychobiology, Tel Aviv University, Israel).
Maria Del Zompo is also a founding member of the International Consortium on Lithium Genetics (ConLiGen) and of the International Group for the Study of Lithium Treated Patients (IGSLI), whose annual meeting was held in Cagliari in 2010.
In 2006 she chaired, for the first time in Italy, the 14th World Congress of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics, of which she’s an honorary member, which was held in Cagliari from October 28 to November 1.
Editorial work and publications
Her scientific production consists of numerous publications in international books and journals, national books and journals and presentations at national and international meetings. Professor Maria Del Zompo has a total of 152 publications in international books and journals, 57 publications in national books and journals and 248 presentations at national and international meetings (H index: 30, according to Web of Science).
In 2015 she published an article entitled “Renal function during long-term lithium treatment: a cross-sectional and longitudinal study” in BMC Medicine, a peer-reviewed journal with a high impact factor, and this article was followed by an interview published in the “BioMe” website, entitled “Lithium treatment and renal function: do we really need to be concerned?“.
Maria Del Zompo also works as a referee of scientific publications for numerous relevant international journals, and as a reviewer of scientific projects for Italian and international institutions.
Awards and prizes
In the recent years Maria Del Zompo has been involved in various social and cultural activities, local and regional, which she’s always joined with enthusiasm. In 2000 she won the “Eleonora D’Arborea” Award, a prize issued by Cagliari’s International Inner Wheel Club, that awards every year a Sardinian woman who has contributed to the social and cultural progress of Sardinia through her social, cultural and artistic activity.
She also won the AIDDA (an association of women working as managers or entrepreneurs) Prize as “Woman of the Year 2007”, for having deeply contributed to Sardinia’s luster in the world through the top level of her research and clinical activity.
Her interest in spreading the culture through the organization of scientific and educational meetings has always been consistent in time. In 2014 she joined the Marathon issued by Italian Environmental Fund (FAI), and held her speech in the city center, explaining the link between the old commercial core of the town and the University. In more recent years she hosted the Round Table entitled “Science and Society: Research and Ethics”. The relationship between ethics and science has always been a relevant topic for Maria Del Zompo: in an interview with writer Alessandro Ligas, entitled “Research, Innovation and Ethics: a comparison between scientific and medical progress and people’s rights”, she tells about her thoughts on a topic so relevant for the society.
After her election as the first woman Rector of the University of Cagliari in 60 years she gave a great impulse to the cultural activities of the University and to the involvement of the city.
Expert on Italian and EU foreign policy
Professional career
Giovanna De Maio has a BA and a PhD in International Studies, both from the Oriental University. During her PhD, she worked on the 2014 Ukraine conflict from a Russian geopolitical, social and politico-cultural perspective; she did a research period abroad in Moscow and completed the writing of her thesis at the Brookings Institution, where she also conducted a study on EU-Russia energy relations.
Prior to her PhD, she obtained a Master's degree in Diplomatic Studies from the Società Italiana per l'Organizzazione Internazionale di Roma (Sioi). During her international training, she did internships in Strasbourg, at the Council of Europe, in Brussels, at the Athena-EuLogos Observatory, and at the Istituto Affari Internazionali in Rome.
She worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the French Institute for International Relations (Ifri) in Paris, where she analysed the impact of sanctions on Russia (and Russian counter-sanctions) on the Italian economy, and at the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMFUS) in Washington, D.C, working on a study on the links between Russia and Italian political parties ahead of the 2018 general elections. From 2018 to 2021 she was a visiting research fellow at the Brookings Institution, with a period, from 2020 to 2021, as a visiin at the Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies at George Washington University. From October 2021 she returned to Europe, to France, where she currently works in policy planning at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Scientific results
Giovanna De Maio worked in important think tanks between the US and Europe in contact with international organizations and diplomatic delegations; she published her analyses in important think tank and media outlets. She presented her research in universities (Harvard, Tartu), think tanks (Brookings, Ifri) and private sector settings; she was interview by news outlets including BBC, NPR News, CGRN America and RBK Russia among others. Recently, she briefed the Executive Office of the President of the United States on asylum policies in Italy
Editorial work and publications
A selection of commentaries
[2019] De Maio G. Nord Stream 2: A failed test for EU unity and trans-Atlantic coordination, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, Avril.
[2019] De Maio G. The broken compass of Italian foreign policy, Order from Chaos, The Brookings Institution, March.
[2019] De Maio G. Italy and Russia, the link is increasingly close, Reset Dialogues on Civilization, March.
[2019] De Maio G. Europe’s Campaign Season Is Just Beginning, with Célia Belin, The American Interest, February.
[2019] De Maio G. Italy and immigration: Europe’s Achilles’ heel,Order from Chaos, The Brookings Institution, January.
[2018] De Maio G. The Palermo conference on Libya: A diplomatic test for Italy’s new government, Order from Chaos, The Brookings Institution, November.
[2017] De Maio G. Russia: uncertain revolutions and future question marks, Reset Dialogues on Civilization, November.
[2017] De Maio G. Anti-corruption Rallies in Russia: The Awakening of Civil Society?, Reset Dialogues on Civilization, July.
Associate Professor of Business Economics and Management at the University of Padua. Advisor for the Teaching4learning@Unipd project at the University of Padova, where she is responsible for faculty development and innovative teaching activities.
Professional career
After graduation and some research experience at Venice International University, she received her PhD in 2011 from the University of Padua, with a thesis analyzing the possibilities of transmitting sustainability standards within global value chains. She became a researcher at the same university in 2015, and Associate Professor in 2019. In 2018 she became national representative at EIBA (European International Business Association) and in 2020, she was elected president of GRONEN, the international academic community of reference for scholars working at the interface between business, environment and sustainability.
Scientific results
Valentina De Marchi's research activity straddles innovation economics, sustainable development and international economics. She is interested in understanding the strategies of firms interested in reducing their environmental impacts. She initially became interested in studying the specifics of environmental innovations, opening a new line of research interested in understanding how the innovation process changes for firms when they are interested in reducing their environmental impacts. More recently, she has been working on understanding how to deal with the complexities involved in achieving circularity and sustainability goals, especially when it comes to companies that are part of global value chains. She has also been addressing development opportunities for local areas (industrial districts) within global value chains and the role of new digital technologies in ensuring the transition to sustainability.
Editorial work and publications
Sheis an Associate editor of the Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, of the Cambridge University Press Book series Development trajectories in global value chainsand of the Springer Book series Sustainability and Innovation
She is Review Board member of the Journal of International Business Studies e Organization & Environmentand on the Editorial Board of the journal Economia e Società Regionale.
She is author or co-author of numerous scientific publications, including:
[2022] De Marchi V., Cainelli G., Grandinetti R. "Multinational subsidiaries and green innovation". International Business Review, 31(6): 102027.
[2022] De Marchi V., Molina-Morales F.X., Martínez-Cháfer L. "Environmental innovation and cooperation: A configurational approach". Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 182, 121835.
[2022] Carmine S. De Marchi V. "Nuovi territori per la sostenibilità". Economia e Società Regionale, 40(1): 63-72.
[2022] Carmine S., De Marchi V. "Reviewing Paradox Theory in Corporate Sustainability. Toward a Systems Perspective". Journal of Business Ethics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-022-05112-2.
[2022] De Marchi V. "Destinazione sostenibilità per la locomotiva Nord-est? In Nord Est 2022 Il futuro sta passando Chi è pronto e chi no (a cura di Luca Paolazzi e Gianluca Toschi). Marsilio e Fondazione Nord Est.
[2022] Di Maria, E., De Marchi, V., Galeazzo, A. "Industry 4.0 technologies and circular economy: The mediating role of supply chain integration". Business Strategy and the Environment, 31(2): 619-632.
[2022] Alonso-Martinez, D., De Marchi, V., Di Maria, E. (2021). "The sustainability performances of sustainable business models". Journal of Cleaner Production, 323, 129145.
[2022] Panwar R, Pinkse J, De Marchi V. "The future of Global Supply Chains in a Post-COVID-19 World". California Management Review, 64(2): 5-23.
[2021] De Marchi, V., Alford, M. "State policies and upgrading in global value chains: A systematic literature review". Journal of International Business Policy, 5: 88-111.
[2019] De Marchi V., Di Maria E., Galeazzo A. "Modelli di business nelle imprese ad alto tasso di sostenibilità: un focus sulle B Corp e Società Benefit in Italia". Economia e società regionale, XXXVII(2): 85-95.
[2017] de Marchi V, Giuliani E, Rabellotti R. "Do Global Value Chains Offer Developing Countries Learning and Innovation Opportunities?". European Journal of Development Research, 30: 389–407.
[2017] De Marchi V., Di Maria E. "Distretti locali e catene globali. Nuove configurazioni a Nordest". Economia e Società Regionale, 35(2).
[2015] Cainelli G., De Marchi V., Grandinetti R. “Does the development of environmental innovation require different resources? Evidence from Spanish manufacturing firms”. Journal of Cleaner Production, 94: 211‑220.
[2013] De Marchi V., Di Maria E., Micelli S. “Environmental Strategies, Upgrading and Competitive Advantage in Global Value Chains”. Business Strategy & the Environment, 22(1):62-72.
[2012] De Marchi V. "Environmental innovation and R&D cooperation: Empirical evidence from Spanish manufacturing firms". Research Policy, 41(3), 614–623.
Full list avalaible on Google Scholar.
Awards and prizes
She has received prestigious international awards and fellowship such as 'Governing Responsible Business and Research Environment' fellowship (2019) at Copenhagen Business School and the Simon and Hallsworth Visiting Professorship at the University of Manchester (2022). She was also a visiting professor at Universitat Jaume I de Castelló (Spain, 2016); and the Center for Frugal Innovation in Africa, Erasmus University Rotterdam (Netherlands, 2019).
Professor of Childhood and Family Pedagogy and of Philosophy of Education and Affectivity and Sexuality Education at the University of Bologna.
Professional career
Silvia Demozzi is a PhD in Pedagogy and Associate Professor in General and Social Pedagogy and Philosophy of Education at the Department of Educational Sciences, University of Bologna.
At the same Univeristy she is a lecturer in Philosophy of Education, Childhood Pedagogy, Affectivity Sexual Education at the Department of Educational Sciences and lecturer in Sexology for the Degree Course in Obstetrics.
Scientific results
Her research concerns, on the theoretical reflection front, complexity theories and, in particular, the construction of knowledge and Gregory Bateson's thought (on which she wrote the monograph "La struttura che connette. Gregory Bateson in education" ETS, 2011, winner of the first Italian prize of the SIPED Pedagogy Society). She is also a scholar of Childhood Pedagogy with a particular interest in the theme of the protection and safeguarding of children's rights, the risks associated with the phenomenon of adultisation and the use of philosophical enquiry practices to train children in critical, creative and ethical thinking.
She deals with education on relationships, affectivity and sexuality, with a view to valuing differences with a view to inclusion and empowerment.
On the empirical research front, her interests have centred around the themes of educational and health care for children, the alliance between schools and families and, currently, the themes of media exposure of minors by parents (spectacularization, "showcasing", sharenting). On these topics, in 2013 she produced, together with Mariagrazia Contini, the video-documentary "Corpi Bambini/Sprechi di Infanzia" (www.corpibambini.wordpress.it) and in 2016, she published (again together with Mariagrazia Contini) a volume with the same title for FrancoAngeli. In 2016, she also published the monograph 'L'infanzia inattuale. Why girls and boys have the right to respect'.
Due to her expertise, she is often called upon in sports to conduct training activities on the topics of body pedagogy and gender pedagogy.
Editorial work and publications
[2022] Demozzi S. La grande domanda. Quando l'infanzia interroga l'esistenza. Brescia: Editrice Morcelliana Scholé.
[2022] Demozzi S, Chieregato N, Magliocchetti, C. «”Padri in uniforme” Il paradosso di una (nuova) genitorialità in cerca di ascolto». Studium Educationis, 23: 4 – 14.
[2021] Demozzi S. Contesti per pensare. Riflessioni su pedagogia, indagine filosofica e comunità di ricerca. Milano: Franco Angeli.
[2021] Cino D, Gigli A, Demozzi S. «That’s the only place where you can get this information today! An exploratory study on Parenting WhatsApp Groups with a sample of Italian parents». Studi sulla formazione, 24: 75 – 96.
[2021] Demozzi S. «Vecchi temi per nuovi scenari. Infanzia e dolore ai tempi della sindrome Covid-19», in Alessandra Gigli (a cura di) Oltre l’emergenza. Sguardi pedagogici su infanzia, famiglie, servizi educativi e scolastici nel Covid-19. Bergamo: Edizioni Junior, 94 – 103.
[2020] Cino C, Demozzi S, Subrahmanyam K. «Why post more pictures if no one is looking at them? Parents’ perception of the Facebook Like in sharenting». The Communication Review, Agosto 5: 1 – 23.
[2019] S.Demozzi, «I bambini “giocano grande”?», in Andrea Bobbio e Anna Bondioli (a cura di) Gioco e infanzia. Teorie e scenari educativi. Roma: Carocci, 103 – 126.
[2019] S. Demozzi, «Tutto troppo presto. L’adultizzazione come nuova forma di violenza all’infanzia», in: Ombre e ferite dell’educazione. Violenza e maltrattamento sui minorenni. Milano: Franco Angeli, 74 – 86.
[2017] Cino, D.; Demozzi, S., «”Figli in vetrina”. Il fenomeno dello sharenting in un’indagine esplorativa». Rivista italiana di educazione familiare, 12: 153 – 184.
[2016] D. Silvia, L'infanzia "inattuale". Perché le bambine e i bambini hanno diritto al rispetto. Bergamo: Edizioni Junior, 1-151.
[2012] Demozzi S. «Infanzie figlie della crisi. Quando una società non si allea con i più piccoli: povertà culturale e spettacolarizzazione», in Mariagrazia Contini (a cura di) Dis-alleanze nei contesti educativi. Roma: Carocci, 77 – 90.
[2011] Demozzi S. La struttura che connette. Gregory Bateson in educazione. Pisa: ETS.
Awards and prizes
First Italian prize of the SIPED Pedagogy Society for the monograph La struttura che connette. Gregory Bateson in educazione('The pattern which connects Structure. Gregory Bateson in education). Pisa: ETS, 2011
Economy and Finance area
Competences: Economics of Education, Labour Economics, Political Economy
Keywords: coronavirus, Covid-19, Covid-19: impact of distance learning on academic performance, Covid-19: impact on the labour market, education, evaluation, experiments, gender, perception of the health and wellbeing trade-off, politics, work
Region: Calabria
Full Professor of Political Economy at the University of Calabria
Professional career
After graduating in Economics at the University of Calabria in 1992, she continued her education with a PhD in Political Economy at the University "La Sapienza" in Rome. She was a visiting student at the University of Cambridge and at the University of East Anglia, Norwich. From 2001 to 2006 she was a researcher at the University of Calabria, at the same university she held the position of associate professor from 2006 to 2017, from 2017 she has been a full professor of Political Economy. Since 2013 she has been a Research Fellow at the Institute of the Study of Labor (IZA), Bonn. From 2011 to 2014 she was a member of GEV 13, National Assessment of Italian Research (VQR 2011-2014). From 2015 to February 2018 she was a member of the de lavoce.info editorial committee.
Scientific results
Maria De Paola's research activity takes place mainly in the field of labor and education economics, public policy evaluation and political economy. In the field of labor and education economics she examined the determinants of students' academic performance, on-the-job training processes and professional careers and work organization. She devoted particular attention to gender differences trying to understand the role played by differences in attitudes and non-cognitive abilities. To this end, she used both observational data and data deriving from field experiments. For example, using data on national scientific certification, she examined the tendency of women to avoid competitive contexts and, for the same purpose, conducted several experiments with students. As part of the evaluation of public policies, she has conducted studies to estimate the impact of some important legislative interventions, such as the points license, the Brunetta law on absenteeism in public administration, gender quotas, the “fruit in schools” program. She also contributed to the analysis of voters' behavior in relation to the characteristics of the electoral system and of candidates for the elections.
Editorial work and publications
She is the author of numerous publications, including:
(2017) De Paola M. Ponzo M e Scoppa V. Gender Differences in Attitudes Towards Competition: Evidence from the Italian Scientific Qualification.Oxford Economic Papers, 1-24 doi: 10.1093/oep/gpx023
(2016) De Paola M, Gioia F. Who Performs Better under Time Pressure? Results from a Field Experiment. Journal of Economic Psychology, 53:37-53.
(2016) De Paola, De Benedetto MA. The Impact of Incumbency on Turnout.Evidence from Italian Municipalities. Electoral Studies, 44:98-108.
(2015) De Paola M, Bracco E, Green C. Long Lasting Differences in Civic Capital: Evidence from a Unique Immigration Event in Italy. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 217–236.
(2015) De Paola M, Gioia F, Scoppa V. Are Females Scared of Compiting with Males? Results from a Field Experiment. Economics of Education Review, 48:117–128.
(2015) De Paola M, Scoppa V. Gender Discrimination and Evaluators’ Gender: Evidence from the Italian Academia. Economica, 82(325):162-188.
(2014) De Paola M, Scoppa V. The Effectiveness of Remedial Courses in Italy: A Fuzzy Regression Discontinuity Design. Journal of Population Economics, 27, 2:365-386.
(2014) De Paola M, Scoppa V, De Benedetto MA. The Impact of Gender Quotas on Electoral Participation: Evidence from Italian Municipalities. European Journal of Political Economy, 35:141-157.
(2014) De Paola M, Scoppa V, Pupo V. Absenteeism In The Italian Public Sector: The Effects Of Changes In Sick Leave Compensation. Journal of Labor Economics, 32, 2:337-360.
(2014) De Paola M, Brunello G, Labartino G. More Apples Fewer Chips? The Effect of School Fruit Schemes on the Consumption of Junk Food. Health Policy, 118(1):114–126.
(2014) De Paola M, Scoppa V. The Impact of Closeness on Electoral Participation Exploiting the Italian Dual Ballot System. Public Choice, 160:467-479.
(2010) De Paola M, Scoppa V, Lombardo R. Can Gender Quotas Break Down Negative Stereotypes? Evidence from Changes in Electoral Rules. Journal of Public Economics, 94(5-6): 344-353.
(2010) De Paola M, Scoppa V, Brunello G. Residential Peer effects in Higher Education: Does the Field of Study Matter? Economic Inquiry, 48(3):621-634.
Awards and prizes
Maria De Paola received the Tarantelli Award in 2013 for the best paper in Labor Economics assigned by the Italian Association of Labor Economists. The book "Education and Training in Europe" (to which he contributed) was selected by Princeton University, The Firestone Library, for the best book of the year award in Labor Economics and Industrial Relations. From 2016 to today she is a member of the Scientific Commission of the publishing house Il Mulino (Bologna), of the Gender Commission of the Italian Society of Economists (SIE), of the Editorial Board of the Italian Economic Journal (ItEJ).
Economist in the labor market division and economic structure of the economics and statistics department of the Bank of Italy
Professional career
After graduating in Economics and Social Sciences and a three-year degree in Business Economics from the Bocconi University, she continued her education with a PhD in Economics from the London School of Economics, obtained in 2016. In December 2014 she joined the Bank of Italy as an economist. In the past she worked for short periods at the Rodolfo Debenedetti Foundation, the European Commission and the Center of Economic Performance (LSE). Her research interests are related to labor economics, in particular to the economics of education and gender.
Scientific results
The research activity of Marta De Philippis takes place in the field of the labor market and education systems. In this context she studied the consequences on the quality of teaching and research of university professors of incentive systems that are strongly (or exclusively) result-oriented in terms of academic publications. She also studied the determinants of gender differences in obtaining purely scientific degrees (STEM) and, on average, higher paid, leading them in part to preferences regarding future job opportunities. She then contributed to the analysis of female participation and how it also depends on intra-family interactions, showing that pension reforms have greatly increased female participation, and male participation mainly through intra-family interactions, and that a reduction in time displacement would have beneficial effects on female participation, including through the effect on their partners.
Editorial work and publications
She is the author of the following publications:
(2017) M. De Philippis.STEM Graduates and High School Curriculum: Does Early Exposure to Science Matter?, Bank of Italy working paper n. 1107
(2016) Adamopoulou E, Bobbio E, De Philippis M e Giorgi F. Wage Rigidities and Business Cycle Flactuations: A linked employer-employee analysis. IZA Journal of Labour Policy.
(2016) M. De Philippis. Multitask Agents and Incentives: the Case of Teaching and Research for University Professors. CEP Discussion Paper n.138.
(2016) M. De Philippis e F. Rossi. Parents, Schools and Human Capital Differences across Countries. CFM LSE working paper n. 14.
(2015) Carta F e De Philippis M.You've come a long way, baby. Husbands’ Commuting Time and Family Labour Supply.Regional Science and Urban Economics, 69:25-37
(2015)Boeri T, De Philippis M, Pellizzari M e Patacchini E.Immigration, housing discrimination and employment.The Economic Journal, 125, 586:F82–F114
Awards and prizes
In 2016 Marta De Philippis received the Ezio Tarantelli award for labor economics for the STEM Graduates and High School project. Curriculum: Does Early Exposure to Science Matter? She also received the scholarship in honor of Marco Fanno for the years 2012 and 2013; the ESRC research fellowship (LSE) for the period 2010-2014 and the scholarship as an excellent student at the Bocconi University for the years 2008 and 2009.
Lecturer in Contemporary History at the University of Cagliari.
Professional career
After graduating in Modern Literature in 2005, Valeria Deplano obtained a PhD in Contemporary History at the University of Cagliari. During the same period, and until 2010, she worked as an archivist and researcher at the Libyan Studies Center in Tripoli, Libya, where she took part in the project to set up the National Archives. Between 2012 and 2018 she was a research fellow in Cagliari and then at the University of Bologna; in the meantime she teaches History of Mediterranean Countries at the University of Macerata. Since 2018 she has been a researcher in Contemporary History in Cagliari.
Scientific results
As a PhD student and a post-doc, she studied the way colonialism, usually seen as a separate chapter of Italian history, contributed to shaping national identity, especially during Fascism. The research showed the cultural impact of the expansionist project, and urged a study on the legacies of colonial mentality in Republican Italy. Next researches, carried out also within research group as Intergrace, aimed at investigating continuities in shaping the ideas of “identity” and “otherness” before and after the fall of Fascism and the end of colonialism. Adopting the same perspective, she has studied the historical origins of the Italian multicultural society, focusing on post-colonial migrations and citizenship policies in comparison with the European context
Editorial work and publications
She is the author of several publications, including:
[2015] Deplano V, L'Africa in casa. Propaganda e cultura coloniale nell'Italia fascista, Le Monnier – Mondadori education.
[2017] Deplano V, La Madrepatria è una terra straniera. Libici, eritrei e somali nell'Italia del dopoguerra, Le Monnier- Mondadori education.
[2018] Deplano V, Per una nazione coloniale. Il progetto imperiale fascista nei periodici coloniali, Morlacchi.
[2014] Deplano V, Pes A, Quel che resta dell'impero. La cultura coloniale degli italiani, Mimesis.
[2020] Laschi G, Deplano V, Pes A, Europe between Migrations, Decolonization and Integration, Routledge.
[2018] Deplano V, Within and outside the nation: former colonial subjects in post-war Italy, Modern Italy, 23 (4): 395-410.
[2017] Deplano V, Il mondo che cambia. Decolonizzazione e nuova idea d’Europa nella narrazione dei media italiani (1950-1962), L’Unione Europea e il Mediterraneo Interdipendenza politica e rappresentazioni mediatiche (1947-2017), edited by Cruciani S, Ridolfi M, Franco Angeli, 51- 68.
[2016] Deplano V, Senza distinzione di razza. Razzismo in controluce nel discorso pubblico italiano tra gli anni Cinquanta e Settanta, From the European South. A transdisciplinary journal of postcolonial humanities” 1 (1): 95-102.
[2015] Deplano V, Come il colonialismo ha fatto gli italiani. Il caso di “Timira” tra storia e letteratura. Memoria storica e postcolonialismo. Il caso italiano” edited by Bovo Romoeuf M, Manai F, Peter Lang.
[2013] Aru S, Deplano V, Costruire una nazione. Politiche, rappresentazioni e discorsi che hanno fatto l'Italia, Ombre Corte.
[2013] Deplano V, Making Italians: Colonial History and the Graduate Education System from the liberal age to Fascism, Journal of Modern Italian Studies” 18: 580-598.
[2013] Deplano V, Madre Italia, Africa concubina. La femminilizzazione del territorio nel discorso coloniale fascista, Genesis”, XII(2): 55-73.
Awards and prizes
She was awarded the Christopher Seton-Watson Memorial Prize 2018
In 2016 Marta De Philippis received the Ezio Tarantelli award for labor economics for the STEM Graduates and High School project. Curriculum: Does Early Exposure to Science Matter? She also received the scholarship in honor of Marco Fanno for the years 2012 and 2013; the ESRC research fellowship (LSE) for the period 2010-2014 and the scholarship as an excellent student at the Bocconi University for the years 2008 and 2009.
Professional career
After graduating with honors in Economics and Business at the Sapienza University of Rome, she continued her education with a PhD in Economics at Columbia University in New York (USA), where she obtained a Master of Philosophy (Major in Economics) and the Master of Art (Major in Economics). For over 10 years she has been a member of the Council of Experts at the Ministry of Economy and Finance, where she mainly dealt with macroeconomics and public finance. She was also responsible for relations with Eurostat, the European Commission, the OECD and the International Monetary Fund. Currently, she teaches European Economic Policy at Stanford University (The Breyer Center for Overseas Studies) in Florence, at the Faculty of Political Sciences and at the Master of Business Administration of the Free University of Social Studies Guido Carli (LUISS) in Rome. Since April 2015, she has been an independent director of the Board of Directors, of the Risk Committee and of the Remuneration and Appointments Committee of Cementir Holding Spa (Rome).
Scientific results
The research activity of Veronica De Romanis takes place in the field of European economic policy, the female labor market and fiscal and monetary policy in Europe during the financial crisis. For example, in the book “Il Caso Germania” the various tools put in place to finance aid to countries in difficulty are illustrated, such as the European Stability Mechanism, but also the new rules agreed on the fiscal side (the Fiscal Compact, the Six Pack , the Two Pack, etc.) and the unconventional tools introduced by the European Central Bank (the SMP, the MTO and the QE). European governance is explained from the point of view of Germany, a country that has tried to reconcile "solidarity" with states in difficulty with "responsibility" among the economies that share the single currency. In particular, debtors were asked for austerity measures in exchange for aid. The latter were considered by various analysts to be the cause of the deep recession that countries like Greece had to face. In the book "Austerity makes us grow" he analyzed the impact of fiscal consolidation policies implemented in several European countries, including Spain, Greece, Ireland and Portugal, on economic growth. Particular attention was paid to the Italian case. The book shows that in countries where "good" austerity is implemented, that is the mix of unproductive spending cuts and reforms, the economy starts to grow again. When, on the other hand, governments concentrated the adjustment on the revenue side, the effects were recessive. Moreover, implementing "austerity" measures does not necessarily make the elections lose. In countries where "good" austerity has been implemented, the current premieres have been reconfirmed.
Editorial work and publications
Veronica De Romanis is the author of three monographs for Marsilio publishers: "Austerity makes us grow", 2017, "The German Case", 2013 and "The Merkel Method", 2009. She collaborates with various newspapers and magazines (including Aspenia, Corriere della Sera, FirstonLine, Il Foglio, Il Messaggero, Panorama, Istituto Affari Internazionali) on issues of public finance, European integration, international economic policy, labor market with particular attention to female occupation.
Awards and prizes
Veronica De Romanis is a Member of the Steering Committee of the Italian Public Accounts Observatory at the Catholic University of Milan directed by Prof. Cottarelli. She is also a member of the WE Women Empower the World International Board. She was one of the 50 women invited by Chancellor Merkel to the G7 Dialogue with Women which took place in September 2015 in Berlin. She was a member of the Department of Economics of the Scientific Committee of the Einaudi Foundation. She was selected for the D Value Course for women on the Board. She received the "President's Fellow" scholarship at Columbia University in New York.
Full Professor of Pathology, Medical School, University of Padova
Professional career
She graduated in Biology in 1976 at the University of Padova, where she continued her research activity as research fellow and, since 1981, as assistant Professor. She specialized in Microbiology in 1986.
She had research work experiences at the National Cancer Institute, NIH, Bethesda, USA, Laboratory of Viral Carcinogenesis (Prof. P Fischinger Head) in 1980, and Laboratory of Tumor Cell Biology (Prof. R Gallo, Head) in 1984,1985,1988.
In 1992 she became Associate Professor and since 2004 she is Full Professor of Pathology, Department of Surgery, Oncology and Gastroenterology, Medical School, University of Padova.
Since March 2005 she is Head of the Viral Oncology Unit, belonging to the Hospital of Padova and since 2006 to the Istituto Oncologico Veneto (IOV)-IRCCS.
Since 2017 she is Vice President of Medical School, University of Padova.
Scientific results
Anita De Rossi has long been involved in oncogenic retroviruses research. Her early efforts were directed towards investigating virus-host interactions in the murine system, including the role of endogenous retroviruses on leukemia development. Since 1983, her research has shifted from murine to human retroviruses (HTLV/HIV) in both experimental models and clinical settings.
She has been involved in several international projects concerning pediatric HIV/AIDS (WHO 1989-1990, and Pediatric European Network for treatment of AIDS, PENTA, since 1991); her studies in this field addressed the virological and immunological correlates of pediatric disease outcome and are some of the first to indicate that HIV infection from mother-to-child HIV mainly occurs during intrapartum period (AIDS 1992; J Clin Invest 1996) and that host factors may restrict HIV infection (AIDS 1995; J Inf Dis 2001).
Her interest has expanded to studying tumors in immunocompromised patients, with particular regard to EBV-related lymphomagenesis in HIV-infected or transplant patients, and more recently to studying cellular replicative potential driven by telomere/telomerase in virus-driven and virus-independent malignancies. Her studies are some of the first demonstrating that LMP1 of EBV activates at transcriptional level the expression of TERT, the catalytic component of telomerase, which in turn contributes to preserving the expression of EBV latency proteins, a prerequisite for EBV-driven transformation (J Virol 2008). The consequence is that inhibition of TERT triggers the activation of the viral lytic cycle with death of the infected cells (Clin Cancer Res 2013).
Lastly, her studies demonstrated that quantification of TERT in plasma may represent a minimally invasive tool for monitoring malignancies (Clin Cancer Res 2008) and response to therapy (Br J Cancer 2018). In addition, her studies provide the rationale for considering inhibition of TERT a useful approach for setting up new therapeutic strategies for virus-dependent and virus-independent malignancies (Clin Cancer Res 2013; Cell Death Dis 2016).
Editorial work and publications
More than 300 publications: Hindex 47; citations more than 7000
Key publications:
[2021] Cotugno N, Ruggiero A, Bonfante F, Petrara MR, Zicari S, Pascucci GR, Zangari P, De Ioris MA, Santilli V, Manno EC, Amodio D, Bortolami A, Pagliari M, Concato C, Linardos G, Campana A, Donà D, Giaquinto C; CACTUS Study Team, Brodin P, Rossi P, De Rossi A, Palma P. C. Virological and immunological features of SARS-CoV-2-infected children who develop neutralizing antibodies. Cell Rep. 2021 Mar 16;34(11):108852. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.108852.
[2018] Rampazzo E, Del Bianco P, Bertorelle R, Boso C, Perin A, Spiro G, Bergamo F, Belluco C, Buonadonna A, Palazzari E, Lonardi S, De Paoli S, Pucciarelli S, De Rossi A. The predictive and prognostic potential of plasma Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase (TERT) RNA in Rectal Cancer. British Journal of Cancer, 118[6]:878-86.
[2015] Klein N, Palma P, Luzuriaga K, Pahwa S, Nastouli E, Gibb DM, Rojo P, Borkowsky W, Bernardi S, Zangari P, Calvez V, Compagnucci A, Wahren B, Foster C, Munoz-Fernández MÁ, De Rossi A, Ananworanich J, Pillay D, Giaquinto C, Rossi P. Early antiretroviral therapy in children perinatally infected with HIV: a unique opportunity to implement immunotherapeutic approaches to prolong viral remission. Lancet Infectious Diseases, 15[9]: 1108-14.
[2013] Giunco S, Dolcetti R, Keppel S, Celeghin A, Indraccolo S, Dal Col J, Mastorci K, De Rossi A. hTERT inhibition triggers Epstein-Barr virus lytic cycle and apoptosis in immortalized and transformed B cells: a basis for new therapies. Clinical Cancer Research, 19[8]: 2036-47.
[2012] Dolcetti R, De Rossi A. Telomere/telomerase interplay in virus-driven and virus-independent lymphomagenesis:pathogenetic and clinical implications. Medicinal Research Reviews, 32[2]:233-53.
[2008] Terrin L, Rampazzo E, Pucciarelli S, Agostini M, Bertorelle R, Esposito G, Del Bianco P, Nitti D, De Rossi A. Relationship betwen tumor and plasma levels of hTERT mRNA in patients with colorectal cancer: implications for monitoring of neoplastic disease. Clinical Cancer Research, 14[22]:7444-51.
[2001] Ballon G, Ometto L, Righetti E, Cattelan AM, Masiero S, Zanchetta M, Chieco-Bianchi L, De Rossi A. Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 modulates telomerase activity in peripheral blood lymphocytes. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 183[3]: 417-24.
[1996] De Rossi A, Masiero S, Giaquinto C, Ruga E, Comar M, Giacca M, Chieco-Bianchi L. Dynamics of viral replication in infants with vertically acquired human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection.The Journal of Clinical Investigations, 97[2]: 323-30.
[1995] Ometto L, Zanotto C, Maccabruni A, Caselli D, Truscia D, Giaquinto C, Ruga E, Chieco-Bianchi L, De Rossi A. Viral phenotype and host cell susceptibility to HIV-1 infection as risk factors for mother-to-child HIV-1 transmission. AIDS 9[5]: 427-34.
[1992] De Rossi A, Ometto L, Mammano F, Zanotto C, Giaquinto C, Chieco-Bianchi L. Vertical transmission of HIV-1: lack of detectable virus in peripheral blood cells of infected children at birth.AIDS 6[10]:1117-20.
[1988] De Rossi A, Amadori A, Chieco-Bianchi L, Giaquinto C, Zacchello F, Buchbinder A, Wong-Staal F, Gallo RC. Polymerase chain reaction and in vitro antibody production for the early diagnosis of pediatric HIV infection. Lancet, 2[8605]: 278
[1986] De Rossi A, Franchini G, Aldovini A, Del Mistro A, Chieco-Bianchi L, Gallo RC, Wong-Staal F. Differential response to the cytopathic effects of human T-cell lymphotropic virus type III (HTLV-III) superinfection in T4+ (helper) and T8+ (suppressor) T-cell clones transformed by HTLV-I. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 83[12]:4297-301.
[1983] De Rossi A, D'Andrea E, Biasi G, Collavo D, Chieco-Bianchi L. Protection from spontaneous lymphoma development in SJL/J(v+) mice neonatally injected with dualtropic SJL-151 virus.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 80[9]:2775-9.
Senior researcher of the National Institute of Astrophysics (INAF) section of Rome
Professional career
After obtaining a degree in Physics at the University La Sapienza of Rome in 1992, he continued his education obtaining in 1997 a Ph.D. in Astronomy. In 1996, thanks to a grant from the CNR, he spent a year at their Institute of Space Astrophysics. Since 1998, she is a researcher at the Institute of Astrophysics of the CNR, now called Institute of Astrophysics and Space Planetology of INAF.
Scientific results
The research interests of Maria Cristina De Sanctis mainly include three fields of study: the minor bodies of the solar system and planetary surfaces, the thermal evolution of solar system bodies, the instrumentation for space missions. She analyzed data from telescope, space and laboratory observations to investigate the composition of comets and asteroids, of the surface of the Moon and Mercury. She has experience in the study of composition of asteroids by ground and space observations, as well of cometary gases through high-resolution spectral observations.
She has studied the thermal evolution of icy bodies of the solar system, developing a complex numerical code that allows to simulate the processes of differentiation and evolution of such objects (comets, KBOs, Centauri, asteroids). She has a laboratory for spectral measurements of metorites and planetary analogues. She has also developed instrumentation for space missions, image spectrometers and multi-spectral cameras, to study of the compositions of planetary surface and minor bodies of the solar system. She has followed the development of entire projects, as a Principal Investigator (PI), dealing with the scientific and technical coordination of the team's activities, and with the ESA or NASA teams. She is the PI of VIR spectrometer onboard of Dawn NASA mission of Ma_MISS on ExoMars ESA mission. She is also involved in several other instruments on Bepi-Colombo, Rosetta, Juice Missions.
Editorial work and publications
She is author of more than 180 international publications, including:
(2016) De Sanctis MC, Raponi A, Ammannito E, Ciarniello M, Toplis MJ, McSween HY, Castillo-Rogez JC, et al. Bright carbonate deposits as evidence of aqueous alteration on (1) Ceres. Nature, 536, 7614:54-57.
(2016) Filacchione G, De Sanctis MC, Capaccioni F, Raponi A, Tosi F, et al. Exposed water ice on the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Nature, 529, 7586:368-372.
(2016) Russell CT, Raymond CA, Ammannito E, Buczkowski DL, De Sanctis MC, Hiesinger H, Jaumann R, Konopliv AS, et al. Dawn arrives at Ceres: Exploration of a small, volatile-rich world. Science, 353 (6303):1008-1010.
(2016) Combe JP, McCord TB, Tosi F, Ammannito E, Carrozzo FG, De Sanctis MC, Raponi A, Byrne S, et al. Detection of local H2O exposed at the surface of Ceres. Science, 353, 6303, aaf3010.
(2016) Ammannito E, DeSanctis MC, Ciarniello M, Frigeri A, Carrozzo FG, et al. Distribution of phyllosilicates on the surface of Ceres. Science, 353 (6303).
(2016) Buczkowski DL, Schmidt BE, Williams DA, Mest SC, Scully JEC, Ermakov AI, Preusker F, Schenk P, Otto KA, Hiesinger H, O'Brien D, Marchi S, Sizemore H, Hughson K, Chilton H, Bland M, Byrne S, Schorghofer N, Platz T, Jaumann R, Roatsch T, Sykes MV, Nathues A, De Sanctis MC, et al. The geomorphology of Ceres. Science, 353,6303, aaf4332.
(2015) De Sanctis MC, Ammannito E, Raponi A, Marchi S, McCord TB, McSween HY, Capaccioni F, Capria MT, Carrozzo FG, Ciarniello M, et al. Ammoniated phyllosilicates with a likely outer Solar System origin on (1) Ceres. Nature, 528,7581:241-244.
(2015) De Sanctis MC, Capaccioni F, Ciarniello M, Filacchione G, Formisano M, Mottola S, Raponi A, Tosi F, Bockelée-Morvan D, Erard S, et al. The diurnal cycle of water ice on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Nature,525,7570:500-503.
(2013) Ammannito E, De Sanctis MC, Palomba E, Longobardo A, Mittlefehldt DW, McSween HY, et al. Olivine in an unexpected location on Vesta's surface. Nature, 504(7478).122-125.
(2012) De Sanctis MC, Ammannito E, Capria MT, Tosi F, Capaccioni F, Zambon F, Carraro F, Fonte S, Frigeri A, Jaumann R, et al. Spectroscopic Characterization of Mineralogy and Its Diversity Across Vesta. Science, 336(6082), 697.
She also wrote Heat and Gas Diffusion in Comet Nuclei (International Space Science Institute, 2006).
She is on the editorial board of the journal Space Science Review.
Awards and prizes
Maria Cristina de Sanctis has received many honours and awards.
In 2004, ESA Scientific Award “Outstanding contribution to Rosetta Mission”.
In 2008, NASA Achievement Award “Dawn Science Payload”.
In 2009, NASA Achievement Award “DAWN post-lunch payload characterization and calibration activities”.
In 2012, NASA Achievement Award “Exceptional and Succesful execution of the DAWN at Vesta”.
In 2013, NASA Achievement Award "Dawn science data analysis at Vesta”.
In 2015, ESA Scientific Award “Outstanding scientific contribution to VEX Mission”.
In 2016, ESA Scientific Award “Outstanding scientific contribution to Rosetta Mission”.
In 2017, NASA Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal.
Asteroid 17899 Mariacristina is called in her honor.
Senior Scientist at the STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Professional career
Mariastefania De Vido received a Master of Science cum laude in Engineering Physics from Politecnico di Milano in 2013. After graduation, she joined the STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the UK where she is working on the development of high energy laser technology.
In 2018 she received a prestigious fellowship from the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 allowing her to establish a laboratory and a research group for the study and optimisation of optical materials.
In parallel with her job, between 2016 and 2020 she completed an Engineering Doctorate at Heriot-Watt University with a thesis on the scaling of output energy and pulse rate in solid-state lasers.
In 2021 she was promoted to Technical Leader responsible for the development of new generation high energy lasers operating at 100 Hz (100 pulses per second). In this role, she is responsible for staff and equipment of significant value (multi-million pounds), as well as taking the scientific lead in design and development activities.
Since 2019, De Vido delivers lectures at the University of York on laser technology for inertial confinement nuclear fusion. Since 2021 she is a member of the Management Committee of the Centre for Doctoral Training in Applied Photonics (University of St Andrews, Glasgow, Strathclyde, Edinburgh, Dundee and Heriot-Watt).
At the end of 2023 she will complete a Master of Business Administration at the Edinburgh Business School.
Scientific results
During her research work at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Mariastefania De Vido led high impact research studies aimed at advancing the development of high energy, high average power solid-state laser technology.
Her work led to an improvement in the power and efficiency of such lasers, making them attractive for future applications such as treatments of materials for aerospace, healthcare diagnostics and treatments and development of energy sources based on inertial confinement nuclear fusion.
She worked to the design and commissioning of lasers for international research centres, including the two most powerful nanosecond lasers in the world: DiPOLE100 at the HiLASE Centre (Czech Republic) and DiPOLE100X at the European XFEL (Germany).
With her team at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory she developed cutting edge theoretical and experimental tools for the development and characterisation of optical materials, advancing the understanding of the thermo-optical effects in laser components and developing new solutions for the optimisation of laser performance.
Her research work on optical materials is funded by grants from the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851, by the European Commission and by the Royal Society.
Editorial work and publications
She is author of large number of international publications and patents, including:
[2021] De Vido M., Mason P. D., Fitton M., Eardley R. W., Quinn G., Clarke D., Ertel K., Butcher T. J., Phillips P. J., Banerjee S., Smith J., Spear J., Edwards C., Collier J. L. Modelling and measurement of thermal stress‑ induced depolarisation in high energy, high repetition rate diode‑pumped Yb:YAG lasers. Optics Express, 29(4): 5607‑23.
[2021] Divoký M., Pilař J., Hanuš M., Navrátil P., Denk O., Severová P., Mason P., Butcher T., Banerjee S., De Vido M., Edwards C., Collier J., Smrž M., Mocek T. 150 J DPSSL operating at 1.5 kW level. Optics Letters, 46(22): 5771‑3.
[2021] Phillips J. P., Banerjee S., Mason P., Smith J., Spear J., De Vido M., Ertel K., Butcher T., Quinn G., Clarke D., Edwards C., Hernandez‑Gomez C., Collier J. L. Second and third harmonic conversion of a kilowatt average power, 100‑J‑level diode pumped Yb:YAG laser in large aperture LBO. Optics Letters, 46(8): 1808‑11.
[2020] De Vido M., Wojtusiak A., Ertel K., High‑resolution absorption measurement at the zero phonon line of Yb:YAG between 80 K and 300 K. Optical Materials Express 10[3]: 717‑723.
[2020] Phillips J. P., Banerjee S., Ertel K., Mason P., Smith J., Butcher T., De Vido M., Edwards C., Hernandez‑Gomez C., Collier J. L. Stable high‑energy, high repetition rate, frequency doubling in a large aperture temperature‑ controlled LBO at 515 nm. Optics Letters 45(10): 2946‑9.
[2019] De Vido M., Ertel K., Wojtusiak A., Mason P. D., Phillips P. J., Banerjee S., Smith J. M., Butcher T. J., Edwards C. Optical rotatory power of quartz between 77 K and 325 K for 1030 nm wavelength. Optical Materials Express, 9(6): 2708‑15.
[2018] De Vido M., Mason P. Laser amplifier module, International Patent Application no. PCT/GB2018/051405, PCT publication no. WO2018215771A1.
[2017] De Vido M., Walsh T. J., Kirkpatrick S., Svrluga R., Ertel K., Phillips P. J., Mason P. D., Banerjee S., Smith J. M., Butcher T. J., Edwards C., Hernandez‑Gomez C., Collier J.L. Impact of gas cluster ion and accelerated neutral atom beam surface treatments on the laser‑induced damage threshold of ceramic Yb:YAG. Optical Materials Express, 7(9): 3303‑11.
[2017] De Vido M., Meissner D., Meissner S., Ertel K., Phillips P. J., Mason P. D., Banerjee S., Butcher T. J., Smith J. M., Edwards C., Hernandez‑Gomez C., Collier J. L. Characterisation of adhesive‑free bonded crystalline Yb:YAG for high energy laser applications. Optical Materials Express, 7(2): 425-32.
[2017] Mason P., Divoky M., Ertel K., Pilar J., Butcher T., Hanus M., Banerjee S., Phillips J., Smith J., De Vido M., Lucianetti A., Hernandez‑Gomez C., Edwards C., Mocek T., Collier J. L. Kilowatt average power 100 J‑level diode pumped solid state laser. Optica, 4(4): 438‑9.
[2017] De Vido M. Laser‑chain alignment, International Patent Application no. PCT/GB2017/050603, PCT publication no. WO/2017/163009.
[2016] Banerjee S., Mason P. D., Ertel K., Phillips P. J., De Vido M., Chekhlov O., Divoky M., Pilar J., Smith J., Butcher T., Lintern A., Tomlinson S., Shaikh W., Hooker C., Lucianetti A., Hernandez‑Gomez C., Mocek T., Edwards C., Collier J. L. 100 J‑level nanosecond pulsed diode pumped solid state laser. Optics Letters, 41(9): 2089‑92.
Awards and prizes
Mariastefania De Vido received several grants and awards, including:
2018: Industrial Fellowship from the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 for research on advanced laser materials.
2018: 1st presentation prize for young researchers at the Advanced Solid-State Laser Congress (Boston, US).
2019: Young UK Laser Engineer Prize by the Association of industrial Laser Users in recognition of her work carried out in developing and optimising high energy, high-power nanosecond laser sources for industrial applications.
2020: Staff Recognition Prize by the Science and Technology Facilities Council for “inspirational line management”, recognising her efforts in employee development and retention.
2020: MacFarlane Prize from Heriot-Watt University, presented to the doctoral graduate who has made the most outstanding contribution to the research of the whole of the University.
2021: she was selected among other 30 professionals from UK academia, research, industry and government to join the Foundation for Science and Technology’s “Future Leaders” programme. As part of this, she engaged in policy advice and organised debates on future R&D challenges.
2021: she received, as principal investigator, an International Exchanges Grant by the Royal Society to establish a new research collaboration with the Italian National Research Council (CNR) on novel manufacturing techniques for laser ceramic materials.
Researcher in Public International Law at the law Faculty of Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan
Professional career
Francesca De Vittor is a researcher in Public International Law at the law Faculty of Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan (Italy), where she teaches Human Rights Law and Immigration and Asylum Law. She is author of papers, and articles on many international law fields, namely on the law of jurisdictional immunities, on state responsibility for human rights violation and on search and rescue operations at sea. She has given lectures at symposia, academic courses and seminars in international public law, European Union law and human rights law. She has been member of the defense board of Italy in the case of Jurisdictional Immunities of the State (Germany v. Italy: Greece intervening), at the International Court of Justice. She has been Jean Monnet post-doctoral fellow at the European University Institute in Florence and researcher at the University of Macerata (Italy).
Scientific results
Her research interests range from classic issues of public international law to more contemporary issues, as migration and border control.
Editorial work and publications
Selection of publications:
[2018] De Vittor, F.,Soccorso in mare e favoreggiamento dell’immigrazione irregolare: sequestro e dissequestro della nave Open Arms, in Diritti Umani e Diritto Internazionale, 12, 1, 443-452
[2018] De Vittor, F., Responsabilità degli Stati e dell’Unione europea nella conclusione e nell’esecuzione di ‘accordi’ per il controllo extraterritoriale della migrazione, in Diritti Umani e Diritto Internazionale, 12, 1, 5-27
[2017] De Vittor, F., Migrant Children’s Right to Education, in F. Ippolito (ed.) Migrant Children in the 21st Century, Editoriale scientifica
[2015] De Vittor, F., I risultati del Consiglio europeo straordinario sull’emergenza umanitaria nel Mediterraneo: repressione del traffico di migranti o contrasto all’immigrazione irregolare?, post SidiBlog 27 aprile, http://www.sidi-isil.org/sidiblog/?p=1399
[2014] De Vittor, F., IldirittoditraversareilMediterraneo…oquantomenodiprovarci, in Diritti umani e diritto internazionale, 8, 1, 63-81
[2013] De Vittor, F., Cannizzaro E.,Proportionality in the European Convention on Human Rights, in Kolb and Gaggioli (ed.), Research Handbook on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, (ISBN 978 1 84980 035 8)
[2013] De Vittor, F.:Nationality and freedom of movement,in Annoni and Forlati (ed. by), The Changing Role of Nationality in International Law, Routledge, London, ISBN: 978-0-415-53545-8, 96-116
[2012] De Vittor, F.,Respingimenti in mare ed 'esternalizzazione' della protezione: il confine territoriale come limite agli obblighi di tutela, in Ius peregrinandi: il fenomeno migratorio tra diritti fondamentali, esercizio della sovranità e dinamiche dell’esclusione, Meccarelli, Sotis, Palchetti (eds), ed. EUM, Macerata, ISBN 88-978-6056-346-0, 183-205
[2010] De Vittor, F.: Institutions européennes et protection des migrants et refugiés, in Millet-Devalle (ed.), L’Union européenne et la protection des migrants et des refugiés, Pédone Paris, ISBN 978-2-233-00611-0, pp. 41-62
[2010] De Vittor, F.:Sviluppo psicofisico del minore e controllo dell’immigrazione clandestina: il bilanciamento operato dalla Corte di cassazione, in Diritti umani e diritto internazionale, 442-447
[2009] De Vittor, F.: Soccorso in mare e rimpatri in Libia: tra diritto del mare e tutela internazionale dei diritti dell’uomo, in Rivista di diritto internazionale, 800 ss.
[2008] De Vittor, F.: Immunità degli Stati dalla giurisdizione e risarcimento del danno per violazione di diritti fondamentali: il caso Mantelli, in Diritti umani e diritto internazionale
[2008] De Vittor, F.: “Diritto ad un ricorso effettivo e procedure per il riconoscimento dello status di rifugiato: la sospensione della misura di espulsione, in Diritti umani e diritto internazionale, 427-432
Full professor of General Physics at the University of Roma Tor Vergata and Director of the INFN group at Roma Tor Vergata. Her research field is the experimental Particle Physics. She leads a group of researchers of the University of Roma Tor Vergata working on the ATLAS experiment at the CERN laboratory (Geneva, Switzerland).
Professional career
She graduated at the University of Roma La Sapienza on the UA1 experiment at CERN. In 1984 she won a position as assistant professor at the University of Roma Tor Vergata and in 1999 she becme aassociate professor. From 1981-1983 she was research associate at the Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA. In 1984 and 1985 she was visitor at the Physics Department of the Harvard University (USA) and at the Oak-Ridge American Laboratory (USA). From 1987-1988 she was fellow at CERN. In 1994 she won an “Alexander von Humboldt” fellowship for a research program in particle physics at the Albert-Ludwig-University in Freiburg, Germany.
Scientific results
She participated in several high energy experiments at CERN to study proton-proton collisions at 63 GeV (experiment R807 at the ISR), proton-antiproton collisions at 540 and 630 GeV (UA1 experiment at the ppbar Collider, discovery of the W and Z bosons, Nobel Prize to Prof. C. Rubbia), pion-nucleon interactions at 26 GeV in the center of mass (WA92 at the SPS proto-synchrotron) and proton-proton collisions at 7, 8, 13 TeV (ATLAS experiment at LHC, discovery of the Higgs Boson, Nobel Prize to Prof. F. Englert and Prof. P. Higgs). She was contributing to the development of a high time resolution detector,RPC, employed for the barrel muon trigger in the ATLAS spectrometer. From 2013-2015 she led the Italian participation to the ATLAS experiment. She is currently involved in the upgrade project of the ATLAS spectrometer for the high luminosity LHC program.
Editorial work and publications
She is author of more than 800 publications among which :
(2017) Atlas Collaboration. Evidence for the 𝐻→𝑏𝑏⎯ decay with the ATLAS detector, JHEP 1712 024.
(2013) Atlas Collaboration. Measurements of Higgs boson production and couplings in diboson final states with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Physics Letters B, 726:1-3, 88-119.
(2013) Atlas Collaboration. Evidence for the spin-0 nature of the Higgs boson using ATLAS data. Physics Letters B, 726:1-3, 120-144.
(2012) Atlas Collaboration. Observation of a new particle in the search for the Standard Model Higgs boson with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Physics Letters B, 716: 1, 1-29.
(2012) Atlas Collaboration. Combined search for the Standard Model Higgs boson using up to 4.9 fb(-1) of pp collision data at root s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Physics Letters B, 710: 1, 49-66.
(2012) Atlas Collaboration. Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson in the Diphoton Decay Channel with 4.9 fb(-1) of pp Collision Data at root s=7 TeV with ATLAS. Physical Review Letters, 108:11,111803.
(2008) Aad G, Abat E, Abdallah J, et al. The ATLAS Experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. Journal Of Instrumentation, 3, S08003.
(1990) Albajar C, Albrow MG, Allkofer OC, et al. A Study of the General-Characteristics of Proton Antiproton Collisions at square-Root s=0.2 to 0.9 TeV. Nuclear Physics B, 335: 2, 261-287.
(1987) Albajar C, Albrow MG, Allkofer OC, et al. Search for B0-Bbar0 Oscillations at the CERN Proton-Antiproton Collider. Physics Letters B, 186: 2, 247-254
(1983) Arnison G, Astbury A, Aubert B, et al. Experimental-observation of isolated large transverse energy electrons with associated missing energy at square-root-s=540 GeV. Physics Letters B, 122:1, 103-116.
(1983) Arnison G, Astbury A, Aubert B, et al. Experimental-Observation of Lepton Pairs of Invariant Mass Around 95 GeV/c^2 at the CERN SpS Collider. Physics Letters B, 126:5, 398-410.
Awards and prizes
In 1987 she got a prize from the Italian Society of Physics (SIF), in 2013 the European Society of Physics (EPS) was assigned to the ATLAS Collaboration a prize for the discovery of the Higgs Boson. In 2016 she got the prize “Cajeta 2016” assigned from the City of Gaeta (my home town) to women that distinguished in Science.
Professional career
Graduated cum laude in Economics and Commerce, she obtained a PhD in Economics of Companies and Financial Intermediaries. She served as Researcher and then she became Associate Professor of Business Economics at the University of Teramo. She is qualified to the role of Full Professor in the same disciplinary sector. She presides over the master's degree course in Administrative Sciences at the University of Teramo. At the same University she teaches courses in business economics, management and accounting. She is the author of publications of international relevance in the aforementioned disciplinary fields.
Scientific results
Tiziana Di Cimbrini is the Italian partner of the project "Corporate governance in sports organizations: a gender approach" funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union, in which the following universities participate: University of Minho, Portugal; University of Teramo; Italy; University of Leicester, UK; Sakarya University, Turkey; and University of Zaragoza; Spain). in addition, she is Lecturer and member of the Scientific Council of the first level Master in Communication and Policies for Sport, of the University of Teramo.
Editorial work and publications
Tiziana Di Cimbrini is Member of the Editorial Board of the following scientific journals: Accounting History; Journal of Modern Accounting and Accountability; Journal of Finance and Accounting
She is ad hoc reviewer for the scientific journals Qualitative Research on Accounting and Management; European Accounting Review; Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal; Accounting History Review; British Accounting Review; Contabilità e Cultura Aziendale, and Scientific Director of ESSERE, cultural periodical of the “Eric Fromm” Study Center.
Tiziana Di Cimbrini is also the author of numerous scientific publications. Below is a selection.
(2022) Boffa D, Di Cimbrini T, Prencipe A, Corsi C, Institutional context and corporate governance composition in gender-stereotyped sport organizations. Evidence from Italy in M.L. Esteban Salvador, G. Güngör Göksu T. Di Cimbrini, E. Fernandes, Multidisciplinary perspectives on equality and diversity in sports ; 1ª ed., Universidad de Zaragoza Teruel.
(2022) Esteban Salvador ML, Güngör Göksu G, Di Cimbrini T, Fernandes E, Multidisciplinary perspectives on equality and diversity in sports; 1ª ed., Universidad de Zaragoza Teruel.
(2022) Esteban Salvador ML, Di Cimbrini T, Fernandes E, Güngör Göksu G, Smith C, Corporate governance in sports organizations: A gendered approach. Final report 2022; 1ª ed., Servicio de Publicaciones Universidad de Zaragoza Teruel.
(2022) Esteban Salvador ML, Güngör Göksu G, Fernandes E, Di Cimbrini T, Jones R, Analysis of gender equality policies on the boards of directors of national sports federations: An exploratory analysis: survey report; 1ª ed., Servicio de Publicaciones Universidad de Zaragoza Teruel.
(2022) Esteban Salvador ML, Fernandes E, Di Cimbrini T, Güngör Göksu G, Jones R, Women and National Sport Governance: a European Approach interviews guide; 1ª ed., Servicio de Publicaciones Universidad de Zaragoza Teruel.
(2020) Esteban L, Fernandes E, Smith , Goksu G, Di Cimbrini T, Exploring the presence of women in the national governing bodies of sports federations in 5 European countries, in B. DELL'ABATE ÇELEBI, Y. AĞAOĞLU (eds), The book of abstract of the 1st International World Women Conference, 16 marzo 2020, Ankara (Turchia).
(2019) Di Cimbrini T., Corporate governance in the Italian sports federations: a gender perspective, , in T. Di Cimbrini, M.L. Esteban Salvador, E. Fernandes, G. Güngör Göksu, C. Smith, Corporate governance in sport organizations: a gender perspective, Servicio de Publicaciones. Universidad de Zaragoza, Teruel.
(2019) Di Cimbrini T, Esteban Salvador ML, Fernandes E, Güngör Göksu G, Smith C, Corporate governance in sport organizations: a gender perspective, Servicio de Publicaciones. Universidad de Zaragoza, Teruel, 2019.
Awards and prizes
Best Paper Award AIDEA-Youth 2008 of the Italian Academy of Business Economics / youth section.
Best Paper Award "Albero Bisaschi" 2018 of the Italian Society of the History of Accounting.
Associate Professor in Methods and Didactics of Motor Activities at the University of Enna 'Kore'.
Professional career
Donatella Di Corrado graduated in Philosophy from the University of Catania, discussing a thesis entitled "Quality of Life in chronic illnesses" at the Institute of Psychology in collaboration with the Institute of Internal Medicine at the Vittorio Emanuele Hospital. She was awarded a six-month scholarship in the subject area of 'Historical, Philosophical, Pedagogical and Psychological Sciences', to attend postgraduate courses at foreign university-level institutions in the USA (2000-2001). She attended the Ramapo College of New Jersey, Mahwah (U.S.A.), the Institute of Psychology at Keene State College (U.S.A.) and the Department of Psychology at Stanford University, California (U.S.A.) in collaboration with Professor Albert Bandura. She carried out research activities at the Institute of Internal Medicine and Medical Therapy of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery and at the Institute of Gynaecology at the University of Catania.
In February 2006, she obtained a PhD at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Catania and after 12 years of research activity, in 2018 she became Associate Professor for the Scientific Disciplinary Sector M-EDF/01, Methods and Didactics of Motor Activities, at the University of Enna "Kore", where since 2021 she has been Coordinator of the Master's Degree Course in Sciences and Techniques of Preventive and Adapted Motor Activities.
Scientific results
Donatela Di Corrado's research activity focuses on imagery, mood states, human perception, emotions, health and attention in sport. She currently carries out research activities at the Chair of Psychology of the Faculty of Education, University of Catania, the Department of Physiology of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Catania, the Faculty of Psychology, University of Trieste, the Faculty of Psychology, University of Naples Federico II and the Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin.
Since 2019, she has been Scientific Responsible on behalf of the Department of Sciences of Man and Society (KORE University of Enna) of the Joint Research Programme entitled "Sport: motor, physiological and psychological aspects" within the Framework Convention with the Department of Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences (University of Catania), the Department of Neuroscience Biomedicine and Movement (University of Verona) and the Department of Psychology (University of Wisconsin-La Crosse).
Editorial work and publications
Donatella Di Corrado is a Member of the Reviewer Board of the journals Life Span and Disability and Healthcare, she is Associate Editor for the journals Movement Science and Sport Psychology (Frontiers in Psychology and Frontiers in Sports and Active Living) and Exercise Medicine.
She has authored numerous scientific publications. Below are the most recent ones:
2022 Di Corrado D., Muzii B., Magnano P., Coco M., La Paglia R., Maldonato N.M. The moderated mediating effect of Hope, Self-efficacy and Resilience in the relationship between Post-Traumatic Growth and Mental Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Healthcare, 10, 1091.
2022 Pirrone C., Varrasi S., Privitera A., Castellano S., Di Corrado D. Students’ mathematics anxiety at distance and in-person learning conditions during COVID-19 pandemic: Are there any differences? An exploratory study. Education Sciences, 12:379-389.
2022 Tušak M., Di Corrado D., Coco M., Tušak M., Žilavec I., Masten R. Dynamic Interactive Model of Sport Motivation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 4202.
2022 Vitali F., Bisagno E., Coco M., Cadamuro A., Maldonato N.M., Di Corrado D. A Moderated Mediation Analysis of the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Well-Being and Sport Readiness of Italian Team Sports Players: The Role of Perceived Safety of the Training Environment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 2764.
2021 Castellano S., Rizzotto A., Neri S., Currenti W., Guerrera C.S., Pirrone C., Coco M., Di Corrado D. The relationship between body dissatisfaction and eating disorder symptoms in young women aspiring fashion models: The mediating role of stress. Journal European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education, 11:607–615.
2021 Di Nuovo S., Di Corrado D., Magnano P. Decent work and hope for the future among young migrants. Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community. doi: 10.1080/10852352.2021.1935198.
2021 Di Corrado D., Coco M., Guarnera M., Maldonato N.M., Quartiroli A., Magnano P.
The influence of self-efficacy and locus of control on body image: A path-analysis in aspiring fashion models, athletes and students. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (11):6128.
2021 Coco M., Di Corrado D., Cirillo F., Iacono C., Perciavalle V., Buscemi A. Effects of General Fatigue Induced by Exhaustive Exercise on Posture and Gait Stability of Healthy Young Men. Behavioral Sciences, 11(5):72.
2021 Di Corrado D., Buscemi A., Magnano P., Maldonato N.M., Tusak M., Coco M. Mood States and Performance in Elite Canoe Polo Players: The Mediating Role of Stress. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; 18(9):4494.
2021 Di Corrado D., Quartiroli A., Coco M. Editorial: Psychological and Motor Associations in Sports Performance: A Mental Approach to Sports. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:629944.
2020 Di Corrado D., Magnano P., Muzii B., Coco M., Guarnera M., De Lucia S., Maldonato N.M. Effects of social distancing on psychological state and physical activity routines during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sport Science for Health, 16(4):619–624.
2020 Di Corrado D., Guarnera M., Guerrera C.S., Maldonato N.M., Di Nuovo S., Castellano S., Coco M. Mental Imagery Skills in Competitive Young Athletes and Non-athletes. Frontiers in Psychology, 11(633).
2019 Coco M., Buscemi A., Perciavalle V., Maci T., Galvano G., Scavone A.M.F., Perciavalle V., Di Corrado D.Cognitive Deficits and White Matter Alterations in Highly Trained Scuba Divers. Frontiers Psychology; 10:2376.
2019 Di Corrado D., Guarnera M., Vitali F., Quartiroli A., Coco M. Imagery ability of elite level athletes from individual vs. team and contact vs. no-contact sports. PeerJ, 7:e6940.
Full Professor of Business Management at the University of Padua and President of the University Center for the connectivity and the services to the territory VSIX.
Professional career
After graduating in Economics at the University of Udine, she obtains the PhD in Organization and Management of Enterprises at the same University in 2001. She starts her research activity at Fondazione ENI Enrico Mattei in Venice and collaborates in several research projects at Ca' Foscari University in Venice and at Centro TEDIS of Venice International University from 1999 to 2019. She carries out research activities at COSES in Venice and continuously in collaboration with Unioncamere del Veneto - Eurosportello Veneto. At the international level she collaborates with the Duke GVC Center of Duke University on the articulation of global value chains and industrial districts and their evolution. She promotes the Laboratorio Manifattura Digitale (Digital Manufacturing Laboratory) at the Department of Economic and Business Sciences at the University of Padua. She carries out scientific consulting activities for several companies and organizations (including HerAcademy, Confartigianato Imprese Veneto, Ecosistemi Foundation, Italian Network of Benefit Societies). From 2019 she joins Federmeccanica's Task Force "Liberare l’ingegno". From 2020 she is also President of the University Center for Connectivity and Land Services VSIX, which offers Internet Exchange and Telehouse services in the Northeast and participates in technological innovation projects with public and private operators. From 2021 she coordinates the Observatory 4.0 of SMACT, Competence Center of the Northeast. In 2022 she also plays the role of Advisor for Public Engagement and Entrepreneurship - Prorettorate for Third Mission and Relations with the Territory of the University of Padua.
Scientific results
She publishes the first study on the processes of technological adoption in district systems and small and medium enterprises in 1999. The activities of search - also through the coordination of regional or national plans - regard the processes of technological innovation of the small enterprises and the district systems and the innovation connected to the role of the KIBS (Knowledge-Intensive Business Services). At the same time, it becomes a point of reference for studies on the dynamics of internationalization of the districts in the context of global value chains, alongside the analysis of upgrading processes related to aspects of environmental sustainability. In more recent years, the research activity also includes environmental sustainability strategies and business models related to the circular economy, with the coordination or participation in various research projects and collaborations.
Editorial work and publications
Eleonora Di Maria is author of numerous national and international publications, of which the main ones are listed below:
[2022] Di Maria E., De Marchi V., Galeazzo A. Industry 4.0 Technologies And Circular Economy: The Mediating Role of Supply Chain Integration, Business Strategy and the Environment, https://doi.org/10.1002/bse.2940.
[2021] Alonso-Martinez D., De Marchi V., Di Maria E.. Which Sustainable Business Models Drive Triple-Bottom-Line Performance?. Journal of Cleaner Production, 323.
[2020] De Marchi V., Di Maria E., Golini R., Perri A. Nurturing International Business Research through Global Value Chains literature: a review and discussion of future research opportunities. 29(5): 1-16.
[2020] Bettiol M., Di Maria E., Micelli S. (Eds.), Knowledge Management and Industry 4.0: New Paradigms for Value Creation, Springer, Heidelberg.
[2018] De Marchi V., Di Maria E., Gereffi G. (Eds.), Local Clusters in Global Value Chains: Linking Actors and Territories Through Manufacturing And Innovation, Routledge, Abingdon.
[2013] De Marchi V., Di Maria E., Micelli S. Environmental strategies, upgrading and competitive advantage in global value chains. Business Strategy and the Environment, 22(1): 62-72.
[2012] Di Maria E., Grandinetti R. and Di Bernardo B. (Eds.), Exploring Knowledge-Intensive Business Services. Knowledge Management Strategies, Palgrave, Hampshire.
[2008] Chiarvesio M., Di Maria E (2008), Web marketing, Bussole, Carocci Ed. Roma.
[2000] Micelli S., Di Maria E. (a cura di) Distretti industriali e tecnologie di rete. Progettare la convergenza, FrancoAngeli Ed., Milano.
[2000] Rullani E., Micelli S., Di Maria E. Città e cultura nell’economia delle reti, Il Mulino, Bologna.
Awards and prizes
2006 - Winner of the "Marco Fanno" Award - Department of Economic Sciences (University of Padua), as author with M. Chiarvesio and S. Micelli of the paper "From local networks of SMEs to virtual districts? Evidence from recent trands in Italy", Research policy, 2004.
2011 - Winner of the Prize promoted by the journal Measuring Business Excellence (Emerald) for the paper "Creativity vs. Standardization? Knowledge Management in KIBS firms" (co-authors Marco Bettiol and Roberto Grandinetti), presented at the 6th International Forum IFKAD, Tampere, June 15-17.
2013 - Winner of the Best Article Award 2012 "Innovation, Communication and Market Presence. The performance of made in Italy firms" (coauthor Maria Chiarvesio) published in the journal "Mercati e competitività", awarded by the Italian Marketing Society.
2018 - Best selected paper in the Track "Technology and Innovation Marketing" for the paper Capestro M., Bettiol M., Di Maria E. (2018), "The key role of marketing purposes for the fourth industrial revolution" presented at the XV SIM Conference (Società Italiana Marketing), October 18-19, 2018, Bari.
2018 - Winner of the Best paper award - SIG Strategic Management EURAM for the paper Bettiol M., Capestro M., Di Maria E., Furlan A. "Impact of Industry 4.0 investments on Firm performance. Evidence from Italy" presented at EURAM - European Academy of Management 18th Conference, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 19 - 22, 2018.
2018 - Best paper award nomination - SIG Innovation EURAM for the paper De Marchi V., Di Maria E., (2018), "Sustainability strategies, investments in Industry 4.0, and Circular Economy results" presented at the EURAM - European Academy of Management 18th Conference, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 19 - 22, 2018.
2019 - Outstanding Reviewer Award, Strategic Management SIG EURAM - European Academy of Management 19th Conference, Lisbon, June 26-28, 2019.
2020 - Best selected paper in the Track "International Marketing" for the paper Capestro, M., Kinkel S., Di Maria E., Bettiol M., (2020), "Is Artificial Intelligence Linked To Offshoring And Backshoring? An Exploratory Study" presented at the XVII SIM Conference (Italian Marketing Society), LIUC - Cattaneo University of Castellanza, Varese, Italy, October 29-30, 2020 (Online Conference).
Associate professor. Lecturer of EU migration and asylum law and EU current policies on migration and development at University of Milan
Professional career
After graduating in Law at the University of Milan in 1997, she continued her training with the Preparation Course for the diplomatic and international careers at the ISPI in Milan. Qualified as a lawyer, until 2007 she has been an Associate with the International Law Firm Baker Mckenzie. In 2005 she obtained a Phd in public community law, at the Higher Institute for Interdisciplinary Education (ISUFI) - University of Lecce. From 2007 to 2011 she has been a post-doc researcher, since 2011 she was a Senior researcher at the University of Milan and since 2018 she is associate professor. In 2018 he also obtained the national scientific qualification as full professor. She was a visiting researcher at the Université Libre de Bruxelles and at the Center for Migration Law - Radboud University of Nijmegen. On the issues of immigration and asylum policies of the European Union, she has been a lecturer in various international institutions, including the ENA (Ecole Nationale d’Administration) in Strasbourg and the Academy of European Law, European University Institute (Fiesole). Since 1998 she has taken part to the activities and since 2012 has been appointed as Italian representative (together with Prof. Nascimbene) of the Odysseus Network (academic network for legal studies on immigration and asylum which brings together the major experts on the subject in the EU Member States).
Scientific results
Her research activity has been mainly carried out in the field of immigration and asylum policies of the European Union. She has taken part to numerous research projects funded by the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Italian Ministry of University and Research. She was scientific director for the Italian part of the CONTENTION projects (http://contention.eu) and REDIAL http://euredial.eu), funded by the European Commission.
As part of the activities conducted by the Odysseus network, she has carried out numerous analyzes on the implementation of European Union legislation at national level, which were then used by the European Commission for its own political assessments and for the development of new legislation on the subject.
Editorial work and publications
Member of the editorial board of various scientific journals (Diritto, Immigrazione e cittadinanza, eurojus.it, La Comunità internazionale), she collaborates in research activities in the field of European legislation with the ISMU Foundation (Initiatives and Studies on Multi-ethnicity, Milan) and is the author of the chapter on European orientations in the annual report on migration, she is the author of numerous national and international publications. Between these:
[2020] Di Pascale A., 'Can a Justice of Peace be a good detention judge?', in Bruycker P., Cornelisse G. Moraru M Law and Judicial Dialogue on the Return of Irregular Migrants from the European Union, Hart Publishing, Oxford.
[2018] Di Pascale A., 'El principio de non refoulementy su aplicación judicial en el marco europeo', in Ugartemendia J. I., Labayle Y, El Espacio de Libertad, Seguridad y Justicia y el Derecho del Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos, European Inklings(EUi) 15, IVAP, Oñati, 2.
[2018] Di Pascale A., 'As políticas de imigração e asilo da União Europeia: balanço e perspectivas', in Beltrame de Moura A., Dal Ri L., Padinha Dos Santos R. Imigração e cidadania: uma releitura de institutos jurídicos clássicos, Editora PPCJ da Univali.
[2016] Di Pascale A, Nascimbene B., Art. 19, in R. Mastroianni, O.Pollicino, S.Allegrezza, F.Pappalardo, U. Razzolini (a cura di), La Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell’Unione europea.
[2016] Di Pascale A., 'Lo straniero (diritto internazionale)', in Enciclopedia Treccani (online), 10.
[2015] Di Pascale A, Renaudiere G., 'AG’s Opinion in Celaj: Lost in ‘Crimmigration’?', 22 June, Redial Blog, euredial.eu/blog.
[2015] Di Pascale A., 'Le politiche dell’immigrazione e asilo dell’Unione europea: alcune riflessioni sui primi quindici anni', in M. Carta (a cura di), Quale futuro per l’Europa tra crisi, rilancio e utopia, Soveria Mannelli, 241 ss.
[2015] Di Pascale A., 'Exceptional Duties to admit Aliens', in Sir Richard Plender (ed.), International Migration Law, The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 15.
[2014] Di Pascale A., 'Commento agli artt. 78, 79 del Trattato sul funzionamento dell'unione europea', in A. Tizzano, Trattati dell’Unione europea, Milano.
[2014] Di Pascale A., 'Italy and unauthorised migration: between state sovereignty and human rights obligations', in R. Rubio Marin (Ed.), Migration and Human Rights, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, Oxford University Press.
[2011] Di Pascale A., Garcia Andrade P., Sarraj A., 'L’importance des relations bilatérales. Une analyse de l’action extérieure de l’Espagne, la France et l’Italie et pays tiers en matière d’immigration', in De Bruycker P.- Foblets M-C. (sous la direction de), La dimension extérieure de la politique européenne d’Immigration, Bruylant, Bruxelles.
[2011] Di Pascale A., Nascimbene B., 'The ‘Arab Spring’ and the Extraordinary Influx of People who arrived in Italy from North Africa', in European Journal of Migration and Law, 13, 3, 341 ss.
[2009] Di Pascale A., 'La participation de l’Italie à la politique d’externalisation de l’Union européenne', in Rossetto J. (sous la direction de), L’externalisation de la Politique d’immigration de l’Union européenne, Paris.
[2001] Di Pascale A., 'Synthesis report', in Nascimbene B. (ed.), Expulsion and detention of aliens in the EU member states, Giuffré, Milano.
[2000] Di Pascale A., 'La régularisation des immigrés clandestins en Italie', in P. De Bruycker (sous la direction de), Regularisations of illegal immigrants in the European Union, Bruylant, Brussels.
Awards and prizes
Member of the board of directors of AISDUE (Italian Association of European Union Law Scholars), member of SIDI (Italian Society of International Law), member of the Scientific Committee of the UNESCO Chair "Human rights and ethics of international cooperation", University of Bergamo.
Since 2017 she has started the “Promoting Refugees integration” initiative, born from the collaboration between Baker McKenzie Italy, University of Milan, UNHCR (the United Nations Refugee Agency) and the NGO “Farsi Prossimo ", with the aim of helping refugees with international protection to acquire new knowledge and develop the necessary qualifications to increase self-esteem and facilitate stable entry into the labor market. In 2018 the initiative was awarded the prize "Pro Bono Initiative of the year" on the occasion of the XII edition of the TopLegal Awards and in 2019, on the occasion of the second edition of the Welcome - Working for refugee integration award, it received a special award from the High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi.
Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Relations at University of Turin
Professional career
After graduating in Political Science, Rosita Di Peri attended the Master in Public Policy Analysis under the direction of Luigi Bobbio, graduating with honours in 2000. She later worked as an expert on Mediterranean field, with particular attention to the issue of civil society, for Paralleli the Euromediterranean Institute of the North West attending, at the same time, the PhD in Political Science and International Relations at the University of Turin. She studied at the Ceri in Paris and at the St. Joseph University in Beirut. In 2007 she received the PhD with a thesis on the democratization process in Lebanon. After the PhD she carried out teaching activities at the universities of Turin and Florence. She was also a visiting professor at the Institut de Recherche sur le Maghreb Contemporaine (IRMC) in Tunis and at the St. Joseph University in Beirut. She realized fieldwork in Lebanon and Tunisia from 2005. Since 2011 she is Assistant Professor at the Department of Culture, Politics and Society of the University of Turin, when in 2019 she became Associate Professor.
Scientific results
Rosita Di Peri authored the first political history of contemporary Lebanon published in Italy. Her researches on the Lebanese consociative system has been published in national and international journals. She also worked on Sunni and Shiite Islamist movements in Lebanon, notably Hezbollah. Rosita Di Peri has as well researched on the Tunisian transition in post 2011 focusing, in particular, on the connections between tourism and the system of power developed in the country. She edited several volumes and collaborated with colleagues from several universities.
Rosita Di Peri has carried out several fieldwork activities in Lebanon and the Mediterranean region.
Over the past three years her researches focused mainly on the transformations of the Maronite Christian community in Lebanon and the consequences of this transformation on the political system of this country.
Rosita Di Peri was principal investigator in the project "India and Middle East in the globalization era: paths of internationalization" between 2016 and 2018 and "Globalization and Development Processes in Asia in the Age of Crisis: Continuity and Change" between 2013 and 2015 both funded by the Foundation Cassa di Risparmio di Torino; she was also part of the Italian team of the European project “Mare Nostrum. A heritage trail along the Phoenician maritime routes and historic port-cities of the Mediterranean Sea” between 2010 and 2012 led by the University of Florence within the framework of the Euromed Heritage IV program.
Editorial work and publications
Rosita Di Peri authored several publications. Above the most relevant of the last years:
[2021] Guida alla politica mediorientale. Mondadori, Milano (with F. Mazzucotelli)
[2019] "Stretching the margins: Identity, power and new ‘frontiers’ in Lebanon’s Maronite community", Mediterranean Politics.
[2018] "Speaking secular acting sectarian. Lebanese women’s rights beyond the Constitution", Oriente Moderno 98(2): 247-264.
[2017] Il Libano contemporaneo. Storia, politica e società, Carocci, Roma (first edition 2009, in Italian).
[2017] "Changing Perceptions of the European Union before and after the Arab uprisings", in B. Curli, M. Ceretta (eds.), Discourses and Counter-discourses on Europe, from the Enlightenment to the EU, Routledge, 249-260.
[2017] "State and markets: the crisis of the tourism sector in Tunisia before and after the ‘jasmine revolution", in E. Baroncelli, R. Mulé (eds.) Political Responses to Global Economic Crises, Egea, Milano.
[2016], "The Transformation of the Maronite Community in Lebanon in the Post-2005 Era and the Rise of Relative Deprivation", in G. Proglio (ed.), Decolonizing the Mediterranean, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 19-34.
[2016], "The Sunni Community in Lebanon: From “Harirism” to “Sheikhism”?" (with Daniel Meier), in R. Di Peri, D. Meier (eds), Lebanon facing the Arab Uprisings. Constraints and Adaptations’,Palgrave McMillian, London, 35-53.
[2016], Lebanon facing the Arab Uprisings. Constraints and Adaptations, Palgrave McMillian, London (co-edited with con D. Meier)
[2016], "Narratives and realities from a changing Middle East", Passato e Presente, 98: 74-89 (in Italian).
[2016], "Beyond Sectarianism: Hegemony, Reproduction and Resilience in Lebanon", Mediterranean Politics.
Awards and prizes
Vice-president of the Master in International Studies; member of the board of SeSaMO (Italian Society for Middle East Studies); member of the scientific committee of the series ‘Mediterranean, North Africa and Middle East’ for Mimesis Publisher; member of the editorial committee of the Journal NAD (New Authoritarianism and Democracies); coordinator of the Erasmus partner countries exchange with Lebanon. From 2014 is scientific coordinator of the Summer School ‘Understanding the Middle East’.
Professor of Space Economy and Director of Space Economy Evolution Lab (SEE Lab) at Bocconi School of Management, Milan.
Professional career
After graduating in physics with a specialisation in astrophysics and space physics at the University La Sapienza in Rome in 1984, in 1986 she joined the National Space Plan of the National Research Council, which became the Italian Space Agency (ASI) in 1988. Her responsibilities ranged from Earth observation to automation and robotics, science and human spaceflight. In 2002, she was appointed Director of the ASI's Observation of the Universe, in charge of all the scientific programmes of ASI, including its contribution to ESA programmes, and of the exploration programmes, and the management of the Italian astronauts. From 2008 to 2011, Di Pippo served as Director of Human Spaceflight at the ESA, first woman appointed Director at ESA since its inception in 1975. In 2009, she co-founded the association Women in Aerospace – Europe, to expand the representation and leadership of women in the aerospace sector. Her leadership as President lasted until 2016, when she was appointed as Honorary President. In 2017 she became UN International Gender Champion. After having served as the Head of the European Space Policy Observatory at Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) in Brussels, from March 2014 to March 2022, she was the Director of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) in Vienna.
She is a member of the World Economic Forum Global Future Council on Space, the board of directors of RINA SPA, and the chairperson of their ESG Committee, and a member of the Scientific Council of Criptaliae for the development of the Grottaglie spaceport.
Scientific results
Simonetta Di Pippo is considered one of the foremost experts in international aerospace cooperation. As Director of the United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), from 2014 to 2022, she developed strategies, policies and supervised all activities carried out by the Office, ensuring their development in accordance with the mandate of the United Nations General Assembly and the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS), respectively.
Her expertise covers space exploration, observation of the universe, the peaceful use of outer space, the use of technology and science for sustainable development and the reduction of risks of natural disasters and catastrophes, the Space Economy, and women's leadership in the aerospace sector.
Editorial work and publications
Simonetta Di Pippo has authored or coauthored numerous scientific and popular publications, including three highly popular monographs:
(2022) Space economy. La nuova frontiera dello sviluppo. Milano: Bocconi University Press.
(2007) (con C. Smiraglia, I.E. Tabacco, M. Di Martino, C. Guaita) Dai ghiacciai della Terra ai ghiaccia dell'Universo. Genova: Erga Edizioni.
(2002) Astronauti. Milano: Ugo Mursia Editore.
Awards and prizes
During her career, Simonetta Di Pippo has received many national and international recognitions, among them in 2006 she was awarded the title of Cavaliere Ufficiale al Merito by the President of the Italian Republic Carlo Azeglio Ciampi and in 2022 the title of Commendatore al Merito della Repubblica Italiana by President Sergio Mattarella.
In 2008, the International Astronomical Union awarded asteroid 21887 the name 'DiPippo' in recognition of its commitment to space exploration.
In 2010 she won the Sebetia-Ter - Targa d'Argento international award from the President of the Republic for his contribution to the space sector.
In 2012 she received the Women in Aerospace Leadership Award in recognition of her role as an inspirer of space exploration, a manager with great capabilities for complex space projects, and a leader for young women in aerospace.
In 2013, she received the Laurea Honoris Causa in Scienze ambientali (Environmental Science).
In 2016, she received the International Cooperation Award presented by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) to those who contribute significantly to the promotion of international cooperation in space activities.
In 2017, she received the Laurea Honoris Causa in Relazioni Internazionali(International Relations).
In 2018, she received the Hubert Curie Award from Eurisy, first woman ever to receive this award.
In 2022, she received the following awards:
Economy and Finance area
Competences: Intellectual Capital, Managerial Accounting, Sustainability Reporting, Sustainable Accounting
Keywords: artificial intelligence, blockchain technology, content analysis, corporate social responsibility, cruise industry, gender equality, legitimacy theory, port e shipping industry, sustainable business models, sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), sustainable performance, UN Agenda 2030
Region: Campania
Associate Professor of Business Administration – Department of Law – University of Naples “Parthenope” (Italy).
Professional career
After Four-year Degree in Economics of International Commerce and Currency Markets, and the scholarship won at the National Research Council (Italy), she achieved University Master’s Degree in Service Management - Specialization: Logistics and Transport at University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy). She achieved the Ph.D. in Business Administration at Cà Foscari University of Venice (Italy). She ranked first of public competition achieving the scholarship.
She was visiting researcher at University College London (UK) and the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain). She was visiting fellow of the UCL Quantitative and Applied Spatial Economic Research Laboratory (QASER) - London (UK).
She is currently an Associate Professor of Business Administration. with the national qualification for Full Professor.
During her career she also held various roles for her department services, such as chair of joint committee "teachers-students”, chair of committee for research:
From 2017 to 2022 (May) Assunta was Deputy Director of the Department of Law.
Since 2014 she is the delegate for International Affairs of Department of Law.
She was the Principal Investigator of the research project "Public-private partnerships in the cruise sector: a governance model for the development of the Campania Regional System".
Currently, she is the Principal Investigator of the research project titled "Digital transition for Sustainable and Resilient Business Models in the ship-port interface towards the UN 2030 Agenda" funded by the Ministry of University and Research (Italy). She is also Director of the BlueShipping & Cruise Lab (BSCLab) at the Department of Law of the University of Naples Parthenope (Italy) and member of the Gender Equality Plan (GEP) Focal Point at her University.
Her name is listed in the World Scientist and University Rankings 2022. She ranked in Business Administration category: in University of Naples Parthenope #1 and in Italy #69.
Scientific results
Di Vaio scientific research activity focuses mainly on: managerial accounting and management information to support the decision-making processes of private and public companies; performance measurement; sustainability reporting; sustainable accounting; non-financial disclosure; human resources disclosure; CSR; intellectual capital and sustainable business models; UN 2030 Agenda and sustainable development goals (SDGs); digital transformation, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technology. These topics were mainly developed in the shipping, cruise, and port industry.
Editorial work and publications
Professor Di Vaio is associate editor and has been lead or co-lead guest editor of top tier journals, she is also a peer reviewer for international journals published by Elsevier, Emerald, Taylor & Francis, MDPI, Springer, and author of numerous publications, a selection of which are listed here.
(2022) Di Vaio A., Hassan R., Palladino R. “Blockchain technology and gender equality: A systematic literature review”, International Journal of Information Management, ISSN 0268-4012. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2022.102517.
(2022) Di Vaio A., Varriale L., Di Gregorio A., Adomako S. Corporate Social Performance and Non-Financial Reporting in the Cruise Industry: Paving the way towards UN Agenda 2030”, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 29 (3), 1-23. ISSN 1535-3966. https://doi.org/10.1002/csr.2292.
(2022) Di Vaio A., Hasan S., Palladino R., Hassan R. “The Transition Towards Circular Economy and Waste within Accounting and Accountability Models: A Systematic Literature Review and Conceptual Framework”, Environment, Development and Sustainability, Electronic ISSN: 1573-2975, Print ISSN: 1387-585X. 10.1007/s10668-021-02078-5.
(2022) Di Vaio A., Hassan R., Alavoine C. “Data intelligence and analytics: A bibliometric analysis of human–Artificial intelligence in public sector decision-making effectiveness”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 174 (January) 121201. ISSN: 0040-1625. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2021.12120.
(2021) Di Vaio A., Trujillo L., D’amore G., Palladino R. “Governance Models for meeting Sustainable Development Goals: A Structured Literature Review” Utilities Policy. Governance, Performance, Analysis, 72 (101255), pp. 1-23, ISSN: 0957-1787. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jup.2021.101255.
(2021) Del Giudice M., Di Vaio A., Hassan R., Palladino R. “Digitalization and New Technologies for Sustainable Business Models at the Ship-Port Interface: A Bibliometric Analysis”. Maritime Policy & Management, ISSN: 1464-5254. https://doi.org/10.1080/03088839.2021.1903600.
(2021) Di Vaio A., López-Ojeda A., Manrique-De-Lara-Peñate C., Truijllo L. “The measurement of sustainable behaviour and satisfaction with services in cruise tourism experiences. An empirical analysis”. Research in Transportation Business & Management, ISSN: 2210-5395. 10.1016/j.rtbm.2021.100619.
(2021) Di Vaio A., Varriale L., Lekakou M. B., Stefanidaki E. “Cruise and container shipping companies: A comparative analysis of Sustainable Development Goals through environmental sustainability disclosure”, Maritime Policy & Management, Vol. 48 (2), 184-212. ISSN: 1464-5254. https://doi.org/10.1080/03088839.2020.1754480.
(2020) Di Vaio A., Palladino R., Hassan R., Escobar O. “Artificial intelligence and business models in the sustainable development goals perspective: A systematic literature review”. Journal of Business Research, 121, 283-314. ISSN: 0148-2963. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.08.019.
(2020) Di Vaio A., Syriopoulos T., Alvino F., Palladino R. ““Integrated thinking and reporting” towards sustainable business models: a concise bibliometric analysis”, Meditari Accountancy Research, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. ISSN: 2049-372X. https://doi.org/10.1108/MEDAR-12-2019-0641.
(2020) Di Vaio A., Palladino R., Hassan R., Alvino F. “Human Resources Disclosure in the EU Directive 2014/95/EU Perspective: A Systematic Literature Review”, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 257 (June), pp. 1-18. ISSN: 0959-6526. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.120509.
(2020) Di Vaio A., Varriale L. “Blockchain Technology in Supply Chain Management for Sustainable Performance: Evidence from the Airport Industry”, International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 52, 102014.pp. 1-16. ISSN: 0268-4012 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2019.09.010.
(2018) Di Vaio A., Varriale L., Alvino F. “Key performance indicators for developing environmentally sustainable and energy efficient ports: Evidence from Italy”, Energy Policy, 122, pp. 229-240. ISSN: 0301-4215, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2018.07.046.
Awards and prizes
Assunta Di Vaio is listed in the World Scientist and University Rankings 2022, in the area of Business Economics, in 69th place for Italy and 1st place for the University of Naples Parthenope.
Over the years, she has received the following awards:
2021 Best Track Chair Award - Disruptive Innovations, IEEE ICTMOD CIEMS, Marrakech.
2021 Best Research Award International Research Award on New Science Inventions Science Father Villupuram.
2019 Best-paper awards selected: “Ownership Structures and Corporate Performance: A literature review”. International Conference in "New Challenges in Corporate Governance: Theory and practice” University of Naples Parthenope, University of Rome Sapienza and Virtus Global Center for Corporate Governance.
2017 Outstanding contribution in reviewing from Utilities Policy. Governance, Performance, Analysis. https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/utilities-policy.
Professor of Biostatistics at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Professional career
After graduating in Statistics at La Sapienza University in Rome, she continued her education with a PhD at the University of Padua in 1997. After moving abroad, she became a Visiting Assistant Professor at the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, homonymous university in Baltimore. She continued her academic career at John Hopkins and became Professor of the biostatistics department in 2007. She later moved to Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, of the university of the same name, until she fulfilled the role not only of Professor of biostatistics but also of Senior Associate Dean for Research. Francesca Dominici's main interest is focused on the development of statistical methods for the analysis of large and complex data samples (Big Data), coming from heterogeneous sources, so that they can be combined to obtain important information that can be applied to different disciplines such as climate change, environmental sciences, cancer comparative research and public health policies.
Scientific results
Francesca Dominici is engaged in the development of new statistical methods for the analysis of large amounts of data (big data) detected and stored in massive databases (data warehouses) such as those of Medicare and SEER-Medicare. Her challenge is to develop new methods of Bayesian random inference (approach to statistical inference in which the probabilities of a given event happen are considered as levels of trust and no longer as frequencies), to overcome the analytical difficulties inherent in using large databases. This new approach allows Francesca Dominici, in collaboration with Harvard Medical School, to compare the efficacy in medical research in the treatment of glioblastoma (a tumor that develops between the glial cells, components of the nervous system along with neurons) and other tumors. Furthermore, her studies have directly influenced American policy on air quality and pollution, leading to the creation of new air and environmental quality standards.
Editorial work and publications
Professor Dominici has authored numerous scientific publications, including:
(2000) Dominici F, Samet JM, Zeger SL. Combining Evidence on Air pollution and Daily Mortality from the Twenty Largest US Cities: A Hierarchical Modelling Strategy with discussion. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A, 163(3):263-302.
(2000) Samet JM, Dominici F, Curriero F, Coursac I, Zeger SL, Fine Particulate Air Pollution and Mortality in 20 U.S. Cities: 1987-1994. New England Journal of Medicine, 343(24):1742-9.
(2004) Dominici F, McDermott A, Hastie T. Improved Semi-parametric Time Series Models of Air Pollution and Mortality. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 468:938-948.
(2006) Dominici F, Peng D, Bell M, Pham M, McDermott A, Zeger SL, Samet JM. Fine Particulates Air Pollution and Hospital Admission for Cardiovascular and Respiratory Diseases. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 295:1127-1135.
(2006) Peng R, Dominici F, Zeger SL. Reproducible Epidemiological Research. American Journal of Epidemiology, 163:783-789.
(2009) Dominici F, Fried L, Zeger SL. So Few Women Leaders: Look for the Root Causes. Academe, July-August 2009. (2012) Wang C, Parmigiani G, Dominici F. Bayesian effect estimation accounting for adjustment uncertainty. Biometrics, (68)3:681-689.
(2014) Zigler CM, Dominici F. Uncertainty in propensity score estimation: Bayesian methods for variable selection and model averaged causal effects. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 109(505):95-107.
(2014) Dominici F, Greenstone M, Sunstein CR. Science and Regulation. Particulate matter matters. Science, 344(6181):257-9.
(2014) Bobb F, Obermeyer Z, Wang Y, Dominici F. Cause-specific risk of hospital admission related to extreme heat in older adults. Journal of the American Medical Association, 312(24):2659-2667. (Recognized in January 2016 as one out of 28 NIEHS Papers of the Year).
Awards and prizes
Francesca Dominici has always shown commitment to promoting diversity within the academic sphere. She co-chaired the Women's Condition Commission at John Hopkins University. In 2009 she received the Diversity Recognition Award from the Rector of John Hopkins University. In 2015 she was awarded the Florence Nightingale David Award for her contributions as a model for women and for excellence demonstrated in statistical research, in leadership of multidisciplinary groups and in education. She currently chairs the University Committee for the Advancement of Women at the University of Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
Head of the Laboratory of Translation and Medicine and of the Neuromed Biobanking Center, Department of Epidemiology and Prevention, IRCCS Neuromed, Pozzilli (Isernia)
Professional career
After graduating in Medicine and Surgery from the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Rome in 1968, she continued her training by specialising in Clinical and Laboratory Haematology at the same university. In 1973 she obtained a PhD in Pathophysiology (Haematology) from the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium. She began her research career during the university years: in 1963 she was a Research Student at the Institute of Microbiology of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, in 1965 dhe held the same position in the Coagulation Laboratory of the Department of Internal Medicine of the same university, and during her doctorate in Leuven she was a Ph.D. Research Fellow in the Laboratory of Coagulation and Proteolysis. In 1973, she founded and directed the Laboratory of Research on Haemostasis and Thrombosis at the Mario Negri Institute in Milan, and in 1987 she co-founded and coordinated the Mario Negri Sud Biomedical and Pharmacological Research Centre in Santa Maria Imbaro, in the province of Chieti. In addition to her research career, she has also been invited by several Italian universities to teach courses in physiopathology at the University of Bologna from 1990 to 1993 and in cell biology at the Catholic University of Campobasso from 2005 to 2012. From 1995 to 2001 she directed the Department of Vascular Medicine and Pharmacology of the Mario Negri Sud Consortium, and in 2002 she was head of the Telethon Laboratory at the Centre for Research and High-Tech Training in Biomedical Sciences at the Catholic University of Campobasso, where she founded and coordinated the scientific projects of the research laboratories of the Centre for Research and High-Tech Training in Biomedical Sciences. Since 2013 she has been head of the Translational Medicine laboratory of the Department of Epidemiology and Prevention of the IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Mediterraneo Neuromed, in Pozzilli, a role she still holds today.
Scientific results
Maria Benedetta Donati has always devoted herself to the study of thrombosis, the process that leads to the obstruction of blood vessels and is the cause of widespread diseases such as heart attacks and strokes. In particular, in the early part of her career, she conducted pioneering studies on the relationship between thrombosis and cancer and on the possibility of treating certain forms of cancer with anticoagulant drugs. In 1983, she founded the first international working group dedicated to the relationship between tumours and thrombosis. More recently, she has been working on genetic and environmental factors (particularly nutrition) in the development of cardiovascular risk and has discovered, with Licia Iacoviello, the existence of a genetic coagulation factor that protects 20% of the Italian population against heart attack. Since 2005 she has been part of the coordination of Moli-sani, an epidemiological study of 25,000 people living in Molise promoted by the IRCCS of Pozzilli, which studies and disseminates the beneficial effects of the Mediterranean diet on health.
Editorial work and publications
She has authored numerous scientific publications, including:
(2016) Bonaccio M, Di Castelnuovo A, Costanzo S, Persichillo M, De Curtis A, Donati MB, de Gaetano G, Iacoviello L, MOLI-SANI Study Investigators. Adherence to the traditional Mediterranean diet and mortality in subjects with diabetes. Prospective results from the MOLI-SANI study. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 23(4):400-7.
(2015) Iacoviello L, Di Castelnuovo A, de Curtis A, Agnoli C, Frasca G, Mattiello A, Matullo G, Ricceri F, Sacerdote C, Grioni S, Tumino R, Napoleone E, Lorenzet R, de Gaetano G, Panico S, Donati MB. Circulating Tissue Factor Levels and Risk of Stroke: Findings From the EPICOR Study. Stroke, 46(6):1501-7.
(2014) Bonaccio M, Di Castelnuovo A, De Curtis A, Costanzo S, Persichillo M, Donati MB, Cerletti C, Iacoviello L, de Gaetano G, MOLI-SANI Project Investigators. Adherence to the Mediterranean diet is associated with lower platelet and leukocyte counts: results from the Moli-sani study. Blood, 123(19):3037-44.
(2010) Caruso V, Di Castelnuovo A, Meschengieser S, Lazzari MA, de Gaetano G, Storti S, Iacoviello L, Donati MB. Thrombotic complications in adult patients with lymphoma: a meta-analysis of 29 independent cohorts including 18 018 patients and 1149 events. Blood, 115(26):5322-8.
(2006) Caruso V, Iacoviello L, Di Castelnuovo A, Storti S, Mariani G, de Gaetano G, Donati MB. Thrombotic complications in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia: a meta-analysis of 17 prospective studies comprising 1752 pediatric patients. Blood, 108(7):2216-22.
(1998) Iacoviello L, Di Castelnuovo A, De Knijff P, D'Orazio A, Amore C, Arboretti R, Kluft C, Donati MB. Polymorphisms in the coagulation factor VII gene and the risk of myocardial infarction. The New England Journal of Medicine, 338(2):79-85.
(1995) Donati MB. Cancer and thrombosis: from Phlegmasia alba dolens to transgenic mice. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 74(1):278-81.
(1983) Colucci M, Balconi G, Lorenzet R, Pietra A, Locati D, Donati MB, Semeraro N. Cultured human endothelial cells generate tissue factor in response to endotoxin. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 71(6):1893-6.
(1982) Bertani T, Poggi A, Pozzoni R, Delaini F, Sacchi G, Thoua Y, Mecca G, Remuzzi G, Donati MB. Adriamycin-induced nephrotic syndrome in rats: sequence of pathologic events. Laboratory Investigation, 46(1):16-23.
(1978) Remuzzi G, Misiani R, Marchesi D, Livio M, Mecca G, de Gaetano G, Donati MB. Haemolytic-uraemic syndrome: deficiency of plasma factor(s) regulating prostacyclin activity? Lancet, 2(8095):871-2.
Awards and prizes
Maria Benedetta Donati has received several awards since the beginning of her career: in 1968 she won the Agostino Gemelli prize as the best medical graduate of the year from the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Rome and in 1983 she was awarded the international Minerva prize for female excellence in research.
In 1999 she received the Distinguished Career Award from the International Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis in Washington.
In 2000 and 2002 she received two honorary degrees, the first from the University of Debrecen in Hungary and the second from the University of Bialystok in Poland.
In 2002, in Paringi, UNESCO in collaboration with L'OREAL International awarded her the Special Honor for Women in Science.
In 2016 she received the Top Italian Women Scientists Award in Biomedical Sciences.
Junior Faculty at MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Professional career
Dondossola got her BSc in Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and her MSc in Molecular and Cellular Biotechnology at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, where she further pursued her international PhD studies in Cell and Molecular Biology, in collaboration with the British Open University, followed by a post-doc in Molecular Oncology. She has been teaching Biochemistry and History of Cancer Research at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University since 2008. In 2011 Dondossola moved to UT MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX, USA, where she is currently working.
Dondossola joined the American Association for Cancer Research in 2009.
Scientific results
Dondossola’s research activity focuses on the study of the tumor microenvironment, the non-malignant component that supports tumor function and progression. Her initial studies explored the role of tumor blood vessels in metastasis development and therapeutic response. She demonstrated that Chromogranin A, a circulating protein, decreases vascular permeability and inhibits the penetration of therapeutic agents, including chemotherapy and molecular drugs. She further showed that this mechanism reduces the ability of cancer cells to generate metastasis to distant organs and to the tumor itself, a process identified as tumor-self seeding (the property of circulating cancer cells to re-infiltrate their tumor of origin). Dondossola tested the provocative hypothesis that circulating tumor cells can be genetically manipulated and used as anti-cancer treatment thanks to their capacity to spontaneously home to tumors (through the self-seeding process). As a result, the application of engineered tumor cells significantly reduces the growth of both primary and metastatic tumors. Furthermore, she identified a novel population of immune cells (myeloid) that express CD13 protein and support the formation of neo-angiogenic vessels and tumor progression.
Dondossola recently developed an interest in tissue engineering and intravital multiphoton microscopy, an approach that allows monitoring the dynamic evolution of biological processes over time. These strategies have been combined and applied to understand the mechanisms that support the progression of prostate cancer bone metastasis. She further extended these applications to the study of another non-tumor desmoplastic process, defined foreign body response.
Editorial work and publications
Eleonora Dondossola is an author/coauthor in several important scientific papers, including:
[2018] Dondossola E, Alexander S, Holzapfel BM, Filippini S, Starbuck MW, Hoffman RM, Navone N, De-Juan-Pardo EM, Logothetis CJ, Hutmacher DW, Friedl P. Intravital microscopy of osteolytic progression and therapy response of cancer lesions in bone. Sci Transl Med. 2018 Aug 1;10(452).
[2016] Dondossola E, Holzapfel BM, Alexander S, Filippini S, Hutmacher DW, Friedl P. Dissecting the foreign body response to biomaterials by non-linear intravital microscopy. Nat Biomed Eng. 2016 Dec 19; 1, 0007.
[2016] Dondossola E, Dobroff AJ, Marchiò S, Cardó-Vila M, Hosoya H, Libutti SK, Corti A, Sidman RL, Arap W, Pasqualini R. Self-targeting of TNF-releasing cancer cells in preclinical models of primary and metastatic tumors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2016 Feb 23;113(8):2223-8.
[2013] Dondossola E, Rangel R, Guzman-Rojas L, Barbu EM, Hosoya H, St John LS, Molldrem JJ, Corti A, Sidman RL, Arap W, Pasqualini R.CD13-positive bone marrow-derived myeloid cells promote angiogenesis, tumor growth, and metastasis.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2013 Dec 17;110(51):20717-22.
[2012] Guzman-Rojas L, Rangel R, Salameh A, Edwards JK, Dondossola E, Kim YG, Saghatelian A, Giordano RJ, Kolonin MG, Staquicini FI, Koivunen E, Sidman RL, Arap W, Pasqualini R. Cooperative effects of aminopeptidase N (CD13) expressed by nonmalignant and cancer cells within the tumor microenvironment. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2012 Jan 31;109(5):1637-42.
[2012] Dondossola E, Crippa L, Colombo B, Elisabetta Ferrero and Corti A. Chromogranin A regulates tumor self-seeding and dissemination. Cancer Research, 2012 Jan 15;72(2):449-59.
[2011] Veschini L, Crippa L, Dondossola E, Doglioni C, Corti A and Ferrero E. The vasostatin-1 fragment of chromogranin A preserves a quiescent phenotype in hypoxia-driven endothelial cells and regulates tumor neo-vascularization. Faseb Journal, 2011 Nov; 25(11):3906-14.
[2011] Dondossola E, Gasparri A, Colombo B, Sacchi A, Curnis F and Corti A. Chromogranin A restricts drug penetration and limits the ability of NGR-TNF to enhance chemotherapeutic efficacy. Cancer Research, 2011 Sep 1; 71(17):5881-90.
[2010] Dondossola E, Gasparri A, Bachi A, Longhi R, Metz-Boutigue, MH, Tota B, Helle KB, Curnis F and Corti A. Role of vasostatin-1 C-terminal region in fibroblast cell adhesion. Cell and Molecular Life Sciences, 2010 Jun;67(12):2107-18.
[2006] Curnis F, Longhi R, Crippa L, Cattaneo A, Dondossola E, Bachi A and Corti A. Spontaneous formation of L-isoAspartate and gain-of-function in fibronectin. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2006 Nov 24; 281(47):36466-76.
Awards and prizes
In 2014 she received the AMGEN Award in Basic Science Research from UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston. In the same year she received the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas Individual Investigator Award. In 2015 she was awarded the Gerald B. Grindey Memorial Scholar-in-Training Award at the AACR Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA. In 2016 she got the Mark Walter, Brent Nicklas, Adrianne and Jerry Cohen–PCF Young Investigator Award from the Prostate Cancer Foundation. In 2017 she received the Rolanette and Berdon Lawrence Bone Research Award, The Rolanette and Berdon Lawrence Bone Disease Program of Texas, USA.
In 2021 she received the "40 Under 40 in Cancer". This award recognizes the US most promising young oncology professionals and celebrates their contributions to improve the lives of those affected by cancer.
Full professor at Department of Political Science, University of Pisa.
Scientific results
Participation and Coordination of National and International Research Projects.
Between 1999 and 2001, she participated in several research groups. In particular: “Cinema and its symbols”; the "History of the PCI and its archives" promoted by the Gramsci Foundation Institute; "Italy and the European integration process", promoted by the Luigi Sturzo Institute of Rome in collaboration with the Master of European Studies of the Faculty of Political Sciences of Florence; "The European Parliament and its history" in collaboration with the Archives of the European Parliament and with the Historical Archives of the European Communities.
In 2001 and 2002, she took part in the research project "East-West Economic Relationships in Cold War Europe", promoted and coordinated by Professor Luciano Segreto, Faculty of Political Sciences of Florence, while from 2004 to 2006 she participated in the national research project COFIN "Italy in international relations of the '900", in "The European Community and professional training: history and role of CEDEFOP", a project promoted by the European Union, and in the COFIN project of the University of Milan, focused on " Russian Archives in Italy”.
In 2009, she collaborated to the Prin project of the Faculty of Humanities of La Sapienza University in Rome, on "Empires and Nations in Europe from the 18th to the 20th century". In 2015 she was involved in two Prat projects: the first within the Department of Political Sciences of the University of Pisa and titled "Money and Politics. Public funding, private contributions and political corruption in a comparative perspective", the second, by the Department of Political Science of Padua University, on" A hundred years from red danger. The impact of the Bolshevik revolution on European colonial powers: a global approach ". Lastly, she collaborated with the “University Research Project 2016” of the Department of Political Science of the University of Padua, on “Italy in the International System between 1917 and the early 1920. The Opportunity to become a Great Power, Italy and the New International Order".
Coordinator and Researcher for Scientific Projects entrusted by Qualified Public or Private Institutions.
Between 2001 and 2004, she is Coordinator and researcher of the project "GuLag. Nuovi Orizzonti", directed by Dr. Francesca Gori, director of the "Eastern European Countries Section" of the Feltrinelli Foundation, Milan, in collaboration with the Moscow Memorial Association. The project took place in 2001-2004 following to three different lines of work with three final objectives which have been achieved: 1. The creation of a website on the history of the GULag, whose internet address is www.gulag-italia.it; 2. The creation of a searchable database in which the stories of the Italians repressed in the Soviet Union between 1918 and 1953 are collected and 3. the organization of the exhibition “The Soviet GULag “, including documentation, objects, photographs, drawings of the Italians repressed in the Stalinist concentration camps, inaugurated in 2000 in Milan, it travelled to various Italian cities.
Since 2004, she has been Scientific Responsible for the "Archives Section" of the "Memorial-Italy Association", established in Milan on 20 April 2004 (and of which she is founding member) which aims to: safeguard and protect the memory of historical sources of the '900; to favor the study and comparison on the themes of contemporary memory, divisions and the sharing of collective memories of the 20th century; to collect the memories of the 1900s, in all their forms (diaries, autobiographies, documents, photographs, cinematographic, literary material, etc.), which are useful to enrich the study of the twentieth century above all on the themes of violence, human rights, justice , of totalitarianisms; to study and reflect on the past and present history of human rights in Russia; to disseminate, through exhibitions, seminars, lessons in schools and universities, knowledge of the history of the USSR; to disseminate in Italy the scientific and cultural initiatives of the Memorial di Mosca Association; to promote research on the history of political repression in the USSR and to collect documentary material on the Italian victims of Stalinist repression.
In 2004, as the Assistant researcher of Professor Ranieri di Sorbello, in the framework of Uguccione Ranieri di Sorbello Foundation, she was coordinator of the research project “Uguccione Ranieri di Sorbello” and curator of the volume “Anthology of the writings of Uguccione”.
Between 2004 and 2005, she was Coordinator of the Feltrinelli Foundation project and of "Russian archives. For a history of Italian emigration", funded by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, Directorate General for Archives, for the creation of an inventory of the whole documentation and the related Russian sources on the history of Italian emigration to the USSR.
In 2010 she was Coordinator of the "Memorial" Association on behalf of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities. Directorate General for Archives, for the research project on "Emigration and Russian political presence in Italy. She mapped (census) and created a thematic guide to Italian sources for the history of Russian political presence in Italy for the period 1900-1939 ".
From 2011 to 2017 she was “Forum for the problems of peace and war”’s Scientific Director for the sector of research, studies and event organization on the history of Eastern Europe, the USSR and the Russian Federation. Since 2011 she is also a member of the Executive Council and of the Executive Committee. The Forum is a scientific institute whose purpose is the production, exchange and dissemination of knowledge on the themes of peace and war. To this extend, it promotes research, organizes conferences and seminars between national and international experts, as well as lessons. Besides this, it edits publications and specialist highly valued works.
Editorial work and publications
Selection of volumes
[2017] Dundovich E., Bandierà Rossa trionferà? Franco Angeli, Milano,ISBN: 978-88-917-5328-1.
[2012] Dundovich E., Cernobyl'. L'assenza, pp. 1-217, Firenze, Passigli Editore, ISBN: 9788836813629.
[2006] Dundovich E., Gori F., Italiani nei lager di Stalin, pp. 17-209, Roma-Bari, Laterza, ISBN: 884207926X.
[2004] Dundovich E., Stalin, pp. 11-191, Collana di biografie di personaggi del ‘900 per la rivista “Panorama”, Milano, Mondadori Libri Illustrati.
Selection of published articles
[2017] Dundovich E., Bandiera rossa trionferà? L’Italia e la Rivoluzione di Ottobre, 1917-1927, XXI Secolo, n. 39, FrancoAngeli, Milano, ISSN:1594-3755.
[2015] Dundovch E., Andreevna Achmatova A., in Pegaso, Quadrimestrale di Cultura, Arte, Costume, Anno XXXVIII, gennaio-aprile.
[2014] Dundovich E., Da Vilnius a Sebastopoli. Storia di una crisi evitabile, Rivista del Centro interdisciplinare Scienze per la Pace, Università di Pisa, ISSN 20391749.
[2013] Dundovich E., Introduzione. DEP. DEPORTATE, ESULI, PROFUGHE, vol. 22, p. 1-20, ISSN: 1824-4483.
Selection of book’s contibutions, chapters
[2018] Dundovich E., Al di là della cortina di ferro. I paesi dell'Est e l'Urss nella politica estera del governo Craxi. In: (a cura di): R. Chiarini, Il governo del leader. Craxi a Palazzo Chigi. p. 69-96, Padova:Il Torchio, ISBN: 9788898669622.
[2017] Dundovich E., La cucina russa fra tradizioni autoctone e suggestioni esterne, In: (a cura di): G. Motta, Food and Culture. vol. 1, p. 183-192, ROMA:Nuova Cultura, ISBN: 8868128527.
[2016] Dundovich E., La cucina russa, In: (a cura di): Motta G., I tempi e i luoghi del cibo. p. 243-251, Roma: Edizioni Nuova Cultura, ISBN: 9788868126834, doi: 10.4458/6834.
[2016] Dundovich E., “New Values” for a New “Great Russia”, in (a cura di) S. Poli, The European Neighbourhood Policy Values and Principles, pp. 130-142, London and New York, Routhledge, pp. XXX, ISBN: 9781138943094.
Selection of edited books
[2013] Dundovich E., Voci femminili dai lager sovietici. In DEP. (Deportate, esuli, profughe) vol. 22, p. 1-128, Venezia, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, ISSN: 1824-4483.
[2004] Dundovich E., Gulag. Storia e Memoria, a cura di Elena Dundovich, Francesca Gori, Emanuela Guercetti, pp. 1-313, Milano, Feltrinelli, ISBN: 8807818183.
[2004] Dundovich E., Scritti scelti di Uguccione Ranieri di Sorbello, 1906- 1969, a cura di Elena Dundovich e Ruggero Ranieri, pp. 1-499, Firenze, Leo S. Olschki, ISBN: 9788822253675.
[2001] Dundovich E., Poljtbiuro i Evropa, 1923-1939. Protokoly «Ocobych Papok», a cura di G. Adibekov, O. Chlevnjuk, A. Di Biagio, E. Dundovich, A. Filitov, S. Pons, ROSSPEN, Moskva.
Awards and prizes
The volume E. Dundovich, F. Gori (2006), Italiani nei lager di Stalin, Bari, Laterza, ISBN: 884207926X, was selected for the 39th ediction of “Acqui Storia” Prize in 2006.
Director of the National HIV/AIDS Research Center - Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy
Professional career
Barbara Ensoli, M.D., Ph.D., graduated in Medicine and Surgery and specialized in Clinical Immunology and Allergy at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy. She then spent more than 10 years at the National Institute of Health (Bethesda, Maryland, USA), working at the National Cancer Institute. During those years she elucidated the role of the HIV-1 Tat protein in HIV pathogenesis and AIDS-associated tumors.
Her current research interests are HIV pathogenesis and the development of HIV/AIDS preventative and therapeutic vaccines, which are currently in advanced clinical phase. She has coordinated several international and national research programs in Europe and Developing countries. Among them, the EU-funded "AIDS Vaccine Integrated Project" (AVIP) and the “Program to support the Ministry of Health of South Africa in the implementation of a national program of global response to HIV & AIDS” (Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs). She is a member of the WHO-UNAIDS Vaccine Advisory Committee and the European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO). She has been the Vice-President of the National AIDS Committee of the Italian Ministry of Health from 2006 to 2015 and is a Member of the Editorial Board of the Health Status Report, Ministry of Health. She has been member of Member of the Scientific Council of The European Research Council, ERC from 2013 to 2016 and Member of the HIRO (Heads of International Research Organizations) representing ERC from 2015 to 2016.
She has received many national and international scientific awards and she has been appointed as Ufficiale dell’Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana in 2001 by the President of the Italian Republic Mr. A. Ciampi. Her scientific activities have resulted in more than 300 publications in peer-reviewed journals.
Scientific results
Barbara Ensoli has always focused her research work on the study of the mechanisms by which infection with the HIV virus occurs and its progression into disease in order to develop, on the basis of the findings of these studies, measures to prevent or treat the disease. Among the various fields in which Barbara Ensoli has applied this approach, the best known and most challenging has been the development of a vaccine against HIV/AIDS, capable of preventing infection and/or reducing the risk of disease progression. In this respect, the studies that Barbara Ensoli and her collaborators are conducting to identify a vaccine are based on new concepts such as the use of the Tat protein of the HIV virus, which is responsible for the replication and dissemination process of the infection and the persistence of the infection even in subjects under therapy. In addition, Barbara Ensoli's research led to the discovery that the Tat protein promotes the uncontrolled growth of blood vessels and promotes the progression of Kaposi's Sarcoma, a tumour that is very frequent in HIV-infected individuals. This scientific evidence provided the rationale for selecting Tat as the HIV molecule to be neutralised by a vaccine.
After animal testing, which provided efficacy results, Barbara Ensoli and her team continued with phase I clinical trials, completed in 2006, conducted on subjects with and without HIV, demonstrating the vaccine's safety for human use. The studies continued with phase II clinical trials, conducted first in Italy and then in South Africa, in subjects with HIV treated with antiretroviral drugs (ART therapy). The Tat vaccine proved to be safe and able to promote an increase in CD4+ lymphocytes, the virus' target cells, promoting the return of the immune system to its normal functioning and reducing chronic activation of the immune system and 'viral reservoirs', thus significantly increasing the effectiveness of therapy. The trial in South Africa was conducted in cooperation with the South African Ministry of Health and Institutions and is part of a larger project funded by our Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the fight against AIDS, the results of which have been evaluated very positively by the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), urging its continuation. Barbara Ensoli and her team are currently working on the search for funds together with South African institutions for the final experimentation, phase III, for the conclusive demonstration of the vaccine's therapeutic effect and its registration and distribution to the population.
Editorial work and publications
She sits on the editorial boards of Lancet Oncology, PLoS ONE, The Open AIDS Journals, Tumor Viruses, Vaccine, Development and Therapy, Journal of Clinical & Cellular Immunology, Advances in Tumor Virology, Scientific Report.
She has published more than 300 papers in international peer-reviewed journals. Among them:
(2016) Ensoli B, Nchabeleng M, Ensoli F, Tripiciano A, Bellino S, Picconi O, Sgadari C, Longo O, Tavoschi L, Joffe D, Cafaro A, Francavilla V, Moretti S, Pavone Cossut MR, Collacchi B, Arancio A, Paniccia G, Casabianca A, Magnani M, Buttò S, Levendal E, Ndimande JV, Asia B, Pillay Y, Garaci E, Monini P. HIV-Tat immunization induces cross-clade neutralizing antibodies and CD4+ T-cell increases in antiretroviral-treated South African volunteers: a randomized phase II clinical trial. Retrovirology, 13(1):34.
(2015) Ensoli F, Cafaro A, Casabianca A, Tripiciano A, Bellino S, Longo O, Francavilla V, Picconi O, Sgadari C, Moretti S, Pavone Cossut MR, Arancio A, Orlandi C, Sernicola L, Maggiorella MT, Paniccia G, Mussini C, Lazzarin A, Sighinolfi L, Palamara G, Gori A, Angarano G, Di Pietro M, Galli M, Mercurio VS, Castelli F, Di Perri G, Monini P, Magnani M, Garaci E, Ensoli B. HIV-1 Tat immunization restores immune homeostasis and attacks the HAART-resistant blood HIV DNA: results of a randomized phase II exploratory clinical trial. Retrovirology, 12:33.
(2012) Monini P, Cafaro A, Srivastava IK, Moretti S, Sharma VA, Andreini C, Chiozzini C, Ferrantelli F, Cossut MR, Tripiciano A, Nappi F, Longo O, Bellino S, Picconi O Fanales-Belasio E, Borsetti A, Toschi E, Schiavoni I, Bacigalupo I, Kan E, Sernicola L, Maggiorella MT, Montin K, Porcu M, Leone P, Leone P, Collacchi B, Palladino C, Ridolfi B, Falchi M, Macchia I, Ulmer JB, Buttò S, Sgadari C, Magnani M, Federico MP, Titti F, Banci L, Dallocchio F, Rappuoli R, Ensoli F, Barnett SW, Garaci E, Ensoli B. HIV-1 Tat promotes integrin-mediated HIV transmission to dendritic cells by binding Env spikes and competes neutralization by anti-HIV antibodies. PLoS One, 7:e48781.
(2003) Sgadari C, Monini P, Barillari G, and Ensoli B, Use of HIV protease inhibitors to block Kaposi's sarcoma and tumour growth. The Lancet Oncology, 4:537-547.
(2002) Sgadari C, Barillari G, Toschi E, Carlei D, Bacigalupo I, Baccarini S, Palladino C, Leone P, Bugarini R, Malavasi L, Cafaro A, Falchi M, Valdembri D, Rezza G, Bussolino F, Monini P & Ensoli B. HIV protease inhibitors are potent anti-angiogenic molecules and promote regression of Kaposi's sarcoma. Nature Medicine, 8:225-232.
(1999) Cafaro A, Caputo A, Fracasso C, Maggiorella MT, Goletti D, Baroncelli S, Pace M, Sernicola L, Koanga-Mogtomo ML, Betti M, Borsetti A, Belli R, Åkerblom L, Corrias F, Buttò S, Heeney J, Verani P, Titti F & Ensoli B. Control of SHIV89.6P-infection of cynomolgus monkeys by HIV-1 Tat protein vaccine. Nature Medicine, 5:643-650.
(1994) Ensoli B, Gendelman R, Markham P, Fiorelli V, Colombini S, Raffeld M, Cafaro A, Chang HK, Brady JN & Gallo RC. Synergy between basic fibroblast growth factor and HIV-1 Tat protein in induction of Kaposi's sarcoma. Nature, 371:674-680.
(1990) Ensoli B, Barillari G, Salahuddin SZ, Gallo RC & Wong-Staal F. Tat protein of HIV-1 stimulates growth of cells derived from Kaposi's sarcoma lesions of AIDS patients. Nature, 344:84-86.
(1989) Ensoli B, Nakamura S, Salahuddin SZ, Biberfeld P, Larsson L, Beaver B, Wong-Staal F & Gallo RC. AIDS-Kaposi's sarcoma-derived cells express cytokines with autocrine and paracrine growth effects. Science, 243:223-226.
(1989) Ensoli B, Lusso P, Schachter F, Josephs SF, Rappaport J, Negro F, Gallo RC & Wong-Staal F. Human herpes virus-6 increases HIV-1 expression in co-infected T cells via nuclear factors binding to the HIV-1 enhancer. EMBO J., 8:3019-3027.
Awards and prizes
She has received many national and international scientific awards. Among them: “San Valentino d’Oro” International Award for professional activity against AIDS, “Marisa Bellisario” International Award for professional activities, “Domenico Marotta” Award for year 2000, conferred for professional merits by the National Academy of Sciences (also known as “National Academy of XL”), “Santa Caterina” Award for year 2002, “Paul Harris Fellow” International Award, conferred by the Rotary Foundation “Eminent Scientist of the year 2005 (International Research Promotion Council – World Scientist Forum International Award Science and Medicine), Melvin Jones (Lion’s Club), “The Abraham White Distinguished Science Award” (The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences - USA and University of Rome Tor Vergata), “Top Italian Women Scientist 2016” award conferred by Onda, “AcademiaNet-Expert Database for Oustansing Female Scientists and Scholars” (EMBO). She has been appointed as Ufficiale dell’Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana in 2001 by the President of the Italian Republic Mr. A. Ciampi.
Full Professor in Paleontology e Paleoecology at the University of Milano. Past-president of the Presidente of the Italian Geological Society (2015-2017)
Professional career
After graduating in Geological Sciences in 1982, he continued his education with a PhD in Earth Sciences at the University of Milan in 1987. In 1987-1988 she did a post-doctorate at the Geologisches Institut, ETH Zurich. In 1990 she was a researcher at the University of Milan and the following year became an associate professor in the Department of Earth Sciences at the same university. Since 2005 she is full professor at the same department of the University of Milan.
Scientific results
Elisabetta Erba is specialist of calcareous nanofossils, the most efficient calcite producers in spite of their very small size. When they die, they fall on the sea floor and over the course of millions of years form marine sediments. Nannofossils are used for dating through biostratigraphy and for paleo-oceanographic reconstructions. Elisabetta Erba studies the interactions between geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere and, in particular, major climate changes. Her research focused on the relationships between atmospheric CO2, climate and ocean ecosystems. In order to understand causes and consequences of current and future climate change it is important to introduce a geological perspective via high-resolution investigations of marine sediments.
Calcareous nannofossils are also used by Elisabetta Erba to study the nature and origin of organic matter-rich sediments accumulated in stagnant waters, that are potential source rocks to produce oil.
Editorial work and publications
Elisabetta Erba has published numerous papers, including:
(2018) Gambacorta G., Malinverno A. and Erba E, Orbital forcing of carbonate versus siliceous productivity in the late Albian–early Turonian (Umbria-Marche Basin, central Italy). Newsletters on Stratigraphy.
(2018) Bottini C. & Erba E., Mid-Cretaceous paleoenvironmental changes in the western Tethys. Climate of the Past, 14: 1147–1163.
(2017) Faucher, G., Hoffmann, L., Bach, L. T., Bottini, C., Erba, E., and Riebesell, U., Impact of trace metal concentrations on coccolithophore growth and morphology: laboratory simulations of Cretaceous stress. Biogeosciences , 14: 3603-3613 doi.org/10.5194/bg-14-3603-2017.
(2015) Erba E, Duncan RA, Bottini C, Tiraboschi D. Weissert H, Jenkyns HC, Malinverno A. Environmental Consequences of Ontong Java Plateau and Kerguelen Plateau Volcanism. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 511:271-303.
(2010) Erba E, Bottini C, Weissert HJ, Keller CE. Calcareous Nannoplankton Response to Surface Water Acidification Around Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a. Science, 329:428-432.
(2006) Erba E. The first 150 million years history of calcareous nannoplankton: biosphere-geosphere interactions. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 232:237-250.
(2005) Muttoni G, Erba E, Kent DV & Bachtadse V. Mesozoic alpine facies deposition as a result of past latitudinal plate motion. Nature, 434:59-63.
(2004) Erba E. Calcareous nannofossils and Mesozoic Oceanic Anoxic Events. Marine Micropaleontology, 52:85-106.
(2004) Erba, E, Bartolini A, Larson RL. The Valanginian "Weissert Oceanic Anoxic Event. Geology, 32:149-152.
(2004) Erba E & Tremolada F. Nannofossil carbonate fluxes during the Early Cretaceous: phytoplankton response to nutrification episodes, atmospheric CO2 and anoxia. Paleoceanography, 19.
(2004) Weissert H & Erba E. Volcanism, CO2 and paleoclimate: a Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous carbon and oxygen isotope record. Journal of the Geological Society of London, 161:695-702.
(1999) Larson RL & Erba E. Onset of the mid-Cretaceous greenhouse in the Barremian-Aptian: Igneous events and the biological, sedimentary and geochemical responses. Paleoceanography, 14:663-678. (1994) Erba E. Nannofossils and superplumes: the Early Aptian nannoconid crisis. Paleoceanography, 9:483-501.
Awards and prizes
Elisabetta Erba was President of the Italian Geological Society in 2015-2017. Since 2013 she is a Member of theAccademia dei Lincei and of the Academia Europaea (section Earth and Cosmic Sciences). In 2012 she was awarded with the Tartufari Prize for Geosciences (Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei).
President of the World Association for Infectious Diseases and Immunological Disorders (WAidid), Full Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Parma and Director of the Pediatric Clinic at the Pietro Barilla Hospital f the Azienda Ospedaliera-Universitaria of Parma
Professional career
After graduating in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Milan in 1995, she continued her education with a specialization in Pediatrics (1999) and a next one in Infectious Diseases (2006). Two years after graduating, she was already responsible for the research laboratory of the Pediatric Clinic IV, and since 2000 for the research laboratory of the Clinical Pediatric Clinical Unit of the University of Milan, later called the High Intensity Care Unit of Pediatrics. Susanna Esposito combined her academic career with a medical career: in 2002 she is a university researcher in General and Specialized Pediatrics and since 2005 an associate professor. She also carried out research in foreign institutions: in 2007 in Dallas, Texas, at the Southwestern Medical Center of the University Hospital and Clinic, in 2009 in London, at St George's Medical Center and the following year in Burundi, Africa, at the Kiremba Hospital. From the 2009-2010 academic year, she was Professor of Pediatric Infectious Disease at the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Diploma of the University of Oxford, UK. From 2010 to 2016, she was director of the High Intensity Care Pediatric Unit at the IRCCS Ca 'Granda Foundation, Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico of the University of Milan and head of the Regional Reference Center, in Lombardy, for HIV infection and for pediatric Lyme disease. From 2017 to 2019 she is full professor of Paediatrics, director of the School of Specialty in Paediatrics and director of the S.C. Paediatric Clinic at the University of Perugia. She is currently full professor of Paediatrics at the University of Parma and director of the Paediatric Clinic at the Pietro Barilla Hospital of the Azienda Ospedaliera-Universitaria of Parma and president of the World Association for Infectious Diseases and Immunological Disorders (WAidid).
Scientific results
Susanna Esposito's scientific activity began during her university studies with research on pediatric infectious diseases, in particular influenza and respiratory viruses, invasive bacteria infections, tuberculosis and HIV. Her field of interest extends progressively to immunology with studies on vaccination, immune response and immunogenetics, pneumology, allergy, rheumatology and rare diseases. She coordinated several research and clinical trials on the role of viruses and bacteria in the main infections in pediatric age and studies on vaccination efficacy, tolerability and safety. She also coordinated the development of guidelines on the diagnostic-therapeutic approach to the main infectious diseases in children and the guidelines on the new vaccination calendar and on the recommended vaccinations for children. In 2012 she identified enterovirus C-117 and enterovirus C-118, two new enteroviruses, a genus of viruses resistant to chemical and physical offenses, which can survive in the environment for a long time, affecting mainly people with low immune defenses, like children and the elderly, with effects in some cases very serious. Since 2013 she has been coordinating the study group on vaccines (EVASG) of the European Society for Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases.
Editorial work and publications
Since 2005 she is a member of the International Board of The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, since 2009 she is Associate Editor of BMC Infectious Diseases, since 2011 she is Associate Editor of Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, since 2013 she is Associate Editor of Journal of Clinical Virology and she is part of Editorial Board Member of PLOS One, since 2014 she is Associate Editor of Medicine and since 2016 she is a member of the Editorial Board Member of AIMS Microbiology and of Npj Vaccines. Since 2016 she has also been editor of the magazine Edit Symposia and referee for numerous scientific journals such as Lancet, the British Medical Journal, Vaccine, the European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases and the American Journal of Physicians.
Susanna Esposito is the author of more than 1000 publications, including over 450 articles on international journals published on PubMed, and more than 1000 reports on invitation to conferences of national and international scientific societies, including:
(2016) Esposito S, Bonanni P, Maggi S, Tan L, Ansaldi F, Lopalco PL, Dagan R, Michel JP, van Damme P, Gaillat J, Prymula R, Vesikari T, Mussini C, Frank U, Osterhaus A, Celentano LP, Rossi M, Guercio V, Gavazzi G. Recommended immunization schedules for adults: Clinical practice guidelines by the Escmid Vaccine Study Group (EVASG), European Geriatric Medicine Society (EUGMS) and the World Association for Infectious Diseases and Immunological Disorders (WAidid). Human Vaccine Immunotherapeutics, 12:1777-1794.
(2016) Esposito S, Principi N. European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) Vaccine Study Group (EVASG). Strategies to develop vaccines of pediatric interest. Expert Review of Vaccines, Epub Sep 28.
(2016) Esposito S, Guez S, Orenti A, Tadini G, Scuvera G, Corti L, Scala A, Biganzoli E, Berti E, Principi N. Autoimmunity and cytokine imbalance in inherited epidermolysis bullosa. International Journal of Molecular Science, 17(10):1625.
(2016) Esposito S, Longo MR. Guillain-Barré syndrome. Autoimmunity Review, 16(1):96-101.
(2016) Principi N, Esposito S. Gut microbiota and central nervous system development. Journal of Infection, 73(6):536-546.
(2016) Esposito S, Pietro GD. Respiratory syncytial virus vaccines: an update on those in the immediate pipeline. Future Microbiology, 11:1479-1490.
(2016) Esposito S, Di Gangi M, Cardinale F, Baraldi E, Corsini I, Da Dalt L, Tovo PA, Correra A, Villani A, Sacco O, Tenero L, Dones P, Gambino M, Zampiero A, Principi N, Ita-CAP Study Group. Sensitivity and specificity of soluble triggering receptor Expressed on Myeloid Cells-1, Midregional Proatrial Natriuretic Peptide and Midregional Proadrenomedullin for Distinguishing Etiology and to Assess Severity in Community-Acquired Pneumonia. PLoS One, 11:e0163262.
(2015) Esposito S, Piralla A, Zampiero A, Bianchini S, Di Pietro G, Scala A, Pinzani R, Fossali E, Baldanti F, Principi N. Characteristics and their clinical relevance of respiratory syncytial virus types and genotypes circulating in Northern Italy in five consecutive winter seasons. PLoS One, 10:e0129369.
(2015) Esposito S, Giavoli C, Trombetta C, Bianchini S, Montinaro V, Spada A, Montomoli E, Principi N. Immunogenicity, safety and tolerability of inactivated trivalent influenza vaccine in overweight and obese children. Vaccine, Epub Nov 19.
(2014) Esposito S, Corona F, Barzon L, Cuoco F, Squarzon L, Marcati G, Torcoletti M, Gambino M, Palù G, Principi N. Immunogenicity, safety and tolerability of a bivalent human papillomavirus vaccine in adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Expert Review of Vaccines, 13:1387-1393.
Awards and prizes
Susanna Esposito received the "Carlo Imperato" Award in 2002, as part of the 58th National Congress of the Italian Society of Pediatrics, for the best experimental work on "Respiratory diseases of the child", in the same year she was awarded the Young Investigator Award within the III World Congress of Pediatric Infectious Diseases (Santiago, Chile). In 2004 she received the Amici di Milano Award - Gold Medals awarded with the Silver Plate by the President of the Italian Republic and the Silver Plate of the President of the Lombardy Region, as the best medical researcher. In 2008 she was awarded the SIP Member Award as best researcher in general and specialist Pediatrics within the Italian Society of Pediatrics, in 2011 the Ambassador Prize for research abroad in the medical field and in 2014 the Certificate of Merit for the commitment and professionalism over the years dedicated to the health of children by the Amici del Policlinico and Mangiagalli Association. From 2011 to 2014 she was called to chair the Italian Society of Pediatric Infectious Disease (SITIP); from 2012 to 2015 she was president of the Commission of the World Health Organization for the eradication of measles and congenital rubella and continued to participate in the work of the Commission as Past President. Since 2015 she is president of the World Association for Infectious Diseases and Immunological Disorders (WAidid).
Research director of the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate of the CNR, Bologna section
Professional career
Graduated in 1985 at the University of Bologna with a thesis in analytical chemistry, she obtained a PhD at the Department of Chemistry of the same university, and in the same department she became a post doc fellow. In 1987 she was a reaserch fellow at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the CNR in Bologna, and held this position until 1992, when she became head of the laboratory of the Regional Agency for Environmental Protection. In 1996 she entered the Institute of Physics and Chemistry of the Low and High Atmosphere of the CNR of Bologna. From 2001 to 2006 she was Senior Scientist at the Institute of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences of the CNR. Since 2007 she has been research director of the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate of the CNR, Bologna section.
Scientific results
Maria Cristina Facchini's main research interests are the physical and chemical processes in the atmospheric system such as aerosols and clouds and their effects on changes in atmospheric composition and climate. At the beginning of her scientific career she investigated the chemical properties of fog and clouds, so much so that her first important scientific result regards the organic partition of the aerosol between mist drops and interstitial air. Based on her research, she contributed to the development of a new aerosol investigation technique based on the principles of nuclear magnetic resonance. In 2001 she contributed to a joint paper on Science, where the world's leading experts in the field discussed the need to re-establish the theory of cloud formation on the basis of new discoveries concerning the solubility of aerosols and their surface tension, as well as the effects of soluble gases. Her most recent research concerns the interaction between climate and biota (in ecology, the whole of all living beings, animals and plants, which populate a given region) marine, atmospheric, aerosol.
Editorial work and publications
She is the author of over 150 scientific publications, including:
(2011) Decesari S, Finessi E, Rinaldi M, Paglione M, [...] Facchini MC. Primary and secondary marine organic aerosols over the north atlantic ocean during the map experiment. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 116(D22).
(2011) Rinaldi M, Decesari S, Carbone C, [...] Facchini MC. Evidence of a natural marine source of oxalic acid and a possible link to glyoxal. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 116(D16).
(2008) Facchini MC, Decesari S, Rinaldi M, et al. An important source of marine secondary organic aerosol from biogenic amines. Environmental Science & Technology, 42:9116-9121.
(2008) Facchini MC, Rinaldi M, Decesari S, et al. Primary submicron marine aerosol dominated by insoluble organic colloids and aggregates. Geophysical Research Letters, 35, L17814.
(2005) Kanakidou M, Seinfeld JH, Pandis SN, Barnes I, Dentener FJ, Facchini MC, et al. Organic aerosol and global climate modelling: a review. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 5:1053-1123.
(2004) O'Dowd CD, Facchini MC, et al. Biogenicallydriven organic contribution to marine aerosol. Nature, 431:676-680.
(2001) Charlson RJ, Seinfeld JH, Nenes A, Kulmala M, Laaksonen M, Facchini MC. Reshaping theory of cloud formation. Science, 292:2025-2026.
(2000) Decesari S, Facchini MC, Fuzzi S & Tagliavini E. Characterization of water soluble organic compounds in atmospheric aerosol: a new approach. Journal of Geophysical Research, 105:1481-1489.
(1999) Facchini MC, Fuzzi S, Zappoli S, et al. Partitioning of the organic aerosol component between fog droplets and interstitial air. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104, 26821-26832.
(1999) Facchini MC, Mircea M, Fuzzi S & Charlson RJ. Cloud albedo enhancement by surface-active organic solutes in growing droplets. Nature, 401:257-259
Awards and prizes
In 2014 she was a Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researchers Rank, ranking of the most influential researchers and researchers in the world. In the same year she received the Haagen-Smit Prize Award. She is a member of several scientific societies, such as the European Association for Geochemistry, the European Geophysical Union, the American Aerosol Society and is one of the founders of the Italian Aerosol Association.
Full Professor of Applied Economics and Director of the Social Sciences area at the Gran Sasso Science Institute, where she is also Pro-rector with research authority.
Professional career
After graduating in Economics at the Bocconi University in Milan in 1997, she continued her education with a Master's degree in Regional Sciences and a PhD in Economics at the University of Reading (UK). From 2002 to 2007 she was a permanent researcher at the University of Reading (UK). From 2007 to 2011 she was associate professor at the University of Southampton (UK). In 2012 she moved to Ohio State University (USA) where in 2014 she became a full professor. In 2017 she returned to Italy to the Gran Sasso Science Institute, a new doctoral school based in L'Aquila, where she is also director of the social sciences area and pro-eect at research.
Scientific results
Alessandra Faggian's research activity takes place in the field of regional economy and economic geography, with a focus on issues such as migration (both forced and voluntary) and the role of human capital and creativity in economic development and territorial resilience. She participated in various projects funded in various ways by international bodies / institutions such as the National Science Foundation (USA), the Economic and Social Science Research Council (UK), the Australian Research Council (Australia), the OECD and the Commission European.
Editorial work and publications
Since 2013 she is co-director of Papers in Regional Science. She is also a member of the editorial boards of the Journal of Regional Science, Regional Studies, Regional Science and Review of Regional Research. She has also edited numerous special issues in international journals. She has more than 90 scientific publications, some of which have appeared in prestigious international journals such as the Journal of Economic Geography, the Oxford Economic Papers, the Cambridge Journal of Economics, the Journal of Regional Science, Feminist Economics, Regional Studies, Urban Studies and the Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society.
Below are 10 relevant publications from the most recent ones:
(2018)Biagi B, Faggian A, Rajbhandari I e Venhorst V. (eds.) New Frontiers in Interregional Migration Research.Springer, Berlin Heidelberg.
(2018) Crescenzi R. Di Cataldo M. e Faggian A. Internationalised at work and localistic at home: the split Europeanisation of Brexit. Papers in Regional Science, doi: 10.1111/pirs.12350.
(2018), Faggian A, Partridge M e Malecki E. Creating an environment for economic growth: human capital, creativity or entrepreneurship? International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, doi:10.1111/1468-2427.12555.
(2017) Corcoran J. e Faggian, A. (eds.) Graduate migration and regional development: an international perspective. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham UK, ISBN 9781784712150
(2017) Faggian A, Gemmiti R, Jaquet T e Santini I. Regional resilience: lessons learned from the Italian local labor markets. Annals of Regional Science,doi:10.1007/s00168-017-0822-9.
(2017) Faggian A, Rajbhandari I e Dotzel K. The interregional migration of human capital and its regional consequences: a review. Regional Studies,51(1):128-143.
(2016) Faggian A, Corcoran J e Rowe F. Evaluating the effects of federal policy changes on human capital: The role of a graduate visa scheme. Environment and Planning C, 34(1): 151-170.
(2015) Abreu M, Faggian A e McCann P. Migration and inter-industry mobility of UK graduates. Journal of Economic Geography,15 (2): 353-385.
(2014) Faggian A e Franklin. Human Capital Redistribution in the USA: The Migration of the College-bound. Spatial Economic Analysis, 9,4: 376-395, DOI: 10.1080/ 17421772.2014.961536.
(2014) Faggian A, Comunian C e Li QC. Interregional migration of human creative capital: the strange case of "Bohemian graduates". Geoforum, 55:33-42.
Awards and prizes
In 2006 Alessandra Faggian won (together with Philip McCann) the Moss Madden Medal of the British and Irish regional science association (RSAI-BIS) for the best article published by a member of the association. In 2015 she won the Geoff Hewings Award as the best young regional scientist in North America and in 2016 was mentioned in a ranking of the 100 most influential regional scientists in the world as 19th. She was President of the North American Association of Regional Sciences (NARSC) and is a member of several directorates of regional science associations in the world.
Head of Sustainability and Civil Society at Cassa Depositi e Prestiti.
Professional career
Italian and Austrian, European by heart. An International mindset and bridging different worlds are the red threads of Falautano’s professional and personal career. An honor graduate in International Affairs from La Sapienza University of Rome and with a Postgraduate Degree in International Development, she started in 1996 as a research fellow in international trade and global governance at the International Affairs Institute. Here she was detached in 1998 as Summer Assistant in DECVP at the World Bank, led by Joseph Stiglitz, in Washington DC. Further opportunities to strengthen her analytical and strategic skills arose from an assignment as Expert for International Economic Relations at the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers.
In 2001, Falautano entered the private sector as head of Research & International Affairs at a national banking group, followed by another managerial role at a in the multinational insurance group AXA – a position she held for over a decade. During this time Falautano applied a “startup approach” to developing the activities of the communications team, including strengthening institutional relationships and increasing sustainability initiatives, as well as providing consistently thoughtful leadership. As a result she was appointed Executive Director and member of the management team. At the end of 2018, she joined the Executive Committee of the banking startup, illimity, taking on the challenge of communicating and positioning a completely new reality in the Italian financial sector She reports directly to illimity CEO Corrado Passera, whose innovative values underpin the business.
In February 2022 she leaves illimity to join Cassa Depositi e Prestiti as Head of Sustainability and Civil Society.
Alongside her primary work, she Falautano contributes to part several international dialogue networks, including: World Responsible Leader of the BMW-Quandt Foundation; Marshall Memorial Fellow of the German Marshall Fund; Conseiller du Commerce Extérieur de la France; and Intheboardroom. She has been on several training and educational institutions and associations’ boards of directors, from the Partnership Foundation for Bocconi to Junior Achievement. Falautano is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Scuola di Politiche where she has also lectured on economic global governance. In 2018 she was awarded a position among the top 100 digital women of Startupitalia and, now, features in the 100esperte.it list.
Scientific results
Isabella Falautano has developed four specific areas of expertise. The first, focus is on economic global governance and multilevel policies issues, in a world of increasing complexity. Her accomplishments in this field began at the International Affairs Institute, where she designed and launched the Global Economic Outlook and published several articles on the WTO and the internationalization of the Italian system. Subsequent activities include: a collaboration with the World Bank, in which contributed to several global regionalism studies; an elaboration of studies and dossier on bilateral economic interests at the Prime Minister's Office; and most recently, lecturing and role playing on G-20 at Scuola di Politiche. Falauntano’s second area of expertise is thought leadership in relation to risk and sustainability, which she began to develop on entering the private sector. At the multinational company AXA her contributions include:, she launching partnerships between AXA Research Fund and leading academic and research centers in Italy (Bocconi, EIEF, Collegio Carlo Alberto) resulting in over 18 million of euro; designing and coordinating 16 editions of the Italian AXA Forum, one of the main Italian events on the topic of risk; working on various policy briefs on risk issues with the Italian AXA Papers.; and instigating green corporate responsibility projects and, thus, the reporting of sustainability profiles on non-financial statements. Her third are of expertise is innovation in the startup sector. She has been instrumental to the success of Milan’s first innovation hub and business network that supports female entrepreneurship, Angel 4 Women. And now she is leading crucial communications activities at the banking startup illimity, working to strengthen its position in the innovative fintech and ecosystem. She is among the top 100 digital women of Startupitalia.
Throughout her career, Falautano has cultivated and implemented the values of inclusion and diversity, from the ideation of formats like women in insurance a research projects on women and risk, to participating in the first edition of Intheboardroom and creation of Angels 4 Women.
Awards and prizes
[2018] Top 100 digital WomendiStartupitalia.eu
[2018] Best Storytelling Award– rilasciato da: Lundquist
[2017] CSR Award– rilasciato da: Aifin
[2017] Best Communication Team Award– rilasciato da: Le Fonti
[2016] Leone d’Oro migliore Campagna Istituzionale– rilasciato da: Milano Finanza Awards
[2008] Young Leader e World Responsible Leader– rilasciato da: BMW/Quandt Stiftung
[2001] Marshall Memorial Fellow of German Marshall Fund of the United States
[1999] Young Leader Council for Italy and United States
Assistant Professor in Sport Sciences at University of Cassino and Southern Lazio.
Professional career
After a master's degree in "Science and Techniques of Preventive and Adaptive Motor Activities", that she obtained, with honors, at the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Liliana Falese delved into Sport Management topics with a Master in "Sports Strategies and Business" organized by the Cà Foscari University of Venice in collaboration with Verdesport, Benetton Group, Treviso.
This path allowed her to work in the organization of several international sports events working for the Italian Volleyball Federation, covering the roles of Event Manager, Facility Manager, Marketing and Promotion Manager. In 2009 she obtained a PhD in "Sports and Health Sciences" at the University of Rome "Foro Italico" and in 2011 she became assistant professor with permanent contract at the University of Cassino, where she still works with research and teaching assignments, at the Department of Human, Social and Health Sciences and in the Laboratory of Epidemiology and Active Lifestyles.
Scientific results
Lavinia Falese carries out research on physical activities, with a particular interest in identifying potential mediators of physical activity and health.
In particular, her research activities have focused on social inequalities in the practice of physical activity and on the psychological aspects that can influence the practice of physical activity, sports performance and health behaviors.
On going research include topics such as: impact of sports events and sports tourism; well-being, safety and hygiene of sports facilities; use of technology in fitness; improvement of sleep quality in elite athletes; lifestyles of adolescents; well-being in the workplace.
Editorial work and publications
She is Guest Editor for the Special Issue ”Sport Science, Physical Activity Promotion, and Public Health” in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) as well as reviewer for several international journals with Impact Factor.
She is author of several publications in international scientific journals with impact factors including:
[2022] Diotaiuti P, Valente G, Mancone S, Falese L, Corrado S, Siqueira TC, Andrade A. Psychoeducational Intervention in Prenatal Classes: Positive Effects on Anxiety, Self-Efficacy, and Temporal Focus in Birth Attendants. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(13), 7904.
[2022] Ferrara M, Langiano E, Falese L, Diotaiuti P, Cortis C, De Vito E. Changes in Physical Activity Levels and Eating Behaviours during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Sociodemographic Analysis in University Students. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(9), 5550.
[2022] Diotaiuti P, Corrado S, Mancone S, Palombo M, Rodio A, Falese L, Andrade A. Both Gender and Agonistic Experience Affect Perceived Pain during the Cold Pressor Test. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(4), 2336.
[2022] D Oliveira A, De Souza LC, Langiano E, Falese L, Diotaiuti P, Vilarino GT, Andrade, A. Home Physical Exercise Protocol for Older Adults, Applied Remotely During The Covid-19 Pandemic: Protocol for Randomized and Controlled Trial. Frontiers in Psychology, 182.
[2021] Ferrara M, Langiano E, Falese L, De Marco A, De Vito E. Quality of Life and Psychosocial Impacts of the Different Restrictive Measures during One Year into the COVID-19 Pandemic on Patients with Cancer in Italy: An Ecological Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(13), 7161.
[2021] Falese L, Federico B, Kunst AE. et al. The association between socioeconomic position and vigorous physical activity among adolescents: a cross-sectional study in six European cities. BMC Public Health 21, 866.
[2021] Diotaiuti P, Corrado S, Mancone S, Falese L. Resilience in the Endurance Runner: The Role of Self-Regulatory Modes and Basic Psychological Needs. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 3723.
[2020] Diotaiuti P, Falese L, Mancone S, Corrado S, Mallia L, Zelli A, Lucidi, F. Psychometric Properties and Reliability of the Referee Self-Efficacy Scale (REFS) in Volleyball Referees. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(22), 8423.
[2019] Rodríguez-Negro J, Falese L, Yanci J. Effects of different balance interventions for primary school students. The Journal of Educational Research, 112(6), 656-662
[2016] Falese L, Della Valle P, Federico B. Epidemiology of football (soccer) injuries in the 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 seasons of the Italian Serie A. Res Sports Med. 29:1-7.
[2012] Federico B, Falese L, Marandola D, Capelli G. Socioeconomic differences in sport and physical activity among Italian adults. Journal of Sports Sciences; 31(4):451-458.
[2009] Federico B, Falese L, Capelli G. Individual, parental and environmental determinants of regular physical activity in Italian children and adolescents. J Public Health, Springer.17:377-387.
The full list of publications is available on Scopus.
Awards and prizes
In 2010 she won the “Assicurazioni Generali award” for the most successful ex student, one year after the Master in Sport Business Strategy.
Head, Technology Application for Security and Heath Division (FSN-TECFIS) at ENEA
Professional career
Degree in Chemistry at Roma University “La Sapienza” in 1978 discussing a thesis on electron spectroscopy in the gas phase. After a period of fellowships, permanent position at ENEA in 1982 initially addressed to the participation to laser assisted uranium isotope enrichment project. At the end of the project she spent some periods of specialization abroad (Catholic University of Nijmegen - NL, ETH Ecole Polytechnique Zurich - CH). Due to her professional expertise on laser diagnostics and photochemistry, in 1998 she became the head of the Molecular Spectroscopy Laboratory of ENEA at Frascati (FIS-SPET), keeping the charge until 2010. In 2010 she was appointed as director of the large Technical Unit “Applications of radiations” (UTAPRAD) of ENEA at Frascati. Following the last structural changes in ENEA, since 2015 to now, she became head of Technology Application for Security and Heath Division (FSN-TECFIS) of ENEA at Frascati.
Scientific results
From the beginning of her career Dr. R. Fantoni was involved in multidisciplinary research activities and projects implying knowledge relevant to both chemistry and physics (spectroscopy and material processing). Successively, within the field of radiation-matter interactions, she carried out researches on processes with a broader applicative range, from biology and medicine to cultural heritage. Her well consolidated scientific and technological background was time to time utilized and reshaped for specific tasks, such as: laser applications in physical chemistry, starting from researches relevant to the laser isotope enrichment project basically dealing with multi-photon and high resolution IR spectroscopy; laser spectroscopies and diagnostics, including infrared diode laser spectroscopy, laser Raman spectroscopy, emission spectroscopy in visible7ultriaviolet range, multiphoton-ionization spectrometry, Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF), Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS), Coherent AntiStokes Raman Scattering (CARS), Degenerate Four Wave Mixing (DFWM) e Laser Induced Grating Spectroscopy (LIGS); different multidisciplinary laser application relevant to microelectronics (thin film deposition), to material science (nano-structures synthesis), to the environment (laser decomposition of liquid and gaseous pollutants) and in situ and remote characterization of cultural heritage surfaces; Organization and participation to monitoring campaigns on sea waters and cultural heritage surfaces.
Along her career Dr R. Fantoni personally established and kept contacts with scientist in European laboratory of excellence (in the Netherlands, Suisse, Romania, Slovenia and Spain) and in other countries (Russia, Egypt).
Editorial work and publications
She is the co-author of about 165 peer reviewed scientific publications, we report only 5 significant recent titles:
(2013) R. Fantoni, S. Almaviva, L. Caneve, F.. Colao, A. M. Popov, G. Maddaluno “Development of Calibration-Free Laser-Induced-Breakdown-Spectroscopy based techniques for deposited layers diagnostics on ITER-like tiles” Spectrochim. Acta B87, 153-160.
(2013 )L. Caneve, F. Colao, R. Fantoni, L. Fiorani "Scanning lidar fluorosensor for remote diagnostic of surfaces" Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 720, 164–167.
(2014) S. Almaviva, S. Botti, L. Cantarini,R. Fantoni, S. Lecci, A. Palucci, A. Puiu and A. Rufoloni "Ultrasensitive RDX detection with commercial SERS substrates” J. Raman Spectrosc, 45, 41–46.
(2014) V. Spizzichino, R. Fantoni “Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy in Archeometry: a review of its application and future perspectives” Spectrochim. Acta B 99, 201-209.
(2018) V. Lazic, M. Vadrucci, R. Fantoni, M. Chiari, A. Mazzinghi, A. Gorghinian, Applications of laser induced breakdown spectroscopy for cultural heritage: A comparison with XRF and PIXE techniques, Spectrochim. Acta Part B 149, 1–14.
Awards and prizes
Co-winner (together with R. Barbini, F. Colao, A. Palucci, S. Ribezzo) of the Prize “Carnia Alpe Verde” for the best project aimed at protection of green areas in 1992, issued by region Friuli Venezia-Giulia.
Winner of the prize “G. Stampacchia” fort he best first work in chemistry in 1980, issued by University of Rome “La Sapienza”.
History and Philosophy area
Competences: Family History, History of Law and Women’s Rights, Public History and Gender, Teaching of Gender and Women History, Violence Suffered and Acted by Women in History, Women’s and Gender History
Keywords: family, gender, human rights, violence against women
Region: Lazio
Associate Professor of Medieval and Modern Legal History at the University of Palermo.
Professional career
After graduating in Literature and obtaining a PhD in "Modern and contemporary history - History of the family and gender identity between the 18th and 20th centuries in European society", she became a researcher and is currently an associate professor of "History of medieval and modern law" at the Department of Law at the University of Palermo. At the same University she also teaches 'European Women's Legal History'. Simona Feci is a member of the teaching staff of the international doctorate in "Human Rights. Evolution, protection and limits", at the University of Palermo. She is also a member of the Italian Society of Historians since 1993. Over the years she has been a member of the national steering committee (2014-2016) and chaired the Society from 2016 to 2020.
Scientific results
A scholar of women's legal status and family history, Simona Feci was the Italian coordinator of the trilateral Italian-French-German research conference "Building an Archive of Women's and Gender History in Europe. Rights, work and bodies from the Middle Ages to the contemporary age''.
Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (FMSH) and Villa Vigoni - German-Italian Centre for European Excellence, the research developed over the three-year period 2017-2019.
Over the last five years, Feci has mainly investigated the history of male violence against women, promoting scientific and training meetings around this topic and editing a collection of studies whose results have been published. Currently, her research develops the relationship between violence suffered and violence acted by women during the modern age. At the same time, she is editing a collection of studies proposing an interdisciplinary gender reading of the Italian Constitution.
Editorial work and publications
[2020] Feci S, The Reception of Women’s and Gender History: A Perspective from the Italian Association of Women Historians, in Women’s History at the Cutting Edge. An Italian Perspective, edited by Teresa Bertolotti, Roma, Viella, pp. 45-53.
[2019] Feci S, Tendenze e indirizzi della storia di genere sull’età moderna in Italia. Un itinerario attorno alla Società Italiana delle Storiche, in Germania e Italia. Sguardi incrociati sulla storiografia, a cura di C. Cornelissen e G. D’ Ottavio, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp. 283-305 (Annali dell’Istituto Storico Italo-Germanico in Trento. Quaderni, 105).
[2019] Feci S, Se il diritto costruisce la storia delle donne. Una relazione nel campo della modernistica italiana, in Vingt-cinq ans après. Les femmes au rendez-vous de l’histoire, a cura di Enrica Asquer, Anna Bellavitis, Giulia Calvi, Isabelle Chabot, Maria Cristina La Rocca, Manuela Martini, Rome, Ecole française de Rome, pp. 247-264.
[2018] Feci S, Exceptional women. Female merchants and working women in Italy in the early modern period, in Gender, Law and Economic Well-Being in Europe from the Fifteenth to the Nineteenth Century: North versus South?, edited by Anna Bellavitis - Beatrice Zucca Micheletto, Routledge, pp. 62-76.
[2018] L’esclusione delle donne dalla successione ereditaria in Italia tra medioevo ed età moderna: una questione aperta. Rivista di Storia del diritto italiano, XCI (1): 149-181.
[2017] Feci S, Schettini L, a cura di, La violenza contro le donne nella storia. Contesti, linguaggi, politiche del diritto (sec. XV-XXI), Roma, Viella, pp. 288.
[2016] Feci S, Mobilité, droits et citoyenneté des femmes dans l’Italie médiévale et moderne. Clio. Femmes, Genre, Histoire, n. 43 Genre et citoyenneté: 47-72 (on line: https://clio.revues.org/13153).
[2004] Feci S, Pesci fuor d’acqua. Donne a Roma in età moderna: diritti e patrimoni, Roma, Viella, pp. 288.
Awards and prizes
During the term of office of the President of the Italian Society of Historians, some of the association's activities have received the medal of representation of the President of the Italian Republic, and in particular the VII Congress of the Italian Society of Historians "Gender and History: New Research Perspectives" (Pisa, 2-4 February 2017) and the conference, which Feci conceived and helped to organise, "Around 1948. Eight articles of the Constitution in the history of women "(Rome, 8-9 November 2018).
Head of Structural Vaccinology at GSK Research and Development, Siena, Italy
Professional career
After graduating in Biophysics at the University of Tor Vergata in 1993, she continued her studies through a specialization in Plant Biology at the C.R.I.B.I. (Interdepartmental Research Center for Innovative Sciences), at the University of Padua. She then began her research activities for her doctorate at the EMBL laboratories. In 1998 she obtained a PhD in Structural Biology at Ruprecht-Karls-Universitat in Heidelberg, Germany. During her studies she spent several periods of training abroad: in 1996 she performed a stage of 6 months in the Department of Virology of the Medical University of Vienna, in 1998 she did part of her PostDoctoral Fellow at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Children's Hospital, Howard Medical School in Boston, MA, USA. In 1999 she was PostDoctoral fellow in the Department of Structural Virology at the C.N.R.S. of Gif-sur-Yvette, France. At the same time (from 2000 to 2003) she collaborated with the Department of Molecular Genetics at the Ecole Normale Superiore in Paris, France. Her training then continued in Italy in 2004 at the GSK Vaccines Research Center (formerly Novartis, in Siena, Italy) firstly as a researcher, then as a Senior Research Investigator and finally in 2009 as Head of Structural Vaccinology.
Scientific results
Her scientific interests are currently focused on the correlation between bacterial and viral surface protein structures and their functionality. She contributed to the development of the "Structural Vaccinology", a new approach that allows, starting from the knowledg of the three-dimensional structure of the surface proteins, to determine the most effective epitopes of a protein and to engineer them in order to make them more immunogenic and to use them as vaccines. This approach has been instrumental in the development of Bexsero ™, a recently approved FDA vaccine to protect against Meningococcus B infection. The same approach is currently in use in the identification of new vaccine candidates against additional human viral and bacterial pathogens. Since recent years she bacome member of the board of European Networks dedicated to the structural biology (iNext).
Editorial work and publications
She has authored scientific publications and chapters of scientific book, including:
[2016] Vilas JL, Navas J, Gómez-Blanco J, de la Rosa-Trevín JM, Melero R, Peschiera I, Ferlenghi I, Cuenca J, Marabini R, Carazo JM, Vargas J, Sorzano CO. Fast and automatic identification of particle tilt pairs based on Delaunay triangulation. Journal of Structural Biology, 196(3):525-53.
[2016] Fiaschi L, Di Palo B, Scarselli M, Pozzi C, Tomaszewski K, Galletti B, Nardi-Dei V, Arcidiacono L, Mishra RP, Mori E, Pallaoro M, Falugi F, Torre A, Fontana MR, Soriani M, Bubeck Wardenburg J, Grandi G, Rappuoli R, Ferlenghi I, Bagnoli F. Auto-Assembling Detoxified Staphylococcus aureus Alpha-Hemolysin Mimicking the Wild-Type Cytolytic Toxin. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, 6;23(6):442-50.
[2016] Biagini M, Spinsanti M, De Angelis G, Tomei S, Ferlenghi I, Scarselli M, Rigat F, Messuti N, Biolchi A, Muzzi A, Anderloni G, Brunelli B, Cartocci E, Buricchi F, Tani C, Stella M, Moschioni M, Del Tordello E, Colaprico A, Savino S, Giuliani MM, Delany I, Pizza M, Costantino P, Norais N, Rappuoli R, Masignani V. Expression of factor H binding protein in meningococcal strains can vary at least 15-fold and is genetically determined.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 8;113(10):2714-9.
[2015] Prevato M, Ferlenghi I, Bonci A, Uematsu Y, Anselmi G, Giusti F, Bertholet S, Legay F, Telford JL, Settembre EC, Maione D, Cozzi R. Expression and Characterization of Recombinant, Tetrameric and Enzymatically Active Influenza Neuraminidase for the Setup of an Enzyme-Linked Lectin-Based Assay. PLoS One, 17;10(8).
[2015] Prevato M, Cozzi R, Pezzicoli A, Taddei AR, Ferlenghi I, Nandi A, Montomoli E, Settembre EC, Bertholet S, Bonci A, Legay F. An Innovative Pseudotypes-Based Enzyme-Linked Lectin Assay for the Measurement of Functional Anti-Neuraminidase Antibodies.PLoS One, 12;10(8).
[2015] Ultrastructural Visualization of Vaccine Adjuvant Uptake In Vitro and In Vivo. Giusti F, Seubert A, Cantisani R, Tortoli M, D'Oro U, Ferlenghi I, Dallai R, Piccioli D. Microsc Microanal. 2015 Aug;21(4):791-5.
[2015] Toniolo C, Balducci E, Romano MR, Proietti D, Ferlenghi I, Grandi G, Berti F, Ros IM, Janulczyk R. Streptococcus agalactiae capsule polymer length and attachment is determined by the proteins CpsABCD. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 10;290(15):9521-32.
[2014] Malito E, Biancucci M, Faleri A, Ferlenghi I, Scarselli M, Maruggi G, Lo Surdo P, Veggi D, Liguori A, Santini L, Bertoldi I, Petracca R, Marchi S, Romagnoli G, Cartocci E, Vercellino I, Savino S, Spraggon G, Norais N, Pizza M, Rappuoli R, Masignani V, Bottomley MJ.Structure of the meningococcal vaccine antigen NadA and epitope mapping of a bactericidal antibody. Proceedings of th National Academy of Sciences, 2;111(48):17128-33.
[2014] Rossi O, Pesce I, Giannelli C, Aprea S, Caboni M, Citiulo F, Valentini S, Ferlenghi I, MacLennan CA, D'Oro U, Saul A, Gerke C. Modulation of endotoxicity of Shigella generalized modules for membrane antigens (GMMA) by genetic lipid A modifications: relative activation of TLR4 and TLR2 pathways in different mutants.Journal of Biolical Chemestry, 5;289(36):24922-35.
[2012] Berlanda Scorza F, Colucci AM, Maggiore L, Sanzone S, Rossi O, Ferlenghi I, Pesce I, Caboni M, Norais N, Di Cioccio V, Saul A, Gerke C. High yield production process for Shigella outer membrane particles. PLoS One, 7(6).
Associate Professor of Chemistry at the University of Milan
Professional career
After graduating in Chemistry from the University of Milan in 1993, she continued her education with a PhD in Chemical Sciences in 1997. From 1999 to 2012 she was a researcher in Analytical Chemistry at the University of Milan in the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences. From 2012 to 2014 she carries out her research activity at the Department of Chemistry of the same university. Since 2015 she has been associate professor of Analytical Chemistry. She teaches Analytical Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry at the Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry degree courses of the University of Milan. Since 2008 she has been a member of the faculty of the Doctorate in Chemistry.
Scientific results
Paola Fermo's research topics concern the study and characterisation of environmental matrices and in particular atmospheric aerosols (micrometer-sized particles suspended in the atmosphere) and pollutants in a gaseous state, both externally and internally. The main objective of the research is to quantify the constituents of the different particle size fractions (PM10, PM2.5, etc.) of atmospheric particulate matter (PM) in order to determine the sources responsible for emissions. In this regard, an analytical method was developed for the quantification of levoglucoasane, a unique marker of wood combustion, an important source of atmospheric particulate matter not only in rural but also in urban environments. The species analysed within PM include the main inorganic and organic constituents. In addition, substances of toxicological interest (PAHs, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) are quantified, which show adverse effects on human health and are considered carcinogenic. In the urban environment, the degradation induced by air pollution on stone surfaces of interest for cultural heritage is also studied. Environmental issues include the study of contaminants in water (drinking water and waste water). A further line of research concerns the study of artefacts of historical and artistic interest (ceramics, mortar, stucco, paintings, etc.).
Editorial work and publications
Paola Fermo is on the editorial board of the following journals: Mediterranean Journal of Chemistry, Annals of Chromatography and Separation Techniques, American Journal of Analytical Chemistry, Journal of Analytical & Bioanalytical Techniques. She is also a reviewer for several international journals.
She is the author of about 12 book chapters, numerous conference proceedings and about 100 publications in international journals, including:
(2019) Ielpo, P., Mangia, C., Marra, G.P., Comite, V., Rizza, U., Uricchio, V.F., Fermo, P. Outdoor spatial distribution and indoor levels of NO2 and SO2 in a high environmental risk site of the South Italy, Science of the Total Environment, 648:787-797.
(2018) Fermo P., Goidanich S., Comite V., Toniolo L., Gulotta D., Study and characterization of environmental deposition on marble and surrogate substrates at a monumental heritage site; Geosciences; in press
(2018) Amadori M.L., Raspugli V., Comite V., Fermo P., Mini F.M., La Russa M., Maekawa Y., Integrated Scientific Investigations On Constitutive Materials From Me-taw-ya Temple, Pagán Valley, Burma (Myanmar), Measurement, ISSN 0263-2241, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2018.09.004.
(2018) Amadori, M.L., Pallante, P., Fermo, P., Emami, M.A., Chaverdi, A.A., Callieri, P., Matin, E., Advances in Achaemenid brick manufacturing technology: Evidence from the monumental gate at Tol-e Ajori (Fars, Iran) Applied Clay Science, 152: 131-142.
(2018) Vecchi, R., Bernardoni, V., Valentini, S., Piazzalunga, A., Fermo, P., Valli, G., Assessment of light extinction at a European polluted urban area during wintertime: Impact of PM1 composition and sources, Environmental Pollution, 233: 679-689.
(2018) Daellenbach, K.R., El-Haddad, I., Karvonen, L., Vlachou, A., Corbin, J.C., Slowik, J.G., Heringa, M.F., Bruns, E.A., Luedin, S.M., Jaffrezo, J.-L., Szidat, S., Piazzalunga, A., Gonzalez, R., Fermo, P., Pflueger, V., Vogel, G., Baltensperger, U., Prévôt, A.S.H., Insights into organic-Aerosol sources via a novel laser-desorption/ionization mass spectrometry technique applied to one year of PM10 samples from nine sites in central Europe Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18 (3): 2155-2174.
(2017) Corsini E, Ozgen S, Papale A, Galbiati V, Lonati G, Fermo P, Corbella L, Valli G, Bernardoni V, Dell'Acqua M, Becagli S, Caruso D, Vecchi R, Galli CL, Marinovich M. Insights on wood combustion generated proinflammatory ultrafine particles (UFP). Toxicology Letters, 266, 74-84.
(2016) Daellenbach KR, Bozzetti C, Křepelová A, Canonaco F, Wolf R, Zotter P, Fermo P, Crippa M, Slowik JG, Sosedova Y, Zhang Y, Huang R, Poulain L, Szidat S, Baltensperger U, El Haddad I, Prévôt ASH. Characterization and source apportionment of organic aerosol using offline aerosol mass spectrometry. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 9, 23-39.
(2016) Cattaneo A, Fermo P, Urso P, Perrone MG, Piazzalunga A, TarlassiJ, Carrer P, Cavallo DM. Particulate-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon sources and determinants in residential homes. Environmental Pollution, 218, 16-25.
(2016) Ielpo P, Fermo P, Comite V, Mastroianni D, Viviano G, Salerno F, Tartari G. Chemical characterization of biomass fuel particulate deposits and ashes in households of Mt. Everest region (NEPAL). Science of The Total Environment, 573, 751-759.
(2016) Amadori ML, Del Vais C, Fermo P, Pallante P. Archaeometric researches on the provenance of Mediterranean Archaic Phoenician and Punic pottery. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International, 1-29.
(2016) Fasani D, Fermo P, Barroso PJ, Martín J, Santos JL, Aparicio I, E. Alonso E. Analytical Method for Biomonitoring of PAH Using Leaves of Bitter Orange Trees (Citrus aurantium): a Case Study in South Spain. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 227, 360.
Awards and prizes
Paola Fermo is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Society of Environmental Medicine (SIMA) and a member of the Italian Chemical Society (Division of Analytical Chemistry and Division of Chemistry of the Environment and Cultural Heritage), the Italian Society of Archaeometry (AIAR) and the INSTM consortium (International Consortium for Materials Science and Technology).
Associate professor of Economic Policy, University of Salerno
Professional career
Since October 2016, she has served as associate professor in Economic Policy at DISES (Department of Economics and Statistics, UNISA). In December 2013, she obtained the status of associate professor in Economic Policy (SECS-P / 02). In 2013 she also got the professorship in Applied Economics (SECS-P / 06) and in Economic Statistics (SECS-S / 03). Since 2006, she has been a permanent researcher and an aggregate professor at the University of Salerno (Department of Economics and Statistics). From 2002 to 2006, she is a permanent researcher at ISSM-CNR; from 2002 to 2005 she was consultant for the Studies and Statistics Area of the ICE of Rome; from 1999 to 2002 research assistant at the CEIS, University of Rome "Tor Vergata".
2000 PhD, "La Sapienza" University of Rome; 1996 Master, International Economics, University of Sussex (UK); 1995 Master's Degree, Business Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Naples "Federico II"; 1994 Degree 110/110 cum laude in Economics and Commerce at the University of Naples "Federico II".
Scientific results
Ferragina’s reaserch focus in on empirical and theoretical research in international trade; analysis of the impact of trade liberalisation between the EU and Eastern European countries; quality upgrading and integration of national and regional labour markets, with a special emphasis on Italy; implications of trade liberalisation on firm delocalisation and on fragmentation of production; empirical testing for underlying determinants of fragmentation such as differentials in comparative advantages and in factor and skill content between firms and between national specialization models. Current applied research is also focusing on the impact of FDI on domestic firms looking at firm dynamics and spillover effects; trade liberalisation within the Euro-Mediterranean partnership and the determinants of foreign direct investment (FDI) from the European Union into the Mediterranean partners; economic discovery, innovation and export diversification as driving factors of trade and growth; patterns of firm demography and growth; firm localization and local knowledge spillovers.
Editorial work and publications
She is author of several scientific publications on journals and international book among them:
Edited books
[2014] Ferragina A.M.,Taymaz E. & Yilmaz K. (eds.), Innovation, Globalisation and Firm Dynamics. Lessons for Enterprise Policy, New York, London: Routledge, ISBN: 9780415836777.
[2011] Ferragina A.M., Bridging the gap: the role of trade and FDI in the Mediterranean, (co-edited with A. Amendola), Rubbettino, ISBN: 9788849832303.
Refereed international journals
[2018] Ferragina A.M., Are Italian firms performances influenced by innovation of domestic and foreign firms nearby in space and sectors?(With Nunziante G.), EPI - Economia e Politica Industriale, in Journal of Industrial and Business Economics. DOI: 10.1007/s40812-018-0090-4.
[2018] Iandolo S. and Ferragina A.M., Iandolo S., “Does different persistence in internationalization and innovation influence firms’ performance?Under review.
[2016] Ferragina A.M., Financial constraints and productivity growth across the size spectrum: microeconomic evidence from Morocco, in Eurasian Business Review, pp. 1-21, with Mazzotta, F.; Sekkat, K. ISSN: 1309-4297.DOI: 10.1007/s40821-016-0055-3.
[2015] Ferragina A.M., Italian FDI and Exports at sectoral level: substitutes or complements?, in Global Economy Journal, 15, 2, 277–310, ISSN (Online) 1553-5304, ISSN (Print) 2194-5659, DOI: 10.1515/gej-2015-0005, July.
[2015] Ferragina A.M., Agglomeration economies in Italy: impact on heterogeneous firms’ exit in a multilevel framework, in Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, DOI: 10.1007/s40812-015-0016-3.
[2014] Ferragina A.M., Does multinational ownership affect firm survival?(with Pittiglio R. and Reganati F.), in Journal of Business Economics and Management, 15(1), DOI 10.3846/16111699.2012.707622.
[2013] Ferragina A.M., Mazzotta F., FDI spillovers on firms' survival in Italy: absorptive capacity matters!, in The Journal of Technology Transfer, ISSN: 0892-9912, DOI: 10.1007/s10961-013-9321.
[2012] Ferragina A.M., Are exporters and multinational firms more resilient over a crisis? First evidence for manufacturing enterprises in Italy, (with A. Amendola, R. Pittiglio and F. Reganati), in Economics Bulletin, 32, 3 pp. 1914-1926, ISSN: 1545-2921.
[2011] Ferragina A.M., The impact of FDI on firm survival, (with Pittiglio R. and Reganati F.), in Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, special issue Productivity, Profitability and Growth: the Empirics of Firm Dynamics. ISSN: 0954-349X, DOI: 10.1016/j.strueco.2011.10.002.
[2009] Ferragina A.M., A Tale of Parallel Integration Processes. A Gravity Analysis of EU Trade with Mediterranean and Central and Eastern European Countries, (with Pastore F. and Giovannetti G.), in Review of Middle East Economics and Finance, 5, 2, June, already published in IZA Discussion Paper, No. 1829. ISSN: 1475-3693, DOI: 10.2202/1475-3693.1228.7
Awards and prizes
She has won several research grants and has participated in projects funded by various national and international institutions (World Bank, Femise, European Commission, CNR, Higher School of Public Administration, MAE, CeSPI, ICE, Lazio Region, CEIS- University of Rome "Tor Vergata", University of Parma, University of Naples" Federico II "). He is an elected member of the Steering Committee of the FEMISE (Euromediterranean Network of Economics Institutes).
She is member elected in the Board of the Steering Committee of FEMISE (Euromediterranean Network of the Institutes of economics).
Full Professor of Automatic Control at University of Pavia
Professional career
She got her M.Sc. in Electronic Engineering in 1987 and her PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineering in 1992. She became Assistant Professor at the University of Genova (April 1992), Associate Professor at the University of Pavia (November 1998) and Full Professor of Automatic Control always at the University of Pavia (January 2005).
Scientific results
She has been dealing with the control of complex systems (robotic systems, vehicle networks, vehicular traffic, power networks also based on renewable energy resources). She proposed new algorithms for the control of plants and processes the mathematical model of which is affected by uncertainties. She proposed new approaches to control vehicle traffic in transportation networks with the aim of reducing congestion and environmental impact. She has been working in advanced vehicle control, collaborating with major car manufacturers and coordinating the Italian research group in two European projects (PROTECTOR, ITEAM). In particular, she proposed solutions for driving assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving. She has been studying human-robot interaction proposing an approach based on the joint use of conventional control methodologies and artificial intelligence (deep reinforcement learning). She published more than 380 scientific works, including 118 articles in international journals and 3 scientific books. She also contributed with chapters to 23 edited books.
Editorial work and publications
Antonella Ferrara has signed numerous publications, including:
[2019] Ferrara A, Incremona G.P, Cucuzzella M. Advanced and Optimization Based Sliding Mode Control. SIAM.
[2018] Ferrara A, Simona S, Siri S. Freeway Traffic Modelling and Control. Springer.
[2017] Ferrara A, (Ed.).Sliding Mode Control of Vehicle Dynamics. IET Digital Library.
[2019] Regolin E, Alatorre A, Zambelli M, Victorino A, Charara A, Ferrara A. A Sliding Mode Virtual Sensor for Wheel Forces Estimation with Accuracy Enhancement via EKF. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 68(4): 3457-3471.
[2018] Sangiovanni B, Rendiniello A, Incremona G.P, Ferrara A, Piastra M. Deep Reinforcement Learning for Collision Avoidance of Robotic Manipulators, Proceedings of the European Control Conference ECC 2018, Limassol, Cyprus.
[2018] Canudas de Wit C., Ferrara A. A Variable-Length Cell Transmission Model for Road Traffic Systems. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 97: 428-455.
Awards and prizes
1986, "IEEE North Italy Section Electrical Engineering Student Award"
2003, Senior Member of the IEEE
2006, Outstanding Reviewer for Automatica Award
2013.2016, Chair of the Women in Control Committee of the IEEE Control Systems Society
2012; 2016-2018, Member of the Board of Governors IEEE Control Systems Society
2015-present, Member of the European Control Association (EUCA) Council
2019, "EPSON EMEA WIN-A-ROBOT Contest Award"
Corporate Social Responsibility Country Manager at IBM Italy and IBM. Master Inventor
Professional career
After graduating in Information Sciences at the University of Bari, she won a scholarship at the CNR of Genoa for the IT section. She spent two years of research at CORINTO (National Research Consortium for Object Technology) in Bari. Immediately afterwards she started working for IBM, where she held different roles in different sectors, but always in the field of innovative digital projects. She serves as the Manager Corporate Social Responsibility Country Manager at IBM Italia and IBM.
In 2016, she was selected by the Commissioner for implementation of the digital agenda of Italian Government, Diego Piacentini, and she has joined the Digital Transformation Team for the Prime Minister's Office. From February 2019 she is the new Director of IBM Foundation and also Corporate Citizenship manager for Italy. Floriana Filomena Ferrara has been awarded the title of Master Inventor since 2008, in her curriculum 21 patents in the digital field. Leader for the projects: NERD? & P-Tech.
Scientific results
Floriana Filomena Ferrara is author of 21 patents in the field of digital innovation.
She shares her enthusiasm about the digital world especially with her students. Floriana encourages teenager women students to undertake a career in computer science, thanks also to the project “NERD? - Is It Not For Women?”. This IBM project was born with Paola Velardi of Sapienza University. This Project is done in collaboration with several Italian Universities (Bari, Genova, Napoli, Padova, Alessandria, Milano, Roma). 100 IBM Volunteer Women support this Project #goodtechIBM.
Editorial work and publications
[2000-2018] #61 Publication in IBM Tech Disclosure Bulletin
[1997] Ferrara, Corinto & Aphrodite a new Object Oriented methodology. SEDBT, CNR.
[1996] Ferrara, Clematis, Cassano, Spagnulo. Peucher&Douglass for the Processing Terrain with characterisation on "Triangolazione", “Rapporto Tecnico”, IMA 14/95.
[1996] Cassano, Clematis, Ferrara, Spagnulo, Network based parallel processing for terrain characterisation on irregular simple data. “High-Performance Computing and Networking”, HPCN Europe 1996: 940-941.
Awards and prizes
2008-2019 Master inventor https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_Master_Inventor
2015, One of the 100 woman in the Digital http://www.chefuturo.it/2015/08/100-donne-digitali-italia/
2016, One of the 100 woman in the Digital in Italy http://startupitalia.eu/67126-20161229-le-100-donne-nel-digitale-del-2016
2017, One of 15 influential Italian women in the world of digital technology, technology and innovation of https://www.digitalic.it/economia-digitale/donne-influenti-digitale-italia-digiwomen-2017
2017, When the innovation is woman: 150 women in Italy http://startupitalia.eu/76729-20170815-150-profili-al-femminile-da-seguire-su-innovazione-startup-e-digitale
2018, Joniche Award http://www.eccellenzejoniche.it/
2018, One of the 150 woman in the Digital https://startupitalia.eu/95739-20180815-le-150-donne-da-seguire-in-italia-su-startup-innovazione-e-digitale
2019, Role model for System Company-Schoo http://www.elis.org/aiutiamo-i-ragazzi-realizzare-i-loro-sogni
2019, Woman of the Year Award for Innovation, by the magazine D la Repubblica delle donne
Full professor of Computer Science at the University of Insubria in Varese.
Professional career
After graduating in Computer Science at the University of Milan in 1992, she continued her education with a PhD in Computer Science at the same university in 1998. During the summer of 1996 she carried out a period of research as a Visiting Researcher at the Department of Computer Science at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. In the following two years is a visiting researcher at Rutgers University in Newark, New Jersey. In 1998 he returned to Italy and worked as assistant professor of Computer Science at the University of Milan. Later she became full professor of Computer Science at the University of Insubria in Varese.
Scientific results
Her research activities are linked to various aspects of data management systems, including web security, access control and privacy. Recently she has been involved in several research projects such as "ISocial" which develops advanced systems for the protection of privacy in social networks. She worked on the EU Euphorbia project, which provided for a series of experiments on filtering documents on the Internet according to an impartial approach. The aim was to produce a new, more powerful and flexible information review system, able to adapt to the cultural needs of each user. This system is capable of making a selection based on the semantic content of the information, and adapts to the description of the topics on a given website. She is currently involved in security and privacy issues in the IoT (Internet of Things) and Big Data areas.
Editorial work and publications
She has signed numerous publications, including:
(2015) N. Laleh, B. Carminati, E. Ferrari. Risk Assessment in Social Networks based on User Anomalous Behaviour. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 15(2):295-308.
(2015) P. Colombo, E. Ferrari. Privacy aware access control for Big Data: a research roadmap. Big Data Research, 2(4).
(2014) Akcora C, Carminati B, Ferrari E, Kantarcioglu M. Detecting Anomalies in Social Network Data Consumption. Social Network Analysis Mining, 4(1):231.
(2014) Parra-Arnau J, Perego A, Ferrari E, Fornè J & Rebollo-Monedero D. Privacy-Preserving Enhanced Collaborative Tagging. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 26(1):180-193.
(2013) Carminati B, Ferrari E, Viviani M. Security and Trust in Online Social Networks, Synthesis Lectures on Information Security, Privacy and Trust. Morgan & Claypool.
(2011) Cao J, Carminati B, Ferrari E, Tan KL. CASTLE: Continuously Anonymizing Data Streams. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 8(3): 337-352.
(2010) Bonchi F, Ferrari E. Privacy-Aware Knowledge Discovery: Novel Applications and New Techniques. Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Series.
Articles from international conferences:
(2016) Carminati B, Colombo P, Ferrari E & Sagirlar G.Enhancing User Control on Personal Data Usage in Internet of Things Ecosystems. Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, San Francisco, USA.
(2016) Colombo P & Ferrari E. Towards Virtual Private NoSQL Datastores. Proceedings of the32nd IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, Helsinki, Finlandia.
(2014) Bahri L, Carminati B, Ferrari E. Community-based Identity Validation on Online Social Networks. Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Madrid, Spagna.
Awards and prizes
In 2009 Elena Ferrari was awarded for her research in the field of privacy and security by one of the two most important international associations of reference (IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) with the Technical Achievement Award. In 2011 she obtained the Google Research Award for her work in the field of privacy in social networks, while in 2014 she received the IBM Faculty Award for her investigation on big data privacy. She is IEEE fellow and ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) Distinguished Scientist.