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Results: 52

Francesca Vitali


Competences: Motor Activity for Disability, Neuroscience, Sport and Health, Sporting Well-Being, Sport Psychology

Keywords: Competition in Sports, dual career in sport, women in sport

Region: Veneto


Researcher at the University of Verona, Teaching College of Sport Sciences, Sport Psychologist, Past President of the Italian Association of Sport, and Exercise Psychology (AIPS).

Professional career

Francesca Vitali is Researcher (Junior Researcher, RTD-A) and Assistant Professor at the University of Verona, Italy, where she has been since 2010. She obtained her Ph.D. in Methodology of research in psychology in 2003 at the University of Genoa, Italy. She has been teaching Sport and Exercise Psychology for ten years at the School of Sport Sciences, University of Genoa. In 2014 she won a Research Grant, and she started collaborating with CeRiSM (Centre of Research in Sport, Mountain and Health), University of Verona. From 2015 to 2019 she has been Research Fellow at the University of Verona.

She has been the Scientific Coordinator for the University of Verona Team of the co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union projects Be a Winner In elite Sport and Employment before and after athletic Retirement (BeWiser) and Dual Careers for Mental Health (DC4MH): the projects were focused respectively on optimizing active and former elite athletes’ employability and employment after sport retirement and on improving mental health for dual career elite athletes. She is also the Scientific Coordinator of the co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union project Sport Without Stereotypes (SWOST): this project started in January 2021 and will end in December 2023.

Together with Federico Schena, since the academic year (a.y.) 2017/2018 she is the Scientific Director of the Academic Coach project, a peer-tutorship project offered at the students-athletes of the University of Verona. From the a.y. 2020/2021 she is the Scientific Director of the new dual career program of the University of Verona. The project is promoted and implemented thanks to the coordination of the CUS Verona, the University Sports Committee of the University of Verona and the ESU Verona. The project is aimed at supporting the dual career of the students-athletes of the University of Verona.

She chaired the XXth AIPS 2014 National Congress which has been held in Rovereto, Italy. She co-chaired the XXIth AIPS 2016 National Congress which has been held in Bologna, Italy. From 2014 to 2016 she has been the National President of the Associazione Italiana Psicologia dello Sport e dell'esercizio (AIPS).

As Sport Psychologist she has been working with youth top-level athletes of different sports (i.e., Shooting Italian Olympic Youth National Team; Italian Junior Cross Country Skiing Team; Track and Field Youth National Team). She collaborates as Expert with the School of Sport of Sport and Health (Sport e Salute) and Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI). Since 2019 she has a “Consultancy with training assignment” collaboration with the Italian Rugby Federation. Since 2017 she is responsible of the Center of studies of the Assist - the Italian Association of Female Athletes.

Scientific results

She has published/in press several research articles and book chapters. Her research agenda has been on the understanding of the motivational processes and prevention of early youth dropout from sports; psychosocial benefits of sport and physical activity for patients and people with and without disabilities;psychobiosocial (PBS) states and motivational processes in Physical Education; psychological aspects in sport-injury recovery; student-athlete dual career and career transitions; enhancement of the attentive strategies and optimization of performance in endurance sports.

Editorial work and publications

Francesca Vitali is currently the Editor for the Psicologia dello Sport e dell'Esercizio (En. tr. Sport and Exercise Psychology), the new official journal of the Associazione Italiana Psicologia dello Sport e dell'esercizio (AIPS, Italian Association of Sport and Exercise Psychology) (which replaced the Giornale Italiano di Psicologia dello Sport), and author of numerous scientific publications, including:

Borrueco, M., Torregrossa, M., Pallarès, S., Vitali, F., & Ramis, Y. (2023). Women coaches at top level: looking back through the maze. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 18, 327-338 (DOI:

Modena, R., Bisagno, E., Schena, F., Carazzato, S., & Vitali, F. (2022). How do elite female athletes cope with symptoms of their pre-menstrual period? A study on Union Rugby and Football players’ perceived physical ability and well-being. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health19, 11168 (DOI:

Bisagno E., Cadamuro A., Rubichi S., Robazza C., & Vitali, F. (2022). A developmental outlook on the role of cognition and emotions in youth volleyball and artistic gymnastics. Frontiers in Psychology 13:954820. (DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.954820).

Vitale, J. A., Ieno, C., Baldassarre, R., Bonifazi, M., Vitali, F., La Torre, A., & Piacentini, M. F. (2022). The impact of a 14-day altitude training camp on Olympic-level open-water swimmers’ sleep. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 4253. (DOI:

Vitali, F., Bisagno, E., Coco, M., Cadamuro, A., Maldonato, N. M., & Di Corrado, D. (2022). A moderated mediation analysis of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on well-being and sport readiness of Italian team sports players: The role of perceived safety of the training environment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 2764. (DOI:

Speranza, E., Bolzan, V., Roi, G. S, & Vitali, F. (2021). Impact of telerehabilitation after sports injuries on psychological outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Medicina dello Sport, 74, 657-171. (DOI: 10.23736/S0025-7826.21.03909-0).

Smismans, S., Wylleman, P., De Brandt, K., Defruyt, S., Vitali, F., Ramis, Y., Torregrossa, M., Lobinger, B., Stambulova, N., & Cecić Erpič, S. (2021). From elite sport to the job market: Development and initial validation of the Athletes’ Competences Questionnaire for Employability (ACQE). Cultura, Ciencia y Deporte16, 39-48. (DOI: 10.12800/ccd.v16i47.1694).

Purgato, M., Richards, J., Prina, E., Kip, A., Del Piccolo, L., Michencigh, G., Rimondini, M., Rudi, D., Vitali, F., Carta, M. G., Morina, N., Schena, F., & Barbui, C. (2021). Physical activity interventions on psychological outcomes in refugee, asylum seeker and migrant populations: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychology of Sport and Exercise54 (DOI: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2021.101901).

Bisagno, E., Morra, S., Basciano, M., Rosina, C., & Vitali, F. (2019). Assessing individual performance in team sports: A new method developed in youth volleyball. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology4, 53 (DOI: 10.3390/jfmk4030053).

Di Battista, R., Robazza, C., Ruiz, M. C., Bertollo, M., Vitali, F., & Bortoli, L. (2019). Student’s Intention to Practice Physical Activity: The Interplay of Task-involving Climate, Competence Needs Satisfaction, and Psychobiosocial States in Physical Education. European Physical Education Review25, 761-777. (DOI: 10.1177/1356336x18770665).

Vitali, F., Tarperi, C., Cristini, J., Rinaldi, A., Zelli, A., Lucidi, F., Schena, F., Bortoli, L., & Robazza, C. (2019). Action monitoring through external or internal focus of attention does not impair endurance performance. Frontiers in Psychology10:535. (DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00535).

Vitali, F., Robazza, C., Bortoli, L., Bertinato, L., Schena, F., & Lanza, M. (2019). Enhancing fitness, enjoyment, and physical self-efficacy in primary school children: a DEDIPAC naturalistic study. PeerJ, 7:e6436. (DOI: 10.7717/peerj.6436).

Luciana Zaccagni


Competences: Anthropometry, Methods and Didactics of Sport Activities

Keywords: body composition, body image perception, sport, sport performance

Region: Emilia-Romagna


Associate Professor of Methods and didactics of sporting activities at the University of Ferrara; vice-coordinator of the MSc in Sport Sciences at the University of Ferrara.

Professional career

Luciana Zaccagni graduated with honours in Natural Sciences in 1991 from the University of Bologna; she obtained her PhD in Anthropological Sciences in 1995 discussing a thesis entitled "Anthropometric characteristics and sports performance in high-level volleyball players" at the University of Bologna; in the academic year 1995-1997 she obtained a post-doctoral scholarship with a research project entitled "Determination of biological age in former athletes" at the University of Bologna. From 2001 to 2008 she was a tenured secondary school teacher. From 2008 to 2020 she was a Confirmed Researcher in SSD M-EDF/02 Methods and Didactics of Sporting Activities at the University of Ferrara and from 2020 to present Associate Professor in the same SSD.

Scientific results

Luciana Zaccagni's research activity focuses on the relationship between anthropometric characteristics and sports performance for aptitude selection and to provide indications for improving performance, and on the association between lifestyle (especially the practice of physical activity and/or sports), weight status, and body image perception to highlight strategies for the prevention of overweight and obesity in the population.

Editorial work and publications

[2001] Gualdi-Russo E, Zaccagni, L. Somatotype, role and performance in elite volleyball players. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 41(2):256–262.

[2012] Zaccagni L. Anthropometric characteristics and body composition of Italian national wrestlers. European Journal of Sport Science, 12(2):145–151.

[2012] Barbieri D, Zaccagni L, Cogo A, Gualdi-Russo E. Body composition and somatotype of experienced mountain climbers. High Altitude Medicine and Biology, 13(1):46–50.

[2016] Rinaldo N, Zaccagni L, Gualdi-Russo E. Soccer training programme improved the body composition of pre-adolescent boys and increased their satisfaction with their body image. Acta Paediatrica, International Journal of Paediatrics, 105(10):492–495.

[2017] Barbieri D, Zaccagni L, Babić V, ...Mišigoj-Duraković M, Gualdi-Russo E. Body composition and size in sprint athletes. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 7(9):1142–1146.

[2019] Zaccagni L, Lunghi B, Barbieri D, ...Bernardi F, Gualdi-Russo E. Performance prediction models based on anthropometric, genetic and psychological traits of Croatian sprinters. Biology of Sport, 36(1):17–23.

[2019] Zaccagni L, Rinaldo N, Gualdi-Russo E. Anthropometric indicators of body image dissatisfaction and perception inconsistency in young rhythmic gymnastics. Asian Journal of Sports Medicine, 10(4):e87871.

[2019] Gualdi-Russo E, Rinaldo N, Pasini A, Zaccagni L. Hand preference and performance in basketball tasks. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(22):4336.

[2020] Rinaldo N, Toselli S, Gualdi-Russo E, Zedda N, Zaccagni L. Effects of anthropometric growth and basketball experience on physical performance in pre-adolescent male players. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(7):2196.

[2021] Rinaldo, N, Gualdi-Russo E, Zaccagni L. Influence of size and maturity on injury in young elite soccer players. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(6):3120.

[2021] Toselli S, Campa F, Latessa PM,...Grigoletto A, Zaccagni L. Differences in maturity and anthropometric and morphological characteristics among young male basketball and soccer players and non-players. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(8):3902.

[2023] Zaccagni L, Gualdi-Russo E. The Impact of Sports Involvement on Body Image Perception and Ideals: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(6): 5228.

Awards and prizes

In 2011, she won an award for Best Poster at the 19th Congress of the Italian Anthropological Association (AAI), with 'Anthropometric characteristics and body composition of the football player in relation to the game level', by L. Zaccagni, Turin, 21-24 September.

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