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Results: 84

Patrizia Manduchi

International politics area

Competences: Contemporary History of Arab World, Islam, Political Thought in Arab World

Keywords: arab countries, egypt, Gramsci in the Arab world, political islam, Tunisia

Region: Sardinia


Professor in History of Islamic Countries and director of GramsciLab, Center of Gramscian International Studies, University of Cagliari.

Professional career

Graduated at the Faculty of Political Sciences (African and Oriental Studies), she obtained a PhD from the same University, in "History and Institutions of modern and contemporary Africa and Asia", a post-doctoral scholarship at the Faculty of Political Sciences Federico II of Naples (1991) and at the University of Cagliari (1992-94) for a research on Fundamentalism in North Africa countries.

Researcher at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Cagliari (1997), since June 2006 she is Associate Professor in History of Islamic Countries (LOR10) at the Faculty of Economics, Law and Politics of Cagliari, Department of Political and Social Sciences.

Scientific results

Expert on Contemporary Arab world’s issues, in particular political and youth dissent, political Islam and Islamic radicalism, Muslim immigration in Italy and Europe.

The Arab world’s areas of specific competence are Tunisia and Egypt.

Among the most recent research projects, she works on the spread of Gramsci's thought in the political and cultural debate in the post-2011 Arab world.

Recently she has been Principal investigator of a project entitled "The democratization processes in the Mediterranean Arab countries. The role of universities and research centers " (2010-2012) and of a project caccled “Gramsci’s lesson. State, democratic participation and civil society in the two shores of the Mediterranean", in partnership with Sapienza University of Rome and University of Jendouba (Tunisia).

Expert on issues of religious and cultural inclusion in various public institutions (Region, Province, Municipalities, Prefecture, Police Headquarters, Schools and Institutes) and private associations (Third Age University, Solidarity and Rights Foundations, Cultural Associations).

She is currently principal investigator of a research project entitled "For a mapping of Antonio Gramsci's thought in the world. Reception, translatability, theoretical applications and Gramscian praxis”.

Editorial work and publications

Latest publications:

[2019], Manduchi P., Melis N. (a cura di), Gihad. Definizioni e riletture di un termine abusato, Mondadori Università.

[2019] Manduchi P., Marchi A (a cura di), A lezione da Gramsci. Democrazia, partecipazione politica, società civile in Tunisia, Roma, Carocci.

[2018] Manduchi P. (a cura di), Nelle aule e per le strade: studenti e lotte politiche. Casi di studio dall'Africa e dall'Asia, Bologna, libri di Emil.

[2018] Manduchi P., “Nasser e il nazionalismo arabo”, STORIA DEL PENSIERO POLITICO, numero monografico "Nasser 100 anni dopo. La sfida del nazionalismo e del socialismo arabi", a cura di M. Campanini, Il Mulino.

[2017] Manduchi P., Marchi A., Vacca G.(a cura di), Gramsci nel mondo arabo, Il Mulino.

[2016] Manduchi P., Università e movimenti studenteschi nell'Egitto contemporaneo (1908-1981), Carocci.

[2015] Manduchi P, “Student and Dissent in Egypt. From the Khedival Period to the Protests of 1968”, ORIENTE MODERNO, 95 (1-2). 125-144.

[2014] Manduchi P. (a cura di) I movimenti giovanili nei paesi arabi mediterranei. Dalle indipendenze nazionali a oggi, Carocci editore, 15-43.

[2010] Manduchi P., Baldussi A. (a cura di), Gramsci in Asia e in Africa e in Africa, Aipsa edizioni.

Awards and prizes

Referent of the University of Cagliari in the Scientific Committee for the Gramscian’s Year 2017.

Member of the Casa Museo Gramsci Foundation Scientific Committee.

Director of GramsciLab, Interdepartmental Center of Gramscian International Studies, Cagliari University.

Francesca Manenti

International politics area

Competences: De-radicalization in Asia, Geopolitics in Asia, Security in Asia

Keywords: Afghanistan, ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations), BRI (Belt and Road Initiative), China, Indian Subcontinent, Iran, ISIS, JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action ), Pacific Ocean, Pakistan

Region: Lazio


Senior Analyst Ce.S.I. (Centro Studi Internazionali), Rome

Professional career

Graduated in International and European Politics at Cattolica University of Milan in 2012, she had a Master in Economic Security, Geopolitics and Intelligence issued by SIOI (Società Italiana per le Organizzazioni Internazionali) in Rome.

She entered Ce.S.I. in 2013 as intern and then she gained experience through the fellowship program. In 2014 she was appointed Ananlyst in charge of Asia & Pacific Desk. She has been Senior Analyst the since the beginning 2019.

Scientific results

She has been lecturer in International conferences on topics related to her expertise. She teaches in Ce.S.I.’s Course Analysis of Geopolitics, Security and Defence as well as in Safe and Secure Approaches in Field Environment (SSAFE) Training course, organized in collaboration with FAO and Carabinieri

She travels in Asia countries for joint project with partner Institutes.

Editorial work and publications

[2019] Manenti F, Oltre la BRI: gli investimenti cinesi nell’Unione Europea, Ce.S.I.  

[2018] Manenti F, Il Pakistan alla prova della Deradicalizzazione, Chillemi Editore. 

[2018] Manenti F,  Il futuro dell’Iran Deal senza gli Stati Uniti (The Future of Iran Deal without the United States), Ce.S.I. May 2018[1]

[2018] Ungari A. – Anghelone F. (eds.), Atlante geopolitico del Mediterraneo 2018 (Geopolitical Atlas of the Mediterranean 2018), capitolo sulla Giordania (chapter on Jordan).

[2018] Manenti F, The Evolution of Jihadist Radicalization in Asia, Ce.S.I. – EFD (eds.), with the contribution from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

[2018] Manenti F, La competizione tra al-Qaeda e Daesh per la destabilizzazione dell’Afghanistan (The competition between al-Qaeda and Daesh for destabilizing Afghanistan), Ce.S.I.[2]

[2016] Manenti F, Manenti F. - La morte del Mullah Mansour e la nuova leadership talebana (Mullah Mansour’s death and the new Taliban leadership), Ce.S.I.

[2015] Manenti F, I riflessi dell’accordo sul nucleare sulla politica interna di Teheran (The effects of the Nuclear Deal on Iranian national politics), Rapporto per l’Osservatorio di politica internazionale del Parlamento italiano.

[2015] Manenti F, Le incognite per l’Afghanistan da ISAF a Resolute Support (Afghanistan’s unknown factors from ISAF to Resolute Support), Rapporto per l’Osservatorio di politica internazionale del Parlamento italiano.

[2015] Manenti F, Il negoziato sul programma nucleare iraniano e gli equilibri politici a Teheran (Iran’s Nuclear Deal and the the political balance in Teheran), Rapporto per l’Osservatorio di politica internazionale del Parlamento italiano.

Alessia Melcangi

International politics area

Competences: Contemporary History of North Africa and Middle East, Ethno-Religious Minorities, Geopolitics in the Euro-Mediterranean Area, Identity Dynamics and Dynamics of Polarization in the Contemporary Middle East, International Relations in the Euro-Mediterranean area, Political and Social Issues in Contemporary Egypt, Political and Social Issues in the Contemporary Libya

Keywords: authoritarianism, Berbers, Copts, coronavirus, Covid-19, economic crisis, egypt, geopolitics, Libya, Middle East, minorities, North Africa, pandemic securitisation, repression, safety

Region: Lazio


Tenure Track Assistant Professor at the Department of Social and Economic Sciences of La Sapienza University (Rome). Aggregate Professor of History of North Africa and the Middle East and of Globalization and International Relations at the Department of Social and Economic Sciences of La Sapienza University.

Professional career

Alessia Melcangi graduated in Contemporary History at the University of Catania in 2008. She held a PhD in Political Thought and Institutions in the Mediterranean Societies at the University of Catania in 2011, and then she carried out different fieldworks and researches in France, Great Britain, Egypt and Jordan.

In 2008 she was visiting research fellow at the Centre d’Études et de Documentation Économiques, Juridiques et Sociales (CEDEJ) and at the Dominican Institute for Oriental Studies (IDEO) in Cairo.

From 2013 to 2014, she was research fellow in History and Institutions of Africa at the Department of Political and Social Science, University of Catania, and from 2017 to 2018 at the Department of Social Sciences and Economics (DiSSE), La Sapienza University. 

She coordinated the scientific program “Nation/States and minorities in Mediterranean Africa” for the PRIN 2010-2011 (Programmi di Ricerca Scientifica di Rilevante Interesse Nationale), funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research(MIUR).

Since 2016 she has collaborated with the Centre of Research on the Southern System and the Wider Mediterranean (CRiSSMA – Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan) and she is faculty member of the Master in “Migrazione e Sviluppo – Migration and Development”, Department of Social Sciences and Economics (DiSSE), Sapienza University, of the “Master in Middle Eastern Studies” – MIMES, Graduate School of Economics and International Relations (ASERI), Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan and member of the scientific committee of ReaCT – Osservatorio sul Radicalismo e il Contrasto al Terrorismo. She is Tenure Track Assistant Professor at Sapienza University of Rome since May 2019.

Scientific results

Alessia Melcangi’s researches are mainly focused on the Contemporary history of North Africa and Middle East; geopolitics and international relations in the Euro-Mediterranean area; ethno-religious minorities (in particular the Copts and the Berbers); identity dynamics and dynamics of polarization in the contemporary Middle East; political and social issues in contemporary Egypt and Libya. Regarding these issues she has published several monographs, peer review articles in Italian or international Journals, papers in edited works and policy papers. 

She has participated in the activities of the Centre of Research on the Southern System and the Wider Mediterranean (CRiSSMA) about the Contemporary Libyan political, economic and security dynamics; in the field of research in interreligious dialogue she has collaborated on a project on Freedom and Human Rights coordinated by CRiSSMA and the Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies (RIIFS) of Amman; in the field of defense and security she’s participating to the research activities of ReaCT – Osservatorio sul Radicalismo e il Contrasto al Terrorismo.

Editorial work and publications

[2018] Melcangi A, Statualità e minoranze: meccanismi di resistenza e integrazione in Medio Oriente. Il caso dei cristiani copti in Egitto, Ledizioni.

[2018] Melcangi A, Divide et impera: the political application of sectarianism in the Egyptian context. From the Sadat years to the reign of Mubarak (1970-2011), in Demichelis M (ed.), “Religious Violence, Political Ends. Nationalism, citizenship and radicalizations in the Middle East and Europe”, Georg OLMS Verlag, Hildesheim 2018, pp. 35-53.

[2018] Melcangi A, Fanfani auspica giorni più sereni agli italiani in Egitto. La comunità italiana nell’Egitto di Gamal‘Abdal-Nasser e la visita di Fanfani attraverso l’analisi dei documenti diplomatici italiani, in Ventunesimo Secolo. Rivista di studi sulle transizioni, 43, FrancoAngeli.

[2018] Melcangi A, “Gli aqbāt al-mahjar e l’internazionalizzazione della questione copta dagli anni Settanta al regime di Mubarak”, in El Houssi L (ed.), in Minoranze in Nord Africa e Medio Oriente tra tradizione e modernità, numero monografico di “Ricerche Storiche”, XLVIII, 1, pp. 19-33. 

[2017] Melcangi A, I copti nell’Egitto di Nasser. Tra politica e religione (1952-1970), Carocci.

[2017] Melcangi A,Under the Same Flag”: the Copts of Egypt and the challenges of Nasserist Nationalism”, in Demichelis M, Maggiolini P. (eds.), The Struggle to Define a Nation: Rethinking Religious Nationalism in the Contemporary Islamic World, Gorgias Press, pp. 161-194. 

[2016] El Houssi L, Melcangi A, Torelli S, Cricco M (eds.), North African Societies after the Arab Spring: Between Democracy and Islamic Awakening, Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

[2016] Melcangi A, ‘Church, Intellectuals and Youth Movements: Contemporary Understandings of Secularism and Tradition within the Egyptian Coptic Community’, in El Houssi L, Melcangi A, Torelli S, Cricco M.(eds.), North African Societies after the Arab Spring: Between Democracy and Islamic Awakening, Cambridge Scholars Publishing,  pp. 102-129. 

[2015] Melcangi A, ‘Identità contestata, identità condivisa. I copti tra nazionalismo e rivendicazioni comunitarie nell’Egitto contemporaneo’, in Cresti F. (ed.), Minoranze, pluralismo, stato nell’Africa mediterranea e nel Sahel, Aracne, pp. 155-198. 

[2013] Melcangi A., ‘La questione confessionale nell’Egitto post-rivoluzionario’, in Cantaro A (ed.), Dove vanno le primavere arabe?, Ediesse, pp. 83-90. 

[2008] Melfa D, Melcangi A, Cresti F. (eds.), Spazio privato, spazio pubblico e società civile in Medio Oriente e in Africa del Nord, Giuffré.

Awards and prizes

Melcangi is a member of the scientific committee of different organizations (ReaCT – Osservatorio sul Radicalismo e il Contrasto al Terrorismo; The Square – Mediterranean Centre for Revolutionary Studies), of Italian and international associations (Middle East Studies Association; Società Italiana di Storia Internazionale; British Society for Middle Eastern Studies; Società per gli Studi sul Medio Oriente – SeSaMO) as much as a member of the scientific secretariat of the Italian Journal Storia Urbana, Rivista di studi sulle trasformazioni della città e del territorio in età moderna, published by Franco Angeli.

Alessandra Mezzadri

International politics area

Competences: Cooperation and Development, Feminisms in Development, Globalisation and Development, Informal Economy in Asia, Africa and Latin America, International Political Economy, Political Economy of India, Poverty and Work

Keywords: coronavirus, corporate social responsibility, Covid-19: impact on inequalities, ethical trade and consumerism, global commodity chains and production networks, global factory labour, global garment chain and exploitation, global labour standards, India, social reproduction and development

Region: ABROAD


Senior Lecturer in Development Studies alla School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) University of London

Professional career

Mezzadri is an economist who graduated at La Sapienza in 2000 with 110/110 cum laude. After working in Italy and at Swiss border for the European School of Economics, she obtained her MSc and PhD in Development Studies from SOAS, London. In 2008, she was hired by her alma mater as lecturer, where she is currently a Senior Lecturer. 

Scientific results

Her work focuses on globalisation and working poverty. Mezzadri has researched in depth global commodity chains in textile and garment production, sweatshops, global labour standards and CSR, and ethical consumerism. 

Editorial work and publications

Authored Books

[2017] Mezzadri A, The Sweatshop Regime: Labouring Bodies, Exploitation and Garments Made in IndiaCambridge: Cambridge University Press.


[2021] Barnett BS, Carlo AD, Ruwanpura K, Mezzadri A. 'The Invisible People Behind Our Masks'. Annals of Internal Medicine.

[2021] Stevano S, Mezzadri A, Lombardozzi L, Bargawi H. 'Hidden Abodes in Plain Sight: The Social Reproduction of Households and Labour in the COVID-19 pandemic'. Feminist Economics

[2020] Mezzadri A, Ruwanpura K. How Asia’s clothing factories switched to making PPE – but sweatshop problems live on, SOAS Research Online.

[2020] Mezzadri A, A crisis like no other: social reproduction and the regeneration of capitalist life during the COVID-19 pandemic, SOAS Research Online.

[2017] Mezzadri A, Lulu F, ‘Classes of Labour’ at the Margins of Global Commodity Chains in India and China'Development and Change, (49) 4, pp 1034-1063.

[2017] Mezzadri A, Prentice R, De Neve G, Ruwanpura K, 'Health and Safety in Garment Workers’ Lives: Setting a New Research Agenda'. Geoforum, (88) Jan, pp 157-160.

[2016] Mezzadri A,'Class, gender and the sweatshop: on the nexus between labour commodification and exploitation'. Third World Quarterly, (37) 10, pp 1877-1900.

[2016] Mezzadri A,The informalization of capital and interlocking in labour contracting networks'. Progress in Development Studies, (16) 2, pp 124-139.

[2015] Mezzadri A,Why inequality matters – for the rich and the poor'. The Conversation UK [Online].

[2015] Mezzadri A,A ‘song of the wage’ for Rana Plaza'. New Internationalist.

[2015] Mezzadri A, 'Free to stitch, or starve: capitalism and unfreedom in the global garment industry''. Open Democracy: Beyond Trafficking and Slavery.

[2014] Mezzadri A,'Cambodian sweatshop protests reveal the blood on our clothes'. The Conversation UK.

[2014] Mezzadri A,'Indian Garment Clusters and CSR Norms: Incompatible Agendas at the Bottom of the Garment Commodity Chain'. Oxford Development Studies, (42) 2, pp 217-237.

[2014] Mezzadri A,'Backshoring, local sweatshop regimes and CSR in India'. Competition and Change, (18) 4, pp 327-344.

[2014] Mezzadri A,'Are Ethical Initiatives Successful in the Indian Garment Industry? A Focus on Homeworkers'.Development Viewpoint 83.

Awards and prizes

Young Scholar Award, Indian Society For Labour Economics (2008).

Petra Mezzetti

International politics area

Competences: Asylum and Refugee's Reception Systems, European Migration Policies, International Migration Policies, Territorial Cooperation

Keywords: diaspora, Horn of Africa, migrants, migrations, North Africa, West Africa

Region: Lombardy


MENTOR2 Project Manager and senior expert on Internationa Migration and Development Studies at think tank Cespi.

Professional career

Petra Mezzetti was part of the team that drafts the UNDP Human Development Report - HDRs 2000-2001 and 2002. She worked for the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva; subsequently started collaborating with the Rome-based think tank CeSPI (Centro Studi di Politica Internazionale) working on projects in the field of decentralized and territorial cooperation and international migration for different agencies (MAECI; IOM; UNHCR; WB; EU, FIIAP; Ministry of Interior; Italian Bank Foundations, Municipality of Milan). She completed a PhD in European Urban Studies (URBEUR) and carried out consultancy and evaluation activities for ICMPD on intergovernmental processes in Africa (i.e. Rabat process).

She is MENTOR2 Project Manager, on legal migration between Italy Tunisia and Morocco, led by the Municipality of Milano and funded by the EU.

Scientific results

She deals with migration policies, monitoring and migration reception system. She is currently responsible with a team of experts of the project  MIRECO - Monitoring Improvement of REception COnditions in cooperation with the UNHCR and the Italian Internal Affairs Minister. From 2014 to 2019 she was involved in the Iniziativa Fondazioni for Africa Burkina Faso, funded by ACRI (Associazione di Fondazioni e di Casse di Risparmio). She was researcher in the project MENTOR - MEditerranean Network for Training Orientation to Regular migration, funded by the EU through Mobility Partnership Facility implemented by ICMPD (International Center for Migration and Policy development).

Editorial work and publications

[2019] Mezzetti P., Ceschi S. (eds.), Ripartire dall'Africa. Esperienze e iniziative di migrazione e di co-sviluppo, Donzelli Editore

[2018] Mezzetti P., ‘La situazione drammatica, persistente e poco nota degli sfollati interni’, in Frigeri D. e Zupi M. (eds.), Dall'Africa all'Europa. La sfida politica delle migrazioni, Roma, Donzelli. 

[2016] Mezzetti P., ‘I percorsi e i flussi, al presente e in prospettiva’,in Prospettive Sociali e SanitarieSpeciale WelforumEmergenza profughi: quale accoglienza? 1.2-1.3: 5-9.

[2016] Mezzetti P., Ayuso A., ‘Tackling Inequality in Cities through Social Innovation’, in Call J. (ed.), Wise Cities. A New Paradigm for Urban Resilience, Sustainability and Well-being, CIDOB, October, Barcelona. 

[2016] Mezzetti P., Ayuso A., ‘Tackling Inequality in Cities through Social Innovation’, in Call J. (ed.), Wise Cities. A New Paradigm for Urban Resilience, Sustainability and Well-being, CIDOB, October, Barcelona. 

[2015] Mezzetti P., Ceschi S., The European Union and transnational policy networks in the migration field, in Contemporary Politics, 21(3): 1–18. 

[2015] Mezzetti P., Coslovi L. e Stocchiero A., Quale spazio per la società civile nel Processo di Khartoum?,Policy brief di Dicembre, Roma, CeSPI. 

[2015] Ceschi S., Massimi A., Mezzetti P., Soddu P., La diaspora africana in Italia. Una risorsa nelle relazioni Italia-Africa,Paper redatto per il Seminario Italia-Africa: quale ruolo strategico per la diaspora? - Roma, 15 maggio, Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Interazionale (MAECI).

[2014] Mezzetti P., Ceschi S., The Senegalese Transnational Diaspora and its role back Home, ITPCM, International Commentary, ISSN. 2239-7949, X, 35, April 2, 13-18. 

[2014] Mezzetti P., Saggiomo V., Pirkkalainen P., “Interaction between Somali organisations and Italian and Finnish development actors” in Laakso, L. and Hautaniemi. P. (eds.) Diasporas for Peace: Case Studies from the Horn of Africa. London: ZED Books.

[2014] Mezzetti P., Bayés Puig S., Andrés Sancho L., Defontaine M., Mato Brey J., Monitoring of the Dakar Strategy Roadmap, Final Report, Processus de Rabat.

[2013] Mezzetti P., Pirkkalainen P., Guglielmo M., Somali Associations’ Trajectories in Italy and Finland: Leaders building trust and finding legitimisation, in JEMS, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, August, 39 (8): 1261-1279.  

Laura Mirachian

International politics area

Competences: Diplomacy, International Politics

Keywords: Balkans, Caucasus, Central Asia, Europe, Middle East, Russia, Somalia, UN (United Nations)

Region: Lazio


Ambassador, Diplomatic

Professional career

She started her Diplomatic career in 1974 Diplomatic. After her first assignments in Somalia and Dublin she was at the Directorate General for Economic Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Europe's External Affairs Office, representing Italy in all Working Groups in Brussels and coordinating the Italian administrations involved until 1983, when she reached the rank of Office Regent. Thanks to the experience gained in this period, she was assigned to the UN Permanent Representation in Geneva with the mandate to represent Italy in all the "Uruguay Round" negotiation’s Working Groups of the GATT for the international liberalization of trade and services. In this context, she was in charge of the European Presidency in the Italian semester of 1990.

In January 1992 she was appointed Chargé d'Affaires in Belgrade, at the beginning of the Balkan wars, a role that she will hold for three years, ensuring the protection of Italian interests, helping to define Italian politics within the European framework, with the purpose to stop the conflict, achieve the democratic stabilization of the region and promote the resumption of a dialogue between the parties involved.

Returning to Rome in 1995, she was appointed Head of the Balkan / Eastern Mediterranean Unit (including Albania, Turkey, Greece, Cyprus) of the Directorate General for Political Affairs where she remained for over five years, participating as Italy's spokesperson in Brussels Working Groups on the Balkans and Eastern Mediterranean, coordinating the other Directorates General of the MFA and other Italian administrations, contributing to shape the Italian position within the United Nations, NATO, OSCE and other international organizazions. In 1996, she was in charge of the EU Presidency functions during the Italian semester and participated in the formal and informal international meetings for Bosnia until the Dayton Agreements. 

In 1997, when Albania collapsed under the impact of the political, economic and financial crisis, she contributed to the definition of the Italian policy of aid to the country and to the political management of "Operation Dawn" of peace-keeping, security and reconstruction, under the aegis of the UN. The success of the Italian operation is universally recognised, first and foremost by the United Nations, and is still cited internationally as exemplary. 

In 1999, she was the representative of Italy to the Rambouillet conference for the stabilization of the former Yugoslavia and participated, with the representatives of the Contact Group and the International Organizations involved, in the entire negotiation aimed at managing the Kosovo crisis.In 2000, she was appointed Ambassador to Damascus (Syria), where she served for four years with the task of promoting peace in the Middle East region. Returning to Rome, in 2006 she was appointed Director General for European Countries. The "constituency" of competence extends from Lisbon to Vladivostok, including, in addition to European countries, the countries of the Balkans, the three countries of the Caucasus, the five Central Asian Republics, and Russia. In 2008 she was promoted to Ambassador and since 2009 she has been the Permanent Representative of Italy to the United Nations and International Organizations in Geneva for 4 years.

Scientific results

Diplomatic activity in the Middle East, the Balkans, Russia, Central Asia and the Caucasus and the United Nations.

Editorial work and publications

Mirachian L, Syria and its neighbourhood (Siria e Vicinato), UniversitàCattolica

Mirachian L, Syria, why?Siria perché, Guerini.

She collaborates on a regular base (inter alia) with: Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) and La Stampa (newspaper).

Awards and prizes

On 2 June 1991, she was appointed Ufficiale dell'Ordine al merito della Repubblica Italiana on the proposal of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

On 10 November she was appointed Commendatore dell'Ordine al merito della Repubblica Italiana on the initiative of the President of the Republic.

On 27 December 2008 she was appointed Grande Ufficiale dell'Ordine al merito della Repubblica Italiana on the proposal of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

In 2008, she also received the Minerva Prize "Una Donna per la Pace".

Carla Monteleone

International politics area

Competences: International Relations

Keywords: Coalitions, Italian foreign policy, multilateralism, safety, transatlantic relations

Region: Sicily


Associate Professor of Political Science and International Relations

Professional career

After her laurea (B.A.) in Political Sciences (University of Palermo, 1995), she earned an M.A. in International Relations and European Studies (University of Kent at Canterbury, UK) and a Ph.D. in International Relations (University of Milan, 2001). She is a member of the Italian Political Science Association, the International Studies Association, the European International Studies Association, and the Transatlantic Studies Association. She was awarded a Fulbright-Schuman scholarship (research on International Security, Multilateral Intervention, and the Question of Legitimacy: The Role of Cooperation Between the US and the EU) e she has been visiting scholar at Columbia University (Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies and Institute on Western Europe) and Georgetown University (USA). She has contributed to several national and international research groups, including on the role of the US in the spatially fragmented international system, on Italian foreign policy, on the impact of the economic crisis on the de-Europeanization of the foreign policy of South European states, and on American bases in Europe. She has lectured on security and global change at the Istituto di Alti Studi per la Difesa of the Centro Alti Studi per la Difesa within the framework of the IASD sessions (2017, 2018 e 2019). She currently teaches Political Science and International Relations at the University of Palermo and coordinates (with Vittorio Parsi) the Standing Group on International Relations of the Italian Political Science Association.

Scientific results

Her research activity focuses on:

-      Security, analyzing the concept and dimensions (military and nonmilitary) of security and their evolution over time, internal-external links, policies and instruments, actors (especially the US and the EU), and main institutions (particularly multilateral institutions and pluralistic security communities)

-      Multilateralism, analyzing its evolution (especially in relation to its role within the American hegemonic order and its relationship with the US), institutions (particularly the Security Council) and policies

-      Italian foreign and security policy, analyzing variations in its Europeanization and in relation to the US (looking both at the US-led hegemonic order and the American bases in Italy), Russia, and China

-      The relationship between the coalitional behavior of states and changes in the organization of the international political system.

She serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Transatlantic Studiesand as referee for several international scientific journals.

Editorial work and publications

[2019] Monteleone, C., Italy in Uncertain Times: Europeanizing Foreign Policy in the Declining Process of the American Hegemony, Lanham, Boulder, New York and London, Lexington Books, 2019.

[2019] Monteleone, C., The United Nations (UN) and the European Union, in Oxford Encyclopedia of European Union Politics, Oxford University Press. 

[2019] Monteleone, C., I diritti umani come tema conflittuale nel Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite, in Ragion pratica, vol. 52, n. 1, pp. 35-50.

[2018] Monteleone, C., Spatial Fragmentation of, and US Support for, the Main Multilateral Institutions of the Western Order, in Clementi, M., Pisciotta B., and Dian, M., (eds.), US Foreign Policy in a Challenging World. Building Order on Shifting Foundations, Springer, London and Milan.

[2016] Monteleone, C., Do terrorism, organized crime (drug production), and state weakness affect contemporary armed conflicts? An empirical analysis, in Global Change, Peace & Security, vol. 28, n. 1, 2016. 

[2015] Monteleone, C., Beyond Material Factors? Identity, Culture and the Foreign and Security Policy of the EU, in Cladi L. and Locatelli A. (eds.), International Relations Theory and European Security. We Thought We Knew, Routledge, 2015.

[2015] Monteleone, C., Coalition Building in the UN Security Council, in International Relations, vol. 45, n. 1, pp. 45-68.

[2014] Monteleone, C., Crisi e ordine globale. Verso il declino dell’ordine multilaterale occidentale?, in Atlante Geopolitico Treccani, Roma, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani.

[2012] Monteleone, C., Politiche di sicurezza e cambiamento globale(ed.), Milan, FrancoAngeli.

[2011] Monteleone, C., The Enabling Factor: The Influence of US-EU Cooperation on UN Peace Operations, in European Security, vol. 20, n. 2, pp. 265-289.

[2009] Monteleone, C., The End of the Euro-Atlantic Pluralistic Security Community? The New Agenda of Transatlantic Security Relations in the Global Political System, in N. Fernandez Sola and M. Smith (eds.), Perceptions and Policy in Transatlantic Relations: Prospective Visions from the US and Europe, Routledge.

[2007] Monteleone, C., The Evolution of the Euro-Atlantic Pluralistic Security Community: Impact and Perspectives of the Presence of American Bases in Italy, in Journal of Transatlantic Studies, vol. 5, n. 1, pp. 63-87.

Karolina Muti

International politics area

Competences: European Defense, Security and Defense Strategies and Policies

Keywords: Europe, nato, Poland, security and defense strategies in Italy

Region: Lazio


Junior researcher in the Security and Defence programmes of the Institute of International Affairs (IAI) in Rome

Professional career

Before starting to work as junior researcher, Karolina Muti has managed the international relations of a small enterprise in the Marche region (2013-2014) and worked with asylum seekers in an NGO (2014). In 2017 she graduates with honors in International Security and Politics from the department of International Relations and Diplomatic Affairs of University of Bologna (Forlì department) with a thesis on European defence. During her university years, she teaches classes of History and institutions of the EU in primary, middle and high schools as European tutor with the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence in Forlì and wins two scholarships that allow her to complete studying periods in Santiago de Chile and Moscow. In 2017 she joins the Institute of International Affairs (IAI) as a trainee and project assistant, and then joins the research team of the Institute's Security and Defense programs in 2018. Karolina Muti has carried out research on issues related to defense and defense industry in Europe; Poland and the Polish security and defense strategy, and EU civilian missions. In addition, she deals with European projects related to non-conventional CBRN threats (nuclear, biological, chemical and radiological) and has contributed to the creation of the first Italian Cluster dedicated to CBRN threats ( Karolina is an Italian and Polish native speaker and speaks English, Spanish, and Russian.

Scientific results

Karolina worked on projects funded by the European Commission (, and by the European Defense Agency (EDA) ( on topics such as the main and future trends in the European defense industry, the Polish security and defense strategy, EU civilian missions, as well as on nuclear, biological, chemical and radiological threats (CBRN). In addition, she participates to the creation and coordination of the first Italian Cluster dedicated to CBRN threats (

In December 2018 Karolina was invited by the Embassy of the Republic of Poland to present an analysis on Poland and European defense during the conference for the celebration of the centenary of Poland's independence. In April 2019 a study about “Italians and defense" in which she collaborated was presented at the Italian Senate ( of the investigation-iai-laps-on-threats-to-security). Her articles were quoted by the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP),  (, Radio radicale (, and  Paolo Pagliaro’s “Il Punto” programme. 

Editorial work and publications

In Italian: 

[2019] K.Muti, A.Marrone, “Gli Italiani e la difesa: consenso inatteso su minacce e sicurezza”, in Affarinternazionali.

[2019] (cooperation with P.Isernia, A.Marrone et alia), “Gli italiani e la Difesa” (Rapporto di ricerca a cura di Laboratorio di analisi politiche e sociali (LAPS) e IAI), Documenti IAI 19|08, Rome.

[2019] K.Muti, “Polonia: garanzia di sicurezza sperasi con Fort Trump”, in AffarinternazionaliEuropa Atlantica

[2018] K.Muti, L.Botti, “La sicurezza dell’Italia e la minaccia nucleare, biologica, chimica e radiologica”, Documenti IAI 18/24, Rome. 

[2018] K.Muti, M.Moretti, “Campagna elettorale: linguaggio e scelte retoriche dei candidati” in Affarinternazionali.

In English:

[2018] K.Muti, “Poland – the missing link of European defence”, IAI Commentary 18/48, Rome.

[2017] K.Muti, review of  “The Transformation of Italian Armed Forces in Comparative Perspective” by F. Coticchia e F.N. Moro for The International Spectator

Awards and prizes

In September 2018 she was selected by the German Ministry of Defense to participate to a series of high level meetings in Berlin on security policies in Germany and Europe, with other European experts and professionals.

In March 2019 she was selected with other American and European experts to participate in a series of high level meetings in Moscow dedicated to Russian foreign policy and public diplomacy.

Lea Nocera

International politics area

Competences: Turkey

Keywords: society in Turkey, Turkey, turkish culture

Region: Campania


Researcher at the University of Naples L’Orientale

Professional career

Scholar in Turkish Studies, as Assistant Professor she teaches Turkish Language and Literature and subjects related to politics and society of contemporary Turkey. She received her Ph.D. in Women and Gender History - University of Naples L’Orientale in 2008. Previously she studied in Berlin (Humboldt Universität, 2005), Istanbul (Bilgi University, Master in Cultural Studies, 2003), Naples (Political Sciences – Middle East and North African Studies, 2002), Paris (Arabic and Turkish Language, Inalco, 1999). She was Visiting Research Fellow at the Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO) in Berlin, and at the Türkei-Europa-Zentrum (TEZ) in Hamburg. As expert of Turkey she works as commentator for several journals and radio broadcasting

Scientific results

Lea Nocera is a Turkologist specialized in Modern Turkey. She is among the firsts in Italy to have combined an area competence - in-depth knowledge of the country, of its history, society and culture and advanced knowledge of the language - with attention to the most contemporary phenomena and the analysis of political processes. Her research interests on Turkey include: social and cultural history, media and gender studies, urban transformations and social movements. In particular, both from the academic and professional point of view, she worked on civil society and minority rights; she analysed the urban transformation processes in Istanbul and she investigated the Turkish migration in Europe.  She is currently working on a research project on cultural relations between Turkey and Europe in the second post-war period (project selected in the framework of ERC Starting Grants 2015). She regularly commits herself to promoting a high knowledge about Turkish politics and society in Italy. In 2013 she organized the 1stConference on Italian Turcology.

Editorial work and publications

She has been working as an editor for many years: from 2016 to July 2017 she was scientific and editorial coordinator of the online magazine ResetDOC; she is a member of the editorial board of Gli Asini, a magazine directed by Goffredo Fofi; she is on the editorial board of the series Il Porto delle Idee, L'Orientale University Press, of the academic journals Studi Magrebini published by Brill and DİYÂR - Zeitschrift für Osmanistik, Türkei- und Nahostforschung / Journal for Ottoman, Turkish and Middle Eastern Studies. 

Se writes regularly for the online magazine Reset.doc. She has also collaborated with the following publications: Lo Straniero, Corriere della Sera, Pagina99, Micromega, L'Indice dei libri, Arab Media Report, il manifesto

As a political analyst she has participated in several programmes for major radio and television stations: RAI: Radio1, Radio2, Radio3; Rete Svizzera Italiana/RSI; Radio Radicale; Radio Popolare; Radio Vaticana; RaiNews24; SkyTG24. In Europe for: WDR-Funkhaus Europa, EuradioNantes and Politics.

She has also made radio documentaries on Turkey for RadioRai3 and Rsi-Radio Svizzera Italiana. For RadioRai3 she is also author and presenter of the column 'La Finestra sul Mediterraneo' in the weekly programme Zazà. 

In 2017 she founded the online magazine Kaleydoskop - Turkey, culture and society, of which she is the creator. 

Among her publications: Contemporary Turkey. Dalla repubblica kemalista al governo dell'Akp (Carocci, 2011); as editor Tradurre/Çevirmek. Linguistic-Literary Encounters between Turkey and Italy (L'Orientale Editrice, 2017) and The Media Empire of Fethullah Gülen (Arab Media Report/Resetdoc, 2015); as coauthor, #Gezipark. Coordinate di una rivolta (Alegre, 2013),) and The Turkish Touch. Egemonia neo-ottomana e televisione turca in Medio Oriente (Arab Media Report/Resetdoc, 2013).

Her book volume SCercasi mani piccole e abili. La migrazione turca in Germania occidentale, Isis Editions, Istanbul was translated into Turkish as Manikürlü Eller Almanya'da elektrik bobini saracak by Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayinlari Editions, Istanbul and was included in the list of the best 50 books published in Turkey in 2018 by the Hürriyet newspaper.

She is also a translator of Turkish fiction and the author of numerous articles in academic journals.

Awards and prizes

Her dissertation was awarded the First Prize “Premio Franca Pieroni Bortolotti” (2008), as the Best PhD Thesis in Gender History, Società Italiana delle Storiche (SIS - Italian Association of Women Historians). In 2016 she was selected as Young Leader for the Young Leader Program (YLP), organised by the The Council for United States and Italy.In August 2018, she has received the academic qualification as Associate Professor in Middle Eastern Cultures and in January 2015 in Contemporary History by ANVUR, the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes.

Selected as Professional Translator from Turkish to Italian by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Turkey and awarded a grant to attend the TITÇAT - TEDA Literary Workshop (Büyükada/Istanbul, 2013, 2014, 2015).

Lisa Orlandi

International politics area

Competences: Analysis of Business Strategies also in Relation to the Climate Topic, Analysis of Energy Markets, Communication and Media in the Energy and Environmental Fields

Keywords: business strategies, energy scenarios and investments, global disinvestment from coal, insurance and climate, market outlook, O&G investment, Oil, price forecasts

Region: Emilia-Romagna


Economist, senior analyst of energy markets with a focus on oil markets at theBologna-based research and consultancy firm RIE (Ricerche Industriali ed Energetiche ) Bologna

Professional career

Lisa Orlandi attended the Faculty of Economics at the University of Bologna where in 2000 she graduated cum laudein Business Administration (old system). Immediately afterwards, she joined the research team of RIE; as a senior analyst, she takes part in projects and market analysis relating to the national and international energy sector. She constantly follows the oil market with the development of various articles published in specialized magazines; she also deals with outlook analysis and energy investments, as well as corporate and communication strategies of the Oil & Gas companies. In recent years, she has dedicated itself to analyzing the climate strategy of important Italian insurance companies. She is the Editor in Chief of the online weekly portal dedicated to energy issues RiEnergia portal where she coordinates the planning of each issues. Over the years, she has held several lectures on the energy markets at university masters and private and public educational institutions.From 2001 to 2014, she was also Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Bologna carrying out teaching support activities for the courses of Industrial Economics and Public Utility Economics.

Scientific results

As part of her work at RIE, Lisa Orlandi follows several lines of research including the development of O&G resources at national level.This line of research has led to the drafting of various policy-oriented papers on the subject and to the realization of a book entitled "The coexistence of Hydrocarbons and Territory in Italy", of which she was curator together with Professor Alberto Clò and author and co-author of some chapters. She coordinates periodic reports dedicated to the analysis of energy investments & outlook and she provides assistance activities to insurance companies engaged in the realization of their climate strategy.

Editorial work and publications

She is Editor in Chief of the online magazine RiEnergia she is a member of the editorial board of the quarterly magazine Energia. She has also published numerous articles in specialized publications, some of which are reported below, and participated as a speaker at various seminars.

[2018] Orlandi, L., L’apparente equilibrio del mercato petrolifero mondiale, newsletter GME n. 114, aprile.

[2017] Orlandi, L., Il braccio di ferro tra OPEC e shale USA, newsletter GME n. 104, maggio 2017.

[2016] Orlandi, L., Il mercato petrolifero nel 2016: l’illusione della stabilità, newsletter GME n. 96, dicembre.

[2015] Orlandi, L., Clô, F.,  Oil market, un anno dopo il crollo: un nuovo punto di equilibrio?, newsletter GME n.84 luglio, pubblicato anche su Medenergie in lingua francese.

[2014] Orlandi, L., Olio: raffinazione, logistica, rete carburanti, in Caprara G. (a cura di), Energia per l'Italia, Bompiani, Milano, pp. 186-201.

[2014] Orlandi, L., A. Clô (a cura di), La Coesistenza tra Idrocarburi e territorio in Italia, Editrice Compositori (Bologna), maggio.

[2014] Orlandi, L. Il calo delle quotazioni oil non si arresta: diversi paesi a rischio, pubblicato su Agi Energia, 10 dicembre.

[2014] Orlandi, L., 2014: un nuovo disegno dell’oil market?, in Agi Energia, 1 ottobre.

[2014] Orlandi, L., Tra novità e aspettative il petrolio non scende, in Agi Energia, 27 febbraio.

[2013] Orlandi, L., Scenari energetici: tra vecchie conferme e nuove tendenze, newsletter GME n. 66, dicembre.

[2013] Orlandi, L., Il mercato petrolifero tra cambiamenti strutturali e prezzi sempre elevati, newsletter GME n. 62, luglio.

[2011] Orlandi, L., Un prezzo del barile superiore ai 90 dollari: in linea con i livelli pre-crisi ma lontano dal mercato, newsletter GME n. 34, gennaio.

[2009] Orlandi, L., Clô, A., Petroleum Economics, in Petroleum Engineering-Upstream, in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK,

[2003] Orlandi, L., Clô, A., I numeri dell’Eni, in Eni 1953-2003, Editrice Compositori (Bologna).

Claudia Padovani

International politics area

Competences: Gendered Dimensions of Digital and Communication Governance, Gender Equality in the Media Sector, Global Communication Governance, International Communication, Transformation of Global Governance Processes, Transnational Mobilizations on Gender Issues, Communication Rights and ICTs

Keywords: academic freedom, digital technologies, gender, global governance, human rights, ICT, media

Region: Veneto


Associated Professor in Political Science and International Relations at the Department of Politics, Law and International Studies (DSPGI), University of Padua

Professional career

After graduating in Political Science, obtaining a PhD in International Relations and carrying out a post-doc at University of Padua, she begins her career path at the same University as researcher in 2001. She was visiting professor at McGill University of Montreal, Canada, in 2009-2010, and at Helsinki University (Finland), in different periods since 2016.

At University of Padua she is the coordinator and delegate for the Scholars at Risk (SAR) transnational network as well as co-coordinator of the Italian SAR Section. She is also an elected member of the Steering Committee of the Center for Gender Studies Centro di Ateneo per i saperi, le culture e le politiche di genere Elena Cornaro.

Currently, she takes part in a number of scholarly networks both at national (Italian Society of Political Science) and international levels (European Communication Research and Education Consortium, ECREA; ORBICOM, international network of UNESCO chairs in communications; EuroMedia Research Group). 

Furthermore, she plays relevant roles within the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), as elected member of International Council, co-chair of working group on Global Media Policy and member of the Task For the the Global Alliance on Media and Gender promoted by UNESCO (Research and Policies Committee).

She is also co-chair – with RMIT (Australia) and UNAM (Mexico) Universities - of the UNESCO UniTWIN Network on Gender Media and ICT and she is one of the founding members of the international research group Digital Constitutionalism Network.

Scientific results

Her main areas of interest concern the transformation of political processes in the global context and their connection to the evolution of communication processes and technologies, with a special focus on gender equality issues, communication rights and social justice. Among the developments of research activities in these areas: the digital platform Mapping Global Media Policy (international project 2006-2016) and the platform of the project Advancing Gender Equality in Media Industries (2017-ongoing), focused on the representation of women and men in the news.

Over the past years she has been involved in online learning activities, in particular fostering a ‘virtual exchange’ approach that values transcultural and transnational dimensions of education. Activities in this areas are carried out in collaboration with the research group Next Generation Global Studies (SPGI Department, University of Padova) and various international entities. 

She is currently involved in the following research projects and international initiatives pertaining to the nexus between gender, media and digital technolgoies.

Advancing Gender Equality in Media Industries (AGEMI) (EU Commission, DG Justice, 2017-2019). Consortium: University of Newcastle, University of Padova, University of Gothenburg, International Federation of Journalists, COPEAM.

Comparing gender and media equality across the globe: a cross-national study of the qualities, causes and consequences of gender equality in and through the news media. Coordinated by Prof. Monika Dierf-Pierre, University of Gothenburg.

UNESCO Unitwin University Network on Gender Media and ICT. The networks promoted research and education on UNESCO relevant areas of intervention, favouring collaboration between universities on gender equality within and through media content. The network includes members from Africa, Arab states, Asia the Pacif region, Europe and Nord America, Latin America and the Caribbean.

 Global Alliance for Media and Gender. An initiative promoted by UNESCO in 2014 that includes over 800 members from media organizations, unions, universities and professional associations. Main goals of the GAMAGs: promotion of gender equality in media companies, structures and content; strengthen regional and international collaborations; monitoring international commitments in the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action’s Section J (Women and media diagnosis); support gender equality as a priority in research, education and policy making through a gender mainstreaming approach.

She has also co-coordinated, together with the Osservatorio di Pavia, the Italian participation in various editions of the international project Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP, 2005-2010-2015-2020) on representation of women and men in news media.

Editorial work and publications

Claudia Padovani is co-editor of Palgrave/IAMCR Global Transformations in Media and Communication Research series and member of the board of several international journals, including: International Communication Gazette, Information Technology and Global GovernanceAnuario ININCO. Investigaciones de la comunicaciònJournal of Alternative and Community Media, Continuum. Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, ComPol, Partecipazione e Conflitto.

She is author of a number of scientific publications among:

Padovani, C. & Ross, K. (2020) “Ideas for gender-transformative futures of education in the digital age” in Humanist Futures: Perspectives from UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN Networks on the futures of education. Paris, UNESCO, pp. 153-160. ISBN 978-92-3-100369-1.

Padovani C, Vega Montiel A. and French L. (eds) (2019). Gender, Media and ICTs. New approaches for research, education and training. UNESCO Series on Journalism Education (outcome of a joint project of the UniTWIN Network on Gender Media and ICT, funded by the UNESCO IPDC and the Kingdom of the Netherlands). Open Access. Paris: UNESCO. ISBN: 9789231003202.

Padovani C. & Santaniello M. (eds) (2018). The International Communication Gazette. Themed issue “Digital Constitutionalism: Human Rights and Power Limitation in the Internet Eco-system”. Sage Publications. Vol 80/4. DOI: 10.1177/1748048518757114.

Padovani, C. (2018) “Gendering media policy research and communication governance” in Javnost – The Public. Journal of the European Institute for Communication and Culture, Taylor & Francis (Invited contribution to special issue for the journal 25th anniversary). Vol 25. DOI: 10.1080/13183222.2018.1423941. Accessible su:

Ross K. & Padovani C. (eds) (2017). Gender Equality and the Media: A Challenge for Europe. Routledge. ISBN: 978-1-315-70902-4. Paper back edition published in 2018. ISBN: 978-1-138-31980-6.

Padovani C. & Pavan E. (eds) (2017). Comunicazione politica, Quadrimestrale dell'Associazione Italiana di Comunicazione Politica. Themed issue “The Politics of Media Gender Equality. Lessons learned and struggles for change twenty years after the Beijing Fourth World Conference on Women”. Il Mulino (2/2017). 

Padovani C. & Shade L. (eds) (2016). Journal of Information Policy. Themed issue “Gendering Global Media Policy: Critical Perspectives on ‘Digital Agendas’”. Pen State University Press. Accessible su:

Padovani C. & Pavan E.  (2016) “Global Governance and ICTs: Exploring online governance networks around Gender and Media” in Global Networks 16/3, Wiley Blackwell (pp. 350-371). ISSN 1470–2266.

Padovani C. (2015) “Il 2015 e l’Alleanza Globale per Media e Genere: per un’agenda di ricerca internazionale“ in Problemi dell’Informazione, vol 3/2015, Il Mulino (pp. 441-464). DOI: 10.1445/81453.

Padovani C. & Calabrese A. (eds) (2014). Communication Rights and Global Justice: Historical accounts of transnational mobilizations. (Palgrave/IAMCR series) Palgrave McMillan. ISBN: 978-1-137-37829-3.

Raboy M. & Padovani C. (2010). “Mapping Global Media Policy: concepts, frameworks, methods” in Journal of Communication, Culture and Critique, Wiley Blackwell (pp. 150-169). Themed issue on “Media Governance: New Policies for Changing Media Landscapes”. Vol III issue 2 Print ISSN: 1753-9129 Online ISSN: 1753-9137.

Padovani, C. (ed) (2004). International Communication Gazette 66 (3-4). Special issue “The World Summit on the Information Society. Setting the Communication agenda for the 21st century”. Sage Publications. Print ISSN: 1748-0485; Online ISSN: 1748-0493.

Padovani C. (2001). Comunicazione Globale. Democrazia, sovranità, culture (Global Communication. Democracy, Sovereignty, Cultures). Utet Libreria, Torino. ISBN: 887750680.

Stefania Panebianco

International politics area

Competences: European Union Politics, International Relations, Political Science

Keywords: democratization processes, European foreign policy, European Union, Italian foreign policy, Mediterranean, migrations, safety

Region: Sicily


Associate Professor of Political Science at University of Catania

Professional career

She got her BA in Political Science at the University of Catania in 1993 and specialized in International Relations and EU politics while writing a PhD dissertation on euro-lobbying (defended at the University of Padua in 1998). As Holder of the Italian Chair of Mediterranean Diplomacy and Relations, Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies, University of Malta (1997 - 1999), Research Fellow (1999 - 2002) and Researcher (2000 - 2002) at the University of Catania, she focused her teaching and research interest on EuroMediterranean relations and EuroMediterraenan Partnership. She became Associate Professor in Political Science in 2002 and started teaching also in English the newly established subject Mediterranean Politics (she is the unique lecturer at UNICT since 2004). She taught Mediterranean Politics also at PhD level (Scuola Superiore di Catania and IMT in Lucca) and in distance learning for Arcadia University (Glenside (Pennsylvania, USA). Since academic year 2008-2009 she is teaching Migration and the Mediterraneanat LUISS, Master in European Studies. She has supervised, as PhD candidates, Iole Fontana (IMT) and Federica Zardo (Università di Torino). Evaluator for ANVUR – the Agency of the Italian Ministry of Education since 2013. She served for the Italian Political Science Association and the European International Studies Association as member of the board. She is co-editor of Global Affairs.Within the ERAMSUS mobility grants she has been teaching at the Universities of Ghent, Ljubljana, Paris Est-Créteil, Bilken in Ankara.  She also chaired the BA course in Politcs and International Relations (2007 – 2014). She has convened several thematic sections at national and international conferences, and also organized national and international Conferences, Summer Schools and International Seminars. She got her BA in Political Science at the University of Catania in 1993 and specialized in International Relations and EU politics while writing a PhD dissertation on euro-lobbying (defended at the University of Padua in 1998). As Holder of the Italian Chair of Mediterranean Diplomacy and Relations, Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies, University of Malta (1997 - 1999), Research Fellow (1999 - 2002) and Researcher (2000 - 2002) at the University of Catania, she focused her teaching and research interest on EuroMediterranean relations and EuroMediterraenan Partnership. She became Associate Professor in Political Science in 2002 and started teaching also in English the newly established subject Mediterranean Politics (she is the unique lecturer at UNICT since 2004). She taught Mediterranean Politics also at PhD level (Scuola Superiore di Catania and IMT in Lucca) and in distance learning for Arcadia University (Glenside (Pennsylvania, USA). Since academic year 2008-2009 she is teaching Migration and the Mediterraneanat LUISS, Master in European Studies. Evaluator for ANVUR – the Agency of the Italian Ministry of Education since 2013. She served for the Italian Political Science Association and the European International Studies Association as member of the board. She is co-editor of Global Affairs.Within the ERAMSUS mobility grants she has been teaching at the Universities of Ghent, Ljubljana, Paris Est-Créteil, Bilken in Ankara. She also chaired the BA course in Politcs and International Relations (2007 – 2014). 

She has convened several thematic sections at national and international conferences, and also organized national and international Conferences, Summer Schools and International Seminars:

WECCS Crash Course, Welcome to Europe, my Country, my City, my School, organized within the ERASMUS+ WECCS project,University of Catania, 10 - 12 April 2019.

EUMedEA Crash Course, University of Catania, 2016, 2017, 2018

EISAConference,9thPan European Conference in International Relations: The Worlds of Violence, Giardini Naxos (Sicily) 23-26 September 2015.

Convenorof the ‘Celebrating Europe Day’ with Enrique Baron Crespo, former EP President, within the programme ‘European Parliament to Campus’. Catania, 9 May 2015.Talk on The European Union and its Mediterranean Neighbours: new and old democracies. 

Jean Monnet IRA academic coordinator, EUDEM Conferenceon ‘Winds of Democratic Change in the Mediterranean? Actors, Processes and possible Outcomes’, 19-21 May 2011

Scientific responsibleof the EMUNI SUMMER SCHOOL 2009on European Policies and Economic Transition in the Mediterranean Basin,University of Catania, 12-26 July 2009.

Annual SISP Conference, Catania, 20-22 September 2007.

Scientific results

She participated in several research groups, at national (PRIN) or international level (HORIZON 2020, INTAS, Jean Monnet Action). She acted as academic coordinator of several research groups within the Jean Monnet Action. She has contributed to the development of Euro-Mediterranean studies, in Italy and abroad, via teaching and research. In particular, she has promoted research on democratization fostered by the European Union in the Middle East and North Africa via the EUMED project funded by the European Commission, on migration in the Mediterraenan via the jean Monnet Chair EUMedEA and HORIZON 2020 TRANSCRISIS. Her current research focuses on migration muli-level governance. 

Editorial work and publications

Monographic books: L'Unione Europea "potenza divisa" nel Mediterraneo, Milano, Egea, 2012; Il lobbying europeo, Milano, Giuffré, 2000; L’Unione Europea nel sistema politico globale, Beijin, China Social Sciences Press, pp. 1-268, con Attinà Fulvio, Longo Francesca, Monteleone Carla, Rosa Paolo, 2009 (in cinese); Identità, partiti ed elezioni nell’Unione Europea, Cacucci, Bari, 1995, con Attinà Fulvio e Longo Francesca

Edited books: Sulle onde del Mediterraneo. Cambiamenti globali e risposte alla crisi migratoria, EGEA, Milano, 2016; Winds of Democratic Change in the Mediterranean? Processes, Actors and possible Outcomes,with Rosa Rossi & Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2012.

Selected articles and chapters (last 5 years):

The EU and Migration in the Mediterranean. EU Borders’ Control by Proxy, in Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Special Issue edited by Valeria Bello and Sarah Leonard, in print.     

L’Italia e i flussi migratori nel Mediterraneo Centrale: lo snodo libico, in Baldinetti Anna, Cassarino Mirella, Melfa Daniela (a cura di), Oltre-confine. Temi e fonti per lo studio dell’Africa, 2019, Roma, Aracne.

Libia e intervento militare. Il principio della responsabilità di proteggere nel dibattito politico italiano, con Ornella Urso,in Francesca Longo e Pierangelo Isernia (editors), La Politica Estera Italiana nel nuovo millennio, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2019, pp. 117-148.

When Responsibility to Protect ‘hits home’: The EU and the Syrian crisis, co-authored with Iole Fontana, in: ‘Third World Quarterly’, 2018, vol. 39, issue 1, pp. 1-17.

Intercultural Dialogue across the Mediterranean Troubled Waters: Challenges to the Anna Lindh Foundation,in Richard Gillespie and Frederic Volpi (editors), Handbook of Mediterranean PoliticsLondon/New York, Routledge, 2018, pp. 394-407.

The EU and Migration in the Mediterranean. Entrapped between the humanitarian approach and border security, in Moccia Luigi and Pop Lia (eds), Migrants and Refugees Across Europe, European University Press, Boschum (Germany), 2017, pp. 139-168.

La difficile transizione democratica nel Vicinato Meridionale. Il ruolo dell’Unione Europea tra persistenza e cambiamento, in Marco Mascia (a cura di), Verso un sistema partitico europeo transnazionale, Cacucci, Bari, 2014, pp. 169-180.

L’Unione Europea nel Mediterraneo: oltre la primavera araba, in Guerino D'Ignazio, Nicola Fiorita, Silvio Gambino, Francesco Raniolo, Alberto Ventura (a cura di), Transizioni e democrazia nei paesi del Mediterraneo e del vicino oriente,Edizioni Periferia, Cosenza, 2014, pp. 287-309.

Awards and prizes

Honorary Membership, EISA (European International Studies Association), awarded in 2017.

Jean Monnet Chair in EU MEDiterranean border crises and European External Action (EUMEDEA) funded by the European Commission through the ERASMUS+ 2015-2018

Academic coordinator of the Jean Monnet Information and Research Activity on EU Foreign Policy and Democracy Promotion (EUDEM)funded by the European Commission through the LLP (2010-2011),

Scientific Responsibleof the European Jean Monnet Module on EU Roles in the International Governancefunded by the European Commission for the years 2005-2010

International Visitor Leadership Program, Washington/New York, June 2005, training programme organised and funded by the US Embassy in Italy with the US Dept. of State.

Simona Piattoni

International politics area

Competences: Comparative Political Institutions, European Union Politics, Governance, Multilevel Governance, Political Economy, Political Theory, Regional Development

Keywords: clientelism, democracy, Europe, industrialized countries

Region: Trentino-Alto Adige


Professor of Political Science at the University of Trento.

Professional career

She obtained her BA/MA (five-year study program) in Economic and Social Disciplines at Bocconi University in 1985. After spending two years as company consultant for an industrial group and researcher the Department of Industrial Economics at Bocconi University, she was admitted in the PhD program in Political Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA (USA) that she completed in 1996. She became Amanuensis (Assistant professor), then Førsteamanuensis (Associate Professor) in Comparative Politics at the Department of Politikkvitenskap (Political Science) of the University of Tromsø (Norway) (1994-99). Thereafter she spent two years as Jean Monnet Fellow at the European University Institute (EUI) of Fiesole (Italy) (1999-2000) and was hired as Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Trento in 2001. From 2010 to 2011 (two academic years) she was Professorin zu Europäische Politik (European Politics) at the Department of Political Science of the University of Innsbruck (Austria), but she was called back as Full Professor of Political science at the University of Trento in 2011, where she currently holds that position. She keeps strong links with the Norwegian academia, having been Adjunct Professor of Governance at the University of Agder (Kristiansand) (2014-18) and since 2019 Adjunct Researcher with the ARENA Centre for European Studies of the University of Oslo. She served as Chair of the Conference Group on Italian Politics and Society (CONGRIPS), a section of the American Political Science Association (APSA) (2007-09), and as a member then Chair of the Executive Committee of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) (2009-15), the first woman to hold this role, as well as President of the Italian Political Science Society (SISP) (2015-18). She was a member of the Executive Committee of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) (2018-21).

She coordinated BA and MA courses in International Studies at the University of Trento; was a member of the national Research Quality Assessment committee for Political science (2014-18) and member of the national Habilitation committee for Political Science of the Italian Ministry for University and Research (2018-20). She is fluent in English and has solid knowledge of French, German and Norwegian. Italian is her mother tongue. 

Scientific results

The Phd thesis and first scientific interest was the economic development of (four areas of) the South of Italy with a particular attention to the role of local political elites in favoring or hindering economic development. From this research project two parallel and long-lasting research interests evolved: on the one side, the study and refinement of clientelism and local government; on the other, an interest for economic development and, more generally, political economy. From the study of the economic policies for the Italian South to that of EU Cohesion policy it was a short step, and from here to a more general interest for the role of  European regions and the European Committee of the Regions for EU democracy it was an equally natural and logical passage. Cohesion policy was the source of a long-lasting interest in multilevel governance, a field on inquiry to which she contributed innovative analyses. More recently, the comparative economic performance of Germany and Italy during the euro crisis and the problems of European democracy have become the main foci of research.  

Editorial work and publications

[2001] Piattoni S. ed, Clientelism, Interests and Democratic Representation: The European Experience in Historical and Comparative Perspective, New York: Cambridge University Press. [2003] Bukowski J., Piattoni S., Smyrl M. eds, Between Europeanization and Local Societies. The Space for Territorial Governance, Lanham, MD Rowman & Littlefield.

[2005] Piattoni S., Il clientelismo. L’Italia in prospettiva comparata, Roma: Carocci.

[2010] Piattoni S. The Theory of Multilevel Governance. Conceptual, Empirical and Normative Challenges, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 

[2011] Piattoni, S., "The problematic coexistence of functional and territorial representation in the EU", Journal of European Integration, 33 (4): 369-384.

[2015] Piattoni S., Schönlau J., Shaping Policy from Below. EU Democracy and the Committee of the Regions, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. 

[2015] Piattoni S. ed, The European Union: Democratic Principles and Institutional Architectures in Times of Crisis, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

[2016] Piattoni S., Polverari L. eds, Handbook on Cohesion Policy in the EU, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.

[2017] Piattoni S., “The European Union between Intergovernmentalism and 'Shared and Responsible Sovereignty': The Haptic Potential of EMU's Institutional Architecture (The Leonard Schapiro Lecture 2016)”, Government and Opposition, 52 (3): 385-411.

[2019] Papadopoulos Y., Piattoni S., “The European Semester: Democratic Weaknesses as Limits to Learning”, European Policy Analysis, 2019 (1): 58-79.

[2021] Piattoni S., Notermans T., "Italy and Germany: Incompatible Varieties of Europe or Dissimilar Twins?", German Politics, 30 (3): 319-339. 

[2022] Notermans T., Piattoni S. eds, Italy and Germany, Incompatible Varieties of Europe? London, UK: Routledge. 

Awards and prizes

Villa Vigoni grant for German-Italian socio-scientific dialogue: "E la nave va. Social Science perspectives on Germany, Italy and the European Union after a decade of crisis", 2019.

Villa Vigoni grant for German-Italian social-scientific dialogue: "Amici come prima? Social science perspectives on Germany, Italy and the EU in times of crisis", 2017.

Jean Monnet Fellowship, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Research, European University Institute, Florence, 1999-2001.

Scholarship for the study of German, "Minda de Gunzburg" Center for European Studies, Harvard University, Summer 1991.

Dissertation grant, MacArthur Foundation, 1991.

Dissertation grant, Social Science Research Council, 1990.

Golden medal as “Best 1985-86 student”, Bocconi University, Milano, September 1986.

AIESEC Internship in Management Games, Wroclaw Polytechnic (Poland), Summer 1983.

Lara Piccardo

International politics area

Competences: History of European Integration, History of Frozen Conflicts, History of Post-Soviet States, History of Russian Foreign Policy, History of Soviet Foreign Policy

Keywords: European Community, European Union, frozen conflicts, Russian Federation, URSS

Region: Liguria


Associate Professor in History of International Relations at the Department of Political and International Sciences of the University of Genoa.

Professional career

After graduating in Political Science, she obtained a Master's degree in Logistics, a Master's degree in Public and Political Communication and a PhD in History of Europe, Federalism and European Unity at the University of Pavia. During her PhD, she also carried out research activities at the Faculty of History of the Lomonosov University in Moscow. She began her academic career as a research fellow at the Universities of Trento and Genoa, where she is now an associate professor.

Scientific results

She is a member of the University Association of European Studies (AUSE), of which she was Deputy Secretary General for over a decade and for which she was part of the Coordination Team of several European projects (Jean Monnet Action). From 2006 to 2009 she was the holder of the European module Jean Monnet in “History of European parties and movements for European unity”. She lectures at the Army Training Command and Application School, Post-Conflict Operations Study Center. She was Visiting Professor at the Evropejskij Universitet (European University) of St. Petersburg for a series of conferences on the history of the European Integration.

She regularly participates in national and international conferences, she is deputy director of the review «De Europa» of the University of Turin and a member of the Interuniversity Research Center on the History of Federalism and European Integration (CRIE).

Editorial work and publications


(2020) Piccardo L. Dalla patria all’umanità. L’Europa di Giuseppe Mazzini, Bologna, il Mulino.

(2017) Piccardo L. Ai confini dell’Europa. Piccola storia della Crimea contesa, Bari, Cacucci.

(2012) Piccardo L. Agli esordi dell’integrazione europea. Il punto di vista sovietico nel periodo staliniano, Pavia, Interregional Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence.

(2007) Piccardo L. L’Europa del nuovo millennio. Storia del quinto ampliamento (1989-2007) Bologna, CLUEB.

[Book contributions]

(2020) Piccardo L. Dall’Europa all’Africa: il COMECON tra dimensione regionale e globale, in L’organizzazione internazionale tra universalismo e regionalismo, a cura di Giovanni Finizio, Milano, Cedam: 115-129.

(2019) Piccardo L. State-Euroscepticism First! The Soviet Union against Hypotheses and Moments of the European Unity, in Euroscepticisms. Resistance and Opposition to the European Community/European Union, a cura di D. Preda, G. Levi, Bologna, il Mulino: 565-588.

(2017) Piccardo L. Three Lessons from the Past: Monetary Unions in the 19th Century Europe, in The History of European Monetary Union. Comparing Strategies amidst Prospects for Integration and National Resistance, a cura di Daniela Preda, Bruxelles, Pie Peter Lang: 21-36.

(2015) Piccardo L. Le relazioni tra Unione Europea e Federazione russa: collaborazione o competizione?, in L’Unione Europea tra istituzioni e opinione pubblica, a cura di Marinella Belluati, Paolo Caraffini, Roma, Carocci: 140-150.

(2015) Piccardo L. La perestrojka in politica estera. Gorbacëv e l’integrazione europea, in L’Italia e l’Europa negli anni Ottanta. Storia, politica, cultura, a cura di L. Piccardo, Milano, Franco Angeli: 13-32.


(2016) Piccardo L. On the Relations between Russia and Europe, «Il Politico», 241: 29-51.

(2015) Piccardo L. The Historical Dimension of the EU-Russia Relations, «The European Union Review», 20: 33-52.

(2012) Piccardo L. I rapporti tra COMECON e CEE: dalla guerra fredda al mutuo riconoscimento, «La Cittadinanza Europea», 2: 135-152.

Awards and prizes

In 2012, she won the 'Spadolini Nuova Antologia' national prize awarded for the book Risorgimento e pedagogia a Genova: il 'caso' Emanuele Rossi.

Annalisa Prizzon

International politics area

Competences: Development Economy, Finance for Development

Keywords: China, development, development aid, external debt, multilateral development banks, Sub Saharan Africa, World Bank

Region: ABROAD

Professional career

Annalisa  Prizzon graduated in Economics (University of Padua) in 2003, studied at the Department of Economics of Essex University (United Kingdom) in 2003, and completed her MSc in International Economic Integration (University of Pavia) in 2005. She undertook her doctoral studies in Economics and Public Finance (University of Pavia), completing them in 2009. The thesis analyzed various issues related to the sustainability of foreign debt in low-income countries. During her doctoral studies, Annalisa worked as a consultant at the World Bank's Economic Policy and Debt Department and spent a period as a Visiting Scholar at Notre Dame University (United States). From 2008 to 2011 she had been an economist at the OECD Development Centre, analysing issues related to the sustainability of debt, public development aid and development macroeconomics in emerging countries and in Sub-Saharan Africa. Since 2011 she has been working at the Overseas Development Institute in London, one of the most prestigious think-tanks in the field of development. She has been leading and coordinating consultancy, advisory and research projects in the areas of effective aid allocation, development effectiveness, financing for development and debt sustainability in sub-Saharan Africa. 

Scientific results

Annalisa Prizzon has been leading and coordinating research, consulting and advisory projects in collaboration with Ministries of Foreign Affairs, development cooperation agencies in Europe, Africa and Asia, international organizations, multilateral development banks and civil society organizations. She has extensive field experience, particularly in Africa (Botswana, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Senegal, Zambia), Latin America (Chile, Mexico) and Asia (Fiji, Indonesia, Mongolia, Papua New Guinea, Vietnam).

She has published extensively on the themes of international cooperation, on the allocation and effectiveness of financing and public development aid, on the implications of external debt sustainability in sub-Saharan African. 

Editorial work and publications

Annalisa Prizzon is referee of the European Journal of Development Research, The Review of International Organizations, Development Policy Review, World Economy, Oxford Development Studies, Sustainability, Journal of Pacific Studies.

She has contributed various policy papers on development cooperation and peer-reviewed journals, for example:

[2018] Mustapha S, Prizzon A, Debt relief initiatives 20 years on and implications of the new development finance landscape, in Third World Thematics: A TWQ Journal.

[2018] Engen L, Prizzon A, A guide on multilateral development banks, Overseas Development Institute.

[2017] Bhattacharya A, Kharas H, Plant M, Prizzon A, The New Global Agenda and the Future of the MDB System,Paper prepared for the G20 Eminent Persons Group meeting in Frankfurt am Main on 4 December 2017, Brookings Institute, Centre for Global Development, Overseas Development Institute.

[2017] Prizzon A, et al. (eds.), Six recommendations for reforming multilateral development banks: an essay series,ODI report, December. 

[2017] Pickering, J, Davies R, Prizzon A, Development co-operation: New perspectives from developing countries – Introduction for special issue of Development Policy Review, in Development Policy Review, 35, O1-O9.

[2017] Prizzon A, Greenhill R, Mustapha S, An ‘age of choice’ for external development finance? Evidence from country case studies, in Development Policy Review, 35, O29-O45.

[2015] Schmaljohann M, Prizzon A, Age of choice:  How partner countries are managing the new development assistance landscape – The cases of Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Timor-Leste and Vanuatu, in Asia and Pacific Policy Studies, Australian National University. Volume 2, Issue 3, pages 643–651, September.  

[2015] Mold A, Prizzon A, Commodity prices and export performance in Sub-Saharan African countries,in Morrissey O, Lopez R, Sharma K (eds.) “Handbook On Trade And Development”, Edward Elgar Publishing.   

[2013] Mold A, Prizzon A, South-South trade liberalization as a way out of the financial crisis? An exploratory CGE simulation, in Journal of International Development, vol. 25(8), pages 1071-1084, November. 

[2013] Prizzon A, Vaggi G, On the sustainability of external debt: Is debt relief enough?, in Cambridge Journal of Economics, December.

[2012] Mold A, Prizzon A, Aid flows in times of crisis, in Alonso JA, Ocampo JA (eds.) “Development Cooperation in Times of Crisis, Initiative for Policy Dialogue”, Columbia University Press [Spanish version in Fondo de Cultura Económica].

Awards and prizes

Annalisa Prizzon is academic advisor of Jubilee Debt Campaign and a member of the World Economic Forum Council on the Future on Infrastructure.

Chiara Proietti Silvestri

International politics area

Competences: Analysis of Energy Markets, Geopolitics of Energy

Keywords: decarbonisation, energy scenarios and investments, energy transition and sustainability, European energy dependence, gas pipeline war, O&G discoveries in the Eastern Mediterranean, power interconnections, Security of supply

Region: Emilia-Romagna


Energy market analyst at the bologna-based research and consultancy firm RIE (Ricerche Industriali ed Energetiche); Associate research fellow energy security at the institute of international policy ISPI

Professional career

Chiara Proietti Silvestri attended the Faculty of Political Sciences "R. Ruffilli ” (Forlì Campus); in 2011 she graduated with a master's degree cum laudein International and Diplomatic Sciences. In the same year, she joined the research team of RIE in Bologna where she still works as a political and energy economics analyst. In 2015, she began working with ISPI on the drafting of energy security reports for the Italian Parliament's International Policy Observatory. The collaboration with ISPI continues also in the field of teaching and in 2017 she becomes Associate Research Fellow Energy Security. She continues to study, believing that learning must be continuously stimulated; for this reason, over the years she has attended specialization courses on energy law, industrial economics, econometrics, energy certification analysis.

Scientific results

As part of her work at RIE, Proietti Silvestri follows various research sectors, including the development of O&G resources at national level and the development of Italian energy districts. This line of research has led to the drafting of various policy-oriented papers on the subject and to the realization of a book entitled "the Coexistence between Hydrocarbons and Agriculture, Fisheries and Tourism in Italy, for which she was co-author of some chapters. Recently, she has coordinated a research project on heavy transport and sustainable mobility.

Editorial work and publications

She is a member of the editorial board of the quarterly journal 'Energia' on energy issues since 1980. She has also published numerous articles in specialist publications, some of which are listed below:

[2019] Proietti Silvestri C. I numeri dell’economia circolare in Italia, Gestore Mercati Energetici 

[2018] Proietti Silvestri C. Anche litio e cobalto nelle statistiche dell’energia, Gestore Mercati Energetici

[2018] Proietti Silvestri C. La finanza verde a 10 anni dal primo Green bond, Gestore Mercati Energetici

[2018] Proietti Silvestri C. Turkish Stream, gli esiti del divide et impera russo, Formiche 

[2016] Proietti Silvestri C. Gas, perno della cooperazione nel Mediterraneo orientale, Affari Internazionali

[2015] Gugliotta A., Proietti Silvestri C. Shale gas e prezzi oil: cosa cambia?Gestore Mercati Energetici

[2015] Proietti Silvestri C. Egitto a tutto gas: nuovi equilibri energetici nel Mediterraneo Orientale,Osservatorio di Politica Internazionale del Senato della Repubblica

[2015] Proietti Silvestri C. Esplorazione: nuovo dinamismo nel Mar Adriatico, Affari Internazionali 

[2014] Clò F., Proietti Silvestri C. I distretti petroliferi in Emilia Romagna: realtà da indagare e valorizzare, Rivista “Energia”

[2013] Proietti Silvestri C. Cipro: tra sviluppo energetico e tensioni politiche, The Risky Shift 

[2013] Proietti Silvestri C. Stati Uniti: le implicazioni internazionali di una politica energetica “non convenzionale, The Risky Shift

[2013] Proietti Silvestri C.  L’onda siriana sul petrolio, Affari Internazionali

[2012] Proietti Silvestri C. Sicurezza Energetica: Egitto e Israele alla battaglia del gas, Affari Internazionali 

[2011] Proietti Silvestri C. Non Proliferazione: Giro di vite sul commercio nucleare, Affari Internazionali

[2011] Proietti Silvestri C. Sicurezza nucleare: insegnamenti dopo Fukushima, Rivista Energia

[2009] Proietti Silvestri C. Russia: Il war game simulato contro la Polonia inquieta l'Alleanza Atlantica, Equilibri.

Awards and prizes

She is a member of the editorial board of the “Rivista Energia", since 1980 a quarterly review regarding the main energy issues. Moreover, she has published numerous articles in specialized magazines, some of which are listed below:


[2019] Proietti Silvestri C. I numeri dell’economia circolare in Italia, Gestore Mercati Energetici 

[2018] Proietti Silvestri C. Anche litio e cobalto nelle statistiche dell’energia, Gestore Mercati Energetici

[2018] Proietti Silvestri C. La finanza verde a 10 anni dal primo Green bond, Gestore Mercati Energetici

[2018] Proietti Silvestri C. Turkish Stream, gli esiti del divide et impera russo, Formiche 

[2016] Proietti Silvestri C. Gas, perno della cooperazione nel Mediterraneo orientale, Affari Internazionali

[2015] Gugliotta A., Proietti Silvestri C. Shale gas e prezzi oil: cosa cambia?Gestore Mercati Energetici

[2015] Proietti Silvestri C. Egitto a tutto gas: nuovi equilibri energetici nel Mediterraneo Orientale,Osservatorio di Politica Internazionale del Senato della Repubblica

[2015] Proietti Silvestri C. Esplorazione: nuovo dinamismo nel Mar Adriatico, Affari Internazionali 

[2014] Clò F., Proietti Silvestri C. I distretti petroliferi in Emilia Romagna: realtà da indagare e valorizzare, Rivista “Energia”

[2013] Proietti Silvestri C. Cipro: tra sviluppo energetico e tensioni politiche, The Risky Shift 

[2013] Proietti Silvestri C. Stati Uniti: le implicazioni internazionali di una politica energetica “non convenzionale, The Risky Shift

[2013] Proietti Silvestri C.  L’onda siriana sul petrolio, Affari Internazionali

[2012] Proietti Silvestri C. Sicurezza Energetica: Egitto e Israele alla battaglia del gas,Affari Internazionali 

[2011] Proietti Silvestri C. Non Proliferazione: Giro di vite sul commercio nucleare, Affari Internazionali

[2011] Proietti Silvestri C. Sicurezza nucleare: insegnamenti dopo Fukushima, Rivista Energia

[2009] Proietti Silvestri C. Russia: Il war game simulato contro la Polonia inquieta l'Alleanza Atlantica,Equilibri

Veronica Riniolo

International politics area

Competences: General Sociology, Socio-economical Inclusion of Rom in the Italian Context, Sociology of Migration

Keywords: immigration, integration, migrants, political activism, second-generations

Region: Lombardy


Researcher of Sociology at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the Catholic University of Milan

Professional career

Graduated with honours in International Relations and European integration at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, she earned a Phd in Sociology and Methodology of Social Research (Doctor Europeaus) at the same institutions in 2015 with a thesis on the processes of integration of migrants in Sweden. Since 2008 she has been collaborating with ISMU Foundation, where she has participated in and/or coordinated activities of research groups characterized by collaborations at national and international levels on the following topics: processes of integration of migrants, migration policies, ethnic-racial discrimination, processes of socio-economical inclusion of Rom and Sinti people. From January 2017 to December 2018 she worked as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Sociology and Social Research at Università Bicocca in Milan, carrying on an empirical research on the political involvement of second-generations in Italy. Since 2017 she has been working as a consultant in the research field in support of the activities of the Minister of Interior (Department of Civil Liberty and Immigration - Central Directorate for Immigration and Asylum Policies) with the role of National Contact Point (NCP). Since 2019 she has been working as a Researcher for the scientific-disciplinary sector SPS/07 (General Sociology) at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan. For the next 2019/2020 academic year she is teaching General Sociology and Methodology of Social Research at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan. She is a member of the Scientific Board of the Methodology Section at AIS (Italian Association of Sociology) (2019-2011) She is a referee for many Italian scientific journals.  She has presented the outcomes of her researches at different national and international conferences (Canada, Israel, Uruguay, Sweden, Poland, Finland, UK).

Scientific results

Her main research interests and her scientific production concern mainly three branches: policies and processes of immigrant integration in Italy and Europe, with a particular focus on the Sweden case; socio-economical inclusion of Rom in the Italian context; activism and political involvement of second generations in Italy.

Editorial work and publications


[2018] Riniolo V., L’integrazione dei migranti in Svezia. Tra sfide e opportunità, FrancoAngeli, Milano. 


[2019] Riniolo V., Second-generation Youths: Experiences of Political Participation in Italy, in Studi di Sociologia.

[2018] Riniolo V., Codini E., L’attivismo delle seconde generazioni e la riforma della legge sulla cittadinanza in Italia, in Visioni LatinoAmericane 18 (2018), pp. 9-25.

[2015] Riniolo V., Marcaletti F., Migrant trade union membership, employment status and citizenship practices. A comparison of different European countries, in Mondi Migranti, N.1, pp. 127-149.

[2013] Riniolo V., Sul concetto di coesione sociale oggi, in Studi di Sociologia, 3-4, pp. 355-364.

[2012] Riniolo V., L’immigrazione femminile sudamericana in Italia, in Visioni Latinoamericane, n. 6, pp. 91-98.

[2011] Riniolo V., Marcaletti F., S. Pozzi S., Percorsi di empowerment e integrazione lavorativa di Rom e Sinti: l’esperienza del progetto Valore Lavoro, in Autonomie Locali e Servizi Sociali, n. 2, pp. 287-300.

[2015] Riniolo V., Marcaletti F., A Participatory Governance Model Towards the Inclusion of Ethnic Minorities. An Action Research Experience in Italy, in Revue Interventions Èconomiques, No. 53/2015.

[2012] Riniolo V., Marcaletti F., Active participation of Roma. An experience of participatory planning toward labour integration, in European Roma Rights Journal, pp. 59-65. 

Chapters in books:

[2019] Riniolo V., Immigration and Housing Policies in Sweden, in Alietti, A., Agustoni, A. (eds.), Housing Policies, Migrants and Integration. Reflections on Italian and European cases, Aracne Editrice.

[2018] Riniolo V., Lovison M., I piani di integrazione: la gestione dell’immigrazione in Europa e in Italia, inVentitreesimo Rapporto sulle migrazioni 2017, FrancoAngeli, Milano, pp. 247-262. 

[2018] Riniolo V., Lovison M., The Integration Plans: the migration governance in Europe and ItalyThe Twenty-third Italian Report on Migrations 2017, pp. 111-120. 

Paola Rivetti

International politics area

Competences: Governmentality, Iranian Foreign and Domestic Politics, Social and Protest Movements, Transformation of the State in the MENA Region

Keywords: authoritarianism, civil society, democracy, Iran, Middle East, Social movements

Region: ABROAD


Assistant Professor in Politics of the Middle East and International Relations at the School of Law and Government of the Dublin City University (DCU).  

Professional career

She holds a degree in Political Science from the University of Torino, a PhD in Social and Political Sciences from the University of Siena and a MA in Political Science and International Relations from the University of Turin. She was an adjunct at the Catholic University of Milan between 2009 and 2011, a research fellow at the University of Turin in 2010 and 2011, and then an IRC postdoctoral fellow at the DCU between 2011 and 2013. She held visiting positions at Boğaziçi University, Laval University, University of Montreal (UdeM), University of Palermo and Ecole de management de Normadie.

Scientific results

She is a member of the Advisory board of the Cambridge Centre for Palestine Studies, and for the IRC-funded project “What works? Sharing best practices in how civil society organisations use the internet in organising and building for socio-economic rights” (PIs Aileen O'Carroll, Maynooth University, and David Landy, Trinity College Dublin). 

She leads the Erasmus Plus International Credit Mobility (ICM) Exchange with Bethlehem University and is part of the ITN-Marie Curie funded doctoral training network Around the Caspian.

She was the General Secretary of the Italian Society for Middle Eastern Studies (SeSaMO) between 2013 and 2016. Before joining DCU, she also collaborated with NGOs in the field of asylum-seekers assistance. 
Her research interests focus on the government of societies and polities in the Middle East and North Africa from a comparative perspective; and on social and political mobilisations. She also works on migration in and from the region. She authored numerous scientific as well as non-academic publications on these topics, published in several languages (Persian, English, French, Spanish, and Italian). She carried out extensive field research in the region. She also works and publishes on the topics of precarity in academia and academic freedom both in the Middle East and North Africa, and in the EU and US. She is also involved in non-academic reaching-out activities, engaging both the media and public speaking. 

Her works builds on two main approaches. The first is to examine how societies are governed through the means of ideology, policy coercion, and political violence. In particular, her current work looks at Islamic reformism as a project of government which does not only elaborates and imposes public order and a specific way of ordering society, but also delineates and delimits spaces for political participation. She has completed a monograph on this subject forthcoming for Palgrave McMillan (Political Participation in Iran: From Khatami to the Green Movement), the first of this kind. However, this approach informs all her publications and work in general – especially publications focusing on civil society. The second approach focuses on the comparison of democratic and authoritarian regimes. While questioning the binary of democracy vs authoritarianism, her work also questions the role of policies in those regimes. 

She also works on other topics and issues, from migration to academic precarity and academic freedom.

Editorial work and publications

Paola Rivetti is the author of numerous scientific publications. The complete and updated list is available here: DCU_Paola Rivetti Publications.

She has also authored several political analysis articles for media outletssuch as Expresso Portugal, RTE News, News Talk Radio, Ghalamro, Presidential Power, LeftEast, QCode Mag, Cultural Labour, Zapruder, Irish Humanities Association, Effimera, Global.

Awards and prizes

2018: Early-Career Researcher of the Year Award by the Irish Research Council (selected among all IRC awardees across all disciplines).

2018: Dublin City University President’s Award for Excellence in Research, Early-Career researcher.

2005/06:MA dissertation awarded by the University of Turin as the best dissertation in Political Science. 

2006: Optime Award 2006 for the MA dissertation, Chamber of Commerce of Turin.

Caterina Roggero

International politics area

Competences: EU-MENA Relations, International History

Keywords: Algeria, Current affairs of Algeria and North Africa, Mediterranean

Region: Lombardy


Professor with a temporary appointment for two Laboratories “National and International Cooperation and Development” (24hours + 24 hours/each AY), University of the Studies of Milan-Bicocca, Dep. of Sociologyand Assistant Professor of History and Institutions of Islamic Countries, University of the Studies of Milan, Political Science Faculty, Dep. of International Studies.

Professional career

After a cum laude Degree in History at the University of Studies of Milan (Italy) in 2005 with a thesis about Zine El Abidine Ben Ali Tunisia, she continues her academic training with a Master on Arab World at the Université Aix-Marseille (Aix-en-Provence, France) and with a PhD (2010) in International History at the University of Studies of Milan (Italy). In this period, she starts a collaboration with Professor Gian Paolo Calchi Novati, a very well-known African Historian. This collaboration will last until his death in 2017. Together they participated to small projects about Italy Foreign Policy and North Africa (Centre for Africa and Orient, CSIAO, 2013-2014 Rome), European Union and Nigeria (Report ISPI, 2014 Milan), European Union and Israel (Special Issue of Il Ponte revue, Florence 2015), also cooperating on editorial projects and academic courses. In 2012 she was Tutor and Lecturer at the course “Greater Middle East: actors, dynamics, challenges” at the “Collegio di Milano”, inter-university Campus of excellence, Milan (Italy). In 2014 she collaborated with Enrico Mattei Eni Foundation (FEEM, Milan) in the organization of the Summer School within Economy and Society research program. In 2014-2015 she was Researcher at Oasis Foundation (Venice-Milan, Italy) within the Research Programme “Knowing the hybridisation of civilisations and cultures – Manage with a Changing Society”. Since 2014 she has been professor with a temporary appointment for two Laboratories “National and International Cooperation and Development” where people working in non-profit organizations present their experience to students at the University of the Studies of Milan-Bicocca, Dep. of Sociology. Since 2017 she has been Expert in History and Institutions of Islamic Countries at the University of the Studies of Milan. Before that, she has also been Expert in History and Institution of Africa (2011-2014) and International Relations History (2006-2007) at the same University. 

Scientific results

Since 2009 she has been studying Algerian contemporary history. Her PhD research (archives in Algiers and Paris) is part of the new research trend about internationalization of Algerian war (1954-1962). Her research fields concern: political institutions history in Algeria from Colonial period to nowadays with particular regard to interactions between political Algerian forces and different nationalisms; North African regional history analyzed as an area where the 5 countries (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt) passed through common historical phases characterized by common and transnational ideologies. She worked on the updating in bibliography and contents of the only one Italian book about Algerian History from the Independence of Calchi Novati (new edition of 2018) and she published the first Italian historiographical essay about region North African History (2019). She gives lectures and seminars on history and current affairs of Algeria, North Africa and Euro-Med relations at Universities, Studies Centers and Think Tank, and she is often invited to take part to tv and radio programs. She participates to Academic international meeting as well as dissemination events.  


Editorial work and publications

[2019] Roggero C., Storia del Nord Africa indipendente. Tra imperialismi, nazionalismi e autoritarismi, Bompiani, Milano.

[2019] Roggero C., Il popolo e l’esercito, i due fronti della storia contemporanea algerina, Il Ponte, anno LXXV, n. 3, maggio-giugno 2019.

[2018] Roggero C., Calchi Novati, G.P., Storia dell’Algeria indipendente. Dalla guerra di liberazione a Bouteflika, Bompiani, Milano. 

[2016] Roggero C., Equilibrismi europei tra solidarietà e sicurezza: la sfida delle migrazioni, in Pin A. e Pellegrino C., (eds.), Europa e Islam: attualità di una relazione, Marsilio e-book, Venezia.

[2016] Roggero C., Parabole di conversione. Viaggio insolito attraverso la secolarizzazione, in Salmeri G., (ed.), Troppa religione o troppo poca? Cristiani e musulmani alla prova della secolarizzazione, Marsilio e-book, Venezia 2016.

[2016] Roggero C., Algerian Tightrope: a Balancing Exercise on the Brink of a Crisis, in IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook 2016, European Institute of the Mediterranean, Barcelona.

[2015] Roggero C., L’Unione europea tra scelte e non scelte, in Calchi Novati, G.Pe Roggero C.(eds.), La questione israeliana, numero speciale de Il Ponte, anno LXXI nn. 11-12, novembre-dicembre 2015.

[2015] Roggero C., Sahara, nucleo del disordine. Dalla Libia alla costa atlantica(Sahara, Heart of the Disorder. From Libya to the Atlantic Coast), in Pilati, A, Sapelli G., (eds.), Il nuovo disordine internazionale. Conflitti politici, cambiamenti tecnologici ed evoluzioni strategiche, Centro Studi Fondazione Magna Carta-Osservatorio Politico.

[2015] Roggero C., Lo Stato islamico tra realtà e utopia. Nord Africa e modelli globali,in Plebani, A., Diez, M., (eds.), La galassia fondamentalista. Tra jihad armato e partecipazione politica, e-book Marsilio, Venezia.

[2015] Roggero C., Riconoscersi cittadini. Per una nuova indipendenza algerina, in Massimo Zaccaria, Airò B. (eds.), I confini della cittadinanza nel nuovo Medio Oriente, Quaderni di Asia, Major n. 2, Viella, Roma.

[2014] Roggero C., Le organizzazioni regionali: incroci, contraddizioni, debolezze, in Aliboni R., e Calchi Novati, G.P. (eds.), Il Nord Africa nel nuovo contesto mediterraneo e la politica dell’Italia, Rapporto Csiao-Centro studi italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente, marzo 2014.

[2014] Roggero C., Un accordo particolare con l’Unione europea, in Calchi Novati, G.P. e Montanini, M., (eds.), La Nigeria in Africa e la politica dell’Italia, Rapporto Ispi per il Ministero degli Affari esteri e della cooperazione internazionale, Oct. 2014.

Alessandra Russo

International politics area

Competences: International Relations, Security Studies

Keywords: Caucasus, Central Asia, international organisation, international security, post-soviet area, regional organisations

Region: Trentino-Alto Adige


Senior Researcher and Assistant Professor of International Relations and Security Studies at University of Trento.

Professional career

She holds an MA in International Relations and European Studies, and a PhD in Politics, Human Rights and Sustainability awarded by the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (Pisa), with a thesis co-supervised at the University of Oxford. I held research positions in Germany (Freie Universitat Berlin), France (Sciences Po Bordeaux) eand Belgium (Université Libre de Bruxelles), after which she started working at the University of Trento as Senior Researcher / Assistant Professor in International Relations and Security Studies. She has participated to a number of EU-funded collaborative research projects and has been awarded 2 personal grants for carrying out multi-year research projects, respectively on “International Determinants in the Production of Regional Counter-crime Norms, Policies and Practices” and “Countering Terrorism, Radicalisation, Extremism: EU’s Schemes and Local Responses”. Since 2017 she is the co-editor of the Open Access academic journal Inter-disciplinary Political Studies; since 2022 she is coordinator of the Standing Group on Russia and the Post-Soviet Space of the Italian Political Science Association. 

Scientific results

The research activities that I have carried out so far can be grouped into 3 main thematic clusters: 

1. Comparative Regionalism and study of the international and regional organisations, with a special focus on the former Soviet area and the contribution of post-Soviet countries to the making and un-making of global governance infrastructures. Building on these issues, she is committed to study the dialectics between international norms, policies and practices on the one hand, and their translation/localization on the other. 

2. Critical approaches to the study of European security, in particular looking at the development of counter-crime and counter-terrorism strategies, and more recently, engaged with critical debates on the notions of counter-/de-radicalisation and countering violent extremism, with particular attention devoted to the Enlargement and Neighbourhood areas of the EU. 

3. Practices and ethics of fieldwork research, especially looking at the nexus between academic freedom, risks and responsibilities of site-intensive methodologies, research security and safety in context of crisis and socio-political fragility.  

Editorial work and publications

[2022] Russo A., Selenica E., “Counter-radicalisation and countering violent extremism in the Western Balkans and South Caucasus: the cases of Kosovo and Georgia”. Critical Studies on Terrorism, DOI: 10.1080/17539153.2022.2111777

[2022] D’Amato S., Dian M., Russo A., “Reaching for allies? The dialectics and overlaps between International Relations and Area Studies in the study of politics, security and conflicts”. Italian Political Science Review/Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica 52(2): 153-171

[2021] Russo A., Stambøl E., “The External Dimension of the EU’s Fight against Transnational Crime: Transferring Political Rationalities of Crime Control”. Review of International Studies 48(2): 326-345

[2021] Russo A., Selenica E., “Actors and Sites for Knowledge Production on Radicalisation in Europe and Beyond” (with Ervjola Selenica). Journal of Contemporary European Studies, DOI 10.1080/14782804.2021.1997729

[2021] Buscemi F., Russo A., “The State Before Criminal Firearms”. In Felia Allum and Stan Gilmour (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Transnational Organized Crime 2nd edition. London: Routledge

[2020] Saliba I., Lust E., Beals E., Diab O., Russo A., “In the Field”. In J. Grimm, K. Koehler, E. Lust, I. Saliba, I. Schierenbeck (eds.) Safer Field Research in the Social Sciences: A Guide to Human and Digital Security in Hostile Environments. London: SAGE

[2020] Russo A., Strazzari F., “The Politics of Safe Research in Violent and Illiberal Contexts”. In Berit Bliesemann de Guevara and Morten Boas (eds.) Doing Fieldwork in Areas of International Intervention. Bristol: Bristol University Press

[2020] Loschi C., Russo A., “Whose Enemy at the Gates? Border Management in the Context of EU Crisis Response in Libya and Ukraine”. Geopolitics (26)5: 1486-1509 

[2018] Russo A., Stoddard E., “Why do Authoritarian Leaders do Regionalism? Ontological Security and Eurasian Regional Cooperation”. The International Spectator 53(3): 20-37 

[2018] Russo A., Regions in Transition in the Former Soviet Area: Ideas and Institutions in the Making (2018). Basingstoke: Palgrave 

[2018] Russo A., Giusti S., “The Securitisation of Cultural Heritage” (2018). International Journal of Cultural Policy, DOI: 10.1080/10286632.2018.1518979

[2017] Russo A., Gawrich A., “Overlap with contestation? Comparing norms and policies of regional organisations in the former Soviet area”. Central Asian Survey 36(3): 331-352 

Federica Saini Fasanotti

International politics area

Competences: Counterinsurgency, Foreign and Security Policy, History of Libia, Military History

Keywords: Afghanistan, defense, Horn of Africa, irregular conflicts, Italian colonies in Africa, Libya, military operations, safety

Region: Lombardy


Non-resident Senior Fellow and military historian at the Brookings Institution (Washington); Senior Associate Fellow at the Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI).

Professional career

In 2004, she gained a PhD degree at the University of Milan, with a study on controversial relationship between Fascism and the Italian Red Cross.

She has collaborated with the Pentagon and with Secretary of Defense James Mattis as a consultant on Libya. She has worked as an advisor on the Maghreb for Terna Group, the first grid operator for electricity transmission in Europe. 

In September 2016 she testified before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs about terrorism in Libya.

She is currently Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution and a Senior Associate Fellow at the Italian Institute for International Political Studies.

Scientific results

She is a specialist of counterinsurgency. She is a military historian expert in African colonies: her studies have covered Libya and the Horn of Africa, but also Afghanistan. She is a frequent lecturer at military history conferences and congresses, and is a guest lecturer for the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis.

She developed for Rai-National Italian Television the series "The History of Fascism" (2006) and "The Second World War" (2009), distributed by "Il Corriere della Sera". She has published five historical books and she is publishing the last one with the Naval Institute of Annapolis on the Italian Counterinsurgency Operations in Libya and Ethiopia (1922-1940). 

Editorial work and publications


[2019] Saini Fasanotti F, VINCERE! The Italian way of COIN: Libya and Ethiopia. 1922-1941, USNI, Annapolis.

[2015] Saini Fasanotti F, The Army at the maquis. The Italian Counterinsurgency from the Brigandage to the Balcans in IIWW (L'Esercito alla macchia. La controguerriglia italiana dal Brigantaggio alla Seconda Guerra Mondiale - 1860-1943), Ufficio Storico dello Stato Maggiore della Difesa, Roma.

 [2014] Saini Fasanotti F, Afghanistan. From the Durrani Empire to the Resolute Support Mission(Afghanistan. Dall'Impero dei Durrani alla Resolute Support Mission)MursiaEditore, Milano.

[2012] Saini Fasanotti F, Libya 1922-1931. The Italian Counterinsurgency (Libia 1922-1931. Le operazioni militari italiane), Ufficio Storico dello Stato Maggiore dell'Esercito, Roma.

[2010] Saini Fasanotti F,  Ethiopia 1936-1940. Colonial Counterinsurgency through the sources of the ItalianArmy(Etiopia 1936-1940. Le operazioni di polizia coloniale attraverso le fonti dell'Esercito italiano),Ufficio Storico dello Stato Maggiore dell'Esercito, Roma.

[2006] Saini Fasanotti F, The Violated Joy. Crimes against Italians 1940-1946 (La gioia violata. Crimini contro gli italiani 1940-1946),EdizioniAres,Milano.


She writes for several Think Tanks, reviews and magazines. Her many published essays and articles have also appeared in historical and geopolitical journals.

[2019] Saini Fasanotti F,  Libya and the Franco-Italian rivalry,in Geopolitical Intelligence Services

[2019] Saini Fasanotti F,  The Rise of Populacracy, in The National Interest 

[2019] Saini Fasanotti F,  Between false myths and real threats, in Formiche (Agosto-Settembre).

[2017] Saini Fasanotti F, Libya, a nation suspended between past and future, in Studia Diplomatica LXVIII-4, Egmont Royal Institute for International Relations.

[2016] Saini Fasanotti F, The Italian war industry on the threshold of the Great War: between mobilization and innovation, pp. 332-345, in "Neutral Italy 1914-1915", Roma, Rodorigo Editore. 

[2014] Saini Fasanotti F, Libyan Troops (1922-1931).The Trainingduring the Reconquest, inRivista Militare, a quarterlymagazine.

Awards and prizes

Finalist and Special Award in the historical-scientific section of the 44th"Acqui-Storia" award.

Ruth Hanau Santini

International politics area

Competences: Central Sahel, European Foreign Policy, Italian Foreign Policy, Middle East and North African (MENA) politics and geopolitics, Tunisia

Keywords: crisis of democracy, democracy, European Union, Middle East and North Africa, mobilizations, safety, state, terrorism

Region: Lazio


Associate Professor of Politics and International Relations at Università L’Orientale, Naples.

Professional career

She graduated cum laude in 2001 at the University of Bologna in International and Diplomatic Sciences and in 2003 gains a Master's degree in Neighbor and Middle East Studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in London. In 2008, she completed her Ph.D. in Analysis and interpretation of European society at the Federico II University, Naples.

She gained several fellowships and collaborations with various research institutes and universities. During her PhD she worked for the Center for European Policy Studies (CEPS) and the Stiftung fur Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP). In 2008, she is desk officer at the European Research Area of University of Bologna, in 2011/12 she collaborated with the Brookings Institution, in 2010 with the Italian Institute for International Political Studies - ISPI and in 2013 she joined the Transatlantic Academy of the German Marshall Fund (GMF US).

Her experience leads her to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a consultant to the Italian Deputy Foreign Minister on the Mediterranean and the Middle East. In 2015-2016 she worked at the Johns Hopkins University -SAIS Europe- in Bologna as an associate fellow.

In 2012 she becomes a researcher, first junior and subsequently senior, at the Oriental University of Naples, where she is now an Associate professor in Political science and International relations.  She is also associate fellow of the Institute of Middle East, Central Asia and Caucasus Studies (MECACS) of the University of St. Andrews and consultant at the World Food Program in Rome in the Analysis and Early Warning Unit.

Scientific results

From February 2013 until July 2016, she led an international research consortium within the project EUSPRING(budget: EUR 500,000): Democracy and Citizenship rights in North Africa since the Arab Awakening: challenges for EU and US foreign policies, funded by Compagnia di San Paolo. The project revolved around post-revolutionary political trajectories in North Africa. 

Since May 2015 she has been coordinating a research project, STREETPOL: “From Tunisia to Oman: post-revolutionary participatory challenges”, within the Italian Ministry of Higher Education program SIR (Scientific Independence of Young Researchers).

Editorial work and publications

[2019] Santini R.H, Polese A, (eds.), Rethinking statehood in the Middle East and North Africa. Security, sovereignty and new political orders, Routledge, pp. 234.

[2019] Santini R.H, Cimini, G, The politics of security reform in post-2011 Tunisia: assessing the role of exogenous shocks, domestic policy entrepreneurs and external actors, “Middle Eastern Studies”, vol. 55, n.1, pp. 225-241.

[2019] Santini R.H, Cimini G, Intended and unintended consequences of security assistance in post-2011 Tunisia, in Contemporary Arab Affairs, vol. 12, n.1, 2019, pp. 91-106. 

[2019] Santini R.H, Costantini I, ‘Saudi Arabia’s space shaping: making or unmaking a region’, in Giusti S, Mirkova I (eds.), The EU in a Trans-European space. External relations across Europe, Asia and the Middle East, Springer pp. 113-131.

[2019] Santini R.H, Pontiggia S, Informality and state-society relations in post-2011 Tunisia, in Polese A, Russo A, Strazzari F, (eds.), Governance beyond the law. The immoral, the illegal, the criminal,Palgrave.

[2018] Santini R.H, Limited statehood in post-revolutionary Tunisia. Citizenship, economy, security,Palgrave.

[2018] Santini R.H, Tholens S, Security Assistance in a Post-Interventionist Era: the impact on hybrid political orders in Tunisia and Lebanon, in Small Wars and Insurgencies.

[2018] Santini R.H, Polese A,Limited statehood and its security implications on the fragmentation of political orders in the Middle East and North Africa, in Small Wars and Insurgencies.

[2018] Santini R.H, The EU and post-Arab Uprisings’ citizenship: a fuzzy model or contrasting ideologies, in Mejier R, Butenschon N (eds.), The Middle East in transition: the centrality of citizenship, Edward Elgar.

[2018] Santini R.H, Il 2011 e il re-balancing del Golfo arabo: trasformazioni geopolitiche della regione del Medio

Oriente e Nord Africa, in Civiltà del Mediterraneo (numero monografico).

[2017] Santini R.H, A New Regional Cold War in the Middle East and North Africa: Regional Security Complex Theory Revisited, in The International Spectator, November 

[2017] Santini R.H, Moro FN, Between hierarchy and heterarchy: Post Arab uprisings’ civil-military relations and the Arab state, in Mediterranean Politics.

Giulia Sciorati

International politics area

Competences: Central Asia, China’s Foreign and Security Policy, China’s International Relations with Central Asia, East Asia, International Relations, Russia-China Relations

Keywords: Central Asia, China, Covid-19, East Asia, safety

Region: Lombardy


Assistant Research Fellow at the Italian Institute for Political Research (ISPI)

Professional career

Giulia Sciorati is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Humanities of the University of Trento, Italy, where she works on an inter-departmental project on the impact of the Belt and Road Initiative and the Covid-19 pandemic on China’s foreign policy (BRIICoPIC), led by Professor Sofia Graziani. Giulia Sciorati also serves as a non-resident Research Fellow for the China Programme of the Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI). She earned a PhD in International Studies from the School of International Studies of the University of Trento in September 2020. Her dissertation investigated the drivers of China’s counterterrorism policy in Xinjiang from 1996 to 2017 via a neoclassical realist approach. During her doctoral studies, she was a visiting researcher at the University of Oxford, Nottingham and the European Institute for Asian Studies (EIAS). Her research interests include China’s foreign and security policy, China’s relations with Central Asia and soft power theory.

Scientific results

She deals with security issues with particular reference to counterterrorism policies and the factors that influence decision-making processes in China at the level of the country’s political elite. Her second line of research focuses on the regional projection of Chinese foreign policy with particular attention to the New Silk Road and its impact on China’s relations with Central Asia.

Editorial work and publications

[2021, forthcoming] Looking East? An Analysis of Kazakhstan’s Geopolitical Code after Participation in China’s Belt and Road Initiative, Eurasiatica: Studies on the Balkans, Anatolia, Iran, the Caucasus and Central Asia.

[2021] Post-Pandemic Asia: A New Normal for Regional Security?, with A. Berkofsky, Milan, Ledizioni.

[2020] Mapping China’s Global Future: Playing Ball or Rocking the Boat?, with A. Berkofsky, Milan, Ledizioni.

[2020] Pandemic Trust: China-Italy Relations During Covid-19, Panorama: Insights into Asian and European Affairs, 22(2): 39-50.

Marcella Simoni

International politics area

Competences: History of Israel and of Palestine, Israeli Cinema, Jewish History in 20th Century, Peace-building

Keywords: civil society, Israel, Jews in Asia, nonviolence, Palestine, violence

Region: Veneto


Associate Professor of History and Institutions of Asia, Department of Asian and North African Studies, Ca’ Foscari University, Venice.

Professional career

Marcella Simoni graduated in Italian Literature at the University of Florence, specializing in contemporary history. She then continued her studies in London, where she obtained her Ph.D in 2004 at the Department of Hebrew and Jewish Studies at University College London. Upon her return to Italy, she started to cooperate with the Department of Asian and North African Studies at Ca’ Foscari University, as a contract professor first, as a junior researcher, and since 2011 in a permanent position as a Senior Researcher. As a post-doc and/or visiting scholar she has been hosted in various universities and research centres, in the US (Brown University, American Jewish University), in the UK (Oxford), in France (INALCO), Israel (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Centre de Recherche Francais à Jérusalem), China (University of Nanjing). Since 2004 she has been teaching at the Florence campus of New York University. 

Scientific results

She has worked on various themes and research topics in the social history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and maintains a very active research agenda. Her interests include the history of medicine and public health in Palestine of the British Mandate, Israeli cinema, non-violence and civil resistance in Israel and Palestine and military conscientious objection in Israel.

Editorial work and publications

Among her works published during the last 10 years:


[2018] Simoni M, Miccoli D, Foscarini G, Homelands and Diasporas: Perspectives on Jewish Culture in the Mediterranean and Beyond, Cambridge Scholars, Newcastle upon Tyne.

[2010] Simoni M, A Healthy Nation. Zionist Health Policies in British Palestine (1930-1939), Cafoscarina, Venezia.

[2010] Simoni M, At the Margins of Conflict. Social Perspectives on Arabs and Jews in British Palestine (1922-1948), Cafoscarina, Venezia.

Edited books and special issues

[2013] Simoni M, Israelis and Palestinians Seeking, Building and Representing Peace, “Quest. Issues inContemporary Jewish History, 5. 

Chapters in books

[2018] Simoni M, Young Italian Jews in Israel, and back. Voices from a generation (1945-1953), pp. 173-200, in “Italian Jewish Networks between Europe and the Mediterranean”, Schwarz G, Ferrara C, Bregoli F (eds.), Palgrave Macmillan, New York.

Articles in Peer-Reviewed scientific journals

[2017] Simoni M, (ed.) Narcotics and global history (Narcotici e storia globale), in Simoni, M, “Passato e Presente”, vol. 101, pp. 167-90. 

[2016] Simoni M, A history of missed relations. Giorgio La Pira and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (Una storia di relazioni mancate. Giorgio La Pira e il conflitto israelo-palestinese), in Humanitas, vol. 71/5, pp. 724-32. 

[2013] Simoni M, «Hello Pacifist». War resisters in Israel’s first decade, in Simoni M (ed.), “Israelis and Palestinians Seeking, Building and Representing Peace” “Quest. Issues in Contemporary Jewish History” 5, pp. 73-100.

[2013] Simoni M, «Shoot and Pray!» Israeli cinema thirty years after the Lebanon War («Spara e Prega!» Il cinema israeliano a trenta anni dalla guerra del Libano), in, Passato e Presente, vol. 31/88, pp. 111-30. 

[2013] Simoni M, Youth, education and democracy in Israel. The perspective from “New Outlook” in the 1960s [Imparare a separarsi. L’educazione di arabi e ebrei nella Palestina britannica (1922-1948)], in “Qualestoria”, 40/2: 61-84.

[2012] Simoni M, Giovani, educazione e democrazia in Israele. La prospettiva di «New Outlook» negli anni Sessanta, in SMP Società Mutamento Politica, vol. 3/5, pp. 121-33. 

[2012] Simoni M, Legrenzi M, Di Peri R, Mazzuccotelli F, Meier D, Lebanon before and after 1982 (Il Libano prima e dopo il 1982), in Passato e Presente, vol. 87, pp. 19-37 e 249-62. 

Awards and prizes

2009-10 Accademia dei Lincei (Rome, Italy) Prize “Alessandro Vaciago” for the political and social sciences

Lucia Sorbera

International politics area

Competences: Cultural Productions in the Arab World and its Diasporas, Gender Studies, History of Social and Political Movements in the Middle East and North Africa, Political and Cultural History of North Africa and the Middle East

Keywords: arab world, gender, Islam, Middle East, North Africa, women

Region: ABROAD


Chair, Department of Arabic Language and Cultures, the University of Sydney.

Professional career

Graduated in Arabic Language and Cultures at the University Ca’ Foscari in Venice (2000). She has a Master in Migration Studies (Venice, 2001) and a Master in Intercultural Studies (Padova University, 2001). She was awarded a PhD in Arabic, Islamic and Middle East Studies in2006 (Venice), with a thesis on Egyptian Feminism. Between 2000 and 2011 she paralleled her academic studies with her professional activity in the field of intercultural education and she has been teaching as an adjunct professor in the Universities of Milan, Macerata and Verona. She moved to Sydney in 2011, where she is the Chair of the Department of Arabic Language and Cultures and where she teaches in the programs of Arabic Language and Cultures, International and Global Studies, European Studies and International and Comparative Literary and Translation Studies. Since 2016 she curates with Paola Caridi the program Arab Souls, a focus on Arabic Literature and Arab Cultures at the Torino Book Fair. 

Scientific results

Her research in the field of women's history focuses on the study of Egyptian feminism. She has also published on Arab women's autobiography, Arab women's political leadership, and contemporary Iraqi cinema.

Editorial work and publications


[2013] Sorbera L. (with Lorenzo Casini e Maria Elena Paniconi), Modernità arabe. Nazione, narrazione e nuovi soggetti nel romanzo egiziano, Mesogea, Messina.

Edited books

[2018] Sorbera L. (with Bronwyn Winter), Contending Legitimacy in World Politics, Taylor and Francis, London.


[2016] Sorbera L. (with Bronwyn Winter), "Legitimacy"Special issue of Global Discourse: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Current Affairs and Applied Contemporary Thought, 6(3). 

[2014] Sorbera L. (with Maurizio Marinelli), "Imagining Revolution". Special issue of Post-Colonial Studies, 17(1). 

[2013] Sorbera L. (with Leila El Houssi), "Femminismi nel Mediterraneo". Special Issue of Genesis. The Journal of the Italian Society of Women Historians, 12(1).

Papers in scientific journals (peer-reviewed)

[2017] Sorbera L., "The Debate about Veiling and Unveiling. A transnational History?"Contemporanea, 20(4): 681-699.

[2016] Sorbera L., "Body Politics and Legitimacy: Towards a feminist epistemology of the Egyptian revolution", Global Discourse: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Current Affairs and Applied Contemporary Thought, 6(3): 493-612.

[2014] Sorbera L., "Challenges of thinking feminism and revolution in Egypt between 2011 and 2014", Postcolonial Studies, 17 (1): 74-86.

[2014] Sorbera L.,  "Writing Revolution: New Inspirations, new questions"Postcolonial Studies, 17(1): 104-108.

[2013] Sorbera L., "Femminismo e rivoluzione in Egitto e Tunisia, in Linee di Conflitto. Il mondo arabo in trasformazione"Dossier, Afriche e Orientied (by Massimiliano Trentin) 15(1-2): 38-52.

[2013] Sorbera L. (con Leila El Houssi), "Femminismi nel Mediterraneo"Genesis. The Journal of the Italian Society of Women’s Historians, 12(1): 5-12.

[2013] Sorbera L., "Early Reflections of an Historian on Feminism in Egypt in Times of Revolution", Genesis. The Journal of the Italian Society of Women’s Historians, X12(1): 13-42.

Awards and prizes

Franca Pieroni Bortolotti Award for the best PhD thesis on women and gender history, awarded by the italian Society of Women Historians (2007).


Eleonora Tafuro Ambrosetti

International politics area

Competences: European Neighborhood Policy, EU-Russia Relations, Russian foreign policy, Russia-Turkey relations

Keywords: coronavirus, Covid-19, Covid-19: geopolitics of vaccines, European Union, foreign policy, post-soviet area, Russia, soft power, Sputnik V, vaccines

Region: Lombardy


Research Fellow at ISPI

Professional career

Eleonora Tafuro Ambrosetti is a Research Fellow at the Russia, Caucasus and Central Asia Centre at ISPI. Prior to that, she was a Marie Curie Fellow based at the Middle East Technical University (METU) in Ankara, Turkey, where she has also pursued her PhD in International Relations. She has worked as a junior researcher at the Brussels office of the Foundation for International Relations and Foreign Dialogue (FRIDE) and as a research assistant at the Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB). She holds a BA in International Relations from the University of Salento, an MA in European Studies from the University of Roma Tre, and an MRes in International Relations from the Barcelona Institute of International Studies (IBEI). She is a member of WIIS (Women in International Security), an international network dedicated to increasing the influence of women in the field of foreign and defence policy.

Scientific results

Eleonora Tafuro Ambrosetti  is an expert of Regional powers (Russia and Turkey and their relations with the EU) e non-Western readings of international relations and soft power.


Editorial work and publications

[2020] Lovotti C., Tafuro Ambrosetti E. and C. A. Hartwell, Russia in the Middle East and North Africa. Continuuity and Change, Routledge. Europa Regional Perspectives Book Series.

[2019] Cherif Y., Lovotti C. and E. Tafuro Ambrosetti, The Role of Russia in the Middle East and North Africa Region. Strategy or Opportunism?, EuroMeSco Joint Policy Study

[2019] Lovotti C. and E. Tafuro Ambrosetti, "How does the European Union perceive Russia's role in the MENA region?", EuroMeSco Joint Policy Study, 12.

[2018] Pishchivoka K. and E. Tafuro Ambrosetti   Tensione Russia-Ucraina: cause e conseguenze dellincidente di Kerch, ISPI Analysis

[2017] Tafuro Ambrosetti E. “Linking Status with Soft Power: Call for a joint research agenda”, All Azimuth: a Journal of Foreign Policy and Peace, 7(1): 143-152.

Awards and prizes

Turkey-EU Future Fellow 2018, Stiftung Mercator

Young Leader, Meeting Russia fellowship 2018, Picreadi Moscow

Marie Curie fellow, 2014-2017, European Commission

Lucia Tajoli

International politics area

Competences: Economic Growth, Economic Network, International Trade, Political Economy

Keywords: economic integration, economy, international competition, international trade networks, trade policy

Region: Lombardy


Full professor of Economic Policy at Politecnico di Milano

Professional career

She graduated in Economics at Bocconi University in 1988, received her Diploma in Advanced International Economic Policy Research at the Institute of World Economics in Kiel (Germany) in 1991, and received her Ph.D. in Economics in 1994.

She is Professor of Economic Policy at the Department of Management Engineering of Politecnico di Milano. She is also a member of the Board of the same Department, with responsibility for international accreditations, and she is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Digital Export Observatory of Politecnico. She teaches courses in Economics, International Economics and International Markets and European Institutions at Politecnico di Milano in undergraduate, postgraduate and postgraduate courses (MBA, EMBA and PhD). She has held teaching positions in International Economics at Bocconi University and at Sant'Anna School in Pisa, and she has been visiting scholar and visiting professor a number of times at the University of Michigan's Ford School of Public Policy, Ann Arbor (USA ).

Until July 2019 shi was member of the scientific committee of the Italian Trade Study Group. She is a senior research fellow at the Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI) in Milan, she is a member of the scientific committee of the Italian Trade Agency (ex-ICE), of the scientific committee of the Masi Foundation, and the European Trade Study Group. He is a member of the Regency Committee of the Milan branch of the Bank of Italy. 

Scientific results

She has been research coordinator of research projects of relevant national interest (PRIN) on European integration and the Italian competitive position, on international trade and on multilateral trade policies. Her research activity focuses on theoretical and empirical issues related to international trade and economic integration between countries, in particular through the fragmentation of international production and participation in global value chains.

Recent research projects carried out or underway include: "The use of trade data to understand the market penetration of climate technologies", research project funded by EBRD; “Non-tariff measures, standards and certifications in international trade of the 21st century,  project funded by Accredia; "Digital exports of Italian companies", report of the Digital Export Observatory of the Politecnico di Milano with the cooperation of Italian Trade Agency; "The role of international fragmentation of production in global imbalances during the international financial crisis", a basic research project funded by the Politecnico di Milano; "International trade and network analysis", a research project of national interest funded by MIUR.

Editorial work and publications

Lucia Tajoli has over 100 publications to her credit. Here are the most recent ones:

[2021] Stephenson M., Faiz Shaul Hamid M., Peter A., Sauvant K.P., Seric A., Tajoli, L. "More and better investment now! How unlocking sustainable and digital investment flows can help achieve the SDGs", Journal of International business policy, 4(1): 152-165.

[2021] Tajoli L. e C. Piccardi, "The network of international trade in services", Applied network science, 1(68): 1-25.

[2021] Felice G. e L. Tajoli, "Trade balances and global value chains: Is there a link?", Structural change and economic dynamics, 59: 228-246.

[2020] Tajoli L., "Trasformazioni digitali e competitività internazionale delle imprese italiane", Rivista di politica economica, 1: 107-122.

[2020]  Tajoli L., "Il mondo economico-finanziario: globale o frammentato?", in Lavori in corso. La fine di un mondo, atto II, edited byA. Colombo e P. Magri, Ledizioni Ledipublishing, Milano, 51-79.

[2020] Stephenson M., Faiz Shaul Hamid M., Peter A., Sauvant K.P., Seric A., Tajoli L. How the G20 Can Advance Sustainable and Digital Investment, T20 Task Force 1.

[2019] Tantardini M., Ieva F., Tajoli L., Piccardi C., "Comparing methods for comparing networks", Scientific reports, 9(1):1-19.

[2019] Tajoli L.,  "Le guerre dei dazi: verso la fine della WTO?", in La fine di un mondo. La deriva dell'ordine liberale, edited by A. Colombo e P. Magri, Ledizioni LediPublishing, Milano, 65-76.

[2018] Tajoli L., "La centralità dei paesi nelle catene globali del valore", in L'Italia nell'economia internazionale. Rapporto ICE 2017-2018. Italian Trade Agency ICE, Roma, 34-41.

[2018] Tajoli, L., De Lombaerde P., Iapadre P., McCranie A.,  "Using Network Analysis to Study Globalization, Regionalization and Multi-Polarity", Introduction to Special Section, Network Science, 6(4): 517-544.

[2018] Tajoli, L., Piccardi C., "Complexity, centralization, and fragility in economic networks", PLoS ONE, 13 (11): e0208265. 

[2018] Tajoli, L., Felice, G., "Global value chains participation and knowledge spillovers in developed and developing countries: An empirical investigation", European Journal of Development Research, 30 (3): 505-532. 

Valeria Talbot

International politics area

Competences: EU-Mediterranean Countries Relations, Gulf Monarchies, International Relations of the Middle East, Turkey’s Domestic and Foreign Policy

Keywords: Middle East, Turkey

Region: Lombardy


Senior Research Fellow, Co-head Middle East and North Africa Centre, ISPI (the Italian Istitute of International Political Studies)

Professional career

Valeria Talbot is a Senior Research Fellow and Co-Head of the Middle East and North Africa Centre of the Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI). She is also a lecturer at the Master in Middle Eastern Studies (MIMES) of the Alta Scuola of Economics and International Relations (ASERI) of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart where she teaches Euro-Mediterranean Relations. From 2015 to 2017 she was Lecturer of History and Institutions of the Middle East at the IULM University of Milan. For several years she has been coordinating ISPI’s short courses on "Europe and the Mediterranean" and "The Gulf countries: crises, challenges and economic diversification", where she also teaches. Furthermore, she has lectured at the Doing Business Master in the Mediterranean and in the Middle East of the New Institute of International Business (NIBI) of the Chamber of Commerce of Milan and in other training courses.

She is invited to conferences and seminars in Italy and abroad on the issues of her competence, on which she is also interviewed by Italian and foreign media.

After graduating in Political Science at the University of Catania, she earned a Master of Philosophy in International Relations at the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva.


Scientific results

Her main researches areas focus on political and security dynamics in the enlarged Mediterranean area, with a particular focus on the role of external actors, on socio-political transformations triggered by the so-called Arab Spring of 2011, on Turkey's policy in the Middle East and towards Asia, on the monarchies of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and on the intra-Gulf crisis.

Since 2015, she has worked on the organization the Rome MED Dialogues annual conference that ISPI organizes in collaboration with the Italian Foreign Ministry. Among other things, she is scientific coordination of the MED Report, which collects the analyses of Italian and international experts on the issues of the Mediterranean area and the Middle East.

Since 2016, Valeria Talbot has been responsible for the quarterly report "Focus Mediterranean in a broader context" created by the ISPI for the International Political Observatory of the Italian Parliament and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, for which over the years it has also contributed with ad hoc work on Turkey and on Euro-Mediterranean relations.

From 2013 to 2016, she was scientific coordinator for ISPI’s Arab Trans project, a three-year project funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Program. The project, which involved a consortium of twelve members between European and Arab universities and research centers, analyzed socio-political transformations in seven Arab countries based on survey data conducted in such countries (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia). Since 2013, she has collaborated in the realization of the Treccani-ISPI geopolitical Atlas. From 2010 to 2016, she was the scientific coordinator of the Med & Gulf Executive Briefings project, carried out in collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo and Promos Chamber of Commerce of Milan, for Italian companies and organizations interested in business opportunities in the enlarged Mediterranean area.

Editorial work and publications

Valeria Talbot has coordinated and edited various research projects. She writes commentary and articles in Italian and English for ISPI and online and printed magazines.

From 2007 to 2011, she was editorial coordinator of the ISPI’s review "Quaderni di Relazioni Internazionali".

Among its main publications:

[forthcoming] Abbot P., Maggiolini P., Talbot V., Teti A., The EU’s Southern Neighbourhood Policy after the Arab Uprisings - A Failure Foretold, Palgrave.

[2019] Talbot, V., Lovotti, C. (eds.), The Role of Russia in the Middle East and North Africa Region. Strategy or Opportunism?, EuroMeSCo Joint Policy Study n. 12 

[2018] Talbot, V., Torelli, S. M. (eds.), Building Trust: the Challenge of Peace and Stability in the Mediterranean, ISPI MED Report.

[2018] Talbot, V. (ed.), Turkey: Towards a Eurasian Shift?, ISPI Report.

[2017] Talbot, V., Torelli S. M. (eds.), Looking Ahead: Charting New Path for the Mediterranean, ISPI MED Report.

[2017] Talbot, V., Fasulo F., "The MENA Region: Where the Belt Joins the Road", in Amighini A. (ed.), China’s Belt and Road: a Game Changer?,  ISPI Report.

[2017] Talbot, V., Frappi C., La politica estera della Turchia, Report for the Italian Parliament and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

[2017] Teti, A., Maggiolini, P., Talbot, V. and Abbot, P., "MENA Populations' Perceptions of Key Challenges, International context, and the Role of the European Union", Arab Transformations, Working Paper n. 9.

[2016] Talbot, V., Torelli, S. M. (eds.), Leaving the Storm Behind: Ideas for a New Mediterranean. ISPI MED Report.

[2015] Talbot, V., Lovotti, C., Il rilancio della cooperazione euro-mediterranea, Report for the Italian Parliament and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

[2015] Talbot, V.  (ed.), The Rising Gulf. The New Ambitions of the Gulf Monarchies, ISPI Report.

[2015] Talbot, V.  (ed.), The Uncertain Path of the New Turkey, ISPI Report. 

Loredana Teodorescu

International politics area

Competences: European Foreign Policy, European Governance, European Migration Policies, European Neighborhood Policy, European Union, International Relations, Women Leadership, women, peace and security

Keywords: boundaries, European Union, foreign policy, immigration, international cooperation, link between domestic and foreign policy, Mediterranean, security, women

Region: Lazio


Head of European and International Affairs, Istituto Luigi Sturzo; Research Associate, Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies

Professional career

After graduating in International Relations with a focus on EU Policies and Institutions, she earned a PhD in Political Science with a specialization in European and International Studies from the University of Rome Tre, focusing her research on the nexus between EU internal and foreign policy in the field of migration.

Since 2011, she has worked at the Luigi Sturzo Institute, first as a research manager and then, since 2018, as the head of European and international affairs, where she has been involved in the ideation, development, coordination, and management of numerous research projects, particularly on the EU and migration policies, and in the initiation or consolidation of external relations and partnerships.

She is also the President of the Italian branch of Women In International Security (WIIS), a global network that promotes women's leadership and gender equality in the field of international relations, peace, and security, where she founded a mentoring program and created the Afghan Women Leaders Task Force; the head of the Mediterranean Women Mediators Network, launched by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; and the Gender Issues Referent at the Institute for International Affairs.

After a two-year visiting fellowship in Brussels at the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies, she was appointed Research Associate, dedicating herself primarily to research and analysis in the field of EU migration policies, and since 2023 she has been a member of the Academic Committee.

She collaborates with numerous think tanks and expert networks: she is a member of the Fundamental Rights Platform of the European Fundamental Rights Agency and the Consultative Forum of the European Asylum Agency, she is a Senior Fellow at WIIS Global in Washington, and she is the author of the HerAndEU podcast. Previously, she was an expert consultant for the Extraordinary Commission on Human Rights of the Senate, she coordinated the Global Alliance of Regional Women Mediator Networks, the largest platform of women mediators and peacebuilders in the world, she worked for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs during the EU Presidency, and she collaborated with the EU law and institutions chair and the Altiero Spinelli Center of Excellence (CeAS) at the University of Rome Tre.

An expert in European and migration policies, with extensive experience in the development, management, and coordination of research initiatives and projects, political analysis, and institutional relations, she collaborates with numerous think tanks and public and private institutions.

Scientific results

She mainly deals with European affairs and international relations, and has a specific expertise in the European Union's migration policy (internal to the EU and external cooperation with third countries).

Her areas of interest include EU's foreign, neighbourhood and cooperation policy; EU governance and integration; EU politics and policies; security and borders; human rights; gender issues.

On these issues she develops and coordinates research projects, holds university lectures and participate in working groups and debates within institutions, universities, think tanks and non-governmental organizations, and writes articles and analysis.

Editorial work and publications

Author of numerous analyses and briefings produced as part of research projects promoted by Luigi Sturzo Institute, Wilfried Martens Center for European Studies and Altiero Spinelli Center of Excellence of Roma Tre University.

Her publications include:

[dal 2021] Teodorescu L., Podcast HerAndEU

[2023] Teodorescu L, “Women in Diplomacy” – series of conversations, Festival della Diplomazia

[2023] Teodorescu L., Ripensare la politica migratoria europea, in "Africa. Politica, democrazia e migrazioni" di Giuseppe Bettoni, UTET Università 

[2022] Teodorescu L., Donne, lavoro e leadership: il cammino incompiuto in Italia e in Europa, in "Il presente che verrà", di Gaia Tessitore (ed..), Primiceri Editore

[2021] Teodorescu L. (a cura di), Rafforzare il dialogo transatlantico. Il ruolo della NATO e la cooperazione NATO-UE di fronte alle sfide comuni, Editoriale Scientifica

[2021] Teodorescu L., Externalising the EU asylum policy. In search for a balance between protecting refugees inside and outside Europe, in La Cittadinanza europea, Franco Angeli, n. 2/2020

[2020] Teodorescu L. (a cura di), Riflessioni sul futuro dell'Europa. Un confronto generazionale per rilanciare l'UE, Editoriale Scientifica.

[2019] Teodorescu L., "Women as key players for mediation, peace and security", Quaderns de la Mediterrània 28/29.

[2019] Teodorescu L., Giorgi G. (a cura di), Culture della Repubblica per l’Europa (curatela, con Luigi Giorgi), Editoriale scientifica.

[2018] Teodorescu L., "Politica esterna di immigrazione dell’Unione europea e suoi legami con la dimensione interna", La Cittadinanza europea, 16(2): 73-99.

[2018] Teodorescu L., "Beyond emergency measures: the need for a holistic and truly European approach to migration", European View, 17(2): 163-171.

[2017] Teodorescu L., "Ambition versus reality: partnering on migration with the neighbours", European View, 16(1): 121-130.

[2016] Teodorescu L., "Security and Migration: Balancing the Security of External Borders and the Responsibility to Protect" (con Vít Novotný), in Tungul L. (a cura di), Solutions to the Political Challenges of 2017, WMCES-KAS-TOPAZ.

[2013] Teodorescu L., "Un' Europa più attraente per i migranti altamente qualificati: considerazioni sulla Carta Blu UE", La Cittadinanza europea, 1: 95-104.

[2011] Teodorescu L., "Lo sviluppo di una politica di immigrazione dell'Unione europea", Working paper, Centro Altiero Spinelli-Polo di eccellenza Jean Monnet, Università degli Studi Roma Tre.

Awards and prizes

In 2015 she was appointed member of the Italian-German Group of Young Leaders promoted by the Adenauer Foundation, Rome and Berlin offices.

In 2017 she was selected to participate in the Brussels Forum's Young Professional Summit promoted by the German Marshall Fund of the United States.

Since 2017 she is a member of the Network of European Policy Experts promoted by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Berlin office (2017)

Since 2018 she is a member of the Expert Network on Migration promoted by the Regional Programme for Political Dialogue in the Southern Mediterranean of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Tunis office.

Since 2019 she has been a member of the WIIS Italy (Women in international security) Committee and a member of the European network Brussels Binder Beyond created to foster greater participation of women in public debates.

In 2022, she was elected as a member of the President's Council of the European Movement Italy.

Alessia Vatta

International politics area

Competences: European Union Politics, Interest Groups, Political Science

Keywords: European Union, lobbying, neocorporatism, social dialogue

Region: Friuli-Venezia Giulia


Researcher in Political Science at the University of Trieste.

Professional career

Degree in Political Sciences at the University of Trieste (1992); PhD in Political Science at the University of Florence (1998). She was research fellow at the University of Trieste between 1999 and 2002, where she taught Public Policy Analysis and European Union Government. She currently teaches European Public Policies at the University of Trieste.

Scientific results

She studied concertation and tripartism among governments, trade unions and employers’ organisations in a comparative perspective; she investigated the role of interest groups in the democratisation of Central and Eastern European countries; she studied the influence of some policy areas of the European Union. She took part into national and international research projects (PRIN, ‘Young Researchers’). She is member of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) and of the European Sociological Association (ESA, specifically of its Research Network 17 – Work, Employment and Industrial Relations, of which she was vice-president between 1999 and 2009). Since 2011 she is member of the Standing Group on interest groups of the SISP (Italian Political Science Association).

Editorial work and publications

[2022] Vatta A., The evolution of Italian bilateral bodies and funds in a comparative perspective. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 43(1): 32-51.

[2020] Vatta A., Interessi e conflitti organizzativi nella gestione delle emergenze socio-politiche. Poliarchie/Polyarchies, 3(2): 157-171

[2019] Vatta A., La politica commerciale dell’Unione Europea e le “democrazie difficili”: riflessioni su tre stati del Medio Oriente, in D. Abenante (ed), “Democrazie difficili” in Europa, Asia, Nord Africa e Medio Oriente: competizione partitica, conflitti e democratizzazione, Trieste: EU,: 119-136.

[2018] Vatta A., L’evoluzione organizzativa nella rappresentanza delle piccole e medie imprese: il caso di Rete Imprese Italia, in Aa.Vv., Diritto, economia e società. In ricordo di Luisa Cusina, Trieste: EUT, 273-282.

[2018] Vatta A., The Social Clauses in EU Trade Agreements: contents and prospects. Poliarchie/Polyarchies, 2: 286-306.

[2017] Vatta A., The EU Migration Policy: between Europeanization and Re-Nationalization, in S. Baldin e M. Zago (eds), Europe of Migrations: Policies, Legal Issues and Experiences, Trieste: Biblioteca della Società Aperta, EUT, 13-31.

[2011] Vatta A., I gruppi d’interesse e la rappresentanza politica dei rom, in S. Baldin e M. Zago (eds), Il mosaico rom. Specificità culturali e governance multilivello, Milano: Franco Angeli, 129-142.

[2011] Vatta A., The Reform of Collective Bargaining and the Flexible Work Issue in Italy, in M. Baglioni e B. Brandl (eds) Changing Labour Relations. Between Path Dependency and Global Trends, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 51-69.

[2010] Vatta A., Collective bargaining and the flexibilisation of employment in Italy, in U. Huws, S. Lehndorff e D. Grimshaw (eds), Between a rock and a hard place: the shaping of employment in a global economy, London: Analytica Publications, 193-205.

[2007] Vatta A., Italy, F. Traxler e G. Huemer (eds), Handbook of Business Interest Associations, Firm Size and Governance. A comparative analytical approach, Abingdon: Routledge, 204-229.

[2004] Vatta A., Lo sviluppo della società civile, in L. Mattina (ed), La sfida dell’allargamento. L’Unione europea e la democratizzazione dell’Europa centro-orientale, Bologna: Il Mulino, 215-255.

[2003] Vatta A., L’allargamento dell’Unione Europea e lo sviluppo delle organizzazioni imprenditoriali nei paesi dell’Europa centro-orientale. Rivista Italiana di Politiche Pubbliche, 2-3: 175-200.


Alice Zago

International politics area

Competences: International Criminal Investigations, International Criminal Law, International Humanitarian Law, Laws of War

Keywords: crimes against humanity, genocide, international cooperation, international crimes, International Criminal Court (ICC), violence against women, war crimes, wars

Region: ABROAD


Head of Unified Team and trial lawyer at Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court seated in Th Hague, Netherlands.

Professional career

Alice Zago works in the field of human rights and international criminal law.Her work experience includes investigations and prosecutions in several countries in Africa, Central and Latin America, and Asia. After a master degree in International and European Human Rights Law, in 2000 she startes working as an international cooperation adviser with the NGO 'No Peace Without Justice', then joines the United Nations’ Mission in Guatemala to investigate and report on human rights violations and, after a spell as an international legal adviser to the Mission of Timor-Leste before the United Nations in New York, in late 2004 she becomes an investigator in the Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) of the International Criminal Court. Since then, she works in different capacities within the OTP ranging from investigation Team Leader to Trial Lawyer to Head of a Unified Team. She graduates from Harvard Law School in 2013 with a dissertation on Transnational Organized Crime. 

She often participates in academic activities, in particular of the International Nuremberg Principles Academy, such as the annual Moot Court, a co-curricular activity in which participants take part in simulated court or arbitration proceedings. She is often called upon as a lecturer in professional training activities at institutes, universities and NGOs, and as a speaker at conferences in Italy and abroad.

Scientific results

The first and only female Italian international criminal law practitioner with direct experience investigating and prosecuting war crimes and crimes against humanity at the International Criminal Court, Alice Zago specializes in laws regulating international and non-international armed conflicts, on large scale crimes especially gender-based and against children, deportation, enforced disappearances and persecution, as well as modern legal theories of attributing individual criminal liability. She is also experienced in procedural criminal law, having led teams to trial, pleaded extensively in court, examined (and cross-examined) witnesses and victims, as well as drafted complex legal documents. Moreover, she has gathered vast experience in a diverse range of investigative techniques, including interviewing techniques open-source investigations and big data applied to criminal investigations. She possesses extensive managerial experience, coordinating the work of multidisciplinary teams in diverse and multicultural environments. 

Editorial work and publications

Alice Zago has contributed to a wide range of publications such as “Advancing Justice for Children” (Save the Children 2021) and “Interrogations in war and conflict” (edited by Cristopher A. and Tobia S., 2014). 

Laura Zanfrini

International politics area

Competences: Governance of Migration and Integration Processes, Immigration, International Migrations, Migration Policies, Relationships between Organizations and Social Contexts, Social Differences in Society and in the Labour Market

Keywords: citizenship, coronavirus, Covid-19, Covid-19: impact of on immigrants, interethnic relations, labor market, migrations, social differences and social inequalities, social innovation

Region: Lombardy


Full Professor of Sociology of Economic Processes at the Catholic University of Milan; Director of the WWELL Research Center (Work, Welfare, Enterprise, Lifelong Learning).

Professional career

After graduating in Political Science at the Catholic University of Milan (best graduate of the year), Laura Zanfrini obtained (1995) a PhD in “Sociology and Methodology of social sciences”, with a thesis on local development in the French experience, evaluated with a judgment of “excellence”.

In 1998 she was hired as Assistant Professor in Sociology of economic processes. She entered the role of Associate Professor in 2005 and then, in 2010, she became Full Professor. She currently teaches “Sociology of Migration and Inter-ethnic Coexistence” and “Organizations, Environment and Social Innovation” at the School of Political and Social Sciences of the Catholic University. She is also coordinator of the Master degree in “Labour and business management” (a course that aims to prepare “enlightened” managers, who combine professional skills with a particular sensitivity to the social and ethical implications of economic action). She is also Director of the Summer School “Human Mobility and Global Justice”.

In addition to a rich scientific research activity (see next point), she has accumulated an extensive teaching experience, both in the academic context (as a professor of economic sociology, sociology of labour, sociology of migration, sociology of differences and inequalities), and in the extra-academic context (as an expert involved in initiatives promoted by public administrations, local authorities, school districts, trade unions, cultural associations, religious institutions, NGO).

Since its foundation in 1991, she has been involved in the activities of the ISMU Foundation as a member of the technical-scientific committee, Head of the Economics and Labour Department and Director of the Documentation Center.

Since its establishment (2010), she has been the Director of the WWELL Research Center (Work, Welfare, Enterprise, Lifelong Learning), at the Department of Sociology of the Catholic University, where a series of applied research, consultancy, and training initiatives are developed in continuity with a long tradition sensitive to the business ethic, sustainability, and inclusiveness.

In these contexts, she has participated and directed many national and international research projects, joined qualified networks of experts, and worked as advisor of many Italian and international organizations.

Scientific results

The scientific activity of Laura Zanfrini has developed around some main thematic areas and then concentrated, in recent years, mainly on the theme of international migration. Thanks to a particular predisposition for the systematization of literature (also according to an interdisciplinary approach) and for the analysis of empirical evidence, she authored many articles and books and collected a long list of participations in conferences and scientific seminars.

A first area of interest is the theme of development, captured in particular in its local declination, the subject of her doctoral thesis (published in the book Una promessa disattesa..., 1996) and of numerous other publications, among which the volume Lo sviluppo condiviso…(2001). In this same area, there are other works dedicated to entrepreneurship (artisans, women, immigrants ...) and the involvement in important projects on co-development, that is the enhancement of the link between international migration and development of the communities of origin (cf., in particular, the project Migrants’ Associations and Philippine Institutions for Development, funded by EU Aeneas program).

A second area is represented by the processes of labour market’s functioning and regulation, analyzed in their relationship with cultural patterns, development models, and social change’s dynamics. Based on several empirical researches, the analyzes dedicated to these issues have resulted in various publications characterized by a specific attention to the system of differences–of gender, ethnicity and age– caught in its intertwining with family patters, cultural contexts and the institutional and informal networks of protection from social risks (see, among others, Disoccupate per forza e per amore..., 2003; Una rivoluzione incompiuta..., 2005; Riconciliare lavoro e cittadinanzaLeggere la disoccupazione..., 2012, as well as contributions dedicated to the work of immigrants, regularly published on the yearly ISMU Report on migration). Among the results achieved, the co-optation in the Scientific Committee of the reviews “Sociologia del lavoro” and “Professionalità”.

A third area of interest is that of human resource management. Initially focused in the degree thesis, dedicated to the negotiation of working time, this issue was subsequently developed in the context of two important interdisciplinary projects on the business-history and, especially, through the co-editorship of some monographic issues of the journal “Sociologia del lavoro “.The interest in the issue of social differences has then developed into a specific focus on Diversity Management: as well as through the publication of various articles and essays, this issue has found expression in the scientific conception and direction of the DIVERSE international project. Diversity Improvement as a Viable Enrichment Resource for Society and Economy,and, more recently, of the project DimiCome - Diversity Management and Integration. The skills of migrants in the labour market, started in 2019. Going beyond the scope of organizational studies, the theme of social differences, caught in their interweaving with social inequalities, has been the subject of numerous works and, especially, of the handbook Sociologia delle differenze e delle disuguaglianze(2011).

The scientific activity of Laura Zanfrini is today mainly focused on international migration, the integration of migrants in the host society and the inter-ethnic relations. Started in the early 1990s, through the involvement in some “pioneering” researches, the study of these issues has been oriented along different lines: the systematization of international literature, the basis of many works and, in particular, of the 2 handbooks Sociologia delle migrazioniand Sociologia della convivenza interetnica (the first edition date back to 2004) and of the numerous “entries” that appeared in prestigious dictionaries and encyclopaedias; thegovernance of human mobility, analyzed by capturing the intertwining of the economic, political and ethical dimensions in multiple publications and, in particular, in the recent volume The Challenge of Migration in a Janus-Faced Europe(2019); the social and institutional construction of ethnic differencesand of the figure of the migrant, also addressed with specific regard to the issue of the ethnicization of employment relationships and also caught in its gender and generational declination; the feedback processes that migrations produce in the communities of originof migrants, with particular regard to the issue of development and of individual and family emancipation strategies, also in an intergenerational perspective; the citizenship and citizenship rights, presented as emblematic of the need to overcome the limits of methodological nationalism and rethink the theories of belonging and justice (see, among others, the volume Cittadinanze..., 2007); the ethical dimension of migration practices and policiesand the role of religion in migratory processes, through the scientific direction of a large multi-disciplinary study –Migrations and religious belongings.From the periphery to the core, for a new humanism–, funded with a special grant by the Catholic University, as a project of “high currently magnitude”.

The notoriety achieved as an expert on these topics is also attested by the frequent speeches at conferences and seminars in Italy and abroad; the participation in the scientific/editorial committee of the journals “Studi Emigrazione/International Journal of Migration Studies”, “Mondi Migranti”, “Revista Internacional de Estudios Migratorios”, “People on Move”, “Asian and Pacific Migration Journal”, “Rivista Internazionale di Scienze sociali” and of CIRMIB, “Centro di Iniziative e ricerche sulle Migrazioni – Brescia”; the involvement in the working group set up at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg on irregular immigration policies; co-optation in the Independent Network of Labour Migration and Integration Experts; the appointment, in 2011, as Consultor of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants.

Editorial work and publications

She authored almost 400 publications, including books, essays and articles in Italian and foreign reviews.

The complete list can be consulted through the repertoire.

Among them we highlight:

University textbooks:

[2004 first edition] Zanfrini L, Sociologia delle migrazioni, Laterza. Più volte riedito, ultima versione del 2016: Introduzione alla sociologia delle migrazioni.

[2004 first edition] Zanfrini L, Sociologia della convivenza interetnica, Laterza, then acquired and translated by Alianza Editorial, La convivencia interétnica). 

Edited books:

[2011] Zanfrini L (ed.),Sociologia delle differenze e disuguaglianze, Zanichelli.

[2005] Zanfrini L (ed.),La rivoluzione incompiuta. Il lavoro delle donne tra retorica della femminilità e nuove disuguaglianze, Edizioni Lavoro.

Monographic books:

[2019] Zanfrini L, The Challenge of Migration in a Janus-Faced Europe, Palgrave Pivot.

[2007] Zanfrini L, Cittadinanze. Appartenenza e diritti nella società dell’immigrazione, Laterza.

International research projects’ volumes:

[2015] Zanfrini L, The Diversity Value. How to Reinvent the European Approach to Immigration, McGraw-Hill.

[2008] Zanfrini L, Policies on irregular migrants. Volume I: Italy and Germany, Council of Europe Publishing.

[2006] Zanfrini L,Orgoglio e pregiudizio. Una ricerca tra Filippine e Italia sulla transizione all’età attiva dei figli di emigrati e dei figli di immigrati, Angeli.

Selected articles:

[2017] Zanfrini L, Between Ambitions and Ambivalences: Cross-cultural Diversity Management and Immigrant Integration, in Business and Management Studies.

[2016] Zanfrini L, How Europe can Benefit from Immigration-Related “Diversity” – A Policy Paper, in Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy.

[2012] Zanfrini L, Family Migration: Fulfilling the Gap between Law and Social Processes, in Societies.

Awards and prizes

Premio “Agostino Gemelli” quale migliore laureata della Facoltà nell’anno 1989.

“Paul Harris Fellow”, rilasciato dalla Fondazione Rotary del Rotary International, “in segno di apprezzamento e riconoscenza per il suo tangibile e significativo apporto nel promuovere una migliore comprensione reciproca e amichevoli relazioni fra popoli di tutto il mondo”.

Francesca Zilio

International politics area

Competences: Cold War history, German history, History of International Relations, Institutional Promotion of Country Image

Keywords: Berlin, cultural tourism, German history, German reunification, Germany, historical tourism, Italy_Germany relations, Italy's image abroad, national stereotypes, nation branding

Region: Lombardy


Researcher at Villa Vigoni – German-Italian Centre for the European Dialogue-

Professional career

Francesca Zilio graduated in International and Diplomatic Relations at the University of Trieste. She then obtained a binational PhD in History of International Relations from Sapienza University of Rome and Freie Universität Berlin.

Before coming to Villa Vigoni she was postdoctoral DAAD Fellow at Freie Universität Berlin, research assistant at the University of Bern, visiting researcher at the Institute for European Global Studies of the University of Basel, and a research fellow at Istituto di Studi politici S. Pio V in Rome.

She is a research affiliate at Dodis (Diplomatic Documents of Switzerland). She founded a project on Italy’s Nation Branding (

In the field of Public History she is the author of a book that explains the history of divided Berlin (and Germany) through its buildings, the creator and author of an Instagram profile and a Facebook page about German Division and Reunification, and she creates historical itineraries in Germany for cultural tourism institutions. 

Scientific results

Her main areas of interest concern the history of Germany and Berlin during the Cold War, the foreign policy of Italy and Federal Germany after the Second World War, German-Italian political and cultural relations, the role of Christian Democratic parties in the process of European integration, and the institutional promotion of the national image of states (from cultural diplomacy to nation branding).

Editorial work and publications


[2020] Zilio F. Divisione e riunificazione: itinerari storici nella Berlino della Guerra fredda. Villa Vigoni Editore | Verlag 

[2020] Zilio F. “Unirsi e non restare spettatori immobili di ciò che accade nel mondo”: Mariano Rumor, l’integrazione europea e la distensione. Editrice Apes

[2014] Zilio F. Roma e Bonn fra Ostpolitik e CSCE, 1969-1975. Aracne 

[2007]Zilio F. Bonn e Bruxelles unite per la riunificazione? Le dimensioni bilaterale e comunitaria della cooperazione allo sviluppo tedesca per impedire il riconoscimento della DDR (1955-1972). ISIG


[2015] Zilio F. The conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe and NATO Southern Flank: Mediterranean security as a source of intra-bloc tension, in Lemke B. (a cura di). Periphery or Contact Zone? The NATO-Flanks 1961 to 2013. Rombach: 69-85 

[2014] Zilio F. Aldo Moro e la CSCE: dalle parole ai fatti della politica distensiva italiana, in Moro R, Mezzana D (a cura di). Una vita, un paese: Aldo Moro e l’Italia del Novecento. Rubbettino: 643-661 

[2012] Le relazioni fra Roma e Bonn durante il primo Governo Brandt fra Ostpolitik e CSCE. Mondo contemporaneo, 2012 [2]: 5-34


[2020] Zilio F. Un insegnamento per l’Europa nel trentennale della riunificazione tedesca:

Awards and prizes

Prize of the Italian Society of International History for the best doctoral dissertation of 2012.

Ida Zilio Grandi

International politics area

Competences: Arabic Culture, Arabic Language, Classical and Contemporary Islamic Thought, History of Islamic Religion, Islamic Ethics, Muslims in Italy

Keywords: Corano, Islam, Italian Islam

Region: Veneto


Associate Professor with national qualification as Professor of Arabic Language and Literature at Ca' Foscari University of Venice

Professional career

After graduating in Oriental Languages ​​and Literatures (Arabic) at the Ca 'Foscari University of Venice, she obtained a Ph. doctorate in "Studies on the Middle East and Maghreb from the foundation of Islam to the present" at the University of Naples "L'Orientale".

Since 2002, she started several academic collaborations: she had been resident researcher at the University of Genoa until 2008, she lectured Arabic literature and culture at the University of Urbino and Islamic law, inter culturalism and social citizenship at Ca 'Foscari. In 2013 and 2014 he teaches Arab and Islamic culture at the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences (ISSR) Santa Maria di Monte Berico and teaches Arabic languages ​​and cultures also at the University of Padua and the Master of the Pontifical Antonianum University in Rome.

She is currently Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature at the Department of Studies on Asia and Mediterranean Africa (DSAAM) of the "Ca 'Foscari" University, where she teaches also Islamic thought and theology as well as Islamic philosophy.

She regularly holds seminars and courses at various universities and research institutes

Scientific results

Her scholarly activity has followed a number of distinct lines of research.

The main line has concerned the Koran as viewed, both lexically and with regard to differing interpretations of content, in the subsequent Arab Islamic literature. To this area belong especially her studies on evil (2002), on such individuals as Mary (1990 & 1997), Cain (1999), Pharaoh (2204), Jonah (2006), and on the question of religious freedom, how the female is perceived (2209), the Night Journey and the Prophet's Ascension (2010). These studies are based on the most representative, mainly Sunnite, works of exegesis in the Arabic language, from the beginning until the present day, noting the authors’ affiliations to the principal schools of thought. In the same direction and working from the same sources, the encyclopaedia entry al-Fātiḥa (2013). Still in the same area but for a more general readership, a complete and partially annotated translation of the Koran (2010), essays on the angels (2012) and on the concept of “the chosen people” (2015), editing the Italian editions of the Dictionary of the Koran (2007) and of J. Van Ess’s Flowering of Muslim Theology (2008), and an essay on kalām (2005).

In a different but rather similar vein are a series of recent studies on religious ethics, part of an ongoing research project, particularly and thus far, on the obligatory nature of employment (2012), on gratitude or šukr (2012), redirection or tawba (2013), judiciousness or ḥilm, peace or salām, and mercy (all 2015); silence and speech etiquette (2016); tenderness or rifq, welcoming and hospitality, moderation or wasaṭiyya, and beauty as an Islamic value (all 2017). In these cases the enquiry is based on the canonical texts and the principal exegesis, on the religious adab literature, focusing on the classical period (e.g. Ibn Abī al-Dunyā), but also following it through to the modern and contemporary periods. From the same sources also the encyclopedia entry Gratitude and Ingratitude (2014).

Another direction of study takes in elements of convergence and divergence between Islamic, Christian and Jewish religious thinking as reflected in Arabic mediaeval literature. To this area belong studies on Job for the Guida dei Perplessi (1997), on “the Golden Rule” (2004), on the correspondence between Ibn al-Munağğim e Qusṭā ibn Lūqā (2004), on the ethical theory of Yaḥyā ibn ‘Adī in the Tahdhīb al- akhlāq (2009 and currently printing, in PCAC, Rome), and a number of general academic works on, for example, Christian elements in the formation of Arabic philosophical thought (2005).

A more recent line of interest focuses on some symptomatic figures, especially women, in cultural relations between the Islamic world and the West. To this line belong the studies on Mayy Ziyāda

(1886-1941) and Maria Nallino (1908-1974), both forthcoming.

Another strand concerns adab literature on jewels and precious stones; in this context an essay on the writings of al-Tifāšī (1999), and a general academic work on that author (1999).

Finally, on cultural and social changes relating to the present-day Muslim population of Italy (2006, 2010, 2017).

Editorial work and publications

Besides the above-mentioned publications, below are some of her most recent works:


[2019 forth.] Zilio Grandi I, L’affinamento dei caratteri di Yaḥyā ibn ‘Adī (363/974) , Bologna, PCAC, pp. 1-257.

Selected articles

[2018] Zilio Grandi I, La pazienza dell’Islam: la virtú detta ‘ṣabr’, in Studia Graeco-Arabica, vol. 8, pp. 105-118. 

[2018] Zilio Grandi I, Povertà e Islam, in Via Borgogna 3, vol. 9, pp. 105-117.

[2018] Zilio Grandi I, The virtue of Tolerance. Notes on the root s-m-h in the Islamic tradition, in Philosophy & Social Criticism, vol. Special Issue (Reset DOC Seminars), pp. 1-10.

[2018] Zilio Grandi I, Maria Nallino (1908-1974) and the Birth of Arabic and Islamic studies at Ca’ Foscari,150 Years of Oriental Studies at Ca' Foscari, Venezia, ECF, pp. 85-93.

[2018] Zilio Grandi I, Fuga ed esilio di Mayy Ziyāda (Nazareth 1886 – Il Cairo 1941), Donne in fuga./ Mujeres en fuga. / Femmes en fuite. Atti del Convegno Venezia, Ca’ Foscari 29-30 novembre 2017, Venezia, ECF, pp. 59-74.

[2017] Zilio Grandi I, Dalla tenda di Abramo alle dimore dei credenti. La sacralità dell’ospite nella tradizione islamica, in Politica e Religione, vol. 2016, pp. 131-142.

[2017] Zilio Grandi I, Islamica moralia: appunti sulla gentilezza o rifq (Islamica moralia: notes on kindness or rifq), in Studi Magrebini, vol. II, pp. 649-663.

[2017] Zilio Grandi I, Modestia, pudicizia e riserbo: la virtù islamica detta haya, inPhilologia Hispalensis, vol. 31, pp. 169-183.

[2017] Zilio Grandi I, Medietà e facilitazione. Note a margine di alcune fonti arabe islamiche contemporanee (Some comments on the Golden Mean and Enabling from selected Arabic and Islamic contemporary sources) in Annali di Ca Foscari Serie Orientale, vol. 53, pp. 5-24.

[2017] Zilio Grandi I, Campanini M, Islam religione d'Occidente, Sesto San Giovanni: Mimesis, 2016 (Passato Prossimo). 153 p. in Quaderni di Studi Arabi, vol. 11, pp. 258-259 (ISSN 1121-2306) (Recensione in rivista).

[2017] Zilio Grandi I, Le virtù del musulmano, in L'Islam non è terrorismo, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp. 137-152 (Articolo su libro).

The full list can be consulted at the repertoire webpage.

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