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Associate professor of Human Resource Management at University of Padova. Director of the Executive Master in Human Resource Management at CUOA Business School.
Professional career
After graduating in Economics and Business (1999) from the University of Padova, she obtained her PhD in Organizational Behavior and Business Management (2003) from the University of Udine. She began her research activities at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Padova, carrying out periods of study and research in several foreign universities: HEC of the Université de Montréal (Canada), Research Centre for Organisation Studies of the Faculty of Business and Economics of the Katholieke Universiteit of Leuven (Belgium), Sun Wah International Business School of Liaoning University in Shenyang (China), Guangzhou University (China). Since 2011 she has been a member of the international research group 5C (Cross-Cultural Collaboration on Contemporary Careers) coordinated by Jon Briscoe (Northern Illinois), which involves more than 30 countries and aims to understand the meanings and determinants of career success from a cross-cultural perspective. Internationally, she is also Ambassador for Italy on human resource management issues of the Academy of Management, a leading association of management scholars. She carries out training and scientific consulting activities for companies and organizations mainly in collaboration with CUOA Business School, holding since 2015 the role of Director of the Executive Master in Human Resource Management aimed at professionals working in the Personnel Departments of companies. Since 2018 she has been deputy director of the Observatory on Digital Professions and Hybrid Jobs. Also since the same year, she has been a member of a working group on Gender Balance that drafted the CRUI guidelines for gender balance in Italian universities.
Scientific results
Always intrigued by the study of individuals’ behavior at work, her study and research interests have developed around human resource management issues. In 2005 she authored, with Giovanni Costa, the handbook "Human Resources. People, relationships, value" (McGraw-Hill), now in its 4th edition. Her research activity has developed mainly around three strands. In the area of career studies, she participates in the research of the international research group Cross-Cultural Collaboration on Contemporary Careers (https://5c.careers/), which has defined and validated a scale to measure the meanings of career success and wants to develop tools to support individual professional development. As part of the study of how technology is changing work, she has contributed to the research activities of the Observatory on Digital Occupations and Hybrid Jobs, which has defined the concept of hybrid work and conducts dissemination activities related to new jobs. In more recent years, her research interests have also included the study of new organizational models, developed by companies to be resilient to crises and adversities.
Editorial work and publications
[2022] Marcazzan E, Campagnolo D, Gianecchini M, Reaction or anticipation? Resilience in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, https://doi.org/10.1108/JSBED-07-2021-0271.
[2021] Briscoe J, Kaše R, Dries N, Dysvik A, Unite J, Gianecchini M, et al., Here, There, & Everywhere: Development and Validation of a Cross-Culturally Representative Measure of Subjective Career Success. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 130, 103612.
[2021] Bagdadli S, Gianecchini M, et al. Human Capital Development Practices and Career Success: The moderating role of country development and income inequality. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42(4): 429-447.
[2020] Gubitta P, Gianecchini M, Ibridazione dei mestieri: prospettive per il lavoro nell’epoca digitale (pp. 109-123), in Marini D, Setiffi F (a cura di), Una grammatica della digitalizzazione, Guerini Scientifica, Milano.
[2019] Costa G, Gianecchini M, Risorse Umane. Persone, relazioni e valore [4/ed]. McGraw-Hill, Milano.
[2019] Bagdadli S, Gianecchini M, Fare carriera in Italia: nuovi percorsi, vecchie tensioni. Economia & Management, 3: 47-52.
[2019] Bagdadli S, Gianecchini M, Organizational Career Management practices and objective career success: A systematic review and framework. Human Resource Management Review, 29(3): 353-370.
[2019] Smale A., Bagdadli S, Cotton R, Dello Russo S, Dickmann M, Dysvik A, Gianecchini M, Kaše R, Lazarova M, Reichel A, Rozo P, Verbruggen M, Proactive career behaviors and subjective career success: The effects of perceived organizational support and national culture. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 40(1): 105-122.
[2016] Montanari F, Scapolan A, Gianecchini M, ‘Absolutely free’? The role of relational work in sustaining artistic innovation. Organization Studies, 37(6): 797–821.
[2015] Boccuzzo G, Gianecchini M, Measuring young graduates’ job quality through a composite indicator. Social Indicators Research, 122(2): 453-478.
[2015] Felker J, Gianecchini M, Influence of pre-graduation international experiences on early career internationalization: The mediation effect of career capital. European Management Journal, 33(1): 60-70.
[2014] Tremblay M, Dahan J, Gianecchini M, The mediating influence of career success in relationship between career mobility criteria, career anchors and satisfaction with the organization. Personnel Review, 43(6): 818-844.
Awards and prizes
2007 Best paper award, for the paper “Outils et modèles de gestion des ressources humaines: une approche intégrée” (with G. Costa), XVIII Congres Annuel de l’Association Francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines “Outils, Modes et Modèles en GRH”, Université de Fribourg (Suisse).
2011 The paper “Enterpreneurship & Firm Growth in knowledge intensive business services” (with P. Gubitta and G. Costa) has been included in the best paper selection - XXXIV Convegno Annuale AIDEA “Aziende di servizi e servizi per le aziende”.
2012 The paper “Entrepreneurs’ Knowledge and Network: What Matters The Most? The Case of Knowledge-Intensive Firms” (with P. Gubitta) has been included in the best paper selection - Academy of Management 2012 Annual Meeting “The informal economy”, Boston (MA), 3-7 August.
2020 Best paper award, for the paper “Shaping the future of work” (with S. Dotto and P. Gubitta), XXI Workshop dei docenti e ricercatori di Organizzazione Aziendale (WOA) “Will employees dream of electric sheep?”, Milan.
2020 The paper “The disabling effects of enabling social policies on organisations’ human capital development practices for women” (with Reichel, A., Suzanne, P., Bosak, J., Apospori, E., Bagdadli, S., Afiouni, F., Andresen, M., Lazarova, M., Briscoe, J.P., Parry, E., Taniguchi, M.) has been included in the best paper selection - Academy of Management 2020 Annual Meeting “20/20: Broadening our Sight”, on-line, 7-11 August.
2021 Società Italiana di Management (SIMA) Best paper award, for the paper “Facing adversities: Entrepreneur’s resilience and business recovery in SMEs” (with D. Campagnolo, S. Leonelli, A. Tognazzo and P. Gubitta), EURAM 2021 Conference “Reshaping capitalism for a sustainable world”, on-line.
Professor of Finance at the Stockholm School of Economics
Professional career
Mariassunta Giannetti is an internationally renowned researcher, winner of numerous awards, currently professor of finance at the Stockholm School of Economics. Giannetti holds or has held a vast number of positions in the editorial boards of international newspapers and other academic organizations. She has a Ph.D. in economics from the University of California Los Angeles and she has a degree in Economic and Social Disciplines and a Masters degree from Bocconi University. She is the author of over 30 scientific articles in corporate finance published in prestigious international newspapers.
Scientific results
Mariassunata deals with the financing of companies for the stability of financial systems.
Editorial work and publications
(2018) Giannetti M, Kahraman B. Open-end Organizational Structures and Limits to Arbitrage.Review of Financial Studies, 31-2, 773-810; Paul Woolley Centre for the Study of Capital Market Dysfunctionality Best Paper Award, Runner Up.
(2017) Giannetti M, Favara G. Forced Asset Sales and the Concentration of Outstanding Debt: Evidence from the Mortgage Market. Journal of Finance, 72,3:1081-1118-
(2017) Giannetti M, Liberti J, Sturgess J. Information Sharing and Rating Manipulation. Review of Financial Studies, 30,9:3269–3304.
(2016) Giannetti M, Wang T. Corporate Scandals and Household Stock Market Participation. Journal of Finance, 71, 6:2591-2636.
(2015) Giannetti M, Liao G, Yu X. The Brain Gain of Corporate Boards: Evidence from China. Journal of Finance, 70,4:1629-1682, 2015; Winner of the Sun Yefang Financial Innovation Award, 2016
(2013) Cella C, Ellul A, Giannetti M. Investors' Horizons and the Amplification of Market Shocks. Review of Financial Studies, 26,7:1607-1648 (Lead Article).
(2013) Giannetti M, Simonov A. On the real effects of bank bailouts: Micro-Evidence from Japan. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 5,1:135-167.
(2012) Giannetti M, Laeven L. The Flight Home Effect: Evidence from the Syndicated Loan Market During Banking Crises. Journal of Financial Economics, 104,1:23-43.
(2012) Giannetti M, Laeven L. Flight Home, Flight Abroad, and International Credit Cycles. American Economic Review, 102, 3:219-224.
(2012) Giannetti M, YafehY.Do Cultural Differences Between Contracting Parties Matter? Evidence from Syndicated Bank Loans. Management Science, 58,2:365-383.
(2011) Burkart M, Ellingsen T, Giannetti M. What you sell is what you lend? Explaining trade credit contracts. Review of Financial Studies, 24,4: 1261-1298.
(2009) Giannetti M, Laeven L. Pension reform, ownership structure and corporate governance: Evidence from a natural experiment. Review of Financial Studies, 22,10:4091-4127.
(2006) Giannetti M, Simonov A. Which investors fear expropriation? Evidence from investors’ portfolio choices. Journal of Finance, 61,3: 1507-1547.
Awards and prizes
Standard Life Investments Finance Prize ECGI Finance Series, 2017
Bank of England and EBRD: 6th MoFiR Workshop on Banking, keynote speaker, 2017
Rising Star in Finance (NYU-Fordham-Imperial College), 2016
Sun Yefang Financial Innovation Award, China’s highest award for economists, Beijing, 2016
European Central Bank Duisenberg Fellow, 2016-2017
European Financial Management Conference, “Merton H. Miller” keynote lecture, 2015
Best Paper Award, Journal of Financial Intermediation, 2014
18th International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance, Crete, Greece, keynote speaker, 2014
Swedish Economic Association Conference, Umea, keynote speaker, 2014
Assar Lindbeck Medal, awarded biennially to an outstanding young economist in Sweden, 2013
Full Professor of Economics and Business Management at the University of Pisa. Member of the Coordination Committee, National Doctorate in Sustainable Development and Climate Change, at University School for Advanced Studies (IUSS) of Pavia.
Professional career
After graduating, she obtained a Ph.D. in business and economics at the University of Pisa in 2003, and a Ph.D. in Science and Technology Policy at the SPRU, University of Sussex (UK) in 2005. She was Jean Monnet Fellow at the European University Institute in 2004, and ESRC Post-Doctoral Fellow at SPRU in 2005-2006. She moved to the University of Pisa in 2006, where she became Full Professor in 2016, when she founded the REMARC -Responsible Management Research Center of which she is now director. She has been Visiting Professor at the University of Lund (2016), the MIT Sloan School of Management (2017-2018) and Bocconi University (2019-2020).
Scientific results
Elisa Giuliani's research activity lies at the interface of business studies and sustainable development. She is interested in understanding how business activity impacts on society and the economic systems. One line of research concerns the economics of innovation and the technological catching up of companies in developing countries, and the research carried out in this area has concerned industrial districts, multinational companies, and global value chains. She has recently been interested in the impacts of technological innovation on society and the environment, working on a project for measuring the potential toxicity of inventions, using computational chemistry methodologies to predict the toxic content of industrial patents. A second and more recent area of interest concerns business, human rights and corporate social responsibility. Her research in this area is aimed at measuring and studying the causes of organizational wrongdoing. She has been Principal Investigator (PI) of national and international projects, and is currently PI of a Horizon Europe project on the subject of enterprise and democracy.
Editorial work and publications
Elisa Giuliani is editor of Research Policy and member of the editorial board of the journals: Journal of Economic Geography, Economic Geography, Business and Human Rights Journal.
She is the author of numerous publications, including:
2022) Balland P.A., Broekel T., Diodato D., Giuliani E., Hausmann R., O’Clery N., Rigby D. The New Paradigm of Economic Complexity, Research Policy, 51 (3), 104450.
(2022) Biggi G., Giuliani E., Martinelli A., Benfenati E. Patent Toxicity, Research Policy, 51 (1), 104329.
(2021) Giuliani E., Jaqueminet A., Nieri F. Bringing Light to Dark Spots: The Case of Cross-border Bioprospecting, in Castellani D., Perri A., Scalera V., Zanfei A. (eds.), Cross-Border Innovation in a Changing World, Oxford University Press.
(2019) Wettstein F., Giuliani E., Santangelo G., Stahl G. International Business and Human Rights: A research agenda, Journal of World Business, 54 (1): 54-65.
(2019) Giuliani E., Balland P.A., Matta A. Straining but not thriving: Understanding network dynamics in underperforming industrial clusters, Journal of Economic Geography, 19 (1): 147-172.
(2018) Amendolagine V., Giuliani E., Martinelli A., Rabellotti R. Chinese and Indian MNEs’ shopping sprees in advanced countries. How good is it for their innovation output? Journal of Economic Geography, 18 (5): 1149–1176.
(2017) Giuliani E. Ciravegna L. Vezzulli A., Kilian B. Decoupling standards from practice: The impact of in-house certifications on coffee farms’ environmental and social conduct, World Development, 96: 294–314.
(2017) Fiaschi D., Giuliani E., Nieri F. Overcoming the liability of origin by doing no harm. Assessing emerging country firms’ social irresponsibility as they go global, Journal of World Business, 52 (4): 546- 563.
(2014) Giuliani E., Macchi C. Multinational Corporations' Economic and Human Rights Impacts on Developing Countries: A Review and Research Agenda, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 38 (2): 479-517.
(2013) Giuliani E. Network dynamics in regional clusters: Evidence from Chile, Research Policy, 42 (8): 1406-1419.
(2005) Giuliani E., Pietrobelli C., Rabellotti R. Upgrading in global value chains: Lessons from Latin American clusters. World Development 33(4): 549-573.
(2005) Giuliani E., Bell M. The micro-determinants of meso-level learning and innovation: evidence from a Chilean wine cluster. Research Policy 34(1): 47-68.
Awards and prizes
Elisa Giuliani is a Fellow of the Regional Studies Association (RSA), and received the RSA MERSA Award in 2017. During her career she has been recipient of several awards (e.g. 2020 Highly Commended Paper Emerald Literati Awards; 2014 Danny van den Bulcke Prize for Best Paper- European Academy of International Business; 2005 The Druid Young Scholar Best Paper Award - Copenhagen Business School). She has been invited to give keynote lectures at various conferences, including RSAI-GSSI in 2021; Druid Academy in 2017; European Meeting of Applied Evolutionary Economics, MERIT in Maastricht in 2015, among others.
Full Professor of Industrial Economics and Director of the Centro Ricerche Economiche e Sociali Manlio Rossi-Doria, Center of Excellence, Università Roma Tre.
Professional career
After a PhD in Development Economics, Centro di Ricerche Economiche-Agrarie per il Mezzogiorno, founded by Manlio Rossi-Doria and Master of Arts in Economics, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, in 1995 she becomes associated Professor, Università della Calabria and, since 2005 Full Professor, Università Roma Tre.
Visiting Professor: Rutgers University (New Jersey); London School of Economics; New School for Social Research (New York); Duke University (North Carolina).
Member of the National Recruitment Committee, ASN (2012-14).
President of Società Italiana di Economia e Politica Industriale, SIEPI (2016-19).
Director of the Centro di Ricerche Economiche e Sociali Manlio Rossi-Doria, Centre of Excellence, Università Roma Tre.
Member of “Consiglio di Reggenza” Bank of Italy, Rome Branch.
Member of scientific boards such as: Centro Europa Ricerche (CER, Rome); Center for Industrial Studies (CSIL, Milan); senior fellow of the School of European Political Economy (SEP, Luiss, Rome)
Member of Scientific Societies: Società Italiana di Economia (SIE); Società Italiana di Economia e Politica Industriale (SIEPI); European Trade Study Group (ETSG); Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE).
Scientific results
Her main research area is on Italian industry with a focus on Productivity, Research and Development; Innovation, Digitalization; Internationalization.
With regard to firms’ internationalization, she has published several articles on firms’ participation and positioning within Global Value Chains, highlighting the impact on firms’ productivity. She also investigates the impact of the recent EU Trade Agreements on Italian firms.
She also works on Public Procurement for Innovation. Her articles point out the role of big research infrastructures (Cern, the European Organization for Nuclear Research; ASI, the Italian Space Agency) in activating links with industrial firms, thus enhancing firms’ innovation (patenting) and performance.
She works as well on technological transfer. Her articles point out which are the determinants of University-Industry links and their impact on firms’ innovation.
She has contributed to the foundation of the School of Evaluation of Public Policies’ Impact, organized by the Centro Rossi-Doria (Università Roma Tre), currently in its fourth edition. The aim of the School is to provide participants with the counterfactual techniques to evaluate the impact of public policy, with a focus on industrial and regional policies.
Editorial work and publications
[2022] Giunta A., Montalbano P., Nenci S., Consistency of Micro- and Macro-level Data on Global Value Chains: Evidence from Selected European Countries, International Economics, 171, 130-142, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.inteco.2022.05.005
[2022] Cainelli G., Ganau R., Giunta A., Business Groups, Institutions, and Firm Performance, Industrial and Corporate Change, vol. 31 (1), 215-233,
[2021] Vurchio D., Giunta A., The impact of the Italian Space Agency on Scientific Knowledge: Evidence from Academic Publications, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, https://doi.org/10.1111/apce.12331, n. 92, 511-529,
[2021] Bastianin A., Castelnovo P., Florio M., Giunta A., Big Science and Innovation: Gestation Lag from Procurement to Patents for CERN Suppliers, The Journal of Technology Transfer, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10961-021-09854-5
[2020] Cerulli G., Corsino M., Gabriele R., Giunta A., A Dose-Response Evaluation of Regional R&D Subsidies Policy, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, DOI 10.1080/10438599.2020.1792604, 2020
[2020] Giunta A., Lo shock da offerta. GVC, COVID 19 e le imprese italiane, Menabò di Etica ed Economia, n. 121, https://www.eticaeconomia.it/lo-shock-da-offerta-gvc-covid-19-e-le-imprese-italiane/
[2020] Agostino M., Brancati E., Giunta A., Scalera D., Trivieri F., Firm’s Efficiency and Global Value Chains: An Empirical Investigation on Italian Industry, The World Economy, https://doi.org/10.1111/twec.12866, 43 (4): 827-1146.
[2018] Florio M., Giffoni F., Giunta A., Sirtori E., Big Science, Learning and Innovation: Evidence from Cern Procurement, Industrial and Corporate Change, 27 (5): 915-936.
[2018] Cainelli G., Ganau R., Giunta A., Spatial Agglomeration, Global Value Chains, and Productivity. Micro-Evidence from Italy and Spain, Economic Letters, 169: 43-46.
[2018] Accetturo A., Giunta A., Value Chains and the Great Recession: Evidence from Italian and German Firms, International Economics, 153: 55-68.
[2017] Giunta A., Rossi S., Che cosa sa fare l’Italia. La nostra economia dopo la grande crisi, Roma, Laterza.
[2016] Agostino M., Giunta A., Scalera D., Trivieri F., Italian Firms in Global Value Chains: Updating our Knowledge in Manzocchi S., Ottaviano G. (edited by), Global Value Chains, Trade Networks and Firm Performance: International Evidence and the Italian Case, Rivista di Politica Economica, VII-IX, 155- 186.
[2016] Giunta A., Pericoli F., Pierucci E., University-Industry Collaboration in the Biopharmaceuticals: the Italian Case, Journal of Technology Transfer, 41: 818–840.
[2015] Agostino M., Giunta A., Nugent J., Scalera D., Trivieri F., The Importance of Being a Capable Supplier: Italian Industrial Firms in Global Value Chains, International Small Business Journal, 33 (7), 708-30.
[2012] Accetturo A., Giunta A., Rossi S., Being in a Global Value Chain: Hell or Heaven?, voxeu.org, 15 December.
Member of the Board of Directors in listed and not listed companies; President or Member of several Committees within the Board of Directors; President and Member of the Board of Statutory Auditors in listed and not listed companies and public interest entities; corporate economist; academic fellow.
Professional career
Graduated at “Bocconi University” of Milan with a degree in Management and afterwards was involved in research activities at the Research Institute about stock exchange markets “Andrea Lorenzetti” of “Bocconi University”, as well as in the professional activity consisting mainly in business valuations, corporate governance and corporate growth strategies.
Gained meaningful expertise in business and finance area with reference to business valuation, corporate governance and internal control system. Since 1991 has been cooperating with the “Bocconi University” and since 1994 has been in charge as an Academic Professor on contract of “Corporate management and business” at the said university.
During her career she has been in charge as Independent Director, President or Member of several Committees within the Board of Directors, President and Member of the Board of Statutory Auditors. She has undertaken these roles in leading renowned companies in the financial and industrial sector, both listed and not listed and public interest entities such as: Gas Plus SpA, Reno de Medici SpA, Sace BT SpA, Simest SpA, AgustaWestland SpA, CDI Centro Diagnostico Italiano SpA, Bracco Imaging Italia Srl, Campus Bio Medico SpA, Generfid SpA, Il Sole 24Ore SpA, Retelit SpA, Digital Bros SpA and ENI Group companies: Edison, Snam, Alerion.
She has been also lecturer in several conferences upon topics such as business valuation, corporate finance and M&A deals.
Scientific results
In addition to academic and professional activity, she has been constantly committed to ongoing research activities concerning finance and business economics, with main focus on business valuation criteria, value creation leverages and corporate growth strategies.
Due to her experience gained in these years, she has also carried out in-depth studies and research about corporate governance matters with specific reference to internal control system, remuneration and incentives reports of listed companies,
In addition to business and finance advisory activities she has cooperated in relevant managing projects mainly in control and audit aiming to improve the internal control corporate processes and transparency.
Editorial work and publications
She has written and been published on business and financial newspapers and books, regarding business valuation, intangible assets appraisal, fair value, financial reports as listed below:
[2005] Guazzoni L. Il fair value, in Conti, Costanzo, Novati, Priori, “Bilancio e reddito di impresa”, Egea.
[1997] Guazzoni L. e Grando A. La valutazione dei beni immateriali legati alla tecnologia: i progetti di ricerca e sviluppo nel settore farmaceutico, La valutazione delle aziende, n. 4.
[1997] Guazzoni L. Cenni sulla stima dei beni immateriali nella valutazione delle aziende, Newsletter Lorenzetti, n. 2.
[1995] Guazzoni L. Intervento pubblico nell’economia e nei mercati finanziari, Analisi degli strumenti finanziari presenti sul mercatoin (a cura di M. Dallocchio e A. Dess) “I mercati finanziari internazionali”, IPSOA, WOLTERS KLUWER ITALIA, pp 447-478.
[1993] Guazzoni L. I mercati mobiliari locali, Working Paper, Istituto di Studi sulle Borse Valori “Andrea Lorenzetti”, Università Bocconi.
[1992] Guazzoni L. L’informativa economico-finanziaria e il mercato mobiliare: le modalità di propagazione delle informazioni”, Working Paper, Istituto di Studi sulle Borse Valori “Andrea Lorenzetti”, Università Bocconi.
Rector of the University of Milano-Bicocca.
Professional career
Rector of the University of Milano-Bicocca since October 2019, Giovanna Iannantuoni is Full Professor of Economics. After graduating in Economics and Social Disciplines (DES) at Bocconi University, she obtained her PhD in Economics at the Louvain-la-Neuve University (2001).
She spent several years abroad in the most prestigious Departments of Economics, such as the University of Rochester (NY, USA), the Carlos III University of Madrid, the University of Cambridge (UK), Trinity Hall College (University of Cambridge).
At the University of Milano-Bicocca she was Coordinator of the PhD in Economics, then, in 2015, she was nominated President of the Doctoral School.
Scientific results
Her research interests are focused on game theory, political economy decisions and
microeconomics, solution concepts of game theory models and their applications to different electoral systems.
She has won several international and national projects (Ramon y Cajal Fellowship, Trinity Hall Fellowship, PRIN, Cariplo) and she has published in the most important international economics journals.
Editorial work and publications
[2019] De Sinopoli, F., Iannantuoni, G., Manzoni, E., & Pimienta, C., Proportional. Representation with Uncertainty. MATHEMATICAL SOCIAL SCIENCES, 99, 18-23.
[2018] Baghdasaryan, V., Iannantuoni, G., & Maggian, V. Electoral fraud and voter turnout: An experimental study. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY, 1-17.
[2017] Cella, M., Iannantuoni, G., & Manzoni, E. Do the Right Thing: Incentives for Policy Selection in Presidential and Parliamentary Systems. ECONOMICA, 84(335), 430-453.
[2017] Bettarelli, L., Iannantuoni, G., Manzoni, E., & Rossi, F. Voters’ preferences and electoral systems: the EuroVotePlus experiment in Italy. ECONOMIA POLITICA, 34(1), 159-177.
[2015] De Sinopoli, F., Iannantuoni, G., & Pimienta, G. On stable outcomes of approval, plurality, and negative plurality games. SOCIAL CHOICE AND WELFARE, 44(4), 889-909.
Awards and prizes
Staff Fellowship, Trinity Hall, Cambridge University (2004-2005).
Premio alla Ricerca del Dipartimento di Economia, University Carlos III de Madrid (2006, 2004, 2003).
Ramon y Cajal Fellowship, Spagna. Grant del Ministero dell’Educazione per il progetto “Markets, organizations and institutions: new approaches” (2006-2009).
MIUR (PRIN), Coordinatore Scientifico del Progetto “Political Economics: Theory and Empirical Evidence”, (2007-2010).
Università di Milano-Bicocca (FAR), Coordinatore Scientifico del Progetto “The role of institutions and of information in the analysis of the strategic behaviour of individual agents”, (2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2014, 2015).
Fondazione Cariplo, Coordinatore Scientifico del Progetto “Internazionalizzazione e Formazione di Eccellenza: la Graduate School in Public Economics”, (2010-2015).
MIUR (PRIN), Coordinatore Scientifico del Progetto “New Approaches to Political Economics: Positive Political Theories, Empirical Evidence and Experiments in Laboratory”, 2012-2015.
Full Professor of Economics and Coordinator of the Research Center in Procurement and Supply Chain, Proxenter, of the University of Rome Tor Vergata (proxenter, www.proxenter.it).
Professional career
Elisabetta Iossa is Full Professor of Economics at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, Research Fellow of the Center for Economic Policy Research in London (CEPR) and of GREEN-Bocconi. She is also Director of the Research Center in Procurement and Supply Chain, Proxenter (www.proxenter.it) and Coordinator of the Master of Science in European Economy and Business Law of the University of Rome Tor Vergata. Prior to returning to Italy, she worked for more than 10 years at Brunel University in West London and for two years at ECARES, Université Libre de Bruxelles in Brussels. She has been Visiting Scholar at Harvard, Toulouse School of Eonomics and Università Cattolica of Milan, among others.
Scientific results
Her main research interests are in applied economic theory, with particular focus on public procurement, procurement of innovation and public-private partnerships, and on regulation of public services. On these topics, she has advised international institutions such as UK Competition Commission, European Commission, UK Financial Service Authority, OECD, Office of Fair Trading, IFAD-United Nations and World Bank. She has published in numerous international journals, including Economic Journal, Games and Economic Behaviour, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Journal of European Economic Association, Journal of Industrial Economics, Journal of Public Economics, Rand Journal of Economics, among others. Further details are available on https://sites.google.com/site/profelisabettaiossa/
As of December 2017, she appears among the top 5-7% Italian economists according to the REPEC ranking. She has more than 2000 citations on google scholar.
Editorial work and publications
She has published extensively in numerous international journals. For a full list see her personal website https://sites.google.com/site/profelisabettaiossa/
1. Iossa, Elisabetta and Stephane Saussier (2018), Public Private Partnerships in Europe for Building and Managing Public Infrastructures: An Economic Perspective. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics. (Invited paper). Vol. 89, 1.
2. Iossa, Elisabetta, Biagi, Federico and Valbonesi Paola (Forthcoming) Pre-commercial Procurement, Procurement of Innovative Solutions and Innovation Partnerships in the EU: Rationale and Strategy. Economics of Innovation and New Technology
3. Iossa, Elisabetta and Mike Waterson (Forthcoming) “Maintaining Dynamic Competition in Procurement: The Case of London Bus Tendering”. Transport Policy.
4. Iossa, Elisabetta and David Martimort (2016), “Corruption in PPPs, Incentives and Contract Incompleteness,”. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 44: 85–100.
5. Iossa, Elisabetta and David Martimort (2015), “Pessimistic Information Gathering,”. Games and Economic Behavior 91, 2015, 75 – 96.
6. Iossa, Elisabetta and David Martimort (2015), “The Simple Micro-Economics of Public Private Partnerships, with David Martimort, 2015.Journal of Public Economic Theory, 17, (1), 4–48.
7. Iossa, Elisabetta and Patrick Rey (2014), ‘Building Reputation for Contract Renewal: Implications for Performance Dynamic and Contract Duration, Journal of the European Economic Association, 2014, 12(3), 549–574.
8. Iossa, Elisabetta and Bruno Jullien (2012), ‘The Market for Lawyers and the Quality of Legal Services’, RAND Journal of Economics, 43(4), 677-704.
9. Iossa, Elisabetta and David Martimort (2012), "Risk Allocation and the Costs and Benefits of Public-Private Partnerships," RAND Journal of Economics, 43(3), pp: 442-474.
10. ‘Crowding Out Public Sector Motivation, with Yannis Georgellis, and Vurain Tabvuma, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 2011, 21(3): pp: 473-493.
11. “Building and Managing Facilities for Public Services”, with John Bennett. Journal of Public Economics, 2006, vol. 90 (10-11), pp. 2143-2160.
12. “Auditing and Property Rights”, with Patrick Legros. RAND Journal of Economics, 2004, vol. 35, pp. 356-372.
13. “Price Cap Regulation and Information Acquisition”, with Francesca. Stroffolini. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 20(7), 2002, pp.1013-1036.
14. “Informative Externalities and Pricing in Regulated Multiproduct Industries”, Journal of Industrial Economics, 1999, vol. 47(2), pp.195-219.
15. “Price Caps and Output Floors: a Comparison of Simple Regulatory Rules”, with Gianni De Fraja. Economic Journal, 1998, vol. 108, n.450, pp.1404-1421.
Economist, Full Professor emeritus of Economics at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. Currently Professor of Economics of the Public Sector in the Master Course of the Department of Political Science.
Professional career
After studying at the Department of Economics of the University of Trieste for two years under the direction of Prof. Renato Zangheri, she got her Bachelor Degree (Laurea) in Economics (magna cum laude plus dignità di stampa) in Milan at the Department of Economics of the Bocconi University in 1968. In that same year she entered the MIT Graduate School of Economics, that she left in 1970 for family reasons, after obtaining a top-score Master of Science in Economics (passed with honour). She started teaching when she was 25. In 1980, after becoming Assistant Professor of Economics at the Department of Statistics of the University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Prof. Paolo Sylos Labini and Prof. Luigi Spaventa) and Associate Professor of Economics of Banking in the same Department, she became Full Professor of Economics at the Department of Economics of the University of Trieste (1980-1983), then at the Rome Postgraduate School for Public Administration and at the Rome Private University LUISS (Department of Economics, 1983-1984, and Department of Law, 1984-1992). In 1989, she became Full Professor of Economics at the Department of Economics of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, where she remained until 2011, though she was on leave in the last 7 years as member of CIVR (Committee assessing the quality of universities and research bodies in Italy). In 2011 she was appointed as member of the Board of Directors of ANVUR (the Italian Agency for the evaluation of universities and research institutes).
In 2014 she was co-founder and first President of the Progressive Jewish Community of Rome, Beth Hillel, within the European Union of Progressive Judaism. In 2017 she obtained a Master in Jewish Studies and Communication at UCEI – Union of the Italian Jewish Communities in Rome, “magna cum laude + auspicio di stampa”. She has been volunteer in the clown therapy Banda Faclò at the Rome Paediatric Hospital Bambino Gesù since 2016.
She worked in many foreign Universities, ranging from MIT to the University of Louvain-la-Neuve, Oxford, Columbia University of New York, Harvard, Washington DC. She tought at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, at the Fondation Nationale de Sciences Politiques in Paris, at the Columbia University, at the College of Europe in Bruges From 2010 to 2014 she was one of the 7 Members of the Economic Expert Group created by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) of Princeton.
Since 2016 she has been member of the Steering Committee of Santa Chiara Lab Centre of the University of Siena, as well as member of the Steering Committee of the University-Business Observatory of CRUI Foundation - Conferenza dei Rettori delle Università Italiane, Rome.Since 2017 she is member of the Advisory Board for the monitoring of the Economics Department Activity of the University of Catania.
She headed economic research institutes and was consultant of private and public bodies and institutions. She also dedicated herself to popularizing the economic theory, namely she directed the Economics Book Series for the Italian Publisher Ulrico Hoepli and was also author and speaker of the weekly Radio Broadcast Lessico dell’economia for Radio Radicale in 5 semesters from 2003 to 2008. then publishing the texts in 5 volumes for Luiss University Press and each week on the Italian newspaper Il Riformista. She has been director of the Dictionary of Economics and Finance for the Enciclopedia Treccani.She has been member of the Steering Committee of the University-Business Observatory of CRUI Foundation - Conferenza dei Rettori delle Università Italiane, Rome since 2016.He is editorialist of the Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore.
With reference to research, she was President of ISPE - Istituto di Studi per la Programmazione Economica - from 1993 to 1998, and President of ISAE - Istituto di Studi e Analisi Economica – from 1999 to 2003 with the double role of CEO and Director of Research. In those same years she was member of the Coordination Committee of the Presidents of the Italian Research Institutes. She played many roles as scientific coordinator for the Italian National Research Council, CNR – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche -, in particular she was Vice-Coordinator for Prof. Franco Modigliani in the Strategic Project Il risanamento della finanza pubblica in Italia from 1992 to 1997. Fiorella Kostoris was member of the Technical Secretary of the Italian Minister for Education, University and Research, Letizia Moratti, in 2003-06; Economic Advisor to Riccardo Illy, President of the Italian Administrative Region Friuli-Venezia Giulia in 2005; member of the Commission set up by the Italian Minister for Public Administration and Innovation, Renato Brunetta, to harmonize the retirement age of male and female civil servants in 2009. Since 2016 she is member of the Comitato di Riflessione e Indirizzo strategico – i.e. Strategic Planning Committee - of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. She was Member of CAE - Conseil d’Analyse Économique of the French Prime Minister -, appointed by Mr. Jospin, confirmed by Mr. Raffarin, Paris from 1999 to 2004.
She was member of many Steering Committees, among which those of Aspen Institute Italia (since 1994), the Scientific Committees of Confindustria (1998-2000) and Italia Lavoro Spa (1999-2010). She was member of the Board of Directors of the Fondo etico BNLin theBanca Nazionale del Lavorofor Telethon in 2002-07; Advisor to Unicredit Banca Impresa in 2005; President of Sella Gestioni SGR Spain 2007-09, after being member of its Board of Directors in 2005-2006 and then Advisor to the Banca Sella Holding Group in 2009. Since 2015 she has been member of the Board of Directors of the Monte dei Paschi di Siena. Within the Monte dei Paschi, she has been member of the Supervisory Board (2015-2017), member of the Related-Party Transactions Committee since 2015 and from 2015 to 2018 also President of that Committee. She has also been member of the Compensation Committee since 2017 and in 2018 became President of the Remuneration Committee of Monte dei Paschi di Siena.
Scientific results
Fiorella Kostoris’ research has been focusing on policy-oriented economic analysis. Her major interest lies in the analysis of the Italian economic policy and public finance, as well as in the pension system reforms and in the General Government debt at national, regional and municipal level, also in view of possible privatizations. Her job hinged on the labour market analysis by comparing Italy and other European and world countries, with reference to the public and private sectors and to the weak population groups, namely young people, women, developing regions, migration flows. She studied European macroeconomic topics: from the principle of the mutual recognition in the 4-freedom European system, to the Stability and Growth Pact and to Fiscal Compact. She has been examining the research and teaching quality outcomes, soft skills, generalist competences, learning outcomes in a strategic sector such as University. She has always carried out her research activity alongside with her commitment against segregation, lack of opportunities and poor meritocracy for female workers in Italy.
Her commitment in favour of female workers is underlined by her studies on solutions to improve the life and job quality of women and in her participation to national initiatives and projects.
Editorial work and publications
Fiorella Kostoris Padoa Schioppa has published many books and articles, among which a whole series on gender economics, namely:
(2009) Kostoris F. L’età pensionabile femminile e i problemi strutturali della donna italiana nel mercato del lavoro, in Bonino E. (ed.), Pensionata sarà lei, Catanzaro, Rubettino Editore, 2009, pp. 31-36.
(2009) Kostoris F. A proposito di donne e di pensioni. Formiche, VI, 35, p. 53.
(2008) Kostoris F. Occupazione femminile: una leva per la competitività, Fondazione Universitaria Marco Biagi, Adapt, 2, 3 March 2008, www.fmb.unimore.it/on-line/Home/NewsletterBollettinoAdapt/ IDossierdiAdapt.html.
(2008) Kostoris F. Le politiche per la donna nel mercato del lavoro italiano. Diritto delle Relazioni Industriali, 2, XVIII, pp. 479-490.
(2007) Kostoris F. La donna lavoratrice a 60 anni dalla Costituzione Italiana. Rivista di Politica Economica, VII-VIII, pp. 135-225.
(2007) Kostoris F. Le pensioni delle donne, le pensioni degli uomini: privilegi, parità, giusti sostegni e compensazioni. TFR, Pensioni, Fondi Pensione, Annex to n. 23 of Panorama Economy.
(1995) Kostoris F. Is There Female Parity in the Italian Labour Market?ISPE Documenti di Lavoro, 20.
(1994) Kostoris F. Retribuzione femminile: parità formale, disparità sostanziale nel pubblico e nel privato fra lavoratori e lavoratrici oggi in Italia. Commissione Nazionale per la Parità e le Pari Opportunità tra Uomo e Donna (ed.), Atti del Convegno Nazionale Ruolo e Prospettive delle Donne nell'Economia, Rome, Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, 1994, pp. 9-59.
(1979) Kostoris F. Assenteismo e turnover nell'occupazione femminile. Un confronto fra l'Italia e gli Stati Uniti. Queste Istituzioni, 29, pp. 23-45.
(1974) Kostoris F. La forza lavoro femminile, Bologna, il Mulino.
Awards and prizes
Fiorella Kostoris Padoa Schioppa was nominated Grande Ufficiale al Meritoof the Italian Republic by the President of the Republic of Italy in 2000; she was also nominated Officier dans l’Ordre National de la Légion d’Honneurby the French President Chirac in 2001; she received the “Premio Capalbio” Award for Economic Policy for her book Lessico dell’Economiain 2004.
For her civil and scientific committment, Fiorella Kostoris Padoa Schioppa was granted the “Donna Ande - Giuliana Florio” Award, Section of Trieste, Udine and Gorizia in 1998, the Award for “Donne Dirigenti d’Azienda Italiane” in 2000, and the “Marisa Bellisario” Award for Finance and Economics in 2001.
Chair in Public Economics at the University of Brescia and Presidente of the Italian Society of Public Economics (SIEP).
Professional career
After graduating in Economics at the University of Genoa, she continued her education with a Master in Social Science at the University of York (UK). She obtained a D.Phil in Economics at the University of York (U.K.) and, before becoming a lecturer in Italy, she worked as a researcher at the Institute of Research in Social Sciences at the University of York and at the University of Salford. In 1992 she returned to Italy as a researcher at the University of Genoa. Since 2000 she has been an Extraordinary Professor (confirmed in 2003) of Financial Science at the University of Brescia. Member of the Board of Directors of SIEP (Italian Society of Public Economics) from 2009 to 2014, with the office of Vice President from 2012 to 2014, in September 2021, she was elected President.
Scientific results
In the past, her main research interests have been the theory of different levels of government with particular reference to the problems of expenditure determination and transfers, contracts in the context of information asymmetry, the effects of public spending and debt, the determination of contracts for hospital services and the agency relationship between doctor and patient.
Recently, the focus of research has shifted to issues related to competition between public and private hospitals, the effects of fiscal federalism in health care, patient mobility at the national and European level, and the mechanisms that determine soft budget constraint policies. Alongside these more traditional themes, the study of incentives for innovation in the health sector, drug price regulation and the effects of regulation on pharmaceutical innovation has been added. In this area, the results obtained from the research have made it possible to determine the most appropriate reimbursement formulas to mediate between innovation and containment of expenditure.
Another important and relevant issue for its policy implications concerns the study of the determinants of tax evasion, particularly in a dynamic context that allows to study the long-term effects of this behavior. In this sense, research is expanding to also consider the links between tax evasion and corruption.
Many of the proposed studies have been possible thanks to the development of collaborations both with foreign economist colleagues and with scholars from other disciplines.
Editorial work and publications
Author of about 150 scientific publications. The 5 most relevant publications in the past five years
(2018) Levaggi, L.; Levaggi, R. & Trecroci, C. (2018) Decentralisation and waste flows: A welfare approach, Journal of Environmental Management, Elsevier BV, 2018, 217, 969-979
(2016) Brekke KR, Levaggi R, Siciliani L, Straume OR. Patient mobility and health care quality when regions and patients differ in income. Journal of Health Economics, 50:372-387.
(2016) Levaggi R, Menoncin F. Optimal Dynamic Tax Evasion: A Portfolio Approach. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organisation, 114:115-129.
(2015) Frischut M, Levaggi R. Patient mobility in the context of austerity and an enlarged EU: The European Court of Justice’s ruling in the Petru Case. Health Policy, 119(10):1293-1297.
(2014) Levaggi R. Pricing schemes for new drugs: A welfare analysis. Social Science and Medicine, 102:69-73.
Senior Advisor at the DG Economics and Statistics of the Bank of Italy, Head of the Production Structure Sector and Enterprises of the Economic Structure and Labor Market Division. Contract Professor of Industrial Dynamics and Labor Economics at the Department of Economics and Management of the Free International University of Social Studies (LUISS).
Professional career
After graduating in Statistical and Economic Sciences at the University of Bologna in 1997, she continued her education with a PhDs in Economics at the Sant'Anna Superiore University School (Pisa), during which she was a visiting student at the Department of economics of Harvard University (US) and visiting fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER, US). Assumed at the Research Department of the Bank of Italy in 2002, she first served the Credit Intermediaries Office, then the Sectoral and Territorial Analysis Office, later merged into the Division of Economic Structure and Labor Market. In 2007-2008 she was a visiting scholar at Harvard University and in 2008-2009 a consultant for the Ministry of Economic Development for industrial policies and related assessment.
Scientific results
Francesca Lotti's research activity is mainly carried out in the field of industrial economics and applied economics, with particular attention to technological change, the choices of companies in terms of growth, investments and innovation, the dynamics of productivity and its determinants. In these areas, she also investigated economic policies and the related ex-post evaluation, a topic on which she also wrote a book published by Il Mulino ("The evaluation of aid to businesses", edited by G. De Blasio, Il Mulino, 2008). Another area of her research concerns the role of women in the economy, with contributions on gender discrimination in the credit market, on gender differences in business management and more generally in the labor market.
Editorial work and publications
Francesca Lotti is a member of the Advisory Board of the Journal of Industrial and Business Economics. She is the author of numerous publications, including:
(2017) Lotti F, Marin G. Productivity Effects of Eco-innovations Using Data on Eco-patents. Industrial and Corporate Change, 26(1):125–148.
(2013) Alesina A, Lotti F, Mistrulli PE. Do Women Pay More for Credit? Evidence from Italy, in Journal of the European Economic Association, 11(s1):45-66.
(2013) Hall BH, Lotti F e Mairesse J. Evidence on the Impact of R&D and ICT Investment on Innovation and Productivity in Italian Firms. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 22(3):300-328.
(2009) Hall BH, Lotti F e Mairesse J. Innovation and Productivity in SMEs. Empirical Evidence for Italy. Small Business Economics, 33(1):13-33.
(2008) Hall BH, Lotti F e Mairesse J. Employment, Innovation and Productivity: Evidence from Italian Manufacturing Microdata. Industrial and Corporate Change, 17(4):813-839.
(2007) Lotti F. Firm Dynamics in Manufacturing and Services: a Broken Mirror? Industrial and Corporate Change, 16(3):347-369.
(2007) Lotti F, Marcucci J. Revisiting the Empirical Evidence on Firms' Money Demand, Journal of Economics and Business, 59(1):51-73.
(2006) Bofondi M, Lotti F. Innovation in the Retail Banking Industry: the Diffusion of Credit Scoring Review of Industrial Organization, 28(4):343-358.
(2005) Lotti F, Santarelli E. The Survival of Family Firms: The Importance of Control and Family Ties, International Journal of the Economics of Business, 12(2), pp. 183-192.
(2004) Gobbi G, Lotti F. Entry Decisions and Adverse Selection: an Empirical Analysis of Local Credit Markets, Journal of Financial Services Research, 26(3):225-244.
(2004) Lotti F, Santarelli E. Industry Dynamics and the Distribution of Firm Sizes: A Non Parametric Approach, Southern Economic Journal, 70(3):443-466.
(2003) Lotti F, Santarelli E, Vivarelli M. Does Gibrat's Law Hold in the Case of Young, Small Firms?, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 13:213-235.
Awards and prizes
Francesca Lotti is top 5% of women economists worldwide According to the Repec ranking. Qualified as first level professor in Economic Policy (SECS-P02), Applied Economics (SECS-P04) and Economic Statistics (SECS-S03), she is external reviewer for the VQR (Evaluation for Research Quality) 2011-2014 (GEV 13) of the ANVUR (the National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research System).
Economy and Finance area
Competences: Banking Business, Business Administration, Climate and Social Impact, Finance, Insurance Business, Macroeconomics, Social Financing
Keywords: banking strategy, ESG (Environment, Social, Governance), gender policies, sustainability, youth unemployment
Region: Lombardy
Head of Group ESG Strategy and Impact Banking UniCredit Spa
Professional career
After graduating in Economics and Commerce at the University of Trieste in 1991, she obtained an MBA in International Business at the MIB School of Management. She spent about sixteen years at McKinsey & Company, first as an analyst in the banking and financial sector, then as head of the Research Department for Italy and coordinator of the European team of banking sector analysts, later as Director of Research and Communication for the Mediterranean area (Italy, Turkey, Greece, Iberia). She was also Head of Strategic Analysis of Gemini Consulting (Cap Gemini Ernst & Young Group) and of the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro. Since 2014 she has been Director of SACE Studies, Communication, Corporate Social Value and Education to Export (Cdp Group). In this role she dealt with the assessment of country risk and business opportunities in advanced and emerging markets and provides binding opinions on financing requests and guarantees that require coverage from political and sovereign risk. She also develops export education and internationalization formats for Italian SMEs and oversees internal, external and social responsibility activities. From 2017 to June 2020 she has been a Director and a member of the BPER Banca Control and Risk Committee.
Since 1 July 2020 she is Head of Group ESG Strategy and Impact Bankingat UniCredit.
She was the founder of the Valore D association, which today brings together about 170 companies with the common goal of eliminating the barriers to the growth of female talent, and promoted the launch of "Push to Open", a program dedicated to training and work orientation of 17-18 year olds (4,500 students involved from 2015 to present).
Scientific results
Roberta Marracino's research activity has focused on four areas. The first area of study concerns the exploration of the growth vectors of the European and Italian economy, in the absence of fiscal stimuli, limited by high debt and a high public deficit. Starting from the analysis of the determinants of the wealth gap between Europe and the United States both on the demand and supply side and drawing on the best practices of other European countries, an agenda of reforms is proposed to be put in place to improve the prospects for long-term growth of the old continent. The second area concerns the enhancement of subsidiary welfare solutions, in terms of economic benefit for companies and employees. In the presence of unfavorable demographic dynamics, increase in female employment, public assistance system and social protection limited by budget constraints, the analysis shows that it is possible for companies to make a positive contribution to the demand for welfare, making the intervention beneficial. also from an economic point of view. The third strand delves into the causes of youth unemployment in Italy, which for 40% has a structural nature attributable to three factors: the quantitative imbalance between business demand and youth choices; the lack of skills adapted to the needs of the economic system; the inadequacy of job search channels. Finally, the analysis of risks and opportunities for Italian companies dealing with foreign markets, which led to the development of the Risk & Export Map, with details of specific credit risk indices, political risk, export opportunity and investment opportunity for 198 countries and for the production of the annual Italian export forecast report.
Editorial work and publications
She is the author of numerous publications, including:
(2017) Baldassarre G, Ciabattoni P, Gorissen S, Marracino R, Moneta L, Terzulli A.Export Unchained. Dove la crescita attende il Made in Italy. Rapporto Export 2017/2020, SACE Spa-
(2016) Baldassarre G, Gorissen S, Lucano C, Marracino R, Moneta L, Terzulli A.Re-Action. Export Calling. Rapporto Export 2016/2019, SACE Spa.
(2015) Gorissen S, Iadanza A, Marracino R, Moneta L, Padoan E, Terzulli A. Re-Start. Rapporto Export 2015/2018, SACE Spa.
(2014) Marracino R. Alla ricerca della crescita perduta. Opportunità e ritorni di un'Italia più internazionale, SACE Spa.
(2014) Castellano A, Kastorinis X, Lancellotti R, Marracino R, Villani L. Studio Ergo Lavoro. Come facilitare la transizione scuola-lavoro per ridurre in modo strutturale la disoccupazione giovanile in Italia, McKinsey & Company.
(2014) Occupazione-Istruzione-Educazione: le trappole nascoste nel percorso delle ragazze verso il lavoro
R. Marracino, McKinsey & Company
(2013) Marracino R, Rizzi F, Toia L. Il welfare sussidiario: un vantaggio per aziende e dipendenti, McKinsey & Company, Valore D.
(2013) Marracino R, Spreafico C, Terzi V, Turconi A. Investire nella crescita: Idee per rilanciare l'Italia, McKinsey & Company.
(2011) Marracino R, Santorsola G, Terzi V, Coniugare austerità e crescita economica in Europa: uno sguardo all'Italia, McKinsey & Company.
Awards and prizes
In 2004 she was awarded the "Alumnus of the Year" award by the MIB School of Management, the first woman to receive this award for professional and career results. In 2012 she was included in the "Ready for Board Women" list of the Professional Women Association and among the 1,000 excellent resumes of the Bellisario Foundation. In 2013 she received the 2013 Merit and Talent Award from Aldai-Federmanager.
Economy and Finance area
Competences: Circular Economy, Environmental and Safety Integrated Management Systems, Environmental Impacts Analysis, Sustainability Assessment and Management
Keywords: environmental labels, integrated management indicators, life cycle assessment, occupational health and safety
Region: Veneto
Associate Professor in Commodity Sciences ad Padua University, Department of Industrial Engineering.
Professional career
With a Master Degree in Management Engineering at Padova University in 1998, she immediately starts her research activity at the Department of Engineering Chemical Processes in Padova University; in 2000 she obtains a postgraduate specialization in Environmental Management and Control at University of Trento and in 2005 she gets her PhD in Management Engineering at Padova University. She continues her research at the same university, Department of Industrial Engineering, and in 2020 assumes the role of Associate Professor. In 2018 she founds a new research group, the SAM.lab, in wich ad-hoc methods and tools are developed to support the sustainability assessment and management at company and territorial level. Today she’s teacher in several degree and master degree courses at Padova University, as “Integrated Environmental and Safety Management Systems” at the Master Degree Course in Safety Engineering, and “Life Cycle Assessment” at the Master Degree Corse in Sustainable Chemistry and Technologies for Circular Economy.
Scientific results
She’s collaborated in several european research projects in founding lines as Life Environment, Intelligent Energy Europe, CIP Innovation, Interreg, Equal. From 2016 she took over the coordination of a working group of the Italian LCA Network, to support the correct use of the LCA methodology in tourism services. In 2019 she joined the Italian Interdisciplinar Commettee Waste and Health as technical expert, to define the guidelines for a sustainable waste management. In 2021 she has been included in the REPRISE register as scientific expert for the research evaluation. In 2022 she became a member of the International Technical Commettee CEN UNI/CT 004/GL 15 Climate Change.
Editorial work and publications
She’s author of over 160 papers and procediings, including the following:
[2021] Mazzi A. Ren J. Circular economy in low-carbon transition. Energies 14, 8061.
[2020] Mazzi A., Spagnolo M., Toniolo S. External communication on legal compliance by Italian waste treatment companies. Journal of Cleaner Production 255, 120325.
[2019] Toniolo S., Mazzi A., Simonetto M., Zuliani F., Scipioni A. Mapping diffusion of Environmental Product Declarations released by European program operators. Sustainable Production and Consumption 17, 85-94.
[2019] Toniolo S., Mazzi A., Mazzarotto G., Scipioni A. International Standards with a life cycle perspective: which dimension of sustainability is addressed?. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 24 (10), 1765-77.
[2018] Loss A., Toniolo S., Mazzi A., Manzardo A., Scipioni A., 2018. LCA comparison of traditional open cut and pipe bursting systems for relining water pipelines. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 128, 458-69.
[2017] Mazzi A., Toniolo S., Catto S., De Lorenzi V., Scipioni A. The combination of an environmental management system and life cycle assessment at the territorial level. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 63, 59-71.
[2017] Toniolo S., Mazzi A., Pieretto C., Scipioni A. Allocation strategies in comparative life cycle assessment for recycling: Considerations from case studies. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 117 (B), 249-61.
[2017] Toniolo S., Mazzi A., Fedele A., Aguiari F., Scipioni A. Life Cycle Assessment to support the quantification of the environmental impacts of an event. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 63, 12-22.
[2016] Mazzi A., Toniolo S., Manzardo A., Ren J., Scipioni A. Exploring the direction on the environmental and business performance relationship at the firm level. Lessons from a literature review. Sustainability 8, 1200.
[2016] Mazzi A., Toniolo S., Mason M., Aguiari F., Scipioni A. What are the benefits and difficulties in adopting an environmental management system? The opinion of Italian organizations. Journal of Cleaner Production, 139, 873-85.
Professor of Management at LUMSA University of Rome. Board member of Italian Society of Management.
Professional career
After graduation she founded a startup in the Digital sector where she became head of the Usability Lab following clients such as Vodafone and Fineco Bank. She then worked for a few years in the Corporate Fundraising Direction of UNICEF, dealing with the management of partnership projects with large multinational companies.
Since 2013 she has been Professor of Management at LUMSA University where she teaches Business Model Innovation and Digital Marketing.
In LUMSA She coordinates the European COST project "Sharing is Caring" on the topic of the sharing economy and “Elanet” related to social entrepreneurship.
Since 2019 she has been a member of the board of the Italian Society of Management. She is the coordinator for SIMA of the project "Make IT a Case" a national students competition aimed at the promotion and enhancement of Made in Italy.
Scientific results
Laura main research interests involve social and frugal innovation, sharing economy, sustainability ed economia circolare, food waste.
Editorial work and publications
Laura Michelini has authored and co-authored over 50 publications some of which have been published in Ecological Economics, Journal of Cleaner Production, British Food Journal, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.
Awards and prizes
2010: Premio AIDEA “Paper Giovani Ricercatori”
2012: Selected paper “Sinergie-SIMA Conference”
2016: Selected paper “Sinergie-SIMA Conference”
2021: Best Referee Award SINERGIE - Italian Journal of Management
Full Professor of Econometrics at University of Bologna
Professional career
After her bachelor at University of Padua in Economics and Statistics Sciences in 1992 she was awarded her Phd in Econoomics at European University Institute in 1997. Since 2001 she is researcher and since 2005 she is professor of Econometrics at University of Bologna She has a great experience in teaching Econometrics in degree and Phd courses, with theoretical and applicated contents approche. She is associated with several research centers: Institute for the Study of Labor ﴾IZA, Bonn﴿; Centre for Household, Income, Labour and Demographic Economics at Collegio Carlo Alberto ﴾CHILD‐CCA, Torino﴿; Health, Econometrics and Data Group ﴾HEDG, York). Recently, she was member of several scientific commetees of international and national meetings (European Society for Population Economics, 2017; Italian Workshop of Econometrics and Empirical Economics, 2018; Italian Congress of Econometrics and Empirical Economics, 2017).
In recent years she has been part of the following research groups that have obtained competitive funding: 2018-2019: principal investigator of the Bologna unit of the European project H2020 "European Cohort Development Survey", coordinated by Manchester Metropolitan University; 2013-2016: external co-leader, twith Daniela Del Boca, of the Work Package "Childcare arrangement determinants and consequences" (project partner: Collegio Carlo Alberto, Turin), as part of the European project Fp7 "Families and Societies - Changing families and sustainable societies: Policy contexts and diversity over the life course and across generations ”, coordinated by the University of Stockholm. She is interested in services and policies for children and adolescents and is currently a member of the Board of Directors of the Education and School Institution (IES) of the Municipality of Bologna.
Scientific results
Chiara Monfardini is an expert in micro-econometrics methods for analyzing individual data and models with limited dependent variables. Her current interests in applied research mainly concern the determinants of cognitive and non-cognitive development of children and adolescents, with particular attention to the consequences of the use of time.
Editorial work and publications
Currently, she is Co-Editor ofe international Review of Economics of the Household
In the last 15 years she published the following articles:
(2017) Del Boca D, Monfardini C. and Nicoletti C. Parental and child time investments and the cognitive development of adolescents. Journal of Labor Economics, 35, 2:565-608.
(2017) Mancini AL, Monfardini C. and Pasqua S. (2017): Is a Good Example the Best Sermon? Children's Imitation of Parental Reading. Review of Economics of the Household,15:965–993.
(2016) Geraci A, Fabbri D. and Monfardini, C. (forthcoming) Testing exogeneity of multinomial regressors in count data models: does two-stage residual inclusion work? Journal of Econometric Methods. Published online November 2016. DOI: 10.1515/jem-2014-00.
(2016) Fabbri D, Monfardini C, Castaldini I. and Protonotari A. Cesarean section and the manipulation of exact delivery time. Health Policy, 120(7):780-789.
(2016) Bellettini G, Berti Ceroni C, and Monfardini C. Socio-Economic Heterogeneity and Electoral Turnout: An Aggregate Analysis with Precinct-Level Data. Electoral Studies, 42:146-156.
(2016) Fabbri D. and Monfardini C. Opt Out or Top Up? Voluntary Healthcare Insurance and the Public vs. Private Substitution. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 78, 1:75-93. Published online July 2015.
(2016) Monfardini C. and See SG. Birth Order and Child Cognitive Outcomes: an Exploration of the Parental Time Mechanism. Education Economics, 24, 5:481-495.
(2010) Cardoso A R, Fontainha E. and Monfardini C. Children's and Parents' Time Use: Empirical Evidence on Investment in Human Capital in France, Italy and Germany. Review of Economics of the Household,8, 4:479-504.
(2010) Miniaci R, Monfardini C. and Weber G. Is there a Retirement Puzzle in Italy?Empirical Economics, 38: 257-280.
(2009) Fabbri D. and Monfardini C. Rationing the public provision of healthcare in the presence of private supplements: evidence from the Italian NHS. Journal of Health Economics, 28:290-304.
(2009) BardasiE. and MonfardiniC. Women's Employment, Children and Transition: an Empirical Analysis on Poland. Economics of Transition, 17,1:147-173.
(2008) Lu M, Mizon G.E. and Monfardini C. Simulation Encompassing: Testing Non-nested Hypotheses. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 0 (s1): 781 - 806.
(2008) Fabbri D. and Monfardini C. Style of Practice and Assortative Mating: a Recursive Probit Analysis of Cesarean Section Scheduling in Italy. Applied Economics, 40:1411- 1423.
(2008) Monfardini C. and Santos Silva J.M.C. What Can We Learn about Correlations from Multinomial Probit Estimates? Economics Bulletin, 3, 28: 1-9.
(2008) Monfardini C. and Radice R. Testing Exogeneity in the Bivariate Probit Model: a Monte Carlo Study. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 70, 2: 271-282
(2003) Fabbri D. and Monfardini C. Public versus Private Health Care Services Demand in Italy. Giornale degli Economisti e Annali di Economia, 62, 1:93-123.
(2003) Monfardini C. An Illustration of Cox’s Non-Nested Testing Procedure to Logit and Probit Models. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, special issue on Computational Econometrics, 42:425-444.
(2003) Giannelli G. and Monfardini C. (2003) Joint Decisions on Household Membership and Human Capital Accumulation of Youths: The role of expected earnings and labour market rationing. Journal of Population Economics, 16, 2:265-285.
According the RePEC (Research Papers in Economics) rankings, she is top 9% of Italian authors, top 11% europeans authors and top 13% of all authors and top 8% of all female authors.
Acting Head of Unit, Recovery and Resilience Task Force, Secretariat General, European Commission
Professional career
Adelaide Mozzi is Acting Head of Unit at the European Commission's Recovery and Resilience Task Force, working under the leadership of President von der Leyen to implement Next Generation EU. She is responsible for the management of the unit in charge of Fiscal & Taxation matters, as well as the Recovery and Resilience Plans of Italy, Finland, Denmark and Latvia. Previously, she worked as Head of the Economic Sector of the European Commission’s Representation in Italy as well as at the European Commission's Directorate General for Competition in Brussels, dealing with mergers and acquisitions in various sectors, in particular the financial sector. Before becoming a European official, she worked in the Cabinet of President Mario Monti in the Senate, dealing with economic and European affairs, and in the New York State Parliament. Earlier in her professional career, she worked in the private sector for a strategy consulting firm in Milan. She holds an honors degree in economics from Bocconi University in Milan and a Master of Public Administration (MPA) from the State University of New York.
Scientific results
At the European Commission, she was mainly involved in the following activities:
- Assessment and coordination of competition cases, in particular in the field of merger control, contributing to the authorisation or prohibition of M&A transactions
- Analysis of the Italian economy and policy strategies in the context of the European Semester/Economic and Monetary Union
- Contribution to the evaluation and implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plans by the Commission, including of Italy
- Coordination and communication on European economic policy dossiers.
Editorial work and publications
[2016] Mozzi A, Meregaglia M, Lazzaro C, Tornatore V, Belfiglio M, Fattore G. A comparison of EuroQol 5-Dimension health-related utilities using Italian, UK, and US preference weights in a patient sample. ClinicoEconomics and Outcome Research, 2016(8):267-274.
Full Professor of Economic History, University of Bologna and SAIS Europe of the Johns Hopkins University
Professional career
Degree in Philosophy, in 1966 at the Catholic University of Milan with the maximum grades (110/110 cum laude) with a thesis on the leading catholic review in the social and economic field 1890-1904. Post-graduate student in Oxford (GB) 1969-1973; D. Phil in Economic History in 1975. The teaching career started in Trieste in 1976, then it continued in Florence at the Faculty of Political Sciences Cesare Alfieri (1979-1986). Associate professor in 1982, the career continued in Bologna, where she became full professor in 1993 (after a brief stay at the university of Cassino).
Since 1973/74 she is visiting professor of European economic history at SAIS Europe of the Johns Hopkins University (Bologna). In 2016, SAIS Europe has named a professorship in Development Economics after Vera and Stefano Zamagni (her husband, a theoretical economist).
Vera Zamagni has been secretary of the Italian Economic history Association (1989-1993), member of Committee no. 10 of the Italian Research Council (1994-1999), trustee of the Bologna branch of the Bank of Italy (1996-2000 and 2011-12), member of the Committee no. 13 of ANVUR (the Italian Agency for research evaluation) 2011-2013.
She has been vice-president and Deputy for culture of the Emilia-Romagna regional government 2000-2002; member of the Historical Committee of the publishing house Il Mulino; member of the scientific board of the Italian Encyclopaedia Treccani 2006-2011. Member of the board of Banca Carim (Rimini) 2012-2017; member of the board of Datalogic (Bologna) 2018-present. Vice-president of the NGO CEFA operating in Africa; president of the association of friends of the Hospice Seragnoli.
Scientific results
Vera Zamagni has carried a research career in the field of economic history of Italy XIX-XX centuries, with special reference to standard of living, reconstruction of historical series of GDP, public debt, business history (the history of Italcementi, Finmeccanica/Leonardo and of the chemical industry) and the history of the cooperative movement. She has also written textbooks of economic history of Europe and of Italy since the early modern era. Presently, she is engaged in writing a book on “Forms of enterprise”, which will compare the corporation with the SMEs and their clusters, the cooperatives and the non profit enterprises. After that, she has already a contract with Il Mulino to write an essay in the series “Words contretemps” on “The West”.
Editorial work and publications
Vera Zamagni has been co-founder of the leading European Economic History Journal European Review of Economic History(Cambridge University Press) and co-editor 1997-2001. She has collaborated to numerous Journals. She has been awarded a degree honoris causa at the University of Umea (Sweden) in 2001.
Her publications include 140 essays, 20 volumes and 13 editorships, of which many in English and some in Spanish. They cover the process of economic growth of Italy from unification to the present, with special reference to regional disequilibria, distribution of income, wages and standard of living, business history, State intervention and the development of the cooperative movement
Dalla periferia al centro. La seconda rinascita economica dell'Italia, 1861‑1981, Bologna, Il Mulino,1993 (English ed. The economic history of Italy 1860‑1990, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1993)
Italcementi. Dalla leadership nazionale all’internazionalizzazione, Bologna, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2006.
with S. Zamagni, La cooperazione, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2008 (English edition Cooperative enterprise: facing the challenge of globalization, Elgar, 2010).
L’industria chimica italiana e l’IMI, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2010
Finmeccanica. Competenze che vengono da lontano, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2009.
with S. Zamagni, Famiglia e lavoro. Opposizione o armonia?, Cinisello Balsamo, San Paolo, 2012 (translated into Spanish and Portuguese)
Enciclopedia Italiana, Appendix VIII. Il contributo Italiano alla storia del pensiero. Economia, eds. V. Zamagni and P. Porta, Roma, Treccani, 2012.
Perché l’Europa ha cambiato il mondo. Una storia economica, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2015 (English edition An Economic History of Europe Since 1700, Agenda, 2017)
L’economia italiana nell’età della globalizzazione, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2018 (English editionThe Italian economy, Agenda, 2018)
with G. De Luca e M. Landoni, Per una Storia della Retribuzione. Lavoro, valore e metodi di remunerazione dall’antichità a oggi, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2018
Economy and Finance area
Competences: Finance, Portfolio Allocation Behaviour, Regulatory Effects, Tax Effects
Keywords: actions evaluation, business groups, coronavirus and financial stability, insider trading, liquidity, ownership structure, performance, risk, tax incentives, variation
Region: Piedmont
Professor of Financial Economics, @UniTo; Fellow, @Collegio Carlo Alberto
Director, Master in Finance, Insurance, and Risk Management, @Collegio Carlo Alberto
Giovanna Nicodano (Ph.D., Princeton University) is a member of the scientific committee of the European Sysstemic Risk Board and of the supervisory board of the University of Vienna, School of Business Economics and Statistics. She visited CEMFI Madrid, Imperial College London, the London School of Economics, the University of Amsterdam, Haifa and Freiburg.
Professional career
Giovanna Nicodano (Ph.D., Princeton University) is a full professor at the University of Torino and a fellow of Collegio Carlo Alberto, where she directs the Master in Finance, Insurance and Risk Management and co-founded the Centre for Research on Pension (CeRP). She is a member of the supervisory board of the University of Vienna, School of Business Economics and Statistics, and chaired the first National Qualifying Commission for Political Economy. She has been a visiting scholar at CEMFI Madrid, the London School of Economics, the University of Amsterdam, Haifa and Freiburg. She has been national coordinator of research funded by the European Commission and the European Science Foundation. She gives invited seminars and lectures at international research institutions and occasionally participates in policy debates. Since March 2020 she has been a member of the Scientific Committee of the European Systemic Risk Board.
Scientific results
a. You should lower risk taking in the equity market, contrary to the usual prescription of target date funds, due to the negligible personal disaster risks you face during working life.
b. Markets correctly price surviving firms, while defaulting firms disappear. Stock price therefore exceeds (unconditional) firm value, the more the higher is bankruptcy exposure. This bias, due to defaulting firms having lower profits than surviving ones, generates a discount on companies when diversification helps survival and reduces bankruptcy costs. This insight finds support in both the excess survival of US diversified firms and its co-variation with their discount.
Editorial work and publications
Giovanna Nicodano has several publications to her credit. The most recent are:
"Life-cycle welfare losses from rules-of-thumb asset allocation," with F. Bagliano and C.Fugazza, Economics Letters, 198(C), 2021
"A Trade-Off Theory of Ownership and Capital Structure", with L. Regis, Journal of Financial Economics, 131 (3), 715-735, 2019.
“Life-Cycle Portfolios, Unemployment and Human Capital Loss”, with F. Bagliano and C. Fugazza, Journal of Macroeconomics, 60, 2019, 325-340.
"Guarantees, Debt and Taxes", with E. Luciano, 2014, Review of Financial Studies 27(9), 2736-2772.
"Projecting Pension Outcomes at Retirement - Towards an Industry Reporting standard", with K. de Vaan, D. Fano, H. Mens, 2015, Bankers Markets and Investors 134, 71-91.
"Equally Weighted versus Long Run Optimal Portfolios" with C. Fugazza and M. Guidolin, 2015, European Financial Management 21, 742-789.
"Optimal Life-Cycle Portfolios for Heterogeneous Workers", with F.C. Bagliano and C. Fugazza, 2014, Review of Finance 18, 2283-2323.
"International diversification and industry-related labor income risk, " with C. Fugazza and M. Giofrè, 2011, International Review of Economics and Finance 20(4), 764-783.
"A reply to Douglas Cumming's 'Review Essay: Public policy and the creation of active venture capital markets", with M. Da Rin and A. Sembenelli, 2011, Venture Capital 13, 95-98.
"Can Pension Funds Hedge Wage Risk?", with C. Fugazza and M. Giofrè, 2009, Rotman International Journal of Pension Management 2(1), 64-70.
"Time and Risk Diversification in Real Estate Investments: the Ex-Post Performance", with C. Fugazza and M. Guidolin, 2009, Real Estate Economics 37(3), 341-381
"Should Insider Trading Be Prohibited when Share Repurchases Are Allowed?", with A. Buffa, 2008, Review of Finance, 12(4), 735-765.
Awards and prizes
She is a member of the (steering and/or scientific) committees of organizations related to her three areas of expertise: CEPR Network on Household Finance; Dutch Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement (Netspar); European Corporate Governance Institute, Brussels; Future of the Corporation, British Academy, London; Luiss School of Political Economy.
During her professional career she has received the European Investment Bank Award and the CNR-Nato Advanced Research Fellowship.
George J. Records 1956 Professor of Economics at Dartmouth College (USA)
Professional career
After graduating in Statistics at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" in 1994, she continued her education with a PhD in Economics at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia (USA). Since 2001 she has been Assistant Professor, and from 2008 to the 2015 she was Associate Professor (with tenure) at Boston University in Boston (USA),where she became Full Professor in 2015 and taught until 2019, when she moved to Dartmouth College, where she is currently George J. Records 1956 Professor of Economics. She was Radcliffe Fellow at the Radcliffe Institute of Harvard University from 2005-2006.
Scientific results
The research activity of Claudia Olivetti takes place in the field of labor and family economics, with attention to the interaction between economic development, technology, institutions and social norms in an often historical and comparative perspective.
Her line of research has focused on the role of women in the labor market by analyzing the determinants and consequences of pay gaps, participation in the workforce and career paths. Her most recent work analyzes the intersection between traditional gender norms and economic development in influencing women's educational choices. Another line of research, complementary to the previous ones, studies the role of marriage for intergenerational mobility.
Editorial work and publications
She is the author of numerous publications, including:
(2017) Goldin C, Kerr S, Olivetti C. and Barth E. The Expanding Gender Earnings Gap: Evidence from the LEHD-2000 Census. American Economic Review P&P, 107 (5): 110-114.
(2017) Olivetti C, Petrangolo B. The Economic Consequences of Family Policies: Lessons From a Century of Legislation in High-Income Countries. Journal of Economic Perspective, 31(1): 205-230.
(2016) Olivetti C, Petrangolo B. The Evolution of the Gender Gap in Industrialized. Annual Review of Economics, 8: 405-434.
(2016) Albanesi S, Olivetti C. Gender Roles and Medical Progress. Journal of Political Economy,124 (3): 650-695.
(2015) Paserman D, Olivetti C. In the Name of the Son (and the Daughter): Intergenerational Mobility in the United States, 1850-1940. American Economic Review, 105(8): 2695-2724.
(2014) Olivetti C. The Female Labor Force and Long-run Development: The American Experience in Comparative Perspective. Chapter 5 in (L. Platt Boustan, C. Frydman and R.A. Margo eds.) Human Capital in History: The American Record, University of Chicago Press.
(2009) Albanesi S, Olivetti C. Home Production, Market Production, and the Gender Wage Gap: Incentives and Expectations. Review of Economic Dynamics, 12(1): 80–107.
(2008) Olivetti C, Petrangolo B. Unequal Pay or Unequal Employment? A Cross-Country Analysis of Gender Gaps.Journal of Labor Economics, 26(4): 621-654.
(2006) Olivetti C. Changes in Women's Hours of Market Work: The Role of Returns to Experience. Review of Economic Dynamics, 9 (4): 557-587.
(2004) Fernández R. Fogli A, Olivetti C. Mothers and Sons: Preference Development and Female Labor Force Dynamics.Quarterly Journal of Economics, 119(4): 1249-1299.
Awards and prizes
Claudia Olivetti is Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research in the groups of Labor Studies and Development of the American Economy and fellow of the Global Labor Organization.
She is Associate Editor of the European Economic Review. She is a member of the Economic History Association's committee, Alice Hansen Jones Prize, which awards the prize for the best North American economic history book every 2 years.
She was invited to hold the Fellows Lecture at the 2017 annual meeting of the Society of Labor Economist (Raleigh Durham USA), and the Keynote Lecture at the Italian conference in Econometrics and Empirical Economics (ICEEE) in the 2013 5th Annual Workshop on "Gender Equality," Bocconi University in 2015.
She received a Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Studies Fellowship, Harvard University in 2005-2006 and won teaching awards including the Gitner Teaching Award, Boston University. His research was funded by the National Science Foundation and the Research Council of Norway.
Full professor of Economics at the University of Naples Parthenope
Professional career
After obtaining a Bachelor of Science in Economics at the New York University Stern School of Business and then a degree in Economics and Commerce at the University of Pavia, she earned a Ph.D. in Economics in 2001 at the University College London.
Her research activity began at the Institute of Fiscal Studies in London which granted her a scholarship from 1996 to 2000 and where she participated in research projects on household consumption, savings and portfolio choices. She continued to study these issues and to analyze their implications for economic policy at the Research Department of the Bank of Italy. In 2007 she moved to the University of Naples as an associate professor and in 2017 was appointed full professor. Since 2017 she has also been a member of the University Board of Directors.
She has been a visiting professor at Columbia University in New York, at the Goethe Universität in Frankfurt, at the Frankfurt School of Finance and at EBS in Wiesbaden.
In addition to this, she has been a consultant at the General Directorate for Macroprudential Policy and Financial Stability of the European Central Bank.
Scientific results
Monica Paiella is an applied economist with a long experience with econometric tools and in data analysis. Most of her work focuses on consumption, saving and investment choices of households and businesses. She contributed to the rationalization of well-known economic puzzles, including the equity premium puzzle and the stock market participation puzzle. She has studied the determinants of savings and debt and of household portfolio choices, taking into account differences in risk attitudes and financial literacy.
She has published in prestigious peer-reviewed journals such as The Review of Financial Studies, the Journal of the European Economic Association and the Journal of Applied Econometrics. Her studies on the equity premium puzzle, the costs of investing in stocks, the measurement of risk aversion and on the wealth effects on consumption are well known and widely cited in the literature.
Her most recent work includes studies on peer-to-peer lending, where she analyzes the liquidity of peer-to-peer markets, their links with the banking sector, and their implications for the European capital market union. In addition to this, as a consultant to the Macroprudential Policy and Financial Stability Division of the European Central Bank, she has contributed to a project on inequality and financial stability.
Currently, she is working on issues related to robo advice, expectation formation mechanisms concerning the prices of financial and real assets, the indebtedness of the elderly, and the implications of shadow banking for financial stability.
Editorial work and publications
She is the author of numerous single-author and co-authored publications from Italian and foreign institutions, including
(2018) Faia E, Paiella M. The Role of FinTech for the Capital Market Union, in Allen F. et al. (eds.), “Capital Market Union and Beyond”, MIT Press.
(2017) Paiella M, Pistaferri L. The Anatomy of the Wealth Effect. The Review of Economics and Statistics 99(4): 710-721.
(2016) Paiella M. Financial Literacy and Subjective Expectations Questions: A Validation Exercise. Research in Economics 70: 360-374.
(2015) Minetti R, Murro P, Paiella M. Ownership Structure, Governance, and Innovation. European Economic Review 80:165-193.
(2014) Paiella M, Tiseno A. Evaluating the Impact on Saving of Tax-Favored Retirement Plans. Journal of Pension Economics and Finance 13(1): 62-87.
(2011) Chiappori PA, Paiella M. Relative Risk Aversion is Constant: Evidence from Panel Data. The Journal of the European Economic Association 9(6):1021-1052.
Attanasio O, Paiella M. Intertemporal Consumption Choices, Transaction Costs and Limited Participation in Financial Markets: Reconciling Data and Theory. Journal of Applied Econometrics 26(2): 322-343.
(2009) The Stock Market, Housing and Consumer Spending: A Survey of the Evidence on Wealth Effects. Journal of Economic Surveys, 23(5): 947-953.
(2008) Guiso L, Paiella M. Risk Aversion, Wealth and Background Risk. Journal of the European Economic Association 6(6):1109-1150.
(2007) Paiella M. The Forgone Gains of Incomplete Portfolios. The Review of Financial Studies, 20(5): 1623-1646.
(2006) Guiso L, Paiella M, Visco I. Do Capital Gains Affect Consumption? Estimates of Wealth Effects from Italian Household’s Behavior? in Klein L. (ed.), “Long Run Growth and Short Run Stabilization: Essays in Memory of Albert Ando (1929-2002)”, Elgar publisher.
(2006) Paiella M, D’Alessio G and Cannari L. La Ricchezza delle Famiglie Italiane: Un’Analisi Territoriale in Cannari L. and Panetta F. (eds.), “Il Sistema Finanziario e il Mezzogiorno,” Cacucci Editore.
Awards and prizes
She is a referee for the evaluation of national and international research projects and, from 2011 to 2014, she was a member of the Economics and Statistics panel for the Evaluation of Research Quality in Italy (VQR). She is a member of a number of scientific committees organizing national and international conferences, including the CEPR conferences and workshops of Household Finance, Women in Economics (WinE) of the European Economic Association, and the congresses of the Italian Society of Economists. She is a member of the Scientific Committee of the PhD program in Management, Governance and Economics at her University.
She has been awarded by her University an Excellence in Research Award, a mobility grant and research funds on competitive calls. She received a TMR grant and, in 2017, a grant from the Institut Europlace de Finance-Louis Bachelier LABEX.
Head of the Technical Secretariat of the Chairman of Intesa Sanpaolo, Director and Curator of the MdR (Museum of Saving), Board Member of IFFM (International Federation of Finance Museums) and VUB Foundation (SK), Advisory Board Member of SAMA Financial Literacy Center (SAU).
Professional career
She graduated in Economics from “La Sapienza” University in Rome in 1988. She then received a “Diplome” (PhD pass) in International Relations from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva (CH). In 1992, she worked as an intern at IMF in Washington D.C. and then moved to Rhode Island where she obtained a Master’s degree in Economics from “Brown University”. In 1994, she finished her PhD in Economics at “La Sapienza” University in Rome and obtained a post doc position, as Jeanne Monnet fellow, at the “European University Institute”. From 1998 to 2014, she was adjunct professor in Monetary and Financial Economics at LUISS Guido Carli University. In 1994, she started working in the banking sector as senior economist at the IMI Research Department and later in the Intesa Sanpaolo group where, from 2010, she is the head of the Chairman’s Technical staff. She is the curator and the director of the Museum of Saving, a financial education lab located in Turin and from April 2016, she is also responsible for managing the Intesa Sanpaolo Charity Fund.
Scientific results
She has published several research articles on finance and econometrics, with attention to issues related to the time varying volatility transmission via GARCH approaches. In this domain, she has written papers on commodity prices determination using models able to identify fundamental and speculative components. Recently, the research focus has switched to the effectiveness of the ECB monetary policy, the link between sovereign risk and bank risk-taking (i.e. the bank-sovereign nexus) and the time varying behavior of fundamentalists and chartists in the exchange rate markets. Another strand of her research was centered on corporate finance and regulation. She carried out research, then published on peer reviewed journal, on the value creation of M&As in the banking sector, on the impact of the adoption of internal rating models on the cost of capital and on the relation between leverage and profitability. Adding to her research accomplishment, she established and expanded the outreach of the MdR, the first museum fully dedicated to financial literacy, and succeed to manage the IntesaSanpaolo Charity Fund according to the best international practices. In her project activities “gender gap” has been at the core of various original initiatives for arising the public awareness on the topic.
Editorial work and publications
(2018) Cifarelli G, Paladino G. Can the interaction between a single long-term attractor and heterogeneous trading explain the exchange rate conundrum? Research in International Business and Finance, 46: 313-323
(2016) Cifarelli G, Paladino G. Time-varying mark-up and the ECB monetary policy transmission in a highly non-linear framework. International Review of Economics & Finance, 45:247-262.
(2016) Beltratti A, Paladino G. Basel II and regulatory arbitrage. Evidence from financial crises.Journal of Empirical Finance, 39: 180-196.
(2015) Cifarelli G, Paladino G. A dynamic model of hedging and speculation in the commodity futures markets. Journal of Financial Markets, 25: 1-15.
(2013) Beltratti A, Paladino G. Is M&A different during a crisis? Evidence from the European banking sector. Journal of Banking & Finance, 37: 5394-5405
(2010) Cifarelli G, Paladino G. Oil price dynamics and speculation: A multivariate financial approach. Energy Economics, 32:363-372.
(2005) Cifarelli G, Paladino G. Volatility linkages across three major equity markets: A financial arbitrage approach. Journal of International Money and Finance, 24:413-439.
Awards and prizes
Giovanna Paladino won several grants and scholarships that fully supported her graduate studies. She got her doctoral degree thanks to the scholarships “Luciano Iona” and the grant from Fondazione Einaudi. The post-doc was supported by the Jean Monnet fellowship of the European Community. In 2003 the Global Finance Association awarded “Volatility Co-movements in Emerging Bond Markets: Is there Segmentation between Geographical Areas?” as best paper in asset pricing.
Economy and Finance area
Competences: Business Administration, Female Entrepreneurship, Gender Equality
Keywords: business development, credit access, enterprise internalization, ESG (Environment, Social, Governance), firm strategy, gender gap, innovation, intangible, intellectual capital, relational capital, SMEs, sustainability, Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4), woman entrepreneur, women
Region: Lazio
Full professor of Business Economics and coordinator of the Doctorate in “Business Economics” at the “La Sapienza” University of Rome. Founder and scientific director of the observatory on gender studies “Hypatia”.
Professional career
In 1992 she got her Master Degree in Business Administration at Faculty of Economics, “La Sapienza” University of Rome. In 2006 she received her Ph.D. in Business Administration, at Faculty of Economics, University of Urbino. From 2008 to 2013 she was Research Fellow in Business Administration at Faculty of Economics, “Niccolò Cusano” University – Rome. From 2013 to 2016 she was Associate Professor in Business Administration at Faculty of Economics, “Niccolò Cusano” University – Rome. From 2016 to 2018 she was Full Professor in Business Administration at Faculty of Economics, “Niccolò Cusano” University – Rome. From 2018 to actual she is Full Professor in Business Administration at Faculty of Economics, “La Sapienza” University of Rome. Actually, she is a member of several boards of directors and auditors in listed and unlisted companies, and she is Lead Independent Director in a listed bank of national and international standing. She is Vice-President of the Society of Open Innovation: Technology.
Scientific results
Her main research interests include: general management, financial reporting, female entrepreneurship and intellectual-based management. She is the author and co-author of several articles and books on above-mentioned research areas and she usually attends as a speaker at many international conferences like: workshop on intangibles, intellectual capital and extra-financial information (EIASM); International Academy of Management and Business (IAMB); International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management & Organisational Learning (ICCKM); International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD).
She is member of the Italian Society of Accountancy and Business Economics SIDREA, and member of Scientific Committee of SIDREA International Workshop (SIW) on Intellectual capital.
Editorial work and publications
She is a member of the Editorial Board of some academic journals like: Open innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, China-USA Business Review journal, and author of several scientific contributions, some are listed below:
(2021) Paoloni P, Cosentino A. Women’s Skills and Aptitudes as Drivers of Organizational Resilience: An Italian Case Study. Administrative science, 11(4): 129. https://doi.org/10.3390/admsci11040129.
(2021) Paoloni P, Cosentino A , Iannone B. L’attitudine delle imprese al cambiamento durante le crisi sistemiche. Spunti dal settore agroalimentare. Management Control, 2: 241-264.
(2021) Paoloni P, Lombardi R, Schimperna F, and Galeotti M. The climate-related information in the changing EU directive on non-financial reporting and disclosure: first evidence by Italian large companies. Journal of Applied Accounting Research. https://doi.org/10.1108/JAAR-04-2021-0117.
(2021) Paoloni P, Dal Mas F, Massaro M, Kianto A. Translating knowledge in new entrepreneurial ventures. The role of business plan development. VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems. doi [10.1108/VJIKMS-04-2021-0060].
(2021) Paoloni P, Modaffari G, Paoloni N, Ricci F. The strategic role of social capital components in agri-food firms. British Food Journal. https://doi.org/10.1108/BFJ-01-2021-0061.
(2021) Paoloni P, Modaffari G. Business Incubators vs. Start-ups: A sustainable way of sharing knowledge. Journal of Knowledge Management. https://doi.org/10.1108/JKM-12-2020-0923.
(2020) Paoloni P, Cosentino A, Iannone B, Temperini V. Tradition, innovation and relationships. Emergent profiles from agro-food italian industry, British Food Journal. doi (10.1108/BFJ-04-2020-0306).
(2020) Paoloni P, Modaffari G, Paoloni N., My Name is Bond, Pecorino Bond. British Food Journal. https://doi.org/10.1108/BFJ-06-2019-046.
(2019) Paoloni P, Dal Mas F. A relational capital perspective on social sustainability. The case of female entrepreneurship in Italy. Measuring Business Excellence. doi 10.1108/MBE-08-2019-0086.
(2019) Paoloni P, Paoloni N, Lombardi R. The impact on the governance of the Gender Quotas legislation: the Italian Case. Measuring Business Excellence. doi 10.1108/MBE-02-2019-0019.
(2018) P. Paoloni, Modaffari G. Female-Owned Innovative Startups in Italy: Status Quo and Implications. Administrative Science, Special Issue Women in Business 8 (4): 1-31. doi:10.3390/admsci8040066.
(2017) Paoloni P, Lombardi R. Exploring the connection between Relational Capital and Female Entrepreneurs. African journal of business management, 11(24): 40-750.
Awards and prizes
Outstanding Paper Award 2014 by the paper: Paoloni P, Demartini P (2012). Implementing an IC framework in practice. JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL, vol. 14, ISSN: 1469-1930;
Best Research Publication in Journal Awards -IABE-2015 Rome Conference: Journal of International Business and Economics (JIBE) Vol 15, Issue 2 - P. Paoloni, P. Demartini, M. Paoloni, Sustainability And Intangibles: Evidence Of Integrated Thinking;
Best paper award of SOITMC 2017, con il paper“Relation and sustainability in Italian women tourism Smes” presentato al SOITC 2017 Lativa Riga, June 15-18;
Appreciate Award IEEE International Conference on Technology Management, Operations and Decisions - Disruptive Technologies and Social Impacts - November 24, 25 & 26, 2021 (Virtual event).
Associate professor of Business Management at the Department of Management and Quantitative Studies, University of Naples Parthenope.
Professional career
After completing the Master of Arts in Local and Regional Development at CURDS – Centre for Urban and Regional Studies, Newcastle University (UK), Cecilia Pasquinelli received her Ph.D. in Management, Competitiveness, and Development from the Institute of Management at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa (Italy). She was a researcher at the Department of Social and Economic Geography and CIND – Centre for Research on Innovation and Industrial Dynamics, Uppsala University (Sweden). She worked at the GSSI Cities at Gran Sasso Science Institute in L’Aquila, Italy and, then, she was a researcher at the Department of Management and Quantitative Studies, University of Naples Parthenope where she currently works as an Associate Professor. She developed experience as a consultant in place marketing and foreign direct investment promotion, working for OCO Global Ltd. in Paris (France).
Scientific results
Cecilia Pasquinelli’s research activity included place brand and branding, concerning the development, management and exploitation of city, region and nation brands, and their role in local development, tourism development and business competitiveness. Research projects concerned destination management for sustainable tourism, with particular attention to overtourism and the sustainability challenge in contexts of tourism growth. Recent research focused on the post-Covid tourism evolutions in urban contexts. Managerial aspects of tourism innovation and sustainability are currently part of Cecilia’s research agenda, with a focus on technologies for sustainable destination management and technology-enhanced tourism experiences. Her work was published in international journals including Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Urban Studies, Cities, Marketing Theory and Environment Planning Studies and she co-edited the book Tourism in the City. Towards an Integrative Agenda on Urban Tourism published by Springer.
Editorial work and publications
[2022] Pasquinelli, C., Trunfio, M., Bellini, N., Rossi, S. Reimagining urban destinations: Adaptive and transformative city brand attributes and values in the pandemic crisis, Cities, 124.
[2021] Pasquinelli, C. Italy. In: Freire, J. (Ed.) Nation Branding in Europe (Routledge).
[2021] Pasquinelli, C., Trunfio, M. The missing link between overtourism and post-pandemic tourism. Framing Twitter debate on the Italian tourism crisis. Journal of Place Management and Development, ahead-of-print.
[2021] Pasquinelli, C., Trunfio, M., Bellini, N., Rossi, S. Sustainability in overtouristified cities? A social media insight into Italian branding responses to Covid-19 crisis, Sustainability 13(4), 1848.
[2021] Pasquinelli, C. Cultural heritage triggering corporate investments. “Heritage Grab” or sustainable development? In: Della Lucia, M., Giudici E. (Eds.) Humanistic Managment and Sustainable Tourism. Human Social and Environmental Challenges (Routledge).
[2021] Pasquinelli, C., Trunfio, M., Rossi, S. Beyond the authenticity-standardisation paradox in international gastronomy retailing: Twisting the hosting city brand with the place of origin, British Food Journal, 123(13), 561-578.
[2020] Pasquinelli, C., Trunfio, M. Overtouristified cities: an online news media narrative analysis, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 28(11): 1805-1824.
[2020] Pasquinelli, C., Trunfio, M. Reframing urban overtourism through the Smart-City Lens, Cities, 102(July), 102729.
[2019] Pasquinelli, C., Vuignier, R. Place Marketing, Policy Integration and Governance Complexity: An Analytical Framework for FDI Promotion, European Planning Studies, 28(7):1413-1430.
[2017] Pasquinelli, C. Place branding. Percezione, Illusione e Concretezza. Aracne Editrice: Roma.
[2015] Maiello, A., Pasquinelli, C. Destruction or construction? A (counter) branding analysis of sport mega-events in Rio de Janeiro, Cities, 48: 116.
[2014] Pasquinelli, C. Branding as urban collective strategy-making. The formation of NewcastleGateshead’s organisational identity, Urban Studies 51(4), pp. 727-743.
Awards and prizes
Cecilia Pasquinelli received the Professor John Burgess Goddard Dissertation Prize (2008) at the Newcastle University (UK) and the Palgrave Macmillan/Place Branding and Public Diplomacy (2015) best paper prize. She was nominated senior fellow of the Institute of Place Management, Manchester Metropolitan University (UK). She is part of the international experts panel of the Place Brand Observer. She is Associate Editor of the Journal of Place Management and Development (Emerald). She was member of the international scientific committee of the HTHIC - Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality International Conference and the 2022 International Place Branding Association Conference.
Full Professor of Economics at the Oxford University.
Professional career
After graduating in Economics and Commerce at the S. Anna High School of the University of Pisa in 1993, she obtained a PhD in Economics from the London School of Economics in 1998. From 1997 to 2001 she was assistant professor at the Carlos III University of Madrid, before returning to LSE in 2001 as a lecturer in Economics.
From 2010 to 2020 she is a full Professor of Economics at Queen Mary University of London, and from September 2020 at Oxford University.
She is a research associate of the Centre for Economic Performance at the London School of Economics and since 2015 she has directed the CEPR Labor Economics program (Center for Economic Policy Research).
She has been a visiting scholar at various universities including University of California Berkeley, Paris School of Economics, Toulouse School of Economics, University College London.
Scientific results
Barbara Petrongolo's research activity takes place in the field of labor economics. She has dealt with labor markets with frictions, with applications to labor mobility, the dynamics of the unemployment rate, and the effects of social assistance and territorial development policies. She also works on issues related to gender inequalities in the labor market, studying the factors that have allowed the reduction of these inequalities and the causes of the remaining disparities, with emphasis on the role of the industrial structure, of interactions within family units and social norms.
Editorial work and publications
Barbara Petrongolo is joint managing editor of the Economic Journal and author of numerous publications, including:
(2017) Manning A, Petrongolo B. How local are labor markets? Evidence from a spatial job search model.American Economic Review,107: 2877-2907.
(2017) Ngai R, Petrongolo B. Gender gaps and the rise of the service economy.American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics,9: 1-44.
(2016) Olivetti C, Petrongolo B. The economic consequences of family policies. Drawing lessons from a century of legislation across OECD countries.Journal of Economic Perspectives,31: 205-230.
(2016) Olivetti C, Petrongolo B.The evolution of the gender gap in industrialized countries. Annual Review of Economics,8: 405-434.
(2014) Olivetti C, Petrongolo B.Gender gaps across countries and skills: Demand, supply and the industry structure.Review of Economic Dynamics,17: 842-859.
(2014) Goux D, Maurine E, Petrongolo B.Worktime regulations and spousal labor supply.American Economic Review, 104: 252-276.
(2011) Eckstein Z, Petrongolo B, Ge S. Job and wage mobility con minimum wages and imperfect compliance.Journal of Applied Econometrics, 26: 580-612.
(2009) Olivetti C, Petrongolo B.The long-term effects of job search requirements: Evidence from the UK JSA reform. Journal of Public Economics, 93: 1234-1253.
(2008) Olivetti C, Petrongolo B. Unequal pay or unequal employment? A cross-country analysis of gender gaps.Journal of Labor Economics, 26: 621-654.
(2008) Pissarides C, Petrongolo B The ins and outs of European unemployment. American Economic Review, P&P,98: 256-262
(2008) Coles M, Petrongolo B. A test between stock-flow matching and the random matching function approach.International Economic Review, 49: 1113-1141.
(2005) Petrongolo B. Pissarides C. Scale effects in markets con search.Economic Journal, 116: 21-44.
Economy and Finance area
Competences: Collaborative Marketing and Open Innovation, Digital Marketing, Digital Strategies, Fashion and Luxury Management
Keywords: consumer behavior in digital environments, customer engagement in innovation processes, fashion and luxury marketing and strategy, new business models: second-hand, rental, customization, new product development, omnichannel strategies
Region: Lombardy
Associate Professor of Digital Marketing at the Management & Technology Department, Università Bocconi of Milan.
LVMH Associate Professor of Fashion and Luxury Management.
Director of Master in Fashion, Design, and Experience Management (MAFED), SDA Bocconi School of Management.
Professional career
Emanuela Prandelli graduated in Management cum laude at Bocconi University in 1994 (Major in Marketing) and in the same year she started to collaborate with the Management Department at Bocconi University e with the Marketing Area at SDA Bocconi School of Management. In 2001 she got a Ph.D. in Management and Business Administration from Bocconi University; in the same year she became Researcher and in 2005 Associate Professor within the Technology and Innovation Management Department of Bocconi University. She served as a Research Assistant at St.Gallen University and at the Research Center on Technology, Innovation, and eCommerce of the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. She has also been Visiting Professor at the same Kellogg School of Management and at WU Vienna University of Economics and Business. She is responsible for the Fashion & Luxury Topic of Bocconi Alumni Association.
Scientific results
Her research focus regards collaborative marketing and open innovation, digital business and social media marketing. She has a special interest in exploring these topics in the fashion and luxury industry and in the publishing industry. She permanently develops her research projects in collaboration with the Kellogg School of Management of Northwestern University and WU Vienna University of Economics and Business.
Editorial work and publications
Selection of some publications:
[2021] Moreau, P.; Prandelli, E; Schreier, M.; Sielke, S. Customization in Luxury Brands: Can Valentino Get Personal?.Journal of Marketing Research, September, Vol. 57(5) 937-947.
[2020] Prandelli E., Verona G. Human Digital Enterprise, Egea, Milano.
[2020] Cillo P., Nunes J., Prandelli E., Scopelliti I. Changing Style in Style-Changing Industries: The Role of Critics as Gatekeepers in High-End Fashion. In Special Issue of Advances in Strategic Management “Style in Strategy and Strategy of Style: Theoretical Developments, Empirical Results, and Research Agenda”.
[2016] Prandelli E., Pasquini, M. Verona G. In user's shoes: An experimental design on the role of perspective taking in discovering entrepreneurial opportunities. Journal of Business Venturing, 31, pp. 287-301.
[2013] Dahl, D.; Fuchs, C.; Prandelli E.; Schreier, M. All that is Users Might not be Gold: How Labeling Products as User-designed Backfires in the Context of Luxury Fashion Brand. Journal of Marketing, September, Vol. 77, pp. 75-91.
[2010] Fuchs, C.; Prandelli, E.; Schreier, M. Psychological Effects of Empowerment Strategies on Consumers' Product Demand. Journal of Marketing, January, pp. 65-79.
[2008] Sawhney M., Prandelli E., Verona G. Collaborating with Customers to Innovate. Conceiving and Marketing Products in the Network Age, July, Edgar, Sheffield Brightman.
[2006] Prandelli E., Verona G., Raccagni D. Web-based Product Innovation. California Management Review, Summer 48 (4), pp. 109-135.
[2006] Verona G., Prandelli E., Sawhney, M. Innovation and virtual environments: towards virtual knowledge brokers.Organization Studies, 27(6), pp. 765-788.
[2005] Sawhney M., Verona G., Prandelli E. Collaborating to Create: The Internet as a Platform for Customer Engagement in Product Innovation, Journal of Interactive Marketing, 19(4), pp. 3-17.
[2003] Sawhney M., Prandelli E., Verona G. The Power of Innomediation. MIT Sloan Management Review, Winter, 44 (2), pp. 77-82.
[2002] Prandelli E., Verona G. Marketing in Rete. Analisi e decisioni nell’economia digitale, McGraw Hill, Milano.
[2000] Sawhney M., Prandelli E. Communities of Creation: Managing Distributed Innovation in Turbulent Markets. California Management Review, Vol. 42, n. 4, Summer, pp. 24-54.
Awards and prizes
Emanuela Prandelli got the award for distinctive academic research from Bocconi University for the results achieved during the periods 2001-2003, 2005-2007, 2013-2014, and 2020. In 2021 she won the Best Management Book of the Year Award by Canova Club with the book published in 2020 and entitled “Human digital enterprise. Creare e co-creare valore in un contesto omni-data”, co-author G. Verona. In 2012 she won the “Innovation Excellence Award” in custom executive programs. In 2008 she was prized as the best teacher of the Marketing Department at SDA Bocconi in 2007. She won the 2001 Accenture Award for the best paper published in California Management Review in 2000. She also was Runner-up for the Theo Scholler-Preis 2011, Munich Best Paper Award Innovation Management, and for the JIM’s 2006 Award for the Best Paper published in the Journal of Interactive Marketing in 2005. Her Ph.D. Dissertation was prized by Booz Allen & Hamilton and financed by the Marketing Science Institute of Cambridge.
Full Professor and KPMG Chair in Accounting, Department of Accounting, Bocconi University. Dean of the Bocconi Undergraduate School. President of the European Accounting Association.
Professional career
After graduating in Business Administration at Bocconi University, Annalisa Prencipe continues her studies and earns a Ph.D. in Business Administration and Management at the same institution (2001). In 2010 she is promoted to Associate Professor at Bocconi, in 2016 she is appointed Full Professor. She has conducted research for the NYSE and has been visiting scholar at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In 2016 she is appointed Dean of the Undergraduate School and elected member of the Management Committee of the European Accounting Association, of which she became President in 2021.
Scientific results
Annalisa Prencipe conducts research in accounting, focusing on accounting policies, reporting quality and accounting standards.
She has been among the first to study accounting issues in family firms, which she continues to research. More recently, Annalisa Prencipe has extended her research interests to non-financial disclosure, sustainability reporting and real effects of accounting regulation.
She has been part of several funded research projects at national and international level.
Editorial work and publications
Annalisa Prencipe has been member of the editorial board of several international journals, such as: European Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance, Accounting in Europe e Accounting and Business Research.
She is the author of several articles and books on accounting-related topics, such as:
[2022] Siciliano G., Prencipe A., Radhakrishnan S. Trust, Family Firms and M&A Quality. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics.
[2021] Minichilli A., Prencipe A., Siciliano G., Radhakrishnan S. What's in a Name? Eponymous Private Firms and Financial Reporting Quality. Management Science, vol. 68, n. 3.
[2021] Prencipe A., Viarengo L. Should I trust you? Bidder’s earnings quality as an indicator of trustworthiness in earnout agreements. The International Journal of Accounting.
[2020] Ivanova M., Prencipe A. The effects of board interlocks with an allegedly fraudulent company on audit fees.Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance.
[2018] Viarengo L., Gatti S., Prencipe A. Enforcement Quality and the Use of Earnouts in M&A Transactions: International Evidence. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting.
[2016] D’Augusta C., Bar-Yosef S., Prencipe A. The Effects of Conservative Reporting on Investor Disagreement, European Accounting Review, n. 3.
[2016] Cameran M., Prencipe A., Trombetta M. Mandatory Audit Firm Rotation and Audit Quality, European Accounting Review, n. 1.
[2013] Bar-Yosef S., Prencipe A. The Impact of Corporate Governance and Earnings Management on Stock Market Liquidity in a Highly Ownership Concentrated Capital Market, Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, n. 3.
[2012] Prencipe A. Earnings management in domestic versus multinational firms: discussion of “Where do firms manage earnings? Review of Accounting Studies, n. 3.
[2011] Prencipe A., Bar-Yosef S., Mazzola P., Pozza L. Income smoothing in family-controlled companies: Evidence from Italian listed companies. Corporate Governance: an International Review, n. 6.
[2011] Prencipe A., Bar-Yosef S., Corporate governance and earnings management in family-controlled companies. Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, n. 2.
[2006] Prencipe A., Earnings quality. Pearson Education, Milano.
Awards and prizes
Annalisa Prencipe was awarded several prizes for her research and teaching activities. Among those, the Donato Menichella Prize (2018), the Virgo Fidelis Prize (2018), the Impact of Research Award (2020) and the title of ‘Alfiere del Lavoro’ given by the President of the Italian Republic (1990).
Currently, she is the holder of the KPMG Chair in Accounting. Moreover, she has been the first Italian woman to be elected President of the European Accounting Association.
Full professor of Public Economics at Bocconi University, Milan
Professional career
After graduating in Economic and Social Sciences at Bocconi University in 1995, she continues her education with a Ph.D. in Economics at Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, completed in 2000, spending two semesters as a visiting scholar at Columbia University in New York. She has been a post-doctoral fellow at CORE, Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. From 2001 to 2005 she is researcher in Science of Finance at the University of Pavia and since 2005 she is professor, first associate and then full professor, at Bocconi University, where she directs the Master of Science in Politics and Policy Analysis and the AXA Research Lab on Gender Equality. She is also Research Fellow of CESifo, of CHILD-Collegio Carlo Alberto of Turin and scientific advisor of Unicredit and Universities Foundation. She is currently President of the European Public Choice Society and a member of the Board of Management of the International Institute of Public Finance. She has been visiting professor at several institutions including Harvard Kennedy School, Nuffield College, Oxford University, CESifo Munich, Trinity College Dublin, University of Lugano, Rennes, Edinburgh.
Scientific results
Her research activity develops in two fields: public economics and gender economics, with a particular attention to the policy implications of pension and taxation systems and of measures which promote female employment and women’s empowerment.
Editorial work and publications
Paola Profeta is author of several publications in prestigious journals of economics and of books, among which:
(2021) Gender Equality and Public Policy. Measuring Progress in Europe. Cambridge University Press
(2018) When the state mirrors the family: the design of pension systems (with V. Galasso), Journal of European Economic Association.
(2018) Tax Policy and Economic Growth: Does it Really Matter? (with D. Baiardi, R. Puglisi and S.Scabrosetti) International tax and Public Finance.
(2014) Women Directors. The Italian Way and Beyond (with L. Amidani Aliberti, A. Casarico, M. D’Amico, A. Puccio; lead author), Palgrave MacMillan.
(2014) Gender quotas and the quality of politicians (with A. Baltrunaite, P. Bello, A. Casarico), Journal of Public Economics, 118:62-74.
(2013) Does Democracy affect taxation and public spending? Evidence from Developing countries (with R. Puglisi and S. Scabrosetti), Journal of Comparative Economics 41: 684-717.
(2012) Public education and Redistribution when Talents are Mismatched (with M. Bernasconi), European Economic Review, 56(1): 84-96.
(2010) The political economy of taxation: lessons from developing countries (with S. Scabrosetti), E. Elgar.
(2007) The Redistributive Design of Social Security Systems (with J.I. Conde Ruiz), The Economic Journal 117: 686-712.
(2004)Lessons for an Aging Society: the Political Sustainability of Social Security Systems (with V. Galasso), Economic Policy 63-115.
(2002) The Political Economy of Social Security: A Survey (with V. Galasso), European Journal of Political Economy 18: 1-29
Awards and prizes
Paola Profeta is responsible of the Dondena Gender initiative, fellow of Carlo F. Dondena Centre for Research on Social Dynamics and Public Policy all'Università Bocconi, of CHILD at Collegio Carlo Alberto of Turin and CESifo of Munich. She has been invited as keynote speaker at several conferences, such as Alp-Pop 2018, the international conference 2017 “From parents to children” Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation, Lisbon, the international conference in memory of Valeria Solesin at Ca’ Foscari, the conference “Inefficient Inequality” of Intereconomics/CEPS a Bruxelles, the conference “Trust and Taxation” of UCSIA- Anvers and numerous conferences in Italy and in Europe on the topic of board gender quotas and gender quotas in politics. She is member of the editorial board of European Journal of Political Economyand CESifo Economic Studies. Her research was funded by the European Commission – DG Justice and DG Emploment, private foundations (FBBVA, Ramon Areces), universities and research centers (Sandell, Netspar). She was awarded the SIEP 3002 prize and the 2018 research impact award of Bocconi University. She was invited for hearing at the Council of Europe, the European Parliament, the Italian Parliament. She organized several international workshops on the topic of equal opportunities between men and women and women’s empwoerment. On the same topic she is active in the national and international debate. She writes on Il Sole 24 Oreand collaborates with Corriere della Sera and La 27esima Ora.
In September 2021 she is named among the 50 most inspiring Italian women in the world of technology with the award InspiringFifty for Italy.
Economy and Finance area
Competences: Demographics, Family Economy, Political Economy, Public Policies Evaluation
Keywords: childcare services, children cognitive and non-cognitive development, coronavirus, Covid-19: impact of school closures and activities on children, gender, intergenerational transmission, parental separation
Region: Piedmont
Associate Professor of Demography at the University of Turin (Italy) and Collegio Carlo Alberto Affiliate.
Professional career
She studied Statistics at the University of Turin and then moved to ISER, University of Essex, where she earned a Phd in Economics. In 2008, she was back to Italy with a post-doc position at Dondena, Bocconi University. In 2011, she received the UWIN (Unicredit Women’s International Network) Best Paper Award on topics related to “Economic Consequences of Gender Equality in Europe”.
Scientific results
Her main research interests are in the fields of economics of the family, demography, and policy evaluation methods. In recent years, she has received grants to study children’s time use and to carry out policy evaluation of educational programs.
Her research appears in the Economic Journal, in the Journal of Population Economics, in the European Journal of Population, in Review of Economics of the Household, in Oxford Economic Papers, and in Regional Studies.
Professor of Economics - Department of Political and Social Science, Università di Pavia and Assigned Professor at the University of Aalborg, Denmark.
Professional career
She has a laurea in Economics at Bocconi University, a Master Degree in Development Economics at the University of Oxford and a Doctor of Philosophy at the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex.
She held a lecturer position in the Università di Padova and she was Associate Professor at the Università del Piemonte Orientale.
She was visiting fellow at the University of Singapore, JETRO-Institute of Developing Economies, Duke University, Northeastern University, Manchester University, Tsinghua University, Universidad Autonoma de Mexico, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana de Mexico.
She has working experience as consultant for OECD, UE, IADB, ITC, UNCTAD, UNIDO, ILO, FMI, CEPAL.
Scientific results
Her research focuses on development economics, regional economics and innovation. She has studied clusters and small enterprises in developing countries. Furthermore, she has researched how the involvement in Global Value Chains can facilitate the entry of firms from developing countries in global markets. More recently, the focus of her research is on multinationals from emerging countries, such as China and India, investing in advanced countries and on how these investments contribute to the building of an autonomous innovation capability in these countries.
Editorial work and publications
(2019) Amendolagine V., Giuliani E., Martinelli A., Rabellotti R., Chinese and Indian MNEs shopping spree in advanced countries. How good is for their innovative output?, Journal of Economic Geography, 18(5): 1149-1176.
(2011) Pietrobelli C, Rabellotti R. Global Value Chains Meet Innovation Systems: Are There Learning Opportunities for Developing Countries? World Development 9(7):1261-1269.
(2010) Cusmano L, Morrison A, Rabellotti R. Catching-up Trajectories in the Wine Sector: A Comparative Study of Chile, Italy and South Africa. World Development 38 (11):1588-1602.
(2010) Giuliani E, Morrison A, Pietrobelli C, Rabellotti R. Why do researchers collaborate with industry? An analysis of the wine sector in Chile, Italy and South Africa. Research Policy, 39(6): 748-761.
(2207) Pietrobelli C, Rabellotti R (ed.). Upgrading to Compete: SMEs, Clusters and Value Chains in Latin America, Cambridge Mass.: Harvard University Press.
Full Professor of Economics at the London Business School, Non-executive Director of Unicredit Banking Group, Ageas Insurance Group (member of the Risk committee), Eurobank Ergasias SA (chairman nomination committee, chair remuneration committee), Messaggerie Italiane Group, Chairman and co-founder Now-Casting Economics limited, Trustee of the International Financial Reporting Standards Foundation.
Professional career
After obtaining a degree in Economics from the University of Modena in 1980, she continued her education with a PhD in Economics from the New York Iniversity (USA). She held various academic roles. In sequence: European University Institute, Florence, Observatoire des Conjonctures Economiques of the Institut d’Etudes Politiques of Paris, Columbia University Graduate School of Business, New York. From 1994 to 2004 she was professor of economics at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. In 2005 she was appointed general manager of research at the European Central Bank (ECB) where she headed the monetary policy, financial markets and economic forecasting divisions. After four years at the ECB she returned to the academy as Full Professor of Economics at the London Business School. Since 2009 she has been a member of the board of directors of Unicredit, since 20013 of the Board of Ageas Insurance Group and since 2016 of Eurobank Ergesias where she was also chair of the remuneration and nomination committees. In 2011 she founded the forecasting company No-Casting Economics in London and became its President. Since 2018 she has been appointed Trustee of the Foundation of the International Financial Reporting Standards.
Scientific results
Reichlin is considered the most influential European woman economist being ranked by Repec / Ideas (the site used by the profession for the international ranking) number one in Europe and number thirteen in the world for impact of its research and publications (2017 data). Her main academic contributions are in the fields of econometrics, monetary policy and business cycle analysis. On these issues she has published in numerous international journals. She was elected "Fellow" of the most prestigious international academic institutions: Econometric Society, British Academy, Academia Europaea, European Economic Association, Center for European Economic Research. She received the Birgit Grodal award from the European Economic Association for excellence in women's economic careers in Europe and other awards (see CV).
Her research leadership is also demonstrated by the various roles she holds in international research institutions. Some of her many present and past roles: Trustee Center of European Economic Policy Research, Board Member, Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), Board Member, International Center for Monetary and Banking Studies Geneva, Chair, Scientific Council, Bruegel, Brussels ( 2013-2016), Scientific director (2011-2013) and Program co-director, International Macroeconomics (1999-2004) of the Center of Economic Policy Research, Founder of the Euro Area Business Cycle Network.
Reichlin has been at the top of one of the most important central banks in the world for five years (see above) and has almost ten years of experience as a non-executive director in international banking and insurance groups. She is the author of influential international relations on debt issues, the economic reform of the single European currency government and various publications on monetary policy and financial crises. She is regularly called upon to contribute speeches at major international conferences on these topics: Federal Reserve including the annual Jackson Hole assembly, European Central Bank including the annual Sintra assembly and generally central banks of both developed and emerging world as well as Fund International Monetary and Organization of Economic and Development.
In 2011 Reichlin founded the company Now-Casting Economics ltd in London which is a spin-off of her research on forecasting methods based on real-time analysis of a large amount of data. The methodology, innovative from the research point of view, provides a web-based service to financial investors and is powered by a completely automatic procedure. Reichlin is the President of the company.
Finally, she has a long experience in consulting economic policy and organizing research in economic policy institutions. For example, she was a member of the Commission Economique de la Nation, (advisory board of the ministries of finance and economics of France, 2014-2016), she was a member of the research evaluation committee Banque de France and of the central banks of Spain and Sweden. She was a member of the council on the euro crisis of the Institute for New Economic Thinking in New York and a consultant to the Federal Reserve Board in Washington. She is an "academic advisor" to the Institute of Global Affairs, the Laby Global Policy of the London School of Economics.
Editorial work and publications
Lucrezia Riechlin is a columnist for Corriere della Sera and Project Syndicate. She occasionally writes comments for the Financial Times. She has numerous publications to her credit, including, in the academic field:
(2016) Giannoni D, Monti F, Reichlin L. Exploiting the Monthly Data Flow in Structural, Journal of Monetary Economics.
(2012) Giannone D, Doz C, Reichlin L. A maximum likelihood approach to dynamic factor analysis in large panels, Review of Economics and Statistics.
(2010) Lenza M, Oill H, Reichlin L. Monetary policy in exceptional times, Economic Policy, 62:295-339.
(2009) Forni M, Giannone D, Lippi M, Reichlin L. Opening the black box: the econometrics of structural factor models. Econometric Theory.
(2008) Giannone D, Reichlin L, Small D. Nowcasting GDP and inflation: the real time informational content of macroeconomic data releases. Journal of Monetary Economics.
(2008) De Mol C, Giannone D, Reichlin L. Forecasting with a large number of predictors: is Bayesian shrinkage a valid alternative to principal components? Journal of Econometrics.
(2005) Forni M, Hallin M, Lippi M, Reichlin L. The generalised dynamic factor model: one sided estimation and forecasting. Journal of the American Statistical Association,100, 471:830-840.
(2000) Forni M, Hallin M, Lippi M, Reichlin L. The generalised dynamic factor model: identification and estimation. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 82, 4: 540-554.
(1998) Forni M, Reichlin L. Let’s get real: a factor analytical approach to disaggregated business cycle dynamics. Review of Economic Studies,65, 3:453-73.
(1995) Lippi M, Reichlin L. Diffusion of technical change and the decomposition of output into trend and cycle. Review of Economic Studies,61, 1:19-30.
Awards and prizes
In 2015 she was nominated by the President of the Republic as "Grand Officer" of the "Star of Italy", in 2017 she was nominated among the 100 Italian Excellencies and received the "Premiolino" award for her editorials for the Corriere della Sera in 2013.
Head of the Italian Guarantee Programme and Green New Deal at SACE
Professional career
After graduating cum laude in 1994 with a degree in Business and Economics from the LUISS University in Rome, in 1995 Ricci joined the project finance team at Mediocredito Centrale (Unicredit Group) as an Associate Director. She held senior positions in structuring/arranging and advisory roles for project finance and export finance transactions in both the emerging markets and in Italy in the petrochemicals and oil & gas sectors.
In September 2005 she joined SACE Spa as a Senior Manager in the Structured Finance division. She held positions with ever-increasing responsibility within the company, control of which was transferred from the Ministry for the Economy and Finance to Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, including:
- Head of Steel & Petrochemicals Department (2007-2009);
- Deputy Head of Export and Structured Finance Division (2009 – 2011);
- Head of the Operations Management Division (2011-2012)
- Head of Corporate and Investment Finance (2012-2014);
- Chief Business Officer (2014-2017)
- Chief Underwriting Officer (Apr-Oct 2017): in this senior position, six division heads reported directly to her (Competence Line/Underwriting, Administration, Claims, Recoveries, Marketing, Commercial Planning, Business Innovation). She established guidelines for all SACE Group companies in the areas of marketing and commercial and distribution planning, handled the development of the product portfolio and processes for taking on and managing medium/long-term business and the development of digital business.
She is currently Head of the Italian Guarantee Programme and Green New Deal.
From October 2017 to April 2020 Ricci was appointed Chief Executive Officer of the subsidiary SIMEST Spa, a company that together with SACE forms the Italian export and internationalisation hub, which offers the entire range of instruments to support Italian companies interested in competing and expanding internationally, including equity investments in EU and non-EU investment projects.
She is currently Head of SACE's Guarantee Italy and Green New Deal Programme, and a member of the Board of Directors of SACE FCT and - during his time at SACE - has also held the same role at SACE BT.
Scientific results
Alessandra Ricci is a top manager operating in the areas of corporate finance and equity investment connected with the internationalisation of firms. An expert in project finance and structured finance, she has contributed to the structuring of major transactions at the international and domestic levels, covering a large range of industries – from the energy sector to infrastructure, commodities, and oil & gas – and in various regions around the world (EMEA, LATAM, Pacific).
Over the course of her professional career, her activities have included developing forms of non-bank finance and participating in the establishment of private debt funds. Alongside her corporate finance activities, she has also been involved in a variety of major projects, including work focusing on business innovation to enhance internal corporate processes and the customer experience.
Economist at the Bank of Italy, DG Economics and Statistics, Economic Structure Service, Law and Economics Division
Professional career
Lucia Rizzica graduated in Economics and Social Sciences at Bocconi University in 2007, under the supervision of prof. Eliana La Ferrara. In the same year she held an internship period at the European Commission, DG Development, in Brussels. In 2014 she obtained a PhD in Economics from the University College London. Since 2012 she has been working as Economist at the DG Economics and Statistics of the Bank of Italy.
Scientific results
Her research interests lie in the area of applied microeconomics. In particular, her research has focused on the effects that high skilled migration may have on the sending country, on labour economics topics, specifically female labour supply and public employment, and on human capital accumulation policies, with particular attention to access to tertiary education.
Furthermore, in recent years, she has developed some research projects aimed at measuring the entity and estimating the impact of criminal activity on the Italian economy, focusing especially on organized crime and on corruption.
Editorial work and publications
Lucia Rizzica published the following articles on refereed journals:
(2019 – forthcoming) Rizzica, L. Raising Aspirations and Higher Education. Evidence from the UK’s Widening Participation Policy. Journal of Labor Economics.
(2018) Carta F., Rizzica L. Early Kindergarten, maternal labor supply and children’s outcomes: evidence from Italy. Journal of Public Economics,58: 79–102.
(2018) Rizzica L. When the cat’s away…the effect of spousal migration on investments on children.The World Bank Economic Review. Volume 32, Issue 1.
(2008) Rizzica L. The Impact of Skilled Migration on the Sending Country: Evidence from African Medical Brain Drain. Rivista di Politica Economica, vol. 98(6).
She also published the following articles on the Bank of Italy’s working paper series:
(2018) Giorgiantonio C., Rizzica L. Il lavoro nella gig economy.Evidenze dal mercato del food delivery.Occasional Papers 472, Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area.
(2018) Rizzica, L. Raising Aspirations and Higher Education. Evidence from the UK’s Widening Participation Policy.Economic working papers 1043, Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area.
(2016) Rizzica L. Why go public? A study on the individual determinants of public sector employment choice. Occasional Papers 343, Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area.
(2016) Giorgiantonio C., Orlando T., Palumbo G., Rizzica L. Incentivi e selezione nel pubblico impiego.Occasional Papers 342, Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area.
(2016) Occhilupo R., Rizzica L. Incentivi e valutazione dei dirigenti pubblici. Occasional Papers 310, Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area.
(2015) Rizzica L., The use of fixed term contracts and the (adverse) selection of public sector workers.Economic working papers 1041, Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area.
(2015) Rizzica L., Tonello M. Exposure to media and corruption perceptions. Economic working papers 1043, Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area.
(2014) Cassetta A., Pauselli C., Rizzica L., Tonello M. Exploring flows to tax havens through means of a gravity model: evidence from Italy.Occasional Papers 236, Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area.
(2013) Rizzica L. Home or away? Gender differences in the effects of an expansion of tertiary education supply.Occasional Papers 181, Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area.
Awards and prizes
During her studies at Bocconi University, Lucia Rizzica received the Bocconi Graduate Merit Awards. With her Master thesis “Doctors on the move: an empirical study on the African Medical Brain Drain”, she won the Angelo Costa award, financed by Confindustria, and the Fausto Vicarelli prize, promoted by the Einaudi Institute of Economics and Finance.During her doctoral studies, she first received a scholarship from the Centro Studi Luca d'Agliano, then the “B. Stringher scholarship” of the Bank of Italy and, finally, the “W.M. Gorman” scholarship by the Univeristy College of London. In 2015, with the article “Early Kindergarten, maternal labor supply and children’s outcomes: evidence from Italy”, joint with Francesca Carta, she won the "Etta Chiuri" prize, promoted by the Italian Society of Public Economics (SIEP) and the International Institute of Public Finance (IIPF) Young Economist Award. In the same year, with Marco Tonello, she received the Giorgio Rota Prize of the Einaudi Institute, for the paper “Persuadable Perceptions: media exposure and corruption measures”.
Associate professor of Business Administration at the University of Pisa.
Professional career
After earning a degree in Business Administration from the University of Pisa, she worked at Consob in the Intermediaries division and in the Inspectorate division. She attended the specialization course in Stock Exchanges and other regulated markets at the Bocconi University of Milan and obtained a PhD in Business Administration at the University of Pisa. Since 2009 she has been a permanent researcher in Business Economics and she teaches Corporate Governance in the master degree in Strategy, Management and Control at the University of Pisa. Since 2018 she is Associate Professor and she also teaches Economics of Public Services and Regulated Sectors and Business Economics. She was visiting fellow at the University of Lisbon (CERIS / CESUR) and at the University of Granada (Instituto del Agua). She is a member, among others, of the REMARC research center (Responsible Management Research Center) and of the Advances in Cleaner Production network. She has multidisciplinary research collaborations with scholars in Italy and abroad.
Scientific results
Giulia Romano's research activity focuses on corporate governance and performance of different types of companies. After an initial phase in which she focused on listed companies and the role of private equity, the focus of her research is on public utility sectors such as the water sector and municipal waste management and on economic, environmental and social sustainability. Particular interest is devoted to the study of the relationship between shareholding and corporate governance and corporate performance and strategies. More recently she is interested in circular economy and cooperative and participatory governance models.
Editorial work and publications
[2022] Romano G, Marciano C, Minoja M. Successful remunicipalization processes in Italian waste management: triggers, key success factors, and results. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 10.1177/00208523221077574.
[2022] Romano G, Rapposelli A, Lombardi GV, Gastaldi M. The factors affecting Italian provinces’ separate waste-collection rates: An empirical investigation. Waste Management, 139:217-226.
[2021] Minoja M, Romano G. Managing intellectual capital for sustainability: Evidence from a Re-municipalized, publicly owned waste management firm, Journal of Cleaner Production, 279:123213.
[2021] Romano G, Marciano C, Fiorelli MS. Best practices in Urban Solid Waste Management: Ownership, Governance, and Drivers of Performance in a Zero Waste Framework, Emerald Publishing, Bingley, UK.
[2021] Romano G, Masserini L, Lombardi GV. Environmental performance of waste management: Impacts of corruption and public maladministration in Italy, Journal of Cleaner Production, 288:125521.
[2019] Romano G. Le cooperative idriche in Italia e in Europa. Evoluzione, assetti di governance, performance e prospettive della gestione delle community-owned water supplies, FrancoAngeli, Milano.
[2019] Romano G, Rapposelli A, Marrucci L. Improving waste production and recycling through zero-waste strategy and privatization: An empirical investigation, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 146:256-263.
[2014] Romano G, Guerrini A. The effects of ownership, board size and board composition on the performance of Italian water utilities, Utilities Policy, 31:18-28.
[2014] Guerrini A, Romano G. Water Management in Italy. Governance, Performance and Sustainability, Springer.
[2012] Romano G, Guerrini A. Corporate Governance and Accounting Enforcement Actions in Italy, Managerial Auditing Journal, 27:622-638.
[2012] Romano G. Strategie aziendali e quotazione in borsa. p. 1-282, Milano: GIUFFRE' EDITORE.
[2011] Romano G, Guerrini A. Measuring and comparing the efficiency of water utility companies: A data envelopment analysis approach. Utilities Policy, 19:202-209.
Awards and prizes
Young Researchers Award of the University of Pisa (2011 and 2013)
Two of her articles have been included among the “most cited” Utilities Policy articles.
Full Professor of Economics at University of Lancaster (UK)
Professional career
She graduated in Political Science at “La Sapienza” University of Rome in 2000. She gained a MSc in Economics and Quantitative Methods and a PhD in Economics from the University of Rome Tor Vergata. From 2005 to 2006, she was researcher at the Italian National Institute of Statistics. From 2006 to 2008, she was Post-Doc Fellow at the Catholic University of Milan. In 2008 she became researcher at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Pavia, where in 2014 became Associate and then Full Professor in Political Economics. In September 2021 she moved to Lancaster University in England. During the last years, she has been visiting professor by several Universities: the University Of British Columbia (UBC), by CREI - University of Pompeu Fabra (Barcellona), by the Christian Albrecht University, l’IfW (Kiel) and EIEF (Roma). She participate to a research project of the European Commission. She is now member of the Editorial Board of the Italian Economic Journal.
Scientific results
Her research interests are in macroeconomics, business cycle analysis, and monetary and fiscal policies. She studied the effects of different monetary policies in economies with imperfect financial markets where agents have limited access to credit. She showed that in this context there could be important redistributive effects of the policies. A second research topic on which she is involved is on the relationship between firms’ dynamics and business cycle. She analyzed the effects of business dynamics on the dynamics of GDP and more in general on business cycle. In a very recent paper, she showed that the interaction between business dynamics and financial markets is important to explain business cycle movements and statistics.
Editorial work and publications
Lorenza Rossi si author of several scientific publications. The most recent are:
[2019] The Overshooting of Firms’ Destruction, Banks and Productivity Shocks, European Economic Review, forthcoming.
[2018] Rossi L. Are Uncertainty Shock Aggregate Demand Shocks?.Economics Letters, vol. 167, pp. 142-146, with Stefano Fasani.
[2018] Rossi L. Firms Endogenous Entry and Monopolistic Banking in a DSGE model. Macroeconomic Dynamics, vol. 22, pp. 153-171, with Carla La Croce.
[2017] Rossi L. Limited Asset Market Participation, Sticky Wages and Monetary Policy. Economic Inquiry, vol. 75, pp. 879-897, with Guido Ascari and Andrea Colciago.
[2015] Rossi L. New-Keynesian Phillips Curve with Bertrand Competition and Endogenous Entry. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, vol. 51, pp. 318-340, with F. Etro.
[2015] Rossi L. Firms Dynamics, Endogenous markups and the Labor Share of Income. Macroeconomic Dynamics, vol. 19(6) 1309-1331, with A. Colciago.
[2015] Rossi L. Taylor Rules, Long-Run Growth and Real Uncertainty. Economics Letters, vol. 133, pp. 31-34, with B. Annicchiarico.
[2013] Unions Power, Collective Bargaining and Optimal Monetary. Economic Inquiry, vol. 51(1), pp. 408-427, with E. Faia.
[2012] Rossi L. Trend Inflation and Firms Price-Setting: Rotemberg vs. Calvo. The Economic Journal, vol. 122, Issue 563, pp. 115-1141, with G. Ascari.
[2011] Rossi L. Monetary Policy and Automatic Stabilizers, the Role of Progressive Taxation. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, vol.44 (5), pp. 825-862, with F. Mattesini.
[2011] Rossi L. Calvo vs. Rotemberg in a Trend Inflation World: An Empirical Investigation. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, vol. 35, pp. 1852--1867, with G. Ascari and E. Castelnuovo.
[2009] Rossi L. Optimal Monetary Policy in Economies with Dual Labor Markets. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, vol. 33, 1469-14, with F. Mattesini.
Awards and prizes
Lorenza Rossi is fellow of the EABCN (Euro Area Business Cycle Network), of CEIS di Tor Vergata. In 2011 she won the “Mela D'oro” price – of XXIII Edition of Fondazione Marisa Bellisario Price entitled: "Women, Innovation and Human Capital” - as best researcher under the age of 35 of the CUN Economic area 13 of the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research. She is winner of several grants of the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research and of the European Commission.
"Thomas S. Murphy" Associate Professor of Business Administration in the Strategy Unit at Harvard Business School.
Professional career
She earned a BA in Economics from La Sapienza university in Rome, a MSc in Economics from Pompeu Fabra university, and a PhD in Economics from the London School of Economics. She started as an Assistan Professor at Harvard Business School in 2009, and was promoted to Full Professor with tenure in 2018.
Scientific results
Professor Sadun's research focuses on the economics of productivity, management and organizational change. Her research documents the economic and cultural determinants of managerial choices, as well as their implications for organizational performance in both the private and public sector (including healthcare and education). She is among the founders of the World Management Survey (www.worldmanagementsurvey.org) and the Executive Time Use Study (www.executivetimeuse.org).
Professor Sadun's work has appeared in leading peer reviewed journals including the American Economic Review, the Quarterly Journal of Economics and the Economic Journal, and has been featured in the business press, including The New York Times, The Economist, The Wall Street Journal, and the Financial Times.
She is a Faculty Research Fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research, Faculty Associate at the Centre for Economic Performance at the London School of Economics, Research Affiliate at the Center for Economic Policy Research and Research Associate in the Ariadne Labs Program in the Department of Health Policy and Management at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. In 2012 Professor Sadun was nominated as a Junior Faculty Fellow at the Kauffman Foundation. In 2018 she won the McKinsey award for the best article published on the Harvard Business Review in 2017.
Editorial work and publications
(2018) Bandiera O, Prat A, Lemos R and Sadun R. Managing the Family Firm: Evidence from CEOs at Work. Review of Financial Studies, 31(5):1605-1653.
(2017) Sadun R, Bloom N and Van Reenen J. Why Do We Undervalue Competent Management? Neither Great Leadership Nor Brilliant Strategy Matters Without Operational Excellence. Harvard Business Review, 95, 5:120–127.
(2015) Tsai T, Ashish K, Atul J, Gawande A, Huckman RS, Bloom N. and Sadun R. Hospital Board and Management Practices Are Strongly Related to Hospital Performance on Clinical Quality Metrics. Health Affairs, 34, 8:1304–1311.
(2015) Bloom N, Lemos R, Sadun R and Van Reenen J. Does Management Matter in Schools? Economic Journal (Royal Economic Society)125, 584:647–674.
(2015) Sadun R. Does Planning Regulation Protect Independent Retailers?Review of Economics and Statistics, 97, 5: 983–1001.
(2014) Bloom N, Garicano L, Sadun R and Van Reenen J. The Distinct Effects of Information Technology and Communication Technology on Firm Organization. Management Science 60, 12:2859–2885.
(2015) Bandiera, Oriana, Luigi Guiso, Andrea Prat, and Raffaella Sadun. "Matching Firms, Managers, and Incentives." Journal of Labor Economics 33, no. 3 (July 2015): 623–681.
(2012) Bloom N, Sadun R. and Van Reenen J. The Organization of Firms Across Countries. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 127, 4. (Slides from 2008 , Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 12-005, August 2011.)
(2012) Bloom N, Sadun R. and John Van Reenen J. Americans Do IT Better: US Multinationals and the Productivity Miracle. American Economic Review, 102, 1: 167–201. (Slides ; Summary ; The Economist ; Financial Times ; New York Times .)
(2012) Bloom N, Genakos C, Sadun R. and Van Reenen J. Management Practices across Firms and Countries. Academy of Management Perspectives, 26, 1: 12–33.
(2010) Bloom N, Sadun R. and Van Reenen J. Recent Advances in the Empirics of Organizational Economics. Annual Review of Economics, 2: 105–137.
Economy and Finance area
Competences: Business Administration, Circular Economy, Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsability (CSR), Financial Communication, Non-financial Reporting, Risk Management
Keywords: internal control system, sustainability, sustainable business models
Region: Lombardy
Full Professor of Business Administration at University of Brescia.
Professional career
After graduating in Business Administration from Bocconi University in 1976, she continued her education at the same University where she obtained a CoPAS diploma in Planning and Strategic Analysis in 1978 and became assistant professor in 1982. From 1988 to 1991, she was an Associate Professor of Business Administration at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Bologna; after that, she was an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Milan. Since 1994, she has been Full Professor of Business Administration at the University of Brescia. She served as the chairwoman of the Evaluation Unit of the University of Brescia from 1995 to 2012. Moreover, she worked as scientific coordinator of research centres and as principal investigator for national and international competitive research projects. She is a member of many prestige academies of business administration. Moreover, she is a member of ASviS (Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development) Working Group for Goal 12 (Responsible Production and Consumption). She is also a member of the CT057 Technical Commission on Circular Economy established by UNI (the Italian National Standardization Body) and connected to ISO/TC323 Technical Committee on Circular Economy. In addition, she provides business consultancy and she has served as a board member in listed companies and as an expert appointed by the Court.
Scientific results
Daniela Salvioni’s research activity focuses on Business Economics, with particular attention to direction and control, social responsibility and corporate communication. Currently, her studies specifically aim to deepen the relationship between corporate governance, social responsibility and corporate sustainability in the global economic context. In this regard, a line of research concerns circular economy and new business models. Another perspective of analysis considers the role of board’s sustainability committees for the achievement of sustainable business success.
Editorial work and publications
Daniela Salvioni has authored more than one hundred and twenty scientific publications, including:
[2022] Salvioni D. M., Bosetti L., Fornasari T., Implementing and Monitoring Circular Buseness Models: An Analysis of Italian SMEs, Sustainability, vol. 14 (1), 1-33.
[2020] Salvioni D. M., Almici A., Circular Economy and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy. Symphonya. Emerging Issues in Management (symphonya.unicusano.it), (1), 26-44.
[2019] Gennari F., Salvioni D. M., CSR committees on boards: the impact of the external country level factors, Journal of Management and Governance, 23 (3),1-26.
[2018] Salvioni D.M., Corporate governance, ownership and global markets. In: Brondoni S. M. (ed.), Competitive business management. A global perspective, Routledge-Giappichelli Studies in Business and Management, Routledge, Abingdon and New York, Giappichelli, Turin, 47-68.
[2017] Salvioni D. M., Franzoni S., Cassano R., Sustainability in the higher education system: an opportunity to improve quality and image, Sustainability, vol. 9, n. 914, 1-27.
[2016] Salvioni D. M., Gennari F., Corporate Governance, Ownership and Sustainability, Corporate Ownership & Control, Vol. 13, No. 2, 604-612.
[2016] Salvioni D. M., Hotel chains and the sharing economy in global tourism, Symphonya. Emerging Issues in Management, n. 1/2016, 31-44.
[2015] Salvioni D. M., Gennari F., Bosetti L., Almici A., The Audit Committee in the EU Emerging Countries, in Boubaker S., Nguyen D.K. (ed.), Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility: Emerging Markets Focus, World Scientific Publishing, 211-234.
[2014] Salvioni D. M., Gennari F., Corporate governance, sustainability and capital markets orientation, International Journal of Management and Sustainability, vol. 3, 469-483.
[2013] Salvioni D.M., Astori R., Sustainable Development and Global Responsibility in Corporate Governance, Symphonya. Emerging Issues in Management, n. 1, 1-25.
[2012] Salvioni D. M., Governance, Risk Management and Business Effectiveness in Global Firm. In: Tipuric D., Dabic M. (ed.). Management, Governance, and Entrepreneurship – New Perspectives and Challenges, Darwen, Access Press UK
[2009] Salvioni D. M. (ed.), Corporate governance, controllo e trasparenza, vol. unico, II° ed., Milano, FrancoAngeli, 1-630.
Awards and prizes
1986 Honorary Member AICE - Italian Cost Engineers Association, appointed for the contribution to the advancement of studies provided by her book: Salvioni D.M., "La gestione delle grandi commesse industriali. Previsione e controllo", Milan, Giuffrè, 1-204 [1985].
2012 Referee in the evaluation procedure of Ca' Foscari University of Venice’s scientific products, appointed by the Rector on the basis of her scientific fame and internationally recognized competence.
2015 Best paper award at the QUAESTI Virtual Multidisciplinary Conference , obtained for the paper: Salvioni D.M. and Cassano R. “Improvement of the performance management in the school system”.
2017 Referee appointed by the Rector of the University of Rome Tor Vergata to evaluate scientific research projects presented in response to the call on "Mission: Sustainability".
2017 Referee appointed by the Rector of the University of Insubria for the promotion of excellence in its research projects.
Full Professor of Financial Markets and Institution at the University of Parma, where she teaches Risk Management. Deputy Chair of the Board of the Graduate program in Finance and Risk Management. Affiliate Professor at SDA Bocconi School of Management, Banking and Insurance Department, where she is manager and teacher of training programs for executives and boards of directors on corporate governance, internal controls and compliance.
President of Nedcommunity, the Italian Association of non-executive and independent directors. Member of the board of directors of ecoDa, The European Confederation of Directors’ Associations in Brussels. Member of ECGI, European Corporate Governance Network. Member of the board of directors of several companies.
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Management and Governance. Member of the Faculty Committee of the PhD Course in Economics and Management of Innovation and Sustainability, Universities of Parma and Ferrara. Member of the Scientific Committee of the PhD School in Economics and Law at the University of Parma.
Professional career
Degree in Management at Bocconi University, in Milan. Researcher at the same University from 1994 to 1998. Since 1998 Associate Professor. Since 2000 Full Professor at the University of Salento and, from 2003, at the University of Parma.
Scientific results
Paola Schwizer's research activity is focused on financial markets and institutions, and particularly on risk management, corporate governance and internal governance. She studied the assessment of governance systems, publishing a model, based on an alternative approach to measuring corporate governance quality using a fuzzy expert system, able to overcome the conceptual and methodological limits of the previous rating systems of corporate governance quality and to support people who make decisions.
She also carried out research on risk culture in banking, contributing to a model of risk assessment based on 92 indicators, which are already applied by several major Italian banks.
She took part to a study on the remuneration provisions applicable to credit institutions and investment firms, prepared for the European Commission aimed at investigating the impact of EU regulation on risk management.
Editorial work and publications
(2017) Carretta A, Fiordelisi F, Schwizer P (eds). Risk Culture in Banking. Palgrave Macmillan. Series: Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions. ISBN 978-3-319-57591-9 (eBook ISBN 978-3-319-57592-6).
(2017) Cosma S, Mastroleo S, Schwizer P. Assessing corporate governance quality: substance over form. Journal of Management and Governance, DOI 10.1007/s10997-017-9395-3.
(2015) Carretta A, Farina V, Fiordelisi F, Schwizer P, Stentella Lopes SF. Don’t Stand So Close to Me: The role of supervisory style in banking stability, Journal of Banking and Finance, 52: 180–188.
(2015) Fiordelisi F, Soana MG, Schwizer P. Reputational losses and operational risk in banking. The European Journal of Finance, 20, 2:105–124.
(2015) Schwizer P, Carretta A, Soana MG. Can high quality independent directors reduce ceo overconfidence?, in Bracchi G, Masciandaro D, Filotto U. (a cura di) “European Banking 3.0. Bank Industry and Supervision in the Behavioural Finance Revolution”, 20th Report on the Italian Financial System, EDIBANK, Bancaria Editrice, Roma, ISBN 978-88-449-1058-7, pp. 139-151.
Awards and prizes
SDA Bocconi, Award “Best Innovative Custom Programs 2016”.
Award “2015 Ambrogio Lorenzetti” for excellence in board membership.
Award “Excellence in Innovation 2012”.
Award “Best Case & Best Seller 2011”.
Award “Excellence in Innovation and Creativity 2011”.
Award “Excellence in Innovation 2008”.
Economy and Finance area
Competences: Finance, Financial Economy
Keywords: coronavirus, Covid-19, Covid-19: impact of distance learning on academic performance, Covid-19: impact on domestic violences, Covid-19: impact on women, finance, Financial Markets, geopolitics, international economy
Region: Lombardy
President Global Thinking Foundation. Board Member and Responsible Publications ASSIOM Forex. Honorary Member ACI Forex International
Professional career
Since 2016 she has been President of Global Thinking Foundation, a non-profit foundation dedicated to the dissemination of Financial Education for adults and women, to combating economic violence and to supporting the right to study for deserving and underprivileged young people.
Founding member of ASSIOM FOREX, former Vice President of ASSIOM and active in the Association since 1993. She was Secretary General of ASSIOM FOREX from 2009 to 2016 and is currently Director of Publications and Member of the Board of Directors.
She was Chairman Board of Education of ACI FX International from 2012 to 2015, now Honorary Member ACI International. Member of Consulta Esperti , VI Commissione Finanze Camera dei Deputati.
She has collaborated with several Italian Universities, she is currently a lecturer at ASSIOM FOREX association for Advanced Trading, Islamic Finance, Basel3 and Sovereign/Corporates Risk at Master Eraclito 2000. Regular speaker for PFEXPO, ITalian Trading FORUM, Salone del Risparmio and TOL Expo. Lecturer for Feduf, Economix for the Financial Education weeks.
Scientific results
She has dedicated her career of over 30 years to the activity of Trader and then Manager in primary Italian banks on international markets, to the in-depth study of global geopolitical dynamics and the related economic-financial correlations, covering roles of responsibility in the operations room and managerial roles in the Unicredit Group, Gruppo Intesa and Credito Emiliano.
Her involvement in International Market Trading and Strategic Analysis led her to a natural involvement and managerial commitment in Debt Capital Market, Credit Analysis and International Relations and also in Rome as Head of International Relations with EU, Central Banks, Multilaterals & Authorities, consolidating her passion for Geopolitics and International Markets.
Editorial work and publications
Claudia Segre wrote the introduction of Parole di Economia e Finanza. Glossary of Financial Education, Global Thinking Foundation in collaboration with Maurizio Bernardo, Giunti, 2016.
Author of articles on financial and geopolitical issues, she has been collaborating for years with her own column with: ITForum NewLetter, First on Line (Blog), Wall Street Italia, Donna Moderna, La Verità and other newspapers. She is often featured on Italian and foreign media: RaiNew24, CFN CNBC, Rai 3, Le Fonti TV and Radio24 Investire Informati.
Awards and prizes
2017 : Best 100 CV Excellent Women against Stereotypes, for Economy & Finance, Fondazione Bracco supported by EU Commission
2016 : ASSIOM FOREX Cavanna Lifetime Achievement Award
2011 : 1000 CV Excellent Fondazione Bellisario
2005 Best Dealer Hungarian Market – MTS NewEurope
1999 Best Political Format “Geopolitics Atlas” RaiNews24
Full professor at Sapienza University of Rome
Member of various associations, including SIE, Storep, EAEPE, IWPLMS, and expert counsellor at CNEL.
Professional career
She teaches History of Economic Analysis and Advanced Macroeconomics at Sapienza University of Rome. She has directed or participated in various national and European research projects in the areas of economic policy, labor and social policies, welfare and gender economics and she has attended many national and international conferences as invited speaker.
Scientific results
Current research topics: the economics of the European Monetary Union, industrial and innovation policy; industrial relations and income distribution; gender economics.
In the field of economic policy, she has addressed problems concerning the competitiveness of the Italian economy and he Italian position in the EMU. Her recent contributions relate to the issue of the Monetary Union and the difficult relations between core and periphery countries of the euro area. Related to these issues is the problem of industrial policy and the analysis of the processes of innovation and development.
As regards labor policies and industrial relations, the analysis highlights the costs deriving from relying solely on reforms aimed at increasing the flexibility of the labor market to boost employment and growth. The interaction between labor reforms, austerity policies and structural reforms in the areas of taxation, pensions and welfare in exacerbating precariousness, inequality and poverty has been addressed in several essays. It is concluded that resumption of social dialogue and abandonment of austerity policies in favor of an effective industrial policy can provide a better recipe for overcoming the crisis and addressing the challenges of technological innovation and global competition.
The results of these analyses have been reported in several publications.
Editorial work and publications
Referee for national and international journals. Editor in chief of Economia & Lavoro; Member of the Editorial Committee of Labour and of the Editorial Board of the newsletter www.inGenere.it.
Recent publications:
(2019) Developmental industrial policies for convergence within the European Monetary Union in H. Herr, J. Priewe and A. Watt (eds.) Still Time to Save the Euro, Social Europe Publishing, Berlin (with G. Celi and D. Guarascio).
(2018) Engines of growth and development paths in the Euro-area, in A. Rosselli, E. Sanfilippo and N. Naldi (eds.) Money, Finance and Crises in Economic History: The long-‐term impact of economic ideas, Routledge, London.
(2018) Crisis in the European Monetary Union: A Core-Periphery Perspective, Routledge, London (with G. Celi, A. Ginzburg, D. Guarascio).
(2017) Italy: Industrial Relations and Inequality in a Recessionary Environment, in D. Vaughan-Whitehead (ed.) Inequalities and the World of Work: What Role for Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue?, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham (UK)-Northampton (USA) (with G. Fiorani).
(2017) Out of the crisis. A radical change of strategy for the euro zone. European Journal of Comparative Economics, 14, 1:13-37 (with A. Ginzburg).
(2016) Europe at a crossroads: what kind of structural reforms? in G. Bäcker, S. Lehndorff, C. Weinkopf (eds) Den Arbeitsmarkt verstehen, um ihn zu gestalten, Springer VS, Berlin (with P. Villa).
Associate professor of Business Organization at the University of Milan.
Professional career
Graduate in Political Science, she began her academic career in Milan, first at the Catholic University, then at "La Statale". Until April 2022 she was president of the interdepartmental teaching board of the degree course in 'Public and Healthcare Management', based at the Faculty of Political, Economic and Social Sciences.
She is a member of the College of the PhD programme in 'Law and Economics of the Digital Society' at the Uninettuno University in Rome and is a member of the Ordering Committee of the Master's Degree Course in Cybersecurity (University of Milan).
She is co-founder and director of the ICONA Research Centre, established at the University of Milan, where she is responsible for consulting and training projects on organisational change issues.
She is a member of the Jean Monnet Laboratory, a research centre directed by Prof. Massimo Florio.
She is a member of the Scientific Commission "Public Enterprises / Public Services", established within CIRIEC (Centre International de Recherches et d'Information sur l'Economie Publique, Sociale et Coopérative), in Brussels.
President and member of adjudication commissions in the context of tenders organised by public administrations, she is also a publicist enrolled in the Professional Register of Journalists of Lombardy.
Scientific results
The research activity of Maddalena Sorrentino focuses on phenomena related to organizational change, the implications deriving from the adoption of information and communication technologies (ICT) and information systems. She has participated in numerous networks and research projects in Italy and abroad. Her scientific contributions are published in international journals, book chapters and conference proceedings.
Editorial work and publications
Maddalena Sorrentino is on the editorial board of several international journals, such as: Government Information Quarterly, Information Polity, Transforming Government, Information Systems and e-Business Management.
She is the author of over 200 essays, including:
(2021) Castelnovo W, SorrentinoM. “The Nodality Disconnect of Data-Driven Government”. Administration & Society53 (9): 1418-1442.
(2020) Sorrentino M. “Public enterprises and the public mission. A multidimensional lens” In: L. Bernier, M. Florio, P. Bance (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of State-Owned Enterprises, London: Routledge, pp. 73-90.
(2018) Castelnovo W, Sorrentino M. “Engaging with complexity in a public programme implementation”. Public Management Review 20(7):1013-1031.
(2018) Castelnovo W, Sorrentino M. “The digital government imperative: a context-aware perspective”. Public Management Review 20(5): 709-725.
(2018) Sorrentino M, Sicilia M, Howlett M. "Understanding co-production as a new public governance tool”. Policy and Society 37(3): 277-293.
(2017) Sorrentino M, Guglielmetti C, Gilardi S, Marsilio M. “Health Care Services and the Coproduction Puzzle. Filling in the Blanks”. Administration & Society 49 (10): 1424-1449.
(2013) Sorrentino M, De Marco M. “Implementing e-government in hard times: when the past is wildly at variance with the future”. Information Polity 18(4): 331-342.
(2013) Sorrentino M, Simonetta M. “Incentivising inter-municipal collaboration: the Lombard experience”. Journal of Management and Governance 17(4):887–906.
(2012) Sorrentino M, Passerini K. “Evaluating e–government initiatives: the role of formative assessment during implementation”. Electronic Government, an International Journal 9(2): 128-141.
(2010) Ferro E, Sorrentino M. “Can intermunicipal collaboration help the diffusion of E-Government in peripheral areas? Evidence from Italy”. Government Information Quarterly 27(1): 17-25.
(2007) De Marco M, Sorrentino M. “Sowing the seeds of IS cultivation in public sector organisations”. Journal of Information Technology 22(2):184-194.
(2005)Sorrentino M. “Taking care of invisible technology”. European Journal of Information Systems 14 (5): 507-509.
Director at Private Equity Partners SGR Spa, management company of Italian regulated closed-end funds entirely subscribed by international institutional investors with high financial and professional profiles.
Professional career
After the honours Degree in Economic and Social Disciplines accomplished in 1999 at Luigi Bocconi University of Milan, Alessandra Stea developed her education through a period of training abroad attending the Chase Manhattan Bank Analyst Training Program in New York. Later she worked as Analyst and Investment Manager in the Italian Private Equity industry.
She currently serves as member of the Board of Directors of the following companies: Private Equity Partners SGR Spa, Investindesign Spa, Italian Design Brands Spa, Gervasoni Spa, IFA Spa, Davide Groppi Srl, Saba Italia Srl.
Scientific results
Alessandra Stea today works as Director at Private Equity Partners SGR Spa, with specialization in M&A and divestment transactions in the mid-corporate market segment. In this framework she acquired significant skills in the reorganization and development of participated companies, in the structuring and execution of leveraged buy out and expansion financingtransactions and in the divestment of the participated companies in the capital markets. Her professional experience has been developed in particular in the management of the closed-end funds JP Morgan Italian Fund III and Private Equity Partners Fund IV.
She has been involved in different investment transactions, among which: Da Sistemi Spa, Wire Industries Spa, Trevisan Spa, Icos Impianti Group Spa, Tecnowind Spa, Impresa Costruzioni G. Maltauro Spa, Alessandro Rosso Incentive Spa, Mecaer Aviation Group Spa, Manutencoop Facility Management Spa, Euticals Spa, Italian Design Brands Spa, Gervasoni Spa, Meridiani Srl, Cenacchi International Srl, Davide Groppi Srl, Saba Italia Srl.
From May 2015 Alessandra Stea manages for Private Equity Partners Spa the Italian Design Brands (IDB) project - which aims at the promotion of an Italian Design district in the sector of High Quality Furniture - participating in the realization of several synergic transactions in the industry.
Contract professor at the School of Political Science of the University of Bologna, senior fellow at Chatham House, London and non-executive director of companies listed on the London Stock Exchange.
Professional career
After graduating in Political Economics at Bocconi University, she continued her education with a Masters degree from the University of Oxford and a PhD in economic history at Bocconi University. After a period of post-doctoral research at the University of Cambridge and Bocconi University, in 1996 she began working in the City of London as an economist. From 2004 to 2017 she directed the international economics department of Chatham House in London. She was a visiting fellow at Harvard University and the University of Toronto, at the Institute of Monetary Research, Hong Kong Monetary Authority and the Asian Development Bank Institute in Tokyo.
Scientific results
The research activity of Paola Subacchi focuses on the international monetary system and the governance of international financial institutions. One area of this activity is the internationalization of the Chinese currency - the renminbi or yuan - and its recent inclusion in the international monetary system. This research deals with the question of the limits of Chinese finance and their impact on the renminbi which remains a currency with limited international circulation and liquidity and which fails to counter the dollar's hegemony.
Editorial work and publications
The main (recent) publications by Paola Subacchi are:
(2017) Subacchi P. The People’s Money. How China is building a global currency. New York, NY: Columbia University Press
(2017) Pickford S, Subacchi P. The G7’s Task for Restoring Growth and Stability. Istituto Affari Internazionali, Roma
(2017) Subacchi P, Dongmin L, Haihong G, Qiyuan X, Yuanfang L, Shuan S, Oxenford M. The ‘Belt and Road’ Initiative and the London Market - the Next Steps. Renminbi Internationalisation, London: Chatham House.
(2017) Bayoumi T, Pickford S, Subacchi P. Managing Complexity: Economic Policy Cooperation after the Crisis, Washington DC: Brookings Institution Press.
(2016) Colagrossi M, Subacchi P. The productivity puzzle: why improving labor productivity is critical for Europe. Nomura Foundation, Tokyo.
(2016) Van den Noord P, Subacchi P. Increasingly Apart: Post-Crisis Growth Trajectories in the UK and Eurozone.Chatham House Briefing Paper, London, Chatham House.
Awards and prizes
Paola Subacchi is a member of the Advisory Board of Wilton Park, Foreign and Commonwealth Office and of the executive committee of W (omen) 20, one of the G20 groups. She is a consultant for the internalization of Queen Mary, University of London. In 2016 she received the honor of Knight of the Order of the Star of Italy.
Professional career
Renata Lenti (conjugated Targetti), born in Milan on August 20, 1941, graduated with honors in Economics and Commerce from the Bocconi University in 1965. She obtained the title of Master of Arts in Economics from the University of California at Berkeley in 1967. Extraordinary and then Professor of Political Economics at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Pavia from 1987 to 2008. In the Faculty Renata Lenti Targetti has taught as a professor in numerous courses in Economics. During the 1990s, the organization of the "Erasmus system" was actively employed on behalf of the Faculty. He also directed - from 2005 to 2008 - the Study Center for Extra-European People Cesare Bonacossa of the University of Pavia. In parallel with the teaching and research activities carried out at the Faculty of Political Science of Pavia, Renata Lenti Targetti held courses at the Bocconi University in Milan until October 2012. She also regularly collaborated with teaching activities at the International Master in "Cooperation and Development" (European School of Advanced Studies) of Pavia and the Master in "International Affairs" organized by the ISPI of Milan. She has also been a member of the teaching staff of the Doctoral School in Economic Policy of the Università Cattolica del S.Cuore, based in Piacenza, entitled "Quantitative methods for economic policy". From December 8th 2009 she is Corresponding Member of the Lombard Institute-Academy of Sciences and Letters. Since September 2013 she is professor emeritus of theUniversity of Pavia.
Scientific results
The research activity of Renata Targetti Lenti has resulted in the publication of numerous essays (64) and three monographs on the themes of development and underdevelopment, on the market structure of natural resources and raw materials, on the functional and personal distribution of income, on poverty, on theories of distributive justice, on the construction and use of Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) and Computable General Equilibrium Models (CGE) based on SAMs.
Scientific activity has followed mainly four directions:
Renata Lenti has prepared and coordinated numerous research projects aimed at deepening the knowledge of different aspects of inequality and poverty by abandoning the usual aggregated setting that hides within it controversial points in favor of a disaggregated vision in order to better explore the relationship between inequality and growth and to assess the impact of public policies on income distribution. Particular attention has been dedicated to analyzing the factors at the root of inequality and poverty, and policies aimed at fighting them. These issues were anlysed both from a theoretical and applied point of view with particular reference to the links between income distribution and the features of the economic system. The work of an applied nature has had as its object the Italian reality.
A second line of research has been the analysis of the problems related to the construction and use of Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) as simulation models of alternative public policies. Numerous recent works have also been dedicated to the search for an innovative analysis scheme that explains the links between functional and personal income distribution. Many theoretical and applied essays can be included in this line of research.
A third line of research has been to analyze some of the main problems of development with particular reference to the relations between democracy and development and to the structural characteristics of some countries such as China or India.
A fourth line of research has been to analyze the thinking of some political philosophers on economic analysis. The works were dedicated in particular to retracing the thoughts of J. Rawls, Amartya K. Sen with reference to the construction of a theory of justice. The contribution of Van Parijs has been analyzed with reference to his proposal for a citizenship income.
Editorial work and publications
Renata Lenti's research activity has resulted in the publication of numerous essays and three monographs on the topics of development and underdevelopment, market forms of natural resources and raw materials, functional and personal income distribution, poverty, theories of distributive justice, the construction and use of Social Accounting Matrices (SAMs) and SAM-based Computable General Economic Equilibrium Models (CGEs).
Her writings include 2 books: Economia delle materie prime. Forme di mercato e politiche di controllo, Milano, Giuffrè, 1979; Struttura produttiva e distribuzione personale dei redditi. Una verifica del caso italiano, Milano, Giuffrè, 1984;
Among the essays we would like to mention:
[1977] Risorse naturali, rendite e distribuzione dei redditi, Giornale degli Economisti e Annali di Economia. Nuova Serie, Anno 36, No. 7/8 (Luglio-Agosto 1977), pp. 419-457.
[1980] Relazioni tra distribuzione personale e distribuzione funzionale dei redditi: uno schema d'analisi(con M. Bottiroli Civardi). Giornale degli Economisti e Annali di Economia, Nuova Serie, Anno 39, No. 11/12 (Novembre-Dicembre 1980), pp. 705-737.
[1988] The Distribution of Personal Income at the Sectoral Level in Italy: A SAM Model(con M. Bottiroli Civardi), Journal of Policy Modeling, n. 10, pp. 453-468.
[1989] I modelli di equilibrio economico generale calcolabili (CGE) e la metodologia SAM. Giornale degli Economisti e Annali di Economia, n. 7-8, pp.pp. 309-345.;
[1992] CGE Models Based on SAM's Approach: Simulations for the Italian Economic System (con M. Bottiroli Civardi). Economic Notes, n. 3, pp. pp. 526-565.
[2002] Profili reddituali, livello d'istruzione e diseguaglianza nella distribuzione personale dei redditi in Italia(con M. Bottiroli Civardi). Tecnologia Società, Atti dei Convegni Lincei, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma 5-6 aprile 2001.
[2004] Social capital, individual social capital and sustainable growth in the industrial districts(con Lodigiani E. e Missaglia M.). RISEC, n.2.
[2010] Extensions to the Multiplier Decomposition Approach in a SAM Framework: An Application to Vietnam(con Bottiroli Civardi M., Vega Pansini R.). Economic Systems Research, Vol.22, No 2, pp.111-128.
[2011] Sviluppo e declino del sistema economico italiano, “Il Politico”, anno LXXVI, n. 3, 2011, pp. 72-107.
[2017] Can the link between functional and personal income distribution enhance the analysis of inequality?(con Civardi M.). International Review of Economics, Springer; Happiness Economics and Interpersonal Relations (HEIRS), vol. 65(2), pages 137-156, June.
Associate Professor of Economics at the Department of Economics "Ettore Bocconi" of Bocconi University
Professional career
After graduating in Economics and Business at Bocconi University in 1998, she continued her education with a PhD in Economics from New York University. From 2003 to 2009 she was Assistant Professor at Bocconi University, and from 2009 Associate Professor. Since 2016 she has been Council Member of the European Economic Association (EEA). She was a Research Fellow of CEPR, IGIER and Baffi Carefin Center. She won several international grants for her research. She was a consultant for the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the Bank of England. She made visiting periods at numerous universities and central banks including New York University, the University of Southern California, the Bank of England, the New York Fed, the Norges Bank, and the Riksbank.
Editorial work and publications
She was Associate Editor of the Journal of Monetary Economics from 2009 to 2016. From 2015 she is Panel Member of Economic Policy. She has published in prestigious international scientific journals such as the Journal of Political Economy and the Journal of Monetary Economics.
Below is a selection of the most relevant publications:
(2016) Gertler M, Huckfeldt C, Trigari A. New Hires Wage Cyclicality, Match Quality and Unemployment Fluctuations. NBER Working Paper No. 22341.
(2015) Trigari A. Comment on Long-Term Nonemployment and Job Displacement. 2014 Jackson Hole Symposiumon Re-evaluating Labor Market Dynamics, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, pp. 389-409.
(2013) Sala L, Soderstrom U, Trigari A. Structural and Cyclical Forces in the Labor Market during the Great Recession: Cross-Country Evidence. NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics 2012, The University of Chicago Press.
(2012) Monacelli T, Perotti R, Trigari A. Taxes and the Labor Market, in (Céspedes L. and Galì J. eds.), “Fiscal Policy and Macroeconomic PerformanceCentral Banking”, Analysis and Economic Policies Series, Central Bank of Chile, vol. 17, ch. 2, pp. 27-58.
(2011) Monacelli T, Quadrini V, Trigari A. Financial Markets and Unemployment. NBER Working Paper No. 17389.
(2010) Sala L, Soderstrom U, Trigari A. The Output Gap, the Labor Wedge, and the Dynamic Behavior of Hours. CEPR DP No. 8005.
(2010) Monacelli T, Perotti R, Trigari A. Unemployment Fiscal Multipliers. Journal of Monetary Economics, 57(5):531-553.
(2009) Gertler M, Trigari A. Unemployment Fluctuations with Staggered Nash Wage Bargaining. Journal of Political Economy, 117(1): 38-86.
(2009) Trigari A. Equilibrium Unemployment, Job Flows and Inflation Dynamics. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 41 (1):1-33.
(2008) Gertler M, Sala L, Trigari A. An Estimated Monetary DSGE Model with Unemployment and Staggered Nominal Wage Bargaining. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 40(8):1713-1764.
(2008) Sala L, Soderstrom U, Trigari A. Monetary Policy under Uncertainty in an Estimated Model with Labor Market Frictions. Journal of Monetary Economics, 55 (5):983-1006.
(2008) Quadrini V, Trigari A. Public Employment and the Business Cycle. Scandinavian Journal of Economics109 (4):723-742.
Co-founder of InGreen. Area Manager great Place to work. Lecturer of Digital Marketing at the suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples.
Professional career
Graduated in Economics with honors from the University of Calabria, she obtained a Master's degree in Statistics at the University of Bari with merit scholarship and an Independent Phd cum laude in Public Governance at the IASSP (Institute of High Strategic and Political Studies) from Milan.
Ted Speaker for community of Siena Lecce Bari Suzzara.
In recent years Filomena Tucci has been an advisor for numerous companies including University of Pisa, University of Lisbona,University of Alexandria in Egypt, University of Lecce, Contamination Lab Unicalab, Mecar, Brodolini Foundation for FRA (fundamental Rights agency), Brainsigns, Fablab Catania, Cloud Consulting of Rome, Foneclay Italia, MPS-marketing problem solving, MG.
He has edited over 70 electoral campaigns of politicians including Gentiloni, Spacca, Vendola, Occhiuto, De Filippo, Fratoianni, Marini, Delli Noci, Laricchia, attualmente nei team di supporto per le elezioni a Massafra e Milano.
She has been and is the organizational director of university masters on Marketing and Data management.
During March-April 2019 Invited by State Dep. of United States of American for the important program on leadership “small and medium enterprises as engine of prosperity”.
In her spare time he coordinates the Eskillsforwomen community on women's digital skills on the net.
Scientific results
Together with other engineering professionals, in 2014 he founded InGreen, an integrated environmental engineering design company, monitoring and reducing pollution sources (air, electromagnetic, acoustic) and SMART life.
Editorial work and publications
Filomena Tucci is the author of numerous books including Soft Revolution (published by l'Erudita), and Yes, We Stem (published by Street Lib Writ).
She has also written the Telecomitalia social book and Holden writer school "We have a dream" and "brothers at school".
He collaborated in The scientific book Network in 2020 with the essay “The body new object. The Opinion of the Italians", Yearbook 2014 with the essay "More spaces for young innovators, the recipe for "change everything"; at the 2013 edition of the same yearbook with "Italy one country for young people" to that of 2012 with "Research and competitiveness", to that of 2011 with "Social responsibility and youth models".
Digital periodic articles on Mediaduemila, Donne online, Italian digital revolution.
Awards and prizes
2019 “Innovation is Woman” Mediaduemila Chamber of Senate Italy
2019 “IVLP International Visitor Leadership Program” State Dept USA
2017 the "012Factory" Award in Caserta as "Best innovator for entrepreneurship" and the same year won the "Gogol" Award in Cosenza for the book "Soft Revolution", in which he described the first signs of rebirth of the South.
2016 Filomena Tucci received the "FIDAPA Award" in Reggio Calabria as "Excellent Woman in Entrepreneurship".
Full professor of Business Management in the Faculty of Economics of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Milan). Director of Centrimark – Research Center in Marketing and of the MIMM Master - Master in International Marketing Management at the same University.
Professional career
After graduating in Economics at the University of Genoa in 1989, until 1994 she collaborates with the IEFE (Institute of Economics of Energy Sources) of the Bocconi University where she participates in various research projects on the Economics of innovation. She obtains her Ph.D in Business Economics from the University of Uppsala (Sweden) and from 1995 to 2011 she first holds the positions of researcher, then associate professor and finally full professor at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Urbino "Carlo Bo". At the University of Urbino she teaches Business Management, Industrial Marketing and Supply Chain Management, she coordinates the Bachelor in Business Administration and she is Director of the Master in Business Internationalization and of the Master in Business & Service Marketing. Since 2011 she has been Full Professor at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart where she starts and coordinates the Bachelor in Economics and Management, the Master of Science in Innovation and Technology Management (ITEM) and the Master in International Marketing Management (MIMM). She is a member of the teaching staff of the research doctorate in Management and Innovation and of the board of the Department of Economics and Business Management Science (Segesta). From 2015 to 2021 she is member of the Board of Directors of the Italian Marketing Association and today she is member of the Board of Directors of the Foundation of the Italian Marketing Association "Sustainability and Value".
Scientific results
The research interests refer to the studies of Business-to-Business Marketing, Supply Chain Management and Industrial & Innovation Networks. Particular attention is paid to the business models and competitive strategies of medium-sized Italian manufacturing companies. The latest studies conducted concern the sustainable innovation strategies of Italian SMEs through relational development paths, the study of the opportunities and problems that characterize network contracts, the digital transformation paths affecting medium-sized manufacturing companies and their supply chains. Specifically, she currently carries out research on the theme of sustainability in the materials industry, on the transformation of the marketing and sales channels of Italian manufacturing companies, on sustainable innovation in the textile industry and on the problems encountered by network contracts among SMEs.
Active member of the IMP (Industrial Marketing & Purchasing) Group, an international network of scholars who deal with business networks and inter-organizational relations, she has published over 100 papers in national and international journals and volumes, and she is the author of textbooks for courses in Economics and Business Management and Business-to-Business Marketing.
Editorial work and publications
Tunisini A., Harrison D., Bocconcelli R., (2023), “Handling resource deficiencies through resource interaction”, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 109, pp 154-163
Cantù C., Martinelli E., Tunisini A., (2022), “Marketing Channels transformation in Italian SMEs”, International Journal of Globalization and Small Business, Vol.13 No.2, pp.147-163
Clemente Bottani, Matteo Dominidiato, Annalisa Tunisini, (2022), “Transforming the Business Offering from Products to Solutions. An Inquiry into the Textile Industry”, Micro & Macro Marketing, n° 3, pp. 481-505
Martinelli E.M., Farioli C., Tunisini A. (2021), “New Companies’ DNA: the Heritage of the Past Industrial Revolutions in Digital Transformation”, Journal of Management and Governance, 25:1079–1106
Belvedere V., Martinelli E.M., Tunisini A. (2021) “Getting the Most from the E-commerce in the context of omnichannel strategies”, Italian Journal of Marketing pp 1-19,
Tunisini A.. Ferrucci L., Pencarelli T (2020), Economia e management delle imprese. Strategie e strumenti per la competitività e la gestione aziendale, Hoepli: Milano, Seconda Edizione.
Tunisini A. (2017), Marketing B2B. Capire e gestire le reti e le relazioni tra imprese. Hoepli: Milano pp 1-246
Milanesi, M., Guercini, S. and Tunisini, A. (2020), "Exploring SMEs’ qualitative growth and networking through formalization", Competitiveness Review, Vol. 30 N° 4, pp. 397-415
Tunisini, A., Marchiori, M. (2020), "Why do network organizations fail?", Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Vol. 35 No. 6, pp. 1011-1021
Coltorti F., Resciniti R., Tunisini A., Varaldo R. (2013), Mid-Sized Manufacturing Companies: The New driver of Italian Competitiveness, Springer.
Varaldo R., Dalli D., Resciniti R., Tunisini A., (2009), Un tesoro emergente. Le medie imprese italiane dell’era globale, Franco Angeli: Milano.
Tunisini A., Capuano G., Bertani R., Arrigo T. (2013), Contratto di rete. Lo strumento Made in Italy per integrare individualità e aggregazione, Franco Angeli: Milano.
Awards and prizes
In 2011 she receives (together with co-authors Daniele Dalli and Riccardo Resciniti) the award for the best article 2010 of the journal Mercati & Competitività (Article "Development and competitiveness of medium-sized Italian companies in the global era").
In 2021 she receives a recognition award from the Italian Marketing Association for the contribution given from 2006 to 2021 to the scientific and professional development of the Association.
Full Professor of Economic Policy at the University of Turin, where she is also Head of the Jean Monet Migration in Europe Module and Director of the Diploma in Migration Studies of the University of Turin.
Professional career
She graduated in Economics at the Faculty of Political Sciences of Florence in 1977. In 1978 she carried out an internship at the European Commission in Brussels, D.G. Social Affairs. In 1982 she obtained a PhD in Economics at the European University Institute in Florence with J.P. Fitoussi and E. Tarantelli. She was Visiting Professor at Brown University, Providence, R.I. (USA), the Institute Development Studies, Sussex University of Brighton, the International Institute of Labor Studies, at the ILO, Geneva and at the COMPAS (Center of Migration, Policicy & Society) in Oxford. He has taught in Italy at the Universities of Florence, Bergamo, Padua and Turin and abroad in the USA, Oxford, Belgium.
She has twenty years of research and collaboration experience with the European Commission in Brussels (of which he is a member of the expert group), with OECD and with the World Bank, as well as with other international organizations, including: International Labor Organization, International Organization of Migration, European Training Foundation and numerous international research institutes (CEPR of London, IZA of Bonn, CASE of Warsow, IMI of Washington) and in Italy with the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies and with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
She is currently co-director of the MEDAM project at the Migration Policy Center, Robert Schumann Center for Advanced Studies of the European University Institute of Florence, with responsibility for addressing and research supervisor. He is a member of the Expert Group on Migration of the DG Home of the European Commission. Outgoing member of the General Council of the Compagnia di San Paolo 2014-2016. Member of the Council of the Department of Economics and Statistics Cognetti De Martiis. Member of the Scientific Committee of the Master in Management of Development of the University of Law at the ILO Training Center since 2003. She was president of the Master's Degree Course in Law and Economics for public and private companies from 2008 to 2015, member of the Council of the Faculty of Law from 2005 to 2012, member of the Governing Council of the Institute of Higher Studies of the University of Genoa in 2014.
Scientific results
Alessandra Venturini is a scholar of migration dynamics, migration policies and the dynamics of asylum seekers. She is an expert on the causes and consequences of migration in European countries and of social policy interventions that can anticipate and counteract the negative effects with numerous publications in Italian and English. She is an expert in the countries of the Neighborhood of Europe, with an in-depth knowledge of migration, of the labor markets of European countries and of countries bordering with Eastern Europe - Ukraine, Moldavia, Georgia, Belarus, Armenia and Azerbaijan - and to the South , North Africa and the Middle East, with direct contacts with members of institutions and administrations and the University.
Editorial work and publications
Alessandra Venturini is the author of numerous monographs including:
(2015) Fargues P, Venturini A, Migration from North Africa and the Middlle East. Skilled migrants, Development and Globalization, I.B. TAURIS, London.
(2006) Venturini A. Post-War Migration in Southern Europe. An Economic Approach, Cambridge University Press.
Recent papers:
(2017) Strom S, Piazzalunga D, Venturini A, Villosio C. Wage assimilation of immigrants and internal migrants: the role of linguistic distance, Regional Studies, pp. 1-12.
(2017) Laurentsyeva N, Venturini A. Social Integration of Immigrants and the role of Policy, Intereconomics, 52:285-292.
(2017) Kalantaryan S, Fassio C, Venturini A. High-skilled Immigration and Innovation, in Czaika M, “High Skilled Migration, Drivers and Politics”, Oxford University Press, pp. 151-175.
(2017) Venturini A. Where and when to start the integration process?, in Bauböck R, Tripkovic M (eds), “The integration of migrants and refugees: an EUI forum on migration, citizenship and demography”, p. 109.
(2017) Venturini A. Migrant assimilation in the labour market: what is missing in the economic literature, in Weiner A, Unterrainer A, Fargues P. (eds), “Migrant Integration Between Homeland and Host Society. Volume 1. Where does the country of origin fit,” pp. 21-42.
(2017) Venturini A, Villosio C. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1369183X.2017.1345830, in Finotelli C, Ponzo I (eds), “Integration in times of crisis. Migrant inclusion in Southern European societies: trends and theoretical implications”,
(2016) Venturini A. Migration in 2017, in Goldstein A, “The World in 2017, Instant book, Nomisma, Agra”.
(2016), From Refugees to Workers, Mapping Labour-Market Integration Support Measure for Asylum Seekers and Refugees in The EU Members States. Vol.I Comparative Analyses and Policy Findings; Vol.II Literature review and country case studies, Italy case study, Bertelmans Stiftung and MPC-EUI.
(2016) Del Boca D, Venturini A. Migration in Italy is backing the old age welfare, in Zimmermann K, Kaneck M (eds), “Labor Migration, EU Enlargement, and the Great Recession”, Springer Berlin, Heidelberg.
(2016) Goldstein A, VEnturini A. International Migration Policies: Should they be a new G20 Topic? China & World Economy, 24, 4:93-111.
(2016) Pirani E, Venturini A, Vignoli D. Female Migration and Native Marital Stability: Insights from Italy. Journal of Family and Economic Issues 05.
(2016) Venturini A. Migrants and migration policies for innovation in Europe, Migration Policy Practice, VI, 2.
Economy and Finance area
Competences: Economic Development, International Cooperation, International Economics, Labour Economics, Public Policies
Keywords: coronavirus, Covid-19: impact on the labour market, Covid-19: impact on the university system, economics of public services, education systems, institutions, labor market, organizations and management
Region: ABROAD
Professor of Economics (with tenure) in the Department of International Economics at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies of Geneva (Switzerland)
Professional career
After graduating with a bachelor degree in Economics in the Faculty of Economics at University of Turin in 2002, Professor Viarengo completed her education through a Master in Economics at Northwestern University (USA) in 2003 and a PhD at the London School of Economics and Political Science (UK) in 2007. After completing her doctoral studies, she was Postdoctoral Fellow at the Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government (USA). She subsequently worked as an economist at the Centre for Economic Performance of the London School of Economics prior to join the Graduate Institute’s faculty. She is currently Professor (with tenure) in the Department of International Economics at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies of Geneva (CH). She is Faculty Associate at the Harvard University, Center for International Development, and a Member of the Swiss National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR). She is also Senior Research Associate at the Harvard Law School, Labor and Worklife Program. She currently serves as Senior Expert in the European Expert Network on the Economics of Education (EENEE) of the European Commission and as Member of the Evaluation Committee of the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) Economic Cooperation and Development.
Scientific results
Professor Viarengo is a specialist in public policy, labor economics and economic development. Her research has focused on the economics of public services, education systems and labor markets in an international perspective. Her research has also examined different aspects related to management and human capital within organizations in countries at different stages of development.
Her research has been published in leading international journals.
She is a fellow of the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), a member of the European Development Network (EUDN), and a fellow of the Center for Economic Studies (CESifo).
Editorial work and publications
Selected Publication
[2015] Viarengo M. (joint with Kramarz F.), “Neither in Employment nor in Education – Youth Left Behind,” Paris: Sciences-Po Press (title in French: Ni en Emploi Ni en Formation - Des Jeunes Laissés pour Compte”)
Publications in Refereed Journals
[2020] Viarengo M. (joint with Ganguli I., R. Hausmann) “Gender Differences in Professional Career Dynamics: New Evidence from a Global Law Firm,” forthcoming in Economica.
[2019] Viarengo M. (joint with Bandiera O., M. Mohnen, I. Rasul), “Nation-Building through Compulsory Schooling during the Age of Mass Migration,” [LSE-Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines - Economic Organisation and Public Policy Discussion Paper No. 057], Economic Journal, Vol. 129, No. 617(1), pp. 62–109.
[2018] Viarengo M. (joint with Machin S., S. McNally), “Changing How Literacy is Taught: Evidence on Synthetic Phonics,” [LSE-Centre for Economic Performance Discussion Paper No. 1425; IZA Discussion Paper No. 9955], American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 217-241.
[2018] Viarengo M. (joint with Ganguli I., R. Hausmann), “Career Dynamics and Gender Gaps among Employees in the Microfinance Sector,” UNU-WIDER Working Paper No. 2017/117, chapter published in Anderson S., L. Beaman and J.P. Platteau (eds.), “Towards Gender Equity in Development” published by Oxford University Press.
[2017] Viarengo M. (joint with Gibbons S., S. McNally), “Does Additional Spending Help Urban Schools? An Evaluation Using Boundary Discontinuities,” [earlier versions of this paper: LSE-Centre for the Economics of Education Discussion Paper No. 128; IZA Discussion Paper No. 6281], Journal of the European Economic Association, November Vol. 16, No. 5(1), pp. 1618–1668.
[2015] Viarengo M. (joint with Pritchett L.), “Does Public Sector Control Reduce Variance in School Quality?” Education Economics, Vol. 23, No. 5, October, pp. 557-576; [Harvard University, Center for Global Development Working Paper No. 178; Harvard University, PEPG Discussion Paper No. 09-03].
[2015] Viarengo M. (joint with Pritchett L.), “The State, Socialization and Private Schooling: When Will Governments Support Alternative Producers?” Journal of Development Studies, (lead article), Vol. 51, No. 7, July, pp. 784-807; [Harvard University, Center for International Development Working Paper No. 272].
[2014] Viarengo M. (joint with Martinez-Fritscher A., A. Musacchio), “Colonial Institutions, Trade Shocks, and the Diffusion of Elementary Education in Brazil, 1889-1930,” Journal of Economic History, Vol. 74, No. 3, pp. 730-766; [NBER Working Paper No. 20029; Harvard Business School Working Paper No. 10-075].
[2014] Viarengo M. (joint with Freeman R.B.), “School and Family Effects on Educational Outcomes across Countries,” Economic Policy, (lead article), Vol. 79, No. 29, July, pp. 395-446.
[2014] Viarengo M. (joint with Ganguli I., R. Hausmann), “Closing the Gender Gap in Education: What is the State of Gaps in Labor Force Participation for Women, Wives and Mothers?” International Labour Review, (lead article), Vol. 153, No. 2, pp. 173-208; [Harvard University, Center for International Development Working Paper No. 220].
[2013] Viarengo M. (joint with Bandiera O., I. Rasul), “The Making of Modern America: Migratory Flows in the Age of Mass Migration,” Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 102, May, pp. 23-47; [CEPR Discussion Paper No. 7509].
[2012] Viarengo M. (joint with Pritchett L.), “Why Demographic Suicide? The Puzzles of European Fertility,” Population and Development Review, No. 38, pp. 55-71.
[2010] Viarengo M. (Holmlund H., S. McNally), “Does Money Matter for Schools?” Economics of Education Review, Vol. 29, pp. 1154-1164; [IZA Discussion Paper No. 3769; CEE Discussion Paper No. 105].
Awards and prizes
Professor Viarengo is the recipient of numerous research grants, fellowships and awards.
She was elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and she was named Newton International Fellow by the British Academy, Royal Society and Royal Academy of Engineering. In 2013 she was selected as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum. In 2018 Dr. Viarengo was awarded with the Eisenhower Fellowship.