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Results: 1

Valeria De Antonellis

STEM area: Engineering

Competences: Computer Engineering, Computer Science

Keywords: big data, informative systems, web

Region: Lombardy


Full Professor, Deputy Director of the Department of Information Engineering, University of Brescia.

Professional career

Graduated cum laude in Physics from University of Milano, she has been CNR research fellow (1977-1980), assistant professor at University of Milano (1980-1989), associate professor at University of Milano (1989-1991) and at Politecnico di Milano (1991-1994), full professor and Director of the Informatics Institute at the University of Ancona (1994-1996). Since 1996, she has been full professor of Information Systems at the Department of Information Engineering, University of Brescia, where she has carried out intensive teaching, research and institutional service activities promoting the development of the area of ​​Computer Engineering. From November 2010 to October 2016, she was Rector’s Delegate for the Innovation of Information Systems of the University, and successfully led a radical and complex process of renewal of the ICT infrastructure and information systems, aimed at improving the processing of information, the communication with users and the provision of online services. In this role, she represented the University of Brescia in the Board of Directors and in the Executive Board of the CINECA consortium (Interuniversity Consortium for automatic computing) and of the CILEA consortium (Interuniversity Consortium for communication and information technology). From 2011 to 2016, she held numerous positions, including those of President of the University Library System and Chair of the ICT Committee. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the National Interuniversity Consortium for Computer Science (CINI), and University’s delegate for CINI Laboratories on Big Data, Smart Cities, Assistive Technologies.  She is member of Scientific Committees for the organization of specialization courses on Industry 4.0 promoted by the University of Brescia with the Industrial Association of Brescia.

Scientific results

The research activity of Valeria De Antonellis is in the area of ​​databases, information systems and Web with focus on design methodologies, conceptual modeling, representation and semantic integration of data, processes, services. She has been working within several national and international research projects and collaborations, coordinating parts of or whole projects. At international level, she is known for leading the national research project DATAID (Progetto Finalizzato CNR) originating the DATAID-1 methodology for the analysis, design and implementation of database systems (cited in “People Behind Informatics: The history of Conceptual Modeling”). In particular, at the beginning of the eighties, she promoted the "conceptual modeling of both data and processes" in the DATAID methodology anticipating issues of the object-oriented methodologies. To respond to the growing need to share and process data from heterogeneous sources, she proposed original techniques of semantic integration and schema matching. She faced problems in the area of ​​the Semantic Web and semantic interoperability, proposing innovative techniques of search, analysis and ranking of data and services available on the web. Her current research topics are aimed at the development of innovative models, methods and tools for the management and exploration of Big Data, with application in strategic areas such as Smart Cities and Industry 4.

Editorial work and publications

She is co-author of the books: Relational Database Theory (Benjamin/Cummings 1993, ISBN 0-8053-0249-2) and La Teoria Relazionale dei Dati (Bollati Boringhieri , ISBN: 88-339-5031-X, 1985). Co-editor of the book: Computer-Aided Database Design: the DATAID approach (North-Holland 1985, ISBN 0-444-87735-5).

She published over 200 scientific papers in relevant international journals and conference proceedings of the field, including:

(2018) Bianchini D, De Antonellis V, Melchiori M. Service Discovery and Recommendation for Multi-datasource Access: Exploiting Semantic and Social Technologies. A Comprehensive Guide through the Italian Database Research over the Last 25 Years. Studies in Big Data vol. 31, 375-390, Springer Int. Publ. 2018, ISBN 978-3-319-61892-0.

(2017) Bianchini D, De Antonellis V, Melchiori M. Wiser: A multi-dimensional framework for searching and ranking Web APIs. ACM Transactions on the Web, 11(3):1-32, ISSN: 1559-1131.

(2014) Bianchini D, Cappiello C, De Antonellis V, Pernici B. Service identification in inter-organizational process design. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 7(2): 265-278, ISSN: 1939-1374.

(2010) Bianchini D, Montanelli S, Aiello C, Baldoni R, Bolchini C, Bonomi S, Castano S, Catarci T, De Antonellis V, Ferrara A, Melchiori M, Quintarelli E, Scannapieco M, Schreiber FA, Tanca L. Emergent Semantics and Cooperation in Multi-knowledge Communities: the ESTEEM Approach. World Wide Web, 13(1-2): 3-31, ISSN: 1386-145X.

(2008) Bianchini D, De Antonellis V, Melchiori M. Flexible Semantic-based Service Matchmaking and Discovery. World Wide Web, 11(2):227-251, ISSN: 1386-145X.

(2006) Bianchini D, De Antonellis V, Pernici B, Plebani P. Ontology based Methodology for e-Service Discovery. Information Systems, 31(4):361-380, ISSN: 0306-4379.

(2001) Castano S, De Antonellis V, De Capitani D, Vimercati S. Global Viewing of Heterogeneous Data Sources. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 13(2): 277-297, ISSN: 1041-4347.

(1998) Castano S, De Antonellis V, Fugini MG, Pernici B. Conceptual Schema Analysis: techniques and applications. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 23(3): 286-332, ISSN: 0362-5915.

(1995) Castano S, De Antonellis V. Reference Conceptual Architectures for Re-engineering Information Systems. International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, 4(2-3): 213-236, ISSN: 0218-8430.

(1990) De Antonellis V, Zonta B. A Disciplined Approach to Office Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 16(8): 822-828, ISSN: 0098-5589.

(1985) De Antonellis V, Di Leva A. DATAID-1: a Database Design Methodology. Information Systems, 10(2):181-195, ISSN: 0306-4379.

Awards and prizes

She has been Chair of the AICA Working Group on Databases (1990-1997). Co-founder of the Italian Pole of Scientific and technological Research on Interoperability "Interop-Vlab.IT" (2008-2014). Co-founder and member of the Steering Committee of the Italian Conference SEBD (Advanced Systems for Databases).  Member of the "ER International Conference on Conceptual Modeling" Steering Committee. Associate member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal on Data&Knowledge Engineering, Elsevier. Member of the Scientific Committee of "Collana di Informatica", ed. Franco Angeli.

Recent awards: Outstanding contribution as Conference Co-Chair at International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, 2012; Best paper award at International Conference ICT Infrastructures and Services for Smart Cities, 2017; Best paper award at International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, 2013.